Her nickname is "Tanj", and she's certainly living up to it. For her, it seems, “There Ain’t No Justice.” As a young engineer on a tramp space freighter, this Cheetah-morph found herself the victim of a scam, sold into slavery, and trained as a sex-slave. Sold to pirates, she finds herself as a pawn in a much larger struggle. This story contains bondage, non-consensual sex, and hopefully some humor, adventure and intrigue. Adults only, PLEASE! Tanj's Tale; Cloak and Dagger By Kittiara Stardate 2398.30 Tanj padded down the hall, lost in thought; she carried notes and presentation materials for her Master, following him a few steps behind. He had called a staff meeting to discuss a new problem that faced the Bretheren, but even with her position in the pirate group’s intellegence department, she still had no idea how he was going to handle the problem. He obviously had an idea, he certainly had enough notes and hand-out hard-copies, but he’d told Tanj nothing. The group gradually assembled, Ben from operations arriving a little early, talking with the lion in a corner as the others filed in. Tanj’s nominal boss, the elderly fox that ran the intelligence department, came in a few minutes late, and just sat at the end of the table, drinking coffee. When the lion and Ben finished, the lion called the meeting to order. “We have a new problem” He rumbled. “After the raid on the fueling station, we thought we could let things quiet down for a while, that we’d be able to rebuild our forces without significant interference. However, Senator Grant, one of two Imperial Senators Elysium sends to the Senate on Central, has been making wild accusations there, trying to drum up support for a permanent Imperial presence in the Elysium sector. She’s been calling the Imperial fleet cowards, fools and idiots for not having prevented the destruction of the fueling station, and as you can guess, she’s not making many friends among the fleet. However, there are those factions that are beginning to listen, perhaps if for no other reason than to use this as an excuse to shift fleet assets from their sector to this one. Obviously we need to remove Senator Grant from the Imperial Senate as soon as possible, to silence her.” The head of logistics looked up; “and what of the other Imperial Senator? Won’t that one demand something be done about the disappearance of his colleague?” The lion chuckled; “Senator Gurion is a bit more liberal minded and open to reform than Senator Grant is. In fact, we believe he might already have secret agreements with the burgeoning Rebel movement on Elysium. Of course, ever since Grant ruined his family over a decade ago, the two have been bitter, almost violent enemies…… There’s a very good chance that Gurion would celebrate Grant’s sudden disappearance. And an even better chance that he would not want to “Stir things up” in the Elysium sector until he’d secured whatever power he could, ESPECIALLY if he’s already in the rebel’s pocket.” “So how do we take out Senator Grant” the leader of the second wing asked. The lion grinned and gestured to Tanj’s boss. The old fox cleared his throat and rose to his feet; “We’ve discovered that Grant is back on Elysium to handle some, ah, “business”. She’ll be returning to Central a week from Tuesday on the Burgess Star. Unfortunately, she usually travels incognito. We have plans to intercept the liner near the Certes system, at which point we hope to “remove” the good Senator, along with any other notables on the passenger list. The ship will be ransacked, the other passengers robbed, all in true pirate fashion.” Ben nodded thoughtfully; “that system is fairly far into the Empire, a good ways from our normal operating area, but I suppose we can handle it, with some careful planning…… It will certainly be one of our boldest operations to date. But if she travels incognito, how will we know who to “kidnap? For that matter, these days, most important personages using public transportation travel incognito. They obviously hope that in the event of the ship being taken by pirates they’ll escape being held for ransom, a fact that continues to amaze me, as everyone knows their business insurance will pay for their ransom.” Ben paused for a moment, thinking, and then continued; “Since the team boarding the liner will only have a limited amount of time, they won’t be able to play twenty questions with the passengers trying to figure out who’s who. Doesn’t this pose a problem?” The lion grinned; “we hope to have all such important personages identified by the time we take the ship; you see, we’re putting a couple of agents on board the ship at the stop after Elysium. It’ll be their job to ferret out who’s who. And as to why so many travel incognito, maybe they have high deductibles; I don’t know.” The commander of the (remaining) capital ship squadron wondered aloud who they were going to send onto the liner to figure out this little piece of information, and even as she said it, Tanj felt most eyes turning her way. Looking up at the lion she saw him nod. “I hate to put Tanj in harms way again; her face is becoming all too well known, but she’s probably the best furr for the job. And obviously she can’t go alone. I’ve hired a free-lance, a specialist. This furr comes very highly recommended, and I certainly hope his fee reflects his qualifications. He’s highly skilled at defeating surveillance systems, planting bugs and ferreting information from computer systems. If it comes to that too, he’s also a skilled assassin. While Tanj will actually be in charge of the operation, her cover will be that of his slave. He’ll be a rich dilettante, heading for the casinos on Central.” Turning to Tanj, the lion’s face grew grim; “I’m counting on you to identify Senator Grant. I’d hate to have to destroy the ship, and kill everyone on board just to eliminate her, but I will if I have to…..” The meeting droned on for some time, as they worked out the logistics involved for a distant operation. It took comparatively little time for them to settle on a way to get Tanj and her partner to the Draison Station, where they’d board the Burgess Star. What happened after that, would be up to Tanj and her partner; a few suggestions were made, and some “tools” were specified, but largely it would be on their initiative. When the meeting was over, the lion led Tanj through the station to a guest room in the living quarters; he inclined his head to the door and said; “Your new partner is in there; for obvious reasons we’re keeping his presence here a bit of a secret. The fewer that know who he is, the better. Tanj nodded, and as the lion turned to walk away, she knocked on the door. A faint “enter” echoed from within and the door slid aside to permit Tanj to step into the room. The first thing Tanj saw as she entered was a rather large male Panther, standing a dozen feet inside the door, arms crossed. Before she could speak, he growled softly; “So you’re the slave at my “disposal” for this mission? Not too bad…… But if you’re to accomplish the tasks I want you to, you’ll have to do more than just look good. Lets see what you can do”. And with that, he stepped forward to wrap one large paw in her hair, to force her to her knees. Tanj was just about to object, to say that while she was playing his slave for this mission, she was the lion’s slave, and that he had put HER in charge of the mission. However before she could frame those words for speech, he had dropped his pants, and was using his grip on her hair to rub her muzzle against his crotch. Tanj struggled for a moment, his scent filling her nostrils, her cold nose rubbing against his shaft, but she found his grip tight, his arms powerful, and quite before she knew what was happening, she found the head of his cock in her mouth. It was difficult to fight her conditioning, to go against her training, and thinking that she’d straighten things out later, she started stroking his shaft with her tongue as he forced more and more of it into her throat. He roughly fucked her face for a while, and just when Tanj thought she was getting close to bringing him off, he yanked back on her hair, dragging his cock from her mouth. Without a word, he forced her lower, until her head and shoulders were almost on the floor; holding her there, he moved around behind her to forcefully stuff his cock, still dripping with her saliva, into her pussy. He purrrrrred with satisfaction as he found her quite wet. Still holding her hair, one paw on her shoulders to keep her down, he proceeded to take his pleasure, fucking her hard. Tanj, for her part, did her best to squeeze him with her “inner hand”, tightening her vaginal muscles around his shaft, and he seemed to like that, moving harder, and faster. Just as Tanj was about to climax, he leaned way over her, to fasten his fangs around the back of her neck, both paws going to squeeze her tits roughly. Tanj howled at the feel of his fangs on her neck, at the feel of his claws on her breasts, and bucked hard against him as her climax claimed her; this was obviously what he was looking for, because as Tanj moaned and shook, her vaginal muscles spasming around his cock, his orgasm shook him, his cock filling her with his hot cum. After a moment, he released her neck and straightened. Pulling out slowly, he once again dragged her around by the hair to present his slick cock to her muzzle. Knowing what he wanted, what he was demanding, Tanj licked him clean, even as she was catching her breath. When she was finished, he smiled and pulled her head up, to kiss her softly; “He was right, you ARE good; I think you might just do for what I’ve got in mind. Of course, you’ll have to be the sexiest and most alluring slave there ever was for this to work” Tanj blinked at him, and shook her head; “Now wait just a minute……… I’m supposed to be in charge of this mission! And for WHAT to work?” They argued until it was time to leave for the shuttle to Draison Station. They argued almost the whole flight, much to the amusement and then the annoyance of the flight crew. Tanj wasn’t about to admit that he was in charge, and he wasn’t about to admit that a slave could be in charge. They argued about their plans, their equipment, and their disguises. Tanj admitted to herself that this freelance named Tand certainly knew his business, and that he had some good ideas, but vowed never to give him the satisfaction of learning that. She did freely admit he was good in bed, but he acted as if this was no major revelation, that it should be obvious. They finally stopped arguing after they checked into their room on Draison Station. There they were met by the team of makeup artists the lion had arranged for. Tanj was led into one of the bedrooms by a lady squirrel, while her husband, a lepine, worked on Tand in the sitting room. The first thing the lady squirrel did was to strip Tanj of everything but her collar; she would have taken that off too, had there been a way short of a cutting torch. They decided that Tanj’s long hair was too nice to cut, and the squrrel pinned it up to work on the rest of her. Taking out a set of powered clippers, she proceeded to trim Tanj’s short fur into a very stylish cut. “I think you’d look good as an Ocelot” the squrrel chittered; “Although with your body shape a puma might work… but they’re rather plain. You’re too small to be a Leopard, and much too small to be a Tigress or a lioness……” Tanj nodded; “Lets go with the Ocelot, then” The lady squirrel smiled and nodded; “I’m glad you agree with Tand; he thought it would be perfect for you” Tanj stifled a growl. As she watched the lady squirrel slowly dye her fur to an even golden brown, Tanj thought; “Obviously these artists are at the top of their profession”. Before long, the squirrel had dyed in the distinctive black markings of an Ocelot. The last step was to dye Tanj’s platinum blonde hair a rich reddish brown that went well with her new fur color. Tanj looked at herself in the mirror and smiled; “I trust this is all waterproof?” The lady squirrel nodded; “Your fur will have to grow out for you to look like a cheetah again, and that should take some time.” She giggled; “Of course, you’ll look a little strange in the process……” Tanj found that Tand had been trimmed nicely and dyed to resemble a Leopard. Looking him over she felt that he looked almost perfect, certainly more than good enough to pass casual examination…… and even if someone thought he might not be a Leopard, well, everyone important traveled in disguise anyways…… The following day, the Burgess Star docked at the station. Before Tanj could dress for their “grand entrance”, Tand again grabbed her, taking her hard, fucking her roughly. When he’d finished, he refused to let Tanj clean up, permitting her only to brush her hair, and don her dress, insisting that anyone who looked at her would know she’d just been fucked, and that this would increase his aura of power, and her aura of sensuality. Tanj wasn’t so sure about that, but as she pulled on her dress, she was sure that anyone downwind of her would know exactly what they’d been up to. Tand led Tanj onto the liner, passing through the large passenger airlock. Tand was wearing a semi- formal outfit in black, his layered lapels transitioning softly from red to gold. At the end of Tand’s silver leash, Tanj followed meekly, attired in a shimmering light brown dress that complimented her fur. The halter style dress was only nominally “decent”. It was backless, its sides, as it passed from behind her neck, descending along her flanks, showing considerable expanses of the sides of her breasts until it met again just under her tail; the neckline however was loose, more hinting at her breasts as she walked than revealing them. The skirt was short and flouncy, the moving fabric hinting at what was below. In all, Tanj thought she looked fantastic, and she enjoyed the covert and overt stares of the furrs they passed as they made their way to the liner. The deck officer accepted Tand’s tickets, his eyes never leaving Tanj, as he fumbled for the access cards to their stateroom. “Uh, you understand, Sir, that the Burgess line does not provide separate quarters for slaves in transit” he mumbled. Tand took the proffered key cards and nodded; “I wouldn’t expect to pay the full fare and then place my slave in some kennel”. The officer nodded and ignored the next set of passengers as he watched Tanj’s ass sway as they walked away. Tanj’s eyes, on the other hand, were wide, as she gazed at the opulence of the liner. The Star was a little on the elderly side, but had a reputation for never having been surpassed for sheer luxury. She marveled at the cut glass windows in the corridor doors, and the flocked wall coverings. They even had tapestries. She couldn’t wait to see what the grand ballroom, or the main dining salon looked like. She also couldn’t wait to see what the bathroom in their suite looked like; she certainly felt like a long hot soak in the tub, before their charade got underway for real. The suite was every bit as luxurious as she thought it might be, and she oooohed as she walked around, looking. Tand, for his part, ignored his surroundings and started unpacking his bags. Tanj shook her head as she watched him covertly; either he was used to such luxury, or where he was truly didn’t matter to him near as much as the task at hand. Slipping a few discrete objects into his pockets Tand straightened; “I think I’m going to go down to the lounge and get a look at some of the other passengers. I also want to get a “read” on the crew’s attitude. I’ll be back in time for the second sitting for dinner, and I’ll expect you to be ready, and wearing that two piece burgundy outfit.” Tanj nodded and as he left, she padded off to the bath, to ooooh and ahhhh some more, before sinking into a steaming tub the size of a small pool. Tand found a seat at the far end of the bar, where he could watch the door, and the comings and goings of the guest. The Lounge was paneled in dark, rare woods, subtly lit, and very elegant, but Tand’s eyes were only on the other passengers. One of them was his quarry, and he would figure out whom before their rendezvous. Over the course of several hours, Tand talked to a number of distinguished furrs, some of whom had seen him enter with Tanj. Most of these complimented him on how his slave looked, and a few even wondered if she behaved as well as she looked. Tand replied politely, doing what he could to build the mystery of the exotic creature that was his slave. All of those he talked to were male, and as such, obviously not the Senator, unless, he thought with a grin, she’d one hell of a disguise. Dismissing the possibility of a gender change for the mere purpose of a trip, Tand took another look around the Lounge, noting the few females present. “Still”, he thought; “Most of those I’ve talked to would appear to be personages of note. You can disguise the body, but disguising the mind, the personality behind the face is always much more difficult. The rich, and the powerful have a way about them that will show through, unless they’re VERY good………” Tanj had finally dragged herself from the bath; true to their word, her fur dye job was as pristine as when it had been applied. After drying her hair, she braided it into a very long single braid, with a gold ring woven into the very end, the way her lion liked it. She purrrrrred, thinking of him, as she added a few pieces of jewelry, and then turned to lay out her outfit. The top was little more than a fancy bib that barely covered her breasts. The matching skirt had wide slits up either side, making it almost look like a silken loincloth; still, it was well done, and she felt it made her look marvelous. Leaving it on the bed, she turned, nude, to the room’s data terminal. Attaching a few of the devices they’d brought, she accessed the ship’s database, and started searching for clues to the identities of the other passengers. Of course, she couldn’t find out much, but her idle curiosity covered the worm program that she had quietly uploaded. The worm would work surreptitiously, slowly investigating, and with luck, penetrating and negating the defenses of the ship’s computer. Tanj hoped that by the time the pirates showed up, she’d be able to mess up the Star’s computer so bad that the ship would be defenseless. Tand was just returning to the stateroom when he felt the ship shudder, the internal gravity fields fluctuating as they undocked from the station. As he entered the door, he noticed Tanj’s nude form at the terminal. “Find out anything?” he purrrred. Tanj shook her head no; “Nothing that they don’t want you to know, but then, I didn’t try too hard. Didn’t want to raise any red flags; on the other hand, the computer took the worm without problems. With luck, that’ll do our work for us.” Tand nodded; “I’ll see what I can do a bit later; right now, we need to get ready for dinner. Come here.” Tanj rose and padded over to him, wondering if he wanted to give her that “just fucked” look he seemed to like so much; instead he opened a drawer and took out a small spool of almost invisible monofiliment. Carefully he tied one end to Tanj’s left nipple ring. Measuring out about eight feet of the gossamer thin translucent thread, he cut it, and then tied a similar length to her other nipple ring. Tanj watched curiously, standing straight, figuring out that when he wanted to, he’d explain. Finishing, he told Tanj to put on her skirt, which she did. He carefully coiled the loose ends of the monofiliment, and tucked them carefully into the waistband of her skirt. Grinning at her, he told her she could now put on her top. That took Tanj just a moment, and after checking her appearance in the mirror, she turned to Tand, to let him clip his silver leash to her collar. Then they were off to dinner. “No, that’s completely unacceptable.” The Maitre’D glared back at Tand; “Sir it simply is not proper protocol to seat a slave at the table with their betters!” Tand growled, leaning over the elegantly uniformed fox; “I don’t care what is or is not proper; your purser demanded I pay the same fee for her passage as I paid for myself; accordingly I WILL see her receive all the amenities that I myself receive. DAMMIT, I paid for her seat at the table, and she WILL take it.” Tanj could see other passengers staring at them, some amused, some horrified. Finally, the Maitre’D relented and escorted them to their table. Tand gestured to the seat directly opposite him, and unclipping Tanj’s leash, she padded around the table to take her seat. As she did so, she noted the eyes of at least three other slaves, kneeling on cushions behind their owners, watching her covertly. “You know, that might just encourage her to think beyond her station” a wolf seated across from Tand said, as Tanj took her seat, eyes downcast. Tand just grinned; “Oh, I have ways of keeping her in line. Tanj, pass me those things under the table”. Tanj wasn’t sure what he meant, but passed him the monofiliments anyway. That must have been the correct response, as Tand said nothing further. He made small talk with the couple on his left, his paws doing something under the table. After a moment he looked back at the Wolf and grinned; “I’m sure you’ll come to understand both my insistence at her sitting at the table as well as my, ah, guarantee of control”. The wolf sipped his drink as if saying; “we’ll see”. Tand smiled and reached for the water pitcher on the table; as he did, Tanj gasped and suddenly leaned forward. Tanj suddenly realized that he’d tied the ends of the monofiliment to the rings he wore on either paw; when he’d reached for the water pitcher, the line to her left nipple had suddenly gone TIGHT! She knew better than to make a sound, but even so, a small gasp escaped her. The wolf took a look at the pained look on her face, and then at Tand, and grinned wickedly; “Oh, Well Done, Sir! I see now that your insistence on having your slave there was merely to further demonstrate your mastery of her. But tell me; how do you do it?” Tand grinned and shook his head; waving his paws as if gesturing grandly as he talked, he made Tanj sway from side to side, in response to his motions. “Its Magic” he purrrrred. By now he had the attention of everyone at the table, including the Maitre’D, and they all watched closely. Tanj noted that some, like the Second officer, sitting at the head of the table, wore looks of extreme distaste, while others, especially those with slaves kneeling behind them, gazed with rapt fascination. One lady, a black panther half way down the table seemed particularly interested in how it was being done. From the corner of her eye, Tanj also noted that the slaves that had given her the harshest looks for being permitted a seat at the table now had looks approaching pity, and to an extent, fear, on their faces. Tand spent the rest of the meal talking animatedly, and Tanj’s only respite was when he was actually eating. From what little food she managed to get into her mouth, she found the cuisine excellent, and she smiled a wry grin as she thought her current circumstance would at least help her to maintain her waistline. Throughout the dinner, Tanj noted the black pantheress seemed particularly fascinated every time Tanj let out a little squeak or mewl in response to Tand’s gestures. After desert and coffee, the wolf opposite Tand suggested that they swap slaves for the evening; Tand glanced at the voluptuous Otter kneeling behind the wolf and nodded slowly; “My only requirement is that she be returned undamaged.” The wolf smiled and nodded; “have no fear, sir, have no fear”. Tanj was a little piqued that their hunt would be delayed by an evening, but shrugged it off, telling herself they should still have plenty of time, and she had a reputation to generate, bait to lure the attention of the elusive Senator. This Wolf seemed just the sort to regale everyone in the bar with tales of his night with Tanj……… The wolf was tastefully dressed, his clothes reflecting obvious wealth and sophistication, and yet as he led Tanj down the ship’s corridor, there was a spring in his step that reminded Tanj of a young boy with a new toy. As soon as they were through the door to his stateroom, he turned to unclasp Tanj’s leash, and as soon as he had done that, Tanj sank to her knees before him, to nuzzle at his crotch as she worked at undoing his pants. He seemed delighted with her eagerness, and let her slide his pants down his legs, her tongue licking avidly at his sheath. Before long, his maleness was rampant, throbbing, and Tanj’s head rocked back and forth as she worked his length in and out of her willing mouth. It didn’t take long at all before he was spurting, filling her mouth with his seed; Tanj made a point of letting a little of the sticky white stuff escape the corners of her mouth, as if the flow of his jism was more than she could swallow. Grinning, she looked brazenly up at him, to lick at her lips. “Good” she purrrred; “Now that we’ve taken the edge off, you’ll be in better shape for what’s to come” He raised an eyebrow at that, but followed as Tanj took him by the hand, to lead him to the bed. Tand led the wolf’s slave back to his quarters, where he instructed her to strip, and to kneel in the middle of the room. After pouring himself a drink, and calmly removing and folding his clothes, putting them away in the closet, he returned to look down upon his charge for the night. Padding around her slowly, drinking in her curves with his eyes, Tand nodded to himself. “Tell me, Slave, what you like, and what you dislike”. The otteress blinked, her gaze properly downcast; it was obvious this was not what she was expecting. After a moment of thought she replied; “Master, I like to be licked, and I love to be tickled, and I especially love when the two are combined.” Tand nodded; “and your dislikes?” The slave hesitated for a moment before replying; “Master, I dislike anal sex, and I despise nipple clips”. Tand nodded slowly, and turned to fetch some rope. Tanj moaned softly. She was astride the wolf’s hips facing his feet. His cock was buried to the hilt in her pussy, his knot stretching her. She mewled and moaned and writhed as if he were the sexiest thing in the known universe. And he loved it, drinking it up; his paws were on her hips, just holding her lightly as she did her best to move, to stimulate him. She’d already brought him off a second time, having pulled him down on top of her, her legs widespread, encouraging him to show her what a stud he was, and he had complied. Soon, she thought, he’d cum again; then she’d have to resort to more exotic things, to get him off, but she was sure she could. It was her intention, her plan, to fuck him to exhaustion; to leave him so sore he wouldn’t be able to pester that cute little otter fem for a week…… Grinning, she concentrated, rippling her vaginal muscles around his shaft, milking him, and as he groaned in pleasure behind her, she knew it wouldn’t be long…… Tand looped the end of the rope through a convenient eyebolt in the ceiling, and brought the loose end down to the kneeling slave. After finding the padded cuffs, he fastened one about each of her wrists, and then tied them together with the rope. Turning and pulling on the other end, he pulled her to her feet, to let her stand. More rope was used to spread her legs widely, and then he increased the tension on her paws, making her rise to tiptoes. Leaving her to sway, for a moment, he turned to reclaim his drink. Taking a minute to finish it, he paused to remove a rather large feather from one of his cases. He smiled as he held it up to her view, noting how her eyes widened, and grew bright as she gazed at it. Without a word, he sat on the floor between her feet, making himself comfortable. “Now I don’t want you to move a muscle or make a sound; if you do, you’ll be punished with the things you like least.” And with that, he lifted his muzzle, to slowly drag his rough feline tongue over the otteress’ prominently exposed sex. Tanj grinned at the softly snoring form of the wolf. Getting him to take her in the ass had brought him his fourth climax, at which point he demured, threatening to chain her to the foot of the bed if she didn’t cease. Tanj begged him not to do that, and settled down to cuddle him, not even being allowed to stroke his fur. It took but moments for him to fall asleep. Tanj watched his face, especially his closed eyes, waiting for REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, when she knew he’d be most difficult to awaken. Assured that he was down for the count, she slipped from the bed, to start searching the room. His briefcase was unlocked and contained all sorts of interesting documents, including a memo on a Transstar Inc. letterhead describing the company policy on senior corporate executives travelling in less than secure areas. It even talked about the lengths that the company would go to, to ransom them from undesirables. Tanj did her best to memorize that portion, as well as memorizing all the names of associates on that particular portion of the journey. The wolf wasn’t traveling alone…… And the group should not only be able to give the Brethren all sorts of interesting business and financial information, but should be worth a pretty penny in ransom as well…… Not a bad night’s work, she thought to herself as she returned to the bed to snuggle up against the wolf, to try and get some rest. The Otteress let out a soft moan as she climaxed yet again. The combination of Tand’s tongue within her pussy and his feather on her clitty was driving her mad, and to be forced to hold still and stay quiet was more, much more than she was capable of. She’d long since lost count of the number of climaxes she’d suffered through, and at this point, suffer was exactly the word that applied. He’d been nestled there, between her thighs, licking at her patiently for hours. Her writhing and her moans so far had taken her to the largest vibrator he had, crammed up her ass and buzzing fiercely, and the sharpest clips she’d ever felt, fastened nastily to her nipples. As he heard her moan yet again, Tand tsk-tsk’ed in disappointment and reached up to hang a second weight from her left nipple clip. He then turned back and continued licking at her drenched sex, as the feather found its way up to tease her navel…… In the morning, Tanj delighted the Wolf with another round, this time talking him into taking her standing up in the shower. They were both still a little damp, as he led her to breakfast, making it just before the dining room was closed. Tand sat in his usual seat, the Otteress kneeling behind him with a most strange look on her face. Tanj was fairly bouncy this morning and as the Wolf handed her back to Tand, she shot a wicked grin at the otter lady, as if to say; “Isn’t he GREAT?” Tand and the Wolf caught the look and both just shook their heads. Later, as they departed the dining room, they heard the Wolf talking to some of the others at their table; “I have GOT to tell you about that Slave, Tanj! She’s got to be the most………” For the rest of the morning, Tand and Tanj toured the great liner. Tanj followed Tand meekly at the end of her leash, and kept watch when Tand stopped to plant a bug, or sensor. Some of the devices were supposed to be able to focus on conversations on the other side of heavily insulated walls, and while Tanj had her doubts, she felt she’d best keep an open mind. They returned to their stateroom just before lunch, Tand feeling that in order to keep up appearances, he should change his outfit; after all, the idle rich would NEVER be seen at lunch wearing the same outfit they’d worn to Breakfast. He had Tanj change into a skimpy one piece dress, covered in cut- outs, barely concealing the things that should be concealed in polite society. Before they left, however, he bade Tanj squat, and as she spread her legs, he slipped two items into her pussy. Tanj grinned at him; “Ben Wa balls?” Tand just grinned and shook his head; “that and more; you’ll see at Lunch” Again, Tanj was seated across from him, but this time, the looks from the Maitre’D and the others at the table were more of curiosity, than of shock at his social faux pas. They were past the appetizer, awaiting the main course when Tand quietly removed a small remote control from his jacket pocket. Holding it in his lap, he thumbed a key, and Tanj yelped in surprise as the ben wa balls suddenly started jumping about within her. She literally had to grip the edge of the table and bite her lip to hold still, and keep silent. Of course, all heads turned to look at her, and then to look at Tand; this time, he had no problem in revealing what he was doing, holding up the remote for all to see. “This is a little toy I picked up over in the Haladees sector. It does all sorts of things……” And with that he handed it to the lady seated on his left; “Here, why don’t you give it a try……” Tanj watched warily as she studied it for a moment, and then looking up at Tanj, pressed two buttons at the same time. Tanj yelped and straightened in her seat, almost rising from its surface as the two ben wa balls changed shape, lengthening inside her, to form a massive shaft filling her pussy. As the device was passed from paw to paw, as those around the table experimented with the settings, Tanj yelped and squealed, and moaned, as the balls changed shape, vibrated, grew very cold or very warm, or even gave her sharp little electrical shocks, or a combination of them all. The mysterious lady down the table held the device the longest, trying all sorts of combinations, before passing it on to the next person. Tanj awwwwed as the device was passed over her head, to everyone’s glee. Pity they wouldn’t let HER get her paws on it… And again, through lunch, she barely found the time to get anything to eat. After lunch, Tand decided that they should take a dip in the pool. Tanj objected, saying they had much too much information to go through, from their listening devices and from what the worm program had found as it worked its way through the ship’s computer, but Tand just tsk-tsk’ed and said he had it covered. Of course when they got to the pool, Tand insisted Tanj swim nude, and again she found herself enjoying the stares and attention of most of the males and some of the females present. As she was slowly doing laps, swimming on her back, she realized that Tand was sitting on a lounger, apparently working on a lap-top computer. After a few more laps, she rose from the pool, and stalked over to recline on the beach towel she’d spread out next to Tand. Looking over her shoulder, she realized that the laptop was relaying in text the pickup from the various bugs they planted. It LOOKED like he was conducting business, but was actually monitoring the bugs! Dinner, and yet another outfit. This one was gauzy, filmy, and mostly transparent, only slightly cloudy over her nipples and crotch. To Tanj’s amazement, he did nothing to her before they set off down the corridor; however, at their entrance to the dining room, Tand took the Maitre’D aside and slipped him a rather large credit note. As they walked to their table, Tanj noticed they were early, mostly ahead of the other passengers seated at their table. Tand whispered to Tanj; “I’ve arranged for us to sit next to a couple I think might be our quarry; I wouldn’t put it past the Senator to travel with a male, pretending to be husband and wife. Towards the end of the meal, I want you to spill your wine on her. I’ll take it from there”. Tanj rolled her eyes, but could see where this was going, and decided it might work. The couple turned out to be a middle aged Wolverine and his Cougar wife, nicely dressed, but with an understated look. Tanj enjoyed the ability to eat normally, but still watched what she ate, knowing that to yield to temptation might only mean increased time in the gym as she struggled to keep her figure. She kept her gaze downcast and spoke only when spoken to. Still, she seemed to be one of the main topics of conversation, the wolf from the previous night having spread the most amazing tales. Tanj grinned to herself as the events of the night before were so grossly exaggerated. As coffee was being served, Tanj contrived to spill her entire waterglass down the lady Cougar’s front. The dress she had on was simply too nice to ruin with the wine, and she was afraid that the coffee was too hot. As it was, the cream colored fabric turned nearly transparent as it got wet, and Tanj caught Tand smirking, before he rose from his seat to Snarl at Tanj. “I DO Apologize for that” Tand said for what must have been the fifth time, as the Wolverine tried to dry off his wife’s chest. The look on her face was somewhere between embarrassment, outrage (more directed at her husband, from the way he was rubbing at her) and possibly just a hint of pleasure (at the way he was rubbing at her). “I absolutely INSIST that you take that miserable excuse for a slave and punish her soundly for being so clumsy!” The husband and wife exchanged looks, something passing between them, before the Cougar muttered, “I don’t know………” even as her husband nodded; “Yes, I think we’d like tha… Ah, um, I think that would be most fitting; thank you”. Tanj kept her eyes downcast as she followed the couple at the end of her leash. Husband and wife kept exchanging looks as they walked towards their stateroom, the husband holding Tanj’s leash as if it might shock him. As soon as they were through the door to their stateroom, Tanj knelt like a good slave should, awaiting instruction…… The Husband and wife whispered together for a moment and then she departed for the bathroom. The Wolverine stood there for a moment as if undecided, and the with a wry shake of his head muttered; “you’ll have to excuse us; we’re new at this. Slavery is not practiced much on Tecja where we’re from…… but we do find this deliciously…… decadent. Now, Ah, I want you to strip naked, and then resume your position.” As she pulled her dress off, Tanj grinned to herself; “Either these two are VERY good actors, or they’re not who we’re after. I don’t know what they think “punishment” will constitute, but I bet I have more fun at this than they do……” The Cougar fem emerged from the bathroom, wearing a bustier and very scanty panties, her long hair let down, obviously doing her best to look sexy. Her husband devoured her with his eyes for a moment, and Tanj got the impression that he was very much in love with her. For her part, she kissed him softly and then turned to look at Tanj. “Now, Love, what SHALL we do with her” she purrred. Tanj struggled with the position; she was on paws and knees, with her chest lowered towards the floor, her head tilted WAY back, to lick upwards into the Cougar’s pussy. Her husband was behind Tanj, grunting as he slowly worked his cock in and out of her ass. “If this is their concept of “punishment” Tanj thought to herself, “anal sex, and cunnilingus; not exactly the worst fate that’s ever befallen me…… I don’t know where Tecja is, but I got a sneaking feeling they’re pretty straight-laced, and this is being horribly wicked for them……” Tanj grinned to herself and swirled her tongue up, deep into the Cougar fem’s pussy, stroking places she knew would make her moan. As she did so, she tightened her ass around the Wolverine’s cock, bringing him to a momentary standstill as he panted hard! Tand listened to the goings on in the couple’s stateroom; he’d neglected to give his standard warning about returning Tanj without permanent damage, feeling such a statement would be out of character for someone offering her up for punishment. Accordingly, he felt honor bound to monitor, making sure that they didn’t do anything too outlandish to the slave. Still, from what he was hearing, it was more what Tanj was going to do to THEM…… Tanj giggled as she rode the Wolverine’s cock; things had loosened up considerably, and she was now making suggestions, acting more as a teacher instructing eager students, than a slave being punished. The Wolverine was flat on his back, and Tanj was astride his hips, facing his wife, who knelt astride his head, gasping and moaning as he licked at her, under Tanj’s direction. Tanj for her part, softly caressed the cougar’s breasts, teasing her nipples, and kissing her occasionally. “I think they’re REALLY going to get into oral sex” Tanj thought to herself……… Tand yawned, as he listened with half an ear to the goings on. He was more interested in some of the transcribed information from some of the other bugs that he’d planted, as they scrolled across his computer screen. “Hmph!” he thought to himself, for what must have been the twentieth time; “Some punishment!” Still, he’d found out that the couple was fabulously wealthy, from even wealthier families. Apparently high society on Tecja demanded years long engagements, and this couple were newlyweds on their honeymoon. “When Tanj gets finished with them, they’ll have stories to tell their grand-kids all right” Tand mused. “Especially if she hands them over to the pirates”. Tanj purrrred as she deep-throated the wolverine’s cock, his wife paying close attention, her own nose inches from the action. Every once in a while Tanj would stop to explain what she was doing and why, giving the poor male much needed respite. Always, with a grin, Tanj would resume again, until finally she demonstrated her own mastery, by tilting her head way back, straightening her throat, and sliding his cock all the way into her mouth, and down her throat, to his wife’s startled amazement. He came violently, as Tanj’s throat muscles rippled along his shaft, as Tanj swallowed again and again. When he ceased spurting, Tanj pulled back to gasp for air; “now that’s a technique that takes years of practice to do right; but I think you have to admit, its worth the effort……” The wolverine just nodded, and turned to grin at his wife…… Tand finally turned off the audio and picked up his bag of burglary tools. “They’re going to keep that up all night, and I’ve got things to do; If they were going to hurt her, I’d have sensed it by now……” he thought. Grumbling, Tand slipped from his stateroom, to go make some modifications on the liner’s security systems. Following that, he checked out some of the cabins high on his “likely suspects” list. In most of them, the occupants never even knew he was there, but in one, he was forced to withdraw. The mysterious lady at their table was moaning in her bed, the harsh buzz of a vibrator filling the air…… They led Tanj to breakfast at the end of her leash, chatting like old friends. The Wolverine gave Tand a sly grin as he handed the leash back, and the Cougar gave Tanj a kiss; “Hope to see you later”, she purrrred and Tanj just nodded, a sly smile on her face. “Yes Ma’am, I’m sure you will” Tanj knew her meaning would be completely misunderstood by everyone except Tand. They spent the morning reviewing the takes from the worm program in the ship’s computer, and from the various bugs and eavesdropping devices Tand had planted. While they uncovered many interesting things, such as one of the females they’d pegged as a likely target actually being a transvestite, they came no closer to identifying their quarry. Over the next few days, Tanj found her way into several beds. Some of those who took her treated her as a slave, demonstrating their mastery in acts of bondage and humiliation, and some, like the wolf, were merely after the sex. None of them stretched Tanj’s limits to any significant extent. During the “other” times, Tanj worked with Tand to slowly narrow their list of suspects. Gradually names were stricken from the list of “most likely” suspects, and only a few were added. Time, however, was running out. The Bear had approached Tand as they were on their way to dinner. With many a glance towards Tanj, the two whispered together. From the look on his face, it was obvious that Tand didn’t like what was being said, but somehow, the bear was able to convince him. As they resumed their walk towards the dining room, Tand whispered to Tanj; “Eat lightly. You’re in for a scene tonight that could be demanding. I’m sorry, but to have refused would have been out of character.” Tanj just nodded and shrugged. After dinner, Tand handed Tanj’s leash over to the bear, who in turn handed her over to a rather muscular rabbit. She was taken to a room off of the Liner’s gym, where she was told to strip, and was then handed a harness to put on. She fiddled with its buckles and straps, drawing an impatient glare from the rabbit. Finally she had it on, and he went over her, tightening this buckle, or adjusting that strap. The harness criss-crossed her body from her collar to her crotch, securely holding a rather massive dildo tight to her mons. However, it left her pussy and her anus uncovered. Finally satisfied, the rabbit applied a generous pawfull of lubricant to the dong, and to Tanj’s pussy and ass, making her rise to tiptoes as he jammed a well greased finger up her backside. Taking her by the leash he led her through the door and into the Gym. There were chairs set out for the spectators, around a large wrestling mat. Along one side, a number of female slaves knelt, all similarly attired. The bear strode into the center of the mat and addressed the group. “Tonight” he growled, “our slaves will wrestle for our amusement. The goal for them is to bury their tool in either the vagina or the anus of their opponent, “pinning” them. Extra points for the anus. The competition will be single elimination, with the losers being punished and the winner rewarded. While there are no rules, conduct that might permanently damage an owner’s property will be severely dealt with.” To emphasize that point, the bear held up a shock stick, its surface crackling with energy. “I will act as referee. Are there any questions?” As was typical, the bear looked towards the owners, and not the “competitors”. Tanj watched as the first two “contestants” were led into the ring. The raccoon fem and the squirrel fem both looked like lightweights, and they both looked terrified. After a moment or two of circling each other, a light brush from the bear’s shock stick convinced them that they’d best try something, and with a yell the raccoon dove towards the squirrel. She, however sidestepped and as the raccoon landed flat on her face, the squirrel pounced, landing on her back. They were well lubbed, and as the squirrel yanked up the raccoon’s banded tail, her dildo drove harshly into her ass! The raccoon screamed and clawed at the mat as the squirrel did her best to pin the larger female to the floor. The bear separated them, roughly pushing the raccoon towards the far side of the mat, where she was made to kneel. The Squirrel was given a moment or two to catch her breath and her dong was given a fresh coat of lubricant, and then the next contestant, an equine morph was led to the ring. The mare was considerably larger than the squirrel, but seemed to be slower and more clumsy; still, she wasn’t about to make the mistake the raccoon fem had, and was more cautious, doing her best to try and grab the squirrel. She, on the other hand, kept dancing away, trying to get behind the mare, to nudge her in the back of her knees, to make her fall. She connected twice, but the mare was large and strong enough to recover before she hit the mat. Finally, the squirrel leapt on the mare’s back, holding on around her waist, and as the mare spun about, trying to find a way to shake her, the squirrel triumphed, driving her dong hard into the mare’s pussy. Again the referee separated them, sending the mare to join the raccoon. Next, the squirrel faced a wolf fem. This one however was stronger and faster than she, and it wasn’t long before the squirrel was on her stomach, on the mat, the wolf bitch slowly forcing the dildo into the squirrel’s ass. The wolf faced Tanj next. Tanj circled the wolf bitch warily, the dong wiggling from side to side as she moved. As she’d watched the previous match, Tanj had gotten the impression that the Wolf was an enthusiastic competitor, delighting in her ability to dominate her opponent, but that she’d never really been trained to fight. Tanj, on the other hand, HAD been trained to fight. But she couldn’t show that. A slave that knew how to fight was a slave that couldn’t be allowed to live; too dangerous. As such, Tanj had to move very carefully; she didn’t really want to be punished for loosing, but she also didn’t want to be “put down” for winning either. As they circled and feinted, Tanj had a thought, she acted as if she was slipping on a greasy spot on the mat; by now a good bit of lubricant had hit the surface of the wrestling mat, and footing was becoming chancy. Circling back to the same spot, she eeeped and went down, but as she did so, she swung about, as if trying to escape; as she swiveled, this served to knock the feet out from under the wolf, who went sprawling. Cheetahs are fast, and Tanj was able to recover and pounce the wolf; still, it was a struggle. She fought hard, wriggling her bottom, making it hard for Tanj to jab the dildo home. Finally, however, she zigged when Tanj zagged, and as Tanj grinned, the wolf howled with dismay as the dong slid roughly into her pussy! Tanj’s turn to pant, and be relubricated, as the next contestant, a mink fem, was led into the ring. To Tanj’s delight, the smaller fem only put up a token resistance, fighting back just enough to escape extra punishment. Tanj rewarded this easy victory by sliding the dildo into her pussy, when a shot at her ass would have been possible. Now Tanj faced the final competitor, a Tigress who moved with all the grace of a natural predator. Again they circled, but this time none of Tanj's tricks seemed to work. She failed to sweep her feet out from under her, the tigress nimbly jumping over her legs. Attempts to grab were blocked by both contestants, as they danced back and forth over the mat. Finally the tigress caught one of Tanj’s wrists, and used it to spin her around. Catching the other wrist, the tigress brought them both together behind her back, raising them, forcing her to bend over. Still, Tanj squirmed and bucked, but after a minute the tigress’ other paw grabbed her tail at the base, and moments later, she felt the big feline’s dildo push into her pussy. The crowd applauded softly and the bear called; “fuck her with it; show us what you can do with her!” The Tigress growled low in her throat, and maintaining her grip on Tanj’s wrists with one paw, and her grip on the base of her tail with the other, slowly started to work the dildo in and out of Tanj’s pussy. Her movements were quick and jerky, and her grip was all but lifting Tanj off the floor, making her teeter on tiptoes, wobbling back and forth, her breasts swaying with each thrust. It wasn’t long before Tanj was moaning, however, and as she writhed through a climax, the crowd applauded politely yet again. The Referee grinned at the tigress; “As the winner, your reward is “a night off”, a night to do whatever you want with our “runner-up”. Just as obviously, her punishment is to be your slave for the night. Return to your quarters and do with her as you will.” The crowd chuckled as the tigress took the proffered leash, to clip it to Tanj’s collar, and without preamble jerked Tanj through the exit to the Gym. As soon as they were out of sight, the Tigress seemed to deflate; looking around to make sure they weren’t observed, she whispered to Tanj; “I HATE doing that!” But before Tanj could reply, or even frame a reply in her mind, they heard someone coming, and the Tigress pulled her along to one of the dressing rooms. There, they stripped off their harnesses, and reclaimed their dresses. It must have appeared a strange sight, one slave leading the other, but nothing was said as they made their way to the Tigress’ Master’s cabin. There, the Tigress led Tanj to a small bedroom adjacent the Master’s suite, again seeming to visibly relax as soon as the door closed. Tanj, still playing her part, knelt on the floor as soon as the door closed. The Tigress looked at her for a moment, and then knelt in front of Tanj, using one paw to raise her chin, gently; “You know what I want, little one? You know what I seek for my evening with you? Truth be told, I just want a hug, and someone to talk to”. Tanj smiled, and leaned forward to give the big Tigress a hug, holding her tight. “I think the slave conditioning they tried to impart just didn’t quite take” Bethany, the Tigress, said. “I was trained at a small facility on Engleside, and, well, I’ve just never been as happy as some of the other slaves I’ve run across. How about you? You seem to fit into the role rather well, perhaps even enthusiastically, if some of what I’ve been hearing is correct……” Tanj laughed; ‘Oh, I admit I’ve got my moments; I’m not sure how happy I really am; most of the time I don’t even have time to think about it. I think what the academy I went through did to me was more to warp my sexual desires…… I’ve come to love good sex, and in some cases even kinky sex. I don’t have enough pride left for “humiliation” to be practical; that kinda thing just kind of rolls off my back, as long as it isn’t too painful. I think I’ve just kinda adopted the attitude that there isn’t much I can do about my situation, and until there is, I’m not going to worry about it much. I’ll just take what pleasures I can, in life. And speaking of which……” Tanj grinned and crawled up the Tigress’ body to kiss her softly, her paw again squirming between the big feline’s thighs. “Oh! Oh Tanj! Oh, you ARE insatiable” Bethany purrrred; still, she didn’t object, or make any move to stop the movements of Tanj’s paw…… The following morning, Tanj made her way back to Tand’s Stateroom. She made a point of limping, and acting as if she’d had a rough night; after all, both she and Bethany agreed, they had reputations to uphold, no matter what they might have thought of them. Tanj found that Tand had spent the night doing more of his “breaking and entering”, gathering all sorts of interesting data, but gaining no further clues. Again, the mystery lady had been “involved”, this time with a borrowed slave, and Tand had not been able to discern anything about her. Tanj groaned, walking quite bow-legged, moving very VERY carefully as the previous night’s “Master” led her back towards the Dining Room, and her return to Tand. This particular ferret had been much more into B&D than any of the others that Tanj had run across on the ship, and had kept her well tied in a variety of strained positions all through the night. She’d learned nothing about him, except that he was imaginative, and rich enough to afford all sorts of highly specialized toys, like the dildo that spurted freezing cold jets of fluid. But the one that took the cake was the device he had fitted her with just prior to leaving his cabin for Breakfast. As Tanj hung from her wrists, her legs held wide apart by a spreader bar, he had shown her a rather elaborate chrome and rubber butt plug. It had the usual tapered shape, gradually growing to a wide point and then diminishing quickly to a constricted point, such that she could not force it out of her ass. However the portion beyond the constriction was more than the usual flared base; it had a tang of metal, at right angles to the plug, ending in a collar or short sleeve of bright metal. With great glee, the Ferret had greased up the butt plug and slowly forced it into her behind. He had then taken a metal rod, and inserted it into a hole in the base of the butt plug; as he did so, Tanj felt that portion within her expand even further, as the metal stretched the rubber. She gasped as she heard this rod lock into place with an audible “snick”. There was no doubt now, that the butt-plug wasn’t coming out without a key of some sort. And probably an owner’s manual too. The Ferret had then shown her a shiny chrome dildo, bullet shaped and smooth, reflecting her own distorted image. This he also lubbed up and slipped through the metal collar attached to the butt plug’s base, deep into her pussy. Again she felt, more than heard, the dildo “snick” into place. Releasing the device, Tanj moaned at its weight, the metal tugging at her ass and pussy! “You’ll notice” he laughed; “that the butt plug and dildo portions are at angles to each other; their tips should almost be meeting within you. A most intimate grip; it can’t fall out. In fact, it can actually support a bit of weight……” And with that, he grasped a ring welded to the piece of metal separating the two devices and tugged lightly. Tanj’s eyes went WIDE and she mewled as the steel and rubber tried to pull her crotch downwards! The Ferret had then snapped the end of her leash to the ring, and otherwise released her, to lead her nude, through the corridors of the Starship. Tand Hmmmmmed as the Ferret showed off the device, finally insisting that Tand retain it for future use with Tanj, making sure that he had the key. Tand shook his head and instructed Tanj to kneel on the pad behind his chair, as there was no way she could sit down with the device implanted, and he wasn’t about to create the spectacle of trying to free her in the dining room. For her part, Tanj was glad to kneel, such that the weight of the cruel device was supported by the floor. Again, she noticed the sympathetic looks of the other slaves kneeling nearby. It wasn’t until Breakfast was over, and Tand was sliding back his chair to leave, that the mysterious lady black panther padded over, to talk to Tand. “You know, that really isn’t the best way to leash a slave like her” she purrrred. “I’d be glad to do her up properly, if you’d like. Just let me have her until this time tomorrow, and I’m sure you’ll be delighted with the result”. Tanj moaned inwardly; all she wanted was the key to this damn thing and a hot bath…… Still, they’d been trying to find out more about this enigmatic passenger for days, and had failed miserably; it might be worth it to spend the day with her……… Finally Tand nodded his head; “All right, you can take her, provided she’s not harmed” The Pantheress nodded and with a purrrrr, bade Tanj to rise, to lead her proudly towards her cabin. As Tanj followed the Pantheress, again being very careful how she moved, she came to the conclusion that she wasn’t really a black panther, but a puma with a very good furcut and dye job. Again, not surprising, considering the circumstances, but just one more detail of circumstantial evidence. The lady’s first order of business was to take the end of the leash connected between Tanj’s thighs and clip its chain, midway down its length, to a ring bolt in the floor, forcing her into a squat. A rope from the ceiling to her collar forced her to crouch uncomfortably, muscles straining, not quite with the backs of her thighs on her calves. With her paws bound behind her back, Tanj struggled between tugging fiercely at her sex by trying to rise, and choking herself by trying to descend. The lady purrrred; “I’ll release you only after you’ve licked me to a climax, so you’d best be quick”. With that, she stepped forward, raising the hem of her dress to present her bare sex to Tanj’s muzzle. Tanj complied, licking urgently as the muscles in her legs complained bitterly. As she licked and nibbled, her tongue flashing here and there, she discovered that the Lady had her own set of piercings, with several sets of rings in each labia, as well as a clitty piercing. Wriggling these, teasing them with her tongue, Tanj discovered, was the key, and as her tongue made the rings dance, she was rewarded by the sounds of the Lady above her experiencing a wild climax. True to her word, before she collapsed backwards onto the bed, she unhooked the rope from Tanj’s collar, allowing her to kneel, and to rest. After a bit, the Lady raised her head, to look at Tanj; “You seem to be every bit as good as they say you are; before we proceed, crawl over here and do me again. Take your time, make it last, as when we finish, the REAL fun begins…… Tanj didn’t doubt her in the least, and moving over to the bed on her knees, she bent to her task, tongue slowly teasing and nibbling, slithering between her labia, driving deep, until at last her mysterious “mistress” yowled at the top of her lungs as another climax overtook her. Again, Tanj knelt as the Lady rested. While Tanj hoped she’d take a nap, giving Tanj some time to nose around (literally, with her paws bound behind her back), it was only a few minutes before the pantheress rose, to strip off her dress, tossing it casually aside. She rebound Tanj’s paws in front of her, making sure the restraints were tight. These, she hooked to the rope dangling from the ceiling, and raised Tanj until she was balancing on tiptoes. Fetching ankle cuffs, she proceeded to put those on Tanj, and then use more ropes to raise her ankles towards the ceiling, spreading her legs far apart. Her tail was not ignored either, a leather strap tying its tip to the back of her collar. When she was done, the lowest part of Tanj was her ass, with her sex very prominently displayed. The Lady pulled up a chair, sitting so that her nose was almost touching Tanj’s sex. Tanj hoped for a gentle touch, or perhaps even a little tongue, but instead she received an examination that would have done a gynecologist proud. “I’m glad to see you have a vertical piercing of your clitty, Dear” the lady purrrred; “Otherwise we might have to start over…… You’re lucky that you have the anatomy for this too; so many girls have such tiny clittys, so well hidden; but then, given your current, ah, “station”, I guess its not that much a surprise…… Now, all we have to do is……” Tanj groaned as she watched the lady rise, to remove a folded kit from one of the dressers. This she unfolded on the bed revealing everything she’d need to add another piercing to Tanj’s already considerable collection. Returning to Tanj, resuming her seat, the lady deftly removed the barbell currently holding Tanj’s clitty piercing open. As the shaft of the barbell was removed, Tanj felt the cold sting of antiseptic. The lady then carefully inserted her piercing needle through the existing piercing in Tanj’s clitty, and then pushed it further, driving it through the hood that normally protected her sensitive little nubbin. Tanj gasped and mewled but knew better than to move a muscle. She felt the lady swab her with more antiseptic, obviously wiping away what little blood there was. Some other medicine was applied, something Tanj thought she recognized by scent; the healing accelerator that the Academy had used when she’d been previously pierced…… Then the needle was replaced with what felt like a longer, heavier barbell, the lower ball under her clitty, making it stand up a bit, the other on the outside of her hood…… As the lady turned to put away her implements, Tanj swayed a little in her bonds; she could really feel the weight of the larger barbell down there in every little movement she made. The lady let Tanj down, releasing her legs first, then her arms, retying her on the floor, on her back. The rest of the afternoon was spent with this pantheress making use of Tanj, sometimes squatting over her muzzle, to let Tanj lick her to yet another climax, sometimes the lady would raise Tanj’s ankles, to use a vibrating strap-on dildo to fuck her in the ass. The only high point of the afternoon was when Tanj got a real good look at a normally unseen portion of the Pantheress’ anatomy, a spot high up on the inside of her left thigh, immediately adjacent to her sex. As Tanj licked, she discerned there, under the fur, the red of a birthmark, supposedly the identifying feature of the Senator. The story went that once a rather kinky lover had shaved her sex, to enhance their sex, and the birthmark had been uncovered. “That makes the rest of this worthwhile, I guess” she thought to herself as the lady shivered through yet another uncounted climax. Tanj was led to dinner by a leash attached normally to her collar. She wore a loincloth, with a plethora of the Senator’s jewelry, looking the proper barbarian. The Senator had replaced the barbell through her new piercing with a rather large, if thin ring, the ring passing through her hood as well as her clitty. The ring was large enough to cause a small bump in the hanging fabric of the loincloth, plainly visible should anyone care to notice. And many did. Worse, the ring held a jinglebell, and as Tanj walked, tinkling sounds emerged from under the loincloth, further drawing attention to it. Tand raised an eyebrow at the spectacle, but the Senator, thinking he was curious about the standard leash, just smiled and told him to wait for tomorrow. Tanj did manage to give Tand the look that said that yes, she’d identified this lady as their quarry, and with that, Tand settled into his chair, to eat his dinner quietly. For her part, the Senator fed Tanj an occasional morsel from her plate as she knelt behind her chair. When they returned to the Senator’s quarters, Tanj was again tied, this time in a kneeling position, her long hair tied to her ankles pulling her head way back, her muzzle pointing at the ceiling. A perfect position, the Senator said, for Tanj to lick up into her hungry pussy…… The night was filled with the Senator again making use of Tanj, in one fashion or another. At one point in the night, the Senator placed a small black box between Tanj’s ankles. “How much electrical engineering do you know?” She asked. Before Tanj could answer she chuckled; “Silly question for a slave. Never mind. Basically what it boils down to is: Shake a field, get a current. Shake a current, get a field. That box between your thighs is a bulk storage magnetic media eraser. It produces a shaking field at about 60 Hertz. And you’ll notice that when I turn it on, it has the most marvelous effect on your piercings……” Tanj moaned as the rings in her labia and clitty started to vibrate. “Of course, I’ve made some modifications, but before I show them to you, I want to make sure you’re tied tight!” After checking Tanj’s bonds, making sure that she’d stay in the kneeling position, that she’d stay in position over the box, she pushed a rather large plug gag into Tanj’s mouth, buckling it TIGHT behind her neck. “You see” she purred, “The box will vary field strength and frequency randomly; it should shake your piercings very nicely. Of course, some of the higher frequency field oscillations will induce a significant current, and that might heat up the rings some, but I’m sure you can take that.” With a grin, the Senator kissed Tanj on the forehead and turned out the light as she crawled into bed. Tanj panted as her labia and clitty rings vibrated. Initially it was barely felt, more like a buzz, but after a minute, things got a little rougher, the jinglebell on her clitty ring starting to dance. Tanj panted harder, and then moaned as the vibrations, stimulating her so directly drove her to a sharp climax. They didn’t stop though. Through the night, the vibrations grew stronger, and weaker, but they never stopped. Occasionally she’d be jerked from her orgasmic haze as the rings heated up, but that never lasted too long. The climaxes flowed through Tanj’s soul, rippling through her like strings of exploding firecrackers, until sometime in the wee hours of the morning, overloaded with pleasure, she fainted. Tanj yelped into her gag, jerking upright, coming awake suddenly, painfully. Blinking, she saw the Senator straightening, a wire in each paw. Apparently, she’d gotten a jolt from some sort of battery pack, delivered across her nipple rings. “Like Caffeine better” she thought crossly, as the Senator untied her, and massaged feeling back into her limbs. “Still, there’s no doubt” she thought; “That WILL wake you up!”