Black Knight in Shining Armour

                The soft breeze cooled off the hot traveller as it carried the various floral scents of the forest.\xA0 He slowly bent down and took a handful of cool water and drank it.\xA0 It easily cut through his thirst and it revived his energy.\xA0 After a few gulps, he slowly stood up and admired the scenery.\xA0

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 How easily he forgot the beauty this world offers only an hour away from the city.\xA0 He took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air and smiled.\xA0 Various trees and evergreens surrounded him while the flowers added a splash of blue, red, yellow and purple on the ground.\xA0 To finish the scenery, a rushing stream at his feet played its music.\xA0 The dragon could not help but close his eyes and simply enjoy the surrounding nature.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 Finally, he felt rejuvenated and happy for the first time in a long time.\xA0 The dragon sat down on a rock and slowly placed his aching feet in the cool water.\xA0 He moaned in relief as it carried the sweat and pain away.\xA0 This was better than any medicine he could have taken.\xA0 Again, the soft breeze cooled off his sweating body.\xA0 He removed his shirt and let it dropped to the ground.\xA0 The sun warmed his smooth hide, scaleless hide, while the breeze kept him comfortably cool.\xA0 He was in paradise.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 His mind wondered back to his busy city life.\xA0 He guessed he had everything he needed in life.\xA0 He found a good job and made many good friends.\xA0 His job and friends kept him very busy and had little time for himself.\xA0 His boss almost refused his request for this vacation.\xA0 However, since he worked for over a year without any vacation, his boss had little choice.\xA0 The only thing he missed in his life, so far, was someone to share it with.\xA0 Though his friends and work offered enough of a diversion that he had little time to worry about it.\xA0 It mattered even less now that he was on vacation.\xA0 It was time to enjoy camping again, this time, without his dad.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 He laid back on the rock as he stretched out and closed his eyes.\xA0 He let the sounds and smells wash away his body and mind as it slowly eroded away all his worries again and left behind a very content and happy dragon.\xA0 He remained on the rock for an hour or so, and then decided it was time to return to his hike.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 He put on his shirt again and picked up his backpack.\xA0 He forgot how heavy those things could be even with just a week\x92s worth of supplies.\xA0 Good thing he kept himself in top condition.\xA0 He was not heavily muscled, but he was well defined.\xA0 He hefted the heavy load on his back and continued on his way.\xA0 He did not know where he was going, nor did he care.\xA0 He simply followed a long forgotten path.\xA0 He did not know why he decided to try this path instead of sticking to the main one.\xA0 Something in him just told him to take it.\xA0 Who was he to argue?\xA0 So far, this path took him to the most beautiful spots he ever saw in his life.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 He followed the path for hours as it slowly wound its ways up the mountain.\xA0 The higher he moved up the mountain, the more he could see the vastness of forest.\xA0 At one point, he decided to stop on the ledge of a cliff that overlooked the forest below.\xA0 In the far distance, he could barely make out the tallest buildings of the city.\xA0 They seemed so small and insignificant from this distance, as did the city.\xA0 It made his problem look even smaller.\xA0\xA0 He turned and continued on his way, following the path.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 In mid-afternoon, he decided to take another break and a little something to eat.\xA0 After his small snack, he re-shouldered his backpack and headed off again.\xA0 However, after a few steps, he heard rustling in the nearby foliage.\xA0 Slowly, he looked around, trying to find the source of the noise.\xA0 He saw nothing, so he cautiously made his way forwards again.\xA0 He heard the rustling again and this time he heard a growl behind him.\xA0 He slowly turned around only to face a huge grizzly bear that stood on its hind legs.\xA0\xA0 Krahnos heart sank as the large bruin stared straight at him, growling and baring its sharp yellow fangs.\xA0 It took a few steps forward and the dragon averted the bruin's eyes and took a few steps back. It growled furiously and the dragon froze on the spot and started to panic.\xA0 The bruin continued to step forward and it now only stood about ten feet from him.\xA0 Obviously it had no intention on turning around and leaving peacefully.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 Krahnos took a deep breath and did the only thing he could.\xA0 RUN!\xA0 To his great horror, the bear chased after him, only a few paces behind him.\xA0 He out-stretched his wings hoping to take flight.\xA0 Damn.\xA0 My backpack is too heavy.\xA0 He glided for a few feet, only to be running again.\xA0 The backpack also prevented him from running as fast as he could.\xA0 Krahnos heard the bruin slowly close the gap between them.\xA0 The grey dragon tried to run faster only to be slowed by tripping over exposed roots and low branches.\xA0 He took a quick look back and saw the gaping maw of the growling grizzly.\xA0 Before he could look forward again, his feet left the ground and his body flew.\xA0

Instinctively, he outstretched his wings and tried to manoeuvre between the dense trees; but he reacted too slowly.\xA0 Agonizing pain shot through his body as his left wing shattered on a tree.\xA0 Unable to keep gliding, he landed roughly onto the ground and knocked the wind out of him.\xA0 Dazed, he tried to get up, but felt a heavy weight press down on his back.\xA0 The growling bruin pinned him down with its paws as its fangs ripped through his backpack.\xA0 Its claws dug into his tough hide and he screamed in pain.\xA0 The bruin responded by drowning the scream with his own growl.\xA0 The bear pressed down further, feeling close to breaking his arms, followed by a sharp pain as its fangs dug into his shoulder.\xA0 He tried to move his arms to protect his head, but the strong paws kept him painfully pinned.\xA0 The bruin tried to rip the flesh from his shoulder, but his strong hide resisted.\xA0 It released his shoulders and bit down again.\xA0 Krahnos hollered in agony as the pain seared in his mind.\xA0 His screams aggravated the bruin further.\xA0 Try as he might to struggle out of the bear's grasp, he could find no way out.

