Kript thwacks Ana Sherry~ letsh get outta here! Life~ HELLO!??! My cousin said something crim~ I hadn't wed da posts, am I enetin in da weddin? Ana nods Sherry~ yup crim~ I hadn't wed da posts, am I enetin in da weddin? SHERY~ YES already!!! Crim~ What am I? Ana bouces over to them, "You want a worm?" Sherry~ hmmmmmmm....wat rymes wive groom?? MSN DIED Ana~ DOOM!!! DOOM ON YOU~~~THE ICE AGE IS COMMING Joel~ hehe Kript~laughes Ana~ZOOM Life~ KRIPT?!?! kript looks over Joel~ -kisess Kript- i cant wait till da weddin...-smiles- What's Crim in the wedding? Sherry~ ewwwwwwwwwwwww STOP INTERUPTING PEOPLES! Life + Crim has left the chat room. Kript smiles and kisses joel back Anonymous5829 has joined the chat room. me neither Ana ignores them and eats a lizard Anonymous5829 is now known as Life+Crim. KRIPT! WHAT'S CRIM IN THE WEDDING? Sherry~ yummmmmmmmmmmm can i have sum? Sherry~ flower gurl? flower girl Sherry~ am i da pweest?? Ana~shares her lizards Crim~ Tankoo finawee! Kript~I think sooo either that or the ring bearer back wb ty yw (picture still won't work :'( ) :( Crim~ *Stares uup at the big cake* Woooooow, how did does peple get up dere? Ana ~ Lisards do it Crim~ I wish I had a wizard! ((Rotflmao!)) nah....i wanna be pweest Ana grumbles ~ I wish I had a Lisared too! I would eat it alll up!!! Sherry~ abby can be ring bear! Abby~ bear BEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! Life~ Can I be Delta Female?!? Ana ~ I wantsta bear wing Ana thinks about eatting it I was reading the webby -Life Kript looks at life...Sure we have nobody else Ana wonders if the rings will be tasty Life~ Thankies! And I really think Delta is above Gamma...o0 nope it's latin gamma is above delta hannah! go onto MSN!!!!! pleasseeeeeeeee Ana twacks the computer It's stuffed! thwacks* okok Life~ okay, but in BMP it's like that so yeah... *huggle* -Life This is soo frustrating -Mixy Ana giggles for no reason well just a weddins are there supposed to be 2 rings? like 1 engage ment ring, and one weddin ring? Crim~ *tries to swat the bride and groom of the cake* I think so Kript gose over to Crim and looks at him ok....just a sec...brb Joel & Sherry has left the chat room. Kript ~ What are you doing? Crim~ *looks up at Kript* I'm a hew Crim~ CrimsonFwuff(CrimsonFluff)) Kript laughes ~ sorry brb k Hazizal-Hi neopet i don't know. Life~ 'Lo there neopet /I/ don't know *Hazizal simles* so what kind are you? back wb ty *waves* yw Ana waves back Want a worm? Hazizal strats at them and then at worm Ana holds it out you guys eat thoses? Yup Crim~ Can I have a wom? Crim~ *licks her lips* Ana ~ Hands crim a wriggly worm Hazizal- Is there another i wana try one" Crim~ Tankoo Ana! Ana ~ pulls about 200 hundres from her pocket Ana ~ yw!! Ana looks at Hazizal ~ want one? Hazizal-sura Ana eats another worm Anonymous6559 has joined the chat room. then hands some worms to Hazizal Anonymous6559 is now known as Joel & Sherry. I g2g sooooon Ana~ Shweery everybody wuvs worms!!! Sherry~ CRIMMMMMM dun go!!! Kript~ NUUUUUU Hazizal-i dona wana be the only guestywesty Joel~ uh.......nuuuuuuuuu Kript ~ I was expecting more Sherry~ ok!!!!! I'm a guest I said soooooooooooon I thought some of Ambrosias friends were comming oh........... Hazizal-i'am gona have to leave soon too Sherry~ hi Hazizal! u wanna join da fuzwy squad? hun? Ana shakes her head...Everybodies leaving Marv and Hazizal is now known as Hazizal. whats the fuzy squad? nvm not going Ana~DA FUZWY SQUAD!!!!! WOOT Crim~ ana shewwy and I mad it up Ana~Jumps around excited Sherry~ yup! but ANA made up da name!!!!!! Crim~ Yah Ana~ brims with joy yup yup yup Crim~ I had de idea of da cwub Shewwy was just dere at da time :P lol, j/k Hazizal-whata