. The Senator told Tanj to stand, with her knees well spread, and reaching down, she removed the clitty ring. A quick examination showed the accelerant had worked correctly and that her new piercing was ready for what the Senator had in mind. The heavy barbell appeared again, the Senator sliding the shaft through her clitty piercing from below. However this time, the end link in a fairly heavy chain, with links made of bar over 4mm thick, was pushed between the upper surface of her clitty and the lower surface of her hood. The barbell shaft was then driven up through the piercing in her hood, and the oversized ball screwed onto the end of the shaft. The Senator then reached for a pincer-like device, each end of the pincer pushing on the ends of the barbell. Suddenly there was a buzz and an incredible heat, and Tanj HOWLED until the Senator shoved a handfull of ice chips against her crotch. Tanj Howled again. “That welded the barbell together, Dear; now you’re permanently leashed!” Dropping the length of chain that she held, Tanj’s knees almost buckled as the full weight of the chain, from pussy to the floor, hung from her piercing! Tanj padded, nude save for her collar, a ball gag, and the wrist cuffs holding her paws behind her back, through the corridor at the end of the Senator’s leash. The small parade drew stares from everyone they passed. Upon reaching the Dining room, the Senator handed the end of Tanj’s leash to Tand with a flourish. Tand’s eyes grew large, as the implications of what had been done sunk in. The Senator, watching his face, mistook it for wonder, and purrred; “Yes, isn’t it marvelous? I thought you’d like it” before turning away, to take her normal seat. Tanj caught Tand’d eye and made a minute “not here” type motion. Tand was too flustered to do more than eat his breakfast in silence, Tanj kneeling behind him on a mat. He didn’t have any choice but to lead Tanj back to their stateroom with her new leash. As they left, Tanj heard one of the other slave owners asking the Senator to fix his own slave in the same manner.…… The instant they were within their own stateroom, the door closed, he turned to grab the links just below her, to take the weight; “Good LORD! What has she DONE to you?” he Growled. Tanj just shook her head and mumbled into her gag. Tand fumbled, trying to hold the weight of the chain with one paw, while undoing Tanj’s bound paws with his other. Once free, Tanj relieved him of his burden, holding the chain herself, as he undid her gag. “Whew!” Tanj exclaimed, as Tand withdrew the gag; “that was a large one; made my jaws ache. Oh, don’t look so shocked; this isn’t that big a deal! I admit I could do with a lighter chain, but its VERY stimulating, in its way.” Tand just shook his head; “lets get you out of it!” Tanj sighed; “Can’t; she welded the barbell together. We’d need some small cutting tools. Besides, that might lead to complications. You have an image to maintain, you know.” Tand never the less, bent to give the situation a much closer inspection, making Tanj purrrr from time to time. Rising he shook his head and growled; “That is NOT what I consider returning you undamaged. She’s going to pay for this!” Tanj chuckled; “Oh, rest assured, that she will. Now, lets see, I bet if I loop the end of this chain through my collar, I can take almost all the weight off……… Tand ordered room service for Tanj, as she’d missed lunch the previous day, had a rather “light” dinner, and had missed breakfast as well. The crewman who delivered the tray stared at Tanj with wide eyes as she knelt demurely on the floor by Tand’s bed, the chain pooled between her thighs, until Tand chased him off with a growl. After eating, Tanj went for a long hot soak in the tub, hoping the chain was rustproof. Later she and Tand reviewed the progress of the worm program; it certainly looked as if it had completely infiltrated the ship’s computer. Only trying it would tell for sure though…… An appearance had to be made at dinner, and Tanj had come up with a compromise that seemed to be acceptable to Tand (he’d wanted to use an energy weapon to sever the chain only a few links from the piercing, but Tanj had vetoed that). Wearing a halter style dress, with a plunging neckline that descended well below her waist, the chain led up between her breasts to pass through a wide ring on her collar, and then to Tand’s paw. A jerk on her chain would cause her to bend, perhaps double, as the distance between clitty and collar was shortened, but normally only the weight of a few links would be on her piercing. Of course, those swaying links were keeping Tanj quite hot, something that Tand said was more than apparent from the look on her face. At dinner, several of the other Masters examined her closely, to Tand’s stony silence. They seemed to find the matted fur of Tanj’s thighs, slick with her own juices delightful. Again, more than one approached the Senator with requests for assistance with their own slaves. After Dinner, Tanj was panting by the time they made it back to their stateroom. “Damn swinging chain’s driving me wild” Tanj moaned. Tand just grinned; “I offered to take care of that”. Tanj nodded and shruged; “as soon as we’re home, gotta do something a bit different…… but it can wait until then. Right now, I’m more concerned about becoming desensitized. At this rate, shouldn’t take long. But I’m sure, if I can get shed of this thing for a while, that’ll reverse itself…… But in the meantime, stud, get over here and “put me out of my misery” Tand just grinned…… Over the next few days, Tand loaned Tanj out to several select passengers; True to her suspicions, the swinging chain was keeping Tanj very hot, and as such, she was in great demand. One of these, an auditor for a major interstellar corporation, had a new toy; he liked to torment the slaves that come under his sway, and tying Tanj to the bed, he slid a powerful vibrator into her pussy. Fastening a ring gag in her mouth, he turned it on and sat back; “this is a voice activated dildo; the more noise you make, the more powerful the vibrations.” As he talked, the dildo rumbled in her pussy nicely, making the links of her chain jump. He grinned as he clapped his hands and at the sudden loud sound, Tanj jumped, the dildo going wild in her pussy for an instant. The night was most strange. He loved to just sit there and watch Tanj struggle; she tried hard to keep silent, but it seemed the infernal device could hear her heartbeat; she’d start moaning and that would drive the dildo which would drive her moans, which would drive the dildo to a higher level, which in turn would drive her to screams. The cycle would only end when she passed out, fainted dead away from overstimulation. By morning she was hoarse, her voice a mere whisper, and she’d chewed her lower lip bloody and raw, trying to stay quiet. Her “master” loved it, and told Tand so at great length, making sure Tand took the dildo for his own amusement. For the rest of the trip, all Tand had to do was to threaten Tanj with that dildo to make her behave…… Arrangements had been made for Tanj to be loaned out to yet another couple, again, obviously traveling incognito, again, obviously either rich, or powerful, and perhaps both. He’d been fuming for several days over what the Senator had done to Tanj. He knew that Tanj was both fascinated, repulsed and very much stimulated by what had been done to her. She was putting up a brave face, but Tand could tell she was worried what might happen when the lion got a good look…… And the Senator had not, in his opinion, returned her as he had instructed, “undamaged”. That alone was worthy of his vengeance. After dinner that night, as Tanj was led away, Tand moved silently up behind the Senator; “I seem to be free for the evening, and I was wondering if you might like some company” he purrrrrred into her ear. She smiled and leaned back against him; “I have some business I have to take care of, but perhaps you could come by, say, at 2300 Hours?” Tand purrrred and kissed the back of her neck, and moved off, to head back to his cabin to prepare. Once back in his state-room, Tand checked the progress of the worm program, the transcriptions of his listening devices, and a quick look in on the postage stamp camera he’d hidden in the couple’s suite. He’d gone to the trouble to hide a fairly large device there, and the three dimensional output he was getting was quite good. In fact, he could probably sell it…… Tanj was tied in a most interesting and unusual fashion, being forced to pleasure both male and female, and while it looked uncomfortable, she seemed to be in no danger. Turning off the sound but letting the image run in the background, he turned to prepare for his rendezvous with the Senator. He’d brought a very rare, very sophisticated and quite nasty assasination method with him, something that he felt was uniquely tailored to this situation. Something he’d picked up well outside the Empire, and probably not even known in these parts. Removing a small vial from a hidden compartment in one of his cases, he removed three minute seeds, handling them with tweezers. Dropping his pants, he proceeded to take his cock in his paw, and holding it carefully, he used a swab to apply a viscous pink liquid just inside the urethral canal, in the “eye” of his cock. Letting this set for a moment, he then proceeded to place the three seeds, carefully handling them with the tweezers, within the pink goo. Grinning, he knew the first time he ejaculated, the seeds would be deposited within the Senator’s pussy, where temperature, pH, and hormones would soon let them germinate. Pulling up his pants, with a wicked grin, he left his stateroom, headed for the Senator’s suite. “Of course” he thought as he walked, “This only works as the rendezvous with the pirates is less than three days off; I wouldn’t want to actually kill her with this. If all goes well, she’ll have the scare of her life, and still be alive by the time we get back to her……” The Senator opened the door to her suite, wearing a negligee that was all but transparent, the shifting silver haze of the fabric as it slid across her body transitioning from very slightly opaque to almost clear. It set off her black fur very well, Tand thought as he bent to kiss her softly. Skillful he was, in plying her, his caresses and his kisses making her smoulder, making her want him even more, until she could stand it no longer. With her paw wrapped around his eager shaft, she led him to her bed. His ministrations had set her on fire, and she was determined to see that fire quenched with Tand’s cum…… in time. She knew a thing or two as well, and was able to moderate his lusts, keeping him at the edge, at the peak, but never quite going over as they changed from this position, to something more exotic, to something more exotic still, as they explored each other’s repertoire of sexual skills. She was almost standing on her head, her shoulders taking her weight, an ankle in each of Tand’s paws, as he drove his cock down into her from a standing position. The position was strained and complex, and exciting if for no other reason than its unusualness, and it was then that Tand lost his control, howling as his cock exploded, throbbing as his cum filled the pussy of the Senator; she in turn added her voice to the chorus. Tand had given her several climaxes so far this evening, but feeling his cock throb and spurt, especially at this angle, was enough to send her to nirvana yet again. Tand was tempted to take his immediate leave, but the Senator’s paw was wrapped possessively around his cock, and the way her chest heaved as she panted was most alluring…… Before long, she purrrred, delighted that she’d stroked him to hardness yet again. “So, what do you have in mind, now, my lady?” he purrrred. “Mmmmmmm, perhaps a game of chance; a simple cut of the cards; looser is the slave to the winner for the rest of the night……” Tand grinned; “as long as it doesn’t leave this room, I suppose I’m game; but I get to cut the cards……” She shrugged; “its an honest deck; go ahead and shuffle. When playing, I enjoy either role……” Tand grinned and softly shuffled the deck, letting her cut the cards, and then shuffling again, and in the process quietly using an old magician’s trick to palm a card. She cut, showing the 10 of Hearts; when he cut, it was the King of Diamonds. The Senator smiled, and slid off the bed to kneel before him, whispering a quiet “Master……” Tand adopted a stern look on his face. Moving to the Senator’s toybox, he selected merely a long piece of soft rope. He tied her, with complex knots on her knees, wrists tied to either side of her waist. The end of her long hair tied to her bound ankles, tilting her head back. Wordlessly, he walked over to her, to present the bobbing head of his cock to her mouth. Just as wordlessly, she opened her mouth, to worship his cock with her tongue and lips and mouth, until with a groan, he spurted down her throat… Twice more, he made use of the Senator, once tipping her on her face, to thrust into her ass. After sitting her back up, and pulling a thick slave hood over her head, cutting off sight and sound, he quietly searched her suite, finding little except some sealed memory crystals that he dare not try and read. Yet. Removing the hood, he used her mouth once again, this time spraying what little cum he had left over her face and chest. Dressing slowly he smiled down at her; “The way I’ve tied you is not all that strict. With a little effort, I suspect you’ll be free, say, in an hour or two. Or twelve. Should be just in time for Breakfast, this day, or next. Perhaps I’ll see you there………” With a final kiss, he quietly let himself out of her suite, hanging a “do not disturb” sign by the door. The Senator struggled against the ropes. She’d already gotten two of the complex knots undone, and she was sure it was just a matter of time before she was free. Devilish of him, she thought, to do this to her, but still, in her own perverted way, she loved it. As she squirmed around on the floor, she paused for a moment, thinking she felt something move in her pussy. Ridiculous, she thought; he’d left no toys within her, and that, in a way, was a pity…… Tanj was returned to Tand at Breakfast, the couple that had borrowed her looking a little tired and exhausted. Tand just smiled. The Senator was notably missing from Breakfast. The Senator mewled, struggling with increased urgency at the ropes; “The bastard sure did use enough” she groaned as her fingers fumbled with yet another loop. Something was definitely tickling her down between her legs; it was almost as if an insect was crawling over her fur… A large insect… In fact, it felt as if it had moved from her pussy down to her bound ankles… She squirmed and struggled to get one paw free, the knots seeming to grow tighter the more frantic her efforts to get free. To Tand’s amusement, Tanj had taken a nap; a nap that had extended through lunch and was threatening to overrun dinner… He’d have to get her up soon. After all, they had an appearance to make at Dinner, and he was most curious to see if the Senator put in an appearance…… The Senator was mewling quietly, her eyes squeezed shut TIGHT. Something was moving over her bound ankles and thighs; something that seemed to originate in her pussy… And it was growing. All efforts to move to the comm panel had proven fruitless; she was too well tied. Tendrils were moving over her hips, and if she didn’t get her paws free soon, they’d be trapped as well. Scared out of her wits, she redoubled her effort. Tanj politely covered her mouth as she yawned; it was all catching up with her, and she was exhausted. Her outfit was a simple black dress, again in a halter style. Its front was conservative, from the mid-thigh hemline to her neck; the back, however, was bare from where the top tied at the back of her neck, to the base of her tail. The chain was fastened to the back of her collar, giving her a gleaming silver stripe down her back. Tand thought it looked striking. “He would” she smirked to herself. “Can’t wait to get home and get shed of this thing” she thought for the thousandth time; “its all well and good for an occasional something, but 24 hours a day, all day long, is simply too much”. So far, Tand had turned down three requests for Tanj for that night, saying that she needed some rest, and implying that he needed some time with her himself. Again, he noted the Senator’s absence. Senator Grant mewled softly, frightened out of her wits; she’d finally gotten one paw free, inches ahead of the growing tendrils, only to have them trapped by the thorny vines as she tried to free her other paw. She was slowly being encased in green thorny vines, some sort of weird mutant plant growing from her own vagina! She had ceased struggling long ago, the thorns being much too sharp. Again her mind turned to the big Leopard, and she wondered if he could have been responsible? She thought as much, but wondered HOW??? It was about three in the morning when the room’s terminal chimed. They were both awake and waiting, figuring it was about time. The ship had detected a transmission from nearby, something faint and encoded, and the worm program had notified Tand and Tanj. The pirates were here. “Sir, I saw it there for a moment, a burst transmission, but there’s no ship on sensors.” The comm officer looked curiously at the second officer, currently the watch officer. The latter shrugged; “sometimes you see strange things in space; keep an eye out, but if it doesn’t repeat itself, I wouldn’t worry about it”. The comm officer turned back to his console, thinking the second officer was dismissing it to lightly. HE thought that it was a cloaked military vessel practicing stealth approaches to their vessel. While this was annoying, what he considered “very poor form”, he too wasn’t particularly worried. After all, pirate activity was something seen on the frontier, not this deep in the Empire; and besides, everyone knew the pirates couldn’t afford military style cloaking devices…… Tanj watched as Tand instructed the worm program to play back the sensor reports for the last two hours, feeding them to the ship’s crew, blocking out all real events. He also instituted a program to reclassify all SOS messages to a priority that would see laundry lists transmitted first. Shutting down the comm systems entirely, or even deleting messages would raise too many alarms, but merely pigeonholing them should keep the airwaves quiet. The Pirate cruiser decloaked less than half a light second away, and moved in rapidly. The only way the liner could have spotted them was if someone was looking out a viewport…… Tand issued commands through the worm program to unlock all airlocks and to lower all but the navigational shields. He also threw in some miscellaneous instructions, like turning off all the hot water heaters, and decreasing the temperatures in the freezers in the galley to the point where everything therein would be rock hard. This of course raised alarms on some engineering panels, but the graveyard shift tagged it as a simple computer glitch, to be handled later. The pirate vessel launched fighters and shuttles as it closed with the hapless liner, still undetected. The fighters patrolled the area, making sure they wouldn’t be disturbed, while the Cruiser and the shuttles headed for the massive liner’s airlocks. As the hull rang with the Pirate cruiser docking, Tand told the worm program to shut down the higher functions of the Liner. The worm had already rewritten all the command access codes. No, the passwords required to completely control the ship had not been changed; that was too difficult; instead, the commands needed to access the password acceptance routine had been changed to random gibberish. A statement from the captain such as “Computer, this is Captain John Luke Discard. Authorization code Alpha one one alpha” would receive the computer equivalent of “huh?” On the bridge, the crew was frantic, but nothing seemed to work. A tech in engineering whispered to his mate “Now THAT wasn’t a computer malfunction! We’re being boarded!” The mate chuckled and shook his head; “no pirates in this sector; don’t worry. Probably just another damn drill……” Tand grinned as he instructed the worm program to shut down the ship’s drive. The pirates boiled through the main airlock, both inner and outer doors opening at the same time, to the great surprise of the handful of ad-hoc defenders. Rapidly, the pirates spread through the ship, securing the bridge, and engineering. An announcement followed over the intercom, by the ship’s captain, stating that the ship had been taken by those pirate scum, the brethren, instructing all passengers to remain in their staterooms, and not to offer resistance. He went on to state that if ransoms were paid, no one should be in danger. Ben grinned when he finished and retrieved the laminated card the Captain had been reading from; “Very nice, sir, and thank you” he growled. Tanj looked at Tand and shrugged; “you know, none of them know what we look like……” Tand checked the worm program and noted that no SOS had even been sent; the commands to scramble the command sequences had worked very well. They watched the terminal for about 20 minutes, before the door banged open and two rough looking pirates stalked in, to motion them out into the hall. There, they joined a line of other passengers, staring in shock and horror at the pirates. One particularly rough one stalked up and down the line, leering at the finely dressed females. Tanj was still wearing her black dress, and with her back against the corridor wall, appeared conservatively dressed. The pirate stopped in front of her, leering, thrusting his face into hers; “’ere now, you’re a pretty one! I bet you’d luv for me to take you for a quick ride……” Tanj smiled; “Why Jackson L. Quinn, you KNOW I’ve always enjoyed your attentions!” Both Jackson and Tand blinked. Tanj smiled; “Tell me, Captain Quinn, has Mark gotten the lateral thrusters on your ship fixed yet, or are they still hiccuping every time you try to land?” Jackson’s jaw dropped, and he spluttered; “how…… what…… who?” Behind Jackson, Reggie chuckled, pushing the incredulous pirate aside to look Tanj up and down; “My, Luv, I do admit I like you as an ocelot! But in any form, its good to see you again!” Tand growled; “Now wait a minute, that’s my slave you’re talking to!” Reggie grinned and pulled a short swort; “was your slave, you mean”, and with that, to the shocked and outraged screams of the other passengers, the big rabbit morph drove its point up under Tand’s ribs, a gush of blood spattering them both. Tand gasped, and grasping the hilt with both paws, collapsed. Reggie gestured and two of the pirates dragged the body to a nearby airlock. Tand’s body was thrown into the open lock, and the system cycled. When the lock’s inner door opened again, it was clear, except for a bloodstain on the floor. Reggie grinned and clipped a lead to Tanj’s collar; giving it a jerk, he pulled the startled Cheetah/Ocelot off, laughing. Tand dusted himself off in the shuttle mated to the outside of the airlock. Grinning he examined the sword; it truly was a marvel. With the blade extended it looked real, but with the least pressure, the blade collapsed into itself, to form only a small lump on the hilt. As it collapsed, a bladder of someone else’s blood was ruptured, spraying out. Grinning at the startled shuttle crew, he shrugged; “Doubtful they’ll go looking for a dead furr, eh?” With a grin he settled into a vacant acceleration couch to try and get some rest. The Lion was surprised when this Ocelot fem pounced him, throwing her arms around his neck to kiss him hard; an instant later her scent told him that Tanj had been found, and his arms wrapped around her, holding her close. It was then that he found the chain attached to the back of her collar, and a scant few moments after that, that he found its terminus. “A gift from Senator Grant; yes, she was identified; would you like for me to take you to her?” With a deep growl of assent from the lion, they were off. As they were moving down one of the corridors, Tanj caught something out of her eye. Growling, she snatched her own leash from the lion’s startled paw, to stalk over to one of the pirates and rap him across the back of the head with it. He turned in shock and rage, only for Tanj to growl in his face; “MISTER PRESTON YOU ARE BOTHERING FRIENDS OF MINE! YOU WILL CEASE AND DESIST IMMEDIATELY!” The pirate stepped backwards, even as Tanj pursued, until he came up against a wall. Tanj growled at him for a minute, showing fangs, and then turned to the Cougar and Wolverine couple that had been cowering under the pirate’s bullying. Taking their paws in her own, Tanj said; “I do apologize for his actions; sometimes they get into the “role” of being a pirate just a little too much; take it too much to heart”. Shooting a withering glare at the offending pirate, Tanj turned back to smile; “but I promise you they’ll behave from now on. I’m afraid you’re going to have to be our guests for a while, and yes, it will most likely be expensive; but you’ll be well treated, I promise, and……” she grinned widely; “Think of the tales you’ll have to tell your grandcubs!” With that Tanj grabbed the nearest section leader she could find, to issue some detailed instructions. The section leader glanced up at the lion, who nodded almost imperceptibly, and the section leader straightened, to turn to the couple. He actually bowed and kindly requested the couple to accompany him. The lion raised an eyebrow at Tanj as he reclaimed the end of the leash; Tanj just shrugged; “friends I made; they’re just sweet people; too…… innocent for things like this.” The lion nodded; “We’ll try and minimize their distress; that’s NOT why we’re here, but I still suspect they’ll get an eyeful in the months to come.” Tanj sighed and nodded and led the small party off down another corridor. The Senator jerked as she heard her door slide open. She was breathing rapidly, shallowly; the vines had encircled her chest, and her throat, constricting her harshly, making breathing difficult. Of course, the constriction was no more than a tight corset, but in her panicked state, it seemed much worse. The vines had bound her much tighter than the original ropes had, and in a dozen places, thorns had left drops of blood on her fur; still, she squirmed, ignoring the pain, to look beseechingly at Tanj as she came in the door. Tanj stopped two steps into the suite, staring at the vine encased form before her, eyes wide. The lion moved around her, to shake his head at the slowly wriggling form; “well now there’s something I haven’t seen in a while” he growled. Tanj looked at him; “What IS it?” The lion just grinned; “just something I ran across a long time ago, far from here. I suspect your, ah, former master had a paw in this……” Turning to the Senator, the lion raised an eyebrow; “you know that plant growing in you is slowly going to tighten until you suffocate, don’t you?” The Senator gave a little squeek and shuddered… “Now…” the lion continued, “we can leave you here to a horrible fate, or we can take you with us, to see if we can get this thing off. I’d planned on merely holding you for ransom, but if we have to go to all the trouble of curing you of this horrible problem, I think we’ll have to look for a greater return…” The senator tried to talk, but one vine had gone between her jaws, a thin, thorned gag, while others had wrapped around her muzzle, holding it closed. Still, her eyes beseeched the pirates to help her. The lion shrugged. “Was that a yes or a no?” he asked Tanj. After a minute of listening to the muffled noises emerging from the Senator, the lion shrugged; “come on, Tanj, I can’t understand her, and that thing is much too contagious; we’d best just leave her. As they rose to go, the volume of sounds coming from the Senator increased by an order of magnitude, as did her writhing, fresh spots of blood forming where the thorns dug into her. The lion looked at her and then sighed; “Oh, all right.” Turning he gestured to three of the pirates watching; “you three, take her to sick bay in the cruiser, and be careful; those thorns are sharp!” When they’d carried her off the lion grinned at Tanj; “Yes, that would have killed her, perhaps in another two days. And no, its not contagious, or even that hard to get rid of, I think. But I bet she’s so scared she’ll do whatever we want, just to get rid of it. I suspect we’ll learn a lot from her.” Tanj looked at him, aghast; “you KNEW this would happen??” The lion shook his head no; “To tell you the truth, I was as surprised as you were. Probably as surprised as she was. Still, I’m not beyond using it to my advantage……” Tanj spent considerable time, passing by all the passengers, directing the ones of value or significance to be taken aboard. She smiled as she directed Bethany the tigress, to be taken, to her master’s obvious confusion. The Wolf who had taken her the first night smiled as he and his business associates were selected; “Ah, what the heck, I didn’t really want to go to that marketing meeting anyways” he chuckled as they led him off. Finally, all of value that they could acquire had been gleaned, and the pirate cruiser undocked. It was just before they cloaked, that they transmitted the worm program’s self destruct code, returning function to the stricken ship. The trip back was quite and uneventful, the cloaked cruiser never registering on the sensors of any ship, military or otherwise. As they traveled, however, they monitored the message traffic having to do with the Imperial response to the pirate raid. The fleet was in an uproar, more because a ship that deep in the empire had been taken, than that Senator Grant was among the missing; they certainly weren’t going to miss HER. Tanj had regained her “pirate” outfit, the worn camouflage pants, and the abbreviated combat vest, with the chain brought up in front, and then looped around through the belt loops as an ad-hoc belt. It almost looked right. Almost. The first night, the lion gathered Tanj from the cruiser’s CIC (combat information center) where she was trying to catch up on her intelligence work. Leading her to his small cabin, he proceeded to use her, roughly, forcefully, reestablishing his position as her master. Stripping her quickly, once the door had closed, he wrapped his paw in her hair, driving her to her knees, and as he dropped his own pants, he used his grip to force her head against his crotch. Tanj for her part, had missed him, and it took no urging at all for her to lick and nuzzle, until his cock stood hard and proud. Not letting her take the initiative, though, he roughly fucked her face, forcing her further down, tilting her head back, driving his cock into her mouth, and down her throat, until with a roar, he came explosively. When Tanj had licked him clean, he bent to the task of tying her, on her knees, collar locked to a tie-down ring in the floor, ass held high. By the time he’d gotten her tied the way he wanted her, he was hard again, and he proceeded to fuck her hard in her pussy, his balls swinging forward to slap at her mons as he drove hard into her from behind. The chain, dangling straight down, swayed with the force of his thrusts and its motion, transmitted straight to her most sensitive parts, combined with his rough thrusts, brought Tanj to climax after climax. The rest of the night was spent with him tying her in this position or that, mostly on the small bed, as he proceeded to move through every possible variant of the sex act that he knew of. Somewhere in the middle of the night, the distinction became blurred as to who was servicing who, and morning found them wrapped in each other, the chain tangled amongst bodies and limbs. On the trip back, Tanj spent a good bit of time with the prisoners, gleaning what information she could obtain. The Wolf and his associates seemed to treat it all as a grand adventure at company expense, and Tanj and her ad-hoc intelligence staff gained a great deal of information on corporate dealings, mergers, buy-outs and such (and still she felt he was leaving the company-specific “dirt” out, but…..). They even complained good-naturedly about their accommodations (a bunk room), the food, and the “entertainment” (i.e. the lack of Tanj’s availability to them). She spent some time with the newlywed couple, doing her best to calm them down. She even found some time to talk to Bethany, the Tigress. “You understand I can’t promise anything” Tanj said to Bethany. “The way it works is that any pirate that sees anything he or she particularly fancies, they put in a bid for it against their share from the raid. High bid takes the merchandise. I know how much you dislike your current status, and I’m willing to make a bid for you, BUT you’ve got to pay me back that amount before I can release you. Sound fair?” Bethany nodded and shrugged; “More than fair; it’s the first hope I’ve had in years, but the way my luck runs, something will happen to screw it up…” Tanj just hugged her and headed back to work. Most of Tanj’s “interview” time was spent with the Senator; they were slowly pruning back the weird…… growth in exchange for answers to questions they had. The Senator was still terrified, and was being very cooperative. The fact that the sap from the growth was horribly acidic and tended to burn her when they pruned back a vine only reinforced her sense of panic and distress. Tand had told them how to do away with the parasite, when they’d felt they’d gotten as much information as they could, and it was amazingly simple…… Still, they were playing it for all they were worth, with the attending medical personnel (and Tanj) actually wearing space suits for fear of “contamination” around the Senator… Tanj was delighted to be back at the asteroid base. The Cruiser was a good ship, but it was just too cramped with all the prisoners on board. Besides, she’d started taking a good bit of teasing and some good natured complaints about the noise level coming from the lion’s quarters each night. As soon as the prisoners had been transferred, and all was secured, Tanj went down to Supply, to find Zassa. She had a question that she needed answering, and besides, any excuse to seek out the vixen…… Zassa was buried in inventory forms, and was delighted to find an excuse to take a break; she and Tanj stole away to a supply locker, where their conversation turned to caresses and then kisses and then some wild girl-on-girl sex. Of course that too led to Tanj telling Zassa all about where the chain came from, and all the related stories. Exhausted, sated, and pleased with what she found out from Zassa, Tanj went to talk to Ben, as her plan for the newlywed couple slowly came together…… Mark looked at Tanj closely as she sat on his desk, knees spread widely, the hem of her dress raised to her tummy. The lion and several others looked on as the engineer examined the fused barbell, and the chain still fastened to Tanj’s most sensitive parts. “Well, the first part is to remove the chain; that’s no trouble (with that he grinned up at Tanj, happy with his pun). Yes, it’s a hardened alloy, but I have things that will make short work of it. The Barbell is another story. It’ll have to be cut off, and while its only surgical steel, and not all that hard, getting it out without hurting Tanj will be…… “touchy”. Again he grinned. Tanj looked at the lion and he jestured to Mark; “we trust you; go ahead.” Mark nodded and got out a special pair of gloves and what looked like a small roll of thread. “This is a single molecule monofiliment; its extremely fine, and extremely strong. And because of its extreme thinness, extremely sharp. As you can see its coated in a more normal polymer so it can be handled; however it’ll cut through almost anything known……” Mark threaded one end of the thread through the last link of the chain, and then wound the ends around special synthetic diamond handles. The force he exerted seemed to be almost nothing at all, but suddenly the chain fell to the floor, one half link still tucked between Tanj’s clitty and hood. This Mark carefully removed, saying; “you have to be very careful; the edges are extremely sharp……” Mark then threaded a blunt curved needle with the thread and moving very carefully, slipped it where the chain link had been. Tanj squatted, holding herself carefully, as Mark lined up the thread just so, and then gave a gentle tug. Nothing seemed to happen, but the loop of thread was now completely visible, a small distance from Tanj’s body. Leaning forward, Mark plucked the top half of the barbell from where it was visible, letting Tanj recover the lower half. Tanj and Mark exchanged grins and then she kissed him in thanks. Halfway through the kiss, however, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning, she found the lion holding a captive bead ring, with a jingle bell. Looking up at him he just smiled and nodded; “This one isn’t permanent, but I don’t want those piercings closing up. Use this for the time being. Tanj just sighed and bent to the task of inserting the ring. As she walked out of Engineering, following her master, she had to struggle to keep from giggling at the jingling sound she made as she walked, or purrrring at the pleasant sensations. The Wolverine looked up from the slip of paper Tanj had handed him; “This is OUTRAGEOUS!” Yes, I KNOW we’ve been kidnapped by pirates, but this ransom demand is ludicrous!” His new wife, the Cougar looked over his shoulder in concern, one paw touching his arm as if to reassure him. Tanj just grinned wider; “Yes, I know its rather steep, but here’s what you get in the package……” That night, the doorbell chimed at the newlywed’s quarters. The wolverine opened the door, expecting to see Tanj or one of the other pirates, probably come on a matter related to the ransom. Instead he found a sultry vixen, wearing only a collar. She grinned up into his startled face and said; “Hi! I’m Zassa; Tanj thought that I ought to come by, that there might be a few things that I could do for you, maybe even a few things I could teach you……” Tanj was just finishing compiling the report on Senator Grant. They’d learned some amazing things before finally ridding her of the parasite. It seemed all she had to do to get rid of the thing was to drink copious amounts of cranberry juice. As with a mild yeast infection, the cranberry juice changed her system pH just enough to make the environment hostile for the parasite’s wellbeing and it had gradually withered and finally died, allowing them to remove the roots from where they’d found such an intimate purchase. The Senator, thus liberated, had been sent to a surgeon that worked occasionally for the pirates; she’d received just enough cosmetic surgery so that she’d never be recognized as the missing Senator Grant. Her breasts were now larger, and her ass was a fuller, heart shape, while her waist was reduced some. Her cheekbones were more prominent, and her ears were moved back just a touch. They’d even used bone grafts to lengthen her legs a bit, giving her the “leggy” look that so many males loved. The overall effect was striking. As she’d demonstrated at least some submissive tendencies to Tand, she was now on her way to a sex slave training facility several sectors removed, destined to become a gift from the lion to Jenka. Tanj grinned at that, knowing Jenka would know how to handle her (and knowing that she’d be treated at least reasonably well). As she passed the data crystal to her boss, the old fox that ran the intelligence department for the pirates, the lion walked in, swinging’s leash. Tanj was a little surprised, as she knew the lion had meetings that evening, but followed meekly enough as he led her to his quarters. “Maybe he just wants a quickie” she grinned to herself, but as they entered, and she saw Hinoki kneeling on the floor, she knew something else was up…… The lion had Tanj strip off her dress, and then sit on the edge of the bed; he knelt between her thighs, removing her clitty ring, and replacing it with a barbell of the type so recently removed. As he inserted it, he slipped the ring at the end of a strand of pearls through the shaft, between her hood and clitty. Using the short strand of pearls, only about a foot long, as a leash, he tugged Tanj to her feet, and led her over to Hinoki. The lion had her kneel facing him and reaching down, he clipped the other end of the strand of pearls around the Prince Albert piercing in Hinoki’s cock. This ring was in the very end of Hinoki’s cock, just visible at the opening of his sheath; it entered the “eye” of his cock, the urethral canal, to emerge from the bottom of his shaft, just below the “eye”. With the two tied together, the lion rose to padd towards the door; “Felt you two needed some quality time together” he purrred. As he passed through the door he called “you two have fun; see you in the morning”, and then the door closed and he was gone. Tanj grinned at Hinoki and without saying a word, she rose a little on her knees, to rock her hips back and forth, the pearls going tight between them, then slack, then tight. She purrrred as the pearls tugged at her clitty, and grinned as the whole thing was having an obvious effect on Hinoki, his cock growing hard, expanding out of his sheath, adding its own tension to the short rope of pearls connecting them. Tanj reached out a paw to stroke him lightly running the tip of one finger along his cock, until, as it reached the head, she thrummed the tight strand of pearls, the motion making them both gasp. Hinoki for his part, just grinned wickedly and slowly leaned back, further and further, until he was reclining on the floor. Tanj of course, HAD to follow, the tension on her clitty forcing her to move forward, to crawl over his body. She purrrrrred and rubbed herself against him for a while and then rose, to sit astride his hips. As she sank down, he took his shaft in hand, to rub the head of his cock against Tanj’s sex, the ring barely parting her labia. He found her quite wet and eager and within a moment or two, he’d raised his hips from the floor, to spear his cock into her dripping pussy. Tanj gasped, eyes wide as the pearls rippled against the walls of her pussy. The rope of pearls connecting them was just a little longer than his cock; as he thrust into her, the pearls were dragged along. But as he lowered himself, for a moment, the pearls remained stationary, rubbing against his cock, only moving slowly downward within Tanj’s pussy until he thrust up again. His thrusts moved the pearls back and forth slightly within Tanj, a surging back and forth that she found delightful; and of course, there was a small loop of pearls, descending from her clitty before disappearing within her pussy, that swung madly back and forth, adding to the delightful sensations. Tanj rode his cock slowly at first, and then with increasing vigor, until her juices were dripping from the bottom of the loop of pearls, to drip on his tummy. The unique sensations drove her to several very nice climaxes, before Hinoki lost control, his cock spurting powerfully within her. Tanj purrrred and rippled her vaginal muscles around his cock, milking his spurting shaft, as the presence of the pearls only made the sensations more interesting. Again, the feeling of his cock firing wadd after wadd of his hot cum into her drove her to yet another climax, and she fell forward, to lay atop him, panting hard. Maneuvering, tied together like that, was difficult, but as the night wore on, Tanj and Hinoki contrived to fuck each other in several different styles. Tanj admitted she liked it best on paws and knees, with him driving hard from behind, letting his cock and all the pearls slide out on each stroke, before he rammed them all home again. Hinoki professed to like the “wheelbarrow position, where he held Tanj’s legs up, as she supported herself with her paws. He almost had her doing a handstand, driving his cock down into her pussy… In the morning, the lion found them on the floor, cuddling, both snoring softly. He didn’t release them until after they’d not only showered, but also cleaned up the various spots on the carpet (and of course more spots on the carpet were created in the process, much to the lion’s amusement – they didn’t finish, to be released, until they’d almost stopped serving breakfast). The Wolverine sighed, and shook his head, frustrated. “Its OK”, Tanj soothed; “I know flying this thing isn’t like the civilian or commercial ships you’ve ever handled; remember too, its supposed to have damage. Now lets try it again……” Tanj hurried down the corridor to find Bethany. The Tigress was slumped in a seat, in the slave kennels, looking very unhappy. As Tanj sat down beside her, Bethany looked up; “told you something’d screw it up.” Tanj shook her head; “so someone out-bid me. No big deal; these things happen all the time. Come on…” And taking Bethany by the paw Tanj tugged her to her feet and pulled her down the corridor, heading for accounting. The only clerk there looked up in surprise as they charged in. Tanj leaned over the counter; “I want to find out who put in the winning bid on Bethany here”. The clerk shrugged and then leaned to one side to look at Bethany; “I don’t even have to look that one up”, the young Ferret said. Gazing curiously at Bethany he continued; “The boss discovered that she has accounting skills; he’s the one that out-bid you. And to be perfectly frank, I’m glad. I need all the help down here I can get……” The lion looked up as Tanj charged into Ops, towing the Tigress behind her. Most of the Ops crew knew that look on Tanj’s face, and started to surreptitiously move towards the exits, including some of those that had console duty. Tanj stopped just in front of the lion and growled; “Tell me why you outbid me for Bethany! Dammit, I made her a promise!” The lion blinked; “you were bidding for, ah, Bethany, is it?” If he knew what was going on, he had a great “innocent” routine, Tanj thought, but she also wouldn’t put that past him. “Yes. I know for a fact that Bethany does NOT care for this life, and I told her that when she had paid me back the purchase price, I’d set her free. NOW I find you’ve out bid me!” The lion just made a small “oh” sound and nodded. “The prospectus said that she had been an accountant. Cutthroats, corsairs, and hot-shot pilots we got coming out of our ears. Engineers we have enough of. We’ve even got enough deep space miners for the cover operation. What we sorely lack are good, honest accountants. Even YOU know that! Wasn’t anything personal, Honest. But I tell you what, given the promise you made, I’ll make you a promise in return. When we’ve accomplished our “corporate goal” of eliminating the corrupt Elysium government, and re- establishing a just and honest system, whether the people of Elysium elect to outlaw slavery in this sector, or not, I’ll free her, and you too. All the slaves in this operation. And that’s a promise.” Bethany grinned; “I can handle that”. Tanj just stared, her mouth open. “Now go on, you two; we’ve all got work to do. Tanj, you get Bethany squared away with Sammy down in accounting. I’ll leave her in your nominal care; for the time being, you’re still “First Girl”. Now go on, scoot!” Bethany and Tanj had almost left ops, Bethany half leading the dazed Tanj, when the lion called to them; “Tanj, you know I don’t mind you talking to the rest of the crew like that, when it comes to your job in intelligence. But you should know better than to take that tone with me. THAT has earned you a punishment. Now go on, back to work”. Tanj blinked and combined a nod with a shrug, as Bethany tugged on her paw. When they were safely outside Ops, Bethany hugged Tanj and purrrred “Comes as a shock that you might ever be free, eh Tanj?” Tanj just shook her head; “I don’t know…… I honestly don’t know that I WANT to be free…… ESPECIALLY if it means leaving him…… I gotta think about this……” It was later that night, that Tanj, Zassa, Hinoki and Bethany, all nude save for their collars, reported to the dormitory that housed the wolf and his associates. They were due to be shipped out the next day, their ransom having been paid by their company’s insurance carrier, and the lion had decided to reward their patience. He couldn’t do much about their accommodations, thought the food was fine the way it was, but figured that he could give them one more shot at Tanj, as a way of reminding her of her “station”, as punishment for her “attitude” shown earlier in the day. As he didn’t want Tanj worn to a frazzle, he directed her to gather “reinforcements”. And they were needed too, as the Wolf and his associates had gotten particularly randy while their company’s insurance carrier had tried to negotiate the price down with the pirates. However, they were still polite, and a very good time was had by all. The following morning Tanj kissed the wolf goodbye at the airlock, still nude, as they boarded their shuttle, and she noted with a wry grin that they were all walking funny…… Tanj had a small addition to her punishment, and after sending a rather sleepy Zassa, and Bethany off to their “daytime” jobs, and Hinoki off to bed (lucky bastard had a second shift job this week), she stopped by the caffeteria to pick up a breakfast tray. Tand had been holed up in a visitor’s suite, staying out of sight, furthering the “dead” legend that had bee created to cover his part in the little deal, and the lion thought that he too, should be rewarded for his patience…… Tand didn’t seem surprised when Tanj showed up with his breakfast. Tanj was prepared for another display of his “mastery”, but to her pleasant surprise, he was polite, even charming. As he ate his breakfast, they chatted about how things had been progressing, although Tanj was unable to draw him out as to his future plans. Tanj still wound up being “desert”, the two of them making love in a variety of positions, styles and given the limitations of his stateroom, a variety of places. By the time she left, just before lunch, it was her that was walking funny, and yawning to boot. No one seemed surprised when she padded into the intelligence office wearing only her collar, yawning widely…… They were all gathered in the cafeteria to watch the daily news broadcast. Tanj’s little project had spread a bit through the organization, and everyone was interested in seeing how it had come out. Sure enough, just after the financial reports, as they turned to the “local color” stories, there a reporter was interviewing the newlywed couple in front of a very battered raider ship, in the middle of Rostarnok’s main starport. “Yes, it was a horrible experience” the Wolverine was saying; “The pirates are all beasts, and the things they did to us could not possibly be mentioned in polite society……” At this the pirates hooted and yelled, knowing full well what Tanj and Zassa had participated in…… And on the monitor, it looked as if the Wolverine’s wife was having a hard time suppressing a smile. “We managed to evade their internal security sensors, and steal this ship…” he went on; “As you can see, its heavily damaged; we had quite a battle as we fought clear of their ship”. In fact, a pirate cruiser had released them quite a ways away, in a spot where they’d be certain to be found, no matter how poorly the ship was flown, or how inaccurate their navigational skills. All, of course, upon receipt of the ransom, handled discretely through the Wolverine’s banks. “What will you do now, Sir?” The reporter asked. The Wolverine grinned; “Why, We’re going to have our ship here overhauled, and then we’re going to fly her home! A trophy as it were; yes Sir, a trophy! No more liners for us! And the next time pirates cross our bow, we’ll be ready! OH! Yes, I’d like to say one more thing. There were several of the pirates that we’d like to, um, “cross swords” with again. Should anyone ever capture a Cheetah named Tanj, or a Vixen named Zassa, I’ll offer a reward of one Million credits for them turned over to us. Only if they’re alive, however! And the Cheetah may be disguised as an Ocelot…… We have, ah, “unfinished business” with those two.” In the background, his wife just nodded, what could have passed for an evil grin on her face. Tanj just STARED as a bounty was put on her head. Of course, the pirates hooted and yelled, each claiming they’d turn Tanj in for the bounty themselves! The lion, standing nearby, just chuckled; “now that was a real nice thing for them to do” Zassa turned to look at him; “NICE? How do you figure that was NICE?” The lion grinned and gestured to Tanj; “can you figure it out?” Tanj just nodded slowly; “We gave them something for their money…… Instead of merely ransoming them, we basically made them heroes- for-a-day, and more importantly, in their straightlaced society back home, we gave them something to talk about. A honeymoon that they could brag on for the rest of their lives. They’ve just set it up so that if the Elysium government, or the Empire ever do capture us all, Zassa and I will at least live, handed over to those that will see no further harm comes to us. Why I bet they’d be DELIGHTED to have slaves that were a part of their story!” Zassa blinked at Tanj, and mouthed a small “oh”. The lion just nodded. “And that brings me to something else” the lion rumbled. “Tanj, you are becoming much too well known for these “undercover” operations. Too many people have seen your face, as well as other memorable portions of your anatomy. I’m afraid that mission was your last. From now on, you’ll just have to arrange to have missions like that conducted from your position on the command staff.” Tanj shook her head, and it was plain to all that she didn’t think much of the idea of being chained to a desk. Then the murmurs of the crowd rose a bit, as the latter part sunk in… Tanj looked up into the lion’s face; “did you say……” He nodded; “Yup. Think you’ve earned it, and I doubt anyone here will say otherwise. You’re now in charge of Intelligence Operations. You’ll run all the field agents, and funnel the FurInt data to your boss, who aside from being head of Intelligence will also head up the “technical” means of intelligence gathering.” As the crowd broke up, many found their way by to congratulate Tanj. Tanj saw Tand off at the airlock. He was making a quiet, unheralded departure, especially as most thought he was dead. “I guess you really are the boss now, Tanj” he purrrred. “If you ever need my services again, you know how to find me” Tanj rose to tiptoes to kiss him goodbye; “you take care of yourself, you scoundrel, and yes, I suspect we’ll see each other again.” And with that, he cycled through the lock into the waiting ship, and was gone. Tanj took a pass through the intelligence office on her way back from the docking bay. Things were quieting down nicely. Grant’s successor had not yet been named, but the remaining Senator was making more noise about a new economic initiative, than about pirates. Everything seemed to be getting back to normal, and for the moment, the Imperial menace seemed to have vanished. Returning to her master’s cabin, Tanj showered, and washed her hair. Taking the time to brush it until it shone, she padded naked back to the foot of his bed. She’d saved the chain the Senator had fastened her with, and now, once again, she put the last link in place, using the barbell the lion had given her. The other end she locked firmly to the foot of his bed. Kneeling there, the chain in a glittering silver pool between her knees, she awaited his return. The surprise on his face was short lived, being displaced with interest, possibly hunger. Without a word, he padded over to Tanj, to stand before her. Equally silent, she undid his pants, removing them before licking softly at his sex, teasing him with her tongue until he was hard, until he was throbbing. He lifted her, to bend her over the footboard, from which he took her from behind, the chain rattling noisily with each thrust, the swaying links driving her to climax after climax. He paced himself, slowing almost to a stop on three separate occasions before speeding back up; by the time his orgasm claimed him, Tanj was panting, almost