The Angels Calling By: Krominof It was not Lutras choice to be the way he is. Not many furs in the world ever really understood that. His childhood was simple and happy. He spent thirteen years in the sunshine and murky blue ocean waters among a tribe of his own people. With them, he lived what would seem a primitive and uneducated life. The strange thing is that ignorance really is bliss. They did not have the advances of other civilizations: no money or markets. They just lived and they shared everything. There were no rules, no lesser person. Each Dobhrain did their part for the village. Sex was not taboo and fashion was obsolete. In fact, only a few of the people wore anything at all. Unfortunately, ignorance is also danger. And, while the Dobhrain were skilled at certain weapons and defending themselves, it was still no match for the rapid growth of society. Soon, rumor of their existence brought curious and greedy men to their shores. As soon as the first ships appeared, Lutras ears were given warnings. And even though he warned his people and they prepared, it was still no winning battle against the cannons and matchlock guns the pirates and slave ships brought. With that, not even the ocean could save them. It is here that Lutras life truly begins. Because the only way you can ever understand life is when it kicks you right in the face. Pain rocketed through Lutras head as the sharp toe of the boot bit in to his cheek. He lifted slightly off the ground before landing on his side; his bare shoulders scraping the rough splintering wood of the ships deck. He let out a helpless whimper and tried to shield his paws with his face, only to have them restrained. Tight ropes held his arms painfully behind him and it was impossible for him to pull himself upright. He didn’t need to however, for a cold rough claw grabbed him by the scruff and hauled him in to the air. “It’s about time you woke up!” hissed an angry voice, deep and gruff, “Th’ damn fight ended hours ago. We’re th’ last ship t’ leaves an’ its cause o’ you!” Opening his eyes, he laid his sight upon a large and imposing form. His long reptilian snout lurched out from under his black-brimmed hat and his angry yellow eyes locked on to Lutras. The crocodile was dressed in unmatched shreds of what looked like noblemen, traders, and blacksmiths clothes. On his massive leather belt hung a sword and a pistol tucked in to his trousers. “Wathu ton nakuta?” Lutra asked. The croc blinked at him for a moment and then raised his other scaly hand, cracking the back across Lutras face, “Wot? Speak normally, whelp! I ain’t talkin’ yer villagey yap!” “Dun think he can, Captain Starlin,” shouted a voice behind Lutra, “They nevah left them beaches.” The crocodile leered at Lutra, as if this was somehow his fault. The sad part was that the captive didn’t know what Starlin was saying, either. He just watched this angry creature with fear in his eyes. The pirates’ explanation did not seem to make the captain any happier and he tossed Lutra to the deck. “Bah! Y’ wretched creature. I could ‘ave had a younger thing… little lass… damned Tolker thinkin’ he can tell me wot t’ do. Given me whatever he dun want.” He continued ranting as Lutra tried to sit up and look over the side of the ship. He succeeded with just an opening for the cannons, but that was enough to see the damage. Smoke billowed from the three large huts that made his village. All his people slept in two of them and the third was for food preparation. Everything else was done outside. Small outlines littered the shore and he suddenly felt grateful that he wasn’t able to see it all that clearly. He wished with all his strength that Loir was not one of the bodies on that shore, but his heart told him differently. He knew… he just knew. And tears began to well up in his eyes. He tore his eyes away from the beach and looked down in to the blue ocean waters as it splashed hectically against the side of the old pirate ship. “Do something…” Lutra whimpered. He felt that sharp claw clamp around his thick tail and he looked over his shoulder despairingly. “I told ya t’ speak normally, y’ little bastard!” Holding his tail, the grown man flung the small boy across the deck and he crashed up against the wall. Lutras head cracked the wall and the world began to spin. He started to cry helplessly. His head throbbed and he was only vaguely aware of being hauled up by his scruff and carried through a door in the wall. The sunlight dimmed and the room became murky once the door was closed. He was tossed on to a square wooden table as his vision started to focus through his tears. The captain had brought him in to his quarters and was glaring down at him. “What’re y’ cryin’ about?” he growled, “Yer not dead! Be grateful.” He rolled the boy on to his back and stood down at his end, “It’s not that I’m blamin’ ya! But, y’ just piss me off. I wanted a miss, even an older one with good breasts. But I got you! Still… There’s plenty a thing I can do with a boy…” Removing his belt, he tossed it aside, the sword falling to the floor. The croc pulled the front of his pants open and reached inside, pulling out a long scaled member. The placid cock dripped lightly from the eager pre. It didn’t take long for the penis to begin its growth; Starling cast greedy eyes over the otters naked form and smiled, rows of teeth flashed in the dim light. Lutra whimpered and tried to wiggle away, but the captain grabbed his legs and held him in place holding them too far apart to be comfortable. “Wot’s with yer eyes? “He peered at Lutra as he lowered himself down upon the helpless creature. His pointed dick touched with Lutras tailhole and he began to push in slowly, the scaled on his penis pulled at the