[18:23] MegtheKitsune: Rian! [18:23] MegtheKitsune: *tacklehug* [18:23] knuxdafox: eek! [18:24] knuxdafox: I'm playing Mario Kart DS online [18:24] MegtheKitsune: wassup cutiefox? [18:24] MegtheKitsune: awesome\ [18:26] knuxdafox: do you have it? [18:27] knuxdafox: my friend code is [18:27] knuxdafox: 5 3 2 6 4 4 9 2 2 5 7 2 [18:29] MegtheKitsune: no, sorry [18:29] MegtheKitsune: :( [18:41] knuxdafox: well, how are ya? [18:41] MegtheKitsune: I'm good [18:41] MegtheKitsune: guess where I went for Spring Break. [18:41] knuxdafox: Virgin Islands? [18:41] MegtheKitsune: Nope [18:41] knuxdafox: Cancun? [18:42] MegtheKitsune: England, Scotland, and Wales. [18:42] MegtheKitsune: :) [18:42] knuxdafox: oh...cool [18:42] MegtheKitsune: I got neat pictures [18:42] MegtheKitsune: Once I pick out the ones I like, I'll send you some [18:42] knuxdafox: ok [18:42] MegtheKitsune: Wales is a gorgeous country. [18:43] knuxdafox: Save the Wales. [18:43] MegtheKitsune: :)\ [18:43] MegtheKitsune: *Chuck Norric roundhouse kicks the backslash* [18:43] MegtheKitsune: :)/ [18:43] MegtheKitsune: ^Norris [18:44] knuxdafox: how dare you typo Chuck Norris' name! [18:44] MegtheKitsune: *gets roundhouse kiced by Chuck Norris*\ [18:44] MegtheKitsune: Owwwwie... [18:44] knuxdafox: lol, serves you right. [18:45] MegtheKitsune: *tries to think of Chuck Norris jokes* [18:45] knuxdafox: I tried writing last night....wanna read what I came up with? [18:45] MegtheKitsune: sure [18:45] MegtheKitsune: I like stories [18:45] knuxdafox: more like I was writing whatever came to mind. [18:45] MegtheKitsune: Aha [18:45] knuxdafox: I call it Writing Trials. [18:46] knuxdafox: and AIM sucks for file transfers anymore. [18:46] knuxdafox: lemme send it to your gmail. [18:46] MegtheKitsune: If you see me log off suddenly, it's because of the thunderstorm [18:46] MegtheKitsune: arianightwing@gmail.com [18:49] knuxdafox: I sent it, checked my mail, deleted my spam, and checked out the messages on the board I'm in. [18:49] MegtheKitsune: heh [18:50] knuxdafox: yeah, I'm not the quickest at some things. [18:50] knuxdafox: In fact, I'm downright slow! [18:51] MegtheKitsune: :) [18:51] MegtheKitsune: same here [18:55] MegtheKitsune: Heh, that's awesome [18:55] MegtheKitsune: Sounds like something you'd find on a memo in Silent Hill. [18:55] knuxdafox: What? [18:56] MegtheKitsune: Silent Hill=Horror Survival game. And the producers of which having very quirky humors. [18:57] knuxdafox: yeah, I know what Silent Hill is. Waht sounds like something you'd find on a memo in Silent Hill? [18:57] MegtheKitsune: The little paragraph about the 'wedding'. [18:58] MegtheKitsune: Very macarbe [18:58] knuxdafox: oh. [18:58] MegtheKitsune: But oddly funny, the way you wrote it. [19:00] knuxdafox: I have my dimented moments. [19:00] MegtheKitsune: we all do [19:01] MegtheKitsune: ....starfox on the brain [19:01] knuxdafox: okay, wanna rp? [19:02] MegtheKitsune: starfox rp? [19:02] MegtheKitsune: awesome! [19:02] knuxdafox: sure. [19:02] MegtheKitsune: ...hmm, I had an idea, actually... [19:02] MegtheKitsune: brb [19:10] MegtheKitsune: Anyway, my idea was that we start off in some cell on Venom, with me being in a bacta-tank like thing being studied. StarFox comes in, raids the science lab, and we get back to Cornaria? [19:11] knuxdafox: Okay, I'm Vulpa McNeil. [19:12] knuxdafox: A POW from the Cornerian Army. [19:12] MegtheKitsune: .A....girl or guy? [19:12] knuxdafox: A guy.... [19:12] MegtheKitsune: Sorry, but the 'a' at the end confused me [19:12] MegtheKitsune: brb [19:13] knuxdafox: or shoud it be a more normal name, like...... Vincent? [19:14] knuxdafox: Vince McNeil? [19:15] knuxdafox: Lieutenant Vince "Striker" McNeil of the Cornerian Army [19:17] knuxdafox: Okay.... [19:19] knuxdafox: hello? [19:20] knuxdafox: oh.....sorry [19:21] MegtheKitsune: back [19:22] MegtheKitsune: I like it! [19:22] knuxdafox: and you are? [19:23] MegtheKitsune: hmm... [19:23] MegtheKitsune: Well, I wanted to play a human (hence why on in a science lab) you think that'd work? [19:23] knuxdafox: sure.... [19:25] MegtheKitsune: Awesome [19:27] knuxdafox: Okay, I'll just call you Pink XXII [19:27] MegtheKitsune: .....*snicker* [19:27] knuxdafox: brb [19:28] MegtheKitsune: How about, she's been codenamed by the resident mad scientist "Experiment 12"? [19:28] MegtheKitsune: okay [19:29] knuxdafox: back [19:29] knuxdafox: lol, sure. [19:29] MegtheKitsune: okay [19:29] MegtheKitsune: how starts? [19:29] knuxdafox: I'm in an empty cold gray cell, heavily guarded by Andross' police. [19:30] knuxdafox: I've been plotting my escape for some time, now, but need the perfect moment to pull it off. [19:31] knuxdafox: Not a night goes by that I don't think about my old war buddy, James. He was always there for me when I was in a pinch. [19:33] knuxdafox: Rumor has it that he's been drifting through space, hiding from Andross and his army......but I refuse to believe that. James wouldn't hide. [19:34] knuxdafox: ((this is before Fox became a hero)) [19:34] MegtheKitsune: You hear several scientists muttering excitedly about a new speciem they've caught. It's a sure bet that it's a sentient being, maybe even one of your comrades. [19:34] MegtheKitsune: ((Understood)) [19:35] MegtheKitsune: "Experiment 12....Lab 3...." "A subject for mutation...?" [19:35] knuxdafox: *tries hard listening...picks up some of the conversation* They've captured an alien? [19:36] MegtheKitsune: "Genetic restructuring..." "Should perform an endurance test on it..." [19:36] MegtheKitsune: You would know that an endurance test meant pain, and lots of it. [19:36] knuxdafox: They're gonna put it in the torture chamber....poor thing.... [19:37] MegtheKitsune: "Male or female?" "Female. Young one too, at the beginning of its adult lifecycle." [19:38] MegtheKitsune: ((AKA, teenaged)) [19:38] knuxdafox: an adolescent female alien, huh?....... *taps on the bars of his cell* Excuse me, guard? [19:39] MegtheKitsune: "Eh, what?" The guard seems bored, but wary. "You gotta go pee?" [19:40] knuxdafox: *fidgets with his paws between his legs* yes, very badly. You wouldn't want me to pee on the floor, would you? [19:42] MegtheKitsune: He laughs a bit. "Not really. Smells horrible." He unlocks the door. "C'mon Lieutenant." He points his gun at the fox. "Move it or lose it." [19:44] knuxdafox: *quickly marches, followed by the guard to the bathroom. The guard shoves him through the door* [19:45] knuxdafox: *pulls a crumpled paper cup from his pocket, and fills it with water from the sink. Walks over to the stall, and pulls out a broken spoon while slowly pouring the water into the stool.* [19:46] MegtheKitsune: "Hurry up in there! No jerking off, ya hear me?" [19:46] knuxdafox: *uses the broken spoon to unscrew the seat from the stool.* [19:46] knuxdafox: Yes, yes. I'm almost finished! [19:47] MegtheKitsune: "No wonder Corneria's losin', with idiots like you as officers!" [19:48] knuxdafox: *pulls the door open just slightly, grips it with his left hind paw and readies the toilet seat over his head with his forepaws..... ((this door opens in)) flings the door open and smacks the guard over the head with the toilet seat. The guard falls to the floor unconscious.