In this crazy world of fur, feelings and fate there many stories like this. A story about how you can get surprised by an incredible way things can turn when you think there's no more hope for your heart. A story which shows that there is fate, destiny, or maybe even something more for a sore heart of a Black rabbit. One Friday evening, few days after babysitting to Timmy and Tabitha, Max went to his favorite club. He'd never gone there to dance, talk with people, or anything like that. He only goes there to sit by the bar over a cup of cofee and think, usually after his failures with Sabrina. Only this time he thought not about how to tell her, how he much loves her. He thought do his feeling have sense, now that she has a boyfriend? This time he looked so sad and misreable, he only could cry. The whole room was full of happy dancing pairs, the colorful lights were on, and they were playing Elton Johns "Sacrifice". All that was for Max just like a great, big, pointy spike in his heart. He just sat there looking into his cup,'cause he knew wherever he'd go it wouldn't change anything. But what he haven't noticed, was that someone was staring at him fromthe other end of the room. - Max, you've screwed up all the way this time!- He said to himself:-Not only did'ya have major crush-on on a girl that propablydoesn't even know you exist, now you don't how to loose it and go on. Tabitha was right,she has now that racoon, she's dating him, maybe even sleepin' with'em and you couldn't even gave her a flower. You just don't have a chance and you have to go along with. Find yourself another girl. But can I do that, just go to any girl and ask her on a date. I was after Sabrina for such a long time I can't even think about any other.- He laid his head on the bar and started whipping quietly:- Is my heart ruined, am I doomed for this crush-on. I don't want it anymore. Oh God, is there anyhope for me.- For a minute or so his head was full of silence. Suddenly he heard a voice from the back of him: - Excuse me, is this sit taken!- Max whipe his tears of and said: - No, you can si.... HOLLY PAINT BRUSH!!!!- He almost fell of his sit when saw a reversed color skunk-girl behind him. - I'm sorry. Did I startled you?- She said. He, still a bit confused, answered her: - No, just for a second I thought that you were someone else!- - O' thats OK. Sometimes people react weird on my patern. If yer not sure I'm a skunk, only in inversive color.- Max was staring at her with a weird face. - Yeah, I've noticed.- The skunk-girl reached her hand toward Max: - Anyway I'm Anirbas Knuks.- Max answered to the handshake: - Max Blackrabbit.- - Pleased to meet'ya. Feeling better?- - Em, what? O',you mean that well I...- Anirbas sat next to him. - Yes, I mean you looked so sad. Well I see you here quite often and you always look like you have a head full of problems.- - You said sister! In my life's so many problems I barely can stand.- He said with his long face. - Problems with girls, huh?- - One girl?- - She dumped you?- - Worse, she propably doesn't even knows I exist. But you don't want tohear it!- - Well, they say that when tell your problems to someone, even to a stranger, it takes a whole lot of load of you. So tell me bout it.- She put her hand on his arm. Max looked at her and she smiled at him. - You realy wanna hear it?- - Cross my heart!- Max said to himself in thoughts "Oh my gosh" and started his story: - OK, Y'see there's this girl-Sabrina, she's a skunk like you, only normal colored, and I had a crush-on her since college, only I never got to tell her that. For years I tried to get her notice me. You may even say I stalked her, I followed her everywhere she went, but still I'd never got enought courage to even talked to her. The best I got was that I've babysat her baby sister. - And what happened next?- - She's got a boyfriend now, and it got to me how chanceless and misreable I am.- - I don't think your misreable, for the more I think it's pretty romantic.- - Your serious?- - Sure, and let me add that this Sabina, or what's her name should feel misreable!- - Realy? Why?- - Well I don't know what is this boyfriend of her like, but losing such a cute, romantic and handsome bunny-admiror.- Max just asked: - WHO are you talking about?- - You, silly! You cute guys always think thatyour all so unatracktive, when it's the other way 'round.- Max hearing that raised his ears. - Y-your not trying to tell me that you find me..., y-you know.., atracktive 'n'all!- He asked all shakey and Anirbas simply replied: - Like, kind'a. I told you, I've seen you here many times before and...-a bit nervous- I was always wondering do you, like have a girlfriend?- Max felt like elctrized. - Well I.. I.. ayayay! I sound kind of silly don'I? Let me start again,OK?- Arnibas only gigled- So don't you have boyfriend?- - No, I mean some guys tried to pic me up, but don't like just any men.I only like to come here to listen to the music.- - Than what kind of men do y'like?- - I've already told you.- When it got to Max he just made another silly face and said: - O'boy!- And "gulp" Than suddenly Anirbas stand up and asked: - Care to dance?- - I don't know I can?- - I'm sure ya'can, just have fun with it!- Max looked into Anir's eye and when he stood up, he said to himself. - I can't believe that this is happening!- And they started dancing. At first Max was a bit stiffy, but as more as he was dancing with Anirbas, the more he danced better, and when they've playd Meat Loaf "Dead Ringer for Love" the dance floor belong to Max & Anir. They've danced for a couple of hours, after that they've went for walk by the light of the moon. - Y'know Anir, many times I dreamed 'bout a walk like this with Sabrina.- - And now you're here with me. Do you like it?- Max looked Anir into her face and said: - I don't know the words how I love it. I never thought I could meet someone like You.- - So, you think I'm better than Sabrina?- - Let me put it this way, you two look almost identickle, but I doubt that she has such beutyfull eyes like you.- Than, without saying anything they've kissed. And that's the way how Max met Anirbas. What happens next...., that's history. story by Greycat Rademenes