Tanj’s Tales: The Battle that Never Was, part 1 Stardate 2399.31 By Kittiara The Wolverine glowered down at the Mouse in the labcoat; "No, that’s NOT what I wanted at ALL, you cretin!" The Mouse cringed, but there was some spark of resistance, some shred of professional pride left; "I…. I'm sorry if we were unable to meet all your product requirements, Lord Xylex….. Perhaps if there was more time…….." The Wolverine growled at the rodent again, and shook his head; these academics just didn't understand the realities of the situation. There WAS no more time. Something had to be done NOW before things got completely out of control. While the tailored virus wasn't what he'd asked for, it might still have its uses. As might the incompetent mouse and his staff. Reaching out to close the insulated box, the one marked with all the biohazard symbols, Lord Xylex shook his head; "I am MOST displeased with your performance, Doctor. Most displeased. Its only the pressures of time, of the circumstances that we find ourselves in, that force me to accept the flawed product you have produced. Your payment will be forthcoming. With that he turned and strode towards the door. The Mouse sighed when the Wolverine had gone, when his groundcar had left through the Institute's gates. Xylex was a tough customer. Pity he didn't seem to be able to understand that creating a biological warfare weapon wasn't as simple or as straightforward as building a starship, or an assault vehicle….. and the way he'd wanted his enemies to die………. THAT was ludicrous to begin with! At least his visit had been late at night, after the end of the somewhat irregular day the researchers at the institute kept; there'd been no one to see his distress, his loss of aplomb…… With the departure of their prestigious guest, the security forces at the Institute relaxed. No one had tried to assassinate Lord Xylex while he'd been inside their perimeter, and that was a relief. Their security was geared more towards preventing the odd employee from stealing the secrets held within, than repulsing assassins. And such, the guards on duty could be excused for missing the dark- robed figures that slipped past what few surveillance cameras there were that were still showing true images. The Mouse looked up in alarm as several large, armed furrs burst into his office. Before he could scarce get out a squeek, one of them shot him, the bolt from his blaster cleaving off the top of the rodent's skull. Efficiently, the team searched through his records, taking disks, and data crystals, and in one case, where the password proved to be too challenging, the whole computer…… and then they were busy, efficiently setting explosive charges….. Lord Xylex leaned against the front of his groundcar, talking quietly to Trotskie. They both looked up and grinned when three blocks away, the Institute's main building erupted in a ball of flame, lighting up the night sky, debris falling for blocks around the center of the explosion. Xylex chuckled as he brushed himself off; "Ah, those pesky Rebels…. I'm sure the press will lambaste them for destroying a medical research facility." The bear just chuckled; "Until I release all that data you gave me on how they were working on mind control drugs and biological warfare weapons….. and of course with their building destroyed, with their computer records gone, they won't very effectively be able to counter my claims. You really were brilliant in that regard, Xylex." The Wolverine smiled and waved a paw depreciatingly; "it was nothing, nothing at all. I just wish the incompetent fools had been able to develop what I'd wanted. But I think what I got might still be useable." Trotsie raised an eyebrow; "So what are you going to do?" Xylex grinned, his teeth showing whitely in the night; "Oh, my dear Comrade, its not what I'm going to do, but what YOU'RE going to do!" Trotskie shook his head; "I dunno; if they ever make the connection, the pirates will come down on me with both feet……" Xylex just chuckled; "If my plan works out all right, they won't be around to figure it out. Even if something goes wrong, the tailored virus has an interesting side effect of interfering with short term memory. They shouldn't be ABLE to figure out what went wrong! But don't worry, my dear Bear, the plan is fool-proof!" Trotskie grimaced inwardly, growling to himself "yeah, just like your last few plans……" Tanj groaned and squirmed; her master had posed an interesting problem to her, demanding a solution. The penalty for not solving it was an occasional swat with a quirt, a short, thin whip that found its mark on her belly and her breasts when he felt she wasn't trying hard enough to solve her problem. They were playing rougher than they usually did; with several provinces on Elysium in open revolt, the Pirates were busier than ever, both in interdicting Imperial aid, in aiding the Rebels, and in just pursuing the business of being pirates. While things were going well, perhaps even profitably, everyone was stressed out, Tanj and her Master included. And as such she found little fault when he decided to play rough; most times she relished it, but this time, the "problem" he'd posed was difficult, and the penalties just a little more painful than she cared for….. Tanj stood with legs WIDE apart, held apart by a spreader bar almost as long as she was tall. A chain ran from her collar to a ring in the center of the spreader bar, pulling her into a bowed position. To make matters worse, her Master had tied cords from her nipple rings to her ankle cuffs, pulling her over even further, pulling her breasts apart. He said this was to make it easier for him to apply the quirt, and she had to agree it seemed to be working. Her arms were bound behind her at the elbow, but free at the wrist. He'd pulled her back, slightly off balance, his thick cock buried DEEP in her pussy. At least he'd "lubricated" it first, allowing her to lick at it until it was dripping with her saliva. Now he was insisting that she make him cum….. but without moving her body. She was NOT allowed to rock her body back and forth, to slide his cock in and out of her sex…… Every time she tried to sneak in a motion such as that, the quirt stung her. And as she looked about, trying hard to work her vaginal muscles around his shaft, trying to milk him, she realized that while that would definitely hold his interest, it wouldn't be enough to bring him off. And if she didn't think of something quick, she'd feel the sting of the quirt again…….. Suddenly it struck her; she knew what she had to do….. There, lying on the floor was one of her "toys", a latex dong, rather thick, and heavily studded……. Given the position her paws were bound in, she reasoned that if she worked it in and out of her ass, the sensation, transmitted through the thin membranes that separated her back passage and her vaginal canal would be enough to bring off her master! "Um, Master?" Tanj purrrred….. "What is it, Slave? Solved the problem yet, or shall I reacquaint you with the quirt?" Tanj smiled at his rough growl, and wondered how he'd sound when he realized she had a solution…. "would you hand me that dildo on the floor?" The Lion chuckled and reached around her to wrap his paw around it. Lifting it, he put it in her paws, by the small of her back. Tanj purrred; "um, I don't suppose it would be too much to ask for some lubricant on it?" The Lion just chuckled; "I think you can scrape up a little, if you need to, as wet as you are….." Tanj sighed and turned the dong in her paws, stroking its head down into the furrow of her ass, to tease at the back periphery of her sex. The Lion's shaft was well coated with her juices, but as she moved, ever so slightly, trying to transfer some of that slickness to the dong, she felt the quirt strike up at her left breast. Gasping she jerked, and then brought the head of the dong up to her ass. Slowly she pushed, groaning as the mostly unlubricated shaft worked its way into her back passage. The Lion purrred in agreement with her solution, a deep basso rumble. Tanj gasped as each of the bumps on the dong's shaft blipped past her anal ring, first on the way in, and then out; still, it was obvious from the way the Lion's claws twitched out, pricking her hips, that she was having the desired effect on him. And then he was reaching around her, one finger rubbing at her clitty even as he whispered a warning in her ear NOT to move.…. Tanj panted harder, her paws straining to work the dong in and out of her ass, to stimulate her Master's cock by proxy, until his teasing of her clitty caused her to loose all control, writhing as her climax overtook her. To her amazement, she wasn't punished for her movement, but instead was rewarded with the feel of her master's cock spurting, as he came, filling her pussy with his jism. The Lion had insisted she leave the dong, in her ass, for now, as they cuddled on the bed, trying to regain their breath. This necessitated that she lay on her stomach….. and in this case, that meant laying on top of her Master, as he insisted she hold his softening cock in her sex for as long as possible. As the Lion broke yet another kiss, he looked at her for a moment and then purrred; "and have you solved the OTHER problem?" Tanj groaned; she didn't want to get back to business so soon! Their interlude hadn't been QUITE what she'd had in mind, but it was still preferable to their running argument. "No, Master I have not. I don't care WHAT jucy tidbits Trotskie says he has for us, you are NOT going down to Elysium to meet him. I can't tell you why, but I don't trust the bastard, and after the affair on Imroc, I'm insisting on increased security for things like that. If he doesn't want to send us a data crystal with the information, he can either come here, or send a messenger, or meet us somewhere "safe." The Lion looked at Tanj for a moment; "and where would you feel safe?" Tanj snorted and then grinned wickedly; "how about the Black Fleet's station… That ought to be neutral enough." The Lion just laughed. Tanj grumbled as she waited by the personnel lock of the freighter "Agnes Scott." The Lion hadn't liked the idea of meeting at Jenka's station as "neutral ground," and Trotskie had vehemently objected. Finally they'd resolved on a meeting in deep space near the Elysium system. The Scott was owned by one of the "dealers" (i.e. "fences") that the Brethren frequently used to move their booty, and Tanj'd had to make a run out to deliver a cargo anyways. Now her ship sat a short distance away, cloaked and ready, in case of betrayal. Hinoki was with Tanj, looking grim in his pirate's combat armor. And Trotskie's shuttle was docking. The Bear squeezed through the personnel lock and beamed at Tanj; "Ah, there you are! I'm delighted to finally meet you in person; I've heard so VERY much about you!" Tanj nodded politely; "Greetings, uh, Comrade Trotskie. I'm glad you could come. I have some interesting intelligence summaries to share with you….. If you'll follow me, we can talk in the crew's mess." Tanj led the way, Trotskie following, with Hinoki bringing up the rear along with Trotskie's bodyguard, a silent and stern looking Panther. Tanj had her briefing information spread out on the table of the Mess, with maps and charts tacked to the wall. All of the information dealt specifically with the areas of operations that the Reds were currently active in. And there was pointedly nothing present that dealt with the Blues or any of the other Rebel groups. Trotskie walked around the room, paws behind his back, looking at the maps and charts, nodding to himself. Turning at one point he grinned at his bodyguard; "See here Ioseph! I told you she was good! Look at this! She shows the disposition of the 23rd Grenadiers in and around Hagarsburg! And look at this! They're supported by the 415th Military Police detachment? Excellent!" The Panther growled softly; "Just because she says it, does not make it so!" The Bear made a dismissive motion but Tanj nodded; "No, he's right; no intelligence is perfect, and I've been misled before. Be wise and check out the information you see here. This is the best I have; the latest I have; but it could all have changed by now. Trotskie chuckled and nodded, and turned to take the chair at the table across from Tanj, obviously ready to begin the formal briefing. "….. and that's why we think the fusiliers are there. There might be another reason, but we think they're there for reconstitution, and do not constitute a significant combat force." Trotskie nodded, making another note in his notebook. "your information will be of a great help to us. Now tell me; what of the mood of the people? Are they frightened by the revolt? Do they yearn to throw off their chains? Were they content with what was and wish we'd all go away?" Tanj thought for a moment and then shrugged; "as with most things, there are those that are passionately for the Revolution. And there are those that are passionately against the revolution. But most lie somewhere in-between. Those with money lean most towards the status quo. Those without, those with less to loose are more likely to side with the revolution." Trotskie smiled and nodded; "you are very wise. I agree! In order to involve more of the people with our revolution, we must first insure that they have little to loose. And if it is the government that takes what they have from them, so much the better!" Tanj nodded, as she thought furiously; that hadn't been quite what she'd said, but she could agree with his logic. But she wondered; how would the Reds manipulate the government into taking away what the people had? Trotskie smiled again, and looked from Hinoki to Tanj; "Perhaps you could help me with another question?" Tanj nodded reservedly; her briefing was over, and she was more interested in what information Trotskie had for her than in answering his philosophical questions. Still, what he asked surprised her…… "I see you wear the collar of a slave, as does your associate. If you have escaped the Government, why do you still wear it? Or do the Brethren fight for freedom while keeping slaves?" Tanj chewed on her lower lip as she considered her answer. "First, as you know, many of the Brethren are……. Mercenaries, fighting only for profit. Few of them care if the booty is ships, or cargo, or slaves. In order to maintain our……. Operation, to be a benefit to the cause, we have to deal in slaves, despite our standing philosophy against it. Oh, we give the prisoners every chance to ransom themselves, but for those that can't, or won't pay, they get….. wholesaled. As for me, and for Hinoki….. well, I can't speak for him, but for me, I have more than enough money to purchase my freedom, but for some reason, I can't bring myself to do it. I have a…….. good relationship with my master, and I guess I fear, that if I were to be free, it might change. On the other hand, its entirely possible that the conditioning I received in my training is inhibiting me." Trotskie nodded, as if considering her words. After a while he spoke again; "I understand you were trained as a sex slave, no? If I were to ask you to grant me a sexual favor, what would you do?" Tanj's mouth dropped for a second, and then she closed her mouth. After a moment she shrugged; "As I have no instructions from my Master to the contrary, I would accede to your wishes. What is it you would like me to do?" As Tanj started to rise from her seat, Trotskie waved both paws; "Oh, no, no, you misunderstand! Believe me, I would never ask you to do something against your will! I am completely opposed to slavery and would never command ANYONE in such a manner; I was merely seeking to understand!" Tanj settled back into her chair, watching the Bear, wondering if he was, in some strange fashion, making fun of her? Or was he serious? After a moment of studying her face, Trotskie smiled again; "I think you've given me another piece of the puzzle. In order to liberate the people of Elysium, we must break their conditioning, for if the Government was SO efficient at conditioning the slaves it trained, surely they must have conditioned their citizens against revolt!" Tanj frowned and shook her head; "I'm not sure they conditioned the general pop……….." But Trotskie was grinning widely and nodding his head; "it is the only possible answer; its why there has been so little popular support for our forces!" Tanj sat back and thought "that or perhaps its due to the fact that your forces seem to kill indiscriminently….." Trotskie thumped the table with both paws, and nodded in delight. He started to rise, but then, almost as an afterthought, he settled back into his chair; "Ah! I almost forgot!" Fishing in his pocket, he produced three data crystals, and placed them, one by one on the table in front of Tanj; "These are the reports of all my field agents and centurions. Hopefully you will be able to produce more miracles of data analysis from the information they contain." Tanj looked doubtfully at the data crystals, thinking "Oh, great. More rumors and hearsay from amateurs. I bet it takes me a month to wade through all the crap!" Then, with an even grander flourish, the Bear produced one more data crystal; "And this, this we took from an Imperial courier. I don't know what it contains; its code proved to be too much for us; but considering the way it was defended, I'm certain its something important." And with that, Trotskie rose and after a small bow turned and left the compartment. Tanj was still sitting at the table when Hinoki returned; "They're gone. Left quietly." Tanj nodded and turned over the Imperial data crystal in her fingers. "He said they couldn't break the code on this one. I wonder……." Hinoki sat down opposite Tanj, in the chair that Trotskie had occupied; "Do you think it’s a plant? A fake?" Tanj shrugged; "Dunno. We'll check it out." Hinoki looked at her for a moment and then sighed; "and what do you think all that nonsense about the Elysium Government brainwashing the populace was?" Tanj shrugged; "I'd never thought about it before, but come on, you have to admit its possible. Subliminal messages in the Holo shows…… Subtle messages in the education of the children…. Hell, if their advertising agencies can sell some of the stuff they do, maybe brainwashing of the populace ISN'T so far-fetched. What scares me is that he might decide to try and counter-program everyone into supporting HIM just as loyally! Trotskie grinned at Xylex as he exited the shuttle. The Wolverine really was being useful, making it very easy for the Leader of the Reds to come and go, among other things. "You gave her the crystal?" the Wolverine growled. Trotskie nodded; "Of course. And her intelligence really was quite good. It was almost dead on, compared to what you've been giving me." Xylex nodded and shrugged. The Bear grinned and clapped the Wolverine on the back; "More than that, she gave me the most marvelous idea. Tell me; do you think we could start a covert campaign to subliminally brainwash the populace to support us? Maybe if we were to find a way to insert messages into the advertising.…." Xylex looked at the Bear and broke out laughing. Trotskie looked hurt, for a moment, and then his face hardened; "You Want To Tell Me What's So Funny?" Xylex struggled to control himself and finally he was able to gasp out; "Oh…. You mean….you're just NOW….. thinking of….. that?" Shaking his head, the Wolverine grinned at Trotskie; "The government's been doing that forever; and it’s a lot more subtle than mere subliminal suggestion. Of course, its limited in scope, as they want to keep it below notice. In fact they try to keep it subtle enough that even a casual examination turns up no evidence…….. But I tell you what we'll do. I'll tell you where to raid, to "uncover" the foul Government plot…… spread THAT information, and it'll hurt the government two ways. The populace will be enraged at being tricked AND they'll all start avoiding certain information services. They'll have to depend on US for information. And then we'll pull the same trick!" Trotskie just grinned. The raccoon shook his head as he handed the crystal and a sheaf of papers to Tanj. "The crystal was genuine all right. Only the Imperials use crystals of that quality, and format. And they're jealously guarded; you don't find used Imperial data crystals on the black market. And the code was a recent Imperial code. In fact, we'd only broken it about three weeks ago, and only with the assistance of intelligence YOU provided. The Transcript of the information is there. I'm sure you'll find it interesting. Tanj sipped her coffee as she read the transcript. Why would the Imperials send a messenger to tell the Elysium government that a messenger would be coming? It sounded a little suspect…. But then frequently bureaucracies did stupid things just like that…… It seemed that the Imperials had finally decided to intervene, to accede to Elysium's requests for significant assistance…. For troops on the ground. And the courier that was being sent would carry the data on what was being sent, and when. The entire Imperial Assistance Plan. And it even listed the route the courier was to follow. Tanj sipped her coffee, and smelled a trap… and yet the data crystal seemed to be genuine, seemed to have the proper background, and history, seals and authorizations…. If it was a trap, it was a trap conceived of at the highest levels. Gathering up her transcript, she finished her coffee and rose, to go find her Master. The lion nodded as he read the transcript. "Yes, it might be a trap, but if it isn't, that’s information we want. I suggest you set up a mission to intercept this agent, taking all possible precautions against it being a trap." Tanj smiled, and nodded; "looks like I'm going to have to requisition Mark for the operation, and I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take Mala either……." The Lion just shook his head no as he handed the transcript back to her; "I’m afraid I've got Mark on a….. Special Project. And I believe the Overlord left the station about two hours ago, with Mala on it. Make do with what you've got; you know how thin we're all running right now. Let me see your operational plan by tomorrow evening. Best get goin', you don't have much time!" Tanj looked at the scrap of paper in her paw again and shook her head; "Tunnel 42, Frame 17B, Compartment A247? I've been living in this station for…. Years, and I've NEVER heard of this place!" Shrugging she looked up at the sign on the corner of the cross-corridors, and turned to head down a little used tunnel. After what seemed like an hour of trudging, as the tunnel became increasingly rough, the floor changing from smooth-as-marble to rough as cement, to uneven rock still showing the marks of the drill bits, as the lighting faded to an occasional maintenance light, she finally found the door she was looking for. Twisting the handle, she found it didn't want to open, and it took all her strength to force it. What she found inside was NOT what she expected. The chamber inside was huge, a hemispherical bubble hollowed from the rock of the asteroid. Some valuable ore body must have been here once, its removal leaving the large somewhat irregularly shaped chamber. Now it was brilliantly lit, with cables thick as her thigh snaking across the floor to…… somethingvaguely resembling a sculpture of a half-melted flower made of a flaking, greenish metal. A moment later, Tanj spied Mark, who stood right next to the thing, one finger lightly tapping his muzzle, apparently completely lost in thought. Grinning, she padded over…… Before she could speak, the Mouse held up a hand for silence and carefully wiggled a couple of blunt spikes protruding from the….. thing right where he stood. The lights in the chamber dimmed for a moment as the metal pulsed visibly, and then returned to normal as Mark returned the spiked to their original position. He nodded, scribbled a note onto a pad and finally turned to the Cheetah. "Well, Hi, Tanj. What brings you down here?" Tanj chuckled a bit uneasily, stealing looks at the "flower" as though it might sneak up and grab her at any moment; "Oh, just wanted to say goodbye. Heading out on a "snatch-and-grab" mission." Mark nodded; "Yeah, I heard. The Imperial Courier. Should be an interesting mission." Tanj Chuckled; "Interesting……. Yeah. I just hope its not a Trap. I sure do wish you were coming….. But the Boss says you're needed here…. On……. Whatever this is." Mark nodded and waved his paw for a moment; "That’s just what I'm trying to do here; figure out just WHAT it is. Its one of the alien gizmos the Boss got from the Brou. We THINK it might be some sort of teleportation device…. Or it might be a way to open a door between dimension…… or it MIGHT just be an alien garbage disposal…. Or the Brou's idea of a practical joke. Pretty definitely one of the four…..." Tanj grinned; "and how come YOU drew the job of figuring it out?" The Mouse smiled mischievously; "For SOME reason, nobody else wanted much to do with a device that makes things just….. disappear seemingly at random. Me, I don't mind - if anything, it reminds me of my last Weird Tech project." Tanj smiled and leaned over to kiss Mark goodbye; "Well, I've got to get going…." Pausing at the door, and giving the Brou device one last look, just in case, she turned back towards him; "Uh, you don't foresee any….. significant problems with my mission, do you? Mark Hmmmmmm'ed and closed his eyes in mock concentration, one hand cupping his forehead. "I see a tall, dark, hansom stranger…. No wait, that’s the NEXT mission. Sorry." He opened his eyes again and shrugged with a grin. "Harmonic patterns, dear. I'd tell you not to do anything I wouldn't, but knowing you, you will anyways…." Tanj stuck her tongue out at him, and then chuckled, waved, and wrenched the door open again, and padded towards the main portion of the station. Tanj found Wanda in the station's medical facility. Since she'd gotten her RN licence by sub-space correspondence she'd been working there full-time, in the "emergency room." The Wolverine lass looked at Tanj and sighed; "I STILL wish you'd consider taking me!" Tanj nodded; "I know, and I wanted to, but the Boss overrode me. While he insists its too dangerous for you to go, he can't seem to find any more resources for me. We're going with a minimal team, I'm afraid. Everyone's just stretched too thin these days." Wanda nodded and sighed; "Yeah, I know; with the fighting on Elysium, and all the raids we're pulling, our shop here is busier than I care to think about. But at least I'm learning a lot……" Tanj nodded and kissed Wanda goodbye; "Take care, Dear, and I'll try and bring you back a little something." Wanda grinned; "you DO that! Male. Good Looking. And well built!" Tanj just laughed.. Tanj sat at the end of the bar and quietly sipped her drink as she watched the crowd. It had been a whirlwind of activity, leading through anxiety to boredom…… She'd put her team together, requisitioned the required supplies and personnel, worked up a plan, briefed the command team on the plan, revised the plan, added contingency plans, re-briefed the command team, gotten approval, loaded her ship, gotten flight clearances, made the trip to the interception point, established their cover, ………. and now they waited. And waited. In a way, it had all worked out to their advantage; they were in place on Pharrpoint Station, with plenty of time to scout the place out, to search for traps, to watch for suspicious characters….. The courier's ship had been delayed; in fact it was three days overdue. At first Tanj had wondered if they'd been raided by pirates; someone else after the prize; then it turned out it was a simple combination of things; delayed by customs at one port; a mechanical problem in another…… The connecting ship that the courier had been scheduled to depart on had left four hours earlier, and that only made Tanj's task of kidnapping the courier easier. If the courier chose to charter a ship to continue the journey, to make up lost time, that wouldn't set off any alarm bells, would it? It didn't seem like a trap; Tanj thought it was MUCH too unorganized to be a trap. But that nagging worry remained. She'd wished that she'd been able to bring Mark; if there were any storm clouds on the horizon, she was sure he could have spotted them. Tanj and her team had gone through the motions of checking out the station for hidden assassins and commandos, trooping about, poking their noses into this or that area……. But all they'd found were a few smugglers and one floating BarLac game that Zassa had immediately joined. Until she ran out of cash, much to Tanj's amusement. So now they waited, spending their days roaming the station, trying to look as if they belonged there, and their evenings in the station's bar, watching the arrival board. Zassa watched the bartender struggle to staple a large piece of paper to the bulletin board near the bar's front door. It was large and gaudy, with clashing colors; but it succeeded in drawing attention, and as the bartender returned to his position behind the bar, the vixen rose from her seat to move closer, to look at it. As she read, a huge smile formed on her face; turning she strode across the bar to where Tanj sat; "Skipper, you have GOT to come look at this!" Taking the Cheetah insistently by the paw, Zassa dragged her from her barstool, to look at the poster. Tanj blinked and then chuckled; the poster read; "Do you think you have what it takes? Got a good body? Know how to use it to please your partner? Know any "party tricks?" Enter our Annual Sex King/Sex Queen Contest! Show the Universe what you got! Competitions for Best Male and Best Female in the following categories: Male/Female, Male/Male, Female/Female, Solo, Group, Freestyle, and Dom/Sub. Enter Today! Contest Starts 2000 Hrs, Stardate 2399.12" Tanj grinned wickedly and took a sip of her drink; things had been dull; there didn't seem to be any danger present, and the contest was the night before the Courier's ship was due to arrive, assuming the latest estimates were accurate. Maybe it would be fun to see what they could do; to see how they stacked up against the other contestants. The prizes listed weren't too shabby either….. Zassa watched Tanj's face and then grinned; she knew that calculating look… Turning she padded back to her table to whisper to Hinoki, already thinking about what they might do……. It was late when they got back to the ship, but not too late for Tanj to head down to Engineering…. She had some ideas she wanted to work on, ideas for their "show," and she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep well until she'd checked them out…… Tanj looked up as Hinoki wandered into Engineering carrying two steaming mugs of coffee. Her workbench was covered with strips of leather, pieces of velcro, and short lengths of chromed and black anodized aluminum tubing. Grinning, Tanj pushed a lock of hair out of her eyes and set down the gizmo she was working on. As she reached for the mug Hinoki had set on the counter, she purrrred; "Glad you're here; as soon as the oven times out, I think we'll be ready for fitting….." Hinoki blinked; "Oven? I thought I smelled burning rubber in here… what HAVE you been working on all night? Or shouldn't I ask?" Tanj blinked and swallowed her mouthful of coffee; gasping, she mumbled; "huh? All night? What time IS it?" Hinoki chuckled and sat on the edge of the workbench; "Oh, its about 0900 Hours……" Tanj opened her mouth, obviously to say something, but then the timer by the oven dinged and she was dashing over, to find the insulated gloves, to remove a ceramic mold……. Setting it on the workbench to cool, she turned back to close the oven door and then shut it off. Turning back to the mold, she looked at it critically as she spoke; "I got the idea from that drum of surfactant we picked up for the water recycling system….." Hinoki straightened; "you mean that slime that looks kinda like a barrel full of cum?" Tanj grinned and nodded; "the stuff's non-toxic, and it doesn't even smell bad, but it DOES look like jism, doesn't it? Anyways, I was thinking about entering you and Zassa in the Dom/Sub competition, ordering you to use Zassa, to cover her in cum. But of course, even with your, ah, "significant" prowess, that'd still take all night. And the contest segments are only an hour long, max. Therefor, I thought you'd need a little help……." Hinoki had slid from the edge of the workbench, his coffee forgotten as his eyes roved over the bits and pieces scattered over the workbench top; "Um, just what DO you have in mind?" Tanj chuckled and gingerly tested the heat of the ceramic mold, finding it still just a little hot to hold; "Oh, first off, I thought a nice chrome and black leather cock and ball harness might be nice……. It'd keep you nice and hard, and provide some interesting stimulation for Zassa…. AND provide a hiding place for the tube….." Hinoki looked down at the table again; "the cock and ball harness sounds ok, but "the tube?" You don't mean to tell me…." Tanj grinned and nodded rapidly; "Yup. We're going to give you a little assistance in covering Zassa with "cum"…… Hinoki shook his head and grinned; the device Tanj had built was a marvel… the cock and ball cage was bright chrome tubing, seemingly seamless….. and it gripped him mercilessly, one ring encircling that space between his balls and his body, another, oblong ring going from behind his balls, framing his sheath, to hold a smaller chromed ring over its opening, with all sorts of cross-members, making it look almost like a piece of armor……except for the tender bits of flesh squeezed between the metal. And of course there was the obligatory section that traveled from back to front, separating and spreading his balls…. The trick was that it WASN'T all one piece, but was several segments that snapped together….. Tanj had this magnetic wand, that when she waved it near the junctures, the thing literally fell to pieces. At the tip of his sheath, the device turned to leather and elastic, and more chrome; it was the classic "gates of hell" just waiting for his cock to grow from his sheath…… and of course, the underside of the assemblage held a hidden, black anodized tube…… Hinoki grimaced as he bent over the workbench. "Hold Still" Tanj chuckled as she tried to maneuver the special rubber butt plug she'd made into the Cheetah's ass. Hinoki squirmed again; "But its COLD; the least you coulda done was warm it up some……. Tanj slowly worked the device into Hinoki's ass; "Hmmmmm; I had to use a very flexible rubber for this thing, but that's made it just a bit soft and hard to get in…… There, finally in place. Hinoki smiled and wiggled his bottom experimentally; "Doesn't feel that big; I've taken worse……" Tanj just chuckled as she grabbed the base of his tail, to try and hold him still; "Oh, this'll be worse. The part inside you will expand as I fill it with the surfac….. the goo. Let me know when it gets too much for you…." Hinoki nodded, his head turning to look back over his shoulder as Tanj connected a tube to the center of the buttplug and slowly started to pump in the pseudo-cum with a small hand-pump. Tanj couldn't help but chuckle as the expression on Hinoki's face went from a soft smile to a wide-eyed look to a grimace as the head of the plug expanded, swelling, filling his bowels…. The butt- plug itself might have been cold, but she'd thought to warm the goo to just above body temperature, figuring the warmth would help relax his muscles. As she pumped she panted; "Gotta get a larger pump; this one's made for high pressure and only does 5 cc's per stroke. But then, at least that'll give you time to adjust….. Finally the cheetah gasped; "That’s it…. Best stop there….." Tanj chuckled and shook her head; "Oh, come on, Hinoki, you're barely starting to show! You can take more, I KNOW it; why, if I remember correctly, your record is eight liters!" Looking at the Cheetah male, Tanj chuckled and thought she knew what he really wanted….. Rising, she grabbed Hinoki by the scruff of his neck, and growling with mock ferocity, pulled him back from the workbench, forcing him to his knees. She laughed as he squirmed, the four liters or so of goo within him surging as he moved, putting pressure on his insides. As he knelt, she moved behind him to shackle his ankles to the opposite legs of the workbench, holding them well apart. A few more straps secured his wrists behind his back, pulling them up towards his collar, and another strap was run from the front of his collar to a tie-down ring in the floor, leaving him with his ass high in the air. Going back to her pump, Tanj slowly started to pump the warm goo into the Cheetah's ass, filling the inflatable plug, and as the plug widened, distended, extended, so did the male's eyes widen. Hinoki yowled, and squalled, squirming, his claws raking ineffectually at the air above his back, and while he was struggling like mad, his face wore a curious expression of both pleasure and pain. Grinning, Tanj reached around with her other paw, to rub his slowly swelling tummy, to try and help relieve the growing pressures… and of course as she did so, she occasionally stroked his sheath, and his balls……. If you didn't know him, you wouldn't think the growing bulge of his belly all that remarkable, but now the normally sleek Cheetah male was starting to look a little plump. Tanj grinned as she used one paw to stroke his growing belly, to fondle him occasionally, as she pumped in the last of the goo…… Disconnecting the pump from the butt-plug, Tanj watched Hinoki as she struggled to connect up the tubing the way she wanted it. Hinoki groaned and squirmed; the sensations were…. Unique. The combination of being tied down, and filled so full was something that strangely delighted him……. But he'd never let Tanj know that. As Tanj fiddled with the plumbing he groaned and panted……. Tanj finally finished and gave the male Cheetah a playful slap on the ass; "There you go. Now all you have to do is keep your asshole clenched until the proper time….. then all you