A wolf removing sheep's clothing (c) 1998 by Killjoy "Grrr, I hate blind dates!" Shawn snarled as he leaned against his car. "Now Shawn, relax. I told you, she's pretty enough to eat." Jack smiled, his valupine teeth gleaming in the glow of the streetlights. "Ha ha, not funny. I still don't know how you talked me into this. I mean, dating prey, it's just not natural." Shawn shook his head. "Hey, don't worry. You still get to eat them but, just in a different way." Jack poked Shawn in the ribs with his elbow and the two laughed for a moment. The two friends snapped out of their laughter as a blue Chevy pulled into the parking lot and stopped next to them. "Hey, do you know here two beautiful young women could find a couple of studs to show us a good time?" a female rabbit asked playfully, leaning out the window. "Well, I think my associate and myself could help you out in that area." Jack said boastfully. The rabbit laughed and got out of the car, prancing over to Jack and kissing him deeply. "Did ya miss me baby?" Jack teased after a long kiss. "Umm, let me think?" the rabbit paused for a moment and then returned to kissing Jack, thus answering his question. Shawn watched the two for a moment more until a movement from the car caught his attention. His gaze turned to the far side of the car parked next to them as he noticed a female sheep carefully getting out, trying to make as little noise as possible. Jack soon noticed Shawn staring past them and turned his head, "Hey Kary, is that your friend?" The rabbit looked back at the car and shook her head, "Ya, that's Betty. Come on Betty, get over here with the rest of us." The sheep took a deep breath and then made her way around the car with a bit of hesitation. "She's really shy...." Kary whispered over Jack's shoulder to Shawn who returned her comment with a sarcastically shocked look. Kary pulled away from Jack and looked at Betty, then at Shawn. "Shawn, this is my friend Betty. Betty, this is Jack's friend Shawn, the one I've been telling you so much about." At that, Shawn began to ponder exactly what Kary might have been telling her, seeing as they had only met once before when Jack brought her with him to barrow some thing a couple weeks ago. Betty looked up at Shawn briefly and then back down to the ground, not wanting to make eye contact. Shawn looked her over, noting the dress she was wearing. It just didn't seem to fit her for some reason, obviously Kary had helped her out with some of her own wardrobe. The dress did succeed in showing of her black woolen legs, which made Shawn's mouth water a bit. All in all, she did have a decent figure, for a herbivore that is. "So are we going to just stand here all night or are we going to do some thing?" Kary questioned while looking at Jack. "Of course cottontail, lets go." Jack answered, grabbing Kary's fluffy tail and the two walked off. Betty moved a little closer to Shawn as they followed but, still avoided eye contact. "Boy, I guess she is shy." Shawn thought to himself. They soon cross the parking lot to the mall and entered the restaurant, finding seats and then ordering their meals. Shawn watch as Jack and Kary past the time kissing and joking with one another. Betty was reading through one of the menus still but, occasionally looking up at Jack and Kary. The waitress returned with their dinners, Kary had a salad and a piece of carrot cake, Betty just had a salad, Jack had a hamburger and Shawn had a steak, medium rare of course. "I still don't know how you can eat that stuff." Kary jokingly protested as she watched Shawn and Jack eating. "Oh Kary, don't start that again." Jack waved his burger in front of Kary, "This cow ate grass so, I'm sort of eating grass in a way." "Well..." Betty started, "The old saying you are what you eat doesn't always carry through like that." "You don't say? Well, I guess that's a good thing because I don't think I'd want to be a pussy." Jack replied and grabbed Kary's leg. "Hey, your terrible." Kary laughed and pushed him away. "You know, fruits and vegetables aren't all that bad." Betty mumbled as she stirred her salad with her fork. Shawn took a breath and moved his fork closer to Betty's salad, "May I try some?" For the first time, Betty looked up at Shawn and made eye contact, slowly pushing her plate towards him, "Yyyes." Shawn carefully took a bit of the green leafy stuff from her plate and, after smelling it, put it into his mouth and began to chew. "Oh god Shawn, don't tell me your becoming a omnivore now." Jack jested. Shawn struggled to swallow, wanting to answer Jack but, it just tasted so terrible. "Well, at least he's willing to try it." Betty responded, still staring at Shawn. "Ya?" Jack answered and grabbed Kary's shoulders, kissing her deeply. "You know, that's not all bad." Jack said as he pulled away. "Would you like some more?" Kary asked and leaned over onto him to kiss some more. "Hey you kids, there are people trying to eat in here." The waitress interrupted them, "Why don't you get a room." "That's a good idea but, we still have to hit the movies." Jack sarcastically responded. "Its ok, we were just leaving." Shawn said, "You three wait out side, I'll pay the bill." Kary and Jack walked out together and Betty followed, stopping at the door to wait for