His vision slowly blurred and darkened, and his body grew numb, as he no longer felt the bear rip his flesh.\xA0 Along with his body, his mind started to slip as he found himself having difficulty thinking.\xA0 He saw images of times spent with his parents, his first love kissing him and good times spent with his friends.\xA0 The only thing he regretted was not finding true love.\xA0 Now, he was going to die and leave behind a grieving mother and friends, and an unfound love.\xA0 Again, the bruin released him and this time dug his fangs into his sides, sending another wave of searing pain to his mind.\xA0 He no longer felt his body, nor could he remain conscious.\xA0 His last thought was on his unfound love.


The equine heard two noises not too far away.\xA0 One he recognized as a bruin\x92s growl.\xA0 The other he guessed was somefur being attacked by that bruin.\xA0 He ran towards the source of the noises.\xA0 Fortunately, the furry kept screaming, which meant he or she was still alive.\xA0 However, the bruin's growl quickly swallowed the fur's. \xA0He no longer doubted that the bruin was attacking the furry.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 He ran faster, hoping to get there before it was too late.\xA0 A few seconds later he no longer heard the fur's scream.\xA0 He looked around for any sign of a struggle but found none.\xA0 He continued to look around as the bear's growls quickly became inaudible.\xA0 Finally, he reached the source of the noise and his fears were realized.\xA0 A large bruin tried to rip the flesh off an unconscious dragon, who no longer moved.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 The bruin growled furiously at the stallion for interrupting his meal.\xA0 It let go of the dragon\x92s back as blood dripped from its fangs.\xA0 The horse quickly examined the dragon as he drew his shotgun.\xA0 Various fangs and puncture wounds marked the grey dragon\x92s back and shoulders as blood flowed out of them. The stallion realized that the bruin had yet been able to rip out any flesh from the dragon.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 The bruin charged the stallion as it growled.\xA0 It took no time for the bruin to close the gap between them and jumped onto the horse.\xA0 He barely had the time to aim and fire.\xA0 The twelve gauge solid slug ripped through the bear's shoulder.\xA0 It reeled in pain as it landed onto the horse, knocking the wind and shotgun from him.\xA0 Instinctively, the stallion used its hind hooves to kick the bruin\x92s body off of him.\xA0 He quickly stood up and searched for his weapon, finding it five feet to his left.\xA0 The bruin was already up and turning, his wound barely slowing him down.\xA0 The stallion dove for his gun and nimbly stood up and aimed at the charging bear.\xA0 The horse fired, this time, the slug going between its eyes.\xA0 The bruin\x92s growl instantly stopped, its body collapsed on the ground, and it slid to a stop at his hooves.\xA0 It let out its last gasp of air, as the bruin finally stopped moving.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 The horse took a deep breath as he turned and clopped towards the wounded dragon.\xA0 He kneeled down and listened at the dragon.\xA0 He still breathed, though barely.\xA0 He gently lifted an arm and found a faint pulse.\xA0 He sighed softly, relieved to have arrived in time.\xA0 He took off his shirt and tore it into long strands and he bandaged up the puncture wounds.\xA0 It would stop the bleeding until he could take them to his cabin.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 After he bandaged up all the wounds, he carefully hefted the dragon over his shoulders.\xA0 \x93Your heavier than you look kid.\x94\xA0 He mumbled to the unconscious dragon.\xA0 \x93And lucky.\x94\xA0 He sadly turned to the dead bruin.\xA0 \x93And you will not kill any more furs.\x94\xA0 He wished he had another way of stopping the bruin, but there was none.\xA0 It had the taste of fur blood and had to be destroyed.\xA0 He made a mental note of the bruin\x92s location so the park rangers could dispose of the body later and he headed off to his cabin.


\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 Krahnos\x92 nightmares were filled of large bruins chasing him and tearing him apart.\xA0 No matter how fast he ran, how hard he tried to fly or how hard he fought, they always caught him.\xA0 Krahnos awoke screaming as the last bruin ate him alive.

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 Sweating and shaking, Krahnos sat up, too quickly.\xA0\xA0 The room spun and all his muscles shot fire in his mind.\xA0 His body failed him and he fell back in bed.\xA0 He closed his eyes and waited for the pain to subside.\xA0 It only increased and Krahnos moaned in pain.\xA0 He tried to move, in hopes to relieve the pain in his body, but again, it made it worst.\xA0 Krahnos could not take the pain as he lay there, crying and moaning in pain.\xA0 The pain filled his mind and gave him no hope of falling asleep or unconscious.\xA0

\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 He felt a hand slide behind his head and lift it up.\xA0 \x93Drink this.\x94\xA0 Krahnos felt something press against his lips.\xA0 Krahnos did as he was told, the pain too much for him to do otherwise.\xA0 He felt a cold liquid against his lips, he opened his mouth and the cool liquid flowed down his throat.\xA0 Krahnos\x92s pain still flared in his mind, but the cool sensation slowly spread throughout his body and made its way up to his mind.\xA0 The liquid cooled the searing pain like ice.

The pain gone, Krahnos feel asleep, not realizing there was somefur with him.


Krahnos awoke, his eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness.\xA0 Slowly, he realized something was wrong.\xA0 He sat up and looked at his surrounding and discovered this was not his apartment.

He found himself in a barely furnished room.\xA0 He sat on a bed, which faced a door on the far wall.\xA0 In the wall on his left side was a small wooden closet; while on his right was a small dresser.\xA0 Above the dresser was a window, with the white blinds shut.\xA0 Sitting besides the dresser was a large oak chair with his clothing on it.\xA0 Krahnos could see rays of sunlight seeped behind the blinds.\xA0 The bed he sat on was very comfortable, more than his own.\xA0 Looking himself over, he found his body, especially his back, covered in bandages, some stained with blood.\xA0 Then, it all came back to him.\xA0 The bear chasing him as he tried to run away, then falling and then bear trying to rip him apart.