have to do is relax." Releasing the Cheetah's bound feet and then undoing his collar from the tie-down, she helped him stand, to lean back against the workbench. His stomach did have the most delightful little bulge…… Hinoki winced as he moved, rising to a standing position. Turning to look at Tanj, he gave her his best "dirty look." Tanj just laughed; "Oh, come on; its going to be great; here, let me show you……." Hinoki leaned back against the workbench as Tanj knelt before him, her tongue stroking over the chrome and leather binding his sex; it took almost no provocation for the Cheetah male to become aroused, his cock expanding from his sheath, slipping between the waiting rings… As he hardened, as he grew, the flesh of his cock strained against the encircling rings, pushing against the elastic that held them together… by the time Tanj's tongue had added a sheen of saliva to his sex, Hinoki's cock was straining, tightly encircled in chrome, outlined in black leather. Tanj took her time, her rough feline tongue stroking those exposed, most sensitive places, toying with him, teasing…….. Hinoki squirmed under Tanj's tongue; it was a constant effort to keep his asshole clenched, to hold in the goop, especially when he would much rather have released it, easing the pressure in his bowels. That effort, that concentration subtracted somewhat from the pleasures of Tanj's tongue, but it wasn't enough. Tanj hadn't told him to hold back his orgasm, and he gripped the edges of the workbench fiercely as that moment approached. Zassa looked up from her console as she broke the connection with Pharrpoint traffic control. The Courier's ship was still a good eight hours out. Maybe more if they got held up at the Sou'gre jump point. That place was always a mess. Zassa grinned as she thought of the wolf she'd met in the bar, the one who worked in traffic control. It was amazing how a little loving could loosen someone's tongue. She'd told him that an old friend was on that ship and that she was eager to see her, and the Wolf had most obligingly, between kisses, and some petting, related the ship's flight plan, revealing to her the whole route the ship was taking. Zassa had been amazed that the behind-schedule ship would take a path through the most backed-up traffic jam in the quadrant, but it seemed in character with everything else the ship was doing….. Glancing at the Chronograph, the Vixen wondered just what had happened to Hinoki. He'd gone to look for Tanj almost two hours ago….. Rising she proceeded to head for Engineering, to see if she could find them, wondering what was up. Katherine van der Beck growled in frustration. The Mink had been to see the ship's purser several times, each time getting nothing but platitudes and excuses as to why the ship was so far behind schedule. They'd told her they were doing the best they could, and to please shut up and be patient. And it was supposed to be such a reputable passenger line, too! Growling she turned and strode from the purser's office towards the Port lounge. Turning a corner she almost ran into a rather large, elderly and quite overweight Bison, who was maneuvering himself through the corridor with the aid of two canes. Somehow, as she tried to keep from knocking him over, one of the canes jabbed hard at her foot, making her squall. And then they had stepped back from each other, the Bison all apologies and concern. Kathy just shook her head and assured him she was fine, and limping slightly, resumed her trek to the lounge. As soon as she was around the corner, the Bison straightened, no longer leaning on his canes. Grinning he examined the tip of one of them, and then nodding in satisfaction, turned, and twirling both canes like a showman, headed off down a different corridor. Zassa smirked as she entered engineering, to find Tanj on her knees, tongue stroking the male Cheetah's cock. From the look on Hinoki's face, he was about to explode, but what happened next surprised even Zassa. Throwing his head back, Hinoki yowled loudly, and as his cock started to spurt, Tanj sat back, his jism splattering her chin, throat and chest. But the Cheetah didn't stop; his cock seemed to spurt for minutes, to spurt until Tanj's whole front was a white sticky mess…… and the look on Hinoki's face was somewhere between terror and ecstasy. Zassa just stared in amazement, as Tanj started laughing….. Finally the Cheetah ran dry, and his eyes opened, and then widened as he saw Tanj. Tanj took one look and started laughing again, little white droplets flying from her as she shook. Zassa shook her head in amazement, as she padded closer, her eyes moving from the laughing, cum-covered Tanj to the panting Hinoki; "Tanj what have you DONE to him? How'd you make him….. I mean he's never…… I've never seen even a stallion or a bull cum that much! Tanj chuckled and rose to her feet, to look down at herself; "Hinoki, you show her what we've been up to; I've GOT to find a towel or something….. Dripping, Tanj padded across the workspace to look for something to wipe up the mess with, as Hinoki grinned at the Vixen; "It’s a pretty interesting device, really…. It all works from this VERY inflatable butt-plug…… and you wouldn't believe the sensations; when I came; it was like I lost ALL control, my ass spasming around the plug, the sensation of the goo flowing out, my belly deflating, it all just seemed to combine to keep my orgasm alive for hours….. And the look on Tanj's face! It was Great! Kathy sighed as she sat down in the Lounge. That damn Bison should have looked where he was going. SHE should have been looking where she was going. Bending over, she looked at her left foot, where the Bison's cane had jabbed her. Sure enough, there was a tiny drop of blood on her fur. But it didn't look too serious. Ignoring it, she signaled the bartender, deciding on something STRONG to drink…… Tanj was still chuckling as she headed down the corridor towards the head; she'd used up half the disposable wipes in Engineering trying to clean herself up, but she was still a mess. At least the surfactant didn't dry like genuine cum; it was still a sticky smeary mess. As she rounded the corner, she almost collided with Hinoki; panting the male Cheetah gasped; "Good think I caught you in time; I got to thinking………Tanj, if you try and wash off all that chemical, you'll screw up the water recycling system royally. You should know better!" Tanj stopped and stared at Hinoki for a minute and then groaned. "Dammit, you're right. I hadn't thought of that…… Oh, Hell, NOW how am I gonna get clean?" Hinoki just chuckled and shrugged and gingerly stepped around Tanj, continuing on his way, leaving the messy Cheetah fem in his wake. It'd taken Tanj another couple of hours, but she'd rigged up a "bath" in Engineering, from some shipping containers and some plastic sheeting, and had finally scrubbed herself clean enough to use the shower…. Rising from the "tub" she grinned; she felt like she'd been slimed…. Still dripping on the floor, she rigged a transfer hose to let the vacuum of space suck the slimy water from the tub. Then the plastic sheeting went into recycling. And the shipping containers were collapsed and stored. And THEN she padded, nude, and still dripping, towards the shower…… Tanj was yawning by the time she finished the nice hot shower. As she let the hot air from the fur dryer swirl around her, she fantasized about a soft bed and clean sheets…… When the dryer clicked off, she straightened up the bathroom and headed for her cabin…. Only to run into Zassa as the Vixen headed towards the bathroom; "Contest starts in about two hours! You gonna be ready?" Tanj blinked at the Vixen, and then mumbled an assent. Slipping into her cabin she groaned as she saw the Chronometer; she'd worked all night, and then spent all morning with Hinoki, and then all afternoon trying to get clean….. and now it was time to get ready…… Tanj was still yawning while she fiddled with the tubing connections. She'd done her hair, decided on a "pattern" for her living dress, consulted with Zassa with respect to what she had planned for her part of the scene with Hinoki, and on what the Vixen was going to wear (or not wear, as the case may be), and now, finally, just before they were to leave the ship, Tanj was again on her knees, in front of Hinoki, as he perched on the edge of the workbench. Hinoki, for his part, was wearing a stout leather collar, with chrome bosses and buckle, and the cock-and-ball harness Tanj had fabricated, and nothing else. Bending over, he tried to both watch and not fall off the workbench as Tanj connected the tubing to the hand pump, and slowly started to fill his ass with the warmed surfactant. Tanj's gaze alternated from the Cheetah's face to her pump, to the tubing connections and back as she rhythmically squeezed the hand pump, loading the inflatable butt-plug in his ass with the goop. Finally she exchanged looks with Zassa and then, looking up at Hinoki; she growled; "That’s where you were last time; want to stop here?" Hinoki grimaced and then shook his head no; "Last time there were spots of you that HADN'T been covered; lets go a little more. After all, if we're going to do it, lets do it RIGHT!" Tanj grinned and gave the hand pump a dozen more strokes, and then disconnected the line. She'd added a tiny, remotely activated valve, tucked into the leather behind the Cheetah's balls; he wouldn't have control over the device until she was ready to "let him loose"…….. After all, none of them knew how long it might be before it was their turn to perform……. Kathy groaned as she lay nude on the bunk in her stateroom. She'd had MUCH too much to drink. Her head was swimming, her vision blurry. And for some reason she was horny as hell. If she'd felt just a little better, she decided, she'd go back to the lounge and find a suitable male…. As if there was a suitable male on the whole flaming ship……. Sighing, she blinked, and resigned herself to being alone tonight. Watching the ceiling slowly revolve, her paws moved to stroke between her thighs. LORD she was wet…….. They had to walk carefully, but it wasn't any worse than walking in the coffle back at the academy. Tanj's living dress sheathed her in gleaming black, coating her like a second skin. The middle of it resembled a corset, with half-cups, barely supporting her breasts, but doing the job in making them stand out prominently. It descended from the corset to form a miniskirt of indecently short length. And from her exposed nipples, thin gold chains ran from her nipple rings, one to the ring in the end of Hinoki's hard cock; the other to Zassa's clitty ring. Her left hand held a small purse, swinging at her side, but her right held a short riding crop, symbol of her authority over her slaves. Both Zassa and Hinoki were more or less nude, both wearing matching collars. Hinoki was outfitted in his cock-and-ball harness, the leather and chrome seemingly making his sex all the more prominent. Zassa sported short chains ending in jingle-bells from nipple and labia rings, and she made music as she walked. From the way their little parade had turned heads on the way to the bar, Tanj was sure they were going to make a classic entrance. Sure enough, despite a room full of sexily dressed, scantily clad, or just plain nude furrs, all eyes turned when Tanj and her slaves entered the bar. Hinoki's tightly bound cock and balls, and Zassa's bouncing breasts drew their share of appreciative looks as they moved through the crowded bar. As Tanj signed them in Zassa and Hinoki knelt behind her, showing very good form (although Tanj was convinced that they were teasing her, considering the way the chains between her nipples and them seemed to go tight from time to time…….. Tanj was assigned a number, and flicking her riding crop as a signal, Zassa and Hinoki rose smoothly as they wheeled and moved off to a vacant table near the stage. After Tanj had sat, Zassa and Hinoki at her feet, Tanj bent over to whisper; "We're Number 17. They're currently on Number Eight, so we've got a while to wait. Think you can handle it, Hinoki? The Cheetah just nodded. Tanj sat back and when the waitress came by, ordered a pitcher of Sangria. Periodically giving Zassa, or Hinoki a sip, she settled back to watch the show. Tanj smiled as the male/female act finished up. She had to admit she'd never seen a Mouse/Clydedale couple before….. and the Mouse had to have been the best-hung Mouse she'd ever seen. Still, she thought the Mare's cries of ecstasy were just a little…… staged. The Master of Ceremonies (the Bartender) waited until they were off the stage and then stepped into the spotlight. Thanks to Brent and Dahlia for an …… interesting performance. Judges are you ready for the next act?" After a moment the head judge nodded and the bartender turned back to face the audience; looking down at his notes, he grinned; "Next we have Duke…. and Bruce, the third contestants in the Male/Male category." Tanj sipped her Sangria and smiled as two muscular and well- formed Rottweilers took the stage. One of them grinned at the other as he pulled off his shorts; "Standard Rules? We wrestle for who's on top? The other Rotweiller grinned back and nodded, and slipping off his own shorts, fell into a wrestler's crouch. Tanj smiled as she admired the way their muscles moved as they circled each other, thinking this could be interesting……. Kathy was panting hard. She'd never had a hangover like this before. Her head was pounding, and she was sweating bullets. And her mouth felt like a battalion of Imperial Marines had marched through it in their sweatsocks. The liquor she'd had the night before must have been real rot- gut…… And she was hornier than ever despite the fact that through the sleepless night she'd stroked herself to at least a half dozen climaxes……. Panting she hoped she'd be feeling better by the time the ship docked in a few hours. She was scarcely in any shape to be seen like this…… Tanj winced as she watched, her mind flashing back to her time in the academy. The Dom/Sub scene that had come up next in the contest's rather random order seemed to consist solely of the heavyset male wolf showing just how much pain his partner, a rather svelte lady Rabbit could absorb. He'd brought in a portable bondage cross, lashed her tightly to it, and started with a paddle, working over her ass until she squirmed. Then he'd exchanged the paddle to work over her back and her upper thighs with a cane. As Tanj looked over the crowd, she noted that most of them were having the same reaction she was…. And the Judges didn't look too happy either. On the other hand, the Sub still tightly clutched the white handkerchief in her left paw. That was her "safeword"; if she dropped it, her Dom was honor-bound to stop….. and thus it went on. Bending over to give Hinoki a sip of Sangria, she looked into his eyes for a moment and they both nodded to each other; they'd been through things like this in their respective training, and had both found it something to be avoided. Turning to give Zassa a sip, however, Tanj found her eyes bright with facination; the Vixen was almost squirming in place. After taking a sip, Zassa whispered back; "LOOK at her! She's LOVING it! Look at how WET she is!" Tanj lifted her head to look, and sure enough, the Rabbit's thighs were matted with her juices. And when the Wolf exchanged the cane for a heavy bullwhip, in a bar suddenly gone deathly quiet, Tanj caught the low moan of delight and anticipation from the Rabbit. Sure enough, by the third stroke, the bound Rabbit was writhing through the throes of a powerful climax. The Wolf finished up with a powerful stroke with the bullwhip, bringing its tip up to snap between the Rabbit's well-spread legs, its sharp pain seeming to only drive her further into her climax, her juices visibly flying from the impact. After a moment, the Wolf untied her legs and then her arms, and the Rabbit turned, to throw her arms around him, to kiss him hotly. Slowly, he helped her off the stage, someone else coming to retrieve the cross. The Bartender again stepped into the spotlight, looking a little shaken, staring off stage at where the Wolf and Rabbit had gone. Then, clearing his throat, he looked down at his notes. "Ah, our next contestants are …… Muffy and Buffy, the sixth contestants in the female/female category…… Kathy grumbled as she tried to brush out her hair. She'd taken a long, cold shower, and had packed. The ship was about to dock, and while she felt a little better, the headache receding, she still felt hot, as if she was running a low-grade fever. And she was still horny as hell. She didn't know what was wrong with her, but she'd NEVER felt like this before. No matter. She had a ship to catch, if it hadn't already left. She was an Imperial Courier; she could handle this. Tanj softly stroked Hinoki's head as she watched the next act. The fact that the lady Porcupine was doing a "solo" act hadn't really surprised her, but the way she was using a variety of fruits and vegetables……. Tanj just had to grin. Finally, she'd brought herself to a screaming orgasm squatting above a rather large gourd with the most amazing protuberance on top, and as she padded off stage, the Bartender once again took the spotlight. "Um, if our judges are ready, our next act is Bartholomew and the Gibbs sisters……" Tanj took another sip of her Sangria and smiled as two nude White Tigresses led a rather short Bobcat to the stage. Kathy stood in the middle of the Pharrpoint station embarkation area and groaned. Her connecting ship was LONG gone. And there was nothing else heading towards Elysium for almost two weeks! Grumbling she checked her bags in a locker, and turned to see if she could find a ship to charter. As she headed towards the station's offices, she stopped to look into the bar, in response to a loud cheer. Tanj did her best to maintain her composure when, as the two ladies led a rather exhausted and drained Bobcat from the stage, the announcer called her name. Taking a final sip of her Sangria, as the spotlight swung to her table, the Cheetah fem took her time, rising only when she was ready, Hinoki and Zassa rising smoothly behind her to follow. Gaining the center of the stage, Tanj paused to release first Hinoki's chain from her right nipple ring, and then Zassa's chain from her left. Bending, she passed the end of one through a convenient eyebolt towards the edge of the stage, and then connected one chain to the other, effectively securing both her slaves to the stage. Straightening, she looked at Hinoki and then at Zassa, and then growled; "Slave, I command you to cover the vixen in cum. Use her any way you like; command her as you will, but do NOT leave this stage until she's inundated!" Shifting her gaze to Zassa, Tanj growled; "Obey this slave; do as he wills, and do NOT let him leave with a drop of cum still within him!" Turning, Tanj walked as Regally as she could back to her table, to resume her seat. Hinoki grinned down at Zassa, his face almost forming a snear; "On your knees, you worthless slave. How low can you be, to be a slave to a slave? Put your paws behind your neck, crawl over here, and lick me!" Kathy watched from the doorway, and something within her stirred. For a moment, she wondered what it would be like to be that naked and collared vixen in the middle of the stage, commanded to lick the male? Shivering, she looked towards the station's offices and then sighed; they were probably all closed at this late hour anyways. And she could use a drink. Slipping through the doorway, she found a barstool, and ordered a soft drink, her eyes on the couple on the stage……. Hinoki stood there, hands on his hips as the vixen ran her tongue over his hard cock. He was turned at an angle, so that most of the patrons of the bar could appreciate the Vixen's talent in using her tongue. Zassa first ran her tongue, not over the Cheetah's bound cock, but over his bulging balls, stroking him with the tip of her tongue, as if to call the attentions of the onlookers to the way the chrome and leather so tightly encircled the male's sack, how it made his balls bulge, and strain, how forcefully they were held away from his body. Slowly Zassa's tongue worked its way up along his sheath, until it got to the bright pink of his hard shaft. There, she lingered, stroking her tongue over all the exposed portions of his sensitive flesh. And the results of her actions were seen on his face. Hinoki's eyes closed, and a delighted smile spread over his face. He suffered her attentions for a while, and then looked down at her and growled; "Enough. Turn and crouch before me, ass high. And don't take your paws from behind your neck!" Kathy watched intently, her drink forgotten. She could feel herself getting VERY wet at the scene being played out before her; so wet she worried about spotting through her dress. But she couldn't bring herself to leave, to tear her eyes away. Zassa turned meekly, showing her left side to the majority of the bar's patrons, her legs spread, her tail held high, her generous breasts squashed against the floor of the stage as she held her paws behind her head. Hinoki stroked a finger across her rump, a gentle caress, followed by a quick surprising slap to her ass, making her flesh bounce delightfully. Moving up behind her, he presented the chrome and leather encased cock to her pussy, and slowly shoved forwards. Zassa took the cue and pushed back against him, moaning as she felt the rings surrounding his shaft force their way inside her, stretching her a bit wider than usual. Hinoki moved slowly, always pulling out enough to show the crowd that he was indeed burying his cock in her pussy, her juices causing his shaft, and the leather to shine slickly. She was panting hard, and obviously on the verge of a climax when he stopped and pulled out. The Vixen let a small whimper escape as she felt his cock leave her, and that only earned her another slap on the ass. Then Hinoki was pressing the head of his cock against her anal ring, and the Vixen HOWLED as he slowly drove his beringed cock into her ass, the chain from the ring in the "eye" of his cock being dragged along. The Vixen writhed in both pain and pleasure as Hinoki fucked her ass with increasing fury, each ring shoved through her anal ring making her gasp. Kathy moaned softly to herself as she watched, and literally had to force her hand away from her crotch; she wanted soo much to touch herself, as she noted so many others doing in the bar….. As she watched, she wished more than ever, that she was the one on her knees on the stage, instead of that flame-hued vixen. Tanj grinned and thumbed the remote from "safe" to "Armed." It wouldn't be long now….. The Cheetah on stage grinned wickedly and snaked one arm around her waist to rub between her thighs, to tease and torment her empty pussy….. until at last Zassa convulsed, a powerful climax ripping through her. Hinoki slowed a bit, but didn't cease his motions, until at last he jerked his cock out of her. Zassa moved quickly, and the suddenness of her move, the wantonness of her action made even Hinoki's eyes go wide as she slurped the Cheetah's throbbing cock back into her mouth. Seconds later he was spurting, his cum flying from his cock….. and as his muscles spasmed, as his whole body shook, he lost the tight clench he had around the plug in his butt, the pressure of his bowels forcing the fake cum through the tube. Zassa had pulled back, and was grinning, eyes closed, as Hinoki's cum rained down on her, bathing her. From the expression on her face, you would have thought that it was the most sensual experience she'd ever had…. Hinoki panted and managed just enough control to rhythmically clench his ass, making the "cum" seem to spurt from his cock. He took his slick shaft in hand and played the globs over the vixen, covering her face, her breasts, and on down over her belly and thighs….. it seemed to go on forever. Kathy watched in amazement as the Cheetah seemed to spurt endlessly. Never in her life had she ever seen ANY male cum like that! It looked marvelous, and as she gazed in rapt attention, her paw unconsciously stealing to rub at her crotch, she decided she HAD to find a way to have the Cheetah slave do her, like he'd done the vixen. Perhaps she could approach their owner about borrowing or renting him…….. Tanj's eyes weren't on Hinoki and Zassa, but were on the crowd. Aside from the very liquid noises coming from the stage, from Hinoki's grunts and Zassa's moans, the room was dead quiet. Here and there, one fur or another caressed themselves or a partner, but for the most part, Hinoki and Zassa had captured the audience's complete attention. Hinoki sighed as the last of the fake cum dribbled from his harness. Winking at Zassa, he turned to face Tanj, adopting a proper kneeling position, as if awaiting her next command. Zassa, already kneeling, just grinned…. And dripped. A not inconsiderable puddle was slowly forming under her. Tanj arose, languidly, as if the performance had been merely satisfactory, and padded to the stage (being careful of where she stepped), to unchain her slaves. Heedless of the crowd, she took their chains in her left hand and headed back for her table. And THEN the crowd burst into cheers and applause! The Bartender mounted the stage, also being careful of where he stepped. Gazing down at the puddle, he shook his head, and then he turned to glance at the judges. "Um, if everyone's ready, the next contestants are Bethany and Samuel, Contestants Number twenty-three in the Male/Female category….. Tanj gave Hinoki a long sip of Sangria and then gave Zassa a sip; "Very good, you two, I'm PROUD of you!" Zassa giggled and shook herself a little, droplets splattering everyone for several tables around; "That was GREAT! But how do I get clean?" Tanj chuckled; "we'll get you clean when we get back to the ship. Right now, you just kneel there and look incredibly sexy." Tanj clipped the chains to the leg of the table and sat back, to wait her turn in the solo competition…… Kathy watched the couple on the stage make slow, tender and passionate love to each other and just sighed. That wasn't what she wanted. She wanted something rougher, something more forceful….. Maybe, given her job as a courier and liaison for the Imperial government, a position of some power and authority, had left her hungering for something else…… Her eyes kept straying to the Cheetah fem in the strange dress, with the two slaves. As the current act concluded, she had just about made up her mind to approach the Cheetah Fem, and ask her if there was some way she could borrow her male slave…… Tanj smiled when the Bartender again called her name. Moving gracefully, she mounted the stage, to stand in the spotlight. As she moved into position, she formed a mental image, commanding the creature that was her living dress to shift, to shrink, to form a thick, tight corset, pulling in her waist, pushing up her breasts. As the creature flowed over her she heard a collective gasp from the audience, and the buzz of conversation. Smiling at the crowd, she squatted, center stage, knees widespread. Dropping one paw to her crotch she relaxed her muscles and slowly a standard pool ball appeared, squeezed from her pussy. Grinning she held it up so that everyone could see it was the No.1 ball…… Zassa leaned over to whisper to Hinoki; "where'd she get those?" Hinoki chuckled and shrugged; "must have been holding them there since we left the ship, a feat, I'd think on a parallel with me holding the opening to that inflated butt-plug shut all that time! Zassa just giggled and shook her head; "noooooooo, she's been sitting, remember! Easier to hold when you're sitting." Hinoki just chuckled softly and turned back to watch. Kathy blinked as the Cheetah produced a solid-colored ball, numbered "2", and then another striped ball numbered "3", each glistening with her juices. Then, as everyone watched, she made great show of holding up the Number 1 ball, and reinserting it into her pussy. Then the No.2 ball disappeared in the same fashion, and then the No.3 ball. The Cheetah rose, to do a small dance, twirling about, as if she were in the middle of some exotic dance routine, and then she again fell into a squat, immediately in front of one of the stage-side tables. Grinning at the male Stag there, she calmly produced, again, the No.1 ball, then the No.2, and then the No.3…. for a moment it was lost on the Stag, and it almost looked as if he were about to shrug, to say "so what?" And then realization dawned on his face. The No.1 ball had been the first she'd inserted into her sex, but it had been the first one out! No.3 had been the last one in, but it also had been the last one out. The Stag's mouth dropped in surprise and Tanj laughed and bent forward to kiss him on the nose; "Tell me sir, what order should I put them back in, and what order would you like to see them emerge in?" The Stag grinned; "put them in, one, two, three, and THEN I'll tell you what order to remove them in!" Tanj just laughed and nodded, making a great show of spreading her labia with the fingers of one paw, inches from his face, and inserting the pool balls as requested. The Stag nodded as the last disappeared, and then chuckled; "Now, lets see you remove them, two, one, three!" Tanj rose, as if to resume her dance but the stag grabbed her tail, pulling her back down; "No, no" he chuckled; "I don't want you pulling any kind of a switch. I want you to stay RIGHT here. Tanj chuckled and dropped one paw to her mons as she squatted at the edge of the stage, shamelessly caressing herself. After a moment or two, she let out a low moan, her body shaking, as she teased herself to a small climax. Then, grinning at the Stag, she expelled the No.2 ball, then the No.1 ball, and finally, with a flourish, the No.3 ball, which she presented to the Stag. Rising, she bowed to the judges and with a saucy walk, sauntered back to her table. As she moved, her living dress expanded, flowing up and down her body, to form a strapless sheath that covered her from just above her nipples to just below her crotch. Kathy shook her head in amazement; either the Cheetah Fem was a master at slight-of-hand, or her vaginal muscles were incredibly dexterous……. Deciding that perhaps this Fem was just the one that could help her with her sudden…. itch, the Mink left her barstool, almost untouched drink in hand, to push her way through the throng. Tanj was still smiling, when her eye caught the motion. Turning to look, she had to make a conscious effort not to let her mouth drop open. There, pushing through the crowded bar was a female Mink, looking almost exactly like the ID picture that had been on the Imperial data crystal… the ID picture of the Courier! Grabbing Zassa's head, Tanj turned her forcibly to look in the direction of the Mink, and bent to whisper in her ear; "do you SEE what I think I'm seeing?" Zassa reached up to the table and grabbed the glass of Sangria, to take a quick gulp. Blinking she looked again and then turned her head up to look at Tanj; "OHYEAH! And if SHE'S coming here, maybe this IS a trap!" Tanj took another look at the oncoming Mink, now stymied by two large Bears that seemed to be having some sort of argument. The Mink was looking left and right, as if trying to find a way around the two arguing ursines. Tanj scanned the crowd but couldn't spot anyone who looked like security forces, or commandos……. Unless you counted the lady Hippopotamus in the sheer Teddy….. but no, she looked much too happy to be preparing for a fight. Hinoki had shifted, following their gazes and had nodded sagely; "Yup. If its NOT a trap, I'd love to know what's going on, as it’s the DAMNDEST coincidence. And us not armed with anything more powerful than a thoroughly drained cum shooter…….." Tanj hissed at her two "slaves" to behave, to kneel as they should, and as they adjusted their postures, Tanj slipped her right paw into her purse, to grasp the small nerve disrupter she had placed there, as surreptitiously as possible, as she turned to look at the approaching Mink. Kathy sighed and then GROWLED as the two bears continued their argument, blocking her way. As one, they turned to LOOK at her, and then without a word, each stepped back to let her through. Moving carefully as to not spill her drink, Kathy stepped between them with an icy "Thank You" and resumed her trek towards Tanj & Co. Tanj looked up curiously as she sipped her Sangria, holding the glass in her left paw. Frowning she looked at it; somehow it had been almost completely drained……. Ah….. Hinoki and Zassa had been into it without permission while she was on stage. Naughty. She was going to have to "punish" them for that….. A polite cough from the Mink brought her attention back to her and she tried to look up with the cool haughty smile of a Mistress. Kathy looked down at the Cheetah fem and blinked; "Um, Ma'am, I couldn't help but notice the ….. performance of your slave a few moments ago….. And I was wondering if I might…… If I could arrange to……." As Tanj looked at the stammering Mink, her nose told her that this lady was very aroused, and she smiled, having a flash of insight. "You liked what you saw, there on stage, didn't you" Tanj interrupted. The Mink's gaze flicked from Tanj to Hinoki and back, and she nodded, a quick almost convulsive jerk. Tanj smiled softly; "and as you watched, you wished that you were in the Vixen's place, the subject of his….. attentions." Again, the Mink's head jerked up and down, in a quick nod. Tanj smiled and reached out her left paw to stroke Hinoki's head; "I can understand that; he's really QUITE good…….. But he's not for sale. Or for rent. On the other hand, under certain circumstances, he MIGHT be available…. As a favor." Kathy swallowed; "Um…. What conditions might you have in mind?" Tanj smiled again and abandoning her caresses of the Cheetah male's head, picked up her drink to sip slowly. "I’m always in search of…. amusement. I think that you're interested in exploring your…. Submissive side, am I right? Again, Kathy's head nodded. Tanj looked at her and noted that she hadn't pulled out one of the other chairs and sat, or even asked if she could sit down. Instead she stood, as a supplicant, as if awaiting her mistress' permission, or acknowledgement. Nodding to herself in approval, Tanj smiled; "let us take you to somewhere quiet, and we'll see if we can fulfil your fantasies. For a time of my choosing. Activities of my choosing. We'll see how well you care for that side of life. And while I won't tell you exactly what will happen, or exactly what we'll do to you, I will promise you that you will get all of the stud you could ever want. And all of the Vixen too. And possibly, if I'm pleased with you, I'll take you into my own bed." Kathy listened with growing agitation. It was just what she wanted. Exactly the sort of thing she wanted. But she was on a mission…... But she'd missed her ship and the next one wasn't for almost two weeks. She had authorization to charter a vessel, but no mandate to do so….. Would anyone miss her if she took some time for herself? With a groan, she felt herself get even wetter as she considered what it might be like, felt her nipples stiffen, and she knew she had no real choice……. Tanj smiled as the Mink whispered softly; "I agree. As long as no one gets seriously hurt…… I'm yours to do with as you will." Tanj shook her head; it just couldn't be this easy. Something HAD to be wrong. But what? Still, she'd be a fool if she sent away the furr she'd been sent to kidnap. Smiling, she indicated a place between Hinoki and Zassa; "Take off your dress and kneel there. We have some unfinished business here but soon we'll leave." Tanj watched carefully to see if the Mink would obey, or if she'd back out. Or if she'd call for security or go for a weapon, or simply vanish… To her amazement, the Mink bit her lower lip, in a moment's indecision, and then with one quick motion pulled her dress off over her head, to step between Hinoki and Zassa, to turn and face the direction they were facing, kneeling as they knelt. After a moment, Tanj bent to undo the chains from Zassa and Hinoki. She clipped the ring on the end of Zassa's chain about the length of Hinoki's chain, and the ring at the end of Hinoki's chain around the length of Zassa's chain, forming a noose that could slide if tugged from either side. Knowing it would be grim for her friends if the Mink decided to bolt, Tanj slipped the noose over the Mink's head, lifting her hair from the nape of her neck as she did so. Then, smiling, looking at her THREE slaves, she sat back to finish the Sangria. The Gerbil smiled and shook her head; The Pirate had indeed made contact with the Imperial Courier, although she'd NEVER anticipated THAT approach! It was almost as if the Pirates KNEW what was to come, and had acted accordingly. COULD they know? Could they have a spy inside the Red's organization? Inside Xylex's organization? Could they have THAT complete a psychological profile of the courier? Shrugging, she finished her drink and headed out of the bar. She'd report what had happened, and let THEM sort it out. Tanj smiled as the winners were announced. In general she agreed with most of the Judges' decisions, even agreeing that the Tigress that could tie the most amazing knots in a piece of string using just her tongue was more impressive than she'd been in the solo/party tricks category. Of course, going on to demonstrate just how useful so dexterous a tongue could be on one one of the Judges probably hadn't hurt……. Still, Tanj was satisfied with the second place prize, and the money that it brought. And as she'd hoped, Zassa and Hinoki had taken first place in the Dom/Sub category. When all the congratulations were concluded, and the prizes handed out, Tanj signaled her slaves and without looking back to see if they were following, left the bar, and headed for her ship. Zassa watched the Mink from the corner of her eye as they walked. Hinoki was carrying the trophies and Zassa had the cash, and both were walking to either side and just