Shawn. "I'm sorry about that." Shawn said to the waitress, "They always get carried away like that." Shawn headed to the door and found Betty waiting, her hand held out waiting for his, although she was still looking down. Shawn paused for a moment and then took hold of her hand and the two walked out together. "See! I told you they would get along." Kary whispered into Jack's ear while rubbing it with her fingers. "Ya ya, we need to get moving or we'll be late to the movies." Jack said and pulled Kary along with him, followed by Shawn and Betty. "Two please." Jack said as he pushed his money across the counter, which was taken by a nerdy looking raccoon with thick glasses. "Here you go sir, enjoy the show." he replied and handed Jack his tickets. "Maybe I will, don't know how much time I'll be watching the screen though." Jack laughed and lifted Kary up, kissing her and then heading into the movies. "Hmm, I guess Jack's to busy to remember we're with him." Shawn said to Betty who simply nodded. When Betty and Shawn got into the theater, Jack and Kary were already going at it, their hands caressing one another as they kissed. "Come on Betty, let's sit over here and leave those two alone." Shawn pointed to another row and they found their seats. The lights soon dimmed and the movie started. "I hear Thomas Thatch was very good in this..." Shawn tried to make small talk with Betty but, she still seemed to be playing shy, "You want some thing to drink?" he continued. "Perhaps some soda would be nice." she whispered and Shawn headed out to the snack counter. "Did you see that last group to come in? What do they think they're doing?" Shawn over heard a couple of the theater employees talking behind the counter. "Ya, you'd never catch me dating their kind." One replied. "HEY!" Shawn yelled before catching himself, "Can I get 2 sodas?" The two behind the counter fell silent and one hurriedly fetched the drinks and took the money, not wanting to say any more then the price. Shawn gave them both a dirty look and then headed back into the theater, "Stupid bigots." he though as he found his seat and handed Betty her drink. As the movie continued, Shawn soon noticed Kary and Jack both panting hard from behind them, "God, is he mounting her back there or what?" he thought to himself. Betty turned to take a quick look and then turned back to the screen. "Well, I guess I'd better make the best of this." Shawn thought, yawning and stretching until his hand fell back onto the back of Betty's chair. It only took her a moment to notice it and she leaned forward. Shawn started to remove his arm but, Betty leaned back and rested her head against it. She looked over at him and then back to the screen, a sheepish grin crossed her face. Shawn wasn't quite sure how to interpret this but, it felt good so, he'd just be content with it. As the movie rolled on, Betty slowly reached up and began to rub the soft fur of Shawn's hand before pulling it down around her neck and resting it on one of her breast. Shawn looked at her for a moment, "Not as shy as advertised..." he thought to himself and gave a slight squeeze. At that, Betty let out a light sigh and continued to watch the movie. As the credits began to climb up the screen, the moaning and heavy breathing from the rear of the theater died down. Betty and Shawn got up and headed for the exit, passing Jack and Kary, who was buttoning her top as they too got up to leave. "You know, we could make a mint filming you two." Shawn couldn't help but remark as they walked past. "Ha Ha..." Jack replied sourly as they left, with Shawn giving the theater employees a quick look to remind them of their chat earlier. "Well, I'll see you two later." Shawn turned to Jack and Kary, "I'm going to walk Betty home." "Oh...?" Jack turned back to look at Shawn, "Well... I'll see you later then." Flashing Shawn a wicked smile and a wink, Jack and Kary headed to Jack's car and took off down the road, not getting too far before they turned and came to a stop behind a large bill board, obviously intent on finishing what they had started in the theater. Shawn and Betty began to walk to Betty's house, close together but not talking. When they reached Betty's house, Shawn and Betty stopped at the front door and looked at one another. Shawn was just about to bid her a good night when she unexpectedly asked if he'd like to come in for a moment. Betty unlocked the door and they both entered, Shawn looked about her dwelling and it seemed to be built around one's personal comfort. A large, soft sofa dominated the center of the room with ever thing else close around it. "Have a seat, I'll be right back." Betty said and headed off down a short hall to vanish through a door. Shawn sat down on the sofa, admiring how soft it was, "Herbs sure do like comfort." he thought to himself as he looked around. Betty soon returned but, was now dressed in a more revealing dress, "Hmmm, maybe I was wrong about that first dress." Betty walked past him to the kitchen, obviously moving her hips more then needed in order to get his attention, which she did. Betty brought a bottle of wine and two glasses with her as she walked back into the living room. "Like what you see?" she asked coyly. "Ya, you've got a nice place." Shawn replied, not