His muscles flared in pain again as he recalled the images.\xA0 He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.\xA0 He was safe now, from the bear; but who was his saviour?

As an answer, somefur knocked at the door.\xA0 Krahnos\x92 heart jumped.\xA0 His mind raced and wondered who it could be.\xA0 Most of his thoughts ended where his saviour was a killer.\xA0 He heard many stories about furs that go missing for a long time and turn up dead years later.\xA0 He now wondered if he would be one of those furs, a victim of the fur knocking at the door.

The door slowly opened and Krahnos\x92 jaw drooped as a huge black stallion stepped in.\xA0 He never saw any stallion so large, in all respect.\xA0 He stood easily two feet taller than he and looked like a walking wall of muscles.\xA0 He watched many times those bodybuilding contests on TV, but they had nothing on this stallion.\xA0 He wore brown camouflage pants and green tank top, which clung to him like an extra layer of skin.\xA0 They did little to camouflage any of his muscles.\xA0 Around his neck hung two military dog tags.\xA0 His fur was the blackest he has ever seen, which oddly contrasted to his bright, and deep blue eyes.\xA0 He saw an equally black tail swing behind him, thick and as lustrous as the rest of the fur.\xA0 Only then he realized that the stallion's mane stood straight up, military brush-cut style, and leaned forward slightly at the front.\xA0 It gave the stallion a good rugged look.\xA0 Oddly, his heart skipped when his eyes landed in those deep blue pools.

\x93Well, glad to see you\x92re finally up.\x94\xA0 The stallion's deep voice resonated in Krahnos\x92 chest.\xA0 He could barely keep himself from shaking.\xA0 The stallion gave a sigh of relief and his ears perked up.\xA0 Most killers look like everyday furs and tend to be handsome, a voice warned in his mind.\xA0 This instantly killed his awe, and wary quickly took over.\xA0

Krahnos simply nodded thanks and gave him a smile.\xA0 I hope it looks genuine.\xA0\xA0

The black stallion took the smile as genuine.\xA0 \x93I was afraid that Kodiak did some permanent damage.\x94\xA0 He lumbered into the room and closed the door behind him.\xA0 Krahnos watched him carefully and expected him to lunge on him at any moment.\xA0 Towering besides him, the stallion leaned forward and examined the bandages on his back.

Krahnos flinched at the stallion\x92s touch.\xA0 To his surprise, the fingers were strong yet gentle.\xA0 Krahnos could not help but look at the stallion\x92s chest in front of his muzzle.\xA0 The bulging muscles looked even larger from his vantage point.\xA0 His eyes followed the deep and prominent muscular lines and landed on the nipples that were quite visible even behind the tank top.\xA0 Unable to help himself, the dragon inhaled deeply and got a strong smell of stallion musk, sweat, and something else he could not put his finger on.\xA0 Whatever it was, it smelled wonderful.\xA0 Awe quickly replaced his fear again.

The stallion stood back up.\xA0 \x93Well, some of these need to be changed again.\xA0 At least you\x92ve stopped bleedin\x92.\x94

Krahnos took a deep breath.\xA0 \x93Where am I?\x94

The stallion took on a serious look, his brow deepening slightly, as he looked at a bandage on his left arm.\xA0 \x93You\x92re at my home.\xA0 When I found you, you were so beaten up I couldn\x92t take you to the hospital.\xA0 So I took ya home instead.\xA0 I gotta say you healed up quite good.\xA0 I though I\x92d have to bring you to the hospital after I stabilized ya.\x94\xA0 Krahnos heard him mumble something about changing his arm bandage as well.

Krahnos wished he were at the hospital at this moment, knowing he would be safe.\xA0 He wondered if the stallion made up that too hurt story so he brings him here.\xA0 All those slasher movies he saw now flashed in his mind, each showing the different ways innocent victims are lulled in security and then killed by their host.\xA0 He looked over the horse again.\xA0 He surely did not seem to be hiding anything.\xA0 The horse meticulously examined him, not leaving a single bandage go unchecked.\xA0 Krahnos looked into those deep blue eyes and saw a stern and serious look, as he felt the skilled fingers gently lift each bandage.\xA0 It was plainly obvious that this stallion had military training.\xA0 Making him an even more efficient killer, the same voice cautioned.

The stallion finished examining him, stood up and extended a hand.\xA0 \x93Let me help you up and to the kitchen where I can change yer bandages.\x94\xA0 Krahnos flinched away at the hand and his heart raced.\xA0 \x93Don\x92t worry, I don\x92t bite.\x94\xA0 The stallion gave him a warm smile, but tilted his head sideways, Krahnos guessing that the stallion is wondering why he is acting like this.

The dragon looked at the hand and remembered how gentle the fingers were.\xA0 Taking a deep breath, he took the stallion\x92s hand.\xA0 Again, it was strong, yet gentle.\xA0 His host easily helped him to his feet.

As Krahnos took his first step, pain assailed his body and it collapsed under the strain.\xA0 The stallion quickly caught him, stopping Krahnos short of hitting the ground.\xA0 \x93Careful.\xA0 Take it easy, you still haven\x92t fully recovered yet.\xA0 Here, let me help you.\x94\xA0 The stallion moved behind him and wrapped his arms around his chest and under his arms.\xA0 Krahnos closed his eyes as he felt the strong arms easily lift him up to his feet.\xA0 His mind wandered to the feeling of the strong chest on his back.\xA0 Suddenly, he realized that his fear and suspicion vanished.\xA0 Now, he felt safe and secure in the stallion's\x92 arms.\xA0 He took another deep breath and inhaled his host's scent.\xA0 As before he picked up the smell of something he did not quite recognized mixed with his intoxicating musk.

