Set Me Free!
by Winter


For an infinite second, I just sat there, waiting for the dream to end. It had to be a dream, hadn't it? My jaw dropped and my breath caught in my throat. Then, ever so slowly, I got to my feet and let my gaze travel up Florian's naked body. His eyes were downcast, and I could see a deep blush burning the skin beneath his face fur. By then I knew I was dreaming. How else had he got there? Why else would he be naked? I realised that the door was still open, so I closed it behind me, thinking \x91what the hell?'. Even if it were a dream, I couldn't just leave him standing there for all to see. He was still staring at the floor when I took him in my arms, embracing him softly. A sigh escaped his lips as he leaned against me, and he trembled slightly. We stood there for a while, my arms wrapped around him as if to protect him from the world, my hands rubbing his back and his head. All he did was purr softly, but soon I felt a hand run shyly over my hip as he began to return the hug. Only then did I look away from him, and I couldn't suppress a gasp. The entire apartment had been thoroughly cleaned, every surface spotlessly gleaming. Even the ceiling looked freshly cleaned, something I hadn't bothered with even once since I moved in. Florian must have noticed my surprise, because I could feel his muzzle move against my chest, while I heard a muffled giggle. Then he broke the hug and stepped back, meeting my gaze for a second before he looked down again.

"I hope you don't mind." His voice was still low, but it was like music to my ears. "I just couldn't sit still and wait all day."

"Of course I don't mind! Florian you didn't have to... oh my..." I fidgeted, my stomach suddenly dangerously close to cramping up. "I can't believe you're actually here! Am I dreaming again?"

"Did you dream of me?" He looked up, a shy smile playing on his muzzle. I nodded. "Were they good dreams?"

"Mostly." I held out my arms, and he walked into them again. "Florian, why did you come back?"

"He doesn't love me." Suddenly, the thin body was racked by a heavy sob. "Alex. He thinks he does, but it's not like... not real love. He wants me to be his... his toy, but he... he doesn't really want me. He's just so... ungentle..."

I slipped my hand in beneath Florian's muzzle and lifted it up. Tears were streaking his fur, flattening it so I could see a large bruise beneath. When I touched it, he winced and pulled back.

"He was furious when we left your place. He said I had embarrassed him by getting so emotional. I shouldn't have hugged you." He sobbed again, looking away from me. "I've been punished over and over again for that, and even more when he caught me trying to call you."

"You tried to call me?"

"He tore up the note that dad's lawyer sent me, but I had already read it, and I memorised your phone number. But you weren't home, and he caught me at it."

"I'm so sorry, Florian, I shouldn't have let you go." My own tears were running now. This wasn't a dream, I knew that now. He really was there. I drew a deep breath, then willed myself to stop shaking. "Will you stay with me now? Please? I... I love you, Florian."

He stared at me, his lips trembling for a second before he started crying, throwing himself into my arms. We hugged each other so tightly we could hardly breathe, and I kept stroking his hair as he cried, whispering into his ear.

"It's true, Florian, I really do love you. I'm so sorry I couldn't say it before. It's gonna be all right now, you'll see. I won't let you leave again, and if Alex comes back for you, I'll... I'll chase him away. Do you want that? Do you want to stay with me?"

"Yes." He leaned back and looked into my eyes with his large, wonderful green windows of the soul. The love that shone from them made me feel faint. "Please let me stay with you, Scott. I'll be good to you, I promise. I'll be the best ever."

He slowly sank to his knees, while his hands started to tug at my belt. Before I could react, my trousers were down past my knees, and he was nuzzling my crotch through the fabric of my briefs. I reached down and took his hands, then pulled him back to his feet. He seemed reluctant, but followed anyway.

"Florian, you don't have to do this. You're good to me by just being here, you don't have to clean my place or give me sex. I love you, and I just want you to be my lover. Not my servant, not my sex-toy, just you. Just you, Florian."

