Story and characters are (c) Lars Hellberg

Terend\x92s Court

Chapter 2:

The next morning, Erya woke up to the sound of a drizzle, smattering against his bedroom window. He got out of bed, stretching his arms as he yawned widely. Instead of using the washbasin, he opened the window, letting the rain soak him. He was using a towel to dry himself off, when his mother tapped the door lightly, entering as he bade her.

"Good morning, Erya," she greeted him. "Up early today?"

"Good morning. Yes, I\x92m... well, I\x92m eager to see Garey."

"I\x92m just about to make breakfast. If you\x92d get dressed, you could give me a hand."

"Okay. I\x92ll be with you in a minute."

Humming to himself, Erya slipped into clean clothes and hastily made his bed. In the kitchen, he met with his mother\x92s smile, as well as the smell of heating bread and butter-roasted corncobs. Knowing the finesmith\x92s tastes, he filled a pot with water, to boil them a couple of eggs. After the meal, Shalia went to pick up her tools, while Erya lingered at the door, eager to go. Closing his eyes, he thought about the regal, ice-blue eyes he had spent much of yesterday drowning in.

"You are eager." Erya jumped at the sound of his mother\x92s voice. "Love is so beautiful."

"I\x92d like you to meet him."

"So would I. Erya, you\x92re blushing."

"Yeah. I can\x92t help it."

Pulling on a hooded jacket, Erya picked up the toolbox, and they set off towards the palace. In this weather, there weren\x92t many people about, so they could make their way across near-empty streets in good time. The palace guard greeted them, tousling Erya\x92s hair with a meaningful wink, and the boy once more felt his cheeks burn. Did everybody know? As they reached the banquet hall, Shalia got to work, along with the rest of the artisans. Erya wandered around, aimlessly, not really knowing where to find his friend. He hadn\x92t needed to worry, because in a matter of seconds, a dark blur sped towards him, tossing itself around his neck.

"Hello, Erya!"

"Hi, Garey. Good to see you again."

"You too." Not caring one bit about the people around them, the two boys kissed, pulling each other closer. Garey broke the kiss to whisper in Erya\x92s ear. "I have news for you."

"Good news?"

"The best. Come with me."

The young prince led the way down a wide hallway, then up a spiral staircase. Trying to remember how the palace looked from the outside, and which ways they had turned inside it, Erya guessed that they were in the easternmost tower, and a window on the first floor, overlooking the royal gardens, confirmed his guess. They passed the second and third floor with good speed, then Erya couldn\x92t help stopping on the fourth floor, looking out the window.

"I don\x92t think I\x92ve ever been this high. You can see everything!"

"Come on," Garey giggled. "My chamber is at the top of the tower, three more floors up."

Erya was ragged for breath when they arrived at the final landing, leading down a short hallway to two doors.

"The one on the right is mine, the other belongs to my sister, Anna."

"I-I need to rest," Erya panted.

"But we\x92re almost there!" Impatiently, Garey led him by the arm, opening his door. "What do you think?"

"It\x92s huge! Bigger than our smithy and common room together!"

"It goes halfway around the tower. Watch!"

"A curved room? How odd."

"Not if you live in a round tower, silly." Erya blushed a little at that. "And here is where I live."

"Really?" Erya grinned. "I thought you called it \x91your chamber\x92 because your nanny lived in it."

"Ah! You mock a prince of the realm?"


"Your head will fall for this! I\x92ll see to it personally."

"Garey, I\x92ve read about the old ways in school. It\x92s been hundreds of years since the royalty could hack away at commoners as they pleased."

"So it has." Garey pouted, but the smile didn\x92t leave his eyes. "Well, that will change once I\x92m in power."

"You mean once you\x92ve murdered your mother, your aunts and uncles, your brothers and sister, not to mention the king himself?"

"Yeah, just that." They both laughed. "Thanks for reminding me I\x92m lowest in rank."

"You\x92re welcome. You need to come off your high horses now and then."

"Feh! No respect from the hoi polloi."

"No respect, Garey." Erya leaned forward, kissing him gently. "How about love?"

"Mmm. I\x92ll take that anyday."