isa it? Crim~ Cwub for pups Kript looks over at Joel~ I think we are out numbered by puppies at this wedding Life~ brb Ana~ cackles Life+Crim is now known as Crim. Joel~ yeah... Cwim here! Lifey go bye bye for now! Hazizal looks at her self iam not a pup and breaks done *down Sherry~ wass wong? Ana *pat pats* "oh well weres the lab ray at lol" LOL Anonymous78 has joined the chat room. Kript~ I know I know!!! Anonymous78 is now known as Life+Icey. Anonymous48 has joined the chat room. Icey~ 'lO everyone *'Lo Hi Hiya brb Anonymous48 is now known as Lara,Tam,Dash. Cwim~ *snigger* Ana waves to the new peole people* im just making their nanes short so i can squeeze their names in *names Lara~ hi! -smiles Sherry~ hi lara!! Ana holds out her hand of worms~ want one? hazizal looks at them lost in confuion on who they are. Kript~ BMP Lara~ eeeeerrrrrrrrr no thanks... I own em Ana frowns and eats the ones she was going to give away Life~ Tammy, Sam isn't here for once :P sherry lara, tammy,dasher, Joel, Rikki, etcetc i owne 'em i gota leave brother wants the compter byes Bye Hazizal has left the chat room. Joel~ bye.. Sherry~ waves ((why aint everybody here?)) Ana I dunno jus kripts family mixy/s and mine! yup wahhhhhhhhh lol jkjk Anonymous4582 has joined the chat room. Joel~ hey...ummm do u wanna start da wedding now? Anonymous4582 is now known as Amby Siena Saber. I'm going now Life and Icey are Dasher~ dont go! NUUUU I have too! I'm expecting mail Life+Icey has left the chat room. Hi everybody Tammy~ hi! Crim~ I'm hewe! hi criwmmy!!!! Amby ~ I wonder where my friends are they siad they would be here Saber~ mine too ((sorry but whos ur owner's username?)) I own kript ambrosia siena Niro ana etc i forgot ((oops sorry i didnt know)) Yup its the rest of my family *huggles* Sherry~ kewl!!! *huggles back* Joel~ -huggles Kript- Kript huggles back *thinks about thwacking her friends with a 2/4 if they don't show* Laughes Sherry~ boooooooohoooooo its jus us 2 owners now...:( HEY and crim Crim~ I'sh hewe! Sherry~ o yeah..... brb Anonymous1386 has joined the chat room. Crim has left the chat room. Joel~ do u wanna start da weddin now? Hazizal Kript~ I guess so oh sorry Anonymous7652 has joined the chat room. Anonymous1386 is now known as Hazizal. Kript~ I dun't think anyone else is comming Anonymous7652 is now known as Crim+Life. speak for yourself girl! Sherry~ okie folks...letsh start!!! Hazizal is now known as Hazizal and Marv. Life~who's preist? Ana takes her seat in the pews with her worms and lizards Sherry is Sherry~ Kript, will u take Joel to be...ummm ur lovely wedded husband? Kript smiles~ Of course Sherry~ Joel the Mole will u take Kript as ur lovely wedded wife? Ana snickers Joel~ yes........-smiles Sherry~ -snniger- Crim~ I havent tossed da fowers yet! >:( Joel~ i am NOT A MOLE!!! Ana~ HERE COMES THE BRIDE ALL FAAAATTTT AND WIIIIDDDDEEEE Sherry~ i now pronounce u....husband and wife!!!!!! umay may now....smooch da bride! Crim~ NOOOOOOOO! Kript kisses Joel Crim~ I haveda toss da fowers! Joel~ -leans in and kissess her- Ana~ EWWWWWWW!!!!! Crim~* Tosses da flowers and storms out* Sherry~ giggles- Crim+Life is now known as Life. >:( Sherry~ wass wong wive her?? Kript ((aren't I the one tossing the flowers)) She hasn't done her job at the begening flower gurl Kript ((Oh yea)) Lara,Tam,Dash has left the chat room. Amby Siena Saber has left the chat room. I think she hates you now Sherry~ hates who??? Sherry~ meee? Kript and Joel Kript *rolls her eyes* Kript~ I hope she isn't too mad Joel~ cant u talk wive her or somthin? Ana races out of the room to find Crim You have changed your name to Kript. Life is now known as Crim. lol dis is funneh! You have changed your name to Ana. Joel~ sorry crim... Hey Crim Sherry~ mee shorrrrry toooooooo I am sooo sorry about my shis she is crazy Crim~ 'Lo ana *ignores Joel* You have changed your name to Kript and Ana. 