He shuddered, then started crying again. I could see that he was blushing, and there was a hint of shame in his eyes. I lifted his chin again and forced him to make eye contact with me. He shuddered and recoiled, as if he were afraid I'd hit him. Instead, I pulled his muzzle closer to me, then leaned in and kissed his lips. His entire body tensed up, then relaxed as I moved my lips against his, brushing them gently with the tip of my tongue. Slowly, he started to reciprocate, sneaking his hands behind my back until we were tightly embraced once more. Our kiss deepened, and it was by far the most erotic and tender moment of my entire life. The last of my fears that this was all a dream vanished. There was just no way I could imagine such a glorious feeling. Then he broke the kiss, and suddenly he didn't seem afraid to meet my gaze.

"I love you too, Scott," he whispered. "I'll try to be like you want me. I'll try to be your equal, but it's so difficult. Whenever I see you I just wanna roll over on my back and show throat."

"It's okay. Like I said, just be you, that's all I ask." I was whispering, too, as if too loud a sound would break this delicate moment. "Don't push yourself into changing who you really are, let everything happen as it comes. We'll see where we end up."

"Will you let me stay, Scott? I don't want to leave you ever again."

"I won't let you leave." He smiled, such a heartfelt smile it almost brought new tears to my eyes. "Never again. I want you to be mine, and I want to be yours."

"Wow." He giggled, then his face turned serious. "Will you be patient with me? I'm... I'm not used to this, to have someone who wants me to be his equal. It's kind of new to me. I thought I only wanted to be a slave, but... it just didn't work out, not with Alex. Will you teach me to become your equal, Scott? Will you set me free?"

"Yes. I'll be patient, and I will teach you. We'll take as long as we need, and when I finally do set you free, I hope you will freely choose to stay with me."

"I know I will." He pushed up against me. "I know I will, Scott. I love you so much. I've loved you ever since you first took me in."

"I love you too, Florian, my sweet Florian."

I kissed his head and pulled him closer to me. Then I felt something poke me in the stomach, and I looked down. He giggled nervously, but did nothing to try and cover himself. His cock was fully hard, proudly standing out from its sheath. It was a soft, almost red shade of pink, and larger than I had thought. At least eight inches, more likely nine, and really thick. A slight bulge at the base served as a reminder of the huge knot that his wild ancestors once had. The tip shone with a drop of pre-cum, and all in all it was probably one of the most erotic sights I had ever seen. I felt my own body start to react, as well. Florian was blushing a deep crimson when I looked up again, and his eyes had a nervous, yet expectant look in them. I realised that he wanted me to comment, perhaps to joke about him having an erection. Instead, I kept looking into his eyes as I slowly sank down to my knees. At first, he looked puzzled, then as he understood what I was doing, his eyes widened as if in shock. He made a slight move to stop me, but with a visible effort he changed his mind, letting me go on. I tried to keep up an air of confidence, but in reality I was scared as hell. I had never before felt inclined to even touch another male intimately, let alone suck one off, but there I was, gently nuzzling his rigid cock. It twitched a little in anticipation, another pearl of pre appearing at the tip. I licked it off, and Florian's knees buckled while he moaned. The flavour was not what I had expected, but nice and sweet, and something about his taste and his scent made me terribly aroused. I tossed all doubts aside, and took him into my mouth, all the way until my nose was buried in the soft hairs above his sheath, and his tip was tickling my throat. Not enough to make me gag, though. He was almost constantly squirting pre-cum now, and the taste of it made me feel dizzy. I closed my lips around his shaft and started sucking while I slowly eased it out of my mouth. Once I was back at the tip, I licked at it, making him squirm and whimper. It was easier than I had thought, giving him pleasure this way; all I had to think of was keeping my teeth away from his tender flesh, then the rest came quite naturally. I found myself enjoying the experience as well, something that surprised me a bit. 'But this is Florian,' I told myself, 'my Florian.' The tiny yips and yelps he let out were just too cute, and I couldn't hear enough of them. I got a good rhythm started, working every square inch of his cock with my tongue and lips while I sucked for all I was worth. Meanwhile, I kept fondling his furry sac, gently kneading the large balls inside, and it didn't take long before he started to moan more loudly. Suddenly he tensed up, and I could feel his cock swelling inside my mouth. I think he tried to warn me that he was coming, but his voice failed him. I took him in all the way, then clamped my lips shut around the bulge. With a shrill cry he came, and I felt a strong jet of warm semen hit the back of my throat. It went straight down into my stomach, and I pulled back so I could taste the rest to the full. Florian was whimpering loudly now as he kept shooting his seed. The taste was stronger than that of his pre-cum, saltier and more bitter, but oh so good. I let it fill my mouth, then swallowed, milking his cock for more with the movement of my tongue and my lips. He filled me up again, then one more time before it abated to a thin drizzle. Then, finally spent, he pulled out of my mouth, wincing as I gave his now sensitive tip one last lick. I had kept my eyes locked onto his face the entire time, watching him go through the pleasures of orgasm, and now he relaxed, his tongue lolling out and his eyes half closed. He was leaning against the wall, and as I got to my feet I felt to my surprise that my knees were shaking. A huge wet spot had formed on the front of my briefs, and I realised that I had climaxed, too, some time during all this, not even noticing as I did. I kissed Florian, and he thrust his tongue into my mouth, eagerly tasting is own cum. He pulled away long enough to catch my gaze, his eyes displaying both satisfaction, gratitude and love, then he kissed me again. He tugged down my briefs, and seemed as surprised as I was to see the mess I had made inside them. I shrugged, then laughed.