behind the Mink as they followed Tanj. That way, they could anticipate sudden "tugs" on the chains that were still attached to their most sensitive parts….. But so far, she was following Tanj meekly, her eyes seemingly locked on the Cheetah fem's swaying ass….. Tanj keyed open the airlock, checking her telltales for signs of tampering, or unauthorized entrance. It looked OK…… Padding through the airlock and waiting for the others to follow she closed and sealed it. "Hinoki, take our new friend down to the Cargo hold. Lay out a mat, and then hog- tie her. Tightly. I'll leave the use of the "dancing egg" vibrators to you, but I do NOT want her to climax. Not yet. Then report back to me. I'll be…… trying to clean up Zassa" Hinoki chuckled and reached up to undo his chain from Zassa's, handing the Vixen the end of her own chain. Twirling the end of his own chain in his left paw, the Cheetah male wrapped a paw around the Mink's upper arm and guided her down the corridor….. When they were out of sight, Tanj turned and looked Zassa up and down; the vixen had stopped dripping but her fur was a matted sticky mess from her chin to her knees. Combining a sigh with a smile Tanj shook her head; "I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave you to your own devices, Dear. Our…. Guest checked her luggage in a locker on the station, and I need to go retrieve it before we leave." Zassa blinked and shrugged; "that’s OK, I think I know what to do to get this stuff out of my fur. But don't you need a palmprint to open the locker?" Those things are supposed to be tamper-proof." Tanj just chuckled and winked; "Oh, some of our friends back home have taught me a thing or two. I think I can do it……" Tanj entered her cabin and ordered her "living dress" into its container. Obediently, the creature flowed up her body, and then down one arm, almost completely filling the container. Tanj looked at it and grinned, thinking she'd been feeding it too much lately. What would she do when it got too large for its container? Would it subdivide? Or just keep getting larger and larger? How DID the thing reproduce? Putting it away, she pulled on a pair of jeans and a khaki top, gathered a few items, and dashed out. She wanted to empty that locker, and undock from the station before anyone started wondering where the Courier had disappeared to. Zassa purrred as she ran the water in the shower, getting it adjusted to steamy hot, before stepping into it. The goop on her fur was supposed to be non-toxic, but she still wanted it out of her fur as soon as possible. Grabbing the giant economy sized bottle of liquid soap, she slid into the shower and sighed. Hinoki grinned and pointed to the gym mat in the center of the Cargo Bay. They'd never had the hold so full of cargo that they'd had to move it, and that mat had seen some truly wild sex in the time they'd been together aboard the Freighter. Obediently, the Mink moved to kneel on the mat, adopting the same posture she'd seen Hinoki and Zassa use. Hinoki pawed through the "toy box" for a while, finding a few items, and then, paws full, strode back to the Mink. Kathy watched from the corner of her eye as the Cheetah male moved. He was in good shape, lean and muscular, his muscles rippling under his fur as he moved. Her loins were still burning, her pussy literally dripping with anticipation, her mind filled with the images of things she'd seen, things she'd read about and heard about, and only imagined. When the Cheetah male returned, to buckle a stiff, wide leather collar around her neck, she almost moaned, her eyes closing at its embrace. Hinoki worked smoothly, efficiently. Cuffs went around her wrists, locked in place, and then locked together. Other cuffs went around her ankles, again locked in place and locked together. A soft rope went around her waist twice, tied with one end dangling in front of her. And then Hinoki gently lowered her face down onto the mat. The loose end of the rope was retrieved from between her knees and brought up through her crotch, to be tied to her wrist cuffs, the strand pulled so tight it spread her labia, burying itself out of sight in her sex. And then another piece of rope was tied from her ankle cuffs to the back of her collar, bending her back in a slight bow. Hinoki looked at her for a second and then looked at the pressure door at the entrance to the Cargo Bay. Looking back at the bound Mink he chuckled; "Mistress will never know, and probably not care…. And after all, she only said to make sure YOU don't come yet. With that, he wrapped his left paw in the Mink's long hair, to pull her head back, as he moved to press his still-bound sex to her muzzle; "Lets see how good you are, as an amateur; if you do REAL good, I'll leave you with that vibrator……. If not, I'll just leave you here for a while." Kathy groaned deeply, her tongue flicking out hungrily to explore the chrome and leather that still encircled the Cheetah's bound cock, her tonguetip toying with the chain that still dangled from the ring in the end of his cock. As the Male groaned "OhYES!" she took the head of his cock into her mouth, to suck hungrily. Tanj smiled; the locker was an old one. She shouldn't have any trouble at all. Sliding the magnetic key card into the slot, she put the little black box against the scanner surface and laid her own paw over the box to conceal it. Soft buzzing noises were heard, and then a *beep* and the locker popped open. "Piece of cake" Tanj thought to herself as she gathered the two suitcases and the carryall. One quick look to make sure that the locker was completely empty, nothing taped to its ceiling, nothing hidden in a crack, and she slammed it shut, to heft the bags, to head back to the ship, humming happily. The Gerbil looked at the Mongoose and grinned; "See. Told you she'd have no trouble with the locker. They're supposed to be Professionals, Remember?" The Mongoose shook his head; "I dunno. This is working all too smoothly. NOTHING happens this easily……" The Gerbil sighed and nodded; "Yeah, I know what you mean… but honestly, do you think Xylex has sold us out? And HOW? Even if the Pirates and the Imperial Courier are in cahoots, something I think is extremely unlikely, even if they're just going through the motions pretending to capture her, how could that hurt US? And don't forget what we did to the Courier! You don't think they've got a vaccine against that, DO YOU? The Mongoose just shrugged; "I don't know… but it wouldn't hurt to let the Reds know we got our suspicions…. Just in case someone DOES pull something on us…. Tanj’s Tales: The Battle that Never Was, part 2 Stardate 2399.32 By Kittiara Tanj hummed to herself as she walked back to the ship, carrying the Mink's bags, the bags she'd "recovered" from the storage locker. As she walked, she did her best to look like just another traveler. However her eyes were constantly moving, and occasionally she'd pause, to shift her grip on the bags she carried, the motion giving her a chance to look around surreptitiously. Each time, however, she didn't spot any suspicious characters, didn't notice anyone following her…. But that in itself didn't mean much…. A sufficiently powerful organization could have a dozen operatives scattered amongst the throng in the station, not following her, but merely monitoring her progress. That'd be the way she'd do it, if she had time to set it all up……. Still, by the time she'd gotten back to the ship, no one had approached her, or as near as she could tell, even given her a second glance. As she cycled the airlock, relaxing as she was back within the relative safety of her own ship, she grinned. They had the courier, acquired in a manner that was NOTHING like the plan she'd laid out for the Brethren…. But then, she thought to herself; "no plan survives contact with the enemy." Hinoki growled with pleasure as the Mink brought him off, his cum filling her mouth until it dribbled from the corners of her lips. With a sigh, Hinoki sat back and looked at her; "that was very good! I'm pleased. And now for your reward….. Crawling around her, Hinoki pulled her knees apart, to work his muzzle up to her crotch, to lick along where the rope bisected her sex. He knew with the rope there, he couldn't give her the direct stimulation she craved, but the feeling of his tongue should drive her wild nonetheless. As he licked, she writhed, moaning and squirming, the rope almost sawing through her sex as she struggled against her bonds. Finally, Hinoki stopped, pulling back, rising to lick at his muzzle. She'd been incredibly wet, possibly wetter than any other lady he'd ever had the chance to encounter. Smiling, he went back to the toy chest, to retrieve one of the "dancing egg" vibrators. This was a little oblong "egg" of plastic, containing a powerful vibrator, connected to a control/powerpack by a long thin wire. Hinoki wedged the egg under the rope as it crossed her mons, basically leaving her lying on it, and left the powerpack on the floor a few feet distant from her. Setting it to random on both amplitude and frequency settings, he padded back around to fasten a blindfold over her eyes; when done, he whispered in her ear; "the controls are on the floor somewhere nearby; if you roll around enough, you might get it into your paws, and from there, figure out how to make it vibrate more powerfully, and maybe, just maybe, gain yourself a forbidden climax. Mistress MIGHT not find out, but if she does, both you and I will be punished. Would you like that? Would you like for Mistress to punish the naughty slave?" The Mink just moaned, her body rocking, squirming, the rope bisecting her folds straining. Hinoki chuckled and shook his head and padded from the Cargo Bay. Zassa hummed happily and bent her head to wash the shampoo from her hair; letting it dangle in front of her, as the water ran down over her, she ran her paws through her tresses….. but somehow no matter how long she let the water run on it, it still felt soapy….. Opening her eyes just a slit, Zassa beheld only white…. Flinging her hair back over her head, letting the water run in her face, she shook her head and took another look….. The whole shower stall was filled with foam! Soapsuds were almost up to her nose, and rising higher by the second! Tanj pawed through the suitcase for the second time. If the Imperial Courier was carrying data chips, crystals, or other documents, she couldn't find them. No secret linings or compartments. No obvious microdots. Nothing. Could she have Kidnapped the wrong furr? The ID papers said she hadn't…. With a sigh, she rose, stripped off her clothes and stretched. "I'll get a shower first, and then we'll go on down and have a small talk with the lady herself….." Zassa had turned off the water, but was still up to her chin in foam that just didn't want to dissipate. It'd finally struck her that Tanj had said that she'd used the water treatment chemical for the fake cum…..and that was probably what was creating all the foam. While she was no longer covered in the pearly white stuff, now her fur just felt soapy and slick, and she still wasn't clean. And the whole head was full of foam! NOW what was she going to do?" Hinoki felt his nose as he walked back towards the Engineering section of the small freighter. Suddenly he felt rather warm, as if the Environmental controls were set a few degrees too high. Could he have gotten that worked up over the Mink? Had she been THAT exciting? Shrugging it off, he padded up to the workbench and picked up the magnetic wand Tanj had built to unlock his cock-and-ball harness. Enough was enough, and it was time to give it a rest. Tanj, towel over her arm, opened the door to the head…. And yelped. It was FULL of foam, a sea of billowing white! As she stood there, staring, she saw a movement in the mass of Bubbles… and then a foam covered fox-head emerged from the suds; "Oh, Tanj! I think I've made a terrible mistake!" Kathy moaned and squirmed. She'd rolled over and over three times, actually rolling off the mat, but she STILL hadn't gotten ahold of that remote yet. When she wiggled, when she squirmed, the rope pulled through her sex in a most painful, most delightful manner, but it just wasn't QUITE enough to get her off…… And the vibrations, while stimulating, had the damnedest habit of fading at the most critical moments, the pattern of vibration completely unpredictable, and hence highly frustrating. Moaning, her chest heaving as she panted, she tried rolling back in the direction she'd come from, hoping to find that damn remote…… Hinoki groaned with relief as he was finally able to extract the Butt-plug. Carrying the whole assembly, he padded off a little bow-leggedly, looking for a place to wash up…. Tanj sighed. She'd rigged a hose from the maintenance airlock, and was slowly sucking all the foam from the Head. She'd have to buy atmosphere gasses from the station, probably at exorbitant prices, but it was the simplest, quickest way to clean up the mess. She was just working at vacuuming the suds from Zassa's fur when Hinoki came up behind her. Hinoki looked at Tanj, bent over, her ass in the air, as she worked at vacuuming the suds off of Zassa……. Vacuuming the suds off Zassa? Come to think of it, the Head was a mess, covered in thick soapsuds…. It almost looked as if someone had been redecorating in whipped cream. Hinoki shrugged off whatever might have brought this to pass and looked down at Tanj's ass again… For some reason, despite all the night's activities, he was still feeling rather horny…. Maybe it was all the sexual exploits they'd witnessed earlier… Shrugging that off as well, he purrred and moved closer behind Tanj. Gathering up a double- handful of the soapsuds, he splatted her on her ass and then proceeded to rub it into her fur. Before Tanj could respond, he'd moved a little closer, to rub his crotch against her ass…… Tanj grinned and wiggled her bottom back at Hinoki, surprised at how randy the male was; still, after the evening they'd spent, she was still in the mood, and as she leaned forward, to vacuum the suds from Zassa's crotch, she pushed back against his cock, purrring with delight as it sank home. Hinoki reached forward to grasp Tanj's swaying breasts as he pounded her from behind. Slamming it to her hard, he grinned as Tanj dropped the vacuum hose and pushed her muzzle into the Vixen's wet crotch. Hinoki exhibited little style, just driving his cock into her again and again, his need seeming to increase with each passing moment, until little flecks of soapsuds were flying from the wildly gyrating bodies. Tanj was panting hard, almost gasping when she felt the Cheetah male stiffen and then howl, as his cock started to spurt. Suppressing the odd thought that she was surprised he had any cum left, she let the wild sensation of his cock throbbing and spurting within her drive her over the edge into her own wild climax. And then, all too soon, he was pulling out, falling back into the suds, panting, as Tanj tried to bring Zassa off with her tongue. She was still licking at the panting, moaning vixen, when Hinoki rose from the suds, to move around behind Zassa; holding her hips, he brought the tip of his once-again hard cock to the Vixen's anus and pushed, the soapy shaft sliding deep into her bowels. Tanj flicked her tongue over Zassa's clitty, and smiled as the combined actions of the two set Zassa to writhing through her own climax. Sitting back, she watched as Hinoki continued to plumb her depths, fucking her ass hard, as the vixen writhed on his shaft. Once again, Hinoki seemed to use her, to take her for his own ….. not so much enjoyment, as to slake his seemingly urgent need……. And then he was once again howling, his balls drawing up tight to his body as he shot what little cum he had left into the vixen's ass. Tanj snuggled them both under the running water. They were STILL a soapy, slick mess, but at least they, and the Head were getting cleaner. And amazingly, Hinoki's cock was showing signs of life again. Shaking her head at the irrepressible male, Tanj grabbed her towel, leaving Zassa to handle his renewed advances, as she padded out to check on their prisoner. Kathy groaned; she was SOOOOO close….. She was certain that the rope had sawed her half way to her navel, sure that she'd never walk right again, but while it hurt, it felt soooo good. It just wasn't quite enough to bring her the climax she lusted after. That she burned for….. She never heard the door to the Cargo Bay open, but she heard the voice, dimly perceived through her lust; "Soooo, is my new slave enjoying herself?" Kathy groaned and shook her head; "p…p… please, Ma'am, PLEASE may I cum? I'm sooooo close!" Tanj chuckled and knelt by the writhing Mink, examining the way Hinoki had her tied, examining how he'd placed the dancing egg……. It was obvious she'd been trying hard to get at the controls. Chuckling, she bent to run her tongue over the Mink's sex, feeling with its tip how the rope pressed TIGHT between her labia. Of course, that only made the Mink moan again, shuddering. "Oh…… I might be persuaded…. But first you have to tell me something." Kathy blinked, trying to reason out the words, wondering what she could possibly tell this mean, mean Cheetah, that would grant her the release she so desperately needed, so desperately sought! "An….ny thing!" she finally gasped. Tanj purrred and gave her another lick; "you have a data crystal; something that has to be given to someone. Tell me where it is, and I'll see that they get it, while you get what you're looking for……." Kathy just groaned and nodded; "My….. necklace… the center crystal is …….. oooooooooh!" As her statement trailed off into a moan, elicited by Tanj's licking, the Cheetah smiled. Sure enough, the Mink had been wearing a necklace, and Tanj had thought it to have been just paste, or at best cubic zirconia, so gaudy and flashy was it. But yes, the center crystal was about the size and shape of a data crystal…… Chuckling, Tanj un-did the crotch rope, and moving quickly, she slipped the dancing egg into the Mink's literally drenched pussy. Refastening the rope where it had been, making sure the egg wouldn't fall out, Tanj checked the settings on the control. Then, softly removing the Mink's necklace, she rose to padd, completely unnoticed, from the Cargo Bay. Behind her, Kathy shuddered and wailed, as the egg, vibrating wildly for a moment, before settling down to a more sedate level, tripped what was to be her first of many climaxes……… Tanj sat on the Bridge, at the communications console, bare naked (as if anyone on THIS ship would care) as she scanned the decrypted message. The Mink was not just a courier. She was the initial liaison with the Empire until the first large contingent of Troops arrived. Then she was to take over the position of assistant liaison, for financial and economic affairs. Truly someone of power. Smiling as she compiled a report to the Brethren, appending the files from the data crystal, she encrypted it and sent it off to the Pirates, hoping that THEIR code hadn't been broken yet. Still, there were things the Brethren needed to know NOW… and they wouldn't be home for three more days. Zassa lay nude on her bed, panting. For some reason she was hot although she'd checked the compartment's thermostat. Maybe it was the busy night they'd all had. Groaning, she brought her knees up, one paw stroking down over her flat tummy, to lightly caress her mons…. Despite Tanj's tongue and Hinoki's …. Spirited ass-fucking, she was still aroused, still wanting….. something. Sighing she stroked herself absently as she tried to find sleep……. Hinoki grinned as he entered the Cargo Bay. The Mink was rolling around on the mat, shuddering. It only took a moment to determine that Someone, probably Tanj, had shifted the vibrating egg to a more strategic position, and the Cheetah male sat on the edge of the mat for a while, just watching the Mink climax over and over…… finally though, he decided she'd had enough. Kathy could do no more than pant for a while, after the vibrations stopped. She'd long since lost count of how many times the vibrating little devil had brought her to a climax. She'd also lost count of how many times it had taken her to the VERY edge before altering its vibration pattern, preventing her from climaxing. The experience had left her exhausted, and drained, and more than a little frustrated. As she fought to regain her breath, she gingerly rolled over, to see if she could spot, through the sliver of light under the left edge of the blindfold, who'd turned off the gizmo. Catching sight of the Male Cheetah sitting there, cross-legged, at the edge of the mat, looking back at her, she had to smile, as she thought "now the REAL fun begins……." Hinoki caught the hint of a smile at the corners of the Mink's mouth, and smiled in return; "now that you've had your fun, I think its time your training was begun. You've shown a certain amount of talent as an amateur, but I think you can do MUCH better……." Tanj had pulled on a shirt, to appear a little more "normal" to the Pharrpoint station's traffic controllers. As she requested permission to undock, and a vector to the Jump Point, she grinned to herself, wondering what they'd think if they knew she was nude from the waist down? Zassa groaned and finally rose to her feet; she couldn't sleep…… Padding nude from her quarters, the Vixen went looking for someone to help her scratch her itch….. Tanj smiled as her ship cleared the station, and she settled it down on its course to the Haverty jump point. Flipping on the autopilot, she opened a window on the left multi-function display to reexamine her course home. It was a long, serpentine affair, designed to keep anyone from following them. And as soon as they'd jumped into the uninhabited Haverty system, Tanj intended to cloak the ship, making pursuit that much more difficult. Sitting back, sighing, she unbuttoned her shirt, to toss it into an adjacent station chair. Giggling, she wondered when she'd decided she felt more comfortable in just her fur? The Gerbil nodded; "good, they're away. 'Bout time, too! Wonder what took 'em so long? You think Franz will have any trouble?" The Mongoose just shrugged; "Dunno; that depends, I suppose, on how good that detection gear Lord Xylex sent us is. He SAYS it can track a cloaked ship, but I've got my doubts." The Gerbil shrugged; "well, if its as good as the cloaking device he's "loaned" us, we shouldn't have any trouble at all. I wonder if that really did come from an Imperial research lab? Sure never have seen anything like it before……" The Mongoose just nodded. Kathy wobbled, trying hard to stand on one foot. Her arms were held horizontally to each side, and in her mouth she held a very heavy smooth metal phallus, straining to keep from letting it slip from between her lips. She had to keep her head tilted down, as the end of the phallus had a ring, and the male Cheetah, now to be called only "Master" had looped a thin chain through the ring. The problem was, if she let the phallus drop, the nipple clips on either end of that thin chain would savage her tender nipples, as if they weren't sore enough from the clips themselves. And every time she altered her poster, lowered her arms just a bit, or let her other foot dip towards the ground, the Chee…. Master would lash out at her with a cane. As she struggled to hold her posture she watched him from downcast eyes. He seemed to be sitting there, meditating, or maybe even asleep, but every time she even came close to faltering from her stance, he seemed to know, the cane lashing out to sting her. He'd said this was to teach her obedience; that Master's word, his desires came before all else…. And while she teetered, as she wobbled, as she struggled desperately to hold that heavy phallus in her mouth, she considered her plight. There was something about her situation that turned her on like nothing before. Her juices literally dripped down her thighs…. Despite the pain, and the aching muscles, she was loving it. Tanj was still on the bridge, just watching over their progress towards the next jump point, when Zassa entered. Like the Cheetah Fem, the vixen was completely nude… and from the damp and matted fur between her thighs, she obviously had something on her mind… "The usual thing" Tanj thought to herself with a grin. Without a word, Zassa strode across the bridge, to swivel Tanj's station chair around, and kneeling she lost no time in assaulting the Cheetah's sex with her tongue! Tanj was a little surprised; usually Zassa was a little less forward. Well….. maybe just a little less forward. But then, the contest had been an incredible, sexually supercharged affair… maybe this was just the ….. aftereffects? Trying not to analyze it too carefully, Tanj just slid down in her chair a little and tried to enjoy the sensations of the Vixen's VERY talented tongue. Kathy tried hard not to gag. After holding her stance until her muscles were so weak she was quivering, the Ch… Master had finally relented, letting her relax, giving her a hot kiss and a momentary grope as a reward. They'd then gone over the proper postures and demeanors for a slave, the rules of behavior. He'd made her repeat each instruction three times and had told her that he didn't expect her to remember them all at once, but there'd still be "punishments" for each one forgotten, each one disobeyed….. And after a while, he'd decided they needed to work on her ability to supress her gag reflex. Master sat in a chair, and she knelt before him, holding his cock in her mouth. DEEP in her mouth. She was to tongue him until he came, and hold his soft cock in her mouth until he was hard again….. and then tongue him until he came…. Until he told her to stop. To make things more difficult, she held a slim vibrator in her pussy, its vibrations seemingly doing their utmost to break her concentration……. In fact, at one point she'd almost bitten him. Trying not to moan as the tensions built between her legs, as another climax approached, she sucked her Master softly. Zassa grinned as Tanj yowled, as she writhed through her climax. Nipping sharply at the Cheetah's clitty, the vixen sat back and panted, just watching. Gradually Tanj calmed down, her eyes opening to just slits, a smile spreading across her face…… Zassa grinned up at her and nodded; "And now you get to do ME!"….. Hinoki looked up from where he was sitting as Tanj led Zassa into the cargo bay on the end of a leash. Raising an eyebrow in a silent question, he watched, scarcely moving….. Tanj took in the scene, the Cheetah male sitting on a stool, the mink, paws bound behind her, the end of a vibrator showing between her labia, kneeling before him, holding his cock in her mouth. Neither of them seemed to be moving, but Tanj knew better; she would have bet a month's pay the Mink's tongue was moving. And that the Cheetah had an elevated heart rate….. Grinning at the pair, Tanj explained; "Zassa's in the mood for something a little more… severe. And I'm in a mood to oblige." Hinoki watched as Tanj fastened thick padded cuffs around Zassa's wrists and ankles, with a padded strap studded with D-rings around her waist. Laying the vixen out on the floor, Tanj spent the next dozen minutes rigging suspension cables from the cargo handling system overhead. Each cable had to be tightened slowly, a few inches at a time, but gradually Zassa rose from the floor, to be held horizontally, a meter off the floor. Her wrists and ankles were widespread, her hips were a little higher than her shoulders, and her head hung down, giving her an upside-down view of the cargo bay. Tanj paused and tied the vixen's hair to a cargo tie-down on the floor holding her in that position. Bending to give the vixen a kiss she padded back around to tie the vixen's tail to the floor in a similar manner. Then all the cables got tightened another notch. Kathy did her best to watch, as she softly sucked on Master's cock. Once again, the Vixen's situation looked…. Enthralling. Letting her tongue softly stroke the underside of the cock in her mouth, she watched as the female Cheetah attached weights to the Vixen's nipple rings, letting the weights fall to either side of her suspended body, pulling her ample breasts to the sides. Kathy watched, mesmerized as every little motion the vixen made set the weights to swaying….. Tanj "twanged" one of the cables, watching the Vixen sway, as she lifted the jar that contained her "living dress." This time she was going to ask the creature to do something a little more drastic, and she wasn't sure it was capable of doing what she wanted…… Dipping a finger into the viscous black liquid, she let it flow up her arm, feeling the tickle at the back of her mind that told her it was in contact with her, that it was obediently awaiting her instructions. Grinning to herself, she formed the image of a pair of tight latex panties, and the creature obediently flowed down her body, to envelop her crotch. When the creature had finished that, Tanj grinned a little wider, and thought of the panties having a thick phallic plug, and sure enough, the creature pushed up into her, spreading her labia, filling her all the way to her cervix. Hinoki watched the smile spread on Tanj's face as she squirmed a little and chuckled, guessing what Tanj was doing, but not having any idea where she was going with this…… Kathy watched the black blob flow over the Cheetah, moving like a puddle of oil flowing downhill, until it formed a pair of normal looking panties, wondering what THAT was…… Tanj waited until the creature had finished shifting, forming itself into the image she'd thought of, and then she altered the image a bit. This time, the panties not only had the thick phallic plug on the inside, but in her mind's eye, she envisioned the panties also having an external phallus shape, like a strap-on dildo. Obediently the creature shifted, and she could have sworn she felt it growing thinner in some spots as it struggled to comply with her request. Looking down, Tanj smiled as she watched a column of black extrude from her crotch, gradually resolving itself into a rather decent likeness of the Lion's cock. Without preamble, she stepped up between Zassa's well-spread thighs and nuzzled the head of the dong against the Vixen's dripping snatch. As she pushed the dong slowly into Zassa, Tanj sighed. She'd thought that since she had some sort of telepathic link with the creature, able to issue instructions to it, that it might be able to give her "feedback," to let her feel what it was like to have a cock sliding into a wet pussy….. but nothing like that seemed to happen. Zassa, however, seemed to like it, as the Vixen let out a long, heartfelt moan. Tanj grinned and pulled back to Jerk her hips forward, the thick dong spearing into Zassa's loins. As she moved, Tanj gasped; as she'd pulled back, the creature had withdrawn some of itself, and as she'd pushed forward, it had lengthened, driving into her own pussy! Chuckling, Tanj thought "well, my friend, if you can't give me the sensations directly, that’s an awfully good second best." Resting her paws on Zassa's thighs she settled down to give the Vixen a good fucking, gasping herself with each thrust. Zassa moaned and gasped, swinging back and forth with each thrust, the weights bouncing and dancing as she swung back and forth, driven by Tanj's hard thrusts. The sensation of that thick dong moving back and forth was delightful…. And she was rapidly approaching a climax… but it just wasn't quite enough, wasn't quite what she was wanting…… But somehow, as her pleasure peaked, as she screamed out the arrival of her climax, she couldn't put into words just what it was she craved. Tanj panted and sagged against the Vixen; her own climax had finally arrived, robbing her of all coordination. Regaining her breath, she pulled back, moving away from the panting, dripping vixen, the dong sliding free from her sex with a soft slurping sound. Commanding the creature back into its container, she flopped down on the floor of the Cargo bay, to grin at Hinoki. Hinoki grinned at Tanj and ran a paw over the Mink's head; "Bring me off quickly, Little One, and I'll give you a new task……" Tanj watched, a grin on her face as the Mink started to move her head back and forth along Hinoki's shaft, her lips forming a tight "O" around his cock. After a few minutes, Hinoki's face grimaced, a look of combined pleasure, and something that might have approached pain, and then he softly pushed the Mink's head back. While her eyes were downcast, Kathy had a grin on her face, and her tongue flicked out to lick at what cum had escaped her mouth. Hinoki chuckled and nodded; "very good, Slave; you've earned a reward. Go and lick the Vixen's crotch clean, and I mean CLEAN. Inside and out. And I'll be checking up on you. Once that's done, walk around to her other end, and make her lick you until you climax. Just one, Mind you. Then resume your kneeling position." Tanj watched as the Mink moved to address the tasks assigned, thinking she was rather pretty, if a bit thin. Turning to look at Hinoki, she chuckled; "you know, if Pirates decided to assault us, we'd be in Deep Trouble the way we've been behaving. I'd best get back to the Bridge." Hinoki blinked at her; "you mean you didn't cloak the ship?" Tanj nodded; "Oh, I cloaked the ship all right, but you know as well as I do, that’s no guarantee. Franz looked over the shoulder of his sensor operator. Their cloaked quarry was fading in and out of sight, on a screen full of static. Xylex's Sensor system may have been a technological marvel, but it was annoying as hell. And something in its electronics was interfering with the ship's navigational controls; they kept drifting off course. And running their own "loaner" cloaking device was stealing all the ship's power, to the point where environmental was having a hard time keeping the inhabited portions of the ship warm. In fact, he was told that the cargo hold was a foot deep in oxygen snow, its temperature approaching that of space itself. And fuel consumption was astronomical. Grumbling, he rubbed his strained eyes, and tried to keep his ship behind his quarry. If they pulled this off, his Mercenary outfit would be set for years! They might even be able to buy another cruiser! They HAD to pull this off! Hinoki smiled, watching Zassa writhe, swaying in her suspension restraints. The Mink had long since licked Zassa clean, but had shown no signs of wanting to stop. Chuckling Hinoki rose, and padded over behind the Mink, to crouch down, slipping his muzzle between her thighs where she crouched. He could feel her body tense as his tongue touched her, and then felt her sag a little, as she tried to keep her tongue working against Zassa's sex, AND push down against the Cheetah's tongue. Hinoki purrrred as he licked, his tongue darting here and there, quick, sharp stabs up into the Mink's pussy, and then, withdrawing, to flick its tip across her clitty; back and forth he alternated, until the Mink was screaming with ecstasy into the Vixen's snatch. Chuckling, he grabbed the Mink's tail, and pulled her back from Zassa, pulling her ass high. Kneeling behind her, he roughly brought his hard cock to the Mink's sex, still dripping with her juices and his saliva. Holding her tail tightly, he drove his hips forward, burying his shaft in her pussy. The Cheetah proceeded to roughly fuck the Mink, his hips jerking, bouncing her forward only to drag her back by his grip on her tail. As he fucked her, he growled; "Slave….. you show…… a certain…..raw talent…… but you ……… need practice….. The fact…… that I ….. was able…… to bring……. You off……before you…… brought off the Vixen….. shows me that…… you need….. to be shown……. How to do that…… better! Gradually the Cheetah lapsed into silence as his hips drove back and forth…… Finally, he pulled out of the Mink, just as she screamed out her passion again, to spray his seed over her back, and ass……….. Kathy panted hard…….. two more delicious climaxes in just a few minutes….. this was all working out JUST the way she'd wanted. All thoughts of catching the next ship to Elysium had been washed from her mind by the river of lust flowing through her. All thoughts of her job, her responsibilities were gone.