Her nickname is "Tanj", and she's certainly living up to it. For her, it seems, “There Ain’t No Justice.” As a young engineer on a tramp space freighter, this Cheetah-morph found herself the victim of a scam, sold into slavery, and trained as a sex-slave. Sold to pirates, she finds herself as a pawn in a much larger struggle. This story contains bondage, non-consensual sex, and hopefully some humor, adventure and intrigue. Adults only, PLEASE! Tanj's Tale Stardate 2398.00: Endings and Beginnings By: Kittiara Tanj sat up and Streeeettttccccchhheed as only a feline can. She had spent the night, sleeping on a pallet at the foot of the Lion's bed. It _looked_ like just a thin pad, but Tanj had found it surprisingly comfortable. She was chained to a brass ring at the foot of his bed by a remarkably long, thin gold chain, the other end fastened to the ring piercing her left labia ring with a tiny lock. She had more than enough chain to reach the Lion, snoring softly on the bed, or even the adjacent bathroom. As she finished her luxurious stretch, she found the Lion watching her, his head propped up with one hand. Tanj smiled, and slowly crawled up over the end of the bed; with a mock growl she pounced her Master! They rolled and wrassled around the bed a little, both of them being careful of her chain. They ended up with Tanj crouched "triumphantly" over him, licking softly at his sheath, and his balls, as he in turn nuzzled under her tail. The mock-wrestling turned into some gentle loving, and before long they were both gasping at the sensations of tongues artfully applied to sensitive surfaces. To Tanj's immense surprise, the Lion won the undeclared contest, driving her to a climax before she could make him spurt, but make him spurt like a geyser she did, shortly thereafter. After she'd licked him clean, and vice versa, he produced, as if by magic, the key to the tiny lock; with a swat on her bottom, he sent her off to the bathroom, to make herself presentable. As Tanj emerged from the bathroom, tying her hair back with a ribbon, into a ponytail, the Lion threw her a piece of cloth. Tanj caught it with one paw, and then held it up to look at it. It shone like liquid metal, reflecting golden light. It seemed tissue paper thin, but very strong.... After a moment, she determined that it was a _very_ skimpy dress.... She looked at him inquisitively, and he grinned back; "you'd better put it on" he rumbled; "walking around here in just your fur, you'd probably start a riot". She slipped the halter top over her head and flipped her hair up from underneath the strap, and then wrapped the lower portion around her waist, tying it on her left hip. Turning to look at herself in the mirror, she shook her head; "Somehow I think I'm more likely to start a riot wearing this.... its scandalous! Why, if I were to bend over......." She grinned at the Lion and shrugged; "still, after having worn nothing for so long, it feels..... strange. The Lion just leaned against the wall and grinned at her; 'you're right; on you, it proves the maxim that sometimes wearing just a little something _IS_ sexier than nude.... Still, we'll just have to make do....." They left the Lion's quarters, and traveled through corridors reminiscent of a space station's, although more spacious. The Lion explained that they were on an asteroid mining station. "Its built into a hollowed out asteroid, which explains why we've got plenty of room. Also, having several hundred meters of nickel-iron asteroid between you and the outside makes for fairly decent armor. Unbeknownst to the Imperials, I've also managed to add a layer of neutronium armor, almost 40 angstroms thick. As we routinely deal with blowing up other asteroids, to expose the minerals inside, we have some rather powerful shield generators, to, ah, "protect us from the flying debris". And of course, as the whole thing has to be relocated occasionally, to access new ore bodies, we do have a limited maneuver capability. As we have to search the skies for distant asteroids that might contain valuable ore, our sensor suite is first class. In fact, we've got some stuff that really is military grade. Now, as we do have plenty of room, we've managed to hide a small but rather efficient base for our pirate operations within the station. As you can imagine, our surveillance countermeasures suite is imported, bought from a renegade Kilrathi, and is the state of the art for their military. And you know how good Kilrathi cloaking devices are.... (I'm convinced the Romulans stole the technology from them...) If we have to, we can cloak the entire station, but it only works for short periods of time as the heat buildup is tremendous" He rambled on as they made their way towards the station's communal dining facility, acting as if he was giving a guided tour to a prospective client. Tanj found it all amazing, and a little hard to believe. On arrival at the mess hall, The Lion made introductions all around (at least as far as for those who were present. Tanj smiled as she was introduced to Reggie, who she was surprised to discover, was a rather large Lepine (rabbit-morph). His partner "Slasher" (no, he was actually the group's part-time accountant, and got the nickname from the annual budget battles), was a rather quiet Ferret. "Odd team" Tanj thought to herself. There seem to be about twice as many males as females, but Tanj was still surprised that there are that many females there. As the introductions rapidly overwhelmed her, exceeding her capability to remember names, and faces and titles, her mind started to wander a bit. Her overall impression was that they were a hard group, but fairly tight knit..... Tanj was a mite surprised when as the Lion concluded the introductions, he turned to addresses the group; "as you know, Tanj here's from the "academy" on Elysium. Someone as highly trained as her should not let her skills atrophy, and its my intention to see that she gets adequate practice". The crowd responded with snickers and a few hoots, not all of them coming from the males. "Nighttime (or what passes for it on the station), she's mine, unless I'm elsewhere. During the day, I've got an ambitious training schedule for her, but if she's not actively engaged in some task, you may make use of her as you will". Tanj listened, trying to keep her eyes from going wide, from showing her surprise, as her gaze traveling over the rough group....." _BUT_", he roared out, "She is NOT to be hurt". He grinned; "you can make her uncomfortable, but punishments for misbehavior will have to be creative, as I don't want her marked. Not yet, anyway!" The crowd just grinned and hooted, and Tanj did her best to look back with confidence, as if she felt she could take on the whole crew and still be the last one standing... The Lion sent her to get them both something to eat, and after guessing what he'd want from the selection, returned, carrying the tray. She was tempted to try and balance it on her head, as a proper serving slave, but being afraid she'd drop something in front of everyone, decided just to carry it in her paws. Setting it down on the table, she emptied the tray, placing what she thought the Lion would like in front of him, with her food opposite him, on the other side of the table. Still not quite believing he was going to let her sit down like a normal person, and not kneel at his feet, she watched his face carefully; however, he seemed much more interested in his cup of coffee than in "proper protocol"....... As they ate, several of the other furrs in the room stopped by, to discuss operations, schedules, or finance, maintenance, or wild ideas. Tanj found the food surprisingly good, and she listened, wondering if the Lion's day was always like this, even breakfast turned into a rolling conference... As they finished, and Tanj started putting the dishes back on the tray to carry to the recycler, the Lion looked at her and grinned; "Like breakfast?" Tanj nodded. "Good, I'm glad our cooking meets your standards, but I'll warn you; I want you to maintain your figure; start gaining weight in the wrong places, and we'll have to cut back on your caloric intake. Get you on a strict exercise regime too." Tanj just nodded. After breakfast, the Lion led her down to a gymnasium, where they met a rather elderly male Wolf-morph. "This is Ben; he's on the Pirate side of the operation here, and specializes in taking large ships by storm. However, as far as you're concerned, he's going to teach you some unarmed fighting techniques. I want you to work with him, show him what you know, and then learn from him. It very well could save your life sometime in the near future". And with that, the Lion nodded at Ben and departed. Tanj's gaze shifted from the departing Lion to the Wolf, and just shrugged; "do you have _ANY_ idea what he's talking about?" The Wolf just nodded; "Yes, and I can't say as I agree with it. Its very risky, but if it works, well, it could cut our timetable significantly. I won't tell you more, thats _his_ job. But I agree, if you're to survive, you may have to be _very_ good at unarmed combat." Tanj's ears folded back as this all frightened her a bit, but she nodded. "So what do we do?" The Wolf had Tanj describe what little experience she had in fighting; unfortunately that was mostly wrestling with her brothers when they were cubs. The Wolf sighed; "O.K., we start from the beginning. If you can, this is the best way to stand.............. The session continued, as the Wolf described stances, and basic moves, Tanj trying to follow his motions. After a few hours, she was exhausted, and the Wolf called a halt. "We'll continue this tomorrow, after breakfast. My instructions were to take you down to Engineering, when you'd had enough. The Wolf led her through another maze of corridors, until they finally entered, not a large, cavernous room full of machines, as Tanj expected, but to a small block of offices. After passing by a rather harried looking lady Coyote, Tanj was led into what she took to be the Chief Engineer's office. Again, she found it not what she expected. Yes, there was a small desk, overflowing with paper hardcopies over in one corner, and there were the usual file cabinets, and blueprint racks; the centerpiece however, was a state of the art holographic CAD/CAM station. In the middle of it, literally walking through a three dimensional drawing, was a rather large male Badger. The Badger waved a paw impatiently at Tanj and her escort, as he grumbled to himself, making small tic marks with a light pen. After a few minutes of literally examining the problem from every conceivable angle (including getting up on a small set of portable steps), the Badger turned to the console, and hit a few keys. The drawing vanished in a flash of light, and as Tanj blinked her eyes, she found him looking at her appraisingly. "the Boss tells me that you've got your Second Engineer's Ticket" he growled. Tanj straightened and nodded; "I was the only engineer on the freighter "Lost Cause"...... The badger nodded and turned back to the console, apparently able to call up information on registered ships. He nodded at what he saw and looked up at Tanj; "not much of a ship". Tanj nodded carefully, her eyes hardening as she looked at him; "it may not have been much, a constant struggle to keep it running, but it was _HOME_, and if you can believe it, I miss her. The Badger just nodded. "If its all the same to you, I too wish you were there. The last thing I need is a scantily clad sexpot distracting my folks from their work. We too find it a challenge at times to keep everything running correctly, and I demand precise, careful, CORRECT work! However, as you're here, I suppose I should find something useful for you to do." With that, he turned back to his console and opened a comlink channel; "Mark? Get down to my office; got someone to help you with that job I just gave you". Peremptorily, he cut the link before any reply was heard. The Wolf took his leave, and Tanj stood by the door, quietly, watching as the Badger grumbled about his office, being interrupted every few minutes by another comm call. After a while, the door chime sounded and a white mouse walked in. As he walked over to the Badger, he turned his head to give Tanj a quick look, although how he knew Tanj was over against the wall, she didn't know. As the mouse walked over to the Chief Engineer, Tanj took the moment to study him from behind; at least a head shorter than Tanj, he wore fraying jeans shorts, and a rather dirty tee shirt. In fact, he was a mess; it looked like he'd been rolling in the dirt. The Badger looked up at the Mouse, and then at Tanj, looking over the Mouse's shoulder. "Mark, Tanj; Tanj, Mark. Tanj, you are to go with him and help him in his assigned tasks; consider yourself his assistant until further notice". With that, the Badger waved a paw in dismissal, and Tanj silently followed Mark out the door. As they walked, Mark nodded to Tanj with a slight smile. "Looks like I'm no longer on the bottom of the totem-pole around here. Welcome aboard, by the way." Tanj just shrugged and grinned ruefully; "can't get much lower'n me at the moment, but thanks; so, what we workin' on today? Powerplants? Warp Drives? Weapons systems?" Mark coughed softly. "I'm afraid you'll have to settle for environmental. Seems someone over in the residential section has been complaining about a funny odor in the air system, and _we_ get to clean the ductwork." Tanj's wail was heard all the way back to the Chief Engineer's office; "Nooooooooooo! Thats what they ALWAYS made me do back home! Just because I was the smallest, and therefor could fit in the ducts better.... ITS NOT FAIR! _YEARS_ in engineering school, _MORE_YEARS_ of experience, and I'm _BACK_TO_CLEANING_DUCTS_?" This was followed by every curse that Tanj had ever learned in her years in space. Mark just listened with something like amused sympathy as he lead her down the corridors towards Environmental. By the end of the day, they were both filthy. Mark was a little surprised when Tanj had stripped off her dress, not wanting to get it dirty, and certainly not minding being seen in just her fur. His eyes narrowed as he took in all her piercings, but he kept quiet and Tanj found it impossible to tell as they worked whether he disliked what he saw or just thought it impractical to work without the protection of clothing. It hadn't taken Mark long at all to find the source of the foul odor, a particularly gross pool of slime at the bottom of a duct, but they still had to spend the rest of the shift cleaning it up, along with the surrounding ductwork. By the end of their shift, they were both filthy. As Mark was leading Tanj back towards the Lion's quarters, they ran into Reggie and Slasher. Reggie smiled and said hello, and Slasher, characteristically quiet, just nodded; "Mark, would you mind if we borrowed Tanj for a little bit; the Boss is kinda tied up with the scheduling team, and we thought, well, ah, Tanj kind of made an impression on us when we picked 'er up from Elysium, and, ah, we'd like to get to know her a little better. Slasher just nodnoded repeatedly. Mark looked from Reggie to Slasher and back, and then nodded solemnly. "Of course, wouldn't want to let her, ah, valuable skills go unappreciated..... and besides, practice makes perfect. Take her away, guys." He emphasized those last few words with an impish grin and a grand dismissive gesture, drawing a chuckle from Reggie and a wide grin from Slasher. Tanj blinked at the "practice makes perfect" comment, but then turned to give Mark a quick kiss on the cheek; "I'm sure the Boss would agree. I'll see you tomorrow!" Reggie smiled and held out a crooked arm; Tanj smiled back and linked arms with Reggie, and then with Slasher, and as they walked off, she looked back over her shoulder at Mark with a 'you just _wait_' grin on her face. "Guys, you know, I really am rather a mess...." Tanj started.... Reggie just grinned; "'s Allright, Luv, got just the place picked out for you to clean up some. Somehow I doubt you've gotten a good tour of the place yet; let us show you one of its premier attractions, the zero gravity pool! Reggie led the way through a series of corridors (getting Tanj completely lost), and then through a series of airlocks. As they walked between the last set, the gravity lessened noticeably, until Tanj was having difficulty keeping her feet on the deck. Cycling through the last lock, they passed into true zero gravity, and into a large spherical cavern. Floating in the middle of this chamber was a huge ball of shimmering blue water. What trick of surface tension kept it in place, Tanj had no idea, but it was very pretty. Reggie released Tanj's arms and bent to remove his clothes; twisting, Tanj saw that Slasher was also stripping. Leaving his clothes floating near the lock, Reggie kicked off from the wall and dove headfirst into the sphere of water. Ripples rebounded all around its surface, and after a few seconds, his head emerged about a quarter of the way around from where he'd entered. Grinning, he waved Tanj onwards. Tanj just shrugged and shed her dress. Twisting, she too kicked off from the wall, although not as powerfully as Reggie had; turning in mid air, she managed to enter the water feet first, and a strong kick propelled her back to the surface. As her head broke the surface of the water, she saw Slasher arrow into the water a few feet away. Tanj found that she could move easily through the water, and when she tried to swim straight through the center, she found the center was hollow! There, in the middle, hanging over her head, in the void, was an autobar! Talk about all the luxuries! Trying to find out the system's limits, she'd just ordered a Baraxian sunrise, when Reggie surfaced next to her. "This place is great! I've never heard of ANYTHING like it" Tanj purrrred. "who designed it?" Reggie grinned; "The Boss got the Technology from some old friend of his; don't know more than that." As he talked, Reggie moved a little closer, until his body made contact with Tanj's; she purrrred, knowing exactly what he was after, and turned her head to kiss him softly. As she did so, she felt someone move up behind her. Giggling, she turned her head and kissed Slasher too. The three of them hung there, at the interface of air and water, and slowly made love; Reggie sliding his cock into Tanj's pussy, while Slasher, moving gently from behind, filled her ass. Tanj just hung onto the overhead bar with one paw, stroking the two males with her other paw, and her tail, twitching vaginal muscles, her "inner hand", to stroke Reggie's cock, and tightening her anal ring around Slasher's shaft. The water was warm, the motions slow, sedate, and dreamy. Tanj purrred as she felt Slasher loose his load first, his cock throbbing in her ass; his motions seemed to directly affect Reggie, as it was only moments later that the big Lepine's cock also exploded, throbbing, filling Tanj's pussy with his seed. As he came, Reggie's paw moved down to rub hard on Tanj's clitty, and gasping, she climaxed from the direct pressure, so strange with the warm currents of water surging around her fur. There was a dryer in the airlock, but as Reggie and Slasher led her back to the Lion's quarters, she still wasn't quite dry. She wasn't quite clean either and her fur had that "spiky" look. Tanj giggled as she thought to herself; "I wonder if I left a ring around the sphere? I've left rings around the bathtub, and cleaned enough of them off, but I wonder how the pool is kept clean? Oh well, not my job (yet)." She found the Lion at the desk in his quarters, shuffling papers. He'd eaten, but had a covered tray waiting for her. Tanj ate quietly, letting him work, and after disposing of the dishes, and taking a nice hot shower, she finally curled up on her pallet. She was sound asleep when she felt his tongue licking her softly; opening her eyes, she put her arms around his neck and kissed him. "Hard day, eh?" he smiled. Tanj just nodded, and then Ooooooohed as she felt him start licking down her body. His tongue on her breasts, his teeth toying with her nipple rings soon had her panting, and when he moved down to her sex, she moaned in pleasure. His tongue delved deep within her, a few times, as if gathering information as to what she'd been up to, and then withdrew. Tanj stretched out flat, and he moved forward, to cover her, his cock driving hard into her wetness. Their lovemaking was fast, and hard, with Tanj screaming out her pleasure long before he let loose a roar, his cock filling her with his cum. Tanj slept that night in his bed, in his arms, but still chained to the footboard. Things gradually fell into something of a routine. Tanj would have breakfast with the Lion, and as she did so, she found that she was taking greater and greater part in the conversations of those who came by to consult with him, or to seek decisions. She'd practice her martial arts, either with the Wolf, or with others that had special skills to teach, and then midmorning, she'd link up with Mark, to assist him on whatever projects they'd been assigned. Sometimes she'd be a bit late, if one of her special instructors wanted a little at the end of their session, and Tanj came to enjoy teasing Mark on those occasions, grinning and licking her lips as she apologized for being tardy. It almost seemed as if he knew exactly what she'd been up to, and whether the interlude was their idea (justifiable tardiness), or hers...... Sometimes she'd have Dinner with the Lion, sometimes she'd be led off by others for their enjoyment. Sometimes the Lion would be too tired in the evenings, but if that was the case, the sex in the morning would be fast and furious! It had been a little over a week when Mark and Tanj were assigned a new project. Tanj was delighted; this was the first _serious_ engineering project the pair had been given, although Tanj got the distinct impression that it was not because they'd won the Badger's respect as engineers, but that he simply didn't have anyone else to put on it. One of the Raider ships had a glitch in its control system causing the helm controls to "wander" seemingly at the worst occasions. It had impacted the side of the asteroid base as it had tried to enter the docking bay, and the pilot insisted it wasn't his fault. Diagnostics on the system had shown nothing, but then as they'd tried to move the ship from the repair bay back to the hangar, it did it again, causing a small wreck. Mark and Tanj pulled the drawings on the control system, and related subsystems, and spent a day going over the logs and records. "It's got to be in the joystick calibration routine," Mark insisted. "The values are drifting for some reason, and that's leading to the difficulty in control." Tanj shook her head; "no, I'd think the pilot could compensate for that, unless they drifted damn fast; I think its in the linkages to the control thrusters. The control system is sending the correct signals, they're just not being interpreted by the thrustor subprocessors correctly." Mark shook his head doubtfully. "I've never heard of a problem with a distributed control system like that before." "Maybe its a virus; something new. You _know_ binary viruses are a standard combat weapon these days. Infect your enemy's ship with a virus that cripples him and while he's trying to fix that, move in for the kill!" After considering for a moment, Mark shook his head again. "A serious combat virus would have to do more than just cause an occasional malfunction, and in only one system at that. Not to mention that it couldn't work very well without sabotaging parts of the control software, and nobody's found a trace of that so far. I'd say the calibration routines are still our best bet." Tanj shrugged; "OK, tell you what; you work on that, and I'll head back to the engine spaces and work on the linkages. Bet you I'm right!" Mark chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "Bet me what,exactly?" Tanj grinned back; "If you're right, I'll bet you a night of pleasure to exceed your wildest imaginings, not that you stand a chance of winning." "And if _YOU_ win?" Tanj grinned again; "A favor to be named at a later date; nothing too big, just a favor you owe me." Mark tilted his head for a moment with exaggerated seriousness, then nodded. "Can do." Mark worked solidly on the software that allowed the flight controls to direct the ship where the pilot wanted to go. On breaks from her work, Tanj would bring him cups of coffee, only to find them later, a few sips gone, stone cold. Pursuing her theory, Tanj checked out the code for the subprocessors that controlled the actual thruster motors. In order to resist as much damage as possible and still function, the Raider had a distributed control system, which meant a whole bunch of little computers spread all over the place. Finding what she thought were changes in the code that might have been caused by a virus, Tanj wiped all the memory, and painstakingly reloaded the programs. Three days later they were both done; Mark thought that he had found some obscure changes in the code, something that might be attributed to standard "read/write" errors that might have been the problem, but Tanj wasn't convinced. The Badger reviewed their work, and shook his head; "To tell you the truth, I don't see where the change in code that you found, Mark, could cause the problem as described, but I'm willing to let you take the ship out, and see if its fixed. Just don't ram the station, PLEASE?" Tanj and Mark grinned at each other as they headed for the hangar bay. "Wow, got a chance to actually fly one of those things!" Tanj purrrrred. Mark ahemed and looked down when Tanj turned to stare at him; "Ah, are you checked out on that particular ship?" he asked softly. Tanj shook her head no, a little jerky motion as if she didn't really want to concede the information. Mark nodded. "Better leave the flying to me until we're sure we've really nailed the problem, then...but if you'd like, I can give you a few pointers afterwards." Tanj snorted, as if she didn't think there was anything that he could teach her, but secretly looked forward to getting her hands on the controls, no matter what the "restrictions"...... As Mark piloted the ship out of the Hangar bay, all hands taking cover in case the problem _wasn't_ fixed, Tanj headed back to the engine spaces to see how her end was holding up. Sure enough, they'd made it clear of the station, and as they headed for the asteroid field (and some cover for checking out maneuvering), Tanj's checks repeatedly came up clean. Arriving in the designated practice area, Mark proceeded to put the ship through some gut-wrenching maneuvers, and Tanj found herself slung about some, despite the sophisticated inertial dampening field.... It was in just one such maneuver that Tanj heard Mark shout; "LOOK OUT! Get DOWN!". Moving instinctively, Tanj ducked behind the bulk of the mass converter, just as the aft inertial damper exploded. Picking herself up from the deck, Tanj grabbed a fire extinguisher, and managed to put out the sputtering electrical fire. She was just setting down the empty fire extinguisher, looking at the mess when Mark came running back from the flight deck. Tanj looked up at him; 'thanks for the warning, but how'd you know?" Mark blinked at her through the remaining smoke, then at the mess that had been the inertial damper, and then back at Tanj; "Know what?" Tanj turned to look at him more closely; "the warning you gave over the intercom; it was very timely, I just wonder how you knew that was going to happen....." Mark frowned and held up a paw. "How many fingers do you see?" Now it was Tanj's turn to be confused. "Two, why?" "Just making sure...I did get a bunch of red lights just a moment before the explosion, yes, but remember how there _is_ no intercom between the flight deck and here? Not that I'm complaining that you're all right, mind." Tanj took a step back, thinking to herself; "he's right; this place is normally unmanned during a flight; the only reason its got life support at all is for maintenance and repairs......" "But I _heard_ you say clearly..... Oh, nevermind, help me get this mess cleaned up...."

