Her nickname is "Tanj", and she's certainly living up to it. For her, it seems, “There Ain’t No Justice.” As a young engineer on a tramp space freighter, this Cheetah- morph found herself the victim of a scam, sold into slavery, and trained as a sex-slave. Sold to pirates, she finds herself as a pawn in a much larger struggle. This story contains bondage, non-consensual sex, and hopefully some humor, adventure and intrigue. Adults only, PLEASE! Tanj's tale; In the Beginning Stardate 2397.00 By Kittiara Tanj cursed and dragged herself out of the access duct. The flow controller for the port APU had gone down again, and it had been a scramble to get it replaced before the fusion reactor shut itself down. It'd been the last spare too. She gathered her tools, and the overalls she'd removed, to keep from getting them snagged on the rough insides of the access duct, and headed for the Wardroom. It wasn't like the rest of the crew hadn't seen her in just her fur before. Benny, an Otter-morph, and the ship's "purser" looked up from a cup of coffee and his ever-present data padd as the Cheetah fem slouched into the Wardroom. "got it fixed again, Tanj?" he said with a look of concern on his face. Tanj nodded, dumped her tools on a countertop and went to get herself a cup of coffee. "Yeah, it'll hold together for a little while, until the harmonics blow that one too. We need a major overhaul; this bucket is being held together by baling wire, duct tape, and the sheer force of my will. Benny nodded; "well, if we pull this one off, we should have enough to keep us going for a while. I hope. All we have to do is to get past the pirates......." The S.V. Lost Cause was an old tramp freighter, of the Provider class. Her Captain, Joshua "Squint" Matthews, an Ursoid (bear-morph), was also the majority stockholder, but the other three members of the crew also held a share. In fact, that'd been about all Squint had been able to pay them with, for some time, an ever increasing share of an antique ship about to fall apart. In addition to Benny and Tanj, Samantha Pettigrew, a Lepine (rabbit-morph) filled the slot of "First Officer". She and Squint had been together in the military, decades before, and the "Lost Cause" was a sort of second career for them. Tanj was the youngest of the crew, more or less fresh out of Tech school, holding her Second Engineer's license, and she was sure that both Sam's and Squint's pensions were all that kept the Lost Cause moving, and the crew together. "I tell you, Benny", whatever it is we have in the hold'd better pay out, or we're never going to get this tub away from the dock again." Tanj said between sips of her coffee. "We're pretty much at the end of our rope". Benny nodded and looked at his PADD; "Weeeeeellll, I've seen what the skipper set up on this one, and if we can deliver it to Elysium, we shouldn't have to worry". Tanj sighed and shook her head. Draining her cup she placed it in the sink (the recycler was down too), gathered up her tools and her overall, and headed out with a silent wave. She was just stepping out of a nice hot shower heading for the dryer, when the alarms went off. "ALL HANDS MAN YOUR BATTLE STATIONS!" thundered through the ship. As Tanj dashed for Engineering, Squint came on the Intercom; "we've got Pirates inbound; all hands stand by for evasive maneuvering!" Tanj moaned as she dropped into a station chair at the main power distribution console, and struggled to fasten her harness; "NOOOOOOO!" she thought to herself; "there's no way the inertial dampers will take the strain!" Sure enough, as she felt the ship start a turn to the left, she heard a snap as a breaker blew, and gravity tugged at her hard! No impressive display of pyrotechnics, the inertial dampening system gave up the ghost with a whimper. Tanj watched aghast as indicators went dead all through the ship. "Engineering to Bridge! We've lost the Inertial Dampening System! Mind how you throw us around, or we'll loose the rest!" After a moment she heard Sam respond; "Bridge to Engineering, yeah, we kinda noticed. Got the pirates closing fast. Cut life support and throw everything you can to aft shields and to the drives. Never mind the guns, they'd be useless against shields like that pirate's got." Tanj sweated over her board, doing what she could to urge the last erg of power out of the tortured system, knowing it was a fart in a windstorm. The ship shuddered into another sudden turn, and Tanj watched aghast as more systems failed. She heard Sam's voice from the bridge yell "we're being scanned!" and then the intercom died. Amazingly, at that point the Intership comm system came on, and she heard a stranger laughing; "You guys aren't worth boarding! Geez, what a piece of junk!" Tanj felt the fur at the back of her neck stand on end; Dammit, this ship might not be much, but it was HERS (at least partly), and it wasn't THAT bad..... "Oh, by the way" the voice continued "Did you know you had a fire on Deck 3?" Tanj sighed. "There goes the inverter in the air recycling system. again." As she unsnapped her restraints, she heard Squint announce "secure from battle stations; they're gone", and felt the harmonics of the ship's drive decrease through the floor plates. Trotting off, still dripping from her shower, she went to fight again one of her most persistent problems. The fire was finally out; this one had been more persistent than usual. Over the years there'd been an amazing buildup of dust, grease and hair in the air recycler ducts, and when the inverter on the main air handler overheated, it tended to touch off a smoldering, smoky, STINKING fire. The ducts needed to be cleaned bad. As she moved back towards her quarters, wondering if another shower would be bad for her fur, she passed through the cargo hold. The charter cargo, sealed in special boxes, occupied center stage. Whatever that was, the pirates hadn't picked it up on their scans, as advertised. Tanj idly wondered what could be so important, but then dismissed the thought. "As long as it pays the bills" she told herself firmly. It was thirty hours later that they entered the Elysium inner system. Tanj sat in the Wardroom, drinking coffee as she listened to Squint on the Bridge, argue with InSystem Traffic Control. "YES we're EXPECTED! Just ask Jones, of the Cartel! We've got a Charter cargo! I don't give a Crap what we look like, we got in past the Pirates, didn't we?" Tanj hoped that Squint was talking to them on a tight beam; if the pirates found out they'd been fooled, there might be hell to pay on the outbound leg. Finally Squint calmed down, and Tanj assumed InSys had finally given them a docking assignment. Tanj was disappointed when they were vectored to the orbiting space station. She'd hoped to be able to completely shut the powerplant down, dirtside, for some repairs and adjustments. Given their financial status, dockside power was NOT an option. Still, when the bridge signaled "Done with Engines", she powered down what she could, and looked over her "to do" list. She was dimly aware of Squint leaving the ship, as he headed to talk to the station folks about delivering the cargo. Her attention was wholly consumed by the mess that was the Inertial Damper System. She was about half-way into the job when she heard the rumbles and clangs through the ship that signaled the cargo airlock being opened, and droids moving into the ship to carry off the cargo. After doing what she could with the system, restoring it to about 37% of its rated capacity, Tanj looked at her chrono and was amazed to see it'd been 31 hours! No wonder she was exhausted! "Cuppa coffee, and then a shower, and BED" she promised herself as she put away her tools. But as she entered the wardroom, the looks on Sam and Benny's faces brought her instantly awake. "What'd I miss?" she yawned. Sam looked up from her coffee mug; "The Captain's not back yet". If she was using his title, it must be grim, Tanj thought. "when was the last time you heard from him?" "When he left to go check in with the dockmaster" Benny replied in a quiet voice. "Yes, I've called over there. Repeatedly. Getting a Class A runaround. Something's wrong. MAJOR wrong!" Tanj could only nod in agreement. "What do you think we should do about it?" Tanj asked. Sam just shrugged; "we certainly can't stage a commando raid on the station to rescue the Captain. In the first place, this place is just shady enough to have massive security; there aren't enough of us. In the second place, we don't know that he's in that kinda trouble (although I can't imagine him wandering off and getting drunk, and not telling us, or even finding a long lost love, or whatever, and being so preoccupied he wouldn't think to call in.....). Things were discussed for a while, as they so often are, going round and round in circles. Eventually they came to the conclusion they HAD to go look for him. Each departed to change, to make themselves as presentable as possible before leaving the ship. Tanj returned to her quarters and laid out her best jumpsuit. She brushed her hair, and tied it back with a ribbon, got dressed and with a last look around to make sure all was in order, left to meet her crewmates at the airlock. Benny, not uncharacteristically, was the last to arrive, not looking significantly different than when they'd left the wardroom. The three cycled through the personnel airlock, and were just closing the door when a half dozen station police entered the gangway. Sam looked at them, and then nodded; "you've found our Captain, then?" The sergeant in charge nodded; "Oh, yeah, we found him all right. He's in custody". Benny sighed; "And what, officer, is the charge?" The Sergeant smirked; "Failure to pay Docking and Entry fees, Assaulting an Elysium citizen, and then we found out the cargo was "contraband". Benny snorted; "there's no such thing in this system! Everyone knows that you can get _anything_ in Elysium! One of the cops growled back; "Shut your mouth, you; if _WE_ say its contraband, then its contraband! We're here to impound your ship as evidence". Tanj thought her jaw was going to hit the floor. This couldn't be true! Sam's eyes narrowed; "when's his arraignment?" One of the cops chuckled; 'all ready been done; he's been bound over for trial. 'Course that'll probably be in about 15 months, the backlog being what it is and all......" Sam growled; "Do you mean to tell me that our ship will be impounded until the trial, _FIFTEEN_MONTHS_FROM_NOW?" The cops just beamed and nodded. "Uh, well, ah, we don't want any trouble, officers, just let us get our personal stuff out of the ship and we'll get out of your way" Tanj said. "Can't let you do that, SweetCakes", the Sergeant said; "Ship's sealed as of now; NO tampering with the evidence. "Not even if one of you were to escort us, VIDEOTAPE us, as we get our stuff?" Benny asked. "Nope; got our rules, we do. NO one goes in that ship until the forensics team arrives, and NO ONE after that until the trial!" "Well, can we see him? Talk to him?" Sam asked, a stony look on her face. The cops just grinned and shook their heads no. "Go on, you bilgerats, get out of here now, and DON'T let me catch you loitering around here. This ship will be guarded, and we'll shoot trespassers! Tanj hooked claws into her crewmate's clothes and used the grip to tug them down the companionway; "we can't do anything _now_, there are too many of them! Lets see if we can find a lawyer or something!" As they moved slowly away from their ship, their home, and just about everything they had in the universe, they saw the airlock sealed, and guards, live and electronic, posted. When they'd moved into the station proper, Benny pulled them into a huddle; "before we left, how much money did you bring with you?" Tanj snorted; "Hell, Benny, I brought every credit I've got to my name; about enough for a decent meal! Its been a LONG time since our last paycheck, ya know!" Benny just nodded sadly; "I've got about forty credits; Sam?" Sam sighed and said; "I've got about two hundred. I'd been saving it for a disaster, and I guess this qualifies. Thought we might need a bribe or something. Never expected _this_!" "O.K." Benny said; "First things first. Lets see if we can find out what really happened, and then see if we can find a lawyer. One who'll take a case on "speculation"...... A trip to the Station business office got them cold stares from the staff, and the suggestion that they inquire at the police station. Trudging half way around the station to the central police station left them exhausted, but was cheaper than the public transportation (let alone a cab). There, they received more frosty stares, and were informed that the report was not yet complete, and they should check back in three days. Leaving, they decided to pursue other avenues of information (hopefully ones that wouldn't be quite so openly hostile). It shouldn't have surprised them how much a public terminal cost. Grumbling they rented one for an hour, and started searching for records of what had happened to their Captain. The police database showed no information beyond what they'd been told. It also showed that despite the fact that the space station was the size of a small city, there were no attorneys in private practice! They found several dirtside, but none of them were willing to take a case, no matter what the situation, on speculation. The cheapest one they could find wanted 1,000 credits just to review the situation! Finally they gave up, and Sam tried to use the terminal to send a message to some old friends, to see if they could forward some cash to her. The three crewmates blinked in amazement as the terminal informed them that they had to apply for permission to send an interstellar message! Of course, by this time, the government offices they had to go to were closed for the day!. Benny tried to use the terminal to access what meager accounts the ship had in its "home port" system, only to be told that currency transfers of that sort were prohibited by the Elysium government. Sinking back in his seat, Benny looked at his crewmates; "I think they've got us screwed. I think they've stacked the deck against ANYONE in our situation. In fact, I'd suspect the whole thing was a set-up from the start. What was in those containers, or at least what was SUPPOSED to be in those containers was NOT contraband. Valuable, yes, but NOT contraband. I think the customers have bribed the government offices here to screw us. Probably with OUR ship as "payment"....... "So what do we do?" Tanj asked. "We won't get very far on what money we have; we can't seem to get more, either, and I have the nasty suspicion that this place does NOT take kindly to broke spacers....." Sam nodded; "we'll pursue getting an SOS to some of my friends tomorrow, when the communications office opens. If we can get enough money to hire that lawyer, maybe we can turn this around. Right now, I'd settle for just getting our ship back and getting the hell outta here!". The others just nodded. They found that all the lodgings on the station were beyond their financial resources. They also found out that loitering was not permitted. It seemed they "strolled" the station, all night long, a patrolman a discrete distance behind them. Finally, it was "morning" and the station offices were opening. They looked a little scruffy, having been up all night, as they stood in line at the Comm office. Directed from line to line, they went through an amazing bureaucracy as they filled out form after form, and paid fee after fee. "They HAVE to be doing this just to irritate people" Benny snarled, sotto-voice. Tanj could only nod. Finally they'd completed all the paperwork, and Sam submitted three "letters" for transmission to old friends, asking for help. That done, there was nothing to do but wait. As they left the Comm offices they missed the knowing smirks among the workers there, or the sight of the office supervisor calmly throwing the "letters" into the recycler. "This isn't going to work, you know" Tanj said as they left the Comm offices. "There's going to be too long a lag before we hear a response. We'll be out of money long before anyone could come to our aid." Benny nodded; "the obvious solution is that we have to acquire more money. Has anyone seen any "help wanted" signs?" Thus began a search of the station, looking for work. Everywhere they went, the response was the same. No Elysium work card, no chance. None of the freighters in dock needed any crew, nor seemed to have any sympathy, either. Booking passage out of the system wasn't possible either, as the cost was far in excess of what money they had left. Security was too tight to stow away, either. A quick check at the station's employment office revealed that there was no way even one of them could afford the work permit application fee. After three days, their money's all but gone. Standing in front of a storefront, exhausted and hungry, they counted their pocket change, seeing what they might buy to eat. "This ain't gonna make it, guys" Benny sighed. "Got enough for one pack of Twinkies, and then we're busted". With a shrug, he turned and went into the store to make the purchase. Returning a moment later, they split the contents. A few mouthfuls and it was gone. Sara sighed and looked at the time display in the store's window, her own chronograph long since sold off for a fraction of its value. She obviously was measuring the time to when help might arrive, not knowing it never would. Tanj tried hard to think of something encouraging to say, anything to say, when she heard a voice say "there they are". She turned just in time to see a squad of police descend on them. "You're under arrest for vagrancy" one of them smirked. Benny opened his mouth to say something, but never got a sound out before one of the cops hit him with a shock- stick. Sam moved towards Benny but found herself facing three menacing cops. Tanj just stared at her friend, as one of the cops handcuffed her paws behind her back and then roughly dragged her off and threw her into the back of a police vehicle. She never saw her crewmates again. Events passed in a blur; her arrival at the police station, being roughly stripped naked and shoved into some sort of delousing chamber, being led down endless stainless steel corridors, locked in a bare steel cell smaller than her cabin on the Lost Cause. The light never went out. She had no idea how long she was in there, except that she knew it was WAY past a reasonable length of time to go without food or water. Or the use of restroom facilities. When they came to get her, they were "enraged" at the mess she'd made. "What the HELL did you expect" she thought to herself as they dragged her out, and shoved her down the hall, still naked. Before she knew it she was standing in front of some sort of magistrate. When she tried to speak she was told to shut up; when she tried again, they gagged her! Obviously, they could care less about what had happened to her, and saw no need to inform her of the status of her crewmates. "Insufficient funds to pay the air tax?" the Judge finally asked of the bailiff. When the bailiff nodded, not even looking up, the Judge roared "Guilty". Tanj was then sentenced to be remanded to the state until such time as the fees, penalties and charges against her were paid. Oh, and the amount of the fees and penalties would increase at the standard 27% compounded semi-annually......... Before she could force an outraged noise from behind her gag, she was dragged off. Tanj was roughly hauled through more endless corridors, dragged hither and yon, until she was put on a shuttle with others, headed down to the planet. Tanj looked around, trying to figure out what happened to her, where she's going, whats to become of her. Doing the numbers in her head as best possible, she calculated that if rescue didn't come soon, the price to pay off her fines would exceed the national debt of her home planet..... probably designed that way, she thought. The inmates on the shuttle whispered among themselves, as they waited for the shuttle to launch. Wild stories of what happens to lawbreakers here floated back and forth; from being dissected for transplants, to being used in genetic engineering experiments, to slave labor, to being disintegrated for their organic chemicals, to brood mares for clones for the elderly rich; the stories were each one more unbelievable than the last. Finally, with a lurch, the shuttle disengaged from the station and began its wild descent to the planet below. At the starport, the shuttle's lock was opened and the prisoners herded out. Tanj looked longingly at the ships as she's bundled with the others into a nondescript windowless ground vehicle. "If I could just get inside one, I bet I could get it in the air in record time.... and then be blown out of the sky. (sigh). GOTTA be a way out of this" she thought..... The ground vehicle deposited them at the service entrance to a rather large and ugly building. Guards herded them inside, and separated them into groups by sex and age. Tanj's group was marched into a well lit area where three official looking types in a windowed booth looked over the group, obviously discussing each of the prisoners. Then, without explanation, they were marched out again. They stood for a while in a holding area, milling about, exchanging the same whispers over and over. After a while, the guards came again and formed them into a line. They were marched out, under very close scrutiny, to a long, narrow hall. One by one, the prisoners were passed through a door. When it came Tanj's turn, she was pushed rudely through the door and onto a small revolving platform under a spotlight. The platform turned for a few minutes as she squinted off into the surrounding dark, trying to make out what might be out there. Then, without preamble, a guard pushed her off the platform and out a far door, as another prisoner was admitted to the chamber, to take her place. In the next room, a guard applied a tag to her collar, and she's vectored off, led by a single guard down a maze of corridors. Bewildered, Tanj took a risk; "what was that all about" she asked the guard. He just chuckled in a bored manner; "you've just been sold. The State recouping its expenses in dealing with dangerous criminals like you....." Tanj was speechless! Sold? Sold to who? For what? Tanj was shoved into a smaller ground vehicle with a half dozen others. As Tanj looked about she realized they're all fairly young, mostly females but with a few males (ones that under different circumstances she probably wouldn't have minded getting to know at all!). They were all dirty, all disheveled and subdued, but all reasonably good looking....... The hairs at the back of Tanj's neck tried to rise, as she got a VERY bad feeling about this...... After about a half hour, the vehicle stopped and Tanj's dragged out and into a courtyard; as she looked about hurriedly, she got the impression of high walls, glass smooth, with armored doors. The guards force all the prisoners to kneel, in a single line. After a few minutes, a Tigress, rather curiously dressed, and obviously in charge, enters the courtyard and announces that they've all been sold to the Academy, where they will be trained to provide a service to society, to pay off their debt, to make a positive contribution. As the Tigress talks, it becomes apparent that the "Academy" is a training center for sex slaves! Tanj's mind whirled as the implications sunk in, and the obviously memorized speech of the tigress turned into a droning in the background as Tanj fought down the urge to panic. Suddenly there was silence, and commotion; the Tigress was exiting the courtyard, and the guards were making the prisoners (inmates? _slaves_?) stand up, turning them all front to back. One guard laid out two long chains, with fasteners every few feet and another guard started going down the line fastening ankle cuffs to their left legs. Another guard moved down the line, checking the collars they'd been fitted with by the police. Before she knew it, she was fastened to the slaves in front and behind at the left ankle and the neck. Having been fastened into a "coffle", the guards then took great amusement in teaching them to march in step. There was a lot of stumbling and some group-falls, like dominoes, much to the guards amusement, but eventually, they learned to move as a group. When the guards were satisfied (or maybe when they'd finished having their fun), they were marched to the baths area where they're cleaned, examined, fitted with what could only be considered permanent collars and wristlets (and a matching anklet), and to Tanj's absolute horror, for "better control", a nose-ring! Each of them was then gagged, the coffle reformed, and they were led to the kennels. Tanj was surprised when the guard disconnected her from the coffle and pushed her through the tiny door into a cell. She thought for sure she'd have a cell mate, but it looked as if they were to be kept separate. "To prevent escape conspiracies, or is there some other dark reason?" she wondered to herself. The cell had bars down one side, and she could see into a few other cells, but as the guard had neglected to remove the gag (or unbind her paws still tied behind her back), communication with the other slaves was limited to a few mostly meaningless facial expressions. Looking about, Tanj figured that the cell wasn't quite tall enough for her to stand, and was barely wide and long enough for her to lay down. A trench across one end, with flowing water was obviously meant to be all the toilet facilities the place had. At least the floor was thick with fresh straw, fairly soft and comfortable....... even if it did make her feel like a common animal. Finally, Tanj fell asleep on the straw (despite the dull ache from her poor, tortured, _violated_ nose....), her mind turning over and over what had happened to her. She wondered what happened to her Captain, and to her shipmates. She wondered if anyone had ever escaped the system, or the "Academy", and she vowed to herself to escape, to return and wreak her vengeance on those that have done this to her and her shipmates! Tanj’s Tale: Punishment By Kittiara Stardate 2397.10 Tanj looked around herself in surprise. This is her punishment? This is the horrible fate that awaited her? The room was padded, without a single visible edge. The corners were all curved, as was where the floor and walls, or the walls and ceiling met. The floor was spongy beneath her bare feet, soft and resilient. It was almost difficult to walk on. High up on three of the walls were ventilation grills, with light coming from behind them; obviously they opened into other rooms, but with her paws bound behind her, there was no way she could pull herself up to try and peer through them. And with the ball gag in her mouth she couldn't call to anyone in any of the other rooms…. Scowling, the Cheetah fem growled to herself; "I have GOT to be missing something here……." It had been a sin of omission, not commission. As part of her "exam" on customer relations, she'd been told to take care of the Boar. And she had, or thought she had. She'd pampered him, treating him like some sort of god, pretending that he thrilled her, that he was the most exciting male she'd ever met. And she'd gotten him off three times during the exam period… and in three different ways too. And yet her performance had been deemed a FAILURE? In the after- action review, the "professor" had scowled at her, growling that this particular gentlefurr had a thing for anal sex, and not only hadn't she offered that to him, she'd been so "all over him" he hadn't been able to get a word in edgewise, to make his desires known! She'd been faulted for dominating the situation, for "Taking Control," something anathema for those schooling her in the proper behavior of sex slaves. And as a result, she'd earned her first piercing, a visible sign that she'd displeased her instructors. The little gold ring now hung from her throbbingly sore left nipple. And she'd been promised further punishment as well….. But then the guard had shown her into the padded room, with the instruction to "think about it." Tanj sighed; even as soft as the floor was, she couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep in. Her arms were pulled behind her, encased in a leather arm binder, her elbows almost touching behind her back. And that made her shoulders hurt. It also made laying on her back impossible. And with the fresh piercing in her left nipple, she couldn't lay on her stomach either. Not comfortably, anyways. Her right side seemed to be the best compromise, but between her aching shoulders and her throbbing nipple, she just couldn't drift off to sleep. As she lay there, she heard something…. Sounds coming from the grille to the left of the door. A shuffling, the sound of cloth moving, a muted murmur, deep and low, and obviously masculine, followed by a higher pitched giggle…. The sounds of lovemaking were starting to get to her. Tanj shifted on the padded floor, and sighed. It was obvious that next door, the two making love were having a great time, the male grunting as he thrust, the female panting, and moaning, as if he were the best lover ever. Shifting, Tanj imagined what must be happening, occasional pauses in the noises signaling some change in position. As she listened to them, listened to the sounds of their passion, she started to become aroused herself…….. Kneeling on the soft floor, the Cheetah fem looked down, between her breasts at her crotch. Sure enough, her labia were becoming puffy, and she could feel herself becoming wet. Her nipples were already stiffening, something she was painfully aware of, at least as far as her left nipple was concerned….. As the moans and the soft cries filtered through the grill, Tanj shook her head; "Man, their conditioning has really done a number on me….." and as she listened with growing frustration, that thought took her back….. Tanj looked around curiously as the guards led her by her leash into the small room. It looked for all the world like a medical examining room, with unidentified instruments of various types lining the walls. In the middle was a large chair, similar to a dentist's chair, with the exception that it was all in chromed metal… and in the middle of the seat was a rather large black rubber phallus. And the back of the seat, the lower portion of the back-rest was open; she'd be able to let her tail drape out that opening, but it would also expose her ass…… The Cheetah watched with growing concern as one guard went to a drawer, slid it open and removed a half-full tube of lubricant. As the other guard worked at removing her handcuffs, the first guard proceeded to cover the phallus with a generous coating of the lube….. Wiping his paws on a disposable towel, and replacing the now even emptier tube of lubricant in the drawer, he turned to Tanj, and with a grin, said; "Okay, Missy, just hop on up on this chair, and we'll get you strapped in all nice and tight." Tanj felt the other guard's paws on her wrists, still holding her arms behind her back, and her muscles tensed; "You gotta be Kidding me! There ain't no WAY I’m going to voluntarily sit on that… THING." The guard behind her chuckled, as he pushed, frog-marching her forward; "Yeah, I thought that's what you'd say. Pretty much what they ALL say….. Wait until tomorrow; bet you don't make NEAR as much of a fuss……" Despite her struggles, the Cheetah fem was maneuvered by the two significantly larger guards, until, with a yeowl, they forced her down into the seat. They were obviously well practiced at the task, and before Tanj could blink, they had her arms strapped to the armrests of the chair… and then straps went around her ankles, and her thighs, holding her legs well spread, affording the guards a good view of where that rubber monster stretched her pussy. More straps went around her waist, and above and below her breasts….. and snaps connected to the rings on her collar. She was quite immobilized. One of the guards patted her on the head and they both chuckled as they left…… As she waited, Tanj looked around the room. Some of the instruments almost looked like holographic projection equipment… and the space in front of her chair was empty, the wall blank…. Other instruments were less identifiable. She was twisting around to her left, trying to get a better look at what looked like a computer terminal when the door opened and a chipmunk in a lab coat strode in. He looked at his clipboard, and then at Tanj and then back at his clipboard, and made the typical noncommittal noise medical types make in front of patients…. Putting the clipboard down he picked up a hand-held fur trimmer and turned to face Tanj; "I've got to shave portions of your head, for the electrodes to work properly. Now we can do this the hard way, or the easy way. Personally, I'd recommend the easy way; you'll not look so… bizarre if I can do small, precise spots. But its up to you. Either way, I'll get my job done." As the trimmer buzzed, Tanj tried to hold her head still, wondering what the electrodes would be for… she had the feeling she didn't really want to find out….. When he'd finished with the razor, the Chipmunk fetched a harness from a hook on the wall. This fit over the Cheetah's head, and the Chipmunk strapped it on TIGHT. While it wasn't all that uncomfortable, Tanj found the dangling wires, and the pricking sensations at various places around her head…. Disconcerting to say the least. It was a while after the Chipmunk left, before the Doctor arrived…… The Coyote wore a starched lab coat, with the name tag "Dr. Zachary Smith" over the left pocket. The obligatory stethoscope was in one of the lower lab coat pockets and a selection of pens and other devices stuffed in the other pockets. All in all, he looked like the typical, busy physician, and not the least bit sinister….. "Hello, Ms. Kee, I'm Dr. Smith." The voice was cultured and smooth. As she tried to follow the doctor's motions, Tanj found herself loathing him instantly. Who was this furr, to do things like this to her? The Doctor for his part, was in the process of booting up the computer terminal, and logging on as he talked. "What we're going to do today, is to start your conditioning….. I'm sure you realize by now that you're destined to be a sex slave, and this will be the very first step in your training. Don't worry, we're not going to wipe your mind and program you with simple, lurid instructions… we find that our …. Products are much more valued if they retain their creativity, and to an extent, their free will. We just want to relieve you of your inhibitions, add a few compulsions, and so forth." The Doctor rambled on, as he checked the leads from the computer to the harness strapped tight to Tanj's head. Finally he nodded and moved to one side of the room, where he started fiddling with some rubber tubing. "In the old days, the techniques used involved things like sleep deprivation, isolation, threats, physical pain, and psychological pressures… incredibly crude techniques. Sometimes they worked, and sometimes they didn't. What we've come up with is something a little more advanced. Its all based on rewards and punishment, don't you see. By controlling the rewards, and the punishments we can shape your behavior, reinforcing the behavior we want, disposing of the behavior we feel is… counterproductive. Tanj listened curiously as she watched the Doctor work. She certainly couldn't think of a way to escape, or of a way to deter him from whatever it was he was going to do…. So she tried hard not to panic, her engineer's mind latching onto the mechanics of what he was doing, as a prop to keep her from loosing it completely….. The Doctor finished his work with the tubing, and sliding a panel out from the wall, moved a complex assembly over towards Tanj's left shoulder. "Now I'm going to start an IV, and I'm going to use an artery in your scalp, so hold still. Tanj felt a prick where the Chipmunk had shaved a spot on her head, and then she felt the Doctor taping something to the harness… "All Done. What that's for is to administer psychtropic drugs and hormones to your brain. The electrodes in the harness on your head will detect activity in certain portions of your brain. In some cases that activity will be related to compliance with the behavior we wish to reinforce, and the little pump over here will give you something nice…. On other occasions, the electrodes will pick up activity in your brain associated with resistance, and then something else will happen. Something unpleasant, I'm afraid. Now, in order to provide the stimuli, we have this helmet….." Tanj grunted as the doctor started to pull a soft leather helmet over her head, being careful of the IV and of the electrode leads. There was a set of goggles over her eyes, and a hole in the leather for her nose…. But there was a thick rubber plug that filled her mouth, and straps that held her jaws closed Tight around the invader. When the doctor was finished strapping it on, Tanj heard his voice in one ear; "We have earphones installed in the helmet, so you can hear only what we want you to hear. The Helmet cuts off outside stimulus rather nicely, doesn't it? No distractions. Now, lets test the audio and visual stimuli, shall we?" Tanj blinked as an image formed in front of her eyes. It was as if she was looking into a mirror. She could see herself, strapped into the strange chair, with the Doctor behind her at the computer terminal. He was just sitting there, paws folded in his lap, watching with a neutral expression on his face. As she examined the image, she noticed her right arm was no longer restrained…. And yet she couldn't seem to move it…… After a moment, the Doctor's voice filled her earphones; "I want you to touch yourself. I want you to caress yourself. Stroke yourself for me, Ms. Kee……" Tanj's growl was muffled by the plug of rubber in her mouth, but what flashed through her mind was "the HELL I will"…. And then suddenly something flashed through her mind. It was like a sudden swift nightmare, more remembered than actually felt, and it was MOST unpleasant…… As she shuddered in its aftermath, she saw her right arm move, seemingly of its own accord, reaching down to her crotch…. To her amazement, as the image showed her fingers brush across her mons she could have sworn she felt the touch…. And yet she was sure she couldn't move her right arm… could she? For a moment she struggled, and then there was another instant of nameless horror in her mind and she recoiled, the shock forcing back all resistance, letting the sensation of fingers stroking her mons, fingers seeking out her clitty wash in behind the shock, to sooth her savaged mind…… She watched in amazement as the image, so much like her reflection, seemed to mimic the feelings she was receiving… gradually the caresses became more intimate, more passionate, and as the dong in her pussy vibrated to life, she moaned. Chest heaving, her climax seemed to rush at her with freight-train speed, until she was straining against her restraints, howling into the rubber plug filling her mouth, as a powerful climax seized her….. The Doctor smiled as the Cheetah Fem's chest heaved, as she tried to regain her breath…. "Yes, I think the system's working correctly. See, now, that wasn't so bad… was it?" Unseen by the Cheetah, the Doctor pressed a few buttons on his console, and rising, moved off to his next "patient," the computer taking over the programming. But Tanj never noticed; the image presented to her eyes was suddenly that of a dungeon; a classical dungeon with stone walls, and straw on the floor, and torchlight. She saw herself chained to a coarse wooden pole, the straw on the floor pricking her legs as she kneeled, head bowed submissively. Something whispered in her mind that this was right, that this was the way it SHOULD be, and for a moment she felt really good… satisfied with her condition. The metal cuffs holding her paws together in front of her, the collar, the heavy chain to the post, her nudity, it all felt sooooo right. And then, suddenly, before her was the image of the Coyote, except this time he was nude….. "Crawl over to me" the Doctor's voice commanded, and for a moment, resentment and rebellion surged through Tanj's mind, only to be quashed by another wave of nameless dread. Each assault was slightly different, and each was horrible enough that all thoughts of resistance were shattered. In the aftermath of this particular wave, Tanj saw herself crawl obediently, if somewhat clumsily over to the Coyote. He grinned down at her, and ran a paw through her hair, a sensation she amazingly could believe she actually felt… and then he uttered a single word; "suck"……. And then Tanj's mouth was sucking greedily at the rubber plug in her mouth, her tongue stroking it as if it were the Coyote's cock, even as before her eyes, the image of herself leaned forward to take his hard shaft in her mouth…. And as she sucked, she felt an euphoria and an incredible sexual arousal….. "Got to be the IV dripping something into my system… endorphins.. hormones… something" she thought to herself, the thought slipping away almost before it had registered, as she lost herself in the raging lusts suddenly coursing through her body. Image after image; scene after scene. In each, she was bound, subservient, docile, compliant… and randy as hell. In some scenes she was nude; in some she was dressed in outfits she thought she wouldn't be caught dead in. It all seemed so right…. And in each, she obeyed her instructions, be they from male or female, her resistance rapidly being worn down by the sudden flashes of nameless dread, until it was eradicated completely. Over and over, she went through the scenes of sexual obedience, with each act of compliance rewarded with the feeling of euphoria. Gradually she began anticipating the commands, predicting their needs, and their desires, until they didn't even have to ask…… Tanj was limp, and panting when the Chipmunk removed the leather helmet, and the head harness; as the rubber plug was pulled from her mouth she moaned softly, her eyes fluttering open. The Chipmunk just smirked at her and proceeded to put all the implements away. By the time the guards came for her, Tanj had regained her breath, but her mind was still fragmented, trying to assimilate all she'd been through. Part of her wondered how she could ever be like they wanted her to be, and another part screamed YES! I WANT it! MORE!" The guards had to lift her from the chair, and hold her while she found her feet. For a moment she thought she was going to fall to her knees, and that triggered a memory of one of the scenes, where she'd knelt before the male, sucking him off with relish…. And the thought almost triggered the action; but the guards were firm, making her stand, binding her paws behind her, dragging her out of the room to fasten her to the coffle, the line of slaves moving another dozen feet, to wait, while the guards went into another room, to drag out another limp slave…… After the day she'd had, the baths were a delight. Sinking down into the steaming hot water, Tanj purrrred, drawing the instant attention of the guard; "YOU! Spots! No Noise or you'll get a taste of my shock stick!" Tanj bowed her head meekly, almost without thinking, and shuddered, the memory of what would happen if she wasn't compliant flashing through her brain. Across the tub, the eyes of the she-wolf tracked the guard's movements, and when he'd moved off a little she whispered; "The conditioning isn't perfect. I know, I know, right now you're full of it, its fresh in your memory, but that'll fade. Some. And I know right now, he's told you not to talk, and I bet you couldn't bring yourself to, if you tried. I'll also bet you won't even try. I know all too well what the treatment's like. Just take heart, it'll fade, a bit, over time, and there are some things you can do, working around the "edges"….. he didn't tell ME to be quiet after all….." As the guard moved back towards them, the She-wolf fell silent, her eyes averted. When his footfalls had receded, she snuck a quick look and whispered; "by the way, my name's Marla; what's yours?" Tanj looked at the She-Wolf, and then flicked her gaze at the guard, still meters distant; her mouth opened, but try as she might she couldn't get a word out. Not even a squeek. She was beginning to hyperventilate when she felt someone touch her under the water, and Marla whispered; "Its all right, I understand, really I do. Silly of me to have done that to you. Don't worry, it'll pass. You can tell me later." Panting hard, Tanj awoke from yet another dream. The scenes from her conditioning were replaying themselves in her mind as she slept…… moaning hard, she thought of the scene, where some unidentified male had told her to use her fingers to spread her labia, to show him the pink of her sex…. And she'd so willingly complied. It disgusted and frustrated her; she didn't WANT to be like that, but couldn't seem to help herself…… And yet, somewhere deep inside her, it thrilled her too…… Without even realizing it, she found her right paw between her thighs, stroking herself. Her pussy was drenched, literally dripping….. and her fingers felt sooooo good against her heated flesh. Hearing the approaching footsteps of a guard, she quickly withdrew her paw and rolled over, feigning sleep….. but as he padded off, she moves her right arm under her body, her paw between her thighs, covertly stroking herself….. hoping no one would see, praying no one would ever know. The next morning was filled with dread. Tanj shuffled forward in the coffle, knowing this time where she was headed, knowing what the day would bring. One of the guards had mentioned, teasingly to the slaves in the coffle, that they'd go through over one hundred thousand such scenes, insuring that they were thoroughly indoctrinated….. And if that was the case, Tanj knew she'd have many more days in that damnable chair….. The guard, only one this time, released Tanj's paws and gestured to the chair. "you know where the lube is, if you think you need it. Either way, take a seat." Tanj looked at the guard and then remembered she was supposed to keep her gaze down, her head lowered. Moving fast to forestall any rebuke, she yanked open the drawer, retrieved the tube of lubricant and rapidly slathered it over the phallus. Was it larger this morning than it had been yesterday? She could have sworn it had grown in girth and length….. Replacing the tube she mounted the chair, positioning herself just so, before slowly lowering herself…. Efficiently, the guard strapped her in, and then departed, leaving her alone with her thoughts. When the squirrel came bustling in, Tanj jumped… or would have if she wasn't so tightly restrained. The squirrel set her up as she had been before, with the head harness and its pigtail of electrode leads, the IV in her scalp, and the soft leather helmet with the rubber plug in her mouth and the holo goggles over her eyes. There was no sign of the Doctor, and before she knew it, the visions once again floated in front of her. This time they were pushing the limits of what she thought she could tolerate. Wearing slutty clothes in public…. And then public nudity, and when her resistance to that had been quashed, sex in public….. sex with more than one partner. Sex acts that she'd never even heard of, much less considered doing… and interspersed with it all were the more "vanilla" flavored things, where subservience and compliance earned her a nice shot of endorphins and a pleasant buzzing of the dong buried in her pussy…. Where willing participation, or even creative thoughts on her part earned her a greater rush, or a more powerful climax….. By the end of the day she was more or less willingly participating in acts that she'd never imagined….. The next day, they'd given her a modified helmet; her eyes were still covered by the video goggles, and her ears filled with the earphones… but now her mouth was free…. And the computer was demanding verbal responses from her. She had to call males Master, and females Mistress….. she had to keep her speech correct, and proper…. And in some cases she had to beg. And then beg creatively. She had to beg to be allowed to suck his cock, or to service him with her body….. Strangely she found this hardest of all to do, and suffered agonizing wave after wave of terror, or dread, until she finally stammered out what was required of her, wracking her brain for convincing imaginative things to say. By the time the guard came to release the Cheetah, Tanj was thoroughly drained, and shaking. The bath was heaven. Tanj sank down into it until only her nose and the tips of her ears were above water, letting the heat leach away the soreness from her muscles. She'd never dreamed she could get so sore, fighting the straps that held her immobile. Raising her head just a bit, at an underwater touch, Tanj gazed through the steam at a grinning Marla. She could see the She-Wolf's eyes flick to appraise the attention of the guard, and then flick back to her. "Well" she whispered; "Have you gotten around it yet to the point where you can talk?" Tanj's right ear swiveled, tracking the guard's footsteps and she mumbled; "Think…. so. Name's T..Tr.. Tanj" Marla nodded; "gets easier with practice. Just gotta remember if you're not wired into their gizmo they can't twist your brain if you don't respond correctly. Take your time. There IS hope." Tanj just nodded, and sank back down into the soothing waters. Tanj leaned against the wall and smiled to herself. Those early days here had really been some of the easiest….. and some of the scariest. The sessions in the chair had gone on for over a week, and by the time they were done, she'd eagerly leapt into the chair, not bothering with the lubricant; she'd gotten wet enough just thinking of the fun to come, of the wild sex and the endorphin rush. The tasks required no longer seemed to matter; the subservience, the degradation, and the begging no longer bothered her. Whatever it took to get the approval of her Master or Mistress, whatever it took to get her climax…. Finally, on that last day when the helmet was removed, when the guard had released her from the chair, he'd told her to crawl to him and service him with her mouth, and she'd eagerly complied…… Tanj still had a self-satisfied smirk on her face when she'd settled into the baths. Marla grinned at her from across the water and ostentatiously licked her lips as if signifying that she too had gotten a taste of her guard. Kayla, the otter, just made a sour face and slipped down underneath the water. As the guard passed by, shock-stick swinging by its lanyard, the girls in the tub did their very best to ignore him, but Tanj found that her eyes were still drawn to the bulge in his loincloth. When he'd passed, Marla leaned forward; "Did your guard say anything to you, when he let you out of the chair?" Tanj just stifled a giggle; "Yeah. Two words. "Crawl", and "Suck."" Marla giggled quietly in return; "No, silly, I mean AFTER that!" Tanj smiled; "No, why?" The conversation lagged, as another guard walked by, his gaze passing over each of the girls in turn. When he'd gone, Marla whispered; "Mine said that I wasn't bad… for an amateur. And that they'd done all they could with that kind of conditioning, and that now skills training would commence. With different incentives. And that if I screwed up, the punishments would be of a different sort, and worse. Much worse." Tanj slid back into the water and pondered; "what could be worse than that mind-wrenching electrode and chemical induced terror?" Tanj groaned. There were now sounds coming from the grille on the wall to the right of the door. This one sounded like girl-on-girl…. At least two, maybe three… and again, they sounded like they were having a GREAT time. She was envious. As the female on the left screamed in ecstasy, Tanj groaned and rolled around on the soft floor of the padded room, trying to find some way to rub her dripping pussy, seeking to find SOME stimulation. Kneeling she shifted, seeking to rub her crotch against the back of her right ankle, straining. And while that was better than nothing, it wasn't anywhere near enough….. "Can't even cover my ears" Tanj moaned to herself. There was now another party going on, the noises floating through the grille opposite the door. Someone was being punished, but they were alternating giggles and howls, their cries interspersed with the soft words of at least two males. In her mind's eye, Tanj could just see the guys alternating feathers and a whip, interspersed with caresses and the application of tongues to sensitive places…… Groaning to herself, the Cheetah rolled about on the floor, her pussy literally dripping. She felt so….. "left out," so very alone…. Even the attention of the two dominant males would be better than being here, all alone, not even able to touch herself. And as she groaned, she realized that the Academy had succeeded in finding a way to torture her for her mistake. The conditioning was now a weapon to be used against her. "I wonder if they've put some chemicals in the air to make me even hotter" she wondered idly as the sounds of sex bombarded her mind from three different directions. "Fifty five, fifty six, fifty seven, fifty eight, fifty nine, Sixty…. Um, lets see, that’s got to be Four hours, thirty seven minutes….. One, two, three,……" Tanj counted her own heartbeats, her only mechanism for measuring time. Her only distractions from the sounds and the scents bombarding her. Her pulse was loud in her ears, and just a little rapid, she thought, as was her breathing….. but then considering how aroused she was, how very wet, that wasn't really surprising. The sounds from the other three rooms had continued, almost unabated. Occasionally they would die down, and it was obvious that furrs were leaving, only to be replaced with a fresh group. It seemed like the Academy was running through every permutation and combination of males and females, of every sex act they could think of, just to torture her…. Somewhere, deep within her psyche, Tanj knew it was probably all just recordings, but it sounded so real…. And so inviting, her imagination filled in all the gaps….. She was sooooooo horny, and had NO way of getting any relief. Squirming around, she tried once again to kneel in a way that would allow her to press her hungry little pussy against the smooth soft floor of the room, seeking to stroke herself against it, and once again failing miserably… Groaning in frustration, she resumed counting…….. seventeen, eighteen, nineteen…. Tanj had lost her count three times; she figured she'd been in the room close to 24 hours when the door clicked open, and the guard motioned to her. Her raging lust continued unabated, negated somewhat by her thirst, hunger and the immense pressure in her bladder. As she struggled to her feet, the guard smirked at her; "learned your lesson?" Tanj mewled into her gag and fell to her knees, to nuzzle at the guard's crotch, nodding enthusiastically. Tanj's Tales: Breaking-in Stardate 2397.12 By Kittiara Tanj followed the guard into the room curiously, moving as to keep the leash between his paw and her collar just a little slack. This wasn’t the room she’d spent every day for the past week and a half in….. She’d known something was different when the coffle of slaves had taken a different turn in the endless maze of corridors. Up until now, her time at the “Academy” had been spent in positive/negative reinforcement “conditioning,” as the psychologists had removed inhibitions and added behavioral traits that they felt a good sex slave should have…… Automatically kneeling as the guard stopped, Tanj tried hard to keep her head bowed, her eyes lowered. These things were not yet second nature. The Guard unclipped the leash from her collar, and then unclipped her wrist cuffs behind her back, leaving her hands free. And then she heard the door close behind him. Glancing up, she looked around the room. It seemed to be a cross between someone’s living room, with a carpeted floor, a sofa and track lighting… and some sort of….. dungeon? Dungeons didn’t have eggshell white walls, or stained wood baseboards…. But this room had quite a few eyebolts scattered around the walls, floor and ceiling. And there was an awful lot of rope present, in heaps and swirls, shoved in one corner along with all sorts of other unidentifiable things….. Remembering her “lessons” she held her kneeling position, knees wide apart, hands on her thighs, palm up….. and of course head bowed. As she waited for something to happen, her mind raced, wondering what was going on…… “It has to be some sort of examination. A test. That’s it; its got to be a test” she thought to herself. For a moment the Cheetah fem felt a pang of sadness; her initial loathing of the conditioning chair, with its thick phallic plug, electrodes, IV drip and holographic goggles had all been burned away, and she’d come to anticipate the chemical rewards and the pleasurable stimuli of that dong vibrating to life when she did something right…… when she did what they wanted. “Can’t be like that” she told herself sternly; “Remember what Marla said; the conditioning fades with time; you can work around the edges. Give me time, and I’ll find a way out of this. They haven’t broken me yet!” That thought had barely formed in her mind when she heard the door open behind her, and someone walk in…… The Mouse moved around into her field of vision and just stood there looking at her; she could barely see him from the corner of her eye, but it was obvious that he was completely nude. Somehow that didn’t surprise her; what DID surprise her was that it seemed perfectly natural to her. He stood there, practically motionless, for a good ten minutes, paws on his hips, just watching her. Tanj for her part, kept her gaze lowered; she figured it was a waiting game, the Mouse watching to see if she would move, or say something. She wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction. Eventually the mouse nodded, and moved around a little more in front of her, to stand looking down at her; “I am going to give you a series of commands, and you will be judged as to how well you execute them. I want to make good and sure that you are ready, that you have the correct mental attitude to proceed to the next phase of your training. Tanj kept her head down, knowing his statement did not require an answer… He hadn’t asked a question yet, had he? After a moment the Mouse frowned and then took a step back, to sit on the couch. Stretching his arms out to either side, resting them on the back of the couch, he looked at her for a moment more, and then said, simply “Strum.” Tanj groaned to herself; this was one of the things that the conditioning program had covered, and at the time, pumped full of the drugs from the IV, it had seemed like nothing at all; now she had to expose herself to this stranger, and perform the most lewd act……. Tanj knew she had to move fast, that instant obedience, enthusiastic obedience was called for….. Spreading her feet a little more underneath her, she brought her bottom down into contact with the carpet, and as gracefully as possible rolled backwards until she was laying on her back. She brought her knees up towards her chest, the cleft of her sex directed as best she could towards the Mouse. One paw stroked down over her stomach to rest on her mons, her index and middle fingers resting for just an instant on the petals of her sex; and then she was spreading her fingers, spreading her labia, opening herself, exposing herself to this total stranger. Trying not to think about what she was doing, she brought her other paw down to rest on her first, her index finger stretching down between the widespread petals of her sex. After a moment she started flicking the tip of her finger back and forth, its tip working back the hood at the juncture of her labia minora, exposing her clitty; as her finger continued to flick back and forth, she groaned, as she “strummed” her clitty. The Mouse watched her, a neutral expression on her face. She in turn watched him through slitted eyes as she mechanically went through the motions. “I’ve been kidnapped, stripped, enslaved, and “conditioned” the Cheetah thought to herself, “But never have I been so…. Humiliated!” As her finger moved, neither too slowly or to rapidly, she groaned, not with increasing sexual delight, but in shame. This had to be worse than her first visit to the Gynecologist..... What could she possibly have done to have deserved THIS? Suddenly her reverie was broken as she felt the Mouse’s paw cover hers, stopping the motion of her finger. Her eyes opened wide, the fur of her face bristling as even more blood came to the surface of her skin, the hairs on her face standing on end to try and release some of the heat. Inadvertently she locked eyes with the Mouse, her eyes going even wider as he tried to push a finger into her. With a grunt he suddenly released her and rose; “I thought so. Too dry. You should be dripping at this point. Obviously you have not learned your lessons as you should have. But perhaps I can …… do a little remedial tutoring.” Stepping forward and looking down at Tanj he nodded; “I will leave for a short