… All she could think about was what her Master might want of her next… what he might do to her next…… she shivered in anticipation. Hinoki chuckled as he rose. Reaching down he grabbed the back of the Mink's collar, pulling her to her feet, dragging her over towards the vixen. Zassa had been twisting her head, trying to watch, and now she hung there panting….. "That wasn't fair, you know, pulling her back just as I was about to Climax!" Hinoki reached out to tug at one of the Vixen's nipples; "Oh, you'll get your climax; but you're going to have to work for it." Turning back to the Mink, Hinoki grabbed her, lifting her off her feet, and turning dropped her on top of the startled Vixen. Chuckling, Hinoki pushed the Mink's head down towards the Vixen's crotch, and then, using a leather thong, he tied her arms around Zassa's waist. A few more thongs and a few more ropes, and even some double-ended harness hooks soon had the Mink bound TIGHT to the Vixen's body. After looking at the situation for a minute, Hinoki sighed; "You know, Zassa, I'd love to leave you supporting both your weight AND hers, but I think Tanj might get just a little upset……" Fetching another cable, the Cheetah male ran a line from the overhead to a thick strap around Kathy's waist, partially supporting her weight….. Padding around, Hinoki bent to kiss Zassa on the lips; "Tilt your head up and lick the Mink, Dear; show her how to use a tongue to please a female. And in return, this worthless slave will mimic your actions, lick for lick. Show her what you know." And with that, Hinoki gave Kathy a slap on the ass, setting both her and Zassa swaying, and purring, turned to head for the door. Zassa found it hard to lift her head up, to lick at the Mink….. but it was a sweet ache that her neck muscles soon developed as she licked and nibbled softly, feeling the Mink respond in kind. Slowly, in between licks, Zassa started a running commentary on how best to use a tongue……… Tanj shifted in her station chair, on the Bridge. Her muscles were aching, and she felt a little hot, as if she were coming down with a cold. Grumbling to herself about busy, crowded stations, and the probability of catching a bug, she ran another sensor sweep as her ship made its way towards the next Jump Point. Franz looked up as his sensor tech growled; "Dammit, they're scanning again!" Padding over, Franz looked over his shoulder; "Did they detect us?" The Sensor tech shook his head; "No, don't think so. We're keeping far enough back that they shouldn't be able to get a decent return, considering the cloak. But that in turn makes it DAMNED hard for us to keep track of THEM, even WITH Xylex's wonder gizmo. I tell you, by the time this mission's over, I'm going to need corrective eye surgery, from the strain!" Franz just chuckled; "if you do, we'll get it for you. Xylex will pay us well, if we pull this off." Hinoki tossed in his bed, his sleep troubled with images of wild sexual exploits……… He was having the "wet" dream to end all wet dreams…….. Zassa's tutorial had long since run down, and now she was talking more than teaching, her head hanging back. But even so, every once in a while, she'd strain to raise her head, to give the Mink tied to her another lick……. The Mink, in turn, was speaking little, replying only occasionally with more than a grunt, or a monosyllabic response. She was still licking at the Vixen, although perhaps a little less enthusiastically, she was definitely showing more skill, an apt pupil. "Mmmmmmm yes, that’s nice, Slave… right there… do that again" the Vixen purrred. "you're getting me close……. Can you feel the way I twitch, the way the muscles….oh, yes…..tense? MMmmmmmmm…. Its at times like this that I like a little spice…….Tell you what, I want you to do this……" And with that, the Vixen lifted her head, to nip sharply at the Mink's puffy labia. Kathy YELPED into the Vixen's wet sex, momentarily startled, her head rising from between the Vixen's thighs. Then, growling, she dropped her head, letting gravity have its way, to BITE the vixen, nipping her harder than she'd been nipped, vengeance for being pained so. Zassa's body arched, the sharp pain driving her over the edge and into a bright climax. As she writhed, as the two of them swung back and forth, the chains creaking as they moved, the Vixen yipped out her pleasure. Kathy blinked, her tongue automatically moving to lick at the shuddering Vixen's sex, stroking over where she'd just nipped her. "She LIKED that?" the Mink thought to herself. "Hmmmmmm, I might have to check into this…….. if she liked it so much, maybe there's something to it……." Tanj sighed and looked at the Chronograph. Usually Hinoki, or Zassa would come relieve her on the Bridge, but she hadn't seen either of them in hours. Of course, she'd left Zassa tied up…. Surely Hinoki had released her by now. Hadn't he? Rising from her station chair, giving the instruments a last look, she padded from the Bridge. As she walked towards the Cargo Hold, Tanj felt her nose; it wasn't as wet and cold as she thought it should be, but was dry and hot. Shaking her head, she groaned, thinking this was no time to come down with the Rigelian Flu…… Hinoki groaned as he awakened. Something felt wet…… reaching his paw down, to rub his crotch, he felt his belly covered in his own cum. Grinning to himself, he did his best to remember, to recapture the dream….. "haven't done THAT since I was a cub" he mumbled sleepily to himself. Smiling as his mind replayed fragments of the rapidly fading erotic dream, he slipped back to sleep…. On the Bridge, a yellow light on the Sensor console flashed three times, and then was dark again, the tenuous contact faded. Tanj opened the door to the Cargo Bay and groaned. In the dim light, she could see Zassa hanging where she'd left her, with the added weight of the Mink on top of her. Zassa was panting softly, eyes closed, and the Mink was sloooowly licking at the Vixen's crotch. Tanj turned and headed for the winch controls, but stopped after a few steps. Grinning, she turned and padded back, to straddle the Vixen's head, her ass touching that of the Mink tied on top of the Vixen; reaching down between her thighs, she roughly grabbed the Vixen's hair, using it to pull her head up, until the Vixen's nose pressed into her crotch. "Want to be let down, Slave? Then lick me to a climax, and be quick about it!" Tanj growled. Obediently, Zassa's tongue flicked out, to stroke over the Cheetah's sex. Tanj smiled and squatted a little; Zassa certainly did know how to do that well! Zassa moved her tongue slowly, languidly. Her shoulders and hips were on fire, her paws and feet long since numb, but the Mink's slowly moving tongue and the scent of Tanj were well worth the discomfort. Flicking the tip of her tongue over the Cheetah's clitty, Zassa licked her JUST the way she liked it best. Tanj jerked, when Zassa nipped her for the first time. She'd half been expecting it, but it was still a surprise. Zassa had always liked a little pain with her pleasure, and enjoyed tormenting Tanj in that manner when she could…. Moaning, Tanj tugged tighter at the Vixen's hair, pulling her muzzle harder into her dripping sex……….. Zassa mrowlfed, any noise she might be trying to make thoroughly muffled by the Cheetah's sex. Slithering her tongue into Tanj's wetness, stroking upwards, seeking just that one special spot, Zassa struggled to bring Tanj off……. Not because she wanted to be let down, but because that was what she'd been instructed to do. Tanj arched her back suddenly, yowling out her pleasure as Zassa's tongue stroked over her G-spot in just the right way. Shuddering she moaned and mewled the way only a feline can…. And then she YELPED again as the Vixen nipped her yet again. Panting hard, the waves of pleasure receding, Tanj stepped away, to lean against a wall until she could see straight again. Zassa GROANED as she was lowered to the floor, the weight finally off her arms and legs, the weights attached to her nipple rings resting on the floor beside her. The cessation of the tension was almost as bad as the prolonged tension itself. Panting hard, the Mink still on top of her, Zassa felt Tanj begin the long task of untying her, and the Mink. Tanj threw the restraints in the toy box, and gazed longingly at the double-ended dong there….. She'd love to have Zassa work her over with that…. but she really should get back to the Bridge. Turning to look at Zassa, she sighed; the Vixen was softly stroking the Mink's crotch as she watched Tanj tidy up. "Zassa, take our new slave to the Head, and clean her up. In fact, why don't you teach her the proper way to wash someone. When you're through, secure her properly and come spell me on the Bridge. I need to get some sleep." Zassa just nodded and rose, to recover Kathy's leash, and clip it to her collar. Tanj smiled as the Vixen, a sticky, matted mess, led the equally sticky and matted Mink from the Cargo Bay. 174.Zassa nodded as she led the Mink to the ship's head, and to the oversized shower there; "Yes, I did like that. I know, it sounds a bit strange at first, but I've found that there is that point, when you've been teased long enough, when you've been tormented long enough, where pleasure and pain blurr. Its not for everyone, I know, but I find it ever so much more intense. If you're interested, I'll see if I can't take you to that point……….." Kathy thought for a moment and then nodded; "I'd like to explore everything I can….. I don't know why I'm suddenly so adventurous, so …… driven, but I would. You're right, I might not share that inclination with you, but I'd like to try it……." Zassa just grinned. Tanj Yawned. Zassa's expert licking hadn't left her satisfied, like it usually did. Instead she seemed…. On edge. Nervous. As if she needed…. Something. As she watched her instruments, checking Nav and Sensors, and Engineering, she idly stroked herself, and thought; "Surely I couldn't still be horny; I've had enough sex in the last three days to last me for a year! But if not that, then what DO I want?" Struggling to stay awake, she wondered what was keeping Zassa. Kathy had stood stoically while the Vixen tightly bound her arms behind her, at wrists, and just above her elbows. She'd then watched as the water was started, and the temperature carefully adjusted. Zassa then grinned wickedly and had reached out to grab the Mink's collar and drag her under the water. She was spun about, getting thoroughly drenched, and then tugged out of the main stream of the water……… Watching in amazement, Kathy's eyes followed the Vixen as Zassa picked up a gallon sized jug of shampoo, removed the cap and then proceeded to pour a liberal quantity down the Mink's front, covering both her breasts, and her belly. Zassa Chuckled; "OK, then, now, its your job to scrub me clean. You're a living scrub-brush; rub yourself against me until I say otherwise." Kathy grinned and stepped forward a little, to snuggle up against the Vixen, experimentally flexing her legs, stroking her body up and down against Zassa. Zassa cooed; Oh, yes, that's the way. Keep going. Don't stop……….. Hinoki grunted as he rolled out of bed in a tangle of sheets. The second dream, if anything, had been better than the first. Looking down at himself, he chuckled; he was a MESS. Wadding up the sheets, he padded, still nude, towards the laundry, intending to get the sheets in the washer before anyone noticed. Zassa was bent over, paws braced against the far wall of the shower, the hot water cascading down on her head and shoulders, as Kathy rubbed her head back and forth between her crotch. The sensation of soapy mink ears tickling her sex was unique, and one that she'd have to remember. And the feeling was MUCH too nice to abandon, just because she'd long since gotten as clean as she was going to get……. Hinoki started the load of laundry and nodded in satisfaction. Turning, he headed for the shower, wondering where everyone was. Tanj jerked herself awake as the alarm sounded. Looking wildly around she realized that they were merely coming up on the next jump point. One more after this one and they'd be home. And Thank God for that! She was beginning to think she NEEDED the stability of her normal job, something to pull her away from all the wild sex that this trip had generated so far. Even her dreams were getting risque……… Checking over her boards, she watched as the autopilot prepared for the Jump. Franz nodded as their quarry approached the Jump Point. They'd been following a path that looked to have been the meanderings of a drunken snake, but now they were approaching the Elysium system. They HAD to be getting close! Hinoki opened the door to the Head and blinked as a cloud of steam rolled out. Stepping inside and closing the door, he grinned as he beheld Kathy rubbing herself against Zassa. The Vixen was leaning back against the wall, directly under the shower head, with the mink straddling one leg, soaping the Vixen's thigh by running her crotch back and forth over it. Grinning, Hinoki entered the shower to tap Kathy on the shoulder; "Me Next!" Tanj kept falling asleep in her station chair, and when she did, the dreams were…… disturbing. She seemed to be living the most erotic times of her life, scenes from the Academy, scenes from her times with the Pirates….. Each time she woke up, it was usually to a less-than-satisfying climax, and each time she awoke, she found one paw between her thighs. Even standing behind her station chair, trying to watch over her ship proved to be futile, as she seemed to fall into an exhausted trance, usually awakening when she collapsed to the deck. She was feeling hot, and achy, and was convinced something was wrong……. And where WERE Zassa and Hinoki? Hinoki purrrred as he ran the brush through Zassa's long hair. They were standing on the grating of the "hair dryer", a tornado of warm air enveloping the three of them. They were long since dry, but it was obvious that Zassa was enjoying the brushing, and he was certainly enjoying the attention the Mink was giving his cock, kneeling between him and Zassa…… Tanj groaned, and tried to focus her eyes. She was sooooo tired, but they were almost home. Maybe when they docked, she'd go down to medical, to see if they had something for this year's variant of the flu……. Hinoki zipped up his overall and smiled. He and Zassa had gotten VERY creative with the Mink. She was now bound, in the middle of Tanj's bed, bent back in an arch. Her ankles had been tied to the opposite sides of the head of the bed, and her arms, still bound behind her, had been tied to the center of the footboard, the rope passing between her well-spread knees, pulling her into a bow. The back of her head rested on a pillow, and her breasts pointed almost straight up. A ring gag filled her mouth, and "dancing egg" style vibrators droned in both ass and pussy. Zassa chuckled as she shrugged into her own fresh overalls; "A beautiful view if I do say so myself." Hinoki chuckled and bent to give the Mink's very exposed sex a lick; "True; you do good work, no question about it. Now, where do you suppose Tanj's gotten off to? I think she's been hiding on us!" Zassa chuckled and nodded; "Yes, quite naughty of our "Mistress;" we really should "punish" her for that." Chuckling, the two turned and headed for the bridge. Kathy moaned to herself as the door closed, leaving her alone. She was pulled so tight, so deliciously tight…. She knew before long, her muscles would be protesting, but in the meantime, the vibrators felt SOOOOO good……. And she felt so sexy, KNOWING that she was an arousing sight to behold…… enjoying the effect she obviously had on the crew of this ship. What others might find her as alluring? As desirable? What others might want her for their own, to command, and abuse? She shivered with the though….. Tanj yawned widely as the Bridge door slid open with a whoosh, and Zassa and Hinoki stepped in, looking clean and rested. Focusing on them, Tanj just growled; "where in the HELL have you two been?" Zassa looked blankly at Hinoki and then back at Tanj; "Um, we've been, ah, "training" the new slave. Why?" Tanj growled; "Because in about 17 minutes we jump back into the Elysium system. We're almost home. Hinoki blinked and looked at the Cheetah Fem. Her fur was ruffled, and matted in places, her eyes heavy lidded as if she were having trouble keeping them open; "Um, Are you sure? I mean, it seems like we just boarded the ship from the Station yesterday…. Surely it couldn’t have been three days already! Tanj just scowled back at him; "Check the Nav console yourself if you don't believe me. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to prepare the ship for the Jump!" Zassa looked over Hinoki's shoulder as he checked their position; sure enough, they were where Tanj'd said they were. After a moment she whispered in his ear; "what do you think's got a burr under HER tail?" Hinoki looked at Tanj for a moment and then turned to whisper to Zassa; "Oh, I think she's just pissed that she didn't get as much nookie as we've been getting. Don't worry; when she finds the little surprise we left for her in her cabin, she'll get over it." Franz scowled as he looked over his Navigator's shoulder; "The ELYSIUM Jump Point? Surely the Pirates wouldn't have a base THERE! Hey, you don't think…. No, It wouldn't make sense for Xylex to sell US out….. but what if someone's sold Xylex out? What if this is some sort of Imperial trap aimed at Xylex?" The Navigator just looked over his shoulder and shrugged; "could be, I suppose, but if it was, why would they come HERE?" Franz just shrugged; "I don't know, but I don't like the looks of this." The Navigator nodded; "you going to tell Xylex?" Franz thought for a moment and then shook his head; "No, if we were to transmit, they'd know someone was following them. No, we'll keep radio silence, and just stay on our guard. Besides, if it IS a trap, maybe WE can sell out HIM….." The Navigator chuckled and nodded; "Whatever it takes to make a bigger profit….." Tanj Yawned widely as the ship completed its jump. She'd followed a standard Freighter through the jump point, their own jump effect masked in the larger ship's wake. The cloaking device was holding just fine, and sure that they were undetected, Tanj set course for the Asteroid belt, and the Pirates' hidden base. Hinoki nudged Tanj; "It’s a milk run from here; why don't you let me take it, and go get cleaned up." Tanj yawned again and nodded, rising from her chair. "No messing around, you two. I don't want my pay docked because you two took out the docking bay with a sloppy landing." Zassa shot Tanj a hurt look, and with a low growl, the Cheetah Fem stalked from the bridge. Farr grinned at the image of the Cheetah on the monitor. He was receiving a tight beam broadcast from Tanj's ship, requesting landing permission. Except the way Hinoki was squirming, his face twitching, it was obvious that SOMETHING other than normal flight ops was going on. Chuckling, the Ferret gave them permission to land, and then, switching channels, warned all the other Brethren traffic in the area that Tanj's freighter was coming in a little screwy, and they should keep an eye out. Tanj headed for her cabin, intending to grab a fresh set of clothes before heading to the shower. However, when she opened the door to her cabin, the first thing she saw was the bound and moaning form of the Mink, her pussy, slick with her own juices, "pointed" right at her. Sighing, Tanj stepped into her small cabin, intending to get the clothes she was after……. But then something took hold of her; tendrils of wild thoughts crept unbidden into her mind, and she turned to look at the Mink, thinking…. "one quick climax. I should have time for that……" dropping her clothes to the floor, she stepped over to her bed, to straddle the Mink's head, pressing her crotch against the ring holding Kathy's muzzle open. Almost immediately she was rewarded with the feel of the Mink's tongue stroking her sex. Purrring, Tanj thought; "Someone's been teaching her…. She's getting good!" Zassa knelt under the Pilot's console, jammed into a tiny space, licking teasingly at Hinoki's cock. She was struggling to hold him on the edge of an orgasm as he tried to fly the ship into the base's docking bay. She had to admit, the Cheetah male's concentration was good; they never bounced off a single wall, or came more than within a meter of any of the other ships. Still, furrs scattered before them, like geese before a wolf. As she felt the landing pads touch down, Zassa licked him in just the way she knew he liked, and as he cut the drives he came, filling her mouth with his salty cum. Zassa giggled as she swallowed rapidly; perfect timing! Tanj was moaning through her third climax as she felt the ship shudder, and suddenly she knew they were back. Gasping, she pulled herself away from the Mink's tongue, and struggling to stand, weak kneed, she bent to retrieve her discarded clothes. The unusual flight parameters of Tanj's freighter had drawn a small crowd, from the furious Docking Bay Manager, to the grinning traffic controllers, who thought they knew what the problem had been. Sure enough, when Zassa emerged from the airlock, she winked at the crowd and ostentatiously licked her lips, and then with a saucy sway to her hips, proceeded to swagger towards the corridor. Bo, one of the crew from the Raider "Total Loss" grabbed the Vixen, to bend her over backwards, kissing her hard; as he let her up, he grinned to the crowd and nodded; "Yup, she did all right!" Zassa just laughed, and resumed her trek towards the corridor. Hinoki, emerging from the airlock, watched the vixen's swaying ass for a moment and then looked at the crowd, and grinned wickedly and just shrugged. As he too made his way towards the exit, he paused to kiss Joline, one of the maintenance techs. Joline squealed in surprise, and possibly delight, and as Hinoki released her, she blushed, the crowd laughing. Tanj was the last to emerge, looking tired and rumpled, leading the still nude and bound Kathy at the end of a short leash. Eddie, the Docking Bay Manager strode up to her, a dark look on his face, but Tanj just Snarled; "I know, Eddie, I know. I should have stayed at the Helm. I'm sorry, BUT DON"T START WITH ME NOW!" Eddie skidded to a halt, his eyes wide, shocked at the uncharacteristic venom in Tanj's voice. Growling wordlessly, Tanj stalked down the ramp from her ship. Reggie and Slasher were on the fringes of the crowd, and Reggie tilted his head to one side; "Rough trip, Love?" Tanj sighed and nodded, and then tilted her head up to kiss them both hello; "Yes, and no. It'll all be in my report, and that should make interesting reading. It was NOT the way I intended to capture her, but what the hell, it worked. Listen guys, I'm not feeling very well. Would you do me a favor, and take my prisoner down to the Kennels. I think I'm going to head down to Medical, before I check in. Reggie grinned as Slasher nodded eagerly, the latter reaching out for the leash. Reggie paused, and then looked back at Tanj; "Say, you wouldn't mind if we…. Indulged ourselves with her, would you?" Tanj laughed and shook her head no; "I think this one's got the makings of a truly good sex slave; knock yourselves out, boys, but if you find her training…. Deficient, just let me know!" Reggie chuckled and nodded; "hope you feel better." Turning, they headed off towards the kennels. Kathy was covertly eyeing up the Ferret and the Rabbit as they talked to the Cheetah. They seemed to want her, and that pleased her. She could hardly wait to see what they'd do with her. The words the Cheetah had said, "capture her"…. She knew that was important, somehow, but for the moment, she couldn't remember why…. Was there something she was supposed to be doing? Something else? But then the Rabbit was tugging on her leash, and with eyes downcast, she eagerly followed them, all other concerns forgotten as they led her off.. Tanj's Tales: The Battle That Never Was, Part III Stardate 2399.33 By Kittiara Wanda looked at the hand-held scanner and shrugged; "Tanj, you're running a low grade fever, but you don't seem to be congested. You say you haven't had any gastric distress?" Tanj blinked, and looked up at Wanda; "uh…. What?" Wanda smiled; "you haven't had the trots?" Tanj grinned weakly; "uh… No. Not yet anyways. But I do feel all…. Achy. I guess that’s the best way to put it." Wanda nodded; "its probably just a mild case of the flu. Too early to tell yet if its Rigelian, or Sammamian. With luck, you'll just have a mild case and feel out of sorts for a few days. Take a mild analgesic, try and get some rest, push fluids, and let me know if it gets any worse." Tanj nodded; "Um, any special precautions about contagion? I'd hate to pass this on, even if it IS a mild one….." Wanda smiled; "Oh, just don't sneeze on anyone. And wash your paws. That’s about all you can do." Tanj nodded and looked at Wanda again; "I bet you guys down here catch everything that goes around. You must see every furr with an ache or pain…." Wanda just smiled and shrugged; "Some do. Dr. Farquar, for instance. Hell, I think he spreads as much as he cures. But me, heck, I NEVER get sick." Tanj grinned and slid from the examining table to give Wanda a hug; "I envy you. Thanks, and I'll let you know if it gets worse." As Tanj walked down the corridor from Medical, she grinned to herself; her nose wasn't yet dripping, but it seemed like her other end was; for some reason she was randy as hell, and constantly wet between her thighs…. As she headed towards the Intelligence office to check in, she wondered if she should have told Wanda about that? Could a symptom like that be important? She had the most powerful desire to go find her Master, to spend the evening as his sexual plaything……. To be Mastered by him…… But given how long it'd been since they'd had time for that, was it just her, or was it a side effect of this strange cold she'd caught? She'd heard a guy say one time that when he had a cold, he was always horny, but then he'd also had trouble cumming; could a flu, or a disease affect your libido as well as your physical health? Could the flu make her horny? Then again, she thought, from her, who'd believe it? Chuckling to herself about a flu that made her pussy drip, instead of her nose, she grinned and commented to herself; "Yup, Tanj girl, you've caught the Gorean flu………." It was the off-shift at the intelligence office, and only the night crew was about. Waving hello, calling greetings as she moved towards her work station, Tanj got herself a cup of coffee, and sat down at her terminal. As she expected, she had a ton of e-mail. None of it looked really urgent, though, and she just wasn't in the mood to wade through it right now. And the coffee had been on the burner so long it was mostly acid. With a sigh she logged off and rose to head for the door. She was almost there, when strong arms encircled her waist from behind. Instinctively she turned to look to see who it was…… Sam grinned and kissed the Startled Cheetah hello; to his surprise, she pushed him back as he broke the kiss; "Hello, Sam; I’m afraid that was a stupid thing to do right now; I seem to be coming down with the flu." The Wolf just chuckled; "Ah, Tanj, for a kiss from you, I'd brave the most terrible disease!" Tanj laughed and tilted her head up to kiss his cheek; "that’s sweet; come see me when I'm over it, and I'll make it up to you!" Turning, the Cheetah fem padded out the door. Sam sighed and idly rubbed the back of his paw across where Tanj had kissed his cheek; he'd really been in the mood tonight…. And while Tanj'd been his first choice, well, there were other ladies he knew on the station. Maybe Kara was free tonight. Maybe she'd even be of like mind. Smiling to himself, the Wolf left the Intelligence office and headed towards the Rec hall………. Tanj found her Master in their cabin. He was sitting at the small desk, obviously buried in operational plans, his eyes locked on the computer screen…… He hadn't even heard her come in. With a Growl, Tanj launched herself across the intervening space, knocking him from his chair; wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed the surprised Lion HARD! For a moment, the Lion kissed her back, their tongues dueling, and then as if he could read her mind, he growled, showing anger at the interruption. Tanj didn't care if it was staged, or real, she was in the mood for it rough. As they'd kissed, she'd rubbed herself against him, stroking him with her body, and feeling the tell-tale signs of his arousal, knew he wouldn't just chastise her and go back to his work……. As they broke their kiss, the Lion surged, rolling Tanj over, until he was pinning her to the floor with his body; "Uppity SLAVE" he snarled; "how DARE you do something like that! I can see you're long overdue for a correction!" Tanj tried to keep her eyes downcast, but a quick flick of her eyes upwards showed that despite his fierce demeanor, the Lion's eyes were smiling. Biting her lip, Tanj just nodded… and then he was rolling her over again, onto her stomach, one large paw pinning her to the floor as he reached for the box under the bed…… Tanj moaned into her gag, and squirmed; the Lion had outdone himself this time….. taking his time, he'd carefully bound her paws together, using heavily padded cuffs. These he'd then chained to a stanchion high up on the wall. He'd then added more heavily padded cuffs to her ankles, and pulling them upwards, and apart, to chain them to stanchions on either side of her head, pulling her ass away from the wall, bending her so that her well-exposed sex pointed straight at him. He'd then tied her tail tightly to the floor, and added a pair of weighted nipple clamps and a large ball gag…. And then he'd LEFT her there, hanging on his wall like some sort of obscene trophy! Returning to his computer, he calmly finished the file he was reading, as Tanj squirmed in her bonds. Finally, after what seemed like an interminable time, the Lion rose, to padd over to her. Grinning, he ran his paw over Tanj's sex, as if testing how wet she was; "Is my little slave Horny? Does she want something? She must, the way she behaved earlier…… And in truth, a proper punishment would be to deny you what you want so badly……. But I don't think that would meet MY needs right now……." Tanj could do nothing but look at him, any sounds she might make muffled by the ball gag, her motions severely constrained by the way she was tied. The only noise she seemed capable of making was when she squirmed, and the chains jingled. The Lion just grinned at her, watching her eyes as his paw stroked her sex, rubbing softly until her sex was thoroughly drenched. Slowly he worked one, and then a second finger into her pussy, to pump her slooooowly a few times…… And then stepping closer, he spread her with those two fingers, to nestle the head of his cock between her labia. Tanj GROANED as his cock slowly slid into her, filling her, stretching her sooo nicely. The way he'd suspended her, her crotch was at exactly the right height for him; the way she was bent, her head naturally gazed down at where his thick tool slid in and out of her pussy. Panting, she settled back to enjoy the fucking……. The Lion grinned, his hips working back and forth smoothly, in an unhurried fashion. One paw reached out to tease one of the Cheetah's nipples, tugging lightly on the clamp, fingertip flipping its tip….. the other rubbed softly at her mons, stroking her, adding to her pleasure. Slowly he fucked her, until he sensed her breathing increase, until he sensed her body start to tense…. And then he sloooooowly pulled out. Wrapping his paw around his hard cock, he stroked himself until he came, his jism splattering the bound Cheetah from her breasts to her crotch. Tanj's eyes went wide as he turned and padded back to his desk, to open another file on the computer. How could he stop NOW? She'd been soooo close! Groaning in frustration, she squirmed as much as she was able, completely unable to either scratch her incessant itch, OR to attract his attention! Twice more, the Lion came to a stopping place, or finished a file, and rose, to torment Tanj, fucking her slowly, pausing from time to time, until she was on the very edge of a mind-shattering climax, only to pull out, to stroke himself within her field of view until he spattered her again with his cum, and again, leaving her unsatisfied, he'd return to his seat, to resume working…….. Tanj's head jerked up as the door chimed. The Lion, still nude, growled from his desk for the door to open, and a moment later, Ben, the head of Operations, and Derrick, one of the logistics specialists padded in. Ben scarcely gave Tanj more than a wink and a nod, but Derrick came to a halt, to stare open-mouthed. "Looks like Tanj's been bad again…" Ben growled, and the Lion just pushed back from his desk to grin and nod; "Oh yeah. Had the audacity to Pounce ME! Thought she needed a "cooling off period"….." Ben gave Tanj another look and just shook his head; "Dunno, she still looks pretty hot to me…. But work first; what do you think of the draft plan for the Seagate operation?" As they discussed the upcoming operation, Tanj did her best to listen, to follow what they were saying. Operation Seagate had been in the initial planning stages when she'd left to intercept the courier, and she was curious as to how the plan had developed…. But for some reason she just couldn't concentrate. Her gaze kept flickering back to Derrick, watching how the young Skunk kept giving her glances. After a while, she made it a bit of a game, trying to predict when he'd give her a glance, moaning softly into her gag, squirming, writhing as sensually as she could, given how she was bound. And it was obvious that she was having an effect on him……. "So that’s why I think Hans would do better on that operation. The Overlord's just a bit of overkill, and I know that they've been out a long time and could use a break, but he's got all the resources needed in one place." Ben looked over the Lion's shoulder at the monitor and nodded slowly; "Hans isn't going to like it, but I have to agree. I'll pass the operational plan along to him." The Lion chuckled and nodded; "Just remind him of the booty; that should ease his concerns a bit. That and the fact that he's got more than enough firepower for a raid like this." As he talked the Lion's gaze flicked from Ben to Derrick, and he grinned. After a moment's silence, he chuckled; "Like what you see?" Derrick just gulped and nodded. The Lion chuckled and nodded; "Tell you what, I need a break from all these damn reports and plans; why don't I run this down to operations, and you two have some fun with her?" Ben shook his head and smiled; turning to walk over to Tanj, he bent, and dragged his tongue over her very exposed sex, an intimate and teasing lick; then straightening, he sighed; "Nothing I'd like better, but work still comes first. And there's just too damn much to do." Turning back to look at Derrick and the Lion, he shrugged; "I'll borrow her from you later… but Derrick, you go ahead, knock yourself out. If we use the Overlord for this, we won't need any of the resupply facilities we'd been talking about." Derrick watched, wide eyed, as the Lion rose, pulled on a pair of pants, and he and Ben padded through the door, talking over yet another operation. Turning he gazed at the bound Cheetah, suspended, hung on the wall like some exotic sculpture….. Tanj moaned into her gag, and rocked her hips as invitingly as she could… and then grinned to herself as the Skunk exploded into motion, ripping his pants off, and kicking a footstool over, to stand on, so he could drive his hard cock into Tanj's waiting, and very wet sex…….. Sam purrred and kissed Kara again; he'd used his best technique, his best lines, all the tricks he knew to seduce a lady into his bed, and it had all worked. He'd made slow, passionate love to the gray Vixen, and now they lay, exhausted and panting, amongst the rumpled bedclothes. But as he stroked her, as he cuddled, he felt the stirrings once again in his loins. Surprised that he'd be ready to go again so soon, he nibbled his way down between her breasts, wondering if he could persuade her into another roll in the hay……. Bo groaned and stretched. For some reason, his cabin was seeming to be very small tonight; the air hot and still. Feeling a little warm, he grabbed a pair of pants and padded out, looking for someone, or something, just what he wasn't sure…….. Maybe he could find Zassa, and get another kiss from her…….. Joline thrashed in her bed; she had kicked off all the covers and then stripped off her nightgown, and still she was too hot to sleep. And somehow her paw kept snaking its way down between her thighs, to caress her most intimate places softly…… Growling to herself, she rolled over, burying her head in her pillow…. Why couldn't she sleep? Derrick panted hard as he teetered on the footstool, his cock driving into the Cheetah again and again; she felt so good, so wet and so tight and so HOT… and the way she moaned, the way she squirmed, he got the impression she was just eating up his attentions……… Growling, he thrust at her a little harder, gasping as her pussy seemed to clench around his cock, gripping him in a velvet vice…… Tanj mewled softly into her gag; the Skunk had driven her to one quivering climax, and was rapidly pushing her towards another; she would much rather have had her Master do it, but after all his teasing she was in too great a need to much care WHO satisfied her…….. Groaning she squirmed, fingers and toes splaying, wriggling as she bounced back and forth between the energetically humping skunk and the wall……… she was getting soooo close! Zassa purrrred and looked into the Rec room. Slowly, the conversation from the card game trailed off, as one by one, heads turned to look at the Vixen. Zassa was wearing thigh- high leather boots, and a very tight, matching corset, leaving her sex, and her breasts bare. Her arms were covered in leather gloves that reached almost to her armpits, and in her right paw she carried a coiled bullwhip. Grinning at the guys at the card table, she cooed softly; "now tell me, boys, who's been BAD?" Derrick yipped and shuddered as he felt the Cheetah's pussy spasm once again around his cock, her vaginal muscles squeezing him hard! She was obviously having a powerful climax, and looking at the pleasure reflected on her face was all he needed to cum, and cum hard! Clutching hard at her hips, he forced his cock as deep into her as he could, as he pumped his jism into her…… Tanj panted, trying to regain her breath, hanging limp in her bonds as she watched the Skunk try and release her. Finally he got her left ankle cuff unclasped from the wall, and then her right, and with a Groan, Tanj did her best to stand, to take the tension off her wrist cuffs. As she moved her shoulders and her back and her hips ached, and she had to move carefully to keep from falling. Derrick undid the gag and gave her a quick kiss, and mumbling his thanks, all but fled, as if suddenly embarrassed to be there. Tanj for her part, staggered off to the bathroom, in search of a nice long, hot bath….. Joline yawned sleepily when her roommate, Amanda returned at the end of her shift; She still hadn't been able to do more than doze fitfully, the periods of semi-wakefulness filled with soft stroking. What dreams she'd been having, in her brief periods of sleep, had all been of an erotic nature, and the rabbit lass was quite aroused. Accordingly, as Amanda slipped into their small room, Joline stretched, and yawned, the bedcovers slipping from her nude body. This of course drew a smirk from Amanda; "That’s a different look for you, Jo…….." The Rabbit just smiled and shrugged; "Can't seem to sleep. For some reason I'm very warm tonight, and feeling….. strange……" Amanda shucked out of her clothes, preparing for bed, and with a cotton nightshirt