* [19:48] MegtheKitsune: Nobody notices....odd. [19:49] knuxdafox: *grabs the only weapon the guard was carrying. A club.* [19:49] knuxdafox: ((oh, other guards heard the ruckus and they're on their way.)) [19:49] MegtheKitsune: ((Okay then)) [19:50] MegtheKitsune: "Hey!" "What the hell was that?" "How the hell should I know?!" [19:50] knuxdafox: *pulls the unconscious guard into the bathroom and strips off his clothes, and quickly puts them on.* [19:51] MegtheKitsune: Someone knocks on the door. "Yo, everything okay in there?" [19:51] knuxdafox: Yeah, I'm okay. Just slipped on some water in here. [19:52] MegtheKitsune: ((Oh, all races work for Andross, not just lizards...)) [19:52] knuxdafox: ((or monkeys)) [19:52] MegtheKitsune: "Jeez, be more careful numbskull!" [19:52] MegtheKitsune: ((or wolves) [19:53] knuxdafox: *steps out, nonchalantly straightening his hat* So, I heard about a new occupant at our find facility. [19:53] MegtheKitsune: "Eh, ya mean that alien?" [19:53] knuxdafox: the scientists are calling her Experiment 12. [19:53] knuxdafox: yeah, the pink alien. [19:54] MegtheKitsune: "Is she really pink?" "More like a light tan...Like if we lost some fur, ya? Her skin looks kinda like ours." [19:55] knuxdafox: yeah, but no fur..... [19:55] MegtheKitsune: "She's in Lab Three, if you wanna sneak a peek." [19:55] knuxdafox: she's completely bare. [19:56] knuxdafox: Sure, I'll go check it out. Nothin' better to do, right? [19:56] MegtheKitsune: "Yeah...Oh, Command says there's gonna be a big battle planned. Hopefully, anyway." [19:57] knuxdafox: Ugh. I'm so sick of this war. Why can't we just live in peace? [19:58] MegtheKitsune: "Cuz peace is BORING!" The guard laughs. The other shakes his head. "I hear ya, bud. War's such a mess." [19:59] knuxdafox: well, if another pilot like McCloud comes along, we'll all be fucked! [20:00] MegtheKitsune: "That's a big 'if', friend." "Yeah...McCloud was something else...Damn, I'm glad I never faced him, I'd be dead!" [20:01] knuxdafox: Well, I'm gonna check up on our new arrival. I'll catch you guys later. [20:01] MegtheKitsune: "Seeya!" [20:01] MegtheKitsune: The two guards leave. [20:01] knuxdafox: *mutters to himself* too easy. [20:02] MegtheKitsune: The way is clear. [20:03] knuxdafox: *Enters the science lab* Excuse me, uh....*looks at the scientist's name tag* Dr. Franke. I'd like to have a look at our new occupant, Experiment 12. Mind if I peek a look? [20:05] MegtheKitsune: *mutters a bit* Yeah, fine. Everyone else is. It's in the tank right now. Its clothing is on the table if you're intersted. [20:05] MegtheKitsune: The scientist sounds annoyed. [20:06] knuxdafox: *nudges an empty siringe off the lab table and tucks it away* I'm not interested in it's clothes.... [20:06] MegtheKitsune: "Fine, fine, whatever." [20:07] knuxdafox: *enters a familiar room I know as the Torture Chamber.* [20:07] knuxdafox: So, can you talk? [20:07] MegtheKitsune: "Uuhhh?" [20:08] knuxdafox: You're probably in a lot of pain right now. This isn't the "healthiest" place to be. [20:09] MegtheKitsune: The girl opens her eyes weakly. "Hello...foxie..." She sounds pissed, even in her weakened condition. "Come to...laugh at me too?" [20:09] knuxdafox: *drops his playful tone.