A detailed examination showed that shrapnel from the intertial damper had shredded not only the maneuvering thruster subprocessor, but also the network connections feeding it as well as part of the thruster fuel supply system. The sub-sub processors were all O.K., there was just no way to get the control signals to them. Tanj looked up from the computer display; 'Yup, just as I feared; the Warp drive will take us anywhere we want to go just fine. But the insystem drive will only take us in a straight line. I can't think of any way to pass the control signals to the sub-sub-processors, even if we had enough spare cable to physically reach them all. Even if we could fix the fuel system. Mark just sighed and nodded; "I guess we're going to have to call for a tow." He reached over and keyed the tightbeam com. After a minute, he found the base's carrier, and opened a channel. "Uh, Chief, we, ah, solved the problem with the control system" he began..... But we've had another problem crop up; we've had a catastrophic failure of the aft intertial damper, and its taken out the manuvering thrustor subprocessor. We can't maneuver." The Badger just shook his head; "I don't have anyone to send after you; there's been a fairly large engagement out near Cissata, and everything we've got headed out there about an hour ago. You'll just have to wait. Your life support stable?" Tanj nodded; "everything's fine, except for the attitude thrusters" The Badger nodded; "you may wish it wasn't, when you get back, but we'll talk about it then" And with that, he cut the connection. Tanj did a quick inventory of the ship's stores; they were good for at least a week. Emergency rations weren't that bad....... She did what she could to make the little ship's rest area comfy, and then just sat down to wait. Mark puttered for a while, but eventually, he too wound up in the "rest" area. The place was just too small; it was meant for a "fourth" crewman, a relief pilot, or whatever, that would allow the others to get some sleep on a long mission. Mark was small, and Tanj wasn't exactly huge, but even so, it was a bit cramped. Still, the big padded area that passed for a multi-species bed was softer and more comfortable than one of the acceleration couches on the flight deck. At first, when he laid down, he and Tanj were well separated, but as they both slept, things being what they are, they wound up together..... Tanj purrrrred softly and cuddled; as she awoke, she couldn't remember the dream, but she'd been with someone she'd liked and had been holding them tight. As she opened her eyes, however, all she saw was white fur; slowly it came back to her; the ship, the accident, _Mark!_ As Tanj softly tried to disengage herself, she found herself "trapped" between him and the wall; no way she could get up without waking him. He'd worked hard, and she knew he was tired, and decided to just lay there, and let him sleep. Wasn't as if there was anything that she needed to do..... As she laid there, watching him sleep, she thought of all the ways that she might find a way to steer the ship without the thrusters. Every method she thought of, she couldn't implement with what they had on board, though. Finally, out of ideas, she took to softly tracing patterns in the fur of Mark's back, with one clawtip, almost using him as if he were a drawing board. At first, her motions were subtle enough to go unfelt, but after a while, as her boredom steadily increased, Mark started stirring uneasily in his sleep. Tanj felt that she now had a dilemma; she could try and remain immobile, or she could wake him through her teasing. She knew she should let him sleep, but that just wasn't in her nature..... and once again, the boredom of the situation brought out her devilish side. Idly tracing a finger along his ribs, she watched, grinning as he squirmed a little; he positively shivered when her finger traced across his stomach, and as she ran its tip lightly along the waistband of his pants, she could almost hear him gasp. Mark awoke suddenly, remembering exactly where he'd been when he fell asleep, but still taking a moment or two, to connect that thought with the situation he now found himself in; he seemed to have backed Tanj against the wall, and she had an arm around him, lightly carressing his tummy. He'd picked up some of the stories and comments made by others on the Station, of course, and the situation _was_ kind of obvious... "Well", he reminded himself, "you knew something like this was bound to happen eventually, and now is definitely better than some other times. Might as well get ready to meet the real thing behind all those tall tales". Squirming around, he turned to face Tanj, to find her grinning at him, in a sleepy fashion.... As Mark squirmed around to face Tanj, she leaned forward just a little to kiss him. What started out as a tentative kiss soon became a passionate one as their tongues danced. Tanj purrrrred softly, and with an arm still around Mark, slowly rolled onto her back, pulling him on top of her. As they kissed again, Tanj spread her legs, letting his feet fall between her knees. As her paw stroked down, carressing his back, she realized that his shorts had vanished; running her paw teasingly down over his bottom, tickling the base of his tail, she wondered how he'd managed to do that....... It wasn't long before Mark's arousal was apparent, and with a grin, he kissed her on the nose and shimmied down Tanj's body until the head of his cock slipped down to tease the entrance to her pussy. Tanj purrrrred sleepily and raised her knees slightly, and then moaned softly as Mark slowly slid his cock into her. "He's bigger'n I would have thought" Tanj thought to herself as Mark slowly started moving his hips, sliding his shaft in and out of Tanj's sex. Being somewhat shorter than Tanj, Mark's head was now well positioned to nuzzle at Tanj's breasts and she moaned softly as a tongue started teasing her left nipple. Their lovemaking was slow, and unhurried, each enjoying the other's body..... Tanj caressed Mark's back and his bottom, her fingers gliding here and there as Mark's tongue teased her nipples, nibbling at the lower curves of her breasts, his hard cock moving back and forth with measured strokes. Tanj felt as if she was floating away on a cloud of pure pleasure, almost lost in it all when she felt Mark's thrusts start to speed up; with a wicked grin, she concentrated, rippling her vaginal muscles around his cock, milking him. Mark gasped and moments later he was in the throes of an orgasm, slamming his cock into her as hard as he could. The feel of his spurting cock deep within her, the feel of his balls slapping at her ass, was just what Tanj needed, and she slipped over the edge into the arms of a warm and lovely climax. Panting, the two held each other tight, as they slowly regained their breath. As they cuddled, enjoying the afterglow, they started to talk again. Mark got Tanj to tell him her story, of how she came to be in such a predicament, and when she'd finished, Tanj asked him how he came to work with the Pirates. "I was on the station at Pletirat, looking for work. One of the Pirate raiders had been damaged in a raid and had made its way to the station. Of course, they were posing as a mining ship, and couldn't let the extent of their damage be known, or uncomfortable questions might be asked. I'd heard rumors, though, about them needing engineering help, and just walked up to the airlock, and told them I'd like to apply for the job. They needed help, and here I am". A while later, Tanj was half dozing, when she felt Mark shift some, moments later, she felt his tongue slowly lapping at her pussy. His measured strokes seemed attuned to her nervous system, each stroke perfectly timed to slowly increase her passion. When she tried to move, to shift to a position where she could return the favor, Mark just pushed her down again; "You lie still, this is for you; just lie back and enjoy....." Tanj settled back with a purrrrrrrr. His technique was amazing; it was as if he knew just what to do, just how to do it, just when to do it, to maximize Tanj's pleasure; it wasn't but minutes before she was panting hard, almost screaming, teetering on the very edge of a massive climax; and then he backed off, as if knowing just how close she was, as if he could read her passion like an open book, to keep her at the very brink without pushing her over, playing her as if she were a fine instrument. Tanj gasped and moaned, and before long was begging him to let her cum, to let her have her climax, but he just kept licking, teasing, nibbling and sucking until she was a writhing mess, almost out of her mind. Then he paused for an instant and touched her clitty with the tip of his tongue, just flicking it softly, as if knowing that was exactly what it would take, no more, no less, to drive her into the arms of her climax. Tanj shuddered and yowled, her climax seeming to vibrate through her for hours. Finally, when she could open her eyes, she found him watching her, a soft smile on his face. "Where did you EVER learn to do _THAT_" she mumbled softly. Mark purred softly, almost sounding like a feline himself in the dim light of the room. "A bit of experience, an active imagination, and a few good teachers...better than yours, perhaps, in that _they_ didn't need to resort to 'discipline' to keep their students properly enthusiastic..." His voice faded slowly into silence. After a while, Tanj found herself stroking the fur of his tummy again, almost instinctively teasing; "you know, I learned a trick a while back, you might appreciate; you up for another round?" Mark looked at her for a moment, but then he nodded gamely. Tanj rose and made her way over to the environmental controls; after a minute, the gravity in the small craft slowly decreased, until they were floating freely. Tanj grinned and kicked off the wall to tackle the floating Mark, driving him softly back into the far wall; "for this to work, you have to hold onto something with hands and feet...." Mark found suitable handholds and managed to wedge his feet under the edge of a storage cabinet. Tanj maneuvered herself down, until she was floating with her head near his crotch, and using her tongue she brought him back to full hardness. With his cock once again standing proud, she twisted and holding it with both hands, brought its head to her pussy. Eyes closed she writhed in midair, stroking herself against his cock, and then, hooking her feet around his waist, she slowly drew herself "down" onto his cock. She surged back and forth for a moment, her hair floating in a cloud around her head, and then looking at Mark's face she grinned; tightening her vaginal muscles, she held his cock, holding herself to him by that grip, as she slowly brought her legs up, until she could grasp an ankle in each paw. "Now, Mark, I want you to let go with one paw, and reach down, and slowly spin me around on your cock!" Mark noddeded and complied, reaching down to place a hand under her thigh; pushing slowly, he found that he could indeed revolve her around on his cock, the sensations of her slick folds on his shaft indescribable. Tanj purrrrred and wriggled slightly and then with an eep released one ankle to reach down and pull her self back onto his shaft, as she threatened to float free. As she tried to spin herself in the other direction, and still not loose contact, Mark accidentally let his other paw slip, and in a moment, they were a tumbling mess in the middle of the compartment. Tanj giggled and locked her legs around his waist again, and pulled him to her, and they wound up writhing against each other, slowly rebounding from wall to floor to ceiling to wall. Tanj found the situation very novel, if a little difficult, but had no difficulty driving herself to several climaxes before Mark once again filled her with his jism! They were still clinging to each other, spinning slowly in the middle of the compartment when it hit Tanj square between the eyes! She knew how to regain attitude control! "MARK! I got it! I know how we can get home!" Mark blinked at her, a little dazed by her sudden revitalization; "How?" Tanj grinned, a smile full of sharp teeth; "we build a gyroscope in here, using the gravity fields to spin and orient it. If we can find enough magnetic metal, I bet we can magnetically stabilize it too! Mark nodded slowly: "I think I see where you're coming from..... But are you sure you want to do that? It can't be THAT long until they come after us......" "I'd rather not give them the satisfaction, Mark. _I_ want to get us home under our own power!" Mark chuckled and shrugged in mock resignation. It took about 16 hours of work, but in the end Tanj had remounted a half dozen gravity generators on the walls of the compartment, and powered them up. She'd taken the remenants from the failed inertial damper, and all the internal parts from the thruster system that she could safely dismount and welded them together to form as balanced a mass as she could manage. What wiring she could strip from the less essential systems provided field coils for the stabilization scheme. Meanwhile, Mark worked at a control program that the ship's computer could handle. The initial test went well; the ship's nose slowly turning against the starfield. Moving out at half power, they headed home. They had to go slowly, making many "course corrections" in the old fashioned manner, but they made it back to the station just as their rescue mission was being launched. Tanj was immensely proud that they made it close enough to the station to be tractored directly into the hangar bay. As the mooring clamps rang against the hull, Tanj suddenly realized that she was still nude; "OHMYGOD, where's my dress! Lookat all those furrs outside to welcome us back.... ARG, my HAIR!" Mark just smiled. Funny thing; he'd found his pants right away, while Tanj had to search for a good five minutes to find her dress......... There was a lot of good natured back slapping when they exited the ship; Most of the ribbing however was directed at Mark, with unsubtle comments about surviving three days locked in a ship with Tanj. The Chief Engineer was also present, and he admitted to being very impressed with the system they'd devised to get the ship home, but he also let them know in no uncertain terms that he was furious with them for the damage they'd done to the ship in order to make their way home! "Its going to take forever to put all those thrusters back together, IF we've got that many spares, and with what you did, we'll NEVER find out why the inertial damper failed!" he roared. That night, Tanj was again chained to the foot of the Lion's bed. It felt good to be "home"..... After some particularly wild and rough sex, they cuddled and she related the whole story. "You know", he rumbled softly when she'd finished, "that isn't _quite_ the version of how Mark came to work with us that I'm familiar with". "Oh?" Tanj purrred. "No. He's right about the raider; it was hit with a leach type weapon, took out all the main power systems, and in the process fried the ship's flight engineer. The crew managed to limp into Pletirat, but the ship was still a mess. Of course, as thats Elysium territory, they couldn't very well admit to their problems; it'd cause way too many repercussions. They were about to head out, to try and find what parts they could obtain quietly, when Mark walks up, says he wants to apply for the Engineer's job. They thought he must have been some sort of a spy, as they hadn't told ANYONE the real reason as to why they were there. He said later he had mistakenly turned up at the wrong docking port, and while there _was_ a ship on the station looking for an engineer, it was on the other side of the station. I suppose it could have been an honest mistake on his part; I certainly can't prove otherwise, but you have to admit, its a HELL of a coincidence..... At any rate, the crew dragged him on board, afraid to let him go, already thinking he might know too much. He did good work patching them up to get back here, and he's been with us ever since. Still, we keep him on a short leash, as we have doubts about his explanation, and if he _wasn't_ lost, we don't know HOW he knew they needed an engineer. Some think he might just be a telepath, but those are so rare, I don't give that much credance." Tanj's eyes widened at this; "you know, just before the damper blew, I heard him, clear as day, tell me to duck. At least I thought I heard him..... Later, he denied it, and he was right, there was no intercom between the flight deck and the engine spaces...... maybe he _IS_ a telepath! The Lion just shrugged; "well, we'll see about that. I'm very pleased at the way you brought that ship back; you showed great resourcefulness, and I value that. But you really blew your initial analysis. Mark was right, and you were way wrong. And for that" he said with a grin, "you're going to have to be punished........." The next night, Tanj was led into the mess hall by a chain on her collar. She was naked, her arms tightly bound behind her, a gag filling her mouth, and a blindfold over her eyes. The Lion made a great show of reading "charges" and announcing "punishment", much to the crowd's amusement. Tanj's blindfold was then removed and she was led to a set of stocks. Reggie opened the top, and the Lion unbound her paws and pushed her down, bending her over until her neck and wrists were in place. Reggie then lowered the upper half, imprisoning her. The Lion proceeded to lock the stocks closed, and made a show of pocketing the key. He then took a rather long spreader bar and forced her feet well apart; this left her body horizontal, from neck to hips. A leather strap went around the end of her tail and this was then tied to a ring in the stocks, fully exposing her sex to view. The Lion came around into her now rather limited field of view; "I thought long and hard about paddling you, but I think this will be sufficient. You'll stand here for the amusement of whomever decides to avail themselves of you, until morning. He grinned and kissed her on the nose, and padded off. Tanj heard Reggies voice saying; "got the sign-up sheet right here; that way there'll be no confusion as to who gets her when...... Oh yeah, the boss says to replace her gag when you're done....." Tanj found it to be a long night, but not without its delights. There were a number of guys that just took her from behind, and a few that made use of her mouth, but there were also two ladies, the coyote from the Chief Engineer's office, and a mink friend of hers that took great delight in teasing her to distraction, bringing her to the very edge of a climax, and then stopping....... Mark even stopped by in the middle of the night to give her something to drink, and she was very thankful for that too. In the end, it was the two ladies that released her, just after breakfast, and took her to get cleaned up. Seems they had the day off, and all three wound up sleeping in the Lion's bed. What happened when he found them there, later in the day, is another story. Tanj's Tale: The start of vengeance By Kittiara Stardate 2298.00 Tanj knelt beneath the station manager's desk. He was talking on the vidphone, and from the waist up, looked very proper; however, from the waist down, beneath the desk, he was bare. Tanj knelt between his feet, like a good slave, his limp cock held in her mouth. This was a favorite pastime of his. He'd conduct a normal day's business... most of the time. But when Tanj's tongue got him hard, the Weasel would take a break until she'd sucked him off. It was her job to keep his cock in her mouth, holding him there, until he got hard again, and she could bring him to another orgasm. Luckily, his work day seemed short, and she was only on her knees in that situation for a few hours, four at the most. Sometimes however, it was preferable to the other 'pet activities' the station manager liked to indulge in.... Still, she wished he'd put a pad down there for her to kneel on....... Tanj had been doing this for almost six weeks now. The Lion, in his guise as the head of an asteroid mining concern doing business with the dominant trading station in orbit around Elysium, had presented her to the Station manager as a "gift", a "small token of his esteem". It had been a very effective bribe, easing the access of the Lion's company to the station and the markets beyond. Of course, the station manager had no way of knowing, not the least suspicion, that the mining company was a cover for a band of pirates, small, but growing in "influence"..... Even if he'd been aware of that, he might not have cared. Many illegal things happened in the Elysium system, and even more immoral things..... Tanj had been delivered in a box wrapped with a ribbon; a comparatively tiny box. The Cheetah morph was curled up, bent double, wrapped in translucent stretchy stuff, impossibly squeezed and contorted into a ball. All that was recognizable, not hidden by the wrap, was her muzzle, and at the other end, her pussy. Her legs were bent up and secured not to her chest, but spread, her knees actually on either side of her breasts by her shoulders, and this so stretched her ass apart that her tight little anus was also exposed to view. The rest of her was a mass of slightly opaque plastic wrap, tightly compressing her. While she'd been bound in this fashion only shortly before being carried from the Lion's ship into the station, the Station Manager, having opened the box, seemed quite content to leave her in that predicament, as if on display, not only as he concluded his business with the Lion, but through the course of several more appointments. Finally the business day seemed to be done, and Tanj found that her business day started at that point. First the Station Manager, leaving her bound, fucked her hard in her pussy; having emptied himself there, he came around and presented his limp cock to be cleaned by Tanj's mouth. It wasn't until she'd not only licked him clean, but licked him to another orgasm that he slowly started unwrapping her. Tanj spent that first night, chained to the foot of his bed, tied tightly in a hog-tie. Her jaws were spread wide by a ring gag, and before he retired for the night, the station manager kneeled by her head and drove his cock into her mouth; however, as he orgasmed, he pulled back, to spray his seed over Tanj's head. Chuckling, he climbed over her into bed, leaving his cum to dry on her fur. The following morning he retied Tanj with her wrists tied between her ankles, face down on the floor, ass high in the air; he then proceeded to crouch above her and fuck her in the ass, tugging on her tail as he did so. He then left her tied like that while he took a shower. Tanj thought this was going to be a long assignment.......... Finally he released her and led her to the shower stall. Locking a chain from her collar to a ring in the wall of the shower, he closed the door behind her and locked that too. "You've got half an hour to clean yourself up, and wash your hair. I'll be back to let you out then". And with that, he left the room, and the water started. Tanj yelped at the cold water, and frantically fiddled with the knobs, only to find that ice cold water was all she could get! She felt like she was blue with the cold, shivering violently, when the Weasel finally came to collect her. Still dripping, she was led through the corridors to the Station's business offices, as the Weasel started his daily routine. Tanj stood stiffly in the Station Manager's office, balanced on tiptoes in a weird contraption. A rod extended from the floor, straight up, between her legs, its tip about 8" into her sex. About mid-way up this rod, another branched off, and came up in front of her to form a Tee. At each end of the tee was a little electrical switch; from each of the switches a thin gold chain ran to Tanj's nipple rings. As long as she leaned back, pulling on the chains, the switches remained open, but if she released the tension, even just a little bit, electric current would flow from the rod in her pussy to the chains connected to her nipples! Since she'd been standing there, she'd gotten three such jolts, and although her back was starting to ache from the constant leaning back, and her nipples were quite sore, she was determined not to get another jolt. As she stood there, muscles trembling, she felt the slightest of touches around the edges of her mind. "Oh, Lord", she thought, "its Mark" After the little incident where she and Mark had marooned themselves in a crippled Raider vessel, where Mark had somehow delivered a mysterious warning to Tanj, probably saving her life, the Lion had been quietly prodding, seeking to determine how Tanj had been warned. Mark had finally admitted the possibility that he might have some telepathic ability, and that he might just have some sort of "special link" with Tanj..... Of course, the Lion locked onto this like a homing missile, and insisted that they conduct tests; one of the tests had been a double blind where neither Mark nor Tanj knew they were being tested until _after_ Mark had released Tanj from a supposedly malfunctioning airlock. The Lion just grinned as they both raged at him; "worked, didn't it? Now we know, and I think that little talent will be _very_ useful...." Tanj concentrated, doing her best to block out her current physical situation.... Tanj paused for a moment, and "heard" Mark; Tanj responded; " Tanj could feel little tendrils probing her mind when she finished; she could almost feel Mark's concern for her situation, as if for a moment he was looking out of her eyes..... Ridiculous, she told herself; no one's that good a Telepath...... Mark sent. And with that he was gone. A few seconds contact every week or so. Still, she was doing her part. Relaxing a little, glad that Mark hadn't asked how she was being treated, Tanj relaxed, and then YELPED as the current once again surged through her, making her body jerk back reflexively. She panted, closed her eyes, and moaned, resolving once again NOT to let that happen, no matter how long he made her stand here. Mark jerked upright in his acceleration couch; he could almost feel the current flow, feel Tanj's sore muscles, and pained.... anatomy. He turned to look out the viewport at the receding station and just shook his head.... Tanj tried to ignore the pain. She was balanced on the very tips of her toes, straining to touch the floor, to relieve the pressure on her crotch. The Weasel had fastened her into a strange device; it consisted of a pole mounted in the floor, with wide metal cuffs to go around her ankles. These were loose enough that she could rise or fall on her toes, but tight enough that she could not slide her feet out of them. At the top of the pole was a crescent moon shape, made of metal; this passed from in front of Tanj, between her legs, to behind her, almost perfectly matching the shape of her body. The Weasel had stepped on a small pedal, slowly raising the crescent until it pressed painfully into Tanj's crotch, part of the metal actually spreading her sex, until she strained on tiptoes to relieve the pressure. Leaving her there to mewl into her gag, he went to his desk, to start the day's work, grinning up at her occasionally. It had seemed like an eternity to Tanj, but probably wasn't more than an hour when the Weasel's comm chimed and he answered it. Again, Tanj couldn't hear or see whoever was on the other end of the link but as the Weasel talked it became apparent that someone had completely drained the Weasel's personal financial accounts. This didn't surprise Tanj, as she had overheard the Weasel talking to his bankers and investment councilors, and had passed the account numbers and passwords on, via her contacts with Mark. The Weasel broke the connection by slamming his fist down on the commconsole, and rose from behind his desk; as he headed towards the door, however, he stopped and turned to stalk over to Tanj. He looked at her closely for a moment as if accusing her of causing this disaster. Then he shook his head as if dismissing the notion. Still, before he stormed out, he slammed his foot down on the pedal, raising the crescent another half inch, leaving Tanj's toes barely touching the floor. Later, Tanj found out that not only had the Weasel's personal funds disappeared, but that all the station accounts had been scrambled. It would take them a long time to straighten everything out, and in the meantime, the Weasel's superiors were MOST displeased. "What do you mean, the convoy was taken by pirates!" The snarling face of the head of Elysium planetary security, a bear morph, looked out of the viewscreen. The Weasel was standing behind his desk (fully dressed for once), and while Tanj was out of range of the vid pickup, if she turned her head as far as possible, she could just view the situation from the corner of her eye. Today, the Weasel had suspended her upside down from the ceiling, ropes from her ankle cuffs to widely spread pulleys. Her arms were encased in a binder behind her, the ring just beyond her fingertips pulled harshly down, the rope looping through a ring in the floor to be tied off to the end of her hair. Of course, a large plug gag filled her mouth, this being no time to have the mewlings of a distressed slave detected by the audio pickup. A rather heavy metal dildo had been placed in her pussy, and she struggled to control her muscles, to prevent it from being pulled by gravity far enough into her to hurt her. The Bear snarled and screamed and yelled at the Weasel, calling him an incompetent, demanding to know how the pirates had found out about the convoy, demanding to know how they knew that the cargo ships were particularly slow. It seemed the pirates had staged a small raid against the screening forces, and then fled, as if realizing that they'd bitten off more than they could chew. Seeking glory, the defenders had chased the pirates, and run square into an ambush; while thus occupied, the main Pirate force had overwhelmed the defenses of the cargo ships, and boarded them. The convoy was a total loss, taken by forces that would have been vastly inferior in a head to head battle, a classic example of "divide and conquer". The Weasel was insisting that no transmissions had been made from the station and that all visitors to the station had been watched from the moment they arrived to the moment they left, and that no one, NO ONE had passed them any information! The Bear demanded that the Weasel investigate his own staff as the leak had to be coming from SOMEWHERE! It was about three days later.... Tanj was bound in a frame, spread eagled, an inflatable