in one hand padded over to sit on the edge of Jo's bed, to feel her nose; "Hmmmm, you DO feel a little warm……." Jo chuckled and reached up to pull her surprised roommate down into a kiss; "Positively HOT!" Zassa smiled to herself; her "attitude" with the boys playing poker had worked. A few snaps of her whip, letting it lightly touch one or the other of the guys, and before she knew it, they'd decided to "turn the Tables" on her, and now it was she that was being "punished" for being "bad"……. Of course, several of the furrs at the table had been old "playmates" of hers, and knew just what she liked….. and they seemed to be guiding things quite nicely…… They'd tied her paws together and had hung her from the ceiling, other ropes pulling her feet apart to the sides until she hung completely off the floor. And then they'd slapped, and pinched her, demanding an "apology," which, of course, the Vixen had NO intention of giving… not yet, anyways….. In fact she'd told them as much: Harry, a rather large bear, had stepped up to her, to take her right breast in his paw. Squeezing hard, he'd growled out a demand for an apology, "or else." Zassa had just growled back that they'd have to beat and whip it out of her, and even being gang-raped wouldn't make her apologize to such scum!" The vixen had had to suppress a grin as some of the guys went wide-eyed in surprise at her statement, but Harry just growled and stepped back to deliver a stinging slap, first to her left breast and then to her right… and then he was stepping back, to take the bullwhip from Art. The first stroke was upwards, the whip stinging her pussy, its tip flicking her pussy, sending a fine spray of her juices out. Harry nodded in appreciation and turned to wink at Art; "let me "warm her up" some, and then you can take her in the ass while I fuck her cunt…." Zassa just purrrrrrred to herself……. Tanj found that despite the relaxing bath, despite her tiredness, sleep wouldn't come. It was as if something were nagging at her, something worrying…… As she tossed and turned on the bed, her mind went over the mission, over her job in intelligence…. Nothing she could think of seemed so urgent as to prevent her from getting some sleep, and yet SOMETHING was bothering her…….. Groaning, she buried her head under the pillow and tried to will herself to sleep. Reggie groaned as the Mink sucked his cock; she was on paws and knees, Slasher's cock buried deep in her sex…. And the slave rocked back and forth between them, as if she just couldn't get enough of them. Reggie thought, as he stroked her head, watching her devour his shaft, that with a little training, this one could be a world class bed slave; she certainly had the right attitude, instantly obeying their orders…… In fact she'd been SO good, they'd still not gotten around to taking her down to the kennels……. Lifting his gaze, he watched Slasher's face as the Ferret pounded his cock into her pussy from behind, bucking her forward with increasing power, driving the Mink's mouth forward, making her take more and more of his shaft……. It was simply exquisite! Bo grinned and kissed Hannah again as they padded down the hall towards her quarters. Pausing at the door to the rec room, they watched for a moment as a rather large bear and a very well built wolf fucked a very well tied up Zassa. The Bear and the Wolf were jerking their hips in unison, the bear's thick shaft driving into the vixen's dripping pussy, while the Wolf drove his shaft into her ass; each of their motions literally drove the vixen up into the air, the ropes to her ankles going TIGHT, the rope holding her paws over her head going slack. In unison the three grunted with each thrust….. Bo's stare was interrupted as Hannah ran her paw over his chest; looking down into her smiling eyes, he listened in surprise as she grinned; "Looks like fun, doesn't it?" Bo just nodded, grinning in return and turned, to drag Hannah off, and in a moment the two were laughing, dashing down the corridor, already starting to shed articles of clothing……. The Lion ran a paw through his mane, and shook his head; turning to look at Ben, he asked; "is it hot in here or is it just me?" Ben blinked; operations was usually kept rather cool, a side effect of efforts to counteract the waste heat of all the displays and computers…… "Um, it must be you. I don't think its unusually warm in here." The Lion nodded, and shrugged and turned back to the tactical display….. Slasher grinned; he loved it when they were able to do this. He was flat on his back, the Mink slave laying on top of him, holding his cock tight in her pussy. Reggie knelt behind her, between the Ferret's legs, slowly working his cock in and out of her ass. And between them, the Mink writhed and panted and moaned and moved in SUCH a delightful manner……. Slasher reached out to pinch each of her nipples, to try and slow her down, to keep her from moving so wildly….. he wanted this to last, and he wanted to make sure that he and Reggie came at the same time……… Kathy MOANED as the ferret pinched her, tugging hard at her nipples! These two were so good, knowing just how to use her, just how to master her, to bend her to their will, and still satisfy her needs……… she panted and clenched her anal and vaginal muscles, gripping them, hoping it would never end…… Ben picked up the Coffee mug and took a long swig. Looking down at it he made a face; he'd taken the boss's mug by mistake; he liked his with sugar and this was a bitter, black brew. Sighing he took a look at how the Boss was doing on the operations coordination schedule and then turned to get both himself and the Boss another mug of coffee. It was already a late night, and with all that they had going, it was going to go even later…... Tanj finally sat up, abandoning her attempt to find sleep. Something was wrong, somewhere, somehow. Even if she didn't know just what, something was wrong. Maybe if she checked in at the Intelligence office, and at Ops, maybe she could figure out just what…… Grabbing her dress, she headed for the door. Franz stared at the viewscreen, and drummed his fingers on the arm of his command chair. Their instructions were clear. It would take time for the virus to infect enough folks on the pirate base for their efficiency to drop. He just had to wait. As he stared at the image of the asteroid mining base on his monitor, he shook his head; who would have EVER thought that the pirates could have their base SO close to those hunting them, and never be detected? These guys were good, he had to grant them that……. Zassa bit her lip as her climax raged through her; one of her tormentors was working a rather large studded dildo violently in and out of her pussy, while another was attaching weighted clamps to her nipples. A mate to the pair already swung from her distended clitty, knocked too and fro by the furr cramming the dong in and out of her. And Harry was passing the bullwhip to one of the newcomers, gesturing, instructing him how to use it. She was in heaven…….. Bo grabbed Hannah by the hair and pushed her head down; they'd finished making passionate love a little while ago, but now he was feeling rather randy again, rather……. Rough. As Hannah eeped, he shoved her head down towards his crotch and growled; "Lick me, Girl. Lick me well, lick me till I'm hard and your reward will be another good fucking." One small part of him marveled that Hannah did exactly as he demanded………… but soon that thought was lost in the pleasures of her tongue stroking him….. Derrick grinned at June, and padded over towards her; normally he was rather shy, and would never be so bold, but tonight….. maybe it was his time with the Boss's Slave earlier that had emboldened him. But for whatever reason, he let his arms encircle her waist from behind, turning her to give the surprised squirrel a kiss; "hey, Beautiful, what say you and I go sneak off for a while? Won't take No for an answer!" June blinked in surprise and then smiled……… Zassa sighed as the rope went slack and she collapsed on the floor. The cardplayers, and what friends had wandered in, had all finally had enough, and had tired of their sport. Harry, the last to leave, had remembered to let down the cum-covered, bruised vixen, and shaking his head at her pleas not to quit just yet, had turned out the lights and padded off down the hall. Rolling over onto her stomach, working her sore arms, Zassa shook her head; "no staying power. I outlasted them all, and never did give them the apology they demanded. After a while, she gathered up her whip, and moving carefully, headed back towards her cabin, and its shower, all the while wondering who else she could find to help her scratch this persistent itch? Kathy blinked as Reggie and Slasher led her to, not the kennels, as she'd expected, but to a private room in a residential section. When the door was answered, a rather junoesque lady rabbit in a kimono stood in the doorway, blinking in surprise; "well HELLO Slasher! Heya, Reggie! Lord, I haven't seen you two in AGES! And who's your friend?" Reggie grinned; "Oh, just someone Tanj brought back from some Op. Her name's….. Hmmmm. Kathy just doesn't sound right for a slave….." Grinning at Slasher, Reggie turned back to the lady Rabbit and smiled; "Betty, this is Kath. Kath, Betty is an OLD friend of ours, and we thought she might just be able to do something for you that would leave you looking a bit more like the sumptuous sex slave you are. Call it something to remember Slasher and me by….." Betty cocked her head to one side, one ear drooping down, the other standing straight up; "Um, you're not thinking of a Kajira brand, are you? If Tanj brought her in, she might just object……" Slasher grinned and stepped forward to part the halves of Betty's Kimono, revealing large, soft breasts. Hefting one in each paw, his thumbs played over the thick rings in her nipples; "no….. these" Betty laughed and nodded, and leaned forward to kiss Slasher on the nose; "Yes, I can see how they'd make her look MUCH better, and they're so handy on a slave. Bring her on in, Boys, and I'll see what I can do." Kathy watched as, once inside, the rabbit shed her kimono, hanging it on a hook on the back of the door. She got the impression the rabbit, or the bunny as she was starting to think of her, preferred to wear just her fur in her quarters, and kept the kimono handy for when someone came to call. Watching her move, Kathy became aware that more than just her nipples were pierced. She must have had six earrings, of a similar style, but diminishing sizes along the outside edges of her ears, along with one comparatively large hoop earring in the tip of each of them. "Must be an effort to get her ears to stand up straight" Kathy thought to herself. Letting her gaze travel down, she observed that the bunny wore a waist chain, that was looped through her navel ring, even though it was in no danger of falling past her generous and well-rounded hips. And as the bunny bent to retrieve a wooden box from under a chair, the Mink gasped at the rings, at least three in each labia, framing her sex. And there was a smaller one where the labia met; she'd had either her clit hood, or her clitty itself pierced! Betty turned in time to catch the Mink's wide-eyed stare; "you like that? I have custom made jewelry that I can hang from all my rings; when I walk, they sway, and produce the most MARVELOUS feelings….. And sometimes, when I'm feeling particularly kinky, I let my lover chain me up by them…… Now come here, girl, I promise this won't hurt as much as you think it will……" Tanj stood in the middle of the Intelligence offices. The place was dark; it didn't always run around the clock, but with all that was going on, she thought SOMEONE would be here, even if it WAS the middle of the night. Shrugging and sighing she turned, to padd towards Operation, sure she'd find her Master there……. Kathy bit into the ball gag as they led her towards the Kennels. The piercing had taken MUCH longer than she'd expected, mostly because Reggie and Slasher had "compensated" Betty for her time and trouble and hardware by making long slow love to her, letting Kathy lick them all clean when they were done. As she walked, she felt the heavy rings sway with each step, sending little twinges of both pain and pleasure through her sore nipples. She had the feeling that when they healed, she was going to love them, but for the moment she was glad Slasher hadn't hooked her leash to one of them as he'd teased….. The Lion yawned widely as he closed the file; "Ben, I think that ought to do it. Until we get more information, I don't think further plans would be advisable." Ben nodded and scratched behind an ear idly; "Yeah, I agree. I think I'm going to go find myself a nice cold shower and a soft bed. Suddenly I'm feeling just a little hot…." The Lion nodded; "Yeah, I'm feeling a mite warm too. Tanj was complaining of being under the weather earlier, some flu bug or something. How much you want to bet she gave it to both of us?" Ben just chuckled; "if she did, I hope you'll let me Personally punish her! If she brought a bug home, she deserves to be…. Tickled to death!" The Lion chuckled and nodded; "Tickled. Yeah. In fact, I suppose I should go let her down; she's probably pretty sore from hanging there all this time. I'll see you in the Morning. The LATE morning." Ben just nodded and waved bye as he headed out the door. Hinoki purrrrred; he had a nice chilled bottle of wine, and the two dozen genuine roses had cost him an incredible chunk of change. He was nicely dressed, and even smelled good. Knocking on the Duke Sister's door, he smiled to himself. Strangely, he was in the mood for romance, and he knew these old friends of his were suckers for roses……. Bo growled as he came inside Hannah's pussy once again. He'd rewarded her for the magnificent blow-job by turning her over, tying her to her own bed using the remnants of the clothes she'd been wearing, and articles of clothing he'd found in her quarters. With her ass high in the air, her arms between her legs tied to the foot board, her knees pulled forward and tied to the opposite sides of the headboard, he'd fucked her roughly from behind, until they'd both screamed with pleasure. Falling back, to sit behind her, his slick cock slowly softening, he grinned at her posterior. Reaching out a paw, he stroked one of the globes of her ass softly; "Like that, did you?" To his surprise, her response was a muffled; "Oh, YES!" Jo smiled as she found she no longer had to pin Amanda to the bed; her tongue had been VERY busy between the ferret's thighs, and now, after what must have been three climaxes, the ferret lass was starting to lick back at her. Moaning, Jo only shoved her muzzle harder against her roommate's sex, her tongue wriggling, squirming hard against all the places, so recently discovered, that would make her roommate squeal with pleasure! Tanj blinked and shook her head. She was SURE she'd find her Master here. Ops was quiet, only the night staff present, and even then several of the station chairs were empty. Padding over to the Duty officer, Tanj raised an eyebrow; "Evening, Jim. Looks like you're running a bit thin tonight." The Beaver just nodded; "Yeah, I had three furrs fail to show up for duty! That and Emmie was complaining of feeling hot and achy. I sent her down to Medical. Tanj nodded; "Yeah, there's something going around; think I've got it too. But it doesn't seem to be TOO bad. I'm surprised those folks didn't at least call in to let you know they couldn't make it." Jim just shrugged; "Yeah, but they'll hear about it. Believe me, they will. Oh, by the way, if you're looking for the Boss, he left about a half hour ago." Tanj grinned and leaned over to kiss the Beaver on the nose; "Thanks Jim, I'll see if I can catch up with him." As Tanj left, Jim wiped the back of his paw across his nose and sighed, grinning after the shapely Cheetah. Kara squirmed in the bed. She and Sam had had a marathon sex session, more than she'd ever thought Sam capable of. Almost more than she'd thought SHE was capable of! But Sam had been so persistent, so persuasive…. And so tender. But now, he was sound asleep, and she was feeling hot, and restless. Rising, she looked down at him and wondered if she should wake him; amazingly, she still felt the itch… but no, the poor dear was obviously exhausted. Pulling on a simple dress, she quietly let herself out and headed for the Rec room on level four…… Bo shook his head as he stroked Hannah softly; "you really ARE a sweet little thing. Why've you been hiding it all this time? Hannah, gagged with a pair of her own panties, secured in place with a scarf, could only make mumbling sounds in reply. But there was a light in her eyes, a dancing gleam that told Bo she wasn't anywhere close to objecting to how he'd been treating her. Smiling, he wondered just how far he could take this? Rising, fetching a pair of her panty hose, he loosely knotted the end of one leg around her neck, and then taking the opposite ankle, tugged her to her feet; "I think you should stop hiding your bushel under a li….. I mean hiding your light under a ….. Huh! Can't remember the saying……. No matter…. I think you need to stop hiding what you've got, kitten. Come on, lets show the world the New Hannah! Tugging softly on the impromptu leash, the still nude Bo led the still nude Hannah, her arms tied behind her with another scarf, from her quarters. Kath sighed as Reggie and Slasher checked her into the station's Slave Kennels. She'd VERY much enjoyed her time with them, and had kinda hoped it wouldn't end. But the prospect of being on the inside of a genuine slave kennel, not only as a prisoner, but as a naked and bound sex slave intrigued her as well. And the Gray Wolf keeper was fairly muscular and hansom….. she wondered how he'd treat her, and if he was as good as the Rabbit and Ferret…….. The Lion stood in his quarters and blinked. The stanchion where he'd hung Tanj was empty. The bonds were lying empty on the floor. Growling, shaking his head, completely forgetting about Derrick the skunk, he wondered how his slave had managed to escape? And why hadn't she cleaned up the "toys," putting things back where they belong? And who'd told her she could leave his quarters? Growling, he turned, to seek out and punish his slave. After all, she'd been bad, hadn't she?" Tanj sighed as she found the Lion's quarters empty. Still, his scent lingered in the air; she knew he'd been here recently. Figuring she'd have a better chance linking up with him if she just waited here, she looked around, thinking…… Rafael, or Rafe as he was known to his friends, looked at the new slave; the Mink was comely enough, but she was a mess. Reggie and Slasher hadn't done much to clean her up, and her fur was a matted, sticky mess, especially between her thighs. Hooking a leash to her collar, he growled; "Come on, lets get you cleaned up……. Kath meekly followed, her eyes watching how his tail swayed as the Wolf walked…… Rafe led the Mink to the baths. As it was the off shift, and not much was happening, he decided he'd wash her himself, instead of waking one of the other slaves. Unhooking the leash, and removing her leather collar, he replaced her leather cuffs with a simple plastic wire-tie, keeping her wrists bound behind her. The Ball gag also got replaced with something a little more water-tolerant; while the rubber ball was made to be drooled on, the leather strap wouldn't handle the hot water well. Dropping his shorts, he gestured to the pool of steaming water. Kath smiled to herself, as her tongue explored the new, plastic gag, her eyes on the Keeper's crotch as he kicked his shorts away from the pool. Stepping down into the hot water, she turned to watch the Wolf follow her, one paw filled with a gallon-sized jug of liquid soap. The Wolf looked at her, neither smiling nor frowning, and filling one paw with the sweet-smelling soap, he placed one paw on the top of her head and proceeded to dunk her. As Kath came back up, she leaned forward a bit, to rub herself against the Wolf, her nose briefly nuzzling his crotch. As she regained her standing position, the Wolf just put the handful of soap on the top of her head, and started rubbing it into her hair. "Uh Huh" he rumbled; "Now I can see why Tanj took you. You like this, don't you?" Kath just nodded, and flexing her knees, rubbed herself up and down against the Wolf again. She remembered her "shower experience" with Hinoki and Zassa, and wondered if the Wolf wanted her to scrub him as she'd "scrubbed" them……. As he worked his way down over her ears, to her shoulders, the Wolf just growled; "turn around, wench." Kath giggled and complied, and as he worked his fingers through her hair, down past her shoulders, she rocked up and down a little, stroking her ass against the Wolf's growing erection. Tanj had set the table, with two candles burning. She'd used her best tablecloth, and what passed for her best china and silverware. A casserole was baking in the oven, and the wine was airing in an ice bucket. She'd changed into her best, sexiest dress, an almost translucent cream-colored affair that was off one shoulder, with a neckline that flattered her bust. She'd even dragged out her best perfume. And now she sat, waiting, her chin propped up with one paw. When she'd returned from her mission, she'd tried one technique with her Master, a technique more dictated by the spirit of the moment, and given the results, she wasn't really sure it'd worked….. now, somehow, she was in the mood for something softer; she burned to feel his strong arms holding her, to just kiss him, to hug him, and maybe, to make the slow transition from cuddling to slow and sensuous lovemaking……. And he was nowhere to be seen. The Lion stopped and blinked; at the intersection of two corridors, a nude and bound Hannah, from maintenance, was on her knees, hungrily sucking on the cock of one of the chipmunks from Logistics, while Bo stood by, holding the end of a…. leash? It looked like he'd fashioned it from a pair of panty-hose….. Bo just gave him a silly grin. The Lion shook his head, and rumbled; "Any of you seen Tanj?" The Chipmunk and Bo both shook their heads, Hannah oblivious to all but the task before her. As he padded off down the corridor, the Lion wondered to himself, why he hadn't been able to remember the Chipmunk's name. He thought he knew the name of Everyone in the Brethren….. Somewhere in their lovemaking, Jo and Amanda had rolled off the bed, and onto the floor. As the night had worn on, Jo had found Amanda's tongue gaining more and more skill, granting her more and more climaxes….. And now they were both exhausted, just cuddling. After a while, Amanda chuckled; "Jo, I NEVER would have guessed. Never would have thought you were bent that way, and I NEVER would have thought that I'd enjoy it so much! Thanks for introducing me to a whole new world……" Jo shook her head, and rolled a little to her right, to kiss her roommate. Breaking the kiss, she sighed; "Before tonight, I never would have dreamed of it; don't know WHAT came over me…. Or what's still over me. I'm as itchy and twitchy as ever!" Amanda nodded and stretched; "Say, is it hot in here or is it just me?" Jo smiled; "It IS hot in here; what say we go find somewhere cooler? Hey, you know Mary Kay, down in Personnel? I wonder if she'd like to "play" with us?" Amanda giggled and rose to her feet, tugging at Jo's paw; "Dunno, but what say we go find out?" Still nude, the two girls headed out to find their friend…… Kath purrred, and moved her body from side to side; the Keeper had finally just poured the jug of liquid soap over the bound Mink, commanding her to wash him. And now she was stroking her soap-slick body back and forth against him, her nipples hard little points leaving furrows in the soapsuds on his chest, practicing what she'd been taught. And from the look on the Wolf's face, he was appreciating her new- found talent……. Jim turned, his eyes going wide as he beheld a nude Bo come through the door, leading a nude and bound Hannah behind him. "Where in the HELL have you been, Mister? Your shift started almost four hours ago! And what in the HELL are you doing with her?" Bo blinked; "Am I on the schedule for tonight? I thought I was off! Oh, and we're exploring Hannah's submissive side. Having quite an evening, we are……. Tell you what, you take her and let her practice her fellatio, while I go check the duty schedule. I was SURE I was off tonight." Handing the end of one leg of a pair of pantyhose to the surprised Beaver, Bo padded across Ops to log into a terminal. Jim's eyes snapped back, traversing from Bo, to Hannah, to find that she'd knelt next to him, and was slowly nuzzling his crotch…. Blinking, for a moment, duty warred with desire in the Beaver's mind, and then he sighed. Keeping one eye on Bo, he whispered; "OK, slave, if you're REALLY going to be good at this, you'll have to learn to pull the zipper down and undo my pants with your teeth. Lets see just how good you really are…… Bo scowled. He was sure the duty schedule was on this page on the station's web. But try as he might, he just couldn't seem to find it. After a minute, he gave up, turning to watch Hannah suck enthusiastically on Jim's cock. Looking over to to a wide-eyed lady Coyote at the sensor console he wondered what her name was….. he should know that, shouldn't he? He did work here, didn't he? He should know who he worked with…… After a moment of confusion, he winked and grinned at her; "Hey, Babe, you up for some fun? Doesn't look like the boss will mind if you take a small break with me….." Kath purrrred behind her gag. The Wolf, after having made sure she'd cleaned every bit of him, and her, had led her from the bath, only to tie her over a wooden grating. Her feet were linked to the wooden grate, spread wide. As her collar hadn't been replaced yet, the wolf had taken a length of string and tying it to her left nipple ring, had threaded its end through the grate just in front of her. Tugging on the string, he forced her to bend over, WAY over, before tying its other end to her right nipple ring. Kath teetered, trying to keep her balance, bent over, her legs spread, ass high in the air, as the Wolf padded off somewhere, leaving her….. Suddenly a hurricane of warm air blew up from the gate, forceful enough to make her still- damp hair fly straight up. And then the Wolf was behind her, working his hard cock into her dripping pussy……… his paws on her hips steadying her against his thrusts….. The Lion blinked as he encountered Kara coming down the corridor in the other direction. Nodding to her, he asked; "Have you seen Tanj, lately? She seems to have escaped……" Kara giggled; "Escaped? From YOU? No, I can't believe that!" The Lion just grinned and shrugged; "So it seems…." Kara smiled and stood on tiptoes to kiss the Lion; "I just can't imagine ANYONE wanting to escape YOU….." Somewhere, in the back of the Lion's mind, something clicked, and his search for Tanj forgotten, he wrapped his arms around Kara, to kiss her hard…. Ben sighed as he stalked the corridors, hands jammed deep in his back pockets. He'd been unable to sleep. That sometimes happened, he thought to himself, when you were seriously over-tired. His quarters had seemed hot, stuffy, and he'd decided to go for a walk, initially keeping to the less traveled corridors. However, as he'd walked he'd found even less furrs than he'd expected, and now he was moving closer to the more well-traveled portions of the station, wondering where everyone was….. Kath sighed, as the Wolf gently pushed her into one of the cells. The doors were all low, so low you had to crawl into them, despite the fact that there was almost enough room to stand in the cell. Figuring it was to reinforce the idea that you were a slave, or possibly to make it difficult for an enraged prisoner to effectively attack a guard when the door was opened, Kath did her best to squirm her way into the cell. This was difficult, as her paws were still bound behind her, her arms encased in a pouch of leather, with straps over her shoulders… it was as if she had folded her arms, forearm to forearm behind her back. It was comfortable, and obviously intended to hold her for long periods of time. But it made it damn hard to crawl through the door. Finally, doing an impression of an inch-worm, Kath made it through the door, her still-sore nipples dragging against the stone floor. As the door clanged shut behind her, she did her best to stretch out on the pallet that covered most of the floorspace, obviously face down. She couldn't remember the last time she'd slept, and she was exhausted…. But that damn itch between her thighs was starting again. As the keeper padded off, keys jangling, she wondered how she was going to scratch her itch, bound as she was…… Rafe grinned as he turned away from the Mink's cell. She certainly was a hot little thing. In fact, he felt rather warm…… He'd have to check the thermostat. Grinning to himself, he nodded; she'd certainly lit his fire… in fact, maybe it was time to give that other new slave, the Tigress a bit of a workout. One of the perks of his job was getting to use one of the slaves whenever they weren't busy….. Forgetting about the thermostat, he turned to find the Tigress' cell. Kara moaned, a long, heartfelt sound. The Lion had proven to be a real animal; after a long, passionate kiss, he'd proceeded to lick and nuzzle down from under her chin, literally ripping her dress down the front to bare her breasts, and then her sex. Before long, she was lying flat on her back, in the middle of the corridor, the Lion's rough tongue slurping noisily between her thighs……. Hinoki smiled as he quietly poured another glass of wine. The glass was resting on Betty Lou Duke's bare tummy, as she lay, nude, in front of the holographic fireplace. As he put the bottle back in the ice bucket, he turned to find Emma Lee Duke softly lapping at the liquid in the glass, splattering droplets of wine all over her twin sister's stomach. "Here now" the Cheetah purrred; "you're making a mess Emmie! Better let me clean that up!" Bending, being careful of the glass, he started to lick softly all around where the glass lay. This however, only elicited giggles from the sisters, and soon there was a LOT more wine to lick up…… Zassa grinned at her "prisoner" and slapped the paddle in her right paw against the palm of her left. She was still wearing the thigh-high black leather boots, her tightly laced corset, and nothing else. Lucien was an old playmate of hers, and except for various leather straps and other restraints, was completely nude, kneeling in the middle of the exercise mat. They were a strange couple to look at; the Cape Buffalo must have been twice the vixen's height, and five or six times her weigh, a dark mass of rippling muscle. And for reasons neither of them could explain, he just LOVED to be "punished" by the vixen. Now he knelt before her, tightly bound. Padded cuffs, made especially for him, surrounded both ankles and just above both knees. Spreader bars attached to these cuffs kept his legs well apart. More padded cuffs around his wrists were locked to the back of his thick collar. With his hands behind his head, his back was exposed from his ass to his shoulders. No snap-hooks here, Zassa had used stout padlocks. He wasn't going anywhere until she released him, and they BOTH knew that. A strap from the front of his collar to the bar between his knees pulled him into a bowing position, his muzzle almost touching the floor. Zassa grinned; this left his ass slightly raised and well exposed to her paddle. Bringing the paddle down on the left asscheek, right on the "sit-spot," the vixen watched in amusement as he jumped in surprise, the weights dangling from the "parachute," the soft cone of leather she'd snapped around his pendulous balls dancing from his motion. His bellow was more of surprise than of pain……. Bending a little she took another peek at his massive erection, watching it bob up and down for a moment as he breathed. He was MUCH too big for her, but when she was done with him, she'd roll him over onto his sore back, and then stroke that monster between her breasts until she'd brought him off….. but that time was still a long way away. Taking a step to the side, she gave his other asscheek another swat, and smiled, waiting for the weights dangling from his balls to stop swaying before she smacked him again…… Hannah groaned around the cock in her mouth. Things in Operations had come to a standstill as the crew on duty availed themselves of her. Right now, she was astride one, his cock buried deep in her pussy, while another crouched between their legs, energetically fucking her ass. And Jim still stood, straddling the bottom furr's head, his cock still in her mouth, even though she'd sucked him to two orgasms already. But she didn't mind…. They seemed to be as insatiable tonight as she was, and that was just fine with her…… Kara panted hard; the Lion, having licked her to one smashing climax, had roughly flipped her over onto all fours, and was now taking her from behind. As he drove his hips forward, his paws around her waist, he growled deeply, as if he were some feral animal that had captured her……. Lowering her chest to the floor, she braced her paws against the deck, and did her best to push back against his hard thrusts, loving every second of it…… Ben blinked as he came around the bend in the corridor. He shouldn't have been surprised, he thought, but he was anyways. So far, he'd seen two naked females chasing a laughing male. And at least two other couples making love in semi-public places. But here was the Boss fucking a gray vixen in the middle of the corridor! As he stood and stared, the Lion raised his gaze, and without missing a stroke, he growled; "Ho, Ben! Look what a fine prize I've caught! Come, join me! Share this fine captive with me!" Ben blinked, but then something clicked in his mind, and before he quite knew what he was doing, he was unfastening his pants, to press his crotch against the Vixen's muzzle. Kara was so close to her climax, so lost in the haze of pleasure that she didn't see the Wolf until he was almost directly in front of her. Her mouth was already hanging open as she panted, and as he presented his cock to her, she instinctively took it into her mouth, to suck hard, her tongue stroking it fervently. Jo peeked around the corner of the Personnel office. Their friend, Mary Kay, was in early, already at her desk. Looking back at Amanda, she winked and then crawling low, moved through the door in the best tradition of the ninja….. Mary Kay never saw them coming; suddenly she was knocked from her desk chair by two nude, furry missiles, landing on the floor with a "whomp!" Looking up, blinking, she found herself staring into Jo's smiling face; "what in the………?" was all she managed to get out before Jo had lowered her head to kiss her friend hotly. Amanda chuckled and proceeded to start removing the clothes from the squirming Mary Kay, helping Jo hold her down……. The Lion roared loudly as he came, his cock driven deep into Kara's pussy, held there as it throbbed and spurted, filling her, flooding her with the warmth of his seed. The sensations were delicious, and Kara moaned around the Wolf's cock as she savored them. But she was not allowed to dwell on them long, as the Wolf's hips were bucking, and he drove his shaft in and out of her mouth, fucking her face roughly until he too came, splattering the back of her throat with his cum. Panting, the Wolf finally pulled back, and sat on the floor, grinning. Looking up at the Lion, he chuckled; "you're right, that was a good piece. A most excellent catch. Makes you wonder what other such fine prey might be hereabouts." The Lion nodded and turned to retrieve the remnants of Kara's dress. Bending over he pulled her paws behind her back and used the fabric to tie them there, knotting it tightly. Pulling the exhausted vixen to her feet, he gave her a rough kiss and then swatted her on her rump; "go, run and hide, and we shall pursue. If we catch you too easily, you'll be punished, but if you give us a good chase, you'll be 'rewarded.'" The leer on the Lion's face told Kara exactly WHAT kind of reward she might expect, and with a nod and a giggle she turned to trot down the corridor. The Lion watched her go and then turned to grin at Ben; "She's good sport, but somehow I feel I should be hunting another……" Ben shrugged and chuckled; "well, lets go see if we can find others to hunt. Maybe we'll catch the one you're after….." The Lion just nodded, and together they headed off down the corridor. Mary Kay was still protesting, still insisting she had work to do, and that they were all going to get in trouble. Jo and Amanda had shoved all the folders and papers off of the top of her desk and had tied her spreadeagled across its top. Mary Kay HAD been protesting that she wasn't into girls, but that refrain had died out as Amanda softly applied her tongue to that spot between her thighs. Now even her protestations about how they were all going to get into trouble were interspersed with gasps and moans…… Jo looked up as another furr entered the personnel office. This one was a young male Marten, and Jo thought she SHOULD know his name, but for some reason she couldn't remember. The Marten looked like he hadn't slept well the night before, his fur a bit disheveled, and when he caught sight of Jo and Amanda and Mary Kay, he just stopped and stared….. for a moment. Jo grinned at him and crooked her finger, motioning him over. The Marten just grinned and with a silly grin on his face, padded over to stand before her……. Tanj sighed; while she'd dozed fitfully, strange dreams flitting through her mind, the candles had all burned down, the ice in the ice bucket had all melted…… and her Master had never come home. Rising, stretching, she shook her head; if he was still out in the Station somewhere, something must be wrong. Padding to the door, she decided she'd better go look for him; she might need her help…….. Rafe smiled and