Sitting down on the prince\x92s large, soft bed, they embraced each other, letting the kiss continue. Erya felt Garey\x92s soft hands roam down his back, their feather-light touch sending shivers of pleasure through him. As one, they opened their mouths, letting their tongues meet, touching one another, tentatively at first, then bolder as the kiss deepened. They finally parted when a tiny bell rang in the corner of the room. Still smiling, his cheeks slightly blushed, Garey walked over to a small hole in the wall. Standing on his toes to reach it, he spoke into the hole.


"Prince Garey?"

"Tameir, is that you?"

"Of course it is, my prince. Will you have your breakfast down here?"

"Send it up, please." He turned to Erya. "Did you have breakfast?"

"Yes, but I\x92ll join you, anyway."

"Make it breakfast for two, Tameir. And tell Cadma I said hi."

"Right away, my prince."

"Is that really fair? Making a poor servant come all the way up here, when we could just as well go down?"

"You\x92ll see. I\x92m not a slave-driver, Erya."

"Garey, what do you do up here? It seems very desolate."

"When we were smaller, my sister and I often played together. I still have a lot of toys up here. But normally, I just read, or write, or just spend some time alone."

"I like being alone sometimes."

"To a member of the royal family, solitude is a luxury. Even for me, there are always things to do and people to meet." The bell rang again. "Ah, breakfast\x92s here."

"But that\x92s impossible! Not even the fastest runner in the world could..."

"Erya, Erya..." Garey shook his head, grinning. "Like I said, we\x92re not slave-drivers, my love. Look at this."

He opened a section of the wall, then reached inside to bring out two trays of steaming food, setting them down on his bedside table. Speaking into the hole again, he thanked Tameir, and the bell rang again as answer.

"Clever. How does it work?"

"It\x92s a lift with a counter-weight. Tam just gives it a push, then stops it when it reaches the right floor. Or like now, just sends it as far up as it goes."

"So clever. And that\x92s the kitchen down below?"

"Yeah. One of them. There\x92s a kitchen beneath all three towers."

"So much food! I can\x92t eat much, Garey."

"Just stuff yourself. Tam\x92s one of my best friends, and son of Cadma, the chief chef."

"You said you had news..."

"Are you impatient?" He reached over to kiss Erya\x92s cheek, and was rewarded by a gentle stroke to his cheek. "Let\x92s talk while we eat."

Erya helped himself to a glass of grape juice, and a crispbread sandwich with smoked ham, while Garey attacked eggs and sausages. All the while they chatted on about themselves and their lives, each listening reverently to the tales from another world, fascinated that such things existed. After nearly an hour had fled, Erya could no longer contain his curiosity.

"Garey," he interrupted. "Tell me what news you had, or I\x92ll make you eat the last of the ham."

"Oh no, please," the prince groaned. "That would kill me!"

"Then tell! You promised!"

"I talked to my grandfather last night, at supper."

"King Tejal..."

"Exactly." They giggled. "I wanted to tell him about you, but he already knew."

"Yes, word spread like a fire. My mother knew before I had a chance to tell her."

"Anyway, guess what he said."

"I\x92ve no idea, Garey."

"C\x92mon, take a guess!"

"That I\x92m being thrown into the dungeons, for fraternising with royalty?"

"Noo, silly!" Walking around the table, Garey laid his arms around Erya\x92s neck, kissing his ear. "He said he\x92d be happy to wed us, once I\x92m of age. If we still want to."

"He\x92d be..." Stunned, all Erya could do was blush. "Do we want to?"

"Don\x92t we?"

"Of course! It\x92s just so... sudden."

"No it\x92s not, it\x92s five years away!"

"Ah! You know what I mean! Garey, I just never thought that far ahead. Of course I\x92d love to marry you! I love you, my sweet prince."

"Ooh, say that again! You send such shivers down my spine."

"My dearest, sweetest prince, I love you with all of my heart."

"I love you too, Erya."