while. When I return I want to find you tied in such a manner that I have free access to your mouth, sex, and ass. How you tie yourself is up to you. Don’t worry about perfection in the knots, I’ll tighten anything I feel is too loose when I return. Remember, you’re being graded on this.” With that, he turned on one heel and departed. Tanj hadn’t moved a whisker since he’d touched her, but when the door slammed shut behind him, she rolled onto one side, bringing herself up to her knees, to stare at the door. “Tie myself? VOLUNTARILY? Sheesh, this guy’s got to be kidding…..” Turning and crawling slowly across the floor, Tanj moved reluctantly over to the pile of gear heaped thoughtlessly against the wall. The Cheetah fem looked at the ropes, the eyebolts in floor, ceiling and walls, and at the couch. For what she had in mind, she wished she’d had a simple footstool or hassock, but the pillows from the couch would have to do. Picking up the first of the cuffs she buckled it around her left wrist…… As she worked, buckling on the other wrist cuff, and then the ankle cuffs, she sighed and sometimes wished she wasn’t an engineer. What she had in mind was going to be MUCH too complex, and yet, it was all she could think of, to try and ameliorate her earlier failure….. Tying a rope to an eyebolt in the center of the baseboard of the wall to the left of the door, she laid it out across the floor, in front of the couch. Other ropes were tied to the eyebolts in the corners of the opposite wall, the loose ends brought back towards the center of the room, pretty much in front of the couch. Another length of rope she braided into her long platinum hair. Setting the cushions in the middle of the room, stacking them one on top of another, she knelt to one side of them. The rope from one corner of the room she tied to her left ankle, pulling just a little. The rope from the other corner she tied to her other ankle, pulling that a bit tighter, pulling her ankles apart, her calves forming a Vee shape on the floor as she knelt. Taking one last look around, she sighed, and leaning backwards, she let her torso fall back, until she was laying across the pillows. The end of the rope attached to the center of the far wall she threaded through the D rings of her wrist cuffs, and slowly started to take up the slack. As she pulled on the rope this bent her body, arching her back as she tried to tighten the rope, pulling her wrists under the pillows, under her rump, headed for that vacant space between her knees. And then she realized that she had left out the rope woven into her hair…. With a sigh, she released the rope and straightened. Kneeling by the pillows she looked at the arrangement of ropes with an engineer’s critical eye; something here would have to change…… With a sigh, Tanj twisted and picked up the cushions one by one to toss them back towards the couch. “He’d probably think me too much of a wimp anyways, if I used them to support my back….” Turning back, she picked up the rope from the wall in front of her, and doubling it, put a loop in its end so that the loop would lay on the floor between her widespread knees. Moving one arm around behind her, she found the end of the rope she’d braided into her hair, and passed it under her bottom. Picking the end up with her other paw, she picked up the loop she’d made, and threaded the rope from her hair through the loop. This loose end then went back under her bottom. With a groan, she let her torso flop backwards, until the back of her head rested on the floor. Fumbling beneath her, she threaded the loose end of the rope through the D rings on her cuffs…. And started to pull. As the rope grew taut, it pulled her head back, tugging on her hair; it also pulled her bound wrists under her rump. Once again she grunted and wiggled, trying to get the rope as tight as possible, her body arching upwards. In a position like that, her body strained and taut, it was a bitch to tie off the rope…… Tanj’s muscles were quivering from the strain when the Mouse finally returned. Her view of the world was upside- down, the top of her head pressed hard against the floor, her breasts thrust impudently towards the ceiling. The Mouse walked around her for a moment, nodding. “Imaginative. Just what your psych profile suggested. I’ve left you alone so long because I had to go all the way up to administration to review your file, and I have to admit what you’ve done here confirms what I’ve read.” Kneeling by her head the Mouse looked down at her and smiled as he reached out to tweak her left nipple; “you really DO like bondage, don’t you? You just don’t want to admit it. Not even to yourself. Oh, you COULD have done something simple, like used a spreader bar to hold your legs apart and hung your paws over your head from an eyebolt in the ceiling… that would have been nominally acceptable… but here you’ve gone and done something…. Extreme.” As the Mouse spoke he ran his fingers down over her quivering stomach. Tanj had no idea how long she’d been in this arched position, aside from the fact that her body was complaining loudly over how long it had been….. The Mouse smiled again and nodded; rising, he walked around Tanj, to look at the rope that tugged her paws under her body; the rope that traveled across the floor to the eyebolt in the center of the wall her knees pointed towards. Tanj couldn’t see what he was doing, but she felt the rope suddenly tighten, pulling her into an even more severely arched posture…… Tanj’s body jerked as she felt his fingers touch her sex; the Mouse’s touch was light, stroking along her labia. And then his fingers were gone; “You see?” he chuckled; “NOW you’re wet. This excites you, doesn’t it? You probably got all hot and bothered while tying yourself up, alone, didn’t you? Its performing in front of people that you have a problem with, isn’t it? Too much pride. You have not yet learned your place. But I think I can fix that…….” Again the Mouse rose, to padd over towards the door. Standing there, he punched in something on the keypad. Normally this was used to unlock the door, the “student” seldom having the code necessary to release the door’s locks. But it was well known that the keypad had other functions as well……. Tanj couldn’t turn her head much, due to the rope tugging harshly at her hair, but she could follow the Mouse’s motions a little….. Moving around her head, back to the pile of gear by the couch, the Mouse found a small hand mirror…. and an adjustable arm, with a wide weighted circular base. When Tanj had first seen it, she thought it was meant to hold a vibrator against someone, but now the Mouse was attaching the mirror to the arm. “look into the mirror, and tell me what you see, Slave” As he put the stand on the floor by her head, he adjusted the angle of the mirror; Tanj, looking back and up, saw and upside-down view of the wall at the far end of the room; the wall her crotch was pointed squarely at, a wall that seemed to have gone COMPLETELY transparent. And beyond the wall, there appeared to be stadium seating, filled to capacity; it looked as if a hundred assorted furrs were sitting there watching the goings-on! “Gotta be a hologram” Tanj groaned to herself as the Mouse moved back around her, to sit by her hips. “Gotta be…….” But as she stared at the mirror, she thought to herself that it looked awful realistic…… and once again the blood rushed to her face as she blushed! As the Mouse busied himself with something she couldn’t quite see in the mirror, Tanj wondered at what the Mouse had said. Was she really excited by her self-bondage? By her helpless situation? “Aren’t I supposed to be fighting this every step of the way?” She thought to herself. “Or would I spoil it if I admitted to myself that I liked it? Would something essential be lost if I didn’t fight the bondage, resist the ropes? And you can’t fight it if you admit you want it, can you?” The Mouse reached over her hip and stroked her pussy again, making her belly quiver at his touch; “You think you are resisting me; that you can’t be as we want you to be. But that is an illusion. You think that you still have your dignity, even here, even now. But I will strip that from you. I’m going to make you admit that you want everything we do here. I’ll make you beg for more. You will voluntarily give up even the illusion of resistance.” With that, the Mouse slipped an angrily buzzing vibrator between the Cheetah Fem’s labia, pushing it in until only the base was visible. Tanj stifled a moan, her eyes locked on the mirror, on the audience beyond the now-transparent wall. Did they all seem to lean forward, as if to get a better look at what the Mouse was doing? Twisting her head Tanj saw the Mouse lubing up another vibrator; before she had a chance to frame any sort of protest he was bending, to push it into her bottom, filling her completely….. Tanj tried to still her cries as the two vibrators worked on her; she tried to keep from moving, to keep from squirming, but every once in a while, her hips would jerk as she sought to find SOME way to increase the friction, some way to stimulate herself…. As she suffered the waves of pleasure radiating from her crotch, the waves of embarrassment flowing through her, Tanj shook her head and vowed that this would NOT wring a confession, or an admission from her. She was tougher than this…… The Mouse watched Tanj closely, a wry smile forming on his face. After the vibrators had been working for a few minutes he rested the palm of his left hand on her mons and used his fingers to spread her labia, exposing her clitty. For a moment the index finger of his other paw pressed upwards on the base of the vibrator in her pussy, making it buzz harshly against the front wall of her pussy…… Tanj gasped, teetering on the very brink of her climax…. And then the Mouse was pushing down on the vibrator, lessening its effect on her; she moaned plaintively and then bit her lip to silence herself. The Mouse just grinned, watching her face. Holding up his paw, to where she could see it in the mirror, he chuckled; “I’m not going to let you climax until you beg for it. This small bottle contains an anesthetic. It’s the same one we use to suppress the gag reflex, in fellatio training. It works perfectly on sensitive membranes, although it just lasts a few minutes……..” Tanj groaned as the Mouse slowly pulled the vibrator from her pussy… she’d been SO close… And then he was spreading her again, to apply a single drop of the anesthetic directly to her clitty. He then put some on the tip of his finger and rubbed back and forth along her labia. As the Mouse worked, Tanj could feel herself growing numb; oh, she could feel the pressure of his finger; it just didn’t feel good anymore….. The Mouse smiled and picked up another mirror; holding it just so, he let the bound Cheetah have a good look, through the mirrors, at her own sex. “You see, you’re still hot; dripping in fact; but you can’t feel anything, can you?” Holding the mirror with one hand he slipped the vibrator back into her snatch. Tanj watched the vibrator push into her sex, felt the pressure, felt the vibrations, more as they were transmitted to other portions of her anatomy than by direct stimulation. She could barely feel the plastic gizmo within her. Wide-eyed she watched, helpless to tear her eyes away. The Mouse smiled and again lifted the base of the vibrator, pressing its shaft against the front wall of Tanj’s pussy; she could feel the vibration in her hips, but that was all. After a moment, the Mouse took one finger and started stroking her numb clitty directly…… Tanj watched in the mirror, her mind frozen; what if she was like this forever? What if she never regained sensation down there? How safe WAS this stuff? Gradually, her panic faded, as over the course of several minutes, sensation slowly returned….. The Mouse watched her face carefully, felt the tension in her muscles. He knew well the signs of an impending climax, knew well just how to handle one such as this, how to break her spirit, destroy her resistance. The use of pain was too crude in such things; positive reinforcement was so much more effective. And this one was so easy to read… Just as she was about to arch her back, to scream as her climax arrived, he applied another drop of the anesthetic to her hard little nub. Tanj teetered on the edge, on the very brink of her release… and then suddenly all sensation ceased again. Jerking her head up until the pain of the rope tugging at her hair made her stop she STARED into the mirror… sure enough, that damnable Mouse was just putting the little bottle back down. She didn’t even try to stifle the groan that escaped her mouth. “I can keep this up all day. And all night, if I have to. Or I can wash off the anesthetic, gag and blindfold you, and tie you suspended from the ceiling. With both vibrators still in place and running.” Tanj’s eyes shifted, looking upwards; sure enough there were several eyebolts in the ceiling directly above her. The Mouse’s words brought her eyes back to the mirror, to his upside- down image. “I’ll put you in a harness and suspend you from the ceiling by it. You will be floating above the floor, blindfolded, gagged, and spread-eagled. And you won’t be able to stop having climaxes. All night long, held in delicious bondage.” The image of the Mouse grinned; “But you’ll have to beg me for it. You’ll have to convince me, convince your audience out there, that you want it.” Tanj’s eyes shifted to the transparent wall, to the crowd beyond. Some seemed to have moved, shifted a little, but it was still evident that she was the center of their attention. As she pondered her situation, the Mouse pressed upwards on the vibrator again. Tanj felt the vibrations, the pleasure slowly growing as the anesthetic wore off…… “Maybe if I don’t show any sign, I can steal a climax from this guy” Tanj thought to herself; “If I can get a climax, without begging, I can maintain my dignity…. Can’t I?”……. Tanj was concentrating, trying to block out the effects of the vibrators, of his occasional touch, trying hard to hold her body still….. The first hints of another climax were just starting to form around the edges of her consciousness, when the Mouse suddenly jerked the vibrator from her pussy. Tanj felt like howling in outrage, but once again managed only to bite her lip. The Mouse smiled, and waited for what was obviously a calculated time before pushing the vibrator back into her, holding it, twisting it, moving it until she was panting on the very edge once again…… and then suddenly it all went numb again. The Mouse worked at her. Truly a labor of love, to take such a proud female and cave in her resistance, to eliminate her stubbornness…. And this one was truly stubborn. But he loved a challenge and he had as much time as he needed. Working slowly, he contrived to bring her to the edge of a climax about every half hour. With the use of the anesthetic, he had much greater control over her; he was able to draw it out, letting her rest just enough to prevent exhaustion, but not enough to let her cool off. No, she was never allowed to cool off…. Smiling, one paw resting on her where he could gauge her heartbeat, he slid the vibrator back into her pussy, to be rewarded with a soft groan. It wouldn’t be long now…… Tanj’s eyes flicked open as the pleasures started to build once again. The image in the mirror showed the stands beyond the transparent wall more packed with furrs than ever before. A few were quite openly stroking themselves as the Mouse worked on her. Gazing at them, she wondered why she was resisting? The Mouse seemed to have an infinite patience, and she knew the Academy would never admit to a failure like this. The outcome had to be inevitable, didn’t it? Besides, promises made under duress didn’t count, and if this wasn’t duress, she didn’t know what was. Opening her mouth, the Cheetah tried to speak….. “What was that?” muttered the Mouse. Tanj coughed and shook, and then mewled; “Master, I can’t take any more… Please may I have a climax?” The Mouse just smiled, pushing the vibrator a little further into her dripping pussy, lifting its base a little, to transmit the vibrations more directly to her clitty; “You have to beg me, Slave. You don’t sound very sincere. In fact, I don’t think you’re sincere at all. I think you think you can squeak by with a feeble plea. No, I don’t think you’re sincere at all…….. Tanj moaned, barely hearing what the Mouse said; the vibrator was making her whole crotch tremble, making her soul resonate in time with its pulsations…… and then suddenly it all went numb again. Tanj HOWLED in frustration, her body surging, fighting her restraints. She was so tired, so cramped, and so very frustrated. The Mouse just chuckled, one finger stroking her now almost completely numb clitty, as the vibrator pushed back in; “you think it over and let me know when you REALLY mean it……” Tanj groaned; the anesthetic was wearing off slowly, the sensations returning; she knew soon she’d be balanced on the edge of another climax, and that she wanted it bad. Maybe if she started now, she could convince this bastard before he used that little bottle again….. “Puuuuulllllleeeeeeeeeezzzzzzz, Master” Tanj groaned; “Puuullllleeeeezzzz let this poor slave cum…..” The Mouse looked down at her and grinned; “You don’t sound convincing, Slave. Sometimes its easier to tell an unconvincing truth than it is to tell a convincing lie. Did you ever tell the Truth in an unconvincing way, because you didn’t want to be believed?” Tanj groaned. Even though she wanted the climax, didn’t care who saw, or who knew, didn’t care how she was acting in front of all those people, real or illusionary, she realized that there was still a kernel of pride that was keeping her from sounding convincing even though she was telling the truth… Thought she was telling the truth. Her voice sounded like something out of a bad play….. The Mouse grinned; “you think its degrading for you to have to beg me for your release? That’s just the start. Before you leave here, you’ll be begging us to do all sorts of things to you. But the journey of a thousand leagues starts with a single step. Now say, it, little Slave; say it like you mean it!” Tanj groaned and shuddered in her bonds; she wanted her release, wanted her climax, wanted to be let loose, wanted to go find a hole to crawl into and HIDE, to pretend none of this was happening to her, but as her mind flitted from idea to concept to image to idea, she realized that she DID want what the Mouse offered. She wanted her climax. She wanted it BAD. She wanted to be tied up, hung, suspended from the ceiling, with a vibrator giving her as many climaxes as she could handle…… Panting she mewled softly, and begged for her release. The Mouse smiled and let another drop of the clear liquid fall from the bottle’s dropper, onto the Cheetah’s clitty. The Howl she let loose as the sensations disappeared, as she once again went numb were music to his ears. Bending over, he whispered in her ear; “Not good enough.” Tanj howled; “Master I’ve asked for it; begged for it, what more do you want?” The Mouse smiled and whispered, as if for her alone; “Asking, begging is no longer enough. You have to convince me. Convince me that you LIKE what’s happening to you, that you find this whole situation delicious. Convince me you want all those people to see you beg, see you plead, witness your confession that you like this. Tell me what you like, little Slave; tell me how good this feels. Convince me.” The Mouse watched the consternation flow over the Cheetah’s upside-down face, and with a grin, touched the dropper from the bottle of anesthetic to her clitty. The dropper wasn’t full, but she didn’t know that, and her howls of protest were enough to convince him that she could no longer distinguish between genuine anesthesia, and the mere suggestion of it. He smiled and moved to stroke one of her prominent breasts…….. Tanj moaned and squirmed as the Mouse brought her to the edge of yet another climax, only to have it denied. Each time nirvana beckoned she was pulled back, her mind trying desperately to come up with words, with pleas that would convince the Mouse that she meant what she said. Eventually she was soaked in her own perspiration, her eyes stinging from the salt of her tears. Tanj never could remember just what words finally convinced the Mouse of her sincerity, but she knew they WERE sincere. She knew she’d literally begged, telling the Mouse the darkest deepest desires of her heart. She’d begged to be tied, begged to be used. Begged to be humiliated….. The Mouse smiled and crawled around to Tanj’s head; setting the mirror on its stand off to one side, he took his place by her muzzle; “Suck” was all he said. Tanj craned her neck, lips parting to take the Mouse’s hard cock between her lips; she sucked him with a fervor she’d never even imagined herself capable of before. As she worked her tongue over the Mouse’s shaft, he rocked his hips, sliding his shaft in and out of her muzzle. It seemed like just an instant, and a complete eternity before the Mouse was pulling his hips back, to spray his seed over her throat and chest. “Very good, little Slave; you show promise.” Moving back around to Tanj’s crotch, the Mouse reached down and switched off the vibrators. Tanj’s eyes flew wide open and her body jerked hard in her restraints; what was he DOING? Hadn’t she convinced him? Hadn’t she EARNED her climax? Her reward? The Mouse just turned and started untying her. As the rope to her paws was untied, Tanj settled back, laying flat on the floor, her arms still beneath her, with a groan, feeling her muscles howl in protest and relief. The Mouse undid all the other ropes and then gently rolled her over to unbind her arms and hair. That done, he looked at her and said simply “stand.” Tanj obeyed as rapidly as she could, given that her arms and legs didn’t really want to respond. Mutely, dumbly she watched as the Mouse fetched an elaborate harness, a maze of oiled black leather straps, and chrome buckles. It even had straps that went down the inside and outsides of her arms and legs, terminating in heavy padded cuffs at ankles and wrists, with other cuffs above her elbows and knees. Belts encircled her hips, waist, and above and below her breasts. Straps seemed to cover her everywhere…. Except for her crotch. The Mouse worked methodically, tightening here and there, making sure it fit correctly. Then he started laying out the suspension gear. Snap hooks were linked to a dozen points on her body. Cable ran to little hand-powered ratchets, and from there to the eyebolts in the ceiling. The Mouse smiled and with one of the little ratchets in his paws, started working the lever. Tanj felt one foot coming off the floor, rising higher and higher. Then, the Mouse moved to another ratchet, and the other foot started coming up. Tanj swung wildly for a moment, her body seeming to fall forward, swaying violently until she came to a new equilibrium. Gradually the Mouse ratcheted her up to about waist height. As Tanj hung there gently swaying she shook her dangling head. The Mouse had promised, hadn’t he? Was she going to get her reward? Was it all for nothing? Slowly the Mouse went around her, tying various places on her harness to eyebolts recessed in the floor. Then he was working the ratchets again, pulling her TIGHT into a spread-eagled position. Tanj looked around the room; the Mouse had departed without even a backwards glance. She was horizontal, arms and legs widespread, her breasts dangling. She’d just about given up on him when the door opened again and he padded into the room. The device he carried in his paws immediately caught her attention; it was a thick leather strap, with two very prominent phallic shapes. Padding around to between her widespread legs, the Mouse proceeded to work the dongs into her ass and pussy. The strap was then buckled tightly to the belts around her waist and hips, locking the dongs deep within her. Smiling, the Mouse wandered back around to face Tanj. “I know you told me the truth earlier, and that you deserve your reward for such good behavior, but I think we need to reinforce the point just a little more.” Behind him, the door swung open and a guard pushed a cart into the room. On the cart were appetizers and a selection of fine liqueurs. “The Academy is hosting a dinner tonight. Some of our best work will be on display.” The Mouse crouched to look into Tanj’s face; “you will beg the visitors to use your mouth. Beg them to push the buttons on this box that will activate the vibrators in your ass and pussy. You will beg them to use you in any fashion they want. If you want your climax, you will have to beg for it.” With that, the Mouse reached out and let his finger hover over the button on the box he’d set on the floor. Tanj mewled softly, hung her head, and panted “Would Master please take pity on this poor helpless slave and grant her a climax?” The Mouse smiled, ruffled her hair and just before leaving, pushed the button on the box. The two vibrators immediately came to life, and as he padded through the door, Tanj moaned as her long-delayed climax blossomed within her. Tanj’s head came up as she heard the door open. A well dressed male Fox, and a lady Mink in a fine evening dress stood in the doorway, staring. Tanj forced a smile; “Master…. Mistress…. Would you be so kind as to……” The room was full of furrs. Most were only partially watching as they discussed politics, or business, or the weather. A few were clustered around the suspended slave. One, an Elk, had opened his pants to let the bound Cheetah Fem suck his cock, while he rewarded her by pushing buttons on the box that had laid on the floor beneath her head. Tanj sucked fervently, her crotch abuzz with the vibrations from the two dongs. She’d lost count of the number of climaxes she’d talked the guests into giving her. Somewhere along the line she’d realized that she seemed to have a talent for wheedling them into doing what she most desired. Maybe it was her sincerity, she thought to herself with a wry grin. Rocking in her suspension bondage, she swirled her tongue around the Elk’s thick cock, wondering how long she could hold HIM on the edge of cumming? Just so long as he kept pushing those buttons…….. Tanj sank into the steaming waters of the bath with a heartfelt sigh. Across the tub, Marla the she-wolf watched curiously. When the guard had strolled out of earshot she moved closer through the steaming water to whisper; “Where you been, Girl? I was afraid you’d flunked the test! What happened? Tanj smiled and shrugged; “I guess I passed the test…. And learned a few things about myself in the process. Other than that….” Tanj grinned at the She- Wolf; “I’ve just been hangin’ around”….. Tanj's Tales: Introductory Restraint Stardate 2397.14 By Kittiara Tanj grumbled into her gag as the coffle moved into the classroom. They’d been through a full day of “instruction,” covering such topics as posture and decorum. And of course, full nudity. It had been made painfully clear that all they were likely to ever wear again, no matter where they were, no matter who they were sold to, would be their collar. They’d had what laughingly passed for dinner, and been to the baths. It was now time for the slaves-in-training to be locked into their kennels for some rest, NOT to be led back to yet another class! As the guard unchained her from the coffle, Tanj knelt where she was told to, assuming the position she’d so recently been instructed in; back straight, knees obscenely spread, palms resting face- up on her thighs, eyes fixed on a spot between her knees….. well, mostly when the guards were looking she directed her gaze there. When she thought she was unobserved, she let her gaze wander, curiosity gaining the best of her….. Kayla the Otter was there, looking as miserable as ever. Marla the Wolf was there too, looking, if anything, excited, as if she were embarking on a new adventure. There was one other female Tanj didn’t know, and four males. It was the first time she’d seen male slaves at the academy. Casting her gaze over a well-formed ursine boy, as nude as she was, she wondered why she was surprised that guys were being enslaved as well as girls. After she’d been kneeling for a while, Tanj found her joints getting sore, and she shifted a bit. As she wondered how long they were going to have to wait, she noticed that most of the class seemed increasingly restless; she wasn’t the only one not yet used to kneeling like this. As the instructor, a male gray Wolf walked in, Tanj wondered just how much practice she was going to get at kneeling “in the proper position”……. The instructor paced about, looking at them all for a moment and then grunted; “Welcome to Introductory Restraint. You’ll find that in your lives as slaves, you’ll be retrained rather often. In fact, it may be that you’re tied or chained more often than not. The purpose of this class is to get you used to it, and to teach you a little bit about it. Initially, I suspect, you’ll hate it, and resent it. In time, you may come to appreciate it. Some may actually find the loss of freedom… “liberating”. Some may find it sexy. Whether you gain these insights or not, you will learn to endure it with the proper attitude, the proper “grace”. You WILL learn to endure it.” Tanj watched as one of the guards started walking around the kneeling slaves. As he passed each one, he dropped three lengths of a soft white braided rope. Tanj looked at the lengths that hit the floor just in front of her, her head swiveling up to look as the Instructor started to talk again. “each of you turn to the furr next to you; pair off into twos. The one of you closest to the door will be tied the other, following my instructions.” Tanj looked to her left, realizing that there was only one furr between her and the door; that meant that she got to do the tying……. “Form the initial knot like this; two loops overlaying each other. Slide it over the right wrist of the person you’re tying.” Tanj formed the two loops, a simple clove hitch, and slid them over the right wrist of the Jaguar fem kneeling in front of her. Pulling the rope tight, she looked up at where the Instructor was demonstrating with the well-formed ursine boy…. “Get your ties neat, the ropes side by side, smooth and orderly. You wouldn’t believe how picky some Masters and Mistresses are about how a tie looks. For some, that appearance is more important than anything else. Now, take the free end of the rope and……” Tanj looked at the bound Jaguar fem at her feet. She’d tied her wrists together snugly behind her back, and under her tail, forcing her to arch her back a little, several loops of rope being wound between her paws to get it nice and tight. The loose end of the rope had been passed between her thighs, back to front, and then tied off around her waist. This buried the length of rope rather severely in the girl’s pussy. Another length of rope had been tied in a similar fashion around her ankles, just as neat, just as tight, and then brought up, for the other end to be tied around her arms, just above her elbows, pulling her back further into a “bent-bow” shape. The only part of her that seemed to be in contact with the floor was her stomach….. The third piece of rope had been braided into her hair, with the loose end tied around the rope that bound her ankles, pulling her head back severely. Tanj looked down at the poor girl, one paw resting on the cheek of her ass, and shook her head; she looked SOOOO uncomfortable! The Instructor made his way around the room, checking, while the unbound slaves knelt by the bound ones. As he passed Tanj, he paused, to check a few of the knots. As he moved on, Tanj heard him grunt, although whether it was a grunt of disgust or approval, she had no clue. “OK, students, pair up again; you know how now, lets see you practice your skill, and tie your partner in the same fashion.” Tanj looked at the male Squirrel, who was kneeling closest to her and shrugged wordlessly. He just gave her a wry grin and flopped down onto his stomach, paws crossed in the small of his back. Tanj sighed, picked up the next rope and wondered if she should be grateful that she got to be free for a moment longer… or pissed that she had to do all the heavy work? The instructor this time nodded his approval as he passed by Tanj. The four free students had been reduced to two. Tanj and Kayla. Kayla was looking a little nervous; her attempts thus far had drawn the instructor’s obvious scorn. Not wanting her friend to draw further censure, Tanj looked at the Otter and holding up another length of the white rope, crooked her finger. Kayla rolled her eyes and obligingly crawled across the floor to Tanj. As Tanj worked, she watched her fellow classmates. The Ursine boy was tugging hard at his ropes, as if he thought he might loosen them some. Short sharp jerks that seemed to be accomplishing nothing but annoying the instructor. Others were squirming a bit, as if unable to keep still. Marla, the she-wolf, seemed to be rocking back and forth, as if trying to grind her crotch into the carpet, upset that she couldn’t get the degree of contact she wanted. Then Tanj remembered the crotch rope, and grinned. It would be just like Marla to seek to stimulate herself by tugging on that rope….. Others just seemed to be laying there, although the Jaguar lass seemed to be particularly wild-eyed and panting, as if she were about to suffer an attack of claustrophobia while in a crowded elevator. As she finished with Kayla, the instructor stepped forward, checked a knot and nodded; grinning down at Tanj he purrrred; “your turn……..” Tanj lay on her stomach, paws behind her back, wrist to wrist. The instructor had taken three turns around her wrists, and then passed the rope twice between her arms, making the binding almost painfully tight. As he rolled her over, Tanj grunted involuntarily; laying on bound arms was QUITE uncomfortable! However it was nothing compared to the sensation of the Wolf pulling the rope from her bound paws up between her legs. “One of the things you can do at this moment” the Wolf growled, “is to make sure the rope is buried deep in a female’s pussy.” Using two fingers he spread her sex, laying the rope between the folds of her labia. “Its both a nice thing to do, and a mean thing to do” he chuckled as he proceeded to loop the end of the rope twice around her waist, and then, pulling it tight, tie it off to itself just above her mons. There was now a bright white Vee of rope from just above her sex spreading out to encircle her waist. Rolling her back over the Wolf turned to the task of tying her ankles together….. As he worked, Tanj squirmed a little, experimentally. Gasping she understood what the Instructor had been talking about as the rope sawed through her pussy! As the Wolf pulled her ankles up towards the small of her back, Tanj gasped. It felt like he was trying to bend her in half the wrong way. For a moment Tanj considered arching her back to relieve the tension, but then realized that he’d take up all that slack and then pull it tighter yet again. Finally the Wolf finished tying her ankles to her bound elbows. With a chuckle he twanged the rope as if it was a bowstring. It hummed. Tanj’s head came off the floor as he pulled her head back by her hair. Wondering why she hadn’t gotten a pageboy, or some other short style, she found she had a good view of her fellow students. She couldn’t lower her head if she tried. The instructor finished up with a sharp slap on Tanj’s rump, making the Cheetah jump as if she’d been shocked. Standing up, he growled; “Now, as you practiced your tying, I was watching. Positive behavior should receive positive reinforcement; however, negative behavior should receive….. negative reinforcement. You’ll now be graded on your performance…..” Tanj watched as the Wolf fetched a riding crop. Moving down the line of bound bodies, the crop flicked out to touch here and there, as he offered his comments. The Ursine boy was criticized for not holding still enough as he was tied. A male Kangaroo got a couple of swats for sloppy knotsmanship. And Kayla got four strokes for showing a distinct lack of enthusiasm for her work. Dropping the riding crop, the Wolf started around the circle again, this time giving out caresses, for things he thought students had done right. As he worked, he lectured, talking about how being bound could be highly erotic, how it could position you in an inviting manner, your body just begging to be touched. How your helplessness could inflame the lusts of your Masters or Mistresses. He must have spent four minutes stroking Marla’s breasts and crotch, rewarding her for her enthusiasm, murmuring about how sexy and rewarding this could be all the while. As Tanj wondered if this guy was for real, she caught a glimpse of Marla’s face; she seemed to be just eating up what he was saying...... As the Instructor stopped and rose, to padd away from her, Marla twisted to shoot him a frustrated, forlorn look, upset he’d stopped touching her. Finally he stopped before Tanj; “And then there’s you. Your knotsmanship was good, your style acceptable… but when you looked at the Otter girl over there and called her over, you were coming dangerously close to “assuming control.” A slave doesn’t take control. I think you need to be taught your proper place…..” Kneeling in front of Tanj, he pulled his loincloth free of his belt with one hand, as his other reached for Tanj’s hair….. Tanj tried hard not to gag as the Wolf thrust his cock in and out of her mouth. This one liked to drive it in deeply, and the Cheetah found herself gagging repeatedly as the head of his shaft tried to thrust its way past the back of her throat. She found, bound the way she was, that if he sat on the floor, one paw on the back of her head, he could literally rock her whole body back and forth, making her mouth engulf his cock. Working her tongue over the underside of his shaft, Tanj did what she could to please him, thinking the sooner he got his rocks off, the sooner he’d leave her alone. Unfortunately, as he was the one controlling her motions, he was able to speed up, or slow down, as suited his tastes. He took a good long time, enjoying her mouth, seemingly completely unconcerned about all the eyes watching him, until her jaw ached and her tongue felt like it was about to drop out of her mouth. Finally he started moving faster, bucking his hips up against her muzzle, and then, with a howl, he started spurting.…… Tanj groaned to herself; the Wolf had pulled out, spraying his seed all over her face. She could feel it dripping down the sides of her muzzle, feel it sticking to her cheeks….. Trying not to frown, she wondered WHY guys liked to do that….. The Wolf picked up his loincloth, and with a jaunty whistle, padded out the door, turning off the light just before he exited. Pausing at the door, he called back into the darkened room; “someone will be by to release you just before breakfast. You’ve got a busy day ahead of you, so try and get some (*snicker*) rest…..” Tanj sighed in the near-darkness. Some light bled under the door from the hall, and it was really all the Cheetah needed. Her night vision was pretty good. Over in one corner was a bowl of water, but it was meters distant from the nearest furr, and there was no doubt they wouldn’t be coming in to take them to the bathroom. Squirming a little she found there was NO way she could relieve the tension in her back or shoulders… or hips and knees and elbows and wrists…. Were they REALLY going to leave them like this over night? What about the loss of blood flow? This could do permanent damage! Finally Tanj set aside her fears, and tried to find that quiet place in her mind, a place she could retreat to, where things like this just didn’t exist…… Tanj didn’t know how long she’d been off in her own little world, when she heard the moan. Twisting around, swiveling her ears, she listened intently. It sounded like someone was in real trouble….. Then it came again, from her left. Trying to remember who was where, she squirmed, doing her best to inch-worm herself around, to look. A couple of meters away was the Jaguar fem that Tanj had tied… at the start of the class? How long HAD it been? Squirming a bit, Tanj tried to get closer. She knew they weren’t supposed to talk, that you could get in real trouble for that, but after basically rolling in the Jaguar’s direction she whispered; “you OK?” The Jaguar was panting heavily, and Tanj could sense her body shudder; “Ooooohhhhhhh, I can’t STAND this!” the Jaguar whispered back; “My shoulders hurt, my back hurts, I can’t MOVE!” Suddenly the Jaguar’s body went into a spasm of struggles as she tried to free herself. Finally she subsided, to whimper; “If I can’t get free, I’m going to go CRAZY! I can’t TAKE this!” Tanj was trying to frame a reply when something soft bumped into her; turning her head she found herself looking at the bottom end of Marla. The Wolf girl was grunting and squirming, her body wiggling from side to side. Both Tanj and the Jaguar fem watched in amazement as Marla managed to squirm around until they were all head-to-head, more or less. Marla giggled; “Hiya girls; what’s cookin’?” Tanj just shook her head; “Our friend here seems to be having problems.” The Jaguar nodded, almost convulsively; “I’m a bit claustrophobic; can’t stand small places; can’t stand to be confined… and this is all too close. I feel like if I can’t get free, I’m going to throw a screaming fit, or start foaming at the mouth…….” Marla grinned; “I can understand that… I guess we’re just going to have to give you something to distract you!” Tanj blinked and looked from the Jaguar to Marla and back; the Jaguar had her eyes closed, and looked as if she hadn’t heard a word Marla had said; there was a tenseness to her face, a brittleness, that had the Cheetah worried….. Looking back at Marla, Tanj whispered; “what you got in mind?” Marla smiled and just squirmed and wiggled some more, working her way down the Jaguar’s body, until she could lick at the Jaguar’s right breast. As she felt the Wolf’s tongue, the Jaguar’s eyes snapped open, and her head jerked as if she wanted to turn, to look at what Marla was doing. Tanj had to smile; only Marla could think of sex at a time like this……. It wasn’t easy; it must have taken half an hour to cover a little over a meter, but gradually, Tanj moved down by the Jaguar’s knees. “Now comes the hard part” Tanj grunted to herself; shifting a bit, she pushed her muzzle between the Jaguar’s knees, and squirming, tried to move forward. The Jaguar’s knees weren’t bound, but it would be an effort for her to spread her legs; still, as desperate as the Jaguar fem was to escape the prisons her mind imposed on her, she tried, doing her own squirming. Finally, craning her neck, pulling at her own tied hair, Tanj managed to get her tongue on the rope that sharply bisected the Jaguar’s crotch…… She couldn’t get to the really sensitive places, but she was sure she could distract the Jaguar never the less. The Bear heard the faint giggles and the sound of moving bodies; squirming around he stared in disbelief as the little spotted cat lady and the She-Wolf seemed to…. What WHERE they doing over there. Wincing as his motions tugged at his sore limbs, he squirmed, trying to get closer; this he HAD to see……. Kayla lifted her head, to LOOK; with a groan she let her head fall back, until the rope tugged at her hair; What was WRONG with those two? Didn’t they EVER stop? Tanj’s muzzle was plastered with the Jaguar’s juices; somewhere along the line she’d discovered that if she flexed her body, the rope would saw through her cleft. And in concert with Tanj’s tongue, she’d obviously decided that this was something nice. Through the course of the evening, she’d sawn herself to at least three climaxes. Tanj was certain that the Jaguar would have at the least, rope burns. But somehow, despite explorations by tongue, Tanj hadn’t tasted any blood….. And at least she wasn’t moaning in terror anymore…. Tanj’s head jerked up as the lights came on. She blinked hard, and then, realizing that her head was still wedged between the Jaguar’s thighs, tried to squirm away. However a large paw found her braided hair, to tug her upwards. Tanj gasped as she was rocked back onto her thighs, and eyes wide, found herself looking into the face of a rather large Stallion; “No use trying to escape, little Slave; we caught ya red-handed!” For once Tanj was glad that she was kneeling. Her punishment for the previous night’s little escapade had been five swift strokes with a cane, on her bottom. She could feel the weals on her ass, where her heels rubbed against her tender bottom. She’d seen the Jaguar fem in the baths, but she’d been ushered into a different tub; no chance to talk. Now they were back in their “night class”, waiting for the instructor. Random chance had deposited her on the floor next to Kayla, and the Otter looked as miserable as Tanj felt. “I wonder why the Academy bought her?” Tanj mused to herself; “She certainly doesn’t seem to be cut out for this sort of thing”…. Then realizing the ridiculousness of her thought Tanj snorted; “Like YOU’RE cut out for this, Tanj Girl?” she thought to herself. Once again her thoughts were cut short by the instructor showing up. He padded directly across the room to stand in front of Tanj. “Last night we had a student who got a little too enthusiastic. I’m sure you all know what I’m talking about. She’s been punished already, but just to make sure she doesn’t do it again……” Tanj tried to focus her eyes on the object the Wolf was dangling right in front of her nose… it looked like a soft plastic representation of a male’s erect cock, attached to a leather strap? The Wolf tapped the end of the thick phallus on the tip of Tanj’s nose; “In a way, it’s a shame, I had looked forward to…. Ah, but there are others… now, be a good girl and open your mouth…..” Tanj finally realized what the Wolf was intending, and her eyes went wide as her lips parted. The Wolf for his part, moved fast, taking little care, jamming the plastic dong into Tanj’s muzzle, moving to buckle one strap behind her head, another over the top of her muzzle between her nose and her eyes, to buckle under her chin. Tanj for her part almost broke her posture, her paws fluttering off her thighs for a moment before she caught herself. Trying hard not to gag, as the thing filled her mouth, straining her jaws, she looked around helplessly. It was MUCH larger than the ball gags she was used to, and pressing against the back of her throat, she had to fight hard not to gag….. As the Instructor tucked the end of the leather chin strap through the buckle, he straightened; “All nice and neat. THAT should keep you from messing around when you’re not supposed to.” Striding back to the front of the room, he turned and grinned at the class; “now, for tonight’s tie we use a short piece of dowel. Pair up and do as I do. Ah… you. Bear boy. You tie the Cheetah. Make sure you tie her TIGHT. I don’t want any more trouble with that one…… Tanj sat on the most sensitive part of her anatomy; her very sore bottom. Her knees were drawn up to her chest, with a length of dowel underneath them. Her arms were under the dowel, her wrists tied in front of her shins. The Bear had used exactly one short piece of rope, and the dowel, and here she was, effectively immobilized. If she hadn’t been sitting on the direct spot the strokes with the cane had been applied to, it might almost be… well, no, this’d never be comfortable. Tolerable perhaps…. As she watched the Instructor check knots, she wondered if when he was gone, she could roll over onto her back….. The door closed with a *snick* behind the instructor. Tanj sighed and rested her chin on her knees. Her jaw was already sore, and it was amazing how much saliva she was generating. She was getting messy, just from her drool. Hearing something whuf-whuf-whuffing from behind her, she turned her head to see Marla literally bouncing herself across the floor, moving like a demented, deformed inchworm. Tanj stared in amazement, and then shook her head; she had no idea how the Wolf fem was managing to DO that! “Heya, Tanj Girl” the Wolf whispered; “Gotta hand it to you; you managed to answer a question that’s been burning in my mind for some time!” Tanj blinked and managed to mumble a “whhrf?” into her gag. Marla nodded as if she’d understood perfectly; “Yup. There’s nobody watching us! It was the guard who caught you, that resulted in your punishment, not them watching us all night long; otherwise a bunch of us would have gotten it!” Tanj just mumbled something into her gag, not thinking the five stinging stripes with the cane was worth the information gained. Marla grinned in the darkness; “So, I feel I kinda owe you a little something for your trouble…. But the way you’re sitting, its gonna be a little hard to repay you…..” Tanj looked at the Wolf and wondered how, even if she wasn’t sitting, how Marla might be able to do ANYTHING about it…. But then, she didn’t WANT to be sitting anyways…… With a grunt she started rocking herself, back and forth until she rolled over onto her back. “Ooooh, Tanj, that’s perfect! Hold it just like that!” Tanj couldn’t see Marla, but she could hear her grunting as she did something.. and then there was a thump and a thud, and to her absolute amazement, she felt Marla’s tongue applied to her sore bottom….. Tanj shuddered, glad the gag was filling her mouth; Marla’s tongue was flicking back and forth over her clitty, and the sensation made her want to HOWL! As her climax peaked, and slowly receded, she realized Marla’s tongue wasn’t where it had been a moment ago. Then she heard a thud, and after a moment, the whuffing sound. Marla bounced herself around to where Tanj could see her; “Can’t kneel on my hands for too long; gets painful; besides, Jenny, that’s our Jaguar friend, promised she’d distract herself tonight by licking ME! Gotta go; and thanks again!” Tanj’s chest was still heaving as she panted, still trying to catch her breath when she heard a deep voice; “What your friend did for you looked nice. I think I can roll into the position she was in….. Tell you what; if you’d like, I’ll … try to do what she did, if later, you try to return the favor.” Tanj opened her eyes and looked at the young male Ursine. “Ummuffa, mrrrfle grwwowr urrrkl” was all she could get out past her gag. The Bear just chuckled; “Oh, I don’t mean tonight, necessarily; the way I’m tied, not sure you could get at my cock anyways. After watching, its pressed pretty hard against my stomach by my legs… but there WILL be a time in this place, of that I’m sure. Besides, I don’t have anything ELSE to do. Sure can’t sleep like this!” Tanj did her best to shrug, a motion that came out as a squirm more than anything. The Bear chuckled and nodded; “OK, let me see if I can rock forward…. Tanj eeped as something large and furry butted her in her sore bottom. “Ow! Sorry; mis-judged the distance. Bumped my nose too” the Bear whispered. “Should have started further back, I guess….” And then something large and wet was dragging itself along her pussy…… What the Bear lacked in skill, he made up for in enthusiasm, his large tongue lapping at her sex, squirming deep into her pussy, flicking here and there. All Tanj could do was squirm, pant, and moan into her gag. Her climax, when it came, was stronger than the first, and it left her weak and out of breath, with her eyes crossed…. Finally, his tongue lapped at her softly, broadly, licking up her juices before withdrawing. A few minutes and quite a few grunts later, there was a thud, and then the same scooting sound. The Bear scrunched up besides Tanj and grinned down into her upturned face; “Don’t forget now! Ya owe me one!” Tanj just nodded as best she could. After a moment the Bear looked up as a “Pssst!” was heard. It was Marla, giggling; “Hey, Bear! If you can catch me, you can have me!” she stage-whispered. Then she was scooting across the floor headed for the other side of the room. The Bear chuckled and huffing, started after her as best he could….. Tanj dozed in fits and jerks, unable to achieve a sound sleep. Somewhere across the room someone was snoring and Tanj was envious. Squirming, trying to rub her sore back against the carpet, she wondered what time it was, just before drifting off again. Tanj awoke with a jerk! Was she free? Was the guard untying her? Suddenly she realized that she had fallen onto her left side, and the dowel, sticking out to the side, had hit the floor first. Somehow the impact had driven it to the right, sliding under her knees, over her arms. Its end had slipped off of her left arm! Instinctively she squirmed, and in a moment was standing in the middle of the room, her paws bound in front of her, but otherwise free! Tanj’s first thought was to unbuckle and remove that *&%$#%*! Gag, but as she lifted her paws to her head she froze. She had “escaped” and there were severe punishments for that. What time WAS it? How long before the guards returned? Suddenly it seemed her hearing was very acute, as she strained to hear the sound of footfalls in the corridor outside. For an instant she wondered, if she was going to be punished for “escaping” perhaps she should try the door, see if it was unlocked, to take advantage of the situation and REALLY try to escape…. Then she remembered the security cameras and electomagnetically locked doors and sighed. Hurriedly resuming her sitting position, ignoring the screams of protest from her posterior, she fumbled with the dowel, wondering how she could get it back in place….. Close to tears, she tried again; she could get the dowel over one arm, and under her legs, but she could NOT get it over her other arm. No matter how she twisted, how she strained, she just couldn’t do it by herself…. Looking around, she found the Bear looking at her in the darkness….. “I don’t know if this is going to work; there isn’t much of the stick to push on, Missy” the Bear rumbled. Tanj tried to look encouragingly, wishing she could tell him that if he pushed until her arm broke, it would probably be better than being punished for “escaping”…… The Bear rocked onto his back, squirmed around some with what was becoming a significant level of practice, and brought one heel down on the wooden shaft. Tanj felt her arm complain as he pressed down, the other end of the dowel coming up under her knees. Tanj squirmed, trying to work the wood over her other arm, praying with every fiber of her body….. The Bear, thinking the other end of the dowel wasn’t high enough up, pushed down harder on his end, all but lifting his bottom off the floor. There was a snap, and suddenly Tanj felt the dowel break….. The Stallion looked down at the Cheetah and sighed; “you really ARE Trouble, aren’t you? You’re in for it now, Slave. Tanj hadn’t even tried to hide the broken dowel, but had merely placed it on the carpet in front of her, kneeling in the otherwise correct position……. Marla squinted through the steam, and nudged Jenny, the motion making ripples in the water of the bath. A guard was leading someone in……. someone shorter than the male Tiger guard, someone with spots…. Trying not to grin too widely, Marla glanced at Kayla as the Otter grumbled; “Guess they didn’t kill her after all. Jenny nodded, eyes wide; “Yeah, but she don’t look too good.” The latter drew a stern look from the Tiger guard, who was now close enough, if not to hear them, then to see lips moving. Unclasping the leash, and then unbinding the Cheetah fem’s paws, he rudely shoved Tanj into the water. Marla reached out and pulled Tanj to her as the Cheetah surfaced. Glaring at the retreating guard, the Wolf fem waited until he was safely out of earshot and then turned to look at Tanj; she looked…… frazzled. That was the only way to put it. As if every hair on her body had decided to join a group, and each group had decided it hated the groups around it. Little tufts of fur stood out from her hide in every which way. And yet, as much as she searched, she couldn’t find whip marks, or even bruises….. “Tanj girl, we thought they’d killed you! What HAPPENED?” Tanj shuddered…. “killed….. no…. that would have been a relief……” With a shudder, and a slosh of water, Tanj convulsively hugged the Wolf; “Oh, MARLA! They had some sort of a device… something that attached with little electrodes…. And when they pushed the switch, it felt as if every fiber of my body was on fire! I never DREAMED I could hurt that bad!” Kayla nodded solemnly; “I’ve heard of those. Pain inducers. They directly stimulate the nervous system. They’re SUPPOSED to be illegal…..” Tanj shuddered and whispered; “They wanted to find out what had really happened. What I was up to. What my plans were, who my accomplices were…… No truth drugs, no hypnosis, no voice stress analyzers, just pain and pain and more pain…….” Marla nodded and snuggled the Cheetah softly; “and you told them the truth, told them it was all an accident…..” Jenny nodded and whispered; “and finally they believed you……..” Tanj nodded, and shuddered again; “Finally, they did.” And then her eyes went wide; “Oh, MARLA!” Marla smiled and put a finger over Tanj’s muzzle; “I know; you told them all about me, and the bear, and what’s been going on; that’s OK, Dear. I don’t think they really care……. Right now, just relax; its over…….” Tanj leaned back against the Wolf fem and slid down into the steaming water; “Over? No….. no its not over. Not yet. Not until I’m shed of this place……… not until places like this don’t exist anywhere in the universe…….” Tanj was still shaking when the coffle moved into the classroom. The pain inducer didn’t seem to have done any permanent damage, but she still felt exhausted and drained. “Come on, Tanj” she thought to herself; “They say you can’t remember pain. Get over it.” And yet, every time her mind drifted back to the day’s events, she shuddered, and her knees went weak…… It was a relief to kneel on the floor as the guard unchained her….. The wait for the instructor’s arrival seemed almost pleasant. Tanj was in no hurry for him to appear, certain he’d add his own little touch to her day’s punishments for her “escape”…… And when he finally arrived, leading a slave, a porcupine fem, stalking through the door, slamming it behind him, he marched right up to stand over her. Looking down at her, the Wolf growled; “I’ve been hearing all sorts of stories of …. “illicit” sex, and goofing around going on in here. I’m beginning to think you aren’t taking this course seriously! All right, I think you’ll find tonight’s lesson a little less … enjoyable.” Looking down at Tanj he growled; “and you… I’m going to make an example out of YOU!” The Wolf lectured the class on the various uses of hair in tying a furr as the female porcupine braided Tanj’s hair, working from a top-knot on down. Somewhere they’d found a platinum blonde “fall” that almost exactly matched her hair, to weave into the braid, as one might make a “long splice” with a piece of rope. When the porcupine lass was done, Tanj’s hair reached from the very top of her head to the floor in one long braid. The end of this was wrapped around a teardrop shape of bent metal called a “thimble” and then braided back into itself. When the slave was done, it was obvious that Tanj could be fastened by her hair alone…… The Instructor lowered a rope from the ceiling, attaching a hook to the “eye” in the end of Tanj’s hair and tugged. Tanj came off her knees with an involuntary yelp, and the Instructor took up the slack as she stood. When he finally tied off the rope, Tanj was standing on tiptoes in the middle of the room, her arms waving as she tried to maintain her balance. The Instructor watched her for a moment and then gestured to the Porcupine lass, who left the room, only to return moments later with two three- legged stools. These were placed on either side of Tanj. The Instructor chuckled as he moved around behind Tanj, to wrap his arms around her waist, lifting her up; “Stand on the stools; one foot on each!” Tanj struggled to comply, finding her legs suddenly well spread. The Instructor gave her a slap on the rump and then proceeded to take up the slack on the rope, until once again, she was standing on tiptoe. “In this position, the slave has to be very attentive to her footing; should she stumble, and loose her footing, she’ll wind up hanging by her hair. I’m told that’s very painful. Oh, and if she kicks over one of the stools, she’ll not be able to regain her stance, no matter what she tries…. Now that we have our model properly positioned, we can continue……” Holding up a Vee- shape of leather, festooned with buckles, the Instructor chuckled; “This is called an arm binder, also known as a monoglove. It attaches to the back of the slave’s collar like this. Her paws go in the pocket at the bottom, face to face and this strap binds them together at the wrist. Now, when we tighten all the other buckles, it pulls her arms TIGHT behind her, encasing them in a Vee of black leather. Doesn’t that make her breasts stand out nicely?” Padding back around the precariously balanced Cheetah, the Wolf grinned; “and now to complete our ensemble, a nice thick plug gag……” Tanj groaned into her gag, as she tried hard to hold her balance on the wobbling stools. Her