"What can I say. I had no idea that it would be so sexy."

"Yeah, it was good." He giggled. "Nobody's ever done that to me before."

"Never?" He shook his head. "Well, it was a first to me, too. But not a last."

"Will you let me do it now? Not to pay you back, but because I want to make you feel good, too?"

"Gladly, but I need to rest a bit first." I yawned. "I haven't slept too well since you left, Florian."


"No." I hugged him. "It broke my heart to see you go, and I've chastised myself all the time for being such an idiot. I should have told you that I wanted you to stay. That I loved you."

"Yes, you should. But I already knew. I could feel it, Scott, but I couldn't really make myself believe that I deserved your love." He helped me step out of my trousers and messy boxers, then we walked arm in arm into the bedroom. "I felt that I needed to be loved like my dad had loved me, but now I'm not so sure. All I know is that I need your love, Scott, nothing else really matters."

"You've got it." He giggled as we lay down, then removed my shirt before he snuggled up to me. He rubbed my stomach, and it replied with a loud growl, making him laugh even more. "I haven't really functioned at all the last few days. It was just dumb luck that got me through work today. I'm glad the bank wasn't robbed or something."

"You mean you haven't eaten since Friday afternoon?" He sat straight up, a worried look in his eyes. "Scott, that's not good, you must let me cook you something right away!"

"Can't we take a nap first? I'm really tired."

"No!" His voice was more stern than I had ever heard it before. "Damn it, you need to eat, you silly raccoon! Go and wash yourself while I see what's in the fridge, then come to the kitchen."


"Don't argue, Scott, please." He pinched my upper arm, making me yelp. "You're dehydrated, too."

"Well..." I blushed. "Jeff and I had... a few drinks together. He was trying to cheer me up, but it didn't really work."

"Drinking, but not eating." Florian shook his head, clicking his tongue in a disappointed way. "Wash up now, then I'll feed you."

I swallowed the sarcasm that was rolling on my tongue, and instead I nodded and complied. I could hear him getting busy as I leaned over the washbasin, wiping the cum off of my sheath and balls. Unable to resist a sudden urge, I scooped some of it up with my fingers and tasted it. I remembered having done so a couple of times during my early teen years, but just like back then, I found that I didn't really like the taste. Yet I had gladly let Florian come in my mouth, and swallowed his entire load. I shook my head. That's love...

Once done, I dried myself off and slipped into a pair of clean briefs. In the kitchen I found Florian frying potatoes and pork chops, still stark naked. For some reason, I didn't find the scene erotic, but rather sweet and tender. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of his naked butt underneath the raised tail, and I walked up and kissed the back of his neck.