gag filling her mouth, stretching it painfully wide. Nearby a small wheel rotated; attached to its edge was an enema bag, and as the wheel turned, the bag rose and fell. As it rose and fell, the liquid within surged through the connecting tube, alternately filling and purging Tanj's backside. While this was uncomfortable, what made it really devilish was that as her back passage was filled, it compressed her insides, making the effects of the rather large vibrator buried in her twat felt that much more. The combined effects were slowly driving Tanj mad, and she mewled softly into her gag. The Station manager had departed a little while ago, and Tanj jerked in her bonds as the door opened and he came in leading another slave by the leash. Tanj's eyes widened as she beheld a male Cheetah, perhaps just a little taller than her. He had a hood over his head, his paws bound behind his back. The leash was attached to a small ring at the opening of his sheath, secured with a little lock. The station manager pulled him over by Tanj and deflated her gag. Shoving the handle of the leash between her teeth he grinned "here, hold your new playmate. What do you think? A matched pair? Just think of the interesting Tableaus we'll be able to stage now!" And with that he went behind his desk, to sit down. They were ignored for about the next hour as the Station manager tried to clear out the day's crisis, but after a bit he turned to them; "now, what can we do........" Tanj sighed with relief as the Weasel had the male Cheetah release her from her confinement. For a moment, just a moment, she was tempted, being unbound, to attack the Weasel, but then she thought of her mission and swallowed that, and kneeled submissively before him. The Weasel decided that to initiate Tanj's new "playmate" that they'd form a threesome. He had the Male lie on his back, with Tanj on top, the Male's cock nicely filling Tanj's pussy. The Weasel then knelt between their spread legs and proceeded to fuck Tanj in her ass, a favorite activity of his. Tanj mmmmmed and rocked back and forth a little, thrusting back against their cocks; this sort of thing she'd been well prepared for by the academy, and aside from the Weasel's hard thrusts, she rather enjoyed it. However, it wouldn't do to let the Weasel know that, and she made a point of gasping and mewling. She did find some time, however, to use her vaginal muscles to stroke the male Cheetah's cock, milking him, teasing him, and by the look on his face, she was definitely having the desired effect. As he pumped his cock into her ass, the Weasel instructed them both not to cum until he told them they could. Of course, he was under no such restraint and it wasn't long before he pumped his load into Tanj's ass. Pulling free, he told them to continue, but that they dare not cum, as he crawled around, to present his cock to Tanj's muzzle for cleaning. Now this was a task she really hated, but performed anyways, despite the terrible temptation to emasculate him with one quick clench of her jaws...... When she'd cleaned him to his satisfaction, the Weasel rose, and fished a vibrating butt plug from the toy chest, and inserted it rather roughly in Tanj's ass. She moaned as he turned on the vibrator, and with a slap on her ass, walked off to sit in an easy chair, to slowly sip a drink as the two Cheetahs continued to fuck, trying hard not to yield to temptation, and cum. He finally relented after what seemed an eternity, and as the male shot his load into her, Tanj writhed in the clutches of a massive climax. She would have loved to have just laid there, cuddling, but that wasn't to be. The Weasel bade them rise, and then told Tanj to lick her partner clean. Tanj, however, was left dripping, the fur of her thighs damp and matted. Leashed to each other, they were led to the Weasel's quarters where he spent an hour intricately tying them muzzle to crotch at the foot of his bed. He was just finishing when the commlink chimed. Tanj heard him answer it; while she couldn't make out what the party on the other end said, the Weasel screamed "THEY WHAT? NO!" With a snarl, he broke the connection and dashed out the door, leaving the two Cheetahs to themselves. Tanj grinned, and gave the male a long sloooooow lick, and was rewarded with a soft moan; "Heya, kiddo, welcome to Hell. I'm Tanj. He purrrrred and returned the lick; "sure you are, I'm Hinoki. Pleased to meet you! Where ya from?" Tanj nibbled just a little, and was rewarded with just a touch of pink as his cock started to emerge from his sheath. Tanj noticed that not only was he pierced at the opening of his sheath, but that he had a matching ring in the head of his cock, the ring passing into the bottom portion of the slit in the end, emerging from its underside, something called a "Prince Albert"; "have to ask him about that later" she thought. "Oh, I'm from no where in particular. I was an engineer on a tramp freighter when I got shangheid into the Academy on Elysium. Hinoki nodded; "I got sold into this life over on Aquarius; defaulted on a college loan. BIG mistake! They put me through the Performa Kennels, and that was a weird experience! Got sold to Tasvarka, of the Tasvarka banking consortium. Then he sold me to your master here. I think I'm just as glad; I was really getting fed up with him buggering me all the time...." Tanj just laughed; "don't know if this'll be any better. This guy likes to tie you up in strange positions, and unusual situations and leave you on display, like a piece of perverse art. AND he's got a thing for anal sex." Tanj prrrrrred and licked softly at his growing cock, eliciting some very nice moans, and some even nicer licks in return. They talked and teased for several hours until the Weasel returned. Something had obviously gone wrong, as he ignored them completely, to change into a more formal uniform, before heading out again. A while later, the station rang as something large docked. The Weasel was gone all night, and in that time, Tanj managed to coat her muzzle and the inside of her throat rather nicely with Hinoki's cum, and he in turn, managed to coat his own muzzle, and chest, as well as the inside of Tanj's thighs with her own juices.... When the Weasel did finally return, he was in a foul temper, and the fact that his two slaves had been having fun threw him into a frenzy! "Who told either of you that you could cum?" he hissed. In an instant, both were gagged, their mouths filled with inflatable gags pumped way beyond where they should have been. The Weasel then retied each of them, standing several feet apart, to rings in the ceiling; strain as they might, they couldn't touch each other. Returning with a double pawfull of weights, the Weasel proceeded to hang the little devils from the rings in Tanj's nipples and labia. Turning to Hinoki, he produced a cone of leather, with a hole at the tip, and snaps down one side. Unsnapping the seam, he worked the cone around Hinoki's balls, the narrow circle at the top of the cone between his sack and his body. Snapping the seam closed, he then proceeded to hang weights around the lower edge of the cone, the weight tugging at Hinoki's balls. Growling, he then proceeded to select a rather nasty looking Cat 'O Nine Tails, and wielding it wickedly, proceeded to make all the weights dance, alternating strokes between Tanj, and Hinoki. After what seemed an eternity, he took the handle of the whip and shoved it deep into Tanj's pussy; "that falls out, you'll both get more when I return!" And with that, he stalked out. It was the following day, and Tanj and Hinoki were tied in the Weasel's office. Tanj was suspended by her wrists, , arms and legs spread widely. Hinoki had his arms bound tightly behind his back, and was standing on tiptoes, his hard cock buried in Tanj's pussy. Hinoki strained to hold his position; the Weasel had fitted electrodes between Hinoki and Tanj, the sensor checking for 'electrical connectivity', and if Hinoki's cock fell out of Tanj's cleft, the motors driving the winches holding her off the floor would slowly tighten her bonds, stretching her as if she were on the rack! On the other hand, that devilish leather cone was again around Hinoki's balls, its rim chained to the floor, forcing him to maintain a wicked tension on his balls to stay in contact with Tanj. As he strained, muscles quivering from the exertion, they overheard enough to piece together the previous day's events. It seemed the pirates had staged a particularly bold raid, taking out one of the minor stations in Elysium orbit, a station that forces from this one were supposed to protect. But with one of the reactors down for repairs, the long range scanners had been off line, and most of the patrol ships had been out trying to act as picket ships in lieu of the scanners........ The pirates had slipped through the cordon, and by the time the forces had been recalled and assembled for a counterattack, the pirates were gone. The head of Elysium Planetary Security was furious, it seemed, and had blamed the Weasel for the entire affair. It had been his ship that had docked at the station the previous night, and he had kept the Weasel up all night as they turned the place inside out looking for the spies that must have passed the critical information to the pirates. Tanj mumbled something into her gag, and stirred slightly; it was the middle of the night, and she was again chained to the foot of the Weasel's bed. But she wasn't getting much sleep. The Weasel had filled her ass, pussy and mouth with inflatable gizmos, tubing leading to a small box that filled the balloons to the point of agony, or deflated them, in no particular order or pattern. Hinoki was nearby, tied in a very strict hog-tie, bent back like a bow. Tanj relayed what little she knew about ship and convoy movements, financial arrangements, and such, doing her best to ignore the stretching of her pussy or her ass, or her jaw as she tried to relay the information. Then Mark was gone, leaving Tanj to worry about her friends. Several days later, the Weasel was still treating Tanj and Hinoki harshly, their little interlude still unforgiven. With a smirk, the Weasel had given Tanj a bottle of solution, and had, in public, forced her to douche herself with it. It must have been a solution of alum or something like it, as Tanj's pussy immediately dried out and contracted painfully. The Weasel then put Tanj in a pair of stocks, in the lobby of the Station's office area, on her knees, head and wrists imprisoned at floor level. He then staged a little exhibition, chaining Hinoki between her legs, having him fuck her roughly. Normally Tanj would have relished this, but in this instance, the well hung Hinoki made her feel as if she was about to rip apart. The Weasel had left her ungagged, and her cries and moans echoed off the walls, eliciting looks that might almost have been pity from the office workers. The Weasel made a short speech about how punishments like this, and worse, would befall any spy they captured, and then left them there, threatening dire things should Hinoki cum without permission, and even more dire things should he stop. It was only a short while later when the alert alarms sounded, with furrs running past the two, too distracted to even look, and then all was quiet. Then the station rang with the shock of multiple ships disconnecting from their docking ports. Hinoki slowed his motions, his hips barely moving; obviously he was aware of Tanj's plight, her pussy amazingly tight around his cock. Tanj, for her part, worried that the Weasel would review the security camera films of their activities, even though the offices were deserted, and punish Hinoki for "slacking off". They were there for hours, and to Tanj's amazement, Hinoki never quite stopped, never got soft, and never came, either. Finally, furrs started to filter back in, and their mood was black. It seemed that the ship transporting the Elysium Head of Security to the station had been ambushed by the pirates, in a daring long range strike, and had been destroyed! The general consensus was that the Station Manager may have arranged it himself, either as a self- defense measure or because they were getting too close to uncovering HIM as the spy! Shortly thereafter, one of the Weasel's assistants came to release Tanj and Hinoki. This was done in a very distracted fashion, the Wolf not even pausing to appreciate their little exhibition. They were led to the Weasel's "playroom" and unceremoniously locked in separate cages. They didn't see the Weasel for two days, their needs cursorily being attended to by servants. Finally, they were released, groomed, and led to the Weasel's office. There were a number of well dressed furrs there, all with sour expressions on their faces. The leashes were given to the Station Manager who then turned and presented them to a Wolverine morph with a slight bow. This fur in turn handed the leashes with less formality to an assistant who led them out of the offices. As they were led through the station, towards the docking ring, Tanj couldn't help but wonder what was going on. The assistant led them through an airlock and into a personal shuttle, the type of craft that a very rich person might have. There, they were made to kneel in the back, their leashes secured to a ring in the floor. A while later, a number of the distinguished looking types that had been in the Weasel's office came in and seated themselves, and Tanj felt the shuttle undock, and head towards the planet. It wasn't until they were in the atmosphere, cruising, that the Wolverine came to look at them. "You might be interested to know that your Master is walking on very thin ice, and the consortium that funds the station decided that he needed to pay more attention to his job, and less attention to you two. Hence, you'll stay with me, until this mess is straightened out." With that, he grinned, and returned to the forward part of the shuttle. As they flew onward, Tanj wondered what the pirates would do when they found out she was no longer on the station............ The Lion stood in the Station manager's office, looking at the bound form of the Weasel. The pirates had found him cowering in a supply locker, and had trussed him up and hauled him in there. Ben, the Wolf-morph in charge of Pirate Ops, strode up to the Lion and reported; "stations's secure, Sir. We've started stripping it of everything useful, transferring the prisoners to the ships, and I've got three crews planting demo charges. Are you SURE you want to destroy it?" The Lion nodded; "Yes; without this station, Elysium defenses will have to be planet based. Any ship coming to interfere with our operations will be at the end of a long hard climb out of the gravity well, and moving slow, with shields depleted from the atmospheric friction. They'll be at a massive disadvantage. It goes." Ben nodded and turned to leave, to oversee the work, making sure everyone moved as fast as possible, knowing that a counterattack was on the way, but before he left, he paused to kick the Weasel; "what you going to do with him? Care to turn him over to the troops? I'm sure we could, ah, give him a "proper send-off"". The Lion just shook his head; "No, I've something even worse planned for him; we're going to turn him loose over on Tedium, with a considerable amount of cash." Ben blinked, and then his face lit up; "and the Elysium government will find out about him being there, and assume that he sold the station out! Yes, that'll distract them nicely. _Very_good, sir, I'll have a crew come collect him, and, ah, "escort" him to one of the ships!". Grinning, Ben grabbed the Weasel's bound feet, and dragged him through the door of the office, yelling commands to the pirates. The Lion moved back around the Weasel's desk. He used the Weasel's own codes to unlock his computer, and then used the codes Tanj had passed to him, to strip the Station's financial accounts, sending it to double and triple blind accounts far out-system. It would be ages before the funds were "clean" enough to tap safely, but in the mean time, they were at least lost to the Elysium government. While he was doing this, Reggie and Slasher entered the office. "Uh, Boss...." Reggie started. The Lion looked up from the computer display, fixing the Lepine with a hard stare. "We found out what happened to Tanj; she was sent down to the planet in the company of the "auditors" from the Harrich Consortium. Mark's right; she's not ON the station". The Lion just nodded as he looked back at the computer display. After a few keystrokes he looked up again. We'll get her back. It may take time but we WILL get her back. I promise you that. Tanj's Return: Tanj's new owner, a wolverine morph by the name of Lord Xylex, was the chief financial officer for the Harrich Consortium, one of the larger and more powerful corporations on Elysium. His lusts, however, were not of the flesh, but for power. As a result, Tanj and Hinoki spent a LOT of time in their kennels. They were fed regularly, and exercised, but aside from that, they mostly just sat. Tanj learned that Xylex's wife had "left" years ago, under somewhat unclear circumstances, leaving him with a young daughter, upon whom he absolutely doted. Some said that his wife had just left, fed up with a mate that only had an interest in accumulating power. Some of her keepers insisted that she'd left because he tried to extend that power to her, constantly playing mind games to dominate her. Others darkly claimed he'd had her killed because he couldn't dominate her. In any event, Tanj was ushered into Lord Xylex's presence only when his gonads told him to seek relief, when his hormones were interfering with business. Tanj was peremptorily "used" and then sent back to the kennels. None of her skill, or even displays of enthusiasm could break through his shell, and she was never allowed to remain long enough to learn anything about his business dealings. Still, as such events were the only break from her monotony, she did look forward to them........ Tanj was quite surprised one day, when a young female wolverine morph snuck through the door to the kennels. Across the room, chained to his pallet (and unfortunately well out of reach), Hinoki was sound asleep. Tanj looked up, and measured the newcomer with her eyes; "now here's trouble, if I ever saw it" she thought to herself. "gotta be Xylex's daughter........" she mused. The way the girl was acting, Tanj was convinced the guards didn't know she was here, and by extension, that the guards would be upset if they knew she was here. In situations like this Tanj knew that if Xylex's daughter was caught, despite the fact that there was no way Tanj could have brought her here, she'd still get the blame. As such, she watched the girl approach with wary eyes, laying on her side, head propped up with one hand. The girl approached slowly, tentatively; as she approached, Tanj decided she must be about fifteen or sixteen years old. She stopped about six feet away, as if knowing just how far Tanj's chain extended. She looked at Tanj for a moment, her eyes more appraising than Tanj would have thought for someone her age. After a minute she nodded; "I'd heard Daddy had acquired some new slaves. I just had to come look." Tanj just shrugged. After another long moment, she sank down, to sit crosslegged, elbows braced on knees, paws cupping her chin; she looked at Tanj for a long time, her eyes wandering over her nude form. Finally she sighed; "tell me what its like being a sex slave. Do you like it? How did it happen to you?" Tanj was dumbfounded! She shifted her position, rolling to sit up, crosslegged, the chain from her collar a tight diagonal to its ringbolt in the floor; "thats a helluva question, Missy. There's no simple answer to that. And whatever answer I might give, well, they've messed with my mind so much, what with the conditioning and all, you couldn't believe any answer I might give anyways." The girl made a gesture as if encouraging Tanj to continue. Tanj just sighed and looked at the girl; "The way I wound up in this life was completely and totally objectionable. Folks that I cared for died. The rest were also enslaved through no fault of their own. The training was..... well, most of it I hated, but there were moments....." Tanj smiled to herself thinking of Marla the she-wolf, of Zassa, that marvelous Tiger, and of course her Lion. _Her_Lion_? When did she start thinking of him like that? "Uh, as to whether or not I like it, most of the time its boring, occasionally frightening, frequently painful, and occasionally wonderful. That give you any clue?" The girl just grinned and shrugged; "I'm probably over- romanticizing, but I think it looks _marvelous_! I wonder if I could get Daddy to let me play with you....... Oh, by the way, my name's Wanda, not "Missy"." Tanj held her gaze steady and her face neutral, but inside she groaned! "ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Lord Xylex roared, staring at his daughter; "you're a virgin and you'll REMAIN a virgin until you can be properly married!" Wanda thought to herself "yeah, to a family that will help you extend your power; sometimes I'm just another bargaining chip in your business dealings...." Then she grinned to herself; "well, Daddy, if I left the male cheetah alone, what about the girl? SHE couldn't take my virginity! Besides, don't you think it was time I got a maid of my own? Lord Xylex Hmmmmmed, looking thoughtfully at his daughter. "You understand your new duties?" Lord Xylex demanded. Tanj knelt in the middle of his office floor, head bowed; "Yessir". "You understand that whatever else happens Wanda is to retain her virginity. Should it be lost, I promise you, you'll regret you ever born!" He growled. Tanj thought to herself "that wouldn't take much; this ain't much of a life kiddo.....", but she nodded her head in acknowledgment. Xylex nodded to himself and reached down to grab Tanj's leash, jerking her to her feet, and dragging her out the office door. Wanda was waiting, and beamed in delight when her father handed her Tanj's leash; "I know I'm going to regret this; don't prove me right!" Wanda nodded in turn and tugged experimentally at Tanj's leash, leading her out of the offices. "So, now that I've got you, what am I supposed to do with you? How does a mistress act? Especially in public." Tanj smiled to herself; "well, first off, you don't ask advice from slaves; Mistresses are always in control, and never publicly mindful of their slave's comfort, or desires........." Wanda grinned, and Tanj found the display of teeth disconcerting... Jerking the leash, she yanked Tanj to her knees; "you mean like this?" Tanj gulped and nodded, thinking "fast learner....." Indeed, Wanda was a fast learner; when they got back to the Xylex mansion, she had Tanj tell her about every bondage situation she'd ever been in, or even seen. Needless to say, this took them into the wee hours of the morning, Tanj crudely chained to the foot of her bed, Wanda laying on her stomach looking over the edge at her, like a kid with a new puppy. Tanj had lost track of the calendar, and wondered if Wanda would have to get off to school in the morning, but nope, the next day Tanj was dragged by the leash (Lord, she was either a natural, or a VERY fast learner) to a number of different supply houses where Wanda purchased a seemingly unending supply of restraints, chains, and other toys..... Sadly, the only thing Tanj didn't see purchased were dildos........ The kid didn't seem to have any kind of a limitation on her budget at all.... When this cornucopia of hardware was delivered to the mansion, Wanda made Tanj install all the eyebolts, and assemble the assorted "toys"......... The rest of the evening was full of leather straps, cuffs, collars, gags, chains, and spreader bars, as Wanda experimented, tying Tanj in just about every position she'd told her about. As Tanj grunted, Wanda tying her arms tightly behind her yet again, she thought the kid must have total recall...... Tanj was in a tight hogtie, her back bent like a bow. It felt like her wrists were secured to her knees, and her ankles to her elbows. Of course her hair was tied off to the spreader bar holding her knees apart. An inflatable gag was filling her mouth, thankfully not pumped as full as some she'd known. Wanda was sitting crosslegged on the floor behind her, gently exploring Tanj's sex with one finger as she caressed herself with her other hand. As she stroked her, Wanda would murmur; "mmmmmm, do you like _this_ as much as I do? How about _this_? Or this? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm." Tanj would moan or purrrr into her gag, almost in harmony. While Tanj enjoyed the touching, Wanda didn't seem to know how to bring her to a climax, and Tanj thought that was something she'd have to talk to her about........ It was several nights later. Tanj had spent the intervening days playing maid during the day, and sex toy during the night; she suspected Wanda was learning alot about sexual response through her. Wanda had tied her at the foot of her bed, but this time face up. Her legs were bent at the knee, ankles strapped to her thighs. Her wrists were hooked to a D ring on the back of her collar, and for once she didn't have a gag filling her mouth. Wanda had just finished her shower, and was sitting next to Tanj, her fur still spiky wet, idly toying with one of Tanj's nipple rings. "What's it like to have one of these? Is it exciting? Does the least movement make it wiggle, and does that feel good? Or was it put there to hurt you, say, if someone yanked, like this......" Tanj squealed, and lifted her head and shot Wanda a hurt look; "they were put there as a punishment; frequently I was tied by them...." Tanj regretted that as soon as it was out of her mouth as Wanda got a delighted look on her face.... "I'd never thought of that; ooooooh, I bet that would be delicious torment....." Tanj just groaned, but Wanda seemed delighted; she rose to her knees and moved, to take Tanj's other nipple ring in the fingers of her other paw. This left her straddling Tanj's head, and Tanj immediately took advantage of the situation, by licking up at Wanda's virgin pussy........ Of course, feeling Tanj's tongue down there made Wanda rise up in surprise, and in doing so, she tugged hard on Tanj's nipple rings. Tanj gasped, but refused to be distracted, craning her head up to continue to lick, using just the tip of her tongue to tease Wanda. It wasn't moments before Wanda sank back down with a sigh, pressing herself hard against Tanj's muzzle; she twisted and tugged at Tanj's nipple rings, almost as if working the reins on a horse, as she ground her hips into Tanj's muzzle. Tanj licked softly at first, but with increasing vigor, softly spreading her labia, nibbling lightly, teasing but never letting her tongue tip venture too far into her channel for fear of disturbing her hymen. Wanda, on her part seemed to respond with amazing sensitivity, and when Tanj's tongue grazed her clitty, she howled and yanked hard on Tanj's nipple rings. Tanj was sure that Wanda'd had her first climax, and resumed licking softly, but Wanda would have none of that; she obviously wanted _more_, and pushed herself down onto Tanj's muzzle so hard, Tanj was finding it hard to breath....... Wanda was quite demanding, having discovered this joy, and was frequently dragging Tanj off to some dark corner to have her lick her to yet another climax. Tanj, for her part, got a kick out of how enthusiastic Wanda was, but after a while she found she was getting just a little peeved, as Wanda, in her enthusiasm, was completely forgetting that maybe, just perhaps, that Tanj might like a little in return too...... It was inevitable; whatever vacation Wanda had been on ended and she resumed school. While away, Tanj was left to her own devices, usually just chained loosely to the foot of Wanda's bed. The bathroom was in reach, as was the remote for the audiovisual center, but still, she found it boring. After a few days, Wanda came back all giggles. "Going to have a few friends over Saturday night" she grinned. I've been telling them about you and I just can't WAIT to show you off to them...... Tanj's eyes went wide; "Uh, Mistress, I'm really NOT sure thats such a good idea; what would happen if your father were to find out what was happening?" "Oh, don't be silly!" she bubbled; "I"m still a virgin, that hasn't changed, so we're both safe". "Yeah" Tanj thought; "but not still an innocent, and I bet Xylex won't be happy about that...." The night of the party, Tanj fussed over Wanda, making sure she looked just right, and then Wanda fussed over Tanj. Tanj still wasn't wearing anything of significance, but she had to admit that some of Wanda's jewelry did make her look..... well, if nothing else, then a little moresophisticated. Emmy, a teen-aged mink arrived first, and stared at Tanj, kneeling at the foot of Wanda's bed, eyes downcast, palms on her thighs, as if she was some exotic sculpture. Annabel, a rather snobbish Ferret, pointedly ignored Tanj. "So far, things should be manageable" Tanj thought to herself; 'the first one's too shy, and the second one wouldn't be caught dead having anything to do with a lowlife like me...." Then Jennifer arrived. Jennifer was a gray wolf, and from the corner of her eye Tanj caught the hungry look as Jennifer went "Oooooooo, what _have_ we here?" Jennifer marched right over and looked down at Tanj with glee; 'Oooooooo, Wanda I _love_ her! Such a sexy little slave! Tell me all about the things you've had her do to you!" And with that the four girls huddled, as Wanda related the whole story, from the moment she'd first laid eyes on Tanj, to the previous night's escapades. From time to time, one of the girls would steal a glance at Tanj, but mostly, the attention was fixed raptly on Wanda as she spun her tale. Of course, the girls experimented, tying Tanj this way and that; by dinner time, Tanj was hanging upside down, legs spread wide by a spreader bar. Her bound paws were chained to the ring at the foot of Wanda's bed, leaving her hanging at an angle. She was in such a position that anyone entering Wanda's room would basically come face to face with her sex..... Before the girls left for dinner, Jennifer had used a gold chain necklace, looped through Tanj's nipple rings, and had proceeded to hang whatever she could find from the chain. Tanj mewled softly (as expected) as each item was hung on the chain, shaking herself occasionally, making her breasts and the chain sway, much to Jennifer's delight. It was rather boring hanging there, until the girls came back. Luckily, Wanda had brought her a plate and the girls took turns feeding her by hand as she hung there. As she expected, Jennifer teased her the most, holding each morsel just out of reach, pulling it back when Tanj tried to get it. Eventually, however, the girls tired of this, and after talking for a while, they started a popular "soap opera" on the audiovisual center. As they watched, Jennifer sat on the bed, occasionally reaching out to tweak one of Tanj's nipples, or to stroke her exposed pussy. Tanj couldn't see much of the visual display, but to her the audio portion sounded rather silly, and she couldn't understand why these girls were so interested in it...... At the show's conclusion, Jennifer reached over to tweak both Tanj's nipples; grinning she looked up at Wanda; "why don't you show us all what you get this slave to do to you, when the lights are out; I'm sure we'd all love to know. Wanda looked uncertain, but the other girls all chimed in, and before long, Tanj was retied, on her knees, arms behind her back in a tight leather sheath. She was kneeling at the foot of the bed, with Wanda sitting on its edge, her legs spread wide, her pussy inches from Tanj's nose. Tanj didn't have to be told what to do, she closed her eyes and slowly started to lick her mistress, her tongue softly exploring the folds of her pussy. It wasn't long before Wanda laid back on the bed, panting and moaning in pleasure, the other girls watching raptly. When Wanda squealed and arched, her climax claiming her, Emmy looked frightened, as if Tanj had hurt Wanda, and Annabel looked derisive, as if whatever Tanj had been doing could scarcely be worth all the fuss. As Wanda calmed down, and sat up, Jennifer rather rudely shoved her over on the bed to take her place with a; "Me next!" Tanj spent the next several hours licking each of the girls to a climax. Jennifer was as wild as Tanj thought she'd be, yelling instructions and demands before she howled at her climax. Annabel panted politely, as if a Lady wouldn't carry on such, no matter what. Emmy just bit her lip and moaned, although she was the quickest to climax. As Wanda was reclaiming her rightful place on the edge of the bed, Jennifer grinned and pushed her back; as Tanj began to lick at her mistress, Jennifer roughly crouched over Wanda's head; "lets see if you can give as good as you take; _I_ don't feel like waiting my turn....." Tanj licked softly at her Mistress as her Mistress devoured her friend hungrily. "Have to give her some pointers on style and technique" Tanj thought to herself. Tanj was too busy to see Annabel pull the dildo from Jennifer's overnight bag, but when the Ferret brought its head against Tanj's sex, she knew they were all in big trouble. She tried to raise her head to warn them, to tell them that if Xylex found something like that here, with all his concerns about his daughter's virginity, that they'd be in REAL trouble, but Wanda just grabbed her by both ears and yanked her back against her muff. by now, Emmy had moved behind Jennifer and was softly massaging the Wolf's breasts. Annabel took great delight in teasing the poor bound slave with the dildo, until, as Wanda screamed again in the throes of her climax, Annabel roughly shoved the dildo into Tanj's twat. Tanj almost bit Wanda in the process. It was of course at this very instant that Lord Xylex chose to investigate the strange sounds coming from his daughter's bedroom. The front door of the mansion slammed hard, hard enough to be heard through the entire building. The last of Wanda's guests had been dispatched home, their tails between their legs. Tanj waited, kneeling in the center of the floor of Xylex's office, Wanda pacing nervously behind her, awaiting the return of her father. When he returned, he closed the door to his office gently, but the look on his face belied his rage. "All right young lady, you want to tell me just WHAT IN THE HELL WAS GOING ON IN THERE? What the HELL did this miserable _slave_ do to you, to your friends, to make them act in such a manner? I've half a mind to kill her right here and now!" Wanda's eyes went wide; "Oh, no Daddy, you mustn't! It wasn't her fault! "Well then, he rumbled; "who's fault _WAS_ it? That wild Jennifer?, that snob Annabel? Surely it wasn't Emmy? WELL?" Wanda looked down; she started slowly but then the words all came out in a rush. "Well, Ah, I guess it was, kinda all of us; it wasn't like we planned for this to happen, it just did; no one's at fault, and we're all at fault; but you _can't_ blame Tanj! She was all tied up and only doing what we told her to do!" Xylex grumbled; "I don't know about that.... For now, you'll take her back to the kennels and LEAVE her there. Then you'll go to your room and STAY there until I figure out just what to do with you!" After Wanda left, Tanj looked over at Hinoki, still chained to the same pallet where she'd last seen him; "been having fun?" he grinned. "No......" Tanj replied, and then told him the whole story. "Awwww, poor little rich kid runs amok" he grinned when Tanj had finished. "Oh, I don't know" Tanj mused; " She's not that bad; she could have blamed the whole thing on me, and her father would have bought it hook, line and sinker, just because he didn't want to believe his little girl could do things like that. Instead she stood up to him, and I think thats the only reason I'm still breathing..... It was three days later when servants came to collect Tanj and Hinoki. They were collared and hooded and led into a ground vehicle. After a ride of medium duration, they arrived obviously at some sort of shuttle port, were led inside a vessel, and chained in the back. They heard others arrive, things stowed in their compartment, and then, after a period of quiet, the shuttle launched. It had been about three hours, Tanj guessed, when someone removed her hood; blinking, she saw Wanda looking down at her. "Daddy's taking us all to a business conference at Salaba. After that, we're going to Aden, where he's enrolling me in a boarding school! Oh, Tanj, I don't want to go there!" Tanj just shrugged and looked over at Hinoki's bound form; "sometimes we don't get to do what we want, Mistress, but I'm sorry thats to be your fate." She grinned and looked up at the girl; "Somehow I doubt there's much I can do about it, but if there's anything I can do, I promise you, I will" It was perhaps another hour into the flight when the shuttle made a stop somewhere. Tanj heard voices, as Xylex greeted guests. Obviously he'd stopped to pick up business associates going to the conference. Tanj hoped that they'd work during the flight, and leave her and Hinoki alone; at this point, the boredom was preferable to what she thought Xylex might do. However, this was not to be, and when the shuttle achieved cruise, one of Xylex's guards came back to fetch Tanj. As she was led into the passenger cabin, it was obvious that they'd prepared an open space for her. At the guard's prompting she knelt in front of her 'Master'. "I'm still not convinced that you were innocent in that little affair, which...." he looked around, "shall remain nameless. Its my desire that our entertainment on this little journey be provided by you, not necessarily to your own, ah, enjoyment." With that, he signaled the guards. Before long, Tanj was on her back, laying on her bound arms; her wrists were tied to a floor bracket, and her ankles were tied, spread wide apart, to fittings on the ceiling near the opposite wall. She was bent almost double, with her knees, well, they would have been touching her nipples had they not been so widely spread. For some reason, they left her ungagged. Tanj craned her neck, trying to see, as they led Hinoki in. They'd strapped him in some sort of ..... "pouch", his balls and his sheath encased in shiny black rubber studded with little metal circles. Tanj would find out later that these were the backs of rivets, holding sharp metal cones on the inside of the pouch. It was obvious that any erection that Hinoki would get would stretch the rubber of the pouch, forcing the metal points even harder into his cock and balls....... Xylex stood; "Slave, I'm sure you've seen much much more than the rest of us put together. This female slave has displeased me, in the extreme, through her sexual antics. Accordingly, I want you to punish her, in a sexually related way. I want you to make her scream, begging for mercy and begging for more. Begin." Hinoki blinked at Tanj, and shook his head as if reluctant to begin his assignment. Finally, after a warning growl from Xylex, he shrugged and padded over to her; "OOohh.. what'd you do to get tied up like that?" He padded softly around Tanj, standing over her, looking down at her bound form, closely inspecting her softer bits, as if he were a butcher at a meat market........ Tanj just shrugged silently, watching him closely. "Well, far be it from me to miss an opportunity such as this. Now, where do you think they keep the toys?" Looking up, Hinoki raised an eyebrow at one of the guards and was rewarded with a gesture pointing him towards a suitcase. "Now, how can I be creative......." Hinoki rumbled as he pawed through the suitcase. "Hmmmm, yes, but I'll need a few other items..." Rising, Hinoki turned to one of the guards and whispered in his ear, both of them glancing towards Tanj. The guard grinned and nodded and moved off towards the front of the shuttle. While the guard searched, Hinoki made a grand show of producing something from the suitcase, holding it up for all the others to see; unfortunately, not being able to see through Hinoki himself, Tanj had no idea what he'd come up with. Tanj squirmed, testing her bonds, knowing she couldn't escape, but unable to keep still. She wondered just what Hinoki was going to come up with, and how he'd balance trying not to hurt Tanj with not getting reprimanded himself......a difficult proposition. As she watched him, from the look on his face, from his body language, she was afraid she was about to see Hinoki's dark side..... Hinoki turned, keeping whatever he was holding behind his back, out of sight of Tanj. Padding over to the bound slave, he grinned, and with a deceptively innocent smile, he withdraws his right hand from behind his back, dangling it afore Tanj's eyes. "Oh Lord" Tanj thought to herself, "he's got himself a rather impressive speculum..." "And I _DO_ think you know where it's going to go, little one..." he grinned. Tanj knew she was "playing to an audience", but still, the sight of the medical instrument made her eyes go wide, and biting her lower lip, she moaned softly. Hinoki purred softly to himself, withdrawing the second thing from behind his back. This was revealed to be a large bottle of lube, which he applied VERY liberally to both the speculum and to Tanj's sex, much to the amusement of the onlookers. Tanj moaned again as Hinoki slowly pressed the device into her sex, working it back and forth. The slick chrome slid into her with minimal effort (and minimal discomfort, although the way she carried on, she hoped that the audience didn't realize that). She mewled as she felt every inch, every millimeter of it's progress as he worked it deeper.. deeper, until its end lay flush with her outer labia. She shivered at the cold steel, and bit her lip a little harder as she writhed in her bonds, as if in doing so, she might escape it. Or perhaps at least warm it up some..... As she thrashed, she caught a glimpse of Wanda watching from behind some of the males, wide eyed, and enraptured. Suspecting whats to come, Tanj mewled most plaintively. Hinoki purred and took a moment to gently caress Tanj's forehead. "Now now, sweetling.. no need to gasp YET.. we've barely even begun!" He purred and rubbed her tummy, gently massaging her as she became acclimated to the device. After a moment, he reached down and turned the screw, opening the tines of the speculum. Tanj gasped as the feeling of the device within her seemed to grow, making her feel full, and then fuller still as the tines of the speculum slowly started to open, spreading her pussy WIDE! Tanj gasped as felt the cool air of the room flow where it usually isn't; she bit her lip a little harder as she was stretched first nicely, and then further and further until she couldn't help but whimper...... She felt as if she was as wide open as the mouth of a tunnel, but of course this sensation was all in her mind; that she was no more spread open than for a normal gynecological exam... well, allright, a very THOROUGH exam..... Hinoki nuzzled Tanj and then actually backed off the opening forced by the speculum until it was merely pleasantly tight, held at the VERY edge of where the discomfort begins. He rubbed her forehead, blotting away the droplets of cold sweat.. "There there.. that wasn't so bad, was it, sweetling?" He purred and chuckled, and bent over to peek. "Goodness... I can see all the way into you, dear.." Hinoki exhaled softly, and Tanj could feel a puff of air flow all the way into her uterus. She mewled, and thought to herself; "if I'm this wide open, spread this wide, what could he possibly have in mind? What's he up to? At least the crowd seems to be eating it up......" Tanj twisted her head up to look at Hinoki, with something akin to panic in her eyes, panting softly. Hinoki grins as if he had heard Tanj's thought.. "Now I suppose you're wondering what comes next, hmm?" He grinned and stood up to padd over to the guard he'd talked to earlier; the two talked in whispers, heads close together, and the Guard passed Hinoki something. Once again, he came back, once more holding something behind his back. Tanj licked her lips; her mouth felt as dry as her pussy felt drenched...... Hinoki looked into Tanj's eyes, noting the conflicting anger, curiosity, and panic; he just laughed, and nuzzled her neck, chuckling. With a flirty wink, he padded back to sit by her, ah, posterior, well past the point where she could easily see what he was doing..... Hinoki grinned to himself, and Tanj heard a brief clinking noise and then something _cold_ spattered against her warm depths.......Tanj's hips jerked as best she could, and she wondered, could he have....... Tanj MOANED as she realized that he had somewhere come up with some crushed ice, and was slowly tossing chunk after chunk into her stretched pussy! She considered what a pussy packed with ice would be like and HOWLED! She remembered the class at the academy that dealt with ice dildos, about how you had to wet the surface to make it slick, or it would stick to sensitive tissues...... She'd hated that class, felt cold for a week afterwards! Hinoki grinned and purrrrred as Tanj's hips arched upwards into the coldness. "Mmmm that was fun.. let's do it again, shall we?" He laughed and tossed another ice chip, this one rather sizable so that the cold lingered.... oh, how it lingered and flowed through her! Tanj HOWLED in indignation and shuddered at the cold; she bucked her hips as best she could (which isn't much), trying to dislodge the ice...... Hinoki chucklepurrrrred and tossed several more in rapid succession until he tired of that. He purred, and padded back over to Tanj's head, to offer her some of the icewater to drink, knowing that she was probably parched, from the way she was panting. Tanj shuddered and panted and lapped softly at the icewater, shooting Hinoki a very dirty look in the process. Hinoki purrrrred and let her drink her fill, smiling gently down at her. "Now I bet you're cold, aren't you, sweetling...? Tanj panted and nodnoded, several chips of ice still chilling her, the cold spreading through her whole body (and even so, she sweats....). Tanj panted and thought the cool of the room air was a unique sensation....., especially _there_....... Hinoki nodded to himself and crooned softly.. "We can't have that.. we don't want you to catch a chill... So we'll have to warm you back up.." He set the icewater aside and grinned. Producing the other item he had gotten from the guard, he holds it up for all to see. A bottle of Tobasco sauce. Tanj's eyes got even wider and she howled; "NNNNOOOOOOOOOO! you WOULDN"T!!!!!!!" Hinoki grinned and nodded. "I would... and _AM_ dearling.. Hinoki grinned wickedly and cackled as he unscrewed the lid. The potent aroma of the spices.. the hot peppers.. pervaded the room.. As Tanj bucked wildly in her bonds, managing to move a few inches at the most, she looked over the room; Lord Xylex and his associates stared in rapt fascination, leaning closer as they watched. The guards were also staring in fascination, lewd grins plastered on their faces. Even Wanda was watching raptly. Turning back to Hinoki she screamed; "I'm going to GET you for this; I know exactly HOW, too!" Hinoki laughed as he watched her writhe.. "Now now.. Stay still.. conserve your strength.." And with that, he applied a liberal dollop of the Tabasco sauce.. directly onto Tanj's clitty.. Tanj's body went rigid as she felt the spicy sauce hit her clitty; it BURNED and she yowled at the top of her lungs! She panted and shuddered, all her muscles bulging as her entire world shrunk to that one burning point....... Hinoki quickly leaned down and lapped at her clitty, soothing the savage burning with slow, gentle strokes. He purrrrred.. tasting her juices and the spice of the sauce, thinking it a heady mix indeed. Tanj's noises were somewhere between a moan and a purrr as she felt Hinoki's tongue on her tortured clitty; she mewled loudly, the pleasure and the pain combining strangely..... Hinoki lapped energetically at Tanj's clit until she relaxed a little; then he chuckled again and reached once more for the bottle. Tanj, panting hard, eyes shut tight missed this completely; however, when Hinoki put a drop on a finger and lightly rubbed it over her anus, her eyes flew wide open and again, she yowled at the top of her lungs! This time Tanj hunched her hips down, trying to escape his finger, trying to escape the burning, trying to rub her bottom on the floor; however, the way she was tied, she misses doing this by at least a foot..... Yowling, panting hard, she raised her head to glare once again at Hinoki, giving him her best indignant dirty look! Hinoki gave her his best grin in return and played with the contrasting sensations.. applying a bit of the ice to her clit even as her tailhole began to burn... he leered at her, a rather self satisfied smirk on his muzzle.. Tanj shuddered and mewled, oscillating between the two extremes, panting hard, until she started to mistake one sensation for the other, the different sensations blurring in her mind. Hinoki in turn grinned wider; this is exactly the effect he had intended. Finally, however, the bottle of Tobasco sauce is near empty and all the ice had melted; Tanj squirmed helplessly in a puddle of melted icewater, Tobasco sauce, and her own juices. Returning to the suitcase once again, Hinoki turned and grinned at Tanj. Brandishing the item he had retrieved as it were a talisman of penultimate power, he shows it to the crowd; as he turned, Tanj caught a glimpse. It was a feather, a long, slim feather! Tanj just groaned and let her head flop back, hitting the deck with a quiet thud; she closed her eyes and moaned in dread. Hinoki grinned and knelt again by her bottom, carefully inserting the feather between the tines of the speculum, making sure it didn't touch her until his fingers were almost at the infernal device holding her spread, the tip of the feather lightly caressing her cervix. At this faint touch, Tanj's eyes again went wide and she bucked her hips violently, screaming "what are you _DOOOOOOOIIIIINNNGNGGGGG_????????????" Hinoki grinned yet again, and twirled the feather about within her, giggling madly.. "Why, nothing.. nothing at all, dearling! Tanj strained hard against the restraints; tempted to scream out that she'll confess, that she'll tell you whatever you want to know, anything in the hopes that you'll stop, the thought flashing through her mind that if she told them about her part in the affair with the space station, it would distract them from their current pastime, but with the last shred of control she possesses, she converted coherent thought into a mindless moan that trailed off into a series of giggles. The touch of the feather, however, is having its effect on her, and to her shame, she was wetter than ever! Hinoki laughed and grinned widely at Tanj's flailings. The feather lightly tracing the borders of her cervix, teasing in a little deeper.. backing out some... then plunging back in to tickle at the upper portion of her uterus.. Tanj HOWLED and squirmed, but all to no avail! As he tormented her, Hinoki began to lightly rub at Tanj's clitty with a finger of his other paw; as she squirmed and mewled, Tanj, unable to ignore this touch either, began to pant... the pleasurable sensations building in concert with the mad tickling. After a while Hinoki looked up pointedly at Lord Xylex; after a moment, Xylex shrugged; "I guess she's paid enough for whatever part she had in that affair; go ahead." With that, Hinoki withdrew the feather and bent to apply his tongue to Tanj's poor clitty; instants later, Tanj's howls had taken on a different timbre as she climaxed to the applause of the onlookers. The crowd left Hinoki to unstrap Tanj, to take her into the back of the shuttle, and to clean her up; Tanj, not unsurprisingly, having been bound for so long found it difficult to walk, her arms and legs very stiff, her pussy and ass still burning from the Tobasco. Moaning with each motion, she fervently looked forward to getting wherever they were going and having a nice long bath! The conference, or business meeting was being held in a luxury hotel; one of those large, full service places, and of course they had kennels for the slaves. As Lord Xylex and Wanda, and their guests headed for a penthouse, Tanj and Hinoki were led to a basement level, and handed over to the staff there. Tanj pleaded with the attendant to be allowed to take a bath, and for a small "service fee" she was shortly led to that portion of the kennels. With a heartfelt sigh, she lowered herself into a steaming hot bath, her paws rubbing her crotch hard, hoping to relieve some of the residual burning. "I'm going to get him for that" she thought; "that was MEAN!" She was chin deep in the steaming water almost asleep when another form entered the baths and stepped down into the water. Opening one eye, Tanj beheld red through the mists, the form gradually resolving itself into that of a young vixen. Tanj's other eye flew open as she recognized the vixen as her old friend from the academy, Zassa! Moving with the speed that cheetahs are famous for, a speed that surprised even herself, she leapt from the water, pouncing Zassa hard! A moment later she dragged the spluttering vixen to the surface to hug her tight, kissing her hello!Zassa spluttered and gasped, her eyes wide! Where had this furry missile come from? It didn't take long to recognize Tanj, but by then the attendants were running in to see what was going on! Convincing them that all was well, and that they were behaving took a few minutes, but eventually they were left alone. "Zassa, what are you DOING here? Tanj stage whispered, her eyes shifting from her friend to the doorway and back. "Oh, I'm here with my Master; he's attending some sort of financial thingy, and dragged me along to, ah, help him lobby some of the other bigwigs in attendance. What are YOU doing here?" That of course wound up in Tanj telling Zassa a very edited version of what had happened to her since they'd last met. Zassa giggled at the story about Wanda, and Oooooohed at the story of what Hinoki had done to her. As they cuddled in the steaming water; Tanj looked at Zassa; "we've GOT to escape...." Zassa blinked; "after the last fiasco, you want to try again?" Tanj sighed; "got to; I'm not where I belong and I want to get back there. No, don't ask, I'll explain later. Don't YOU want to go home?" Zassa looked thoughtful for a moment; "I'm not particularly wild about this Master, but I do admit this life has its moments." Tanj thought of the Tobasco sauce and shuddered; "Yeah...... that it does; I still want to get out. If I can think of something, will you help?" Zassa sighed and shrugged; "yeah, if I think its got half a chance, I'll help; Win or Loose, it could be interesting". Later, Tanj kinda wondered at that.....When the attendants came to get them out of the bath, wondering what had taken those two so long, they found Tanj and Zassa passionately making love to each other, with their tongues. By the time they'd finished, they had quite an audience (not to mention quite a reputation among the staff), not that they cared in the least. For Tanj, the rest of the conference was quite routine. Xylex had her work a few parties, doing whatever his guests wanted, which for the most part was simply straight sex. Some nights she was loaned to some friend or business associate, and that also was seldom out of the ordinary. By the time the conference was ending, various guests were greeting her with smiles and calling her by name, and the impression she'd made on them seemed to please Xylex. Unfortunately, in the course of the conference, she'd picked up little that she thought the pirates could use. Hopefully a thorough debriefing might lead to the revelation that she had picked up more than she'd thought. She'd seen Zassa at a distance, across a crowded room, from time to time, but hadn't had the chance to say anything else to her. Tanj had also spotted someone else she knew, the Tiger guard that had so roughly used Zassa in the corridor at the Academy apparently was now a body guard for one of the businessmen there. In fact, one time, Tanj had caught the Tiger looking pointedly across the room at Zassa and smiling as if plotting further deeds....... Tanj and Hinoki again knelt in the back of the Shuttle. Xylex and Wanda and their retinue had boarded, but they hadn't taken off yet. Tanj suspected, as on the way out, Xylex would give rides to some folks he needed to do business with, and darting a glance at Hinoki, Tanj wondered if there'd be a repeat of the previous performance. Looking up at a commotion, Tanj was surprised to see Zassa led into the back of the shuttle, her leash tied to the common ringbolt in the floor. At least she thought it was Zassa; her arms were tied tightly behind her in a leather sheath, and a discipline hood covered her head. Tanj wondered if this was a standard traveling outfit for Zassa, or if she'd displeased her master somehow..... As the shuttle settled down to cruise mode, the guards came and retrieved Hinoki and Tanj; apparently another little show was in order. This time, however, there was to be greater audience participation. Xylex was apparently quite pleased at the way things had gone at the conference, and was determined to celebrate. The only one who didn't look happy was Wanda, and Tanj remembered that on the way back, she was to be dropped off at some boarding school. Probably wouldn't be allowed to participate in whatever was going to happen, either..... Tanj and Hinoki were suspended from the highest point in the cabin, their wrists bound together, hanging face to face. Their legs were tied WIDE apart, to opposite rows of seats; Hinoki was quite hard, and his sizable cock was buried nicely in Tanj's pussy. Normally Tanj would have been delighted to put on a show like this, but this was not all there was to it. Two of the guests, both male, both nude, both Wolves, came up to kneel behind Tanj, and behind Hinoki, and shortly, both were being vigorously fucked in the ass. Of course, Tanj wasn't minding this too much, as the guy driving into Hinoki made his cock jump most delightfully in her pussy, a fact that did not escape the guy who had his cock in her ass. As the cabin ceiling was low, and their legs widespread, Tanj (and Hinoki) weren't too far off the floor, and two more guys, a Lepine and a Fox, managed to find something to stand on, on either side of the assemblage. The rabbit morph reached down and turned Tanj's head to the side, presenting his hard cock to her muzzle, as from the other side, the fox did the same to Hinoki. As her tongue stroked the lepine, as cocks pounded in her ass and pussy, Tanj caught a glimpse of red to the side; the big Tiger