* No, I'm here to get you out of this hell hole. [20:10] MegtheKitsune: "Really now." She doesn't sound too convinced. [20:10] knuxdafox: *lifts up the top of his uniform to show his prison uniform underneath* [20:11] knuxdafox: I conned my way in here. [20:11] knuxdafox: If you stay, you could die. [20:11] MegtheKitsune: "I stand...corrected. So how are you gonna get me past Mr. Mad Scientist out there?" [20:12] MegtheKitsune: "I kinda wish I were dead...." She sighs sadly. She must have lost someone close to her. [20:13] knuxdafox: *pulls out the siringe and pulls back the plunger filling the chamber with air.* That can be arranged, but I'm saving this for the scientist. [20:13] MegtheKitsune: "What is it?" [20:13] knuxdafox: it's nothing. just plain old air. [20:14] knuxdafox: once it enters his system, he'll die from a massive stroke. [20:14] MegtheKitsune: She hastily covers herself up. "I need clothes. Can I borrow that uniform?" [20:14] MegtheKitsune: "....eew. But he deserves it." [20:14] knuxdafox: Sure....takes the guard's uniform off and hands it to the girl. [20:14] knuxdafox: * [20:15] MegtheKitsune: She outs it on, gratefully. "Thanks, foxie." [20:15] knuxdafox: You're welcome, and call me Vince. [20:15] knuxdafox: What should I call you? [20:16] knuxdafox: Hairless mammal? [20:16] MegtheKitsune: "I-I'm a human." [20:16] MegtheKitsune: "Call me Anna." [20:17] knuxdafox: Human? never heard of that before......where do you come from? [20:18] MegtheKitsune: "Planet called Terran. Third planet in the Sol system. So where am I?" [20:18] MegtheKitsune: ((Yep, she's being a bit slippery here)) [20:19] knuxdafox: Babe, you landed yourself right into a galactic war.....and you're behind enemy lines. [20:19] MegtheKitsune: "Babe? Watch it boy..." [20:19] MegtheKitsune: "So, er Vince...How do we get out of here?" [20:20] knuxdafox: This is the Lylat System, and we're on a satellite orbiting Venom. And don't call me boy. I'm actually pretty old....I'm in my 50s. [20:21] MegtheKitsune: "And yet you're here, which I guess means you're a POW." She shakes her head. "Old coot, why don't you get a desk job?" She's gentle in her teasing. [20:22] knuxdafox: That would be too boring. I enjoy seeing action, even if it means I could die. [20:22] MegtheKitsune: "Lylat system...? Damn, wish Amy was here. She knows every part of the galaxy by heart. She's memorized all the galaxy maps." [20:22] MegtheKitsune: "I kind of like you, Vince. Even if you're old enough to be my dad." [20:23] knuxdafox: maps of space won't help us any......what we need is a map of this prison. [20:24] MegtheKitsune: "No shit, Sherlock." She sighs. "Step one; let's go put that scientist six feet under." [20:24] knuxdafox: I have an idea........but I'll need my guard uniform back. [20:25] knuxdafox: You'll be the scientist. [20:25] MegtheKitsune: ((By that he means...?)) [20:27] knuxdafox: ((okay, he's going to go out in the guard uniform, tell the guard that he's all done with her, then swiftly stick the siringe in the scientist's side and pull the plunger. He drops, I take his clothes off, and hand them to Anna. Anna puts the scientist's clothes on, I hand her a mask and gloves. And proceed to be an escort for the scientist who's shift has ended.)) [20:28] MegtheKitsune: "Right. Now, don't mess up. I don't wanna be FUBARed by a lizard." [20:28] MegtheKitsune: (Have him ask what FUBARed means...please?) [20:28] knuxdafox: Fubar? What language is that? [20:29] MegtheKitsune: "Oh, it stands for Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. Army guys back home use it to describe someone who's been killed by a shrapnel grenade." [20:30] knuxdafox: ouch...okay...strip again.....sorry. [20:32] MegtheKitsune: She takes the uniform off. "It's okay." She turns around and ponders for a moment. "Hey, Vince...?" [20:33] knuxdafox: yeah? [20:33] MegtheKitsune: "Do...do you have a family?" [20:33] knuxdafox: yeah......they probably think I'm dead. [20:34] MegtheKitsune: "I...I want you to get back to them..." She sounds a bit sad. "Ready to go?" [20:34] knuxdafox: When I go back home, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm a grandfather. [20:35] MegtheKitsune: "Excpecting a child back home?" [20:35] knuxdafox: yup.....