"Later, love," he said as he flipped over the chops. His voice was much more tender now, and I found myself filled with relief and joy that he wasn't angry with me. "Now let me finish this."

"Okay." I ran my hand down his back all the way to the tip of his tail, which wagged involuntarily. The fact that he had used the word \x91love' stuck in my mind, making me feel all warm inside. "I'll set the table for us."

"You do that." He giggled. "You do need to keep your hands occupied, or we'll eat coal chops."


I opened my eyes, suddenly wide awake. At first, I was a bit disoriented, and a wave of panic surged through me until I felt the bundle of fur that lay cradled in my arms, his head resting beneath my chin. Florian snuggled a little closer when he felt me stir, then he sunk back into deep sleep. I squeezed him to my chest. After the impromptu supper, he practically had to drag me to bed. I was completely exhausted, and fell asleep as soon as we were comfortable beneath the quilt. Now, the clock showed half past nine, and since I felt a bit recovered I decided that it was too early to turn in for the night. I shook Florian gently, and was rewarded with the sweetest smile as he opened his eyes.

"Is it morning a'ready?"

"No, it's still evening. I need to go and pick up Ten. I'm way late."

"Don't worry, Scott, I called your neighbour..."

"...Mr Wilkins."

"Right. He said he'd gladly keep her overnight." He moved up so the tips of our noses almost met. "We've got plenty of time to sleep in."

"But I don't feel sleepy anymore, Florian." He giggled. "Got any ideas?"

"Scott, you've never... done anything... before, have you? With a man, I mean." I shook my head. "I'm thinking we should take things a bit slowly. I don't wanna freak you out."

"Maybe." I scratched him between his shoulder blades, making him purr with pleasure. "I never really thought about that, I was just so happy to have you home again."

"Home... I like the sound of that."

"This is your home now, if you want."

"Do I want?" He laughed. "Scott, I'm so happy right now. \x91Course I miss my dad and all that we had together, but you... you make me happy in a different way. Just by being you. I know it sounds silly..."

"No, it doesn't. It makes perfect sense." I moved my hands down his back. His tongue lolled out, and when I reached his buttocks and cupped them in my palms, he purred. "Can we at least cuddle a bit? Kiss a little?"

"Sure. I was just afraid you weren't ready for sex, I mean, you never even told me you were bi."

"I don't know what I am, that's why I was so confused. All I know is that I love you, and I want you to be here with me."

"Okay, it's a deal."

He grabbed my hand and shook it, as if we had just settled some tricky business. Grinning, I pulled him in to seal our contract with a kiss. His lips felt so soft against mine, and his tongue so perfectly natural as it probed my mouth, wrestling a little with mine. So he had made sure that Ten was out of the way, then hurried to meet me at the door, butt naked. That's a well-planned seduction if there ever was one. I told him this when we broke the kiss to breathe, and he blushed.

"Well, yeah." He grinned impishly, looking so adorably cute. "I did plan that bit, kind of. The naked bit was a last minute idea."

"You hadn't needed that, you know. If you'd met me outside on the street, I still would've kissed you."

"Wow." He blushed again. "I was hoping that you'd want me, since you bothered to send me that message, but I wasn't sure."

"By the way, Florian, you never told me what happened. Did Alex drive you here?"

"Alex? No, he got so mad when I tried to call you that he hung me from the ceiling in his playroom, then whipped me for reading the message without showing it to him first." I winced at hearing this, running my hand across his back. There were marks all over from the whipping, and I felt a cold anger rise up within me. If that fuck ever got near Florian again... "Then he left me for the night, but the cuffs he used were made for his other slave, so I managed to wring my way out of them. I just packed a few of my things and ran away. I had some money in my bag that he hadn't found, and it was just enough to buy me a train ticket."

"Train ticket?" I checked his wrists, and they too were bruised from being cuffed. "Where did he take you?"

"Austin. I had to go the last way by bus, changing twice, that's why it took me so long. I tried to call, but you weren't home."

"No, Jeff convinced me to get back to work today. Otherwise, he was afraid I would've gone crazy." I shook my head. "He was probably right, too. Florian, losing you nearly destroyed me."