had once again found Zassa and was forcing her to suck his cock, performing for a small audience. Well, forcing might be a bit strong; Zassa looked like she was having the time of her life, her eyes closed, her head bobbing back and forth with relish..... When the Wolf driving into her ass shot his wadd, one of the other guests quickly took his place. When her dancing tongue caused the Lepine to spurt his cum all over her face, someone else took his place. Tanj was beginning to think folks were coming back for seconds, when the activity finally petered out. Xylex bent down to inspect Tanj's filled snatch from point blank range; "Can't believe it; I'd told the male not to cum, and it actually looks like he didn't. What do you think, think we should let him cum?" The crowd roared, yesses and noooooos mixed together; Xylex leered at Tanj; "you want him too?" Tanj just nodded, trying to look bright and enthusiastic, even if she was dragging...." Xylex shrugged and nodded at Hinoki; "go ahead, if you can spurt within ten seconds, you get desert; if not, I'll leave you hogtied all night." Hinoki's hips started to churn and Tanj concentrated, rippling her vaginal muscles, caressing him with her "inner hand", trying to help him cum. After about eight seconds she felt his cock start to throb and by nine seconds he was howling, as his cock filled her pussy with his jism. The crowd applauded enthusiastically. One of the guards lowered them to the floor and released one of Tanj's cuffs; "release yourselves and then go get cleaned up" he grinned; "you're both a _mess_!". Tanj and Hinoki slowly undid each other, straightening and stretching, and gathering up all the restraints. Tanj noticed that Zassa had finished off the big Tiger but now had her mouth full of Wolf cock. Bending, Tanj picked up an unused spreader bar......... Tanj straightened quickly, swinging the spreader bar in an arc as hard as she could, slamming it into the side of the head of one of the guards, a panther. He howled and went down like a dropped sack of cement. Tanj brought the bar back around to jab the end into the stomach of one of the Wolves, and then she stepped back, to swing it around again to catch a coyote square in the stomach. As he went down, Tanj threw the spreader bar at the Tiger, and rolled across the floor coming up with a stunner that the Wolf had dropped when he'd collapsed. Moving quickly, Tanj shot the Tiger, amused at the shocked expression as he folded backwards. In rapid succession, Tanj shot almost every other guard, and any other fur that looked as if they'd be a problem, pausing only long enough to pick up a dropped blaster. To her amazement, Hinoki had grabbed another stunner and was watching her back. Zassa had her teeth locked around the wolf cock that had been in her mouth when the fracas started, and from the pained look on the wolf's face, he wasn't going to give anyone any trouble. "Watch these guys, I've got to get the flight crew" Tanj hissed to Hinoki. "Hope you know what you're doing" he growled back. Tanj hit the intercom switch just outside the pressure door to the flight deck; "Help, oh Help" she mewled, in her best panicked voice; "one of the guards has gone berserk!" "Wondered what was going on back there" a voice growled out of the speaker; "stand clear, we're coming back" Tanj grinned and did no such thing, and when the door opened, she fanned the stunner back and forth across the entire flight crew. Checking to make sure the ship was still on autopilot she dragged the unconscious bodies back to the others. Hinoki had now acquired a blaster too, both weapons filling his paws. Zassa had released the wolf, and was using gauze from the medical kit to tie up the passengers. "Have you lost your mind? Xylex asked with what Tanj thought was a very mild tone for someone in his position. "You'll never get away with this!" Tanj just grinned back; "Oh? Well, maybe, maybe not, but in the meantime, I claim this ship and all its contents for the Brethren". Tanj grinned as all present, including Hinoki and Zassa gaped at her. "The pirate clan?" the fox asked, a bewildered look on his face; "they don't deal with slaves, except to sell them; what makes you think they'll take you in? They'll probably just sell you back to us, and THEN you'll be in trouble! Why don't you just put down the gun, and I'm sure we can work this out with minimal punish.... AGGGGGG!" The fox collapsed in a heap as Tanj ended his sentence with her stunner. "They'll deal with me, believe me. Hinoki, you keep an eye on them as Zassa ties them up, I'm going to go see if I can establish a tight beam link with........ The hull booooomed as something large docked with them. Tanj looked up, a half grin on her face; could the Lion be here already? Could he have been tracking Xylex's movements, and been planning their own rescue? If so, it was amazing timing, and therefor highly suspect........ Tanj watched the airlock cycle, standing firm, blaster in her left paw, stunner in her right, determined to meet whoever came through the lock on an equal footing. She knew this wasn't going to be easy, nude as she was, with droplets of jism dotting her face and breasts, her own juices matting her thighs........ As the door dilated, she saw the lock crammed with armored figures, armed to the teeth; not Elysium troops she noted with relief, but neither were they any of the pirates she knew. "This ship has already been taken by the Brethren! Under pirate law, its MINE! State your business or leave now!" A low chuckle emerged from the crowded airlock, a black pantheress in scarred battle armor pushing her way past the troops and into the shuttle. The Pantheress reached out as if to touch Tanj's cheek, one clawtip scratching lightly in the process. "I'm Jenka, of the Black Fleet, and, little one, you're my prisoner if I say you are!" "The pure bloody hell I am!" Tanj growled, staring up at the leader of a rival band of pirates. "I.............." Tanj never finished whatever she was going to say as blackness closed around her. As she collapsed, her final thought was; "neurotoxin on the clawtips; gotta remember tha......" "Sir, we've identified the other ship; its one of the Raiders belonging to the Black Fleet." The Lion looked up at Ben; "Jenka's mob? What're they doing this far out? Getting pretty pushy if they're hunting in our back yard." Ben just nodded; "we have both speed and guns on them. If you want to teach them a lesson, this'd be a gooooooood time". The Lion nodded; "perhaps, but we'd probably loose the booty in the process. And remember, Tanj's most likely over there somewhere....." Lets put a shot across their bow and see if they want to "negotiate" Tanj woke up in the Lion's bed. At first, she was sure she was hallucinating, but it was a pleasant dream, and she rolled over and snuggled down under the covers and drifted back off to sleep. She had no idea how much later it was, when she awoke; unable to sleep any more, she gradually came to the conclusion that she was either completely crazy, or really home. She was half way to the bathroom before she realized she hadn't been chained to the foot of his bed either!. Her metallic fabric dress was where it usually was, and slipping it on, she padded out to find out what was going on. Everyone greeted her with cheers when she stepped into the Cafeteria. Ben was there, sipping a cup of coffee, and he explained; "The boss came to a kind of an "accommodation" with Jenka. Yes, you'd claimed the prize, and a slick piece of work that was too; but she'd claimed you. In the end, they agreed to split the proceeds by some rather complex formula, with a few exceptions." He grinned, showing stained fangs; "I think you're one of those "exceptions"......" Tanj nodded thoughtfully, thanked Ben, got herself a cup of coffee, and headed for the door; she thought for a moment about food, but decided that could wait; she had to find her Lion. She found him in Mining Ops, laying out a plan of attack on a new rock, figuring how to split it to expose the parts they wanted with minimum fuss. He grinned when he saw her, and made her pirouette, nodding that she looked as good as ever. Saving the file he was working on, he bade her sit and had her tell him the entire story, from end to end, in excruciating detail. He asked very pointed questions about some of the things she'd heard Lord Xylex say, and called over a mouse fem to listen as she talked about the conference she'd "attended". The mouse asked more questions, nodding thoughtfully and taking copious notes, but not loosing her poker face until the very end until she grinned at the Lion; "I think this answers a few questions, although it raises more...... Still, we're further along than we were. Thanks!" and with that she was off, leaving Tanj looking puzzled. "Want to know what that was all about?" the Lion asked. Tanj nodded. "Good, I think you'll get your chance. While your little stunt netted us some folks that we've been wanting to "talk" to for some time, it had the negative effect of associating you with us beyond a shadow of a doubt. I'm afraid your days as a secret agent are through. Still, you seem to have a flair for collecting information, and I'd like to move you into the intelligence operation." Tanj could only nod, wide eyed. Things were getting back to normal. Negotiations were proceeding for the ransom of the industrialists from the shuttle. Jenka and her folks were just kinda hanging around, waiting for the resolution, and the payoff, and there was a lot of good natured kidding between the two groups. Tanj still trained in armed and unarmed combat, but this was mixed in with other things as well. She worked occasionally in Engineering, teaming up with Mark, but increasingly she worked with the intelligence group, which to this point had consisted of the lady mouse, Emma, and her boss, literally a sly old fox by the name of Byron. Byron had been in the Imperial military, in intelligence, and after his retirement, had gone looking for something to do; he'd found it helping the pirates. He seemed to genuinely love his work, treating the whole thing like some gigantic jigsaw puzzle. Tanj wondered what he'd do when he solved this particular puzzle..... They were at breakfast as usual; Tanj had awoken in her usual place, on her pallet at the foot of the Lion's bed; after they'd both cycled through the bathroom, and walked to the cafeteria, she'd gone to get their breakfast as he started his usual round of informal meetings and discussions. Tanj had resumed her duties as secretary, making notes as she ate as to who was doing what, changing priorities, supply needs and bright (and some, she thought, not so bright) ideas. As the Lion was finishing up with a couple of guys from Pirate Ops, talking about a prospective joint raid with Jenka's group, the Pantheress strolled by. Grinning, she bent to give the surprised Tanj a quick kiss. "Can't wait to finish our negotiations" she smirked at the Lion; "I'm looking forward to getting my paws on this little one"....... and with that, she was gone, leaving a wide-eyed Tanj looking after her. Turning back to the Lion, Tanj exclaimed; "Uh, master, just what did she mean by that?" The Lion just grinned. "Well, you see, you were part of the settlement......... Part of the deal is that when the ransoms are paid, and the mission closed, well, you get loaned to Jenka for a month, for her to do with you as she will...... I kinda doubt you'll object too much, given from what I've come to know of her...." Tanj just blinked. "If its any consolation" the Lion continued, "you're officially the liaison between the two groups. Expect joint missions. You'll coordinate." Tanj oh'd and looked off, her mind awhirl. The Lion was eating and quietly talking to one of the medical staff when Reggie and Slasher walked up to the still shocked Tanj. Without a word, Slasher handed Tanj an envelope. Looking up, Tanj asked "whats this?" Reggie just grinned; 'its PAYDAY!", and Slasher nodded in accompaniment. Tanj shook her head; "even if it is, what are you doing paying me?" Slasher just shrugged; "hey, it might be a form of "double-dipping", but the boss there set you up on the payroll. On the other hand, if he lets you keep it, well, we all definitely think you earned it!" Tanj tore open the envelope and looked inside; 'gotta be some mistake, this is a fortune!" Reaching up and grabbing the Lion's ear she pulled his head around, to find him smiling at her; " where'd all this money come from?" she demanded. He just shrugged; "your share of the operations you participated in. As you were feeding us information from the station, I'd guess that was almost everything we did until they took you down to the planet. Oh, and since you pretty much single handedly captured those jerks, I'd imagine you'll get a pretty good return on that one, as soon as they're ransomed, or sold." Tanj's ears flattened; "sold?" Slasher nodded, and then shrugged, and the pair moved off to hand an envelope to another fur. Tanj turned back to the Lion, who was just finishing up the last of his breakfast; Tanj's food was almost untouched, but suddenly she had no appetite. "Master, whats to happen to the two that helped me take that shuttle, Hinoki and Zassa?" The Lion looked at her and shrugged; "well, they weren't members of the organization, so I guess they'll go the way of any other captured slaves. Hadn't really thought about it; why?" Tanj was aghast; "because they _helped_ me; I might not have been able to do what I did without them! How can you just auction them off after they've been of help?" "Because those are the rules. I've got a bunch of cutthroat types working here, who expect their share of the proceeds; if I were to deny them what they consider their fair share of the booty, I'd have a riot here, or worse. Besides, whats the problem? If they're so special to you, why don't you just put in a bid for them, as anyone else does when they see a piece of loot they particularly covet. Its all in the handbook....." Tanj remembered the handbook, a piece of useless hardcopy she'd been given by somebody when she first got here; she'd been sure at the time that whatever it contained it wouldn't apply to slaves; now it seemed she had been wrong. The Lion smiled as he watched Tanj's emotions play out across her face; "go talk to accounting; you should have more than enough in that paycheck to liberate your friends..... Go on, Scoot!" Tanj nodded, and lost in a whirl of thoughts, rose and headed out of the cafeteria, leaving her food untouched and the dishes still on the table, much to the Lion's amusement. It was much later that night; the station had eased into its graveyard shift routine, and Tanj was cuddling with the Lion in the middle of his bed. The covers were all rumpled and tossed by their first session of lovemaking, and they were both still regaining their breath. "I went down to accounting like you told me. Seemed there weren't any other bids on Hinoki, and Zassa, well, the few bids that were on her were low. I think the bids I put in should take them...... if thats OK with you." The lion just shrugged as he stared at the ceiling; "its your money; I won't interfere with how you spend it, as long as it doesn't interfere with my basic interests......" Tanj grinned and moved to straddle his waist. Placing her paws on his chest, she grinned down at him; "and what would you think if I kept them, instead of just freeing them and sending them home?" The Lion looked up at her and Hmmmmmmed; "I dunno; you know everyone around here has to pull their own weight. We'd have to find them jobs....... And you know as well as I do, we need more skilled folks than cannon fodder......" "But perhaps there's a way you could convince me" he finished with a grin. Tanj sighed and shook her head, trying hard to suppress a grin of her own. Moving gently she started rocking her body back and forth, rubbing her still wet pussy against his sheath...... It took most of the rest of the night, but she finally "convinced" him, obtaining permission to keep Zassa and Hinoki. The next day, Zassa found time in her schedule to visit the kennels, where she talked with Hinoki and Zassa, telling them of her plans, making sure they understood that this was by no means certain, but that she thought they had a good chance.... Of course, the small conference turned into a small orgy, as Tanj and Zassa made very good use of Hinoki, and his talents (not that he seemed to object at all......). On her way out, Tanj noticed that Wanda, Lord Xylex's daughter, was also confined in the kennels. Stopping to see how she was doing, she found that Wanda was beginning to wonder if perhaps the boarding school would have been a better alternative, but at least she seemed in decent spirits. Tanj told her that she'd talk to the boss about her, to see what he had in mind, and then kissed her good-bye (much to Wanda's surprise), and returned to her current duties, analyzing intercepted subspace transmissions for the Intelligence group. It was about four days later when the negotiations for the ransom of the industrialists were completed, and all the other details finalized. The other captives had been loaded on a shuttle, for their trip to auction, and Tanj headed for the pirate Cruiser for rendezvous with the Elysium ship that would redeem the prisoners. She was intercepted near the docking port by Ben; "you're not going like that, are you?" he asked. Tanj shrugged; "its all I've got go wear; should I go nude?" Ben sighed and shook his head; "no, the boss wants you there, and I'm sure he's told you why, but for cryin' out loud, Tanj, if you're going to go, you've simply got to look more..... piratical! We've got an image to uphold! Oh, come on, the ship's leaving; we'll just have to find you _something_. It was an interesting trip to the rendezvous point. Ben took Tanj down to the crew's quarters, where they all got very involved in sorting through spare clothing, looking for things that would fit, things that would give the proper impression. Finally, Tanj pirouetted in front of a hooting, grinning crowd, showing off her new outfit. She wore a pair of very worn, torn camouflage pants, covered in cargo pockets. A web belt held them up, along with the holster for a truly nasty looking disrupter (which didn't work anymore). A dagger hung from the opposite side of the belt. Over this, Tanj wore a _very_ abbreviated combat harness/vest, the material straining against her breasts, the straps pulling little valleys in her fur. They all agreed that if anyone could make the outfit look sexy it was her (although they all agreed they liked the dress better, and absolutely nothing even more than that). Tanj grinned and blushed at the compliments and thought they'd change their minds if they'd caught a glimpse of Zassa. Well, with luck, she'd still be runner up...... When the Elysium ship, a destroyer, had docked with the Pirate cruiser, Tanj swaggered down to the airlock, doing her best to look, well, piratical. "This is silly" she thought to herself; "I _am_ a pirate, one of them, so however I look has to be piratical...." But with a shrug she figured there wouldn't be any harm in doing whatever she could to frighten the Destroyer's crew. Leaning against a bulkhead, she watched them; the Captain had wisely stayed on the bridge, sending a junior officer to deal with the pirates. She did her best to memorize names, faces, and to gauge their attitudes; anything that might be of later use. The Industrialists were turned over to the officer, one by one. Each was naked, but well groomed, and obviously well treated. Their restraints were removed, and they were allowed to enter the Destroyer's airlock. Last was Lord Xylex; he was just about to step across the airlock's threshold when he turned; looking at the officer he said; "My daughter's already over there, isn't she?" The officer looked back blankly and then down at his padd; "your daughter, sir? I don't show her on my manifest; I didn't even know she'd been traveling with you!" Xylex looked up at the pirates, his face clouding over, his paws balling into fists.... Tanj straightened from where she'd been leaning against the wall. Pacing out to face him directly, she said; "My Master has instructed me to tell you that your daughter is being held..... hostage, to insure your future cooperation. You have his assurance that she'll be well treated, and that you will be periodically able to communicate with her." Xylex scowled; "Why you insolent little..... _SLAVE_, how _DARE_ you!" Tanj was convinced that he was about to leap, to take out his frustrations on her personally, but was determined to back down. From the look on the officer's face, he probably would have joined in, but just then there was the high pitched whine of an energy weapon being charged from somewhere among the pirates.... Thinking better of it, the officer put a restraining hand on Xylex's shoulder; "Sir, don't throw your life away; I'm sure they'd like nothing better than to kill you, now that the ransom's been paid. Besides, with you dead, who knows what they'd do to your daughter!" Xylex shook off the officer's paw, and with a growl, turned back towards the airlock. Just before he ducked through, he turned to look directly at Tanj, a glare full of hate; "I won't forget _you_, you can count on that!" And with that, he was gone. The Elysium troops backed through the airlock, keeping a careful eye on the pirates. The ships separated moments later, the Elysium destroyer raising shields and taking evasive action as if the Pirates would attack at any second. The cruiser however, simply cloaked (much to the surprise of the bridge crew of the Destroyer). After they'd docked at the pirate's asteroid, Tanj made her way down to the residential section. There, she found Wanda sitting on the bed of a modest room, apparently _very_ bored. Wanda looked Tanj up and down, her eyes wide at the wild costume. Tanj just grinned and turned to show it off; "like it? First thing resembling normal clothes that I've worn in years, and I have no doubt tomorrow I'll be back to my usual". Wanda just shook her head; "now you really look like one of these pirates. I would never have believed it....... So, when do I get to go home? Daddy settle the ransom yet?" Tanj sat on the bed, and looked at Wanda; "I'm afraid I've got some good news and bad news on that subject." Wanda nodded her head slowly, as if all her fears had suddenly returned; "whats the good news?" Tanj grinned; "the good news is that you don't have to go to that boarding school after all, although you don't get to escape school entirely." "And the bad news?" Tanj sighed; "the bad news is that the boss has decided to keep you here as a hostage, to make sure your father behaves. As long as you're good, you'll have the run of the place, with a few exceptions. You'll attend school, just like all the others Of your age on the station, and like everyone else, you'll have some duties to perform. I can offer you a job in either Child Care, or in Medical. And you'll be paid for your work too (although I'm afraid the nearest mall's quite a ways away). The boss has assigned me to look after you, to keep you out of trouble (now there's a hoot!), but aside from that, you'll be pretty much on your own. Oh, I guess you'll be on your own more than that; I'll be gone for a month it seems...... uh, if you have problems, go find Zassa, I'll ask her to check in on you....." Wanda looked at the wall for a long time before finally saying; "so whats the down side?" Tanj's mouth opened and closed, speechless. Wanda grinned and moved to give her a hug; "Daddy never let me do ANYTHING; this place should be fantastic in comparison! Can I look over the child care and medical jobs before I have to make a decision? OH! and are there any good looking boys my age?" Wanda rattled on for some time as Tanj tried hard to keep up, amazed at how she was taking it.......... Tanj had arranged for Hinoki to work as a sensor tech, in the mining side of the operation, at least to start, and for Zassa to work in supply. They were "entry level jobs", but she was sure they'd both shine, eventually. As they huggled good bye Zassa asked Tanj what happened to the servants, retainers and guards that the bigshots had with them. Tanj shrugged and replied that the bigshots apparently didn't want to ransom them as well, so the Pirates did what they always do; sell them to the highest bidder, on the Slave market. "What almost happened to YOU!" she grinned. As she hugged both Hinoki and Zassa, not wanting to leave, Tanj continued; "'cept for that big Tiger who liked to treat you so mean. I put in a word with the boss; _HE_ got sold to the Academy. As a slave. Let him get a taste of his own medicine!" Zassa pulled back to look at Tanj, her eyes perhaps a little sad, perhaps a little amused; "you _DIDN'T!_" Tanj grinned and kissed her "I _did_, but now I've got to go. Take care of Wanda for me, and take care of your selves too! Having made all the arrangements she could for their well- being over the next month, Tanj reported to the airlock where Jenka's ship was docked. She'd changed back into her metallic fabric dress, but she could tell by the look on Jenka's face as she rounded the corner, that she probably wouldn't get to keep it..... Jenka and the Lion were standing by the airlock, talking quietly, both turning to look at Tanj as she approached. It looked as if Jenka was forcing her face into a frown; "you're _late_!" "Uh-oh" Tanj thought; "I think I've been set up; the Lion didn't TELL me when to show up here, just to come when I had everything done......" Shooting a dirty look at the grinning Lion, Tanj knelt at Jenka's feet, head bowed; "forgive me, mistress". Jenka petted her head for a moment and grinned at the Lion; "I'm glad she hasn't forgotten the proper way to behave; _I_ think you're entirely too lax with her!" The Lion just grinned and shrugged; "to each their own; as long as she obeys me, thats all I'm really interested in." Turning to Tanj, his voice got sterner; "I'll forward instructions on the joint operations to you. I expect you to coordinate the activities, and in that I will accept nothing less than perfection!" Tanj gulped and nodded. As she was looking at him, Jenka bent over and attached a leash to her collar; a short tug bade her rise to her feet, and then she was led through the airlock and into Jenka's ship. The new slaves were kneeling in the courtyard of the Academy, awaiting their "introduction lecture". A Wolf guard, slowly moved down the line of kneeling slaves, looking them over, idly slapping his thigh with his riding crop. Suddenly he stopped and turned, to retrace his path a few steps. Using the tip of his riding crop to raise the chin of a large male Tiger, his eye widened with surprise; "YOU! What are you...... I thought...... _WHAT_HAPPENED_?????" The tiger grinned up ruefully at his old partner; 'Tanj happened'........ Tanj’s Tale: With Jenka by Kittiara Stardate: 2398.20 The Lion watched, a grin on his face, as Jenka led Tanj into the airlock of her ship. A moment later, Tanj’s dress came flying out of the airlock, just as the door closed, to drape itself gracefully over the Lion’s muzzle. As the door clanged shut, and the air pumps started, he held it to his nose, to inhale her scent, and then slung the dress over his shoulder and turned to stride back into the station, grinning to himself. Tanj’s paws were bound behind her while they were still cycling through the airlock. Jenka then led her by the leash through the ship to the bridge, where she knelt by Jenka’s command chair as they undocked, and moved away from the asteroid base. Although she kept her eyes downcast, as a good slave should, she listened intently, gathering what information she could. She listened to the voices of the Helmsman and the Navigator, of those manning the engineering, environmental, tactical and communications stations, listening to the way they talked, trying to judge their attitudes.... She knew that the Bridge Crew was giving her looks from the corners of their eyes, in turn, trying to evaluate her, to figure out just where _she_ fit in.... Tanj heard the door at the rear of the bridge swoosh open and then hissss closed, and as someone moved closer, she thought she knew that tread..... a footstep she hadn’t heard in... how long? As Jenka turned to say something to one of the bridge crew, Tanj dared a look. The quiet routine of the bridge was shattered as Tanj let out a WHOOOP! and pounced the newcomer, jerking the end of the leash out of Jenka’s startled hand! “SAMANTHA! Oh, Good Lord am I happy to see you! What are you doin’ HERE?” Samantha Pettigrew, former first officer of the tramp freighter “Lost Cause”, and Tanj’s former shipmate went over backwards under the assault of the energetic Cheetah. Of course the elderly Lepine (rabbit-morph) was smaller than Tanj. “Tanj? Erf! Get offa me! Yes, I’m glad to see you too, but what are YOU doing HERE? Especially dressed like tha....... Oh Lord, don’t tell me the rumors were true?” Tanj sat back, looking at Samantha; “rumors? I haven’t heard a thing about ANY of you since we all got arrested!” Samantha sat up and adjusted her outfit as best possible, dusting herself off; “They told us that you’d been sold to the sex slave academy on Elysium!” Tanj just nodded and shrugged; “‘s true. Interesting place. Skip that; how’d you get free of the Elysium authorities? WHERE ARE THE OTHERS?” Samantha looked up at Jenka, and with a nod looked back at Tanj; “the Captain’s dead. Supposedly killed trying to escape, but if you ask me, they just found that an easier way to get clear title to the Lost Cause. Benny,......... I don’t know. I haven’t been able to find any trace. I’d been trying to confirm where they’d sent you, but all I got were dead ends.” Tanj just stared at her friend, her mouth hanging open. Squint dead? Unimaginable. Tanj growled low, a sound that made a fair proportion of the bridge crew uneasy; “Oh, they’re gonna pay for that. I promise you, they’ll pay!” Samantha just nodded; “thats what I’m doing here; payback as best I can. Tanj looked up, trying to drag her thoughts back to the present, away from wrestling with Squint’s death; “but how did you get here?” Sam grinned; “Oh, I got wholesaled. The Elysium government sold me to a clearing house for slaves; seems I was too old, despite my skills. They in turn sold me off planet, and as fate would have it, the transport was raided by pirates. These pirates. One of them happened to be an old shipmate, from when I was in the military, and he convinced Jenka here that I might be of some service. At Jenka’s name Tanj flinched. “Uh-oh..............” was all she got out before she heard Jenka chuckling behind her. Looking up at Sam, she smiled weakly; “think I’m in trouble again.....” And with that, Jenka yanked hard on the leash, dragging Tanj back to her former kneeling position. Sam just laughed; “Captain, you really can’t blame her; extenuating circumstances and so forth” Tanj couldn’t see Jenka’s grin, with her head bowed, but she heard the laugh in her response; “Oh, I can understand.... but that is NOT acceptable behavior for a slave, and most especially not for my pet, and I’m afraid she _will_ have to be disciplined.......” Sam just laughed and handed the Tactical officer the PADD she’d been carrying; “well, if there’s anything left, I’d like to talk over old times with her, when she’s available”. As Sam left the bridge, Jenka just purrrrrred. Tanj didn’t think there was that much keeping Jenka on the bridge, but never the less, the big Panthress lounged in her command chair, talking idly with the bridge crew. After a while Tanj’s knees started to ache, and then her ankles, and then her back, but she rigidly kept to the proper position a slave must assume..... “Might be a test” she thought to herself; “and I am NOT going to give her the satisfaction of adding “squirming” to the list ofcharges.....” Finally, when the rumbling of her stomach was clearly audible, Jenka looked over the armrest of her chair at the kneeling Tanj; “Hungry, my pet?” Tanj tried to remember any restrictions on speech, but figured she’d been asked a direct question, so..... “yes, mistress....” Jenka nodded and rose to her feet, stretching; then with a quick jerk on the leash she led Tanj from the bridge. They moved through the corridors of the ship, finally arriving at what had to be the visiting dignitary’s quarters, and Tanj assumed that while Jenka was in command of the Black Fleet, that this wasn’t “her” ship.... Jenka proceeded to tie Tanj in a kneeling position, cuffed ankles attached to cuffs around her thighs, paws cuffed behind her back and linked to her ankle cuffs; with Tanj properly restrained, she departed the room, humming a happy tune..... Jenka returned about an hour later, carrying a covered plate. Tanj found it hard not to drool as Jenka removed the cover and used it to fan the aroma towards Tanj’s nose. Grinning, Jenka slowly disrobed, folding her clothes neatly. Finally, she sat on the edge of her bed, and grinned at Tanj; “First things first; your punishment. Hmmmm, lets see, I _do_ think we need to do something about your figure......” and with that she rose and turned to rummage within her closet. While Jenka was busy, Tanj looked down at herself; “whats wrong with my figure” she wondered. As Jenka returned, Tanj risked looking up, and as she spied what Jenka was carrying, she gasped! Jenka grinned and nodded; “I think your waist should be a bit narrower; just a bit. And I’m sure this corset will do wonders towards achieving that. Tanj was released, and bade to stand, and Jenka had her step into the leather corset; tugging it upwards, over her hips, the big Pantheress almost jerked her off the floor, but finally the corset was in place, and Jenka began the laborious task of lacing it up. Tanj groaned as her waist was constricted, but she had to admit, as she watched from the corner of her eyes, at her reflection in the room’s mirror, that she liked the way it made her breasts stand out. Finally, Jenka was done, closing a flap over the laces, and she padded around to look at Tanj’s trim figure. The corset traveled from just below her breasts, to just above her mons, cut away in a smooth curve over her hips. “Hmmmmmm, yes, thats better, but we still need a little something......” Returning to the closet she shortly came back with what Tanj took to be a G-string made of thick rubber and bright chrome. Jenka placed the waist strap around Tanj’s newly reduced waist, and as she fastened the ends, Tanj’s ears twitched at the distinct *snap*. Then Jenka was pulling the other part between her thighs, sliding her tail through a hole in the strap, and fastening the loose end to the belt portion behind her back, also with an audible *snap*. With a grin, Jenka then clipped a tiny key to the ring in the front of Tanj’s collar. As she did so, Tanj moaned to herself, realizing that she’d just been locked into these crazy panties; still, while they were tight, they weren’t that uncomfortable....... Jenka purrred as she refastened Tanj in her original position, kneeling, with ankles bound to cuffs on her thighs, wrists linked to her ankle cuffs. Then, with a grin, she paced across the room to sit on the edge of the bed. “I’ve been waiting to find out just how well trained your tongue is, little one, and now’s the time; come on over here and please me; if you do well, I’ll feed you a morsel........ Tanj hmmmmed to herself, trying to figure out how to move over there considering how she was bound. Finally, she tried rocking forward, to balance on her knees; she made it part way across the floor before she overbalanced and wound up falling on her face. With a sigh, Tanj squirmed, and managed to inch-worm the rest of the way over to where Jenka was sitting, before managing to get herself back into a kneeling position. As she brought her muzzle up between Jenka’s thighs, the big Pantheress laid back on the bed, sliding down some to bring her pussy within easy reach of Tanj’s tongue. Tanj started slow, licking across Jenka’s upper thighs, sloooowly circling in on her pussy, taking her time. After a while, as she slowly licked and nibbled towards the center, she felt one of Jenka’s paws caressing her head. Purrrrrring softly, she let the tip of her tongue explore the length of Jenka’s slit, flicking from the base of her tail, upwards, teasing lightly, until her tongue crested over onto her mons. As she licked, Tanj found Jenka to be getting very wet, and when she judged the time right, she suddenly stabbed her tongue deep into Jenka’s pussy. Jenka responded with a moan, arching her back, her paw pulling Tanj’s head hard against her. Tanj slithered her tongue in and out, wriggling its tip, now stroking the front of Jenka’s love channel, now the back. As she licked and nibbled, Tanj gauged Jenka’s responses, noting how she moved and how she breathed, doing her best to remember what obviously pleased her. As she felt Jenka’s passion rise, she shifted her emphasis, sending her tongue to lick at Jenka’s clitty, pushing back its hood with the tip of her tongue to stroke it, softly at first, and then with increasingly hard flicks back and forth. Just when she thought Jenka was going to explode, she returned her tongue to the depths of Jenka’s pussy, to wriggle therein, to slide back and forth smoothly. As Jenka’s breathing returned to near normal, Tanj again shifted to her clitty, licking, sucking and nibbling until she felt Jenka’s body tense, and then again her tongue returned to the depths of Jenka’s sex. It wasn’t until she had brought Jenka to the edge for the third time that she felt the Pantheress’ claws at the back of her head; “Oooooooo you are _such_ a tease, but enough of that; finish me quickly and you get dinner; tease me more and you’ll go hungry!” Tanj grinned and moved to suck directly on Jenka’s clitty, her tongue flicking over its entrapped tip as hard and as fast as she could. Within a minute, Jenka was howling, writhing on the bed, lost in the throes of her climax. Tanj refused to let her go, though, continuing to lick and nibble at her clitty until Jenka forcefully pushed her head away; “ENOUGH! Tanj what _AM_ I going to do with you? You just don’t know when to stop, to give me a breather!” Tanj just grinned and brazenly looked up at Jenka, licking her mistress’s juices from her muzzle. With a sigh, Jenka moved Tanj over to kneel by her feet as she sat at the VIP quarter’s built-in desk; as she worked, she’d occasionally feed Tanj some morsel or other, until the plate was empty. Tanj noticed that with the corset, it didn’t take much at all to make her feel full..... Placing the plate on the floor, Jenka instructed Tanj to lick it clean. As Tanj accomplished this, Jenka yawned and stretched; “its getting late; we need to get ready for bed”. And with that, Jenka unbound Tanj and led her into the bathroom. After drawing Jenka a bath, Tanj knelt by the side of the tub to wash her back, and her hair, and when Jenka emerged (after what Tanj enviously thought was an obscenely long soak), she toweled her dry. Emerging from the bathroom, Jenka proceeded to lock Tanj’s collar to the foot of her bed, and then turning out the lights, Jenka climbed into bed and promptly fell asleep. Tanj laid as best she could on the carpeting at the foot of the bed, listening to Jenka’s breathing. “I guess things could be worse” she thought; “so far, she hasn’t treated me too badly. I think I can handle a month of this. Still, I wish she’d put down a pad for me here....... And I wish she’d reciprocated with the licking. I wonder how talented _her_ tongue is......” Shifting around as best she could on her short chain, Tanj tried to fall asleep; as she did so, thinking of the way she’d pleasured Jenka, one of her paws slid down, to rub at her rubber covered sex; it was then that she realized that inside the thick rubber, there was a metal plate; no matter how she rubbed, or pushed, she couldn’t stimulate herself. Worse, the thing was so tight she couldn’t worm a finger underneath either. Muttering to herself, and more than a little frustrated, she finally fell asleep. In the morning, Tanj found herself starting the day by licking Jenka to yet another climax, once again reprimanded for how she teased with her tongue. Jenka unlocked her chastity belt only long enough for her to go to the bathroom, and then she was firmly locked in it again. She spent the rest of the day following Jenka around at the end of her leash, as Jenka attended to this or that bit of business. As such, she was privy to most of the goings-on in the Black Fleet and before the end of the day, she found that Jenka was using her as a bit of a secretary. By the third day, she was still locked tight in the corset, and the wicked chastity belt. While she’d serviced Jenka a dozen times, and even lent her mouth to a few of Jenka’s associates, she was still “chaste”, and that was definitely starting to make her squirm. As the ship approached its rendezvous, Tanj found that Jenka was starting to send her on little errands, to deliver this message or retrieve that data crystal. She was usually bound in some way, though; for instance, when going to retrieve fuel consumption reports from Engineering, Jenka sent her off with ankles hobbled by a chain less than a foot in length, her arms behind her in a square arm-binder, where her forearms were parallel to each other, behind her back. She had to carry the report back in her teeth, and then was criticized for taking so long. Another time, sent to fetch a data crystal from Jenka’s quarters, she was bound with her wrist cuffs chained to the belt around her waist, thus permitting her very limited use of her hands. As time passed, Tanj began to wonder if her “punishment” was to be permanent........ Tanj was once again kneeling by the side of Jenka’s command chair when the ship docked at the Gathra trading station, in the Hansa system. This was sort of neutral territory, not quite in the Empire, not quite out of it either. As such, the system did a significant business in smuggling, illegal goods, and in the servicing that Pirates frequently required. The rest of the Black fleet was in the vicinity, some of them actually docked at the station. With the docking complete, Jenka turned command of the ship over to its normal Captain and prepared to return to her own command ship. Tugging on Tanj’s leash, Jenka led a small parade through the lock and around the periphery of the station. Tanj had to grin to herself, as she was led, bound and naked, through the station; once upon a time, such a thing would have embarrassed her horribly, but now, well, she kinda enjoyed all the looks she got from the various furrs they passed. Jenka’s quarters on the command ship were considerably more lavish, although Tanj wasn’t so sure she cared for them; one of the features that Jenka’s suite had was a very small kennel for her pet. This was literally a hole in the wall, a solid door at the base of one wall that Tanj had to low- crawl through; this led to a narrow passage spiraling downward, to a small chamber below Jenka’s. There, there was a pallet for her to sleep on, and in one corner, water burbled from a spout, to a bowl, overflowing that to a hole in the floor obviously meant for the elimination of wastes. Tanj guessed she was to drink from the bowl..... There was a grate in the low ceiling, and it was obvious that Jenka could stroll over to look down upon her pet whenever she pleased. As Tanj curled up on her pallet, she heard Jenka humming to herself above, as she got dressed, obviously preparing for a night savoring the attractions that the station might offer. Just before she left, Jenka peered down through the grate at Tanj; “I suspect you’ve been punished enough, for that little loss of control; I’ve told some of the crew that they can entertain you tonight, after I’ve left, so don’t be surprised if you have visitors......” And with that, she was gone. Tanj ran her paws over the tight rubber of the chastity belt; “heck, at this point I’d screw half the ship, just to be shed of this damn thing!” she thought to herself. Tanj awoke from a sound sleep, at the noise of the door to Jenka’s quarters opening. peering through slitted eyelids she looked upwards at the grating to find three males looking down at her, wide smiles on their faces. There was a fox, a leopard, and a skunk watching her intently; figuring she might as well have some fun with them, Tanj rolled slooowly onto her back and Strrrreeeetttttcccchhhheeeeddddd sensually. She had to smile, though, ruining the effect when the Leopard started to purrrrrrrr. Opening her eyes, Tanj just grinned up a the trio; “well, hello! And what will Jenka say when she finds you in her quarters?” The fox grinned back; “probably not much, as she gave us the key. How do we get you out of there?” Tanj sighed; “there’s a tunnel; look for a small door low on the wall; you open it, and I’ll crawl out.” The skunk nodded and vanished from her view; Tanj turned and started crawling up the tunnel, discovering it was a lot harder going up than sliding down...... As she made it to the doorway, several hands helped her through and stood her up; instantly, she felt more than one of those hands slide down to run over the chastity belt, exploring.... “now thats a cruel trick” the Leopard growled; “where’s the damn key?” Tanj grinned; “its on my collar, but I’m not allowed to touch it.......” The skunk literally snatched it from her collar, and seconds later, the chastity belt was in a heap on the floor. Tanj moaned and ran her paws over her mons, rubbing at first and then scratching furiously, the three guys watching intently; “Uh, guys, I’ve been in that thing for tooo long; mind if I take a moment and use the facilities?” The fox just shrugged, and Tanj trotted over to Jenka’s luxurious bathroom. After relieving herself, and taking just a moment to brush her hair with one of Jenka’s brushes, Tanj padded back out into the bedroom, to join the others. “Now, what can I do for you gentlefurrs? How can I reward you for helping me escape that belt? Better yet, what can I do to get you to release me from this #$&^%@*$# corset?” Shortly thereafter, Tanj found herself astride the Leopard, his cock nicely stuffing her pussy, as the Skunk pumped his cock into her ass, and the Fox did his very best to stuff his cock down her throat. Tanj purrrrrrrred around the Fox’s cock, her tongue running over its thickly veined surface, one of her paws teasing his balls as her other paw reached behind her to stroke the belly of the Skunk. The Leopard’s cock was definitely the largest, but the skunk’s was quite long for its diameter, and she gasped each time he drove it hard into her ass, his quick thrusts apparently delighting the Leopard. As she sucked and nibbled and licked at the Fox’s cock, she did her best to tease the other two, tightening her vaginal and anal muscles, trying to grip their cocks hard, to hold them still, much to their delight. The room was filled with the moans and pants of the three males as Tanj did her very best to repay them for releasing her, and Tanj had to work hard, to pay strict attention, not to let any of the three cum too soon. She toyed with them, played with them, doing her very best to keep all three on the very edge, but even her skill wasn’t enough to hold them forever, only her concentration holding her own climax at bay. The Skunk came first, his hips driving faster and faster, his cock plumbing the depths of her bowels until finally with a yell, he came, his cock throbbing and spurting deep within her. That set off the Leopard, and with a grunt, he started bucking his hips up into her, bouncing her, until he too came loudly. As they panted and growled, Tanj pushed her head forward, driving the Fox’s cock into her mouth, down her throat, until her nose rubbed his tummy; swallowing hard, her throat muscles rippling along his shaft, she soon sent him the way of his mates, his cock pumping his seed deep into her throat. Tanj made sure she got a washcloth from the bathroom to clean off the Skunk; the others she gladly licked clean, an action that soon had all three of the guys hard again. She purrrrrred as she moved from cock to cock, licking and nibbling for a moment, before moving on to the next. After teasing them for a while, the Skunk proposed a slightly different arrangement; he thought that considering the relative sizes, that Tanj ought to be able to take both him and the fox in her pussy at the same time...... Tanj had heard of this, but had never actually tried it, but having gone without for so long, she was game to try it. The Fox laid on his back, with Tanj eagerly straddling his hips, her paws between her thighs to hold his cock, to stroke it along her sex; however, just as the skunk knelt behind her, the Leopard moved in behind him, and the next thing she knew, the skunk’s cock was back in her ass, as the Leopard’s longer, thicker cock moved between the skunk’s legs, to press against the rear of her pussy. She moaned as the Fox and the Leopard insistently shoved their cocks at her, until, one after the other, they forced their way inside! It must have appeared a comical combination, Tanj sandwiched between the three guys, but they seemed to enjoy it; indeed, both the Fox and the Skunk seemed content to just hold their cocks within Tanj, as the Leopard thrust his hips at her, doing all the work. Tanj mewled and moaned, her pussy stretched TIGHT by the two cocks; she could barely move, and yet, she found the situation wildly stimulating, and as the Leopard pumped her harder and harder, she shuddered again and again, climax after climax ripping through her. Finally the three guys came, the fox first, and then almost simultaneously, the Skunk and Leopard. They lay there, entwined, for a while, just panting; finally the Skunk wormed his way free, complaining of a cramp, and padded towards the bathroom. On his return, the fox followed suit, leaving the Leopard nestled behind Tanj, his cock still buried in her pussy. As the Fox emerged from the bathroom, the Leopard started pumping Tanj again, slooowly and sensuously, taking long, slow strokes. Tanj just laid there on her side, and drank in the sensations, delighting in each movement; she floated in a haze of pleasure until she felt his thrusts quickening, each motion becoming sharper, until yet another climax burst within her; moments later she felt his cock twitching and throbbing, what little jism he had left flooding her pussy. As he finished, the fox tapped him on the shoulder; “we gotta go; our shift starts in about twenty minutes”. The Leopard just nodded and crawled around to present his softening cock to Tanj for cleaning; she purrrred and licked at him softly, until he was clean. As they turned to go, the skunk turned back; “oh, yeah, Jenka mentioned something... uh, stand up, turn around and bend over......” Tanj sighed; “now what” she thought, but too tired to argue, she complied. Moments later she felt the skunk push first one, and then a second object into her dripping pussy, and then the chastity belt was around her waist, and between her thighs once again, its locks snicking shut. “OK, now back into your kennel, quick now, we gotta go!” Tanj sighed and crawled across the floor to once again squeeze into the tunnel to her kennel, her sore nipples grazing the floor as she moved, the two ben-wa balls sliding and bouncing back and forth within her pussy quite nicely...... She wasn’t completely out of the tunnel when she heard the three leave Jenka’s quarters, the door hissing open and then closed. Taking a drink from the bowl, she settled down on her pallet to try and get some sleep. She could have sworn that her eyes had just closed when she heard the door open again. Looking up, as a shadow crossed her face, she saw Jenka grinning down at her; “well, did my pet have an interesting night? I see you managed to loose your corset somewhere in the proceedings; no, no, don’t tell me about it, I’ll just watch the video”. “Video?” Tanj thought; “I wonder if those guys knew they were being recorded? Probably wouldn’t have cared, though.....” Tanj fell asleep to the sounds of the passionate lovemaking of the night before...... Tanj yawned as she knelt by Jenka’s command chair; she hadn’t gotten much sleep before Jenka bade her crawl from her kennel and attend her in the bath. Then it was off to the Bridge, as the Black Fleet departed the station, and headed out. While the ben-wa balls were still nicely in place, Jenka had forced her to put on the corset, drawing it tighter than ever, and Tanj squirmed a little against its tightness, the resulting motion of the ben-wa balls only making her pant for breath all the harder. As she squirmed, she heard heavy footsteps approach from the rear of the bridge, and then a paw found her chin, her head turned and forced up and she found herself looking into the leering face of a rather large male Hyena....... “Well, Jenka, what _have_ you here? Another new toy? What happened to your last one? Did you break it?” Jenka seemed unruffled, and responded in a smooth voice; “Cain, I’d like you to meet my new pet; she’s just a little something I picked up in that operation over by Elysium. “Oh?” Cain rumbled; “I’ve heard the strangest stories about that operation........ As some of them placed you in bed with the leader of the Brethren, I can scarce believe them, though......” Jenka just smiled; “Cain, you know I indulge myself with males on special occasions.....” Cain grumbled something in response, something that Tanj didn’t quite catch, but didn’t think sounded all that pleasant. “So”, Cain continued; “what do you have in store for this little thing?” Tanj thought that the way he said it, the future didn’t sound all that promising... despite the way Jenka had treated her so far.... “ “While she’s here” Jenka purrred, “quite obviously, she’ll attend to my.... needs. But she’ll also be available for the entertainment of the senior officers. Oh, she’s also the liaison for the upcoming operation with the Brethren.” Cain harrumphed; “that bunch! I don’t know why you mess with them. The way they operate, they’re sure to bring trouble!” And with that he released Tanj’s chin and turned, striding off the bridge. Jenka reached down to pet Tanj’s head; “How did he ever know.....” she purrrred. Later that shift, Jenka led Tanj by her leash down to meet with her own Intelligence and Operations teams. Tanj felt just a little weird as she knelt by Jenka’s feet, nude except for the corset and the chastity belt, as she acted the part of the slave, but played the part of a team member as they worked to formulate plans for the upcoming operation. In the end, Jenka removed Tanj’s leash, but hobbled and cuffed her (at least her paws were in front of her), so that she could work with the others on the logistics, coordination, and timing of the upcoming operation. At the end of the work day, as they locked up all their work materials, and secured the computers and tactical terminals, Jack, a Wolf morph and the assistant operations officer, started teasing Tanj, in a good-natured way; “so, how does a lowly type like me get to sample some of the pleasures of the Captain’s new pet?” Tanj grinned back at him; “Oh, its simple, really; all you have to do is submit a requisition for my time, in triplicate, justifying the need, and get Jenka to sign it. Then it goes to the scheduling committee. They’ll let you know when I’m available.....” Jack laughed and reached over to pull Tanj close, kissing her hard. Tanj stifled a laugh and kissed back hungrily. As he broke the kiss, Jack smiled; “triplicate eh? I’ll get right on it; but now, you’d best go find your Mistress; who knows what kind of a black mood she’ll be in after her first day back, having been away so long...... Tanj grinned and nodded, and taking short, mincing steps, headed for Jenka’s quarters. That night, Tanj again spent quite a bit of time between Jenka’s thighs, licking her to climax after climax; some of them slow and teasing, holding her on the edge until the big Pantheress threatened to claw her if she didn’t hurry up, others brought as rapidly as possible. Afterwards, after attending to Jenka’s bath (Tanj was getting a little pissed at having to make due with a hurried shower each night, and longed to luxuriate in a hot tub the way Jenka did....), Jenka had a little surprise for Tanj; the chastity belt had been replaced with a slightly different model; this one had moderately large dildoes built in, for pussy and ass, and while that was interesting in its own right, what made the whole thing devilish was the control box fastened to the side of the belt; the dildoes contained powerful vibrators, which the control box would activate at random intervals, and intensities. Of course, to keep her from playing with the controls, Tanj’s paws were bound behind her back..... A swat on her rump sent her towards the door to her kennel, and with a groan, Tanj inch-wormed into the tight passage, crawling slowly down to her chamber. “Gonna wear off my nipples if I have to do this too much” she thought as she pushed herself along with her feet. Tanj spent a restless night, tossing and turning on her pallet; no sooner would the dildo in her pussy cease its infernal buzzing, than the one in her ass would start. Sometimes they’d both run together, occasionally powerfully enough to drive her to a climax; less frequently they’d both be quiet, and she’d drift off to sleep, only to be awakened what seemed like seconds later, as one or the other or both started vibrating again. In the morning, Tanj again attended to Jenka, as she got dressed, and prepared for the day’s activities. Thankfully, the nighttime chastity belt was replaced with the normal daytime one (admittedly with the two ben-wa balls, which at least were not tooo distracting....), and then she was off to another day of playing secretary to Jenka and to working with the planning team. The plan was coming together nicely; most starships ran on Antimatter as fuel (with only the very most advanced ones running mass conversion powerplants). However, Antimatter was dangerous stuff, and its production, and the refueling of starships was always highly risky. As such, Antimatter production facilities tended to be located in remote places, where an industrial accident wouldn’t kill billions. The closest Antimatter production facility to Elysium was in the Archemedies system, an otherwise uninhabited and useless place, and that was the target for the combined pirate groups......... As Tanj worked with the planning team, she and Jack continued to tease each other, much to the amusement of the other team members. It was late in the day when the door opened and Cain strode in. Jack immediately stiffened; he and his boss did not get along very well.... in fact, Tanj got the feeling that few