feet were cramped already, and her jaw muscles complaining, and the Instructor hadn’t even finished with tonight’s tie…. Most of the class was already bound, each male back-to-back with a female. The Male’s paws were brought behind his back, around the Female’s waist, where they were tightly tied to each other. While this might have otherwise left them in a nice spot for some caressing, a rope to the female’s collar held them pulled up so that there was no hope of getting in any erotic touches. The Female’s paws likewise were brought around behind her, but in most cases, as the males were larger, their paws were merely tied to each other, the rope between them forming a crease in the male’s belly. Legs were crossed, indian fashion, ankles tied to thighs. It was obvious no one was going anywhere tonight, and the chances for any pleasure dwelled with those few females tied to slender males. From where she teetered on the stools, Tanj could see Kayla tied to a male squirrel, her wrists actually lashed to each other right at the top of his sheath…… And she knew that when the instructor left, that Squirrel was going to be in for an interesting, and probably sleepless night. The last to be tied was the Bear. With Tanj “out of the equation” he was tied to the female porcupine the instructor had brought. It was obvious by the look on his face as the ropes were tightened that his back was going to be quite tender for a long time to come. Tanj tried shifting her weight from one foot to the other, but that didn’t help much. Somehow she knew before the night was over, she’d be hanging from her hair. It was absurd to think that she could stand on tiptoes all night long… And yet, she didn’t have much choice. Biting down on the gag, she concentrated on holding as still as she could……. Tanj’s eyes came open with an almost audible “snap” as the door opened. The way she was bound, she couldn’t get a good look at the door, but her ears told her the guards had arrived to release the slaves for the next day’s routine. Trying to put on a stoic demeanor, Tanj waited as every single other slave was released. When the guard finally lowered the rope holding her hair to the roof, Tanj collapsed, grimacing at the cramps in her legs and feet. When the guard pulled the plug gag from her mouth he grinned; “well look at this; bit almost clear through! Guess you had yourself a rough night, eh, slave? Now… what’s the punishment for damaging Academy property?” Tanj knelt on the floor, trying to keep her eyes open. The day’s classes had been a blur, something seen through a thick haze. Her instructors had been forced to frequently re-acquire her attention with a sharp rap of a riding crop, or a slap. Despite the danger of not appearing attentive, Tanj was just too exhausted to see straight. When the instructor entered the room, Tanj’s head came up with a jerk. She heard his chuckle and stifled a growl….. “Tonight, Class” the wolf growled “We deal with some adjuncts to the basic art of bondage. Girls, I want you to each take three of the shoe-laces I’m handing out, and turn to your male partners, as we explore the delicious world of genitalia boundage.” Tanj looked at the Bear’s crotch from a distance of several inches. One shoe-lace had been tied tightly around his balls, making them bulge. Another shoelace had been slipped under the back of the first, and brought forward to be tied to the front of the first loop, being used to further bind his sack, dividing his balls. The third had been tied on one side of the assemblage, and brought upwards over his sheath, forcing his cock to protrude, to be tied to the other side of the loop around his sack. It looked….. uncomfortable at best, and very painful at worst. As she stared at him, Tanj wondered about restricted bloodflow and unintended castration…… The Instructor paused, running his fingers over the Bear’s bound balls, and then nodded; “very good. Not too tight, not too loose.” And then he was moving on to examine Marla’s handiwork with a male kangaroo; “No, no, NO! Much too tight! We do not want to Damage the merchandise! Re-do it immediately!” Tanj held her pose, kneeling in front of the Bear, as the Instructor moved off to examine Kayla’s handiwork. Tanj, glancing to the side, gauging the Instructor’s progress through the class, leaned forward to run her tongue over the Bear’s bulging balls. It was an interesting sensation. She grinned up at him and gave him a wink, hoping he wasn’t mad at her. His efforts to help had been well meant, and Tanj was sorry for having gotten him punished, tied to that Porcupine girl….. She felt her heart rise a little as he winked back……. Her attention was suddenly drawn back to the class as the instructor called out; “OK, now for phase two; Gentlefurrs, you now get to practice the art of Breast Bondage on the ladies, possibly repaying them a little for their cruel handiwork with you………” Tanj sat cross-legged, ankles lashed to thighs. Her paws were tied palm to palm, with not only a rope around her wrist, but with string binding finger to finger as well. The rope from her wrists was tied to the back of her collar, pulling her wrists up sharply behind her back. Rope encircled her chest, above and below her breasts, compressing them at the base, making them stand out from her body. The Bear had then wound rope in a figure eight around her breasts, pulling them together, and further restricting their base. Looking down at herself, Tanj thought she looked as if someone had pasted a couple of round balloons to her chest. It was very tight, and her breasts throbbed softly with her heartbeat, and she thought she had some small measure of empathy for the Bear and his bound testicles. Despite the strained posture, and the pain from the tight ropes, Tanj was still close to dozing off when the Instructor came back to her; “one more little touch for you, my rebellious one.” Taking two pairs of chopsticks, he put rubberbands tightly around the base of each pair. Setting one pair down on the floor, his paw stroked her left nipple, teasing her until it tightened into a hard little nub. He then spread the shafts of the chopsticks, placing one stick on either side of her nipple about mid-way along the length of the chopstick. Bringing the other ends of the chopsticks close together, he used another rubberband to hold them together. Tanj's nipple was trapped painfully between the sticks. Chuckling, the instructor proceeded to use the other pair on her other nipple. Grinning, he rose, turned off the lights and left. Tanj looked down at her pinched nipples and shook her head; and she’d thought having her breasts tied was uncomfortable; this was downright painful. Groaning, she settled down to try and get what rest she could……. Tanj gradually came back from dreamland, to hear giggling…… Forcing her eyes open she tried hard to focus.. and when she did focus she couldn’t believe what she saw. Somehow, Marla and Jenny had knocked Kayla over; the Otter was on her side, her legs still bound in a triangle shape. Both the wolf and the Jaguar were giggling and lapping hard at the Otter’s exposed sex. The fact that they were both balanced on knees and bound breasts didn’t seem to hamper them in the least. At least they were tied such that they could almost lay almost flat on their stomachs…… Tanj just shook her head and chuckled. Looking around, she spied the Bear, sitting there, watching her. “Oh, what the Hell, I can sleep later” Tanj thought to herself. Twisting her body, she investigated just what it would take to move closer to the ursine…… The Bear grinned at her as she squirmed closer. The Cheetah fem had tried following Marla’s lead, but inchworming on her stomach wasn’t working; the chopsticks kept catching on the carpet. Rolling over and over seemed to be the best bet, with occasional “course corrections” made while on one side, squirming to change the angle. Finally she rested, panting hard, only a foot or two from the Bear. Grinning up at him, Tanj whispered “Think I owe you one about now; probably more than one…. I really didn’t mean for you to get in trouble for trying to help me the other night.” The Bear shrugged; “its OK; I don’t think it was as bad as it looked.” Tanj raised an eyebrow; “Tied to a Porcupine? I’d think your back would be raw!” The Bear just chuckled; “No, the instructor pushed most of her quills down before shoving her back at me; now if they’d been perpendicular to my back, I’d probably still be “stuck” on her, but as it was, it was just an irritation, not a disaster.” As the Bear talked, Tanj rolled over onto her stomach, and grunting, tried to inchworm closer. Finally, she was able to rest her head on his crossed legs, her tongue able to flick out over his sheath. Squirming, she tried to get closer, only to find the ends of the chopsticks pushing into his shins, with the resulting painful tugging on her nipples. Craning her neck, Tanj started licking softly, teasingly, nuzzling against the Bear’s bound sex. It wasn’t easy, but Tanj finally captured the head of the Bear’s shaft between her lips; she didn’t have much of a choice but to bend it down towards the perpendicular, something that was probably moderately uncomfortable for him. Especially considering how he was bound…. Of course as she tugged it down, it only forced more of its length into her mouth, something that, judging from the grunts and groans he was making, seemed to delight him. Tanj worked her tongue around his shaft, bobbing her head up and down, in an effort to work his cock in and out of her mouth as best possible, given how she was tied. And from the way the Bear was squirming, his hips trying to rock, to thrust his shaft into her mouth, it was obvious he was enjoying her attentions greatly. Despite the strained posture, her tightly tied breasts pressing into the carpet, supporting her chest, Tanj did what she could to take her time, to make it as languorous and sultry-slow as possible, bringing him to the edge and then letting him cool down some. The Bear didn’t seem to want any of that, whispering with increasing urgency, urging, and then begging Tanj to finish him, to get him off…. Finally Tanj relented, pulling her head down, driving his shaft deeper into her mouth as her tongue stroked over the sensitive underside, that one little spot just behind the head of his cock. With her tongue dancing wildly over his shaft, the Bear grunted, and shuddered, his cock starting to spurt. Tanj swallowed as fast as she could, amazed at the quantity of jism the Bear could put out with his balls tied as tight as they were. Finally he quieted, groaning softly with pleasure……. Tanj pulled her head back, giving his glistening shaft a few soft, teasing licks. Then with a grunt, she shoved herself back into a sitting position. Running her tongue around her muzzle, making sure there weren’t any telltale signs, she grinned at the Bear. “No, I can’t really think of anything beyond getting OUT of here. Oh, I admit, escape’s probably impossible. I certainly don’t see any effective way out. At least not without outside help…. MASSIVE outside help. And after the other day, I’d have to have a DAMN good idea I could actually pull it off before I tried it again. But I don’t like it here, don’t like what they’ve done to me, and I don’t care to think about what the future might hold for me.” The Bear nodded and whispered back; “I guess it all depends on your frame of reference. I never knew my father; my mother was a day laborer, and we were dirt poor. Never had anything. She died from some illness she caught working in the rain one day. It was probably something a healthy, well-fed person never would have caught, something a decent hospital could have cured in a few days…. But we didn’t have any money, and the only hospital nearby said they already had more charity cases than they could handle. After she died, I was sold to this place to pay off her debts. To tell you the truth, I’m not sure its all that bad. I’m eating better here than I ever did before, and I get clean each day. I’m not cold…” Grinning, the Bear looked at her; “And I’ve met some interesting people. No, I’m not THAT unhappy. As for the future, well, I just hope I wind up with some decent Master or Mistress. Preferably a Mistress. A KIND Mistress.” Tanj chuckled; “A kind, sexy, Mistress” The Bear nodded; “A kind, sexy, RICH Mistress!” Tanj just laughed; “I hope you get it; I do believe you deserve a break.” After a moment of silence, Tanj sighed; “I guess there’s a silver lining to every dark cloud…. At least for some people. Tanj was surprised when in the morning after breakfast, her coffle was led back to the restraint classroom. As the guard unchained her, and ushered her through the door, she observed most of her fellow students in this class already in place. Kneeling in her usual spot, she wondered if this meant that they were going to miss dinner, miss the nightly bath….. The Instructor padded into the room, followed by a guard, his arms full of… rubber? Grinning at his students, the Wolf growled; “we’re getting into some subjects now, that are probably best done before your daily bath. Today we’ll touch on the use of all-encompassing garments as it relates to bondage. I’m sure later in your “Erotic Dress” classes, you’ll explore latex a little further. Right now, we’re going to see how it can be used for restraint. Tanj, you come here; you’ll be the “demonstration” for the others…….” Tanj sneezed as the Wolf dusted her with the white powder; “This is talcum powder; it will help ease your way into the latex. Latex is a very stretchy polymer, and will adhere to you like a second skin. Some furrs have this thing for smooth, hairless skin, and if they decide not to shave you, this is the next best thing. Tanj looked at the garment the Wolf was holding up; it was shiny and black… and while it resembled a jumpsuit, it seemed to have only one leg…… and in a vee behind the back, only one “sleeve”….. and it came with a hood…. Grunting, Tanj tried to pull the rubber up over her legs. Both feet were side by side, encased in the single “leg” of the suit. It even had a “bootie” for her feet. The thing felt like it was three sizes too small, and Tanj had to struggle hard to pull it up. As she struggled the Instructor stood back and made the occasional comment. Her suit, it turned out, was a female one; the male ones only had a single butt-plug built into the crotch……. Getting the stretchy stuff up around her hips, Tanj grimaced as she moved to work first the dildo into her sex, and then the butt-plug into her bottom. As she was doing this, the instructor worked her tail through a hole in the seat of the garment. Pulling the latex up over her hips seated them both deep within her, and it was obvious that they were there to stay until she could remove the garment. The Wolf had to help once she’d pulled the suit up to her waist; her arms were pulled together behind her back, her paws palm to palm. The rubber was slowly stretched up her arms, up along her torso, until the Wolf, with a grunt, was able to work it over her shoulders. As he pulled the zipper up her front, careful not to catch any of her fur, she felt it compress her chest, squeezing her breasts…. The inside of the suit over her breasts was covered with little bumps, with a myriad of longer bumps in the area of her nipples; it felt …. “interesting” as the Wolf tugged and massaged the suit into place…. Turning to face the class, the instructor chuckled; “now comes the fun part. The hood is equipped with a gag, and pads for over the ears. In fact, the only holes in the suit are in the area of your nostrils. Now these are basically generic suits, so they may fit some better than others…..” So saying, the Wolf started to work the hood over Tanj’s head, flattening her ears to her skull, stretching the latex over her muzzle, sliding the built-in gag into her mouth, until he could slide the zipper up over her throat, to the tip of her chin. She couldn’t see anything through the latex, couldn’t hear a thing through the thick pads over her ears. The air smelled of rubber, and the plug gag in her mouth tasted of rubber. She couldn’t see, hear, or do more than squirm. Cut off from the outside world, her heatbeat loud in her ears, she waited…….. As she waited, the thought back to the instructor’s comments about Masters and Mistresses that liked smooth, hairless skin….. Shaved? Her owner might SHAVE her? Tanj groaned into her gag and shuddered in disgust. It seemed like she’d been standing there for an hour, when both the butt-plug and the dildo started vibrating, droning to life between her legs. The vibrations were quite noticeable, but as time wore on, they proved to be just short of the level required for her to climax. Panting, chest heaving against the tight rubber, she stood there and squirmed…… Her rumbling stomach made her think that it must be getting near time for dinner. She’d wished she’d started counting her heartbeats when they closed the zipper; that might have given her some indication of the passing time. Wondering when they might let her go, Tanj continued to stand there, tightly encased….. highly aroused, and very frustrated. Tanj groaned to herself; her hunger pains had faded. Her chest hurt from the constant strain of breathing, her expanding rib cage stretching the latex with every breath. And she was hot. Panting hot. Sweating hot. She felt like the suit was filling up with her sweat, and with the juices trickling from her thoroughly sodden pussy….. She felt like she’d been imprisoned in a sauna, and had been there for years…… Tanj’s head snapped up and she almost fell as the vibrations suddenly stopped. She felt someone fumbling under her chin, and then the zipper was being pulled down, the hood peeled back, snapping around her head as it was stretched off her muzzle. The Instructor looked at her and grinned; “squirm out of the suit by yourself.” Looking around, Tanj realized that having been the first student so encased, she was the first to be released. She was also the only one still standing. All the other forms were laying on the floor….. “Well, while no one told me I could lay down, they didn’t say I COULD lay down either…..” she grumbled to herself…. “or maybe they just lost their balance and fell…..” Squirming, panting harder than ever, the Cheetah struggled to work her way out of the latex sheath…… She grinned as the thought of a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis flitted through her mind. The air of the room felt cool on her damp fur. “OK, class, now that you’ve had your fun for the afternoon, this is how you CLEAN the suit you’ve just worn……” Tanj glanced at the wall over the instructor’s head. This room had a clock, and it showed that they still had a half hour before dinner! Without sight or sound, it had seemed like she’d been in the suit for DAYS; instead it had been just a few hours…… Marla watched as the guard strolled by, and then leaned close to Tanj; “I got a look at one of the guy’s suits as the Instructor put it on; it seemed to have like a codpiece that went over their crotch. I think it must stroke them somehow, or vibrate in the right place, to excite them as the dildos did us.” Tanj nodded; “it seems like it wouldn’t be fair for us to get some fun out of it, and not them. But for the life of me, I don’t know of ANY satisfactory mechanical means of masturbation for guys…..” Kayla chuckled; “if there WAS one, do you think the Academy would be able to stay in business?” Marla stifled a chuckle and with a quick glance at the guard, nodded; “Oh Yeah; not all of this is sexual; some folks just like to feel in control. I think that’s as much a reason for slaves as anything……” “As you’ve been such a good class (with a few notable exceptions), we’re going to do something a little different tonight.” The instructor seemed to be in a good mood for a change. “We’re going to further investigate tying you to each other again, except this time, you’ll be in a position to pleasure each other. Some Masters and Mistresses like to put on “living exhibitions” at parties or such. Tonight you will be graded on the show you put on, and on how many orgasms you give your partner. Yes, Marla, tonight we WILL be watching. Now, I want all the males flat on their backs…… Tanj squirmed. The Kangaroo’s tongue was deep in her pussy, squirming tirelessly. It made it real hard for her to practice her fellatio on his cock. Of course the way her head harness was tied to his thighs, it was certain that his shaft would remain in her mouth until he softened; and she wasn’t about to let THAT happen. Still, he seemed to have been drained of all the cum he had; they’d been at it for HOURS and she knew she was sore; she could only imagine how sore HE was by now…… And tired. Didn’t his tongue EVER get tired? Panting as yet another climax threatened to overwhelm her, she bucked against him, working against the straps, trying as best she could to work his cock in and out of her mouth…… Something large and furry bumped into Tanj, and the harness jangled as the straps went tight as she tried to look to that side. From the corner of her eye she caught another flash of motion and then the couple rolled into her field of view. Marla had been tied to the Bear, as Tanj had been tied to the Kangaroo, in the classic “69” position… except those two were taking it to extremes. It was as if they were wrestling to see who could be on “top,” with Marla’s giggles being stifled as the Bear again rolled over, to cover her with his large body. As he snurfled loudly between her thighs, his hips bucked, driving his shaft in and out of her mouth, fucking her face until he growled loudly with his release. Marla took instant advantage of his distraction, to roll them yet again, and having gained the “superior” position, to grind her crotch against his muzzle…. Tanj couldn’t help but chuckle around the Kangaroo’s thick cock; she doubted, if in his position, he’d seen what was going on, and for a moment she was tempted to roll him over to let him catch a glimpse….. Squirming her hips, pushing herself down against his muzzle, she decided she’d just tell him about it later….. Tanj was scarcely surprised when the coffle dropped her off at the introductory restraint class the next morning after breakfast. It seemed like this was taking up the whole curriculum now….. It seemed as if her whole life was being tied up in a pretzel, limbs bent in all sorts of different shapes. She could only wonder what would come next….. “I shouldn’t have asked” Tanj muttered to herself for the dozenth time….. The instructor had handed out what could only be called “chastity” belts. For the males, this was a reinforced “codpiece” that strapped over their sheaths, leaving their balls dangling freely. There was a strap around their waist, descending in front to the codpiece, with two straps in back, passing on either side of their tails, to join as they traveled between their legs to join up with the lower edge of the codpiece in front. For the girls, the strap was thin enough, and pulled tight enough to work between their labia. It made any type of vaginal or anal sex impossible, and it made walking a bit painful. After all the students had been locked in tightly, they were formed into a coffle, and led through the Academy’s halls. To Tanj’s immense surprise, they were lead through the courtyard, through the Academy’s gates, and into the city square beyond! There, in the square, were eight stocks. As each student was removed from the coffle, their head and wrists were placed in half- moon cut-outs in the thick lower board, the upper one, with matching cut-outs, hinged upwards on one end to admit them, and then pulled down to lock necks and wrists in place. The boards were locked together, as if the Academy were afraid someone would steal their students. Feet were locked in similar stocks, turned horizontal, holding her feet spread just a little beyond the width of her shoulders. Gags were then produced, filling the student’s mouths…. And then, as far as Tanj could see, from her limited range of vision, the guards had left, leaving them to the instructor and a few curious passers-by who had paused to watch the spectacle. “I’m going to leave you here, for a while. You have to get used to being nude and restrained in public, as well as in private. I’ll be back for you shortly before dinner time. This square becomes quite crowded with workers at lunch, and as the work day ends, and I’m sure you’ll receive plenty of, ah, “attention.” Have fun and (snicker) be good….” Tanj sighed and tried to tilt her head up enough to see the sky. There was some, but here on the edge of…. What city were they in, anyways? Whatever. While there were trees and grass visible, there were also enough office buildings that there was less sky visible than she would have liked. Still, the sun felt good on her back, and the breeze ruffled her fur nicely. Except for the bent-over posture it was almost pleasant……. Tanj Yelped into her gag! Something had stung her left nipple! She squirmed as best she could, trying to shoo away whatever was tormenting her. Then the sensation was repeated with her right nipple. This time, however it was accompanied by soft giggling. Craning her head around, she found there was simply no way she could see past the wood; her gaze was limited to roughly the 180 degrees from left to right. As she felt the sting again, she realized that someone was pinching her nipples! And all she could do was HOWL in protest, the noise all but silenced by her gag. After a while, the pains stopped and looking to her left she saw a couple of teenaged boys, one a skunk, the other a coyote, as they paused to tease Kayla. The Stocks were set in a slight arc, and being about 2/3 of the way along the arc, she could glimpse the other students, if she looked sharply to one side or the other. Kayla squirmed and bucked as bad as Tanj had…. Tanj watched the shadows, wondering if when rush-hour started, their situation would become worse or better; would there be more furrs to torment them as these two delinquents were, or would responsible adults shoo the truants away? So far the boys had pinched and teased Marla and Jenny, and had started in on the males, swatting their bottoms, and pinching them here or there. Watching, she noted that the Bear seemed very stoic with respect to their torments. For a while they tried everything they could think of to get a rise out of him, to provoke a response. Finally they turned and started back down the line of stocks. “OK, you take the Otter; I’m going to go back and tease the spotted cat some more; I like the way she squirms!” Tanj closed her eyes and groaned. It was obvious the Bear had the right idea; if he was no fun to tease, they’d get bored and wander off. Steeling herself not to move a hair, she waited, listening, her ears tracking the progress of the Skunk. And yet when he pinched her right nipple, it was all she could do to keep from thrashing in the stocks. Tanj glared at the kid; he’d given up pinching her, and had padded around behind her to investigate the extent of her “chastity belt.” Obviously disgusted he couldn’t do anything naughty there, he had moved back around, in front of her, to use his fingers to plug her nostrils. With the gag in her mouth, this meant she couldn’t breathe! As her lungs burned, Tanj tried hard not to move, but eventually it got too much for her and she began jerking her head around, trying to make him loose his grip, to make him let her get a breath. The skunk just giggled however, and shifted his paws, grabbing her nosering with one hand, pulling on it, as he tried to shove two fingers from his other paw up her nose. As her lungs burned, as her vision narrowed, Tanj wished someone would do to him what he was doing to her….. As her vision grew red and dimmed, she thought she heard voices, and the sound of many feet, and then suddenly her nostrils were free, and she was able to drag in a huge lungfull of air. The kid was gone. Tanj watched the commuters as they streamed by her. She’d never thought she’d be so happy to be naked and bound in front of so many strangers. It was a curious sensation. Most of the passers-by ignored her. Some gave her pitying looks while others grinned at her lasciviously. A few, mostly males, paused to fondle a breast, or to stroke her here or there. One paused to bend, to whisper the most obscene things in her ear, causing her to blush, the fur of her face bristling, to help release the heat of the blood flowing to her face. There was the occasional slap, or the occasional pinch, but mostly the crowd flowed around her. As the shadows lengthened, as the air cooled a bit, she watched as all the normal furrs passed by….. Tanj eased herself down into the steaming water of the baths. It felt good; her back was sore from being bent over all day, and certain other portions of her anatomy were sore as well. Those damned kids! Kayla was across the tub, sunk down until just her nose and ears were out of the water; it was obvious she hadn’t enjoyed it either. “So what do you think they’ll do next” Marla whispered, sliding through the hot water with barely a ripple to snuggle Tanj. “Oh, I don’t know” the Cheetah fem whispered back; “Probably the worst thing you could think of.” Jenny, across the tub, shuddered; “Can’t imagine what that could be; I NEVER thought I’d be tied up naked in a public place. I thought I was going to DIE of embarrassment!” Kayla groaned; “Oh, I can think of something worse. How about the way we were today, without the chastity belts.” As Jenny’s eyes grew wide, Marla grinned; “Oooooh, that’d be a NICE way to pass the time! But do you think any of those “straights” would stop and actually make use of us like that?” Tanj Chuckled; “Marla, you are absolutely incorrigible! But no, I don’t think that’d be the worst. After all, we don’t have any control over what they do to us, right? Its not OUR fault if they use us….. What I’d hate most is for them to make us masturbate in public. Make us pleasure ourselves. What could be more humiliating than that?” With a groan, Jenny just sank beneath the waters, until she was out of sight. Tanj watched and sighed; “And what can we do to help poor Jenny through this?” Marla just shrugged, making small waves ripple across the tub; “I don’t know; can’t help but wonder why they selected HER for this place…….” That evening’s class was different. The instructor was already in the room when they arrived, sitting crosslegged next to a huge pile of bright chromed chain. Next to the chain was a box of double-ended harness hooks…. Tanj knelt in her usual place, eyeing the chain warily. It looked heavy. Massive. Unbreakable. And unyieldingly hard. When all the students were in place the instructor rose; “you’ve all had a sampling of restraint by now. Its time you exercised your imagination, time you showed how well you’ve learned your lessons. I want you to pair up again, and restrain your partner, using the chain. Points will be awarded for simplicity, neatness, appearance and effectiveness. The furr with the highest point score will be rewarded; the low point score will be punished. Start now.” Tanj found herself next to Marla; the wolf grinned; “go for it, Girl; show me what you can do!” Tanj nodded, and looked around. The room sported quite a number of eyebolts and rings, in floor, ceiling, and walls…. And slowly an idea came to her; “Um, Marla, this might be a little harsh…..” The Wolf fem grinned and shrugged; “ ‘s OK Tanj, you know I like it wild….” Tanj nodded and picked up one end of the chromed chain, struggling to lift it over her head, to loop the end over a hook mounted to the ceiling….. Marla squirmed, and the chain barely rattled. Tanj watched and nodded, a half smile/half frown on her face. It had worked better than she thought it would have. Marla was standing, bound by the chain, unable to move. And Tanj couldn’t see anyway she could escape. The harsh part was she’d stand all night…… The chain descended from the hook mounted to the ceiling, to not-quite-loosely encircle her neck; the loop of chain was fastened to itself with one of the double-ended harness hooks. From there it descended down her back, to encircle her just above and then just below her breasts. If she couldn’t stand anymore, the chain would not strangle her, but would suspend her from the loops around her chest. It might not be pleasant, but it wouldn’t be fatal…. It continued down behind her, to encircle her arms pulled behind her back, above the elbow, then between her arms to encircle her waist, then down over her rump to encircle her wrists. From there, it went down along the back of her legs, to encircle her thighs, knees and finally her ankles. The chain was then pulled TIGHT downwards, to be clipped to a ring-bolt in the floor. Resuming her kneeling position, Tanj waited for the others to finish….. The instructor looked down at Jenny and sighed; she’d just about completely cocooned the Kangaroo male in chain, from his neck to his ankles. “It might be effective, Slave…” he growled, “If for no other reason than he can’t move under the weight of all that chain. But it looks…. Sloppy. OK, report to Tanj; she’ll tie you next.” Tanj sighed and looked down at Jenny; this one had been a little less rigorous; Jenny sat on her bottom, leaning forward a little. A chain around her neck traveled down her arms, to encircle them above the elbows, then down to encircle her wrists, and her ankles… At that point it looked just a little weak as the chain looped all the way around her wrists and ankles, with only three double ended harness hooks separating them, between ankle and wrist, between wrists, and between wrist and opposite ankle, holding them in the “loop”. Tanj was concerned that a determined fur might wiggle free there, if they tried hard enough. The chain then passed through a ring-bolt in the floor and came back up Jenny’s legs, encircling them at the knees and the hips, to terminate around her waist. If Jenny leaned over a little further, the chain would go slack in a few places….. She just didn’t have the heart to make it any tighter. The Instructor looked at Jenny and nodded, as if he understood all Tanj’s thoughts and motives. Glancing over where the Bear had been chained by one of the other males, he nodded again as if coming to a decision. “Slave, you didn’t tie this one as tight as you should have, and that’s points off, but you’ve still shown more imagination than any of the others. Your prize will be a bit of a compromise…. Tanj grunted into her gag as the vibrations started to bring her towards yet another climax. The Instructor had used the same pattern she’d used on Marla, except she was lying down on the floor Tightly stretched between two ring- bolts, her paws above her head. Before he’d laid her down, though, the Wolf had pushed a rather large vibrator into her pussy, and set it to maximum. While she felt like she was on the rack, from the tightness of the chains holding paws and feet, the vibrator was a delight…… And she knew she wasn’t going to get any sleep again this night. Was sleep deprivation part of the plan? Or just a side-effect? As the vibrations seemed to swell, to increase, she HOWLED into her gag, her climax blossoming, her body shuddering in response, the chains too tight to rattle. Tanj blinked and shook her head, trying to stay awake. After breakfast they’d been led back out through the Academy, into the city square beyond. The stocks were gone. Where a flowerbed had been the previous day, was now an expanse of sand. And there were eight holes in the sand, each about two feet wide, and of varying depths. Behind each hole was a pile of sand, obviously from the excavation of the hole. Kayla was at the head of the coffle this day, and as the guards unchained her, one of them pointed to one of the holes; “Just hop down in there…..” he grinned. Kayla looked at the hole, the guard, the Instructor and back to the hole. Reluctantly she sat on the edge and dropped down into the hole. It was just deep enough that her chin was level with the ground….. Tanj’s eyes went wide as the guards picked up a couple of shovels, and started filling in the hole, around Kayla’s nude body, pausing occasionally to tamp the sand tight. Tanj looked at the world from an elevation of about 12 centimeters above the ground. Her chin rested on the sand, her hair spread out behind her on the ground. The guards had left her paws bound behind her back, and had worked diligently at tamping the sand all around her body. She barely had enough leeway to breathe. And there was no way she could get out without help. Glancing at the sky again, she hoped it wouldn’t rain…… “OK, you’re all nice and buried now” the Instructor chuckled; “The point of today’s class is to get you used to providing sexual services in public. You’ll notice none of you are gagged. Anyone who wants to make use of your mouth is free to do so, and you will NOT refuse them. Today, you’ll be watched carefully, and graded on your responses! Those who do NOT respond enthusiastically and skillfully will be punished! I’ll be back for you just before dinner.” Turning on his heel, the Instructor strode back towards the academy, leaving two guards lounging in the shade of a nearby tree. Tanj’s ear twitched as a fly buzzed near it. The ground was cool, although the sun was nice and warm on her head. Her body was rather well supported, and in some respects it was all rather comfortable…… An occasional pedestrian crossed the square, giving them an occasional look, but so far no one had come close…… Tanj had watched the shadows shorten as the sun rose in the sky. So far, only one passer-by had paused, strolling back and forth in front of the buried furrs, looking. Tanj couldn’t quite see, but finally he’d knelt down in front of someone about five heads down the row, unzipping his pants, shuffling closer…. The sounds were faint, but liquid; slurps and soft moans…. After a few minutes he scooted back, pulled up his zipper, turned and walked off as if nothing untoward had happened. Tanj found it VERY surreal….. And then suddenly, a short while later, the doors of the surrounding office buildings started to open, to disgorge crowds of furrs. “Got to be lunch time” Tanj thought to herself….. Tanj looked WAY up at the furr standing over her head, looking down at her. He was a fairly good looking Ocelot, dressed in business casual, neat, and clean, and well groomed. Tanj tried to give him a wry smile, in place of the shrug that he couldn’t see, and she couldn’t execute. Tanj watched as he removed, folded, and then laid his jacket down, and then unfastened his belt. To her amazement he removed his trousers, laid them down, neatly folded on top of his jacket, and then slipped out of his boxers. Standing bare to the waist he grinned down at her again, and then carefully squatted, knelt, and shifted forward. Tanj forced a purrrrr as he presented her with his sex, craning her head forward just a little to lick softly at his balls, making them sway just a little. This was rewarded with the sound of him purrring, one paw moving to stroke the back of her head. Encouraged, Tanj licked up along the crease between his balls, stroking the tip of her tongue over his sheath, teasing softly, as if she had all the time in the world, until his cock stood forth proudly. With little urging he pushed his cock down, presenting it to Tanj’s lips; Tanj kissed the head of his shaft softly, pleased that he was clean there as well. As she inhaled his “fresh-scrubbed” scent she held him in her mouth, tongue stroking softly, dancing here and there. He responded with a groan and a little buck of his hips…. Tanj took this as a sign that he wasn’t interested in a slow, sensual encounter, and proceeded to rock her head back and forth aggressively. Each stroke taking a little more of his shaft into her mouth, until she felt the head of his cock pushing against the back of her throat. Sucking softly, her tongue swirling around his shaft, she used all the skills she’d so recently acquired, until with a series of soft grunts he started to spurt. Tanj swallowed every drop, purrrrring softly as if it was the very nectar of the gods, and when he’d finally run down, and started to pull back, she made a point of lapping at him, making sure he was clean. Just as quietly, the Ocelot dressed, and then giving Tanj’s head a pat, turned and strode off. Looking around, Tanj realized that a number of office workers were stretched out in the park, nude, or near-nude, soaking up the noontime sun as they ate their bag lunches. Amazed at the casualness of it all, she didn’t see the squirrel approaching. The sound of a toolbox hitting the ground brought her head back around. There before her stood a red squirrel in tradesman’s overalls, grinning down at her, thumbs hooked in the shoulder straps. “Hi there! You free? I mean, um… ah, well, what you did to that cat looked so good, I was wondering if I might… um… you know…..” Tanj chuckled and shook her head… The squirrel ran on; “I mean if you’ve got someone waiting, or if you need a break, or….” Tanj smiled and looked up at him; “No, I’m available; shuck out of those coveralls and come on down here…..” The Squirrel grinned and complied, peeling out of the coveralls with amazing speed leaving them in a rumpled heap by his toolbox. Tanj was a little amused to note that he wasn’t wearing underwear. Plopping down in front of her, the Squirrel put his paws on both sides of her head and groaned loudly as he pressed his crotch to her face…… Tanj grunted as the squirrel energetically thrust his cock into her mouth. From the noises he was making, it seemed obvious that he was having the time of his life; she just wished he’d slow down a little. It was difficult for her to lick him the way she’d been taught as eager as he was… Maybe he had an appointment somewhere he was getting late for…... The Squirrel on the other hand didn’t seem to be bothered by the lack of finesse; within a few short minutes he was cumming, filling her mouth with his seed. Tanj had barely swallowed it all when he was pulling back, standing to grin down at her; “Lady, that was great! If there’s ever any way I can return the favor you just let me know; name’s Redflame!” Holding up his coveralls he showed her the logo of an air conditioning repair company proudly, as if making sure she knew where to find him, should she ever be interested. Then he was shrugging back into the denim, and picking up his toolbox, he strode off, whistling happily. The Lunch crowd slowly thinned. Tanj glanced up as a shadow fell across her face. The Badger was a bit past middle age, and dressed nondescriptly. He looked down at her and then along the line of heads seemingly resting on the sand. “Lets see how you do, Slave” he growled. Unzipping his pants, pulling them down, he squatted in front of Tanj. Tanj waited patiently for him to come a little closer, but he didn’t seem to be in any hurry; as she lifted her eyes to look questioningly at him, he brought his paw around to thwap the side of her head; “Stick out that tongue, Slave. Reach for it. Lets see some EFFORT here!” Tanj winced at the blow, and sticking out her tongue, she pushed her head as far forward as the sand would allow, trying to touch his cock with her tongue. He was just out of reach. As she wiggled, trying, he thwapped her yet again; “Come on, you lazy slave, Work for it!” Tanj mewled and squirmed, trying by her motions to make it evident that she couldn’t reach, that her tongue wasn’t that long. For an instant she contemplated complaining, or asking him to move closer, but somehow she didn’t think this one would respond favorably to her talking. Finally he inched closer, and Tanj was just barely able to run her tongue along the front of his sheath. As she strained, as she licked, she realized that she wasn’t getting any reaction; he wasn’t getting hard….. “Come on, Bitch, lets see you work that tongue!” Tanj mewled as his paw came down on her head again; straining, she worked the tip of her tongue back and forth, stroking it where she could….. suddenly she felt his paw grab her hair, jerking her head forward as he thrust his hips at her. Mewling in pain, Tanj licked him furiously, trying to do whatever it was he wanted her to do, to make him stop hurting her! Gradually her frenzied licking got him semi- hard, and with a grunt, he reached down with both paws to pry her jaws apart, to shove his cock into her mouth. Tanj fastened her lips around his shaft, sucking with every bit of skill she had. The Badger for his part leaned over her, forcing her head back, driving his cock into her mouth, and against the back of her throat. Thrusting his hips cruelly, he battered his groin against her muzzle, shoving the head of his cock against the back of her throat. As her ministrations continued to have an effect, as he gradually stiffened, he continued to thrust at her, until he was able to work it past the back of her mouth, and force it down her throat! Tanj tried to howl around his meat as he blocked her airway; there was no way she could even struggle, the way he was holding her; with his fingers in the corners of her mouth she couldn’t even bite down on him! The Badger worked at her for what seemed like an eternity, only rarely pulling back enough for her to catch a breath. Finally he pulled back, and wrapping a paw around his shaft, he pumped his cock furiously. Cumming with a shout, he pumped his cock hard, moving it from side to side, his seed splattering all over her face…… With a growl, he gave her one last swat on the ear; “Even a half-way skilled whore should have gotten me off a helluva lot faster than that, Bitch. You SUCK!” Pulling up his pants, he turned and stalked off. Tanj was panting hard, still trying to get her breath back, when another shadow fell across her face. “No, not again, not so soon” she whimpered to herself. Raising her eyes she looked at one of the Academy guards; “Don’t listen to what he says. He’s…. dysfunctional. If he can’t hurt someone, he can’t get his rocks off. Usually the girls he chooses CAN’T get him off, no matter what he, or they do, and we have to pull him off her before he…… damages the goods.” Turning, the guard headed back towards the shade tree…. Tanj watched him go, and then straightened her head, and sighed; “Great. Leave it to me to get the dysfunctional ones. What else could go wrong?” The giggling brought Tanj’s head around again. They were back. The two juvenile delinquents. As they walked up and down the line of heads in the sand, they giggled and made snide comments to each other. “Hey, what about this one? Bet she’s got a talented tongue!” “Naw, her mouth’s too small; she could never hold me. How ‘bout this one?” “He’s a GUY!” “Yeah; bet he just LOVES to suck cock! Think he’s over the humiliation yet?” Suddenly there was a shadow over Tanj’s face; she resisted the urge to look up, but by the feet, it was the Coyote. “Hey, look at this one, her pretty face is just all covered in jism!” “Yeah, she’s a mess! Don’t want to take HER, she’s filthy” “Yeah, but I bet I know a way to clean her off!” Tanj heard the sound of a zipper being pulled, while the other youth snickered; “Carl, you really ARE a shit! I LOVE it!” The next thing Tanj knew, something warm was raining down on her head. The guard watched from his shady spot under the tree as the Cheetah howled in protest. That would draw her negative marks. Of course he didn’t think he’d like being peed on either, but it wasn’t a slave’s place to complain like that. As he watched, he wondered where she’d learned all those foul words…… She hadn’t repeated herself yet! Tanj was doing a slow burn as the two youths moved off. The Squirrel, from the sounds of it, was taking advantage of Kayla’s mouth, while the Coyote seemed to be forcing the Bear to suck him off. Neither seemed to last very long, and thankfully they were soon departing. Tanj grumbled, tried to ignore the odor, and relax until they decided to dig her out…… The baths that night were a welcome relief. Tanj scrubbed hard at her head, trying to get the dried cum, and the urine out of her fur. She’d even run a pawful of liquid soap into her mouth, trying to get rid of the Badger’s taste. She was lathering up for the third time, knowing she was clean, but still feeling very dirty, when the guards came to get them out. Still in a dark mood, Tanj shuffled along in the coffle as they headed back, not towards the kennels as she’d hoped, but again towards the Introductory Restraint classroom…… Tanj knelt in her usual place, listening to the instructor give his reviews of their performance. He droned on, talking about how they’d adapted to the loss of mobility, to the public exposure, how they’d handled the various furrs that had stopped by to avail themselves of their bodies….. Tanj’s marks were varied, high in some areas, such as imagination, and low in other areas, such as her tolerance of the two youths that had tormented her. On average, she came out just above the point where “remedial” work would be necessary. That was all she cared about, she realized; getting out of this class and on to whatever came next…… as the Instructor droned on, her mind started to wander, wondering what the future might hold. Would it be pleasant furrs such as the well dressed, and polite one? Abusive ones, such as the old Badger? With a quiet chuckle she remembered the over-enthusiastic squirrel…… The “Graduation Ceremony” was more of the same, conducted this time, in the Academy’s lobby. Tanj was strapped tightly to a padded stone block, her rump barely at its edge, her legs pulled back and shackled to either side, exposing her sex. Her body was bent back over a rounded edge, her collar locked to the front vertical face of the block, her upper torso upside-down. Her arms were drawn along either side face of the block, and shackled to her ankle cuffs. She was blindfolded, and a thick rubber- coated ring gag filled her mouth. Apparently the block of stone was carefully sized, as a number of furrs had fucked her very exposed sex from a standing position, with little difficulty, while on the other side, kneeling furrs found her mouth at just the right height for her to service them that way. Her muscles were strained and cramped, and yet, as time went by, she realized there WAS a delicious component to it all. The way she was tied, she must be a sight! And she had to admit, she’d rather pass the time, using her tongue on some furr's sex, male or female, or better yet, have some anonymous male work his cock in and out of her pussy, than simply hang there, with nothing to distract her from her sore limbs and back…. As some furr’s paws stroked over her tummy, one paw moving down to cup her mons, the other stroking up to cup a breast she purrrred with delight……. Things had gotten quiet. Tanj hadn’t heard a footfall in quite a while, at least an hour by counting her heartbeats. It must be late in the evening….. No one had touched her in an even longer time, and that frustrated her; the more she thought about her situation, the hotter she seemed to get…. Trying to distract herself from her own lusts, she tried to remember what the instructor had said about what was to come next….. had he mentioned an advanced course in restraint? Something about “suspension?” Suspension? As in bridges? As in being hung from the ceiling? An involuntary shudder passed through her body as she considered what THAT would look like. What it would feel like…. And then there was something about a post- graduate course…. Voluntary bondage? What in the heck was THAT? Trying to clear her mind, to force the images out of her consciousness, she tried to concentrate instead on counting her heartbeats…. How many until morning, and her release? Release…. Would anyone want to use her before they unstrapped her? In a way, a part of her hoped so…… Tanj's Tales: Kabbazah / Sahajoli Stardate 2397.16 By Kittiara Kabbazah Tanj stood where the guard directed her to, one paw rubbing the wrist of the other. She was new to the academy, new to being constantly chained, new to being constantly naked. She knew she wasn’t supposed to meet anyone’s gaze, and yet her curiosity always seemed to get the better of her, and as she stood, she cast covert looks around the room. This was one of the biggest rooms she’d been in yet, probably a good ten meters by fifteen meters. Both walls were lined with mirrors, and handrails, and Tanj thought of the pictures she'd seen of ballerinas practicing….. and shuddered as she imagined herself doing some sort of leg lift, one paw on the rail, her sex widely exposed for all to see. Dragging her gaze away from the railing and the mirrored wall she again took a look around the room. The twenty female slaves were being spaced out through the room, well beyond arms reach of each other, and Tanj wondered what they were in for now…… She stood with her paws at her side, resisting the urge to cover herself, knowing things like that were NOT permitted here…. Still, she just wasn’t used to being naked in from of so many people, ESPECIALLY the three obviously male guards….. Movement at the front of the room drew her attention, and she found herself looking at a nude female Rottweiler….. Almost nude…. Instead of the ever-present collar, this one wore a belt, with a card key dangling from it… and a leather quirt, a short, muti-stranded whip. From her bearing, if nothing else, she was obviously the instructor. Sometimes in the Academy it was hard to tell. Her hair was dark and short, and her body muscular… almost to the point of being so muscular she’d lost her femininity….. As Tanj tried to watch without watching; from her demeanor, from her movements, somehow, the term “bitch” came to mind….. “All right, Slaves, its time to start your physical training. No flabby bodies at the Academy! Good muscle tone will make you more attractive, and help you get a better owner! Lets start with fifty jumping jacks!” Tanj watched, and tried to follow, her loose hair flying as she jumped and moved…… Although she’d thought she was in pretty good shape, by the end of the fifty, she was panting…. “OK, everyone on your backs, hands behind your necks; on the count of three, lift your heels off the floor, legs straight, and hold them for a count of ten…..” Tanj heard the “thwack” and turned to look; one of the slaves, a somewhat overweight chinchilla, wasn’t keeping up, and one of the guards had stepped forward to “encourage” her with a touch of his riding crop. Blinking, grunting, Tanj redoubled her efforts, trying hard not to fall behind…… By the time they got to the push-ups, all three guards were busy; no one was keeping up with the instructor, despite her shouts and the guards’ whips. Tanj was panting, struggling, feeling as if her arms were about to fall off… and then one of the riding crops landed on her ass, galvanizing her off the floor. Muttering to herself, she wondered how long this would last…… It was with great relief that Tanj finally brought herself to a sitting position; the Instructor Bitch had called a halt, and the Cheetah sat panting, not caring if she was in the proper posture or not….. Dimly, past the blood pounding in her ears, she heard the Instructor say something about how now that they were warmed up, they could go into the next room and the exercise machines….. Lifting her head she groaned as the guards opened double doors, and gestured to the class…… Tanj shook her head and struggled to comply with her instructions; it seemed that it hadn’t taken long for her to draw the Instructor’s attentions…. Like all Cheetahs, Tanj found she could put out an incredible burst of strength… but that she had little endurance. Even with the weight machine set at a modest amount, she was having difficulty doing the twenty “reps” the instructor was demanding. Even the occasional swat of the riding crop was doing little to encourage her. Finally, with what to her was Herculean effort, she completed the last one. Panting, she jerked her body from the seat, making way for another fem. Panting hard, she missed the Instructor’s motions, until one of the guards brought his quirt down on her ass. Jumping, she looked around. The Rotweiler bitch was standing by the leg lift machine, gesturing at her…… Tanj was exhausted. Tread mills and stationary bicycles; rowing machines and a dozen types of weight machines. They’d cycled each of the slaves through them all. The only real break of any kind had been when a vixen had gotten her tail caught; it was one of those machines where you reach up and grab the handlebars, and as you pulled down, the stack of weights behind you went up… Well apparently she’d swished her tail behind her as she pulled down and when she’d let the handlebar go back up, she’d gotten a real pain in the tail. While the guards extricated her, the Instructor just laughed and commented on how she’d never had that problem, wiggling her tight butt with her very-short docked tail. Tanj was sorry for the Vixen, but had found the short breather while the guards and instructor were otherwise occupied a Godsend. Finally the guards opened another set of double doors. Tanj expected them to be all herded out to form into a coffle, but the next room was very similar to the first, with exercise mats lining the floor and mirrors on the walls. Catching a flicker of motion, Tanj looked up, eyes widening as she realized that the ceiling was mirrored as well. No escape from the image of her own shocking nudity! Once again the guards spaced the slaves out. Groaning to herself, Tanj waited to see what they’d do next….. The instructor followed them in, passing among them, her quirt slapping here or there to adjust some girl’s posture, or position. Finally she stood in front of them, hands on hips, gazing at them; “now the fun starts. We’ve exercised your main muscle groups, but there’s one that has yet to receive attention; these are the Pubo-Coccygeal and Kegel muscles…..” The Instructor paused, watching, her gaze flitting from face to face. Tanj frowned slightly; she’d heard those terms before, but couldn’t remember…… Suddenly it dawned on her what the Instructor was talking about….. The Bitch grinned; “Ah, I see recognition on some of your faces. Yes! That’s RIGHT! We’re going to train the muscles surrounding your vagina! The Instructor then quoted from an ancient tome; something called the “Kama Sutra;” The female must ... close and constrict the Yoni until it holds the Lingam as with a finger, opening and shutting at her pleasure, and finally acting as the hand of the Gopala-girl who milks the cow. This can be learned only by long practice, and especially by throwing the will into the part affected, even as men endeavor to sharpen their hearing ... Her husband will then value her above all women, nor would he exchange her for the most beautiful queen in the Three Worlds ... Among some races the constrictor vaginae muscles are abnormally developed. In Abyssinia, for instance, a women can so exert them as to cause pain to a man, and, when sitting on his thighs, she can induce orgasm without moving any other part of her person. Such an artist is called by the Arabs Kabbazah, literally, a holder, and it is not surprising that slave dealers pay large sums for her." With a grin, the Instructor closed the book and growled; “All the female students of the Academy receive the advanced training that will make them “Kabbazah” or “holders”…. Tanj watched, in a state between shock and amazement; they were going to train WHAT? As she gazed at the Rotweiler bitch, the Instructor folded her arms behind her back, and with a wide grin, lectured the class: “With well-exercised vaginal muscles, the stimulation of both the clitoris and the G-spot will increase during intercourse. When the muscles of the pelvic floor contracts, during orgasm or by a conscious contraction, the labia will move too. The little hood that is created over the clitoris where the labia minora meet will glide back and forth over it. Direct Stimulation of the Clitoris, WITHOUT touching it! The same phenomenon will happen, but to a lesser extent, when the penis is moved back and forth in the vagina. But the more exercised the vaginal muscles are, the greater this “involuntary” stimulation of the clitoris and the G-spot will be!” Tanj listened to what the Instructor was saying, her skepticism rising to the surface; “the Academy doesn’t do ANYTHING for ANYONE for nothing. Here it sounds like they’re going to be giving us a great gift….. but what’s in it for THEM?” The Instructor was rattling on, as Tanj’s attention jerked back; “… further more, strong muscles contain more of the capillaries that help fill the clitoris with blood. Its when the clitoris swells and rises that it becomes more sensitive and can receive and send signals of pleasure through your body….” Tanj looked down at herself, her gaze traveling between her breasts towards her mons; for a moment she wondered what a muscular vagina looked like? Blinking she looked back up at the instructor, wondering what HERS looked like. Somehow she had the thought that she was likely to find out…… “You’ll find that exercising these muscles will make it easier for you to reach orgasm. It’ll make your orgasms stronger and better, as the muscles you’re exercising are the same as are used during orgasm. It’ll make your vagina more sensitive; you’ll