*leaves the room* Alright, I'm done. Quite a specimen you got there, doc. *walks closer to the scientist* [20:37] knuxdafox: *japs the siringe into the doctor's side, and pulls the plunger. He falls to the floor in intense paralyzing pain, unable to speak or scream....* [20:37] MegtheKitsune: "Yes, we're quite lucky. It's a prime specimen." [20:37] knuxdafox: *jabs [20:37] MegtheKitsune: He dies. [20:38] MegtheKitsune: The girl walks in. "Is...is it done?" [20:39] knuxdafox: *peels his clothes off* Yeah.....*tosses them at the girl* get dressed.....were you carrying anything of use in your clothing? [20:39] MegtheKitsune: "My wallet..." [20:39] knuxdafox: grab it. [20:40] MegtheKitsune: She puts the closes on. "Thanks." She opens the wallent, looks at something fondly for a moment, then tucks it away. [20:41] knuxdafox: You wouldn't have any way to send out a distress signal, would you? [20:43] MegtheKitsune: "No..." She seems distracted by some thought. [20:43] knuxdafox: here, put on this sanitary mask and gloves. If the guards saw you like this, they'd see right through the disguise. [20:44] MegtheKitsune: "Yeah, you're right." She puts on the mask and glove. [20:45] MegtheKitsune: She smiles a bit. "How do I look?" [20:45] knuxdafox: um....suspicious...but good enough. Just try to hide your face. [20:45] knuxdafox: Okay, let's go.... [20:46] MegtheKitsune: "Sure, sir..." She walks with her head down. [20:46] knuxdafox: Follow me....*leaves the science lab and runs into some guards in the hall* Hey guys. [20:46] MegtheKitsune: She pretends to be rather tired. [20:47] knuxdafox: I'm off duty. Dr. Franke just got off and was feelin' kinda homesick, so I offered to escort him home. [20:47] knuxdafox: I've been here so long, I can't remember. Which way to the teleport? [20:48] MegtheKitsune: "Hey, have a safe trip home, Doc." [20:48] knuxdafox: Um...he has laryngitis [20:48] knuxdafox: But, I'm sure he will. [20:49] MegtheKitsune: "Haha, you need to get out more guy. Docking bay's three floors up. Look for the signs. And get better Doc." [20:49] MegtheKitsune: The 'scientist' nods.] [20:50] knuxdafox: *sees a nearby elevator and somewhat hurriedly walks to it.* [20:50] MegtheKitsune: *follows, looking nervous* [20:52] knuxdafox: *an alarm sounds, and a voice bellows from the loudspeaker* Prisoner 198763 is escaping. We don't know where he is, so stay sharp! Red Alert! [20:53] MegtheKitsune: She whispers. "You, right?" [20:53] knuxdafox: *whispers to Anna* That's me, stay calm... [20:53] MegtheKitsune: She snickers a bit. [20:54] knuxdafox: "Officer John Adams was found unconscious and naked in restroom B6. The alleged escapee is likely wearing his uniform." [20:54] knuxdafox: *the elevator opens and I yank you in* Damn.....hope we make it.... [20:55] MegtheKitsune: "I'm...I'm scared..." [20:55] knuxdafox: *the elevator opens again, and a guard shouts* "There he is! Get him!" [20:55] knuxdafox: Shit.....