"I'm so sorry, Scott." He took my hand, kissing my fingers. "I shouldn't have left, but I thought I did the right thing. I thought you didn't want me, since you didn't say anything."

"Let's not talk any more about that. Please." I lay down on my back, pulling him with me until he lay on top. He giggled, then kissed my nose. "It's still too early to go to sleep."

"Don't you have to work tomorrow?"

"Yeah, but I'm used to getting up early. It won't be a problem."

"Can I go with you?" He tilted his head, giving me such sad puppy dog eyes that I would gladly have brought him the moon, had he asked me to. "I won't be in the way, promise, I just don't wanna be alone right now."

"Of course you can."

"Really?" he bounced with excitement, then kissed me again. "I can? Really?"

"Sure. You'll just have to sign a paper where you swear not to talk to outsiders about the things you get to hear."

"A non-disclosure agreement, you mean?" I nodded, reminding myself that despite the way he often acted, Florian was not a kid. "Great! I'm so glad you'll let me."

"It's usually only allowed for family members, but Jeff is in charge of the bureaucracy, so he knows how to get around it."

"Maybe you could adopt me." He grinned. "I promise I'd be a good son."

"I know you would. I don't doubt that for a second. But I'd rather marry you."

"They allow gay marriages here?" His eyes widened. "That would be great!"

"Well, they allow the ceremony, at least, but I don't think it'd be a valid marriage."

"That doesn't matter! Do I get a ring? Do you mean you propose to me? Wow!"

"Calm down!" I had to roll over and pin him down before he started jumping in bed. He was so excited I just had to laugh. "I said, calm down! It was a joke when I said it, but if you want to, then let's do it."



"Wow." He yawned widely. "Scott, I spent a lot of the last two days on the road, I'm really tired."

"All right, you go to sleep." I kissed his cheek, and he resumed his position curled up beneath my chin, in my arms. "I'll just lie here for a while. It feels so good to hold you like this."

"It feels good to be held, too. Good night, Scott."

"Good night, Florian. I love you."

"I know." He giggled. "Love you too."


I spent a lot of that night just lying there, wide awake and with Florian in my arms. Part of me was still afraid it was all a dream, and that if I fell asleep I'd wake up alone. But most of all, I just enjoyed his presence. The heat of his body against mine, the softness of his fur beneath my fingers as I gently touched and stroked him, making him purr contentedly in his sleep. His slightly sweaty scent, with still a hint of what we had done earlier. And then the sight of his sleeping face. All his worries, all his troubles seemed gone, and left was a serenity that was ever so touching. He was cute when he slept, cute and beautiful. I had thought so from the start, and now I felt it stronger than ever. I turned slightly so I could see all of him, but he immediately moved along, snuggling up to me even closer than before. Kissing his forehead, I smiled to myself. I had all the time in the world to look at him. Closing my eyes, I wrapped my arms around him. Time seemed to stand still, but in reality it ticked on quite fast. It had begun to brighten outside when I finally fell asleep.


In the morning, I was of course dead tired, while Florian was bouncing with happiness and excitement. Before I had even entered my morning shower, he was fully dressed and eager to go. Slipping into my uniform, I thought to stop by the kitchen for a quick cup of coffee and a sandwich, but the phone rang as I walked past it. Muttering something that sounded like hello, I was rewarded with Jeff's chirpy voice.

"Well, good morning to you, too, if that's what it was." Immediately, he switched to a serious, concerned tone. "How are you doing today? Want me to pick you up?"

"No thanks, I'll be going on patrol today, so I'll take the car. But could you come over before work anyway? I really want to talk to you."

"I'm in the car right now, Scottie, be there in a couple of minutes. How are you doing?"

"Good, I guess. Bit tired. It's nice of you to worry, but..."

"Hey, what are friends for? Say, do you wanna join me for a movie or something tonight?"

"Jeff, are you asking me out? To a date?"

"Not really, I just don't want you to be alone right now. Why, do you want to date me?"