otters delicate skin, “They ne’er stay one color…” He blinked as Lutra suddenly screamed out. “What’re you cryin’ bout? I’m not even half way in yet,” the crocodile sneered, the cock remained pushed partly in, “Unless… you’ve never done this before? Yer… oh what do th’ humans call it… a virgin!” Starling cackled. He held his spot inside Lutra. The otter felt the large crocodiles cock inside him. It burned and pushed at the walls of his anus. It felt strange, like it was plugged. He knew what this was about, of course, but he had always dreamed of it happening with… with… “This dun due at all. I dun usually like t’ do virgins. They get all emotional an’ clingy with the first time.” He pulled his cock out and Lutra yelped as it hurt as bad going back out. He felt a mild bit of relief, but it still stung from being stretched. Starlin stomped over to the door and swung it wide open. He showed no surprise to find five of his crewmember with ears pressed to the door. “Gentlemen! We gots a problem.” Twelve crewman plus the five listeners filed in to the room and gazed down at Lutra. The otter looked back at them, still frightened and bound. He saw an array of species: most of them were human(One rat, a tiger with a missing ear, another reptile with two large claws jutting out of the top of his feet, and one massive and portly grizzly bear.) Unlike the captain, however, theses men didn’t want to approach the Dobhrain. “Look at his eyes,” they were all muttering in this tongue Lutra could not understand, “They dun stay one color. An’ did ya see th’ blood he left on the deck? Only sunlight’s supposed to shine like that. We should toss him overboard. This creature can’t be good. Captain, this thing t’aint normal!” “Course it’s not!” Starlin barked at them, “It’s a Dobhrain. There ain’t a lot o’ em and even less, now. But, th’ rumor is that every part o’ one feels good.” The crew murmured among themselves and the Captain interrupted them, “Th’ problem, mates, is that this little bastard ‘as never been wit’ anyone. An’ y’ know how I feel about messin’ with virgins.” A few of the men grinned and the captain nodded, “Aye, that’s right. I ain’t gonna fuck this boy. Not until y’all take that virgin out o’ him.” A group of the men cheered and started pushing each other out of the way to get to the front of the forming line. Lutra watched in frightened confusion at the events occurring, still laid out on the table. Starlin smiled that crocodile grin and pointed at a human, “You first, Cavvey. Get him nice an’ open.” A rather muscular and bald human walked forward, golden rings hung from his ears and nipples on his sun-bronzed skin. He wore only a pair of tattered trousers which he quickly tugged off and kicked aside. His cock was thick and fleshy, foreskin dangled long over the end, hanging before two large balls. Some of the crewman chuckled and other elbowed each other, remembering their own times with Cavvey. He approached the otter, who had curled his legs up to him, trying to protect himself. Easily spread, Lutra legs were held wide open as the large man moved in, settling his thick blunt cock head against the otters slightly reddened tailhole. He glanced up at Starlin, who had taken a seat in a chair by the window, watching. “Captain?” “Just shove it in, Cavvey. No sense takin yer time when y’ got the others waitin’ their turn.” He nodded and looked down at the otter smooth form, well built for such a young age. Must be a primitive thing. He pushed, the anus showing a tight bit of resistance as there was no lubrication, but he shoved anyway. His cock suddenly popped in and tore through the cavity, digging deep in to the otters ass. Lutra let out a shriek and squirmed frantically as the cock ripped through his hole. The crew cheered loudly and cheered again when Cavveys balls smacked up against Lutras tail base. The otter was squirming and crying, contracting his muscles in a desperate attempt to get the penis out of him. When Cavvey began to pull back, Lutra allowed himself a bit of relief, but let out another scream of shock when he suddenly rammed his length back up inside. The man picked up speed, pounding his cock in and out of the otters ass, “Oh… captain it… it feels so good… I’ve never…” He let out a loud groan and Lutra felt something warm filling up inside him. It was not anywhere close as painful as what he had just experienced and it actually felt rather nice… “I’ve never cum so fast…” Cavvey looked at Starlin, “It’s like… it was so soft an’ smooth… I’ve never felt anythin’ like it.” Starlin nodded, “Move out of the way, Cavvey. Let Mr. Torgin ‘ave a go.” Cavvey nodded and ripped his cock out of Lutra, causing him to yelp again. He could feel the warmth inside him running out of his tailhole. He looked down over his knees and saw the tiger approaching, already naked and his strangely designed cock hardened and dripping excitedly. Lutras mind clicked and he understood now. They all wanted to do this to him. He remembered the pain from the the humans entry and winced at the thought of the tigers spiked member inside him. Again, he pulled his legs up to him. The tiger growled and grabbed the otters legs, folding them up against his stomach causing his ass to stick up in the air. “Don’t wanna play?” The tiger growled his irritation much to the familiar tone of the captain. He made no hesitations and rammed his cock in to the tailhole, the claws on his cock grabbed and pulled at the otters tailhole. Lutra screamed again and began to cry openly. This did not feel good. He expected this to be better. He expected this to be Loir. Mr. Torgin pulled in and out violently, his cock was not as thick as Cavveys, but it was longer and the tip kept smacking a spot inside Lutra