'Lo Shewwy, what did you do wong? Ana~ Remeber Joel and Kript are old Old is Stepupid Sherrry~ i did? o well...jus ignore my joley Crim~ Oldies! *snigger* we could have fun wid dem! Ana giggles *whispers to ana and sherry* Sherry~ ya i noe Sherry~ okie...where were we...o yes...i now PRONOUNCE U MAN AND WIFEEE!!!!!!! Old people are reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllyyyyyyy slow, so we tie em up and hang em from a tree! =D Ana~ dey ist sooo old they were here before dinosouars Sherry~ here comes da bride...ALLLLL FFFAATTTTT AANDDD WWIIDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Ana giggle~ good idea! Grabs some rope Crim~ *grabs the other end* Sherry~ gwate idea! Joel~ dont u dare!!!!! Ana~ And there gose the Groom ready to KAAAAABOOOOMMMM!!! *giggle* Ur good at di Ana* Ana ties up Kript and Joel *! *hangs them from a tree* Joel~ thwaps ana Joel~ and SherryK Ana~ MUHAHAHAA-----OUCH!!! You can't do dat! ur arms are tied! Kript takes out a 2 by 4and hits them with the beam in her mouth Ana ties up both of there mouthes Joel~ hey! what ya doin?? reminde me Kript...if my cousin has her weddin...DONT INVITE PUPS.... Life~ Same here... Kript nods Life~ When I have a wedding Ana isn't Life old too? Life~ I'm your friend! Sherry~ yup Life needs to be tied up also!!! Ya Life is nice Ana oke we let life live Hazizal-strats at them and walks away Sherry~ defitnetily Life~ Thanx! Joel~ hey! what about us?? What about Hazizal and Marv? Life~ To prove I'm your friend I'll get you the sugar birde and groom from the cake! Joel~ HELLO DOWN THERE!!!!!!! Can I tie them up? Marv growls Life~ yes, I said SUGAR! SUGAR!!! Sherry~ what about Marv? aint he grown up too? **huggles life** Life~ *nods* Begins to tie Marv up Life~ *struggles to get away from the pups to get the sugar bride and groom* *helps Ana* Joel~ hey! dun ruin our weddin!!! ~ Ur aweady mawwied Hazizal strats to laugh at Marv *waves* buh byezies! Shery~ nuuuuuuu dun gooo!!! Ana leaves Kript and joel tied up Life~ I got the sugar! BYEZ Crim Sherry~ yummmmm-gobbles it up- SUUUUUUUGGGGGGAAAAAARRRR Eats the rest Hazizal gets her brother and sends him home before he is eaten by them Life~ *tosses it in the air waiting for the pups to fight* *snigger* Catches the sugar Oh no~ Sherry~ mmeee want some!!!! >:( shares Tankoo ana! Anonymous31 has joined the chat room. Ana yu welcome pups haz to stay together Life~ This wasn't supposed to happen... >:( Anonymous31 is now known as Lara. Ana~ snigger snigger Da fuzzwy squad has to stay togeder! Hazizal and Marv is now known as Hazizal. Ana ana climbs on the cake. helps untine Kript and Joel *untie To da fuzwy squad Hazizal helps Lara Sherry~ to da fuzwy squad! OH NO KRIPT AND JOEL ARE ESCAPING TO DA ROPE! Kript~ Thanks Lara thanks...-smiles- Ana ties them and lara up back* ((it was thanks to haz izal hun? Life~ Pups...pups pups...*winks at the adults tied up* what? iam a pup Life~ Your tieing the knot wrong! LETS COOK DEM ALL MUHAHAHAHAHA Sherry~ u jus said u werent a pup YA! Life~ THey can escape at any minute with that knot Sherry~ gwate idea!!! Ana starts a fire under the tree Hazizal nods her head iam now. Young forever dis is hewawius! Joel~ -grabs Kript- quick we need to run away from the muntanent pups Crim~ >:( Kript tries to bite threw the rope Sherry~ oi! im not muntanent! Grab the rope! Ana Kript is a mutant and so are all adults ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sherry~ grabs the rope Ana helps hey lets ducktape em to da