mindless, lost in a sea of pleasure. Later they cuddled, drowsy, on the bed. “Been thinking about that promise you made” Tanj mumbled. The lion softly stroked a finger across her belly; "Not much of a promise, you know; you got all the money you need to buy your freedom now, and then some……” Tanj rose to one elbow to look at him; “I can DO that?” she gasped. He laughed and nodded; “you never did read the handbook, did you?” She just shook her head no. He grinned and stroked his finger a little lower, until he encountered fur slicked with her juices and his; “So, whatcha gonna do?” She grinned and leaned over to kiss him softly; “I happen to like it here. I don’t want to leave, now, or even when or if we’re through with what we’re trying to accomplish. I don’t want to leave YOU.” The lion smiled, perhaps a touch of sadness on his face; “I’m pleased you feel that way, but sometimes we don’t always get what we want. We’ll see how you feel when everything’s through, if we get that far; but in the meantime, did you ever think that after that wild night, you might be carrying Hinoki’s cubs? You’re both Cheetahs and he CAN get you pregnant. You got that, and him to think about too, you know.” Tanj nodded slowly, and then shrugged; “I know the Academy had a way to prevent pregnancies, but you’re right, if they were putting something in the food, it should be well out of my system by now…… Hmmmmmmm. I’ll have to think about that. And him.” A while later, Tanj purrrred as they cuddled; “Think I might put that money towards a raider ship of my own……” From her position, with her head on his chest, she didn’t see the look of concern that passed across his face…… Tanj's Tale: Strange Bedfellows By Kittiara Stardate 2398.40 and Ann'katar Tanj scowled at the scouting reports. It was midmorning, but she'd been up all night, working hard. In fact, she'd scarcely noticed the change of shifts from day to evening, from evening to night, and from night to day...... The scouting reports she was pouring over had nothing to do with far-flung picket ships reporting back targets of opportunity. Those kind of scouting reports were currently being handled by operations. THESE scouting reports were from agents and factors working for the pirates, feeding information to them on possible replacements for the ships and personnel lost in the recent attack on the fueling station. The Brethren had achieved all their goals, taken an incredible amount of loot, and hurt the Elysium government bad; but they'd paid for it dearly in capital ships, in raider ships, and in experienced and trained personnel. In RELIABLE personnel. Now they needed to replace those losses, and finding trustworthy scum was not easy. Especially as the burgeoning rebel movement on Elysium was drawing off all the young, adventurous malcontents...... The tap on her shoulder caused her to jump a foot, hardcopy flying everwhere. Spinning about in her station chair, she found Bethany, the Tigress from Accounting braced against the far wall, eyes wide, as if she expected Tanj to attack her. Shaking her head, Tanj rose to padd over to her, to hug her softly; "I'm sorry, just been working too hard. You startled me, 's all." Bethany nodded and hugged back; "you need a break. Here, brought you your paycheck." Tanj slitted the envelope with one clawtip, and pulled out the voucher within. As with all the pirates, the funds were already deposited in distant, numbered and secure accounts, with only the acknowledgement of the deposit in the envelope. Sitting back down heavily in her station chair, Tanj looked up at Bethany; "this CAN'T be right!" Bethany just grinned; "oh, its correct all right. Triple-checked it. The raid on the fuel station was quite profitable, and your role was a key one there, earning you a larger share. And the work you did on the Burgess Star also turned a tidy profit. It all adds up, doesn't it?" Tanj looked at the figure again and nodded in amazement. It was the beginning of the Evening shift. Tanj found that she couldn't concentrate on the scouting reports any more, reading and re-reading the same one a dozen times and still not knowing what it said... She knew she needed to sleep but was too keyed up. And the lion, HER Lion, was busy with staff meetings. Sneaking out of the intelligence office, she padded through the remote corridors of the station trying to think. The money the piece of hardcopy in her paw said she had, in half a dozen different accounts, spread across the Empire, was easily enough for someone to retire on. And quite comfortably too. And yet, although it was theoretically possible for her to buy her freedom, to leave here, to leave the Brethren, to leave her MASTER, was the LAST thing she wanted to do. Still, she felt there should be something worthy she could do with the money...... Tanj smiled as she passed a couple of maintenance workers, moving in the opposite direction down the service corridor. She knew they were turning to look at the sexy cheetah fem, in the skimpy, sexy dress, turning to watch her ass sway under the fluid material as she walked. Resisting the urge to turn her head, to wink at them over her shoulder, she wondered just exactly what she DID want. Was she cruising for a new sex partner? Was she waiting for someone to come over, to clip a leash to her collar, to lead her off? After a moment of reflection, she realized that if someone did just that, she wouldn't be upset in the least. Fantasizing about it for a moment, she could almost feel the strong paws holding her as the leash was clipped to her collar, tugging her insistently down the hall, to untold sexual delights... She felt herself getting wet just at the thought of it. Stopping and turning, she started to head in the direction of Hinoki's quarters, thinking that in lieu of her Master, he was the best one to scratch her itch; but then she remembered he had Evening shift this week. With a sigh, she turned and resumed walking in her original direction. Cycling through a lock, she found herself in the spinward maintenance bay. Several raider ships were lined up there, awaiting repairs. There was Brampton's ship, with the hole through the hull that had taken out his gunner, along with most of the ship's electronics. There was Davis' cutter, with the entire sensor array shot to hell. And there was Srina's ship. The shields had failed and they'd taken a missile right below the flight deck. Most of the ship's critical systems worked fine, but the entire crew had been killed...... Well, this wasn't exactly a low risk job...... As she looked at the ships, she realized that every ship was owned by either its captain, or as a cooperative venture by its crew. And raider ships, at least those that survived, made good money. Not as good as intelligence operatives, but then she was out of that business now...... Tanj was yawning widely when she found Mark. It had taken a while to find him, as only his feet were visible, the rest of him tucked up inside a console on the engineering deck of the "Mighty Quinn", one of the Brethren's cruisers. Grinning, she bent down to tickle one foot, and was rewarded with a loud thump and muted cursing from within the console. When he'd dragged himself out, Mark just shook his head; "Knew it was you. Why aren't you sleeping? Tanj just shrugged; "too tired to sleep, I suspect. Listen, got something on my mind. You've been looking for a way out of Engineering, haven't you?" The mouse nodded cautiously, his eyes narrowing. Tanj continued, missing the look on his face as she stared off to one side; "I've been thinking of investing some of the money I've made in a raider ship. I was thinking that you and me, and Zassa and Hinoki and maybe even Bethany could crew it. Might be a way to get us all out where the action is......" Mark had finally gotten Tanj off to bed. He needed a few minutes to think. Did he really want to 'escape' engineering? After a bit of mulling it over, he sighed and nodded inwardly. Here he was, pretty much the fur who'd singlehandedly made the strike against Elysium trading station possible in the first place, and all he really had to show for it was the admittedly big paycheck he'd gotten for the job. Other than that, nothing had changed; he still got assigned to clean up other people's messes more often than not, from the half-wrecks the hot- shot fighter pilots would sometimes bring back from their raids to crawling through ducts and making sure life support still ran up to spec after some particularly wild party. He grinned to himself; it was so strange how they'd enjoy the party and then complain about the resulting funny smells from the overstrained environmental system, in their cabins three sectors away. Not exactly what he'd been looking for when he signed up. But a raider...... he shook his head. He'd known would-be raider crew much like Tanj before - young, itching for action, and convinced nothing could ever possibly happen to THEM. And he'd pulled his share of them from ships that barely managed to return, too; a very few that were lucky enough to still be able to scream, but most quite cold and dead by the time they arrived. Space wasn't a forgiving battlefield, and there was a reason those guys drew high pay...... It was several days later when Mark caught the Lion as he was heading to Ops from his latest meeting. "Hey, Boss, got a moment?" Mark called. The Lion turned, and looked at Mark and then chuckled; "no, not really, but if you talk fast while we walk, I'll do my best to listen. The way things are going, it'll be years before I've got an open spot on my calendar." Mark nodded; "Tanj has been talking to me about buying a raider ship... At first I thought it was just a passing fancy, but she's come back to talk to me about it several times. I think she's serious." The lion slowed, but then nodded; "Not what I would consider a good investment, but if she picks the right captain and crew, it might pay off. Bit of a gamble though." Mark shook his head; "Ah...no, that's not what I meant. She wants to crew it herself. Her and me, and Zassa and Hinoki, I believe she said." That brought the Lion to full stop, in the middle of the corridor. He looked at Mark for a moment and then shook his head. "The trick here is to stop her with out hurting her feelings. I do NOT want to see her get hurt, and with all due respects to whatever skills you might have, crewing a raider is not my idea of how to keep her safe." Mark nodded, and shrugged; "Same here. That's why I told you; you're her master, as it were, and thus in a better position to do something about it. I haven't been able to dissuade her myself." The Lion absently patted Mark on the back as he turned towards the door to ops; "Thanks; I appreciate it!" As the door closed behind the lion, missing the hairy tip of his tail by millimeters, Mark shook his head with a wry grin and rubbed his shoulder. "Guy's got a touch like a ten-ton truck" he muttered. "Hope he can find a solution that doesn't involve running anybody over..." Tanj purrrrred softly as she licked at her master. It was late at night, and they were lying on his bed, Tanj between his thighs licking softly at his balls. She'd found, long ago, that with him so distracted, she could usually talk him into small favors...... "The auction? (lick) I was planning on going with them, if you don't mind. (lick). I really should talk to our agent there...... (lick). And I thought I'd take the opportunity to do some shopping (lick). The Lion moaned; she knew JUST how to tease him, how to fill his mind with lust... It only took a few more licks before he growled low in his throat, and reached down to drag Tanj up his body, so he could kiss her, his rampant cock pressed against her stomach...... As she wriggled her hips, sliding up, and then down a bit to tease the head of his cock with her sex, she grinned to herself; "at least he didn't say no...... And its generally easier to get forgiveness than permission......" Tanj sat with Mark, Reggie and Slasher in a small auditorium. They'd traveled to Amhurst, several sectors away, to attend an "informal" ship auction; the kind where no one asks who the bidders are, or where the ships came from, or where they might be going. There were supposed to be several ships there that the pirates might be able to use, some of which were ex-Imperial military, some of which were ex- smugglers, and a few of which might even have been pirate booty. Supposedly they all had legal papers... They'd spent several days poking around the ships, running diagnostics, and reviewing the prospectuses. Tanj had carefully marked her program with the ones she thought the pirates should bid on, as well as how much she thought they should pay. It was a silent auction, each lot number in turn being reviewed by the auctioneer, followed by his taking sealed envelopes from the bidders. The highest bid then took the prize, and they moved on to the next item up for bid. "Pity we didn't take that one" Reggie mumbled, with Slasher nodding in agreement. Tanj just shrugged, looking at Mark; the mouse shook his head; "no, that one had some serious engine trouble. It wasn't obvious, but in a few months that buyer will regret it. Trust me." As the auctioneer started to review the next ship, Tanj's pulse increased a little; this was the ship that she'd picked out for herself. It was a Katana class corvette, originally designed to chase pirates. This one, however, had become outdated, and sold for scrap, only to have some enterprising soul cram an engine from an Exeter class cruiser into its engineering spaces. With all that excess of power, it was obscenely FAST and had all the juice necessary for incredible shields and weapons. It was a hash of out of date technologies, and state of the art systems. And it was powerful. And so ugly it was beautiful. As the auctioneer finished up, Tanj passed her sealed envelope forward. After a moment, the auctioneer looked up at her and she knew she had it! They finished out the auction, although Tanj's heart wasn't in it; she was too eager to go see her new ship. HER new ship! Finally they were through, Reggie, Slasher and Mark fairly well satisfied as to the purchases they'd made for the Brethren. Tanj had a hard time not skipping ahead of the others, forcing herself to behave like an adult. Walking up to where HER ship rested in the docking bay, she purrrrrred to herself as she looked up at it. She was just about to open the hatch when Mark cleared his throat; "Uh, Tanj, we got a problem......" Tanj waved a dismissive paw; "let me take a look at my ship, then we'll handle it......" Mark shook his head; "That's just the problem; that isn't your ship." Heads turned all through the docking bays as Tanj's shout of "WHAT???" echoed off the rock walls. Mark shook his head; "See, here's the prospectus. Katana Class. No.Q2271719HS. Your bill of sale says Q2271719HS. But the number painted on the bow of that ship is Q1172729HS. Somebody in printing must've gotten their numbers mixed up." Tanj growled low in her throat. Snatching the prospectus she stalked off to find an auction official. Stalker watched her go; then he turned to Reggie and Mark, raising an eyebrow as if to ask "should we go after her?" Reggie shook his head; "No, Slasher, I think we should stay away. This could be grim..." Mark watched Tanj's ass sway as she marched off; "I think we should go try and find this Q2271719HS, and see what she DID buy. I hope it's not one of those pieces of junk we passed over for good reason before..." Tanj stared up at the Type II freighter, the crumpled prospectus in her paw, her mouth hanging open. "I bought THIS? I can't believe it" she said for what must have been the fourth time. Mark hmmm'ed thoughtfully. "You know, given what you paid, this really isn't a bad deal. It's much newer, it's in much better shape, everything works..." "But its not a Raider" Tanj growled; "There's no way I can recoup my investment with this ship, with the Brethren! For us, its USELESS!" Slasher elbowed Reggie and Reggie cleared his throat; "Uh, what did the auction officials say?" Tanj glared at Reggie and growled; "they say that it states in the fine print the numbers on the ships are the final indicator; that the prospectus can and does contain misprints. Caveat Emptor they said; let the buyer beware. Then suddenly they were all gone, and I was yelling at empty air......" Reggie shrugged; "so now what do we do?" Mark shook his head; "the smaller ships are being transported to where we can pick them up; that's all arranged. But this one's too big for the carrier; we're going to have to fly her back." Tanj just sighed as they led her into the airlock. Tanj sat in the ship's tiny wardroom, sipping a cup of coffee. They were about 20 hours out from Amhurst, headed for home, and to Tanj's mild surprise, everything really was working. As much as she wanted to hate this ship, for not being what she wanted, she grudgingly had to admit, for what it was, it was a good ship. The Type II was generally known as a "Free Trader", with the legs to go long distances at, for a cargo ship, fairly high speeds. Of course, this was at the expense of cargo capacity. Still, you could trade the outer planets, landing at unimproved fields, going where the larger ships couldn't. It had decent shields, for a freighter, and its two turrets could keep minor annoyances at bay. And it was a lot more comfortable than a raider... The closet laughingly called a "master's cabin" had a real bed, instead of just another bunk in a barracks compartment. And it had a real galley, even if only one person could fit in it at a time. Still, while it was nice, unless she could find a use for it, it would be a horrible waste of money...... It took the freighter eight days to return to the pirate base. During that time, Mark puttered in the engine room, tinkering, and just in general keeping an eye on things. The autopilot worked, and Tanj, Reggie and Slasher took turns standing boring bridge watches...... Tanj yawned as Reggie entered the flight deck. As she rose from the pilot's seat, and stretched the way only a feline can, Reggie came up behind her, to hug her, his lepine teeth nibbling at the back of her neck, his paws stroking up over her tummy to cup her breasts. Tanj purrrrrred and wriggled her ass back against him, not at all surprised to find him already growing hard. With a giggle, Tanj's paws went behind her, to work at undoing his belt buckle, to let his pants drop to the deck with a *thud* (what DID he have in his pockets?). Tanj's dress was short, and as was her Master's preference, there was nothing on underneath it, and hence no hindrance at all for Reggie to push her down over the top of the pilot's chair, to slide his cock into her willing pussy from behind... Reggie was good, and they both knew it; he took his time, fucking her slowly, letting her passion rise, until she was moaning with each long stroke. Tanj for her part, braced herself against the back of the seat with one paw, the other going between her legs to tease his swinging balls. Reggie demonstrated his prowess by bringing her to two quick climaxes, alternating several short quick jabs with long smooth thrusts, and then, moving slowly, almost languidly, letting the third build, until they came together. As they panted afterwards, holding each other close, Reggie chuckled; "I guess that christens the ship." Tanj laughed and nodded; "that it does." "Picked out a name yet?" Reggie asked. Tanj sighed and nodded; "Yeah; Lost Cause. In memory of the freighter I was on when it all went to Hell, in memory of Squint… and besides, I figure I'll never get my money back outta this thing." Reggie just laughed. Slasher had his nose stuck in the ship's technical manual for Navigation when Tanj padded onto the flight deck to relieve him. Looking up with a grin, he marked his place and put the manual away, to rise and padd over to Tanj, to give her a soft kiss. Always the ferret of few words, he cocked an eyebrow and smiled; "Heya, Sexy; wanna fuck?" Moments later, Tanj's dress had been tossed over the engineering console, and she was flat on her back on the deck, with the ferret energetically thrusting between her thighs. Slasher was wild, his approach frenetic and forceful, and before long, Tanj was howling through her climax, with Slasher spurting into her shortly thereafter. "Gotta get some towels in here" she giggled. But Slasher shook his head no, and pushed her down again, to present his slick cock to be licked as he shoved his head between her thighs, to lick at her in turn. Of course, this wound up going beyond simple cleaning and before long moans and sweet cries echoed from the flight deck. As he headed off to get some sleep, Tanj settled down in the pilot's couch, still nude, grinning to herself; "Guess I really DID "relieve" him......" It pretty well became a standard shift-change ritual, a running joke about being each other's "relief". Their course was simple, the traffic light, and a whole shift of studying flight manuals and running sims would leave anyone wanting to relieve some frustrations......This went on until Mark complained that the scents were overloading the environmental system...... Not to say he was jealous; Tanj made a point of seeking him out from time to time too for a little "relief"... Still, all things considered it was a quiet trip back...... "All right, Scum, heave to, lower your shields and prepare to be boarded by the Brethren! Resist and die!" Edna always loved saying that, when her flight of raiders overtook a lone merchantman. She always got a kick out of how they gasped, and protested, and pleaded. However, when Reggie's face coalesced on the viewscreen it was her turn to gasp. "Reggie? SLASHER? What in the blue blazes are you...... How'd you take that ship before I could? I thought you were out near Amhurst!" Slasher just laughed while Reggie grinned; "Edna, trust me, you do NOT want to mess with this ship; you see Tanj bought it at the auction; we're just flying it back." Edna blinked; "she BOUGHT it? What'd she do THAT for?......" By the time they docked the Free Trader at the pirate base, there was a fair sized crowd gathered to see what was going on. Everyone knew Tanj, and they knew she was at least fairly sharp. No one could figure out what she was doing with a free trader, and they'd all come to find out. By the time the drives were shut down, and the airlock opened, the Lion had arrived. He gave the ship the once-over and nodded, striding to the lock just as Tanj emerged. "Good work, I'm impressed." Tanj just blinked...; "huh?" The lion nodded; "This is exactly what we need to ease the logistics problem. With this rig we should be able to deal in more distant ports, where they're not on the lookout for us. Its been getting damn hard to pick up the spares we need around here lately; either its too risky or the prices are way too high. And I bet this thing will do wonders for the liaison work with the Elysium resistance. Free traders like this are a dime a dozen out there. Ubiquitous. And the "legal" bill of sale and registration will go a long way towards making it all look legitimate. Yup, that's good work, Tanj, I'm proud of you. Pick a crew for that ship, furrs rated for intelligence work, and get them up to speed on her. We have a meeting with some of the resistance folks in a few weeks, and I think we'll take your ship." With that, he gave her a hug, and was dragged off by one of the operations crew, for yet another problem. Tanj stood there and blinked, her mouth hanging open. She wanted to protest, to tell him that wasn't what she'd had in mind at all, but as folks crowded around her, asking when the first logistics run would be made, each recommending what THEY thought the priority should be (usually what THEIR ship required), Tanj decided to keep her mouth shut...... "It says WHAT? I don't BELIEVE this! I can understand it with respect to "company" owned ships, but this is MY ship, Dammit!" Ben stood his ground in front of an enraged Tanj. The wolf was more than used to her temper and knew that she wasn't about to bite or claw him, no matter what it looked like. "Tanj, you never did read the handbook, did you?" he growled in return. "I don't care how much flight experience you have on similar ships, I don't care if you ARE the owner of record. You DO NOT get to fly that ship until you're passed by one of the flight instructors. Them's the rules and we WILL go by them!" Tanj just growled as she turned her back on Ben. It was just as well; that way she couldn't see him smile. Finally she turned to face him again, her temper somewhat more under control; "All right Ben, you win. How soon can I get on the schedule for a flight instructor?" Mark looked up as Tanj stalked into the repair bay. "Bastards won't let me fly my own ship" she grumbled, flopping down next to where he was working on some sensors. Mark chuckled; "you knew that. They wouldn't let you fly that raider we worked on together; it shouldn't be a surprise that they wouldn't let you fly anything else." Tanj sighed and nodded; "no restrictions like that on flight engineers. They'll take my certification in THAT area without problem...... Grrrrrrrr." Mark just nodded solemnly as he checked connections on the sensor grid with a portable meter. After a while, Tanj shook her head; "no way around it. We need a crew for that ship. The boss keeps coming up with errands for us to run with it. The schedule for the immediate future is getting quite full. Until I can get certified, will you pilot her, Mark?" The lion took Ben aside after the latest "after action review" meeting. "listen Ben, I'm a mite concerned about Tanj......" Ben chuckled and nodded; "Yeah; liked her better when she was just a compliant slave. As she gets into her job in intelligence, she's forgetting herself and her temper is starting to show through. You'd be surprised at how many furrs are starting to run scared of her..." The lion blinked; "Huh? OH, THAT. No problem, I'll see that she gets an "attitude adjustment"... Even you have to admit she's too good at that intelligence post to send her back to the kennels..." Ben sighed and shrugged; "Yeah, I guess that's true. Pity; she's good at intelligence work, but she's fantastic at being a sex slave..." The lion chuckled and nodded; "OK, OK, we'll give her a MAJOR attitude adjustment, and some more time away from the intelligence office. What I'm really concerned about is her taking off on the various tasks that need doing, in that freighter she bought." Ben grinned; "Yeah, heard rumors about the switch you pulled on her ship; if she ever figures that out, you're going to have teeth marks someplace very sensitive." The lion did his best "innocent" imitation; "that wasn't me, HONEST! But aside from that, what I want YOU to do is to assign her the toughest flight instructor we've got. I don't want her flight certified until she can take that freighter and outfly the best raider pilot we've got. No, make that the three best raider pilots we've got. I don't want her licensed to fly until she's damn near invincible." Ben sighed, but nodded; "Its going to be rough, but will do. You really do care for her, don't you?" The lion just grinned and padded off down the hall...... Tanj was back to the scouting reports. By now a large number of the candidates her agents had identified as potential pirates had been reviewed by the Brethren. Many of them had been vouched for by the pirates, and almost an equal number had been rejected. Reputations spread through any community, and the pirates and corsairs knew who they wanted to work with, as well as who they did NOT want to work with...... She had been running background checks through surreptitious means on those not in either group, pretending to be a bank screening them for a credit card, a shipping line considering hiring them, and even a bail bondsman. She was searching for motivations; those known to the pirates were open books; some were in it just for the money, some for adherence to some cause or philosophy. Some for the power it brought. Some for the adventure. Others were more enigmatic. Those unknown to the pirates were a greater risk, and while she was being picky, the Brethren were so short-handed, she couldn't be too picky...... As she searched the background of a navigator, someone the Brethren had once considered recruiting, with most of her experience in freighters, Tanj came across an old file. Her eyes widened as she read through it. It detailed the background search the Lion had done on HER, before her purchase. It was amazingly thorough; he'd certainly done his homework... She was amazed to read her own psychological profile from the academy, from before her enslavement; was she ever REALLY like that? Finally Tanj pulled together the paperwork for the top candidates. She was very concerned about a few of them, her worries ranging from inept through uncontrollable, to disloyal. Still, it was the best they could do, given the time frame... Straightening her hair, and adjusting her dress, she picked up the folders to head out towards ops, to present the results of her work. The shuttle settled into its assigned spot in the docking bay. When its airlock opened, the motley group of furrs it carried as passengers disembarked, to look around. Some were curious, some derisive, some inscrutable. They were the first batch of new recruits. Tanj met them, to hand out packets of information, assigning them to quarters, and to training teams, and to answer questions. More than one noted her collar, and inquired if she was available, their approach ranging from the tentative, through the polite to the coarse and obnoxious. In each case she smiled and shrugged and said they'd have to talk to her Master, but that anything was possible... Blackstone stood off to one side, watching, observing. The bear was huge, and like so many ursines, he appeared a bit overweight; like so many ursines, it was deceiving. He was in good shape, for a bear his age, muscular and fit. As the shapely Cheetah fem handed him his packet, their eyes met. As he looked at her, he realized this was no simple slave. There was recognition there. She obviously knew of his past; of how he was discharged from the Imperial military, and why. He guessed she probably had read the background report on him, and knew of his recent activities as a mercenary and the reputation he'd developed. As she turned away, walking towards the next recruit, he shrugged to himself; to have sunk so low as to join pirates, well, at least here no one was likely to complain about his...... excesses. Tanj snuggled against Hinoki. Only moments before, the'd been making the beast with two backs, and quite energetically too; moments stolen by two overworked slaves; but then sometimes stolen fruits are sweeter... As she slowly regained her breath, she nuzzled the cheetah male; "I tell you that big bear, Blackstone, he frightens me. I got a good look at his eyes when I met him, and they looked as cold and as bottomless as the pits of hades." Hinoki purrrrred as he nuzzled one of Tanj's ears; "He the hotshot fighter pilot?" Tanj giggled at the feel of his tongue and flicked her ear; "Yeah. He was too vicious for even the Empire, and they cashiered him for some particularly violent "police action" a few years back. Since then he's been working as a Merc. Got a gooood reputation for his combat abilities, and just as sterling a reputation for his tendencies towards violence and ruthlessness. He strikes me as the kind of guy who tortured small animals as a cub...... The Lion caught Mark in the junk parts storeroom. Mark was looking for a phase inducer for an old 30/360, and wasn't having much luck. "Mark, need your help" the lion started, without preamble. "I'm worried about Tanj..." Mark nodded; "So am I. I know we're mostly running a clean station here, but you have to remember that some of our pirate scum really are rather...... scummy, and there IS a finite chance of her catching a sexually transmitted disease, and at the rate she's going she really SHOULD check in with Medical more often..." The lion blinked and then shook his head; "no, not that... There are a number of missions I want her to undertake with that freighter of hers. Things like liaison with the Elysium resistance movement, as well as making contacts with our field agents, gathering information on suitable targets for the Brethren, picking up parts we need (always risky; too many folks ask questions when you buy stuff like we need; weapons system parts, munitions,and such), to carrying booty to fences...... The work needs doing, and I think she's the one to do it, but I'm worried about her. I want you to make some modifications to her ship...... Modifications I'm willing to pay for. Tell me; do you know what a "Q Boat" is?" Mark thought for a moment, then nodded. "Does Tanj know what you're planning to do to HER ship, though?" The Lion chuckled. "Leave that to me." Mark flashed him a grin. "Oooo-kay...it's YOU who'll have toothmarks somewhere sensitive when she figures it out. You're the boss, after all, I was just following orders..." The Lion just grinned. Tanj shifted in her seat, as she listened to the candidate answer questions. This was a standard procedure for when the Brethren hired folks, and procedure was to be followed, even if she didn't think it worth their time. "Thank you, Mr. Phelps, please take these papers to the next station, and again, thanks for your cooperation and your candor" Ben growled. Tanj pulled the next folder from the stack, and after looking at the name, she passed it to Ben. "Hiram Blackstone" she growled. Blackstone entered, his back ramrod straight, as if he were still in the military. Ben gestured to the seat facing the table the review panel sat at. He sat, keeping his back straight, his legs uncrossed, his paws on his knees. Slowly his eyes flicked from person to person. "There's that slave Cheetah fem again" he thought to himself; "I wonder what she's doing here? She's not kneeling behind or beside someone, so she's obviously not here as a servant. A secretary, perhaps?" Ben started with questions about Blackstone's military background, asking questions not about this incident, or that battle, but about why he did this, or what he thought of that. Blackstone's answers were smooth, Tanj thought; as if he'd rehearsed the answers. "Maybe he has" she thought to herself. "Nothing wrong in wanting a job so bad you do some advance preparation for it......" As She listened to Blackstone reply to the other's questions, she pretended to examine his pilot's certification, his discharge papers and his ship's log. "I wonder if these are forged?" she thought to herself. "If it is, its good, damn good; but then, that too is possible..." After meeting Blackstone, she'd done some further checking into his background and his credentials. Some of those checks had come up supportive, some inconclusive. Blackstone watched the cheetah from the corner of his eye. She wasn't asking questions, just sitting back and observing as the others went through a rather standard battery of questions. Oh, they were good questions, obviously prepared by an expert in combat psychology, but he'd been through this sort of thing before. However, the way her eyes flickered down to the desktop every time he spoke... could she be using a voice stress analyzer? If she was, he was glad he'd taken the tranquilizing drugs to dampen out his responses, and to give him a more "pleasant" personality. Who WAS she? Tanj watched the readouts built into the top of the desk. It measured heartbeat, respiration, trace compounds in sweat or exhalation, and of course, voice stress. It showed Blackstone to be somewhat nervous, but then that was normal for someone interviewing for a job. Some of the readings were a little screwy, but it was all within parameters. The voice stress analyzer didn't show green ALL the time, she'd proven that to herself earlier as she sat in that chair, in the empty room, asking herself questions about who she was, what she had become, and what her sexual preferences REALLY were...... Ben looked to his left and then to his right, gauging the responses of the panel. They'd decided on their hidden signals well in advance. Tanj watched, and when Ben looked at her, she gave him the signal for grudging approval, as had all the others. Ben nodded and initialed the forms and handed the file to Blackstone, sending him on his way. As the door closed, Tanj muttered; "I hope we're not making a mistake with that one, only to have Ben mutter in return "Amen!" Blackstone sat in on yet another briefing for the new recruits. "Enough talk" he thought to himself, fretting. He wasn't used to sitting still for so long and he itched to be doing something. "These twinks have as many rules as the Imperial Military" he grumbled to himself; "Who would EVER have thought that a pirate organization was so...... regulated." His attention snapped back as he heard his name called; "Blackstone" the operations officer rumbled; "we're setting you up as a flight instructor; your background suggests you should have a lot to teach our "less experienced" recruits. Draw your ship assignment and duty roster from the officer of the day." Turning to the next recruit, the Ops officer started handing out the next assignment, and Blackstone tuned him out. "Suggests? SUGGESTS? My experience is a matter of record!" he fumed. "I'd wager I'm the best pilot here by far, and by Jove, I'll prove it too! Shortly, they'll KNOW Hiram Blackstone's skills! AND then they'll pay for slighting me! "Suggests" in deed!" After looking at his duty roster, Blackstone headed down to the docking bay to check out the fighter he'd been assigned. As he went, he made quiet note of the internal security systems. He wasn't looking for that which was designed to defend the station against attack, but that which was designed to prevent someone on the station from fleeing. For that was just what he had in the back of his mind. "These twerps had better start treating me right" he mused to himself; "I deserve better'n this. I'll give them till after the first battle, until I've PROVEN myself to them, and if things don't improve dramatically, well, I'll just skip out and go collect the reward the Elysium government has posted on them. That'd both make me a hero, get me the recognition I deserve, AND set me up for life all in one fell swoop!" Mark stopped and looked back at the Bear who had just passed him in the docking bay. His eyes narrowed as he stared at the retreating figure. This one felt like a definite walking time bomb... Blackstone checked out the ship, finding it much better equipped and maintained than he would have expected. From the outside, it looked elderly and well worn, its surface a mis-matched collection of splotches of paint and hand-lettered slogans. Pretty much what you'd expect scum to be flying. Inside it was modern, clean, and well-kept. And almost everything worked just as it should too. He decided that if this ship was typical, the pirates were a much bigger threat than anyone on Elysium suspected. And they'd pay for that information. Quietly, he started memorizing everything of importance, everything relevant to the pirate's operation that the Elysium government might want to know. Everything he might need to collect the reward. It was late at night, and a single light burned in the darkened office block. Two figures hunched over papers scattered on a desk. "Sorry, there's just no way we can do that." Mark whispered. "No matter how fond you are of that spare fusion cannon from the old Bellyslasher, the powerplant on that freighter just won't support it. I think given the fact that we want the power curve to appear normal for a freighter, that all heavy weapons will have to be in the form of torpedoes. Of course, that'll reduce cargo capacity......" The lion nodded; "it's a heck of a tradeoff. How about some APU's to boost shields and ECM should they go into combat? That way the power curve will remain looking just like a normal freighter, until its too late to worry about it." Mark nodded, and marked off yet another section of the cargo bay on the drawings. "Tell you what...if you absolutely want some energy weapons, there's one thing we can do, but it'll cost you - we don't have the guns I'm thinking of in stock." The Lion raised an eyebrow and motioned for the mouse to go on. Mark indicated the freighter's laser turrets. "If I could get my paws on a couple of Axotech L12-Bs to replace these with..." "I'm not sure I'm familiar with those", the Lion interrupted. Mark smiled faintly. "Axotech mostly supplies the military. The L12-B is one of the few weapon systems that they also sell to civilians who can afford them, mostly scouts and traders and such who want something extra in case of a pirate attack. Uses power much more efficiently than what we got in here now, has a cooling system I wish I had invented, is easy to maintain and looks perfectly innocuous on top of all that. The only problem is the price tag...for a set of two, you pay almost as much as you would for a NEW fusion cannon. But get me those and I can guarantee you an easy thirty percent boost in firepower for a minimal extra drain, maybe forty once I'm done tuning all the systems and have a bit of a reserve to play with." The Lion nodded slowly. "Well, I'll see if I can arrange something. But it'll take time even then, so don't hold your breath. Now, about that cloaking device...?" The interception was a simple one. The freighter was on a scheduled run, and thus easy to find. One of the pirate's intelligence agents had found out that she was carrying military spares, and replacement fighters for the Elysium defense forces, and as such, it had become a priority target for the pirates. And Blackstone was in charge of the assault. The freighter, however, was not exactly unprepared. They knew they had a tempting cargo, and they doubted their efforts at security had been 100% successful. When the pirate raiders appeared on their sensors they started screaming bloody murder over the comm channels, demanding assistance. They even launched two of the space superiority fighters they were transporting, basically kicking them out an open cargo hatch. Blackstone grinned inside his helmet. There were no Elysium forces that could come to the freighter's assistance, as long as they didn't dawdle; they'd picked their intercept location carefully to avoid that. And the two fighters on an intercept course were too little too late. Sending the rest of his forces to handle one, he altered course to meet the other by himself. Lieutenant Farquar was determined to die well. At this point, he didn't think living was an option; there were just too many pirates. He just prayed his training was up to the task to let him die with honor. He watched as his flight leader angled towards the ship they'd decided was the pirate leader, as he tried to keep the others busy. As the pirates broke formation, to swirl around him, seeking a shot, he lost track of his boss, as he desperately tried to bring his guns to bear on someone, ANYONE...... "Sabre three, this is Talon six. That's a kitten we got here; he couldn't hurt us if we just sat still. See what you can do about just damaging his ship; we'll try and take it too, if we can." "Talon six, Sabre Three; roger that. Aiming for his drives only." Farquar wondered why the pirates were only taking the occasional shot at him, and then it hit him; they were playing with him. Cat and mouse, teasing him, tormenting him. With a growl, he tried harder, whipping his fighter around to fire weapons at one of the larger raider ships. One of the beams hit and he was elated until he realized it hadn't penetrated their shields...... Blackstone pulled his ship around hard, the inertial dampers screaming in protest, as he fired yet another burst into his target. He'd hit the fighter repeatedly, each shot slowly chewing the smaller ship to pieces. He was enjoying himself, slowly killing his prey... Farquar yelped as his ship shook, multiple alarms sounding in his headphones as his ship lost power. As the powerplant threatened to overload, he was tempted to let it proceed, and explode, but finally he sighed and shut it down, to drift. That would not be a heroic death... He wondered how the pirates would torment him when they took him prisoner; he was sure they weren't done with him yet. Blackstone finally administered the coup de grace to the all-but-destroyed fighter. As it disintegrated in a blossom of yellow flame he pulled his ship around, to note the other fighter lying dead in space. Without a thought he centered it in his sights and pulled the trigger, destroying that as well. "Talon 6 to Flight Leader; that was OUR booty you just blew away! We went to a LOT of trouble to leave something worth salvaging! That's coming out of YOUR share, Bucko!" Blackstone growled to himself; "Pirates! Always thinking of profit! No glory in that!" But then he forced himself to calm down. After all, there was the fun of taking the freighter yet ahead of him...... "Its no good, Sir" the first officer whispered. "They went through the fighters like they weren't even there. If we resist, we'll only die, and we won't stop them. We're lost, Sir!" The Captain, a gray fox, nodded sadly. "And yet, if we do surrender, I have no assurances that we'll do any better......" "Star of Pursia to Pirate Leader; we are willing to surrender ONLY if you guarantee the safety of the crew." Tanj listened to the comm traffic in Ops. There was a small crowd gathered, listening to the action as if following some sports match. "Pirate leader to Freighter; you will surrender NOW, and unconditionally, or I guarantee you'll all die! Lower your shields NOW or else!" Tanj shot a glance at Ben, and noted the grim look on his face. Blackstone counted quickly to ten and then keyed his mike; "OK group, they're not lowering shields. Let 'em have it!" The Captain looked at his first officer, and sighed. With a shrug he reached out and keyed in the sequence to power down what shields the freighter carried. They watched as the indicator slowly wound down to zero. Just before it hit bottom, however, the ship rocked, throwing everyone to the deck. "Damn them!" the first officer cried; "we did what they wanted! Why are they firing?" "Talon 6 to group! Cease fire! CEASE FIRE! They've dropped their shields! You're destroying the ship!" Tanj looked at Ben, a shocked look on her face. Ben failed to catch her glance as he turned to one of his officers; "Get one of the cruisers out there; I think the Intimidator is probably the one closest to launch status. I think we're going to have a mess to clean up." The bridge of the freighter was a mess. Part of the ceiling had fallen in, conduits and cables hanging everywhere as an electrical fire filled the area near the roof with a foul smelling gray haze. Blackstone stalked through the door, shoving it to one side in its warped track. He found the Captain's body on the floor, and with a roar, yanked it to its feet, to scream in his face; "NOW YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENS TO THOSE WHO DO NOT OBEY IMMEDIATELY?" A cough behind him made him turn his head, and he found himself looking at the female squirrel that by her tattered and soiled uniform, indicated she was the ship's first officer. She glared at him; "Can't you see he's already dead? He lowered the shields for you and you killed him anyways, you bastard!" As she talked she gathered her legs beneath her as if to leap at the bear, but one of the pirates was behind her, touching her with a shock stick, sending her to unconsciousness before she could launch her assault. Blackstone just growled as the pirates hauled the freighter's crew off. "OK, whats left? Can we get this scow moving under her own power?" The flight engineer from Sabre two shook his head; "I dunno, Hiram, the control system's shot to hell, and this tub doesn't have an auxiliary control room. Engineering control's in decent shape, but most of the power conduits between the power plant and the drive section are blown to hell. I don't think this tub's going anywhere for a while. And we don't have big enough tractor beams on the raiders to tow her. Think you'd best call for help." Blackstone growled and picked the skunk up by the collar; "I do NOT want to hear that! We are NOT calling for help. I don't care how you do it; get this thing under way!" Dropping the skunk he shoved his way out of the wreckage of the bridge. The skunk turned to look at his mates as the bear stomped off, and just shook his head; "somebody get through to Talon 6. We got a real problem here. Blackstone growled down at the kangaroo mouse, before turning away. The little rodent had just arrived with a cruiser, to take over HIS mission! How DARE they treat him like this? As he turned to head back to his ship, he growled to himself "They WILL regret this! I'll see them all destroyed for this!" Mark looked around the wreck of the Freighter's bridge. The ship had been towed by the cruiser to a "safe" location, where the cargo and crew had been removed. It was his job to determine if there was anything salvageable, or if it should just be destroyed. Finally he shook his head with a sigh and keyed his communicator. "Mark here. I'm sorry I have nothing better to report, but about the only way we could get any use out of this ship anymore would be by taking it completely apart and rebuilding it from the ground up with new parts replacing the destroyed ones. It's not even worth the effort of breaking it down for spare parts; what systems are left that could be put back into service aren't compatible to our ships and have only nominal resale value. Mark out." "Got it. Damn it, too...Control out." Mark walked over to where the captain had fallen and remained silent for almost a minute, then turned to somebody who wasn't there and nodded. "Oh, he'll pay for this all right, some way or other. I'm just giving him a little more rope to hang himself with...but I won't forget." He made a little sign with his right hand. "Rest in peace for now." Blackstone swallowed his pride as he suffered through the after action review. He accepted the criticisms stoically, not letting his true emotions show. How could they say the screw-up was HIS fault? If that blasted freighter captain had only obeyed his instructions, he would have been a hero, not a screw- up! He never noticed the white mouse staring intently at him from the back of the room... Mark nodded imperceptibly to himself as he felt the bear's mind squirm under the questioning, the impressions he was picking up only confirming the conclusions he had come up with already. Ego bigger than this station, rage at a world at large that failed to 'appreciate' him, no real loyalties to anybody but himself, and of course the obligatory revenge plot already...he'd seen it all before. No, for all his skill in single combat the Brethren would ultimately be better off without Hiram Blackstone...and the sooner the better, too. Tanj found Mark working on her ship. She snuck up behind him quietly, to give him a hug, nuzzling at the back of his neck. The mouse smiled and nodded; "Hello, Tanj." No matter how hard she tried, no matter how stealthy she was, she could never sneak up on him. Maybe it was something to do with his psychic power, the telepathic ability that let him "talk" to her over distances, that let him know when she was in trouble. She suspected that whatever talents he let others know about, there were others he kept to himself...... But she couldn't prove that, and couldn't imagine what he might be capable of...... Mark sighed and snuggled back against the cheetah fem; "this is NOT easy you know......" Tanj rested her chin on his right shoulder; "what isn't?" "Trying to shoe- horn in a second APU, without eating up any more room in the cargo bay." Tanj blinked; "why would we want an APU in the cargo bay?" Mark turned to look at her; "didn't the Boss talk to you about it? He said he was going to......" Tanj rested both paws on Marks shoulders and looked straight into his eyes; "He did NOT. What's he up to? What's he having done to my ship?" Mark just smiled and kissed Tanj on the nose; "Oh, nothing much; he just wanted you to have some extra power available for some of the missions he's got planned for us." Tanj blinked, and then smiled; "Us? So you're going to fly her for me after all? I mean until I get certified, that is...." Mark just smiled and kissed her again. Mark watched Blackstone from a distance. The pilot was lounging around in the Ops center, ostensibly reviewing his new schedule. However, periodically, when no one was looking, he'd get into things he shouldn't have any business with. Mark smiled a bit grimly. *Predictable. Good...that'll make it easier to be there when he does make his move.