*pulls out his club* [20:55] knuxdafox: stay back. [20:56] MegtheKitsune: She jumps back, scared. [20:56] knuxdafox: and don't let this elevator leave this floor. [20:56] MegtheKitsune: "..." She nods. [20:57] knuxdafox: *displays a mixture of martial arts and animalistic fighting....a mixture of kicking, punching, smacking with the club, biting, clawing....* [20:58] MegtheKitsune: She whimpers, and screams as one guard attacks her. [20:58] MegtheKitsune: She struggles to defend herself. [20:58] knuxdafox: *looks back* Anna! [20:59] knuxdafox: *while destracted, a guard fires his blaster at him....* [20:59] MegtheKitsune: "NO!" [20:59] knuxdafox: *lunges at the guard with a gun, and pries the blaster from his hand with his teeth* [20:59] MegtheKitsune: "Ahh!" [20:59] knuxdafox: *fires at the guard that attacked Anna* [21:00] knuxdafox: *breaks the guards neck* [21:00] MegtheKitsune: She throws the dead guard off, shaken, but okay. [21:00] knuxdafox: okay....let's go.....this way! [21:00] MegtheKitsune: "Vince..." [21:00] knuxdafox: *runs to down the hall to the right* what? [21:01] MegtheKitsune: She follows him. "Wait up for me..." She is having a hard time keeping up. [21:02] MegtheKitsune: "I...can't keep up..." She gasps for air. [21:04] knuxdafox: *pants, himself* What? do you want me to carry you? [21:05] MegtheKitsune: "Just wait a minute! That scientist...did something to me..." She coughs. "Okay....let's go!" She braces herself for another run. [21:11] knuxdafox: *opens the cockpit of a small, unarmed transport ship* Get in. [21:11] knuxdafox: Hope you don't get airsick.... [21:12] knuxdafox: I used to be a pilot.....and we gotta get this bird to safety without weapons. [21:12] MegtheKitsune: "Yeah yeah...hope you can get us out of her..." [21:12] MegtheKitsune: She gets in. [21:13] knuxdafox: Just hold on....*closes the cockpit and fires up the engines.* [21:13] MegtheKitsune: "Vince...I just wanted...to thank you...." [21:14] knuxdafox: Thank me later. [21:14] MegtheKitsune: "I...hope I can..." [21:14] knuxdafox: *blasts off and increases speed to maximum* [21:15] MegtheKitsune: She crosses her fingers. [21:15] MegtheKitsune: "Where do we go from here?" [21:15] knuxdafox: We're going all the way to Corneria....we'll be safe there. [21:16] knuxdafox: *fires nitros* [21:16] MegtheKitsune: "Can we make it all the way there?" [21:16] knuxdafox: yeah....it sucks that this thing doesn't have a warp drive....this is as fast as we can possibly go..... [21:16] knuxdafox: at least the G-diffuser's in good shape. [21:17] MegtheKitsune: She presses her face to the window, watching the worlds speed by. "The G-diffuser...That keeps planetary gravity from slowing us down right?" [21:18] MegtheKitsune: ((Yeah, she's played Starfox and ISN'T letting it on. ^^)) [21:18] knuxdafox: any gravity.....including the huge amounts of gravity I'm creating by going this fast. [21:18] MegtheKitsune: "Guess it makes sense..." [21:18] knuxdafox: even in space, without the g-diffuser, this thing would stall at this speed....and that wouldn't be good. [21:19] MegtheKitsune: "Yeah, I kinda guessed. I'm studying astrophysics back home. [21:19] MegtheKitsune: " [21:21] knuxdafox: Yeah, I once studied an Aparoid colony in space.....They seem advanced at first, yet you soon realize that they are so simple. They're like ants. [21:23] MegtheKitsune: "That's what I believe too...They have a collective mind, so they can sense what the others of the colony are doing...Quite different than more advanced species." [21:24] knuxdafox: some scientists predict that they'll try and take over the system....but I don't think they'll be any kind of threat. [21:24] MegtheKitsune: "You never know...Insects can be very destructive." [21:25] MegtheKitsune: "How long til we reach Corneria?" [21:25] knuxdafox: maybe an hour.......or two..... [21:26] knuxdafox: *checks trajectory* gah....maybe 3 or 4? [21:26] knuxdafox: if you wanna take a nap, you can go right ahead. [21:27] MegtheKitsune: "Thanks..." She kissed him on the cheek. "That's for saving me." [21:27] MegtheKitsune: She lays down to sleep. [21:27] knuxdafox: oh.....