Tree Lara~ tries to untie the rope, but fails Ana grabs ducktape hazizal graps some super glue joel~ nuuuuuuuuuuuuu ana ducktapes them Kript rolls her eye Sherry~ wha about LARA?? Life~ *backs away slowly* ana ducktapes laura Life~ I gave you sugar! outta here ((was Marv to the tree?)) ((its lara not luara)) ((I think so)) ((uhh no brb Ana then puts more wood in the fire so it burned higher hey! u'll ruin my manicure! back on my toenails! I'm weaving da weddin. I want a fuwl wepot on what happened latr. someone neomail meh Kript looks at Joel -well at least we will die together- she says tring to brighten the day *waves* I g2g! Joel~ u maiacure ur toenails?? bye Joel~ i-i...guess Life~pups, you know I'm your friend Kript I thought it was a peticure Life~ If you're my friend you wouldn't be doing this It's my idea :P uhhh-huhhh Ana looks at Life Crim I wish I could take it back.. Life~ just let them go takethis all back? oneday at your wedding you'll be hanging upsidedown my toe nails will be ruined 4 eva!!!! Ana pat pats Crim sherry~ toenails schmoenail Ana Muhahahaha Life~ you mean pedicure Hazizal is now known as Hazizal and Marv. whateva Kript-well I don't mind if my toenails get fried its the rest of me Ana puts on war paint and begins to do a war dance Hazizal mind comes back to her Ana insanely eats another worm whata are we doing to them again? Crim has left the chat room. i guess... are we trying to cook them? Sherry~ lara ish jus vain Ana~ laughes humph Ana~ YOUR SO VAIN I BET YOU THINK THIS SONG IS ABOUT YOU!!! im not! :( Ana~ Is so enny way...what song? Joel~ well, at least were already married........ Kript laughes yeah...then were gonna die together! Ana~ MUHAHAHAHAHA Sherry! peoples i gotta go... Byez *sherry~ peoples i gotta go byes Joel & Sherry is now known as Joel & Lara. Kript hugs gbye Lara has left the chat room. Joel~ bye sherry Ana oh no now I'm the only pup Jelo~ shes jus going...were staying *Joel Ana~ I feel sooo AAAALLLLOOOOONNNNNEEEE!!! Hazizal-Ana? Lara~ NOW...its all us grown ups against u... Ana hugs Hazizal NOOOOOOOO -cackles evilily- Kript laughes ((gak! i ment Lara cackles evilily)) Ana begins to cry whats wrongs? Joel~ Lara..... Anonymous9583 has joined the chat room. Lara~ opps Anonymous9583 is now known as Ambrosia. Hazizal and Marv is now known as Hazizal. Lara~ well...4 a start...u could untie us... Sees the tied up adults Gose over and helps untie them NOOOOOOOOO Marv helps too Hazizal joins to help too untie Ana grabs the rope and tries to tie them all up Lara~ thanks...-stretchs- ((sorry peoples gotta go)) bye Bye Joel & Lara has left the chat room. Ambrosia has left the chat room. That was a weird wedding Hazizal graps her water wand who left? Ana burps and runs away Joel and Lara oh Hazizal backs Ana into the coner and growls Ana yips and offers her a worm Marv joins her with some rope ties her up postes her to the tree Ana yells NUUUUU You mean!! yesssssss!!!!!!!!!!! lets krip down Kript~Thanks soooo much Hazizal wags her tail and let every one but ana down and grabs some gasonlie and winks at Krip lol Ana sobs Kript grins evily and grabs a match get ready to cabomb ana Haizal and marv goes fly off flying* off Kript throws the match KAAAABBBBBBOOOOMMMMM!!!! Hazizal does a vitory dance Kript joins in hazizal smiles at her pack master kript and says"i couldn't let you die " Kript~Thanks Begins to pick up the peices of her sister Ana is now a ghost lol MUHAHAHAHAHA lol this is so weried lol yea I know nothing like a typical wedding for a wedding wedding kills the sister lol we should copy this and post it for the peples who missed it lol yup nvm i can't copy it maybe summerise it maybe are we the only ones? brb kk