sure of what answer she was looking for. "Thanks." Betty sat down next to him and popped the cork of the wine bottle, sending it flying across the room. She pours the wine into the glasses, making sure to keep the foam from getting on her carpet. The two sipped from their glasses and then looked at one another, Shawn hadn't been with a lot of women in his life but, he could tell when one wanted him and she obviously had something in mind. Little conversation was made as the night passed on but, the wine bottle was soon emptied and both were beginning to feel the effects. Shawn began to stare at Betty's legs once more, although with something different in mind this time, and she moved closer to him. Her hand slowly reached out and touched the soft fur of his neck, her fingers trembled slightly as they passed through the thick, brown fur she found there. Shawn returned her actions as he began caressing her shoulder and the soft wool which covered it. Shawn could see the conflict in her eyes, she wanted this so very much but, there was a feeling of fear or hesitation which still plagued her. He finally came to the conclusion that if it was going to happen, he would have to take the initiative. As he rubbed her neck and shoulder, Shawn's hand slowly pushed one of the straps which held her dress up off her shoulder, allowing it to hand freely against her arm. Betty looked at the fallen strap and then back at Shawn, her soulful eyes cried out her desire to be taken. Shawn soon pushed the other strap aside and the top of Betty's dress fell down, revealing her woolen breasts which Shawn began to massage with great care, slowly working the nipples with his fingers in a circular motion. Betty began to moan slightly as he worked, her own hand moving down his sides until they came to his pants, which she unbuttoned slowly, savoring every second of the moment. Once she had them opened, Shawn stood up before her and pushed his pants down, followed by his underwear. His furry sheath now hung mere inches before her, the object she so desired was now within her reach. Betty's trembling hand ran up Shawn's leg and then took hold of the two fleshy orbs which hang loosely below his sheath, rolling them about in her hand with a note of wonder. As she worked, Betty noticed the pink tip of his shaft slowly peak out from it's protective sheath, and for that moment, it was the most wonderful thing she had ever seen. Shawn reached down and lifted Betty into his armed, carrying her close to his manly chest down the hallway to her bed room. Once there, he gently placed her on the bed and removed his shirt, an act which Betty mirrored by removing her dress. The two now looked one another over, enjoying the moment of peace to discover the beauty of the other. Shawn finally moved closer and eased Betty onto her back, parting her legs as he kneeled before her. He moved his head between her legs, savoring the sweet scent of her loins which only his keen lupine senses could detect. He inhaled her aroma deeply and then his tongue lashed out, snaking its way across her mound. Betty responded to the sudden sensation with a soft cry of pleasure, her body began to feel burning hot and freezing cold at the same time. Shawn's licking increased in strength and his tongue soon began to part the now moist lips of her cunny, pushing past them and into her depths. Betty had to fight the constriction of her leg muscles which desperately tried to wrap about Shawn's head, searching to prevent him from stopping. Her body writhed and convulsed as his tongue worked about within her, her muscle instinctively contracting occasionally about his tongue. Shawn's hand soon took hold of Betty's hips to help stabilize her movements while he continued to pleasure her from below, his forceful tongue washed over her and then played about her raising clitoris, sending waves of pleasure rippling through her body, quaking her very soul. Shawn soon made use of a finger to replace his tongue as he nibbled and suck at her clit, driving her wild as he worked. Betty's hand frantically rubbed her breasts and then the rest of her body, unable to comprehend the feelings they caused but, enjoying every moment of it. Her body knew only the fire which burned from below, the lustful agony of utter pleasure which stemmed from the predator which orally assaulted her, devouring her in the most sinful manner. More unexpectedly then the previous sensations was that of her whole body suddenly succumb to a wave of passion and tensing as the walls of her mound heaved within her, a flood of her sensual juices flowed forth only to be eagerly consumed by the lupine muzzle which still worked her cunny. The aroma of Betty's orgasm and the taste of her lust was also effecting Shawn as much, he knew how much that must have pleasured her for as his tongue probed about her, he had felt the fleshy barrier of maidenhood which had been so far unbroken. He slowly reached down to feel his manhood and found it eager to be used, the scent of her arousal was added to by that of his own. Shawn hesitantly raised from her inner thigh until they were faced to face with the head of his throbbing shafts rubbing against the warm moistness of her sex. He searched her eyes for the answer to which his own loins asked, the