* Tanj was "Snooping" around her ship. Her work in intelligence, and with the new recruits had kept her too busy to even think of it much, something she was beginning to wonder about. After Mark's comment last night, she'd gotten to wondering, and at the first opportunity, she'd stolen away to have a look by herself. She'd found that not one, but two APU's had been crammed into corners in the cargo bay. Their output had been routed to a seriously oversized shield generator, one of much newer manufacture than what the ship had originally carried. The original powerplant and drives were untouched, as were the two laser turrets, but the fire control system looked to have been ripped out of a cruiser. It was VERY sophisticated, capable of tracking hundreds of targets and engaging dozens. That got her to wonder what they were going to engage the targets with... And that led her to the new blister underneath the belly of the ship. It looked like an extended range fuel tank, but she was sure the looks were deceiving... The access ports were tight for her, but she was able to squirm in. "More Mark's size, I'd think" she mused to herself as she tried to negotiate a bend in the accessway. There, buried deep in the blister, behind significant armor, was the real power of the ship. Tanj counted; "four... five... six... Six ship-killer torpedoes. Mark VIII's too. And a couple of dozen mixed dogfighting missiles...... Heat seekers, identification-friend-or-foe's, image recognition, and even a couple of "Leach" missiles; missiles that would temporarily drain a ship's power, leaving them helpless. Her little freighter had suddenly acquired the firepower to blow through a fighter screen and assault a carrier! With shields to match. She just shook her head, wondering what in the WORLD the lion had in mind for her, and her seriously modified ship. Finding it impossible to turn around, she backed carefully out the way she came, to close the access hatch. With luck, no one would know she'd been snooping. Then again, it WAS her ship...... wasn't it? Blackstone grumbled to himself; "Demoted to wet- nursing aspiring pilots. What a fate for a warrior such as me!" Looking up at the half dozen faces seated before him he growled; "OK, you loosers, here's what we're going to do, today. We're going to play "follow the leader". I'll lead, and you perform exactly the same maneuver as I do. And just to make sure none of you cubs run into each other, we'll keep 10,000 Kilometers between us. GOT THAT?" Tanj watched the bear talk, listening to his insults and demeaning attitude. As a slave she'd heard much worse, but these folks didn't need the derision. Most of them were already licensed pilots; they were just here to qualify...... Blackstone watched the slave from the corner of his eye. Some of the furrs here had told him about her; how she belonged to the head of the pirate organization, and seemed to be a favorite of his. He found it absolutely incredible that ANYONE could entrust any responsibility beyond dusting or changing sheets to a slave. And a sex slave at that! Still, he should be wary. She obviously had her Master's ear, and so far no one had alluded to her being incompetent or stupid, in either of her capacities...... Tanj grunted as she pulled the fighter around in a loop. She was paired against one of the recruits, a wolf fem, mock dogfighting, under Blackstone's ascerbic tutelage. The class had been practicing every other afternoon now for a week, their skills slowly developing. Several students, slated for shuttle or cruiser piloting skills had already "qualified", and dropped out of the class. Tanj, on the other hand was still there. Blackstone never seemed to be satisfied with her abilities, no matter how well she flew. The wolf she was currently matched against was at the top of their class, and they'd laughingly made a wager on the outcome of their mock battle, the looser servicing the winner for a night. Tanj didn't mind loosing to her at all, thinking it could be a very pleasant evening, but she was doing her best to win...... Blackstone watched the two females fight. They were evenly matched, the wolf having the superior strategy, the cheetah the superior reflexes. Of all his students, the wolf bitch was one of the few that treated him with anywhere near the respect he felt was due a pilot of his stature. He'd overheard the wager and was determined that his prize student would NOT loose to a slave...... Tanj had almost gotten her lined up in her sights when the computer started squalling at her, announcing a weapons system failure. She howled in protest, the moment's loss of concentration being sufficient to let her quarry escape. Then all of a sudden, her ship would not turn to port. Roll, pitch, and yaw to starboard were all unaffected, she just couldn't yaw to port! As she wrestled with the controls, she felt the ship shudder as the wolf scored against her. "Mark, I know everything looks fine, but I tell you, my controls were going progressively dead. Either there's something wrong with that ship, or there's foul play going on. Please do me a favor and take a look at it for me? I'd do it myself, but it seems, ah, I've got a wager to pay off......" Mark smiled and nodded, patting Tanj on the rump; "I'll be glad to take a look. Ah, Have fun paying off your wager, though. I heard about that. Blackstone's bragging on how his prize student blew you away today......" The lion grinned at her; "Heard about your defeat today." Tanj sighed and nodded; "Hope you don't mind, Master..." The lion just grinned; "no, busy this evening with the ops planning team. And that she-wolf looks like a nice furr. Just tell her that she's not allowed to do anything to keep you from your duties. Nothing that will permanently hurt you. Understand?" Tanj smiled and nodded and kissed him, and was off to pay off her wager. Hiram Blackstone grinned as he watched Tanj knock on the door to the she-wolf's quarters. He'd give them a few minutes, and then...... Tanj stopped outside her door, taking a breath to calm herself. She was nude, save for her collar. Making sure her eyes were properly downcast she hit the chime and waited patiently. As she did, she thought of her old friend, Marla, the she-wolf, from the academy, and wondered what she was doing now. She couldn't help but grin, wondering if this she-wolf, Jenny, was anything like Marla. It was at the instant when the smile was in full blossom, that Jenny opened the door. "Oh Ho! Is my slave for the evening looking forward to pleasing me?" she growled, with mock ferociousness. Reaching out to grab Tanj's collar, she yanked the cheetah into her room, the door hissing quietly closed behind them. Blackstone nodded in approval; "yes, she might do at that. Still, we'll have to see how she behaves later......" Tanj knelt at Jenny's feet, her eyes downcast; "Mistress, my Master has instructed me to relate certain, ah, ground rules......" Jenny nodded as she listened; "Very prudent of him, but I really doubt any of that will be needed for what I've got in mind..." Tanj raised an eyebrow, wondering "now what have I gotten myself into..." Jenny grinned; "I've always wondered what it would be like to have a slave, to do the things I hated to do myself; and tonight I'm going to indulge myself... But first, tell me; will your Master be out of his quarters tonight?" Tanj blinked; "Uh, well, yes Ma'am; he's tied up in a planning team meeting; they frequently run until, oh, 0100, sometimes 0200 hours..." Jenny grinned and nodded; "there's no point in having a slave to help you lead a life of leisure in quarters like these. Lets go there! You, ah, can get in, can't you?" It was difficult for Jenny to lead Tanj at the end of her leash when it was Tanj who knew where they were going. Eventually they got to the Lion's quarters, raising only a few eyebrows from passers-by on the way (Tanj usually just grinned wickedly at them and winked, once they were past Jenny and she couldn't see their return expressions). Tanj keyed in the entry, and then Jenny pushed past her to look about, jerking Tanj in by the leash just as the door started to close. Jenny Hmphed as she looked around. "This is the quarters for the leader of the Brethren? Not a heck of a lot better'n mine..." Tanj shrugged, feeling a little more relaxed now that she was "home". She knew that the computer monitored this room for security purposes and that there were several command words that would bring folks running if Jenny turned out to be a danger... "Uh, Mistress..." Tanj purrred; "Perhaps if you told me what you wanted, I could help..." Jenny turned and looked at Tanj, an almost wistful look on her face. "Not much, really. A talented tongue, or a hard cock I can get almost anywhere. What I want from you, what I demand of my slave tonight is a little harder to come by: I want you to cook me dinner. A nice dinner. And serve it to me. And then give me a foot rub, and, ah, "attend" my bath, maybe wash my back and my hair, and then towel me dry... I want you to spoil me... Is that too much for a lady to ask, once in her life?" Blackstone watched the door to the lion's quarters close behind Jenny and Tanj. "I wonder what the bitch is up to?" he thought to himself. "I wonder if she's trying to horn in on my turf, looking for things that the Elysium government would pay for?" Grumbling, he turned and moved off towards his own quarters. He'd planned on dropping in on the she- wolf, to see how she was coming with Tanj, and maybe using his position as her instructor to intimidate her into letting him have his way with her, and with Tanj. Now he couldn't show up at the Lion's quarters without making it look like he'd followed her. "Oh, well" he thought; "Maybe its for the best. That Tanj is aptly named. If she has the ear of the lion, I'd have to kill her to keep her from talking when I was done with her, and an "accident" would probably be viewed with suspicion. When I've sold these scum out to the Elysians, I'll be rich enough to afford a dozen like her, with no one to criticize me. Tanj puttered around in the Lion's small kitchen, fixing a garden salad, boef medallions, and twice baked potatoes. She wasn't a great chef, but she was adequate, and the computer was providing excellent directions, making her talents appear greater than they were. Jenny was relaxing in the Lion's chair, a goblet of cold white wine in her hand, the stereo playing her favorite music in the background. The table had been set for one, candles burning in the center over the only tablecloth she had. The plates and the silverware were rather old and not the fine china she would have preferred, but the Lion just didn't much care about things like that. "Males" she mused to herself with a smile as she placed the boef medallions in a covered tureen. Moving the steaming food to the table she went and knelt before Jenny; "Mistress, dinner is served" Jenny smiled and opened her eyes, rising to move to the table. Tanj held her chair for her, and then presented each dish for her approval, serving her as she'd seen the waiters do on the Burgess Star. When she was done, she knelt attentively to one side, watching. Jenny sampled the medallions and then the potato, and nodded; "its not quite up to a four star rating, but it will do for this evening..." Tanj smiled. Tanj left Jenny with an after-dinner liqueur, as she cleaned the table. Most of the stuff went straight into the recycler, with some things being set aside for cleaning later. Leftovers went into the 'fridge, and she hurriedly grabbed a few bites for herself. She had no doubt the Lion would wonder what had been going on, but this one, she felt, she could explain without too much trouble. Finishing up there, she moved to the bathroom where she drew a steaming bath in the tub. Generally Tanj was the only one to use the tub, the lion opting for a quick shower (unless of course he was feeling frisky and dragged Tanj into it with him... but that's another story). She added some of her own bath oils, and smiled as the tub filled with fragrant bubbles. She lit a few candles, to give the bathroom a more romantic atmosphere, and then rising, she padded out to lead Jenny in... Tanj carefully undressed Jenny, folding her clothes, setting them aside. When the she-wolf was nude she stepped carefully into the hot water, sighing as she settled down, until only her muzzle was above the bubbles. Tanj knelt by the head of the tub, shampoo ready, to await the point where Jenny required her to wash her hair. Jenny was quiet in the tub, possibly dozing, and Tanj was lost in her own thoughts, when the door to the quarters opened, and the Lion hurried in. He went straight past the bathroom, heading for his desk, and Tanj's eyes snapped wide open in surprise. Jenny caught it also and let out a small squeak of dismay. Tanj didn't know if the Lion heard Jenny, or had caught a glimpse, but in any event he backpedaled to glance into the open bathroom door. He blinked; "sorry, could have SWORN this was... Hey, wait a minute, this IS my cabin..." Peering a little closer, the Lion rumbled; "Tanj?" Then it obviously hit him that whatever was going on, it was part of Tanj's wager pay off. As realization dawned on his face, he grinned; waving a paw he chuckled "carry on", and turned, heading for his desk. Tanj hadn't moved a muscle, her eyes still wide with surprise. She heard him code in his password, and remove something from the secure drawer, and then his footsteps approached again. Pausing just out of sight, he called; "Take all the time you want, I'll crash in the ready room tonight. Tanj, you can explain tomorrow." And with that, he was gone, the door whooshing closed behind him. As the door closed, Jenny sat up, her body covered in foam. Turning her head to look at Tanj, she gasped; "are we in trouble? Is he going to be mad at us?" Tanj just shook her head and smiled; "If I spin a sufficiently amusing tale for him, it'll be fine; and don't worry, I've got a good imagination and a flair for language, when it comes to things like that......" She grinned at the Wolf fem; "especially when its accompanied by a touch here, and a caress there...... I don't think we need to worry..." It was much later that evening. Tanj had washed Jenny's hair, and then scrubbed her back, and then her front, crawling into the tub with her. Finally she had sat at the far end of the tub and gently massaged her feet underneath the hot water. Bidding the she- wolf to stand, Tanj had rinsed her, and then after draining the tub, had toweled her dry, rubbing softly, turning it into an impromptu massage. Wrapped in the largest fluffiest towel she had, Tanj had led her to the Lion's bed. Now, with Jenny lying on her back, Tanj was proceeding to demonstrate that being spoiled could also include a talented tongue, as she slowly licked the she-wolf until she moaned, and begged for release. In the morning, Tanj woke Jenny with a breakfast tray. Her own special omelet, juice and coffee. Breakfast in bed. When Jenny had finished, Tanj helped her dress, and then saw her off at the door with a kiss. "That was VERY nice, Tanj. I could really get to like that. Maybe, if I'm a really good pilot, and can work my way up to some of the larger operations, I can make enough to afford someone just like you......" Tanj smiled, and thought of the Lion's attempts to eradicate Elysium's slavery system, and just smiled; "Anything is possible. You'd best get going; we both have a busy day!" Tanj watched as Jenny almost skipped down the hall, humming to herself. "Wish the kid luck" the Cheetah thought to herself; "but its not as easy as you might think to work your way into the lap of luxury..." Blackstone was idling in the cafeteria over a final cup of coffee, before facing the rigors of another day teaching idiots how to fly in combat. At a nearby table, one of the "old time" pirates, a sable that had been with the Brethren for almost three years, was telling some of the new recruits wild tales. "Yeah," he said; "The boss "gave" Tanj to the Elysium station manager. She was able to overhear all SORTS of stuff, which she passed on to us. Gave us a heck of an edge!" One of the newbies, a panther, raised an eyebrow; "and how could a slave pass on anything? Surely they didn't let her make phone calls home......" The Sable grinned; "Of course not; if they'd known she was one of us it'd never have worked! The key to the whole thing was that she's got this telepathic link with Mark down in Engineering. We'd just periodically send Mark to the station, or even just near the station, and they could communicate telepathically" The panther shook his head; "a Telepath? Do you know how RARE proven telepaths are? The Sable just shrugged; "I have no idea, but it's a proven fact Tanj and Mark have a link. You should have seen the "test" the boss arranged to prove it! That was scary. Don't think it works between him and anyone else, but when he gets close enough, he can pick up what Tanj's thinking, and a bit of what she's seeing." Another newbie, a collie, grinned; "ah, now I bet that gets REAL interesting for him every time her Master drags her off for a little nookie..." From there the conversation degenerated into the applications of Telepathy in Voyeurism, and Blackstone tuned them out, rising to leave. Tossing his coffee cup into the recycler, Blackstone headed for the docking bay. "I wonder just how good a telepath this Mark is? I wonder if Tanj is the only one he can "read"." Chuckling to himself, Blackstone realized it was VERY fortunate that Jenny had decided on a change of location last night. Had Mark picked up on what he would have liked to do to the two ladies, there would have been real trouble! "I think I'm going to have to check into this "Mark"" he thought to himself. "This might be the one character in this organization that could stop me from fulfilling my plan......" Mark was guiding a cart loaded with a replacement power distribution system for one of the raider ships he was working on, when he passed Blackstone as he headed towards his waiting group of trainees. He took care not to turn around and keep his expression neutral, but inwardly he chuckled softly. *So now he's heard something and is starting to worry. Good...bastard DESERVES to squirm a bit after what he's done, and maybe he'll start to make mistakes now.* Blackstone caught the reflection of the mouse in the polished deflector dish of a shuttle. The image was distorted, but clear enough for Blackstone to recognize Mark from the description, and now he remembered seeing this particular mouse around before, too. He kept his thoughts carefully on the schedule for the day ahead, of the lesson plan he'd formulated...... but somehow the harder you try NOT to think of something the more difficult it is to keep from the front of your mind. After reviewing the maneuvers and tactics they'd practice this day with his students, he dispatched them to their ships, and headed in turn for his own. It was only after he was buckled in, and he was starting the power-up sequence, that he allowed his mind to drift toward the potential problems with the telepathic mouse. "I'm going to have to speed up my timetable. I can't assume his link is only with Tanj. I have to assume that he can read anyone he chooses, and more than just emotions and the occasional surface thought too. And that makes him a threat. And I know how to deal with threats..." It had been a long day for Tanj. She'd cleaned up the Lion's cabin in a whirlwind of activity that morning, and then she'd put in several hours in the Intelligence department, working on field agent reports, to try and get a feel for Imperial activity in the sector. They were becoming concerned again that the Empire might decide to "Clean out those troublesome pirates" in the Elysium sector. Then she was off to join her group for flight instruction. The mock combat had left her drained and panting, and she was looking forward to some time to relax before putting in some evening hours back in Inteligence. It had been a while since she'd checked in on Wanda, Lord Xylex's captive daughter, and she headed that way on her path back to the Lion's cabin, intending just to stick her head in and say hello... When she rang the door chime, she heard hushed voices from within, and then Wanda's breathless voice called for her to come in. As she entered the cabin, what greeted her was not what she expected; Zassa was on her back, on the bed, her nude form arched, her legs splayed wide open. Wanda's head was between her thighs, the Wolverine lass licking softly at the vixen's pussy. Hinoki was behind Wanda, licking at her in turn. Tanj gasped; "Wanda! I thought you... I mean, weren't you... Your father is going to be FURIOUS!" Wanda looked up with a smile; "its OK, Tanj, Father will never know the difference. I'm still a virgin; well, at least technically. My Hymen's still intact...... but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy a good licking from time to time, does it?" Tanj blinked; "Uh, well, um, as long as your hymen is intact, I guess not..." Hinoki looked up, to grin at Tanj; "Whatcha doin' over there, still dressed? Shed those clothes and join in!" Tanj just smiled and shook her head. As she stripped off her flight suit, she looked from Zassa to Hinoki; "decisions, decisions. Do I want to make use of her tongue, or apply some of my tongue to his cock?" Grinning, she decided to crouch over the vixen's face, her pussy pressed to the vixen's muzzle; after all, she'd had a hard day, and was in need of some serious stress relief... Later they cuddled, a pile of tired, sticky, happy matted fur. Tanj sighed and stretched, feeling her back move over Hinoki's legs, one paw stroking along Wanda's tummy. "Oh, by the way, I take it you heard about the ship I wound up buying..." Hinoki chuckled; "yeah; somebody really did you good on that one. We heard about how hull numbers got switched." Tanj sighed and nodded; "Yeah, well, we're going to need a crew. Seems the boss has some ideas as to how we can use a ship like that. Until I get my pilot's certification, Mark's agreed to fly her. I'll play engineer for the time being. Hinoki, I want you to take the sensor operator position, and Zassa, I want you to be Loadmaster." Zassa purrrred; "Does that mean we get to get off this rock from time to time?" Tanj laughed; "Yes, my vixen, we will. But we'll all still have to behave. Can't draw attention to ourselves......" Zassa chuckled; "Just so long as we get to do some SHOPPING! And maybe even eat out occasionally!" Hinoki laughed and then grunted as Wanda rolled over, accidentally elbowing him. "Shopping? Did I hear the "S" word? Oooooo, where do I sign up? I'm tired of ordering things over the web!" Tanj blinked. She wasn't so sure it was a good idea to let a "hostage" even so nominal a one as Wanda out where she might be spotted. "Um, tell you what, Wanda. The ship could use a medic, just in case there are problems. I know you've been putting in time down in sick bay. You take that correspondence course on nursing, and get your rating, and I'll get you a berth on the ship. Deal?" Wanda purrrrred and rolled back onto her back, one paw lazily scritching at Hinoki where her elbow had made contact. "Deal. Been thinking about doing that anyways. They just won't let me do much more than change sheets and empty bedpans until I get some training..." Rolling over again, she dragged her tongue along Hinoki's tummy; "Besides, if I can learn more about the nervous system, think how much more effective I can be when I do this......" and with that, she slurped the head of his cock into her mouth...... It was much later in the evening than she had intended, when Tanj finally checked back into the intelligence office. Sure enough there were a new stack of field reports for her to go through. With a sigh, she sat down at her work station and began wading through them. It was even later when she made it back to the Lion's quarters. She wasn't surprised to find him still up, working at his desk. As she entered, he grinned at her, indicating she should kneel at his feet. Finishing the file he was working on, the lion turned to her; "Tell me about last night." Tanj smiled and proceeded to tell him about her night with Jenny, leaving nothing out. By the time she was done, he was shaking his head, smiling. "That's not a very imaginative use for a slave" he chuckled, and she definitely got the bath portion wrong." Tanj raised an eyebrow and smiled; "Oh? And how would you have done it?" she purrrred. He grinned and indicated she should rise; "strip, and I'll show you." Tanj stripped off her dress, and followed him into the bath as he pulled off his clothes as well. There, he used a heavy rubber strap to bind her paws behind her back, and another to pull her elbows closer together, the tension pulling her shoulders back, and making her breasts stand out more proudly. He grinned and led her into the shower. After adjusting the taps, the Lion grinned and pulled Tanj under the water with him. After they were both drenched, the lion picked up a bottle of liquid soap, and poured it down Tanj's front. "There" he grinned; "now you get to soap me up." Tanj blinked and then grinned; moving close to him, she started to rub herself against him, bending at her knees, sliding her soap-slick body up and down his body. She purrrrred and rocked her body from side to side, her breasts slithering back and forth across his chest, to his obvious delight. After a while, when she felt he was sufficiently aroused, she moved around behind him, rubbing against him, giving him a chance to calm down a little. Dropping to her knees, she rubbed her left cheek against his back, getting it good and soapy; from there she nuzzled lower, stroking her cheek against his ass, and then lower, down the back of his right thigh. Shifting to stroke her other cheek up the inside of his thigh, she purrrred and paused for a moment to lick teasingly at his pendulous balls. After "soaping" his other leg, she moved back around in front of him. With a grin, she straddled his left leg, to slowly stroke her pussy up and down his thigh, the insides of her thighs stroking and soaping the sides of his. By the time she'd finished soaping his other leg, she was moaning softly, her own juices adding to the lather on his leg. The lion's cock was standing proud, and he was panting lightly, obviously aroused by Tanj's slick teasing. However, before succumbing to her charms, he crouched, to push his muzzle between her breasts; she giggled, catching the cue, and again, she shook her chest to "lather his face". Finally, he reached down, to lift her; leaning her back against the rear wall of the shower, with the water pouring over them both, he drove his hard cock into her pussy. She locked her legs around his waist, and trapped between his soapy body and the wall, moaned out her pleasure as he fucked her furiously. All the teasing had them both hot, and it wasn't long before Tanj was moaning through her climax, as the Lion roared through his orgasm. Afterwards, he set her back down, turning her, arms still bound, to gently wash her hair. After shampooing his own mane, he led her from the shower, and as the hairdryer whirrrred, he rubbed her dry with a fluffy towel. Only then did he release her paws, to lead her to his bed. The more Blackstone thought about it, the more he was sure the mouse was a threat. Those that hide secrets generally think that others are hiding secrets as well, and he was positive the mouse had abilities beyond what he let others know about. There was only one way to find out...... And that involved following up on a rumor he'd heard. Blackstone leaned against the ready room wall, sipping coffee. "I still don't understand it. This Tanj is someone important in the Intelligence department, and yet she's still a slave? How can that be?" The Sable shrugged; "The boss believes in using everyone to their best ability. Tanj's got some talent in the intelligence area, and he's making use of it. On the other hand, he's insisted that her talents in other areas not... atrophy." The latter was said with a leer and a knowing wink. Blackstone shook his head; "so its possible to make use of her as a sex slave?" The Sable just grinned and nodded; "has to be when she's not otherwise occupied, and it's a real shame that she's had a full schedule lately, but if you can find a hole in her schedule, you're allowed to fill it. The bear moaned in mock horror at the pun but then grinned. It had been another exhausting day, culminated with mock dogfights in her piloting class. Somehow Tanj had found herself outnumbered three to one. While it had been difficult to hold the other attackers at bay while she concentrated on her target, she'd found that she'd taken out one, and then a second, before the aggressive attack of the third, coupled with the cumulative "damage" from the others, had finally cost her the engagement. "Rookie three from Team Leader; that wasn't half bad. I think you're actually showing some improvement... Feel ready for a serious challenge, though?" Blackstone grinned to himself; "If it worked for that Jenny bitch, it should work for me." Tanj listened to the voice in her headphones and shook her head; Blackstone was being unusually... well, if not "nice" then less hostile and abrasive than usual. Was she really doing better? Shaking her head, she figured there was only one way to find out; "Lead from Rookie Three; yeah, I'm ready for a challenge, whatcha got in mind?" Blackstone grinned; "Rookie Three from Lead; you and me. Same wager as you had with the she-wolf, just to make sure you don't wimp out on me when the going gets tough. What do you say?" Tanj shrugged to her self; "There probably isn't anything the Bastard can do to me that hasn't been done before......" Keying the mike she purrrrred, in her best teasing voice; "Why sure, Lead, as long as you honor my Master's requirements that I not be harmed, that I'm returned to him in good condition, I'd be glad to make that wager!" Blackstone growled to himself; "should have known there'd be that caveat; and she had to say it over the comm, so everyone knows she told me. Grrrrrrr. Doesn't matter, though. It would be too risky to actually DO what I'd like to her; but then she doesn't have to know I won't actually follow through. That's the whole point. I just have to make her THINK I will, and then we'll see if the Mouse comes charging to the rescue......" Keying his mike in turn, he growled with Satisfaction; "you're on. Retreat to an even 100,000 kilometers and then come and get me! Lets see just how aggressive a slave can be!" Tanj grinned and shoved her throttle forward. Her fighter leapt towards the bear's fighter, but when she was sure that his sensors had registered her acceleration, she yanked back on the throttle. She didn't want to close on him too fast; it would make it too difficult to turn once they'd flashed past each other. However, she wanted to give him the idea that's exactly what would happen. Blackstone saw the burst of speed and he grinned. He increased his own throttle, letting her come to him. As they closed, he prepared several of his training missiles...... Tanj centered his ship in her sight, shifting more power to her forward shields, and to her longer ranged energy weapons. As soon as the computer told her she was in effective range, she began firing, but when he drew closer, entering the effective range of the more powerful but shorter range ion guns, she broke off, to fly an evasive pattern. Blackstone smiled, his fangs showing as she broke off; "Good, you little bitch, but not good enough." Slewing his fighter around, he launched two IFF missiles. These missiles would hunt around for any ship other than his, and home in relentlessly. He then turned his ship, not to where she was, but to where he thought she'd go to evade the missiles. Tanj caught the launch from the corner of her eye, and immediately launched countermeasures, and one of her own missiles, an image recognition. There wasn't much difference between Blackstone's ship and hers, just a few minor variations in the paint job, but with luck, the missile would spoil whatever he had planned. Blackstone chuckled and nodded, turning his fighter back towards Tanj's. His best hope was to evade the missile on its first pass, and then get his ship close to Tanj's to confuse the missile's seeker. With luck, it would go after her, instead of him. Tanj jinked hard, the first IFF missing, "exploding" at the end of its run; but the second one had better luck. It "exploded" on its proximity sensor, the computer recording "damage" to her systems. "First blood to you, Blackstone" she thought grimly. Tanj saw him swing around, and pulled a hard turn; she knew she was spoiling his weapons aim, but that didn't seem to be what he had in mind. His ship flashed by, just off her stern, and then she knew; her image recognition missile! Turning to present her bow to it, she watched as it headed right for her. However, she was able to jink again at the last instant and it too flashed past, amazingly reacquiring Blackstone's fighter. As Blackstone tried to evade the persistent missile, he jinked right into Tanj's guns and she was able to score some points. Blackstone snarled; "Hit? She HIT me? She'll pay for that, the little twit!" Growling he pulled his fighter around in a gut wrenching turn, to launch his remaining two missiles, heat seekers, at Tanj's fighter. Tanj missed the flare of his launch, but the computer didn't; it screamed warnings at her, automatically launching flares, chaff, and decoys. Tanj took in the situation at a glance and decided on something risky; she went to full throttle, and charged Blackstone. It was a high angle deflection shot, but still, she centered her sights where the computer told her she should fire, and pulled the trigger. She grinned as she saw her lasers score, and then the computer screamed again in warning, and she wrenched the little fighter around, trying at the last minute to evade the missiles. She didn't. Blackstone snarled again as his ship "shook" under her fire. He watched aghast as he lost his starboard shield, and the weapons on that side of the fighter. His power was reduced, as was his maneuverability. Then his missiles hit and he screamed with delight! Tanj bit her lip and worked with what was left of her ship. Most of her weapons were gone, with the exception of one missile. She should have used them when she had the chance...... Shields were gone completely. Power was down to battery backup, and maneuverability was almost zilch. Still, she horsed what was left of her ship around, trying to get off her last missile at the bastard...... Blackstone circled slowly, knowing he had her. She was his! She couldn't turn fast enough to track his fighter, as if she had anything left to shoot with. Those two missiles should have killed her outright, but as they hadn't, he was more than willing to deliver the coup de grace. Grinning wickedly, he moved in. Tanj saw him come; saw him head in for the kill. She had only one chance. Making sure her helmet was sealed, that life support was nominal, she waited until just the right instant and blew the hatch to her fighter. The puff of atmosphere rushing out shoved the nose of the fighter around to starboard, and as it passed Blackstone's fighter, she triggered her last missile. Blackstone saw the hatch blow, saw the nose of the fighter swing around, and he braced himself for the laser fire he thought could not possibly be coming. He blinked as the nose of her fighter swung past, and then grinned. "She must have had a missile left" he chuckled to himself. Glancing down at the remote by his pilot's couch, he grinned. Its lone red light glowed evilly...... "Glad I thought of that" he chuckled. Tanj stared at the flickering weapons screen. "Missile drive malfunction. Launch sequence aborted." She sighed and shook her head; "why, when its down to a critical instant, do the systems fail" she wondered...... Blackstone keyed his mike; "you're mine, little slave. In space I AM the MASTER, as you shall well learn tonight!" And with that, he fired his lasers, scoring a "kill" on Tanj's fighter. Tanj tossed her helmet into her locker. Yes, he'd outfought her, but she'd had a chance right up to the point her missile had failed to launch. She was too tired to twitch as paws suddenly started massaging the back of her neck. It felt good, and turning her head just a bit she saw the distinctive white fur of Mark's paws. "MMmmmmm, hello, Mark. You heard about my latest lost wager?" Mark chuckled; "Yeah, as with everything else, its already all over the station..." Tanj sighed, leaning back into his massage; "I thought I had him. Even after I took those two heat- seekers, I thought I had him. I had one missile left, but it wouldn't launch. Not a problem with the ship; some glitch in the missile. I'm having the worst string of bad luck......" Mark smiled as he worked at the muscles at the back of her neck; "Not necessarily. Someone had done some interesting rewiring on that other fighter you were flying. Someone TOLD it to malfunction. And then later told it not to, to make it look as if it was just you, an inexperienced pilot blaming the hardware for her failure." Tanj turned to look at Mark, staring deep into his eyes; "Surely Jenny wouldn't...... No. Blackstone. He did that so his prize pupil would win, and then he did it again to me..." Mark shrugged; "sometimes missiles don't light off like they should. Don't jump to conclusions. We know something was done to you last time for sure, but not this time...yet. And there are other suspects than Blackstone." Tanj's eyes widened; "Yeah, like who?" Mark smiled and kissed her on the nose; "who would not want to see you qualified to fly? Someone who perhaps would go to extraordinary lengths to keep you safe perhaps? Perhaps someone who caused the hull numbers to be switched at the auction, so you couldn't buy that raider? You DO have to admit that Raider crews don't have the longest life spans... I don't know; do you think there's anyone around who might care for you that much?" Tanj stared at Mark. Her first thought was that he was talking about himself, but she'd been with him the whole time at the auction; he hadn't the opportunity to change those hull numbers. Had he? Then her thoughts flew to the Lion. But if he wanted her not to fly, all he had to do was to order her not to fly. She wouldn't be too happy about that, but she'd obey his orders...... Shaking her head, she stripped out of her flight suit and headed for the showers, her mind a whirlwind of confusion. Blackstone waited for Tanj in the Cafeteria. He wanted her submission to him to be public and humiliating. As he waited, there was a lot of good natured joking about what he had planned for the evening, many of the pirates relating tales of Tanj's talents, talking about what they'd want if THEY'D won the contest. Mark watched from a corner, quietly eating his dinner with a few of his friends from Engineering and staying well out of Blackstone's sight. He'd taken the rest of the day off in exchange for a double shift at some later date. He knew Blackstone too well by now to leave Tanj alone with him unsupervised, and work would just serve to distract him. Especially not after a stray thought had alerted him to the bear's plan to get at him though her... Tanj presented herself to Blackstone, padding quietly into the Cafeteria, to kneel before him. She had showered, and washed her hair, tying it behind her in a simple ponytail. She'd decided against perfumes, or jewelry, thinking that this one wasn't special enough to warrant her extra attention. She was clean and neat, striving for that "natural beauty" look... Or at least that's what she'd say if questioned. On her way in, the cafeteria had echoed with catcalls, whistles and crude remarks, and Tanj found it difficult to keep a straight face, to keep her eyes downcast. She wanted to give this furr a grin, or that one a wink, but decided that she'd better play it straight for this one. He seemed to delight in having power over others, and she thought she should give him no excuse to punish her... Blackstone watched her from the corner of his eye as he finished the conversation he'd started with one of the veteran raider pilots. Finally he turned to Tanj, to glower down at her; "You're late. I expected you here a half hour ago. No, don't give me your pitiable excuses. You're not to talk unless I tell you to talk!" Blackstone reached into his pocket to pull out a short length of chain. Wrapping it around Tanj's neck, he passed the ring at one end through the slightly larger ring at the other end to form a choke collar, as if disdaining the collar Tanj normally wore. Pulling it tight, he reached into another pocket to retrieve a leash, which he clipped to the free end of the choke chain. Pausing a moment he fished another length of chain from his pocket, to toss it to Tanj. As Tanj caught it, she noticed there were two double-ended harness hooks clipped to it. "Hobble yourself" the bear growled at her, and Tanj rose from her knees to a crouch. Wrapping one end of the chain around her ankle, she connected its loose end to a link along the length of the chain, using one of the double-ended hooks, forming an anklet. Repeating the procedure with the other end, and her other ankle, she found that she had maybe a foot of chain between her feet. "Tiny, quick steps" she thought to herself..." Seeing her finished, and without bothering to take his leave of the others in the Cafeteria, Blackstone rose to his feet, to jerk Tanj to hers. Turning, without preamble, he stalked out of the room, dragging Tanj behind him. The room had grown quiet as Blackstone had collared Tanj, and was deathly still as he dragged her out, all eyes watching. As the pressure door closed behind him, someone growled; "I think Tanj's in for a rough night with that one..." After a moment, the room was again filled with the subdued murmur of conversation, a few voices venting the opinion that Tanj had grown too big for her britches and needed to be taken down a notch, but the prevailing opinion seemed to be that she didn't really deserve what was in store for her, if Blackstone followed true to form. Unnoticed among the discussion, Mark got up and slipped away, heading for his own cabin. The sound of the rattling chain links was loud in the corridor as Tanj moved her feet as fast as she could, trying hard to keep up. But it seemed no matter how hard she tried, the pressure of the choke collar around her neck was constant, and she had to fight for each breath. Dimly she noticed they weren't heading for his cabin, in the residential section, but instead seemed to be heading for the gymnasium. Blackstone led her to an exercise room, and after shoving her down, making her kneel on the mat in the center of the room, he turned to make sure all the doors were locked. Mark locked the door to make sure he wouldn't be disturbed, turned off the light, and laid down on his bed, slipping into a half-trance almost immediately. Letting go of his breath in a soft whisper, he focused on his link to Tanj, quite intent on missing not a single detail of what went on. *Wish I could make it easier on Tanj...but if I did, Blackstone might notice and take his frustration out on her in earnest. I'll have to settle for watching closely and prying a few secrets from him while he's distracted, and somehow make it up to her later.* Tanj watched as Blackstone removed several items from pockets, and then slowly disrobed, folding his clothes and setting them aside neatly. Finally, he turned and padded over to her. With another length of chain, and some more double ended harness hooks, he looped the chain around one wrist, and tugging it behind her back, looped it around the other wrist. The chain was then jerked up harshly, and clipped to the ring of the choke collar, now turned to dangle down her back. Unless Tanj struggled to keep her wrists held high up in the center of her back, the choke collar made it difficult to breath. Using another chain, he hooked her wrists to the chain between her ankles making her bow her back... As she struggled, she watched the bear...... "Having Difficulty breathing?" He rumbled. With a grin, he stepped closer, his hard cock swaying before him. Grinning, he placed his paws on either side of her head, stroking her fur. Then, suddenly his thumbs dug into the corners of her jaw and with a gasp she felt her mouth forced open. Hard rubber was shoved into her mouth, an open ring pulled towards the back of her head by heavy straps, buckled behind her head. The ring forced her to keep her jaws apart. She was familiar with the ring gag, also known as the oral rape gag, but even at the academy, she'd never had one crammed into her mouth so brutally. And this one had sharp little points on the inside, along the bottom, forcing her to lay her tongue through the ring, or get it pricked. Blackstone grinned down at her; "well, now that we've made sure your mouth will stay open, that you can't bite, lets see what we can do about your breathing..." And with that he stepped closer, one paw directing his shaft to her mouth. With his other paw behind her head, he grunted and shoved his cock into her wide open mouth, pushing it over her tongue, through the ring. She gagged as she felt its head press against the back of her throat, but he didn't let up the pressure. In fact, wrapping a paw in her hair, he jerked her head back, to stand above her, pressing his cock into her until it slipped down her throat. Tanj struggled against her bonds; the bear, like so many of his species, was rather large, and this one was rather well hung, even for a bear. His cock stretched her throat painfully, but worse than that, it was long enough, thick enough, to close her air passage, to keep her from breathing. And she knew that was just what he wanted, as he didn't move; he just held his cock deep in her throat, waiting for her to get short of air...... Mark frowned lightly and tuned in closely to Tanj's vital functions, keeping his thoughts grimly to himself. "Careful there, Blackstone" Mark thought to himself; be VERY careful. I KNOW you're not planning to kill her, but get carried away and loose control, have an "accident" and you won't ever know what hit you...and secrecy be damned." Tanj's struggles were increasing as she slowly ran out of air. Her vision was narrowing, being reduced to a small spot surrounded by gray, her lungs burning fiercely, when finally he pulled back some. She was barely able to gasp for air before he drove his meat down again, closing off her throat. She swallowed instinctively, the gag reflex causing her throat muscles to ripple and spasm around his invading shaft. And he loved it. From the look on his face, this was the kind of control that he sought, a terrified, helpless victim under his complete control, to live or die at his discretion. Blackstone loved the look of terror in her eyes, the mask of agony on her face. It had been so long since he'd done this, he was savoring every second. But it had been so long, that he was on a hair trigger... She'd only come close to passing out three times when he lost it, howling as his cock pumped his pent-up load down her throat. Finally he pulled back, to wipe his softening cock against her cheek in derision, first one side, then the other. Tanj gasped, and panted, trying hard to recover her breath, to hold herself in a position where the choke chain didn't make it more difficult than it already was. She'd heard stories of those that said suffocation during sex made the orgasms much more powerful, but somehow she'd doubted it. And there were rumors of accidents among those who went a little too far in pursuit of that particular fetish. She'd also heard of those who liked to kill slaves while having sex. There was a story at the academy about one customer who had a device that went around the neck; every time he pumped her, it got a little tighter, until she couldn't breath, and as her body spasmed in death, that was the extra sensation he needed to orgasm. Even the instructors in the academy thought that was sick, and cruel, and Tanj agreed. But it was also a sad fact that such folks did exist. And that one was reputed to be a regular customer. In his cabin, Mark slowly relaxed. The worst - the one REAL danger to Tanj, if he'd read the bear correctly - seemed to be over. The rest would 'merely' hurt... one more reason to get back at the sick bastard when the time was right, to be sure, but it could wait until then. *Now let's see in how much detail he's planned his betrayal yet...* After he'd regained his breath, Blackstone turned and walked over to one corner of the room. He wondered at the fact that the mouse hadn't come running yet. Could his link with Tanj be an on-again/off-again thing? "Perhaps I can force the issue another way" he thought with a chuckle. Flipping back one of the exercise mats, he revealed a selection of whips, canes and crops. "Now then, I bet its been a LONG time since you were properly whipped, eh, Slave?" Tanj hung from her chained paws, balanced on tiptoe. Blackstone had taken a spreader bar from its hiding place under one of the mats and had connected it between her ankles, forced her right foot high into the air. "At least I can breath again" thought to herself as she balanced precariously, trying to watch Blackstone as the bear circled her, a crop in one paw. As he walked he idly slapped it against his thigh... Tanj knew that he was going to make her loose her balance, to wind up hanging from her wrists, but the chains were hard and bit cruelly into her wrists, and she wanted to put that off as long as possible...... And that meant holding still, very still...... Tanj moaned through the ring gag as yet another blow landed. He was being careful, she thought, not to let the blows overlap, to leave any blemish that could be detected tomorrow, and yet each stroke HURT! She'd had more experience with being whipped at the academy than she would have liked, and from this end at least, considered herself something of an expert...... He'd been cropping the insides of her thighs, and her ass, with an occasional stroke against her unprotected sex, or her breasts. As another stroke struck her pussy, square on her slit, Blackstone let out an "OHO!" looking at the leather tab at the end of the crop and then bending to examine Tanj's sex he shook his head in amazement; "do you mean to tell me, Slave, that this cropping is getting you hot? Why, your pussy is dripping! Well, slut, I guess I'll have to find something a little less pleasurable......" Tanj shook her head; this HURT; how could she find it exciting? She wasn't aroused; she was certain of that! Was he making it up, just to torment her? Absurd...... and yet she'd heard of slaves that fell in love with the lash...... With a moan she shuddered and again wondered just what had become of her. Blackstone considered his options. He thought that if the mouse really had a telepathic link with her, he either would have come running to rescue her by now, or that he was enjoying this too. Maybe the little snot was into the slave's torment, and was sitting back somewhere, watching, enjoying what was going on. Blackstone reveled in terror and control, and right now, he had the slave in his complete control. The only problem would be if he went too far, giving in to his desires. He could kill her, but that would ruin his plans, and with a sigh, he decided she wasn't worth that. Maybe when the pirates had been captured, he could buy her, and then...... but in the meantime, he'd gotten the information he needed. But just in case, just for the possibility that the mouse WAS watching, living vicariously through Blackstone's actions, he'd give him a finale that would make him sit up and take notice. Blackstone had re-tied her, on her stomach, wrists tied to ankles, her body bent back in a bow, exacerbated by the fact that the spreader bar still held her feet wide apart. He had the crop again, and she didn't like the look on his face...... The first stroke landed on the pads of her left foot and she knew what he was after. It was called "bastinado", the whipping of the soles of the feet, and it was very painful, and if done right, didn't leave a mark... and as she howled through her ring gag as the next stroke fell, she knew she'd have difficulty walking when he was done with her... Tanj groaned when she smelled the menthol aroma of the liniment. "I HATE it when they do that" she thought to herself. Blackstone had untied her, and retrieving short fiberglass rods from their hiding places, he had lashed two on either side of each of her knees, making her legs rigid from hip to ankle. Similar rods lashed by her elbows made her arms stiff as well. He had then tied her wrists to her knees, making her torso and legs form an "L". The spreader bar still held her ankles wide apart, and she sat on the floor wondering what he had in mind. She didn't have long to wait. He chuckled and came up behind her, to lift her, tilting her forward, until she balanced most uncomfortably on forehead and feet, her ass sticking high in the air. Tanj moaned; it was only moments before her head and neck were hurting...... and then he stepped up behind her, to smear the foul smelling liniment over her ass. Tanj couldn't move; she was tied too tightly, bound into a rigid posture. However the ring gag permitted her to moan and then to howl as he shoved his cock into her ass. The liniment lubricated, but also irritated, making her ass BURN! She howled louder and writhed as he reached around her, to take a gobbet of liniment, to rub it on her clitty...... He fucked her slowly, taking his time, making it last. He knew the slave was in torment, the liniment burning her harshly; and yet, by tomorrow, there would be little sign of his mistreatment...... But she'd know, and remember every time she looked at him. And maybe the mouse would know too...... but he obviously wasn't going to do anything. Mark growled unconsciously in his trance, sounding more like a hunting cat than a mouse for a moment. *'Not going to do anything', indeed. Hiram F****** Blackstone, you don't know how LUCKY you are. I can't just get rid of you, whether openly or by 'accident' - this station isn't THAT kind of 'hive of scum and villainy'. There'd be an investigation for sure. And knowing your plans doesn't help me prove anything since you've been canny enough not to leave any physical evidence so far, so it'd come down to my word against yours. Congratulations. But don't think you're safe forever...in fact, something tells me I won't have to wait much longer.* Blackstone came with a growl, his body shuddering. After a moment, he pulled his softening cock from Tanj's ass and pulled back on her, returning her to a sitting position. With a wicked grin, he moved around her, to take her head in both paws. Presenting his still slick cock to her mouth, he chuckled; "clean me, little slave; clean me well, and we'll be done for the evening." With the ring gag still strapped into her mouth, with the way she was tied, there was no way Tanj could resist, no matter how much she wanted to. He shoved his foul cock into her mouth, and when no tongue action was immediately forthcoming, twisted her ears until she complied... Tanj lay curled up on the mat, in the gym. Blackstone had freed her, gathered his toys and implements and departed without a backwards look, or a single word. She knew she should return to her quarters, if for no other reason than to clean herself of the still burning liniment, but for the moment, she didn't have the energy to move. And her feet hurt so! When she woke up in the morning, she was in sickbay, with the Lion looming over her. The doctor padded over seeing that she'd awakened, and then turning to the Lion, shrugged;"She's had a rough time, but there's no sign of permanent damage. Lucky that mouse fellow found her in the gym, although why he was going for a workout at that time of night is beyond me... Somehow carried her all the way here, too... But I bet she won't sit down for a bit, and walking, well, that too is going to be a problem for a while." The lion growled, obviously not happy. Looking directly at Tanj, he growled; "NO more Wagers. Understand?" Tanj just nodded. Blackstone grinned to himself when Tanj failed to show for her class that afternoon. He was feeling quite pleased with himself, confident that the Mouse was no threat. Things were going according to his plan, and soon he'd be out of here, and rich enough to indulge himself for the rest of his life...... The next day, Tanj kneeled at her work station in Intelligence. She still was too sore to sit down, still too sore to walk with ease, and standing was pure torture. Still, she'd survived, and anything that didn't kill you makes you stronger, right? "Besides," she thought to herself, "I can't be too wrapped up in this sex slave thing, if I didn't enjoy that......" And yet she wondered about his claim of her getting wet from the cropping...... Blackstone grinned when Tanj showed up limping for the next day's class. He dropped innuendo after innuendo, letting the class know exactly what he thought of her, and of the things that he'd done to her. Tanj maintained a stoic silence, and she was pleased to see that most of the class were distressed by Blackstone's verbal assault and foul stories. But there's always the few that don't go with the group. The Badger was excited by what the instructor had said. He'd always dreamed of doing things like that, of having a sexy female in his complete power. Was this cheetah really available for anyone to use as they saw fit? His imagination ran wild as he thought of what the instructor had said, and of the things he might do to her... She was only a slave, after all, wasn't she? Tanj winced with each step. Her feet were doing better, but it still hurt to walk. Still hurt to sit too. It had been a long day, between the routine Intelligence work, her flight training, and the preparations for her first "logistics" mission in her freighter. It was late at night and she was heading back from Intelligence, and some late night "catching up", towards the Lion's quarters, wanting nothing more than a hot bath, and maybe some cuddling, when a form moved out from the shadows to pounce her. The badger growled; "Not a sound, Slave" as he brought his knife up to her throat. With a paw wrapped in her hair, he dragged her back, into one of the deserted offices. "You 'n me gonna have some fun, bitch" he growled, and Tanj mewled as she felt the point of his knife prick her skin. Normally, Tanj's unarmed combat training would have kicked in, but she was having too much trouble just walking to be as effective as she'd like; and his knife was pressed hard into her throat...... The Badger grinned and looped a thin strand of wire around her throat. It had been formed into a noose and he pulled it tight as he pulled his knife away. Tossing the end of the wire over a sprinkler head on the wall of the office, he pulled her up until she danced on tiptoes, her paws grasping at the wire around her throat. "Betcha can't scream for help, eh, bitch" the badger gloated. Moving quickly, he pulled her paws around behind her back, to tie them together with more of the thin wire. Having secured her to his satisfaction, he retrieved his knife, to cut off her clothes. Mark sat bolt upright in bed. Tanj! A moment's concentration confirmed his suspicions, as well as her location. *Not Blackstone for once...but if anything, this guy is worse. Can't lose a single moment.* Grabbing his pants, he dashed out of the room and nearly ran into a couple of familiar figures. The badger, thinking of what Blackstone had said, had duct taped one of Tanj's feet to a desk chair, forcing her to spread her legs. He chuckled as he watched her wobble for a minute, balancing on one foot, as she swayed. The desk chair was on wheels, and that made her stance particularly unstable. After a while, the badger took the ruler he'd found in one of the desks and slapped her hard across her left breast. Tanj tried to scream, but only a strangled squeak emerged. The next stroke was upwards, between her legs, and again she danced and wobbled, trying hard to maintain her stance, for to fall would be to be garroted. The ruler had a sharp edge, and the Badger was amused to note that in a number of places her fur was tinged pink. He grinned and wondered what would happen if he struck with the thin edge, instead of the flat...... The door was the usual type of door in the station; powered and sliding, capable of standing significant differences in pressure, but not explosive decompressions. It certainly wasn't up to the assault that caused it to crash from its frame. The badger spun around, a surprised look on his face. And then as Slasher pulled his fighting knife, stepping forward, the Badger's eyes rolled up in his head, and with a shuddering convulsion, he keeled over. Slasher shot a glance at Reggie, who just shrugged, and then they both turned to look at Mark...who wasn't there anymore... He had already moved over to cut at the wire suspending Tanj against the wall with a short blade, sparing the badger not even a single glance. Slasher and Reggie looked at each other again, and shrugged, and then moved towards the badger, who was convulsing on the floor, foaming at the mouth now. Picking him up, they dragged him out the door, even as Mark caught Tanj with a soft 'oof' as she fell. The badger's last thought, as the door crashed in, just before his brain seemed to explode, was that he didn't understand; she was just a slave, wasn't she? No one cared what happened to a slave, did they? Mark cycled the airlock, and turned away without a second glance. Reggie looked out the window, as the blast of air pushed the still writhing Badger out the open outer door. He just couldn't figure out why the Badger looked so surprised. Tanj found herself again in sick bay, the doctor clucking over her in dismay. The Lion was furious that something like this had happened, and he was pacing back and forth in the confines of sick bay, generally being in the way. Mark, Reggie and Slasher had been thanked for their timely rescue, and then sent to retrieve the body. The Lion felt that leaving it in its low orbit around the asteroid station was just "trashing the neighborhood" and had sent them to dispose of it properly. Blackstone found out about the previous night's events at Breakfast. The whole station was buzzing about what had happened, most of the personnel feeling that what had happened to the Badger was too good for him. The Sable nodded sagely; "See, told you Mark and Tanj had a special link. He KNEW she was in danger!" Blackstone shook his head and wondered. As he sat at his "desk", a tiny workstation assigned to the instructor pilots, and worked on his training report, Blackstone's mind drifted. He wondered again if the Mouse knew what he'd been doing with Tanj. Had he known it was only a test of their link, of his capabilities? Or was his talent hit-or-miss, unable to pick up on Tanj's little session with him, and randomly picking up on the Badger's little escapade? "I'm just going to have to plan for the worst," he thought to himself. "If the mouse might be able to divine what I'm up to, I'll just have to make sure he can't interfere. Tanj may be a favorite of the boss, but there's no sign Mark is. His demise should be much easier to arrange. Tanj sighed and hit the "save" key. The report on current Imperial activity was complete, and appended to the next operational plan. One of her agents had put together the data that suggested a major convoy would be departing from Elysium for the Wolmart trading station, in the Gurpta sector. Other agents had given corroborating evidence, and the read on the Imperials were that they were busy elsewhere, that this wasn't a trap, or a set-up. The convoy's departure was scheduled for eight days from now, with the interception point 16 hours after that. Now all she had to do was to watch for changes in schedule, and changes in Imperial routine...... Blackstone saw the ops plan show up in his e-mail and grinned; this was the key, the final piece of information that he would need to prove to the Elysium Government that what he was saying was true. If he delivered that to them, with all the other information he'd gathered, it would give them the perfect opportunity to trap the pirates...... The compressed gas cylinder was easy to swipe from the maintenance bay. There'd been many advances in fabrication over the years, but some metals still had to be fused, welded, or in some cases even cut in an inert atmosphere. Argon was the gas of choice, and it was commonly used for those purposes. The day shift was over and it was unlikely that the cylinder would be missed before tomorrow. By then it would be too late. Blackstone was way too big to fit down the ventilation duct, but he could read a schematic, and determine where they lay, what paths they traveled. The one he wanted passed through this storage cubicle in the residence sector. He'd already used a cutter to slice through its bottom, a square sheet of polyboard shoved through the slit, to dam off the airflow. A hose from the argon cylinder disappeared through a hole in the downstream portion of the duct. Opening the valve and adjusting the regulator, Blackstone grinned. There was enough gas in the cylinder to completely fill several rooms, but he was interested in only one. The Mouse's sleeping quarters. "forsee THIS, you little bastard. I bet even you can't read my mind while you're asleep!" As he departed, he broke the key off in the door's lock, making sure that no one would detect or disturb his scheme for quite a while. Tanj was up early; it was becoming her routine as there always seemed so much to do. She'd put in an hour in Intelligence, seeing what had come in over night, then get some exercise, and then meet the Lion for breakfast, and the impromptu conferences that it always spawned as folks came to talk to him, knowing they could catch him there. Blackstone was moving too; his "exit" plan was in motion, but he thought it would be nice to kidnap Tanj, to use her as a hostage to help insure his escape. And nicer to use her afterwards...... Tanj growled as the lift sailed right past the floor intelligence was on. She grumbled and hammered on the control pannel, until the turbolift stopped two decks above where she wanted. Blackstone watched the turbolift indiator, waiting for it to open, waiting to pounce the cheetah slave. He blinked as it didn't stop. The otter looked up from his magazine as the buzzer went off. Being an asteroid station, environmental concerns were a priority, and any change in the atmosphere, even local ones, tripped alarms. The otter's mouth fell open as the computer told him the oxygen concentration in sector III block 2 was down to 3% from its specified 21%! Tanj was headed for the stairs, pissed at the turbolift, and intending to just trot down the two flights of stairs. Just as her paw touched the door handle, the intercom crackled; "Tanj, please report to Room 4225." Tanj blinked; that was her Master's suite, but that hadn't been his voice. In fact, it didn't sound like anyone she knew... With a sigh, she turned back, to trust her luck again with the lift. Blackstone waited just outside the stairwell door, all set to pounce. The flashing lights on the turbolift panel however drew his attention, and he blinked as the lift descended back to the residential level. "Bitch can't make up her mind this morning. Dammit, I've got to go, I'll mess up my schedule if I wait. Oh, well, I'll deal with her after the pirates have been captured......" With that, Blackstone stalked off towards the launch bay. Tanj had just re-entered the Lion's suite when the environmental alarm went off. She'd been through the drills enough times for her to find her breathing mask. Turning, she found the Lion already had his, and was charging out the door, still nude. Shrugging, she grabbed his pants and followed him at a dead run. The otter was scratching his head; he'd dispatched teams to check on the occupants of the rooms in block 2, and was trying to figure out WHY there was such an anomaly there. The rest of the station was fine...... The only thing strange was a high discharge pressure on one of the air circulating fans. Tanj caught up with the rescue team as they carried Mark's body into sick bay. "He's still alive, I think..." the leader called to the Doctor; "At least we still have a pulse, but there's no telling how long that'll last. Hurry!" The otter shook his head. The concentration of Argon was slowly diffusing through the station, and he bled more oxygen into the system to compensate. Still, he had no idea where it had come from. He directed one team to check Engineering, to see if something had leaked, and another team to find out why circulating fan 24 was running with a high discharge pressure. The latter didn't seem important, but at this point he was grasping at straws. Blackstone tucked the case into his fighter, as he prepared to take his morning class out for their final evaluation. They were down to three students, none of them were really very good, in his opinion; nothing close to his own skill. But that only made his day easier. "Hey, Charlie" the team leader called to the otter; "we got one argon cylinder missing from Maintenance, but that's all we can come up with. Everything else is either tagged empty, or still holding pressure. The otter Hmmmmed and nodded. Turning, he pressed a button on his comm panel; "better get me internal security..." Tanj sat by Mark's bed. He was on a ventilator, but that was about all they could do for him. His heartbeat was very very low, as was his respiration. Brainwave activity held some resemblance to that of a coma, but there was some other activity, in other areas, that the doctor didn't recognize...... The janitor tried the doorknob again. "Funny, I never lock this door" he thought to himself. Pulling out a ring of keys he tried to find the right one. However, his first attempt came up short as he found he couldn't get the key in the lock. Bending down to examine it, he Hmmmmmed. Straightening, the skunk looked to his left, towards Block 2, where all the excitement had been earlier, and then right towards environmental. Suddenly his eyes grew wide and he dashed for the nearest comm panel. Charlie watched as they cut the lock out of the door, sliding it aside. He nodded; "Uh-huh. 