"Thanks, but no thanks. I think I wanna stay home tonight. But thanks for the offer."

"Consider it a raincheck, then." He laughed. "I won't let you sit around doing nothing for the rest of your life."

"Fair enough. See you soon, then."

"Very soon, I just turned into your street. Better get dressed if you're not, or I might ravish you as soon as you open the door."

We both laughed, then hung up. I smiled to myself, wondering what he'd say once he realised I had no reason to mope anymore. I considered myself very lucky to have such a good friend. One second before I walked into the kitchen, the smell hit my nostrils. Florian was wearing an apron, busying himself at the stove. He had set up a marvellous breakfast table while I was getting myself ready, with bacon and eggs, toast and marmalade, white bread and cheese, and now he was just getting finished making pancakes.

"Ah, I thought I'd have to wake you up again." He giggled. "Do you like apple sauce with pancakes?"

"Apple sauce?"

"Never had that?" I shook my head. "Well, try some, it's not as sweet as maple syrup, but it's really good. C'mon, sit down!"

I realised that I had frozen at the sight, but I managed to pull out a chair and sit down. Florian took off the apron, then put a huge stack of pancakes on the middle of the table, urging me to tuck into it. I obeyed mechanically, stashing my plate with a bit of everything before I cautiously tasted pancakes in apple sauce. It didn't take me long to realise that Florian had been right. It was something I could easily come to love.

"It really is good. I always thought maple syrup was a little too sweet." I took another bite, then made another realisation. "Hey, these aren't made from that mix I bought."

"Of course not." He laughed, making a face. "I'd rather eat the box that stuff comes in. But we're out of eggs now."

"We can go shopping tonight. Florian, you don't have to..."

"Please let me, Scott." He put down his fork and looked at me with pleading eyes. "I love to cook, and I love it even more when you eat what I've cooked."

"Florian..." I reached across the table and took his hands. "Of course you can cook, whenever you want to. Just don't let me take it for granted. I know you want to show me how much you love me..."

"It's that, true, but there's more to it. Scott, I wanna cook for you because I love you, but also because it makes me feel good. When you say you like what I've made, it feels like a thousand kisses."

"Well, you are good at it."

"I know. And that's why I wanna keep on doing it."

"All right. But this is too much for us to eat."

"You haven't seen me eat." He giggled. "Dad used to say I was bottomless, but then I'd show him I wasn't."

"Really?" I caught his sly wink, and decided to play along. "You mean you'd stop eating for a while?"

"No." He giggled, then blushed as he got up and walked around the table. "I mean I'd really show him I had a bottom."

He undid his trousers slowly then pushed them down, half turned away from me. I watched mesmerised as more and more of his furry buttocks came into view. Then he flicked his tail aside, brushing it lightly against my face. When my eyes re-focused, I could quite clearly see that he hadn't lied to me. A very nice bottom it was, too. Unable to resist a sudden urge, I grabbed the butter knife and spread some on his left cheek, then proceeded to cover the right one in marmalade. He tried to slap my hands off of him, but I wouldn't relent. And since his trousers were stuck mid-thighs, he couldn't get away, either.

"You look good enough to eat."

Growling, I nipped the marmalade cheek, making him yelp with surprise, then laugh and giggle as I started licking it up. Florian squirmed and whimpered, and it was clear to me that his buttocks were really ticklish. Something to remember for future use. Unable to stand the torture and pleasure I was giving him with my tongue, he lost his footing. I managed to catch him and lay him down on the table, squashing my breakfast and turning over the pile of pancakes. As he kept squirming, he knocked over the carton of milk, too, making the kitchen table one big mess with him on top. I grabbed his arms to keep him from tossing about, then went back to my new breakfast. The taste of his fur and skin mixed with the butter and the marmalade to make one of the most delicious meals I'd ever had. Florian was almost screaming with laughter now, his tail whipping at my face the whole time. I was just about to let him go when a slight chuckle made me look up. Florian let out a gasp.

"Well..." Jeff said, grinning like a cub in a toy store. "Maybe I should wait in the hall while you two finish your breakfast?"