*chuckles* 'twas nothin'. [21:27] MegtheKitsune: She smiles. [21:28] knuxdafox: I'll increase the artificial gravitational cushion in the cockpit in case I have to do some.....aerial maneuvers while you're sleeping. I don't want to disturb your slumber....you've been through alot, kiddo. [21:29] MegtheKitsune: "Thanks...And, I wanna meet your family when we get to Corneria." [21:30] MegtheKitsune: ((What's Vince's impression of Anna?}} [21:30] knuxdafox: ((she's a curious young alien girl that seems lost.)) [21:31] knuxdafox: ((though she looks different, she's just like everyone else.)) [21:33] MegtheKitsune: ((Timewarp to Corneria?)) [21:33] knuxdafox: ((sure)) [21:33] knuxdafox: (("Let's do the time warp again!" [21:33] knuxdafox: )) [21:33] MegtheKitsune: ((Haha)) [21:36] MegtheKitsune: Anna is up, again looking fondly at something in her wallet. She has ditched the mask and gloves. [21:39] knuxdafox: ((brb)) [21:39] MegtheKitsune: ((k)) [21:52] MegtheKitsune: ((come back!!)) [21:53] knuxdafox: ((I wanted something warm to put down my throat, so I made cocoa)) [21:54] knuxdafox: ((sorry it took so long....now shall we continue?)) [21:56] knuxdafox: ((hello?)) [21:58] MegtheKitsune: ((Yes)) [22:01] MegtheKitsune: Anna is up, again looking fondly at something in her wallet. She has ditched the mask and gloves. "Are we there, Vince?" [22:02] knuxdafox: We're just now entering Corneria's atmosphere....it's beautiful, isn't it? [22:03] MegtheKitsune: "Wow..." She hugs her wallet to her heart, and puts it away. "Did you tell the that we're coming in?" [22:04] knuxdafox: Yeah, we have a landing site. [22:04] MegtheKitsune: "Good. I can't wait for fresh air..." [22:05] knuxdafox: They'll have a welcoming party to meet us there, but I'll try to avoid all that. I just wanna go home, and you're more than welcome to be my guest. [22:07] MegtheKitsune: "Oh, come on. They're all glad that you came home safe. Let them show some of their graditude...." She smiles a biit. She takes the nametag off the labcoat and tosses to the floor. [22:07] knuxdafox: Yeah....you're right. [22:07] knuxdafox: And I'm sure Hope will be the first one to greet me. [22:08] MegtheKitsune: "Your wife?" [22:08] knuxdafox: yeah. [22:08] MegtheKitsune: "I bet she's beautiful..." [22:08] MegtheKitsune: She looks out at the city in awe. [22:08] knuxdafox: she is.....she's an enchanting vixen.... [22:09] MegtheKitsune: "So, you hoping for a girl or boy?" [22:09] knuxdafox: I don't know...I really don't know. [22:10] MegtheKitsune: "Heh." She smiles, and she might remind Vince of an excited little kid, looking out the window.\ [22:11] knuxdafox: *we come in for a landing. everyone is standing around waiting. I see my wife. She looks so sad.* [22:12] MegtheKitsune: The girl looks around. [22:12] knuxdafox: *I open the cockpit, she cries and throws herself at the side* [22:12] knuxdafox: Hope....why all there tears? Where's the tough girl I left behind? [22:13] MegtheKitsune: The girl stays back, shy. [22:13] knuxdafox: *she replies* "I'm sorry, Vince........I'm sorry...." *notices a dark-colored fox standing behind her and a few kits* [22:14] MegtheKitsune: "Hi..." The girl stands by Vince. "Are....you hope?" [22:14] MegtheKitsune: ^Hope [22:15] knuxdafox: Not now, Anna..... [22:15] knuxdafox: Hope. Do I have a home, anymore? [22:16] knuxdafox: *unable to speak with words, she shows me her ring finger with a different wedding ring than the one I gave her.