Suddenly, he realized his hands were holding the stallion\x92s arms, almost rubbing them gently.\xA0 He felt his face heat up as he let go of the arms.\xA0 \x93Don\x92t worry kid.\xA0 Nothing to be ashamed off." Krahnos held his breath and felt his entire body burn.\xA0 Am I that obvious?\xA0 "Being attacked by a grizzly like you did and recuperating in three days is impressive enough.\x94

The dragon let a breath of relief escape him.\xA0 He didn't notice me rubbing his arms.\xA0 A few seconds later he realized what his host just said.\xA0 "Three days?\x94

The stallion started to lead him out of the room. \x93Yeah.\xA0 I thought you\x92d be resting for at least a week.\x94

Krahnos looked around as the horse led his out of the room.\xA0 The hallway, like his room, was made of tree trunk, stacked on top of another.\xA0 He felt as if he travelled back to colonial times.\xA0 His room was in a narrow hall with two other doors, one facing his and the other to his left.\xA0 The stairs descended a few paces on the right.\xA0 Slowly, he walked down the stairs, concentrating on every step, so as to not fall again.

As he reached the bottom step, he looked up and his eyes widened.\xA0 All around him were windows that give him a full view of the surrounding forest.\xA0 The house rested north of a rock cliff that gave a breathtaking view of the forest bellow.\xA0 Krahnos stopped and gazed in awe.

The stallion laughed gently.\xA0 Krahnos forgot that he held him up.\xA0 \x93I see you noticed the view.\xA0 Gorgeous, isn\x92t it.\x94\xA0 Krahnos nodded in quiet awe.\xA0 When he finally recovered, he found himself holding onto the stallion\x92s arms and gently rubbing them again.\xA0 His face burned even more as he let go again.\xA0 Somehow, seeing the view and being held by this horse felt so good, so right.\xA0

He brought himself back to reality.\xA0 Ya, the perfect place to be killed and never be found.\xA0 He looked around the cabin and found it better furnished than the room he awoke in.\xA0 On the far wall to the left sat a large screen TV, with a large sofa facing it some ten feet away.\xA0 A small coffee table made of un-sanded wood rested between the sofa and TV.\xA0 Behind the sofa stood a simple wooden table, this one sanded and varnished.\xA0 Krahnos guessed the wood was oak.\xA0 Around the table sat four chairs made of the same wood.\xA0 In front of him was an opening in the wall leading to the kitchen.\xA0 He could see a serving counter to right wall of the kitchen, giving view of the TV.\xA0 A wall lined both sides of the stairs and he noticed a door just to the right of the stairs, most likely a closet, as the door to the house was on his left.\xA0\xA0 On the walls hung various pictures of the stallion with other furs, all in full army uniform.\xA0 On all of them, he was the largest fur there.\xA0 Only he and a few others furs in the picture were common.\xA0 The scenery and some of the other furs changed.

The stallion led him to the kitchen and made him sit on a bar stool besides the serving counter.\xA0 Taking a first aid kit from a cabinet under the sink, he moved behind him and started working on his bandages.\xA0 Krahnos closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down; but, more importantly, he tried to figure out why he was so fascinated by him.\xA0 He felt the large strong hands gently pull away at his bandages and he fought the urge to lean back.\xA0 What's wrong with me?\xA0 He could be a killer and here I am making a pass at him.\xA0 The bear must have screwed me up more than I thought.

As he took a third bandage off, he said, \x93By the way, I\x92m called Stud.\x94

Krahnos opened his eyes and looked back.\xA0 \x93What?\x94

Those deep blue eyes looked in his as he gave a warm smile.\xA0 \x93My name is Stud.\x94\xA0

Krahnos simply looked at him for a moment, not able to speak.\xA0 \x93Umm\x85 I\x92m\x85 ummm\x85\x94

\x93Forgot your name?\x94\xA0 The stallion smiled as he started working on the next bandage.

\x93I\x92m Krahnos.\x94

\x93Nice to meet you Krahnos.\x94\xA0 The dragon closed his eyes again and let himself enjoy the strong sensitive touch of the stallion. \x93What were you doing in the forest?\x94

Krahnos sighed to himself as he felt the hands work on his arms.\xA0 \x93Trying to enjoy a good vacation.\xA0 I haven\x92t had one in ages.\xA0 My dad and I used to go camping almost every weekend.\x94

\x93All done.\x94\xA0 Krahnos turned around and watched Stud put away the bandages in the kit.\xA0 \x93You hungry?\x94\xA0 At the mention of the word food, Krahnos\x92 stomach grumbled loudly.\xA0 He smiled weakly and felt his whole body warm up.\xA0\xA0 \x93I\x92ll take that as a yes.\xA0 Bacon and eggs sounds good?\x94\xA0 Krahnos simply nodded in amazement.\xA0 Not only did he look amazing and knew first aid, he could cook.\xA0 \x93Feel free to look around.\x94

Krahnos stood up and looked around the living area.\xA0 He decided to take a closer look at the pictures.\xA0 Again, Stud was the largest in his troop.\xA0 \x93Your in the army?\x94

Stud spoke over the sizzling bacon.\xA0 \x93Marines actually, special units.\x94

This impressed him even more.\xA0 Krahnos had a weakness for furs in uniform, and for muscular furs.\xA0 Stud was both.\xA0 \x93These others are in your unit too?\x94

\x93Yeah.\xA0 Though the one to the left is the most recent.\x94

Krahnos looked at that one, and found another just below it.\xA0 Stud was with a much shorter female equine.\xA0 His heart sank.\xA0 Great he's taken. Still, he had to find out.\xA0 \x93Who\x92s the female equine in the picture with you?\xA0 A girlfriend?\x94

\x93No, ex.\x94

Krahnos took a deep breath as all his dreams vanished.\xA0 Why and I feeling like this?\xA0 He still could be a killer.\xA0 Still, he could not help but feel somewhat disappointed.\xA0 Obviously, Stud preferred females, which meant he had to be careful.\xA0 Those military types did not like gays much.\xA0 The motto, \x93Don\x92t ask.\xA0 Don\x92t tell,\x94 rang in his head.\xA0 \x93I\x92m sorry.\x94

\x93It\x92s okay.\xA0 We never got close.\x94

Krahnos sighed and decided to simply look out the windows at the forest.\xA0 Krahnos enjoyed the scenery in silence as the cabin quickly filled with the aroma of bacon and eggs.

