In the dark, the chain rattled restlessly. The sound of long, sharp nails could be heard echoing off the laboratory walls as the small animal paced the floor. His heart was racing, so hard his head hurt. His eyes felt about to burst from their sockets, and he panted uncontrollably. The cement floor that made him shiver the past four months felt as hot as coals. He whine as his restless muscles convulsed painfully, as though they were trying to pull themselves off of her bones. He cried out again, as he had been for hours. His lungs burn, his eyes watered. His tongue and throat were scorched. Suddenly, he shut his eyes, pain flooding his entire skull with such speed he nearly lost consciousness. He growl viciously, then slowly squinted his eyes open. The light in the laboratory had been turned on. His nose, even though it felt as though acid had been squirted into each nostril, instantly smelled the male human. He could hear each disturbed breath, the heart as it skipped a beat then raced. “Holy shit.” The human approached the red emergency phone. He picked it up. Even at the distance the wolf was from the device, he could hear the dial tone… The sound penetrated his eardrums, causing him the flinch in pain. The sound of the tones as the human dialed and number made his head throb. “Yes, Dr. Seline? I’m sorry to wake you so early. LC97834 is finally reacting to the injections. Yes, Ma’am. Reacting badly, I think. Acting aggressive.” As eh human spoke in and obnoxiously loud and urgent level, the wolf became away of the devices surrounding him… Now he could smell each heated wire or circuit without effort, hear as electricity flowed through them as well. Dr. Seline wasted no time. She arrived within twenty minutes. The humans stared at him. Finally, Dr. Seline, the one he recognized as his feeder (as well as the one who administers the painful shots) shut off the light, and flipped a switch. Before, when the switch was flipped, he had noticed no difference in the room. Until now. He could see the room covered in a red light, a color he was unable to see before. At the sight, he leapt back. Dr. Seline gasped, and then whispered to the male human. “Do you see that?! He’s developed the ability to see color! Marvelous! This opens him up to millions more experiments.” Although he did not understand all of her words, he did recognize the word ‘experiment’. Experiment meant shots, as far as he was concerned. He leapt forward, snarling, to the end of his chain. He felt the usual jerk when he expected it, but it was different. He felt a slight bit of give. If he pulled again, he’d be loose! “Increased muscle strength- Hit that black switch!” barked Dr. Seline. He heard a surge of electricity, and then saw as two thick walls of bars cranked into action, protruding from either side of the room to meet in the center with a mind-breaking clang. …to be continued/finished, etc… Later. CR Monica McNeal!