that made his own penis twitch and his stomach tickle. It wasn’t enough to make him enjoy this, though. It felt like someone was scraping an urchin around inside him. Mr. Torgin groaned loudly, but fought to keep going, even after he had filled Lutra with his own cream, “Gawd… like… s-silk…” The tiger finally ripped his cock out, sending flecks of sunlight blood to the deck. Lutra continued to cry while the pirates cheered and egged on the third cock to hurry up. It was not as big as the others, but hurt just the same, plowing in and out of he otters battered tailhole. He turned his head to see that Cavvey was now knelt before Captain Starlin; the crocodile had a look of pleased relief on his face. He caught Lutras eyes and narrowed on them again. Lutra never could understand why this man hated him so much. “Mr. Torgin,” he sneered, placing his claws on Cavvey head and pushing down, “Silence that boys sniveling.” Mr. Torgin grinned, his cock still hard, “With pleasure, captain.” He turned and walked to Lutra. Grabbing his head he pulled the otter towards the end of the table. He commanded Lutra to open his mouth and when he didn’t respond, backhanded him causing him to yelp again. That was enough opportunity and he shoved his cock in to Lutras mouth. The otters mouth was filled with the taste of the semen that was coated on the tigers dick. He tried to yank away, but the tiger held his head in place and began to pump the cock in and out of his throat. Lutra whimpered and choked on the cock, while the rat mounted his rear, sticking his long, thin, and pointed cock in to his wide opened ass. This one didn’t hurt as much now that he had three climaxes lubricating his insides, it smacked that tickling spot again and Lutra felt his own cock beginning to grow in spite of himself. He relaxed his body and let the small rat pound away… it wasn’t so bad… not completely… Daringly, the otter started to swallow the tigers cock, suckling and pulling, this caused the tiger to moan loudly, “Ooooh! Oh seagods! It’s like I’ve died an’ gone t’ heaven…” He groaned and filled Lutras mouth again. The otter had taken to the taste now and began to guzzle it hungrily as the rat released his own inside Lutra. A few of the others had broken the line to form up behind Mr. Torgin. “Seems he’s likin’ it, captain! Look, he’s gotten all hard.” Truth was seen as Lutras own sleek black member had hardened and was sticking out towards the air. Another human approached and rammed his cock in. This one was very thick and short. Lutra let out a squeak muffled by the newest cock in his mouth. He had stopped crying now and focused his attention on sucking the endless line of men this ship seemed to hold. He began clenching the muscles of his rump and gripping the cock tightly, causing the men to groan louder and cum faster. This wasn’t so bad anymore… a little of the shine in Lutras eyes dimmed away. He wasn’t paying attention when the bear approached his dripping rump. Easily the largest man of all the crew, he stood at eight feet tall. He wore very little clothes because the mass of his muscles would not fit any reasonable size. Had Lutra been looking, he would have found this bear to be more attractive than the rest. The great ursine approached, his massive cock was dripping with excitement, the massive blunt head shining. He gripped Lutra legs with massive paws and held them far apart. Lutra blinked and looked down from the humans cock, seeing the huge bears member aiming for his tailhole. He squealed and tried to pull away seeing the massive cock moving for his small hole. But the strong bear held him in place and began to push in. At first, it felt like it wouldn’t go in. It was too big and just pushed against his rump. Then it popped in, tearing through and ripping his ass open again. Lutra screamed. He pulled and howled in pain as the bear pushed in further, grinning in pleasure and malice. The human grabbed Lutras head and pulled it back to the side, sticking his cock in, but Lutra was too busy trying to get away to really start sucking again. The bear pushed until his cock couldn’t go in any further, but continued to push anyway. He groaned happily, “Ah, captain… he does feel good…” The ship creaked and it caused everyone but the bear to look up at the far wall. Silence again and the bear began to pump his cock in and out of Lutra. He screamed again. The ship lurched violently, throwing everyone off their feet. As the bear tumbled over his cock, still stuck inside the otter, grabbed the boy and drug him to the floor as well. They bounced and Lutra found himself lying on the bears chest. A pirate opened the door to the deck and as soon as he had, Lutra saw a long fleshy red tendril snap the man up, giving him almost no time to scream before he disappeared from view. Starlin leapt to his feet, “What in blazes?” Another crash and the wall ripped open as two large tentacles smashed through the wood. They gripped the sides and ripped more of the wall out until the ceiling began to lurch down on the opening. Men were shouting as the monster began to grab and drag the pirates, screaming, out in to the open sea. The bear tore Lutra free and threw him to the ground as he made a desperate run for door. The shipped shifted and lurched towards the hole. Lutra could hear Starlin shouting and cursing. The otters weight shifted and he slid towards the whole. He tried to catch his descent, but his paws lent no help. And so the otter plunged downward and, as the he flew out in to the open air, he heard the voice calling to him. Lutra called back as best he could before hitting the water. Before the impact blacked him out, the small Dobhrain caught a quick look at a very large red eye staring directly at him.