petted the Tigress' head; she had been quite compliant, obeying his commands quickly, if not exactly enthusiastically. Now he stood before her as she licked his cock clean. Rubbing an ear gently, the Wolf smiled down at her; "I think you deserve a reward for the way you behaved, Kitten. Something special…….. Stay here, in the kneeling position, while I go set it up……. The Tigress watched her keeper padd off, and sighed to herself; she really wanted nothing more than to go back to her kennel, to go back to sleep. She had no idea what his "reward" would be, but she was willing to bet it would be something sexual. While she dared not shake her head, if she could have, she would have, just to reinforce the thought; "Didn't these furrs EVER get tired of sex?" Rafe smiled as he led the male slave back into the center of the Kennel area. Grinning at the Bear, he pointed to the floor; "Lay down, on your back." The Bear was new to being a slave, but he knew that if he disobeyed, if he tried to escape, even if he killed this uppity Wolf, he could never regain his freedom, and that his circumstances would only get worse. With a barely repressed sigh, he obeyed, laying flat on the floor. Rafe measured the Bear's reluctance, and nodded at his compliance. Taking several of the restraints he'd picked up, he proceeded to fasten the Bear to the floor, his arms stretched out above his head, his feet only slightly apart. Grinning, Rafe turned to beckon to the Tigress kneeling a short distance away……. The Bear's eyes went wide as the Wolf had the rather well- built Tigress kneel astride him. Where he'd come from, the chance of him getting to make love to a beauty like this was vanishingly small, and just her presence this close, her scent and the warmth of her body was making him hard……. Rafe grinned as the Tigress moved; she seemed to know JUST what was expected of her; with a very neutral look on her face, she rubbed her crotch back and forth across the Bear's sheath, until he was rock hard, and then, sliding forward a bit, she positioned herself just so, and then slowly drove back, working his thick cock into her still-wet pussy. As she moved, the Bear just groaned softly, a look of indescribable pleasure on his face. Rafe watched and then shook his head, hoping the Bear wouldn't loose his load too soon….. Moments later, the Tigress was strapped tight to the Bear, the cuffs around her ankles locked to broad cuffs around his thighs, and a short length of chain from the leather and chrome band around her middle to the similar band the Bear now wore. When he was done, he stood back and watched the Tigress move experimentally; the chain was just long enough to let her ride his cock, but not long enough for her to rise off it, at least not while he was still hard……. Grinning, Rafe turned to padd through the kennels, looking for the next slave to join his work of art…. Tanj stopped and stared as she went past the open door to personnel. The office appeared to be staffed with the normal crew…. But it certainly didn't look like any work was getting done. Mary Kay was nude, bound spread-eagled across her desk, with a male eagerly fucking her on one end, and a female crouched over her muzzle, obviously relishing the actions of the bound squirrel fem's tongue. And over there, Amanda and several other male and female furrs were in a writhing knot, all doing their best to pleasure each other. As she looked across the office, she caught Jo's eye; Jo was sitting in an office chair, but both her feet were up on the desk… and it was obvious that someone was crouched beneath the desk, licking at her sex, from the silly grin on her face, and the glazed look in her eyes. Still, Jo found the presence of mind to wink at Tanj and to crook her finger in the "come hither" gesture. Tanj just grinned and shook her head no, and continued on towards the Intelligence office, wondering if there'd been an office party scheduled that she hadn't heard about…… Zassa looked up as the crowd pushed into the gym, her right paw raised, behind her head, the riding crop poised for another stroke. "Oh Ho, WHAT do we have here?", the large Lion growled. "Looks like the Vixen's being Baaaaaaad!" The Wolf behind him grinned and nodded; "Think we should DO something about this! Grab her, Boys!" As Zassa went down under the charging furs, she shook her head, thinking she really should know these guys……. Shouldn't she? The lion looked at the Vixen being held before him. She certainly was a pretty little thing. Well built, almost voluptuous…. And so sexily dressed too. She almost reminded him of…… whatshername. The Vixen from the Cheetah's ship…… His slave's ship….. what the heck was HER name? Jerking his attention back to the vixen being held before him, he grinned; "I think you need to be punished for treating the Buffalo soooo very nastily. Pity he's so big; If I could, I'd tie you to him, and then let HIM run as Prey in our hunt………" Behind him, a lady Black Panther growled softly; "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that…. when I get done fisting her, she'll be plenty stretched out for him!" Zassa groaned, her knees suddenly going weak, as she contemplated what they were suggesting…….. Rafe smiled and led the Coyote male to his little ensemble. The Coyote wasn't particularly well hung, but his cock, while slim, was fairly long. Pouring some lubricant into his paws, he bid the Coyote to kneel behind the Tigress…….. The Bear groaned, and tried to raise his head to see. The Tigress had stopped moving almost as soon as the Wolf was out of sight; and that was just as well too, as he'd been on the verge of cumming. And he knew what happened to slaves that orgasmed without being given permission…… now, the keeper was strapping the Coyote to the Tigress, and from the look on her face, the Bear had a pretty good idea of where the Coyote's cock was. Rafe stood back and with a light flick of his whip, encouraged the Coyote to "move." Standing back he watched, an amused smile on his face, as his "kinetic sculpture" swung into motion; the Coyote was driving his cock into the Tigress' ass hard enough for her to move on the Bear's cock, and the looks on their faces were indescribable. As he enjoyed the scene, Rafe wished he had a camera…….. Now, who else could he add to the ensemble? And how? Tanj looked around the Intelligence office; the place was still dark, even though it was mid-morning. Sighing she wondered where everyone could be? She was beginning to get the impression something was very, very wrong. Turning she headed out of the darkened offices, headed for Ops. Rafe smiled; the addition of the Otter, tied in a kneeling position astride the Bear's head, was good. Of course, the head harness on the Tigress, strapped to the Otter's middle, forcing his cock into her mouth made it even better…….. The four furrs on the floor slowly undulated, muffled sounds coming from them, accompanied by the squeak of the leather and the rattling of the chains…….. music to Rafe's ears. Tanj blinked as she stepped into Ops….. Hannah was bound in a kneeling position on the floor, her head tilted back, her muzzle pressed tight into a lady rabbit's crotch; the rabbit stroked her head, cooing encouragement as Hannah apparently licked her with enthusiasm. Tanj was just about to comment on the situation, when arms encircled her waist from behind….. Sam grinned; "well, HELLLLLOOOOOO there, Sexy! Come spend some time with me………." Something inside Tanj melted as she felt the hard cock press against her ass……… surely the world wouldn't end if she took a moment, and did something about the itch that was building inside her…… grinning, she wiggled her bottom, turning her head to look over her right shoulder; "Well hello to you too…….." Zassa screamed as she felt the Black Pantheress form a fist, her entire paw now held within the Vixen's clutching sex. The vixen felt like she was about to split in two, the pain warring with the incredible pleasure as the Pantheress started to move her paw back and forth with short little jerks……. Tanj panted hard; she was on hands and knees, her dress thrown up almost over her head, as the Wolf took her from behind. Lowering her chest to the floor she groaned in pleasure, and tried her best to clench her vaginal muscles around his driving cock; it just felt soooooo good! Rafe turned and looked as the Stag walked up. The Stag regarded the "living sculpture" for a moment and then grinned widely; "I like that… especially the way when one moves, everyone else seems to move in response… you kinda get a wave effect, motions rippling through the whole….." Turning to look at the Wolf, the Stag chuckled; "I'm kinda in the mood for some…… wild sex tonight. I'm feeling a little….. "toppish". Got a slave that I might borrow for a ……. Until I work off this feeling?" Rafe smiled and stepped towards the sculpture, to tighten the straps holding the female Mouse's crotch to the Otter's mouth, and nodded. Stepping back, he adjusted the suspension bondage of the mouse just a bit as he said; "sure, keys are on the desk; help yourself. Just remember to bring 'em back in good condition." Turning back to his sculpture he sighed; things had gotten very complex as he'd added the fifth, sixth, and seventh furrs. It was getting so you could barely see the Tigress at all. He certainly hoped she was appreciating his work of art…… The Stag just chuckled and turned, to padd down the row of cells. The Wolf had a good number of the slaves wrapped up in his pet project, but there were still plenty left. Like this bound Mink who seemed to be trying desperately to rub her crotch against the bars of her cell……. Tanj purrrred softly as she tried to recover her breath. She lay flat on the floor, her hips elevated just a little as the Wolf knelt behind her, his "knot" a palpable presence in her sex. As she waited for him to subside, she wondered what had gotten into her. After all, you couldn't fuck in Ops.. could you? Wouldn't her Master get mad? Where was he, anyways. And what had gotten into everyone, herself included? Orgies in Personnel just weren't that common…… As she felt the Wolf behind her stirr, attempting to pull out, Tanj decided something was VERY wrong, and that she'd better start looking into just what it might be…… Kath purrred to herself as she followed the Stag, at the end of her leash. At last she thought she'd get some relief from that damndable "itch" between her thighs! As they padded out of the Kennel area, Kath's eyes widened in surprise, as she gazed at the mass of furr all bound and tied in the middle of the floor. It was a concert of licking tongues and thrusting cocks, the whole mass moving like some bizzare creature. As the Stag jerked the leash, as she padded out behind him, she gazed longingly over her shoulder, wondering what it would be like to be a part of such a thing….. Deep within the pile of bound furry bodies, the Tigress moaned as the Bear underneath her came yet again. She had cum dribbling from her muzzle, from her pussy, from her ass, and there was what seemed to be a constant rain of it from above. The straps cut into her tightly, and she felt like she couldn't breath, but she'd lost count of the climaxes she'd had. And now that energetic, seemingly insatiable Bear beneath her was moving again, setting ripples in motion through the mass of fur, bodies rubbing against her, cocks pressing into her, until once again she was mewling, on the verge of yet another climax….. Tanj had escaped from Ops, when the Wolf had turned and tackled one of the other ladies milling about there….. If anyone noticed her slipping through the door, she wasn't aware of it. Shaking her head, she straightened her dress and turned to head for auxiliary control. Maybe things were quieter there, and she could check on the base's status without interruption. Tanj paused at the cross corridor, at the sound of approaching hoofbeats. Someone was running in her direction. Standing there, she gaped in amazement as an absolutely huge Cape Buffalo trotted past. His hands were bound tightly behind him, and weights swung wildly from his bound balls as he ran, but what the Cheetah found more startling was the tightly bound Vixen strapped to his front, his truly enormous cock buried deep in her snatch. As he ran, she bounced, her body jostling up and down against his front, his thick shaft working in and out of her overstretched pussy……. They were both tightly gagged, and moved almost in silence, only the muffled grunts of the Vixen and the Buffalo's hoofbeats echoing down the corridor…. And then they were gone. Tanj blinked in their wake and shook her head; brushing a strand of hair from her eyes, she muttered; "what in the HELL is going on here?" The door to Auxiliary control beckoned. It was at the end of the corridor, about 30 meters away….. but there was a rustling in the shadows……. Something, or someone was stirring in the cross corridor just shy of the entrance…. Tanj shrugged off the feeling of danger; after all, so far no one that she'd run across had threatened more than a good fucking….. And she was sure she didn't have any enemies amonst the pirates….. Calming herself she strode confidently towards Auxiliary control…… She'd just stepped into the intersection of the corridors when she heard a low growl; before she could turn, to look to see where it had come from, to see who had uttered such an animalistic sound, several furry bodies hit her from the other side in a flying tackle, driving her to the ground. Struggling, growling back, she fought futilely…… After a moment, strong paws gripped her, dragging her up into a kneeling position, and blinking she got her first look at her attackers. Her eyes widened as she beheld her Master, completely nude, the fur of his crotch matted, and sticky, surrounding a massive erection. He grinned at her ferraly and nodded; "at last, we catch the wayward slave!" Behind him, Ben, equally nude and equally aroused just chuckled and nodded, starting a chorus of laughs amongst the other furrs in the party…… Tanj panted hard; they'd dragged her to the Cafeteria, and hung her by her bound paws from the ceiling. Ropes encircled each ankle, the opposite ends tied to table legs, pulling her ankles wide apart. And a rubber coated ring gag had been forced into her mouth; she could plead but only inarticulately, and the noises she made only seemed to excite and arouse the crowd……. When she'd been bound, the Lion padded over to her to look into her eyes; "You've been bad. You know you have! And accordingly you shall be punished. Punished until I deem you sufficiently chastised." Nodding, he turned and padded back to one of the tables, his paw reaching into a box…. Extracting a large feather, he turned to grin at her; holding it like a weapon he handed the box to Ben, and then slowly approached the bound and struggling Cheetah. Kath panted hard, concentrating on the feel of the Stag's shaft driving in and out of her. He wasn't much for bondage, and had untied her almost completely, only a chain padlocked to her collar on one end, and to a ring bolt in the floor on the other end holding her in place…. And now the chain was bowstring tight, quivering between her breasts, as she strained against it, his hard thrusts driving her forward on hands and knees until the tight chain forced her to lower her head towards the floor. While he wasn't much for cuffs and restraints, the Stag did know how to master her, commanding her to use her mouth to get him hard, directing her actions until he'd cum, spraying his load over her face and chest. And now he was taking her from behind, in a most forceful and pleasing manner…….. Hinoki smiled and softly kissed one of the ladies; he couldn't remember which of the sisters this was… what was her name? But she was such pleasant company. Purrrring he snuggled her and her sister, idly wondering if there were any more of those delightful little appetizers left….. Bo grinned at the crowd of nude furrs; "A hunt you say? That DOES sound like fun! Count me in! Now…. Who's going to be the "quarry?"…….. Tanj screamed wordlessly, as a dozen feathers tickled her; they tickled her between her thighs and beneath her breasts, on her nipples and under her armpits, they tickled the edges of her ears and under her chin… And on the soles of her feet; that was the worst! Squirming as best possible she howled and yelped and sought escape, only to find escape impossible.……. Kath was softly licking the Stag, both cleaning his shaft and getting him hard for another round… a round she felt sure would include him taking her in the ass, something she wasn't looking forward to, considering his size and power…… While he'd been responsive to her performance, she had the feeling that something was wrong, that she just wasn't slaking his lusts like she was supposed to…… Her concentration was broken by the sound of approaching hoofbeats, the Stag turning his head to look, even as one hand forced Kath's head back down onto his cock. From the Corner of her eye, Kath beheld a bizzare sight; a massive Cape Buffalo stood panting, his chest heaving….. and bound to his front was a Vixen, the Buffalo's cock buried balls deep in her widely distended snatch. Both the Buffalo and the Vixen seemed to be covered in criss-crossed leather straps, and Kath found herself staring at where the Buffalo's cock disappeared into the Vixen; even his breathing was causing her to move up and down, minutely fucking her…… The Stag grinned and giving Kath a small shove, rose to his feet to capture the end of the leash dangling from the Buffalo's collar. "What have we here? He mumbled as he looked over the two. "You know, the Mink's good, but she's just not quite what I'm looking for, at the moment….. You, my fine stud, you might just fit the bill. Now stand still while I get this limp hank of hair off you……" So saying the Stag tied the end of the leash to a convenient doorknob, and turned to start to unbuckle the straps that held the Vixen in place…….. One arm caught her as she started to sag, and then the Stag was lifting her free, to place her on the floor. Turning back, he looked at the Buffalo's rampant cock and nodded; "oh, yes, I think you're JUST what I'm looking for……" Untying the leash, the Stag turned to lead the panting Buffalo off, Kath forgotten behind him. Kath watched the two go, and shook her head; somehow she just couldn't believe that the Stag'd prefer a male over her! And here she was starting to think she was irresistable. Turning to look at the semi-comatose vixen, Kath smiled and shrugged, and moving to the limit of the chain locked to her collar, she started to softly lap at the Vixen's gaping sex. The Fennec Fox watched the writhing Cheetah and grinned; she was close, he thought; pushing through the crowd, he shoved his way beneath her, between her widespread thighs, and taking his feather he proceeded to tickle straight up, tormenting her sex. It was obvious that she couldn't squirm any more, but the volume of her cries, made inarticulate by both the ring gag in her mouth and all the feathers tickling her, signaled her increased distress….. if he did this right, he'd be rewarded for his efforts in a little while…… Zassa moaned and shuddered, her eyes gradually coming open; the feel of a tongue softly stroking her incredibly sore pussy was heaven…. That ride on the Buffalo had been something out of one of her most fevered imaginings… first the fisting, driving her to several powerful climaxes, and then all those paws holding her, lifting her, forcing her down on his shaft…. All the straps and cuffs and restraints holding her in place, most of her weight supported by the huge organ splitting her up the middle…. And then when they'd snapped the whip on the Buffalo's hind quarters and he'd taken off at a dead run…. Zassa had thought she was going to die, from the pain, and the pleasure of bouncing up and down on him…. And it had been obvious that the Buffalo had loved it; he'd run and run and run, never stopping… He'd run MUCH further than he'd had to, to keep away from the hunters…… He'd run until one final massive climax had robbed Zassa of consciousness. Now, as she looked about, she recognized the chamber as an out-of-the-way break room, and she wondered how she'd gotten here….. Lifting her head, she gazed down at the Mink, and smiled; "well, HELLO! I know you… don't I?" Kath purrred as her gentle licking brought the Vixen to a shuddering climax, but as the Vixen recovered, as she pulled away, out of the Mink's reach, she sighed; she'd just been getting started……. Moving slowly, as if each motion hurt, the Vixen climbed to her feet, and then staggered over to a table by the door. There she picked up a set of keys, and after looking at them for a moment, turned to grin at Kath……. Jo panted and sighed; she was Exhausted, and would have liked nothing better than to crawl off into a corner and get some sleep; but it seemed she'd created a Monster. Amanda had gotten with several of the refugees from the Personnel office orgy and they'd conspired to tie Jo in a 69 position with Mary Kay. And now, between Mary Kay's licks, and the carresses from a half dozen other girls, Jo could find no rest….. Ben grinned and nodded to Bo; they'd slipped away from the punishment of the Cheetah Fem, along with a few others, to resume the hunt…… His loins burned; he wanted a female in the worst way, and now the five of them stalked the corridors and passageways of the station, seeking their prey….. The Chain was still locked to her collar, an improvised leash, and Kath followed the Vixen obediently as she was led down the corridor. Somewhere in the distance someone was laughing hysterically, and after listening for a moment, the Vixen turned and headed in that direction….. It had taken much, much longer than he'd expected, much to the Fox's commingled delight and dismay, before the bound Cheetah fem was so tormented that she lost all control, and the contents of her bladder raining down on him like a golden shower. As he reveled in her discharge, he heard some of the furrs close-by express their dismay, or disgust. But not him; it was his opinion that watching a lady pee was incredibly sexy, and this was the best vantage point of all! Mark carefully disengaged from the Brou device and switched it to standby before stretching to his full three and a half feet. The Mouse held the position for a long moment and then relaxed, turning to key into the nearest terminal. "Progress report. See file attributes for time and date. The last series of tests corroborates my earlier findings. The thing really is a teleportation device….. Unfortunately there isn't really anything useful we can do with it, as I'm pretty sure the Brou knew." He paused for a moment. "First of all, the technology used is alien enough to ours that even with the best combination of adapters I've been able to come up with, regular station power won't let us move anything further than a few meters at best, and even then there's some sort of feedback effect that causes chaotic fluctuations in range. It would seem that the Brou supply their devices with some odd mix of regular electrip power and more exotic energies, some of which we can't even begin to replicated at the Empire's current technical level. In fact, I haven't seen the like since I was with the…. Uh, computer, strike that last……" The Mouse paused to clear his throat and then resumed; "Second, teleporting objects to or from anywhere except the device's immediate vicinity is risky; there's a chance that the transported item might end up in the wrong place or just disappear altogether and that chance quickly increases with range. The Brou get around that by using a second device as a combined beacon and receiver when they want to cover nontrivial distances, but until we somehow acquire another, we don't HAVE that option. Finally, the user interface is partially mental, and naturally tuned to the Brou thought process. In that regard, I've made some progress… Thankfully I might add, or I'd have even less to report because I wouldn't have been able to access what passes for an instruction manual in the device's … sort-of-memory. Nonetheless, my recommendation is that we put further investigation off until we have some leisure time and manpower again. We won't be getting any practical use out of it anytime soon, and we can't even take the thing apart to try and analyze it until somebody finds a way to keep the living-metal outer hull from resealing instantly. End of file. Zassa watched from the doorway, Kath's chain leash in her hand, and grinned as the tormented Cheetah Fem was tickled to the point of peeing. "Now that's marvelous" Zassa purrred; turning to look at the Mink, she grinned; "Tickling can be horrible torture; it does no physical harm, and yet, if you're tickled long enough, it becomes horribly, excruciatingly painful. Something you NEVER forget. C'mon, lets join them." Padding across the Cafeteria, pulling Kath by the chain, Zassa grinned at the group "This the WaterSports crowd?" A few furrs made disgusted noises and moved off, but the dripping Fennec Fox between the Cheetah's thighs nodded eagerly, little droplets of urine flying from his fur as his head jerked up and down. Switching the terminal off again, the Mouse surveyed the silent chamber for a moment before adding; "And since its been about seventy-two hours since I've had anything solid to eat, I think I"ll take a break before someone comes to batter down the door to see if I'm still alive….. No comment from the peanut gallery, thank you." He listened to the continuing silence for a moment, grinned, and turned towards the door. Before he ever got there, however, a familiar neutral voice in his head broke through his idle musings. **Priority transmission.** Mark blinked, then half-closed his eyes to concentrate better. **Receiving. What's up, I thought the next rapport wasn't due until tomorrow night?** **Incoming sensor report. Stand by...** Mark frowned lightly and braced himself, and right the next moment the complex images and context data exploded into his mind not unlike a sudden flashback. It took him only a moment to sort out the cause of the disturbance: a cloaked cruiser trailing the Brethren's asteroid base, system status and internal communications proving it to be anything but friendly. **Ouch. I see. Weapons not armed yet...must still be biding their time. Keep an eye on them while I see who's in sensor ops, and prepare to slip in a little phantom signal on my cue.** The Lion watched some of the crowd move off, and something in him called for him to go with them, to resume the hunt. Looking around, he spotted the Vixen holding the end of the Mink's chain, and a smile spread across his face. Stalking over to her, he handed her his feather; "this Cheetah needs to be punished. Continue her tickling while I resume the hunt!" Zassa blinked, and then, Grinning widely she nodded eagerly. The Lion nodded in return and turned towards the others just as a female Leopard, wearing the remnants of a torn dress stepped into the room. For a moment, everyone froze, staring at each other……. and then she let out a small "eep!", turned and ran, the rest of the room charging after her amidst howls of "Talley HO!" and laughter. Tanj panted hard, enjoying the respite; when she'd lost control, the tickling had slacked off and then stopped, and not being tickled felt SOOOOO good. But then the Lion's words filtered through her fogged brain, and she lifted her chin, to look at the Vixen. Recognizing Zassa, standing there with the Mink's chain in one paw and the feather in the other, and a maniacal look in her eyes, Tanj groaned, KNOWING it was about to get worse. Much worse. Mark closed his eyes fully and mentally reached out. He knew just where to look, he'd been there often enough before...then with a mild shock realized that there WAS nobody in sensor operations. Nobody paying the slightest attention to the displays, at least... He paused to quickly scan around the station, trying to figure out just what could have HAPPENED in the time he'd spent lost in his research. As Tanj tried to recover from the extensive tickling, her eyes followed the Lion as he and the others charged off…. And then she was alone with Zassa and the Mink. Turning to look at the Vixen, Tanj tried to plead with Zassa, to tell her something's wrong; that there was no one in Ops… No one defending the base…. But the ring gag made all her words unintelligible. The Vixen blinked and then shook her head, as if understanding the Cheetah's protestations; "Oh, no you don't; I've got my orders and I'm going to carry 'em out! You're not escaping…. But on the other hand, misery loves company, and maybe you'd feel a little better if there was someone sharing your sorrow….." Kath listened to the vixen, and shivered; the Vixen obviously had something in mind, and she would have bet a bundle it involved her…….. Part of her dreaded what was to come… but another part eagerly awaited it, curious at to what would happen….. After a few minutes of effort, Mark sighed and shook his head again. "So much for Plan A…." He sent outward again; **Tanj on this end. For whatever reason, just about EVERYBODY onstation seems to be caught up in some kind of sexual frenzy. Even if I could get one or two furs to listen, there's no way we could muster any defense whatsoever in time.** The reply came immediately, still not betraying the slightest hint of emotion. **Is that an attack order, then?** Mark paused, his gaze falling almost routinely on the Brou teleporter once more...then gave a little negative shake of his head again, more to himself since his invisible partner wouldn't likely see it anyway. **No. At least not yet. Sound battle stations and stand by to intercept enemy fire if it comes to that, but I think I have a plan...** Zassa hummed to herself as she suspended the Mink, in mirror image of the Cheetah; face to face, almost nose to nose, the Mink now hung from the ceiling facing the Cheetah, her legs tied to the same table legs as Tanj's. It had taken the Vixen a while, but she'd finally found some string suitable for what she had in mind, and the Mink's left nipple ring was now tied to Tanj's right nipple ring, and vice versa. Giving the Mink a quick swat on the can, Zassa grinned as she jerked, her motions making Tanj move in response, as her tender bits were tugged at. The final touch was blindfolds… Then, with a feather in each paw, the Vixen started a slow dance around the two, tickling them in unexpected places simultaneously…. Kath moaned and giggled, and shrieked as the feather danced over her, moving from the soles of her feet, up the insides of her thighs, over her dripping sex, across her belly, over the undersides of her breasts, on up to her armpits, under her chin, and the edges of her ears; each stroke made her writhe and squirm, and each motion made her tweak her sore nipples. And of course, the Cheetah was writhing just as bad, her motions making the tugs on the Mink's nipples worse. And the Vixen had been right; after a while, the gentle stroke of the feather yielded ever increasing torment! Zassa grinned maniacally as she wielded the feathers, tormenting the two bound furs. Somewhere along the line she'd forgotten just why she was doing this, but she knew she had to do it. As she let the tips of the feathers once again tease their sexes, she wished she had a couple sets of Ben-Wa balls; the way the two were gyrating they'd have driven themselves to a dozen climaxes so far… But alas, she didn't, all she had were the feathers….. and the feathers were all she used…… Tanj panted, trying to gather enough air in her lungs for another scream; the sensations moving over the sole of her left foot was almost more than she could stand. Bucking wildly, swaying in her bonds as much as she could, she howled at the top of her lungs, just as she felt the Mink shudder and sag against her. Some deep recess in Tanj's mind realized that the Mink had passed out, the tickling more than she could absorb, and another, more cunning part of her mind whispered; "if you pass out too, the torment will stop." Mewling, Tanj surrendered, allowing herself to slide down into darkness…….. Zassa sighed as the two went limp. She tried a few more licks with the feathers, but nothing happened. There was no response… Sighing, the Vixen took a seat at one of the tables, waiting a while to see if they would recover, but after a bit, she wondered what she was doing sitting there, and rose, to padd off, in search of some more excitement. Franz sighed and shook his head, looking at the chronometer for the dozenth time in as many minutes. As near as he could tell, his cloaked cruiser was still completely undetected. Communications traffic from the asteroid base had tapered off almost six hours ago, no ships had departed or arrived, and it had been a while since there'd been any signs of life over there. Or at least of organized activity. The scanner showed plenty of life forms, but it didn’t show any in the areas they'd tentatively as Operations, Engineering, or the Docking Bay…. Looking up at his Exec he yawned; "Just about time. If Xylex's information is accurate they should be completely …. "distracted" in about another hour. Lets bring the ship to Battle stations, and make sure we've worked through all the checklists. One more hour, and we'll move in, and destroy them. The exec just grinned. Tanj's Tales: The Battle That Never Was, Part IV Stardate 2399.34 By Kittiara Tanj groaned as consciousness returned. She seemed to be lying, face up, on the floor, and in fact, she had a good view of the cafeteria's ceiling. As she tried to work some feeling back into her arms and legs, she came to the startling conclusion that she was unfettered. And sore; very sore. Her shoulders hurt, her hips hurt, her wrists and her ankles hurt, all her muscles ached as if she'd run a marathon.