* [22:16] knuxdafox: I understand.....I'm not upset.... [22:16] MegtheKitsune: The girl walks back into the cockpit, tears falling down her face. [22:16] knuxdafox: It's my fault, really.... [22:16] MegtheKitsune: She is reminded of a different time. [22:19] knuxdafox: *trying not to show the sadness that he feels, he looks over to his former commander, General Vanmussen, a decorated bulldog general with many years of experience* So, General.......do you have a place for me and the girl to stay? [22:20] knuxdafox: "Well, I don't have much, but I have a vacant barracks you can use." [22:20] knuxdafox: That'll do. Thank you, General. [22:21] knuxdafox: "Men, escort this fine Cornerian hero and guest to their quarters." *the soldiers* "Yes, sir!" [22:21] knuxdafox: *sighs* this is not what I was expecting..... [22:22] MegtheKitsune: The girl is in back, her legs drawn to her chest. A few tears falling down her face. Her wallet lays open, an old family picture is visible. It must have been taken a few years ago. [22:23] MegtheKitsune: ((Have him ask about the picture?)) [22:25] knuxdafox: I'm sorry if I'm being too nosy, but who is it in that picture? [22:26] knuxdafox: *we board an army jeep, and ride to an old barracks which has been tidied up a bit, but still not a home* [22:26] MegtheKitsune: She points at a pair of young girls, about age 7. "Me and my twin sister. And the rest of my family..." She sighs. "My father....my father never did come back..." [22:27] knuxdafox: He went to war? [22:27] MegtheKitsune: She looks away. "Yes." [22:27] MegtheKitsune: She tries not to cry. [22:28] knuxdafox: I understand.....this war has caused millions of lives....why Andross persists, I don't know. We're losing lives on both sides because he wants to rule everything. [22:28] MegtheKitsune: "They never did find the body..." [22:29] MegtheKitsune: She smiles weakly. "I...wish that your homecoming was happier..." [22:30] knuxdafox: I do too..... [22:30] knuxdafox: But, my mother used to say...."When life gives you lemons......." [22:30] MegtheKitsune: "I wonder if my family has forgotten about me..." She sniffles. [22:32] knuxdafox: have hope.......*winces a bit......* Hope.......*tries to hold back the tears but can't.* [22:32] MegtheKitsune: She embraces him, crying on his shoulder. [22:32] knuxdafox: I can't be doing this...... [22:33] knuxdafox: I'm a soldier...... [22:33] MegtheKitsune: "You're person..." [22:33] MegtheKitsune: ^a [22:33] MegtheKitsune: "You're just a man...and every man has a heart..." [22:33] knuxdafox: I'm nothing.... [22:34] MegtheKitsune: "...If it were'nt for you, I'd be dead! Of course you're someone!" [22:34] MegtheKitsune: "You're too old to be so damn cynical!" [22:35] knuxdafox: ((do you realize we've been doing this rp for over 3 hours?)) [22:36] MegtheKitsune: ((Wow. I hafta go. School and all. Bleh!)) [22:36] MegtheKitsune: ((ttyl?)) [22:36] knuxdafox: ((oh, I'm sorry I brought attention to the time...)) [22:36] MegtheKitsune: ((Well, I gotta go anyway so..my dad'll yell at me if I stay up too late.)) [22:36] knuxdafox: ((I suppose so.....save this.)) [22:37] MegtheKitsune: ((*hughug* I will. baibai)) [22:37] knuxdafox: ((*nuzzles*))