feel more. When squeezing, you’ll feel your partner MUCH better inside. It’ll simply heighten your sexual satisfaction!” Tanj’s attention snapped back as the Instructor shifted; “now here’s how we’ll begin. Lay on your back on the mat, in the “Frog” position”….” For a moment the room was full of the rustling as all the slaves complied. The Instructor was strolling among them again, her quirt flicking out here and there; “No, you Idiot! The FROG position! Knees bent! Pads of your feet touching each other!” Tanj shifted, bringing the pads of her feet face to face, her heels just inches from her now VERY exposed sex, moving quickly to mimic the other students, the ones who apparently had known what the Frog position was…. Trying to follow the Instructor’s movements, Tanj’s face burned with embarrassment…… “OK, now, I want each of you to insert ONE, and only one finger into your vagina. I don’t care if you use the left or right hand, and I don’t care which finger you use; you just have to have something in there to squeeze against…..” Tanj’s face blushed even hotter and she raised her head to look down her body; there, leaning against the wall, was a guard, looking RIGHT at her. Reluctantly, she moved one paw down over her stomach, across her mons, until the heel of her paw rested on her mound. Grunting, she worked her middle finger into her snatch, surprised to find out it wasn’t as dry as she thought it would be……. “All right; now, imagine the two interior walls of your vagina, the front and the rear. Try to bring them together as if you were trying to stop a jet of urine. Keep your stomach muscles relaxed. You might find it advantageous to put your other paw there, to feel how tense you are. Don’t press your buttocks together, not even if you feel the muscles in your bottom straining….. Now lets hold that for a count of six; One one thousand, Two two thousand….. Tanj’s gaze flicked upwards to the guard. He was still watching her. Grunting, she tried to squeeze as hard as she could, surprised at how weakly her sex gripped her finger. As the instructor reached six six thousand, Tanj relaxed, letting her head fall back to the mat; maybe if she pretended the guard wasn’t there…… The Bitch nodded and then grinned; “OK, now do it again. We’ll do forty reps, rest, and then do another forty. Ready? Squeeze! One one thousand… Two two thousand….” Tanj closed her eyes, and tried hard to squeeze, feeling herself move around her finger. Concentrating she tried to make the right muscles do what she wanted….. As she squeezed, she wondered what kind of an exam THIS class was going to have? The Instructor walked amongst the students, talking as they “exercised”…. “You’ll find that if your Master or Mistress ever wants to breed you, this will make childbirth much easier, and your muscles will regain strength much faster after the birth.” As she struggled to control herself, Tanj frowned; “Childbirth? They can DO that to me? They can make me……? The HELL they will!” Evidently, the look on her face betrayed her emotions, as the sudden sting of a lash across her left thigh suddenly snapped her back. Her eyes flying open wide, Tanj stared up into the grinning face of one of the guards. He nodded as if knowing just what was on her mind, as if to say “yes, they CAN do that with your body, if they so choose.” Tanj just groaned, and turned her mind back to what she was supposed to be doing. But deep down inside, a part of her still rebelled at the thought. “But most of all, for your Master, your efforts in this area will make a tremendous difference. You’ll be tighter, and you’ll be able to pull and squeeze his cock. And that will make you all the more valuable to him.” Tanj panted softly, thinking “ah, now there’s the REAL reason they’re doing this. One more “talent” to charge for! If we’re more valuable to our Masters, then we’ll command a higher selling price for the academy!” Grunting softly, clenching down yet again, Tanj wondered if it would be a better strategy to skimp on these exercises, or to try and excel at them? A poor result would lead to her commanding a lower price, and hence a more menial position upon graduation. Would her chances for escape be better from a brothel, or a bar, than from a mansion, or some large corporation? At the moment she couldn’t decide…. As she wondered, her mind weighing the alternatives, the Bitch called a halt to the exercises, commanding them all to rise, to form a coffle…. Tanj lounged in the steaming hot water of the baths. Her muscles were sore, unused to the harsh regimen imposed upon them that day. As she slowly ran her paws over her fur, under the water, trying to get all the soap out of her fur, she looked through the steam at the other girls in the tub. Marla was there, up to her chin in the water, a funny look on her face. Moving carefully across the tub, Tanj moved up against her left side, intending to ask her what she thought of their Kegel exercises….. The She-Wolf’s eyes opened to a slit and she smiled; suddenly Tanj’s right paw was caught, under the water, as the She-Wolf moved, directing her paw to Marla’s crotch. “Tanj, stick your finger in there and tell me if you think I can clench down tight enough?” Tanj felt her index finger slip between the Wolf’s labia, and then felt the velvet walls of her pussy contract around her finger. “Ummmmm, yeah, Marla, I think you can do that real well; you can get a lot tighter than I can……” Tanj almost levitated out of the water as the Wolf’s paw found her own crotch, to slide a finger into her pussy. “Show me, Tanj; how tight can YOU get?” Tanj bit her lower lip and concentrated, clenching down. Marla grinned; “I dunno, I think you’re pretty good yourself…..” Kayla the otter drifted a little closer, moving in from the other side of the she-Wolf. “My sisters and I used to play a game with each other. We’d take one of those disposable bottles of douche, insert the neck (still full of fluid, of course) into our pussies and then see who could hold it up the longest, using only those muscles. It took me four months of practice before I could beat my older sister! Here, feel for yourself…..” Tanj suddenly found her other paw captured, tugged across the She-Wolf’s body, one finger enveloped by the Otter’s pussy. The Cheetah’s eyes widened as Kayla grinned, clenching down with amazing force; “Ooooooo, Marla, you have GOT to feel this!” Tanj lay on the straw in the slave kennels. Her legs were in the frog position, one finger within her pussy, as she clenched down, practicing. She couldn’t believe that Kayla, of all people, was so practiced at this! It seemed like almost anything related to the Academy, and by extension, to sex turned the otter off….. and here she and her sisters had been playing the most naughty of games…… And Marla seemed to think it was SO neat! Feeling like she was being left behind, the Cheetah clenched down, and slowly counted to six….. Hearing a rustling, Tanj’s eyes flew open, her head turning; there, on the other side of the bars was a guard, a gray Wolf, standing there, watching. Her face burning in shame, Tanj rolled over onto her belly, turning away from him. The guard just chuckled and strolled on……. Tanj panted as she walked on the treadmill; the exercise course was steadying down to a set routine. Each day the students were demanded to go a little bit further, and as much as she hated to admit it, she knew her muscles were firming up, her endurance building. She’d started walking, and had then moved up to a trot, and then to a run, and then back down to a trot; now she was in the “cool down” phase, her chest heaving…. As she walked, her legs still moving faster than she’d like, she wondered if the Academy really did have the treadmills and the stationary bicycles hooked into generators….. As they were ushered into the next room, Tanj sat where she was told. Some of the…… “humiliation” of the Kegel exercise class was beginning to wear off, and in a strange fashion, she found herself almost looking forward to it… at least as much as she looked forward to ANYTHING in this God-forsaken place. The Instructor, still nude except for her belt supporting the quirt and the card-key, padded through them, to stand, paws behind her back, chest thrust out, to growl; “All right, class; you know the basic drill… I want you to lay back, and start your exercises. I’ll let you count to yourselves. As you work, I want to review the basic anatomy, to make sure you know as much as possible about what you’re doing……” Tanj lay back, squirming a little to get comfortable; the heel of her right paw rested on her mons as she worked her index finger into her pussy; her left paw rested on her stomach. Clenching down, she started a slow count as the Rotweiler bitch started to lecture….. “The part of your body including your hip bones is the Pelvic area. At the bottom of the Pelvis, several layers of muscle stretch between your legs. This is the "Pelvic Floor.” The muscles attach to the front, back and sides of the Pelvic bone. Two pelvic muscles do most of the work. The biggest one stretches like a hammock. The other is shaped like a triangle. The Bulbospongiosus, or constrictor cunni muscles compress the vestibular bulb and constricts the vaginal orifice. The combination of Puborectalis, Pubococcygeus, Pubovaginalis and Iliococcygenus is called the Levator ani and they all work to elevate the pelvic floor. The Pubovaginalis draws the vagina forward and superiorly. The Sphincter Urethrae compresses the urethra and the vagina….” Tanj grunted, trying to clench as tightly on the twelfth rep as she had on the first, thinking to herself “now there’s more information than I need; why should I care what the names of the muscles are? All I need to do is to be able to control ‘em!” The Rotweiler strolled among the students, watching, continuing her monolog; “As you can see, there are plenty of muscle groups down there; when you become talented at controlling each one, you’ll be surprised at what you can do…… Now, as you’ve been working the past couple of days, I’m sure you’ve all realized that as you do this, you become sexually aroused. Some of you have been found “practicing” on your own, in the baths or the kennels. That’s fine. No punishments for touching yourself AS LONG AS ITS PART OF THE EXERCISES! The Academy WANTS you to develop these muscles. Therefor, it will be one of the FEW ways in which you can masturbate, or become aroused by yourself! However, I must warn you, masturbation is only a COMPLIMENT to the Kegel exercises, NOT a substitute! You MUST use your muscles a lot during masturbation if there’s to be any gain! IF we think you’re using it as an excuse, there WILL be punishments! Now, here’s how to get more enjoyment out of doing your exercises….” Tanj listened in amazement as the Bitch told them just how to combine pleasure with the exercises. Shaking her head she thought to herself; “They must REALLY want us to learn this, if they’re willing to go THAT far……” And then she giggled to herself, thinking of Marla, thinking the Wolf fem was going to stroke herself to oblivion, given this as an excuse…. Tanj’s attention snapped back as the Rotweiler bitch growled; “OK, I want you to shift your pattern now; as you contract, as you hold it, between the fifth and sixth seconds, I want you to add three fast contractions, squeezing even harder….” Tanj closed her eyes, clenching down as the Instructor started counting, listening, and as she reached Five, Tanj tried to pulse her vaginal muscles three times fast. Distressed at her lack of control, she never even heard the Instructor count “Six”… The slap across one thigh brought her back, her eyes flying open wide; the Rotweiler was staring right down into her face; “not working like you want it to?” Timidly, Tanj shook her head from side to side. The Rotweiler just nodded; “Keep trying; it’ll come.” Straightening the bitch looked around the room; “OK, lets do it AGAIN! ONE one thousand, and SQUEEZE…. Two two thousand…. Hold it now…..” Tanj’s mind seemed to be centered on her pussy, aware of herself like she’d never been before; as the Instructor’s words echoed distantly, she concentrated, squeezing, using her finger to measure what muscles did what, seeking with increasing frustration, a way of controlling her own body. As she worked, she was aware of how hot this was all making her, of how her pussy was literally dripping. Stealing a quick moment, she twisted her paw a little, her thumb stroking across her hard clitty, smearing her juices….. For a moment she thought she was going to climax, but somehow she fought it down, not wanting to do THAT in front of the guards, in front of the instructor, or the other slaves……. As she worked, some part of her mind turned away in disgust at the feelings she was experiencing, at the things she was doing….. As she strolled among the students, the Instructor growled; “Begin the contraction movement from your anus, where the “kegel-muscles” begin. Then contract forward, upward. Presumably it will feel harder to contract the higher-up muscles in your vagina; however, these muscles should be developed, as they’ll be more favorable in stimulating the G-spot. Don’t neglect them! If you have to, put one hand on your stomach to make sure its relaxed. Breathe out while you squeeze! Tanj’s concentration was broken when one of the slaves let out an audible moan; glancing over to her left she watched in amazement as the Ferret’s body shuddered and arched; she’d obviously stroked herself to a climax, an event normally QUITE forbidden in the Academy….. The Academy WANTED its students to be a little sexually frustrated, a little eager for a good climax, and self- abuse was generally quite forbidden…. But in this case the guards just smiled and the Instructor nodded almost in agreement with the Ferret’s actions. Scarcely missing a beat the Rotweiler Bitch continued on with her count, continuing the exercises…. After what seems to Tanj like hours, but what was actually more like half way through the exercise period, the Instructor growled; “we’re going to change the pattern again. Tighten a little, count to five; tighten a little more, count to five, tighten as hard as possible, count to five; relax a little, count to five, relax a little more, count to five, and then relax completely. Got that? OK, Start! One one thousand, Two two thousand, …” As she tried to modulate the response of her muscles, Tanj realized that her nose was full of the scents of aroused females. “I know I’m Dripping” she growled to herself; “But I guess I’m not the only one.” Glancing to one side and then the other, she wondered if any of the other slaves felt as embarrassed as she felt? Closing her eyes, concentrating on what she was doing and the sensations her exercises brought, she decided it was hard to say. Some might be, but others were obviously, wantonly, enjoying themselves…... Finally the Instructor gave them leave to stop, and to sit up. Grinning at them, the Bitch informed them that at the end of the week, and at the end of every week until the end of their stay at the academy, their progress would be evaluated. Those not moving along as desired would be punished. Grinning wider, she growled; “Those that meet, or exceed their goals will find that such an accomplishment is its own reward. You’ll see what I mean….” Strolling over to one of the slaves, a rather petite bunny, she looked down and growled; “stick your finger into my cunt, and I’ll show you what well developed muscles are…. With a somewhat bewildered look on her face the Bunny tentatively stretched out one paw, her index finger held out…. The Rotweiler grinned wider and grabbed the slave’s paw, jerking it towards her, roughly stuffing the proffered finger into her sex. Releasing the Bunny’s wrist, the Rotweiler’s face contorted as she stressed her muscles, obviously straining. “Now try and pull it out”… The bunny’s eyes widened in surprise as she tugged downwards, timidly at first and then almost desperately; it was obvious that try as she might she COULDN’T pull her finger out! Finally, after what seemed like several minutes, the Rotweiler relented and the bunny was able to pull her finger out…. Looking rather relieved. Tanj’s eyes opened at the sound of quiet giggling. She was resting in the baths, letting her body soak in the heat from the steaming water, letting her muscles relax. Peering through the steam she saw Marla and Kayla huddled together. Rising, drifting across the tub, she looked from face to face; “what’s going on?” Kayla’s eyes flashed to check the position of the guard and then she whispered; “we’re seeing who’s tighter. I still think I’m tighter than the Wolf here, but Marla says she’s just as tight.” Marla giggled; “Hey, you’re an “independent observer”…. YOU tell us who’s tighter!” Tanj was about to object, to demurr, when furry paws caught her arms, dragging her closer. Marla pressed Tanj’s left paw to her crotch, while the Otter took possession of her right paw. Suddenly, Tanj found her index fingers gripped by both girl’s sexes! Tanj looked from face to face, and then shrugged; “I have to agree with Marla; you’re both about the same…..” Kayla made a face and relaxed, moving back against the wall of the tub a little… and then a smile lit her face; “and how are YOU coming with your exercises, Tanj? How tight are YOU?” Before Tanj could move, Marla had moved closer, roughly driving a finger into the Cheetah’s sex as she purrred; “Squeeze for me, Tanj; show me how tight YOU are!” Tanj looked at the Wolf in shock and amazement for a moment, but then shrugged and concentrated, tensing her muscles, gripping the Wolf’s finger. Marla’s eyes went open wide and she gasped; “Tanj Dear, you’re TIGHT!” Tanj chuckled and sighed; “Yeah, but I can’t hold it for long. No endurance…….” Marla nodded slowly; “Now that you’re going to have to work on, especially if what I think is coming actually comes….” Tanj opened her mouth to ask what THAT might be, but a stern look from a guard forced her back against the side of the tub, her mouth closing, her question unspoken….. Tanj stood on the exercise mat, her arms crossed in front of her chest as she pressed the space between thumb and forefinger against the insides of her upper arms, tensing her muscles. The Exercise was supposed to be good for the muscles that supported her breasts, and while she didn’t really object to strengthening them, or to this particular exercise, what she did object to was the way that one guard, the Stoat, watched how her chest moved as she exercised…. watched SO intently…. He was staring right AT her! Blushing, she found herself staring back, unable to find anywhere else to look…… The subsequent push-ups were almost a relief, and as she grunted, Tanj noted the Stoat moving around the wall, to fasten his gaze on another girl’s ass, with equal intensity…… The Rotweiler was in the Kegel exercise room when Tanj was let in, with the other slaves; she’d barely taken her place when the Bitch growled; “today we try a few more variants. I want you to all remain standing this time. As you squeeze, I want you to rise to tiptoes. Now, as soon as you’re ready, I want you to contract your muscles for three seconds, and then relax for three; repeat that ten times. We start… now! Squeeze!…. One one thousand, Two two thousand…. Tanj had barely had time to work one finger into her sex before the Instructor started her count; to her surprise she found herself already wet… could she really be anticipating the class that much? Putting that thought aside, she grinned to herself and worked her muscles hard, thinking that she wasn’t about to let Marla, or Kayla get the better of her in this…… “All right, now I want you to squeeze and release as rapidly as possible for a count of 25. Ready? Start! One, one thousand, Two, two thousand….” Tanj listened to the count as she tried to flutter her muscles, feeling the response on her finger; grumbling to herself she fought for control of her muscles, trying to make them squeeze faster and faster, oblivious to her surroundings….. “All right, Class; now we’re going to do something a little more difficult. I want you to try and imagine you’re trying to draw your finger INTO your vagina, and to hold it for three seconds. We’ll repeat this three times. Ready? Start!” Tanj blinked and thought to herself “Draw it INTO my pussy? HOW? In confusion, she tried tensing from the bottom up. As the Rotweiler counted, Tanj wondered if she was actually accomplishing anything… was such a degree of control of her muscles possible? “Now, Class, we’re going to do just the opposite. Imagine you’re trying to eject something from your vagina, holding that feeling for three seconds. Lets see if you can force those fingers out of your pussies! Ready? Start!” Tanj smiled to herself; this seemed a little easier, and sure enough, as she concentrated, it seemed as if her sex was trying to expel her finger. Grunting with effort, she worked her muscles, trying to improve her control….. Tanj lay on her side, facing the concrete wall of her kennel, feigning sleep. One arm, hopefully hidden from view, was pressed hard down the front of her body, her middle finger buried in her twat. Hoping the guards wouldn’t know what she was doing, Tanj struggled to control her muscles. The Instructor had said that she should be able to pull something into her pussy, but she just couldn’t seem to figure out HOW. Squeezing yet again, she tried to figure it all out….. The Guard watched the Cheetah’s tail twitch and jerk, and smiled; he knew she wasn’t asleep, and he thought he knew what she was up to….. and if it was that class this group started a few days ago, well, he didn’t need to interfere. The Academy wanted them practiced at that, and therefor he’d let her work at it… unless of course she got too vocal…….. Tanj shuddered, and snuck a quick stroke, her thumb rubbing over her clitty…… as much as she hated to admit it, this “work” was thrilling, in a way……. And she was getting to the point where the exercises were becoming more than just work… she’d always taken pride in her abilities…. But this? Was this something she could take pride in? Kayla, the otherwise shy and repressed Otter seemed to delight in her abilities in this area. Marla? Tanj snorted; couldn’t judge by HER….. Even if she DID master this, dare she Ever tell ANYONE about it? Still, she thought, there would be times when SOMEONE else would know….. Loosing her train of thought as her thumb stroked back and forth, her breathing quickened, and her body shuddered as her climax blossomed. As she struggled to hold her body still, to keep from crying out, she felt her pussy spasm and contract around her finger, tugging at her, and suddenly she knew how……… The guard watched the cheetah roll onto her back, legs splayed. As he’d thought, she was diddling herself, and from the look on her face, she’d just climaxed…. But she didn’t seem to be stopping there…… Moving quietly, the guard stalked forward….. Tanj grinned widely, clenching her muscles again, feeling her pussy suck at her finger; it was a most marvelous sensation; the pressures were weak, but definite, and Tanj was certain that with practice she’d become stronger…… chuckling to herself she contracted her muscles, feeling the velvet walls of her pussy tug lightly at her finger one more time. Forgetting herself, the Cheetah let out a quiet “YESSSSS!” The soft chuckle brought Tanj’s eyes open WIDE. The guard was RIGHT THERE, standing over her, inches away, separated only by the bars of her kennel! “you seem pleased with yourself, little slave; tell me what it is that pleases you so in the middle of the night.” Tanj blinked, and opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out…. The guard chuckled; “don’t worry, I’m not going to punish you; this group’s got special dispensation, for a while at least…..” Tanj nodded; “Um…. Ah, well, m..master, I just, um, well, figured out how to do something……” The guard nodded, and reached through the bars, to softly extract her paw from her crotch, replacing her finger with his own; “show me” he purrrred. Tanj looked at the Ocelot, and swallowed hard, still not yet used to the indignity of having some stranger do that to her….. For a moment she considered showing him how she could push his finger from her sex, but after a moment, thought the better of it… “Maybe I SHOULD take pride in this” flashed through her mind…. “lets find out” came the following thought. Closing her eyes, she concentrated and squeezed, doing her best to suck his finger into her pussy….. The guard smiled, as he felt her contractions; “Yes, I see. I’m told that’s not easy to do. Not all the girls that pass through here ever learn how to do it right. But I think you need practice…. Do it again.” Tanj concentrated and clenched down again, trying hard to do it right…. “Yes, better” The guard purrred. Tanj let out a small moan as the guard’s finger stroked over her clitty; “see, you do good work, you get rewarded; now lets feel it again….” Tanj panted, sweating hard; every time she worked her muscles around the guard’s finger correctly, he stroked her clitty…. And after an untold time practicing, he’d worked her into a lather, her pussy clenching around his finger almost frantically, milking him as she teetered on the edge of her release…… The guard smiled and pulled his finger out suddenly. Tanj’s eyes flew open, and she stifled a wail of protest, but then she saw what the guard was doing. Watching, her chest heaving, Tanj gazed on as the Ocelot removed his loincloth, revealing a raging erection. “get on hands and knees, put your legs through the bars, and back up against me; right now, I think you want this as much as I do…. Besides, its time you practiced your art on a real cock……. Conflicting emotions raged through Tanj’s mind for a split second, and then she realized she DID want him…. And she did want to see what she could do with more than just a finger…. Doing as he bade her, she shifted, backing up against the bars, her pussy framed by two steel rods pressing into the globes of her ass…… The feel of the Ocelot’s cock pushing into her was both humiliating and heavenly…… she felt his paws on her hips, reaching through the bars, and then she heard him whisper; “show me what you can do, little slave….” Tanj groaned and worked her muscles as she’d never worked them before; she squeezed him, pulled at him, pushed at him, fluttering her vaginal muscles around him, until she thought she’d drop from exhaustion… and as she worked she became hotter, wetter, more aroused……. The motions, the feelings were incredible, but nowhere near enough to get her off by themselves…. Not yet, anyways…. She’d just about resolved to move one paw beneath her, to stroke her own quim, when she felt the guard start to move……… With her ass pressed hard against the bars, Tanj savored the feeling of the guard fucking her, taking her, using her….. whether it was the novelty, or the long teasing, it seemed like only instants before her climax exploded behind her eyeballs, galvanizing her body… somewhere in the haze of her climax, she felt him cum within her, and she squeezed down HARD! The guard grunted and with both paws on her rump, pulled back, until his cock fell from the Cheetah’s snatch. “That, missy, was VERY good. When you get done with your training, I bet you’ll be really something. But you’ve got a long way to go. Get some sleep. Classes start in a little over two hours.” Tanj lay on the straw, her chest still heaving, smiling. “Really something, eh? Hmmmmmmm, yes…..” “Today, Class, we’ll exercise in different positions. Remember, today is the first of the weekly exams. Now, everyone in the Missionary position! We’ll start with the rapid contractions…. Ready? Begin!” Tanj shifted one more time. They’d gone through the whole exercise routine on their backs, legs widespread, and then on hands and knees, and then on their backs again with their knees against their chests, and then with just their shoulders and the soles of their feet touching the mats, with their hips thrust high in the air… It was while Tanj was in this position that the Instructor stopped between her legs, pulling her paw away from her crotch and shoving one of her own fingers into the Cheetah’s dripping snatch. Tanj followed the exercise routine as she directed, clenching her vaginal muscles as tight as she could, for as long as she could. Finally the Bitch jerked her finger out, and looked down at Tanj; “good muscle tone, but you’re having a problem holding it. You do much better on the rapid contractions, but have difficulty maintaining the pressure. Still, I suppose you pass, for this week. Best keep practicing, though….” Turning, the Rotweiler strode to the next girl; “OK, everyone into the “riding” position; on your knees, knees spread wide, torso vertical, back straight! As you squeeze, I want you to raise and lower yourself as if you were riding a nice hard cock! Ready? Begin!” Tanj squatted, feet well spaced, as she struggled to hold her contraction; the Instructor had them doing squats as they exercised their vaginal muscles, and Tanj was panting from the exertion. Somehow she had to work on her endurance…. Three of the girls had flunked their first exam, and Tanj could only wonder what would happen to them. Whatever it was, she was sure she didn’t want it to happen to her……. Marla shook her head; “I hear they got downgraded, shifted to the Academy’s “short course.” Kayla lay in the water, only the tip of her muzzle and the tips of her ears above the steaming water; “Yeah; they’ll be sold for a lot less than we will, and probably wind up in some cut-rate brothel somewhere… or sold to a mining camp, where they’ll be expected to work all day and fuck all night…..” Tanj just shook her head and shivered, despite the hot water; “I don’t know what the future holds for us, but I suppose commanding a better price is better than getting sold cheap…. I mean, they’ll be less likely to mistreat someone they paid a lot of money for, won’t they? Kayla and Marla just shot each other questioning looks, and finally Marla mumbled; “I hope so, Tanj, I hope so…..” Still panting from her more normal exercises, Tanj followed the other slaves into the Kegel exercise room. Taking her accustomed position, the Cheetah smiled; there, where she normally knelt, was a simple polished wooden dildo laying on the exercise mat. As she knelt, eyes fixed on the phallus, the Rotweiler strode into the room; “This week, we’ll be getting more into aids to your Kegel exercises. As you probably have guessed, there are muscles further up your vagina, beyond where most fingers can reach. Today we’ll start working on them, and we’ve given you something a little longer to “work against”. OK, everyone in the Frog position, lets get those dildoes stuffed up where they belong!” Tanj was grinning, when the guard, also grinning, gave her a light slap with his quirt; they BOTH knew she was taking a little too long working that dildo into her sex…… “Did you SEE her?” Marla’s whisper was loud enough to make two guard’s heads turn, one of them taking three steps towards the wolf, before she sank under the waters of the bath in embarrassment. When she finally surfaced, the guard was still there; the whip catching her across her shoulders. “NO TALKING” the guard growled, and after a moment, glowering at the other fems in the tub, he stalked off. Marla hunched over in the water, eyes downcast, until she was sure he was gone. Straightening, she looked around, carefully scanning the horizon. Tanj smiled, thinking of ancient submarines and periscopes as the Wolf fem turned. “Yes,” whispered Kayla, much more quietly; “I SAW! I couldn’t BELIEVE what she could do!” Tanj nodded in agreement. The Rotweiler bitch had been chewing out one of the slaves for an inadequate performance. In order to demonstrate what they SHOULD be able to do, the bitch had snatched the dildo from the errant slave, pushed it into her own pussy, and then standing spread-legged, had proceeded to work the dong in and out of her sex, without using either hand…. Tanj had stared in amazement as the dildo slid in and out of the instructor’s sex, as if a phantom hand were moving it. Turning slowly, the Rotweiler glowered at the class; “When you can fuck yourself to a climax like this, THEN I might consider you as well trained; but until then, GET BACK TO WORK!” Tanj had grunted as she clenched her muscles around the wooden invader, watching as the Rotweiler did just that, the dong moving in and out of her muscular snatch until she shuddered through a short, sharp climax. Pulling the dong from her snatch, she thrust it into the paws of the slave she’d been chastising, and then had turned and stalked away. Looking up, Tanj raised an eyebrow at the Wolf fem; “so how long before YOU can pull that trick?” Marla just sighed and shrugged. Kayla for her part just groaned and sank beneath the water. This time, when the slaves entered the exercise room, hot and sweaty from their exertions, there was something different on the mat at each of their positions. It was a shiny brass color, a warm red-gold…. It looked like two cones, with rounded bases, pointing at each other, their points joined by about four inches of rod. The cones were of different sizes, one having a base only about three centimeters in diameter, the other larger, having a diameter of about five centimeters. The rod connecting the points of the cones looked to be no more than a centimeter in diameter…… Tanj knelt in her usual position, thinking to herself; “Given this class, I have no DOUBT where this thing goes… but what’s it for? The Instructor entered, nude as usual, save for her belt and whip, and strode to the front of the class; holding up a similar dumbbell shape, this one a little larger, and chromed, she grinned at the class; “today we start weight training. Pick up your Kegel training dumbbell, and insert it into your pussies. Large end first.” So saying, she squatted a little, presenting the larger end of her own dumbbell against her pussy, pushing until it forced its way between her labia, and into her vagina. With a grin, she removed her paw, leaving the rod connecting the cones protruding from her labia, the smaller end of the dumbbell hanging between her legs. “OK, Slaves, lets see how long you can hold it there with no hands. EVERYONE; paws behind your necks! First one to drop feels my lash!” Tanj stood, legs splayed, paws behind her neck, body trembling…. She’d been holding this thing within her for so long her muscles were cramping. And yet no one else had lost theirs yet. The Instructor had taken a position by the front of the class, her quirt in her right hand…. And the dumbbell between her legs was amazingly, slowly rising and falling. She looked as if she were holding herself on the edge of her climax, modulating her motions, neither too fast or too slow….. Tanj watched, marveling, wishing she could be so “in control”… of her muscles, her life, of ANYTHING….. The instructor strolled among the struggling students. As she moved, she growled: "I can easily isolate the deeper muscles from the PC muscles. I would say there are definitely two different sets of muscles. There are three points I can control, the lower pelvic, vaginal opening, the deeper vaginal muscles and a point in between that I can ripple down or up from the specified sets. And it's definitely no rumor that some women can force a man to come by just using the vagina, rippling their vaginal muscles without moving their hips or body. I've done it. And soon, so will you." The thump was followed by a soft moan. Barely daring to move, for fear of loosing her own dumbbell, Tanj twisted her head carefully, to see a petite mouse panting hard, bent over, paws on thighs. Between her feet, her dumbbell, glistening with her juices, lay on the mat. Next to her, a Siamese cat looked on, her face a mixture of continued concentration, strain, and relief. The Instructor strode through the class, to bend, to pick up the dumbbell. Handing it back to the Mouse, she growled; “You stay after class. Now put it back where it goes, and resume!” Tanj’s knees were shaking; she was convinced they’d been there for hours, the class, this exercise seeming to stretch into eternity. Finally she thought she could hold it no more, and with a gasp, despite her best efforts, her brain shouting at her muscles to obey, she felt the thing slipping! Finding some last reserve, her body shuddering, she found whatever it took to stop its motion…. Then, as her eyes went wide, she felt the dumbbell inch back into her pussy. It was just a small motion, certainly no more than a millimeter or so, but the feeling was definite. Trying not to congratulate herself yet, Tanj was distracted by a thud to her left rear, and then almost immediately, another thud to her right front. As her head twisted, first to look behind her, and then in front of her, she gasped as the twin distraction caused her to loose what control she’d regained, her own dumbbell slipping out to smack the exercise mat with what sounded like a horrendous SMACK! The Rotweiler gestured to the Tigress behind her, and the Bunny in front of her, growling; “you two, stay after class too…..” And then her attention turned to Tanj. “You! Cheetah! I saw what you did! You let yourself get distracted! Lucky for you I only punish the first three to let ‘em drop! Stuff it back where it goes, and HOLD it!” Biting her lower lip, Tanj struggled to hold the weight. She’d lost it three times so far. Marla had lost it twice, and to her amazement, Kayla had yet to loose hers once. She was tied with a Palomino Mare; both had turned to face each other, grinning at each other as if daring the other to loose it first. And of course the Instructor was still walking around, carrying hers as if it was nothing…… Shaking her head, the Cheetah wondered how many more years it would be until the class ended; it seemed as if they’d been doing it for a decade so far, at least….. “OK, Class; that’s it, you can relax now. Everyone kneel. Tanj panted, and dropped the dumbbell into her paw, sinking gratefully down to the mat. As a guard came by, she deposited the metal monster into the box he carried. Moments later another guard paused before her, to hand the surprised Cheetah two metal balls, about four centimeters in diameter. One was heavy, and the other light, as if it were hollow. Blinking at the balls, Tanj looked up at the Instructor, who seemed to have a malicious grin on her face. When the guard had finished the Bitch grinned; “That’s right, my little slaves. Homework. The heavy ball goes in first, and then the light ball. You WILL hold them in; all the guards throughout the Academy have orders to whip anyone who looses them. You may remove them ONLY when you have to go to the bathroom, or if someone orders you to have sex. No exceptions! Now put ‘em in, stand up, and form a coffle! You’re going to be late for your next class!” Tanj found herself walking a little bowlegged; every time she moved the heavy, upper ball clinked against the hollow lighter ball, driving it down against her most sensitive flesh. Just walking had brought her to the very edge of a climax… and then it hit her. What if they had to leave them in until the normal exercise period tomorrow! The thought of running on the treadmill like this made her shudder. The guard looked at the Cheetah as she moaned, and he grinned. Were the Ben-wa balls causing her to have a climax? Or was the humiliation of the situation causing her to groan like that? Either way, he liked the way she looked; that expression on her face was simply marvelous….. Sitting down on the step in the baths was shear delight, and Tanj groaned with relief. She could relax again, let her muscles go, let the hard stone of the step hold those damnable balls in. Looking through the steam, she shook her head; Marla was sitting there, swaying from side to side, front to back, as if to music playing in her head; she was deliberately making the balls dance within her….. Tanj sighed and shook her head; the Wolf fem probably didn’t care if anyone, or everyone saw her in the throes of a climax. Thinking back, Tanj remembered how the balls had driven her to a sharp climax as the coffle had moved from the beverage preparation and serving course to the protocols course… She was sure that all traffic in the corridor had come to a dead halt to watch as she staggered through her orgasm. She’d never been so embarrassed in her life… or had she? This place seemed to be one long embarrassment, one long humiliation after another. Looking up she caught Kayla’s face; the Otter just grinned, and drifted closer to whisper; “did you notice? I beat that Mare…..” Tanj just groaned and sank beneath the water. Tanj smiled; she was finally getting the hang of it. For six long weeks they’d been in the Kegel exercise course, and as per her usual, her grades were mixed; she seemed to be developing nicely in getting her muscles to do just what she wanted…. Right now she was standing, knees bent slightly, paws behind her back, as the dumbbell, a heavier one than the one she’d started with, moved up and down within her pussy, seemingly of its own accord. The Rotweiler bitch watched, and then nodded approvingly. “OK, now turn it over and do that with the small end” the instructor growled. Tanj obediently pulled the device from her pussy, and turning it over, pushed the smaller of the two cones into herself. This was more difficult; there was less to work against….. and it was difficult to just hold it within herself, let alone move it. With a look of fierce concentration on her face, she struggled to control rapidly tiring muscles…. For that was her downfall; she could do almost anything requested of her… for a while. But she tired easily. Grunting, she made the dumbbell rise and fall three times, and then yelped and clenched down hard to keep it from falling out at the bottom of the fourth stroke. The Rotweiler nodded, and then looked up at the Cheetah’s face; “you’ve been practicing away from the class?” Tanj nodded; “Yes, Mistress; all the time!” The Rotweiler moved a little closer; “and how often have the Ben-wa balls fallen out, in the last week?” Tanj bowed her head; “Six times, Mistress… usually when I’m suddenly distracted” The Bitch nodded and turned to a guard; “Get her a set of…. Um….. chained number sixes.” Turning back to the Cheetah, the Rotweiler grinned; “we’ll just have to get you a greater incentive NOT to loose them……” It wasn’t unusual for the class to be issued Ben-Wa balls for continued practice, and given the Instructor’s comments, Tanj wasn’t really surprised when the guards started passing out sets….. Not until the guard stopped in front of her, with a lewd grin on his face. Tanj’s eyes almost crossed as he dangled something before her nose; it was a set of golden Ben-Wa balls, if anything smaller than the ones she was used to; but they were connected with a chain… a chain with a clamp on the loose end! “That’s right, my pretty; and you can guess where the clamp goes, too! Now turn around and bend over…..” Tanj stood with paws grasping her spread ankles as the guard inserted first the heavier ball and then the lighter ball. It was all she could do to stifle a cry when the clip closed around her clitty! “OK, you can straighten up now” the guard chuckled. Tentatively, Tanj straightened, feeling the balls move within her. These were MUCH heavier, and she had to clench her muscles to keep them from falling out. The heavier weight meant that they were MUCH more effective in stimulating her, but she knew it would be a struggle not to loose them. As if reading her mind, the guard chuckled again, one paw rubbing her mons; “The clip is a special one; it isn’t all that tight now, but when the chain is tugged it gets VERY tight. It won’t fall off. And believe me, from what I’ve heard, you do NOT want to let those balls fall free. Now come on, gotta get you into the coffle……” Tanj lay flat on her stomach in the kennel, her arms bound behind her back. She’d earned that punishment by giving voice to several climaxes during the day as the heavy balls moved within her. She’d only lost them once, and that was enough to teach her that she would go to any lengths to keep that from happening again! Panting lightly, she shivered, even that small motion making the balls clink together within her. Trying to ignore the sensations, she willed herself to sleep, only to fail once again. Sighing she pulled her knees under her, and rocked back and forth, head low to keep the pressure off her now very sore muscles… “Maybe just one more climax, and I’ll be tired enough to fall asleep……” “OK, Class, I think you’re advanced enough now to start working out against something that can provide REAL resistance!” Tanj looked at the metal and plastic device laying on the exercise mat in front of her and shook her head; it looked like a cross between a dildo split down the middle, and a pair of kitchen tongs. There was a hinge at the bottom, and just below the head, the shaft was split, one whole side angled out, showing a number of stainless steel springs between the halves. “That’s right, Slaves!” the Rotweiler chuckled; “Everyone on your back, Frog position! Lets pick up the exercisers, compress the sides, and put it where it belongs! Tanj complied, gasping as she slid the thing into her pussy, feeling it try to separate within her. Finally she had it all the way in, to the base. Panting lightly, she looked around, seeing some of the students still struggling, trying to keep the gizmo compressed until it was within them. “Now that everyone’s ready” the Rotweiler growled; “I want you to compress the device! Squeeze and hold for a count of ten. Do twenty reps, rest for a count of thirty, and then do twenty more! Lets get going; next week we’ve got a whole different set of springs for you to work against, and you’d better be ready for them! GO!” Tanj still thought it was humiliating. She was on her knees, torso bent to the floor, paws behind her neck, as the Instructor inserted the instrumented dildo into her pussy. They’d gotten way beyond the point where the Instructor could use a finger to judge their progress. Hence the dildo; it was filled with a fluid, and as Tanj squeezed, it reported the pressure in three different areas along its length to a set of gauges at the end of a hose. After going through her paces, the Rotweiler pulled the dong from her snatch and slapped the Cheetah on her rump; “As always, just good enough to pass. You’re quite good initially, but you still fade fast, Slave. KEEP WORKING! Tanj just nodded, and as she rose to her kneeling position, groaning as the Guard held up the chained ben-wa balls……. Tanj was panting hard from the weight machine as the guards ushered them into the next room. She knew instantly that something was up, by the way Marla’s ears perked up, and her tail lifted….. There, tied spread-eagled on the floor, were twenty male slaves………. The Instructor grinned; “OK, Class, believe it or not, its Graduation day, and this is your final exam. It’s a simple exam. All you have to do is sit astride the slave before you, and make him cum. The problem is, you have to do it with your vaginal muscles; you can’t move on him. Anyone who does will be either sent back for retraining, or down- graded to domestic help, and auctioned off. When you’ve gotten him to cum, squat over his chest and expel the semen. If I haven’t mentioned it before, getting him off in this manner is called “Mula Band Ha.” This will additionally demonstrate your control, and also be a visible indicator that you were successful. Get to it!” Tanj looked at the male Rabbit tied in what would normally be her usual spot. His legs were just a little spread, paws stretched out to either side, a little above his head. “Ring bolts must have been under the mats all along” thought Tanj, idly, as she squatted astride him. Smiling, she reached down to stroke his sheath. To her surprise, it took her a while to get him hard, and she wondered where this group of males had been before this particular class. “It’d be just like the Academy to give us well-drained and exhausted males to work with.” Shrugging, she mounted his cock, sinking down until its whole length was buried in her snatch…… The Rabbit was gagged, but Tanj could see the look of delight on his face as her wetness enveloped him. He was moderately well hung, for a Lepine, and Tanj grinned in return. As a “warm-up” exercise, she just clenched her pussy around his shaft, squeezing him, relaxing, and squeezing him. It almost seemed like his eyes bulged with each squeeze, his head coming off the floor, his ears standing Straight out. Tanj giggled softly, and put her paws behind her neck. It was SUCH a temptation to ride his cock….. tightening the lower band of PG muscles, and then squeezing on up to the Kegel muscles, she started milking his cock, as if trying to draw him further into herself. The effect on the Rabbit seemed to be galvanic, his body tensing. Tanj purrrred and repeated the motion, moving slowly, sensually, the velvet walls of her pussy rhythmically squeezing, stroking, milking his cock….. It was almost too easy……. She’d barely begun to work through her repertoire, when the Rabbit’s body bucked, and she felt his cock start to spurt! Milking him hard, eyes closed, she worked to make sure she’d pulled every drop of cum from the Bunny. Rising on her knees, she shifted forward a bit, and then squeezed, pushing downward, until she felt his cum drip from her distended pussy. “HMPHH!” Tanj twisted her head to see the Rotweiler standing there, hands on hips, glowering at her; “And they told me these slaves were well-spent! Bunnies! They’ll cum at the drop of a hat. OK, Slave, the rules say you passed, but I still think you got off easy. But there’s plenty of time left in the period…….” Looking up, the Rotweiler scanned the room, her eyes fastening on one of the guards; “Albert! This one’s made her male cum, but I’m still not sure she’s got what it takes. Care to give her your own exam?” Tanj followed the Rotweiler’s gaze and suppressed a shudder. Whatever Albert was, it was a species she wasn’t familiar with. Green and scaly, and quite muscular, he was some sort of reptile…. But not one of the Dragon variants she was familiar with…. “Sure will, Ma’am” the reptile hissed, a smile forming on his snout. The snout was short, broad, and rounded, and as he smiled Tanj gulped at the number of teeth he seemed to possess. Motioning her over, the Guard, pulled off his loincloth, dropped his whip next to it on the floor and then laid down on his back……. Tanj’s gaze flicked to the Instructor, who seemed to have a cold smile on her face as she watched….. Crouching astride him, as she’d done with the Bunny, she started to stroke him, working at getting him hard……. It seemed as if she had mounted a statue. The creature’s cock was rock hard, and only the slow rise and fall of his chest indicated that he was actually alive. His eyes were closed, his jaws slightly parted…. Tanj started through her motions again, seemingly having no effect… Alternating between milking his cock, her muscles trying to draw him further into her pussy, and reversing the action, trying to push him out, she grunted, doing her best to move as fast as possible, to squeeze as hard as she could. Watching from the corner of her eye, she saw slave after slave reach their goal….. When the bell sounded there were five girls that hadn’t yet brought their males off yet, and before the eyes of the whole class, the other guards pulled them off the bound males, formed them into a small coffle and hustled them off. That completed, the Instructor padded back over to Tanj; “Well, Albert? Does she meet our high standards?” The reptile opened his eyes to slits and gave the Rotweiler an upside-down nod; “Um, yes Ma’am, I’d say so….. better control than most. Almost made me loose it at one point.” The Rotweiler nodded and then raised an eyebrow; “you want to let her get you off? Or would you rather take your pleasure a different way?” Suddenly Tanj felt the creature moving; with surprising power, he rolled suddenly, trapping her beneath him. Tanj gasped as she felt him suddenly come alive, driving his hips against hers, fucking her hard! Panting, she continued to try and ripple her vaginal muscles around his driving cock. An instant later, she could feel him cumming, what seemed like gallons of cum pouring into her tired pussy. And then he was rising, pulling free from her pussy… Standing, he offered her a paw, pulling her to her feet. Looking up at the Rotweiler, he grinned another of his toothy smiles; “Yes, I’d say she passed. Not the best I’ve ever seen, definitely not as good as you, but better than most.” The Rotweiler nodded, almost disappointedly and turned back to Tanj; “I want you to hold his cum within you. Don’t let ANY leak out. Now go join the coffle!” Tanj sighed as she sank down into the hot waters of the bath. She’d passed. It was a great relief. But now that she’d finished that course, she wondered what would take its place. “Time enough for that in the morning” she thought to herself. No more Kegel rods, no more dumbbells, no more Ben-Wa balls with biting little clamps…… Tonight she could sleep! Feeling motion in the water the Cheetah opened her eyes to see Marla’s smiling face; “So tell me, Tanj; what was it like doing the Alligator?” Tanj just grinned; “Alligator? Is that what he was?” Stardate 2397.75 Sahajoli Tanj smiled as the bell rang. The sit-up bench was particularly cruel in her estimation, especially given the Academy’s variant. Like most “torture” devices of its ilk, it was slanted back at about a thirty degree angle, with your head at the floor, and your knees the highest point. Like most, it had soft foam cylinders to go behind your knees, and soft foam cylinders to press into your shins, holding your legs in place as you struggled to raise your body. Unlike the more standard variants, the Academy version was not a simple padded board, but a Y. Tanj’s knees perhaps were not obscenely spread, physical limitations being what they were, but they WERE wide enough spread so that the Instructor monitoring her progress could “encourage” her to greater levels of performance by applying the business end of her quirt to Tanj’s quim. Tanj was quite sore as she disentangled herself from the device, and it wasn’t just her stomach muscles that were complaining. As she turned to join the others, to form up into the coffle, one of the guards intercepted her; “not you, Spotty. You go in there. Seems you’ve been nominated for an “advanced” class……. Tanj followed his gaze, her eyes widening as she realized that he was indicating the double doors to the Kegel exercise room. “But… Master, I’ve Passed that course! I’ve been keeping up with my exercises! I haven’t slacked off, HONEST!” The guard swatted her on the can; “DON’T talk back! I didn’t say you hadn’t; I said you’d been nominated for the ADVANCED class. Now get your ass IN there, before I decide to whip you for your insolence!” Tanj knelt in the empty room, in her usual place, waiting. Did this mean she was no longer in the “erotic dress” class she’d been attending? Or were they just shifting her schedule? With a sigh, she decided on the whole, she’d miss that class. The latex and rubber outfits were pure hell over fur, but the silks and diaphanous materials were heaven, even if they DID make her blush. Hearing the door open behind her, Tanj checked her posture… Knees spread, back straight, head bowed, wrists on thighs, palm up…. No, she hadn’t been caught again……. When the noise faded, the doors closing again, she listened for a minute and then snuck a look around. Grinning, Marla winked back. Kayla, just beyond the Wolf fem, looked as disgusted as ever. “Got to be an act” Tanj thought to herself; “I KNOW she likes this kinda thing……” Two other slaves were dropped off, a slim Ferret and a rather…. “Rubinesque” lady Bear. A few minutes later, the Instructor, the same Rotweiler Bitch, strode in. With a sigh she looked over her pupils; “This, believe it or not, is the collection of the most promising students, in this area, that the Academy has to offer me. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel! I’m not going to waste my breath telling you why you’re here. The film relates it MUCH better than I ever could. Watch, and we’ll discuss it when its through. Remember; when we finish this class, you WILL be able to do everything she does! Feel free to move around and examine the holo from whatever angle you choose. This is an ADVANCED class and certain liberties are permitted…..” The lights seemed to darken all of their own, and the characteristic flicker of a holographic projector starting up formed on the mat about four feet in front of Tanj. Holding her position as the others scooted around to see better, Tanj found herself roughly face to face with a petite brown Mouse, kneeling as she was. This one, though, looked a little older than the typical Academy student… and a little more worn. There was something about her demeanor….. Her nose still bore its classic “Academy” ring, but both her nipples and both her labia were pierced as well. Bending over to kneel, Tanj peered at her sex, and then sat back wide-eyed. There was a ring poking from between her labia, at the front; either her clit hood, or her clitty itself had been pierced. A hand appeared from off camera, turning to show a stack of metal disks, and Tanj suddenly recognized the disks as antique gold coins. The stack was carefully pushed up into the Mouse’s quim, absolutely no emotion showing on the Mouse’s face. At a spoken command, the Mouse began to eject the coins from her sex, one by one. Tanj’s eyebrows went up and she marveled at the control that would let the Mouse loose the coins singly. Then, with the coins scattered on the floor between her knees, the Mouse crouched, and pressing her crotch to the floor, proceeded to pick up the coins one by one! Tanj watched, openmouthed. Visible through the ghost-image of the Mouse, Kayla bent, her head near the floor, her rump high in the air as she watched, shaking her head in amazement. Tanj watched in stunned amazement as the disembodied hand reappeared to reclaim the stack of coins, once again intact. It disappeared for a moment and then reappeared to place three numbered balls, each about five centimeters in diameter, on the floor in front of the Mouse. Squatting again, the Mouse “picked up” the balls in numerical sequence. From somewhere off camera, a voice growled “one!” and after a few moments, the blank look still on the Mouse’s face, she squatted a little, and the Number 1 ball dropped to the floor. Tanj shook her head and muttered; “that can’t be; gotta be a trick! That was the FIRST ball she picked up!” Tanj winced as the Instructor smacked her on the back of the head; “Shut UP and watch! Its NO trick! You too will learn how to do that! The disembodied voice commanded “Two!” and the Mouse dropped the second of the balls, somehow managing to maneuver it past the third ball she’d picked up, within her body. Finally she was permitted to discharge the final ball. The Hologram flickered and faded as the room lights came up. The Rotweiler grinned; “you think that’s good? I can do a trick she can’t. Striding to the side of the room, she picked up a beer mug, a bottle of the local brew, and a rather thick straw. Pouring the bottle into the mug, she stuck the straw into it, and then set the mug on the floor. Squatting over the mug, she placed the end of the straw between her own labia. “Smoking, as you know, is unhealthy, and the Academy doesn’t permit it. However, in some places that antique and disgusting habit still persists, and I once saw a femme suck smoke into her quim from something called a “Cigar”… and then “exhale” it. Me, I prefer my beer.” Concentrating, the Rotweiler moved her internal muscles, and to Tanj’s amazement, the level in the mug dropped, millimeter by millimeter, until it was about half gone. Standing, shifting so that her legs were widespread, the Rotweiler grinned; “You, spotty cat. Get over here, and open your mouth! Tanj gulped as fast as she could, as the Rotweiler discharged the Beer into her mouth. It tasted of her sex, but wasn’t as gross as it felt……. And it had been ages since she’d tasted beer….. Smiling, the Rotweiler commanded Tanj to hand her the half-empty mug, and as she drank the rest, as per her bidding, Tanj licked her clean…. Tanj was self-conciously licking her muzzle, trying to get all the droplets of beer and of the Instructor’s juices off her fur, kneeling back in her original spot on the mat, as the Rotweiler produced a rather common carton of chickenfowl eggs. With a smile, she tucked one of the eggs into her still dripping sex. Her body tensing, muscles obviously working, a soft plop emanated from her sex. Padding over to the Bear, she used both paws to tug her jaws apart; “Stick out your tongue. Further!” Tensing her muscles again, the Instructor dribbled the remains of the now crushed egg into the Bear’s mouth, shell fragments and all. Giving the Bear a pat on the head, she chuckled; “good for your coat.” Turning back to face the rest of her students, while the Bear made a face, and a half-hearted effort to spit out the larger pieces of eggshell, the Rotweiler grinned; “it takes STRONG muscles to do that. And in order to accomplish what we’re going to do, you’ll have to be much stronger than you are now. Now, who feels ready to try and pass the egg test? No one? All right, lets start warming up with our standard exercises…..” Tanj lay with her shoulders flat on the mat, her hips elevated off the floor. It was both strangely embarrassing and exciting at the same time; the Instructor had pushed three ping-pong balls into her sex, and now she had been instructed to “shoot” them from her quim! With the rest of the class, the instructors AND the guards looking on. Grunting, Tanj tensed her muscles, one of the balls popping out weakly to fall on the mat between her spread feet. “NO!” the Instructor growled; “you have to CLENCH the muscles starting towards the top of your vagina and squeeze DOWN! Use ALL your muscles, not just the PC muscles! Now try it again!” Concentrating, Tanj squeezed with all she had. Tanj grinned at Kayla across the hot steamy water in the baths; “well, my best shot was only four centimeters short of your record. Just you wait until tomorrow; I’ll beat you yet, Otter!” Tanj knelt on the mat, the tin cup between her knees. The “straw” was about a centimeter in diameter and translucent, its tip held tenuously between her labia. Grunting, she looked down between her breasts at the liquid level in the cup, and rippling her muscles, did what she could to make the level of water in the “straw” rise up its length. They’d been promised that if they could suck the water up to the entrance to their pussies, they’d get a “reward”… but they ALL had to do it for the reward to be given….. Cletus settled himself down into the water of the baths, a silly grin on his face. Across the steaming water, Chester watched the guard’s movement and when he thought it was safe, he moved through the water with a skill born of long practice. “What you grinnin’ about?” Cletus opened his eyes to regard the male Raccoon. “Well, it seems we had another lab on “Technique” today…..” Chester’s eyes flicked to where one guard was talking to another, in the middle distance; “you mean they let you guys get your rocks off? LUCKY you!” The Bobcat just grinned a little wider; “Oh, it was more than that, Chester ma man! I think the whole thing wasn’t OUR lab…. But theirs! I was paired with this Cheetah lady, and let me tell you somethin’, she was HOT. Right in the middle of our session, she suddenly closed down on me so tight I couldn’t pull out. No kidding! We were in the missionary position and for several minutes I couldn’t pull out, or push her away! And no, she didn’t have her legs around my waist either!” The Bobcat smiled and sank a little lower in the water, his smile growing wider as he remembered. “I was trapped in silky perfection, Chester! It was like being in a silky velvet bear trap, and there was no escape! It was GREAT! I think she got a real kick out of being able to do that to me, too, knowing how much it excited me. You should have seen her face as I pulled her back across the floor and then lifted her hips off the floor with nothing but the grip she had on my cock with that beautiful, talented pussy of hers! Talk about an extremely wonderful feeling! I didn’t want her to EVER stop crushing me like that!” From across the water, in the shadows, the basso rumble of Barry drawled; “Ah’ve heard of laydees that could hurt a furr lak that….” Cletus just grinned, and as the guard headed back that way, scowling at the whispers, he mumbled; “No, it wasn’t painful, but the intense pressure only excited me that much more.” And then he sank below the water, and out of sight. Tanj looked at the simple wooden egg sitting on the mat before her. Compared to some of the “aids” they’d practiced with, this one looked rather benign. The Rotweiler grinned, and picked up her own egg, squatting a little to slip it into her pussy. “OK, Slaves, there are a number of exercises we’ll be performing today with the eggs. I hope you like them, as they’ll be your constant friends until you graduate from this class. Put ‘em in, and stand in the “horse” stance. Now contract the lower muscles….. now the second set…… now squeeze with the top set. I want you to practice moving the eggs up and down within yourself. Do that for the next fifteen minutes. Then we’ll see about what else you might be able to do with them. Frowning, Tanj concentrated. She was to contract the upper and lower bands of muscles and then use the middle band to make the egg move left, and then right? How would she even know if she’d succeeded? Tensing, she imagined the egg shifting to the left…… “Its fairly simple, Slaves. When you’ve figured out how to move it left and right, with each set of muscles, you merely have to move left with one set and right with the other set, and the egg will turn over within your vaginas.” With a flourish, the Rotweiler pushed her egg into her pussy, pointy end first, and then after a moment, she dropped it into her waiting palm, pointy end first! Tanj closed her eyes and shook her head in amazement. She’d accidentally done that with her egg twice now, feeling it stretch her as it swapped end for end, but she still had no idea just what she’d done to accomplish it. With a sigh, she squatted a little, closing her eyes to concentrate once again…… Tanj stood, her arms bound behind her back, a gag filling her mouth. Her leash was tied to a stanchion on the wall, preventing her from moving more than a few feet in any direction. And there on the floor, by the baseboard, was a key. It was just a small key, handcuff size, but more complex. It was a weathered brass, like it’d been in service for a long time. And it was just laying there. It LOOKED as if it had just fallen there…. Alone for the moment, in the corridor, awaiting the guard that would take her to her next class, Tanj stared at the key. What was it for? What lock did it fit? Had it been carelessly dropped there, or had it been placed there, temptation for a slave? It wouldn’t be hard to pick it up between her toes, but they’d pulled mittens over her paws before putting on the wrist cuffs, and there was no way she could grasp the key, removing it from her toes. Smirking around her gag, she remembered the hologram of the mouse, and shook her head; she should have no Tanj at all picking up even something as tiny as the key with her pussy. Not anymore…. Perhaps the leash was long enough to let her shift over to kick the key directly beneath her, and then be long enough to let her squat far enough to pick it up in that manner….. But should she? This could be a test…… They might be watching….. “Its gotta be a trap” Tanj thought to herself as she idly flicked the key towards herself with one outstretched foot. “Got to be why they’ve left me here this long, all by myself. Got to be why they put the mittens on….” And yet, there was something about the situation that she found irresistible. It was as if her body was moving of its own accord while her mind watched from a distance. The key was now right below her, directly between her feet. Looking one way and then the other up and down the corridor, Tanj held her breath for a moment, listening. No sign of anyone approaching. Squatting quickly, Tanj lowered herself to the floor; the leash was just barely long enough, the collar digging into her neck as she pressed her crotch to the floor. And then, she was gathering her feet under herself, rising, her prize held within the warm confines of her sex. “OK, you proved you could do it; now drop it before someone comes….” the Cheetah thought to herself. Squatting just a little, she forced the key out, and then with a grin concealed by her gag, she kicked temptation out of reach, down the corridor….. It wasn’t completely uncommon for them to come for a slave in the middle of the night, but it wasn’t all that common either. All through the kennels, faces were pressed to bars as the small troop of guards made their way to Tanj’s cell. Crooking a finger, the head guard, a massive Tiger, urged Tanj out of her kennel. “I HATE it when I’m right like that” Tanj thought to herself as they bound her paws behind her back, and snapped a leash to her collar. “It WAS a trap……” The Dean looked at Tanj, kneeling before him, and shook his head; “I have to admit, in the long history of the Academy, you are the first. There have been those who have ignored the key, and those that have tried to make off with it, but you are the FIRST to both take it, and then reject temptation. Now I have to admit, the act of taking it alone has earned you a punishment, but that should be tempered by the fact that you later dropped it, and then kicked it out of reach. While I’m sure you’ll tell me that it was your intention all along, that you only wanted to see if you COULD pick it up, I can’t afford to believe that. I’m going to have to believe that you started on a bold plan, and then chickened out. Now lets see if we can find a punishment that fits the crime……. Your instructor tells me that you’re only marginal in certain “stamina” issues…… The setting was scary; Tanj had to admit that. It was as if they’d found a vertical sewer pipe and had lowered her into it. It was old, and slimy and slick, and it didn’t smell very nice….. Her paws were bound behind her back, and her ankles were bound together, on either side of a massive block of stone. When the guards had lowered her into the pipe, she’d thought the rope under her armpits was going to saw her arms off from the weight. The pipe was only a little larger in diameter than her body, and while its sides were rough, eroded concrete, Tanj was certain that even if her hands and feet had been free, that there’d be no way to climb out. The rubber bulb in her pussy though, gave her an idea as to what was going to come next…….. The first few cold droplets fell on her from above, and Tanj tilted her face up to look. It had been quite a while since the guards had trooped off, leaving her alone in her confinement…. Above her, running along the roof of the utility tunnel they’d dragged her through to get to this place, was a large corroded metal pipe. And it was leaking. Water was dribbling down onto her from above. And then it became apparent that her worst fears had been realized. The vertical pipe she was standing in was going to slowly fill with water. But she’d been given a pump to pump it out with. All she had to do was to compress the rubber bulb in her pussy to work the pump. And the way the water was dribbling down on her from above, she’d have to work it hard to keep from eventually drowning. Grunting, she squeezed down hard, and as she relaxed, she could feel the weight as water crept up the hose dangling between her thighs. “Too cold” Tanj thought, too tired to shiver. The water had slowly risen, over the span of hours, until it was up to the hollow of her neck. Most of her control was gone, eaten away by exhausted muscles, but she could still spasm her pussy around the rubber bulb, still managing to pump some of the incoming water from the pipe….. She wondered if the guards would come to extract her, if the water would rise to drown her, despite her best efforts, or if she’d just get too tired to care. Exhausted and frozen, she struggled on, trying to stem the tide….. Tanj was still dripping when the guards dropped her off at the exercise room. The Rotweiler Bitch, looking much too clean and warm to Tanj, just smirked; “about time you could join us, Slave.” When the guards had left, the Rotweiler moved to stand directly in front of Tanj. “you look all worn out. Tell you what. You show me you can turn the egg end for end, and I’ll let you sit out the rest of the period.” Tanj barely was able to nod before the Instructor was pressing the wooden egg against her sex. It was all Tanj could do to stifle a groan as the egg stretched now very sore muscles. “OK, Slave, lets have it back; it went in point first, I want it out point first. Or I promise you I’ll work you untill there’s nothing left! Tanj closed her eyes, her chin on her chest as she tried to manipulate the thing; feeling a flutter within her, she idly wondered if she’d done it or not…. And then the Instructor was demanding she drop the egg NOW. Squeezing, Tanj forced it out, not daring to look down. The Rotweiler stood stock still for a moment and then raised an eyebrow; “Again!” Tanj eeped as the Bitch shoved the egg into her again, broad end first this time. Panting, she tried to do whatever it was she’d done a moment ago, and was rewarded with that strange feeling within her. Expelling the egg into the Instructor’s waiting hand, Tanj stood, shivering slightly, awaiting her fate. “Not bad. Two in a row. Not bad at all. OK, a promise is a promise. Just kneel here and get some rest.” Turning back to the class, the Bitch held up the wooden egg, still slick with Tanj’s juices; “Seems Spotty Cat here can do it; who’ll be the next to demonstrate their abilities?” Tanj smiled and shook her head for the umpteenth time. It was strange, bordering on the surrealistic. Here she was, on a small round dias, in a room FULL of people. She was nude, collared, and gagged, her arms in a tight leather arm binder behind her back, the end of her tail tied to the back of her collar. And she didn’t mind. Oh, there might have been the occasional initial twinge of embarrassment, but by and large she was even glad to be here. Between her feet were three numbered balls, and at the request of some elegantly dressed lady, or sharply dressed male, she would squat, and pull the balls, one by one into her pussy. Then, at their command, she’d move them around within her, to drop the specified ball onto the top of the dias. The ooohs and ahhhs of the Academy’s guests were music to her ears, and she beamed with pride. On another dias, Kayla was demonstrating her ability to propel ping pong balls with amazing accuracy, only her shoulders and her heels on the dias. Tanj could tell she was enjoying it thoroughly when one of the guests would “reload” her snatch with three or four of the balls, and then, twisting, she’d try and hit him or her with them, laughing into her gag as they “dodged”. On yet another dias, Marla was demonstrating her control, by pulling beer from a mug, through a straw. There was one nattily dressed Ermine, wearing a tuxedo no less, who just loved to pull the straw from between the Wolf fem’s nether lips, to slurp up the beer she’d sucked up. It was obvious Marla was enjoying that one too….. elsewhere other students put on their own exhibitions……. It was a gala atmosphere, and Tanj felt like she was one of the stars of the show…… Stretching, Tanj smiled; it was SUCH a strange reward for good behavior. She was scrubbed clean, and perfumed, her hair shinining. Wearing a diaphanous little nothing she reclined on silk pillows in one of the “guest rooms.” She was to entertain one of the Academy’s VIPs, showing him what she could do with her muscles. The Rotweiler had said she had achieved “Sahajoli,” some term from that ancient Kama Sutra; apparently it was a term of high regard, meaning she had achieved full control of her vaginal muscles, or something like that. Looking up as the door opened, Tanj purrrred softly. The Gerbil stopped, a few feet into the room and just Stared. After a moment, he shook his head; “What is THIS?” Tanj straightened a little on her pillows, and looked at him, but before she could speak, the Gerbil shrilled; “I was promised a boy. A YOUNG boy, not some……. Cunt! This isn’t what I want!” Turning the Gerbil strode to the door, reaching out to grasp the handle, only to find there was no door handle on the inside of the door. Pounding on the door for a moment he took a step back and shook his head; “and now they’ve locked me in? What kind of a place IS this?” Tanj looked at the Gerbil again and wondered idly if this was just another test. She had been told that she’d be able to demonstrate her prowess for a very important guest, but this one didn’t look……. Willing. OR interested. Wondering if she was supposed to seduce him, she rolled onto her belly and purrrred; “Master, its not unusual for the Academy to lock doors. I’m sure that until someone comes along to release you, that I can find some way to entertain you……” The Gerbil stopped and turned to look at her, whiskers twitching. Tanj smiled back at him, careful not to show teeth; “Master, I’ve just finished some Extensive training… I’m sure I can do things with my pussy that no boy could possibly do with his ass; if you’ll just give me half a chance, I’m sure I could delight you……” The Gerbil frowned; “I suppose I might make use of your ass, although I do admit you do not look all that attractive……. But I’d certainly have no use at all for that …. “other thing.” Watching the Gerbil pace, listening to him occasionally pound at the door, or shout for the guards, Tanj wondered just what was going on. Surely this place was monitored, if for no other reason than to have films on file for the occasional blackmail of very important furrs. If no one was coming to his assistance, did that mean they were giving her a chance to wheedle him into letting her show him her stuff? Surely she hadn’t trained so hard for so long, to let THIS happen! The VIP wasn’t happy, and the more Tanj thought about it, the more she thought that no matter that this wasn’t her fault, she could bet a punishment was still going to be coming her way….. and if she was going to be punished anyways…. “Maybe if I can SHOW this guy how good I can be, he’ll shut up and quit whining. He MIGHT even decide he likes it” Tanj thought to herself. Rising, padding across the room, she slowly shed her diaphanous wrap. Resting her paws on his shoulders, it suddenly struck Tanj how much taller she was than the Gerbil. “Eh? What are YOU doing? I thought I told you, Cunt, that I wasn’t Inter….mMPHF!” Tanj cut off the Gerbil’s tirade with a hard kiss, one paw holding his shoulder while her other paw fumbled at his belt. The clothes were first rate, obviously hand-tailored designer editions, but they were never designed to hold up to this kind of abuse and somewhere she heard the sound of tearing fabric. Breaking the kiss, she looked deep into the Gerbil’s eyes and purrred; “Master I have Trained too long and too hard NOT to show you what I can do; I don’t mean to be forward, or pushy, but SHUT UP and LAY DOWN!” The Gerbil went over backwards, landing on the pillows on his back with a soft “eep!” Tanj was astride his hips, in an instant, his fine pants in a tangle around his ankles, hobbling him, if nothing else. Purrrring, Tanj bent to stroke the Gerbil’s cock with her tongue, and was rewarded with an “oh! Oh! OH! OHMY…….. maybe this won’t be so bad after all…….” Tanj just grinned. Working her tongue over his cock, she could almost feel portions of his body relax under her tender ministrations, even as other portions tensed…... Figuring it was about time, Tanj lifted her head; he’d been on edge for several minutes now, the Cheetah using her talented tongue to hold him just shy of climax. “Now I want you to try something new, Master. Just lay back and relax, and let me do all the work…..” The Gerbil, his head tilted back, just grunted, a non-committal type sound. Smiling, Tanj shifted up a bit, and moving carefully, lowered herself onto her cock………. The Gerbil’s head came up with a snap, and Tanj froze. He STARED at her as if not believing what he was seeing, but after a moment his head fell back, a little of the tension leaving his body. Tanj purrrred; “Surely Master that can’t feel bad…. Surely I can find a way to please you…….” The Gerbil looked up again at her and shook his head; “I tell you, I’d MUCH rather be in your ass. There’s no WAY you could possibly squeeze me as hard there, as I like. The Anal ring is a much stronger muscle!” Tanj’s eyebrows both went up; “oh, YEAH? How ‘bout THIS?” Grinning, the Cheetah squeezed as hard as she could…… The Gerbil Screamed! Tanj hung suspended in the Academy’s punishment hall, her eyes closed. The strain was evident in the muscles of her body, as she struggled to hold the weight within her. A half kilo metal rod was clenched tight within her sex. From the end of the smooth rod, a small chain descended between her labia, looping down, and then back up, to be fastened to a new piercing midway along the length of her left labia. If she dropped the weight, it was going to HURT. And she knew that. She knew it VERY well. Hearing footsteps, she opened her eyes to slits and peered out. The Dean looked at the bound Cheetah and shook his head. “Amazingly, its not all your fault. You should NOT have forced your will on a guest. But I can understand your position. There was a medical emergency in one of the other guest rooms; the guards who should have been watching the monitors were absent. They, or someone should have attended to the situation in your room before it got out of hand. And you had no way to know that Lord D’acy held a completely irrational belief in something called “retractible vaginal teeth.” When you squeezed down on him, a completely logical response to his comment, he panicked, thinking you were literally devouring his cock.” Shaking his head, the Dean muttered; “Its amazing some of the fantasies that otherwise powerful and respectable furrs believe in with all their heart.” Looking back up at the bound Cheetah, the Dean sighed; “Never the less, you have done significant damage to the reputation of the Academy. There is no question that you should have restrained yourself. You should have just waited and let the guards sort it all out. But that’s not in your nature, is it, Tanj?” Tanj's Tale: Revenge can be sweet! By Kittiara Tanj grinned to herself as she stood in the coffle; once again, the line of female slaves-in-training had stopped, for some reason apparent only to their guards. She stood there, bound to the slaves in front of, and behind her by chains from her collar, and from the anklet on her left leg. Her paws were bound behind her, but that didn't mean they were useless; in fact, as she kept a wary eye out for the guards, her bound paws were very busy. By chance, this day, the she-wolf had been bound behind her in the coffle, and Tanj was getting her revenge....... Tanj was a newly taken slave. The interstellar freighter she'd been crew on had run afoul of some customs regulation, or other, and the local government had seized the ship, and the captain. The crew found themselves in a rough port town, without pay, with their personal possessions locked on the ship as "evidence". It wasn't long before what money they'd had in their pockets had run out. Destitute, Tanj had fallen victim to a wandering gang of "bounty hunters", rounding up the "indigent" for the government. The sentence, of course, was to be sold into slavery, to pay for the costs of her capture, and confinement. Had to make her a productive member of society, in one manner or another! Of course, before she could be productive, she had to be trained. Someone, somewhere had decided that the comely Cheetah morph should be a pleasure slave. Never mind the degrees in Engineering, or the rating as a second engineer on a starship. Thus, despite her protests (no one could understand them through the gag anyways), she had been delivered to the "academy". As per her nickname, though, Tanj had been a problem. Her lack of "enthusiasm" continually got in the way of her training, and that was how the current situation had developed. She'd been in fellatio class, and had not been performing to her instructor's satisfaction. It seemed she'd been letting her teeth graze the sensitive surface of her partner's cock (yes, the "academy" trained slaves of both sexes, it seemed). The instructor easily read the looks that flashed across the male slave's face, and when Tanj didn't immediately correct her technique, the instructor started giving her an occasional swat on her posterior. Of course, Tanj's explanation that he was so large as to make her jaws hurt, and that it was difficult to keep her mouth that far open went unnoticed and ignored. The instructor's unwillingness to make allowances for her problems with this stallion only flamed Tanj's temper and before long, she was receiving a formal paddling. This did not improve her mindset for the next round of practice and things rapidly spiraled downward. It was well after the normal end of class when the instructor finally released Tanj to the guards. The guards also were not happy; they'd been waiting quite a while as Tanj had been "tutored" after class, and the sounds of the paddle on Tanj's ass, nor her wails had lightened their mood. They were not gentle as they bound Tanj's arms behind her, gagged her, and fastened her into the coffle. She found herself bound at the end of the line, behind a voluptuous she-wolf; the chains to the wolf's collar and ankle were uncomfortably short. Despite the fact that Tanj was the last slave to be collected, the line moved forward and then stopped for some unknown reason; the proverbial "hurry up and wait". It was during the first halt that the she-wolf inched back a little, her bound paws reaching back towards Tanj. At first, Tanj just thought that it was a random motion; after all, they were tied rather closely together. But then the she-wolf's paws started to stroke back and forth over her sex! She jerked back reflexively, but the chains were too short. Tanj could almost feel the She-wolf smirk as Tanj failed to escape her teasing! The She-wolf was shorter than Tanj's 5' 10", and this put her bound paws at just about the level of Tanj's crotch. Her eyes darting about, Tanj determined that the guards were not paying attention; if they discovered what was happening, they'd both be due for some "correction"! Tanj tried not to move, as the She-Wolf's fingers stroke her already damp sex; no matter how she squirmed, she couldn't evade or escape those teasing fingers! Tanj wound up gritting her teeth, vowing not to move, not to betray any of the feelings starting to course through her; those little electric jolts as the She-wolf's fingers grazed her clitty; those waves of pleasure as she was touched here or there..... Tanj tried to concentrate on the stinging feeling in her ass, telling herself that she was sore enough there already and did NOT want more of the same, or worse, from the guards! But the She-wolf was unrelenting, and shortly Tanj was moaning softly into her gag, tail writhing behind her. As with so many things, the best of intentions are forgotten in the heat of the moment, and self control crumbles. Before too long, Tanj couldn't hold still any more and was pressing herself against the she-wolf's paw. Fate can be cruel, however, and just as she was getting close to release, the line starts moving again. As she struggled to march in step with the other slaves, the She- wolf's paws lost contact with her, only occasionally brushing against her dripping sex. Part of Tanj's mind screamed in fury at the interruption, but after a few deep breaths her conscious mind concluded that chance had probably just saved them both from a severe punishment; as they marched on their way back to the kennels, she concentrated on breathing deeply, and trying to gain control over her body. However the occasional brushes of the She-wolf's paws managed to keep her hot, managed to keep her from banishing the lust from her mind. It was during one of those short halts, when the coffle moved like an inchworm, bunching up before moving on, that the She-wolf, leaning back a little, managed to hook a single finger into her sex, driving upwards into her pussy, to pull her forward insistently! This held her to the back of the She-wolf tighter than either of her chains, and forced her to walk on tiptoes. After a while though, her increasingly uncoordinated movement forced them apart. At this point, Tanj was moaning constantly into her gag, the scent of her dripping pussy evident even to her. In some small portion of her mind, She was sure the guards must have noticed, but if they had, the guards weren't showing it........ Finally the coffle arrived at the portion of the "academy" where the kennels were located. Before putting the slaves away for the night, the handlers marched them to the baths. There, they broke up the coffle and released the girls in small groups to the grooms, for their baths. Tanj purrred as her groom led her into a pool-like tub of warm soapy water. She tried to relax and calm down as he worked to scrub the copious amounts of dried cum out of the fur of her muzzle and chest. At least, in a place like this, her juices matting the fur on her thighs would scarcely draw notice. Finally, she was clean, and rinsed, and dried, and her teeth brushed (removing that rather distinctive taste!), and had been led back to the coffle for the short trip to the kennels. The groom looked at her curiously as she moaned at being bound once again behind the She-Wolf. The She-Wolf only grinned around her gag. Once again, it was start and stop as the coffle moved down the line of kennel doors. One by one, the guards unbound the slaves from the coffle, and urged them through the door into their cell. Each of these cells were about four foot wide by eight foot long, by about four foot high. Three of the four walls, and the roof were made of metal bars, with the back wall and the floor made of rough concrete. If you were lucky, they'd put down fresh straw on the floor. The door was so low you had to crawl through it (supposedly another of the academy's dominance games). If the guards decided not to uncuff your paws from behind your back, this became a difficult thing to do. Without exception, the guards put one girl per cell. Following their dictum of no unauthorized pleasure, the cells were also separated by a few feet, so you could not effectively reach from one cell to another. As if after a long hard day at the academy, anyone had any energy for something like that. Or so Tanj thought.......... The coffle moved slowly, as one by one the slaves were returned to their kennels; at last, the guards stopped, with only the she-wolf and Tanj remaining. Tanj's ears flattened as she noticed the guards grinning to each other as the she-wolf was unchained from her. Instead of being unbound, and placed in her kennel, one of the guards raised her arms over her head, paws palm to palm, as the other guard bound her elbows together. The first guard then brought her forearms down, and bound her wristlets to the back of her collar; this forced her head forward somewhat. The guards then turned and bound Tanj in the same manner. For no immediately apparent reason, tight leather cuffs were then fastened around the base of their tails, but much to Tanj's relief, the gag was removed from her mouth. She grinned and worked her jaw, trying to relieve some of her sore and stiff muscles, as she tried to read the guard's body language, seeking desperately to figure out what they were up to......... Turning, the guards lead them to a different kennel, at the end of the row. This kennel was slightly different; while it was not significantly wider, or longer, it was tall enough for a normal fur to stand upright, and had a full- height door. The guards led them both into the kennel; a rather tight fit. Without a word, the guards pushed Tanj down on her back, spreading her legs and fastening her anklets to bars on the opposite sides of the cage. They then forced the She-wolf down on top of her, in the classic "69". Moving carefully in the rather cramped space, one of the guards then proceeded to take a couple of fine chains from a pouch on his belt (he wasn't wearing much else). Moving towards Tanj's head, he connected one end of the chain to a ring in the cuff at the base of the She-wolf's tail. Tanj muttered "you gotta be kidding" as the other end was summarily, and not very gently connected to the ring in Tanj's nose, holding her head directly between the She- wolf's thighs, her muzzle hovering by the lupine's sex! She moaned in protest as she felt the she-wolf's head fastened in a similar position! The guard just grinned at her feeble protestations. "There, now, you two hot little bitches can spend the night doing what you so obviously are just dying to do" the senior guard said. "Call it 'cunnilingus homework' " his partner smirked. And with a grin, and a "pleasant dreams", the kennel door slammed shut. Usually the night is a time of rest and recuperation; a time for some much needed sleep, alone and unfettered. This night, however promised to be a long one. Tanj squirmed, the weight of the she-wolf heavy atop her, making her breathing a little labored. Suddenly an electric jolt ran through her as the she-wolf's tongue ran roughly along her slit; she arched and groaned, the chain between the wolf's tail cuff and her nose going painfully TIGHT! Unable to do much more than squirm, Tanj suffered the attentions of the she-wolf. Determined not to repay this troublesome tease with anything resembling pleasure, Tanj kept her tongue to herself, despite the temptation of the she-wolf's wet sex right at the end of her nose. Gradually, however, she became more and more aroused, until finally she could stand the feel of the She-wolf's tongue no more, and her first climax hit. As she panted and moaned, some small part of her mind realized that the wolf wasn't stopping, that her tongue was continuing to lick! With a moan, she surrendered to her passion and dragged her own rough tongue along the she-wolf's cunny. Unsurprisingly, she found it to be literally dripping. The night continued, slowly, climax after climax, the she- wolf never letting up, seeming a veritable demoness. Every time Tanj thought she could rest, that she might find some sleep, again the tongue touches her, and she moans, off again in another round of frenzied licking. After what seemed like an eternity, Tanj was relieved when she heard the kennel door open; the grinning guards came into view, reaching down to disconnect the two females. Not unexpectedly they'd been watching, and now, demanded their right, the privilege that all guards enjoy: One of them roughly rolled Tanj over onto her knees, her paws still bound to the back of her neck, to take her from behind as the other grabbed a fistfull of the she-wolf's mane, dragging her out of the cell by her hair, and then pulling her head around to suck on his hard cock. Tanj gasped and panted as the guard fucked her hard, her cheek against the floor, her ass high in the air. He drove his cock into her without finesse, seeking only his own pleasure. Still, after all the licking throughout the night, after uncounted climaxes, his hard cock was like a dessert, and she relished the way his balls swung forward to slap against her with each thrust. She mewled as she felt him cum, the sensation of his cock jetting wadd after wadd into her driving her to yet another climax. Her guard pulled free, and lifted her to her knees. He presented his slick cock to her mouth for her to clean him with her tongue; as she did so, Tanj watched the She-wolf out of the corner of her eye; that one certainly did have an oral fixation, and was making great show of sucking off her guard in front of the slaves in the coffle. After the She-wolf's guard had orgasmed noisily, and she had licked him clean, Tanj and the She-wolf were again re-tied, and attached to the end of the waiting coffle, to be led off to today's training. This time, however, by accident, or by design, the guards fastened Tanj ahead of the She-wolf! As the line moved off, Tanj made sure that her paws brushed back and forth over the She-wolf's still wet sex, keeping her hot, maintaining her arousal. It was difficult leaning backwards far enough to do this, but Tanj was determined to have her revenge! Tanj didn't know what kind of a class the She-wolf was destined for this day, but she was sure that the lupine would be "well primed". Every time the coffle stopped, Tanj made sure that a finger stroked the She-wolf's clitty, or traveled the length of her slit, until the lupine was moaning into her gag, and struggling to stand against knees gone weak. Catching one of the guards looking her way, Tanj gave him a wink, and he returned a knowing grin. Revenge can be sweet. Tanj’s Tale: Daydreams By Kittiara Stardate 2397.30 It had been a long day at the academy. Tanj’s "class" was still in the basic, or beginner curriculum, and today's exersize had been a portion of the basic intercourse course, the segment on how to handle all sorts of "problems". The lesson had been "the lover who wouldn’t wait" or how to slow down someone too impatient. "After all" the instructor had said; "If they’re in too big a hurry, how can you possibly give them all the pleasure they’re due?" Tanj had been "jumped" by six overeager, obviously sex-starved males, and the instructor had watched closely as she’d done her best to "handle" them, no pun intended. To her, the class was "how to turn rape into making love," and that about summed it up... As she settled into the tub of steaming hot water, she shook her head. Whispering to one of the other slaves, Kayla the otter, Tanj hissed; "Where do they FIND these guys?" Marla, the she-wolf giggled in return, drawing a harsh look from one of the guards. They weren’t supposed to talk, after all; they could be punished if caught, but you really had to be blatant to draw a punishment for that. Finally, when the guard had moved on, Marla whispered; "I hear they recruit them from long term space exploration missions. By the time they get back, everyone is so sick of each other, that no one’s touched anyone for months, and they’re all so randy they’re perfect for these classes!" Kayla sighed and shook her head; whispering, she said; "I hear they’re inmates from some all-male prison; as part of their punishment, they’re prevented from having even, ah, male companionship. They’re so starved for company, and of course for sex, they just can’t contain themselves." Tanj grinned, thinking how the lepine had shot his load after about three strokes of her paw and nodded, rubbing absently at the spot on her stomach where his cum had dried; "Yeah, they can’t contain themselves all right." Kayla watched a roving guard go past and then settled down further into the hot water. "Is it just me, or are any of you getting tired of this, day after day after day? I mean, I know they’ve done some MASSIVE conditioning, but still, well, I just don’t seem to delight in this as some do..." Marla chuckled and shook her head; "A year ago I couldn’t IMAGINE me doing this, but now, well, the conditioning must have taken, and taken well, as I have to admit I _LOVE_ it. For me I just can’t get enough!" Tanj eeped quietly and rose an inch from the water as Marla’s paw emphasized her point with an intimate carress. Sapphire, the kitty, grinned and shrugged; "some things I like better’n others..." Kayla just shook her head, and looked at Tanj, one eyebrow cocked as if soliciting her opinion. Tanj shrugged, the motion making the water swirl. "I guess I’m, somewhere inbetween. Yes, I’d NEVER have envisioned myself doing this before I was sold here. But now, well, its not exactly distasteful. In fact its kinda fun, some of it... well, most of it. There are parts I do NOT like, and I certainly don’t like the punishments, but mostly, well, its kinda become just another job..." Kayla nodded, her nose almost the only thing above the surface of the water. "When I was... well, back before I wound up here, I worked in an office. Daily 9 to 5, typical office grind. I used to play a game with myself; I’d ask myself "what would I _LIKE_ to do today?" If I could do ANYTHING in the world, free to choose, what would I like to do. Sometimes when I ask myself that here, I answer "I’d give almost anything to be back in that dull, boring, SAFE job... So tell me, my lovely little sex- slaves-to-be, if you had your choice, what WOULD you like to do today? What would be your perfect day?" As the mists from the hot waters swirled, as the tensions and the stains of the day slowly leached from their bodies, the three settled back in the water to quietly daydream of where they’d much rather be, of a perfect world... Kayla’s daydream Kayla smiled to herself as she outlined the perfect day. It was a romanticized version of reality, at best, but still, if you’re going to dream.... She could just imagine the alarm going off, the sky still dark outside her apartment. Slipping from between the covers, she'd padd nude into the bathroom to start the shower. In her fantasy, she was just starting to shampoo her hair when the strong paws of her lover would wrapp around her, pulling her back against his muscular body. She'd mmmmmm as his paws would start working up and down her frame, soaping her, washing her, even as she concentrated on her hair. Of course such actions would have the inevitable result on him, and before long his hard cock would be prominent between her thighs. As she dipped her head under the running water, she’d let one paw stroke downwards, to tease his cockhead. As the soap would rinse from her hair, she’d lean forward, bracing herself against the shower wall, while he took her from behind, a short, sharp, powerful fuck, his hips driving hard against her, making her pant, and moan. She could just feel the power of her climax... Kayla blinked, eyes opening wide, to stare around the baths. Her friends were lost in their own thoughts, and didn’t see her shake her head, or mumble; "must be the conditioning..." Settling back into the hot water, Kayla resumed her fantasy. She envisioned drying off (with strong masculine paws to help...) and then doing her hair and getting dressed. Breakfast would be light, a quick bite before dashing out the door to catch the train into the city. Giggling to herself, in her fantasy her boyfriend would tidy up the apartment before leaving... She smiled to herself, remembering the crowded commutes she used to hate; somehow now they didn’t seem so bad. As she pictured herself in the crowded railroad car, she caught herself looking at the males appraisingly, her fantasy filling the car with muscular studs in tailored business suits and power ties... The fantasy continued, as the train arrived at the station, and she exited, amid the throngs, to walk the short distance to her office building. Of course there’d be an elevator waiting for her, and it’d stop at her floor first. Sitting down at her desk, she'd turn on her computer, to start the day. Of course her work would be demanding; it always had been, but on occasion it was important stuff, tasks that she knew she could do, where she knew just what to do. And this day she’d have something critical to be working on, something only she would have the talents to execute correctly. And everyone would know that too... She smiled as she envisioned her boss giving her a thankful smile as she turned over some important file, the contracts perfectly executed, delivered just in the nick of time... Ah, but instead of her grumpy old boss, for whom nothing was ever good enough, lets turn the contracts over to that hansom junior partner... perhaps he’d be so pleased he’d include her in the continuation of the project, requesting her to make a presentation to the board, and to the customers that afternoon. Of course she’d be ready to make such a presentation... But first, lunch. Kayla smiled as she thought about gathering her best friends at work and going off to lunch, to some new restaurant, just opened, a few blocks away. The waiter would be attentive, always there when needed, and the food, the food would be wonderful (not like the dreck that was shoveled at them here!). The conversation would be brilliant, and her friends warm and caring, and of course someone else would insist on picking up the check. Then it would be back to the office. The presentation would go splendidly, and the hansom junior partner would insist she join him and the customers for dinner... Ah, but that would require a new dress... After the presentation, Kayla would dump whatever work remained to be done on the desk of that old fart that was constantly annoying her, and waltz off to go shopping at some of the more elegant downtown shops. And those vicious office gossips would have only good things to say about her, as she left early. She’d go to the shops she’d window-shopped at, but NEVER had the money to even dream of entering... Ah, but this time she’d enter the most prestigious shop, the salesgirl would be attentive, and she’d find just the most perfect dress. Daring, but not too risque; something that showed off her figure to perfection... maybe something low-cut...And a choker of pearls to set it off. And of course matching earrings. She’d meet the junior partner somewhere, perhaps a trendy coffee shop (she wouldn’t want him to see her dismal little hole-in-the-wall apartment), to be whisked to a fancy restaurant in a limousine. At the restaurant, she’d flirt shamelessly with the customers, making brilliant conversation, and dazzling them with her charm. There would be hints of some big deal in the offing, something they wanted _her_ to be part of... Afterwards, after polite good-byes, the Junior partner would insist on taking her dancing, not yet willing to relinquish her company. They’d go to the trendiest clubs, to be seen. Finally, they’d wind up at his penthouse apartment, where she’d let him seduce her, the new dress dropped carelessly on the floor. She’d show him all the tricks she’d learned, how a gentle touch here, or a caress there can incite lust. She’d tease him horribly, holding him off as long as possible, until he forced her back on the bed, to cover her body with his... they’d make love all night long, sometimes fast and furious, sometimes slow and languorous. And they’d fall asleep in each other’s arms, smiles on their faces. Yes, that would be the perfect day... Marla’s Daydream Marla purrrred and settled back into the water, dreaming of the perfect day... no, more than that, the perfect life. She’d be someone powerful, someone who could _always_ get what theywanted... And modern society just didn’t allow that. Some ancient tribe, some barbarian culture... yes, and a place where magic worked as well. She’d be a Sorceress Queen, holding her subjects in sway with her magic and her wisdom and her beauty... She’d be awakened in a sumptuous bed by servants bringing breakfast. Handmaidens, or personal slaves, two of them would feed her breakfast, while a third would crouch between her widespread thighs, licking at her, slowly bringing her pleasure as she broke her fast. Marla softly touched herself under the water as she dreamed of a phantom lover licking her, licking her as long as she wanted to be licked.... that would be very pleasant, but eventually she’d have to rise, to attend to the day’s business. She’d start the day with a council of the tribal chiefs, to find out what was going on in her little empire. Obviously she’d have to have a throne somewhere, preferably outside in a shaded glen, someplace where the breezes were always cool. Even so, she’d make sure to have two slaves, one to either side of her, fanning her gently. Perhaps as she received the reports of the chiefs, one of them would talk of skirmishes with a neighboring empire. Maybe he’d even have tribute, or slaves to present. She smiled to herself as she imagined some burly chief presenting her with a captured warrior, some heavily muscled stud for her to use as a sex toy. She smiled and imagined herself rising from her throne, freezing the prisoner in place with a gesture, to stride down to him, to look him over in detail. She could just imagine the look of shock and helplessness in his eyes as he found he couldn’t move, as she ran her paws over the bulge beneath his loincloth. After some teasing, she’d probably pull the loincloth free, for all to see how well endowed he was. And he would be, too; in her fantasy, he’d be hung like a Stallion. She’d grin and stroke him until he was hard, embarrassment shining in his eyes for him to be so used in front of the entire court. She’d stroke and tease him, finally kneeling before him to add her tongue to his "tortures", until he finally came, spurting out his white cum. She’d let it fall to the floor, glob after glob, and then she’d turn to the crowd make some quip about what a fine sex toy he’d make. Then she’d thank the chief that had presented him with a kiss. Sending the stud away to be "made ready for her" she’d finish her business with the court and then adjourn to something a little more relaxing. Marla shifted a little in the water, the ripples fanning out and then rebounding from the far walls, and from the tub’s other occupants. Her paw was still moving softly between her thighs as she daydreamed. Returning to her dreams, she thought perhaps she’d take a hunting party into the woods, to stop at a stream-fed mountain pool for a swim. She could just imagine the party, perhaps two or three young bucks to escort her. She’d have a bow, and a quiver of arrows, and in the fashion of barbarians, be wearing but a loincloth. The forest would be cool, and dark, and their hunt fruitless by the time they found the rocky mountain pool, nestled between steep slopes. She’d drop her loincloth and the bow and quiver, and find a suitable rock, to dive into the cool dark waters, the admiring eyes ofher companions following her graceful dive. The others would followher into the water, and after some swimming, they’d find a rock in the middle of the pool, in dappled sunlight, to stretch out and rest. Excited by the, um, yes, three; three males laying near her, she’d cast a spell, and slowly, one by one, they’d be drawn to her, to nuzzle her, to lick and caress... she’d roll one over on his back, sitting astride him, teasing him with her sex until he was rock hard, and then she’d impale herself on his cock. One of the others would come up behind her, to lift her tail, to slowly work his cock into her ass; she always loved that, the combined sensations making her feel sooo full, every little motion magnified. The third would look hurt and left out, until she motioned him over, to take his cock in her mouth. She’d let them make love to her, and love them back in return until she’d had a half dozen climaxes, and then she’d break the spell... and alow them to cum. After resting they’d continue the hunt, and of course, her magic would bring them a splendid buck, which she’d kill. That night they’d have a feast. There would be dancers and entertainment, and she’d sit at the head of the table, and eat what she’d killed, and all the dishes that had been prepared, acting like, being treated like the royalty she was... And that night she’d have the newly captured slave brought to her bedchamber, to be tied spread-eagled to her bed, and there he’d learn what it meant to be a slave to Queen Marla... Marla sighed and stroked herself under the water, dreaming of all the things she’d do to the poor captive; how she’d drain him of every drop of jism in his poor body, and how he’d writhe in ecstacy under her ministrations, and her magic. As she daydreamed, she moaned, and then gasped, the results of her strokings plain to all who cared to look. And at this unfortunate instance, one of the guards was indeed looking. Striding over, he grabbed Marla by the hair to pull her from the tub. He looked at her in amazement for a second, Marla actually blushing and averting her eyes at his scrutiny. Lifing his head he called; "Hey Eddie! Phil! Got one over here that hasn’t had enough yet today... and with that, poor Marla was dragged off to "entertain" the guards... Tanj chuckled as she watched Marla dragged off, wondering if she was going to her punishment, or to her reward? "And I thought the conditioning had been effective on ME..." Tanj chuckled to herself. Sapphire watched as everyone settled back into the water, after the guards had made off with Marla. She smiled to herself as she watched the ass of the dripping She-Wolf sway, as the guards dragged her off. With a sigh she turned her attentions inward once again, back to her own daydream. Sapphire’s hobby, before she had so rudely been incarcerated in the Academy, had been writing, and she missed not being able to jot down the stories, the plot lines and neat ideas that she'd had. Her fondest wish was to merely have the time, the opportunity, to put down on paper some of the wonderful stories that were burning through her mind... She’d seen so many arousing things here (as well as so many terrifying things) that she felt sure she could win a prize for her fiction. With a smile, she remembered that first day in the "Introduction to Lesbian Sex" class. She’d been amused by the play of emotions on the faces of the new slaves, so many of them not yet having learned how to hide their reactions. Some had been revolted, some timid and shy, some passive and withdrawn, and some, like her, excited. Such powerful emotions! And the horror of the "Introduction to Bondage" class; of being hogtied tightly, gagged, and just LEFT to suffer. She hated being tied, immobile, and felt that she could relate the horror of the situation brilliantly. Oh, and the first time she’d tasted the crop! Such torment! The words cried out to be written. She wished for nothing more than a quiet day, a cozy room, a pot of tea, and the opportunity to write her heart out. Later, perhaps that evening, she would dress, and go out to her favorite club, to get a bite to eat, something to drink, and possibly some companionship. Smiling to herself, she pictured the range of partners she might select from. There had been that lady bear a few weeks ago, powerful and demanding, and yet so gentle at the same time. There’d been the Otteress, so brave and daring, willing to try anything, and so full of the joy of life... Ah, but then there’d been the Tigress. Sapphire had first seen her standing at the bar, the black halter dress accentuating her form, its back plunging daringly to a sharp vee, ending just below her tail. Their eyes had met, and she’d smiled at Sapphire, and at that moment the kitty had KNOWN she’d been selected as the Tigress’ prey for the evening. The stalking was subtle, a few words of introduction, the search for a secluded table, a few friendly drinks as they talked about art, and weather, and the possibility of mutual acquaintances and friends. She’d been from out of town, passing through on business, and Sapphire knew that it would probably be this night only, but still... They’d gone back to her place, kissing hungrily almost as soon as the door had slammed closed. A trail of discarded clothes was left behind as they moved to the bedroom, where rough feline tongues were applied to sensitive places. They’d made love a half dozen times through the night, in the bed, in the living room, in the shower….. and finally the cab had arrived to take her away... "Yes," Sapphire thought to herself with a smile; "I’d choose an evening with that one, as the ending to my perfect day... I wonder where she is now?" Tanj was having difficulty. She understood Kayla’s challenge all too well, having many times in her stay thus far at the academy wished to be elsewhere. ANYWHERE else. It seemed she had a penchant for either misunderstanding instructions, or somehow not complying fully with them, to the annoyance of her instructors. They felt that she was living up to her nickname fully, and while she didn’t exactly lead the "student body" in disciplines or punishments received, well, she WAS on the short list. It was just that every concept she considered came up lacking somehow... The first thing the thought of was to go shopping, with an unlimited budget... Some fantastical shopping mall, with every kind of store. As she cruised the mall in her mind, she found herself stopping into this clothier, or that lingerie shop, looking over the dresses and silky underthings, and even when she tried something on in her mind, they were never quite to her satisfaction. The electronics boutique also held many wonders, things in the past that she would have loved to have had.. but somehow reality kept creeping in, telling her that she would never be able to keep something like that, now, or in whatever life the future held for her. Finally she resigned herself to the fact that a slave, especially a sex slave, just didn’t need clothes, and somehow, with that in the back of her mind, the joy had gone out of it.. Next she considered a lazy day at the beach. While she’d grown up in space, there had been the rare "vacation" to some resort, and beaches somehow had always figured prominently... She smiled to herself and envisioned herself, nude on a beach blanket, laying there in the warm sun, the sound of the sea in the background, idly watching the furrs stroll along the shore. She smiled and imagined three boys coming along the shore towards her, one of them glancing over at her, to catch her eye. He’d smile, perhaps give a small wave. In her mind’s eye, he’d be tall, and well muscled, and of course well hung... and at that point she shook her head; "The conditioning again..." The debate raged within herself for a few moments; "OF COURSE you’d check him out; you always did!" "Yeah, but not with a hunger like that!" "Oh, come off it, you always had a healthy appetite! You were completely normal in that regard!" "Hunger? More like I’m starving these days! Six "lovers" today, if you can call it that, and I’m STILL thinking about sex? That’s NOT a "healthy appetite!" "It is if your life depends on it! No one here knows, or will say what happens to "students" that fail their finals! Besides, you can’t fight the conditioning! All the instructors say so. Can’t be erased, can’t be ignored, can’t be turned off Girl, you might as well just lay back and enjoy it, ‘cause this is it for the rest of your life!" "NO WAY! Gotta be a way out, a way around it. There’s got to be a way to escape...." Tanj sighed and tried a different approach. The food at the academy was generally considered to be healthy, but unpalatable. It’d keep your coat shiny, give you all the vitamins needed, but was tailored to each furr, to make sure they didn’t gain weight. Those that didn’t want to eat were force fed, and that was NOT pretty to watch. Tanj found that she never quite got enough to eat, that she was always still hungry. "I guess someone somewhere thinks Cheetahs are SUPPOSED to be lean" she grumbled to herself. Sighing, she thought about food. A buffet of all her favorite things, and no restrictions on how much she could eat. She was just sitting down to a plate heaped full, when she realized her mouth was watering in reality. With a sigh she dismissed that dream too. No point in teasing yourself... Tanj’s mind danced over her memories of college for a few moments, examining them, and then rejecting them. Times there just had not been good enough to form the basis for a good daydream... "Perhaps a night on the town" she thought to herself; "Going dancing with friends. Some posh nightclub.." Tanj sighed and in her life had only been in such places a time or two, but thought maybe that’swhats needed; something comparatively exotic. She grinned and imagined the harsh lighting, the loud noises, and the writhing bodies. "Hmmmmmm, yes, writhing bodies... That dude looks good... Oh, and that one, the Black Panther, look at how he seems to flicker in and out of existance with the flash of the strobes... He looks delicious..." Again Tanj smiled to herself and shook her head; "There goes the conditioning again..." As she settled back into the water, Tanj sighed. "Tired" she thought to herself. "Never enough sleep here. And sleeping on straw! Urrrrrrrrr." She smiled and thought of a big soft bed, of sleeping late, of not having to get up for anything. "Hmmmmmmmmmm yessss." And someone to cuddle with. Her father had always told her that a person needed three things to be happy. "Something to do, Someone to Love, and Something to dream about..." "Yes" she thought to herself; "That’s my daydream. A warm bed, with someone to love. Things to do, but not right now. Things to dream about as we cuddle. The sex can wait, and when it comes, it will be true lovemaking, not just fucking, but right now, just a loving cuddle. Someone to love, someone who loves me...." Tanj had almost fallen asleep, in that gray area where its difficult to distinguish dreams from reality... Warm and safe in the arms of her lover. And then the guards started shouting for them to get up, get out of the baths, and move to the drying grids. With a sigh, Tanj lifted herself from the water, to move to one of the wooden gratings in the floor. After a moment, a small hurricane of hot air emerged from the floor, blowing over her and the other girls. Tanj rubbed at herself, working the moisture from her fur, and then bent over to dangle her hair in the stream of hot air. When she was reasonably dry, she stepped off, to stand patiently in the indicated coffle, waiting for the guards to chain her to the girl in front, and behind. As they marched of towards the kennels, Tanj did her best to hold to her daydream, to remember... And she vowed to herself, someday she’d make it come true. She’d have something to do, something to dream about.... and someone to love. Tanj's Tale; Distractions By Kittiara Tanj was confused; she was _sure_ that she'd heard the directions right. She could have sworn that she'd been paying attention during that part of the lecture. Either the "Academy" had changed the rules in the middle of the exercise, just to play with their minds, to demonstrate their absolute power over the slaves being trained, or she truly hadn't been paying attention. Either way, she was doing the "penance" for failure. She hung suspended in the Academy's main hall, upside down. Ropes from her feet rose to well-spread winches on the ceiling, holding her aloft with her legs wide apart. Her arms were held in a leather binder behind her, her elbows pulled uncomfortably close together. A rope from the ring at the end of the binder was drawn tight to a ring in the floor, pulling her arms painfully down, and her body forward. The other end of the rope was tied to her hair, pulling her head back tightly. A plug gag filled her mouth, stifling her cries and moans. The ensemble was completed by small weights hanging from her nipples; one of which dangled from a nasty little clamp, the other dangling from a small golden ring piercing her nipple. This piercing was a visible and lasting sign to all concerned that Tanj had earned a major punishment. This wasn't the extent of her troubles however; somewhere in the ceiling was a nozzle, unfortunately strategically placed, as at seemingly random intervals a heavy, fat drop of hot oil would fall, landing directly on her rather exposed sex. This repeated *THUMP*...... . . . . . . . *THUMP*........ . . . . . . . *THUMP*......... . . . . . . . had been rather arousing, and as she squirmed in her bonds, she found the drops zeroing in on her clitty. Of course this made the whole thing worse, and the Cheetah- morph found that the repeated thumping of her clitty was making her writhe in her bonds. The sensation was maddening, keeping her constantly on edge, but not quite enough to drive her to a climax. It had all started several days before; as the sex-slaves- in-training were being bathed and groomed, they'd managed to share a few words amongst themselves. "Have you seen that new male? The Tiger?" Marla, the She-Wolf whispered? Tanj nodded with a grin and whispered; "He's _huge_, and _HUNG_! I can't wait for my turn at him in a lab!". Kayla the otter winced, and whispered; "All the sex they force- feed us here, how can you two even THINK of more? Urrrrrrr, besides, you'll probably draw him in an anal sex class!" The girls just grinned. Over the next few days, Tanj caught glimpses of the Tiger in passing, but never wound up in the same class. Two days later, she noticed Marla walking a little bowlegged as the coffle moved towards their kennels. Watching the guards closely from the corner of her eye, at the first opportunity in the baths, she whispered "have a hard day at "work"?". Marla nodded and grinned; "wound up paired with that Tiger in the "control" class; he was being taught how to keep from cumming, and I was the provocation trying to make him loose control. Luckily, _I_ wasn't under any such restriction; I must have climaxed a dozen times! He's GREAT! Pity he didn't last longer; the instructor was quite upset when he came". Two days later, it was Kayla who was walking funny; but the expression on her face was anything but blissful. Again, at the baths, whispers were exchanged; "What _HAPPENED_?" Marla asked. Tanj listened carefully as Kayla whispered back; "Gotta be careful what you say; today, it was my misfortune to draw anal sex class, and guess who I was paired with? You got it; the Tiger. He's _HUGE_, and he was none too gentle (although I doubt it was all his fault, as the instructor kept whispering in his ear......)". She winced as she eased herself into the hot water. Tanj purrrred softly to herself as she soaked the day's excesses away in the steaming hot water, daydreaming of that striped stud. She was beginning to loose hope of ever getting closer to him, but the next day, when the guards released her from the coffle, and led her into her next class, there he was, with the other males. Tanj knelt on the other side of the room, trying to listen to what the instructor was saying, but mostly she stared at the Tiger from the corner of her eyes, her imagination running wild. Unfortunately, it was a class on interpreting body language, and she never even came close to touching him, or better yet, being touched by him. It was a few days later when she wound up in another class with him. Again, she watched him out of the corner of her eye, the instructor's words turned into a buzzing drone in the background as her imagination ran wild. Suddenly, everyone was stirring, and Tanj's attention snapped back to reality. What was that the instructor had said? Make your partner cum as many times as possible during the lab period? As the instructor moved among the "students", assigning partners, with the guards leading the pairs off to exercise "cells" Tanj wracked her brain trying to remember what she'd almost heard. Suddenly the instructor was in front of her, and Tanj had a hard time not looking up, looking her in the eye, wondering what she should be doing. All her uneasiness disappeared however, when the instructor paired her with the Tiger! She tried hard to keep her eyes downcast and her demeanor submissive as she was led, with the Tiger, to an exercise cell. To her amazement, the guards laid the Tiger down on his back, and proceeded to fasten his collar, wrist and ankle cuffs to the rings in the floor. Then, to her amazement and dismay, they gagged him. Unshackling her, they left, leaving her to demonstrate the techniques she was supposed to have learned in the class. Of course, she was being watched; at least part of the time, anyways. The mirrored walls were not to heighten the enjoyment of the participants but to allow the instructors to pass from observation station to station, to evaluate the performance and skill of the "students". Tanj purrrrred as she gazed down at her "prey", the perfectly delectable Tiger, plotting her strategy. "Make this stud cum as many times as possible? _MY_PLEASURE!" she thought. With a grin, she knelt, knees on either side of his calves. Placing her paws on either side of his hips, she bent forward to run just the tip of her tongue upwards along his sheath. She purrrrred as he arched his back, in response. Normally, Tanj would have teased him for a while, making him mad with lust, but her assignment, as she'd heard it, was to make him cum as many times as possible, and there was no time to waste. Her tongue got busy, stroking his shaft, as she shifted one paw to gently cup his balls. It didn't take long before he was rock hard, his cock standing massively proud! She sat back for a moment, and admired his size; he was _huge_! Enjoying her freedom of movement, unbound, and unfettered (at least for the moment); she turned, to crouch over his body, her tongue swirling around the head of his cock. As he groaned into his gag, she slowly slurped the head of his cock into her mouth; her tongue dancing over its surface. After holding it there for a moment, she then started to move her head back and forth, sliding his cock between her lips with increasing speed, each motion forward taking a little more of his mammoth shaft into her mouth. Before long, however, the head of his cock was hitting the back of her throat, and she had to fight the gag reflex. While she'd had some training in this area, she still hadn't mastered suppressing her gag reflex, but her enthusiasm for her task let her work through her problem. Tilting her head back, following her training, she slid her head forward, attempting to work his shaft down her throat. As she pushed forth resolutely, she found that he was just larger than she could accommodate, and her throat spasmed around his shaft; however, this seemed to be all he needed as to her amazement, delight and surprise, his hips started bucking and his shaft started pumping his first load of jism down her throat! He howled a long and plaintive note into his gag, as his cock spasmed and twitched, discharging its creamy load. As Tanj savored her success, she suddenly realized that with his cock filling her mouth and throat, she couldn't breath! Moaning softly, she pulled back, to receive the last of his load on the back of her tongue. Panting, she sat up on his chest, a look of triumph on her face. Turning, she gave him her best lascivious look as she licked her muzzle clean Returning to her original position, astride his thighs, she purrrred softly, nuzzling and licking at his shaft, waiting for him to recover. It wasn't long before he was once again hard, and she again marveled at his size. As she licked softly along his shaft she congratulated herself on having him as a partner, a prize, she was sure, that would make the other girls green with envy........ She finally had to remind herself that the clock was running, and that she couldn't play with him as long as she wanted; slithering forward, she slid up her body, making sure that his cock passed between her breasts, where, pulling her arms close to her body, she snuggled it for a moment. Moving onwards, she moved up to nuzzle his neck as her hips rubbed her dripping sex against his cock. She teased for a few minutes and then sat up. Reaching down with both paws, she took his magnificent cock in both hands and slooooowly dragged its head along her furrow. With a heartfelt sigh, she slowly sank down on his cock, impaling herself, driving it deep into her hungry pussy. Driving it all the way home, she sat for a moment and just smirked at him, enjoying the sensation..... But then, remembering her instructions, she slowly started to roll her hips, mimicking the movements of a dancer; she swayed for a moment, and then slowly rose on her knees, dragging his cock out of her. Just before the head slipped betwixt the lips of her pussy, she grinned and allowed gravity to pull her back down onto his cock; this elicited a grunt from the Tiger, whether of pleasure, or of Tanj landing on him hard, well, it was kinda hard to tell. She panted as she rode his cock, lifting herself up and then falling back down on him, fucking him roughly. As she rode him, she worked herself to two delightful climaxes, but as her head cleared from the second, she realized that time was slipping away..... Grinning down at him, she moved her paws behind her, to fondle his balls; of course, this made her breasts stand out proudly, and she knew his eyes were fastened on her bouncing, swaying tits. It didn't take much of this treatment before his hips started to buck upwards, and she felt his cock start to spurt deep within her. She purrrrrrrred and savored the warm feeling as his cum filled her pussy. As he calmed down, she sat astride him for a minute or two, trying to catch her breath. Wondering how much time she had left, Tanj rose on her knees until his limp cock fell from within her, with a soft, liquid *plop*. She slid back some, and bent over, intending to lick at his cock until he was hard again, but his shaft was so slick with her juices she had another idea..... squirming astride his legs, she bent over and once again, nestled his cock between her breasts. Using her paws to push her breasts together, she started rocking back and forth a little, driving his semi-hard cock between her breasts. Purrrrrring, she applied a little tongue to the head of his cock, each time it emerged from between her breasts, and before long, he was moaning into his gag, rocking his head from side to side, his cock rock hard once again. . . . Tanj kept up the "pressure", moving slowly, teasingly, and was surprised and delighted when suddenly his cock fountained again, spraying what little cum he had left over her muzzle and her breasts. "what a _GOOD_ boy you are" she purrrred as she licked at his cock, smearing his cum over its head. Time was running out; she knew that, but how to get him hard again, let alone make him cum? She needed something novel...... as she pumped his semi-flaccid cock with one paw, tongue delicately stroking the sweet spot just below the head, she pondered the alternatives; with a sigh, she concluded that if she was going to do this right, there was only one option; she had to take him in her ass. The Tiger hadn't been in the Academy that long, and thus, she thought, hadn't really gotten over the novelty of anal sex; some newbies came VERY suddenly just from the unique situation they found themselves in; on the other paw, he was HUGE, and Tanj wasn't all that wild about that form of lovemaking in the first place.... Still, in for a penny, in for a pound..... After a bit of stroking and licking, he was beginning to get hard again, and Tanj made sure his cock was WELL covered in her saliva. Crawling forward, she once again crouched over him, balanced on the balls of her feet. She held his cock between her thighs using both paws and slowly squatted until his cockhead pressed against her anus. As he felt the pressure, his head came up and he looked at her wide eyed, grunting into his gag; Tanj just grinned back, and let gravity take its course. She herself went wide-eyed as the head of his cock forced its way into her back passage; despite her increased "tenure" at the academy, she was still much tighter back there than any of her mentors were happy with, and at this point, she regretted her comparative inexperience. Never the less, she forced his cock, inch by inch into her ass until she could take no more. "It feels as if he's going to come out my throat" she thought to herself, but to the tiger she made only encouraging moans and mewls, as if having his cock in her ass was the greatest thing she could imagine. After a few moments to get used to it, she started moving carefully, her paws resting on his chest, rising fast and then slowly sinking back down on his cock. This went on for a while and she was afraid that he was too wore out to cum again, despite the most novel sensations; but then she had an idea; smiling down at him lasciviously, she moved one paw to her pussy and began to stroke herself in full view of him. She didn't think it possible, but his eyes went even wider and he mewled into his gag as she fingered and stroked herself. Not unexpectedly, Tanj soon forgot about the time, and her goal, and was lost in her own pleasure, her fingers coupled with the feeling of his monstrous cock in her ass rapidly driving her to another climax. It must have been her own muscles spasming as she found release yet again, that drove him over the edge, as before she could see it coming (pardon the pun), his hips were churning up against her with as little movement as his bonds permitted, and his cock was again throbbing and spurting, filling her ass with his seed. Tanj grinned as her body fell forward, to lay atop the Tiger's broad chest; she panted, trying to regain her breath, and her mind. Finally she slid forward, dragging one breast across his face as she finally pulled free of his cock. Tanj sat (gingerly) next to the Tiger, trying to figure out what to do next; considering where it'd been she could scarcely lick his cock hard again, if she could even get it hard. Likewise, she wasn't going to stuff him back in her pussy, so what was left? She'd gamely wrapped a paw around his shaft and was listlessly pumping him as she thought this over, when a gong sounded. End of the session. Tanj grinned and kissed the Tiger on the end of his nose. And then the door opened, and her instructor marched in. "Just WHAT IN THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?" she screamed Tanj had assumed the proper kneeling position for a slave as soon as she heard the door open, but in her shock, she raised her gaze to her instructor, eyes wide with confusion. Before she could speak, or even frame her thoughts to speak, the instructor continued; "are you deliberately trying to provoke me, or could you really be that stupid? Perhaps you're hard of hearing?" Tanj's jaw dropped a little, as she stared in complete confusion..... "you were SUPPOSED to KEEP him from cumming, you little twit! It was your job to keep him on edge for the period, not drain him completely! That furball is supposed to go to a remedial class on withholding his orgasm next! What kind of lessons will he learn at this point? Hell, I'd be surprised if he could even get it up at this point! You've RUINED him for the rest of the day!" Tanj blinked and suddenly remembered and lowered her gaze; "I'm in for it now" she thought to herself. The instructor turned and stormed out, but her vacuum was rapidly filled by two large and rather nasty guards, who roughly trussed Tanj and hauled her off to the "Dean of Punishment", and her fate. Tanj moaned as another fat droplet of hot oil struck squarely on her clitty. There was no pattern, no frequency that she could discern and it was driving her WILD! As another drop struck, sending one more electric jolt through her nervous system, she saw movement in the corner of her eye. Turning her head as best she could, she saw her instructor lead the Tiger into the main hall by a leash attached to his collar. Stopping before Tanj, her instructor grinned; "Now, my dear, I'll show you what you SHOULD have done. And I hope you're in a position to appreciate the lesson......" Tanj hung helpless, tormented by drop after drop, splatting hard against her clitty, as her instructor slowly brought the Tiger to the edge, and held him there............. Tanj's Tale: Learning Process By Kittiara Stardate 2397.55 Tanj stood at the junction of two corridors in the "academy". Her paws were bound behind her back, a gag filled her mouth, and a leash from her collar was clipped to a fitting in the wall above her head. Two other female slaves had been clipped to the same fitting, and they stood there, awaiting the return of their instructors, or possibly a guard to lead them back to the kennels. Tanj hadn't done well in cunnilingus class today, necessitating her stay "after class". It wasn't enthusiasm she lacked in performing her task, in fact just the opposite; the wild dancing of her rough tongue drove her partners rapidly to their climaxes, while her instructor insisted on "finesse", of slowly teasing them, letting the tensions build until they had mind-shattering climaxes. Tanj just wasn't reading the signals correctly, and her ass burned from the stripes left by her instructor's crop. She was sure that more punishments were in store as well, for her "poor performance".... As she stood there, pondering her likely fates, none of them too attractive, a rather furious looking male instructor led a petite vixen over to the waiting group. Forcing her to her knees, he roughly ran her leash down between her breasts, between her legs, up over her bound wrists and then back down. Clipping her anklets together, he ran the leash under where they joined and then gave a savage tug; the result was to make her bow her head, bending her body forward. As the chain of the leash dug deep into the vixen's sex, she moaned into her gag. Holding the end of the leash the instructor obviously realized that there wasn't enough length left to reach the fitting high on the wall. In frustration, he shoved the end of the leash into Tanj's bound paws; "Hold this bitch until I get back. Keep her on her knees, in a properly submissive posture". And with that he was gone. Tanj stood there for a while, just holding the leash. She had no idea at all what'd happened to cause the instructor to behave like that, and was really curious. As she held the leash, a wicked idea formed in her mind. It was really boring just standing there, and she thought she might have some quiet fun, while awaiting whomever would be coming to collect her....... Heck, she was probably going to be punished anyways..... Moving carefully, she balanced on one foot, and carefully swung the other over the leash. She was now facing the vixen, with the leash trailing from between the vixen's bound ankles, between her own legs, to where the handle was clasped in her paws behind her back. Grinning behind her gag, and leaning as far forward as her own leash would allow, she slowly started to tug on the leash, short rhythmic jerks. The effect of the chain sawing back and forth between the vixen's legs was almost immediate, with the poor bound thing moaning into her gag. Tanj found the sensation of the metal links passing across her own sex quite nice too, although she was sure that it was with much less pressure than what the vixen was experiencing. Tanj continued pulling on the leash, off and on, for what must have been twenty minutes. In that time, she was sure the vixen had climaxed at least once, and perhaps as many as three times, all while Tanj was still working towards her first.... Hearing voices approaching down the hall, Tanj stopped her tugging, and let the leash go as slack as possible. However, its glistening links told the tale as to what'd been going on, to any who cared to look. Two guards came down the corridor. Tanj got the impression that they were headed somewhere else, and just passing through, but when they saw the gaggle of bound slaves, they paused for a moment. "Well will you look at this", the wolf grinned. His companion, a rather large Tiger nodded; "very amusing; looks like they've been having some fun..... But I don't see how they could have gotten themselves into that predicament. Do you think some instructor left them like this on purpose?" The wolf just shrugged; "must have, although for what reason, I've no idea." The Tiger grinned; "tell me, you get any today?" The wolf just shook his head; "nope, too busy. I was gonna get me some later, down in the kennels, but with this little task we've been assigned, doubt there'll be time. The Tiger just nodded; "true, but it won't quite matter if we start a few minutes late; what say we, ah, take our frustrations out on these two? They look more'n ready. The wolf nodded and reached up to unclip Tanj's leash from the fitting; using it, he jerked her down to her knees and stepped forward, pushing his crotch into her face; "you know what to do, Slave" Tanj looked up at him and blinked, and as he returned his gaze, the wolf chuckled; "oh, yeah, forgot that", and slackening his grip on her leash, he proceeded to unbuckle her gag, letting it hang loosely around her neck. Tanj immediately leaned forward to run her tongue over the wolf's sheath. If there was one thing she was good at, it was sucking cock...... The Tiger reached down and unfastened the vixen's bound paws, to refasten them in front of her. he then unclipped her anklets and dragged her roughly to her feet. Lifting her by her bound wrists, he placed her arms around his neck. Tanj watched from the corner of her eye as the vixen's legs automatically encircled the Tiger's waist, her ankles crossing in the small of his back. Tanj grinned around the Wolf's cock as the vixen's hips moved back and forth, stroking against the Tiger's rapidly hardening cock. She knew what to do, all right, knew well what was expected of her..... The Tiger, however, seemed to be a bit in a hurry and his paws went to clutch the vixen's ass, forcing her crotch hard against his shaft. He literally rubbed the vixen against his thick cock for a while, and then he lifted her up a bit, to place his cock at the entrance to her pussy. Tanj watched as her head bobbled back and forth on the Wolf's cock as the Tiger released the vixen, letting gravity impale her on his cock! The vixen groaned into her gag as the Tiger's thick cock forced its way into her pussy, and Tanj was glad she'd teased the vixen with the leash; at least she was wet! The Tiger took a step back, leaning his shoulders against the wall, his feet spread and braced, as his paws again clutched the vixen's rump, lifting her almost completely off his shaft, only to let her fall back down again! The Tiger groaned each time the vixen's pussy enveloped his thick shaft, and as Tanj sucked avidly on one of the Wolf's balls, she noted that the look on the vixen's face was one of pure bliss. As they fucked, the Tiger's paws clutched tight at the vixen's ass, squeezing her globes tight, his fingers roughly indenting her fur. With each cycle of lift-and-drop, his index fingers stole closer to the base of her tail, until they were both rubbing hard against her anus. This however only seemed to spur the vixen on and she writhed against him with a sexual frenzy that Tanj found wondrous to behold. Tanj's head was slowly sliding back and forth along the Wolf's shaft, his cockhead traveling from between her lips to pressed hard against the back of her throat. With him, she had no trouble at all pacing her actions, teasing with her tongue, keeping him on the edge... why couldn't she do this with a female? Why couldn't she read the signals that told how close a female was, as well as she could with a guy? The wolf had his cock deep in her mouth, almost down her throat when she noticed from the corner of her eye that the Tiger had driven one finger deep in the vixen's ass and was now seemingly dragging her up and down along his cock with that peculiar and intimate grip! The Tiger's other paw had shifted to grasping the vixen's left breast, squeezing it hard, as if using that grip to steady her as he lifted her up and let her fall back down onto his cock. Tanj winced, almost biting the Wolf, thinking that such grips would be horribly painful, but the vixen seemed to be loving it! Tanj's tongue danced along the underside of the Wolf's shaft, holding him at the very edge, the taste of his pre- cum in her mouth, as she watched the Tiger move; he was obviously wriggling his finger deep in the vixen's ass! As she watched, he released her breast, and brought his other paw down to her rump. Stretching her in what must have been a painful motion, he managed to work his OTHER index finger into her ass! He used this two handed grip to raise her yet again, only to let her fall down hard onto his shaft! Tanj thought that the pressure on the front of the vixen's sex must be immense, as she hung there for an instant before he once again dragged her up...... The Tiger chewed on one of the vixen's ears as he used her as his fuck-toy, roughly handling her, his size, and his power, and his mastery of her very apparent to those watching. Tanj darted a glance at the other two slaves chained to the wall, as she ran her tongue around the Wolf's cockhead, and was amused to see them both staring wide-eyed at the Tiger. It was as the Tiger tugged at the vixen's asshole, his fingers actually spreading apart slightly, providing the onlookers with a view inside the vixen that she suddenly bucked and howled into her gag, obviously having a massive climax. The Tiger grinned, as if he'd been waiting for that. Straightening from where he'd been leaning against the wall, balancing with the vixen still impaled on his cock, he turned to lean her back against the wall. Fingers still in her ass, he proceeded to start fucking her hard, his hips churning, bucking hard against her, his cock driving furiously into her dripping pussy! As Tanj again started bobbing her head back and forth on the Wolf's cock, she noticed that he too was watching the Tiger, a lopsided grin on his face. Tanj took this as a sign that he was in no hurry, and her tongue behaved accordingly, keeping his interest, but not letting him get too close to cumming. The Tiger's vigorous fucking finally resulted in him having a massive orgasm, and he staggered back from the wall, the vixen impaled on his throbbing cock. His discharge was so great, Tanj saw a portion stream between the vixen's pussy and his own cock, to run down, coating his own balls. With a grin, the Tiger released the vixen's asshole, and moving his paws to her arms, lifted her off his cock. He rebound her arms behind her, and then with a pawfull of her hair, forced her head down towards his cock. Removing her gag, he told her to clean him up, to lick him clean and be quick about it. With the ball gag removed, the vixen was panting hard, but she complied, her pink tongue flashing out to lick at his balls, as if gobbling up his cum was the most delicious thing she could think of. As Tanj slowly slid the Wolf's cock between her lips, her tongue swirling over its slick surface, she thought "This vixen's a natural! She doesn't need the academy, no one needs to train HER to be a sex slave!" Tanj smiled around the Wolf's cock, as the vixen's tender ministrations soon had the Tiger hard again. With a growl, he took her head in his paws and slowly started fucking her face! Tanj could see the Tiger's cock actually distending the vixen's throat as he drove it not just into her mouth, but down her throat as well. As Tanj did her best to imitate the vixen's style, driving forward until her nose touched the Wolf's stomach, she could see the vixen swallowing around the Tiger's thick cock. Tanj was moving at her own speed, the Wolf softly petting her head, as she repeatedly drove his cock into her throat, but the Tiger was fucking the vixen's mouth hard, and it was obvious that the vixen wasn't getting quite enough air..... Tanj watched with concern, as the vixen started to squirm, obviously becoming uncomfortable, but the Tiger seemed to enjoy her squirming. With a ROAR that echoed down the corridors, the Tiger pumped a second load deep into the Vixen's throat, and only when he'd shot his last, did he pull his cock from within her throat. The vixen took a deep breath of air, and grinned, as if she'd enjoyed every moment of it. As the vixen rose to tiptoes, presumptuously rising to kiss the Tiger, Tanj finally gave the Wolf release, driving his cock way down her throat, and swallowing, her muscles rippling along his cock. As he came, Tanj pulled her head back, opening her mouth, to let him see his cum landing on her tongue. Grinning, the Wolf reached down to stroke his own spurting cock, making sure that some of his cum landed on Tanj's cheeks, muzzle and breasts. Tanj just grinned up at him, and slowly licked her lips, licking off what she could in a show of how much she savored his cum....... It wasn't long before the two slaves were fastened as they had been, the vixen on her knees, bent over, the leash between Tanj's thighs, its leather strap in her bound paws. Tanj still pulled and tugged at the leash occasionally, wondering just how sore the vixen must be after that little escapade, afraid of hurting her, but wishing that she could tug the leash as hard as she wanted, her own climax still absent..... It was a while later when guards came and collected the two other slave girls, leading them off towards the kennels, leaving Tanj and the Vixen alone in the corridor. Tanj was getting tired of standing there, the pressure of the chain between her thighs just not quite enough...... She was startled when the two instructors, hers, and the vixen's, came around a corner. Both instructors slowed, staring at the situation. Tanj's instructor reached out to turn her head, and then grinned at the cum clinging to her fur; "well, at least you two haven't been tooo lonely" The other instructor placed his paws on his hips; "so what do you think we should do with these two". The first just shrugged; "with the vixen, I doubt there's much that can be done; she's way oversexed, and I've never heard of a cure for that. Someday she's going to wear some poor Master out, completely. Probably be best to see that she's sold to some bordello. That, or her spirit will be poisoned by not getting as much as she wants. Now the Cheetah, here, thats something else. She needs practice. A LOT of practice, and I think we might just be able to find a way to get her that........" Tanj was still on her feet, and it looked like she would be, for a while to come. She stood in a very narrow cage, pressed back against one wall. Her paws were cuffed behind her back, the three links of the chain between the cuffs outside of one of the bars. her feet were spread, and her anklets clipped to bars on either side of the cage. The vixen hung directly in front of her, feet in padded cuffs chained to the bars on either side, at the very top of the cage, such that the Vixen's muff was directly below Tanj's muzzle. The Vixen's paws likewise were chained behind her back, around one of the bars on the far side of the cage. But the cage was so narrow, obviously meant for only one standing furr, that they were pressed hard against each other. Both of the females were no longer gagged, but the vixen wore sensors taped to her chest and head, the wires leading to a portable recorder outside the bars. Tanj was to lick her to the very edge of a climax, but not beyond, as many times as she could, during the night. For every climax the Vixen had, Tanj would get ten strokes with the crop; for every time she was brought to the edge, but did NOT climax, as monitored by the recording instrument, one stroke would be taken back. The Vixen, however, was under no such restrictions, and had been told to break Tanj's concentration as much as possible. Obviously her reward would be as many climaxes as she could trick Tanj into giving her As Tanj's pussy fluttered and spasmed, another climax coursing through her, she thought to herself that the Vixen was MUCH too good at this! During the night, they found some time to talk; Tanj learned the Vixen's name was Zassa, and that she'd been imprisoned by the state while on vacation on Elysium. It seemed her room had been mysteriously burgled, and she'd lost her vacation money. Then she'd run into the same situation Tanj had, about trying to transfer replacement funds into the Elysium system. By the time anyone back home knew she'd run into problems, she'd been arrested for vagrancy, convicted, and "sold" to the Academy. Still, she maintained, it was the greatest vacation she'd ever Had! "Didn't the Tiger hurt you bad, the way he used you?" Tanj asked. "Oh, NO!", Zassa replied; "I LOVE that; I like to have a little pain with my pleasure; it adds something, um, well, undefinable. Can't explain it, just know thats what I like" Tanj nodded and leaned forward to give the Vixen's clitty a sharp nip, and nodded in satisfaction as she trembled with a sudden climax; "you DO like that, don't you?" Zassa just nodded and moaned and then reapplied her tongue to Tanj's dripping sex, hungrily, as if by licking Tanj harder, she could earn another such nip. It was a long night, and when they were finally released, just in time for the morning's classes, Tanj felt she'd learned a lot about how to bring a female to the very brink, but not let her cum. Her instructor seemed pleased when he reviewed the instrument's readout, and in the end she only received six strokes with the crop. From there, it was off to another day at the academy. Tanj ran into Zassa again, and the mischief they created is still whispered about in the halls of the academy, but thats another story.......... . . . . . . . . Tanj's Tale: Oh, the _HORROR_! By Kittiara Stardate: 2397.60 Tanj stood just outside a classroom she'd never been in before; she was obviously the first of her class to be "delivered" there, her guard fastening her leash to the fitting high on the wall above her head, the coffle moving off to leave her there, waiting. She stood calmly, paws bound behind her back, head bowed submissively, but eyes roaming the hallway as she waited for the others to show up. It wasn't long before another coffle came by, to drop off a lady skunk, and a male Ocelot before moving on. They waited quietly, eyes furtively examining their new "classmates", not daring to talk, to ask the questions so urgent in their minds. Their wait wasn't long, and before they could get tired of standing in one place, in one position, an instructor, a rather slender fox, came to collect the ends of their leads, to usher them into the classroom. The room was clearly an anteroom, with four doors leading off radially. He bade them kneel and then moved around in front of them, to take a seat on a stool, the only object in the room. "You three have been "volunteered" to assist us in testing out some new equipment. In the process you'll fulfill your requirements for course 328; Themes, scenes and shows. Now, in order to gauge the new system we have, you will each don a costume, and proceed into the theater, where you will act accordingly; remember this is supposed to be spontaneous, _BUT_ you still know what's expected of you; don't ad lib too far from your, ah, "station". I know you don't fully understand, but you will....oh, you will! When you've completed the first scene, we'll discuss your performance privately, and then you'll change rooms. NO DISCUSSION as to what went on! your classmates are NOT to know what they're in for. No spoiling the surprise. We'll do a full performance analysis when the trio is complete. Now, here are your costumes....." Tanj stood at the door looking down at herself; she wore a dark blue inexpensive skirt, shorter than she would have cared for at one time, with a blue and white blouse, and over it all, a white, thigh length lab coat. There was a fake I.D. badge clipped to the lapel and the requisite pens in the breast pocket. She felt she looked like some sort of lab assistant, probably what they were getting at.... "Now what" she wondered; "What kind of a scene am I going to be involved in? and Lord, doesn't it feel _strange_ to wear clothes again?" She didn't even think it remarkable that there were no undergarments..... At that instant the lock on the door snicked and it drifted open an inch or two; pushing it open, Tanj stepped into the darkened room. Closing the door behind her, she waited a minute for her eyes to adjust to the darkness....... The door snicked closed behind her with an awful finality. She seemed to be in some sort of darkened laboratory, the only lights coming from various instrument consoles and from a glistening column in the middle of the room. The column shed an eerie green light, and seemed to be filled with liquid, little bubbles rising slowly. Tanj's eyes widened in surprise as she beheld the horror that floated in the middle of the liquid. Tanj took a step forward towards the column, both fascinated and repulsed, a weird chill wind blowing open her unbuttoned lab coat. She was sure at this point that she was supposed to be playing the lab assistant, or technician, not supposed to be here (hence the lights being off), her curiosity over the 'monstrosity' causing her to sneak in..... "I think I know whats going to happen" she thought to herself; "I bet that things gonna break out and come after me......." Still, even knowing what was to come, she found herself taking another step closer to get a better look, her eyes wide. The creature, obviously alien, looked too..... detailed to be a puppet, or a robot, and yet how could such a thing be alive? It looked soooooo.... alien. So dangerous. It looked like an eight foot tall insect, all bony and angular. It had a prominent skull, eyeless, earless, capped with bony ridges. Its lipless mouth revealed sharp teeth; row after row of glassy fangs. Behind the teeth was a long snake-like tongue. Its chest was ribbed, almost armored, its surface an inky blackish-grey. Its six fingered taloned hands hung loosely at its side, its arms apparently heavily muscled. Horn-like tubes projected from its back. Tanj dropped her gaze to look at its heavily muscled legs and taloned feet. Its tail was bony, seemingly segmented. Tanj's eyes widened further as she realized that between his legs was a long, thick, heavily ribbed and _very_ erect phallus. Worse, the tip of its long tail seemed to be equipped with a similar such tip. The overall effect was startling, frightening, and strangely alluring........ Tanj gasped at that last thought as she stood with her nose almost touching the glass, inches from its very prominent hard-on. "Alluring? _THAT_THING_? Oh, Lord, what _HAVE_ they done to me that I could even find a horror like that...... interesting? How have they changed me that I find wearing a blouse and skirt "strange"? Have they merely unlocked sensations and feelings, and desires that were slumbering within me, or have they so molded me, so warped me that what now seems natural to me, what seems proper an desirable is merely what they want me to find as such? WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME??? As the conflicting motions raged through her mind, Tanj moved around the column, examining the creature from all angles; some distant, analytical part of her mind was trying to determine if it might be a real creature, or some sort of puppet, or even a robot, while her conscious mind raged at her masters for what they'd done to her, or what they might have done to her....and at herself for what might be normal urges and thoughts brought to the surface and magnified..... Every once in a while she'd catch herself, her gaze locked on one phallic shape, or the other, and with a shudder, she'd avert her gaze..... Tanj jumped a foot when a monitor beeped, and then beeped again, breaking her train of thought, interrupting her introspection, reminding her that she was being observed, and that whatever had brought her to this point, it was definitely desirable NOT to disappoint those that now held her life in the palms of their paws. Looking about wildly, she matched a flashing light with the intermittent, but steadily increasing beeping. The console said that heartbeat and respiration were increasing..... that it was coming alive..... Tanj scowled; "how can its respiration be increasing? Its submersed in liquid!" She looked up at the creature; it remained immobile save for a slight bobbing up and down in the liquid. Tanj looked down at the console again, at the supposed increasing life signs; when she looked back up, she frowned; the attitude of the creature seemed to have changed; it had swiveled, so that its elongated head now seemed to be "looking" at her, a disconcerting thought considering that it had no eyes..... Completely involuntarily, Tanj took a step backwards, as if something in the very core of her soul was bidding her to flee. As she stepped backwards, however, unfamiliar with the layout of the room, she seemed to come in contact with one of the seemingly randomly placed consoles. Something beeped, suggesting that her posterior had hit a switch, and with that noise, the monster floating in the column of green started thrashing. An inhuman screeching issued from within the transparent column, as the monster's talons tore at the plastic, scarring it deeply. Some deep, primal part of Tanj wanted to turn, to run, to flee, whatever the consequences, but instead, the remnants of her logical engineer's mind made her turn to study the console behind her, in the vain hopes that she might be able to undo whatever she'd done, that she might be able to quiet the raging monster. "If nothing else, it should be a logical part of the "plot", and if I'm very lucky I'll find a way to flush that horror......" The ominous sound of cracking plastic forced her around however, and she stared in terror as a spiderweb of thin lines grew through the plastic cylinder. Suddenly the entire tube shattered, spilling a flood of viscous green liquid into the room, and with the loss of the liquid, the light level dropped considerably, partially compensated for by red emergency lights that started flashing, bathing the entire room in the color of blood. The tide of foul green slime washed Tanj from her feet, spilling her to the floor, now several feet deep in green goo, and she sensed, rather than saw the monster leap from the wreckage of its prison, to fly overhead. As Tanj tried to stand, to turn to face the terror now on the loose, Tanj thought "I wonder how the monster would like to feel my claws? If its not just a robot, or a puppet, I can at least let it know I was here....." but with a sigh, she banished that thought; her masters would not be happy if she damaged something; in fact, they might decide that a sex slave didn't really need claws anyways, and she did NOT want to give them any excuses to have her declawed.... Tanj caught sight of the monster, crouched high on the wall, near the ceiling, once again apparently studying her with its sightless face. She shuddered, and took a step back, and then another, trying to maintain her footing. However, as the monster leapt towards her, she slipped and went over backwards, landing hard on the floor, the back of her head thumping the floor solidly. When the stars cleared from her vision, Tanj found herself pinned to the floor by the monster's bony body! Instinct got the better of her and she screamed loudly, her paws clawing ineffectually at its chest. The monster only picked her up with its talons and slammed her hard against the wall, pinning her there, her feet a good foot off the floor; she watched in horror as its head came closer and closer, dripping slime over her face, until its snakelike tongue licked out, slowly passing over her face, leaving a trail of slime; in fact, now that it was free of the cylinder, it seemed to literally exude slime. As its tongue slithered over her face, the monster used one wicked talon to literally rip the clothes from her body, leaving what little fabric remained in tatters. Tanj found her throat raw from screaming, but still managed to find enough breath for another shriek as the creature's monstrous cock nuzzled up between her thighs, to press hard against her pussy; this too dripped slime, and before she could draw a breath for another scream, it had slid deep into her, seemingly lifting her up, pressing her against the wall. As the thick phallus drove into her, it seemed to start to vibrate, and in spite of herself, Tanj moaned, the usual feelings of pleasure starting to nibble at the edges of her terror. The creature bent its head, and the snakelike tongue flicked out to slither over her breasts, coating her in more slime, and yet somehow, that slick, smooth feeling excited her nipples, making them stiff, making them hard; as the monster again crushed her body against the wall, the feeling of it chitinous surface against her slimed breasts seemed almost delicious. That thought, however, was torn from her mind as she felt the end of the creature's tail slide up between her thighs; she tossed back her head, trying to bridge from the wall, and howled out "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" even as she felt the phallic tip of its tail drive deep into her ass! Tanj's body jerked repeatedly, arms and legs flailing as the monster drove both cock and tail into her, their force alone seemingly keeping her suspended off the floor. They drove so deep into her, she was sure that the cock had forced the very entrance to her womb, while the phallic tail seemed to be threatening to emerge from her throat, each rib on their surface distinctly felt as they drove in and out! Moaning, Tanj made the mistake of glancing upwards; its visage was terrible, frightening, the lack of eyes in the prominent skull probably the worst part, and the lashing tongue, dripping slime.......... She screamed again, howls of terror, and..... of lust? Her passions were definitely rising, her own juices adding to the slime seemingly dripping from every part of her body. She felt revolted, not so much at the monster, but that at the fact that she had been changed, altered, molded, and bent so much that she was actually starting to enjoy this, to savor the thrusting phallic shapes within her, enjoying the way she was pinned so forcefully, so helplessly to the wall as this nightmare creature ravished her! She moaned in shame at what she'd become! How _could_ she be enjoying this? Tanj panted hard, as the monster's cock spread her pussy wide, its tail stretching her ass just as wide. She mewled mindlessly, the situation rapidly overpowering her senses. She shuddered and howled, fighting to get free, fighting to get more, until finally the combined sensations were too much for her confused senses and she convulsed, thrashing without purpose, screaming out her pleasure as a massive climax tore through her body, her vaginal and anal muscles spasming hard around the thrusting phalluses. Her sentience seemed to have fled and she wailed, wanting ever more of what the monster was giving her with those two phalluses... It was almost as if the monster were waiting for that display, as if it fed off the waves of pleasure emanating from her nervous system, as moments later it had yanked its cock and its tail from her, to toss her to the floor. Tanj laid there, dazed, weak and panting as the monster screamed, both organs starting to spurt, as it too orgasmed. Tanj mewled as she felt what must have been literally gallons of the ropy, slimy strangely musked cum cover her breasts, her stomach, her thighs, bathing her. She gasped as it seemed to react with the slime the creature had been covering her with, hardening rapidly. She howled in terror, fighting to get free as the creature's cock and tail covered her with more and more of the stuff, until she was literally glued to the floor, pinned in a strange position, cocooned, only her ass and her muzzle exposed! Tanj was nose deep in the baths, little bits of dried resin sticking to her fur here and there, a thoroughly disgusted look on her face, when the guards led Marla, the She-Wolf in, to get cleaned up. As she sunk down into the steaming water, Marla regarded her friend with a look of awe; "they showed us the video of your scene today; said it was a shining example of how to perform in a scene; why, the looks of horror, and of terror on your face were soooo real! You are a GREAT actress! Oooooo, and that _monster_! He was so deliciously evil looking and soooo sexy at the same time! I hope they let me have a crack at him!" Tanj looked at her friend and sighed; she thought to herself; "Monster. Yeah, but just who was the monster there? The creation of the "Academy", or was it me, for taking such perverse pleasure in it? Just what _HAVE_ they done to me? What kind of a monster have they created?" Tanj's Tale: Piled Higher and Deeper By Kittiara Stardate: 2397.61 It was several days later when once again the guard detached Tanj from the “coffle”, and fastened her leash to the hook high on the wall by that door. It was the strange “classroom” for course 328; Themes, Scenes and Shows again, and Tanj could only wonder what she was in for this time. “If I was able to survive that monster last time, I suspect I’ll come through this OK” she thought; “Still, I hated the way it laminated me into the floor. It took FOREVER to get that stuff out of my fur!” It wasn’t long before her classmates, the lady Skunk, and the male Ocelot joined her standing there by the door, their leashes secured to a hook high above their heads. This time, they’d all been gagged, and there was no possibility of comparing notes. “Neither of them look concerned or worried” Tanj thought; “their little one act plays must not have been too bad; maybe I’ve been through the worst this course has to offer.” As they waited, they teased each other covertly, rubbing up against one, or the other; a touch here, a brush of the tail there. A distant observer would never have noticed… or at least that’s what they were hoping for. Anything to kill the time while waiting. Eventually the slender fox that was their instructor came and collected them, to bring them into the anteroom. They knelt where they had before, and awaited his instructions. Instead, he busied himself with a box of costumes, piling them on the floor in front of the three slaves. Tanj noticed from the corner of her eye that the male ocelot received the lab coat this time, and she wondered if the monster he had to deal with would be male, or female…… Finally the instructor was ready and he assumed his seat on the stool. “From your efforts last time, we’ve made a few changes in the system. It should now be much more “interactive”, and as such, you’ll be expected to take a greater part, not just “react”. Accordingly, I wish to see some initiative out there. Act as you would imagine someone in that situation to act. I admit, to an extent, that’s asking you to read our minds, but then, isn’t that what a good slave should be able to do? In any event, there will be punishments for failure, and perhaps even rewards for success. And remember, NO DISCUSSION of what goes on here. No spoiling the surprises. Now, lets get you into your costumes and begin, shall we?” Tanj stood at the door to the second “set”. She was in a strange costume; from the belt around her waist, a loincloth dropped almost to the floor; it was black, with gold thread forming strange patterns and runes. Her breasts were supported by some sort of metal filigree bra; while she was well supported, the fingers of metal did nothing to conceal. In fact her nipples protruded between two of the fingers. Both her nipple rings and the metal of the “bra” glittered in the “backstage” light. She wore anklets, armbands, earrings and a very complex dangly necklace. She felt she looked quite the bizarre barbarian. All she needed was a dagger and a broadsword to complete the pulp fiction image. As she was tugging at the loincloth, trying to get it to hang straighter, the door in front of her clicked open. Pushing the door open, she moved into another world. This one looked like a room in an ancient fortress; the floor and walls were large blocks of stone, with crude heavy rafters above. Oil lanterns on tripods flickered at random locations. There was a thick carpet on the floor and tapestries on the wall. As she entered, a gray wolf in a robe turned to her; “Well, its about time you showed up; don’t you know Lady Ergless will be here at any moment? She’s an important customer, and a powerful Noble and we should put forth our best! Now you just stand behind me and keep quiet; but pay attention! Tanj nodded quietly and moved to take a position a step behind and to one side of the wolf as he stood at a stone table. As they waited, it was obvious that the Wolf was pouring over a large crudely bound book in front of him on the table. He seemed to be studying up on something, and he would mutter to himself from time to time. Tanj tried to listen, but his speech was so quiet she only caught occasional words. “Monster”, “Satiate” or “insatiable” and “Horrible” seemed to predominate. As she listened, she covertly looked around. “This place seems to be some sort of Magician’s workshop” she thought. “Got the obligatory skull… the magic texts… The gargoyles (did that one move?)