Stud broke the silence.\xA0 \x93Breakfast ready.\x94\xA0 Krahnos took a deep breath and walked back into the kitchen.\xA0 Two plates were sitting on the counter.\xA0 \x93Here.\xA0 I hope you like it.\x94\xA0 Stone's expression gave no indication that he was worried he would not like it.

Krahnos tasted the eggs and bacon and raised his eyebrows.\xA0 \x93It\x92s very good.\x94\xA0 Krahnos never tasted eggs like this before.\xA0 Stud ears perked up and gave a faint smile and started to eat himself.

After a few more minutes of silence, Stud said, \x93You told me that you used to go camping with your father.\xA0 How come you don\x92t anymore?\x94

Krahnos looked at Stud and he stopped eating.\xA0 \x93He passed away three years ago.\x94 \xA0He looked down on his place and picked at his food.

Stud blinked and lowered his eyebrows, his ears dropped and looked into his plate.\xA0 \x93I\x92m sorry. I didn\x92t mean to\x85\x94

\x93It\x92s okay.\xA0 I\x92m over it, mostly.\x94\xA0 Again, both remained silent.\xA0 Stud's expression never changed and Krahnos felt slightly uncomfortable.\xA0 Hoping to smooth things again, Krahnos added, \x93it\x92s the first time since then that I\x92ve gone camping.\xA0 It\x92s the fist time by myself.\x94\xA0 He managed to look at Stud again.\xA0 No need to anger a killer.\xA0 Though his idea that Stud being a killer seemed more and more unlikely.\xA0 He doubted a killer would treat him as Stud has.\xA0 Still...

Stud looked up a bit still looking serious, but his ears perking up slightly.\xA0 \x93Not a great start is it.\x94\xA0 Krahnos shook his head.\xA0 \x93You like camping by yourself?\x94

Krahnos took another bite of his food.\xA0 \x93Not really.\xA0 I miss the company.\xA0 It\x92s more fun with someone else\x85 with my dad.\xA0 He knew how to camp and we always had fun.\xA0 It\x92s not much fun by myself.\xA0 And I\x92m the only one who likes camping.\xA0 My friends don\x92t like it much.\x94

Stud hesitated for a moment, and finally asked, \x93how long you planning to camp for?\x94

\x93Two weeks, why?\x94

\x93Well, I know a fair bit about camping and these woods and I\x92m on leave for two weeks myself.\xA0 If you\x92d like the company, I can show you the best sites and keep you company.\xA0 I haven\x92t had company or gone camping myself in ages.\x94\xA0 Stud kept eating his breakfast and still looked serious, but Krahnos could see in those eyes that Stud was hopeful.

Krahnos looked at Stud, thinking for a moment.\xA0 \x93Well, do you have any spare gear?\xA0 I know the bear wrecked most of my stuff.\x94

\x93Well, except for your sleeping bag and tent, the rest of your stuff is okay.\xA0 I could lend you a sleeping bag if you don\x92t mind sharing a tent?\x94

Krahnos blinked, as he could not believe what he just heard.\xA0 He took a deep breath, trying to cool off his body.\xA0 He managed to catch himself and close his maw.\xA0 \x93I don\x92t mind,\x94 was all he could manage.\xA0 At least he would enjoy the company of another on his camping trip, if nothing else.\xA0 Look at me.\xA0 'As if nothing else'.\xA0 As if I'm expecting something more.\xA0 Still he felt his heart skip a few beats.

\x93We\x92ll leave right after breakfast.\xA0 Your wounds healed faster than I thought.\xA0 From the looks of it, your ready to go camping again.\x94

\x93It\x92s one advantage of being a dragon.\x94\xA0 He felt his face burn up again.

Both ate their food a little bit quicker, anxious to go camping and all thoughts of Stud being a killer left Krahnos' mind.


During the next two weeks, Stud showed him the forest, and some of its more tranquil and beautiful locations.\xA0 They spent a few days fishing at various deep blue and placid lakes and spent another few days enjoying various lagoons, fed by a breath-taking waterfall.\xA0 On one particular fall, both jumped from the top of the fall and dove into the lagoon.\xA0 It was at one of these lagoons that Krahnos saw Stud naked for the first time.\xA0 Now he knew why he was called Stud.\xA0 Krahnos knew the stallion was huge, but everything about him was huge, including his black, fur covered ball sack and sheath.\xA0 From the bulge at the base, the sheath hid something even larger.\xA0 He had to control himself more than once so not to stare too much at it.\xA0 Though it was harder to do than he thought as both \x91horse-played\x92 around several times.\xA0 He enjoyed this greatly as he was able to touch Stud\x92s hard and muscular body.\xA0 He felt nothing like it before.\xA0 Every part he touched, flexed and bulged under his fingers.\xA0 It took all his concentration to prevent himself from getting a hard-on, though his tip poked out many times and he had to stay in the water a bit longer until it vanished.

The nights were even better.\xA0 He slept more soundly than he did at his apartment.\xA0 He guessed it was a combination of the forest air, lack of stress and having someone sleeping nearby.\xA0 A few nights, he stayed awake and simply watched the huge stallion sleep.\xA0 For such a huge fur, he barely made a sound when he slept or woke.\xA0 Every morning Krahnos found Stud awake and with breakfast ready when he woke.\xA0 This left him with cleaning up, but he did not mind.\xA0 He preferred it to cooking.

