You've found my archive of stories on VCL which I normally keep on YiffStar. That being said, I hope you enjoy what's there. I've been writing erotica for roughly a year now, and have expanded my personal universe to appeal to a wide variety of audiences. Most of the work here is not up to date, in terms of when it was originally made and when it was submitted. If you'd like to keep in touch with me or are curious to see what I'm up to, or hell, want to chat, would like some help, want me to read your story and so on, you can find me on my YiffStar page: [] No brackets, of course. At the same time, let me throw in my legal mix here, a bit of proper warnings and so on. I understand, I know you readers are intelligent and can figure things out on your own, but I'd like to look as professional as possible. "Terms of Use/Creative Commons License" All works in this database under the name "Korpse_Infested_Karnival" () are fictional stories of the erotic nature containing written depictions of anthropomorphic adult acts, not limited to explicit sexual scenes or otherwise mature material. The reader is expected to understand and must proceed at their own caution. While KIK encourages the reader to enjoy his work, he accepts no responsibility for underage users reading adult rated material and is relinquished from all legalities concerning such. All works herein this database are the intellectual property of KIK. The stories and pieces of fiction may be distributed without consent of the author, so long as the author is credited and the terms of use is included/left in tact. No parts of KIK's fictional pieces may be modified/edited in any way shape or form. Thank you. If you would like to contact me about anything, chat, or whatever, I can be reached at: [] or [] of course, without the brackets. Stay gold, as I tell all my readers.