… The strange flickering lights…The skeleton… All he needs is a pointy hat with moons and stars on it, and the heavily muscled hansom barbarian, and the set would be complete…..” With that, the door on the opposite side of the room banged open and two heavily muscled and near naked Tigers stalked in, to look around. Each carried a bare scimitar, and looked like they could use it well. Tanj frowned a little as when their gaze passed over her, it seemed only to be evaluating her as a threat…… She realized she was coming to enjoy those hot looks from males, and that too gave her pause for thought. When they were satisfied there was no threat, they signaled and the Lady Ergless walked in regally. “Now here’s the typical barbarian princess” Tanj thought, doing her best to keep her face neutral. Apparently the Lady Ergless was another Cheetah morph, and she moved to look Tanj up and down, critically, as if evaluating her as competition, or possibly for her usefullnes…… Finally she turned and nodded to the Wolf; “My lord Wizard”…. She purrrred “I was RIGHT” Tanj thought to herself; “this IS a magic shop!” The wolf regarded the “princess” thoughtfully, and as he did so, Tanj also examined the other Cheetah. She was just a touch taller, and perhaps a little slimmer. She was dressed in a long flowing gown that did nothing to conceal her charms, its neckline plunging to below her navel in a sharp vee, its long skirt slit up the front of each leg almost to her waist. As she turned, Tanj saw that the dress was backless, the fabric at the waist flowing around her hips to form a vee whose point was hidden under her tail. The dress was a deep black that seemed to just drink in the light of the room, and set off her golden fur and black spots well. “Like that dress” Tanj thought; “Have to get one like that some day; it should start riots.” Tanj then had to suppress a giggle, wondering when she’d decided she liked to start riots by dressing like that. “Doesn’t matter, I suppose” she thought to herself; “Given the option, I would dress like that; it’d be FUN!” As she fought to maintain her poker face, she realized that they’d been talking…… “………could be possible you understand, my Lady; but it would be powerfully difficult to control” the Wolf was saying, a look of concern on his face. Ergless made a dismissive gesture; “that, my Lord Wizard, is what we pay you so hansomly for. There is a walled spot in the courtyard where I want you to conjure the monster. You have the texts I obtained; I expect you to produce it and to tame it by this time tomorrow!” And with that, she turned and followed by her guards, departed. The wizard sighed and shook his head; “foolish foolish female. To conjure such a monster for her own pleasure. She truly knows not what she toys with. Perhaps the fates will be kind and it will dispose of her for us.” Turning to look at Tanj he scowled; “well, don’t just stand there, we have a monster to conjure. Gather the supplies. We’ll need white chalk, powdered, the black candles… the brazier………” Tanj had taken three armloads of stuff down to the little walled area in the courtyard, under the wizard’s watchful gaze. She didn’t know how they were doing it, but it seemed as if the “stage” had expanded to something several times the size of the whole academy. She was getting tired from all the walking! The walled area was very strange, too; it had a standard wooden and iron door in it, but inside, it was just a square, maybe six meters by six, open to the sky, but with ten meter tall walls. She’d been laying out all the supplies, and under the wizard’s direction, she started to use the white powder to inscribe the dirt floor with the patterns he directed. “No, you silly thing! What kind of an apprentice ARE you! YOU KNOW you have to be naked to inscribe those symbols! No, No, NO! you don’t have to strip off the jewelry too! You know some of those are amulets for your protection! Just the loincloth and the top……” Tanj shrugged, not caring about being nude anymore; besides, she’d been tripping over the end of the loincloth anyways. She inscribed the patterns on the ground, lit the braziers, and burned the incense, all as instructed. The wizard bade her kneel behind him, as he set his large book on a stand, near one of the braziers. He scowled over the text for a few minutes and then raised both arms and started to read the incantation. He’d gotten about four sentences into it when a small gust of wind made the candles gutter and flicker, and made the incense smoke swirl and twist. And whether it was the smoke, or the dust, the Wizard sneezed. Tanj gaped as, with the sneeze, there was a blinding flash of light, and a hint of flames, and the Wizard vanished, his pointy hat falling to the ground in a small puff of dust. “OH Crap!” thought Tanj; “now what do I do?” She looked around for a minute, half expecting him to pop back into existence, probably with a box of tissues, blowing his nose. Finally, though she gave up and rose to her feet to look at the book of magic. There at the top was a stern warning saying that any variation from the incantation, once started, would produce immediate and dire consequences. Tanj turned to look at the Magician’s hat, and then back at the book; “Yeah, guess so!” she thought. Turning the page back, to look at the beginning of the section, she read aloud (obviously for the benefit of the audience); “The Green Monster of Panhyrion………… Its squirming tendrils…… Hmmmmmm can’t read some of this……… Sexually satisf……… something……… any maiden? Is this saying that the monster will sexually satisfy any maiden? Is that what she wants it for? I dunno, too many words in there I can’t read………” Tanj looked up from the book, as if glancing about to see if the Wizard had made it back yet. “Obvioulsly” she thought; “From the way they’ve set this up, I’m supposed to be intrigued by the spell, read the incantation, and then deal with the monster. Its suggested that I’ll have a great time with it, obviously what that princess type was after, but knowing this group, there’s gotta be a twist. They don’t do nice things for furrs like me. Still, what choice do I have?” Turning the page back, Tanj looked at the beginning of the incantation. She played at being hesitant, for a moment, and then as she looked again at the incantation, she let one paw glide down her tummy, to cup her sex; “Oh, what are you waiting for, Girl?” she thought to herself; “besides, you survived that other monster? How much worse could this be? Might even be fun…..” With that, she started reading the incantation, slowly, in a clear voice. At the same point the wizard had faltered, the wind again sprang up, to make the candles flicker, to make the incense swirl; Tanj was ready, reading through slitted eyes, one paw over her nose. The incantation went on for page after page, and as she read, mouthing nonsense words, the wind grew in intensity, until she was holding the book down to the stand with both paws, her hair streaming out behind her. “Funny the candles don’t blow out” she thought. “Oh well, special effects and all that”. As she finished the last word, the wind ceased as if someone had thrown a switch. “They probably did” Tanj grinned to herself. All was quiet. Too quiet. Tanj slowly closed the book of magic and slowly padded out into the center of the diagram that she’d drawn. She looked about, and then looked up at the stars overhead, and shrugged; “maybe I did something wr……” She felt something touch her ankle; just a light touch; she looked down and noticed a tiny green tendril had emerged from the ground, like a plant growing at unusual speed. Bending down to look at it, Tanj realized that she could actually see it growing; it was getting longer and thicker, and it was slowly curling around her ankle. “This is the green monster?” she thought to herself, and then she couldn’t help but laugh; “All those disasters with gardens when I was a cub and now, NOW I finally make something grow?” She shook her head and turned to head towards the door, but only got a step; the tendril was still tight around her ankle, and it was growing tighter by the second. “Hey, leggo!” she muttered as she tried to extract her foot. She was using both paws to peel back its tip, as she felt another tendril brush against her other foot; shifting to look down she eeeped as she realized that tendrils were emerging from all over the ground, within the symbol she’d drawn. Forgetting her resolve to put up with whatever they threw at her, she fought the tendrils around one foot, only to have it recaptured as she turned to work at the other. In a moment, she felt her tail captured, and then one paw was snagged. She struggled against the growing vines, gradually loosing more and more ground, her movements diminishing as the vines grew in thickness and power. She knew she was in major trouble when her feet left the ground……… The vines thickened as they lengthened, and with their increased strength, lifted Tanj, to hold her a body’s length above the ground, her body leaning back slightly from the vertical. Tendrils wrapped around her ankles, above and below her knees, spreading her legs uncomfortably wide. Other tendrils held her wrists, and upper arms, pulling against those that held her legs, stretching her as if she were on the rack. Still more tendrils wound their way around her waist, and neck, holding her tight. She moaned as she felt tendrils interweave themselves in her hair, pulling her head back hard. She felt tendrils wrap themselves around her ribs, their finely divided tips encircling her breasts to squeeze hard, making them jut out, like overinflated balloons glued to her chest, their minute tips actually entwining around her nipples, to tug at them! She struggled against them, doing little more than making her body sway, increasingly unable to move in her leafy bondage, but even as she struggled, the vines holding her grew thorns, making such movements very ill-advised. Tanj gasped and stiffened as she felt tendrils slide over her sex, and probe under her tail; she opened her mouth to scream, but as she did so, something cool and slick forced itself into her mouth. Her tongue told her it felt like some sort of cabbage leaf in texture, but before she could try and bite down on it, it puffed up, as if inflating with sap, to fill her mouth. In an instant she was fully gagged by the leafy monstrosity, unable to make the slightest sound. She did her best to shake her head as some foul tasting sap started to trickle down her throat from the bladder filling her mouth. She couldn’t even mewl as tendrils forced their way into her pussy and ass; at first they felt like the finest of vines, less than a stylus’ thickness in width; however, like the rest of the leafy monster, they too grew at a horrendous rate. She squirmed, or tried to as the vines grew to stunning thickness, filling her pussy and ass, stretching her, pushing forward until she was sure the one in her pussy was worming its way into her womb. At first, the creepy sensations of the vines penetrating her had sent the shivers up and down her spine, leaving her on the verge of panic, but as the vines thickened, to pulsate with some inner energy, to wriggle and squirm within her, once again some portion of her brain took over and she began to moan in pleasure…… “My God” she thought; “I’m being raped by a vegetable!” And as amazing as her situation was, as frightening, she still had to laugh to herself, thinking this a fitting revenge for all the times she’d played with herself, using a carrot, or a cucumber…… Resigning herself to her situation, and hoping that when the sun came up, the plant wouldn’t grow so strong it would rip her limb from limb, she surrendered to the strange pulsations filling her pussy and her ass. Her muffled mewls gradually turned to squeals of pleasure, her struggles turning to attempts to increase the friction, or the sensation of this tendril, or that. Succumbing to the pleasures of the plant, it wasn’t long before her body convulsed in a powerful climax. She felt her own juices running freely down her thighs, and could imagine them dripping to the ground, to water the roots of the plant that possessed her so thoroughly. The plant held her, continuing to pleasure her relentlessly, through the rest of the night; she lost count of her climaxes, the experience turning slowly into a dimly perceived sensation as the waves of pleasure coursed through her. The plant monster turned her, holding her in different positions, twisting her this way and that, almost as if demonstrating what it could do with its captive…… Some small part of her mind wondered if there was something in the sap that the stem in her mouth kept secreting that so blurred her mind, so increased her passion and her lust. It wasn’t until the sun crept over the top of the courtyard wall, that the plant’s tensions eased, lowering an almost unconscious Tanj to the ground. The Wizard was still grumbling and cursing when he unbolted the door to the little alcove in the courtyard. He stopped fast when he beheld the strange jungle within the symbol his apprentice had drawn the night before. Drawing slightly closer, he peered into the leafy green, to behold her figure curled in a ball, on the ground. Turning, he found several small stones, and carefully he threw them at her, finally awakening her. His last thrown stone, however, bounced off Tanj to hit one of the thick green stems, and he had to jump back, to avoid its lash, as it whipped through the air, seemingly trying to make a grab for him. Tanj arose sleepily, and staggered out of the jungle. She looked curiously at the Wizard; “What happened to you?” she mumbled. The wolf looked like he’d been badly singed. He just shook his head; “lets say it was a hell of a night”. Looking at the Jungle again he muttered; “I see you had better luck with the incantation; but tell me; the monster is supposed to be horribly fierce to anyone who falls into its clutches, unless mollified by the correct spells or sacrifice; how did you tame it to permit you to reside within its grasp?” Tanj just smiled. The instructor reviewed her performance with Tanj after the “play” had concluded. He obviously was not as pleased with her performance this time, but still gave her passing marks; “your acting in the supplemental roles was quite good; you seemed to get into the part easily, and ad-libbed quite well. However, given your previous performance in the clutches of the monster, we were a little surprised that you didn’t seem, well, more “horrified” at the prospect of your fate. Hmmmmmm. Perhaps you’re getting too complacent. We’ll have to see what we can do about that.” Tanj purrrrrred as she settled into the hot water of the baths. She was covered in small scratches, where the thorns of the monster’s vines had held her, or caressed her, and the hot soapy water stung. Withdrawing into herself, largely ignoring the others present, she thought about her day. Was she getting used to having sex with almost anything under the sun? When she’d finally calmed down, she’d actually enjoyed her interlude with the leafy thing. Or could that have been a drug in the sap? Would she do it again, by choice? Probably not. Still, she thought, she was coming to some sort of accommodation with her fate. “Sometimes, when you can’t influence events” she thought, “its best just to enjoy the ride as best you can”. Tanj's Tale By Kittiara The Road Less Traveled Stardate 2397.62 Tanj stood in the Academy's punishment hall. The young cheetah morph wore a stoic look on her face, as she mentally counted her own heartbeat. It was the only way to keep track of time, to measure how much longer her punishment period would last. Not that she was particularly eager to see it over, in this particular case.......... Her punishment this time was comparatively "light", merely made to stand where others could see her, her nude form adorned with about three dozen clothespins. Most of these made her breasts look like porcupines, but a good dozen or so were clamped firmly onto her labia...As she stood there quietly, she grinned in remembrance at what had landed her here. In this case, living up to her name had been worth it......... It had now been about two weeks since her first experience with the Themes, Scenes and Shows "class", and a week since her last "participation". As the guard uncoupled her from the coffle and looped the handle of her leash on the hook outside the classroom's door, Tanj wondered what could possibly come next. "Alien monsters and sex crazed tentacle festooned plants! What could possibly come next?" She thought. Then with a wry smile she thought "Probably don't want to know......" Patiently she waited for her classmates, and the instructor. As she waited, she thought about the revelations that these classes had brought her. Having realized that there was essentially nothing she could do about her situation, and moreover, about the "conditioning" that the academy was applying, she'd decided that until there might be something she could do about it all, she might as well just do whatever she could to enjoy life. "After all, it's the only life I've got, or so it seems, and even this seems to beat the alternative." It wasn't long before another coffle came by to drop off the lady skunk that had been her classmate. The ocelot however was still not to be seen, and as the coffle moved off, the Skunkette broke the Academy's rule of silence to whisper; "did you hear what happened to James?" Tanj, being gagged, could only shake her head no; she wasn't sure that James was their missing classmate, but suspected as much. It had been the Ocelot that had drawn the "improved" Alien monster scenario last time. Tanj also wondered why the Skunk wasn't gagged, but just shrugged; sometimes, when the guards were in a hurry, they omitted that step. Lucky her. The Skunkette cautiously looked around, and then continued; "I heard that whatever happened to him in the last show left him a quivering mass of Jelly; that he hasn't been able to do Anything, and spends most of his time curled up in a ball!" Tanj nodded slowly, and the skunk sighed; "wish you could tell me about that scene; I'm scared out of my wits!" Tanj looked up and saw their instructor coming, and seeing the look on her face, the Skunk looked down demurely, staying quiet. The instructor gave them both a hard look, but just collected their leashes and led them into the anteroom that was the entrance to the backstage areas of their "classroom." "Once again there have been adjustments to the system" He said. "The backgrounds are now more detailed, and the supporting cast more numerous. Again, we expect you to ACT, to put forth a good show, and to be inventive in your responses. Now here are your costumes." The skunk looked at the skirt, blouse, and lab coat with dread. Tanj pulled on the simple off-white muslin peasant blouse, and the colorful knee length skirt, adjusting the blouse so that it was off her shoulders. As she used a short length of ribbon to tie her hair into a ponytail, she watched the Skunk move to her door. When it snicked open, the Skunkette hesitated so bad the instructor had to give her a none too gentle shove to get her to move through it. Tanj was still trying to watch what was happening to her when her own door snicked open. Pushing it open she moved into her own scene. Tanj found herself in the back of a medium sized room, with a couple of dozen other young girls all similarly attired. The room was of rough hewn beams and stucco walls, and was lit by several lanterns. The girls were all talking quietly among themselves, and there seemed to be a considerable tension in the air. As Tanj looked around, she felt as if they were all waiting for a funeral to begin......... Just as she was about to try and talk to one of the girls, the door in the far wall opened, and a large adult male waved the girls out of the room. They trooped out solemnly, into a much larger room. This one reminded Tanj of a meeting hall, with rows of benches, and a few tables. A fireplace filled the far end of the room and added its light to the few lanterns scattered about. As the girls entered, the eyes of all the adults present turned to look at them. An elderly male Wolf, at the far end of the room rose to his feet, and held up his paws for silence. "As you know" the Wolf said, "The Dragon has moved into our area. In order to spare our lives, our homes and our crops, he has demanded the tribute of a virgin to be sacrificed to him". All of our eligible girls have been assembled, and we will now draw lots to see which one shall be given to the Dragon. Somewhere one of the older ladies started to sob softly, obviously fearing for her daughter. Tanj's first thought, as the village Elder made his announcement, was to wonder why there weren't any MALE virgins in the group? Surely there had to be SOME...... but then, she thought with a grin, maybe the Dragon wasn't bent that way...... Especially if it's a Male...... Now did they sacrifice male virgins to a female Dragon? Her attention was brought back to the event as one of the other elders held a jar aloft and the elderly wolf reached into it, to pull out a token. "Emily Johnson" he called out in a solemn voice. The young rabbit girl that walked shyly to the front of the room kept her eyes on her feet until she had moved in front of the elder that had called her name; then she looked up nervously at him and said; "Uh, Sir, um, well, Ah, I'm afraid..... you see, ah, Billy and I, well, ah, I'm afraid I no longer qualify......... The Elder's eyes went wide as the implications sank in, and somewhere in the crowd an older male rabbit stood up and shouted "Emily, you WHAT? How could you disgra...... ah, Hmmmmmmm, yes, well, ah, we'll have to talk about this later........." Tanj chuckled and shook her head; "Eminently logical, if you ask me" she thought to herself; "but surely they can't think I'M a virgin...... Oh nevermind, this is all make-believe anyways, isn't it?" Then she thought of the alien monster and wasn't so sure..... The Wolf shook his head, and gestured to two younger males, a Leopard, and a Wolverine, both heavily muscled prime specimens (or so Tanj thought). They grabbed Emily and lifted her up, their arms going behind her back, their other arms under her knees, lifting her up and spreading her legs wide. The male rabbit started to object as they exposed his daughter, but a look from the Elder silenced him. Moving around, he roughly examined the girl. Straightening with a growl he nodded for them to put her down. Turning, he drove his hand into the jar, to pull out another token. "Mary Beth Taylor" he growled. This time it was a young otter who moved to the front of the room. She was a bit more brash; "Sorry, Sir, but I'm afraid I'm in the same situation as Emily......" In the audience an older lady otter, apparently her mother, giggled and all but applauded; "Way to go, Mary Be.... Uh, um, No, Ah, SHAME on you daughter (giggle). The wolf signaled his young assistants and they lifted the otter girl for his examination. Once again, she was proven to be correct, and the young males released her. The Elder jabbed his paw into the jar once again, and this time as he looked at the token a sly smile crossed his face; looking up, his gaze searched for a moment and then locked onto Tanj. He didn't even try to hide the smirk in his voice as he read aloud "Tanj!". Tanj sighed and moved slowly to the front of the room, all eyes following her. At a signal from the Elder, the youths lifted Tanj up, tossing her skirt back, exposing her sex to public view, and to the rough examination of the Elder. Looking up, he met her gaze, and once again smirked. Turning to the crowd he raised his arms and declared; "She's a Virgin!" Tanj managed to adopt a look of horror on her face as the two youths lowered her, but kept a firm grip on her, as if to prevent her escape. As the two husky young males dragged her from the room, the crowd snickered, and threw catcalls at her. She heard "Yeah, Tanj, we knew you'd be the one" and "Yeah, no Boy'd save YOU from the Dragon!" Knowing it was just a play, Tanj still couldn't keep herself from hissing back at the crowd. The torchlit procession out of the village was small, and Tanj wondered if perhaps the villagers were afraid of the Dragon. As she was led through the fields and into the hills, again she wondered how the Academy was managing this trick; there was no way the whole "campus" was this large! They'd traveled literally kilometers before they arrived at a rocky little ravine in the hills. Here, an obvious place of sacrifice had been created. The ground had been cleared, torches staked out, and in the middle, an... altar? It was a huge block of stone, crudely carved into the shape of a "Y", its surface about waist high. Its surface and sides were festooned with iron rings, and Tanj thought she knew what they were for...... The youths stripped Tanj rather roughly, jerking her skirt off, and literally ripping her blouse from her body. They pushed her back onto the stone, and begin buckling her down. Thick leather straps went around ankles, and thighs, holding her legs tight to the stone, forcing them WIDE apart. The angles are just a little off, and her ass winds up mostly in mid-air, not quite on the stone. Obviously, anyone walking up into the "V" of that part of the stone would have very easy access to her pussy and ass. Of course, that was probably the idea…… They even strapped her tail down to the vertical part of the stone. Straps also went around her waist, and chest, above and below her breasts. There was even a strap for her neck, but this was a little difficult, as the stone ended at her shoulders, leaving her head to dangle off its edge. Still, she held her head up as best possible, to watch them..... Her arms were pulled down along the sides of the bottom of the "Y", and strapped to the stone, pulled TIGHT. When they were done, one of the youths dragged his paw over her very exposed sex, and then over one breast. He acted as if he wanted to play with her some, as he muttered; "a waste in a way, but if it'll save the rest of us......" But then a distant noise, a cross between a scream and a roar was heard, and the villagers fled with looks of alarm on their faces. Tanj watched them go, and then when she couldn't hold her head up any longer, let it fall back, eliciting an "OUCH" as the back of her head struck the cold stone. She laid there for a while, pondering how well set up she was for sex. Pussy, ass and mouth were all very easily accessible. "Somehow" she thought, "In a position like this, I just can't see the Dragon eating me...... Um, like for Breakfast. Oh hell, you know what I mean........." The ground shook slightly, the vibrations becoming more powerful with his approaching tread, and Tanj began to wonder just how big this Dragon was. Finally he came into view, moving between two rocks (admittedly upside-down from Tanj's point of view), and Tanj blinked; "gotta be really solid; he's not THAT big. Certainly not much bigger than some of the Bears or Minotaurs I've come to know. The Dragon was roughly humanoid, jet black, and over eight feet tall, with large leathery wings folded behind his back. He was walking on two legs, with a long serpentine tail trailing behind him, and a triangular, reptillian head casting about on the end of a long neck. "Still, he looks pretty fierce, in a dragonny kinda way" she thought. "Hung too" she noted with a wry smile. The Dragon hissed as he caught sight of Tanj in the torchlight. Tanj suddenly remembers just where she is and what she's supposed to be doing and lets out a strangled squeak of horror, her eyes wide. The Dragon seemed pleased at his victim’s terror, and stalked closer, to sniff at her. Tanj moaned softly as the Dragon's forked tongue flicked out, almost as if he were tasting her. The tongue started on her tummy, and slowly writhed down over one hip, and then flicked up across her pussy, making Tanj stifle a gasp. The Dragon then slowly brought his head up, his tongue flicking out to dance over her ribs, and her breasts, before almost coiling around her neck. Tanj moaned; "Oh, MERCY; please don't hurt me!" Getting no response, Tanj just mewled in fear. The Dragon's tongue danced over her face, making her flinch, before teasing one of her ears. As the tongue teased her ear, she moaned and struggled against her bonds. But as she struggled, she heard the Dragon whisper into her ear; "you're not really terrified, are you? I'm not really going to hurt you...." Tanj jumped a little as the dragon whispered in her ear. Shaking her head from side to side as if to be shed of his tongue she whispers back; "uh, not really; its just that your tongue TICKLES! But, uh, I don't think I've seen your kind before, either. By the way, I'm called Tanj". The Dragon moved his head to slithers his tongue down over her breasts, making her gasp involuntarily, and then slowly worked back to her neck, to whisper; "Hi, I'm Saganth; pleased to meet you. Yeah, we’re kinda rare in this part of the galaxy." Tanj stifled a giggle, and whispered: "Glad we were able to be properly introduced; you know, etiquette is so often overlooked when sacrificing a virgin to a dragon." Then it was Saganth's turn to try and stifle a chuckle. Tanj continued; "They give you a script for this?" Saganth made a big show of torturing Tanj's ear with tongue and fangs, to her "obvious" disgust, as he whispered; "Just to ravish you, make it look like I fucked you to death, and leave your body tied to the stone, covered in cum, why?" Tanj let loose a mournful wail and then whispered back; "cuz I got an idea for a variation in the script; NO ONE ever TOLD me what I was supposed to do, but here's my idea........." The Dragon's tongue squirmed deep in Tanj's ear as she finished whispering; raising his head, the Dragon hissed evilly and moved around the stone to stand at its lower end; reaching down to hold Tanj's head in both his taloned hands. Tilting it backwards, he proceeded to rub his slowly growing member against her face. Tanj, for her part, moaned and struggled against her bonds, her piteous mewlings suddenly silenced as the Dragon drove the head of his cock into her mouth. Tanj found his size a bit of a problem; he was probably the largest male she'd ever had, but considering the training techniques of the academy, probably not the largest phallus she'd ever had presented to her lips. Her jaws ached from being stretched so wide, but her tongue knew what to do, and she licked at him furiously as he slowly fucked her mouth. She gagged when the head of her cock struck the back of her throat, but with her head tilted back the way it was, there was little she could do but acquiesce as he slowly worked his huge cock down her throat. He didn't treat her as roughly as she feared; his hips moving slowly, smoothly as he drove his tool in and out of her mouth, and down her throat, never lingering long enough to make her gasp for air. Still, the gag reflex forced her to swallow as he pressed his groin to her muzzle, and he really seemed to like that, her throat muscles rippling along the length of his shaft. Thankfully, it wasn't long before he was panting hard, and then with a hissss, he pulled his cock out, to stroke it with one taloned hand, to spurt his load all over her stomach and breasts. When he'd run dry, he rubbed the dripping head of his cock over her mouth, and then moved to stalk around to the other end of the stone, moving with a reptilian grace into the "V" portion...... Moving between her legs. Saganth crouched, dropping to all fours, to nuzzle and lick at her pussy. For her part, Tanj had made a face at the taste of his cum, and then gasped in horror as she felt his tongue. She howled as that long serpent tongue slithered deep into her pussy and she struggled at her bonds as its forked tip stroked her most sensitive places. It didn't seem to take that long before Tanj was panting heavily, and the Dragon was hard again. Rising, standing straight, he pressed the head of his thick shaft insistently into Tanj's now very wet pussy. As her sore throat had told her, he WAS hung, and she had no difficulty mewling in mock horror as he slowly forced his thick shaft into her pussy, stretching her until she thought she was going to split in twain. She gasped as he forced more and more of that huge shaft into her, until he was balls deep within her. She raised her head to look down her body, muscles straining, convinced that her stomach must be bulging from that huge shaft stuffed into her. And she knew that when he started moving, that it was going to be fantastic....... The Dragon started slowly at first, waiting until Tanj had been stretched enough to accommodate him. However, before long he was thrusting into her roughly, his scaled cock sending Tanj into climax after climax; she flailed and moaned and howled and shuddered, not having to fake anything for this audience. She'd completely lost track of how many climaxes the Dragon had driven her to, when once again, he pulled out, to stroke his cock as he drenched Tanj's body in his cum, spurts traveling as far as her face...... Tanj panted hard, eyes closed, head fallen back once again against the cold stone as she tried to recover. After a while, when she'd regathered her wits, and caught her breath, she raised her head to look around. The dragon was reclining against one of the rock walls of the ravine, just looking at her. Tanj got the impression that he too was resting, trying to recover. Probably getting ready for the big finale...... Dropping her head back against the stone, Tanj moaned; "Please, Sir, spare me. There's no need to kill me. I've proven that I can satisfy you...... Instead of killing me, please take me with you. I promise I'll keep you well satisfied......" She paused and then heard the Dragon rumble; "why would you wish to go with me? Merely to save your worthless hide?" Tanj moaned and shook her head; "I've no life here. Most in the village dislike me, torment me. I couldn't even interest any of the boys or men, to...... relieve me of my virginity, to save me from this! I'd always planned on leaving the village at the first opportunity, to seek new horizons, new and exciting places. The only thing I had to look forward to there would have been an "arranged" marriage to some poor sod that couldn't afford better, merely a...... an asset to increase my father's herds. Spare me, take me with you, and I'll see to your every need........." The Dragon thought about this proposal for a few minutes and finally nodded slowly. By this time, Tanj had raised her head again, to stare at him beseechingly, looking down between her breasts at him. Her neck muscles were trembling with fatigue but she struggled to hold his gaze. Finally he nodded, staring her in the eye; "If you can truly prove that you can satisfy me, I'll do as you ask; fail, and I'll rip your body asunder and leave you here to rot." With that the Dragon once again rose to his feet, to approach her. Tanj MOANED as she felt his cockhead touch her again, not at the entrance to her pussy, but lower, at her ass. Enough of her juices had flowed down her crack, that she was well lubricated enough, and the Dragon's cock was still slick with her juices; never the less, he rubbed his cockhead back and forth gathering even more of her nectar. Tanj whimpered, her eyes WIDE at the thought of his huge cock in her ass, finally letting her head fall back to rest against the cold stone. Again, Saganth pressed gently, more gently than she would have expected for a Dragon, or for most males, slowly driving his cockhead into her ass, taking his time. He worked it in slowly, giving her time to adjust, her anal ring stretched unbelievably; even so, she let out little squeaks of pain each time he drove a little more into her. Tanj panted and moaned in relief as she realized that he wasn't going to try and force his entire shaft into her either. After a bit, he held still for a few moments, and feeling her relax a little, started a slow thrusting. Even so it was all Tanj could do not to cry out with each thrust...... Tanj jerked in her bonds as she felt his hand caress her mons. As he fucked her ass slowly, he stroked her, rubbing her clitty, occasionally working fingers into her pussy. She found the feel of his smooth scaly skin most unique and quite sensual, and was soon moaning through yet another climax. The spasmodic contraction of her muscles must have been all he needed, as it was shortly thereafter, that he YANKED his cock out of her ass, to once again spray his seed over her body. She YOWLED as he yanked his cock out so forcefully, the sudden pain causing her to faint. She never felt him undo her restraints, to pick her up softly, and carry her away from the altar, obviously taking her with him, granting her wish. Tanj's head snapped up, eliciting an "OW!" from her, as her sore neck muscles protested. The instructor had used an inhalant to bring her around, once Saganth had carried her "backstage". The instructor was fuming, furious that Tanj had not followed the script. Tanj tried to explain that she'd never SEEN a script, but that only made him madder. What really drove him over the edge was when some of the dignitaries that had been watching the performance came backstage to congratulate him on a brilliant performance! He couldn't admit that the entire ending that they found so novel had been ad- libbed! Tanj shifted from foot to foot slightly, counting her own heartbeat. "Should be about over by now" she thought to herself. "It was worth it, too" she thought with a hidden smile. "I just loved messing with his "play". And I met a nice Dragon in the process. Could have done without the oral sex, and definitely without the anal sex, but OH, how I loved how he fucked me!" she thought, a trace of a smile forming behind her gag. Thinking of the instructor’s reaction, she thought; "He could have given me a much more sever punishment; Lord knows he doesn't need any excuse to do so. Maybe this isn't so bad, if you know how to "play the system." She grinned a little more widely around her gag. It was just a few minutes later, when a couple of guards came through the far door to walk up to her. Tanj carefully composed her face, not wanting them to see anything but a penitent slave. "Saw the tape of your performance, Tanj", the big Tiger purrrrred. "It was great. Pity about your classmates though. I understand the Skunk's still catatonic. What you got that let you survive that scene when the others didn't?" The Wolf with him chuckled; "Well, whatever you got, I guess its what it takes. You passed the class!" With that, the two guards reached out to start plucking the clothespins from Tanj's body. As the blood rushed painfully back into the pinched areas, Tanj HOWLED into her gag, as the guards chuckled. Tanj's Story; The Party By Kittiara Tanj moaned into her gag, as she struggled with her bonds. Being tied in one position, any position, immobile, for a long period of time was painful, but this position was particularly so. Her paws had been tied together at the wrist, thumbs and middle finger, and fastened to the wall over her head. At first, Tanj thought she'd merely be left to stand there, in the punishment hall, but then the guards had fastened padded cuffs around her ankles and pulled her feet up and apart, to tie them to widely spaced rings in the wall above her head, leaving her bent double, and her crotch prominently exposed. Again, as an added punishment, weights hung from her nipple rings, her right nipple freshly pierced. The rings were a visible and lasting sign of the major punishments she'd accrued in her time at the "academy". The academy had thrown a "party" for a very select list of patrons, customers, and suppliers. The academy was a semi- official branch of the planetary government, a training facility for "personal" slaves. In other words, for turning those that couldn't pay their bills, or who had otherwise wound up incarcerated by the government for non- violent crimes, into sex slaves for those rich and perverted enough to find that of interest. The nominal excuse for the party was "founder's day", the day the first colonists had landed on that planet. For the party, food and drink was freely available, and all the "students" were turned out, loose and unfettered, for the amusement of the guests. What generally wound up happening was a very free- floating orgy, with the guests indulging themselves with each other, or, at their whim, with any of the "students". Instructors cruised the party, watching, evaluating style, and more importantly, "attitude", checking up on how their charges were doing...... Tanj had a strategy; some of the guests were known to have notable kinks, some of them significantly unpleasant for the student that drew their attention. All things considered, Tanj would rather have a pleasant evening, and she had worked out a plan that she thought would allow her the best possible time, given the circumstances. Her idea was to find a suitable stud, A guest attending the party alone; she'd occupy his time, completely monopolizing him, to the point where no one else will bother her. As the guards released her into the growing party, Tanj glanced over the crowd. "Urrrrrrrr, look at those over there, setting up the bondage cross, and laying out whips......... nope, thats _exactly_ what I want to stay away from" she thought to herself. She watched as one of her friends, Marla, the she-wolf, was snatched by a pleasant looking, if large male polar-bear morph, but then, as he clipped a short lead to Marla's collar and jerked her down onto her knees by his feet, Tanj thought that even that might not be so enviable an "associate". Gazing at the crowd from behind a pillar, she watched the entrance carefully. Finally, she spotted a rather large Lion-morph, standing in the reception area, looking just a little lost. "Purrrrrrfect", she though, as she sashayed up to him. Tanj walked up to her "target", and smiled up at him as innocently as possible; my, but he was a big one. Must have been almost two feet taller than her own 5' 10". "Good Day, Master", she said; "May I . . . . um, "assist" you with anything? He looked down and smiled; "this place has changed a lot since the last time I was here....." he rumbled. "Perfect", Tanj thought. "Let me show you around, then; perhaps we can find ways to bring back some memories of this place" Tanj purrrrrred. Taking him by the paw she led him off, down a side corridor, completely missing the somewhat pained look that crossed his face. Tanj showed him through the more highly decorated "public" areas of the academy; the main hall, the dining hall, and so forth, all the while leading him towards the "theme rooms". He stopped for a moment to watch a tableau as they passed through the punishment hall. One of the male slaves had been dragooned by a trio of guests and was being expertly bound to a post. By the paddles, crops and such being laid out, it was obvious what was about to happen, but to Tanj's surprise, the Lion led her off out of the hall when one of the guests gleefully started to lay out a selection of feathers..... "I feel sorry for that poor sod" he rumbled; "but at the moment, there ain't a damn thing I can do for him......" Tanj did her best to reassert "control" and lead him towards her chosen destination. After passing through a few more halls, and by luck, not encountering any other guests, Tanj managed to lead him into one of the "theme" rooms. These were artistically decorated to yield a certain "mood", for the "students" to entertain honored guests. The one Tanj had chosen, on a bit of a whim, was the room with the "Arabian nights" theme. It resembled a Bedouin's tent, the floor soft and shifting sand under spread intricately woven carpets. It was lit with oil lanterns, the air full of incense. Of course, there were innumerable pillows scattered about, and the stout "tent poles" had rings attached, so that the guests could restrain their playtoys..... No sooner had she dragged him through the door than she turned and knelt at his feet, to gently nuzzle his crotch. As she suspected, he was almost hard already, the various sights and scenes they'd passed by obviously having fired his imagination. As she nuzzled gently, her hands found the fastening on his pants, releasing it, allowing them to slide down, and pool at his feet. She purrrrred with delight as she found him every bit as large as she'd hoped, and before long, she was enthusiastically sucking on his hard cock. The goal, after all, was to remain not unpleasantly occupied until the end of the party, so Tanj was in no hurry to bring him off; she used every trick at her disposal to bring him to the very edge, and then keep him there. To her amazement, he didn't seem to object, but just stood there, panting, making an occasional mewling sound as she did something he particularly liked. Tanj found this surprising, as most males she'd had experience with would have grabbed her ears and fucked her face until they came; this one, however, seemed to be relishing her mastery of her task. Finally, however, Tanj's jaws started to ache, and she sped her motions some. As if reading her mind, he started to move his hips, gently at first, until, moments later, in the throes of his orgasm, he placed a paw at the back of her head, and drove his cock deep into her mouth, to fire his seed against the back of her throat. Tanj purrrrrred and slowly moved her head back, as his paw released her; she carefully sucked and licked his cock clean, and then sat back on her heels, to look up at him, grinning. "Oh, that was good, very good; in fact that was probably the best I've had in years" he rumbled. Tanj kept her pleased smile on her face, but couldn't help but wonder who in his past had actually sucked him off better than _that_? her pride somewhat wounded, she determined that as things progressed, she'd leave him convinced she was the best he'd ever had! Smiling, she rose, and turned, to find the artfully concealed bar, and in a moment she returned with a tray bearing a wineglass and a bottle of the Academy's finest. She found him reclining on a pile of pillows, looking every bit the monarch, used to being waited on by a nubile slave. "If he's playing a part, falling into the mood of this place" Tanj thought, "he's doing it well....... I wonder who he _really_ is?" Kneeling, she poured the wine and with both paws offered him the glass. He took it and regarded her for a moment over the rim of the glass. Tanj felt herself blushing, for reasons she couldn't quite explain, and looked down, kneeling in the proper position for a slave; knees well spread, paws on thighs, back straight, head down. She heard him take a sip and then rumble in approval; "thats good; in fact its excellent. But I bet _you_ never get to sample the Academy's best". Tanj shook her head no, suddenly worried about where this might lead. She caught him moving, from the corner of her eye, and then blinked as he reached out to place a finger under her chin, tilting her head back. She looked up at him, and found him smiling; with his other paw he brought the glass to her lips and tilted it back slowly. Tanj took a small sip, amazed at his kindness. Despite her efforts to make sure they were alone and undisturbed, she was suddenly afraid that someone would see; the "students" here were NOT supposed to touch that stuff themselves, and she was worried that even if it'd been _HIS_ idea, she'd be punished anyway. Seeing the look of concern on her face, the Lion just smiled and downed the rest of the glass, as if dismissing the problem. As he leaned back onto the pillows, he motioned Tanj forward, and she smiled as she literally crawled up his body; as she squirmed, rubbing herself against him, she was pleased to find him once again hard....... Having squirmed and wriggled up far enough for the head of his cock to slip between her thighs, she found herself at just the right elevation to kiss him, which she did. She purrrrrred into the kiss as she felt his paws slide down her back, to cup her ass, to hold her as his hips rose a little, pressing his cockhead against her dripping sex. Breaking the kiss; she slid back a little, oooooooohing as she felt his cock slide between her labia. Grinning at him, holding his gaze, she slid back a little more, as she sat up, until she sat astride his hips, perpendicular to his body, his cock fully embedded within her. She held that pose, for a moment, telling herself she'd let him get a good look at her like that, but secretly trying to regain her breath; Lord, he felt HUGE inside her, and she felt like she was afraid to move, for fear of ripping something. He just grinned back, however, and folded his arms under his head, as if to say; "you do all the work; please me, Slave". It took a moment, but Tanj finally regathered her wits. Rising a bit on her knees, she slowly rolled her hips, moving them like an ancient Terran Hula dancer. Of course, this made his hard cock move inside her, and she was convinced that he would have heard her stifled gasp if it hadn't been for his own moan of pleasure. . . . Placing her paws on his chest, she slowly started to ride his cock, repeatedly bringing him to the edge, before stopping, holding his cock in her pussy, until he'd calmed some. Of course, the pleasure wasn't all lost on him, and in the process of holding him on the edge, she herself had several lovely (if quiet) climaxes. She stretched it all out as long as she dared, watching his face carefully for signs, clues as to his thoughts. When she thought he couldn't take it any more, she moved her paws behind her, to cup and tease his balls, as she rose and fell, faster and faster, until once again, she felt his cock start to throb and spurt. She purrrrrrrrrrowled loudly and tightened her vaginal muscles around his cock as he came, and closing her eyes and arching her back, she allowed herself to loose herself in the sensations, climaxing once again. As she slowly regained her wits, as she felt his motions still beneath her, she let herself fall forward, to lay on his chest. They both panted, in a lovely state of exhaustion, but after a while, they'd both recovered their breath, and he was starting to move a bit under her. "Now what can I come up with?" Tanj thought. "I can't let him go back to the party; its MUCH too early. Who _knows_ who might snag me away, to what unpleasant fate?". Tanj smiled and kissed him again, and squirmed down a little, until his flaccid cock rested between her breasts. She purrrred and licked softly at the head of his cock as she squeezed her upper arms tight to her body, trapping his cock between her soft breasts. Once again, he just put his arms beneath his head, looking down along his body as if more than willing to just watch as Tanj demonstrated her skill. Taking that as encouragement to proceed, Tanj continued to lick at his cock as she used her paws to push her breasts together. Moving softly, she managed to rock back and forth, sliding his once again hard shaft through the valley between her breasts. She licked at his cockhead with all her skill, and after a while, was rewarded with yet another geyser of sticky white cum. Purrrring, she licked every drop from his tummy, leaving what droplets there were on her breasts in place, as a badge of her skill. As she licked him, she wondered at the time; "how much longer before its "safe"? she wondered. As she cuddled him, tongue flicking out to tease, just enough to keep him from going completely soft, she wondered how many more orgasms he was good for tonight. Suddenly she became aware of another couple in the room. A well dressed lady otter had led a minotaur into the room by a leash; she seemed completely oblivious to their presence as she tied his lead to one of the tent poles and started to disrobe. Both Tanj and the Lion watched as she carefully folded each piece of her outfit until except for her jewelry, she was as nude as her slave. Tanj softly fondled the Lion's balls, giving his cock an occasional lick as the otteress reached up to grab both of the Minotaur's horns, dragging his head down, forcing him to his knees. Without a word, she directed his muzzle to her sex, and then moaned in delight as he started to lick her. Tanj had seen the Minotaur around the Academy; he was in a more advanced class than she was, and should be graduating soon; judging my the soft noises of pleasure that the otteress was making, he must have been fairly skilled too. By the time the Minotaur had licked the otteress to her second climax, Tanj had licked the Lion's cock back to its engorged state; as they both watched, the otteress turned and crouched, presenting her ass to the Minotaur. He lost no time in moving up behind her, his leash still tied to the tentpole, going taut. She teased him, staying just out of range, making him low in frustration as he tried to bring his truly monstrous cock to her pussy. As Tanj watched, she moved, and straddled the Lion's hips, facing away from him, but towards the others; once again, she sank down on his cock, and as the otteress relented and backed just enough to let the Minotaur mount her, she started to slowly ride the Lion's cock. The Minotaur was everything Tanj expected a raging bull to be and he fucked the otteress hard. The only thing that kept him from driving her across the floor was the tight leash, constraining him to the tentpole. Tanj moved slowly, a pattern of motion exactly opposite that of the Minotaur, but the Lion didn't seem to mind, as he too took in the performance. Finally the Minotaur came with a bellow, his cock pumping so much cum into the otteress that amazing amounts leaked from around his shaft, to pool on the carpet. After a few minutes, the otteress pulled herself free, and quietly gathering up her clothes, she took the leash and led the now quiet Minotaur from the room. Tanj just shook her head as she slowly rode the Lion's cock. "I'm amazed she can still walk", she mumbled. The Minotaur seemed to have inspired the Lion. As the Otteress led off her stud, he moved his paws to hold Tanj's hips. His legs moved back, sliding underneath him as he rose powerfully to his knees, toppling Tanj forward, until he covered her in the same manner the Minotaur had covered the Otteress. Moving with smooth powerful strokes, he began to fuck Tanj in earnest, pounding his cock into her with a ferocity at least as great as that of the Minotaur. It wasn't long before Tanj was quivering in the throes of another climax, and as her pussy spasmed around his hard cock, he came once again. As they cuddled afterwards, Tanj purrrred; "Mmmmmmm, that was great; you're really very good; pity you'll never know just how _intense_ an orgasm can feel. . . . ." He tilted his head up a little and looked at her, raising one eyebrow; "Hmmmmmm? How's that?" Tanj grinned to herself; "got him hooked, now lets see if I can reel him in... . . . ." she thought to herself. "Oh, well, it all has to do with sensory deprivation. . . Something I discovered in the "bondage" class. They put me in this hood; couldn't speak, couldn't hear, couldn't see, but when I was touched, _WOW_, the effect was so greatly magnified by the loss of my other senses. . . . ." He grinned softly; "oh, so you think if I was in a similar situation, the enhanced sensitivity to touch would lead me to a more powerful orgasm?" Tanj just grinned and nodded; "still, thats not the kind of thing guests do here. Wouldn't be "proper". And besides, maybe it wouldn't work for you as well as it works for me....... Maybe you could try it sometime at home, but, well, _I_ wouldn't be there to do the touching........" The Lion grinned at her; "I have _seldom_ been accused of doing the "proper" thing..... Besides, this is a night for excesses, isn't it? And if you're going to squeeze one more orgasm out of me, its most likely going to have to take something special..... Sure, why not? But I bet you can't find a hood that'll fit me." Tanj smiled to herself; "little does he know _THIS_ place", she thought to herself. Before he could change his mind, Tanj turned and crawled off, to where the toy locker was hidden beneath a pile of pillows. While she couldn't find an all-encompassing "hood", she did find a head harness that she thought would fit, with an attached gag and blindfold, along with some wrist and ankle restraints she thought might fit him. Returning, she found him watching her with a keen interest, apparently relaxed, but she thought she could detect a certain excitement, a noticeable tension...... She started by gently presenting the gag to his lips; as his mouth opened, she pushed it in and then tightened the straps around the back of his head.... not as tightly as they would have been tightened on her, of course, but then he _was_ a guest..... Slowly she buckled the straps of the harness around his head, finishing with the blindfold. "There, now can you see anything?" she purrrred. He shook his head no, obviously unable to speak. "Good" purrred Tanj, adding the finishing touches, earplugs designed for feline ears. Now that he was unable to "object", Tanj fastened the wristlets around his wrists, and linked them together, and then linked that to the D ring at the very top of the head harness. It made him look like a prisoner, with his paws on top of his head, and Tanj had to smile. Gently she pushed him back onto the cushions, then using the anklets to fasten his feet together. Tanj looked down on her "captive", stretched out on the pillows; "Delectable" she thought. Bending over she softly ran her tongue along his cock. She smiled as even this slight touch caused him to stiffen noticeably. She exercised her talent to tease, licking him softly, here, pausing, then there, until he was rock hard, and starting to squirm. She was crouched over him, just about to take the head of his throbbing cock in her mouth, when the door to the room opened again. Glancing up, her tongue barely touching the head of her cock, Tanj beheld a small entourage entering the room. In the lead was a haughty looking Mink, decked out in an obviously expensive, if very risqué dress, and carrying a riding crop. She was followed closely by two rather large, and apparently twin male Wolves. The Otteress smirked; "Well, well, what HAVE we here? Could it be a Slave pleasuring a Slave? My, how very NAUGHTY!" Tanj wondered why the Mink couldn't see that the Lion wasn't wearing a standard Slave's collar, but then she realized that with his mane of hair, she probably just assumed it was hidden. She opened her mouth to explain, but before she could get a word out, the Mink stepped forward and brought the riding crop down across her muzzle! "I'll tell you when you can talk, SLAVE! Now kneel properly in front of me, or you'll feel the sting of my crop again!" she hissed! Tanj meekly knelt beside the prone form of the Lion, paws behind her back, knees spread, head down. "how in the Hell am I going to get out of THIS one?" she thought frantically to herself. "If I speak, she'll punish me, probably to excess, and still not believe a word I'd say". As various courses of action and fragments of thoughts rattled through her head, Tanj stayed as still as possible...... "In case you don't know, Slave, I'm the Lady Amalthia, _VERY_ good friend of the Reagent here, and I'm sure he'd be AGHAST at two slaves shirking their duties in this fashion, ignoring the guests......." the Mink declared as she slowly circled Tanj and the Lion. "_I_ think you two need to be punished, and severely, to make sure you learn your proper place, and I think the Reagent would be pleased if I attended to this little task immediately!" At this point, the Lion was starting to squirm, and to make mumbling noises into his gag; Tanj thought he knew something was happening, but she was also sure he didn't have a clue as to just what had gone wrong. Watching out of the corner of her eye, Tanj saw the Lady Amalthia pull her two Wolves together, to whisper in their ears. Smirking, she then stood back as the Wolves went about their assigned tasks...... Tanj watched, aghast, as they took the Lion and standing him up, tied him between two stout tent-poles, spread eagled. His head turned side to side, as if trying to divine what had happened, but the blindfold and earplugs prevented him from obtaining any other information, other than there were more creatures in the room than just him and Tanj. That done, they turned their attention to Tanj; at Amalthia's direction, they tied her ankles to her thighs, and then used a spreader bar between her knees to hold her legs wide apart. One of the wolves drove a stake through the middle of one of the carpets, in front of the spread-eagled Lion, leaving about two feet of shaft exposed. Tanj winced, thinking that the nasty hole in the rather expensive carpet would ultimately come out of her hide. Casting about, the Wolf eventually found a rubber dildo, meant to slide over a vibrator. Tanj watched, wide eyed as he forced the rubber sheath, all knobs and ridges, over the end of the wooden stake. When he was done, the other wolf joined him in picking up Tanj and lowering her onto the stake, the knobby head of the dildo forcing its way rudely into her pussy! She felt sure that the end of the stake would emerge from her mouth before her knees touched the floor, but just as she thought she could take no more, she felt the floor. When the wolves released her, Tanj wobbled, trying hard to maintain her balance on widespread knees, forced to remain upright by the massive shaft buried in her pussy. When they'd finished, the Lady Amalthia stood back, as if deep in thought. "lets see, now, what can we do with these two. That little cheetah looks like she's about to topple over; can't have that, she might _hurt_ herself. So. Lets take a piece of that rope, and pass it through that pulley so conveniently situated on the ceiling. One end, we tie to this piece of rubber like this; and the other end gets tied to this rather large weight". As they shoved the cock-shaped piece of rubber into Tanj's mouth, she found that if she held it tightly, the weight on the other end of the rope pulled her head up, stretching her neck, but helping her to stay steady. However, it was only moments before her jaws started to ache from the strain. Amalthia grinned; "Now, dear, I know that's helping to hold you steady, keeping that _nasty_ phallic thing from tugging at your pussy, but the weight's heavy, and I'm sure the temptation will be to release it, before long. So, to make sure you _won't_ release, it, I'm going to take this piece of fine silk cord, and form a noose. The noose goes around your Lion friend's balls, and the other end gets tied to the weight. You let go, his voice changes. Tanj was aghast! Her jaws were aching already; how long could she maintain her grip on the rubber? And with her mouth full, she couldn't yell for help! Amalthia smiled; "the tableau still isn't quite right; we've found a way to keep her occupied, but he's just standing there. We need a way to distract him from his impending neutering. Lets see........." Moving about the room, gathering toys from here and there, Amalthia found yet another weight, gag, and some nipple clamps. After attaching the nipple clamps to Tanj, she ran a line from their connecting chain over the top of a horizontal tent pole, and down to near the Lion's muzzle. Tanj found that the tension on the rubber gag in her mouth kept her head tilted way back, and she had a hard time seeing what was going on; as she struggled in her uncomfortable position, she wondered if the nipple clamps were the type that bit tighter when tugged......While one of the wolves held the cord, Amalthia connected the weight to its end, and then connected a short piece of cord from the weight to the rubber phallus. When all was ready, she first removed the Lion's blindfold, and then, with a flourish, removed his gag. As he blinked in the sudden light, working his jaws, free at last from the head harness' gag, Amalthia pushed in the rubber phallus attached to the rope. His eyes widened in surprise, as she held his jaw closed. "you see, Slave? You let go of the gag, the weight will hang freely from her nipples; likewise, she lets go her gag, and you sing soprano. Elegant, no?" His eyes widened further, and then narrowed to look directly at Amalthia. "oooooooh, he still shows spirit! Blackie, fetch me my crop; _this_Slave_ still needs to be taught his proper place! Tanj winced as Amalthia strode around behind the Lion, to take the crop from the Wolf called Blackie. "I never wanted _THIS_" she moaned to herself. "All I wanted was 'a night off' "! She watched as Amalthia started applying the crop to the Lion's ass. He jerked with each stroke, but managed to keep from howling in pain, a fact that Tanj was particularly grateful for, as it would have meant his dropping the gag, with the inherent ghastly results for her poor nipples! Finally, breathing hard from the exertion, Amalthia stopped. She grinned and took a small tube from one of her wolves and squeezed something into her palm. She spread this viscous goo over the handle of the riding crop and then lifting the Lion's tail, slowly forced it into his ass! Despite his restraints, he rose to tiptoe as she violated him. Wiping her paws on his back, she strode over to Tanj. Tanj found it impossible, due to the position she'd been bound into, to keep her gaze downcast, but she tried for a meek and submissive expression. Amalthia smirked; "I suppose, just to keep things even, we should find a nice butt plug for you too", and with that, she was off, searching the room, until she'd found something to her liking. Tanj lost sight of her as she strode around behind, but then Tanj felt her tail being lifted and something HUGE being forced into her ass. Whatever that goo Amalthia had used as a lubricant was more than just that; it BURNED! Tanj almost gasped at the pain, but managed to keep from loosing her grip on the rubber between her teeth........ Grinning, Amalthia gathered her retainers; "I'm sure the staff will find you here in the morning, and deal with you appropriately. After all, misbehaving slaves _must_ be punished!". And with that, she left, her retinue following without a backwards glance. Tanj had no idea what time it was, how long she'd "played" with the Lion, or when someone might stumble upon them. Time dragged on. Her ass burned, the thick shaft in her pussy tugged at her with each small motion, and her jaws ached like nothing she'd ever felt. She could only wonder what the Lion must be going through....... A noise. Faint, but distinct. Tanj screamed around her gag, the sound inadequate and pitiful to her ears. Then suddenly there was motion as someone came into the room. She heard a quiet "my God...." and the sound of hurried feet leaving. Moments later, the room was astir, with half a dozen instructors and guards, all working to release them. As the rubber was pulled from her mouth, Tanj could only moan in relief, but before she could gather her wits to say ANYTHING, she was bustled out. She didn't even have time to turn her head, to see how the Lion fared. Told to be quiet, Tanj was marched to a physician, who checked her over quickly. No major damage having been found, she was taken to the baths, where she was cleaned and groomed, and then, to her amazement, she was taken to the kennels. Every time she'd tried to say something, _anything_, she'd been shushed, to the point of being threatened with a gag. Finally the guards had returned, to escort her to the punishment hall. It wasn't until _after_ she'd been bound, that an instructor had come by to explain that the only reason she was getting off so light was that the Lion had been forcefully insistent that the events had not been Tanj's fault! "Never the less" the instructor continued; "as you know, the events in every room of the academy are monitored. The tapes for that room, for that time period _were_ reviewed, and despite his statements, we've found your actions....... lying somewhere between "ill advised" and "reprehensible". Accordingly, you will have plenty of time to ponder your mistakes, as you hang there". The instructor grinned and moved a bit closer; "but you might know that your gentleman friend was _MOST_ interested in the identity of the lady mink on the videotape, and at length persuaded the Headmaster to reveal her name. Oh, and by the way, _I_ thought that what she did to you should have been punishment enough...... while there's nothing I can do about that, well, I think _this_ might make the time pass a little more quickly........" Taking something rounded and gleaming from his pocket, the instructor slowly pushed it against Tanj's pussy, pressing it in until it vanished from sight. He turned and strode slowly to the far door, where he stopped and looked back. Reaching into his pocket, he produced a small remote, and thumbed the control. Tanj gasped into her gag as whatever he'd pushed into her started to vibrate powerfully, its vibrations rising and falling, changing frequency and amplitude. Tanj hug in her bonds and _MOANED_ as the device slowly drove her to climax after climax..... It was several weeks later; Tanj's coffle was being moved through the main hall towards the "advanced" classes as a batch of new "recruits" were being brought in. Tanj's eyes went wide as she noticed one particularly bedraggled female mink; could that really be the Lady Amalthia? Suddenly the coffle stopped, and as Tanj gazed after the departing "newbies", she sensed a presence at her side; turning her head, resisting the temptation to look directly, she found one of the instructors at her elbow. "Thought you might find that of interest" he said. "Seems her ship was attacked by pirates as it left the planet. Her family refused the rather outrageous ransom that the pirates put on her, and she was sold to the academy. _DIRECTLY_ to the Academy. Oh, yes, her family will probably buy her at auction when the academy's done with her, but in the mean time..........." The instructor shrugged and smiled and strode off. As the coffle started moving again, Tanj just grinned around her gag. Tanj’s Tale: The Escape! By Kittiara Stardate: 2397.80 A cheetah’s jaws are strong, but Tanj’s were starting to ache bad. As part of her punishment a rod had been placed behind her knees, and then her legs had been folded, her ankles lashed TIGHT to her thighs. Her arms bound behind her back in a severe leather armbinder, she hung from a hook in the ceiling, the rope proceeding from the middle of the bar between her legs, through the hook, to a leather bit she was forced to hold in her teeth; if she let go, she’d fall. The problem with that is that while the seat was only a little more than a foot below her posterior, in the middle of the bench seat was a truly monster phallus, its bulbous head nestled within her ass. Should she fall, that immense shaft would be rather forcefully stuffed up her back passage. And then that shaft would be all that held her upright...... This was something Tanj was straining to prevent. Of course, this strange position left her sex quite exposed, and as she was hung in the lobby of the academy, as an open advertisement as to what happened to disobedient students, many a passer-by availed themselves of her openness; everything from a caress to a rude grope to one fur who apparently not minding being watched, proceeded to vigorously fuck her right there! As she hung there, her jaw muscles growing more and more tired by the minute, she thought back on the little escapade that had landed her, and her co-conspirators in this predicament. It was a great escape plan. Never stood a chance in Hell of working, but it was a great plan. They were going to use the Academy’s own weapons against them... Kayla, the Otter, knelt curiously in the large training area. She, and a dozen other “students” had been brought here, apparently not so much to learn yet another lesson in the sexual arts, but to participate in some sort of experiment. She recognized Edwin, a bear morph, and Jane, a coyote morph... as she looked around, she realized that they’d gathered a group of the “less enthusiastic” students...... To one side a table had been set up, and a rather short male raccoon in a lab coat was laying out instruments and other less identifiable devices and objects. had been in a test group testing some sort of universal aphrodisiac based on pheromones. After a while, he turned and nodded to their “instructor” a female mink, who turned to address the “class”. “Today we have the honor of participating in a new drug the academy is developing. The drug is an airborne agent, similar to the natural pheromones produced by any aroused fur. This artificial pheromone, however, is less species specific, and even less gender specific. We hope that it will be a universal aphrodisiac. Now if you will attend Dr. Tyruia, we’ll begin the test. Kayla watched with amusement as the raccoon led Jane, and a rather unimpressed looking Ram, who’s name she didn’t know, to the center of the room, and had them kneel about eight feet apart. “You two are NOT to touch each other; if you do, you’ll be punished” he said clearly, making sure that they’d both heard him, and had understood. Then, holding a mask over his face, he sprayed a small amount of mist into the air between them, and rapidly retreated to the far wall, to watch. Jane sat there placidly, as did the Ram, for about 90 seconds. Then she started to fidget. Then she started to moan. Slaves are supposed to keep their gaze downcast, but Jane’s eyes flicked up to give the Ram a very sultry look. He on the other hand was kneeling there, apparently impassive, if you discounted the very prominent erection....... Kayla watched in amazement as Jane had more and more Tanj sitting still, fidgeting, obviously doing her very best to remain in the correct position... and then the Ram lost it and leapt at her, knocking her backwards, covering her with his body, and with one forceful movement, driving his rampant cock deep into her pussy. Kayla’s gaze flicked to the raccoon, who had just put down a stopwatch and made a note on his pad. Looking back at Jane and her Ram, Kayla noted the lack of style, and finesse; the two were just fucking as hard as they could. It wasn’t long until the Ram orgasmed, but now Jane wouldn’t let him go; she rolled him over and licked at him until he was hard, and then moving astride him, mounted him, riding him hard, until he orgasmed again. It was a little hard to tell, Kayla thought, but it looked like Jane was having an incredible number of climaxes..... Still Jane wouldn’t quit, nor was the Ram objecting, and after a little work, she got him hard again, and this time he took her from behind, fucking her furiously, until he orgasmed yet again. As Jane worked to get him hard again, for an amazing fourth time, the instructor brought out another pair, to a spot on the floor a dozen feet distant, for the doctor to again make is obviously previously prepared statement, and then spray the stuff in the air between them. It was almost as if they were trying to get a handle on how their aphrodisiac interacted with the natural pheromones being generated by Jane and the Ram. Kayla was a member of the third team, paired off with a rather handsome male rabbit. As she looked at him, Kayla could understand why he’d been dragooned into the Academy and she wondered what he’d done to get thrown in with this group. The raccoon read his statement again, and then covered his mouth and nose with his mask, before spraying a puff of the mist into the air between them. “Hmmmmm, smells like sandalwood” Kayla thought. And then her gaze seemed to drift involuntarily back to the rabbit. “Mmmmmmm, he does look good; well muscled, and well hung. I wonder if he knows how to use what he’s got” she thought. Then, as her eyes seemed to be drawn to the rabbit’s slowly hardening cock, she wondered at her own thoughts; “I can’t believe that was me! I can’t believe I....oooooooh, look at how large he’s getting I just gotta...... Girl, get a _hold_ of yourself!.....” Kayla found herself fidgeting just the way Jane had been, and she giggled to herself wondering which of the two of them would break first. “I can manage this. I’ve always told myself I don’t need sex..... that while its nice, that there are greater things in life.......... I can controoooooooohhhhhhhhh hell! I can’t _stand_ IT!” Before she knew what she was doing, Kayla crawled across the floor to give the head of the Rabbit’s now very prominent cock a soft lick with her tongue. He moaned softly as she started nuzzling and licking, taking the head, and then a fair portion of his shaft into her mouth; her teasing however, broke his concentration, and pushing her back, he proceeded to mount her, driving his cock into her with sharp jerks. Kayla gasped and moaned, the sensation of his cock driving in so roughly strangely exciting her; usually, she preferred the slow, sensual approach, but now his bucking hips, his driving cock were taking her rapidly towards a sharp, intense climax. As she’d seen Jane do before her, she just _had_ to have more; she was on fire, absolutely insatiable; when she’d literally fucked the rabbit until she couldn’t get him hard again, she turned, to scan the room to see who else might be available. Every other fur in the room was heavily involved; the original groups had disintegrated, and it was now just a free-for-all orgy. The only exception was the instructor and the raccoon, both wearing masks, by the table against the wall..... Kayla had just pressed her very wet sex to Jane’s mouth as an Ocelot morph fucked her from behind, when Edwin rose from the floor; he’d obviously recovered his breath, and his huge cock waved in front of him like a flagpole; looking around he growled, as he determined that everyone was pretty much busy; then his gaze swept over the instructor, and he leered. The mink gave him a stern, “don’t you _DARE_ look, which he completely disregarded, starting to move towards her. The mink backed up, bumping into the raccoon, who promptly fell over backwards, landing on the table. Edwin grinned wider as he advanced, his cock waving back and forth with each step. The instructor turned to flee, but Edwin caught her well short of the door, his huge paws wrapping around her waist, picking her up from the floor, to bring her down onto his cock. She screamed and thrashed as he drove his monstrous tool into her dry pussy (“was she dry?” Kayla thought with an amazing moment of clarity; “with all this going on, how could she not be wet? Whatever...”) and as she thrashed, her mask slipped down. and suddenly she was clinging to Edwin, her hips bucking as she struggled to get more of his cock into her pussy, stretching herself _wide_ in the process. The Raccoon watched in surprise, and then started edging towards the door, only to come up against the Tigress that had originally been paired with Edwin; she stood there, leaning against the wall, arms crossed, a predatory look on her face. “Going somewhere?” she purrred. Then she reached out and used one claw to cut the straps holding the mask to the raccoon’s face, as it fluttered free, his gaze followed it all the way to the floor. By the time he looked back up at the Tigress, the drug was coursing through his veins and in an instant they were locked together, rolling on the floor. Jane had licked Kayla to several delightful climaxes, but then the stud behind her had orgasmed, and gone soft, and she’d turned her attention to finding another hard cock. Kayla stood there, swaying slightly as she looked around for another partner; all of whom seemed busy. Very busy. As she looked about, she spied several vials on the table; they weren’t quite as large as a dildo, but they might do...... Padding over to the table, she scooped up three of them, and finding a quiet spot she started to tease herself with one of them; it felt good sliding in and out of her wet pussy, its smooth surface cool against her overheated flesh; she took another one and started to tease her ass with it. It was good, but it wasn’t quite enough, and she found that by working a second vial into her pussy, she was stretched enough to get a nice tension; “I’ll only do this until I can find a willing partner” she thought as her paws moved rapidly, driving herself to another uncounted climax. She was panting hard, her eyes still roaming the room for a partner, when she heard the ventilation system come to life. Then the door crashed open and several guards in masks entered. She’d been so startled that she’d accidentally shoved the vials into her pussy..... As the air cleared, and as she watched the guards roughly separating everyone, obviously searching for the instructor, and for Dr. Tyruia, she smiled and pushed the third vial into her ass. “This stuff miiiiiight just come in handy” she thought. The guards found her kneeling sedately in a corner, a sticky, dripping mess, but compliant, not fighting them off to return to what they’d been doing. As such, she was allowed to head to the showers, instead of being hauled off for..... punishment? Just where were the others going? Clearly they couldn’t be blamed for their actions, under the influence of the drug “Bet Edwin has a rough night anyways; not supposed to touch the instructors under _any_ conditions....... Dr. Tyruia tried to collect his thoughts; his first field test had gone much better than He’d ever anticipated. Then he found that three vials were missing. “Musta gotten broken during the riot; that might explain the extreme arousal. I guess we’re just lucky the room was sealed. I _NEVER_ expected it to be that powerful. He grinned as he limped to the instructor’s shower room; “That tigress was fantastic. I’ll have to keep that in mind when I set up my next test. After all, no reason why I can’t be one of the test subjects too...... is there?” Kayla settled into the hot water of the baths; she grinned impishly at some of her friends. “You wouldn’t believe the luck I ran into today” she whispered. Slaves weren’t supposed to talk among themselves, but in the baths, with the running water, some conversations could be held. “What happened?” Zassa whispered back, only her muzzle and the tips of her ears above water. “I was involved in the test of a new aphrodisiac; it drove everyone wild. I lost count of how many times I climaxed! It was so wild, Edwin attacked the instructor!” Tanj sat up a little in the water, to stage whisper; “Edwin did _WHAT_?”, only to be shushed from all sides. They stayed quiet for a little, until a roaming guard had passed by. Kayla grinned; “in the confusion, I swiped three vials of the stuff; we’re going to use it to escape!” Tanj looked askance at Kayla; “I dunno, Kayla; even if we could get out of the Academy, how long do you think it would be before they hunted us down? We’d not only have to find a way off planet, and in a hurry too, but clear out of the system. I’m not saying its impossible, but it sounds awfully thin.” Zassa grinned; “Don’t care; I’m in. I’m ready to check out of this hotel” Marla looked around, gauging the distance of the guards; “so whats your plan?” Kayla grinned; “we use one vial to start another riot. And I know just how to do that too. We escape during the riot; after all, we’re all “Highly Trained”, we can control ourselves, if we have to, right?” With this all eyes turned to Zassa, who just giggled and sank beneath the water. “We use the second vial to obtain transport, and the third vial at the starport to get a ship. After that, its up to Zassa and her off-world contacts and Tanj’s piloting skill to get us out of the Elysium system. Simple, right?” Marla sighed; “no, not really, but it does look like the only chance we’ll ever get......” Kayla grinned; “good, now, I need you to help me hide the vials.” Tanj looked at Kayla; “hide them _where_?” Kayla grinned, and underwater, passed Tanj one of the vials; “_you_know_!” Redflame passed through the security station and into the academy on his way to give the air conditioning system its quarterly servicing. He always enjoyed this service call; the sights and the sounds always kept him hot for a week afterwards. Sometimes he got very lucky and aside from seeing the nude slaves in the hallway, he’d get to catch a glimpse of some of the action through a partially open doorway. Once, when working on a problem with one of the control dampers, he’d squirmed into a duct and then gotten distracted as he watched the most incredible scene through a ventilation grill. He grinned to himself; the academy had even paid for the extra hours. If they’d only known what he’d been doing......... Tanj floated sedately next to the wall. It was three days since Kayla had passed the vial to her, and she was getting tired of hiding it. Thankfully, there had been no attempts at anal sex in that time..... She watched through slitted eyes, as across the chamber, Marla, Zassa and Kayla struggled to maintain their position in the zero gee. Tanj smiled to herself, her previous experience as an engineer on an interstellar freighter finally having some application to her new profession...... The instructor, a male fox, was good too; he pushed off from one wall, stopping in the middle of the spherical chamber without rebounding, his tether tight to the wall. “Today we will practice zero gravity sex. This is a very specialized practice and I’m sure you’ll all see just how difficult it can be. However, there are many who value the experience highly and you _WILL_ learn to become proficient in it. Now, at the start I want all males tethered to the walls, with the females floating free. It will be up to the females to make love to the males, assuming their inexperience, and your proficiency. Later, we’ll switch roles. I _will_ be watching. Remember what you were told in lecture, and begin. Tanj’s partner, a black wolf, surged to the end of his tether and snapped back, thwacking the wall inches from Tanj hard, before slowly drifting back towards the center of the room. “Nice technique” Tanj purrrred, and then she carefully retrieved her hidden vial. She’d chosen her position carefully, right next to one of the room’s air inlet vents. Airflow in zero gee is very important. You don’t want “dropped” objects just floating free, they might bump into something fragile, such as an eye, or the guidance computer. Moreover, in very still air, you can exhale carbon dioxide faster than diffusion can carry it away, faster than oxygen can diffuse in, resulting in asphyxiation. Airflow was very important, and the chamber had been well designed. In fact, at the moment, the airflow was holding Tanj’s partner at the end of his tether as he moaned and rubbed his head. Tanj would use that to her advantage in the exercise to come, or she would have, rather...... instead, she broke the vial on the metal grill, its contents vaporizing almost immediately........... The drug _SURGED_ through Tanj’s veins, and with a mewl she slid along the tether, to grab onto the Wolf. He felt it too and hung onto Tanj almost desperately, a newfound hunger in his eyes. In all Tanj’s shipboard experiences, she’d never done _this_ before, but she’d heard the tall tales and funny stories from Squint, her Captain, and Samantha, the First Officer, and that, coupled with yesterday’s lecture, had given her a good idea how to proceed; first she locked her legs around the Wolf’s waist, her paws entwined in his chest fur. He willingly bucked his very hard cock up against her, and within seconds, he’d driven into her wetness; Tanj barely had time to wonder when she’d gotten so wet, when his gyrations caused them to spin towards the wall. Tanj did her best to hang on, and to fend them off from the wall, as he fucked her much rougher than was prudent, considering their lack of foundation; still, his cock felt soooooooo good in her pussy, the situation soooo exciting, that before she knew it, she was shuddering through her first climax, and then her third, and then her ........ oh hell, she’d lost count by the time his orgasm claimed him, and his cock started spurting, filling her with his jism. Luckily, he hadn’t been able to force his knot into her, and Tanj was able to pull free, moving hand over hand down his tether, as he howled in protest. Tanj grinned and unclipped the tether, and then leapt across the sphere, towing him behind. She grinned as she clipped the Wolf’s tether to Kayla’s partner’s tether, and none-too-gently pried the otteress from his arms. A quick look showed the instructor coupled with two of the students, obviously as obsessed as they were. Kayla and Tanj collected Marla and a very unwilling Zassa, and made for the pressure door, unclipping tethers as they went. As they passed the growing knot of furrs containing the instructor, Kayla reached out and snagged his set of keycards from his belt. And then they were out of the chamber, cycling through the gravity-transition room, and into a hallway. Redflame had just opening the access panels to the Academy’s central air conditioning system. This was a very sophisticated system, not only controlling temperature, and humidity, but also scrubbing the air, not only to remove dust, but also to remove all the smells, scents and odors of so many sexually aroused and overheated creatures. It was time for the replacement of the activated charcoal filters, only part of the system, and following procedure, Redflame took the scrubber system off line and locked it out. He then opened the maintenance hatchways, removed the covers and began the slow job of pulling canister after canister of spent activated charcoal from their holders. He really didn’t see any reason why he couldn’t pull them all, and then start putting in the regenerated ones; the idea of pulling one and replacing it with a fresh one, then ppulling the next used one andreplacing it struck him as horribly inefficient....... The ventilation system in the Zero gee room was powerful, and was physically located close to the scrubbers, not only to remove the natural scents and pheromones, but because, in zero gee, it picked up all the lint, dust, fur, and dirt, and it was hence more efficient to scrub it immediately, than to let it foul who knows how many meters of ductwork. As a result, the cloud of aphrodisiac swept immediately through the central air handler, through the cooling coils, and out into the myriad ducts, to the far corners of the academy. Had it been winter, the heating coils might have decomposed it, but as it was, the aphrodisiac was diluted, but still potent. VERY potent. Redflame sniffed curiously at the strange, slightly sweet odor and shivered thinking to himself; “This place sure _does_ put out the pheromones! I get sooooo hot every time I come here....... I should talk to the front office about taking part of my service fee out in, ah, “trade”..... In fact, I think I’ll do that now; good time for a break anyways.....” And with that, he climbed out of the scrubber system, and exited the mechanical room, painfully aware of his sudden erection....... The four conspirators made their way down the corridor, moving towards the instructor’s locker room; they had to find clothes, before they could try and exit the building; they also thought that wet towels over their noses might ease their problem; it was becoming harder and harder to maintain their concentration. As they moved they passed the occasional knot of furrs, copulating wildly, seemingly wherever they’d run across each other. Behind the occasional door, as they passed, wild moans, heavy panting, and the occasional scream of ecstasy could be heard. As they entered the instructor’s locker room using the key card, they knew they had a problem; the shower was running..... whomever was in there probably hadn’t gotten a good snootful of the aphrodisiac yet.... They snuck quietly into the locker room, searching, only to find that each locker had a personal access code; none of the academy key cards worked here! They were still searching when a chinchilla fem wrapped in a towel came around the end of the row of lockers; “What are YOU doing here?” she demanded eyes a little wide in surprise. Kayla, the closest, dropped her gaze to the floor; Uh, ma’am, our instructor sent us to fetch a stylus from her locker, on our way to, ah, the gymnasium......” The Chinchilla was straightening, a “yeah, riiiiiiiight” on her lips when Marla pounced her from behind, the larger, heavier wolf-morph driving the chinchilla to the floor. “Quick”, Kayla gasped; “Tear her towel into strips and lets tie her up! Then we gotta get outta here!” “Wait a minute” Zassa said; “lets get her to give us the combination to her locker at least; Kayla, you’re almost her size......” Kayla looked from the slender Chinchilla to her own body and sighed; “might be closer than any of the rest of us, but I suppose...... Shortly, the Chinchilla was trussed, and gagged, and stuffed in her own locker. Kayla looked a little funny, the tunic buttons straining, especially in the region of her generous breasts, but at least now they could pose as Instructor and slaves. Better yet, they had the Chinchilla’s personal vehicle keys......... Redflame had found the administrative offices of the Academy; but no one seemed to be behind the counter, or at any of the desks or terminals. As he wandered, he heard the sounds of passionate lovemaking, and naturally he followed them, his erection pounding harder and harder with each step closer. Finally he uncovered a pile of writhing furs in the Headmistress’ office; it seemed like a dozen assorted furs were passionately making love to each other, all at the same time. The sights and the sounds immediately tripped something in his brain, and he rapidly shed his clothes, and dove in; it didn’t take him long to find a lady coyote, avidly licking at the pussy of a rather large panda fem, her posterior waving in the air. With a moan, he knelt behind her, and as he rubbed the head of his hard squirrel cock against her very wet sex; she moaned in delight and pushed back towards him eagerly, as she did her best to maintain tongue contact with her friend. A grin on his face, Redflame sunk his ready tool balls deep in the coyote.......... As they exited the locker room, once again they had to fight the effects of the lingering Aphrodisiac. Kayla insistently pulled the other three along by their leashes, as they giggled and stole feels of each other, their paws teasing, the pheromone driven lusts just barely repressed. They were at the intersection of a corridor when they heard noises to the left. A group of five male guards were coming down the corridor; they were all nude, their cocks waggling before them as they walked, their eyes filled with lust. Kayla barely got out a “No, I’ve got to.....” before the leader, a muscular wolf, grabbed her and kissed her hard! The others immediately pounced on the “helpless” slaves, one of them bending Zassa over to take her from behind, another throwing Marla to the floor, to cover her body with his, the remaining two tackling Tanj. It wasn’t seconds before Tanj found herself astride the hips of one of the guards, a Panther, his cock buried in her pussy, while his Lepine friend shoved his cock into her mouth. Tanj thought that the only way they’d get past these guys was to “take the edge off” their lust; perhaps after they’d each gotten an orgasm, they might make their escape. Accordingly, she let the pheromones in the air have their way with her, and in a trice she was eagerly riding the panther’s delightfully thick cock, her breasts bouncing wildly as she rocked her head back and forth as the rabbit did his very best to shove his shaft down her throat. The combination of the situation and the pheromones seemed to make her much hotter than her usual self, and she found that every little motion seemed to be magnified. She swore she could detect every ridge, every ripple, every vein in the Panther’s throbbing cock; even the Lepine’s cock sliding into her mouth, down her throat seemed to bring her waves of pleasure. She moaned and writhed, climax after climax tearing through her at breakneck speed, her throat muscles rippling around the Lepine’s cock, her pussy spasming hard, her hard-won control of her vaginal muscles abandoned as she jerked and writhed, almost convulsing, through the waves of pleasure coursing through her. It couldn’t have been but minutes before the Panther was HOWLING at the top of his lungs, his cock pumping wadd after wadd of his sticky cum deep into her pussy. His friend the Lepine shuddering as his cock also discharged, their actions driving Tanj to yet another climax. The rabbit was flat on his back, panting hard; Tanj was licking forcefully at his cock, trying almost desperately to get him hard again, but he wasn’t responding...... Suddenly she was jerked backwards; Marla had ahold of her collar and was dragging her bodily down the hall.... “Wha..?” Tanj thought; “Nooooooooo, want more!” But then they were hauling her to her feet, shoving her down the corridor; it must have taken 200 yards before she finally got control of herself; “Wow, that stuff _IS_ powerful; I didn’t want to stop!” Kayla grinned; “I know; now come help me with Zassa, she’s still struggling!” Marla had adapted the plan; an amazing feat of control and concentration, given their current situation; “I figure we can get clothes from the gate guards. Almost all the other guards in this place wear little, or nothing, and I can understand why” she said with a giggle. “But the gate guards, they normally deal with outsiders and as such are correctly attired. Besides, we’re going to have to get past them anyways.” Tanj nodded, agreeing, but somehow she wasn’t “easy” with that plan; “Are you sure we shouldn’t go by the Admin area? Those furrs go clothed too....” Zassa shook her head; “and risk running into the Headmistress? I’d hate to see her, under the influence of this stuff or otherwise! Lets risk the guards....... we can probably do them under just like we did in the last group!” “Ooooooooooo” Tanj thought; “we get to do it _again_! Goodie!” And as they trotted through the corridors, that thought in itself worried her..... Redflame was currently under the Headmistress; the Wolverine morph was astride his hips, vigorously humping him, as one of the other ladies sat on his face. Somewhere, someone was stroking themselves with his tail; he could feel paws midway down its length, moving it back and forth, but he couldn’t tell by the sensations transmitted by its silky tip what the sex of the recipient was. He didn’t care; he was lost in the glories of the drug induced lust, every motion of the Wolverbabe riding his cock sending the most delicious pleasure signals to his brain. He licked up into the sweet pussy above him, his long tongue driving deep as he did what little he could to buck his hips up into the fem astride him. It was just as someone’s paw slid underneath him, to run a finger around his asshole that he lost his load once again, screaming in pleasure into the muff above him. Whatever he was doing must have been appreciated, as the lady astride his face also let loose a howl of delight, and shuddering, her pussy convulsed around his tongue. The Headmistress seemed to be very disappointed, and crawled off him as he started to go soft, obviously looking for someone still hard, or perhaps a willing tonguue. Suddenly finding himself“alone” Redflame staggered to his feet. “Gotta find a bathroom...... and I could use something to drink too; this is hard work; but OOOOOOOH, how I _LOVE_ my work!” He stepped over several entwined bodies, and staggering, made it to the door. Stepping outside, he looked left and then right; “now which way?” Still a little dazed, he turned down one corridor, and then down another, and before long he was quite lost....... Redflame came around a corner, still looking for a bathroom or a water fountain; what he found, instead, was Tanj; they slammed together, and went down in a heap, with Zassa tripping over them in the process. Tanj couldn’t resist, the pheromones were coursing through her brain, the chemicals overloading her system, and the smell of a male soooo close; before she could think, his cock was within her mouth, her tongue swirling over its surface. Apparently, he’d had enough “rest” as the sensations of having his cock engulfed in someone’s warm, wet mouth, of a tongue moving over its surface was more than enough stimulus to bring the return of his raging hard- on. Kayla was furious; they were running out of time, and here half her escape team were rolling around on the floor again! Zassa quickly found the squirrel’s muzzle and holding his head in both paws, she crouched over him, shoving her crotch rudely down against him; Redflame didn’t care, his tongue licking out just as avidly as before, burying itself in Zassa’s velvety folds. Tanj, meanwhile, had determined that he was now hard enough and had moved to mount his cock, unknowingly assuming the same position the headmistress had taken.... Redflame didn’t care about that either, as Tanj’s pussy enveloped his once again throbbing cock; with a moan he shifted his feet and tried to drive himself upwards, to drive himself further into the delight above him. Marla sighed and reached out to snuggle Kayla; “I see we’re not going anywhere for a while....... Kayla shrugged and nodded and turned and kissed her friend; moments later they too were on the floor, forming the classic “69”, each one’s muzzle pressed hard against her friend’s sex. As Tanj rode the squirrel’s cock, she reached out to cup Zassa’s breasts; she knew just what the vixen liked, pinching and rolling her nipples, tugging on her nipple rings; Zassa moaned in turn, rolling her hips as the squirrel’s tongue did such lovely things to her, reaching out in turn to tug sharply at one of Tanj’s nipple rings, her other paw dropping to Tanj’s crotch to rub harshly against her clitty, as the cheetah fem bounced wildly on the squirrel’s cock. Redflame was in heaven; he’d probably cum more times in this one day than he usually did in a week, maybe in a month, and that was counting “self gratification” too........ he bucked his hips upwards into the spotty feline as his tongue slashed back and forth through the vixen’s slit, its tip running over her clitty with each stroke. He’d cum so many times that while he was in heaven, submerged in pleasure, he was nowhere near cumming again....... Tanj climaxed yet again, every ripple, every fold of skin, every vein or ridge in the squirrel’s cock seeming to trip her oversensitized nerves, the resulting pleasure almost overwhelming. Slowing, she concentrated, practicing what she’d been taught, controlling her vaginal muscles, her “inner hand”, to stroke him, to ripple the muscles smoothly over his delicious cock, to milk him hard! As sheconcentrated, her ministrations to Zassa’s tits slowed, and a sudden sharp pinch on her clitty brought her back; Zassa was impatient, and demanding and Tanj complied, squeezing the vixen’s breasts hard, her clawtips sliding out to prick her skin, just as Redflame’s tongue hit just the right spot, sending the vixen off into yet another climax........ Redflame felt the vixen’s pussy spasm around his tongue yet again; she seemed insatiable, but then so was the cheetah astride his hips! They really trained ‘em well here! “I need to wander off the usual paths more often” he thought to himself with a grin, and then the cheetah’s pussy started milking him again, and all conscious thought was lost as his orgasm claimed him. Tanj felt his cock start to throb and spurt, and she howled as the sensations of his burning jism splashing her insides drove her to yet another climax. She sighed as after a while, he started to soften within her, despite her best efforts to keep him hard. It was about then that Kayla’s paw wrapped itself in her hair, dragging her away from the spent squirrel; “come _ON_! we gotta go!” Tanj sighed and nodded and helped a grinning Marla drag Zassa away from the squirrel’s tongue as she thought; “Yeah, gotta find one that isn’t limp....... gotta go.... gotta be one around here somewhere........” They padded off down the corridor, leaving Redflame in the middle of the floor, a very happy, very sticky mess. Kayla peeked around the corner and then ducked her head back; “they’re in there, at least two, maybe three; I can see them through the armored window in the inner door” “I still think we should just try and get over the gate; it doesn’t look _that_ high” Zassa whispered. “Yeah, but what if its electrified” Marla whispered back. “Don’t be absurd; what if some citizen came by and leaned on it, on the outside? The academy can’t risk that, even on Elysium!” Tanj shot back. Kayla just shrugged and taking off the instructor’s clothes, flashed the others a grin and padded around the corner; they heard the click of the intercom, and then Kayla did her best “I’m in heat and _want_ you” moan. The intercom clicked again and a rather unsteady, panting voice came back with; “wh....who’s th..there?” Before the intercom could click off, another voice in the background was heard to say; “who the fuck _CARES_ who’s there? It sounds female and as hot as I am, thats all that matters!” With that, the door popped open, a paw emerged, grabbed Kayla’s collar, and dragged her inside. Fortunately for the others, the door remained ajar, and they were able to creep in. In the instant that Kayla had been out of their sight, the three guards within had managed to shed their uniforms, and pounce Kayla. She was on the ground, on her left side, one guard, a fox, behind her, one, a lynx, in front of her, both gyrating as their hips drove their rampant cocks into her ass and pussy; the third, a female mink, who looked just a little the worse for wear, had her sodden crotch pressed hard against Kayla’s muzzle. Kayla, for all her resolve, looked as if she was in Seventh Heaven, as she licked avidly at the mink’s wet sex, moaning as the two males pleasured her. Tanj did her best to hold her breath, knowing what just a whiff of their pheromones would do to her aphrodisiac sodden brain; as she slowly felt the burning in her lungs increase, she looked over the security console, trying to find the switch for the front gate, the only known way in or out of the Academy. The panels were a sea of flashing red and yellow, all sorts of alarms going unheeded. The security cameras cycled through scene after scene of wild sex, with the occasional image of some poor sod trapped somewhere alone, in many cases bound so that he or she couldn’t even satisfy themselves.... Finally, however, Tanj had to gasp for air, and in doing so, sealed their fates; the pheromones of the sexually aroused furs coupled with the drug still coursing through her veins and with a moan, she dropped to her knees to lick at the swaying balls of the fox, as he drove his cock hard into Kayla’s ass. Marla was doing marginally better, and saw what happened to Tanj; before she could succumb to the pressures building in her lungs, she grabbed Zassa and yanked her out of the security station. “Did you see where the switch for the main gate was?” Marla asked Zassa; “No, did you?” Marla shook her head no, and taking several deep breaths, ducked back through the slightly ajar door, to search again. As she searched, she thought; “Dammit, Tanj was the engineer, the one who might understand this sea of switches and flashing lights. I bet they made this as confusing as possible!”. Once more, the two had to “step outside”, their mission unfulfilled. “I think we should just start flipping switches until something happens” Zassa moaned; “after all, at this point what do we have to loose?” Marla sighed; “I could throw that fox against the front gate and see if they were electrified, I suppose.....” Zassa made a sour face and Marla nodded; escape was dearly sought, but not at that price...... Finally, unable to think of anything better to do, they ducked back into the room, to start flipping every switch they could find. Redflame had wandered into another orgy, this one consisting of several “students” leashed outside a classroom; they were having difficulty, their leads hooked to the wall high over their heads, their paws clasped behind their backs, but in many cases they were still finding ways, precariously balanced, to satisfy each other. They had been oh so thankful when Redflame had unhooked their leads, and oh the ways they’d shown their appreciation.......... Just as the sexy little skunk was doing the most delightful things to his asshole with her tongue, an alarm sounded and barred doors started closing all up and down the corridor..... Redflame grinned; now his new friends couldn’t escape him, like the last group had........ All over the Academy, security gates closed, doors locked, utilities shut off....... and the fire sprinkler system came on full. Marla gasped as the nozzles in the ceiling opened up, spraying her with water, but the expected reaction of her sudden inhalation failed to materialize; the water was scrubbing what remained of the pheromones from the air! Marla was just about to grab her friends and try and retreat, to find a place to hide when the door on the opposite wall opened, and three uniformed guards walked in. Their eyes went wide as they beheld the scene that greeted them; their colleagues rolling on the floor with four very grungy looking slaves. “what in the Aich Eeee Double- El is going on here, a rather large and grumpy looking bear morph demanded, his partners staring wide eyed at all the flashing alarms. Marla just sighed and struggled to come up with an instant explanation; “Master, something happened, all of a sudden everyone went crazy; just crazy; we tried to come here for help, but.....” She gestured helplessly at the still writhing furrpile on the floor. “You and you” the bear said to Marla and Zassa, “Kneel _there_ and don’t move! Sam, help me get these other two separated out. Eddie! _EDITH_! Frank! What has gotten INTO you?” Tanj groaned as she struggled to hold the bit in her teeth; she was sure that her entire jaw was going to pull from her head any minute. As much as she hated her current situation, though, she had to admit, Kayla had faired worse. They’d reviewed the security camera tapes, obviously. They’d been able to backtrack the entire affair, all the way back to a really good picture of Kayla swiping the vials of aphrodisiac. They really did have cameras everywhere........ but it was interesting to note that they didn’t have the manpower to check every tape, watch every monitor. Things were missed. Things did fall into the cracks, and that was a lesson Tanj would not soon forget. The academy had been very pleased with the way the aphrodisiac had worked, something that they didn’t bother hiding from the conspirators; however, the damage done during the affair had been great, especially in the accounting, and records section, where water damage from the sprinklers had been extreme. As a result, the conspirators got a hearty thanks, high marks for imagination, and a rather severe two week punishment regime. Kayla, being the instigator, had the most severe punishments; currently she was hanging in another part of the Academy’s lobby, stretched TIGHT, inflatable devices distending her jaw, pussy and ass very VERY wide, as a tiny device spurted a cayenne pepper powder onto her clitty and nipples, all of which had been freshly pierced. Cayenne pepper had an amazing ability to stimulate nerves to produce pain without doing significant physical harm; it was activated by moisture and the way Kayla was sweating in her bondage.... Urrrrrrrrr! Tanj could only imagine what she was going through, and wince in sympathy. As she hung there, struggling to hang on, the head of the monster dildo seeming to throb within her stretched ass, Tanj reviewed what she’d learned and planned the next escape attempt....... Tanj's Tale: Endings and Beginnings by Kittiara Stardate 2397.90 Tanj was getting nervous. She'd completed all her "courses" at the "academy", and while she'd passed her "finals", she hadn't gotten high marks. It wasn't because of her skill, she was told, repeatedly, but because of her "attitude". Some of the finals had been situations that only in retrospect could be viewed as examinations. Some of them had resembled just ordinary events in her so-called life at the "academy". Others, such as the "opportunity" to escape, had appeared less so. It wasn't that Tanj didn't want to escape, but she knew, naked and collared on Elysium, her chances of getting away (i.e. off planet, and out of the star system) were zilch to nine decimal places. Thus, perhaps for not the right reason, she passed that test when she failed to take the apparent opportunity. She still winced at the public punishment of those that had failed that particular exam. The guards had been teasing her, saying that with her low scores, and the visible evidence of her "misbehaving" (the academy tended to add a "piercing" for each major offense, in addition to the standard "for control purposes" nose ring. Tanj, in her stay, had wound up with both nipples and her clitty pierced by stainless steel rings.), that she'd probably be bought by some low-rent tavern owner somewhere, for the amusement of his customers. They'd said that she'd probably spend the rest of her days waiting tables and sucking off drunken customers, sleeping on a pallet behind the bar. She hoped, at least that whoever "picked up her contract" (i.e. bought her) would have the good esthetic sense to replace the steel rings with gold..... Finally the day came; the big semi-annual auction. She was bathed, and groomed, until her fur shone. Before being taken to the auction, the guards took her to a booth where some Psych types performed some mumbo-jumbo. They _said_ that this was to hypnotically condition her, so that the next person she saw would be ingrained upon her as her true Master or Mistress. They blindfolded her, and a guard led her out again. As she followed the tug of the leash towards her fate, Tanj found it hard to believe that the "conditioning" would work. "I can beat this" she thought; "First opportunity, and I'm over the horizon!" Tanj stood, her leash fastened to the wall, barely enough slack to turn a bit. As she stood, as her ears told her, among her classmates, waiting for her turn, she listened to the proceedings. The auctioneer would describe the physical characteristics of the slave for sale; weight, height, intelligence, metabolism, and so forth, and then launch into a history of their schooling. Tanj had heard that as the auctioneer described their abilities, 3-D videos were shown to demonstrate the point. Finally their "finals grades" were announced, along with the Psych profile as to where the staff Shrinks thought the slave would perform best. As slave after slave was sold, Tanj's attention was drawn to a pair of voices. They seemed to have a strange accent, almost reminiscent of something she'd once heard described as 'cockney'. They were loud, brash, and obnoxious, and Tanj couldn't imagine how they'd been admitted to the auction. They seemed almost constantly on the verge of creating such a ruckus that the auction would have to be halted, or perhaps to the point where they'd be ejected. As if playing a challenging game, they never quite reached that point, however. Tanj heard her friend Marla, the She-Wolf announced, and listened aghast as she was sold to one of the more well known brothels. Kayla, the otter fem was sold to a Doctor, and Tanj got the impression that this guy didn't have the time for a wife, and that Kayla would be the one to fit sex into his busy schedule. She wasn't sure if she was happy, or sad for Kayla....... Finally it was her turn; the guard led her forward and placed her on the block. The announcer's words were a distant roar as her heart pounded in her ears. The bidding seemed to see-saw back and forth between a wholesaler and a firm that provided "temporaries", in a desultory fashion. Just as Tanj thought the wholesaler would take it, one of the brash voices bid a half credit higher. There seemed to be a scuffle, as if the other brash voice was actually physically "leaning" on the other bidder, some shouting, and finally the gavel fell. The two annoyances appeared to have won the bidding (probably allowed to do so by the auctioneer just to get them out of there). Tanj felt a sudden hard jerk on her leash as a voice growled "C'mon, You", and the next thing she knew she was being dragged away at a trot! As she was taken from the building she heard one guard, apparently talking to another, saying that he thought "those two deserved each other". Who had bought her? What was going on? The public conveyance to the airport was jerky, and she was bounced, probably on purpose, from one of her purchasers to the other, their paws all over her body. Finally they arrived somewhere, and as she was dragged along, Tanj made out the characteristic smells and sounds of a spaceport. "Am I actually being taken off-planet?" she wondered. Elated, she figured that was half the battle in escaping! After many twists and turns, and some noticeable changes in temperature, Tanj was rudely dragged through what could only have been a very small airlock. In fact, the way she was squeezed against her purchasers, it was probably not more than a two-person airlock. That meant a small ship..... Dragged forward, Tanj found herself made to kneel, her leash fastened to the floor. "Strange", Tanj thought; "I've got enough slack to sit upright; in fact, enough slack to get somewhat comfortable...... That doesn't seem to fit the way I've been treated so far....". She heard the two who had seemingly dragged her half way across the planet going through a start-up routine, suddenly very professional. As main power came up, and the drives reached operating temperature, one of them requested clearance to lift off, suddenly back in the brash, annoying mode; "Elysium Departure Control, this is Bloody Corsair Three Nine; its time to leave your stinkin' gravity well, and we want clearance to depart!" The controller's voice came back with a formal, if somewhat chilly permission, with directions to the outer buoy, and dire warnings as to what would happen if they repeated the stunt they pulled on arrival. The acknowledgment was merely a snort and some derisive laughter. Then the ship lurched and Tanj knew they were heading towards orbit. The inertial compensators were good, almost too good for a ship this size. That suggested something "high performance". Whatever kind of a ship she was on, it wasn't a cargo shuttle. The departure from orbit was handled with the same sneering sarcasm, with the same frosty reply, and warnings. After a while, all was quiet, save for the whine of the main drive, and the low thrumm of the powerplant. Tanj found herself cataloging anomalies. The two who'd bought her she was now thinking of as Pirates. Lord knew, there were enough of them in this part of space, the centers of Imperial civilization being far away. But there was a very interesting change in.... "tone" from when the two talked between themselves, and when they were on the Comm, talking to traffic control. Beyond that, the air in the ship smelled much better than she would have thought, especially from the "image" she'd been building of these two. Somehow, she expected them to be wearing slashed jeans, mohawk hairdoos, their fur dyed in fluorescent pinks, purples and greens, with tattoos on shaved skin, and their own piercings. She would have thought their ship would have smelled like an old Gym locker, with underwear and socks strewn about. Instead, the air was clean, lightly scented with pine, and machine oil, and the floor beneath her felt clean. Very strange. As they cleared the outer marker, and were turned loose by InSystem Traffic Control, Tanj heard them both stretch, as if they were suddenly relaxing. Well, pirates might be glad to be away from "Authority" again.... Then one actually said; "if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go hit the shower; I simply _have_ to get this ...... GOOP out of my fur!" The other one answered rather cheerily; "Righto, Mate, I'll keep watch; don't use up all the hot water!" Tanj felt someone move past her, and for a while, she heard only the normal sounds heard on the flight deck of a ship in space. As she listened, she suddenly realized that the remaining pirate was humming a tune from Sylbert and Gullivan, neo-classical light opera! If these two were pirates, they were very, VERY strange pirates! Gagged and blindfolded, Tanj could only marvel at it all. After a while, Tanj heard the other pirate get up from his station; he moved back to her, and Tanj felt him unbuckling the gag. She moaned with relief when he tugged the ball from her mouth, and carefully worked her jaw back and forth. "Thot you might want somptin to drink" he said softly. Tanj nodded her head; "yes, please, Master". He chuckled; "no, I'm not yer Master; we wuz just sent to get you, 's all. Call me Reggie". Tanj's mind whirled; if they weren't her purchasers, then who was? Who would send these two to an auction? "Um, Sir, if you're not my Master, then might I ask who is?" Reggie chuckled again, as sounds were heard from what Tanj took to be a small galley; "you can ask, but I can't say. 'e's told us quite carefully how we're to handle you. I'm afraid that means I can't release your hands, either. And I definitely can't take the blindfold off; thot's for him, and him alone." "Well", Tanj thought to herself; "At least I know my purchaser's male...." Reggie held a cup for her, letting Tanj drink through a straw. Lukewarm Tea, sweetened, she thought, with honey. After a bit, the other Pirate came back, and Reggie departed. This one inquired if Tanj was all right, but when she assured him she was fine, proceeded to ignore her, as he puttered about on the flight deck. Tanj considered trying to talk to him, asking him a few hundred of the several million questions floating around in her head, but considering that they might just silence her with the gag, decided to hold her tongue. Eventually, all her questions would be answered anyways.... After a while, Tanj laid down on the floor, curling up a bit, and dozed off to sleep. She awoke with a start, the ship ringing from the thuds and bumps of docking clamps latching onto the airlock ring. Sitting up, she listened to the Comm traffic. The banter was light, the two pirates obviously well acquainted with whomever they were talking to. After a bit, she heard them deactivate the drive, and put the powerplant on low standby. One by one, the ship's systems were shut down, and then she heard them rise from their seats. She felt them untie her leash, and then, with surprising gentleness, lead her through the ship. This time, Tanj shared the airlock with only one of them; obviously they were much more relaxed here, seemingly no longer in a hurry. As Tanj was led through the corridors, through the twists and turns of wherever they were, she heard others nearby, and got the impression a number of them were staring at her as she was led past. Finally, she's told to kneel, her leash just dropped on the floor. "Wait here, little one; your new Master will be along in a little bit" Reggie said, and then they were gone. Time goes slowly when you have no way of measuring it. Tanj tried to keep track of time by her heartbeats, but kept loosing count. It seemed like hours, but might have been mere minutes. Finally, she heard a door shoosh open and then closed, and she knew someone was in the room with her. She found it exquisite torture to have to hold still, to remain kneeling, but somehow she managed. Her nose twitched; she smelled something familiar, a scent she's smelt before, but she can't quite place it. After a while, she sensed someone moving closer and then large hands were unbuckling her blindfold. Blinking at the light, Tanj tried to clear her vision; looking up boldly, her eyes widened in surprise when she focused on the smiling face of the Lion she had met (and gotten in a bit of a bind) at the Founder's Day party at the 'academy'! "Uh-Oh" she thought to herself; "he's bought me to get revenge for what happened!" To her amazement, he turned and moved over to a couch; sitting at one end, he grinned back at her and silently patted the seat next to him. "Does he want me to sit on the couch with him?" she thought to herself in amazement; "not exactly the move of a vindictive dominant Master.... unless he's toying with me....." Hesitantly, Tanj rose to her feet, to cross the short distance. Sitting down, a bit awkwardly, her hands still cuffed behind her, she turned to look at him. The Lion looked at her for a minute or two, his eyes traveling along her body from the tip of her head to her feet and back; Finally he nodded; "as nice as I remembered. After the little "affair" at the academy, I did some checking into your background. All very low key and quiet. No flags raised. I can't say as I was surprised at what happened to you. Its a standard gambit of the folks in power here. Sucker in some poor ship, somebody that'll never be missed if they suddenly disappear. I'm sure they don't do it for profit; there just isn't that much to be gained in the whole. I'm sure they do it just for the sense of power it gives them. A nasty bunch, wouldn't you agree?" Tanj could only nod, as she listened in amazement; this certainly was NOT what she'd expected! He smiled; "in fact, you'd be surprised how many folks have run afoul of Elysium, in just that manner. Your story is far from unique, I'm sad to say. And believe me, I know." Tanj Blinked; "you mean something like this happened to you?" He just nodded; "my parents ran a small single-ship freight line. The ship was as much "home" as "business" They suckered us in just as they did you, albeit many years ago. I haven't seen my family since, although I'm convinced that if they're still alive, they're down there on Elysium. If they've been sold off-planet, I haven't found any trace of it. Tanj's eyes narrowed as she looked at him; "you were sold to the academy too, weren't you?" Again, he just nodded; "I was about 16, and just what they were looking for." He grinned; "the reason I was looking so lost in the foyer that night, was because they'd changed it so much. They must be doing well, to have spent that much money on renovations just to impress "customers". I guess I was also a little nervous, wondering if any of my old "instructors" were still around. Thankfully, I guess I've changed enough since then that none remembered me. And that my cover seemed to hold, as well". Tanj shook her head, having a hard time believing his story; "how'd you ever escape?" "I didn't. I was sold, at the end of my training, to a rather eccentric and very wealthy lady otter. She had this thing for..... size. She also had a few other kinks. She LOVED underwater sex, not really surprising in an Otter; but Lions generally don't care for water. As a punishment, when I'd been "bad", I'd have to service her underwater. You wouldn't believe the artificial gill system she'd had built for me..... But I digress. Generally, I was her butler, and bodyguard, housekeeper, groundskeeper, and all- around handyman. Of course, I don't have to tell you what went on in the bedroom...." Tanj just grinned and nodded, having sampled some of his wares already. I was with her for about eight years, and we were actually very fond of each other. One day she went off to a ski resort, to meet with some of her business partners. A combination business and pleasure trip. I was left at home, to do some house painting, some shopping, and generally to "hold the fort". She had some business calls she was expecting that she didn't want to leave to an answering service, or voice- mail. I had a news service running in the background as I painted the grand hall, and I heard a piece about the death of my mistress in a skiing accident. It was murder; I was sure of it as soon as I heard the news. She'd been beginning to suspect they'd been cheating her, and on Elysium, business is a very rough game. At any rate, we'd planned for such an eventuality. Stupid she wasn't. There was a file in the computer, and I opened it, and read her instructions. I found clothes, papers, credit cards, keys, all stashed and waiting. Including a key for my collar; I didn't even think it COULD be removed......... I took public transportation to the starport, where I found her private "yacht" waiting, all prepped by the starport staff, on instructions issued when I'd opened the file. I raised ship, and headed outsystem, her papers and passcodes getting me through all the checkpoints. Finally, I made the jump to the Tellus system. There I executed a series of instructions that resulted in the complete liquidation of her financial empire, the funds being dispersed through multiple blinds. Her final instructions to me were to take down those that had killed her. And that" he waved his paws to encompass the entire installation" is what I've made my life's work. Oh, and incidentally, I'm planning on taking down the whole Elysium government, and in the process, finding whatever may be left of my family. I'm going to make Damn well sure that what happened to me, what happened to you, what happened to them, never happens to anyone ever again. And here's how you're going to help....... This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. Tanj and these stories arecopyright Kittiara's player, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000. Kittiara can be found on Furrymuck; telnet 8888. Comments, suggestions, or flames can be directed to ha_seng@hotmail.com.