They kissed again, holding each other tightly, closing their eyes as they tried to fall into one another. Garey felt tears of joy sting his eyes, his mind a haze of emotions as he felt Erya\x92s strong hands caressing his back. Opening his eyes, he found himself staring into green ones, and suddenly he couldn\x92t hold back a fit of laughter. Breaking the kiss, he fell back onto the bed, laughing so hard his stomach nearly cramped. The puzzled look on Erya\x92s face made him roll over to lie on his stomach, pounding his fists against the bed cover as his body shook with laughter. A couple of seconds later, he was able to sit back up, meeting Erya\x92s wry smile.

"What\x92s wrong with you?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

"Would you share the joke?"

"Erya, I\x92m not laughing at you! I just couldn\x92t keep it in anymore. I\x92m just so happy."

"About what?"

"Everything. You and me. My life is almost too good."

"Get used to it, my sweet prince. If you\x92re going to laugh like this every time I kiss you..."

"I won\x92t, promise! Try again?"

"What about the dishes?"

"No problem!"

Picking up the trays, Garey returned to the food lift, easing them inside. He rang the bell, and before long, Erya could hear the lift disappear. What a thing! To Garey\x92s obvious surprise, the lift returned almost immediately. He reached inside, then shouted his thanks into the hole. As he trotted back to the bed, a grin lit up his face.

"Precious Tam, he nicked a bag of Cadma\x92s boiled sweets for us. Try one, they\x92re really good."

Accepting a green, slightly sticky sweet, Erya popped it into his mouth, relishing in the fresh apple flavour. Garey did the same, and they leaned back, suckling noisily on their treats. The prince was just about to start talking again, when Erya suddenly grinned, then dived in for another deep kiss. Effectively silenced, it was all Garey could do to respond, melting into the older boy\x92s strong arms. But Erya broke away, ignoring the prince\x92s grunting protest. Instead, he grinned widely, sticking out a tongue with a yellow sweet attached to it.

"I guessed right, yours tastes better."

"You...! You switched!?"

"Too busy to notice?"

Growling with mock anger, Garey pounced him, and they both fell to the floor, laughing and wrestling until Garey finally had the finesmith\x92s son pinned down, sitting on his chest.. Too preoccupied with laughing, Erya simply had no strength to offer resistance.

"Give up? Say you do, or I\x92ll tickle you!"


"Fine then! War it is!"

Roaring, Garey reached down with his hands to run his fingers along Erya\x92s stomach and sides, sending the other boy into fits of laughter. Screaming, Erya beat the floor with his fists, his feet kicking uselessly in the air as the torture continued. In the end, he managed to muster enough strength to cry out that he yielded. Lying down next to his panting friend, Garey reached out his hand with a wry grin.

"Can I have my sweet back? The yellow ones are my favourite."

"Sorry, my prince. I swallowed it. Just get another from the bag."

"But I wanted that one!" Garey whined, then chuckled. "Lucky you didn\x92t choke on it."

"Well, I chewed it first."

"Ah! You\x92re too wicked! Maybe we ought to lock you away, after all."

"Would you get rid of the key?"

"No, my love. I\x92d keep it chained around my neck, hanging right next to my heart, to remind me that my love is wasting away in the dungeons." Sniffling, Garey clutched his chest in a way that made Erya snigger. "Ah, the tragedy! Such woes to rack my young, innocent heart! Ballads would well forth from such a tale, my friend."

"Oh Garey, did you learn to play with words like that in the court?"

"Nope. But I seem to have a talent. Grandfather says I\x92ll be a politician."



"So what will you be? Prince isn\x92t exactly a job description."

"I don\x92t know. You\x92ve got it easy, Erya. You get taught by your parents, learn their profession. But how do you learn to become a prince?"

"Were you the youngest son of the poorest peasant," Erya whispered, "you\x92d still be my prince."

At a loss for words, Garey simply hugged his friend, as they moved off the floor to sit on the bed again. Erya leaned into the embrace, accepting it more than returning it, thoroughly enjoying their closeness.

"Did the sweets lace your tongue with sugar, Erya?"

"Find out."

"Good idea!" They kissed, playing lightly with each other before breaking apart, both of them giggling. "Nope, that\x92s not it."

"I just said what\x92s true."

"My love... My dearest love..."

"Don\x92t mush out on me, Garey. The day is still young, there\x92s more to do."

"That\x92s right!" Leaning back, Garey caught Erya\x92s gaze. "I do have more news."