… and then she remembered. The madness that seemed to be gripping everyone; the sexual frenzy that seemed to be pervading the Brethren. And no one was minding the store…. Struggling to sit up she looked around, her gaze passing over the still form of the Mink, to settle on the concerned face of Mindy. The Mouse just sat there, on the floor, cross-legged, staring at her, a worried look on her face. "Tanj, what's going on around here" she stage whispered, her head turning to look over her shoulder as if afraid. "Everyone seems to have gone crazy! You wouldn't believe what I've been through in the last couple of days!" Tanj grunted as she tried to work the kinks out of her arms; "Yes, I know; we're all in great danger. Something's happened to almost everyone on the station; they all seem to have gone mad in a sexually related way. I've seen some pretty amazing sights myself." Tanj paused to stretch again, and Mindy nodded; "do you think this is …….. natural? Some form of space madness? Or do you think……" Tanj grinned; "Yes, of course I suspect foul play. In fact, I suspect a pathogen; some disease that we've been infected with. The vector is obvious. I think this is all just a prelude to some sort of attack. Tell you what; see if you can get to Engineering, and check on things there. I'm going to head down to Medical and see if there's anyone there that can start working on some sort of counter-agent. Then I'll try and make it up to Ops, or to Auxiliary Control, and see what I can do about bringing some weapons on line." Mindy just nodded and rose to her feet; looking at Tanj she sighed; "I won't ask you why you're not as messed up as everyone else is around here, I don't know why I haven't caught it myself….." Tanj just shrugged; "I think I've had a mild case. I think it got to me for a while, but now I'm "feeling better." But you… how are you faring, if you're not infected? Mindy smiled and shrugged, and for the first time, Tanj realized the Mouse was nude; "Oh, I've had some rough times…. And some fun times….. No one seems really violent, just…. Insistent. Its like this was bringing out everyone's dominant, or submissive side…." Tanj nodded, and muttered an "uh-huh, well, Good Luck" and turning, staggered towards the door, and the corridor towards Medical. Mindy smiled as she watched her go. Twice she'd encountered "hunting parties" on her way up from her station in Engineering. Both times the sex had been wild, plentiful, and forceful, but not exactly unpleasant. No, not at all unpleasant……… Turning, the Mouse hastily fixed herself a sandwich, and then hurried off, back the way she'd come. As she walked, she wondered if she'd make it back there without being "caught" again. And then, smiling, she wondered if she really wanted to be caught…… Tanj listened, her ears straining. Somewhere down the corridor, a couple was making passionate love; she could hear the moans and the grunts, and even the sound of bodies coming together…… Probably she could sneak past them as they were otherwise occupied, but as she stood there, listening, she found her own right paw softly stroking her mons…….. It was obvious that she still had a mild case of whatever was afflicting them….. Smiling she shook her head no; she couldn't risk it; perhaps they'd reach out and grab her, to pull her down with them…. And perhaps she wouldn't be able to resist…. Things were quiet as Tanj snuck into Medical, holding herself flat against the wall as she looked around. It was an amazing scene of normalcy… everything in its place. But quiet. She was about to head back through the door when Wanda, in a green nurse's set of scrubs, came around the corner. Tanj blinked at the Wolverine for a moment in amazement; Wanda stared back in equal shock; "Tanj! What's HAPPENED to you? You're a MESS!" Tanj just swallowed and nodded; "Uh, Wanda, something VERY strange is going on out there!" Wanda cocked her head to one side and then nodded slowly; "I kinda figured something was up when my relief didn't show up, and then when I couldn't get anyone on the comm….. I couldn't go out and look for anyone; SOMEONE had to cover the emergency room…… What IS going on out there?" Tanj sighed and shook her head; "I'd say it looks like everyone on the station's gone sex-crazy… I think its some sort of biological warfare attack. The station's completely undefended. I thought that someone here might be able to get started on identifying the agent, and perhaps work to counteract it…. But it looks like they're……" Wanda nodded; "That would explain Dr. Narayanan…. We…. Had a rash of flu-like symptoms oh, about 72 hours ago. Similar to the symptoms you had, in fact. Dr. Narayanan was on duty, and saw most of them…… Then he complained of feeling hot, flushed….." Wanda chuckled and shook her head; "and then he made a pass at me. I had to decline…. Rather forcefully I'm afraid…… He left and I haven't seen him since…" Tanj blinked, trying for a moment to imagine the slender Mongoose putting the moves on Wanda.. She was big enough to tie him in a knot….. For a moment, she had the mental image of a Mongoose tied in a knot trying to escape down the corridor and had to suppress a giggle. Then Wanda got a hurt look on her face, and Tanj waved a paw; "Oh, Wanda, I'm SURE it was just the good Doctor under the influence of whatever this is. Did you have that problem with anyone else?" Wanda chuckled; "there were two, or three that came by, but when I made it obvious I wasn't interested, they wandered off." Tanj nodded; "well, you'd better stay here; they're no longer taking No for an answer. I'm going to head out and see if I can find a way to attend to the station's defenses. By the way, do you have any idea why YOU didn't catch whatever this is? You must have been exposed……" Wanda just grinned; "I told you; I never get sick; must be some sort of natural immunity." Tanj nodded and rose, to head for the door. Stopping, she turned to look back; "Um, you didn't tie Narayanan in a knot, did you?" Wanda just grinned and gave a little shake of her head, no. Tanj nodded, and waved and headed back out into the corridor. Hannah sighed, and shook her head once again, trying to dislodge the gag. She'd been sound asleep, exhausted, entwined in a pile of furry bodies when the crowd had burst into Ops. Several of the sleeping furrs had been roughly grabbed, designated as "prey", bound in some manner or other, and sent off at the run. She'd watched Evie hobbled, her arms bound behind her, a line from her rope collar to her ankles bending her over double. She struggled as she sought to put distance between herself and the hunters that were soon to follow. Gus had a similar problem; they'd tied his ankles to his thighs, and he was forced to crawl on hands and knees. As he scurried off, Hannah thought the Otter was rather enjoying himself; he had the biggest grin on his face. And the biggest erection. For her own part, she'd gotten off rather lightly, a gag buckled in place, filling her mouth, and her arms tightly tied behind her back at wrist and elbow. Wouldn't have been any trouble at all to run fast, and keep ahead of them, except for the weighted nipple clamps they'd added, almost as an afterthought. Now, with each step she took, the weights bounced, the clamps tugging sharply at her nipples…. And yet, as she ran, searching for a good hiding place, there was something about the situation that excited her…… She just couldn't deny the wetness between her thighs as she thought about a dozen hunters chasing her….. Kath groaned and opened her eyes. Her head HURT. Her muscles were stiff, and her hands and feet felt heavy, as if they'd been weighted. And her throat felt constricted, as if her shirt collar was too tight. Blinking, she looked around in confusion. This wasn't her cabin on the Liner….. how in the world had she gotten HERE? In fact, where WAS here? Struggling to sit up, she raised one paw to brush back some hair from her face, and froze. There was a leather cuff on her wrist. A LOCKED leather cuff on her wrist. It didn't look like something you'd find on a prisoner… more like something you'd find on a slave, or someone playing at those silly bondage games…… Tanj heard footsteps echoing down the corridor, and rapidly ducked into a half-open doorway. She wasn't really surprised to see a nude and bound vixen trot past…… stepping out into the corridor, she stage-whispered; "Hey YOU! Stop a Minute!" Hannah turned to see the Cheetah Fem emerge from a doorway. Groaning to herself, she sank to her knees, thinking; "Dammit, its too soon to be caught already! I wanted a reward, not a punishment!….." Tanj padded over to the kneeling Vixen and squatted next to her; "Bet you're wrapped up in the Hunt, aren't you?" The Vixen nodded. Tanj grinned; "tell you what. I'll see that you get a nice reward when this is all done, if you do me a little favor. I want you to go find the nearest hunting party. Act as if you've blundered into them by accident, and then turn and run. There's an orgy in progress down in Accounting, and I want you to lead them there. This is important; can you do this for me?" Hannah blinked, and looked at the Cheetah from the corners of her eyes, as if skeptical, but finally she nodded tentatively. "What have I got to loose" she thought to herself; "If I don't do as she asks, I'll be punished anyways. Maybe this way I can earn an extra reward……." Tanj grinned and rose; "Thanks; this is important, and I'll see you get something nice if you pull it off." Without another word, Tanj turned and trotted off down the corridor. Hannah watched the nude Cheetah depart and sighed; turning, she started walking back the way she'd come…… Kath couldn't believe this. Not only wasn't she in her cabin on the Liner, she was naked, wearing locked cuffs on ankles and wrists, a locked collar around her throat, and to her absolute amazement and disgust, someone had pierced both her nipples! Her fur was a matted, sticky mess, and it was obvious that she'd been raped multiple times….. At least she thought she'd been raped; she couldn't imagine herself indulging in sex to THAT extent, and especially with someone she didn't know. After all, she was an Imperial Agent; she had to be discrete….. Rising, she padded to the exit from the…… cafeteria?… and looked down the corridor. Where WAS she? Wherever she was, she had to get out of here, get to someplace safe, and contact her department, let them know that she'd been compromised….. Steeling herself to the unknown, she started down the corridor, incredibly aware of her nakedness, and of the feeling of the rings in her nipples moving as she moved……. Tanj grinned as she slipped through the door into Auxiliary Control. She'd managed to avoid the few furrs wandering the corridors, and to her delight Aux. Control was deserted. Sensors were off line. Shields were off line….. Weapons were off line…. With increasing desperation, Tanj moved from Console to Console…. Finally she turned and dashed quickly over to the Engineering Console. Her fingers flying over the keyboard, she started checking power flows…… Hannah let out a muffled "EEP" as she came around the corner…. and saw one of the Hunting Parties. Turning, she ran, wiggling her bottom as best she could as she fled in the direction of Personnel, the howls and cries of the furrs behind her becoming louder and louder as they grew closer…… Tanj Groaned! She couldn't get ANYTHING to work. Somewhere between the fusion generators and the control relays, something had been turned off. Aux Control was useless, until those connections were restored! Sighing, she turned to look at the door. Engineering was a LONG way away… But there was nothing to do but head down there and try and restore power…. Opening the door a crack, she looked out, checking both ways….. And then sliding through, she started jogging down a side corridor….. Kath blinked and looked left and right. "I do NOT remember Pharrpoint station looking like this" she growled to herself. Hearing voices down one of the corridors, she wondered; dare she approach them, seeking help, or should she, naked and collared, avoid them? After a moment's indecision, she turned, to head away from the voices… but when she turned, she found herself staring into the eyes of a rather large, and completely naked Lion……. The Lion rumbled; "well, look what we have here! An escaped slave!" As the Lion turned to grin at the furrs accompanying him, Kath turned to run, to flee…. Only to be brought up short as the Lion's huge paw grabbed the end of her tail; "I see our prey doesn't know how to behave, either!" The gray Wolf next to the Lion chuckled; "Oh, I think we can teach her how to behave…….. And the Ferret on the other side of the Lion chuckled softly, his head nodding up and down……. Hannah shouldered her way into the Personnel office, and looked around. She'd been told by the Cheetah that there was a large orgy in progress here…. And the obvious idea was to get the hunting party sucked into the orgy, distracting them from their hunt…… But now the room was deserted. Papers were strewn everywhere, and a number of desks had been pushed against the wall to provide an open space….. Hurriedly she looked about, seeking a place to hide….. and then the door slammed open behind her. There was nothing to do but to fall to her knees, assuming the proper position, and await her punishment….. Kath groaned, and struggled feebly; they'd forced her to kneel, and then a fur had taken hold of either of her arms, holding them straight out from her body to the sides, forcing her to arch her back just a little. Kath was VERY aware of how this forced posture made her breasts stand out proudly, her nipples prominent…. She could still feel the little rings in her nipples move with each breath she took…… The Lion had stepped up between her spread knees and had presented his cock to her mouth, forcing her to take it, to lick it, to suck it…… she squirmed, but there was no escape; the ones holding her were too strong. And as she was forced to suck the Lion's cock, something inside her melted; to free a small, bright point of light within her soul. As the Lion wrapped one paw in her hair, to hold her head, as his hips started to move, driving his cock in and out of her mouth, until its head repeatedly bumped the back of her throat, some small part of her came alive, and she realized that somehow, some way, she liked being used like this……. Tanj heard the sounds from down the corridor. It was unmistakable; the groans of a Male, the muffled noises of a female….. someone was getting a blowjob, and from the sound of it, he was loving it. Grinning, Tanj turned to tiptoe down a side corridor, seeking to bypass the obstruction…… Sam grinned; it was obvious her attention was on the corridor behind her; as she moved, silent as a ghost, graceful as only a feline could be, her head was turned to look over her right shoulder…… For a moment, Sam watched how her breasts bounced with each step, a soft, fluid motion…. And then he was springing from the shadows, driving himself forward, to slam into her middle, knocking her to the floor. Heinz and Pam were right behind him, helping him to pin the Cheetah to the deck. His hunting party had just made their third capture, and he was sure the Leader would be proud of them! Tanj squirmed, and thrashed; "No… you idiots, you don't know what you're doing! Stop, you've GOT to let me up! We're all in Danger!" Sam shook his head; usually the Prey were vocal when captured, but this one was yelling louder than most. But he had a solution for that. Reaching back to his belt, the only thing he wore, he pulled free the plug gag… and when her head was turned just so, her jaws gaping, he shoved it forward, the black latex filling her mouth, bringing blissful silence…. Tanj tried to force the gag from her mouth, but then she heard the "snick" of its lock and knew it was too late. And then they were rolling her over, to bind her arms behind her back. Deciding it was useless to continue to struggle, she let herself go limp, and panting hard, tried to recover her breath…… Pam grinned as they dragged their prey to her feet; "Hey, lookit this! This one's not only got pierced nipples, but someone pierced her clitty!" Sam chuckled and bent to look; "Hey, you're right. Nice little ring… But I bet its big enough to take the end of my leash!" Tanj winced as she felt the weight of the Wolf's leash on her clitty; it wasn't supposed to be done like that, but her captors didn't seem to care. Moving carefully, doing her best to keep the strain off of her most sensitive part, she followed them, almost eagerly as they led her off down the corridor, towards the increasing sounds of passion…… Towards the place she had been trying to avoid. Kath's tongue stroked the Lion's cock as he drove it into her mouth again, eliciting a groan of pleasure from him. Some part of her wondered where she'd learned to do that so well, even as another part of her was disgusted that she knew how to do it at all. And lurking in the back of her mind was an unspoken question……. Why wasn't any of the other furrs making use of her pussy, or fondling her breasts? Even as she struggled to breath around the Lion's thrusting cock, some small part of her brain demanded; "held here like this, used like this, aren't I the sexiest, most alluring thing around?" Tanj knelt when the Wolf with her leash stopped moving, and the whole group watched the scene before them. The Lion was tilting the Mink's head back further, thrusting his cock almost down into her mouth, and Tanj knew that the way she was being held, the Lion's cock had to be pushing past the back of her mouth, and down her throat. The Mink squirmed and struggled, but the furrs holding her were strong, and her movements only seemed to increase the Lion's delight. As she watched, Tanj scarcely recognized her Master. He seemed a huge beast, a primal force of nature…….. And then he was throwing his head back, to fill the corridor with the sound of his roar, his cock pulling free from the Mink's mouth, to discharge its cum all over her prominent breasts. Kath gasped for air as the emotions warred within her; part of her was relieved that the brute hadn't ejaculated in her mouth, and part of her was delighted that he'd so marked her with his seed, as if proclaiming to all; "Look at how this one's made me cum!" Panting, she closed her eyes and waited for whatever was to come next……. Sam grinned as he watched. With luck, the Leader would let him use his newly captured prey in the same way; it would be a fitting reward….. As the Lion caught his breath, the Wolf growled; "Hey, Look at what WE caught!" For a moment, hope blossomed in Kath's mind, as the Lion stepped around her in response to some shout… but then paws were pulling her up, even as other paws groped at her crotch. She heard a voice say; "Yup, she's soaking wet," and then she was being led off by a small group, and she knew they weren't done with her yet….. The Lion looked down at Tanj and nodded, and then looked up at Sam; "Good Catch, Wolf. Use her as you will, but make sure she's WELL used, before you release her again." Sam just nodded and reached down to wrap his paw in Tanj's hair. Pulling her up a bit, from a kneeling position to a crouch, the Wolf watched as Heinz squirrmed, flat on his back, between the Cheetah's spread thighs….. Tanj jerked as the Skunk beneath her drove his hard shaft up into her pussy; for a moment, she melted a little, thinking that felt SOOOOO good… and then she remembered; she had to get the skunk off, and quickly, so they'd let her go; she had things to do! Moaning she started to move on his cock…… Sam watched the Cheetah start to move, riding Heinz's cock and nodded; he'd been right about her. Padding around behind her, he knelt between Heinz's knees and put his hands on her hips…… Tanj jumped again, much to the skunk's delight, when she felt the wolf's cockhead touch her anus; but his paws were insistent, pulling at her hips, dragging her back down, until she was doubly filled. And then it was the Wolf's thrusts that moved her, again to the delight of the skunk, as he pounded his cock into her ass……… Tanj moaned as she felt the squirrel's paws on her head, unlocking the gag…. She'd thought the fem wouldn't just sit back and watch; no one seemed to be doing that these days….. as the squirrel pressed her crotch to Tanj's muzzle, the Cheetah obediently started to lick her………. Hinoki yawned and stretched. Both Duke sisters were sound asleep, and he didn't want to wake them. They'd had a simply marvelous time together, stroking and petting and licking and nibbling, until the urges became simply too great, and they joined together in some absolutely marvelous love-making. He couldn't call it fucking, it was beyond that; way beyond that. He genuinely cared for them, and was sure they cared for him too…… As he watched them sleep, he felt his stomach rumble, and he grinned; wouldn't it be nice, if when they woke up, he had a sumptuous breakfast waiting? Grinning, he rose and stretched again, to head out to find them all something to eat. Kath panted as she lay limply on the floor. The hunters had used her; used her pussy, her ass, her mouth, and one of them had even fucked her between her breasts….. and now, exhausted, they'd all moved on, leaving her in the middle of the corridor, covered in their cum. And while part of her shuddered at the horrible ordeal she'd just been through, something within her reveled in it. Growling at herself, she decided she'd have herself psychoanalyzed at a later date; for the moment, she had work to do. Struggling to her feet, she looked up and down the corridors, wondering which way to go. With a mental shrug she turned and walked carefully down one of the corridors, her muscles aching, not only from all the sex she'd had, but from her shoulders being pulled back so sharply. They'd laid a broom handle across her back, just below her neck, and pulling her arms straight out to the sides, they'd tied her arms to it. However, as the length of wood wasn't long enough to hold her in a cruciform pose, they'd folded her forearms back, to tie her wrist cuffs off to the back of her collar. And then her upper and lower arms had been bound tightly to the wood. As a result, her shoulders were pulled back, and she looked as if she were caught in the middle of the stretch some folks do as they yawn. As she walked she wondered how, even if she found a comm unit, she'd be able to contact her department…… Tanj mewled softly to herself; her captors had eventually tired of her, and had released her, to be hunted anew. But they'd given her a few handicaps…….. And from Tanj's point of view, as she tried to move quietly down the corridor, the jinglebells hanging from labia and nipple rings weren't as annoying for their weight, as for the noise they made with the slightest movement. They'd also fastened her wrists to her neck with a pair of "stocks." These three foot long strips of metal, about 4 centimeters wide looked like someone had taken a flat bar of metal, and then pounded one large semicircular depression in the center, with two smaller ones on either end. With the depression at the center of one bar pressed against the back of her neck, and the matching piece pressed against the front of her neck, they formed a second collar. And of course her wrists were held to either side of her shoulders in the classic "hands up" position, by the smaller openings. The bars were held together by simple wing nuts, but the way her paws were confined, there was no way Tanj could reach them, to undo them. As she trotted down the corridor, jingling, Tanj thought to herself; "well, if I twist to one side, and bend over, I might get one paw on a keyboard…. But typing's going to be slow…… Mindy tiptoed towards Engineering. She'd turned her trek into a kind of a game, seeing just how far she could go before being "caught." On one occasion she'd happened by a couple making love in the middle of Environmental, but they were too distracted to notice her. Another time, she'd hidden in a supply room while a hunting party thundered past, in pursuit of some poor hapless fur. And another time she'd eluded a hunting party by taking a short-cut through an electrical utility tunnel. Now the real fun was about to begin, the main pressure door to Engineering only meters away. Once through the door she'd be on "home turf"…. But any hunting parties there might also be made up of Engineers and technicians, not accountants or staff wienies….. Mark Hmmmmmed, deep in thought as he stared at the power distribution panel for the No.3 Matter/Antimatter generator. The Generator was a complex system, providing not only plasma but electricity as well, and if he was going to carry out his plans, he'd need at least every erg this system and its mates could deliver. But how to channel it all, and in time to do any good at that, without explosive consequences…. Sighing to himself, he muttered; "this is going to take some VERY creative engineering……" Tanj moved in an intermittent manner; she'd dash ahead a dozen meters and then stop, to recover her breath, and to try and listen for pursuit, for any sign that her jingling bells had been heard. Twice she'd heard footsteps, and both times she'd hidden as quietly as she could, and both times she'd been passed by, either unobserved, or ignored. Peeking around a corner she got ready to make another dash…….. Kath sighed and shook her head in frustration; she'd found a comm terminal in an empty office, and kicking a desk chair into place, had been batting at the keyboard with her right foot, trying desperately to get an outside line. Except there didn't seem to BE any outside lines. Wherever she was, she'd determined it was isolated from the outside universe at large. Grumbling, she continued to try , seeking some sort of comm line or e-mail program that would let her send a message to her superiors. Concentrating on what she was doing, she failed to hear the door open behind her…… Hinoki smiled; he'd found the pantry in the cafeteria open, all the "specialty" items that were normally under lock and key were simply there for the taking, and take he had. He'd gathered up quite an incredible assortment of ingredients for the Breakfast he planned on making for the Duke sisters. In fact, he was planning one of his universe-famous omelets. And this time he even had a real, fresh onion! The green peppers looked vat-grown, but they were reasonably fresh. The eggs, however, were powdered. "Ah well," he sighed to himself, "nothing's perfect." Padding down the corridor towards the residential section, his ill-gotten gains under one arm, a bottle or orange juice and a bottle of champagne, for "eye-openers" under his other arm, he idly wondered where everyone was……. Grillo smiled as he slipped through the door. He hadn't had too much luck joining the hunt; no one seemed to want him on their team, and they'd made it quite clear that no one would be interested in hunting him…… "Ah, Well," he mused to himself; "A porcupine's life can be a lonely one. But that's about to change……" He grinned as he tiptoed closer to the bound Mink so intent on her computer terminal. In a moment, she'd be his, to do with as he pleased…. And he had a LOT of things he wanted to try with with a sexual partner, willing or unwilling…… Kath jerked and SCREAMED as the paw touched her shoulder. Bolting from her chair, almost falling over, she turned to regard the nightmare that had crept up behind her; for a moment, all she saw was a monster, all jagged and pointy, sharp spines seeming to stick out everywhere. As she backed towards the far wall, her eyes wide, some part of her mind recognized the creature as a porcupine, but that bit of rational information seemed to fail to take hold, and she cowered, all her training forgotten, as if some unholy terror was approaching her. Grillo sighed to himself; why did they ALWAYS have to react like that? He wasn't going to hurt her; he had every intention of being careful; it was just that he was MUCH too horny not to do SOMETHING…. And bound as she was, well, this one wasn't going to escape him, no matter what she thought of him! Hinoki paused at the cross corridor, and frowned; it sounded like someone from down there had screamed! For a moment he wavered, his sumptuous breakfast forgotten as he pondered a damsel in distress…… Kath watched in horror as the creature came closer; in addition to spines sticking out everywhere, the creature had a truly massive hard-on, his pink cock bobbing before him as he approached. Once again, her mind seemed to fragment into pieces; one part insisting that if this…. THING raped her, she'd be a pincushion, and for a moment she had this horrid vision of her drinking a cup of water and it leaking from a dozen or more punctures in her body…. And another part of her mind giggled; "he's just another male who finds you attractive! He WANTS you! How can you turn him down? As the creature reached out to stroke her cheek, she flinched and let out a low, terrified moan….. Hinoki nodded; "yup. Someone's in trouble." Setting down his groceries by the side of the corridor, he turned and strode purposefully down the corridor towards where the sound had come from. Grillo grinned, as he placed both paws on the Mink's shoulders, to turn her towards him; looking her up and down he grinned; "Oh, yes, you'll do quite nicely…… Now, bitch, on your knees; you've some licking to do……." Hinoki stopped in the doorway, blinking as the Porcupine forced the Mink down, forcing her to kneel, and then wrapping his paw in her hair, pulled her head forward against his crotch…… For a moment the Cheetah just watched, grinning, and then he remembered; he was here to SAVE her, not play the voyeur. Growling low in his throat, he stepped forward. Grillo looked up and snarled; he was NOT going to loose this wench to any other. Shaking himself, he rattled his quills threateningly….. even as he thrust his hips forward, driving his cock into the protesting Mink's mouth. Hinoki stopped for a moment, watching the quills move. For a moment he wondered how the Porcupine ever got anything done, carrying around all those sharp little barbed spears, and for an instant he flashed on the hapless creature in a space suit, air leaking from a hundred pinpricks….. then he shook it off. Still growling he stood there, wondering how to successfully attack the creature. Kath mewled softly, her tongue instinctively licking at his cock; there were quills on either side of her face, but they were long enough that no points threatened her there….. however, the way her arms were bound, sticking straight out to the sides….. as the Porcupine had pulled her head to his groin, her arms could feel the pinpricks of dozens of quills…… The office seemed devoid of anything he could use in his assault, and Hinoki sighed to himself. What he needed was a suit of armor, and as that thought ran through his head, he suddenly realized he was naked. How'd he ever venture out without at least his shorts? Pushing that thought aside for the moment, he looked around again, his eyes finally lighting on a desk blotter…… Grillo growled and turned away from the intruder, placing his back, and the majority of his quills towards the Cheetah; the Mink's tongue was heaven, and he was having trouble both watching over his shoulder and concentrating on the feel of her tongue and mouth on his cock…. Why did someone always have to come along and screw up what few pleasures he could find? Hinoki stripped the sheets of paper off the desk blotter until he had the bottom sheet of cardboard; holding it in both paws he swung it upwards, in a golf-like swing, square into the Porcupine's rump. As he intended, he'd caught a large number of quills point-on, embedding them in the cardboard. By themselves an embedded quill would merely pull free, but he'd latched onto dozens, and when he tugged at the cardboard, the combined pressure was sufficient to make the Porcupine howl. Kath almost bit the Porcupine when his hips were suddenly pushed against her muzzle; and then, wonderingly, she found his cock jerked from her mouth as the surprised Porcupine was pulled away from her…… Hinoki used his new "handle" to pull the Porcupine away from the girl, spinning him just enough so that when the startled creature turned to face him, he was able to jab at its unprotected face. Grillo saw stars as the fist slammed into his muzzle. For a moment he stared in confusion at the spotty cat dancing and bobbing before him… and then the image split into three spotty cats, blurred out, and went dark as he fell forwards, flat onto his face. Hinoki saw the Porcupine topple (thankfully forwards and not backwards into the girl; he hadn't thought about THAT!), looked at his fist as if to say; "did I do that?" and then lifted his head to grin weakly at the Mink. Stepping carefully forward, he helped her to her feet; "come on, fair damsel; lets get you out of here before he wakes up; I'm not sure I could do that again if I had to….." Kath blinked at the Cheetah; she'd seen him somewhere before; she was sure of that, but she couldn't remember where. Didn't matter; he'd rescued her from what she was sure was going to be a horrible experience, and that was all that mattered. Following him, she made her way into the corridor. Hinoki paused to retrieve his groceries; straightening he grinned at her; "You'd better come with me, Ma'am. I know a place where you'll be safe for a while." As they started down the corridor, the Cheetah looked at the Mink once again, almost shyly, and muttered; "you look familiar; do I know you? My name's Hinoki by the way… what's yours?" Mindy smiled to herself; she'd made it into Engineering, without too much trouble, and while she'd evaded another hunting party, she'd found a rather large orgy in progress in Engineering Central Control. Things there had been so wild, they'd never even noticed her look in the door. Now she was almost to the primary motor control center, the main electrical switch room for the base. If she could get in there, she could still figure out what was running and what was off line from the maintenance terminal there……. Tanj squirmed, but found she couldn't escape; her jingling had finally attracted the attention of another hunting party, and they'd pounced her without too much difficulty at all. Instead of hauling her off to be delivered to some hunt master, they'd dragged her into a utility room, and had tied her, suspended horizontally, face up, between a series of pipes. With pumps humming in the background, the hunters had taken turns, one stepping up between her well-spread thighs to fuck her, in ass or pussy, as was their preference, while another had stepped up to her head, forcing it back and down, until she could take his cock in her mouth. She'd lost count of how many times she'd made one or another of the hunters cum; it seemed like they were going around for the third time……. As the stud between her thighs came once again, pulling out, to spray his jism over her tummy, she moaned around the cock in her mouth…….. She HAD to find a way to get them to release her, and she knew that wouldn't happen until they'd tired of her…. But what would it take to satisfy them? As the stud stepped away, she stiffened, her muscles going tense as she felt a tongue between her thighs; the way it stroked her, the places it danced over, it could only be a female, and that meant…… there were more hunters joining the "party"…… With a moan she applied her tongue to the cock in her mouth, striving to bring him off as fast as she could; she simply HAD to get out of there…… Mindy stared in amazement at the switchgear. Almost all of it had been disconnected from the main power, all the breakers thrown. Some critical switches were locked in the "open" position, preventing her from sending power to the switchgear that might let her send power to the station's shields or weapons….. Lockout procedure was very strict; Each person who worked on such devices had one lock, and one key. No one was allowed to remove anyone else's lock (preventing equipment from being worked on from being suddenly energized). There was no way she'd get those locks off short of cutting them off…….. Looking over the system, she traced backwards until she came to the master breaker for the Motor Control Center. This massive piece of switchgear was designed to handle the combined power of all the station's generators… and its door was open, the safeties bypassed, and a weird yellow-green cable of a type she'd never seen before spliced across the massive buss bars……. Scowling, she turned, preparing to trace it, when she noticed a shadow on the floor, right next to hers….. Hinoki let himself into the Duke sister's room quietly, motioning for Kath to follow. Lazily, Emmie Lou opened her eyes, and looked up from the rug by the holographic fire, to smile; "Oh, Hinoki! How sweet! Such a delicious little plaything you've brought us! And so nicely bound, too!" Hinoki just smiled and patted Kath on the head; "be a Dear and go entertain my lovers while I go fix us all some breakfast, will you?" Kath looked at the sleepy Tigress, and then looked at the Cheetah…. Somehow she'd thought that he would be her complete salvation, that when they'd found a quiet place, that she'd be able to convince him to untie her, to help her contact the Empire, to arrange for her rescue…. And here he'd just casually turned her back into the sex slave she so seemed to resemble! But before she could protest, the Tigress had crawled over to her, a predatory look in her eye, to distract her with a firm lick to her pussy. As Kath's insides melted, as she felt herself once again get wet, she heard the other Tigress yawn and stretch, and then giggle; "Sister, whatever DO you have there?" Tanj panted, and struggled to move. The hunters had finally tired of her, and had released her to be hunted again…. She'd lost the damned metal stocks that had held her wrists by her sides, and the jingle bells, but what they'd done to her was scarce an improvement. Someone had come up with a latex dress, at least two sizes too small for her. They'd taken great delight in rolling it down over her shoulders, without letting her put her arms through the armholes…. As a result, her arms were tightly pressed to her sides by the tight latex that covered her from neck to ankles. In order to walk, she had to stretch the skirt material, and try as she might, she found she couldn't take more than an eight-inch step. And as she walked the latex squeeked almost as loudly as the jingle- bells had been. "I look like I'm wearing a giant condom" she grumbled to herself as she tried to peek around a corner, to see if the way was clear. Stumbling and almost falling, she staggered on her way towards Engineering. As she moved, she wondered; if she fell, would she ever be able to get up, or would she have to try and roll there……. Mindy gasped, and squirmed. The hunters had dragged her back to Engineering Central Control, and had promptly buried her under a mass of writhing bodies. She was astride someone, unable to even see who it was, his cock firm in her pussy, while another crouched behind her, to fuck her ass. There was another cock in her mouth, and lips on her nipples, and paws stroking her, seemingly everywhere…… and as she was licked and stroked and fucked, she gradually lost all memory of why it was she'd come down to engineering in the first place….. Mark looked at his jury-rigged power supply system. He'd had to build most of it from scratch, using materials he wasn't supposed to have, and had browbeat several natural laws into grudging submission, and the end result was anything but pretty. Still, it would work…. At least this once. Pausing for a moment, he contacted his "hidden asset", to check on the Mercenary cruiser…… Franz smiled as he looked over the shoulder of his Offensive Weapons operator. Zylex had obtained for them three Nova class torpedoes, any one of which would destroy a small moon; the three of them together could have done major damage to Elysium, or any other planet. But they were a bitch to bring on line. The plasma charge that each one held had to be brought to temperature, and once that was done, they had to be used within a set time. Holding one too long risked the chance of it going unstable, and possibly blowing up in their launch tube. And he didn't want that……. As the Mercenary Cruiser moved closer to the asteroid base, they carefully prepared their weapons….. Mark nodded to himself; the mercenaries were living up to his expectations. No surprises there, other perhaps than that they HAD taken this long… He turned towards the Brou device and nodded again, determinedly; "And now, lets show a certain fur who's name shall go unmentioned but starts with an "X" how even the best laid plans of mice and men can go awry…" Throwing a series of switches, he listened as relays clacked, circuits engaged, and massive amounts of power started flowing…… Tanj hugged the wall as the three furrs emerged from Engineering Central Control. All were nude, and two of the three were kissing, or trying to, as they walked. "Looks like things are a mite hot in there" she sighed to herself. Shaking her head, waiting until the trio were far enough down the corridor not to notice, she turned and squeaked with tiny steps towards the Motor Control Center. Hinoki popped the cork from the champagne bottle, letting it fly across the room. The noise startled the Mink, and she raised her head to see what had happened, only for Emmie Lou to put a firm hand on the top of her head and force her muzzle back down to her hungry sex. The Cheetah chuckled as he watched the Mink lick slowly at the Tigress, with Emmie's sister behind the mink licking slowly at her exposed sex. Shifting his gaze, he slowly added the champagne to the half full glasses of orange juice on the table. Eye-openers, half orange juice, half champagne, were one of his favorite breakfast drinks, and went well with his omelets, he thought…….. Then, grinning up at the three ladies, he thought; "but nothing goes better with it, than some good loving.