desire to take her was almost painful. Never before had he so desired to make love to some one and he could not take her unless it was what she truly wanted. Although he is a wolf, he could never bring himself to dominate her, her gentle ways were so foreign but, had captured his heart in a way no other had. As he looked deeply into her eye, he found the answer he was looking for, she too desire this and it was so clear that no words needed to be said. The head of Shawn's shaft slowly pushed past the lips of her mound, parting them on it's way into an unimaginable heat and moistness as it continued to penetrate her. Finally reaching the delicate hymen which guarded her womb, he searched her soulful eyes once more, "Is this what you truly want?" he asked. Betty nodded and with that consent, Shawn's hips moved back, locking like the Hammer of a gun, preparing to drive forward into the ewe who's mound was trembling about his shaft in anticipation. The moment of hesitation seemed like an eternity and their eyes locked, their hearts paused as the silence around them was shattered by Shawn's sudden force. He rammed forward, driving his full length into her and tearing through the protective hymen. Betty cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain as her body was now fully taken, forever changed with that single act. Shawn's powerful arms wrapped about her as he held her to him, lifting her from the bed in his loving embrace. They were now of one body, joined by more then flesh, more then lust. They had moved past all of the social taboos and had given some thing special to one another, for the gift of virginity can be given but once in a life time. Betty wrapped her legs around Shawn and he turned to sit down on the bed, rocking with her in his arms, almost cradling her like a baby. Betty rested her head on the thick fur of his chest and listened to the sound of his heart beating against her. After a few moments, Shawn leaned back until Betty was on top of him. Betty gave him a puzzled look and then that of realization as she then knew what he had in mind. She began to massage his chest for a moment and then planted her hands solidly against him as she pushed back, ridding his member with great pleasure. Shawn simply relaxed, wanting to be taken and Betty had read his intentions. Her hips bucked slowly against him, grinding against him as she worked. He reached down and took hold of her hips, lifting her slightly so that he could mirror her efforts, humping up against her. The two continued to piston in unison for a while, enjoying every second of their union. Shawn let out a grunt followed by a moan and then pulled Betty to him once more, "Hold still." He pulled himself out from under her and stood up behind her, mounting her from behind. This was a position more to his liking for what was about to come for as he continued to penetrate her, Betty could feel his member changing shape. It was becoming thicker and seemed to have a large ball forming near the base. She reached between her legs to examine the mysterious object which pressed against her mound as Shawn continued to pump into her. Even though Shawn wanted to become one with her in the manner common to his race but, how would she accept him. His knot was rapidly swelling and the time for decision would soon end. Much to Shawn's surprise, Betty made the decision for him, driving back and pushing his full length into her, thus locking them together. Shawn groaned as he felt the tight warmth surrounding his sensitive knot and Betty to began to moan as Shawn worked his hips against her, moving the huge fleshy rod about within her. Shawn marveled at the tightness and heat of her cunny as well as the number of small orgasms which he felt as the walls of Betty's mound twitched and contracted about him. Her vaginal muscle's pulsated and milked at his overly stimulated shaft, breaking down his endurance and forcing his seed to run forth, pouring out into his wooly lover. Shawn's grip on Betty's hips tightened, locking them together more then before, preventing either from move. He leaned forward and laid across her back, whispering words of love into her ear as she lightly moaned and sighed, the feeling of his fiery seed slowly filling her womb was still carrying her over the edge, a whimper escaped her muzzle as Shawn's lupine tongue snaked into her ear. "You know, we're going to be together for a while..." Shawn whispered sweetly as he nibbled at her ear. "I know, the rest of our lives..." Betty responded, still in a contented daze. "Umm, ya but, I meant like this. We're going to be like this for about a half hour." He said a bit more intently, trying to get her to realize the gravity of the situation. "Awwww...that's nice." Betty managed to whisper before falling asleep, totally spent from their passion. Shawn shrugged his shoulders and then rested his chin on her back, joining her in a fully fulfilled slumber. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know this sounds like a cheap romance novel but, I was going for that effect. I just wanted to see if I could do it. I personally think it's too lovy-dovy and probably won't do it in this style again. I don't know without looking but, I believe this is the longest yiffing scene I've ever done.