"Good news?"

"I don\x92t really know. There\x92s an envoy from the wolfen clan on his way to the court, and he will bring his son. Grandfather has asked me to take care of this boy."

"No problem." Erya winked. "You do the dirty work, and I\x92ll help you hide the body."

"No fooling. Grandfather never does anything without a good or two reasons. He could have assigned this to anyone, but he picked me, and I don\x92t know why."

"To make sure the wolf boy is treated with courtesy and to some fun. Don\x92t worry, Garey, I\x92ll be with you."

"Thanks. Really, I mean it, Erya. Thanks!" Jumping off the bed, the young prince headed for the door, just barely remembering to stuff the bag of sweets into his pocket. "Come on, love! I want to show you around the palace!"

A whirlwind of giggles and laughter drew through Terend palace that day. No place that wasn\x92t inaccessible remained unexplored, as Garey really rose to the task. They stopped by the kitchens, greeting kitchen mistress Cadma and her son. Tameir turned out to be a red-haired boy, a couple of years Erya\x92s elder, with pale skin and a calm, quiet personality. Erya liked him from the start. Stables, supply rooms, servants\x92 quarters, banquet halls. They went through them all, except for the private chambers of courtiers and royalty.

"Like I said," Garey whispered as they passed a corridor where three of his brothers had their bedrooms, "solitude is a treasured luxury, and it\x92s always best not to disturb someone who\x92s relaxing."

"How do you know they\x92re in there?" Erya asked. "There\x92s no sound."

"You see those coloured strips of cloth just by the door handles?" Erya nodded. "When my brother Deiron\x92s in there, he hangs his colours outside, to keep anyone from entering unbidden."


"That\x92s why Kahrel wanted to see me last night. He wanted to know if I was the one who pulled his colours down." He let out a short laugh. "It seems mother walked in on him and his wife, at an awkward moment."

"What do you... oh!"

"Exactly. But I managed to convince him that I\x92d been with you all of yesterday."

"Thankfully." Erya slipped an arm around the prince\x92s waist. "I know you, Garey. You wouldn\x92t do something like that."

"But I did! I stopped by when I was going out to meet you."

"You did? But why?"

"Kahrel is such a snob sometimes. He\x92s a throwback to the days when being royalty really meant being more than everybody else."

"Doesn\x92t it? Then why do we bow and courtesy all the time?"

"Well, we do rule the country. That earns some respect. Still, it doesn\x92t mean I\x92m worth more than you."

"You are, at least to me."

"Eryaaa! You\x92re getting all mushy!" Garey punched his friend lightly. "You\x92re gonna make me cry if you keep that up."

"Maybe I\x92ll try that. I bet you\x92re cute when you sob away."

"Watch it, boy! If we weren\x92t sure to bring down the wrath of my brother the future crown prince, I\x92d take you on right here and now."

"You\x92ll never take me down, Garey, unless you cheat again."

"Oh yes? You say I cheated?"

"You tickled me, that\x92s cheating. Take me on for real!"

"You\x92re on!"

"The gardens?"

"The gardens!"

They had both tossed off their jackets, ignoring the pouring rain. Garey had a scowl on his face as he circled the older boy, looking for an opening, while Erya just moved along, confidence shining from is eyes. A small crowd had gathered beneath the roof covering a cactus garden, and they whispered among themselves. Was the prince getting into a fight? With his new-found best friend? Someone wanted to interfere, before they hurt each other. Both the young prince and the finesmith\x92s son were well-liked, and nobody would want to see either injured. However, Airon was there, and he held them all back.

"Let\x92s watch them. This could be quite amusing."

Before long, Garey pounced, tackling Erya around the waist. They both toppled over, rolling around in the grass, sending drops of water flying all around them. Finding his feet first, Erya lifted his friend up and threw him. Garey landed on his side with a grunt, then turned right back around and attacked again. This time, Erya side-stepped him, tripping him as he went by. As Garey got up, he had lost the scowl; in its stead was a calm, calculating look. They started circling again, and this time, Erya attacked, rushing the prince and sending them both flying once more. But Garey was ready, and as he landed, he spun around to get up on Erya\x92s back. Without mercy, he forced his friend\x92s face down into the wet grass, while he tickled his sides. Screaming and laughing, Erya inhaled water, and had to give in before he choked. Coughing, he got to his feet as Garey let him go. The prince stood up, too, and slapped the older boy\x92s back to help him regain his breath. To everybody\x92s relief, the two embraced, laughing loudly before they kissed each other. Airon turned to the others.