of the pirates got along well with Cain; but through a series of brilliant tactical moves and ruthless combat abilities, Cain had risen to become one of Jenka’s chief lieutenants, the head of Operations. “Jenka’s going to be a bit busy tonight, going over maintenance reports with the Engineering group” Cain growled; “She’s graciously granted me the privilege of entertaining you tonight” Tanj thought that the latter statement was just dripping with sarcasm, and wondered just what Cain’s problem was..... Snapping a leash to Tanj’s collar, Cain grinned wickedly at the rest of the folks present and with a jerk, led Tanj towards his quarters. Once in Cain’s quarters, the big Hyena moved quickly, unlocking Tanj’s “chastity” belt, and stripping the corset from her. “I’m pleased that you’ve been pierced; it’ll make this evening’s little activity that much easier. Of course, you should have more labia piercings for this.... and I’ve got a pack of brand new fishhooks that would do so nicely, but I suppose Jenka would get mad....... I guess we’ll just have to make do with what you’ve got. You see, before we get on to other things, I thought I’d put you through a little slave’s refresher course. I think Jenka’s way to lax with her slaves. Soooooo.........” and with that he dragged Tanj by the hair over to a clear spot on the floor. Tanj’s eyes widened as she noticed what appeared to be a rather drastic looking dildo fastened to the floor; it was about 15” tall, with a knob at the head; while it narrowed considerably after the knob, from there, it slowly widened, until at the base it must have been 3” in diameter! As Tanj gazed at this device, Cain was busy lacing her arms into a sheath behind her; when he had it tight, Tanj’s elbows almost touching behind her back, he led her over to the monster protruding from the floor. Strong paws forced her down, into a kneeling position, and then down a bit further, the knob at the tip of the dildo pressing hard against her ass, until with a soft pop, it slid within her. As Cain fastened the ring on the end of the arm binder to the floor, Tanj realized that the dildo was coated with something; at first she thought it was lubricant, but now her ass was starting to burn _bad_! “Now for the rest of your little trial” Cain purrrrred; moving around in front of her, he showed her a silvery rod, about a foot long; there was a large metal ball on the rod at one end, perhaps 1 1/2” in diameter; below that a slightly smaller ball, and then a yet smaller ball, and then an even smaller ball, perhaps 1/2” in diameter. Below this, there was a square block of metal with little chains attached..... “Ever done Kegel exercises? Strengthening those muscles within your vagina? This is a variant on the standard “tool” used in those exercises; we’ll put the large ball within you, like this, and then slowly push it upwards........” Tanj felt the large ball enter her pussy, followed shortly by the other three, until the block of metal was flush against her labia. “I’m sure if you clench down with your muscles, you can hold that there; thats the point... to exercise those muscles. Of course, the smaller ball will be harder to hold, but if you slip, the next ball is a little larger and easier to hold, and so forth and so forth, until the last ball, the largest ball, is all thats within you; that should be the easiest to hold, but just to make sure, we’re going to attach these chains to your piercings. Lets see.... this one goes to your clitty ring, and these two to your labia rings, and these two to your nipple rings; let me adjust their lengths, wouldn’t want that last ball to fall out of your pussy; then you’d have no option but to take its full weight on your little rings....” Tanj moaned and clenched down hard with her vaginal muscles; she’d received quite a bit of training at the academy, but this promised to be grim. How long could she hold this heavy thing within her? if it slipped down far enough, the tension on her clitty, labia and nipples would be excruciating! And if she squatted down further to let the weight rest on the floor, she’d have driven an incredible length of very thick dildo into her ass, probably more than she could take without hurting herself! Cain grinned as Tanj’s face reflected the realization of her dilemma. “I’ll let you adjust to your new situation for a bit...” and with that he walked off, to pour himself a drink. Over the next hour or so, Cain sat in a chair across the room watching Tanj struggle. Several times, she felt the rod slip, one of the balls falling out of her pussy, until there was only the top two balls remaining within her. Her muscles were so sore, she was trembling, and her ass burned so bad, but she could see no way of escape. As she concentrated, trying to maintain her “grip”, she wondered if Jenka knew just what this guy liked to do? Tanj gasped as the second to last ball slipped from within her and the chains grew TIGHT! Any motion, even breathing, seemed to make that heavy rod sway, tugging on the various chains that secured it to her. With an immense effort, she struggled with her control, and actually managed to move the whole assembly back up within her, first by one ball, and then by two, leaving only the weight and the smallest ball dangling below her. Cain looked up from his PADD, and looked over at the clock; “thats _very_ good; you’re doing much better than any of the other slaves I’ve had in here; but lets see just how long you can last, eh?” Over the course of the next hour, Tanj had to try and move the rod back up into her several times; her muscles were weakening, and her control was fading fast, and she knew before long, she’d be suffering the anguish of the chains going tight. As she panted and moaned, struggling, Tanj wondered if she really could take enough of that dildo up her ass in order to relieve the stress on the chains; somehow, she thought, before the night was over, she’d find out...... Finally, after about two and a half hours, Tanj could no longer maintain her grip; with a soft moan, rising to almost a shriek, the second to the last ball escaped her grip, and the last, largest ball tried to part her labia, held in place only by the very tight chains. Moaning she tried hard to recapture them, to ease the tension, but finally she gave up; the only option now was down, down onto that massive shaft; as she slowly lowered herself, feeling her ass stretch wider and wider, she panted hard; OH, how it BURNED! Try as she might though, she could not force herself down far enough; the weight on the bottom of the shaft swinging, just clear of the floor. Her asshole seemed to be stretched further than it had ever been before and the knob on the end of the dildo seemed to be pressing against the back of her throat; mewling she hung there, too tired to lift herself back up, unable to go further down. Tanj’s attention was shifted from her misery by Cain rising to his feet. Smoothly he dropped his pants, freeing his erection. Tanj’s gaze followed the bobbing, swaying head of his cock as he walked over to her; wordlessly he took her head in both paws and without preamble, drove his cock hard into her mouth. Distracted as she was, Tanj managed to make at least a credible effort to suck off the Hyena; although later she realized it probably wouldn’t have mattered; he hadn’t seemed to be interested in getting a blowjob as he had been in roughly fucking her face. When at last, he finally came, spurting his cum all over her face and chest, he proceeded to wipe his cock off on her hair, and then turned to get himself another drink, leaving Tanj to her torment. Tanj thought it must have been another half hour before he finally released her; it had become hard to tell the passage of time.... As he lifted her off the dildo, the device in her pussy still hanging by its chains; he proceeded to shove her down on her tummy, to move behind her and drive his once more hard cock into her vastly distended ass. Again, he fucked her roughly, crudely, withdrawing only to pump his load over her back. After he regained his breath, he cursorily undid the chains, and with a hand on Tanj’s collar, dragged her to her feet to shove her out the door, not bothering to remove the arm binder. Tanj found that she was having difficulty standing, but somehow made it back to Jenka’s quarters. Jenka had not yet returned, so Tanj crawled down the passage to her kennel, seeking only to collapse on her pallet. Jenka must have come in late at night, as Tanj never heard her return, and it was late in the morning before Jenka roused her. Tanj was still moving stiffly when she inch-wormed out of the tunnel from her kennel, drawing a curious look from Jenka; “Lord, you look a wreck; what _happened_ last night?” Tanj knelt at Jenka’s feet as Jenka unlaced the armbinder, and in a quiet voice, her eyes averted, proceeded to relate the story. By the time she was done, Jenka was fuming; “That _BASTARD_! This time he’s gone TOO far! First thing, we’re going to get you down to medical and see if he’s done any permanent damage. THEN I’m going to have a word with him......” Jenka left Tanj in the ship’s small infirmary, where the MedTech that passed for a doctor did his best to examine her. It was about an hour later that Jack came to fetch her, walking slowly with her back to the Operations office. “Apparently Cain’s got the Captain’s ire up; what _happened_ last night? The whole fleet’s abuzz over it!” Tanj just mumbled a shortened, cleaned up version, not really wanting to go into it again. Jack sighed; “Cain thinks himself the great stud, and has always been fuming that Jenka doesn’t take him into her bed; I think he sees that as the ultimate insult. He probably struck back at her through you.” Tanj laughed weakly; “yeah, lucky me.....” It was later that shift that Tanj was called to the bridge; as she knelt by Jenka’s chair, Jenka rose and looked down at her; “I’m going to tell you this in front of everyone, so that its perfectly clear to all parties. From now on you are NOT to let Cain touch you; anyone else who wishes to make use of you, they have to clear it through me, but above all else, you are NOT to let him touch you. Is this clear? Tanj just nodded, watching from the corner of her eyes, as the bridge crew took in the little scene. Over the next several weeks, Tanj worked with the planning team, refining the plan. The idea was for the Brethren , with some assistance from the Black Fleet, to attack one of the convoys that periodically took the Antimatter fuel to the refueling depot at the edges of the Elysium system. This was the main refueling depot for the sector, one of the reasons Elysium enjoyed such a favorable trade position. The convoy was always heavily defended, as it was such a tempting target; the convoy’s cargo was literally worth a King’s ransom. The plan was more ambitious than just attacking the convoy, however; the idea was to attack the convoy at just the right point, where they were still within a close enough range that the defenses assigned to the antimatter production station might charge off to help drive off the attackers. Once the defenders were drawn off, the real attack would begin. The Lion had come up with the approach and docking codes for the station, and Jenka’s mission was to use the confusion to dock with the station and land a boarding party. If they could capture the station, they could not only make off with the Antimatter reserves for the entire sector, but also destroy the station, crippling the Elysium space forces! Fuel would have to be brought in from a great distance, at great expense, further tying up what resources the Elysium military had. It was thought that the hunting for the pirates would be better than ever! The trick would be to overwhelm the station’s defenses without destroying them; if the pirates were beaten back from the convoy, the convoy’s escort would rather quickly return to the station. If everything didn’t run just perfectly, it would be a major disaster, instead of a lucrative victory. Cain looked up from the display; “this is the worst plan I’ve ever seen! Its just begging for failure! What happens if the production facility’s guard ships don’t go to the rescue of the convoy? What happens if the internal defenses of the facility are too much for us? WHAT HAPPENS IF WE MANAGE TO BREACH AN ANTIMATTER CONTAINMENT FIELD? And destroying the facility? Thats ludicrous! Nothing is more certain to draw the attention of the Empire! Good Lord, we could have an Imperial Fleet in here searching for us!” Jenka smiled from her seat at the head of the table; “I happen to think its worth the risk; with a haul like that, should we succeed, we could flee an Imperial fleet. We would all literally be set for life.” Cain looked askance at Jenka; “this isn’t about finances is it? You’re just doing this to help that mangy lion that runs the Brethren, helping him in his quest to “battle injustice” on Elysium. Isn’t it? Well, I think you’ve lost it. Slavery is not illegal in the Empire. If Elysium permits it, who are we to argue? We certainly make enough money off of it! Besides”, he said with a leer, “you’re certainly not above keeping a slave to play with.....” Jenka’s face went stern, but before she could comment, Cain continued; “_I_ think we should outwardly agree to this plan, and sucker the Brethren in; Elysium has put a very nice little bounty on their heads, and if we were to hand them over, to sell them out, we’d make a nice _safe_ profit, AND remove the local competition!” Jenka growled and rose to her feet, leaning on the table, staring straight at Cain; “we will NOT sell anyone out! I gave my word, and I’ll keep it! We will proceed with this plan; if you find it too risky, or too distasteful, I’ll personally buy out your shares in the Black Fleet, and see you on the first shuttle out! Cain rose to growl in Jenka’s face; “I think you’re going to get us all killed!” and with that, he turned and stormed out. Jenka watched him go and then quietly took her seat, moving with feline grace; acting unruffled, as if the outburst had never occurred, she turned to the furr on her left; “Ellen, what resources will we need from logistics to execute the plan as it currently stands?.........” It was much later that night. Jenka quietly slipped into a dark and unoccupied office, settling into a dark corner. Minutes later, another form entered, pausing just inside after closing the door; “Captain?” “I’m here..... I have a small task for you. I think Cain is beginning to get a little big for his britches. I want you to organize surveillance on him. I want to know what he’s up to behind the scenes. I suspect he’s going to use the upcoming operation to try and usurp command, and I don’t want that to happen.” “Yes Ma’am, I’ll take care of it!” With that the shadowy form left, followed shortly thereafter by Jenka. In the dark recesses of Engineering, a similar scene played itself out. “I tell you, Cain, you should just kill her and take over. Right there on the bridge. Once she’s dead, they’ll all follow you; they _know_ how good you are....” Cain grinned at the hulking bear-morph; “Lenny, you’re right, I should, but I’m concerned that she might have assassins waiting to avenge any such death; no matter. There will be so many opportunities in the upcoming operation to dispose of her, and make it look like her own plan went awry.... and that would only reinforce my credibility. I’ll wait patiently, and when this operation has come to its ultimate conclusion, the Black Fleet will be mine!” Lenny leered; “and so will that sexy little pet Jenka’s been flaunting about; have to admit I wouldn’t mind ripping off a piece ‘o that!” Tanj shifted a little uneasily at her work station; the previous night, Jenka had been busy with something, and had lent Tanj out to one of her senior ship captains, on board the command ship for a briefing. While he’d been nice enough to her, and pleasant to be with, well, being a Minotaur, he’d been incredibly well hung. And of course, given that, he just _had_ to have a penchant for anal sex. Maybe Cain’s little “training” hadn’t gone completely to waste....... Tanj grinned and thought that Jenka would love watching last night’s video..... As she shifted yet again, wishing she could stand at this console, Tanj sorted through the recent message traffic. They’d been sending and receiving a lot of coded tight-beam stuff to the Brethren, as they attempted to coordinate all the details, and Tanj was making sure that every message had a proper “receipt”. As she scanned the list of transmissions, she became increasingly uneasy. “There are a LOT of messages here” she thought to herself; “If even a tenth of one percent is intercepted, the Elysium military is going to wonder whats going on. And if they can break the code on even one message, we’re sunk. Or worse, what if they have an agent amongst us?” She sighed, as she waded through all the transmissions made by the fleet. “Hmmmmm, I see Cain is using a stock broker on New Hong Kong. Interesting; the text is encrypted. Guess he doesn’t want anyone to know what hot stock tips he’s got......” she thought to herself. A short while later she found another message from Cain, to his stock broker, and then a while later a third. Curiously, there had been no incoming message, no reply from the Broker...... Tanj flagged these messages, meaning to talk to the head of the intelligence section, but was interrupted when her old crewmate, Samantha, entered the Operations center. Tanj couldn’t help it, she had to give her old friend another enthusiastic hug. When Samantha had recovered she grinned at Tanj; “Jenka’s going to be busy tonight as well, so I got her to release you into my care” Tanj took a step back and blinked; “uh, sure Sam, but, ah, well, I didn’t think you were bent that way.........” Samantha just laughed; “Oh, I’m not, but I figured you needed a “night off” and figured this was the best way to get you one.” And with that, Samantha led the surprised Tanj off, hand in hand. The first stop was the lounge, where Samantha ordered them both drinks, followed by a sumptuous dinner. Tanj was surprised that Sam had even remembered what she liked to drink. While waiting for their meal, they swapped stories about what had happened to them, where they’d been and what they’d seen. As they talked, Tanj found it bizarre to actually be sitting at a table like a normal person; it’d been sooo long since she’d had an evening like this.... When the meal finally came, Tanj had a hard time not drooling, and of course the look on her face prompted Sam to inquire, which led Tanj to relate some of the culinary “disasters” that she’d been faced with at the “academy”, or at the hands of various “masters”. “So this Lion fed you OK?” Sam smiled; “Oh yes” Tanj mumbled between mouthfulls; “the food was kinda simple, but good. Everyone took turns cooking. Even me. Even _him_!” Sam chuckled; “the way you talk about him, I think you like him....” That brought Tanj up short, fork half way to her mouth; “Ah........ well...... thats not normally the kinda thing someone in my position thinks about, but yes, I guess I do; respect him, at any rate....” Sam just smiled. After dinner they returned to Jenka’s quarters; that, after all, was where the hidden video system was, and Tanj fully intended to give Jenka hours of video of the two old friends just reminiscing! Sam however had other ideas and insisted that Tanj go soak in the tub while she played with the elaborate entertainment center. How could Tanj resist? She was chin deep in the steaming hot water, just starting to unwind, when General Quarters sounded. No plan survives contact with the enemy; the fuel convoy had left the production facility early, and the Brethren, with Black Fleet auxiliaries were moving to intercept. Tanj dashed in to Ops, still dripping; while they’d all seen her nude before, nude and wet drew some stifled chuckles and a dark look from Jenka. They listened to the FTL transceiver as the Brethren started their attack: “Chase, see if you and your section can split off those destroyers from the convoy.” “Roger that, Boss.” “This is Crapgame; we’re taking a lot of fire from that cruiser; anyone help us out?” “Roger Crapgame, this is Stalker squadron; we’re inbound, keep an eye out for us” “This is Echo 3, I’m hit, I’m hit.........” “Bravo group to command; we show another six large bogies coming in from 273 mark 121. They’re getting reinforcements, but not from the Archemedes facility!” “Stalker to command; I got the Archemedes squadron coming in from 083 mark 17! Its a TRAP! They got us boxed!” “Command group to all units; execute Plan Delta Four immediately; I say again, Execute Delta Four!” “This is Bravo 7; somebody get that guy off my a.............” Tanj listened in horror as the tide seemed to swing against the Brethren, the running commentary speaking of raider ships being destroyed, and the capital ships taking a beating. Jenka looked up at Cain; “we can’t help them; launch our attack on the Archemedes station.” Cain opened his mouth, obviously about to object, but Jenka stared him down; “_NOW_ Mister!”. As the ship headed towards its target, Jenka took Tanj down to the armory; “we’re both going out in the landing party. I hate to do this, but I want you to keep an eye on Cain’s assault group. Tanj drew the standard issue Black Fleet uniform of body armor, Comm helmet and assorted weapons, finding it passing strange for someone in her situation. “These weapons may not be the most powerful in inventory” the armorer explained, “but with luck, they’re powerful enough to stop the opposition without doing major damage to the station, and especially the antimatter containment fields. Tanj fingered the dagger they’d given her and sighed.... By the time she was “dressed”, and she and Jenka had moved to the airlock, the ship was completing its docking maneuvers. Jenka purrrred as she heard the docking clamps latch; “I guess that code your Master obtained was good; looks like we’re in.......” Just as the inner lock swung open, Cain and his party arrived. “Cain, I’m sending Tanj with you as an observer; she’ll make sure we stay coordinated. Cain stared at Jenka for a moment, his face blank, and then with a smile, he turned to Tanj; “it would be my _Pleasure_ to entertain the lady again......” Tanj shivered within her armor, not liking his tone one bit..... Then the outer airlock door cycled open and everyone was off, the pirates literally running over the junior officer coming to ascertain their needs. The teams split almost immediately, Jenka’s team heading for the command center, and Cain’s team heading for the fuel storage area. They hadn’t gone too far when the alarms started sounding......... As they fought their way towards the fuel storage area, Tanj stayed close behind Cain. He really was good at his work, forming fire teams to take out defensive posts, stepping in personally as guards came at them singly or in pairs, a short sword flashing, spattering blood here and there. Tanj’s Comm helmet let her keep in touch with Jenka’s progress, and she was distressed to hear that they were making slow headway against very stiff resistance. Cain’s abilities brought them to the fuel storage area, only slightly behind schedule, where the remaining guards surrendered immediately, not wanting to risk a stray bolt or bullet breaching a containment field. It was then that Tanj’s Comm helmet reported that Jenka’s team was in danger; apparently they’d been pinned down at a cross- corridor, and were stuck. Cain literally purrrrred; “well good for her; just what the Bitch deserves. OK, Lenny, get your crew moving; I want as much of this fuel transferred to the command ship as possible, but I want to be out of here in 20 minutes; LETS MOVE!” Tanj looked at Cain; “aren’t you going to send someone to help her? If she doesn’t deactivate the defenses, the command ship will never escape; they’ll destroy us as soon as we’re at a safe distance” Cain turned to look at Tanj appraisingly; “All that and brains too... but you’re right; besides, those idiots might not kill her as they’re supposed to; I guess I’d better go see to that myself and THEN we’ll take the command center”. Tanj took a step back, fumbling for her sidearm; “I will NOT let you hurt her!” Cain just laughed as Lenny’s arms encircled Tanj, pinning her arms at her side; “Like a slave would have any say in any of this?” Tanj growled and brought one foot down hard on Lenny’s right foot; she could feel the big ursoid tense as the pain coursed through him, but he didn’t let go, so Tanj scissored both legs up, and then back, with all her might trying to bring them up behind her into his crotch. She missed; he was holding her too low against himself, but he did flinch, and that was all Tanj needed to worm free. Cain turned with a growl; “you really are becoming much too much trouble, Tanj, but I can put an end to that.....” And having said so, he raised his bloody sword and stepped forward. Tanj’s sidearm was just clearing its holster, but she knew she’d never be quick enough, even as she tried to backpedal away from the Hyena. Just as Cain’s eyes reflected his impending triumph, a spear of ruby light lanced out, punching straight into his back, his armor ablating, and then the beam tore through his chest, to punch a pinhole through his frontal armor. Cain staggered and turned, and the beam flicked out again, to catch him in his unarmored throat. Dropping the sword, Cain clawed at his throat, the tissues coagulated and cooked, his neck sliced half in two, as he sank to his knees, and then fell forward onto his face, his body twitching. Tanj’s sidearm cleared its holster and she whirled to face Lenny; however the big bear-morph was backing away, paws widespread. Looking back over her shoulder, Tanj saw Samantha Pettigrew emerge from a dark shadow, a laser rifle cradled in her hands. “I thought he might be up to something like this. I’m kinda sorry I was right, but I’m not surprised.” Looking over at Tanj, Samantha nodded; “I’ll handle things here; we do need to get this stuff loaded and I think I can convince Cain’s roughnecks to, ah, “carry on without him”; you go check in with the Captain.” Tanj nodded, and then looked around; “can I take some of these guys to help reinforce her? It sounded like she was in trouble.” Sam just smiled; “Oh, she’s OK; that was just a bit of theater to see what Cain here would do. They took the command center about, um, twelve minutes ago.” Tanj just sighed and shook her head, and took off down the corridor, seeking her mistress. As she ran, she thought wryly to herself; “That was brilliant; Jenka sent me with Cain, so Cain would think I was the one watching him. They never thought to look for someone else watching……” Tanj found Jenka comfortably seated in the station’s command center. A small army of technicians were working furiously to bypass the station’s main computer to allow them access to the station’s defenses, on the premise that would be faster than trying to hack the command codes. “Cain’s dead. He heard about your “problems” taking this place and decided it would be a good opportunity to shoot you in the back, in the heat of combat. Samantha killed him. She’s down there overseeing the fuel transfer.” Jenka just nodded; “You might want to listen to how the attack on the fuel convoy is going” Tanj’s eyes widened; “they’re still at it? The way it sounded earlier I thought they’d have fled by now!” Jenka just grinned and handed her a headset; “Nope; your Master is keeping them busy, buying us time........” The commander of the Elysium military forces guarding the fuel convoy was getting very frustrated; he’d destroyed, or forced off all of the smaller pirate vessels, the so-called “raider” ships, but the larger pirate vessels just wouldn’t break off. They had developed some sort of pack-hunting tactic where a number of ships would attack the convoy and as his forces redeployed to face the threat, a ship with a cloaking device would decloak immediately behind one of his ships, to hammer it, until he could bring others to their aid. Who would _ever_ have thought that the pirates could obtain technology like that! Even _HE_ couldn’t get cloaking technology for his ships! While the pirates were not making any progress towards capturing any of the fuel tankers, His forces were slowly being chewed to pieces. As the cycle started itself once again, he sighed and signaled his Comm officer; “send a message to headquarters; tell them that we’re hard pressed, that the ambush did not go quite as planned and that despite fearsome losses the pirates are still attacking. Request reinforcements.” The Comm officer nodded, wide-eyed, knowing this would not be well-received back home, but turned to his task with vigor as that damn pirate ship uncloaked directly behind the convoy’s flagship, to start firing weapons at them. “Echo leader to command; we’re headed in again; this time we’re going after the lead escort; we’ll draw them off ahead of the convoy” “Roger that, Echo Leader, we’ll come in behind the tail-most ship; keep up the pressure!” “Echo three to Echo leader; that last torpedo got through our antimissile defenses. Shields are down to 17%, and we’ve lost power to weapons; we’re gonna have to withdraw.” “Echo Leader to Echo Three; Go ahead, but don’t leave their sensor envelope; not yet. We want them to think they’re being swarmed. Do what damage control you can and stand by.” “Echo Three; roger that.” “Brethren Command from Black Fleet Command; we have the station; repeat we have the station. Fuel transfer in progress. We’ll set our charges and be out of here in twenty; repeat, out of here in twenty” “Good work, Jenka; but there’s no hurry; we’re going to keep after these guys for a while; got something else in the works.” Jenka turned to look at Tanj, one eyebrow raised; Tanj just looked back and shrugged, not having any idea at all what her Master was talking about. Samantha strode into the command center; “we’ve stuffed our ship to the gills; every bit of Antimatter that we can take has been transferred. I’ve got demo experts setting charges now that should vaporize this place. All the prisoners have been transferred and we’re just about ready to go.” Jenka smiled and nodded; “Good work, Sam, and thanks! Rising, she signaled to the others to start the evacuation. Tanj thought it curious that after all the hard work the techs had put in trying to prepare for a counterattack, they left as if delighted that their handiwork wouldn’t have to be put to the test........ The manager of the Sirroca Province financial exchange couldn’t believe his eyes. He stood with paws raised, amongst a throng of his workers as pirates ravaged his office! Never before had pirates been so bold as to raid the surface of Elysium. Where were the Militia? How could they leave so important an institution undefended? He watched, aghast as the pirates accessed the terminals, seeming to know all the passwords, or at least enough to gain access to the system. Helpless, he watched as funds were irretrievably transferred, stocks and bonds sold, or their ownership changed, and worse, far worse, the entire record of the last year’s fiscal transactions downloaded! Now those ruffians would know the intimate financial dealings of every major corporation, or notable personage on the entire planet, if not the whole sector! That information alone would be worth billions of credits! “Mayday! Mayday! This is the Elysium Militia Cruiser Vindicator. We have taken a torpedo amidships and are breaking up! Life support is failing; shields are down... Mayd........” The commander of the Fuel convoy listened in horror as one of his major assets was destroyed by those blasted pirates! The reinforcements from Elysium were still minutes away, and while he had been making great strides at eliminating his attackers, they’d been having almost as much success destroying his command. A cry from one of his bridge officers brought his attention back as yet another hit-and-run attack commenced, this time on the trailing edge of the convoy...... The Lion grinned as he watched the Elysium reinforcements draw near; just as he’d hoped. “OK, Ben, lets have everyone start falling back towards the distant side of the convoy; lets make it look like we’re running.” Ben nodded and grinned “Ready to launch our babies?” The lion looked thoughtful for a moment; “No, lets wait a bit; don’t want to tip our hand too soon.......” The reinforcements from Elysium charged through the convoy formation, like the Cavalry to the rescue, the pirates fleeing before them, scattering. Just as they were closing to weapons range, the formation’s commander got a rude shock as every single pirate ship still on his scanners cloaked! With a growl, he ordered his ships to reform and to join up with the convoy. They had almost closed the gap when his sensor officer gave a yelp of alarm; “SIR! We show twelve small objects decloaking! They appear to be torpedoes, headed for the Fuel Tankers! Without a second thought, the commander ordered his ships to reverse course and to flee! Yes, they might have stopped many of those torpedoes had they stayed, but if even one got through, the resulting explosion would destroy his entire command! The commander of the convoy watched in horror as his rescuers abandoned him; ordering his ships to target the torpedoes he settled back in his command chair, knowing it would be too little, too late. His magnificently planned ambush had turned into a deadly trap. As the torpedoes approached, first one, and then three flared, incinerated by the energy weapons or antimissile missiles of the defenders, A fifth one flared just kilometers short of its target, and then the others struck home. The third tanker in line vanished in a cataclysmic explosion, and no one would ever know if the other tankers were struck or simply went up with a sympathetic detonation........ Jenka purrrred as the Archemedes fuel station vanished in a blinding light that a fraction of a second later destroyed the probe they’d left behind. Tanj didn’t notice; she was sitting by the Comm console, listening intently to the message traffic as the Brethren pulled back from the attack on the convoy. She looked up as Jenka padded over to her; “whats happening, little one?” Tanj shrugged; “I’m not sure; it sounds as if the Brethren continued to assault the convoy for way after they had any chance of capturing any of the tankers. Elysium launched a second force, but just as they were arriving at the location of the convoy something happened. The rescuers fled, and the convoy appears to have been destroyed. Something about cloaked torpedoes fired at the tankers........” Jenka Hmmmmmmed; “the cost to cloak a ship is incredible; to cloak a torpedo would not be cost effective. Unless you had one hell of an ulterior motive......” Tanj just shrugged; “now all I’m getting is maydays and damage reports from the rescue force; they seem to have taken heavy damage from the exploding convoy.....” That evening Tanj spent the night in Jenka’s bed; they were both understandably exhausted, and it was fairly late the next “morning” when Tanj awakened her mistress, using just her tongue, licking gently at that sweet spot between her big toes........ It seems victory in battle was a powerful aphrodisiac for Jenka, and much to Tanj’s surprise, Jenka turned and “pounced” her, with the pair winding up in the classic “69”, with Tanj, of course, on the bottom. Purrrrring, Tanj licked up into Jenka’s pussy, her paws reaching down along her body to play with her mistress’ hanging breasts. Concentrating on her clitty, Tanj sucked and licked and nibbled until she felt Jenka stiffening, foretelling an impending climax, and then with a grin, she shifted her attention, to slither her tongue deep into her velvet passage, its tip wriggling softly, stroking and teasing, and yet not teasing enough to bring her to a climax. Alternating between her pussy and her clitty, Tanj did her very best (despite Jenka’s most excellent efforts to distract her) to simply hold Jenka on the very edge, until she felt her own passions soaring; timing it just right she flicked Jenka’s clitty rapidly with her tonguetip, managing to send her into the arms of her climax within moments of Tanj’s own. It must have been at least three more “mutual” climaxes before Jenka would let her up; then it was off to attend to Jenka’s bath, and wardrobe, and then Jenka led the still nude Tanj by a leash off to the day’s business. “At least I’m not wearing that damn corset” Tanj thought to herself. Jenka spent the day busy with concerns for the wounded pirates, busy with the efforts to correctly stow and secure the massive amounts of Antimatter they’d stolen, busy with the thousand and one logistical details that follow any such operation. Tanj played secretary as best she could, kneeling at Jenka’s feet, or following her around from this department to the next. It was towards the end of the day when they stopped by Operations. Things there were fairly quiet; they’d checked in with their surviving ships, the ones that had participated on the abortive raid on the fuel convoy. Losses had been heavy; heavier than expected, and they were going to have to work hard to rebuild their forces. “Jack, I guess you understand what Cain’s death means” Jenka purrrred. The wolf looked up; “Aside from the obvious security concerns of his followers wanting revenge?” Jenka smiled and nodded; “Oh, that I think we can handle; many of those types are such that they’ll follow the furr they perceive as the strongest leader, and with his death that leaves them with me. Others, I think we can identify, and weed out, hopefully quietly and without violence. But beyond that, I seem to be in the market for a new Chief of Operations. Any recommendations?” Tanj smiled as she watched; it was obvious that he wanted the position himself, but was having Tanj just saying so. “Weeeeeeel, lets see; Samantha obviously would be a good choice, as would Davis......... but on the other hand, I’ve been Cain’s assistant for a good number of years.......” Jenka smiled; “you’re right; Samantha would be a good choice, but I think I’ll give it to you instead, at least for the time being. Lets see what you can do with it.” With a grin, Jenka handed Jack the end of Tanj’s lead; “here, why don’t you go celebrate. I think this place can take care of itself for a while....” Tanj purrrrrred softly as she watched the sway of Jack’s hips as he led her towards his quarters. “I think I’m going to have fun tonight” she thought to herself. No sooner were they inside the door to Jack’s modest quarters, when he turned to unclip the leash; not giving him time to react, Tanj threw her arms around his neck and kissed him hotly. As his arms went around her waist, pulling her close, Tanj could feel that he was already hard, his cock pressing into her tummy through the fabric of his pants. Breaking the kiss, Tanj fell to her knees to work on the opening to his pants, and a moment later they were in a pile around his ankles, her mouth fastened around the head of his cock. He moaned and caressed her head as she vigorously sucked him off, her head bobbing back and forth rapidly, his hard shaft slipping between her lips, her tongue dancing over its length. As she expected, he came after only a few minutes, his cock spurting an amazing amount of cum onto the back of her tongue. Licking him clean; she looked up at his face; “Oooooo, you’ve been saving that up for a long time, haven’t you?” He just grinned and pulled her to her feet, to kiss her again, a softer kiss, sensual, and languid. Tanj melted into his arms, holding herself tight against his muscular body. It wasn’t long before he was hard again, and Tanj maneuvered him back until he fell backwards onto his bed; pursuing, Tanj took a stance crouched over his hips. Holding his cock with both paws she slowly dragged its head back and forth along her furrow, until it glistened with her moisture. Then, holding it juuuuust so, she sank down onto his shaft with a heartfelt sigh. She held still for a moment, just gazing down at him; he crossed his arms behind his head and gazed back, as if wondering what she’d do next. Tanj purrrrred and started to exercise her vaginal muscles, tightening and releasing, tightening and releasing, squeezing his cock. Jack ooooooohed, a delighted grin on his face. Tanj then varied her rhythmic contractions, to ripple her muscles along the length of his shaft, milking him, moving as if to draw his cock further up into her pussy, were that possible. Jack ooooooohed again and moved his paws to caress Tanj’s breasts; “thats _very_ good; how’d you learn to do that?” Tanj just chuckled and started to move, bending at her knees, rising and falling just a little on his cock; “Oh, I’ve had some good teachers.....” Jack moaned in agreement, his hands gently squeezing her breasts. Tanj giggled and rolled her hips, almost asif doing the hula, making his cock vary the angle at which it entered her; she mewled herself, from the sensations that gave her, and started to ride his cock a little faster. By this point, he was moving too, raising his hips, trying to meet her motions. Before long, Tanj was panting, riding his cock as hard as she could, and he was howling, just seconds away from release. Unlike her approach with Jenka, Tanj had no intentions to tease Jack; this was supposed to be his “reward” and she intended to give him as many orgasms as she could squeeze out of his body. As she felt his cock start to spurt, filling her pussy with what cum he had left, Tanj giggled and wondered if Jenka was videotaping this one as well? Tanj spent the night fucking Jack in as many ways as she knew how; standing; doggie style, with her bent double, her feet over her head, and so forth; every time she could stroke his cock back to hardness she was off. Towards morning he developed the most incredible staying power, as if she could get his cock hard, but he’d run out of orgasms...... not that Tanj minded, as she was getting about three or four climaxes to each of his orgasms at that point. Finally Jack tore the sheets of his bed into strips, to tie Tanj up tight, to stop her relentless pursuit of his cock. She was delivered to Jenka in this manner, the next morning, both Jack laughing and Tanj giggling uncontrollably over it as she was carried back to her mistress. The rendezvous was carried out in interstellar space, far from prying eyes. Tanj returned to the Lion as she’d left, naked and at the end of Jenka’s leash. The lion gave her a long hot kiss, and then swatted her on the can, telling her to get her ass down to Intelligence, that there were some matters that required her immediate attention. As she strode off, the leash dangling limply between her breasts, a glance back showed Jenka and the Lion moving towards the lounge, arm in arm, talking amiably. Tanj was buried in intercept reports, trying to analyze just what was left of the Elysium military, when Zassa interrupted her with a kiss. Tanj turned, and blinked and then hugged Zassa tight; “Hello, Dear; Lord, its good to see you again!” Zassa grinned; “you going to work all night? You’re going to miss the celebration!” Tanj blinked; “what celebration......” Zassa grinned and leaned past her to scroll down, way down, on her e-mail list; there near the bottom was a message announcing a celebration in the Cafeteria, at 2000 hours. Tanj glanced at the time display in the corner of the screen; 2137 hrs. Turning back to Zassa, Tanj found the vixen wagging a finger in her face; “naughty naughty; they’re not pleased with you at all! Better get your cute ass down there! Come on!” Tanj followed Zassa as the vixen literally ran towards the cafeteria, all the while wishing she could just go get a nice hot bath and someone’s comfortable bed. As they neared the cafeteria, the sounds of raucous celebration were heard; Zassa made it about two steps through the doorway, before someone grabbed her to kiss her hard, and Tanj slowed to watch. The way Zassa kissed back, she either knew (and liked) the furr that had grabbed her, or was just in the mood. Definitely in the mood. As she grinned, watching Zassa, she felt arms go around her waist from behind; turning she found Slasher grinning at her, and before she knew it she too was heavily involved in a kiss. Reggie was next and she hugged him hard as she kissed him. Then someone handed her a drink and as the crowd shifted, she was swept away from them. She tried wading through the crowd, looking for Zassa, or Hinoki, or her Master, or even Jenka, but the press of furrs was too thick. It wasn’t until someone grabbed her and hoisted her up to plant a loud kiss in her navel that she spotted the characteristic black of Jenka’s fur across the crowded room. Tanj purrrred and squirmed, grinding her hips against his chest, to the hoots and catcalls of his friends; as he lowered her, she kissed him hard and dashed off into the crowd. On the way she ran across Hinoki; he was gagged, and on his knees by a fetching coyote fem dressed in a skintight translucent dress; “Oh, Hi Charlotte! What are you doing with Hinoki?” Charlotte blushed; “Ah, well, hope you don’t mind; while you were away, seems your pet here lost a small wager with me; we’re taking out his losses in, ah, “trade”......” Tanj laughed and kissed Charlotte, and then bent to kiss Hinoki on the top of his head; “No, not at all; as his debts are currently mine, I’m more than happy for him to work them off; but of course, I suppose I’ll have to punish him for betting foolishly in the first place, won’t I?” Charlotte beamed and nodded; “let me know if you need any help!” Tanj nodded and winked and dashed off to continue her search for her Master. Tanj found Jenka seated with the Lion, along with Ben, and Jack, and a few other of the senior officers. Tanj winked at Jenka and sashayed up to the Lion to give him a hot kiss, not surprised at all when he dragged her into his lap; “Jenka tells me you’ve been quite naughty!” Tanj did her best to give him her wide-eyed innocent look; “who, ME?” He grinned and nodded; “something about you having to be tied up, to keep you from pestering the staff....” Tanj’s eyes instantly darted to Jack, who blushed under his fur. “Ah, I see by your guilty look that it is indeed true! I also hear that you love to tease Jenka. I believe she mentioned that she had to threaten you in order to make you give her a climax?” Tanj just grinned and looked down; “Um, well........ ah.......” “Uh-huh. Thought so” the Lion grinned; “you realize of course that such behavior brings dishonor on me, and the Brethren, and that we’ll have to find a suitable punishment........ Tanj did her best to look horrified, and meek, as she nodded her head, but thought to herself; “as long as its from you, as long as I’m with you, I’ll gladly suffer whatever “indignities” you care to visit upon me....” The Lion grinned and nodded; “well, we’ll have to think of something special, something appropriate, but in the meantime, I think you need to dance for us.” And with that he lifted Tanj off his lap to set her on the floor next to his chair. Tanj thought furiously, reviewing all the dances she’d been taught..... After a moment she smiled and turned to face the gathering crowd, noting that they’d all quieted, turning to watch. Striding over to Emily, a lady mink she knew from accounting, she borrowed a long thin scarf Emily had been using as a belt. Placing the belt on the floor at a strategic spot, she turned, taking a wide, defiant stance, facing the Lion, watching him. She stared into his eyes, smiling, her paws pressed to the tops of her thighs, in front, a challenging and seductive look. Her tail lashed to some slow beat that only she could hear, and her hips began to sway gently. Her paws glided down, fingertips pushing through her soft fur, and then she dragged them back up, her fingertips framing her feminine treasures. Tanj purrrred as her fingers drifted up her sides, so that her palms defined and accentuated the roundness of her breasts. One foot moved in, slowly, to meet the other, and then softly slid behind her; spinning on the balls of her feet, she half turned, her tail a slender streamer as her bare backside swung into the Lion’s view. Tanj’s hips swayed with the sudden livening of the unheard beat, the muscular hemisphere’s of the cheetah’s buttocks rubbing together in provocative suggestion immediately carried out when her fingers glided around her hips, to follow the underside of their curves. Gently she squeezed the globes of her ass, as her head turned, her expression impish and teasing, to catch the Lion’s expression. Tanj purrrrrred, a deep rich sound as she beheld the look on his face. Tanj tossed her head back, the ends of her hair rubbing softly back and forth along the upper curves of her ass as her entire body rocked back and forth, fluid and bending like a willow branch, neck bending so that her head always followed the motion last. She thrust out her bottom, still sensuously massaging her firm cheeks, separating them as her hips sway with her body in time to the imaginary music. As she swayed, her tail rose, to reveal something, then snapping down to hide whatever it may have been.... Again she peeked at the Lion’s expression, and grinned wickedly. Bending over, Tanj snagged the length of silk from its place on the floor, pulling it upwards as her body sways. She kicked a foot off the ground, spinning her body around, her foot coming down to face the Lion, with her feet widespread, her body leaning forward. Sloooowly she pulled one paw up over her head, the other held low, the streamer of silk slithering up her body, between her breasts, deepening her cleavage, its lower reaches pretending to hide her sex from view. Tanj’s eyes were hungry, predatory, as she shifted from one bending leg to the other, fist holding that swishing piece of silk firmly in place over her sex as her other paw slid up her body, to cup a breast, its pink nipple pierced with silver standing proud. Tanj’s eyes closed and her expression grew dreamy as her paw, holding the bunched silk to her sex, sloooowly started massaging, stroking herself oblivious to the hungry eyes devouring her; she purrrred and started swaying again, the occasional tremor barely perceived as she swayed. After a moment, Tanj’s eyes opened and she grinned knowingly at the Lion, her paw lifting the silk to her muzzle, for her to deeply inhale the aroma of her own arousal. Her eyes became slits as they sought out the Lion’s eyes, as she wantonly licked at the damp silk...... With a sudden flash of movement, Tanj’s fist flew up, the silk streamering behind, and then just as sharply down behind her; with a grin, her other fist descended between her thighs, to catch the end of the silk, to whip it up between her thighs, the silk pulling tightly against her sex. Moving with increasing fury, the silk would fly up, and then down, and then be drawn up again between her thighs, the tension such that it would visibly part her sex, and then it would be flying up in the air again, the pattern to be repeated. The dance continued, until wordlessly, Tanj shuddered, the sensations of the flying silk too much for her to stand.......... Straightening, Tanj raised her muzzle to gaze into the Lion’s eyes, letting him drink her up with his lusty gaze....... As she caught her breath, Tanj’s paws slid up her sides, drawing eloquent circles about her breasts. Then, as she moved, the end of the silk looped around her neck, to be rapidly tied by her deft fingers in a half- hitch, making a leash of it. Clutching the silk between the twin peaks of her breasts, she looked about, searching in some purposeful and lusty fashion, her hips rocking gently to the tempo of the imaginary music, until her gaze finally settled on a tie-down, embedded in the floor near the Lion’s feet. Tanj purrrrred, stalking the ring of metal, eyeing it seductively; falling to her knees, she secured herself to the ring, the silk going taut between the floor and her neck as she leaned back. As her body tilted back, her hips rose and moved forward, until her moist sex pressed against the taut silk, rubbing it, stroking it, wetting it with her arousal. Tanj lay her head back, opening herself to the Lion’s view. Her breath quickened, her chest heaved, nipples stiff and prominent, their rings glittering, as her hips moved to a wanton, needful meter, as she ground her sensitive bits harder and harder against the taut silk in a definite rhythm that faltered more and more frequently. Suddenly she mewled and trembled, her body arched, her dripping sex pressed hard into the fabric, the intensity of her expressions poignant as the feelings exploded within her, rocking her to her very foundations, soon leaving her wilted and panting, held up only by the silk leash about her throat. The room was silent for a moment, and then exploded with cheers and applause; Tanj slowly bent forward, allowing the silk to fall loosely down her front, as she rose her eyes to that of the Lion. He smiled a knowing smile at her, and nodded slowly; “Jenka was right; you _are_ a major tease....... but in your dance I believed you’ve defined your punishment....” Tanj looked up at her Master, thinking; “Oh, crap, now what have I gotten myself into.....” “I think, little one, having aroused just about every living soul in both fleets, that you’ll stay tied to that eyebolt, as you’ve so conveniently done, until everyone you’ve aroused has had their way with you. Starting with me!” With that, the Lion gave Jenka a wink and rose, to drop his pants. Tanj’s eyes widened slightly at the size of his erection, and then she smiled; at least she’d had the desired effect on him....... The Lion moved around behind Tanj, forcing her onto hands and knees, to drive his cock into her dripping snatch with one powerful thrust. To the catcalls and cheers of the crowd, he proceeded to fuck her roughly, his claws twitching out to hold her hips as he bucked against her. For her part, Tanj just lowered her chest to the deck, head nestled on crossed arms, and delighted in the feel of her master’s cock within her. His pounding drove her to a quick and powerful climax; of course, afterwards, she couldn’t resist continuing the tease. She worked her vaginal muscles around his driving cock, caressing him unseen, milking him, until at last, with a roar, he jerked his cock from within her, to spray his seed over her back. As the Lion moved around to let her lick him clean, Tanj saw Jenka rise, to take the Lion’s place..... Jenka had stripped off her outfit, to don a harness holding a strap-on dildo, that if anything, was more fearsome than the Lion’s cock. Worse, she was carrying that damn corset, and before Tanj knew what was happening, strong hands from either side of her were drawing the strings TIGHT! Then Jenka got down to business, and given the size of thedildo, and the compression of her insides, it wasn’t long before the big Pantheress had driven Tanj to at least three screaming climaxes, the rubbing of the little rubber nubs inside the harness also making Jenka gasp and moan, much to the delight of the crowd. From there, Tanj lost count, with male after male taking her from behind, with the occasional male, or female presenting their sex to her muzzle to be licked...... It must have been around the beginning of the day shift when Zassa came to collect Tanj. Somewhere along the line she’d fallen asleep (or just passed out), literally in a puddle of cum. The last thing she remembered was being held in a bizarre posture, one furr driving his cock into her ass, another in her pussy, a third pushing her breasts together, his hard cock between them, a fourth in her mouth, and one cock in each hand...... Zassa had to help Tanj down to the Lion’s quarters, for the strangest reason she seemed to be having difficulty walking. Most of her fatigue fell away though, when they entered the Lion’s bedroom, to find him crouched by the side of the bed, his tongue buried deep in Jenka’s pussy. Tanj and Zassa watched for a moment as he took Jenka repeatedly to the brink of a climax, and then sat back, teasing in exactly the way Tanj had been reprimanded for...... After one such bout, with Jenka sprawled across his bed panting heavily, the Lion looked up at Tanj and just winked. Jenka, though, caught the motion, and tilted her head way back to look at Tanj; “Lord, child you’re a MESS!” Then Jenka giggled; You know, Tanj, the one thing we _didn’t_ do, while you were with the Black Fleet; for all the times you licked me to a marvelous climax, I never did get around to repaying you in kind. Come over here and let me lick at you, while your master exercises that marvelous tongue of his; I’m convinced that with practice he’ll get it right yet!” With that, Tanj padded (waddled) over to Jenka, as she squirmed around to dangle her head off the far side of the bed; as the Lion started licking again at Jenka’s pussy, Jenka’s tongue darted out to dance over Tanj’s clitty....... Zassa watched for a moment and then giggled; moving around the bed, she laid down on her back and scooted back to wedge her head between the Lion’s thighs. He moaned delightfully as Zassa’s tongue found his hard cock......... It must have been the next day, when they finally saw Jenka off at the airlock. Arrangements had been made for splitting the booty, and discussions had been held on future joint operations. During one of the pauses from the previous day’s floating orgy, Jenka had remarked on the operations on Elysium; the Lion just shrugged; “with all the messages flying back and forth, I anticipated that some of them would be intercepted; as a result, I had a contingency operation planned. I’d never dreamed that you’d have problems with your command structure like you did, Jenka, and I have to admit, its a situation I should consider here.........” Jenka nodded and then reached out to stroke some fur, and the train of conversation had been lost...... until now. “You take care of yourself, hairball, and keep an eye on Tanj too; if you ever get tired of her, you just let me know, I’ll make you an offer you won’t better anywhere else!” Tanj smiled and kissed Jenka goodbye. The Lion just smiled; “you take care too, watch who you choose to let close to you; the wrong fur can rip your heart out, if you know what I mean......” Jenka just smiled and then the lock was hissing closed, with Tanj pondering the meaning of her Master’s last statement....... This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. Tanj and these stories arecopyright Kittiara's player, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000. Kittiara can be found on Furrymuck; telnet 8888. Hinoki, Zassa, and Jenka copyright their players, also to be found on FurryMuck. Mark is copyright Ann’katar, also of FurryMuck. Comments, suggestions, or flames can be directed to ha_seng@hotmail.com.