Overall, this camping trip finished on a better note than it started.\xA0 Now, it was the last night of his vacation and Krahnos felt rejuvenated.\xA0 It has been such a long time where he enjoyed a vacation like this.\xA0 He never thought it would be possible again since his father died.\xA0

Both sat around the fire pit and full from Stud\x92s cooking, based on the fish they caught today.\xA0 He did not know how Stud did it, but the fish never tasted the same.\xA0 He had to admit, Stud was perfect.\xA0 He looked amazing, knew how to cook, and above all else, they got along perfectly.\xA0 Too bad he enjoyed females.\xA0 Stud never gave him more than a passing glace, even when he was naked.\xA0 Though it disappointed him, he still had fun.\xA0 He made a new great friend who he could now go camping with.

\x93Penny for your thoughts, Krahnos.\x94\xA0 Stud watched him as Krahnos snapped back to reality.\xA0 Krahnos realized the dancing lights from the fire accented Stud's muscular lines on his face, giving him a dangerous look.\xA0 Even his eyes took on a darker shade, almost black.\xA0 His serious look did not help dilute the dangerous look.\xA0 \x93Oh. Sorry, just thinking.\x94\xA0 The dragon knew full well he had nothing to fear.

\x93About what?\x94

Krahnos blushed a bit.\xA0 \x93Oh\x85 just thinking about how much fun I had in the last two weeks, and stuff, with you.\xA0 I haven\x92t had this much fun since my dad died.

Stud smiled, breaking the dangerous look, and he poke the fire, making it blaze brighter.\xA0 \x93Thanks.\xA0 I have to admit that I had fun too.\xA0 Been living in this forest for years and never took the time to really enjoy it.\xA0 I\x92ve walked around a lot, but this time it was more enjoyable.\xA0 Guess it\x92s the company.\x94\xA0 Stud looked up and gave the dragon a wink.

\x93Thanks.\x94\xA0 Krahnos smiles back and took a deep breath.\xA0 Gawd that stallion looks good.\xA0 Both said nothing for a short while as the crickets and frogs sang around them.\xA0 \x93So\x85 what you doing tomorrow?\x94

Stud shrugged.\xA0 \x93Since my shore leave is over, I\x92ll be heading back to the base.\x94\xA0

\x93What do you do at that base?\x94

Stud looked up.\xA0 \x93I train.\xA0 Keep ready for whatever assignment they need me for.\x94\xA0 Krahnos nodded and was about to say something.\xA0 \x93No, I can\x92t tell you why.\x94\xA0 Stud interrupted him.\xA0 He then smiled, \x93If I did, I\x92d have to kill you.\x94\xA0

Krahnos chuckled but Stud seemed to have a small serious look in him, which made the dragon wonder.\xA0 This made the stallion look even more attractive.\xA0 There was a dangerous mystery around him.

\x93What about you?\x94 \xA0Stud now looked at him curiously, which Krahnos found odd.\xA0 During the last two weeks, Stud barely asked any personal questions and kept his questions relatively superficial.\xA0 \x93What are you up to this week?\x94

\x93Back to work.\xA0 Which means, waking, eating, working, eating and sleeping.\x94\xA0 Krahnos chuckled half-heartedly.\xA0 \x93My usual routine.\x94

Stud nodded.\xA0 Krahnos just realized that the stallion looked like he was thinking about something or debating something.\xA0 Finally, he spoke.\xA0 \x93Wondering if you\x92d like to come to my cabin next weekend.\x94

Krahnos was dumbfounded.\xA0 \x93Ummm\x85 sure ya.\xA0 For what?\x94\xA0 He didn\x92t think that Stud would be interested in just hanging out over a weekend.\xA0 The dragon could see them camping again, but a weekend was not enough for camping?

\x93Hang out, talk and stuff.\x94\xA0 Stud looked back and noticed the dragon\x92s reaction.\xA0 \x93Why you surprised?\x94\xA0 Krahnos blushes.\xA0 \x93Because you\x92d think I wouldn\x92t?\x94

\x93Well\x85 ya.\x94

Stud took on a serious look again, as if he finally came to a conclusion in his internal debate.\xA0 The huge stallion stood up and sat closer to the dragon.\xA0 Krahnos wondered what Stud was up to.\xA0 \x93Krahnos, I saw how you looked at me during these two weeks.\x94

Krahnos felt his face burn as he looked at his feet, embarrassed.\xA0 He never thought Stud noticed his stares.\xA0 He felt his body shake; try as he might to keep it still.\xA0 "I... I... I'm sorry."\xA0 Krahnos started to worry.\xA0 This is the place where he tells me I'm a faggot and beats the shit out of me.\xA0 Eyes searched around and found little that could help him at arms reach.

Stud placed a hand on his shoulder and Krahnos winced.\xA0 To his great relief, the huge hand remained gentle.\xA0 "It's alright."\xA0 Krahnos looked up at Stud, who returned a warm smile.\xA0 "I admit, I was looking at you when you weren't looking too."\xA0 Krahnos gaped in surprise, as he worked his mouth wordlessly.\xA0 "Why are you surprised?"

Krahnos managed to get his throat working again.\xA0 "Well... didn't think... any fur would... I mean...\x94 Krahnos could not get the right words out.

\xA0"Someone like me?"\xA0 Stud worded what Krahnos could not.

"Yeah," the dragon continued, finally finding the proper words.\xA0 "Could see me like that, and the picture with your ex..."

Stud interrupted him.\xA0 "Well, guess what.\xA0 Furs like me can find furs like you quite handsome.\xA0 As for my ex, I was lying to her and myself.\xA0 This is what I am."\xA0 To Krahnos surprise, Stud leaned forward and kissed him.\xA0 Krahnos' body burned with fire as he felt the stallion's passion in the kiss.\xA0 Krahnos did not dare pull back, as he waited for this moment for over two weeks.\xA0 Stud pulled his body closer as Krahnos enjoyed the warmth of the stallion.\xA0 Hesitantly, Krahnos wrapped his arm around the muscular body.\xA0 Krahnos felt the world around him vanish as he melted into the kiss.\xA0 The only thing he felt was himself and the stallion that kissed him.