….." "This isn't right" Tanj thought to herself as she looked at the cables and wires snaking across the floor of the MCC. "I've seen a lot of power distribution systems in my time, but this is just plain……. Weird!" And then it hit her. Mark. The Alien Teleportation Device. Smiling to herself, she turned to try and trace out the path of the cables, trying to confirm to where the power was all flowing. "I should have KNOWN Mark would know." Tanj thought to herself. "I don't know what he's doing, but I think I'd best get down there……." Tanj turned and minced towards the door, taking miniscule steps….. and then she stopped. One of the disconnect doors was open, exposing the 1760 volt wires within the box….. The door edge was sharp sheetmetal, its top corner just about crotch height, and she looked at it for a long moment; "If I push into that, it might just puncture the latex, and let me tear this damned dress enough to be able to MOVE…… but if I push too close… voltage that powerful has been known to jump considerable distances to "ground"……" Finally with a sigh, the Cheetah moved forward, to push against the corner of the door, pressing herself forward until she heard the latex go "pop." Staggering, she all but fell backwards as she tried to keep away from the exposed live circuits…… Working her legs, moving her knees apart, she managed to enlarge the tear enough so that the could bring one knee through the opening, hook one foot against the lower edge of the tear, and use her claws to shred the latex the rest of the way down to the hem. It now looked like she was wearing a dress slit up the front to the crotch…. Looking down, Tanj grunted; "very stylish. At least I can run now…… but if I could just free my arms……" Another look around convinced her that there were no other sharp projections that she could use to her advantage and she didn't seem to be able to get the leverage she needed to extend the rip further upwards. With a sigh she once more headed for the door. Hinoki smiled and slid the finished omelet out of the pan. It was huge and he grinned as he sliced it into four portions…… Putting a piece on each of the plates at the table he'd set, he served up the hash browns and then turned to announce that Breakfast was served…….. Kath blinked as the Cheetah held her chair for her; things had taken on a bit of a dream-like quality as she went from rolling around on the floor, licking and being licked, by the two tigresses, to sitting down to a mouth-watering breakfast, albeit nude, at a finely appointed table. She blinked and picked up her fork, only for one of the Tigresses to gently lay a paw on hers; "wait a moment, Dear; I know you're hungry, but we'll let Emmie say Grace first…. Then you can dig in….." Mark growled as yet another alarm sounded; the numerous beeps, bleeps and screams from his control panel was distracting him with warnings which would have made sense BEFORE his extensive rewiring, but were worse than useless now. Reaching out one paw, he flicked a finger and four meters distant, the console speaker made a funny sound and lapsed into silence. Nodding, he folded his legs under himself, closed his eyes and concentrated……… Franz's head jerked up as his sensor operator yelped; "NOW what's wrong?" the Sensor tech just shrugged; "I …… don't know….. there's some sort of distortion growing in front of us….." Franz just sighed and shook his head; "I KNEW this was too easy to be true. I KNEW those Pirates were professionals, and too slick to be caught like this!…. OK, put it on the main viewer and lets see what we're up against…….. Tanj panted hard as she ran; she'd managed to avoid any and all furrs …… well almost all. One she hadn't seen until the last minute had merely waved politely and kept on walking as if seeing a naked Cheetah half encased in translucent latex was an everyday occurrence. And now, as she ventured further away from the more inhabited sections of the station, Following the strange yellow-green cables that sang with power, as she drew closer to Mark's remote workshop, she ran harder, less mindful of the noise she was making….. something told her they were very near to disaster, and she wanted to be with Mark when whatever was going to happen, happened. Kath settled into the cushions of the couch and smiled. Breakfast had been a delight, even if her head now swam from the strange concoction she'd been drinking. The two Tigresses were splayed out on other pieces of furniture, smiling, half dozing, as the Cheetah male bustled industriously in the kitchen, cleaning up the remains…… Franz scowled as the distortion took shape on the main viewer; it looked for all the world like a black and silver flower blossoming before them, opening….. Looking over at his Exec, he raised an eyebrow in a silent question; the Exec just shrugged in return; "Never seen ANYTHING like that….." Franz nodded and bit his lip. The Nova torpedoes had been "lit"… he'd have to use them soon, or jettison them. Should he bore on through, and ignore the… whatever, or take evasive action and hope he could get back to the right vector before he had to fire? Tanj slid to a stop before the doorway to Mark's lab. It was closed, and she couldn't use her hands! Growling she threw herself to the floor, bringing one foot up to pound on the keypad……. The sensor operator growled and shook his head; "Sir, I'm getting some awfully strange readings here; there's a LOT of power in that thing, whatever it is……" Franz nodded and turned to his helmsman; "Try and skirt that thing, whatever it is, and then get us back on track on the other side of it." The Helmsman just nodded, his fingers dancing over his console. Tanj howled with triumph as she finally hit the right button and the door slid aside; rolling, moving quick before it could close again, she squirmed her way into Mark's lab…. To behold a bizarre sight. The mouse was seated in a lotus position…. Floating a good three feet off the floor. Over one portion of the Brou device, a sphere of light showed a starscape, the wavering outline of a vessel more hinted at than directly visible…. And in front of it, shifting as the ship changed course, was a black flower, its petals outlined in a crosshatched pattern that seemed to describe and delineate the flow of energies…… Transfixed, Tanj stared, open mouthed. The Helmsfurr on the Mercenary Cruiser cursed and tried again; it seemed no matter what course he set, that strange flow of dark energies seemed to slither straight in front of his ship. It was obvious there was an intelligence behind it, whatever it was…… "Captain, I can't seem to evade it…. And I can't kill our forward momentum in time… we're going to hit it……." Franz growled and nodded; "Weapons officer; put the first Nova square into that thing; maybe we can blow it out of our path!" The Wombat he was growling at hesitated for a moment, and Franz knew what was going through his mind; at this distance, their massive weapon might destroy them as well as that thing….. but after only a split second, his fingers were caressing the controls, and the ship bucked as the first torpedo left its tube….. They watched it run straight and hot, only to be swallowed up by the energies…… Hinoki purrred and settled onto the couch between the Mink and one of the Duke sisters. Snuggling softly, he settled down for a short nap……. Franz watched in amazement as the torpedo just seemed to… vanish. One moment it was there and then next it wasn't…. No flash of light, no wreckage, no energy discharge that they could detect… it was just gone! Growling he turned to yell at the Helmsfur; "Do SOMETHING! Don't let us pass into that thing!" But even as he spoke, he knew it was too late….. Tanj watched in amazement as the image of the ship passed into the cloud of roiling black energies…. And didn't come out the other side. After a moment the black flower seemed to fold in on itself, diminishing until it was gone, leaving only the blackness of space, sprinkled with distant stars…… And then a breaker somewhere slammed massively as it tripped and Tanj turned to gasp as a panel seemed to dissolve in a shower of sparks. Ben blinked and shook his head. Sitting up, he looked around in amazement. How'd he get in Personnel? As he struggled to get up, his jaw dropped, as he realized he was naked! Staggering he headed for his quarters, hoping he wouldn't run into anyone on the way……. Mark smiled and nodded in satisfaction; opening his eyes he turned and looked at the wide-eyed Cheetah; "Hello Tanj!" he called cheerily; "What's new?" Tanj blinked at the Mouse and then growled; "New? NEW? The base is inundated with some sort of sex craze, probably a biological attack of some kind, you're using a device that isn't supposed to work to make ships vanish, and you ask me whats NEW?" Mark laughed at her expression, and nodded with only mildly exaggerated seriousness. "Of course. News travels rather slowly down here, after all….." The Lion blinked and sat up. "Now how in the Hell did I get down in the Docking bay?" he growled to himself. Rising, he scratched his head and padded off towards his quarters. It wasn't until he was about to step into the shower that he realized that he wasn't wearing anything to take off. Yawning widely he put off that conundrum for the moment. He wanted to get clean and then get some sleep, and he'd deal with that curiosity later. Tanj grunted as she rolled up the cable. Mark had cut the latex sheath from her, but they hadn't been able to find anything for her to wear, so she was working in the nude. Mark was insisting that they get the power grid back to the way it was supposed to be as soon as possible, or the Engineering managers would have his hide. And therefor Tanj worked to help him undo all his jury rigging, not understanding half of what she was disassembling. Emmie Duke yawned and stretched…. And her eyes fell on the sleeping form of a nude Hinoki, as he snuggled against an equally nude Mink. Blinking in surprise she looked around; her apartment was just the way it should be, perhaps with a pillow here or there out of place…… As her gaze fell upon the form of her sleeping sister, she blinked and then grinned wickedly as she realized that she too was nude….. as she was herself! "Well," she purrred to herself; "I don't know what's been goin' on here, but it looks like we've all been having fun….. but enough's enough. Rising she padded over to Hinoki, to shake his shoulder lightly. Hinoki awakened to the sight of a smiling Tigress looking down at him; with a grin he tilted his head up to try and kiss her, only to have her put a finger on his nose and push him back gently; "enough of that, Dear. I think its time you and your friend went home. Sis and I have to get to work in the morning and we need our sleep." Nodding sleepily, Hinoki yawned and tugged Kath to her feet, to lead her from the appartment. Emmie closed the door behind them and locked it and then padded over to her sister, to rouse her just enough to get her to go in to her bed. As the two tigresses headed for their bedrooms, Emmie growled; "getting' kinda risque, Sis, inviting those two over for a wild night….." Her sister just looked at her sleepily; "Me? I thought YOU invited them!" Tanj put the heavy, insulated electrician's gloves back in their storage bin and turned to Mark; "OK, everything's pretty much back the way its supposed to be, with the exception of the one melted transformer, and all the blown breakers. Engineering IS going to notice that, I suspect. The smell of burned insulation is EVERYWHERE." Mark just smiled and shrugged; "some things we can't hide; but we do have power flowing to most of the rest of the station, like its supposed to be." Tanj nodded and crossed her arms under her breasts; she stared down at the Mouse for a moment and then demanded; "So just what WAS that I saw, in your workshop? What did you DO?" Mark shook his head and smiled disarmingly. "Only what I was supposed to. Remember how I told you I'd been assigned to figure out what that device DOES? Well, how would I ever find out for certain without at least one test run?" Tanj frowned and shook her head; "Why is it I get the feeling you're not telling me the whole story?" Sam grinned as he stepped through the door and into Ops. He was fifteen minutes early for his shift, a fact he was sure was going to shock and amaze his boss. But as he looked around, he realized something was very wrong. The place looked like a tornado had struck, papers and manuals scattered everywhere… and there wasn't a soul present! Shocked, Sam turned to check the status of the station's defenses, only to find them offline. Biting his lip, he started the recycle procedure, to bring the shields back up to their normal status….. When he got them some protection, he'd get on the comm and find out where everyone was…. And then he grinned; usually his boss gave him grief for being late; now, it was quid pro quo time! Franz looked over his navigator's shoulder, and shook his head for the dozenth time; "it just doesn't make sense. Are you sure our navigational database wasn't corrupted somehow? I mean, if the stars around us don't match anything on our charts, we'd have to be WAY outside the Empire!" The Navigator shrugged; "I know its unbelievable, but there's no trace of computer problems, and nothing matches. I literally have NO idea where we are, or how we got here!" Franz just groaned; turning to the Exec, he shook his head; "better put us on restricted rations. We're going to have to find out where we are by going around and ASKING folks… Might be a while before we get home……." Tanj padded slowly back towards her quarters. It was all catching up with her and she felt wore out, totally exhausted. On her way, she passed a few furrs, wandering about; most seemed to be confused, or dazed, as if they didn’t really know where they were, or how they got there. She had one bad moment when she recognized one of the members of the hunting party that had captured her, but the wolf walked right past her as if she wasn't even there…… As she watched him padd away down the corridor, she had to chuckle; "has to be an improvement over the last time we met……" Grillo opened his eyes and groaned, only to hear a "No, no don't move; you've got a nasty bump on your head; better lie still." Forcing his eyes open he blinked as things came into focus…… A lady was kneeling over him, dressed only in the tattered remains of a blouse, gently pressing a damp cloth to his brow. Shaking his head a little, the porcupine groaned; "Be careful, I wouldn't want to stick you." To his surprise she laughed, a light musical sound; "Oh, I'm not worried; I don't think you can hurt me……" Taking another look, the Porcupine blinked, trying to focus his eyes; as the image of the lady armadillo cleared, he smiled and muttered; "I think I'm in love……" Jim rolled over in bed, and swatted at the comm switch; "Yeah, yeah, I'm here, whats the emergency?" Sam's voice came over the speaker; "hey, Boss; I'm in Ops and YOU AREN'T! YOU'RE LATE!" Jim blinked, suddenly more awake than he wanted to be. Shifting his gaze at the chronometer, he blinked; "Naw, that's GOT to be wrong! Check again!" "Sorry Boss, every Chrono I can find, including my wrist unit, says the same thing. Got the schedule right here on the monitor in front of me. And I'm the ONLY one in Ops!" Jim growled and shook his head; he felt like he'd been drugged, and was still so sleepy he could hardly see straight; "all right, all right, but if I find out you're screwing with me, you'll regret it!" Stabbing a finger at the disconnect switch, he struggled to sit up, only to go wide-eyed as a feminine voice behind him purrred; "who was that, Lover?" Rafe blinked at the mass of bound furrs in the middle of the kennel area. Walking around them, he chuckled and shook his head; "I see SOMEONE'S been busy. Pity I missed it; they do good work! Chuckling he reached up and started undoing the straps holding the lady squirrel in what had to be a most uncomfortable position, thinking this was going to take a while to undo… but it should be interesting work. Tanj keyed open the door and stepped into the cabin she shared with the Lion, only to come to a quick stop. There, in the middle of the bed, he lay, snoring softly. For a moment her mind was filled with the animalistic image of him on the hunt, and she almost turned and slipped back out. After a moment of indecision, she turned and tiptoed quietly towards the bathroom, and a good hot soak. Hannah worked her jaw hard, as the Chipmunk pulled the ball gag out of her mouth; "thanks; that'd been in there so long, I was afraid it was going to take root!" As the Chipmunk worked at the straps that bound her, he muttered, "Geez, Lady, who DID this to you?" Hannah smiled; "you know, I don't remember… but I'd love to run across 'em again!" Jo smiled and nuzzled Amanda soflty; she had no idea how she'd wound up in her roommate's bed, and could only suspect what they'd been up to, given the ruffled state of her fur, and certain matted areas… but after a few minutes reflection, she decided this was a nice place to be, and snuggled softly against Amanda once again…… Hinoki padded into the Kennels, leading Kath at the end of her leash. They'd both had a shower back at his quarters, and the Cheetah had found some clean clothes, and after some quiet conversation, he'd decided he'd better get her back where she belonged. As they padded through the entrance, they stopped to watch for a moment as a Wolf slowly unstrapped a rather large and exhausted looking Tigress from the center of the floor, to lead her towards the baths. Kath sighed as the Cheetah gently pushed her into the cage. She'd been polite, but firm as she dared, given the way she found herself, given the fact that everyone assumed she was a sex slave. But the Cheetah had just smiled and shrugged, and refused to let her use a comm, or to get a message to her office. When she'd told him that she was an Imperial Agent, he'd just smiled and said that was Tanj's domain, and she'd be along shortly, he had no doubt. It wasn't until they were almost to the Kennels that she'd had her worst fears confirmed. She still didn't know exactly where she was, or who these furrs were, but she knew she wasn't on pharrpoint station any more…… The Lion yawned and stretched; he felt good, felt rested…… and somehow he felt… well, young. Like he'd just won some sporting event the previous day, and after the strenuous task, had gotten a good nights sleep. And then his eyes narrowed; there was Tanj wrapped in a blanket, sleeping on the couch? What was she doing over there? Had he said something to make her mad at him? Tanj jerked awake when she felt the rough tongue on her cheek; as her eyes came open she beheld the face of her Master and instinctively flinched. The Lion just sat back and blinked at her; "Tanj, what's wrong?" She shook her head; "wrong? Urrrrr, the hunt! I remember you leading the hunt… and the feathers, Oh LORD, the feathers!" The Lion just frowned; "Tanj, you're not making any sense. What hunt? And what feathers!" Zassa yawned and stretched, looking about, wondering how she got here… wherever "here" is; looking down at herself, she grined at the stickyfurr; "must have had a truly great time; can't remember a thing!" Rising, she padded nude and not in the least self-conciously back to her quarters. Mindy purrrrred as various furrs disengaged themselves and headed home. Thinking over what Tanj had said, she realized she'd never really had the "flu" bad, it never really affected her….. but now that everyone else seemed to be recovering, she was kind of sad to see it end. She'd been enjoying herself. Suddenly remembering why she had come to Engineering in the first place she rose and padded towards the MCC to check it out. Standing in the doorway, she looked around and frowned. No strange yellow-green cables. No systems modified, and re-arranged…. Everything looked, well, normal. There was the stench of burnt insulation in the air, but nothing seemed IMMINENTLY in danger, nothing too hot….. Finally she shook her head and with a shrug, turned to head back to her quarters, thinking she must have imagined it all…… As they padded towards the Cafeteria, the Lion shook his head; "Tanj, I remember you coming back from the last mission not feeling well…. Are you sure you didn't run a fever, and, well, imagine it all? You have to admit, it sounds like something delirious…… Tanj sighed and nodded; "it sounds wild all right; but I bet you we can examine the internal security cameras and prove it….. except the power was turned off. There HAVE to be records somewhere……" The lion just shrugged and got a tray, to move down the line, grabbing things for both of them for Breakfast. Tanj just looked around the Cafeteria, remembering the wild night, and the tickling. Finally she settled into a seat opposite her Master, to stare at her glass of Orange juice, as if trying to divine whether her memories were real, or imagined. The Lion took another spoonful of cereal and watched the distracted Tanj. Frowning, he looked past her and a little to her left…. Rising he stalked around behind her and bent to pick up something…….. The yelp Tanj let out when the Lion picked up the feather turned heads all through the room…… Tanj sat at her work station in Intelligence, the hum of the busy office serving to reassure her that everything was getting back to normal. The e-mail and field reports, however, were all stacking up as she sifted through records from engineering. There was no doubt that the generators had delivered an absolutely massive surge of power to something….. the Engineering staff members she'd questioned had passed it off either as an instrumentation glitch, or as some power spike caused by what Mark had been doing. Tanj was convinced of the latter; she'd been there, seen what had happened, but try as she might, she could convince no one of what she'd seen happen. All the sensors had been off-line at the time; the records showed that clearly, although no one could explain WHY they were off-line. As to the missing three days, most were evasive about that. Some firmly insisted that there was some sort of a glitch with all the chronometers in the station, and the true date was almost three days ago. Some thought it all some obscure practical joke…. Others thought that Mark's experiments had somehow thrown them three days into the future. And no one wanted to own up to three days of wild sex. But Tanj was convinced. There HAD been a ship out there, there HAD been a threat. She was just having difficulty proving it. Turning back to her terminal, she called up the communications logs. She had to find out if that ship out there had transmitted anything, if they'd revealed the location of the Brethren's base….. The Mink stared at the Cheetah fem as if she'd gone crazy; "Madam, I am an Imperial Agent; there is No WAY I'd behave like that!" They'd taken her from the kennels, biterly protesting until someone had gagged her, to some sort of an interrogation room, strapped her tightly to a chair, and then left her. Kath had squirmed, tugging against her bonds for what seemed like hours, before the Cheetah had shown up. The Cheetah had then proceeded to tell her the most fanciful story of a sex contest at Pharrpoint station, and of how SHE had approached HER, asking to borrow her male slave. LUDICROUS! Tanj smiled and shook her head at the still gagged Mink; "I know you don't believe any of this, and I think I know what happened to you, but before we get into that, let me show you a holotape. You see, one of the prizes we won was a copy of the commercial recording of that evening's events. At one point, if you ignore the goings-on, on stage, you can see, in the lower left hand corner, yourself coming over to our table to talk to us." Tanj sighed; "and to my chagrin, my crewmates have been distributing copies of this tape all over the station………" Shaking her head, Tanj sighed and then shrugged. After a moment she looked up; "No matter. Aside from that, we also keep a camera running in the cargo bay of my ship, just for security purposes. The player will switch to that recording as well. I think you'll find it….. interesting. I'll start the player and then I'll leave you to watch in peace. I'll be back by the time its over." So saying, the Cheetah rose and pressed a button on the holoplayer, and as the air filled with the images of the bar on Pharrpoint station, she slipped quietly out of the door. Tanj smiled and sat down across from her Master, only slightly late for Dinner. As they discussed the day's events, in what Tanj found to be an annoyingly normal manner, Mark and Mala sat down next to them. For a while, the conversation turned to the recent voyage of the Overlord and the success of their operations, and of Mala's exploits. As happens, after a while, the conversation fell off, and in the momentary silence, Mark turned towards the lion; "Say, did anybody ever find out just where those guys trying to attack us while most of us were, ah, "incapacitated" came from, and who might be behind the operation?" The Lion turned to look at Mark; "you mean the story about the cloaked cruiser being eaten by the Brou device? As much as I trust you two, I find that story awfully hard to swallow. But if it IS true, could you put on a demonstration for us? Show us how the Brou device can make a Cruiser, or something of equivalent size, vanish?" Mark frowned lightly and shook his head; "No can do, I'm afraid. The device was never really meant to move quite that kind of mass OR operate off station power, and in doing both, it was severely overtaxed. It has some basic self-repair capacity and should be able to restore itself, within time IF we can feed it the correct raw materials… but for the moment, its essentially out of order. To be honest, it’s a miracle and a half that it didn't just go up in smoke under the strain." The Lion gave Mark a long hard look and just let out an "uh-huh….." before returning his attention to his meal. For his part, Mark turned and gave Tanj a smile and a shrug as if to say "I tried……" Kath looked up as the Cheetah re-entered the interrogation room; the holoplayer had run its course and she'd been alone with her thoughts for a while. The Cheetah set down a covered plate, and turned to remove the Mink's gag; "well, what do you think?" "I think it’s a blatant forgery!" the Mink snarled. "I'd NEVER behave in such a manner! NEVER!" Tanj just grinned and bent, to shove a paw rudely between the Mink's thighs. She'd been bound to the chair with an ankle secured to each of the front chair legs, and she was unable to pull her knees together to defend herself. After a moment Tanj looked up, into Kath's eyes and smiled; "for someone who finds such activities so objectionable, you're awfully wet, Dear." And under her fur, Kath blushed, the blood rushing to her skin, the heat making her facial fur bristle. Tanj smiled and fed the Mink another spoonful. It was obvious that while the Mink was hungry, she hated being spoon-fed. On the other hand, Tanj knew Imperial Agents were well trained and she had no intention of discovering the Mink's unarmed combat abilities. "So you say the Buffalo jabbed you with his cane on the Transport, and that it bled a little. How much you want to bet you were infected right then and there?" Tanj could see the indecision flicker across the Mink's face before she flatly rejected the idea. Smiling, Tanj held up another spoonful; "now, tell me all about this Buffalo, and anything else you might remember about anyone else you noticed on that ship……" Kath grumbled, the ball gag once again stifling her comments, as the Cheetah dragged her down the corridor at the end of her leash. At one point the Cheetah had actually threatened to re-attach the leash to a nipple ring, if she didn't behave. Grumbling, not quite fighting the leash, she followed the Cheetah down the corridor…… Wanda smiled and gave Tanj a hug as she entered Medical; "you wouldn't BELIEVE what I've found!" Tanj turned and looked at Kath, and pointed to a spot on the floor, and with a glare that would singe fur, the Mink reluctantly knelt where she was told. Turning back to Wanda, Tanj grinned; "What did you find?" Wanda led Tanj over to a computer terminal, and called up a file; "I found this little beastie. Well, all right, Dr. Narayanan helped…. Its definitely a virus, and we're pretty sure its artificial. Not many natural viruses die out so completely after they've run their course." Tanj nodded; "Pretty much as we thought. Now, the big question; who made it?" Wanda blinked and shrugged; "well…… I would have to guess there are a couple dozen labs throughout the Empire that might produce such a thing…… Be awfully hard to figure out which one though. They don't exactly put logos or serial numbers on things like this." Tanj nodded and bit her lower lip as she thought…… "Is there any place on Elysium that might have produced it?" Wanda thought for a minute and then nodded; "actually, there was, but I heard it was destroyed in the fighting a while back…." Tanj just smiled and nodded….. "how convenient…." Kath looked up as the Cheetah and the Wolverine padded back towards her, completely forgetting her new "station." Tanj grinned and forced the Mink's head back down, to a more proper posture and then turned to grin at Wanda; "years ago, your father gave me to you as your servant, and I've always felt a little bad about "stealing" myself away from you, and for landing you in such a strange and awkward situation. I told you I'd bring you back a little something from this trip, and to try and make up for some of that, I'd like to give you this slave. In chorus, both Kath and Wanda yelped "WHAT?" Tanj smiled; "well, we certainly can't risk letting an Imperial Agent get loose on us. I don't trust the memory wipes the Psych folks say they can do, and the only other alternative is to kill her. Don't really want to do that either. I think, deep down inside, she's an amazing submissive, and that she's been hiding it under a layer of bluster all her life. And I think you could keep her under control. Oh, I'll have to borrow her from time to time, as certain questions come up, but aside from that, she's yours. Her name's Kath. Wanda smiled and hugged Tanj again; "Thank you, she's lovely and I'm sure we'll get along famously!" Kath watched the Cheetah leave, and then turned to look at the Wolverine lass in the nurse's uniform; shaking her head, she muttered; "this can't be happening……" Wanda just laughed. "you stay right where you are, and keep quiet. I've got another two hours left in my shift, and then I'll take you home…… In the meantime, think about what you're going to make me for dinner……" Xylex watched calmly as Trotskie stepped out of the shadows. The industrial side of town was always dangerous after night, especially now that the rebellion was growing so strong, but he knew he had nothing to fear from the Reds. They needed him too much. The Bear looked at Xylex for a moment and then growled; "the Brethren are still making their presence felt. Their forces are constantly backing up the Blues. Their ships actually provided fire support for the assault on the Government facility at Arneth last week. I thought you said you were going to destroy them!" Xylex shrugged; "the Mercenaries I hired haven't been heard from. I know that operation was initiated, but obviously something's gone wrong. But that's my concern. Tell me about your advance on New Prague……" Later, Trotskie watched Xylex's ground car disappear into the night. He was growing tired of the Wolverine's attitude. Yes, he was providing priceless intelligence, and yes, he was able to provide the weapons and money…. But he was starting to act like HE was in charge…. And now this failure with respect to the Brethren….. Trotskie wondered to himself if Xylex wasn't also supporting the Blues, and his story about trying to take out the Brethren just a decoy to make the Reds more … amenable. Grumbling, as he turned to head towards his own transport, the bear decided he didn't care one way or the other if the pirates lived or died; just so long as they stopped helping his arch rival, Cromwell, and his goody-goody Blues. Xylex watched the scenery go by as his groundcar took him home by a circuitous route. That Trotskie was becoming an annoyance. He was starting to fight against the leash Xylex had so carefully forged for him. "Have to get rid of him soon" the Wolverine thought to himself…. And then his thoughts turned back to the mercenaries. Why HADN'T they completed their mission? The plan was fool-proof!…… unless someone had tampered with it. Had Trotskie and the Reds done something to mess up the plan, to keep him distracted while they sought to usurp HIM? Growling, Xylex reviewed his plans for replacing Trotskie, evaluating how he might accelerate the time-table. Besides, the cause could use a martyr about now…… Settling back in his seat, Xylex made a mental note to figure out how to blame the loss of the Imperial Courier on the Brethren, and if possible, on the Blues. Maybe some profit could come of this fiasco after all……. Wanda smiled as she watched Kath do the dishes. As a chef, the Mink's cullinary skills definitely needed improving. And the MOUTH on that one! She'd finally had to gag her to shut her up about how the Empire was going to destroy them all, and how she'd have her vengeance…… and about how she'd been so horribly mutilated…… Wanda chuckled at that one; she'd seen the Mink flick one of her nipple rings back and forth, when she thought no one was looking……. Relaxing, waiting for Kath to finish the dishes, Wanda wondered if she might be able to use her tongue for something other than complaining…… "Only one way to find out" she mused to herself, watching the Mink's ass move as she scrubbed one particularly stubborn pot…… Tanj smiled as she read the field report. She'd been gathering bits and pieces of information, in the weeks since the "incident." The medical evidence that Wanda had turned up was hard to refute, but still there were those that insisted that nothing had happened. The short term memory loss associated with the virus was amazing, and the Brethren's own scientists were trying to find a way to incorporate just that in a virus…… And now she had a report of yet another skirmish on Elysium. Except this time it was between the Reds and a Mercenary group. Well, that wasn't THAT unusual; sometimes thieves fell out with each other. But in this case, a reason was listed. It seemed the Mercs were trying to charge the Reds for an operation that hadn't quite come off, including a rather hefty payment for equipment lost… and the Reds didn't want to pay, because they hadn't completed their mission….. Smiling, Tanj composed a message, to her opposite number in the rebel group known as the Blues, asking him to have a few select furrs "picked up" for her…… Kath knelt in the corner of the interrogation room, at Wanda's feet, the Wolverine lass lightly holding her leash. Tied tightly to examining tables on the other side of the room was a female Gerbil and a male Mongoose, both nude. Various barbaric instruments of torture lay about, as if ready for use. The room was cool, almost chill, and Kath had trouble keeping from shivering. The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it, as if the cold had congealed it from the bodies of the Gerbil and the Mongoose. After a while, Tanj padded in, looking particularly rough in her combat vest and camouflaged pants. For a long moment she paused, just inside the door, ignoring Wanda and Kath, her gaze fixed on the two bound prisoners. With a convulsive movement, the Cheetah jerked a slim-bladed dagger from a sheath at her belt, the metal of the blade making a hisss as it was withdrawn. Toying with the dagger, its point pressed against the pad of one finger, its hilt twirling back and forth, she padded over to stand between the two examining tables. "Lets see now, you're from whats left of a mercenary unit called the Renegades…. No, don't answer, I know that to be a fact. You don't have to confirm that…… I understand you recently had a small altercation with the Reds…. I'd like you to tell me about it." The Gerbil's eyes flashed to one side, as if trying to look at Mongoose, but the way she was bound, unable to turn her head, it was obviously more a reflex than a genuine effort to obtain guidance or reassurance. Finally her eyes turned to Tanj and she sighed; "It was just business you understand. Nothing personal……" Tanj smiled; "so the cruiser that was about to attack us WAS yours……?" The Mongoose nodded; "Yeah, but if we'd known your defenses were THAT good we would never have taken the contract…. There wasn't even any report of WRECKAGE! How in the Hell'd you DO that, anyways?" Tanj just chuckled; "so who gave you the contract?" Again the prisoners tried to exchange looks. After a moment, the Mongoose muttered; "Um, that wouldn't be ethicalllllLLLEEEEYYYOOOOWWWW!" Tanj smiled sweetly, the point of her dagger under the Mongoose's chin, a drop of blood forming from where its tip had pricked the skin….. The Gerbil looked at the instruments strewn about and then at Tanj and sighed; "Leave him alone; I'll tell you! It was Xylex. He set the whole thing up. On the other side of the room, both Wanda's and Kath's jaws dropped. Tanj smiled and nodded as she looked up into the corner behind them, the voice stress analyzer flashing green…. "Thank you; that’s what I thought, but its good to hear from you….. now… what can you tell me about……." As they padded back towards Wanda's cabin, Kath edged up a little, until she was essentially walking next to Wanda. A frown on her face, the Mink growled; "Xylex was the Elysium Government official I was to contact on my arrival. He was the one I was coordinating all my travel plans through. Obviously he sold me out! If I EVER get my paws on that Xylex, he'll wish he'd never been BORN!" Wanda chuckled and tugged on the leash just a little, to remind the Mink of who and what she was; "my Father? No way, I got first dibs!" Kath blinked and came to a complete stop, the leash jerking tight; "your FATHER? You're Xylex's DAUGHTER?" Wanda just grinned; "Yup. Real bastard, isn't he? Come on, Slave, we've got revenge to plan….."