'Fraid of that." Stepping back, he let the guys from internal security get a look. Blackstone grinned. It was time to make his escape. By now, they MIGHT have uncovered his foul deed, and he thought he should, as always, stay one step ahead of them. Centering his sights on one of his students, he armed his weapons. The duty officer in Operations came awake in a hurry as the scanners showed a power spike. Checking his display, he relaxed as he realized that it was just the fighter pilot class on another practice mission. Then he tensed again as he realized it wasn't some dumb bunny hitting the wrong switch, but the instructor that had powered up his weapons. Keying the comm, he called; "Flight leader from ops; why have you armed weapons?" Jameson heard the call from Ops, but it barely registered on his consciousness before Blackstone's first volley destroyed his fighter. Jenny gasped as she caught the explosion from the corner of her eye, even as she heard the call from Ops. She wondered if they were being attacked, but her scope had shown nothing but their own training flight, and a single ore freighter. Instinctively she wrenched her fighter around in a tight turn, not knowing what was wrong yet, but deciding it would be prudent to give no one a clean shot at her. Blackstone ignored the voice on the comm, concentrating instead on lining up on his next student. This idiot had put his ship into a gentle turn, as if trying to come about to see what the matter was. "Not nearly paranoid enough to survive, you little twit" Blackstone thought as he fired his weapons again, watching as the student's fighter was left drifting, helpless. Tanj watched the monitor. Something was happening in Mark's brain, neurological activity spiking in certain areas. Everything else made him look like he was still in a coma... "Maybe he's dreaming" she thought... Jenny was terrified. Her instructor had just destroyed two of his own class, and now he was after HER and closing in...and then, from one moment to the next, her consciousness "switched off" and there was nothing at all anymore...... Blackstone chuckled as the remaining student, that wolf bitch, brought her own weapons on line; "Does she seriously think she can take ME out? I'll blow her away and then I'll be out of here before they can send anyone to stop me!" Pulling his fighter into a tight turn, Blackstone tried to line his sights up on the bitch, but suddenly she put her ship through a dizzying sequence of twists, turns and dodges, always staying just outside his targeting reticule. Growling at his inability to kill her as easily as he had the others, he armed two heat-seekers. When he got tone, signaling a lock-on, he launched them, and then broke in the opposite direction. As he turned he watched in amazement, as the other fighter spit out exactly two flares several fractions of a second apart. Each flare decoyed one missile perfectly, and then the bitch was turning back towards him. The lion looked at the argon cylinder, and at the forensic evidence they'd gathered. "Blackstone? I admit the guy's a sadistic jerk, but why would he want to kill THOSE...... Ah, Mark. Of course. And you say one of the other rooms in this block was vacant, and all the others are occupied by furrs currently embroiled in an all-night poker game?" When the otter nodded, the Lion just shook his head; "That's remarkably lucky, that no one else got hurt. In fact that's incredibly lucky......" Blackstone watched in amazement as his Image Recogntion missile failed to recognize its target, sailing past as if it were locked on a far star. He pulled his fighter around yet again, still trying to get the bitch in his sights. The Lion burst into Ops, took one look at the tactical display and growled; "Magnum launch. Get EVERYTHING after that bastard. We can't let him get away!" Blackstone's computer screamed at him. A dozen assorted ships had just launched from the mining station, everything from fighters like his, to a cruiser. And they were all powering up weapons. Twisting his ship about wildly, he took a potshot at the wolf bitch and shook his head. "Going into warp with a pursuit like this is risky, but hanging around would appear to be riskier still. Reaching down, he threw the switch to feed power to his FTL systems. Ben watched from the bridge of the Intimidator, the cruiser that had been the closest to flight status when the order came in. "Whoever that student pilot is, she's good" he rumbled, half the bridge crew nodding in agreement. "The boss says to fry that bastard, but lets not try and fry her too; she's a keeper." Blackstone gasped as the ion bolt from the cruiser missed his fighter by meters. The residual charge danced across the surfaces of his fighter like crackling blue lightning. "Now or never" he thought to himself, hitting the key for Warp. And then he hit it again, with the same negative result, a single red light mockingly informing him that the near-miss had fried a critical connection and the replacement would take thirty seconds to come on-line. "OH CRAP" he thought... Ben watched as Blackstone's fighter tried to go to warp. Power was building; that was plain to the cruiser's sensors, but somehow didn't get where it was supposed to go. And that moment's distraction obviously was all that the student needed, as she whipped her fighter around, to fire all weapons at Blackstone at point blank range. Tanj smoothed the fur on Mark's brow as she watched the brainwave activity drop in those unexplained areas. She wondered if he had stopped dreaming, or did that mean he was dying?. Ben shook his head; "whats wrong? She's just sitting out there..." After Blackstone had been destroyed, Jenny's ship had just drifted to a stop, and now just drifted, motionless. With a shrug, Ben turned to the cruiser's tactical officer, and directed him to tractor the fighter into the cruiser's small docking bay. Jenny blinked and jerked her head back violently. The medic grinned and capped the smelling salts. Jenny blinked the tears from her eyes and looked around; her fighter was in some ship's docking bay, and a whole crowd of folks were standing there looking at her. Looking at her as if they expected answers, or explanations... She blinked and searched her memory, wondering how she'd gotten there. The last thing she could remember was Blackstone shooting up the other students...... Looking up into the face of the chief of operations she withered and whispered; "Oh Lord, now what have I done?" Tanj smiled as Mark's eyes fluttered and then opened. Somehow he knew she was there, and turned his head to look directly at her. After a moment, he mumbled "Oh...hi, Tanj. You wouldn't believe the dream I just had. For some reason I was out there in space, shooting it out with that Blackstone guy, except it wasn't really ME... Uh... Um, we're not in... this isn't my bed! Where... What happened?" Tanj blinked for a moment, then pulled herself together again. "What happened is that Blackstone is dead. He apparently decided to sell us out, tried to flee the station and shot up his piloting class. But it didn't work. One of his students held him at bay until help could arrive, and then actually managed to destroy him herself before they could do much to help. Interesting things were found in the wreck of his fighter. Apparently he'd been spying on us for some time. Oh, and on the way out, he tried to kill you. By some random stroke of luck, you were the only one in that residence block when he made his attempt, and to the amazement of the entire medical staff, you didn't die...and now I'm starting to wonder just how your 'dream' ties into all that. Especially since Jenny - she was that student out there, by the way - insists she doesn't remember a thing..." Mark looked thoughtful. "I suppose there could be a connection, yes...I'll have to look into that. Not now, though, I'm still too tired, and you don't look all that fresh either. Go to bed, will you?" The Lion stood just outside the door, listening quietly, barely breathing, then quickly and silently made himself scarce as he heard Tanj get up. He went off to find Ben. "Anything new from Mark yet? I know Tanj's down there..." the Wolf asked. The Lion nodded; "He's woken up for a few moments. Probably is back asleep now. Claims he's had a funny dream while the dogfight with Blackstone went on... I suppose it could be a coincident..." Ben nodded Slowly; "But you don't really believe that, do you?" The Lion shook his head no. "Listen, I want you to run a VERY thorough background check on our little dreamer again, just to see if he's really as innocent as he looks. Don't tell anybody else if you can avoid it, and most of all DON'T let Tanj find out. I don't know just how good a telepath he is, he might just have fooled us all with that double-blind test bby seeing through it and playing along anyway, but let's at least not make it TOO easy for him to figure out we're checking up on him..." The wolf-morph nodded quietly as he finished. "I'll do that, boss. Might take a few weeks, but if there's anything to be found, I'll find it." Mark watched Tanj leave, watching the way her ass swayed under her short dress, and smiled, half asleep again already. *Good thing I was ready for something like that gas attack; old Blackstone simply WAS too predictable for his own good, in the end.* He reached inside for a moment and lightly touched the invisible matrix that had kept him just alive enough to survive. *And everything else can wait until tomorrow, just this once.* With that, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep...one without dreams, this time. The lion watched Tanj enter the cafeteria, and shook his head. Loudly, he said, so that all could hear; "Yes, Ben, I think you're right. Tanj did all the prescreening for our recent recruits, and with respect to both that Badger and Blackstone, she severely dropped the ball. Tanj stopped and stared, her mouth open. Yes, she'd done the pre-screening, but there's been a whole committee that approved the final selections. But then as she looked around, she realized that most of the committee was present, and all nodding their heads in agreement. Tanj smelled a set-up, but didn't quite know what to do about it...... Ben nodded; "I think she's already paid the price for the Badger... but I think she still should be punished for her mistake with Blackstone. That bastard could have destroyed us all!" The Lion just nodded. "I'm told that Blackstone said that that she hadn't been whipped enough, and I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps he wasn't right on that score. What do you think? Think that would be a suitable punishment? Tanj had set down her tray, and had kneeled at the Lion's feet, knowing something was coming, but when he mentioned whipping, she looked up at him with shocked, pleading eyes. But the lion was unmoved; "Lets see, who'd like to do the honors? We need some volunteers to see she's properly positioned......" He hadn't even gotten it out of his mouth when half the pirates present leaped forward to pounce Tanj. In moments she was nude, her paws bound over her head, suspended from a hook by soft braided rope." Someone came up with a spreader bar, and there was much discussion as to just what Blackstone had done, and how he had used it. Despite the fact that she had no intention of helping them, they finally figured it out and she balanced again on one foot, the other held wide out to one side by the bar. They debated whether or not she should be gagged, but finally the lion convinced them that she should be left ungagged, so they could hear and appreciate her cries. As Tanj dangled, still aghast that they would blame her for what had happened, the lion moved into her view, holding a long and wicked cat 'o nine tails up for her to look at; he snapped it quickly, the loud pop making everyone jump. He grinned and gently drew it across her chest, the tails tickling her nipples as he caressed her with it. Still grinning, he moved around behind her, and snapped it again. Tanj sighed; she didn't want to be whipped, and yet, if her master said it must be, she was willing to suffer through it. She searched her feelings, trying to sort out the ambivalence she felt...... Finally she decided that she had to trust him; he was her master, and she knew he cared for her. But she still didn't think she'd enjoy this much...... Unseen by Tanj, no sooner had he snapped the whip a second time, he handed it to one of the pirates, to take the real whip he intended on flogging her with. This too was leather, about as long, but soft fur strips of synthetic mink, incredibly soft and sensual, about a foot and a half long, graced the ends of each of the nine tails. The lion grinned and took one, to caress Wanda's face with it, smiling as she giggled at its softness. Tanj didn't have time to ponder Wanda's giggle; she really didn't think the Wolverine lass was into pain, but...... She caught the shadow as the Lion tossed the tails of the whip behind him, and she braced herself for the blow...... But when the whip wrapped itself around her middle, what came out was not a scream, but a giggle; she twisted and turned, trying to catch a look at what the lion was wielding, but then it struck upwards between her thighs and she laughed as fur stroked from her pussy to her tummy. The lion flogged her "hard" and the harder he flogged her, the more she giggled, writhed and laughed! When he "botched" a stroke, it was like being hit with a furry mitten; but when he did it right, the fur stroked her hard and fast, and in the right places it tickled wildly...... Finally the lion was exhausted, and he handed the whip over to Ben, who stared at it as if not having the faintest idea what to do with it. Tanj had long since lost her footing and was hanging by her paws, swaying back and forth. At least the wrist cuffs were well padded. Her chest was still heaving, and she was finally catching her breath. That thing TICKLED! Ben shrugged and gave her an experimental swat with the whip, and then three or four furrs, including Jenny pressed forward to show him the "correct" way of wielding the whip. After the whip had been passed down from the lion, through three or four other furrs, Tanj was giggling and begging for mercy most piteously. The lion finally consented, and they lowered her, to let her work off the rest of her punishment by satisfying the lusts of those who chose to remain in the cafeteria. This time, Tanj noted with a smile, the Lion stayed, watching, until as if to close the ceremony, he took her roughly, as was his fashion. As the party broke up, as he led Tanj towards his quarters, he waved good night to Ben and called; "Now THAT'S the proper way to whip a slave!" Tanj's Tales: Changes in lattitude, changes in attitude Stardate 2398.50 By Kittiara and Ann'katar Tanj sighed and once again riffled through the stack of forms she carried. “Flight plan, Mission outline, Fuel Requisition.... Who would ever have thought a simple supply run could be so complicated?” Ben, the head of operations just chuckled, taking the stack of hardcopies from thecheetah-fem’s paws. “Procedures have to be followed, Tanj, or we’ll have chaos. The organization’s just grown too large for folks to just head off with a wave and a “see you later!” Besides, you DO want to have all the passwords correct when you come back, don’t you? To have the Ops crew expecting you? It’d save you that trouble Erikson went through last week.” Tanj grinned as she thought of the hapless Raider ship captain that had misplaced his passwords, and when he had shown up unexpectedly early, had almost been blown to pieces when he arrived at the pirate’s base. As Ben signed off on Tanj’s forms, the wolf sighed; “and when you’re at Smiley’s, I’d appreciate it.......” Tanj grinned and finished his sentence with him as a chorus; ‘if you could find me some Brie...’” Tanj giggled and kissed the wolf on the nose as she collected her forms; “Yes, Ben, I’ll remember; we’ll do our best!” As she walked through the asteroid station, towards the docking bay, Tanj found it difficult to hold her excitement in check. This was the FIRST mission they were turning her loose on by herself. Sure, she’d flown the Lion and a few other of the Brethren’s command group to that meeting with the Elysium rebels over at Danforth. That had gone well, not a single problem, but she hadn’t been in charge. Nothing more than a glorified bus driver. She’d taken some of the folks from accounting, and a cargo hold full of Loot to Port Royale to meet the “brokers” (i.e. “fences”), but again, Dave from accounting had been in charge of that trip. THIS trip was all hers; SHE was in charge! Even if it was a simple “milk-run” to go pick up some repair parts........ Tanj grinned to herself as she walked through the docking bay towards her ship; she couldn’t help giggling over just HOW the lion had told her she was to make the trip. It’d been late one night, and she’d returned from her tasks in the intelligence office, to find him still at work at his desk in his quarters. Feeling a bit of a tease, she’d crawled under his desk, to nuzzle his crotch as he tried to work. It wasn’t long before his pants were around his ankles and his hardening cock in her mouth.... And yet still the keyboard keys clacked above her. It seemed the more she tried to distract him, the faster the sound of the keystrokes came, and yet she knew she was having an effect on him, his cock throbbing with his heartbeat. Finally he finished whatever it was he was doing (she was willing to bet that whatever he had been working on had an unusually high number of typos), and she felt one paw start to stroke her left ear. However just when she was sure she had his undivided attention he started to talk. “Don’t let me interrupt what you’re doing, but I’ve got a small job I need to you do” he rumbled, just a hint of panting in his voice. Tanj’s tongue glided back and forth along the underside of his shaft as her head slowly bobbed back and forth, as she tried to keep up the “pressure” and listen to what he was saying at the same time. When he told her that she was to go to Smiley’s station to negotiate for some less-than- common parts the pirates needed for their ships, she purrrred around his shaft, but when he told her that she was in charge of both the mission and the negotiations with the supplier, she almost bit him..... As his words finally ceased, Tanj found herself shifting from gentle teasing to working hard on his cock, her head rocking back and forth with increasing vigor, driving his shaft between her lips, until its head repeatedly bumped the back of her throat. It wasn’t long before he was moaning, both paws clutching at her head, and an even shorter time before his cock was spurting, his hot cum splattering the back of her throat. That evening she made it abundantly clear, without the use of words, that she was enthralled to be given this mission, and the next morning, everyone in the cafeteria wondered what was up, with Tanj grinning like the proverbial Cheshire cat, and the lion yawning repeatedly, barely able to stay awake. It hadn’t taken Wanda long to find out what was in the offing, and she grabbed Tanj at the first opportunity..... “Tanj, I hear we’re going on a trip” the wolverine lass purrred, a smile on her face. Tanj was still a little doubtful about taking Lord Xylex’s daughter, a nominal hostage, away from the station, and narrowed her eyes as she looked at Wanda; “our agreement was that I had a place on the ship for a medic; how are you coming with your studies?” Wanda beamed and held up a certificate for Tanj to see; it proudly proclaimed that Wanda had achieved her Licensed Practical Nurse rating, from the Ceres Sub-space University. Tanj smiled; “Wanda, that’s a great start, and in record time too! But I’m not sure its good enough... tell you what, let me talk to the boss and I’ll see what I can wheedle him into........ Wanda’s face fell, but she nodded and gave Tanj a hug, before heading off. That night, Tanj had done her best to “persuade” the lion, “talking” to him as she sat astride his hips, slowly rising and falling on his cock. Unfortunately he hadn’t been suitably distracted, and as he reached up to squeeze Tanj’s breasts, had informed her that he didn’t think now was the time........ maybe later. The next day, Wanda had taken the news remarkably well, a fact that should have alerted Tanj........ As they prepared for the trip, everyone seemed to have their own little requests to make. Tanj had a long list of things they needed, an even longer list of things that they’d like to have, but somehow it seemed each ship captain, crew chief, or maintenance head had a personal agenda that hadn’t made it to the “official” list. And each of them took her aside to give her a slip of paper, asking her to try and get those items...... And sometimes they weren’t even “work related”. Slasher wanted a case of whiskey. Bethany wanted some catnip. Amanda wanted some sexy lingerie to impress a new boyfriend.... And so forth. Tanj was going to have a busy trip....... Especially as she’d arranged to meet one of her own field agents at Smiley’s station. She’d been dealing rather anonymously with this guy for months now, and he always had provided good information, concise and accurate.... Still she felt that with some personal contact, she might get a better handle as to how to interpret the information he sent her way..... With a smile she thought that perhaps with a “personal” touch she could inspire him to greater efforts, too. Tanj walked across the docking bay, lost in thought, reviewing all her preparations for the trip, trying to think if she’d forgotten anything. She was so lost in thought that she almost walked right into the lion, as he stood by the airlock. Her head jerked up as he grabbed her, his paws large and strong on her upper arms, her eyes going wide in surprise. He seemed amused by her preoccupation and kissed her on the nose softly as he looked into her startled eyes; “Just thought I’d see you off, and ask if you’ve forgotten anything?” Tanj’s thoughts again turned to her preparations and she mumbled..... “food, ... fuel, ... life support, ... weapons.... Money..... Crew’s already on board...... flight plan filed, clearances granted...... got our fake ship’s ID’s and our papers...... Got the list of everything we need...... preflight’s done, and everything’s green..... No, can’t think of anything we’ve forgotten......” Tanj’s eyes rose to look at her master, beseechingly, as if asking confirmation that she hadn’t forgotten anything, but he just T’sk’ed and shook his head. Reaching out to touch her collar, he smiled; “and what do you think this trader you’re going to dicker with is going to think when you walk in wearing this?” Tanj’s jaw dropped and she blinked, both paws going to touch her collar...... Before she could speak, the lion shook his head and told her to turn around. As she looked out across the docking bay, she felt him gather and lift her hair, to slide something around her neck; then there was a snick and her collar was falling away..... Tanj had to fumble to catch it, but once she had caught it, she raised her paws to examine the simple gold ring that now encircled her neck. The lion rumbled; “I’m told its called a “torque” as Tanj turned, to examine her reflection in the freighter’s main deflector dish. It might have been a lady’s fancy jewelry......or a collar pretending to be jewelry...... Turning back, she sought out his eyes, to stare wordlessly at him, a confused expression reflected in her own eyes. The lion smiled, seeming to know exactly what was going through her mind; “You know you’ll always be mine, but in public, you will pretend to be free, letting no trace of your true condition show, nothing that might compromise your mission. When you return, you can replace that with your true collar, but while away, you’ll wear that, or something similar, to remind you of who, and what you are.” Tanj just nodded dumbly and rose to tiptoes to kiss him goodbye, and then without a backwards glance, her collar still in her hand, she boarded her ship and sealed the airlock. Tanj slid into the Navigator's station chair on the small freighter's flight deck, and nodded to Mark, already in the pilot's seat. "Go ahead and contact Ops, and request permission to launch. I've got all our clearances, and I do believe we're ready to get this show on the road." Mark nodded, tilted his head with a little smile as he looked her over for a moment, and turned back to his console, hitting the transmit key. As he talked to the duty furr in Ops, Tanj knew he'd noticed the absence of her collar. The ship lurched as Mark lifted off from the deck, the landing pads folding smoothly into the hull, as they glided towards the launch port. Forcefields crackled around the hull as the ship passed through the tunnel and into space. Tanj watched Hinoki at the sensor station, as she listened to Mark talk to departure control, and then the ship's sublight drive was engaged, the asteroid station falling behind them rapidly. Hinoki finished his sweep of the area, noting the mining craft moving to and from the station, checking the area for "prying eyes" that might notice their departure. Everything seemed clear, and with a sigh he settled back to watch the starscape through the forward viewer. After a bit he turned, and looked at Mark; "we got a ways to the first Jump Point; I'm going to go get a cup of coffee; you want one? Mark smiled and nodded; "sure; cream and sugar, if you please." Hinoki nodded and rose from his station chair, stopping to look at Tanj on his way out; "Tanj you want......... hey, what happened to your collar. GOOD LORD, DID THE BOSS SET YOU FREE???" Tanj just snorted and shook her head; "nope, not at all; its just that while we're away, I've been instructed to "pretend" to be a free furr. Twirling her collar around one finger, she grinned at Hinoki; "This goes back on when we get home, and let me tell you, it feels passing strange for it not to be around my neck. Its almost like I'm looking forward to getting back, so I can put it back where it belongs......." Hinoki just gave her a funny look and nodded, a short abrupt motion; "Uh, well, you want a cup of coffee?" Tanj stared at the viewscreen as she nodded; "Yeah, thanks. Black." Zassa followed Hinoki onto the bridge when he returned, helping him carry one of the cups of coffee. Hinoki for his part put Mark's cup in the holder by the pilot's seat, and settled back into his station chair, his eyes running over his board, making sure that nothing unusual had cropped up. Zassa handed Tanj her cup, and she took a long sip as she looked over the Engineering board, and then changed modes back to Nav to check their progress. Looking up, Tanj found Zassa still staring at her. "Hinoki told me the boss had unlocked your collar, but I just had to come see for myself...." the vixen purrrred. Tanj shrugged; "He felt that a slave commanding a freighter would raise too many questions....." Mark interrupted; "Coming up on the first jump point, Captain...." Tanj grinned and nodded; "Jump when your board's green, Mark." Tanj changed the mode of her board back to engineering, to give the jump drive another quick look, watching the power levels surge as Mark jumped the ship into hyperspace. When everything had stabilized, and all the instruments were lined out, she turned back to Zassa; "you know, I suppose we could just take the ship and head out, to go wherever we wanted to. We could leave the Brethren behind and they'd NEVER find us.........." Hinoki shrugged; "we could do that, I suppose..... and yes, the Empire's big enough they'd probably never catch up......." Zassa added; "and we have all the resources to change our registration, forge new identity papers..... We've even got some cash.... but would you REALLY want to do that?" Tanj sighed; "you know, when I was first captured, and sold as a slave, I wanted nothing more than to escape, to regain my freedom. Now..... I dunno, maybe it's the conditioning, but..... I've got friends, AND loves back there... back "home". I don't think I could ever just take off and leave them......" Hinoki smiled and turned back to his board, sweeping a volume of hyperspace around them in the unlikely event that there was another ship nearby. Zassa patted Tanj's shoulder as she turned to leave the flight deck, and in the pilot's seat, Mark just shook his head, nodding to himself with a silent inward chuckle. Some 'slaves', indeed... maybe there was some hope yet. The next 'day', as indicated by ship's time, Tanj was sitting in the freighter's small wardroom, going over her papers, and the papers for her crew, double-checking to make sure that there'd be no problems at Smiley's. Places that dealt on the shady side of supply often went to great pains to know who they were dealing with, fearing the police, or worse, the Empire. And Smiley's was supposedly a place where you could get anything you needed, no questions asked; that was why they were going there. She yawned and turned to look a the back of one of the documents when Wanda moseyed in, to pour herself a cup of coffee. "Mornin', Tanj" the wolverine lass mumbled. "Mornin', Wanda" Tanj replied, rather distractedly. It wasn't until two minutes later, after Wanda had left with her cup of coffee that Tanj's head snapped up. She stood, knocking over her chair to yell "WANDA!" at the top of her voice. She found Wanda down in the cargo bay with Zassa. They'd set up a handball court in one corner, using some polyboard, and were jumping back and forth, each trying to swat the hard rubber ball. Tanj watched for a moment, scarcely able to believe her eyes. Finally she could hold it in no longer; "Wanda, WHAT are you doing here?" Wanda deftly caught the ball, and turned to face the Cheetah; "I thought Zassa wasn't getting enough exercise, so we set up the court here. I promise you both that by the time we get back, she'll have lost two kilos and have much improved muscle tone....." Tanj shook her head; "not THAT! What are you.... I thought I told you the boss said you couldn't COME ON THIS TRIP!" Wanda just smiled and nodded; "you did. But I wanted to come anyways, and decided to follow an old and honored tradition; stowing away!" Tanj groaned. They were too far out to turn back now. And her master was going to KILL her when he found out...... "Wanda, you've gotten us in a lot of trouble, and I intend to make SURE you don't get us in any more!" Wanda giggled; "I figured there'd be punishments involved...... and I'll take whats coming to me, just so long as I get to do some SHOPPING!" Zassa grinned; "ooooooh, punishments! Yes, she needs to be punished! Captain, Ma'am, please may I punish Wanda?" Tanj just groaned. Tanj had every intention of punishing Wanda for stowing away. She just didn't know how. She certainly didn't want to hurt her, but SOMETHING had to be done......... That evening, at "shift change" she kissed Mark on the flight deck; "sure you don't mind sitting this one out?" she purrrred. Mark grinned and shook his head; "Not at all. Besides, who else on board COULD you trust with the controls while there's an orgy going on, anyway?" Tanj grinned and gave the mouse a hug and headed aft towards the cargo bay. Zassa and Hinoki had rounded up Wanda, and had her kneeling in the cargo bay, completely nude. Well, since they'd cleared the pirate station, clothing had been pretty much optional anyways....... Tanj grinned as she saw that they'd made her adopt a slave's position, kneeling with knees widespread, paws on her thighs, back straight with head bowed. Marching right up to her, Tanj looked down at the kneeling wolverine lass and demanded; "Are you ready to receive your punishment?" Wanda mewled in a small voice; "Yes, Captain." Tanj grinned and shook her head, glad that with her head bowed, eyes downcast, that Wanda couldn't see the expression on her face; but it was obvious that Zassa and Hinoki had caught it. Tanj grinned at them and silently mouthed; "I just can't get used to being called "Captain." Tanj did her very best to resume her stern expression. "Wanda, your presence has made me quite uncomfortable, and as a result, I am determined to make you just as uncomfortable. Zassa has a little..... fashion accessory that I want you to wear. Until further notice." With that, the vixen moved into Wanda's line of sight, holding a leather and steel contraption...... it looked like a chastity belt, with a thick leather strap for around the waist, and another that would descend severely between the thighs..... In a strategic place it had a hard and inflexible, yet padded plate that completely covered her sex, preventing so much as a touch.... And just "behind" that a rather severe butt-plug. Where the straps joined in front and back was a riveted reinforcing metal plate, where the shield over her sex met the strap from the butt-plug, was an integral lock. Hinoki rose to help, with a grin, and shortly, the device was locked around Wanda's loins. "The key that opens that is chained to the ship's head (toilet); it however will stay in the lock, until the two halves are reconnected; thus, you can go to the bathroom anytime you like, but can't leave without refastening the belt" Tanj smirked. "The other part of the punishment is that in stowing away, you've caused us to have to "watch" you, although I admit, "watch over" might be more accurately. In doing so, there are..... activities that some of us will not be able to participate in, as I'll have to assure that you're.... Protected. And as such, there will be activities that YOU will not participate in......" Tanj smiled as Wanda stiffened; "No, I'll take you shopping with us; I wouldn't deny that to any of the rest of the crew, and if we're to watch over you, then you'll have to go along....... BUT! I am going to make you WATCH us, as we make love to each other, and will NOT let you join in. That's the point of the chastity belt. Even as you can't give yourself pleasure." Wanda just moaned. Tanj made sure that Wanda remained kneeling there, in the cargo bay, as she and Zassa wrung Hinoki dry, draining him of every drop of cum his poor balls contained. Tanj's eyes snapped open with an almost audible "click." It wasn't the overhead of her miniscule cabin on her freighter that she saw, but a blue sky, with cumulus clouds. Wind tugged at her fur, a spray of sand stinging the left side of her face, the sound of the surf in her ears. She tried to raise her head, to look around, only to find that her hair had been gathered at the top of her head, braided, and the end of the braid secured somewhere behind her; she couldn't raise her head more than a few inches. Turning her head left, and then right, she made out that she was laying on a beach, spread-eagled, her wrists, her ankles, and her tail (and presumably her hair as well) bound to large stakes driven deep into the sand. A ball gag filled her mouth, and there was an interesting presence between her legs, as if her pussy had been filled by a thick dildo..... except the wind was whispering where it usually wasn't felt, and she wondered if it was some sort of a tube was holding her open....... As she looked, she realized that she was at the very edge of the high tide line; the sand went from flat, through a little dip, to the slope that the water advances upwards with the rising tide. Her head was positioned such that the little lip, where the sand went from horizontal, to almost vertical for a few inches, was right at the back of her neck, her body below the high tide line. "Well" she thought to herself, "if the tide comes in, at least my head should be above water....." Squirming around a little, she assured herself that she was tightly bound, with no apparent hope of escape. Taking another look, she realized that she was bound with black braided cord of a type she'd never seen before, and she wondered how she'd come to be here...... There was nothing to do, but lay there, the sun rising to her left, slowly traversing the sky, the day growing hotter as it rose. In fact, things were getting quite warm, the heat causing the cheetah fem to pant lightly. The metal of her nipple and pussy rings were absorbing the rays of the sun faster than her fur was, and her tender bits were getting uncomfortably hot. As if to cool her, however, the wind, which had been blowing sand at her, seemed to be strengthening, the sand stinging her sensitive nose, forcing her to turn her head to the right........ The crab was driving her crazy. It would skitter across the sand, to poke at her, as if trying to figure out if she was edible, and then as the cheetah squirmed, it would skitter off, to look at her. The damn thing just wouldn't go away, and leave her alone. It approached again, to claw its way up her right side, its sharp claws dancing across her tummy, and as she howled into her gag, and wriggled, it hopped off to her left. Squinting into the wind to her left, something other than the crab caught her attention, and she groaned as she beheld the darkening clouds, and the threatening sky. "Well, I suppose I could use the shade, and a nice cooling rain would be nice......" she thought to herself. She was almost asleep, the crab having found more interesting things to do, when the first spray of water cooled the pads of her feet. "Well," she thought to herself as she looked through slitted eyelids at the position of the sun, "I suppose the tide had to come in eventually." She lay there, stoically, as the spray blew higher across her body, the waves first lapping at her feet, then her calves, until the water was surging up to her thighs. She moaned to herself, as the warm water felt like a hundred lover's tongues gently lapping at her. But as the tide inexorably rose, she found that the pressure of the waves would at first force her legs as far apart as their restraints would allow, and then as the water ebbed, would drag them back the other way, again, to the limits of her bindings. And with each wave, a little of the sand under her rump, under her back, would be washed away. She was slowly sinking! And all the while the sky grew darker, the wind fiercer, the sound of the waves crashing on the beach louder. She was beginning to worry, that perhaps with the storm, her head would not be high enough above the break in the slope of the beach that demarked the point of high tide, to keep her sufficiently safe, when the first wave soaked her crotch. She moaned anew as she felt the salt water flow through whatever spread her labia, to fill her like a weak douche. Again and again, as the water crept inexorably higher, the surge of the sea pounded her sex, invading her body, forcibly spreading her legs...... The spray was breaking over her face, droplets of water occasionally running into her nostrils, and she was starting to have to concentrate on just breathing, when a monstrous wave covered her. It was gone in an instant, and she spluttered, clearing her nose, just as the next wave, not as forceful, surged up her body. She writhed against her bonds, seeking desperately to escape the periodic inundations, gasping for breath in the increasingly few moments when she wasn't covered in spray, when she woke up. Tanj panted as she sat upright in her bunk, her chest heaving. "Just a dream" she kept telling herself; "just a stupid dream........" She grinned at the memory of the warm water slowly lapping up her thighs towards her sex, forcing her legs apart, and at the feel of it surging into her pussy like an almost insubstantial cock...... but then she thought to herself; "Don't dreams of drowning reflect feelings of being "over your head" in real life?" and wondered to herself if perhaps she had bitten off more than she could chew........... It was one of those rare times when the whole crew was together in the ship's tiny wardroom. Both Hinoki and Wanda were walking a little funny, each for obvious and slightly separate reasons. Tanj was just about to start her shift on the flight deck, and Mark had just come go off duty, frowning at a stack of printouts he'd brought with him; for the moment, as they got cups of coffee, or a snack, the ship was left to the rather sophisticated autopilot. Tanj chuckled to herself as she thought at least it wasn't so sophisticated that it could make the coffee too.... Or drink it. Mark finally dropped the stack of paper onto the small table with an exasperated sigh and shook his head. "Captain, I'm afraid I have to report a security problem." Tanj looked up; "What kind?" The mouse indicated the hardcopies lying in front of him. "Our dear, highly paid, oh-so-expert forgers back home..." He stopped and shook his head again, then noticed everybody's attention had turned towards him by now. "Just look at these and tell me if you notice anything odd about them." He scattered the papers around a bit so everybody could have a look. Tanj grabbed a couple of sheets before anybody else could react, and scanned them. "Hinoki, male Cheetah, born...Zassa, female Fox...wait a minute, THEY USED OUR REAL NAMES?!? WHAT THE HELL WERE THEY THINKING???" Mark nodded solemnly. "Just what I'd been wondering myself." Hinoki interrupted; unnoticed by the others, he'd picked up another sheet of paper and looked it over with a slightly confused expression, and now he innocently showed it off to Tanj. "You mean this is your real name, too?" Tanj glowered and literally tore the page out of his hand; "Yes, and you will forget it IMMEDIATELY!" Zassa chuckled; "Why? What could be so horrible about your real name?" Tanj turned to face the vixen but before she could say anything, Hinoki burst out laughing, making her spin back around with claws bared. Still, it was too late to stop Hinoki. "Our brave Captain's name is named Sou Ky? Souky? Sooki? Sooooooooooooky!" the male cheetah chuckled. Tanj growled; "Ky is the family name, and its NOT MY FAULT if my parents decided to get.... cute. I HATE that name, and if you're smart, you'll see to it that I never hear it again!" And with that, Tanj stormed out towards the flight deck, leaving her full cup of coffee on the wardroom table. Hinoki looked at Zassa and the two of them both burst out laughing again. Mark sighed, shook his head and looked at a rather confused Wanda; "Since that's the name on the ship's papers, I'm afraid she's going to be hearing it a lot, in the week to come. I just hope that's ALL the trouble we're going to have because of that goof-up." After a suitable cooling off period, Mark reheated Tanj's coffee cup, and took it to her on the flight deck. The cheetah fem was all curled up in the pilot's chair, looking like she was having a good sulk. Mark put the cup aside to hug her gently. "Want me to toss that silly cheetah out of the airlock for you, Captain?" Tanj chuckled in spite of herself. "Can't do that; he'd just turn into a navigational hazard for other ships, and he's got a JOB to do." She grinned in what she hoped would pass for a proper piratical expression. "Ask me again when we're back home, will you?" Mark nodded and mock-saluted. "Will do, Captain." Tanj grinned a moment longer, then turned serious again. "With a security breach like that, do you think we should abort the mission while we still can? Or should I break out the do-it-yourself forger's kit and see if I can re-do all the documents? Somehow I doubt my efforts will be up to the quality of the documents already prepared for us. There's a meeting or two that have been carefully arranged in advance; if we break off now, it'd likely set us back several weeks at least." Mark shook his head. "I've been thinking about just that for a bit. By all accounts, Smiley's isn't the kind of station that cares too much about just who uses their docks or if customers' names stay the same from one visit to the next. It's also well outside Elysium-controlled space proper. If we act normal enough and don't give anybody an excuse to pry TOO closely into our backgrounds, I don't think we have much to worry about. Just tell the crew to stay out of trouble, is all." Looking over the Nav console, he nodded to himself; "I'll relieve you in twelve hours, and four hours after that, we should be there. Have a nice shift." Tanj sighed and nodded and waved as Mark headed off to bed. "Roger that, Lost Cause; you are cleared to approach the station. Keep your velocity under 15 meters/second. Your assigned berth is docking port A23. Please advise when securely docked, with engines secured, and we'll unlock the port for you. Landing Control Clear." Mark acknowledged his instructions and slowly moved the small freighter towards their assigned port. Like so many others, Smiley's station was a hollowed out asteroid, a strange hybrid of metal and rock, looking for all the world like a cyborg potato. Their port was on the far side of the potato, "aft" of the tower that held most of the station's sensors and transmitter arrays. Mark, as always, handled the ship smoothly, turning, and settling onto the airlock ring with scarcely a bump. At his signal, Tanj secured the in-system drives, and the maneuvering thrusters, and leaving one of the APU's running, slowly secured the ship's power systems. When all was secured, she nodded to Mark and he relayed the information to Station control. Tanj watched as they were scanned, confirming what they'd told Control, and then she heard, or more accurately felt, through the deck, the airlock's main locking clamps engage. It had all been completely routine and normal..... and it felt sooooo strange. Tanj had dressed carefully, wearing an old pair of work pants, worn, but still decent, and relatively unstained, and a simple work shirt. Hinoki wore cut-offs, a Tee shirt with a musical group's logo, advertising a concert tour from years ago..... and of course his collar. The appointment they'd made with the trader they'd come to see wasn't for half a day, and Tanj wanted to go explore the station a bit, to get a feel for the place. As she fretted, checking her pockets for their papers, her multi-tool, and other knick-knacks, she thought back to the last time she'd departed a freighter for a station..... Turning she looked at Mark, but before she could open her mouth, the mouse chuckled softly. "Now don't you go and panic on me for no reason. Whatever else this place is, it's NOT Elysium Station, there are NO 'Wanted' posters of you hanging on the walls or guards waiting to arrest you right outside the ship. Have fun, don't do anything TOO stupid - you know what I mean, you've been there yourself - and you'll be perfectly fine. Okay?" Tanj shook her head in amazement, and then nodded, and turning, led Hinoki through the airlock. The docking ring was done in Industrial Grunge. It was moderately clean, but needed painting bad. And there was dust and grime in the corners between the wall and the structural ribs. Obviously the cleaning 'bots weren't keeping up with things. Still, the place was fairly busy, more than half the docking ports showing the name boards of different ships docked there. As they walked towards the nearest connecting tunnel, they noted free traders, like themselves, corporate freighters, mixed cargo packets (the kind that carried cargo and passengers on the routes not frequented by the liners), personal transports, and even a salvage and repair ship. If there were any corsairs docked, they were well disguised.... And there seemed to be a singular lack of police, constabulary, customs, or military vessels...... In the hollowed out center of the asteroid, there was a biosphere of sorts, with plants and bushes, and a small circle of shops selling sundries, and the kind of supplies that ship's crews might need. There was a restaurant, a small jewelry shop, and three clothiers... all of which sold used as well as new clothing.... and the inevitable souvenir shop. Somewhere there was reputed to be a less formal "bazaar" as well. As Tanj looked at the wares in the Jewelry shop, she watched Hinoki talk quietly to a few of the locals, asking the questions they'd discussed before heading out..... questions that might lead to entrepreneurs that didn't necessarily have a shop in the hub...... Finally, having scouted most of the public areas in the station, they headed for the one remaining frontier... the bar. Every station like this had one. Sometimes more than one. The local watering hole. The place where information was traded, drinks were sold, and consumed, relationships formed and reinforced, friends made, enemies fought, and the troubles of life forgotten, at least for a moment. Tanj took a seat at the bar, half way down its length, its stool creaking as she settled herself. Hinoki stood there for a moment, until Tanj nodded to the stool next to hers, her action drawing a dirty look (but no complaint) from the bartender. Gazing at the few bottles behind the bar for a moment, Tanj sighed and simply ordered two Bheers for her and Hinoki. The barkeep placed the mugs on the bartop without comment, taking the proffered credit chip. Tanj took a sip, and turned on her seat, to look over the crowd in the bar. Most of the furrs in the bar were spacers, or station workers. Most of them were in their own little cliques, keeping to themselves. Tanj smiled as she remembered how with the pirates, Raider ship crews flocked together, as did those from engineering, or those from the mining side of the operation. She sipped her bheer quietly, just watching, as Hinoki started talking to a rabbit seated on the other side of him. She was surprised as the stallion came up behind her, one hand on her shoulder, spinning her on her barstool. He grinned and leaned close, to say with a thick accent; "Waaaaal Little Lady, Ah'm afrayd Ah'm gonna have to call the cops on you......." And for a moment , Tanj's eyes went wide, as she wondered how in the Universe ANYONE had figured out who she was; then he continued; "'Cause you've just Stolen Mah Heart!" Tanj just groaned, and shook her head, and putting one paw over his nose, she shoved him back. He took it well, chuckling as he walked back to his cronies, to shrug. Just before he sat, he grinned back at her over his shoulder; "Ma'am, Ah PROMISE you, befowah you leave this heayah station, you WILL be mine!" Hinoki leaned out to one side, to look around Tanj at the Stallion; "Mister, believe me, you wouldn't survive a night with my mistress!" Tanj frowned as the Stallion put one hand over his heart, pretending to swoon, as his friends howled and cheered and laughed. Downing her beer with a toss of her head, Tanj reached out to grab Hinoki's collar, and as she dragged him off, calls of "He's in for it now" and "Oh, what a way to go" echoed after them. Hinoki just chuckled, and after they'd moved a couple dozen meters down the corridor, towards the docking ring, even Tanj was laughing. After a bit, she sobered, and the thought hit her, "that was the first time, that you can REMEMBER, girl, that you've turned down someone interested in your body........ how strange! How VERY strange!" And then she grinned at Hinoki; "I wonder how he would have been inbed?" Hinoki just laughed. The reason for their journey, for their trip to Smiley's, was to meet a furr reputed to be able to obtain anything, for a price. Tanj was convinced that the stories she'd heard, of this legendary "supplier" providing an Imperial cruiser to some rebels, or of some experimental computer systems so advanced that they were self-aware to some 'stock traders' were all pure bunk. But still, there were enough wild stories, that likewise, she was convinced that there was SOME foundation in reality. And thus she had dressed carefully for their meeting. The dress she wore was more conservative than she was used to, more risque than a lady would normally wear..... She had decided to have Hinoki and Zassa accompany her, as a show of her "wealth" and "power", and also as "backup" in case things should go poorly. Hinoki was wearing a very tight pair of briefs that showed off his physique well, and the little slip of silk that Zassa called a dress was positively scandalous. Tanj smiled to herself as she led them both through the station, towards their rendezvous. They had arranged to meet in the restaurant, and as Tanj entered, she found that the furr they'd come to meet, enigmatically named "Mooneyes," had reserved a private dining room. As the Matre'D ushered them through the door, Tanj stopped to assess her "opponent" in the upcoming negotiations. The room had only a single table, only about a foot high, surrounded by cushions. Reclining on the cushions, on the far side was a rather fetching Wolf fem, in a skintight black bodysuit. Tanj smiled, as she thought of her old friend Marla, and once again wondered where she might be. After giving Mooneyes the once over, she flicked her gaze over the kneeling male fox behind her. The fox was well muscled, wearing only a collar and a skimpy silken loincloth, and as she looked at him, again Tanj smiled, glad that she'd brought her own slaves........ "Remember who you are" Tanj said to herself, and then grinned again; "Scratch that; remember who you're SUPPOSED to be!" Padding slowly across the room, trusting that Zassa and Hinoki would know what to do, Tanj settled herself on a cushion, sitting cross-legged, to calmly regard the reclining Wolf fem. As she sat, Tanj observed that Mooneyes was giving her slaves a thorough once-over, and as the Wolf's eyes returned to Tanj, the Cheetah nodded; "Greetings, Mooneyes, I am..... Captain Ky." Mooneyes smiled and nodded lazily; "I'm pleased that the Brethren sent the famous Tanj to negotiate with me....... I've followed your exploits and had hoped someday to meet you." Tanj, for her part, struggled hard not to betray her surprise at this revelation, managing to control even her breathing; however, she sensed Hinoki stiffen behind her. Mooneyes smiled; "Don't worry; your secret's safe with me. Besides, few hereabouts would care who you were." Tanj nodded slowly; "I'm...... impressed with the capabilities of your..... organization. Tell me; what, in addition to..... supplies, might your organization be capable of providing?" Mark gave Wanda an appraising look; "PROMISE you won't leave the ship?" The Wolverine lass nodded enthusiastically; "Nope, I'll watch the ship, won't let anyone in, won't go anywhere, won't use the comm, won't do ANYTHING to upset you or Tanj. Don't WORRY, Mark, I'll be good! You go and explore the station; you can TRUST me!" Mark looked her over again and then nodded. As he turned towards the airlock, he growled over his shoulder; "Don't disappoint me, Wanda!" And then as the airlock closed behind him, he smiled and stretched a little. Wanda would behave...for a while, at least. In the meantime, he felt like getting a look at the station, an idea or two which direction problems might come from, and perhaps even something decent to drink. Tanj held out her cup as the fox refilled it with a light yellow wine. The dinner was progressing slowly, almost formally, with aperitifs, appetizers, and now soups. And each dish was accompanied by its own wine. The negotiations were progressing equally slowly, as Mooneyes kept changing the conversation to other topics, everything from the latest fashions (Tanj hadn't a clue), to the latest Imperial scandals (Tanj had some interesting tidbits from her intelligence activities that she was willing to share, much to Mooneyes delight), to the proper way to train a slave (Tanj held some interesting views on THAT one.....). Each time Tanj tried to steer the conversation back to business, but after settling the next point, Mooneyes again would divert the conversation. It was almost as if she was trying to make it all last as long as possible...... and Tanj couldn't figure out if she was being set up, delayed until the Imperial authorities could arrive to arrest her..... or if Mooneyes was simply lonely. Or maybe this was just the way things were done in this part of the Empire....... Mark poked his head into the bar, to look around. Not quite his usual kind of place - well, he reminded himself, simply joining a bunch of pirates wasn't what some people would call 'usual' -, but it'd do... He slipped quietly inside, to take up residence on a barstool near the door. After a few moments, the bartender quietly delivered his drink and he sat back to examine his surroundings. Tanj wobbled a little as she held out her glass. Dinner had been delicious, and had left her a little more than pleasantly full. She'd fed Zassa and Hinoki morsels from her plate, following Mooneyes lead, seeing that they were well fed, but there'd been so much food, she felt she was still in danger of a massive belch. Ah, and the continuous flow of wines, and now an after-dinner liquor was testing her limits. She'd decided to follow Mooneyes lead and cease trying to discuss business; it was MUCH safer to merely talk, and she was finding Mooneyes good company. Mark heard the tone of conversation in the bar change, with a few "oh Shit" and "Damn" comments floating to the surface. Looking up he beheld an incredible sight, as a truly massive lady Hyena pushed through the bar's door, to stride purposefully up to the bar. Mark shook his head in amazed disbelief as he gazed at her; she seemed to be solid muscle, her calves, thighs and stomach tight where her pleated skirt and crop-top exposed her fur. She moved with the heavy grace of a male Lion, and as Mark looked at her, he realized that she was actually bigger than any Lion he'd ever seen; in fact her size approached that of some of the equines he'd known....... And it was obvious from the reaction of those in the bar that they weren't particularly eager to see her....... Finally the last of the deserts were finished, and the last glass of brandy drained. Tanj rose, a little unsteadily, to bid her hostess good night."Tomorrow; we'll finish our business tomorrow.... " Tanj slurrred. Mooneyes blinked and nodded, and then grinned; "as long as you have to come back this way tomorrow, how'd you like to exchange slaves for the evening? Peter is quite talented, and I'm sure he could give you quite a pleasant evening...... and I have to admit I'm curious as to what your male could do......" Tanj blinked and turned to look at Hinoki as if seeing him for the first time. She could tell by the way he held his ears, and his tail that he found the prospect of interest.... Turning back to Mooneyes, Tanj grinned and nodded; "sounds good. But I've got to insist that whatever happens, you return him to me in condition to perform his chores; in other words, unharmed. Of course, I'll treat Peter the same way." Mooneyes smiled and nodded; "Always a pleasure to meet a responsible Mistress; of course, I'd agree to nothing less." Tanj nodded; "Why don't I meet you here for Brunch, say, um 1100 hours? Mooneyes nodded and turning to Hinoki, crooked her finger in a "come here" gesture. Tanj nodded to Mooneyes, winked at Hinoki, and turned to leave, pointedly not glancing back to see if Zassa, or Peter were following. Mark watched the Hyena fem eat from across the bar, displaying a casual disregard for table manners that at times made her look more like an animal fresh out of the wilderness than any sentient fur. As she finished eating, letting loose a belch that echoed off the walls, she looked up, and met Mark's gaze. She looked at him for a moment, neither challengingly, or flinching from his examination, until after a moment, the bartender said something to Mark, causing him to avert his gaze. "She's been coming in here for about five days now" the bartender, a Marten, said. "I think she got ditched by whatever ship she was on, although I can't say as I'd blame them. She certainly hasn't been very good company." Mark tilted his head quizzically. "Has anyone actually tried to get to know her?" The bartender snorted; "Yeah, a couple of the local studs tried to put the moves on her; they were all rebuffed, and when one of them persisted, well, you can still make out the indentation in that wall, if you look carefully. They tell me he should be out of regeneration in a few days." Mark winced lightly, nodded, and returned his gaze to the Hyena; "So what's she been doing here since she arrived?" The bartender shrugged; "Day labor. Loading and unloading ships, janitorial stuff.... I heard that she took a job as night security somewhere, until she busted a drifter that wandered into her area. Emphasis on 'busted.'" Mark nodded softly again and continued to study her.... Only to find her returning his gaze with a bit of a glare. After a second she said, in a voice that could be heard throughout the bar; "If you've got questions, what're you asking HIM for?" Mark blinked, then shrugged, gave the bartender a meaningful look, and stood up. "The lady has a point, you know..." The marten shook his head; "You've already paid your drink, soI'm not going to get in your way...but if anything goes wrong, where should we send the body?" Mark mumbled, "SV Lost Cause", picked up his drink, and started to weave his way through the crowd. Tanj found Wanda seated just inside the airlock, obviously "on guard"..... "Where's Mark" Tanj asked. Wanda looked up from her Nursing texts and then looked at a chronometer; "Dunno; he went out to stretch his legs on the station a while ago, and I haven't seen him. In fact, its been quite a while....." Smiling, Wanda looked up at Tanj, clicking off her reader; "would you like me to go look for him?" Tanj shook her head emphatically NO; "No way, Wanda. You're not leaving without the whole crew; your father would be furious if anything happened, not to mention my.... boss." Turning, Tanj looked at Zassa; "you'd better change into something a little less provocative, and go take a look for our Mouse. Check the bar first; that's the only place I could see him lingering. Be sure and check in with me when you return. Oh, and don't pick up any strangers; be good and I'll send Peter your way when I'm ready to sleep." Zassa grinned and nodded and hurried off down the corridor towards her closet sized cabin. Tanj sighed and shook her head and turned to head for her own cabin, Peter following. Zassa strode quickly through the station; it wasn't that late at night, and there were still plenty of furrs about; it wasn't that she didn't think Mark couldn't take care of himself; somehow she thought it would take a small army to seriously threaten him, but she was concerned. And curious. And she was looking forward to seeing what the bar was like........ Peter slowly undressed Tanj, as she stood in the middle of her cabin. Each piece of clothing was carefully folded and hung up, until Tanj stood in just her jewelry. The fox looked at her with a smile, and cocking his head to one side, eyes bright, asked; "and how may I serve you, Mistress?" Tanj smiled, and traced the line of his jaw on one side of his face with a finger; "lets see how well you can employ your tongue, to start, and then later, I think, we'll move on to see what you can do with that bulge in your loincloth....." Zassa spotted Mark right away, the blaze of his white fur standing out in the somewhat darkened bar. As she stepped closer, she realized that Mark was sitting next to the biggest Hyena she'd ever seen. Ever even heard of, for that matter; the lady was as big as a horse! As Mark looked up, Zassa stopped at the edge of the table; "Ta...ah, the Captain sent me to check on you; Wanda said you'd been gone quite a while, and she was concerned......" Mark blinked, checked the time, then looked up at the Hyena, who flashed him a wicked grin, and back to Zassa; "Really? Darn...I'd no idea it'd gotten so late. Oh, Zassa, this is Mala; Mala, meet Zassa; she's the loadmaster on our ship." Zassa smiled and shrugged; "no hurry to get back, I suppose, she was just concerned........" A quick glance at the bar was all the signal that Mark needed to realize that Zassa was interested in idling here a few minutes, and he chuckled softly, exchanging glances with his new friend. "Go ahead and get yourself a drink, Zassa, I suspect I'll be a few more minutes...no longer, though, or the Captain is likely to get 'concerned' about you as well..." Tanj purrrrred; she was sprawled on her bunk, both legs hanging over one side. Peter was kneeling by the side of the bunk, licking deep into her pussy with a dramatic exhibition of his skill, and his knowledge of female anatomy. As he labored softly, Tanj was struck by a stray thought; she wondered what he made of all her piercing.......... Zassa put a couple of credits into the juke box, and pushed some buttons. She smiled as the music started, and as she walked back to her barstool, drink in hand, she swayed in time to the music. She knew that even dressed in work jeans and an old flannel shirt, she looked good, the eyes of almost every male in the place on her....... As she took her seat again, the coyote a few stools away slid closer, to whisper; 'heya sexy; want to go back to my place? I've got some great audio recordings........" Zassa smiled and looked him up and down, but then shook her head; "believe me, I'd love to, but my Mistress said I have to go straight back to the ship........" The coyote awwwww'ed and shook his head; "such a mean Mistress! What ship you off of, anyways?......." Tanj howled, clutching his head to her crotch as his tongue flicked over the perfect spot to drive her into the arms of another climax. She panted and moaned, her chest heaving, until finally she found the breath to say; "Enough! Stop! I need to catch my breath!........" Peter smiled and crawled up into the narrow bunk, to lay alongside the panting Cheetah, nuzzling her softly until she'd recovered enough to pull him over on top of her, with a grin. Tanj mmmmmmmmed softly; she'd brought her knees up to her chest, and then grabbed her ankles, to hold herself bent double, as Peter slowly drove his cock in and out of her pussy. The fox was comparatively well endowed, and he certainly knew his business.... Tanj was tempted to ask him where he was trained, or if he knew this technique, or that... She felt sure she could teach him a thing or too.... But dare not ask. Here, he was supposed to be the "expert," and she still had secrets to keep..... Zassa was on the coyote's lap, her arms around his neck as they whispered back and forth, occasionally kissing. Mark had been talking to Mala for quite some time, and in one of the lulls that come normally to any conversation, he'd noticed Zassa. With a sigh, he checked his chrono and shook his head; "Well, Mala, looks like it's my turn to rescue Zassa; if I don't do something soon, I fear she'll be making a public spectacle of herself, and then we'll never make it back before the rest of the crew comes looking....." Mala giggled, a deep, throaty chuckle; "I'm not sure I'd mind seeing that....But you're right, of course. Will your ship be docked here long?" Mark thought for a moment and then nodded; "About three days, I think. I'll look for you here, tomorrow, if you'd like." Mala smiled, quickly scanned around to make sure nobody was looking, pulled the mouse up into her lap, and bent down for a brief, sloppy lick right over his muzzle and forehead. Then she set him down again, grinning ferally as she watched the blush spread under his white fur. "I'd like that, I think...if YOU think you're up to the challenge, of course. And if you think you can handle fighting your way through my usual crowd of fans..." She snorted slightly in derision at the end of her last sentence, then shook her head, her expression softening just enough for him to see in the dim light without anybody else catching on. "Fetch your loadmaster and get going, and I'll see you tomorrow." Mark nodded, gave the Hyena's huge paw a quick reassuring pat, and then turned to collect the protesting Zassa and lead her back to the ship. It must have been their fifth, or sixth position, as they ran through their not inconsiderable repertoire, with Tanj on paws and knees on the bed, Peter taking her from behind. His endurance was remarkable, and Tanj had enjoyed three more very nice climaxes. While he seemed to be unflagging, Tanj knew he had to be getting tired, and lowering her chest to the bed, she reached beneath her, to tease his swaying ballsack with both paws; "with my next climax, you may cum, Slave" she purrrrred. Wanda was still sitting in the chair, just inside the airlock when Mark and Zassa returned, but she was so engrossed in her homework she didn't notice them until Mark snuck up next to her and whispered "boo!" Wanda then impressed them both by levitating at least half a meter straight up, in surprise! Looking accusingly at Mark, Wanda checked the time and shook her head; "where WERE you two?" Zassa hugged Mark from behind and in a sing-song voice said; "Marks got a giiiirl-friend!" Tanj and Peter were both laying on the bed, panting, when they heard the outer airlock door close, as Mark secured the ship for the night. With a grin, Tanj rolled over and swatted Peter on the ass; "go find Zassa, and see if you can relieve some of her "tension." I'm sure that having seen all the studs in the station's bar, she's rather worked up..... Peter just grinned and with a small bow, slipped out, his loincloth in one paw. Tanj grinned and rolled over to turn out the light, too tired to clean up. Just before she fell asleep, she remembered to growl at the audio pickup that she was to be awakened at 0930 Hrs........ Tanj came awake with a start as the room lights came up, the computer insisting it was time to arise. Rising from the tangled bedclothes, she stretched and then grinned; her fur was a matted mess. She needed a shower..... ah, but not just an ordinary shower..... padding over to the comm, she called Zassa's cabin, and instructed her, and Peter (if still alive) to meet her in the ship's head (bathroom); she'd let the slaves bathe her and work the tangles from her fur and hair. "Besides" she thought with a grin; "They're both likely to need some cleaning up too......" Tanj purrrred as the warm water sluiced over her. Using the trick taught her by her Master, she was having the two slaves wash her by rubbing their soapy bodies against her.... and of course things had degenerated beyond simple washing.... Peter's hard cock was pressing against the entrance to her back passage as he hugged her from behind, and Zassa's right paw was pressed hard over her mons, stroking her there.... of course Tanj's right paw was returning the compliment, stroking Zassa in turn. The three of them undulated against each other under the running water, savoring each others touch, until they'd each had at least one climax, their juices adding to the stream flowing down the shower's drain....... Wanda was waiting in the corridor when the three emerged, nude, and damp. "Thought you three would NEVER get outta there" she grumbled, pushing past them into the Head. Tanj caught Peter giving her an appraising look, obviously curious about the belt locked about her loins, and smiled. They were still all a little damp when they returned to the restaurant. Mooneyes was reclining in her usual position, Hinoki kneeling behind her. As she settled on her cushions on the other side of the table, Tanj smiled at Mooneyes; "Your Peter was quite good; you should be proud of him. I trust Hinoki was..... satisfactory?" Mooneyes smiled and shrugged depreciatingly; "He has his talents, but I suspect I require a little more.... discipline from my slaves..... Tanj raised an eyebrow in a silent question to Hinoki, but all she got back in return was a grin and a wink. Turning back to Mooneyes she nodded slowly; "True, he has been getting a little..... "uppity" lately, and I suspect I'll have to give him a correction. Now, we do need to conduct some business, and I'd like to get that out of the way as soon as possible......" Mooneyes just smiled and made a gesture, and before Tanj could say another word, Brunch was served........ "Yes, I think we can use the XMP56C's" Tanj said between mouthfuls; "but your price is too high. New, those things go for only about 300 credits apiece." Mooneyes shrugged and sipped her coffee; "IF you can find them. There is a rarity factor to consider. But I do have them in stock, and in the quantity you require, although not at this location. Now the XMP54C's are almost as good, are much more commonly available, and as such are less expensive. But if you want the very best, sometimes you have to pay a premium......" Tanj sighed to herself. Mooneyes was a tough negotiator, but so far they'd come to terms on almost everything on her list, and within her budget too. "No," Tanj finally sighed; "we'll take the 56's, but my budget will only stand 420 credits apiece. Nothing more." Mooneyes thought for a moment, and then smiled; "at that price, I'll barely be breaking even...... and as such, I think you should do something to sweeten the pot......" Tanj raised an eyebrow, but nodded; "go on......" Mooneyes leaned back in her cushions, to look at Tanj over the rim of her cup; "Last night was interesting, with your slave, but I wonder what you might be like. Spend the night with me, not as a slave, but as a lover, and I'll agree to the deal." Tanj smiled; "Done!" As they walked back to the ship, Zassa kept taunting Hinoki with tales of her time with Peter, and pestering him about his experience with Mooneyes. Hinoki for his part was obviously doing his best to drive Zassa wild with curiosity, telling her only that Mooneyes was a most strict mistress, and that while he'd found ways to bring her to a dozen climaxes, she'd never allowed him to cum. Other than that, he refused to go into details......... and the more silent he became, the more Zassa's curiosity raged. Peter knelt before his mistress, back straight, head bowed; "Mistress, I was not permitted to see the bridge, or the engineering spaces, so I was not able to determine anything about their ship's capabilities. From what I saw, it was a rather standard Free Trader..... However, there was one thing of interest...... There was a young Wolverine girl........... Mark met them at the airlock, asking; "How'd it go?" Before Tanj could say a word, Zassa grinned; "you wouldn't believe what lengths Tanj is willing to go to, to make the deal!" Mark just smiled; "Oh, I don't know about THAT.... But I take it that you've gotten us all we need?" Tanj nodded; "almost all; some things, like those Jebson compensators, just don't seem to be on the market anywhere. But they were more "wish list" items anyways, than absolute requirements. Yes, I'd say the formal list is complete, now all we have to do is work on the "informal" list..... Oh, and some of the stuff won't be here for a few days, so we're going to have to hang around for a bit. Mooneyes is throwing a bit of a party tonight, if you're interested... Mark shook his head; "No thanks; if you don't mind, I'll just have a quiet drink in the bar again." He winked. "I know the kinds of parties you get into, after all...and I don't think I'm in the mood today. Just don't forget to lock the ship when we go; everything's gone well so far, but there's no point in pushing our luck." Tanj had changed into something a little less formal, and a short while later, the whole crew had assembled at the airlock. "Mark, Hinoki, I realize that you two are probably not as much into "shopping" as the rest of us are, so I'll expect the two of you to keep a close eye on Wanda, and to maintain general security for the group. If you see something in one of the stores that you are interested in, let me know, and I'll take over for you. Got that?" Mark and Hinoki exchanged looks and then smiled, nodding, chorusing "Yes Captain!" Tanj sighed and led the way from their small ship, waiting to make sure that the airlock was sealed and locked. Finally she pulled one of her own hairs, to step forward and with a lick of her fingers, "stick" the hair between the airlock frame and door. The crew watched her carefully, and when she turned she shrugged; "if the hair is missing when we come back, we'll know someone's been on board. If the hair has been moved, we'll know we were boarded by someone very professional....... I know, I know, the security systems are state-of-the-art, but you know as well as I do that there are those that can bypass even those. This is just my way of "making sure....." The first place they stopped was the clothing store specializing in "work clothes." Zassa had a list from folks "back home" and between the five of them, they rapidly fulfilled most of the items on the list, adding some things for themselves. Burdened with packages, they headed for the next store, a place carrying slightly more trendy, fashionable clothes, and there, Hinoki and Mark watched, with semi-bored expressions, as the ladies searched through the racks, looking for "just the right outfit". Tanj held the dress up to her and looked at her reflection; it was an interesting dress, seemingly missing the right side, with nothing but ribbons holding the fabric, providing minimal coverage. "Ooooooh," Zassa grinned as she looked at the Cheetah's reflection; "That would go well for your "date" tonight!" Tanj stuck out her tongue at the impudent slave, but had to agree with her. Still holding the dress against her, she headed for the dressing room. When she emerged, the dress over one arm, she found Zassa waiting, with three outfits she was considering. Wanda was still over by one of the racks, an almost panicked look on her face. Padding over, Tanj inquired; "Whats wrong, Wanda?" The wolverine lass looked up and moaned; "they just don't have anything in my SIZE!" Tanj sighed and nodded; "They really don't have too much of a selection here.... Maybe we'll do better at the next place....." Eventually, they'd made their purchases, and with even larger armloads of packages, they departed for the next store. This one was more in the mode of a lingerie shop, with.... Accessories. Again, Mark adopted a slightly bored expression as he stood watchfully by the door. Everyone else's eyes lit up as they spotted something of interest. Wanda, of course, was fascinated by the large selection of sophisticated vibrators and dildoes....... Until Tanj came up behind her and told her in no uncertain terms "NO WAY!" Relenting a bit, the cheetah smiled; "Tell you what, I'll buy you a special, with all the attachments for your 18th birthday. But until then, why don't you look at this "butterfly" vibrator..... that one works externally." Zassa was examining a latex body suit, with the most interesting.... Protrusions on the inside of the crotch, and a plethora of straps, buckles and D rings. Tanj grinned at her; "Latex vixen?" Zassa just grinned and nodded. Hinoki was looking at a rather severe bright chrome cock and ball harness; "well, now I know where Mooneyes got it" he mumbled to himself, drawing looks from Tanj and Zassa. Tanj raised an eyebrow when Hinoki picked one she thought would be a size too small and wandered over to the cashier to inquire about the price. Tanj's eye caught, of all things, a jar of cream. She read the label and her eyes widened; following Hinoki she went to the cashier, a rather sexily attired mink, and asked; "does this stuff really work?" Mark watched with amusement; he could see that his shipmates were all attracted to various items in the store, and he also noticed that each was stealthily buying special little gifts to "surprise" the others with on the voyage home. It looked like it would be an interesting trip...... As they exited the shop, Tanj saw Zassa stop, her gaze directed at a row of public comm booths. "Thinking of your family" the Cheetah fem whispered into Zassa's ear. The Vixen nodded. "You know we can't let them know where you are, or what you're doing. It could cause way too many problems and possibly even put them in danger, if they tried to find you. But I think if we're careful, you could send them a text-only message telling them you're OK." Zassa turned to look at Tanj; "you think so? The boss wouldn't be mad?" Tanj shrugged; "We're far enough away from "home" that even if the message is traced back here, they'll probably never find us....." Tanj shot a look at Mark, and the mouse slowly nodded; the motion almost indistinguishable, if you hadn't been looking for it. She then looked at Hinoki, who shook his head no, as if he wasn't interested in telling anyone he was OK. Smiling, Tanj took Zassa by the arm and led her towards the comm booths. As they walked back to the ship, Zassa sighed. Her message had told her parents what had happened on her trip, how she'd been shanghaied into being a slave, but that she was now with some good furrs, happy, and working towards her eventual release. And she knew it would only spark more questions, that it could never be as reassuring as she wanted. And yet, she'd had to do SOMETHING......... They had a light lunch on board the ship, after stowing their purchases. And then some of their cargo showed up, and they were all busy stowing it in the cargo hold. As they worked, Mark asked Wanda; "I just remembered... how come you weren't interested in sending a message to your father?" Wanda snorted as she put her shoulder to a crate, shoving it sideways into position; "I send him letters periodically from the base; part of the "hostage" deal. He never answers. By winding up with the Pirates, I've ruined his plans for alliances by marriage, and therefore until I'm released, I'm useless to him. And if that's all I am to him, screw him!" Mark nodded and sighed, turning away to guide the next crate coming down the ramp, thinking to himself that somewhere down the line this situation would likely lead to some serious problems.......... Zassa watched as the last crate was shoved into place, the tie-downs clicking into place. Some ships used magnetics to hold cargo into place, but Zassa had seen too many systems fail, and felt that the mechanical clamps were better; a power failure, or battle damage wouldn't send the crates flying. On the other hand, getting to the crate in the middle of the stack, was a LOT more difficult, should the need arise. Padding back through the ship, she found a bit of a line at the head; everyone wanted a shower, and as loadmaster her duties had kept her in the cargo hold longer than most. With a sigh, she turned to Mark; "Looks like I've got a bit of a wait. I think I'll use the time to take my unofficial list and go find that Rick guy on the station they say might help us get what we need." Mark looked the slightly dirty vixen up and down and then shrugged; "I wouldn't be gone too long, but I guess you've got some time....." Zassa closed the airlock behind her, and strode into the station. Her worn and dirty overalls let her fit right in, and while she still drew the occasional appreciative stare, or whistle, by and large she moved anonymously through the station. Finally, she arrived at the hole-in-the-wall kiosk that was reputed to be where this Rick fellow conducted business. Sure enough, there was a rather hansom male fox behind the counter, one who smiled as the vixen approached his counter. Zassa gave him her most dazzling smile; "Hello, I'm, ah, looking for Rick." The fox smiled back; "I'm Rick; what can I do for you?" Zassa slowly unzipped a breast pocket of her coverall and pulled out a sheet of paper, the fox's eyes on her paw as she moved. Unfolding the paper, Zassa smiled again. "Some friends of mine back home are looking for some, ah, "hard to find" items, and I've been told you might be able to get them for me." Rick shrugged; "could be; I've been known to find those hard-to-find items in the past; but there are no guarantees. What are you looking for? Zassa smiled; "First off, a large jar of something called "Chutney"....... Tanj emerged from the ship's head, still a bit damp. She'd taken a thorough shower, carefully washing her hair, knowing she should look her best for Mooneyes tonight, but also conscious of all the others that wanted to use the facilities. As she rubbed her head with a towel, she grinned at Hinoki, standing outside the door; "NEXT" she called, and with a grin, Hinoki slipped through the door, just as Wanda emerged from her cabin, a disappointed look on her face as she saw the door close behind Hinoki. Rick shrugged; "Actually, I do have a few pounds of that Kilrathii catnip in stock, but its reserved for a...... treasured customer who's ship should be docking any time now. Sorry, I just can't let you have it, at any price." Zassa pouted; so much of what was on her list he either didn't have, or wouldn't sell her. Looking at her watch, she realized time was getting late. "Tell you what, Rick; you package up the items we agreed upon, and I'll pick them up tomorrow. And if you can locate any of the other items, well, I'm on a tight budget, but there might be something else I could throw in to sweeten the pot......." With a smile she turned, but looking back over her shoulder, she gave him a wink; "I'll see you tomorrow." And with that she strode off, back down the corridor towards her ship, giving him her best sexy walk, ass and tail swaying. Tanj had finished doing her hair, pulling it into a long braid hanging behind her, and had managed to get into the new dress she bought, and was on her way to the bridge, just to check, when Zassa came in through the port airlock. The Vixen took one look and let out a low growl of appreciation; "My, don't WE look SEXY!" Tanj grinned and did a slow pirouette, showing off her outfit. It was of a soft, clingy brown knit, the fabric flowing over her left shoulder, and down across her breasts. Along the left side, the dress descended to a hem line about three inches below her sex, daringly short. What made it unique was that from the right side, it looked as if some prehistoric monster had taken a swipe at it with its claws, gouging out huge hunks of fabric. There was a Vee of exposed fur just below her breasts, moving from right to left, the point almost at her left side. Slightly smaller Vees of exposed fur started at the upper curve of her right hip, at the apex of her right hip, and just below the curve of her hip, moving to the left almost to her crotch. The five points of fabric that managed to make it all the way across her connected in a line of gold clasps down her right side, and it was apparent that it would take little effort at all to unclasp them, the dress falling from her as a result. The skirt was short enough, that no slit was required for her tail. Zassa grinned as the Cheetah turned; "I bet that dress doesn't stay on you twenty seconds, when you and Mooneyes get alone. Tanj grinned at the vixen and then shook her head, as if trying to force herself back to reality; "where you been? I thought you would have fought Hinoki and Wanda both for first crack at the shower. Zassa sighed; "no, I got stuck in the cargo hold, and they all got in line ahead of me. I took the time to go see that Rick fellow we'd heard about. He's got some of the stuff on the unofficial list he'll let us have, but he's holding back on others. I'm going to have to find a way to "persuade" him...... Tanj just "Hmmmmm"ed and nodded, and as Zassa moved off down the hall towards the Head, the Cheetah sighed and wondered what kind of trouble they'd all get into on THIS one..... Tanj and Hinoki were waiting by the airlock when Zassa finally got out of the shower. Eventually, the vixen was ready, and the three of them once again trooped to the restaurant. Mooneyes was again reclining on her cushions behind the low table, with Peter kneeling behind her. "Sorry to keep you waiting" Tanj purrrred; "But it can be a bit difficult sometimes to cycle everyone through the shower when you've had a hard day (the latter was said with a distinct look towards Zassa, who at least had the courtesy to look embarrased). Mooneyes smiled and nodded; "I know how life can be on a small ship like that....." Tanj seated herself (carefully, due to her very short skirt), and the waiter brought in the first course. Mark dressed with some care this evening. Junior engineers didn't rate anywhere near the number of fancy outfits that sex slaves did, he reflected. And he hadn't spent a lot of his pay on his wardrobe, either...a shower, freshly brushed fur, and his best set of work clothes would just have to do, then. One of his small selection of removable stickers by way of a personal note; he chuckled softly at himself as he finally decided on 'Caution - Genius At Work'. Finally, after checking his overall appearance in the mirror one last time, he headed for the airlock. Wanda was again "on duty," her medical texts scattered around her as she worked on yet another homework assignment. "Watch the ship, Wanda, and don't let anyone but crew on board" Mark commented as he opened the inner lock door. Wanda went "Uh-huh", not even looking up from her work. Mark just grinned and as he cycled the lock, he turned back to Wanda; "No flying zebras, no orgies and no cooking classes......" Again to the mouse's amusement, Wanda just nodded "uh-huh", lost in her work. Tanj sat back, propped up by one arm. Dinner had been delicious, but she'd fought her natural tendencies and had not gorged herself; she was merely comfortably full. As they'd eaten, Peter had entertained them by playing the flute, the soft music a compliment to the conversation. As the last of the dinner dishes were cleared away, Tanj smiled and turned to Zassa and Hinoki, to nod. Turning back to Mooneyes, Tanj smiled again; "Zassa and Hinoki have been working on a dance number, and I thought you might find it amusing." Mooneyes smiled and nodded in response, her eyes turning to the two slaves. The dance began, to music playing obviously in the dancer's heads. Initially it resembled classical ballet, perhaps with a small twist, because as they danced, as Zassapirouetted, or Hinoki lifted her high in a leap, she lost this portion of her outfit, and then that, until the floor was littered with pieces of cloth. At one point, as she twirled by, on point, Zassa's paw reached out to snatch away Hinoki's loincloth. They danced on, coming together, separating, and coming together again, both now completely nude. Peter had been watching, and as they danced, his flute rose, to add a haunting melody to the dance. It may not have been the original score that they were dancing to, but it was brilliant improvisation. As they came together, Zassa would add little motions, caressing Hinoki's body with hers, until the Cheetah male's arousal was evident, his cock standing proud, but still they danced. At one point, Hinoki bent Zassa over backwards, his body pressed to hers, and for a moment, from the way Zassa moved, it almost looked like Hinoki had slipped his cock into her pussy; their bodies were in about the right position, as he bent her backwards…… But then they separated, to dance on. The next time they embraced, they stayed together a bit longer, Hinoki gradually lowering Zassa to the floor, and again, the impression was that it was less dance and more lovemaking. Again, however, they rose, but this time it was apparent that Hinoki's cock was slick with the vixen's juices. Once more they came together, and again they wound up on the floor, Zassa arched severely as Hinoki covered her with his body, his hips moving in their own rhythm, doing their own dance. Eventually Zassa subsided to the floor, and after a bit, they rolled, Zassa sitting up astride the Cheetah, his cock clearly buried in her snatch. Zassa now danced solo, her motions more than mere love- making, as she clearly expressed her joy and passion through the motions of her body. Finally, it was clear they were both spent, and they collapsed together, to the soft applause of Tanj and Mooneyes. Mark paused again at the doorway to the bar, to look about and find that he was early and Mala wasn't there. Well, not yet anyways. As he slid onto one of the barstools, the bartender raised an eyebrow, as if surprised that the mouse would actually push his luck by returning. Mark raised an eyebrow of his own in perfect imitation, then shrugged, grinned, and ordered a drink to pass the time. Dessert gave the slaves time to catch their breath, and Mooneyes and Tanj talked about all the dances that they'd seen slaves do, and other various performances. After a while, Mooneyes smiled; "Yes, I DO like the way Hinoki moves. Especially the way he moved last night. Did he perchance tell you about it?" Tanj smiled; "no, not really, and I've been too busy to ask. Did you require anything particularly unusual of him?" Mooneyes smiled and shrugged; "perhaps not, but if you're curious, perhaps we could get him to show you what was required. Wanda looked up from her work, a puzzled look on her face; "no cooking classes?" Shaking her head she smiled and returned to her work, convinced the mouse had lost it. At Mooneyes signal, Peter rose, lifting a cushion to retrieve several small items. Tanj cocked an eyebrow at them and then grinned; turning, she gestured to Hinoki to stand, so that Peter could "dress" him. Tanj watched curiously as the fox approached, to kneel between Hinoki's feet. The silver and leather contraption in his paws was compressed; apparently its two halves were spring-loaded... when suitably compressed, they were buckled around that space between Hinoki's balls and his torso, the fastenings stretching the skin of his sack deliciously tight, making them seem to bulge more than ever. It was when Peter released the device, that Hinoki groaned, as the springs expanded, forcing the lower fastening downward, the upper fastening braced hard against his body, the combined effect being to push his bulging balls away from his body. Tanj rapidly looked up at Hinoki's face, to see if he was in pain, and indeed there was some pain reflected there.... And Also embarrassment. But there was also a strange cast of pleasure to it........ Tanj decided for the moment Hinoki could handle it, and looked back to see what Peter was doing next. The fox was expertly stroking Hinoki's sheath, and as the Cheetah responded to his touch, his cock emerging from his sheath, Peter held the linked rings of a "Gates of Hell" just so, such that his cock pushed through the center of each ring. As he grew harder, the rings became tight, encircling his cock from its base to its head. When he was as hard as he was going to get, Peter clipped some retraining snaps to the ball-stretcher, and then sat back. Hinoki's face was again a strange mask of both pleasure and pain, as the tight rings constricted his cock, and the springs pushed at his balls. Mooneyes growled low in her throat as she beheld the cheetah; "Now comes the really fun part, and if I might designate your slave Zassa as the object of his attentions........" Tanj shot Zassa a quick look and saw only naked lust on her face as she stared at Hinoki's crotch; turning back to Mooneyes she smiled and nodded; "Of course...." Mooneyes smiled and turned to Hinoki; "Slave, you are to fuck the vixen to climax, as slowly as possible. And you are NOT to cum yourself, or those little toys will stay on for a full day." As Hinoki turned to walk carefully over to Zassa, he looked thoroughly embarrassed, and more than a little excited. Mark looked up and smiled as the Hyena stalked into the bar...then, after a moment, frowned in concern. She looked like she'd had a bad day at work, her overalls torn in one place and rather filthy. She growled at the bartender, snarled at a table occupied by some of the station's crew, and dropped into her usual seat in the corner. Mark looked up at the bartender; "Why don't you give me one of what she usually drinks, and I'll take it over to her." The bartender looked at the mouse as if he was crazy, but then shrugged and nodded; "Better you'n me....." Tanj grinned and moved over to snuggle with Mooneyes as they watched Hinoki perform. The looks on the Cheetah's face alone were engrossing; ranging from pain to pleasure to concentration, as he slowly fucked the vixen. Zassa for her part was enjoying the sensations of his ring-encased cock driving in and out of her, moaning and shuddering as each ring forced its way into her, or as it slipped out. Hinoki had started with the standard missionary position, but after a while, he'd flipped the vixen over onto her hands and knees, to take her from behind. Tanj gave Mooneyes a teasing lick, as she watched Zassa's first climax arive, watching Hinoki's massive struggle to retain his own control. Mooneyes and Tanj were getting into some heavy petting, Zassa was howling through yet another climax, and Hinoki was having the devil's own time controlling himself. Of all present, only Peter was quiescent, kneeling calmly back by the wall. There was something about the look on his face that Hinoki found somewhat disturbing...... It was almost a self-satisfied look, as if everything was going according to HIS plan..... Mark set the bottle down on the table and turning the chair opposite the Hyena around, sat down to look at her, his arms crossed across the chair's back, his chin resting on them. They looked at each other quietly for a moment before Mark nodded softly and asked, "Rough day?" One of Zassa's cries attracted Tanj's attention, and she turned to look at her and Hinoki. The vixen looked thoroughly drained, fucked to a quivering pile of fur, and something in the back of Tanj's mind was just a little jealous of that. Hinoki on the other hand, looked as if he were about to explode. Tanj smiled and raised her head; "Very impressive, Hinoki; absolutely amazing self control. You may cum now. When you've recovered, why don't you and Zassa and Peter retire to the Kennels. You have my permission to enjoy each other as you see fit. I'll call for you in the morning." As she turned back to Mooneyes, she heard Hinoki's long drawn out howl of satisfaction and release, followed by Zassa's yips of pleasure, and smiled. The Hyena shook her head; "They FIRED me! Said I was incompetent! I'd loaded that bulk freighter within the specified time limits, hadn't broken anything, hadn't damaged anything..... I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! I honestly don't know WHY everyone here seems to have it in for me!" Mark sighed and nodded, reaching out to put his paw over her fist. "So what are you going to do now?" Mala sighed; "I dunno. Haven't been able to save enough money to buy passage off the station, and haven't been able to find a ship that'll take me as crew. I don't know WHAT I'm going to do......" Tanj and Mooneyes retired to Mooneyes' quarters; as they walked their paws continued to explore each other, teasing, keeping each other hot..... They left a trail of clothes from the front door, not that Tanj was wearing all that much...... Mooneyes acted as if she wanted to lead Tanj into the Bath, but the cheetah fem had other ideas, pushing the wolf back onto her bed with a soft M'rowl. Before long, Tanj was crouched over the she-wolf's body, her tongue working actively between her legs, the wolf's tongue between her own. Soothing the burning in her own wet sex.... Mark lightly tapped his muzzle with his index finger, then inconspicuously looked around, checking for eavesdroppers. There were none, and the little warning light on his chrono remained green, thus informing him that nobody had left any bugs in the area either. He lowered his voice a little anyway, just to be on the safe side. "You told me yesterday that you've served with the Imperial Marines for some years...right?" Mala nodded quietly over her drink. The mouse smiled, remembering Ben complaining about the Brethren's recent shortage of professional (as opposed to merely enthusiastic) boarders just a couple of days before they'd left. "Then I think that, pending the Captain's approval, I may be able to get you JUST the kind of job best suited to your talents." The Hyena raised an eyebrow and leaned closer; "Tell me more....." Tanj's tongue danced over the wolf fem's clitty, eliciting moans and gasps, and a temporary respite from the delightfully distracting licks of the she-wolf. Tanj grinned to herself; it almost seemed like a contest; who could so pleasure the other that they would loose concentration first...... And as she grinned to herself, and squirmed her tongue between the she- wolf's velvet folds, Tanj thought she was winning....... Mala sat back to look at the Mouse in front of her; "Really? Yeah, I could do that, and probably do it better'n most, too...but if you don't mind me asking, why ME out of all the furs on this station?" Mark paused, taking a sip of his own drink - horrible stuff, really, but the bartender had just looked at him blankly in response to three different requests -, and reflected on his answer for a few moments before looking up. "Several reasons. First, you've obviously had more than your share of bad breaks lately, and I'd like to help if I can. The second you've probably guessed already; I've gotten to know you a little by now, found I rather like who you are, and I'd like to get to know you better YET, which I can't do if we leave you behind..." His voice trailed off momentarily as he watched the Hyena's grin slowly grow wider in response to his own spreading faint blush, then he cleared his throat and continued. "Third, we really can use your skills. Blasters-for-hire with itchy trigger fingers we have in plenty, but there's currently a real shortage in terms of trained professionals." He leaned back and grinned a little at her in turn; "And fourth, after all that I've told you, you obviously Know Too Much and we can't afford to leave you behind, anyway." Mala threw her head back and laughed out loud at that, a deep, barking sound that turned every head in the bar and caused several patrons to duck for cover. Tanj purrrred, while Mooneyes snored softly; the bed was soft, and she was tired, and fairly happy, but for some reason her mind just wouldn't shut down, and let her sleep. She reflected on how very strange it was to be playing this role, instead of the one she'd been so trained for at the Academy. But why should it be strange? Before the Academy, this was the future she thought she'd been on track for...... Most of all, it feels STRANGE to choose a sex partner, instead of being chosen. It was nice, but the more she thought about it, the more she realized that nothing thrilled her like someone clipping a leash to her collar....... As she snuggled against the sleepywolf she marveled at how much she'd changed...... Mark and Mala stopped at the airlock to his ship. They'd practically held hands on their walk from the bar, drawing more than a few stares. Mark looked up at her; "I promise, as soon as the Captain returns, I'll talk to her. And I'll get back to you with the results tomorrow." The Hyena rumbled quietly and easily picked the mouse up to bring him muzzle-to-muzzle with herself. "You do that. And if she doesn't agree...", she slipped a huge paw between his legs and teasingly stroked him through his pants with one extended finger, chuckling as he squirmed in reflex, "...make sure to pack everything you'll need here, because one way or the other I'm going to KEEP you." She pulled him close to trap his muzzle with her own in a deep, hot kiss for a couple of seconds, then set a rather stunned Mark back down with a toothy grin. "That's enough for now. Be a good little mouse and there'll be more...now run along before somebody catches you molesting innocent little hyena fems." Tanj moaned, gradually returning from her slumbers, awakened by the most delightful sensations. Mooneyes had squrmed around, and they were again head to tail, but now the she-wolf was teasing Tanj's still-wet sex with the head of a buzzing vibrator..... Tanj stretched the way only a feline can, and then raised her knees, clasping them to her chest as Mooneyes growled, attacking her pussy with the vibrating little devil...... As she gasped and moaned, one small part of Tanj's mind wondered where Mooneyes kept the toys...... Wanda was still at her desk by the airlock, hardcopy, disks and other study paraphernalia scattered about. Mark waved hello, still slightly out of breath, and shook his head lightly at the predictable lack of response. He stretched until his feet barely touched the ground and tapped Wanda on the shoulder. "Honey, I'm ho-ooome!" Wanda nodded, as she erased something and scribbled furiously in its place; "Uh-huh." Mark shook his head again; "What does a mouse have to DO to get some attention around these parts,anyway? Hm...hey, Wanda, you wouldn't mind if I brought a one-eye'd Wallaby contortionist to my quarters, would you? She's very talented......" Wanda just shook her head; "Nope........have fun." Mark grinned and nodded and sauntered off down the corridor, after checking to make sure the airlock was secured. Tanj had found where Mooneyes kept the toys, and had found a strap-on dildo that she was now using to pleasure the she-wolf with. She grinned as each thrust of her hips made the little bumps inside the harness grate delightfully on her clitty, the strap between her legs so tight that it had actually spread her labia. She mmmmmmmmed, and moved with varied frequency, from slow and languid through rough and manic, thrusting the dong at the She-wolf until she howled with pleasure. Mooneyes finally did manage to drag Tanj into the baths.... At about 1100 Hrs...... There, Tanj thought back to the baths at the Academy, and with a grin on her face, showed the she-wolf all the things that could be done underwater........... It was about 1400 Hrs by the time she made it to the kennels, to reclaim Zassa and Hinoki, both looking quite disheveled and sleepy. She just grinned and led them back to the ship. There, they found Wanda, face down in her notes and homework, sound asleep. Sending Zassa to the head first, telling Hinoki to wait until Zassa was done before hitting the shower, Tanj turned to try and coax the wolverine lass back to her own quarters and her own bed. Tanj grinned and stripped off her dress; on her own ship, amongst this company, she certainly didn't need to be clothed, and it felt good to move about in just her fur. Wanda was all tucked in, Zassa had collapsed in her bed, and Hinoki was in the shower. Slipping into the Wardroom, she found Mark awake and reading a magazine as he sipped his coffee. "Mornin', Tanj. How'd things go with Mooneyes last night?" Tanj smiled and shrugged; "pretty much according to plan; we had a nice evening, and an even better night. I'm running a little shy of sleep, but there should be plenty of opportunity for that on the trip back. Any sign of the last of the cargo?" Mark nodded and slipped the hardcopy over to Tanj; "some of it should be here within three hours, the rest first thing in the morning. I've already applied for launch clearance for noon tomorrow." Tanj grinned and nodded; "not that our stay here hasn't been fun, but I'm ready to go home." Mark nodded; "True. Quite true. Listen, Capt'n, I've got something I'd like to talk to you about......" Tanj stopped in mid-motion, as she poured herself a cup of coffee; Mark rarely sounded THIS serious without good reason..... She finished pouring the cup and then sat down at the end of the table; after taking a sip, she looked at the mouse and nodded; "Continue..." Mark nodded; "I met this fur here, who seems to be having some trouble finding and holding a decent job on station. I've talked to her about her background a bit, and thought that she might be someone Ben might want to consider for his boarding parties......" Tanj thought for a minute and nodded; "You mean that ungodly huge lady Hyena Zassa's told me about?" Mark just nodded. Tanj thought for a minute, trying to picture the Hyena in full combat armor, coming through a ruptured airlock on some ship the pirates were trying to capture, and shuddered. It would most certainly be intimidating..... but before she could speak, Mark cleared his throat and continued; "I've told her a little bit about the job requirements and our setup and she seems to think it an attractive position..." Tanj's eyes widened; "you mean you TOLD her about the Brethren?" Mark smiled disarmingly and nodded; "A bit difficult to tell her about the job without some of the background.... After all, you wouldn't expect her to travel that distance to apply for a job without knowing just what it IS, would you?" Tanj groaned; "Mark... you KNOW we check the background of everyone we consider in detail before approaching them! Nothing could destroy us faster than taking an Imperial agent into our midst! You should never have told her about us without clearing it first....." Mark held up a hand, interrupting her. "With all due respect, Capt'n...that would take at least a couple of weeks including travel times, since we're cut off from Security at home, probably longer since I don't know of any other missions taking one of our ships in this direction anytime soon. And I do have my own sources..." He demonstratively tapped the side of his skull with a fingertip. Tanj sighed and shook her head; "I hope your telepathy is that good, Mark, because if it isn't, if you're thinking with your balls instead of your brain, we could be in BIG trouble......" Mark shook his head. "Brains, heart, AND balls, and they're all in agreement on this for once. - Trust me, Captain, after the Blackstone debacle I'm not going to make the same kind of mistake again anytime soon. I mean, I knew the guy was a rotten apple, I knew what he was up to, and he still managed to catch me with my pants down because I simply didn't pay attention at the right time...ah, figuratively speaking, of course. I'm not going to let that happen again... Anyway, Mala is clean." Tanj just snorted and shook her head; "Well, you'd better invite her aboard; if I left someone here who knew about us, that didn't absolutely HAVE to know, the boss'd skin me alive! We'll just have to see what HE makes of her." Mark smiled. "Thanks. You won't regret it." Tanj growled softly under her breath; "I think I regret it ALREADY..." Tanj pulled off her gloves and leaned against the cargo bay wall. They'd managed to get the next part of their cargo stowed, even if the phase inverter for one of the Brethren's cruisers had required them to move half of what they'd already stowed. The damn thing was HUGE, and it was heavy at one end. Zassa was having fits, arguing with the ship's computer about weight distribution, as they sorted through the shipping containers, searching out those that weighed the right amount, as they slowly assembled their jigsaw puzzle. But now it was done, and Tanj hoped they wouldn't have to re-do everything when the remaining cargo showed up. Zassa grinned as she went by, her walk turning to a sprint as soon as she was past Tanj. For a moment Tanj blinked in confusion, and then it hit her; the vixen was trying to beat her to the showers. Grinning, Tanj took off in pursuit, the cheetah fem rapidly gaining on the vixen; but Zassa'd had too much of a lead and the door to the head slammed just as Tanj got there. Tanj finally got her turn at the head (in some things, it seemed, rank hath no priviledges). Gathering Zassa, Wanda, and Hinoki as "escort", and leaving Mark in charge of the ship, they headed out to once again give the local shops a going-over, determined to miss nothing. In the commons area of the station was a small bazzar, and to Tanj it looked like a semi-permanent "garage sale." Down on their luck furrs were selling what were obviously personal possessions, and shifty-eye'd types were selling things Tanj thought might not be their legitimate property..... and mingled in amongst them were those more or less reputable merchants that simply weren't big enough to rent a proper "storefront." As they browsed, one of the sellers caught Tanj's eye. He motioned to her, urging her closer. Tanj wandered over, and the character, a rather small badger, missing one ear and one eye looked left and right, conspiratorially, as if to make sure they were not observed. He held up a small rectangular box of clear, thick plastic. Inside something black and oily surged back and forth, as if seeking escape. "Pretty Lady, this is a living creature" he hissed; "it is semi-intelligent, and communicates by telepathy through touch. Once released, it will spread over you in a thin layer, as if it were fabric. Your thought tells it what shape to take, directing it. It can literally be any dress or outfit you want." Tanj Hmmmmmed; "what does it eat?" The badger looked a little confused and then blinked; "...uh..... it feeds off your body heat..... It really doesn't require much maintenance....." Tanj looked at him sternly; "then why all the secrecy?" The clerk paled; "Uh, because the, um, garment industry got them on the banned list. It would kill their business, y'see. Only asking 50 credits......." Tanj looked at it for a moment and then asked; "how do you get it off you when you're done with it?" The clerk smiled, a little more reassured; "by mental command, assuming its absorbed enough of your.... body heat to be satiated. It'll just flow down your arm to its box...." The badger patted the box fondly, as if to suggest that the creature really liked being in there.... Tanj looked over at the vixen and thought of the latex catsuit she'd bought yesterday, and grinned, thinking basic black might just look good on her too. With a grin she nodded her head in agreement and handed the clerk her credit chip. Wanda held the dress up to herself and looked in the mirror; as she turned, the dress shimmered and changed color; now it was red; now blue and now golden..... and when the light hit it just the right way, it wasn't there at all, turning to a shimmering translucency. Wanda grinned at her reflection in the mirror and nodded, turning to find the sales clerk. Zassa looked at the little vial, and then back at the sales clerk; "Guaranteed to work?" The Sales clerk nodded; "or double your money back...." Zassa Hmmmed; "I dunno; it seems kinda pricy. Any discount for buying more than one?" The clerk looked at her a little funny, and then shrugged; "sure, I'll sell you three for the price of two." Zassa grinned and selected three different colored vials, and passed him her credit chit...... All in all, there wasn't that much at the bazaar, and they carried their purchases back to the ship. Mark was waiting at the airlock, dressed in some of his better clothes; "Got confirmation, Captain, on the rest of the cargo coming in. It'll be here at 0745 in the morning. Oh, and Mooneyes left a message for you; seems something's come up and she regrets her inability to entertain you tonight." Tanj just nodded; "I take it you want to go see your lady friend....... I suspect some of us will swing by the bar later. Don't stay out too late; we'll have an early day tomorrow." Mark grinned and flipped Tanj an informal salute, and stepped through the airlock. Zassa grinned; "Ooooooh, party in the bar tonight! Last night in port!" and slipped off before Tanj could say anything. Wanda just smiled; "Any chance I can come too?" Tanj stared down the corridor Zassa had vanished down and nodded slowly; "Yes, but I'll expect you to be on your best behavior....AND to help me keep Zassa in line....." Zassa grinned as she laid out her new outfit; it was a latex catsuit, complete with built-in socks for her feet, and gloves for her hands. It had the most delightful phallic plug in the crotch too; not that long, but rather thick; "it should be a joy to wear," she thought. Stripping off her "street clothes" she sat on the edge of her bunk and slowly started to shove one foot into the outfit, the latex stretching to form a second skin. By the time she was ready to pull the suit up over her hips, her pussy was already wet with anticipation, and the plug slid home nicely, although it took forever for her to thread her tail through the hole in the back of the suit. It took some contortionist's movements to get the outfit up over her shoulders, her arms in the sleeves, the gloves over her paws, but finally she was ready to try and pull up the zipper. Exhaling, she smoothed her fur with one hand as she tugged at the zipper with the other, and finally it was done. From the neck down, she was covered in shiny blackness. Every curve, every shape of her body stood out clearly, her nipples especially prominent. And the smooth little circle of latex between her legs made it obvious that the plug was buried within her sex. She grinned at herself and nodded, quite pleased with her appearance. Turning to one of the vials she'd purchased earlier, she grinned. The label read; "Vixen sex phermones; guaranteed to drive any fox wild!" Zassa grinned, and opened the cap, to sniff at the vial; the aroma of a vixen in heat almost overwhelmed her, and she hastily sprinkled a few drops over herself..... and then for good measure she sprinkled a few more, until the vial was a quarter empty. "That ought to work" she grinned. Humming a popular tune, she headed out to see if she could "negotiate" anything else out of that Rick fellow........ Tanj pulled on a conservative pair of slacks, and a matching top. She too had an errand to run. One of the Brethren's contacts was passing through the station and Tanj had arranged to meet with him face to face. Slipping a variable knife into one pocket and a small stunner into another, she checked her reflection in the mirror of her cabin and quietly slipped out. Rick looked up from his counter, and spotted the vixen coming his way while she was still quite a ways off. It looked like she'd been dipped in black paint, glistening as she walked, and he had to make a concerted effort to keep his tongue from hanging out. "I bet she's going to try and seduce me, to get the things she wants" he thought to himself. "And as good as she looks, I might just let her have a few items, to get into her pants...... but just a few." He watched the way her breasts moved as she walked and grinned to himself, resolving to be the "user," not the "used." Tanj made it to the observation port at the appointed time. This portion of the station seemed quite deserted; almost as if it hadn't been visited in years. And yet the observation port was at the end of a corridor, wide enough to see anyone coming, see anyone lurking. It was just deserted. Thankfully most of the ceiling lights still worked. Tanj stood by the port, looking out at the stars, and waiting for her contact to arrive, confident that her ears would give her ample warning of anyone approaching. Rick's self-confidence started to evaporate as the vixen sashayed up to the counter of his stall. He'd been watching the way her breasts moved, but something had drawn his attention to her hips, the way they swayed as she walked, and as she got closer, he found his eyes being drawn to her crotch, even as his nose was filled with her scent...... It was obvious she'd buried some toy between her legs; the way she moved, the way she smelled just screamed "Vixen in heat," and in some portion of his hind- brain he knew he had to have her, no matter what it cost him. Without a word, he lifted the swinging portion of his counter and croaked; "won't you come in?" Tanj's eyes flicked up, startled as she suddenly realized there was a reflection in the transparent aluminum of the observation port. A fox was standing behind her. He was wearing some sort of cloak of a nondescript dark gray color, the hood thrown back, whatever garments he might have had on underneath concealed. Tanj found her gaze flicking back to his eyes; they seemed to be both captivating, and ...... haunted. After a moment, she forced herself to break her gaze, to turn towards him; "I'm....." The fox interrupted; "I know who you are. And I know why you are here. There is nothing that you need to know about me, save that the information I pass on to you is reliable. And only the evidence of that material itself will prove that." His voice was deep, and as captivating as his eyes.... Tanj swallowed and nodded, but before she could speak he continued; "In three weeks time, a freighter will leave Elysium. It will appear to be just another tramp freighter, but is actually the disguised personal vessel of Lord Isloth. He and his retinue will be traveling to the Imperial capital to solicit aid for their fight against the increasing rebel problem, and to sign joint ventures that would bring in capital that would aid the Elysium government and the major corporations in their fight. The name of the freighter is "Stra'doc." Tanj nodded; "Stra'doc. Yes, that sounds like valuable information; we'll keep an eye out for that vessel." Cocking her head to one side, Tanj looked at the fox; "you've been most valuable to us, of late, and your information has been quite good. Obviously we are interested in..... furthering your usefulness to us. What additional resources might we be able to supply you, to allow you to be of additional service to us?" The fox gave a ghost of a smile; "there is nothing that you could provide me that would help. I do all that I am able to do, and for my own reasons. Use my information wisely, and you shall hear from me again. With that the fox turned, and started to walk silently away. Tanj blinked and then called out; "Wait, before you go, what shall I call you? We don't even know your name......" The fox stopped and looked back over his shoulder. Again, the sad, wistful smile appeared on his face. "If you must call me something, call me "Entity." That should be more than sufficiently misleading, to any who might chance across that name. Oh, by the way, take care in heading back; there may be Apache about....." Turning again, he resumed walking off down the corridor, his strange gray cloak blending in with the background, seeming to make him vanish only a few meters down the corridor. And as he moved, he made not a sound. Tanj turned and stared out the observation port for a while, until she was sure he was gone, until she was sure no one seeing her would connect her with that mysterious figure. Rick was in bad shape. All his determination, all his resolve, all seemed to have evaporated as her scent filled the air. One kiss from her, one caress, one brush of her body against his and he was as hard as he'd ever been in his life, his pants bulging embarrassingly. Languidly, she unbuttoned his shirt, softly kissing her way down his chest. He was frozen; he couldn't move, couldn't breathe, and all the while the drumbeat of his heart filled his ears. And then she was undoing his pants, freeing his rampant cock, fondling it, stroking it, making little coo- ing sounds. He almost lost it the instant her tongue touched the head of his cock, but somehow he managed to control himself. Fondling her ears, he moaned; "Oh, BABY! OH!, YESSSSSSS!" Zassa smiled to herself; "Those pheromones really seem to do the trick; he's about to explode and I only just got here. I wonder if I even CAN cool him down some?" Tilting her head back, looking up at him, Zassa inquired sweetly; "By the way, did the Chutney ever come in?" Rick couldn't believe this; how could she stop at a time like THIS? Nodding vigorously he moaned; "Oh, ye.... Yeah..... got you th....three jars...." Zassa purrrred and bent forward to take the head of his cock in her mouth once again, her tongue lashing out to stroke the under side of his shaft. She had him right where she wanted him. Rick gasped, his body bucking, his hips thrusting his spurting cock at her mouth, as he exploded in what had to have been the most powerful orgasm of his life. And that devilishly sexy vixen caught every drop, making a great show of catching each spurt on her tongue, and acting like it was the finest caviar. Finally he calmed down, his chest heaving as he panted, his heart still pounding in his chest. "Gave up more than I'd intended" he thought to himself; "But it was a reasonable trade for what I got, I guess....." Then his eyes went wide as the vixen stood, one paw moving to the silver zipper at her throat. As the zipper slowly moved downward, he felt his eyes get wider, and his cock slowly harden again, and he knew he was in serious trouble. Tanj walked slowly through the station, heading back to the ship. Her encounter with Entity had disturbed her for some reason. She just didn't know what to make of him. "I wonder if Mark might provide any insights" she thought to herself as she passed the bar. Stopping, pausing, she smiled and then resumed her walk towards the ship; "I'll talk to him on the trip back; no need to bother him now; besides, I want to wear something a little less...... severe when I go to the bar." Lost in her thoughts, wondering what in the heck an "Apache" was, the cheetah slowly padded towards the docking ring. Rick thought that the vixen removing her outfit looked like someone shedding their skin. And when she pushed the outfit down over her hips, and he watched that phallic plug slide glistening from her sex, he thought his eyes would pop from his head like some cartoon character. And then she was nude, and pressing herself against him, her crotch drenched from her own juices. There was nothing he could do but to fall back, to the floor, pulling her down on top of him. Zassa giggled, and squirmed as enticingly as she knew how, making sure her breasts stroked across his chest, her nipples hard points ruffling his fur; sitting up, she reached between her thighs to capture his once-again hard cock, to hold it perpendicular to his body. Rising slightly she dragged its head back and forth through her dripping slit, and grinning down at him, she purrred; "Any of that Catnip ever show up?" Wanda had pulled on her dress, and was scowling at herself in the mirror; when the light hit it just right, it became more than translucent; it became damn near invisible..... and that thrice damned chastity belt Tanj had locked her into was painfully apparent! Sitting down heavily on her bed, she wondered how she could get Tanj to let her out of it for the evening? Rick howled, heedless of what those outside his stall might hear, or see; he didn't care; the vixen rode his cock with such ..... skill, such wild abandon, such ENTHUSIASM that he was sure she would turn him inside out! Every time he was close to cumming, she'd slow down; every time he'd caught his breath, her vaginal muscles would start rippling, squeezing, milking him again and he'd skyrocket to the very brink... and then she'd stop..... He wanted to cum, desperately needed to cum...... Zassa looked at his face, and grinned; bending way over, until her breasts were pressed hard against his chest, she purrred into his ear; "Find me a copy of that new Holo romance, the one with that Leonardo guy in it, and I'll bring you off like you've never gotten off before!" Rick groaned and shook his head; the Sabatini sisters were going to be really pissed, but he couldn't help himself. "its YOURS" he moaned, and Zassa straightened, to do incredible things with her vaginal muscles. Rick howled like a wolf and bucked his hips up into her, as his cock exploded, his orgasm even more powerful than before! Zassa grinned and checked his pulse. He was still alive, but that last one had certainly taken him somewhere else. After a minute, the fox groaned, and shook his head, his eyes opening. As he focused on Zassa, the vixen still astride his hips, he mumbled; "thought I'd died and gone to heaven." Zassa just grinned and humped him a few times, eliciting howls from the now incredibly sensitive fox. "If you can find me that dark chocolate, I'll be a good girl and let you be......" Grinning wider she humped him again; "otherwise, Dear, its likely to be a long night." Rick howled; "Half a pound you pirate! Now quit, PLEASE, before I'm ruined!" Zassa was squishing as she walked back towards the ship. The inside of the latex suit was now awash with her juices, there being no place to clean up in the stall. Still, the phallic plug buried in her pussy felt good as she walked, and the bag of booty over her shoulder was an added delight, even if it was deuced heavy. It'd make a lot of folks back home happy too. Spotting the bazaar down a side corridor, the vixen made a small side trip, drawing stares from everyone as she walked past. Finding the vendor who had sold her the pheromones she gave him her best grin. The vendor for his part cringed at the sight, and looked as if he might bolt. "Hmph; must be showing too much teeth" the vixen thought to herself; "Just wanted to stop by and tell you that the stuff you sold me is GREAT; you wouldn't believe how well it worked!" Grinning at the badger, Zassa turned and sashayed off through the Bazaar. The badger looked at his vials and shook his head; "bottled this stuff right from the tap myself; what in the WORLD is she talkin' about?" Looking up at the departing vixen, the badger scratched his head; "Hell, she's so sexy as it is, she doesn't NEED any extra 'pheromones'!" Tanj did a double-take as Zassa came in through the airlock. Wanda squealed with delight as she took Zassa's carryall, to look inside the surprisingly heavy bag. Looking up at the vixen, Wanda grinned; "you will be a heroine of monumental proportions when we get home, Zassa! You even found Ben his Brie, and you got the Chutney!" The vixen just grinned depreciatingly and making little liquid sounds among the squeaks of her latex outfit, she padded towards the ship's head. Tanj just shook her head and resumed her trek towards the flight deck, wondering what fallout might come from THAT little escapade...... and then she grinned to herself, thinking maybe next time she'd go with Zassa; it looked like the vixen had had a marvelous time...... It was late that night when they all finally made it to the bar. Tanj was wearing her new dress, as was Wanda, still grumbling about the chastity belt that Tanj had refused to let her out of. Hinoki was in another one of his rock concert tee-shirts (this one only a few years out of date, but according to him, still a 'classic'), and a pair of skintight black shorts. Zassa was in a short, flouncy halter dress in blinding white that she'd bought. They moved through the door, into the crowded, noisy bar, and looked around, blinking, searching for Mark. Mark looked up and smiled; Tanj and the rest of the crew had just entered the bar, and were standing just inside the door, waiting for their eyes to adjust to the gloom, their ears to the noise (for that certainly couldn't be called "music"). Turning to Mala he smiled; "They're here; just like we discussed, OK?" The Hyena smiled, and nodded. Tanj spotted the Hyena first through the crowds. Stepping a little to one side, to see past a Rhino that was trying to dance with a wolf fem, she caught the flash of white that was Mark's fur. Gesturing to the others, she headed out across the bar for their table, having to take a small detour to evade the waltzing couple. Settling into the chair opposite the Hyena, Tanj's gaze flicked to Mark, looking at him inscrutably for a moment and then her gaze turned back to the Hyena. "I'm Captain Sou An Ky of the ...... free trader "Lost Cause." I understand Mark's been talking to you about us." The Hyena nodded solemnly; "I'm Mala Z'pata, and yes, he's told me a few interesting things about you....and your organization." She mock-scowled at the mouse, who for his part just smiled back brightly with his best innocent expression. "Wouldn't go into any juicy details, though, and the internal walls on this station are so flimsy I couldn't find a place to properly 'question' him without being heard..." Hinoki took a look at the expression on Tanj's face and grabbed Zassa; "come on, lets go get everyone a drink....." As they moved out onto the dance floor, headed for the bar, they heard Tanj say; "you realize of course that Mark has ignored quite a number of protocols in telling you anything about us........" Hinoki ordered a round of drinks for the table, guessing at what the Hyena would want, while Zassa looked around the bar. In some ways, it looked rougher than the Brethren's base, and in some ways it looked better. There were a number of roughly dressed toughs, loud and boisterous, carrying edged, projectile and energy weapons, but so far they were keeping to themselves. There was the usual dockside crowd of cargo handlers, maintenance techs, and such, some obviously here directly from a hard day's work, some still carrying their tools. There were ship's crews, tight knit little knots of furrs at this table or that, most looking around as if on the defensive. And then there were what she took to be station personnel, some of them half way decently dressed. Then, with a grin, she spotted the Coyote she'd been talking to the other night........ Tanj sat back in her chair and growled softly; "I suppose your..... experience with the Imperial Marines makes for a decent enough fit for our outfit, but at the same time I'd worry about.... Conflicting loyalties, if you follow my drift. There's also the problem of getting along with everyone in a tight-knit outfit; remember, the organization is made up of less-than-diplomatic folks; if someone takes offense, they're most likely to settle problems with a knife, or a blaster, or with some I know, just fangs and claws. Excessive losses in that regard hurts ..... operational efficiency." Mala cocked her head at the cheetah; "In English, please." Tanj sighed; "you get into too many fights with the crew, you'll either wind up dead, or they will; either way we may not have enough folks for what we need to do. Mala snorted; "If you insist, I'm sure I can settle for just breaking a few bones from time to time..." Tanj sighed again and shot a dark look at Mark, who seemed to have a hard time maintaining his innocent look. Hinoki grinned as he set down the tray of drinks; turning to Wanda, he whispered; "how's it going?" Wanda just winced, grabbed her drink, chugged half of it, and grabbed Hinoki to drag him out on the dance floor. Zassa danced by herself, knowing that she'd attracted the eyes of the Coyote. As she moved lithely, she winked at him, and then danced off teasingly. Tanj sighed and leaned back again, reaching for her drink. At least she assumed it was her drink. "I guess we'll just have to see what the boss says.At this point, I suspect that's the best alternative." Mark smiled; "That's what I hoped for. I'm not worried about the usual checks and stuff...after all, look at who ELSE passed those." He waved a hand to indicate the crew members scattered throughout the bar, including himself. Mala just nodded, her smile wide enough to show fangs, the overall effect making her look sinister and threatening. Tanj looked from Mark to Mala and back, and then just looked at the ceiling, to mutter; "How do I get myself into these situations?" Zassa smiled as the Coyote hugged her; as she'd intended, he'd approached her after her dance. Now, as she rubbed against him, she could feel his arousal through his pants. As she tilted her head to kiss him, she caught Tanj watching her from the corner of her eye; she just smiled and shrugged and gave her a wink, and then turned to kiss the Coyote. Tanj sighed as she watched Zassa tease her beau. "Absolutely insatiable" she grinned to herself. Turning, she watched Wanda and Hinoki for a moment, thinking that they were defining the term "Dirty Dancing".... Hinoki had definitely taught the young wolverine some moves. Draining the last of her drink from her glass, she rose and headed for the bar and a refill, thinking she ought to leave Mark and the Hyena alone for a bit, after she'd lit into them both. "Off to a great start there" she grumbled to herself. She was almost to the bar when someone grabbed her around the waist, lifting her from the floor. She was just about to claw whomever had grabbed her when the Stallion from the other night announced loudly; "Whell, Looky here what Ah's found!" Hinoki had just sat Wanda down, and had reached for his own drink when he saw Tanj snatched up. For an instant, he thought she was in trouble, but then he realized she was just being assaulted by an over-enthusiastic and perhaps something less than suave suitor. The stallion had come in with a number of friends, all seemingly as boisterous and harmless as himself, and Hinoki found himself looking at one of them, a middle aged lioness was staring back at him, with that predatory look that lionesses can do so well. Before he could seek the shelter of his seat, she'd strode over to him, one paw reaching out to touch his collar; "Wal, looky here; ain't you a purty one! Who's your master, boy?" Hinoki grinned weakly and jestured to Tanj, who still hadn't quite escaped the over-enthusiastic clutches of the stallion; "Uh, she is....." The lioness followed his gesture and grinned, her fangs glinting whitely in the bar's dark interior. "Yo! Clem! Put her down fo' a minute!" Clem grinned and turned, still not letting Tanj loose, but bringing her around so she could see the lioness and Hinoki. Grinning wider, the lioness gestured to Hinoki; "Y'all mind iff'n ah borrowed your boy for a bit; he's kinda struck mah fancy." Tanj took in the cast of Hinoki's ears, and his tail, trying to read his opinion, and then made an off-handed gesture, as if to say "if you wish"..... or was it just a reflex jerk as Clem once again swept her off her feet, to carry her towards a booth. The lioness nodded; "Much obliged, Ma'am!" And grabbing Hinoki's collar she turned, to drag him off towards one of the curtained booths in the back of the bar. The panther watched the group from the Lost Cause carefully. The vixen was acting according to the preliminary psychological profile he had seen, as was the male cheetah, even if a bit unwillingly. The mouse, as ever, was an enigma, and the things he'd heard about the Hyena, although not listed as a member of the crew, were... well, enough to make HIM shudder in reflex when he saw her scooping the mouse into her lap. The Captain, now perhaps a bit less reluctantly in the lap of the stallion, was also following the profile, and the panther grinned to himself; if the profile was correct, it wouldn't take much for the stallion to wear down her resistance. And the Wolverine girl...... she looked so frustrated, sitting there, by the mouse and the Hyena. Taking a quick look at the others, he rose, figuring this was as good a chance as any. Walking over to her slowly, he bowed to her, and asked; "Miss, may I have this dance?" Wanda smiled up at the panther. Turning to shoot an inquiring glance at Mark, and receiving the tiniest nod in return, she rose, to give him her paw, to let him lead her out onto the dance floor. Tanj sighed and smiled; the Stallion certainly was persistent, and in his own clumsy way, charming enough. Looking about the bar, she saw the curtain bulge in the booth where the lioness had dragged Hinoki off to; then the cheetah's tail snaked out from under its edge; from the bulge and the position of his tail, Tanj guessed he was on his knees, between her feet. Tanj reflected for a minute on his skill at cunnilingus, and figured it would be three, maybe four minutes tops before the lioness' roars were heard in the bar. Zassa was literally entwined with the Coyote, and from the looks on both of their faces, it wouldn't be but a few minutes until they drew the curtain on their booth too. Wanda was dancing with a panther, but he looked like he was behaving himself... and Mark was watching them carefully, still snuggled against the massive Hyena. Giving a mental shrug, Tanj thought "why shouldn't I have some fun myself? Everyone else seems to be "occupied"....... Turning she surprised the big stallion by tilting her head back and giving him a long, sensual kiss....... Wanda smiled; "so you see, that cursed chastity belt is kinda both my punishment and my protection, and I really can't blame the Captain, considering what I did. But all things considered, its worth it. I finally got to do some shopping, got out for a bit, and have seen something of the universe." "And where do you go from here?" the panther asked. "Oh, home I guess" Wanda replied. "And where might that be?" the panther smiled. Wanda smiled back; "Oh, its an agricultural station. We're here after parts for the farm machinery. Over in the Hydra sector. Its SO dull there....." The panther just smiled; "so, whats your Captain like?" Zassa grinned and kisses the Coyote again, and reaching up, almost pushing her breasts into his face, she grabbed the edge of the curtain and pulled it closed. No sooner had its magnetic edge grabbed the far side of the booth, than the Coyote was undoing the strap of her halter, letting the front of her dress fall, allowing him to nuzzle between her breasts. The stallion gave Tanj a funny look when she checked her chronometer when they heard the lioness roar; grinning, she turned to him; "right on time." Mark smiled too when he heard the Lioness roar. Zassa was out of sight behind an almost opaque curtain, and it was obvious that soon her yiffs of pleasure would add to the noise in the bar. And Tanj and the Stallion.... Well, he kind of expected that curtain to close soon too (although how the two might find room to maneuver in that tiny booth was beyond him). Still smiling, he turned to Mala, picking up something of her own mood; "Getting ideas?" "Yeah......" the Hyena began; "but I'm not much into exhibitionism, and those curtains don't provide much privacy....." Mark turned to look at where the vixen's silhouette was outlined on the curtain, obviously astride the Coyote's lap, facing him, and from her motions, it was obvious, to Mark, and to half the bar, what was going on in there. Shifting his gaze, Mark noted that there was no longer a bulge in the curtain where the lioness had dragged Hinoki off to; nor was his tail apparent under the curtain's edge. However, from the yowls and thumps coming from that direction, it was more than apparent that they were into round two... Turning back to Mala, he nodded. "I see what you mean. I'm not much into showing off for an audience myself...and watching's only half the fun if you can't join in. But maybe, if we can find some privacy later and you're still in the mood...?" The Hyena took a sip of her drink, licked her lips, and grinned at the little mouse in her lap. "Think I may JUST take you up on that..." Tanj purrrrrred as the stallion carressed her; shielded from the general view by her body, she'd been lightly stroking that bulge in his pants, and had been rewarded with a significant increase in volume... in fact, she was concerned that soon he'd bust a seam. Giggling, she too turned to reach for the curtain, sliding it closed. With a smile she turned back to give him a deep kiss, while her paws expertly undid his fly. Wanda did a classic double-take as she danced with the Panther; she'd caught Tanj closing the curtain from the corner of her eye, but as she danced, as that booth came around into view, it was apparent that the scene had changed only a little. From this side, the curtain was almost completely transparent, tinting the scene a little grey-green. The panther caught the direction of her gaze and chuckled; "Just a little practical joke the house plays here; each night, a different booth has the one-way curtain. It helps to draw a crowd, I'm told." Wanda blinked, thinking she should tell Tanj that she was putting on an exhibition, but then she grinned, thinking of the chastity belt. Besides, Tanj had put on enough exhibitions in her past, she probably wouldn't get too upset at one more. Wanda smiled and turned to look at the Panther; "what say we find a place to sit, and watch the show." Tanj found the stallion a whole lot more charming when he kept his mouth shut; his caresses were gentle, and skillful, his tongue a delight. But the booth was small, and he wasn't. Finally, he got up on the table, leaning back against the back wall. Tanj also knelt on the table, between his thighs, and softly licked at his massive cock; she'd seen larger, and possibly even taken larger too, but she knew she'd be walking funny for days, a prospect that both dismayed and delighted her. Mark grinned as Mala told him about the trick curtain; "Just Tanj's luck" he muttered as they snuggled, watching the cheetah kneel on the table, the translucent curtain providing an excellent view of her upraised ass. Wanda grumbled to the Panther, as the bartender brought them another round of drinks; "Yes, my father's very strict; he INSISTS that I remain a virgin until he can marry me off to some business crony. "forming alliances" he calls it." The panther raised an eyebrow; "sounds kind of cold." Wanda watched Tanj as she demonstrated her skill at fellatio and nodded; "I'd like nothing better than to spoil his little plans, but the Captain, well, she's taking this thing seriously, so it looks like once again, I'm merely a voyeur...... Tanj found that by stretching her jaws wide, she could just barely get the head of his cock into her mouth. But that left her no room to maneuver her tongue, so she backed off, to just lick along his shaft, one paw wrapped around its base, stroking gently, the other hefting his massive balls. Judging from the noises he was making, he was in heaven, and Tanj smiled. After taking him close to the edge three times, and then giving him time to recover, she became seriously concerned that he might "surprise" her on the next go-round. Smiling, she straightened, urging him to slide down, to lie flat on the table, so she could straddle his hips. He had to put his feet on either side of the table, his legs bent back, to keep from sticking them through the curtain, but somehow he managed. His head was still propped up by the back wall of the booth, and as much as Tanj would have liked to have ridden him, face to face, the way his legs were spread, she found it easier to face away from him. It was a bit of a contortionist's act, but eventually she got herself in position, both of her paws wrapped around his cock, slowly dragging it through her wet furrow, until its head glistened with her dew. She knew she was wet, literally dripping, but even so, this one was going to be a "stretch". Settling herself down, she grunted as the head of his cock parted her labia, and then stretched them wide... she moved in little jerks, bouncing up and down, grunting with each downward motion, as she gradually drove his cock into her pussy. After a while, her grunts were echoed by his, and his hands came up to cup her breasts, squeezing rhythmically. Finally she decided she could take no more of him without hurting herself, and looking down, she was amazed to see that over 2/3 of his length was buried in her twat! The panther watched the expressions play across the cheetah's face and nodded to himself. Mooneyes was right about this one; she'd make a fabulous sex slave; wouldn't even need much training either. In fact, he wouldn't be surprised if she could teach the instructors a thing or three. His conversation with Wanda had lagged, as the whole bar had quieted, to watch the Cheetah mount the stallion. She'd been a veritable gold-mine of information...... information he probably couldn't use. He still didn't know who her father was, although he suspected he was fairly rich and powerful. He didn't know much about the Lost Cause's defenses, or capabilities (but he did know more about beginning nursing than he'd ever wanted to know). He'd confirmed that Hinoki and the vixen were both sex slaves, and as such probably only nominal at their jobs of scan tech and loadmaster. And slaves couldn't fight, so when they took the Lost Cause, they probably wouldn't have much of a fight on their hands. Watching the Cheetah move, the panther grinned, and thought that before he turned her over to Mooneyes, he'd take a turn or two with her...... Clem grunted; "God, you're TIGHT! I don't know how much longer I can........Awwwwwwwwwwww CRAP! Ah'm a cummin'! Tanj had just begun, rising and settling slowly on his huge cock, and while she was enjoying herself, she was no where near her climax. Stifling a groan as she felt his cock start to throb, pumping her full of his jism, she shook her head, and reached down between her legs to fondle his balls, knowing that would make his orgasm that much more intense. As the stallion whinnied at the top of his lungs, Tanj smiled, and did what she could to make it memorable for him, at least........ Zassa smiled and kissed the Coyote; he'd been fun, but now he was an exhausted hank of fur, panting hard in the back of the booth. Pulling her dress up and fastening it behind her neck, she grinned; "See you next trip, stud." Sliding out between the edge of the curtain and the frame of the booth, she looked around the bar; for an instant she thought everyone was looking at her, but then she realized the attraction was a few booths over..... where Tanj was riding the cock of an absolutely huge stallion! Zassa blinked for a moment, and then realized that the curtain WAS drawn, you could just see right through it! "Holy Crow!" she exclaimed! You can see......." The Weasel grabbed Zassa from behind, his paw clamping her muzzle shut. "SHUSH!" he stage-whispered in her ear; "you'll ruin everything!" Zassa grinned, and didn't resist as the weasel dragged her down into his lap, one paw still lightly around her muzzle. Tanj grinned, as she felt the stallion spurt his last. He panted hard for a minute, and then she felt his hands around her waist, lifting her; "Can't let the little lady go unsatty-fied" he grinned, and pulling her back, he brought her rather wet sex to his muzzle, to stroke her with his broad tongue. Tanj balanced, bent over, as the stallion's tongue licked her clean, and then started to worm its way into her depths. Like his cock, his tongue was comparatively large, and it wasn't long before she was squealing and moaning with delight. Her climax was every bit as vocal as the Lioness' had been, much to Clem's apparent delight. It was a while before they'd both caught their breath, and found their clothes. Finally Clem opened the curtain, to usher Tanj out of the booth; they were both caught by surprise as the entire bar erupted into applause. Tanj was bewildered, looking about for a clue as to what was going on, but Clem turned to examine the curtain, looking at one side, and then the other. Tanj turned to stare at him, and he grinned at her, showing how from one side, it looked like an ordinary tan curtain, but from the other side, it was all but transparent! "Looks lahk we's been Had!" he grinned. Tanj sighed and rose to tiptoes to kiss him; "Thanks for a nice evening, Clem; if we're ever back this way, I'll look you up, but if you'll excuse me, I think I'm going to go kill someone......" The stallion just grinned and nodded and bowed politely, and as Tanj turned to fix the bartender with an evil stare, the stallion turned back to his friends, one of whom was happily waving a video recorder cartridge. Tanj had gone about three steps, when a new crowd entered the bar. It was obviously shift change somewhere, and a rather rough looking crew had just entered the watering hole..... Their "leader", a rather scruffy looking tiger, sniffed the air and growled; "I see that Bitch is here again, befouling the atmosphere with her stench!" Turning to look around, his gaze settled on the Hyena. Scowling, he growled; "I thought I told you never to come back here! You've disobeyed me, and now you're going to pay the penalty!" As he stalked towards the Hyena, Mark rose to his feet and slipped away from the table to intercept him. "Outta my way, rodent!" the Tiger growled. Mark placed his hands on his hips and looked up at the bigger feline, meeting his gaze without the slightest indication of being impressed. His voice was quiet, but had no trouble cutting through the general noise, the level of which had dropped some at the sight of the impending confrontation anyway. "I'm sure you are mistaken. That isn't the Hyena you are looking for." The Tiger blinked once, eyes seeming to glaze over slightly, and repeated in a monotone quite at odds with his snarl only moments ago; "That isn't the Hyena we are looking for." Mark nodded emphatically. "And since she isn't, and she's the only Hyena in this bar, the one you mean has to be somewhere else. Maybe you should keep looking." The Tiger nodded vaguely, then blinked again and seemed to recover, growling at his cohorts. "Come on, guys...we have to keep looking, she's gotta be hiding SOMEWHERE!" None of them apparently had any trouble with that logic, and the whole group filed out just as quickly as they had appeared in the first place. Mark sighed softly, closed his eyes, and slumped lightly only to find himself steadied by one of Mala's big paws; she must have made her own way through the crowd just in case, he thought. "Easy there", she growled softly. "Are you okay?" Mark nodded softly, eyes opening to look into hers. "Just let me catch my breath for a moment...and let's all get out of here before those guys catch on and come back, for that matter." Tanj shook her head, growling; it wasn't bad enough that she'd just inadvertently put on an exhibition for the whole station, but now Mark had to go and demonstrate a level of Psi skill that probably set him in the top 1% of all Psi- positive creatures in the Empire. She had to get him out of here as fast as possible, before some of the toughs present concluded that he was a very valuable commodity….. The Panther straightened, scarcely able to believe his eyes. Had he actually just seen that? When they took the Lost Cause, Mooneyes might get the Captain, and the rest of the crew, but that mouse was HIS!" Smiling to himself, he started thinking about where he might find Psi-depressive drugs and anesthetics, to help keep the mouse under control…… As Tanj ushered her crew and Mala out the door, Clem looked at hisfriends and sighed; "Pity, thought for a moment there, Ah might find a way to leave her in mah debt, Cum'in to the aid 'o one 'o hercrew. Besides, we'uns haven't had a good barfight here in weeks! Just what HAPPENED there, anyways?" The lock closed behind Tanj, and she watched as Mark sealed it. "OK, I want a watch set tonight. Two hours each. I'll take the first shift, Hinoki, you've got second, Zassa, third, and Mark, you take the next one, if the remainder of our cargo hasn't arrived by then. Keep an eye on the external monitors; I don't want someone in a space suit coming by to tinker with the outsides of the ship." They all nodded, and Wanda, Hinoki and Zassa turned to dash towards the head, obviously vying to see who could get the first shower. As they departed, Tanj marveled that they could still have so much energy; she felt drained herself. As she turned to head towards the bridge, Mala coughed; "Ah, Captain, one question...where should I bunk tonight?" Tanj turned to look at the Hyena, and then at Mark, and then back at the Hyena; "A free trader like this one isn't long on crew space. In fact, right now, Wanda and Zassa are sharing a cabin. We don't have any spare accommodations. If you don't want to bunk with Mark, we can rig you a hammock in the cargo bay." Mala nodded. "If it's all the same to you, Captain, I'll see if your mouse can spare some room for little old me first..." Mark yawned softly, nodded, and turned to pad off, when Tanj stopped them. "And Mark...better come up with a good explanation of just what you did in that bar. You know I'll have to report that incident to the Boss..." Mark nodded solemnly. "I'll try. It's really just a trick I've seen in a movie a long time ago, in a galaxy far away...but it DID get us out of there without a fight, so I guess it worked." Tanj sighed and shook her head, not believing him for a minute; "Whatever. Go to bed now, I'll need you fresh later." Mala snorted softly as she squirmed through the door frame, just slightly too low and narrow for a fur her size. "THIS is where they make you sleep? I could take a deep breath and use up half the air in the room!" Mark chuckled quietly, but had to admit the basic truth of her statement. "Well, I'm the smallest fur on board AND the one least prone to holding orgies in my spare time, so naturally I'd get the smallest cabin... At least the bunk is a pretty standard generic-furry design, so if you curl up right and we use an extra blanket for cover, I think you'll fit. Otherwise, there's still that hammock in the cargo area..." The hyena shook in mock horror. "Thanks, but no thanks. I'll stay here...if you're not worried about me turning over and crushing you in my sleep, that is." Mark's answering chuckle turned into a heartfelt yawn about halfway through; "Let's just find out, shall we?" Mala chuckled and reached up to undo her top, then hesitated. "Listen, squirt, there's one thing I haven't told you yet..." Mark smiled and shook his head. "I know, I know. I'm afraid I'm rather too tired for lengthy explanations, so...if YOU don't mind bedding down with a telepath, I'd certainly be honored to have you." Mala blinked once, looking kind of stunned. "Tele...of course, then you'd know, I guess... And you're SURE you don't mind?" Mark shook his head again, decisively. "I don't. Come to bed now, please?" Mala stood motionless for a moment longer, then smiled slowly, nodded, and finally dropped her clothes on the floor to scoop HER mouse up and hug him tightly. It had taken several minutes of shifting blankets and positions among quiet giggles (mostly Mala's), but finally they'd found a comfortable arrangement. To avoid complications when Mala shifted in her sleep, they had settled on tucking Mark's head safely between the hyena's breasts (which had turned out to be even more impressive nude than clothed), with the rest of her body wrapped warmly and protectively around his. Her scent, somewhat strong this close but not unpleasant, was the last thing the mouse would remember before falling asleep. Tanj felt like her head had just hit the pillow when the intercom sounded, with Hinoki's voice announcing the arrival of the last portion of their cargo. Struggling into a pair of coveralls, she headed, bleary-eyed down towards the cargo airlock. She was surprised to find Mark and Mala already there, and she watched as the Hyena demonstrated the skills she'd learned wrestling cargo on the station's docks. Zassa watched with a critical eye, data PADD in her paws as she checked each container's weight, directing the others to move it into its designated position, to be clamped down securely. Tanj moved along behind the work crew, double-checking that each container was sealed, and that it was correctly clamped down. As she did, she wondered about the possibility of assassins or pirates coming aboard her ship in one of the containers; the container would have to have a trick hatch, or the furrs inside would have to have cutting tools, but either would be possible. And it just wasn't practical to open each container as it came on board...... She'd have to talk to Mark about precautions they might take...... Finally the last container was in place, locked down, and Zassa had confirmed that their weight distribution was optimal. Tanj looked at her tired, dirty crew and grinned; "we break for breakfast, but then we go straight into preflight checks. We can clean up when we're outta here. The wardroom seemed smaller than ever, with Mala's bulk crammed into a corner seat; breakfast was a cacaphony of "sorry" and "'scuse me" and "could you pass that?" as they each tried to find something to their tastes. Mala demonstrated an annoying habit of drinking directly from the juice container, and an amazing ability to belch, which left Hinoki looking a little sick, and Wanda roaring with laughter. Tanj watched in consternation as four of her meat pies disappeared down the Hyena's maw, thinking that supply would go ape when they saw this one's requirements. Finally, breakfast was over, the dishes in the recycler, and the mess pretty much cleaned up. Hinoki still grumbled under his breath as he got out a mop, it being his day to tidy up the galley. Tanj sat at the Flight Engineer's station, back in Engineering, watching the matter/antimatter reactor containment field coils cool down to superconducting temperatures. She'd brought one of the fusion APU's on line and they had disconnected station power. Another 20 minutes and she'd have main power on line. All the support systems had been configured, allocations to shields and deflectors set, APU power already run to sensors, and like any sensible person, when pirates were about, she'd put the energy weapons on preheat, just in case. She was looking forward to getting out of this place; while some moments had been fun, there was something about the whole affair that left her uneasy...... "Roger that, Station control, we'll see you next trip" Mark said into the boom microphone hanging from his headset. The undocking from the station had been routine, and they were just clearing the inner traffic control sphere. So far, everything was going according to plan, the ship handling a bit sluggishly, but that was to be expected, considering their loadout. Tanj had the insystem drive tuned well, and everything on the ship seemed nominal. Still, Mark took the time to have the computer run a number of 'dry' combat exercises against random simulated opponents as he kept an eye on the Nav system; something he remembered picking up from the general babble of thoughts in the bar the other day indicated that a surprise or two might yet be waiting on their way home. Zassa took one look into the ship’s head and screamed! Turning she stalked off down the corridor, murder in her eyes. Hinoki’s head popped out of the flight deck hatch, and he stared at the vixen in wonder; “Zassa! Whats wrong?” “Gonna kill that Hyena; you should SEE the mess she’s left in the Head! Where IS SHE?” Tanj had come up from engineering, to get a cup of coffee; on the way, she encountered the Hyena coming in the other direction, her arms loaded with cleaning supplies, who growled at her; “you sure got a fussy crew, Capt’n. Picky, Picky, Picky!” Tanj stopped and turned to watch the Hyena depart in the direction of the head and wondered “now what?” The first jump home had been uneventful, as had the second, and the small ship was settling into a quiet routine. Mark and Tanj took turns on the flight deck, with Zassa and Hinoki on a staggered schedule, looking after Environmental, Communications, Sensors, and just being around in case anything happened that required their assistance. Wanda studdied her nursing, filing several projects and tests by subspace. She said she was making good progress...... Mala for her part seemed thoroughly bored. She wasn't interested in any of the ship's systems, pronounced their library of videos as old and outdated, claiming that she'd seen each one a dozen times. The text library also didn't seem to interest her. The small ship's armory of personal weapons did occupy her for a short time, but after each one had been cleaned, and tested, and cleaned again, she was again roaming the corridors, and being a general annoyance. Mark had relieved Tanj on the bridge, and she'd retired to her "cabin." Things had been quiet, and she'd caught up on her sleep, and as such, wasn't really tired quite yet. She didn't feel like watching a video, and wasn't in the mood for reading. She was thinking about going down to the cargo bay, for a work-out, when her eye fell on the clear plastic box that was supposed to contain the "living outfit" she'd bought back on Smiley's station. "Awwww, Poor thing" she thought; "I've been quite remiss; if this thing lives off body heat, I bet its hungry......" Smiling she stripped off her coveralls and picked up the box; "about time I found out if it lives up to its claims, anyways......." she thought to herself. Mala stalked onto the flight deck, and flopped down to the deck near to where Mark sat in the pilot's chair. She glared at Hinoki for a moment and then jerked her thumb towards the door; "Take a hike, kiddo, I'll see that our intrepid pilot doesn't fall asleep." Hinoki's eyes narrowed, but when he caught Mark's smile he just shrugged; "I'll go get a cup of coffee, but I'll be back after a bit." As the door closed behind him, the Hyena turned to Mark; "The ship running OK? It's on autopilot, right?" When the mouse nodded, she grinned widely; "Good. Then come here, you!" Tanj opened the box, and picked it up; she could see the creature within move weakly, like viscous black oil surging from side to side, sluggishly. Tentatively Tanj reached a paw out to touch the surface of the creature. What happened next surprised her; the contents of the box flowed up her finger, over her paw, and up her arm, like sticky goo flowing under gravity, except in the reverse direction! She eeped and giggled, and concentrating for a moment, she tried to visualize the dress she'd worn the other night. The blackness spread out as it flowed, and she giggled as she felt it flow over her breasts, the creature thinning, flowing down her torso; however, instead of forming a skirt, it seemed to form panties, tendrils flowing between her thighs, the front portion meeting and fusing with the back. Likewise tendrils flowed up over her shoulders, and around her sides, until it looked like she was wearing a one piece bathing suit; a bathing suit of incredible thinness, as the cleft between her legs and her nipples were more than apparent. "No, you silly thing," she thought, "I wanted a dress...." The creature surged for a moment, the motion feeling strange over her body, and then it flowed, becoming even thinner, as it seemed to gather itself between her thighs. Tanj GASPED as it formed a tendril and slowly pushed into her sex, the tendril rapidly thickening to form a phallic plug. "No, you stupid thing" she moaned, as her paws reached down to try and pluck at the substance of the creature; no sooner had her paws touched it though, than the blackness flowed over her paws, entrapping them. She grunted and struggled, but the creature was amazingly strong, the fabric of its existence resilient; it was like trying to fight a giant rubber-band. Slowly her paws were drawn around behind her back, the creature flowing over her arms until her forearms were held horizontally behind her back, one on top of the other. Tanj grunted and yowled, struggling, and then gasping in horror as tendrils flowed up her neck, one of them pushing into her mouth to form a gag, stifling her cries. She staggered from one side of her tiny cabin to the other as the tendril between her legs started to surge and throb, the creature fucking her slowly. Zassa heard something from the cabin next to hers, and wondered what video Tanj was watching. Picking up her headphones she put on one of her favorite rock groups, and turned the volume up some. Tanj gasped into her living gag; somewhere along the line she'd fallen to her knees, as the tendril stroked in and out of her sex. Her first climax was sudden, and powerful, and as she shook in response to the waves of pleasure radiating through her body, the creature seemed to grow stronger; its motions in her sex were stronger, more powerful, deeper, and the portions around her breasts seemed to be squeezing them rhythmically. She grunted and tried to rise to her feet, only to stagger and fall back, to lie on the floor of her cabin on her side, as the blackness that was the creature surged around her body. Mark looked up into Mala's face; "Did you just hear something?" The Hyena shook her head; "Nope, not a thing." Mark smiled and kissed her softly; "Must've been my imagination, then. Now, where were we?" Tanj panted; it seemed with each climax she had, the creature got stronger. It had literall grown, now covering her from the neck down to her knees; it had even grown a new tendril, shoving it into her ass, the two tendrils, one in her pussy and the new one in her ass thrusting in counterpoint. Meanwhile something was rubbing at her clitty in a most delightful way. And there was nothing she could do but moan into the gag and suffer the waves of pleasure that rolled over her. In a dim portion of her mind, she wondered why Mark hadn't come to her rescue, and in a separate portion she didn't want him to. Something somewhere snickered; "poor thing was hungry, and now its going to gorge itself on your sexual frenzy." But what would happen if it couldn't get enough? Mark smiled and nuzzled Mala under her chin; "Wonder what happened to Tanj. She isn't usually late for shift change." Mala grinned. "Probably all tuckered out from a hard day of Captaining....." Mark concentrated for a moment, blinked in what looked like surprise, then his smile turned rather mischievous; "Be that as it may, I do believe somebody should remind her it's her turn now." Mala's grin widened. "True, and I know JUST the fur for the job..." Rising she set Mark down in the pilot's chair and turning, made her way to the hatch; opening it, she found a glowering Hinoki seated in the corridor; "Capt'n seems to be a bit late; why don't you be a good little boy and go see what's keeping her?" Tanj awoke slowly. There was a pounding in her head........ no, there was a pounding on the door. Rising shakily to her feet, she staggered to the door and opened it, to find Hinoki looking at her curiously; "Geez, Tanj, what happened to YOU? You look a mess! Nice dress, by the way, but don't you have the same thing in brown?" Tanj looked down at herself; her fur was all ruffled every which way, and she could feel the stickyness between her legs.... But the creature had finally formed the dress she wanted, the blackness stretched over her body like a film of latex....... Tanj shook her head; "Tell Mark I'll be up in a minute; just let me change and clean up a little." Hinoki chuckled and nodded, the scents coming from Tanj's cabin giving him a most misleading idea of what she'd been up to. When the door closed, Tanj put her right fist over the open box, and thought; "Playtime's over; back in your box." And obediently, the blackness oozed up her body, and down her arm, to fill the container almost to the brim. Tanj snapped on the lid, and then added a piece of string to make sure it stayed closed. However as she put it back on the shelf, she smiled; "someday, when I've got the time, we'll do that again........ or maybe I'll let it get good and hungry and then dump it over Zassa........." Smiling, she trotted to the head to wash up some, before heading to the bridge. They were about four days out from Smiley's station, about half way home, when Hinoki bent over the sensor console. They were passing through an unnamed system, heading from one jump point to another, and he was getting some funny returns from the system's asteroid belt. Scowling he worked with filters and interpolation software, seeking to refine the image....... As the computer stroked the raw data, and reported to his station, he sat back and blinked, and then reached for the intercom. Tanj was sound asleep when the intercom chimed. "Whazzup?" she mumbled blurrily. Hinoki's voice was clear over the speakers; "Captain, I have one, maybe two inbound bogies. They look like stealthed ships, and they're using the asteroid field behind them to distort sensor returns. I think we're going to have problems in about...... fourteen minutes." Tanj nodded, more to herself than to Hinoki; "Very well, bring the ship to battle stations. Tell Mark he has the command pilot's seat; I'll head down to engineering." Tanj dashed into Engineering, plopping down into the station chair before the master console; with the main drive running, it only took a moment to bring up the two APU's, and she rerouted the additional power to shields and weapons. She watched as Mark brought the missiles online, their seeker heads in stand-by mode, their electronics running self diagnostics. Blinking, she watched as Hinoki tapped into the increased power levels to power up ECM and ECCM modules, the systems remaining on stand-by, as if he didn't want to tip his hand to the bandits that they had those capabilities. "Captain," Mark's voice came over the intercom, "I need a decision now. We could simply cloak and slip away, but then they'd be free to fly home and report; personally, I think engaging them might actually be our safest bet. As near as we can tell, there's only two of them, nothing bigger than raiders." Tanj blinked to herself; "This ship has a CLOAKING DEVICE?" Shaking herself, she replied; "No, they haven't declared their intentions yet. Hinoki, is there any chance they're Brethren returning from an operation, and are here to provide us with an informal escort?" Hinoki's voice floated out of the speaker; "Don't think so; we generally run better equipment than this. Don't get me wrong, those ships look more than capable of taking out a standard free trader, but they're not the Brethren. Stake my pay for this trip on it!" "Oh, they're not Brethren, all right," Mark interjected. "In fact, unless I'm mistaken they're specifically after US!" Tanj chewed her bottom lip for a moment, thinking someone was after Mark's recently demonstrated psi talent, and then replied; "OK, we'll wait until they declare themselves. Shields are up, and we can absorb at least their first salvo. If they're hostile, here's what I want to do........" Mark looked over at Hinoki as Tanj outlined her battle plan; "she really IS a pirate at heart, isn't she?" The panther smiled; it had been a long stern chase, with several trails gone cold. The Cheetah bitch was taking the long way home, as if she wanted to slip past unobserved. That was fine by him; no one was likely to interfere out here in the boonies. It should be a simple task to take down the free trader. Mooneyes would get her sex toy, and he and his little crew wouldbe more than amply rewarded, with a portion of the free trader's cargo and that mouse. He just wished he'd been able to get more information from that wolverine kid........ "They're charging weapons!" Hinoki cried, his head bent over his console. Mark just nodded, his fingers near, but not quite touching the keys that would charge their own weapons. Lasers, ion cannon, even mass drivers left signatures that other ships could detect as they came on line. The missiles, however, were almost invisible, nestled in their launch tubes. He let a few of the selected ones have a look at their targets, the missiles acknowledging that they had an acceptable picture..... "Rover two to Rover lead; are you going to warn them, or should we just open up?" The squirrel fem that was the command pilot of the second ship did not like this in the least. She'd heard rumors that this free trader had some connection to the Brethren, and if that was true, they were going to be really pissed when they took them out. "Rover Lead to Two" the Panther's voice came over the com; "I'll give 'em the chance to surrender, after I put a shot across their bow; But if they don't power down within 15 seconds, start shooting at their engines. I'll take out the gun turrets." "Roger that, Lead" the squirrel replied, still feeling very uneasy about this. By now they must have been spotted, and their quarry was just cruising on as if they didn't have a care in the universe. Either they were very slack over there, or they were very good....... Hinoki jumped as the twin lances of light speared out from the lead ship, to flash just before their bows. "Free Trader Lost Cause, you have 15 seconds to power down, or we'll fire on you! Surrender and live; resist and die!" came from the comm panel. Wanda, listening in on the intercom from what passed for sick bay, blinked and thought she'd heard that voice before......... Hinoki looked at Mark, who appeared to be quietly counting to himself..... Tanj waited until she'd counted to 12, and then fed a surge of power into their enhanced shield generators. By the time the enemy's 15 seconds were up, their shields no longer resembled that of a civilian merchantman, but more closely resembled that of an Imperial light cruiser...... The flight engineer on Rover two let out a gasp of surprise, just as Lead's weapons fired at the freighter. The squirrel was just lining up her forward weapons on the freighter's engines when he gasped; "Missy, we got BIG problems! I think we'd better get out of here......" She ignored him, thinking there was still time...... Mark toggled two of the missiles, and they streaked away from the freighter's belly blister as he simultaneously brought the laser turrets online, hoping to use their energy signature to mask the launch for a crucial moment or two. Each missile homed in on a different target as Hinoki flipped the ECM and ECCM modules from standby to on. On Rover two, the flight engineer howled as his sensors went to a white field of static; he shifted frequencies and encryptions, but nothing cleared his scope. Missy looked over her shoulder at her engineer, and began to think he might be right; pulling back on her flight controls, she started to horse her raider around...... In the meantime, the missiles had no trouble seeing through the raider's jamming, as the ECCM suite in the freighter simply overpowered it, giving them a clear reflection of their destinations. And right at the moment before impact short pulses of laser fire lanced out from the Lost Cause's turrets, striking both raiders' shields and weakening them for JUST a second or two... The panther saw the missile launch, his eyebrows rising, his eyes widening in surprise, and even as he started to take evasive action, his sensors washed out, and he lost the missiles and even the freighter. He was still howling "what in the HELL IS THIS?" when one of the missiles hit the belly of his ship. Mark watched in grim satisfaction as the leach missiles hit their targets; there was no massive explosion, no fragments of flying metal; the only indication of the hit was that each ship stopped maneuvering, their systems going dead as the leach disrupted their electronics and drained their power. Missy gasped as everything went dead, the lights going out on the flight deck; "What the HELL was that?" "Leach," her flight engineer gasped as he reached for the helmet to his space suit. "We're completely powered down, most everything scrambled. If they leave us alone I can probably get partial power back in a few hours, but I doubt they'll do that. Leaches are usually a precursor to a boarding. You'd best get your suit on; its gonna get awful cold in here. Tanj locked her left glove onto her suit's sleeve. She was pulling on the Brethren combat vacuum armor she'd been issued but never thought she'd use. Mala was pulling on her own Imperial Marines vacuum armor, looking like some weird fighting robot from science fiction literature. Hinoki was also preparing for their excursion as Mark brought the freighter alongside the first of the raiders. "Sure you want to do this, Tanj?" His voice came over the intercom. "Damn straight, the Cheetah fem growled; "NO ONE takes pot-shots at my ship! Besides, we've got a reputation to live up to! It'd be bad for business if it ever came out that you could take pot-shots at a Brethren ship and not pay the penalty!" The panther saw the forms emerge from the lock in the freighter through the viewport. He'd pulled on his own suit, in preparation for the boarding, but he wasn't very confident of the defense of his ship. He'd never planned on conducting an assault in space, and didn't have an armored vacuum suit. And his body armor wouldn't fit under his soft suit. His flight engineer wasn't much better off, the rabbit having modular clamp-on armor for her soft suit. And his nerve disruptor wouldn't work very well through their armor; he'd have to use his blaster, and that was gonna make a real mess of the inside of HIS ship. "They're going after Jack's ship first" Missy announced, as she stared through the viewport. It was getting hard to see, the inner surface of the viewport frosting over as moisture condensed on its surface. She turned to look at her flight Engineer; "Well Malach, how do you want to play it?" The ferret just shrugged; "lets see how many Jack takes out before we make a decision". Mala was in her element; this was what she'd trained for; this was what she was good at. She placed the shaped charge softly on the hull of the raider, to keep from alerting the crew. Tanj had veto'ed the first spot, touching helmets with her to say there were too many critical systems below the hull there, and she didn't want to damage the raider more than they had to. Curious thought, that...but then, they WERE pirates, so it probably made sense. Pulling herself around the ship by the handholds, she triggered the blast and then swarmed back up the side of the raider to pull herself through the hole in its hull. Jack was thrown forward by the concussion of the blast, and then sucked back as all the air in the ship was sucked into space. His flight engineer hadn't been so lucky, catching the brunt of the blast, a classic case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. As he shook his head, trying to clear his vision, he saw a monstrous shape fill the hole in the hull. He'd barely started to bring up his blaster when a half dozen rockets from the demon's weapon shredded his suit, and his torso. Tanj followed Mala into the ship. Taking a quick look around she smiled; the shaped charge had taken out lockers and some electrical conduits, but nothing major. She ewwwwed as she recognized the remains of someone in among the wreckage. Turning she saw Mala shaking another body, as if trying to determine if it was still alive. That was patently absurd, as its lower half was pretty well shredded, the torn suit alone conveying a death sentence. Mala turned and shoved the corpse at Tanj; "Recognize him? He's the slug that was dancing with Wanda, that night in the bar!" Tanj looked at him and nodded, recognition filling her eyes. After a moment she looked up at Mala; "this was no coincidence, then...... They came after us specifically.... But why I wonder?" Mala shrugged; "We can puzzle that out later; lets go secure the other ship." As the huge Hyena moved past her, Tanj looked at where the half dozen rounds from her gun had gone and winced. The flight controls were a mess. Missy counted; "One.... Two...... Three..... Urrrrr, Jack didn't take out any of them." Malach nodded; "and I don't see any prisoners either. Dammit, I cannot get ANYTHING running on this tub; its even screwed up my hand-laser! What do you want to do, Missy?" The Squirrel looked down at the riot gun in her hands; it was great in the confines of a ship's corridors, but in open space......." "Malach, those missiles and that jamming gear, and those shields tell me this ain't no ordinary freighter. Someone screwed up bad giving us this job, or we were sold down the river. Either way, I don't think we're going to fight our way out of this." "Yeah," Malach answered; "but if they're going to kill us anyways, I'd rather go down fighting......." Missy nodded; "tell you what; I don't want to wait for them to blow a hole in the ship; lets go outside and meet them there. Maybe we can talk to them......." Malach nodded and reached for the manual control lever on the inner airlock door. Mala growled; "They're coming out!" and, raising her weapon, she let loose a stream of rockets towards the other raider, forcing its crew to retreat behind the curve of its hull. "Hold it" Tanj growled; "I want prisoners. I want to find out who was behind this little fiasco. Besides, we can always sell warm bodies as slaves. Lets not cut further into our profit margin than we have to...." She thought she saw the hyena shrug for a moment before her deep voice came over the intercom. "Fine by me, Captain, but for now THEY have cover and WE don't, and I'd suggest we do something about that..." Missy winced as the feline voice came over her headphones; "All right you two; party's over. Come out with your paws empty and we'll let you live. All other choices only lead to death." Before she could say anything, Malach keyed his transmitter; "Yeah, like you let Jack and his crew live. How do we know you'll keep your word?" Tanj chuckled into her mike; "you don't. The other raider's flight engineer happened to be standing just under the shaped charge; we had no way of knowing that. The pilot made the mistake of trying to draw down on us, and lost. You're no profit to us dead, but if you want it that way, we can play that game too." Missy looked at Merarch, and then moved closer to touch helmets; "no profit to them? Urrrrrr, maybe they ARE with the Brethren!" Merarch nodded inside his helmet; "that or Imperial Intelligence; who else would have a ship like that? If they're II, we'll probably spend the rest of our lives in some penal colony; if they're Brethren, we'll wind up as slaves. Not much of a choice." Missy nodded; "true, but the only alternative seems to be death. And to tell you the truth, I'm not wild about dying today....." Mala had used the jets on her suit to move closer to the raider, until she could grab the hand-holds on the hull. She watched as Tanj moved towards the stern and Hinoki towards the bow. Those two weren't too bad for amateurs, but she could tell they hadn't been through this often before... Waiting until the others were set, she quickly pulled herself around the hull...... The first warning Missy had was when Malach's eyes went wide in shock; she didn't quite manage to turn around in time before something massive slammed into her, knocking her free of the hull, sending her spinning off into space, her riot gun flung from her grasp. Tanj watched the Hyena subdue the second space-suited figure as if she was playing with a rag doll. "At least she's not OBVIOUSLY trying to kill him" she muttered to herself, as she turned to look at the first figure rapidly drifting away, arms and legs flailing. With a sigh she slung her plasma rifle and jetted out in pursuit. Mala growled fiercely as she pushed their two prisoners towards the cargo hold, clumping along behind them, still wearing most of her vacuum armor. Tanj squirmed out of the upper part of her suit, grumbling about catheters, and audibly wishing someone would come up with a better design for females. Hinoki just grinned, and as he shoved his suit back into its locker, he picked up his rocket launcher and padded, still nude, after Mala, to see if she needed any help in securing their prisoners.... Or maybe just to make sure she didn't scare them to death..... Tanj put away her suit, moving carefully, as long experience in space had taught her, making sure the suit would be ready at a moment's notice. When all was ship-shape she turned and made her way to the flight deck, carrying her coveralls. Mark looked up from his control panel as Tanj entered; the blue-green glow of a tractor beam filled the viewscreen. "Just moving those raider ships over to one of the larger asteroids. I thought it best to hide them there, and then send some crews back to pick them up later." Tanj nodded; "Sounds good, although I have to admit, someone's going to get really pissed at having to fly that one ship back; they'll have to wear vac suits the whole trip. And the control systems are a little shot up as well." Mark nodded wryly; "Bet you ten credits that when the Boss finds out about Mala, he'll assign ME to the job? And just how bad is it over there?" Tanj sighed and slipped into the Ops station chair; "Mala only fired a half dozen rounds, but they blew straight through the pilot and into the flight controls. You remember the Panther in the bar? The one who was dancing with Wanda? Well guess who the pilot was." Mark looked thoughtful for a moment; "Most folks on the station would know we were loading cargo. Theoretically, only Mooneyes would know WHAT we were loading. And where we were heading. Do you think someone in her operation put them on to us, or do you think she did it herself?" Tanj shrugged; "Might have been some rather greedy and rather stupid type that thought a proven, demonstrable psi talent such as yourself might be a marketable quantity. Unless our guests can prove Mooneyes is behind this, we'll never know. But I'll tell you this; I'll be REAL hesitant to deal with her again; the coincidence is just too great....." Mark nodded. It was after dinner; Tanj had gotten a chance to shower, and had on a fresh jumpsuit. The adrenaline was finally leaving her system, and she felt tired and weak. Padding down towards the cargo hold, she was bound and determined to ask their captives a few questions. Passing through the pressure hatch, she looked around; the light was dim, and it took her a moment to make out the forms of a male ferret and a female squirrel, each nude, each chained to cargo containers on opposite sides of the bay. Wandering over to look at the Ferret first, she noted that one ankle bore a cuff, with a chain trailing from its lock to a fitting on one of the cargo containers; it looked like he had about a dozen feet of chain, and could shift his position easily. A squeeze bottle of water and a bucket, obviously for waste elimination, were nearby, and there was a thick pad of foam insulation for him to lay on. He looked back at Tanj, not saying a word. Satisfied that someone had seen to their basic needs she turned and strode over to the female, who rose to her feet upon her approach. "And who might you be" the squirrel asked, her voice almost a snarl. Tanj looked back at her for a moment, and suffered a severe flashback, remembering when she was crew on a tramp freighter, and how she was enslaved. Suddenly she felt a real pang of sympathy for these two. But then she shook it off; this was neither the time nor the place for sentimentalism; they were, after all, trying to do something similar to Tanj and her crew, but now the tables were turned. "I'm the Captain of this vessel." Cocking her head to one side, she looked at the squirrel, who seemed so determined to put up a brave front. "And what are you going to do with us?" the Squirrel demanded. Tanj shrugged; "the same thing we always do with captives; we sell them into the slave markets. Unless you cause me trouble, in which case, I'll simply cycle you through the airlock. But I don't think you're that stupid." At that, the squirrel's gaze dropped to the floor; "No, we're not that stupid; we'll behave." Tanj nodded; "wise move. Now tell me; who were you working for?" The squirrel seemed to deflate, and she sat on the foam pad; "Jack Carruthers. You know, big Panther. But I'm told he's dead." Tanj nodded; "true, and I regret that; not because he was killed, but because his death prevents me from finding out who was behind this assault. The Brethren take such things VERY seriously." From behind her, she heard the Ferret mumble; "Dammit, I KNEW it! We're screwed now....." The Squirrel just shrugged; "well, Jack was the brains behind the outfit, or so he thought; he was the one dealing with the principle. I don't have a clue who he was working with......" Tanj didn't say anything for a long minute, she just looked at the Squirrel; finally she turned to head towards the pressure door. Stopping just shy of it, she turned, to look back. "I don't believe in mistreating slaves; if you are cold, or too hot, or have reasonable complaints, let me know, and I'll deal with them." With that she passed through the door, leaving Malach and Missy to their thoughts. Mark looked up as Tanj entered the flight deck; "You're early." Tanj just shrugged. After a moment she looked at Mark; "I think the squirrel's lying. I think she knows who's behind this." Mark nodded. "Of course she does. The question is, to what lengths do you want to go to get her to talk?" Tanj just smiled; "Well, I'm NOT going to turn Mala loose on her, if that's what you're asking. But I might just turn Zassa loose on her....... She looks a little uptight, and I bet Zassa could help with that........." Missy looked up as the cargo hold's pressure door opened. A vixen, in an almost obscenely short dress padded in, carrying two covered trays. Closing the door behind her, she padded over towards Missy first, to set down the tray by her feet. As she did so, Malach's eyebrows rose; she was facing directly away from him as she bent over and it was perfectly apparent that she was wearing nothing at all under the skimpy dress. Missy took in the collar, and the skimpy dress and shook her head; "Don't tell me; you're the crew's sex toy." There was something in the squirrel's tone that annoyed Zassa, but she smiled and shook her head; "actually, I'm the ship's loadmaster. But as for that, well, I prefer to think of the crew as there for MY amusement........" Grinning, she stepped a little closer to raise one paw, to stroke the squirrel's cheek; "How 'bout you? You interested in a little relief from the boredom of just sitting here?" Tanj smiled as the squirrel's face clouded, and she snarled; "Thanks, but I'm not into girls." Zassa smiled, and shrugged and bent to pick up the other tray; as she moved over towards Malach, she looked over her shoulder; "your loss; but I wouldn't hold to that too tightly; before this is over, you might be......" Malach watched the hot young vixen sashay towards him, and tried not to drool. When she put down his tray a few feet beyond his chain, and then pushed it, skidding it across the floor towards him, he almost groaned. Then she gave him a wink and turned, to leave the cargo bay. When the door was closed, he looked at Missy and groaned; "and whats wrong with ME? I would have LOVED to have gotten some relief from the boredom! Tanj watched the monitor and smiled; turning to Hinoki she purrred; "I think we now have two wedges we can use to try and get more information...... but I'll bet the Ferret breaks first. I bet in a bit he'd be willing to do almost anything for some sex........" Later that night, after Mark had relieved her, Tanj ran across Mala in the wardroom. "We're going to do a "soft" interrogation of the prisoners tonight; something a little more related to the carrot than the stick." The Cheetah fem grinned; "It should get rather sexy, and I was wondering if you'd be inclined to participate?" The big Hyena looked back at Tanj for a moment, her face blank, and then she sighed and shook her head; "I appreciate the offer, but if you don't mind, I think I'll just keep Mark company on the flight deck. Maybe we'll watch on the monitor....." Tanj just nodded and shrugged; "suit yourself...." Tanj was wearing her new dress again, when she, and Zassa and Hinoki entered the cargo bay. The three of them pointedly ignored the ferret, walking up to where the squirrel was chained. Missy looked at them with apprehension, her eyes widening when she saw the buckles and straps and other accessories that Hinoki was carrying. Zassa padded right up to her, to take her head in both paws, to give the squirrel a kiss. Missy was so surprised by this action that at first she didn't resist, her eyes going wide open; by the time she had recovered her wits, and was about to shove the vixen away, Zassa broke the kiss, and with a grin, she skipped back out of reach. "You see, Ta....Mistress, I think this one would make a FINE bed slave, if her attitude could just be adjusted a little.... Tanj looked at her critically; "I dunno, Zassa, she looks a little thin, a little flat to me.... I'm not sure she'd sell into that market very well........ But perhaps if she had skills, that could be overcome....." Missy's paws balled into fists as she listened to them; she couldn't believe she was hearing this! She'd always been lithe, but she'd never thought she was unattractive...... Tanj turned to Hinoki and handed him a jar; "Here, rub this on her breasts. One light coat every six hours. The rest I think we can build up with exercise....." Turning back to Zassa, Tanj raised an eyebrow; "Now, what can we do to test her skills. Surely at her age, she isn't a virgin........" Zassa grinnned; "Perhaps, Mistress, we should check...." As Zassa and Tanj talked, Hinoki smiled and taking the jar, turned to thesquirrel, taking a step towards her; for her part she backed up against the shipping container, and glared at him. "If you think I'm going to let you put your paws on me, you got another thing coming, Buster!" she growled. Hinoki just smiled and shrugged; "you'll let me apply the cream, as Mistress has instructed, and willingly too. Otherwise, we'll just tie you up and apply it anyways. Malach watched from across the room as Missy snarled and tried to knock the jar out of the male Cheetah's paws. Missy'd always had spirit, but he'd thought she had better sense. As he watched, he wondered what would happen when it came to be his turn....... Zassa stopped in mid sentence as the jar, fortunately with the cap still on, bounced across the cargo bay. Looking at the squirrel and then back toTanj, the vixen smiled; "see? Told ya!" Tanj just sighed and nodded, and gestured to the pile of gear Hinoki had put down on the deck. Missy grunted and shook her head as she swung from the ceiling. It hadn't taken the three of them any time at all to subdue her, two of them pinning her to the deck, while the third, that annoyingly smug male cheetah, covered her in straps and buckles and all sorts of weird things she'd never even heard of before. Both her paws were in heavy leather mittens, thick padded cuffs around her wrists. They'd used simple snap-hooks to connect the cuffs of the mittens together, and another to hook them to a chain from the cargo bay's bridge crane. With her fingers inside the thumbless muffs, she couldn't work the snaps, and that was so frustrating! Other cuffs had gone around her ankles, and a pole with snap hooks on the end now held her legs almost painfully wide apart. The chain she hung from was tight enough that only her tiptoes touched the floor, and if she strained, she could relieve the tension on her wrists a bit. They'd put a thick collar around her neck, and this forced her to hold her head up straight. A leather thong tied to the end of her tail was tied to a ring at the back of this collar, forcing her to hold her tail high; she couldn't cover herself with it, and her breasts and sex were completely exposed to view. The Cheetah fem had given her water to drink from the squeeze bottle, perhaps a bit more than she'd wanted. Finally, they'd put a device in her mouth; a rubber covered ring that held her jaws achingly wide apart, a strap from either side of the ring buckling in back of her neck, holding it in place. It did nothing to muffle her cries, but her cries were unintelligible; she couldn't even curse them. And then that insufferable male Cheetah had indeed applied the cream toher breasts, rubbing it in firmly. Malach had watched them work on Missy, squirming a bit as his cock got hard; Missy certainly did look delicious hanging there like that....... And to his amazement, the three turned and left, once they'd applied the cream. Missy groaned; her muscles were tired, her limbs ached; she'd tried standing as best possible, but when her legs cramped she gave up and hung from her paws until her arms ached, and then she tried standing again. It'd seemed like it had been hours when the door opened again, and the vixen walked in. She had a rubber stopper in one paw, and a squeeze bottle of water in the other, and shoving the stopper into the center of the ring filling her mouth, she inserted the nozzle of the squeeze bottle into the hole in the stopper, and gave the squirrel another drink. A long drink. Finally, when the bottle was empty, she grinned and removed the stopper, to padd around the suspended girl, looking her over. Missy shuddered as the vixen's paw stroked over her ass, down one thigh, and then along her belly. "you really do look good enough to eat" the vixen purrred. Stopping in front of Missy, she grinned at the suspended squirrel; "can you think of any reason why I shouldn't?" After a moment, the vixen grinned again, and nodded; "Neither can I." And with that, she knelt between the squirrel's outstretched feet, to nuzzle softly at her sex. Malach watched the vixen lick at Missy, watched the play of emotions wash across the squirrel's face. At first there was revulsion, and then surprise, and then something else.... It almost looked like a mixture of shame and bliss, as the Squirrel responded to the ministrations of the vixen's tongue. Zassa smiled and slowly slithered her tongue in and out of the squirrel's pussy; sure enough, she wasn't a virgin...... After she'd gotten the squirrel good and wet, her chest heaving as she panted hard, Tanj moved to tease her clitty, using her teeth and tongue. When it became apparent that the squirrel was getting close to a climax, she switched back, to stroke deep into her snatch with her tongue. Back and forth, back and forth, the vixen teased, doing her best to keep her on the edge..... On the Flight deck, Tanj grinned at Hinoki; "isn't it time Zassa relieved you up here?" Hinoki never took his eyes from the monitor; "Uh, that's OK, Capt'n, I'm willing to cover for her for a while, until she's done......" Tanj took a quiet step to the side, grinning as she observed the bulge in the Cheetah's pants and just shook her head. Zassa figured she'd had about enough; the squirrel was hanging limply from her wrists, panting hard, moaning loudly, almost incoherently. Slithering her tongue out of her pussy once again, the vixen took her clitty between her lips to suck, as her tongue danced over its tip, as she shoved two fingers into her pussy, to pump them in and out, even as she tormented the poor squirrel's clitty. The vixen knew exactly what she was doing, and it wasn't but a moment until the squirrel was writhing, electrified, in the grips of a powerful, and long-drawn-out climax. Rising, Zassa winked at Malach, before padding from the Cargo bay. Malach watched the vixen go, his eyes wide; shifting his gaze to where Missy hung limply he just let out a low whistle of appreciation. Hinoki waited a bit before heading down to the cargo bay; it was six hours exactly when he entered, the jar of cream in his paw. It was obvious that the squirrel had recovered a bit, but the fur between her thighs was still matted and damp. Working professionally, he applied a layer of cream to her breasts, nodding in approval as the effects were already starting to be seen. After giving her another long drink from the squeeze bottle, he found the control for the winch and lowered her to the floor. Missy was much too sore from balancing precariously on tiptoes to put up much resistance, and it didn't take Hinoki long to refasten her paws behind her back. He then placed a thick belt tightly around her waist, and taking another leather thong, he tied one end to a ring in the front of the belt. Rolling her back over onto her stomach, he brought the thong between her legs and tied it tightly to the ring between her mittens, making sure that the thong was in the cleft of her sex. Next, he took a leather strap and ran it from the ring in the middle of the spreader bar, to the back of her collar, pulling her into a "hogtie" position. Standing back, he looked at her for a moment, smiling. He'd seen many a female slave, tied in this position, bring themselves to a climax by tugging on the thong parting their labia, and he wondered if she would discover that? Somehow he thought not. Finally, he took a pawfull of her hair, and tied a thong around it, pulling the thong back, to tie its other end to the spreader bar, thus pulling her head back severely. He looked at her, as she lay on her stomach, bent back in a bow, and grinned. "Perfect position for what I have in mind" he purrrred. Then, dropping his shorts, releasing his cock, he knelt by her head, to slowly tease the head of his cock through the ring holding her mouth open. Missy gasped and squirmed, NOT wanting to do this; but there was no way she could resist. Slowly, almost gently, the Cheetah male thrust his cock into her mouth, his hips moving, until the head of his cock was striking the back of her throat, making her gag. He seemed to play with her in this manner forever, until finally with a grunt, he came, his cum filling her mouth. With the ring gag she found it hard to swallow, and to her mortification, a fair portion of it trickled down over her lips, to pool on the floor before her. Rising, Hinoki patted her head; "not too bad, for a beginner; we'll work on technique next time....." And with that, ignoring Malach, he rose and left the cargo bay. Malach had watched the whole affair, doing his best to keep his raging hard-on from view; he looked at Missy, squirming on the floor, trying to find a way out of her bonds, and only succeeding in smearing the small pool of the Cheetah's cum over herself. "Lord, she looks hot" he thought to himself, and with the Cheetah gone, he reached down to stroke himself, wondering if he beat off, where he could hide his cum, so they wouldn't know..... Tanj watched the Ferret on the monitor; "I think we're going to have to do something to keep him from playing with himself...... Zassa just grinned. Tanj took the next turn, padding through the cargo bay's pressure door with a few more items in hand. Setting some things down by Missy's bound form, she turned to walk over to the ferret. "Stand up, turn around" she growled. Malach somehow thought this wasn't going to be what he was longing for, but never the less complied. Tanj pulled mittens similar to the ones the squirrel was wearing over his paws, and then clipped them together. Without a word, she turned and padded back towards the squirrel. Malach tugged for a moment or two at his arms and then sighed; "so they ARE watching. So much for getting myself off......." Carefully sitting back down on his foam pad, he watched to see what would happen to poor Missy next........ Tanj first bent to examine where the thong was buried in the squirrel's sex. Frowning she found no evidence that the squirrel had been tugging on it to pleasure herself. Sighing, she removed a few items from what looked like a large square leather carryall bag, and then untied the Squirrel's wrist cuffs from the thong. The thong to her tail was then untied and then the strap between her collar and the spreader bar. Missy moaned softly as her body relaxed, and she was able to lay flat on the floor. Quickly undoing the mittens, Tanj cast them aside, and laid out a rectangular leather pouch on the squirrel's rump. Folding her arms behind her, her upper arms parallel to her body, her forearms parallel to each other behind her back, Tanj tugged the leather pouch up, until her arms were encased within it. Straps from the top of the pouch went to the back of her collar, insuring that it wouldn't slide down. This effectively imprisoned her arms behind her, in a manner that would not cause strain, or problems, should she be left like that. Tanj rolled the squirrel over onto her back, and spent a moment looking into her eyes; finding more fear than challenge there, she grunted and turned to pick up several of the items that had been in the bag that now encased the squirrel's arms. Buckling one strap around her hips, she turned the Squirrel over onto her stomach again, and threaded her tail through a hole in the appendage dangling from the belt. Laying the appendage between the squirrel's thighs, she again rolled her over. Then, holding up a bright silver object, she made great show of liberally coating it with a lubricant, making sure the Squirrel could watch. "I guess you can figure out where this is going, but I doubt you can fathom why..... we'll get to that in a moment." Tanj examined the base of the instrument for a moment, and then turning, without preamble shoved the device into the squirrel's pussy. The strap came up between her legs and locked into the front of the belt with an audible "snick." Missy squirmed a bit; the belt was tight around her waist, and very tight through her crotch; there was no way she'd loose that.....whatever it was that the Cheetah had so crudely shoved into her. Tanj shifted and removed the ring gag in the Squirrel's mouth. "Figure you've had that in there long enough; makes the jaw muscles ache, doesn't it? Smiling, Tanj ran a finger over the crusty spots in the Squirrel's fur where Hinoki's cum had dried. Rising and straightened her dress, Tanj looked down at the Squirrel. "In a moment I'll turn on your little chrome friend there. It's a very sophisticated vibrator, and its designed to bring you rapidly to the edge of a climax, and then shut down. If I've programmed it correctly, it will hold you, teetering on the edge, forever, never granting you the release you'll come to desire so very much. Now I think you know more about what happened out there than you're letting on. When you're ready to talk truthfully, just call for me. If I believe you, I'll switch this thing over to full auto for your reward." With that, Tanj bent to pick up the last object, a small remote control. Pushing a button, she turned and placed it on top of a nearby shipping container, and calmly walked from the room. Malach watched, barely able to hear what the Cheetah was saying. He grinned and watched as Missy started to writhe on the floor, her motions limited by the ankle still chained to the shipping container, and the spreader bar holding her legs WIDE apart. He watched as she panted, and then howled as the gizmo obviously shut off at the last instant. Over and over the cycle was repeated, until Malach wished she'd break down and tell them what they wanted to know, just so he could get some peace and quiet..... Hinoki padded in after a while, to rub some more of the cream onto the squirrel's breasts. He made sure he gave her a good long drink when he was done too, having to time it carefully between the cycles the vibrator was imposing on her. After all, he didn't want her to choke........ On the way out, he gave the ferret a drink too. When he was done, the ferret asked; "hey, whats with the cream? Whats it doing to her?" Hinoki just grinned and turned to look at the writhing squirrel; "Oh, the Captain thought she was a little flat up top, so we're using this stuff we found. It causes the area so treated to retain water. Her bust size is up several cup sizes so far, and I suspect the Captain will have me keep treating her a bit longer, until she's got some really impressive hooters. Purely temporary of course, but SHE doesn't know that. Besides, I think she looks good like that." The ferret could only stare at the squirrel and nod in agreement. On the flight deck, everyone was taking bets as to how long the squirrel would last. Mala shook her head she watched the monitor; "They definitely didn't teach us THAT style of interrogation in basic training. I think that squirrel would MUCH rather be 'questioned' in the usual way by now..." Zassa laughed and Tanj grinned like the cat she was. "I'll take that as a compliment..." The squirrel lasted three hours and 28 minutes before her howls were detectable as cries for mercy. Tanj took her time going down to the Cargo bay. Opening the door, and retrieving the remote, she thumbed it down to its lowest level, and crouched to look into the squirrel's eyes; "who was behind your attack on this ship? It looked like the squirrel was about to hesitate, and Tanj found all she had to do was to look at the remote as if she were about to turn it back on. The Squirrel's resolve broke, and she gasped; "MOONEYES! She hired Jack to take you! Oooooooh, if she ever finds out I talked, I'm as good as dead! People who talk about her die the most horrible deaths..........." Tanj nodded and blipped the remote, causing the squirrel's body to jerk in response; "what was she after? Did she want the cargo back? Was she after the telepath? Was she going to hold us for ransom? What?" The squirrel moaned and shook her head; "NO, we were to take you alive; she wanted you as her plaything! The male too, if we could, but you were what she was after! The cargo, or part of it, was to be our payment! Jack thought she didn't know about the psi talent, and was going to keep him as part of our payment……" Tanj sat back on the floor, and after a moment she chuckled, shaking her head; "Figures. The boss is going to LOVE this..... Turning to the squirrel she bent to kiss her sweetly, and then with a wicked grin, she thumbed the remote to full/auto. It would now investigate her nervous system, success in bringing the squirrel to a climax altering its programming so that it would do it again, and again, and again. Tanj set the timer for twenty minutes, knowing in that time, as the device studied its victim, the squirrel would probably suffer through half a hundred intense climaxes. Hinoki and Zassa entered the cargo bay at the end of the twenty minutes. Gently, Hinoki undid the straps and removed the vibrator from the semi-comatose squirrel. He couldn't resist, though, and turning her over onto her stomach, he pulled her hips back, until she was kneeling before him, her chest and head on the foam pad. Slowly he drove his own cock into her thoroughly drenched pussy, fucking her softly, taking his own pleasure. Zassa in turn padded over to the ferret; "you hear what the Captain asked her?" The ferret sighed and shook his head; "no, she was speaking too softly." Zassa smiled, and trailed a finger down across his chest, down across his stomach, stopping just shy of his groin; "I'll ask you the same question, and if I get it right, I'll see you get some relief too......... The ferret could only gulp and nod his head, his eyes glued to where her finger was paused.... Tanj watched the monitor from the wardroom with Wanda, the latter watching with rapt facination, and more than a little envy...... Hinoki had finished with the squirrel, pulling out at the last minute to add his fresh cum to the stains already on her fur. He'd then removed the spreader bar and linked her ankles together, and laid her gently on her foam pad. After giving her now generous breasts another coating of the enzyme cream, he kissed her softly on the nose and left. It was a while before Zassa was done with the ferret, and when she too left, he looked as exhausted as the squirrel. Mark watched from the flight deck, seated in Mala's ample lap. The ship, as ever, was moving under the autopilot's control quite adequately, and he definitely had attention to spare... He looked up at the hyena, who seemed so determined not to miss a single moment that she barely blinked anymore, and smiled as he caught her filing away mental notes for later reference and use...and not just for interrogation purposes, for that matter. Hinoki grinned as he double-checked the sensor report; "weeeeeeve got COMPANY!" Mark grinned over his shoulder as Tanj opened a comm channel; "'bout time you boys got here! All the VALUABLE stuff we're carrying, I woulda thought we'd have seen you light years ago!" "Oooooooo, Tanj, this is Jason in Sabre 6; did you find the Kalosian Love Oil I asked for?" Tanj nodded to Zassa, who leaned over the audio pickup. In her sexiest voice, the vixen purrrred; "Yes, Jason, I found that for you, a whole Liter. And I found the Chutney. And the Brie. And the Kilrathi catnip, and I even found the Dark Chocolate!" The signal that completely overrode the raider ship's transmissions had that crystal clear quality that bespoke a truly powerful transmitter; "you got the Brie?" Ben's voice gasped in amazement. "If I'd thought there was even half a chance of you getting it, I would have sent a Cruiser to escort you in!" Tanj leaned back against the Ops station chair as the conversation went down hill from there, Zassa talking about all the things she'd managed to get and the things she hadn't (to disappointed howls and mock screams of anguish, as most of the transmitters in the Brethren came on-line). Then Hinoki launched into an exaggerated version of just HOW Zassa'd gotten them, to the vast amusement of all concerned. They were still joking about Zassa's skills as a "negotiator" when insystem traffic control cleared them for final approach to the station. Tanj was glad to be home. Her trip report was all written, ready to be submitted, the cargo manifests and expense reports were done, hopefully to accounting's satisfaction. Now she just wanted the airlock to cycle, so she could go find her Master and check in. She'd even remembered to remove the jewelry, and to put her true collar back where it belonged. Somehow it just felt right. However when the airlock cycled, she was greeted by a tidal wave of noise and a sea of faces. Ship captains and command pilots wanted to know if she'd been able to get the critical items they needed. Friends and associates wanted to get the things Zassa had acquired for them. It was a cacophony of noise and a riot of motion, and Tanj didn't know which way to turn, until suddenly the crowd fell silent. Turning to see what had so quelled the mob, Tanj too turned, to see Mala, in faded Imperial Marines Fatigues leading their two prisoners from the lock. One voice gasped; "what in the hell is THAT?" and then bedlam broke loose again. Tanj managed to find Ben in the mob. The wolf was glowering at Mala as Mark, wearing that innocent look once again, tried to explain her presence. Breaking in on the conversation, Tanj exclaimed over the background roar; "My responsibility, Ben, I took her on board my ship. And I'm kinda glad we did; in the ship-to-ship action she was quite useful." Ben turned to look at Tanj; "of COURSE its your responsibility.... WHAT SHIP TO SHIP ACTION?" It'd taken much longer than she had expected. Finally Zassa had managed to disperse all the goodies she'd obtained, Tanj had arranged for their cargo to be offloaded under the supervision of the Supply group (much to the annoyance of those who felt they needed those parts NOW), Mala and Mark had marched the prisoners off to the kennels, Hinoki had run their paperwork to traffic control, accounting, and shipping, and then taken Wanda back to her quarters. Tanj had explained to an obviously doubtful Ben that Wanda had stowed away, and then downloaded the logs of their actions under Ben's watchful eye. "Two raider ships, eh? Damn lucky, you know that?" he grumbled, but Tanj had the impression he was secretly delighted at picking up another two ships so cheaply. She hadn't even cleared the docking bay when she felt the station shudder, as a cruiser departed to go retrieve the ships. As she'd approached the Lion's quarters...... her quarters too, she kept telling herself, the more nervous she became. What if he was with someone? Why hadn't he been there in the docking bay (along with what seems to have been the rest of the Brethren)? Pausing outside the door, she listened for a moment to see if she could hear any telltale sounds. All was quiet. After a moment she reflected on just how a slave should return. One paw went to her throat to touch her collar; that was in place and as it should be. With a grin, she shed her coveralls, wadding them into a ball. Taking a deep breath she keyed the door, and as it opened, she took a quick look around. Spying him on the bed, apparently engrossed in some reports, she dropped her coveralls just inside the door and POUNCED! The lion didn't seem to be too surprised when she landed on him, but he still went "OOF!" rather nicely; Tanj hugged him tight and gave him a hard kiss hello; when they finally broke for air he smiled; "well, Hello! Heard you were back! I take it you missed me?" Tanj just laughed and kissed him again. As she snuggled on top of him, her feet kicking his papers and the bedclothes to the floor, she purrred with delight to find he was nude. It took her no time at all to get him hard, and their lovemaking was fast and furious! As she lay atop him, afterwards, one paw idly toying with a lock of his mane, she purrred; "yes, I DID miss you; you miss me? He just chuckled "Uh-huh" and rolled her over, to cover her with his body; this time their lovemaking was slower, more sensual, as each used the tricks they'd learned to pleasure the other. Tanj was on her third exquisitely delightful climax when the lion finally roared out his pleasure. Later, when they'd recovered a bit, he propped his head on one paw, to look at her; "Tell me what happened" he growled. Tanj laid back and smiled, and launched into an account of the trip, talking about how they'd found Wanda stowed away. Of her dealings with Mooneyes, and how the negotiations went. Of the supplies they'd gotten, and of how Zassa had proven to be a magnificent "scrounger" finding the "unofficial" items. Of their shopping, and their purchases. Of her meeting with the strange fox by the name of "Entity" and his information. And of Mark and the Hyena, and how she had to bring her back with them, to prevent another security problem, and of how she was glad that she had, telling of the attack, and how they'd taken the raiders. The lion listened quietly through the whole tale, and when Tanj had run down, he nodded; "we'd figured that was where Wanda had gone to, although I'm still not convinced that you didn't have something to do with her stowing away. Still, I'm glad she didn't escape, or that she wasn't kidnapped. The information about Mooneyes is disturbing. Obviously we'll either have to send a more heavily armed mission next time, or we'll have to find another supplier. And this Entity sounds interesting; it will be interesting to see if his information pans out. Overall, it sounds like the trip was a bit of a success. And I'm glad you made it back safely; I would have hated to have to have disturbed operations to have sent ships and furrs after you, had Mooneyes actually succeeded.......... The lion looked at her for a moment and then grinned; "but I think you've had a bit too much of being Captain of the Lost Cause. I think you need to be reminded who you REALLY are, slave! Rolling over onto his back, he smiled at the ceiling and said; "for a start, you can fetch hot towels and clean me up........ Tanj grinned and bent to give him a kiss, before obediently heading for the bathroom with a "Yes, Master!" Tanj lay on a pad at the foot of the lion's bed, her paws bound behind her back, a gag in her mouth, and the thin chain attached to the foot of the bed locked to one of her labia rings. Never the less she smiled, as she drifted off to sleep. She was home. Lord Xylex looked up from the pictures. They were grainy, simple two dimensional photographs, the lighting was poor, the scene distant, but even so he was convinced that was his daughter. And in the company of that Cheetah fem, Tanj. Growling, he looked again at the report. The transcript of the conversation reported by the Panther, before his disappearance sounded like the things his daughter would say. "I will have you back, my daughter, and I WILL see those pirates destroyed. And that Cheetah.... Urrrrrrr, she'll regret she was ever born!" Glaring up at the messenger he nodded; "Tell your principle that I agree the information is worth the price and that the funds will be transferred. And tell her that anything else she can turn up on either my daughter, or this cheetah fem will be hansomly rewarded. The fox, wearing a slave's collar, smiled and nodded and bowed his way out. Tanj's Tales: Shared Assets Stardate 2398.55 By Kittiara Tanj listened with half a mind as her boss droned on in the weekly intelligence briefing. She had her notes ready for her portion of the presentation, but that’s not where the other half of her mind was. The Brethren had worked out an agreement with Jenka's Black Fleet to share intelligence. As with all things the Brethren did, profit was foremost, and they'd finally agreed on a complex formula for valuing information. Most of it was bartered, but if one organization had vitally important information, or if they just had more information of worth than the other side, then cash would change hands. To kick off the new agreement, Jenka herself had come to attend the briefing. And the Lion, in the spirit of being a good host, had of course, loaned Tanj to her, for the night. Tanj smiled as she thought back to how Jenka would not tolerate any of Tanj's newly acquired "status" with the Brethren……….. The previous day, Tanj had heard of Jenka's arrival while she was working in the Intelligence office, but had been too busy preparing for the briefing to come greet her. It wasn't until later that night, when the Lion stopped by, that she realized that she'd worked straight through dinner. "You need a break," he growled; "I'm sure your notes and presentation slides are adequate. Put it away for now and go to Jenka; I've agreed to lend you to her for the night." Tanj gave her work station a quick, doubtful glance, but before she could object that she just wasn't ready yet, the Lion picked her up, set her on her feet, and gave her a swat on the can, urging her towards the door. Jenka smiled as Tanj entered her guest quarters; "Well, hello, Pet; its good to see you again!" Tanj padded across the room to give Jenka a kiss; hugging her tight; "Its good to see you too, Mistress!" Jenka looked at her for a moment, smiling, and then raised an eyebrow; "aren't you forgetting something?" Tanj's face went blank for a moment as she tried to think of what Jenka might be referring to, and then with a sound somewhere between a gasp and a giggle, she knelt at Jenka's feet, assuming the proper slave's position. Jenka just clucked softly; "I can see your Master has been WAY too lax with you; obviously its going to be up to me to address the deficiencies in your behavior!" Tanj smiled to herself as Jenka commanded her to remove her dress. "While I'm on this station, Dear, you will not wear a stitch; only your collar!" the Pantheress purrrrred. Tanj thought of the presentation she was to make tomorrow, and wondered if that was prudent; most of the males present, and some of the females were too likely to be distracted from what she was saying…. Still, she wouldn't broach the subject with Jenka quite yet….. Once nude, Jenka had Tanj attend her bath, drawing the water, adjusting the temperature, and adding oils, all at Jenka's direction. Then, Tanj knelt by the side of the tub, reaching over to wash Jenka's hair. When that was accomplished, she was bidden to enter the water, to wash the rest of her mistress's body. Tanj, of course, couldn't resist adding a nuzzle here, or a lick there, and before long, her head was under water, licking softly at Jenka's pussy. Having to break off her licking periodically, to surface, to take a breath gave Tanj the excuse she needed to draw her licking out, to prolong her attentions to Jenka's sex, teasing her to the brink of a climax and holding her there until the Pantheress growled and held her head tight to her pussy, demanding that she be given her release before Tanj breathed again. Tanj was still panting, trying to catch her breath as she toweled Jenka dry. Jenka purrred as Tanj stood behind her and brushed out her long, raven hair, working nimbly with the brush. After turning down the bed, Tanj resumed her kneeling position, awaiting Jenka's pleasure. Jenka for her part, padded about the guest quarters, still nude, laying out all sorts of things that she'd brought with her, and Tanj did her part to watch surreptitiously. Finally, the Pantheress turned and beckoned to the cheetah. Tanj rose and padded over to Jenka, who held out a long black glove. This she pulled over Tanj's right paw, fastening four buttons tightly at the wrist before smoothing the length of the glove up her arm. Tanj felt something taped to the inside of the palm of the glove, and wondered what it might be. She flexed her fingers and found the leather fairly thin, but still, she had a feeling it would reduce her dexterity…. Jenka then bucked a cuff around Tanj's right wrist, covering the buttons, and locking it in place with a small padlock. Jenka made a show of taking the key from that padlock and taping it to the inside of the palm of the other glove, and then pulling that over Tanj's left paw. Again a cuff was fastened over the buttons at the wrist, and locked in place. Bidding Tanj to sit on the edge of the bed, Jenka held up a stylish leather boot. The key went inside the boot and this was then pulled over Tanj's right foot, a cuff going around her ankle to hold it in place. The key from that cuff went inside her left boot, which was then secured with another cuff. Tanj watched the key to that one carefully, wondering where that one might be hidden. As Jenka held up the corset, Tanj groaned. Jenka grinned wickedly and held it out so that Tanj could step into it. Tugging it up over the Cheetah's hips, Jenka set it in place and slowly started to tighten the laces, inch by inch. Tanj panted shallowly as the corset constricted her waist, Jenka taking at least a half hour to get it as tight as she wanted. As Tanj struggled to breath, Jenka turned and then held up a rather wicked looking "Chastity" belt, and with great show, taped the key to her left ankle cuff inside its waistband. Tanj looked at the Chastity belt critically. It had phalluses for both ass and pussy, the latter, thankfully, being the larger of the two. It also had a number of raised bumps where the strap would chafe on her clitty, and Tanj knew she was in for a rough night. Motioning her over, Jenka ordered Tanj to squat, and while she held that strained position, Jenka lubbed up the butt plug on the belt. Tanj moaned softly as Jenka worked the two phalluses into her, pulling the straps up, working her tail through the hole in the back of the belt. The waist band went over the corset, effectively covering the laces at the back. This too was locked in place. Next, Jenka held up a thick rubber hobble skirt, and showed Tanj the key to her chastity belt taped to the inside of its wastband. It took quite a bit of tugging and struggling to stretch the thick rubber over Tanj's hips, but finally it was in place, fitting her like a second skin. It covered her from just below her breasts to just below her knees, the tight rubber forcing her legs tightly together. Then, as if to add insult to injury, Jenka held up a short hobble chain…… Tanj looked down as Jenka kneeled to lock the hobble chain to one ankle cuff, and then to the other, restricting her step to a length of about six inches. Taking the keys from the locks on the hobble chain, Jenka attached them to another chain, a chain terminating on either end with a pair of nipple clamps…… These were attached to her nipples in short order, the keys swaying with each miniscule breath the cheetah took. Finally, Jenka held up a pair of handcuffs, and pulling Tanj's paws behind her back, she handcuffed them together, the key being added to the center of the chain between her nipples. Jenka then used a short chain to pull her arms up, until her wrists were by her shoulder blades, before attaching the other end of the chain to her collar with yet another small lock. Stepping back, Jenka admired her handiwork. Tanj grunted as she tried to move, the two phalluses waggling deep inside her. She sincerely hoped that Jenka didn't feel like going out for a walk tonight…… Jenka smiled as she padded around the well-trussed Cheetah; "as you can see, each key is in turn available to you, as you remove your outfit. The key to the chain holding your paws high is hidden somewhere in this room. I suspect it will take you a while to find it, and an even longer time to get out of your outfit. Its now 2200 hours, and you're due at the briefing at 0800, giving you no more than ten hours to escape your situation. And just to make the situation more challenging….." The pantheress grinned wickedly and raised a small remote; thumbing a button, Tanj GASPED as the two phalluses buried deep within her came to life, vibrating wickedly. Jenka watched the emotions play across the Cheetah's face for a moment, and then reclined on the bed, her hips by its edge, her legs wide apart; "I'll make you a deal; I'll TELL you where the key is, after you've used that marvelous tongue of yours to bring me to three climaxes; however, when you're done, I'll lock a gag into your mouth, the key of which is inside your right glove. That way, I won't hear your whimpering all night and can get some sleep. Tanj sighed to herself and with little mincing steps, moved towards the bed, and Jenka. Kneeling was going to be a real challenge in this outfit. Tanj wriggled and squirmed at the foot of the bed. She'd managed to lick Jenka to her climaxes as quickly as she could, using all the skill at her disposal. The key had been under the cushion of one of the easy chairs in the suite, and Tanj'd had quite a time recovering it. The gloves did indeed make it hard to maneuver, and the dildoes buzzing away within her had caused her to drop the key several times, as they'd brought her to shuddering orgasm after orgasm. Finally she'd unlocked the chain holding her paws up, and was free to squirm around, trying to catch hold of the chain between her nipples. This she found, was quite difficult, and more than once she caught Jenka grinning at her from the bed as she writhed, twisted and turned. FINALLY she was able to catch the chain and wincing, pull the handcuff key from it. Once her paws were freed, the rest offered little challenge, but it still took her an impossibly long time to finally escape. Jenka had watched the whole thing, and when Tanj was finally free, she motioned the exhausted slave into her bed, to cuddle, and to get what sleep she could, before the morning's duties claimed them both. As her boss finished up his presentation of the technical intelligence the Brethren had gathered on Imperial activities and capabilities, local ship movements, market analysis, and the political situation in the sector and on Elysium in particular, Tanj rose to make the presentation on intelligence obtained through the Brethren's network of agents and spies. She knew the eyes of most of those present were on her (instead of on her presentation materials or briefing handouts), as Jenka was still adamantly not permitting her clothing…. In fact, in the morning, Jenka had presented her with little jeweld bobs to hang from her nipple, labia, and clitty rings. As she raised her pointer to begin the presentation, she could see bright little points of light reflected on the briefing room's walls from the swaying gems. "And finally, from our agent, code-named "Entity" we have word that a disguised freighter by the name of Stra'doc is actually the disguised yacht of Lord Isloth, of Elysium. It will be leaving the Elysium system in eleven days time, enroute to the Imperial home world. It carries a number of Elysium nobles and industrialists, who are on a mission to try and enlist Imperial assistance in their fight against the increasing rebel problem. Additionally, they hope to sign joint ventures that will bring in capital that will aid the Elysium government and the major corporations in their fight." The Lion looked up; "how reliable is this "Entity"? Tanj smiled; "To date his information has checked out 100%. Personally, he's an enigma, but then, in his place, I'd want to be too, just in case someone somewhere leaked information about him." The Lion nodded and turned to Ben; "Put that one on the list. Intercept them well enough away from Elysium that no immediate conclusions can be drawn." Ben just nodded and made a note. The briefing had lasted all day, and into the early evening. The format was still a bit fluid, and the arguments at the end over the value of each piece of information had eaten up hours. By the time Davis from Accounting and his opposite number from the Black Fleet had finished their verbal dueling, Tanj's stomach was rumbling. As the meeting broke up, Tanj heard the Lion talking to Jenka; "I believe we still have a few "joint operations" to discuss, and I know you're eager to leave in the morning; why don't we adjourn to my quarters? I'll have Tanj cook us something to eat." Jenka shot Tanj a look, a hint of a smile on her face, and nodded; "Yes, I think that would be….. profitable." The lion turned and looked at Tanj and nodded, and then turning back to Jenka, he offered her his arm. As the Lion and Jenka strolled off down the corridor towards the residential section, Tanj mentally reviewed the contents of the little 'fridge there and sighed. Turning in the other direction, she headed for the cafeteria at a trot. The wok steamed as Tanj bustled back and forth. The lion and Jenka were seated in the den, talking of future operations, their conversation drifting off into Imperial politics, and marketing from time to time. She'd poured them each a glass of Jenka's favorite wine, a white to go with the shrimp she was cooking. It'd been pure hell trying to talk the cook staff out of the ingredients for the dinner, but finally she'd found out what they wanted in trade, and had promised to obtain it for them. Somehow. Grinning, she thought she'd turn Zassa loose on the problem. Finally the dishes were done, and moving the bowls and tureens to the table, she announced dinner. As the Lion and Jenka ate, Tanj knelt to one side, about equally between the two. The lion grinned and showing remarkable dexterity with chopsticks was feeding Tanj an occasional shrimp. He seemed to be taking great pleasure in dipping it in one of the several sauces Tanj had prepared, to the point that it was dripping, and then holding it almost out of her reach, so that she would have to tilt her head up and back, to take it from his chopsticks. As a result, she had several splotches of sauce on her chest, where the food had dripped on her. Still, Tanj smiled to herself as she imagined what was to come……. "You seem to be making quite a mess" Jenka purrred as she took a sip of wine. The lion shrugged, and nodded; "I've always been a clumsy oaf. As if to demonstrate, he fed Tanj another morsel of shrimp, and as he maneuvered it, Tanj grinned, her mouth opened wide, her head tilted back, but her body moving, such that what dripped fell right where she wanted it to….. "Not to worry," the Lion rumbled; "I thoroughly intend to clean her up when I'm done." Jenka chuckled and nodded; "Dessert, so to speak?" The lion looked at Jenka and grinned; "why yes; would you like some?" Jenka chuckled and touched the corner of her napkin to her lips; "why yes, I do believe I would. But you really must do it right…….." The lion chuckled; "and how would that be?" Jenka smiled; "Tanj, I believe we're done; please clear the table and then return. Ah, and leave the sauces………" Tanj hurriedly cleared the table, leaving the dishes for later. Returning to the dining table, Jenka grinned at her and gestured for her to lay herself across the table. The Lion watched, grinning. Jenka then pulled at Tanj's waist, dragging her crotch to the very edge of the table, right where her dinner plate had been sitting. Calmly reaching for the bowl containing the sweet-and-sour sauce, she placed a large dollop right on Tanj's mons. The cheetah gasped as she felt it run down between her legs and then MOANED as she felt Jenka's tongue licking at the droplets. The lion for his part, bent and started licking at the drops of sauce on Tanj's chest, and before long, the two pirates had Tanj writhing on the table-top. Jenka paused, to look up at the Lion; "you know, I've always preferred my food spicy hot. This is nice, but I think a little spice is in order……" Tanj thought back to Hinoki's antics with the tobasco sauce and moaned, but dared not object. The Lion looked at Jenka thoughtfully for a moment and then nodded; "well, we have the ginger sauce, and the hot mustard; which would you prefer?" Jenka thought for a moment and then nodded; "Lets start with the ginger; we'll move on to the hot mustard in a while….." And then Tanj felt the coolness of more sauce covering her, running over breasts and pussy, and again, two tongues worked at lapping it up, making her squirm. The lion licked at Tanj's breasts, alternating one and then the other, leaning over her until he was sure she was "clean." By this point, Jenka had the Cheetah fem squirming and panting, and the lion raised his head to watch Tanj's face as another climax tore through her. Purrrring, he looked up at Jenka; "you do that well; you obviously know just what she likes." Jenka looked up from her "meal" and nodded; "I do believe that I've raised my…. culinary skills to an art form…." Purrring she bent again, her rough tounge making Tanj resume her moaning. The Lion chuckled and nodded; "not an unusual ability in these parts." Jenka looked up again and raised an eyebrow; "Oh? I find that hard to believe….." As if to demonstrate her point she bent her head again, her tongue roughly stroking Tanj's clitty, her ability more than reflected in the Cheetah's face as she immediately writhed through yet another climax. The Lion just grinned and nodded; then, bending closer, he murmured; "Oh look, you've got some of the sauce on yourself………" Before Jenka could say a word he bent his head to lick at her fur softly. It took Tanj a while to realize what was happening…. Slowly, Jenka's sweet attention to her pussy, her delightful licks and nibbles, were coming more slowly, becoming less deft. As she caught her breath, she lifted her head, to look down her body. Sure enough, a state of bliss was reflected on Jenka's face…. Half rolling to one side, looking under the table, Tanj spied the lion on his knees under the table, his muzzle buried under Jenka's skirt. Tanj grinned, and knew her master was accomplished in that arena, and slowly she inched her way away from Jenka, letting the Pantheress pant and moan undistracted as the Lion's tongue drove her towards Nirvana. She couldn't leave it alone though, and squirming around on the table, turning to face Jenka, she kissed her long and hard. Then, rolling over onto her tummy, Tanj proceeded to lick teasingly at Jenka's left nipple……… As Tanj licked, she realized that the bowl of Ginger sauce was almost empty, the almost full bowl of hot mustard sitting next to it; she wondered if this was merely a happy coincidence…. Or had the lion known, and taken action to distract Jenka? Jenka had lost track of time. She didn't know HOW long she'd been sitting in that chair, the cheetah crouched on the table nuzzling her breasts, the broad muzzle and rough tongue of the Lion working tirelessly between her thighs. As she felt his tongue once again swirl up into her drenched sex, stroking deep inside her, she yowled once more, the waves of pleasure of this unnumbered climax washing through her. Somehow, as the feelings subsided a little, she found the strength to push Tanj's head away, gasping "Enough!" The Lion was a little harder to dissuade, but eventually he too pulled his muzzle back let her rest. As she panted, trying to catch her breath, Jenka looked from Tanj to the Lion and back; "you know, maybe that IS a common skill here……" Looking at the Lion she smiled; "Sirrah, you've licked me to a frazzle; I'm completely wore out!" Raising her gaze to Tanj, who was still laying on top of the table, head propped up on her paws, Jenka smiled; "but really, Pet, you are quite remiss in your duties……" Tanj's eyes widened and her jaw dropped, a "huh?" emerging from her open mouth. Jenka nodded; "here your Master has been so kind to entertain his guest, and you have completely ignored his needs! You should rectify that, and quickly, or I'm sure you'll be punished!" Tanj grinned and inched forward to look under the table at her Master; he in turn lifted his head to kiss her, softly at first, but with the passion of the kiss growing. Before long Tanj was on the floor, crouching, her knees wide apart, her head resting on her crossed paws on the floor, as the lion moved to take her from behind. Jenka watched as the Lion used his slave, as he fucked her hard. There was a primal need about his movements, and for a moment Jenka regretted not satisfying his lusts herself…… but then she WAS exhausted….. Instead, she took in the show, as the Lion's motions slowly increased in tempo, in forcefulness, until Tanj was bracing herself hard against his thrusts. He came with a roar, Tanj's own cries echoing his. They all wound up in the Lion's large bed, morning coming all too soon. The Lion then showed Jenka the proper way to be bathed by a slave, all three of them crowding into the shower. Covered in liquid soap, Tanj squirmed and writhed between the two, making sure to stroke herself against every portion of their anatomy, using herself as a living bath sponge to make sure they were clean. And as aroused and excited as she could get them. This time, Tanj watched as the Lion quenched the fires in Jenka's loins, the pair working through this position and that, until they both roared with pleasure, Jenka astride the Lion's hips, his cock buried deep in her pussy. After breakfast, The Lion and Tanj escorted Jenka back to her ship. "Sure you can't stay?" the Lion growled; "We really do have a bit more to work out on that Bienviedos affair." Jenka smiled and shook her head; "No, I'm afraid I have pressing business elsewhere. Although believe me, I would like to stay. Are you SURE I can't talk you into selling your delightful little slave here? She's good at her intelligence work, but you KNOW she's wasted there; she's MUCH better suited for the bed." The lion laughed; "Not a chance; besides, as long as she's here, I'll know you'll keep coming back." Both Jenka and Tanj smiled at that. Jenka rose to tiptoes to give the Lion a kiss goodbye, and then turned to kiss Tanj goodbye too; "Goodbye, Slave. As punishment for not finding a way for me to stay another day, you are forbidden clothes for the next 24 hours. And NEXT time I see you, you'd best remember your station and behave accordingly!" Giving Tanj a soft swat on the can, and giving the Lion a wink, Jenka turned to pass through the airlock to her ship. As the airlock cycled and Jenka's ship undocked, the Lion's paw rose to examine one of the jewels still dangling from Tanj's piercings. "You know, I like that effect" he purrred; "But I think I can go Jenka one better………." Tanj padded carefully into the Intelligence office. There was a LOT of work to be done before they could mount a mission to capture the Stra'doc, and Tanj was eager to get started. As she entered, however, all eyes turned to her, and she caught more than a few grins. Eddie, the gray wolf from Operations, had been waiting for her and he padded over to examine her a little more closely. The Lion had found a considerable length of gold chain, and had indeed "decorated" Tanj a little more thoroughly than Jenka had. Tanj thought that the understated effect of a few jewels was far more fetching than this, but she had to admit, what the Lion had done had its recommendations…… Eddie shook his head and traced the line with his finger. From a locked cuff around Tanj's left ankle, a length of fine gold chain traveled upwards, to pass loosely through her two labia rings. From there it passed through her clitty ring, through her bellybutton ring, through the ring in her right nipple. It then traveled, swaying in an arc to pass through her other nipple ring, before passing on to her nosering (replaced for this occasion), and thence to her right earring. Every motion seemed to make the lengths of chain swing and way, and it was apparent that if she turned or twisted, the chain would pull through the numerous rings, and sensitive portions of her anatomy would get tugged at. Tanj chuckled as she watched his eyes travel, and then demonstrated the principle by arching her back a little, lifting her muzzle, and turning her head to the right, the chain going tight all the way to the anklet, tugging her breasts together. Grinning wickedly, Eddie knelt and shoved his muzzle between Tanj's thighs, eliciting a yelp at his cold nose, and another yelp as his tongue explored her sex (making the chains in that area wriggle and dance all the more). Straightening up he grinned at the onlookers, as if to say, "yup, its got her hot all right." Tanj just shook her head, and as Eddie turned back to her, she reached up and grabbed an ear; "Come one, You," she growled; "We've got work to do." Picking up her briefing material and a data PADD, she tugged him into one of the conference rooms. However, the sounds that emerged from behind the thin door suggested they were doing anything but planning a mission….. for a while. This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. Tanj and these stories arecopyright Kittiara's player, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000. Kittiara can be found on Furrymuck; telnet 8888. Hinoki, Zassa, and Jenka copyright their players, also to be found on FurryMuck. Mark is copyright Ann’katar, also of FurryMuck. Entity is copyright Petfox, of FurNation. Comments, suggestions, or flames can be directed to ha_seng@hotmail.com.