Slowly, much to Krahnos' disappointment, Stud broke the kiss and pulled away, leaving Krahnos breathing heavily and wanting more.\xA0 Stud slowly stood up and removed his dark green military tank top, revealing a very impressive muscular chest.\xA0 Krahnos wanted to reach out and touch, but Stud game him a look to only watch and not touch.\xA0 Krahnos simply smiled as he enjoyed the strip show.\xA0 Stud turned around, showing the dragon his impressive back.\xA0 All this teasing and stripping made Krahnos quite excited and felt his underwear slowly become tighter.

Slowly, Stud undid his belt and opened up his pants.\xA0 Slowly, he reached back and undid the button above his tail, which whipped about nervously, to the dragon's surprise.\xA0 He never saw Stud act so nervously.\xA0 Very slowly, he slid his pants down his hips, down his muscular legs, to his ankles.\xA0 This made him bend over and showed a very tight and muscular butt.\xA0\xA0\xA0 To much his enjoyment, Stud still wore no underwear.\xA0 Krahnos licked his lips as his underwear strained even more.\xA0 Slowly, the black stallion turned around as Krahnos' eyes slid down to the waistline and anticipated the prize.\xA0 Finally, Stud stood there, showing everything to him, and more!\xA0 Krahnos almost chocked as he saw the sheer size of Stud's member fully erect.\xA0 Like the rest of him, it has huge and mainly black with only a few patches of pink at the base and tip.\xA0 He saw the sheath before and it was massive, but he never dreamed it hid something lat large.\xA0 He never saw a stallion naked and aroused before and only heard rumours on how large they were.\xA0 He knew that rumours were always exaggerated, but Stud seemed to come close to them.

"Like what you see?"\xA0 Stud smiled as he kneeled in front of the sitting dragon, his muzzle a few inches from his.\xA0 Krahnos could only nod slowly.\xA0 "Good.\xA0 Now let me get a good look at you."\xA0 With that, he felt the huge hands slide down his chest and under his shirt.\xA0 Slowly, Stud pulled the shirt over the dragon's head.\xA0 Throwing the shirt aside, Stud ran his fingers down the dragon's smooth body making his skin crawl and his body shiver.\xA0 Krahnos' eyes locked into the stallion's, who looked back with a most handsome smile.\xA0 The world around him vanished again; the only two beings in his world now were him and the stallion that slowly undressed him.

Stud leaned forward and kissed him again as his hands feverishly worked on his belt.\xA0 Krahnos held himself back from removing his pants and underwear himself, his shaft now demanding release immediately.\xA0 Stud seemed to sense this and slowed down, occasionally rubbing his hand on his straining member.\xA0 Finally undone, Stud removed his jeans and a few seconds later, his underwear.\xA0 At the same time, Stud slowly broke the kiss and pulled back a bit.

He ran a thick finger down the dragon's now exposed shaft and smiled.\xA0 "You're impressive too."\xA0 This made the dragon\x92s skin burn again.\xA0 Slowly, Stud pushed him on his back.\xA0 "Now, let me enjoy you even more personally."\xA0 With that, Stud licked under his neck.

Krahnos took a deep breath as the tongue sent shivers throughout his body.\xA0 Strong hands gently fingered his sided, adding more pleasure to his already pleased being.\xA0 The tongue slowly licked won his long neck and briefly stopped at various spots for a gentle nibble.\xA0 To Krahnos' great surprise, Stud managed to find all his sensitive spots on his neck, and wondered how he found them so easily.\xA0 With a loud moan, Krahnos pushed the thought aside, no longer caring.

Slowly, the tongue and muzzle mate its way down his chest, more specifically, to his right nipple.\xA0 Without warning, lips sucked on the nipple, while the tongue licked at it, making the dragon arch his back and moan loudly in pure pleasure.\xA0 Strong hands gently caressed his neck and chest, while the muzzle nursed and sucked on his nipple.\xA0 When Krahnos thought he could no longer take the pleasure, Stud licked his way across his thick hide and repeated the ministration to the left nipple.\xA0 Krahnos gasped and moaned as the waves of pleasure hit his mind.\xA0 His hands wrapped around the back of the stallion and held him tightly as he rubbed his shaft onto the belly.\xA0 No fur ever pleased him like this before.

After what seemed like hours, the lips and tongue stopped and moved lower on his chest and licked and kissed every muscle on his stomach and finally reached his loins.\xA0 Krahnos looked up at his new lover, who gazed as his now exposed shaft and balls.\xA0 With a low rumble, Stud dove onto his balls and swallowed them both at the same time.\xA0 Krahnos yipped and groaned in extreme pleasure as the lips and tongue pleased his balls.\xA0 He moaned and groaned as his hands tried to hold onto something but only found air.\xA0 His tail slammed on the ground, making loud thumping noises.\xA0 This only seemed to encourage the stallion as he redoubled his efforts and increased the pleasure.\xA0 He felt his shaft fill up with his seed already and he grumbled, as he could no longer take it. The dragon wanted release and soon.\xA0 Suddenly, Stud stopped cold.

Krahnos blinked and he looked up, panting heavily with his body full of sweat.\xA0 "What the...?"

Stud smiled.\xA0 "Now comes the good part."

