Her nickname is "Tanj", and she's certainly living up to it. For her, it seems, "There Ain't No Justice." As a young engineer on a tramp space freighter, this Cheetah-morph found herself the victim of a scam, sold into slavery, and trained as a sex-slave. Sold to pirates, she finds herself as a pawn in a much larger struggle. This story contains bondage, non-consensual sex, and hopefully some humor, adventure and intrigue. Adults only, PLEASE! What's New: July 24, 2003 Not sure if I forgot to comment here when I uploaded Chapter 5 or not; anyways, here's Chapter 6. The plot develops. This one was a little grim; lots of nasty things happening (but it was all kinda necessary for plot purposes.) ADULTS ONLY, PLEASE! January 11, 2003 Well, I'm not sure if I beat the six month time or not; here's the next chapter, perhaps not as long or as good as the usual fare, but.... Got a lot of good ideas for subsequent stories, but haven't made up my mind which way to go yet. Stay tuned, and be patient! August 18, 2002 And here I said I was going to write shorter stories and get them out more quickly. Grrrrr. Anyways, here's chapter 3 of Book 3. As Always, ADULTS ONLY! Feb. 8, 2002 The next chapter of Book 3 is finished. Gee, I seem to be doing barely better than two chapters a year! GOT to improve on that. As Always, Adults ONLY! Sept. 18, 2001. FINALLY the first chapter of Book 3 is finished. Hope it was worth the wait! Once again, Adults ONLY! May 1, 2001 MAYDAY! Some how it seems appropriate that I post this today; the third and final part of the Gotterdamerung "chapter". This ends Book 2, but don't fear, Book 3 will be started shortly. Once again, Adults ONLY, PLEASE! February 14, 2001 My "Valentine's Day" present to my friends and fans; the next segment of Gotterdamerung. I keep having to break this one into parts as it threatens to grow to epic proportions. Here's the next 70 pages or so, full of Sex and (hopefully) adventure. Once again, Adults ONLY, PLEASE! September 24, 2000 The last segment has been changed over (sigh). I'm going to miss "my" Trouble, but..... At least now I can get back to writing the conclusion to Book 2 and Gotterdamerung. September 23, 2000 The lawyer says he'll take the case, but he wants to be paid; problem is, I don't have the funding to fight for something that is basically a low-cost hobby. Besides, if this ever went to court, RL would know what I do for a hobby (wince) and I don't think that'd be a good idea. Accordingly, the fifth part of Book 2 has been changed over, and posted. One more to go, and then back to writing! September 18, 2000 To my amazement, Bondofox (of FurNation fame) ACTUALLY sent my stories to a lawyer acquaintance, for a review of my "case". He said that there was no chance of copyright infringement, and that I could keep "Trouble" if I wanted. I'm impressed, and MOST honored, but upon reflection, I'm still working on changing the name over.... at least until SHE says I can use Trouble. Here's the next segment, Book 2 Part 4. Two more segments to go and then I can get back to writing new stuff! September 15, 2000 The fourth reworked segment has been posted (book 2 part 3). Three sections to go and then I get back to the writing! September 13, 2000 The third reworked segment has been posted (book 2 part 2) Moving slowly but surely through all the old stories. September 11, 2000 The second reworked segment has been posted (book 2 part 1) More to follow. It seems I've done over 900 pages (!!!) and this is obviously going to take me a while. Patience please. When all is revised, I'll get back to the new writing! September 8, 2000 In response to the claim of copyright violation, I've done a "search and replace" on the early stories, compiled into a single volume. Trouble is gone, and Tanj is born in her place. By the way, "Tanj" stands for "There Ain't No Justice" and I think that applies here in this situation. It also, to a degree, fits the character. While I admit, my memory is pretty poor, I have absolutely no recollection of EVER running across another "Trouble" character. I'd come up with the name on my own, long before I ever even heard a hint of the paperback "Trouble and her friends" (about a group of CyberPunks, if I remember correctly). Making her a cheetah was my idea as were all the other plot details. Yes, I think that its a bit of a coincidence, that not only are there two Troubles that are Cheetahs, but when you add in the similarities of them both being trained as sex slaves, and both having Lions for masters...... It boggles the mind, and yet, I'm CONVINCED that I did this all on my own. Don't really want to contemplate the possible alternatives. Therefor, the name change is in progress. Forgive me if there's a Tanj where context suggests "trouble" should be used, or vice versa. I'll get the rest of the stories converted as soon as is reasonably possible. Thanks, Kittiara