Krahnos looked back, confused.\xA0 The good part?\xA0 Before Krahnos could voice his question, Stud moved up and straddled his hips.\xA0 Slowly, he lowered himself as his tail lifted up.\xA0 Krahnos felt his shaft slide between the stallion's rump and his tip touching the hole.\xA0 The dragon groaned as his shaft pulsed, as being teased like that and he finally understood.\xA0 Without any warning, the stallion impaled himself on his shaft.\xA0 Krahnos whined as the tight hole wrapped itself tightly around his throbbing shaft and a pleasing warm and moist sensation formed around it.\xA0 Krahnos could not help himself as he arched his back and placed his hands over Stud's massive chest.\xA0 Slowly, the warm sensation lowered itself on his shaft until it reached the base.\xA0 Stud remained there for a moment while Krahnos recovered form the amazing pleasure.\xA0 It was then that the dragon realized his body shook and more sweat covered his body.

Before Krahnos could recover completely, Stud lifted himself up, leaving on the tip of his shaft inside of him.\xA0 This sent tidal wave of ecstasy that made him shiver and groan loudly in pleasure.\xA0 Krahnos managed to get some control back only to see the stallion's huge member bobbing up and down a foot away from his muzzle, with Stud\x92s hug hand around it.\xA0 Krahnos took hold of Stud's hand and pulled it away as he moved his head and wrapped his lips around the tip.\xA0 He heard Stud whiney softly as he lowered himself on his shaft again.\xA0 Encouraged, Krahnos sucked the entire shaft, the head going deep in his throat.\xA0 By the time he reached the base, he felt Stud's body now shiver and smelled a heavy scent of sweat in his fur.

Krahnos quickly picked up the pace as did Stud.\xA0 Both new lovers lost themselves in the lust they felt for each other.\xA0 Krahnos felt his shaft fill up more quickly with his seed as he felt globs of pre already escape the tip of his shaft.\xA0 At the same time, Stud's own shaft released large globs of pre, which he lapped up expertly.\xA0 Krahnos decided to try something he always wanted to do.\xA0 He wrapped his forked tongue around the huge member and jerked it as he nursed on it at the same time.\xA0 When he released all but the tip, he licked inside the pee slit, feeling the forked part slide in.\xA0 He could taste even more pre from inside.\xA0 When he swallowed the member to the base, he managed to let his tongue slide out of his muzzle and wrap it around the soft furry balls, and licked and massaged them.\xA0 He tasted his lover's wonderful sweat as his nose inhaled the intoxicating musk.\xA0 This drove the dragon even wilder and made him redouble his efforts as he nursed on the shaft like a thirsty hatchling.\xA0 His trick seemed to have worked as Stud continuously whinnied and panted heavily.\xA0 He could see the pink tongue lolled out of the side of his maw as he kept his eyes shut in pleasure.

Krahnos did his best to please Stud, but found it hard to focus as Stud expertly pleased him back.\xA0 He tried his best to hold back his climax, as he wanted this amazing feeling to never end.\xA0 However, Stud made this close to impossible.\xA0 Suddenly, something snapped in him.\xA0 All at the same time, his body tensed up, he let out a muffled groan and thrust his shaft deep into the stallion as his shaft erupted.\xA0 Explosion after explosion, he unloaded his seed as a tidal wave of pure pleasure flooded in his already oversensitive body.\xA0 Krahnos could barely focus on Stud's male hood, making him nurse on it sporadically.\xA0 It took all his will to get a steady rhythm again.

The dragon's climax seemed to have set off something inside Stud because he felt the huge horse tense up around his won shaft and thrust his massive shaft deep in the dragon's throat.\xA0 Throwing his head back and whinnying loudly, he felt load after massive load of hot and thick seed fill his muzzle and throat.\xA0 Krahnos murred in pleasure as a few drops slid down his tongue, giving him a good taste of the sweet, salty and milky juices.\xA0 Krahnos looked up at Stud's torso and saw every muscles perfectly tensed and defined.\xA0 From his vantage point, Stud seemed twice as large.

Both emptied themselves in one another.\xA0 Krahnos groaned and murred while Stud whinnied grunted.\xA0 After what seemed like an eternity of pleasure, Krahnos felt his orgasm subside as his body finally relaxed.\xA0 Stud slowly followed suit as his hole relaxed its tight hold on his shaft.\xA0 After a few more minutes, both lovers panted heavily as their shaft unloaded their last load.

Krahnos slowly removed his muzzle and throat from the now shrinking horse shaft and took a deep breath.\xA0 Stud on the other hand let the dragon's shaft naturally pull itself back inside of him.\xA0 Krahnos finally realized that Stud's huge hands had swallowed his own and gently held them.\xA0 Krahnos moved his eyes slowly up, enjoying the Adonis body that straddled him.\xA0 He examined every bulging muscle and followed a few drops of sweat roll down Stud's handsome face, huge neck and arms, and tense torso.\xA0 His eyes finally landed on the stallion's eyes, which smiled warmly.

"So, was it good for you as it was for me?"\xA0 Stud gave a hearty chuckle.

"You were amazing," was all Krahnos could say, not able to find any other words to express his feeling.

"So were you."\xA0 Stud leaned down and kissed him back with passion once more.

Slowly, Stud broke the kiss and laid on his back, pulling the dragon to his side.\xA0 Krahnos got the idea as he rested his head on the huge chest and his hands stroked the stomach.\xA0 "So, you want to come over to my place next weekend?"

Krahnos looked up and nodded.\xA0 With that, Stud gently held the dragon close to him and stroked his back as sleep slowly washed over them.\xA0 The crackling fire kept them both warm and cozy in the cool night air.\xA0 Before the dragon fell asleep, he took another look at the stallion and made a mental note to thank his boss for allowing him to take this vacation.\xA0 Something inside of him told him that his life would never be the same again, and that this stallion would be a big part of it.

Jason Smith /
This story Copyright © 2000 by Jason Smith
Krahnos is Copyright © his player
Please ask permission before redistributing in part or whole this story or the characters. Thanks!
Last Updated: July 09, 2000