"See? It was just a mock-fight. I know Erya, he never gets angry."

"They grow up so fast," the old gardener said, a hint of a tear in his eye. "I remember when little Erya used to sit on my lap, asking me about anything and everything. And now, he\x92s such a fine young man."

"So is my brother." Airon gasped. He hadn\x92t heard the princess approach. The dark-haired girl smiled at his discomfort. "Don\x92t worry, this counts as the gardens. I just happened to spot Garey from my window, and I though I\x92d come down to watch. So that is Erya."

"Y-yes, princess Anna," Airon stuttered. "Finesmith Shalia\x92s son."

"I know." She nodded. "The king told me about Garey\x92s new friend. They really look good together, don\x92t you say?"

"They do. I\x92ve known Erya since we were little, but I don\x92t think I\x92ve ever seen him this happy. Or the prince, for that matter."

"You\x92re right, Airon." She smiled at his surprise. "What?"

"I... I\x92m just surprised you knew my name, princess."

"Don\x92t be." She laughed. "I remember every person I\x92ve ever seen or met. Call it a talent, if you like."

Right then, the two young boys turned to walk back inside, now noticing the gathered crowd for the first time. Garey laughed, then pulled the deeply blushing Erya with him out of the rain. Anna smiled at them, shaking her head while she rolled her eyes. At fifteen, she held herself for far more mature than her little brother, and sometimes it was even true.

"You look like a drenched rat, Garey," she giggled. "Why in the rain?"

"Why not? Hello, Anna."

"Princess Anna!" Erya bowed.

"Not you too!" She put her hand beneath his chin, pushing his head up until their eyes met, smiling reassuringly. "Garey\x92s friend is my friend. Please call me Anna, unless we\x92re officially in court."

"Okay, Anna." Erya smiled weakly. "Just give me some time to adjust. Ask his royal highness the prince."

"He\x92s right, Anna. I practically had to beat him up to make him stop calling me prince." He grinned, then started to laugh as Erya stuck his tongue out. "Come on, let\x92s go and change clothes before we freeze to death."

"I\x92ve got nothing to change into."

"Let me get something for you, Erya," Airon said. "You\x92re not that much smaller than me, I should have something that fits."

"Thanks, my friend." Erya patted his shoulder, then turned to follow Garey. "Nice to meet you, Anna."

"You too, my friend."

"So, where are we going?" Erya asked. "This isn\x92t the way to your room."

"No, it\x92s the way to the baths. Ever had a steam bath?"

"Of course. Just because I\x92m a commoner doesn\x92t mean I don\x92t have any class."

"Of course not." Garey halted, putting his arm around Erya\x92s waist before they continued walking. "I\x92m just teasing you, my love."

Inside the main doors to the palace, Garey turned left and headed down a flight of stairs. It wasn\x92t long before Erya felt the air turn hot and humid. The bathrooms corridor made him smile; the walls, floor and ceiling were painted to resemble a sandy beach, with water rising up the walls calf-deep, and each torch holder painted as the sun. The doors to the different rooms were made of solid oak, probably from the gardens, Erya thought, and each door had a carving clearly portraying what went on inside. Tub baths, steam baths, showers, pools, cold baths and hot baths, all in three different variations; males only, females only or shared. Garey chose the door that led to the males only shower, and Erya followed. Inside, they slipped out of their rain-soaked, muddy garments. A young servant girl took the clothes away after turning on two of the many showerheads. To his delighted amusement, Erya noticed that each of these resembled a dragon\x92s head with the mouth open, spewing water instead of fire. The hot spray felt wonderful against his skin; he hadn\x92t realised just how cold he was from wresting in the rain, and as his muscles relaxed he seized the opportunity to take in the prince\x92s full beauty. As he had already deduced, Garey\x92s body was in very good shape, nicely toned with the beginnings of solid muscles that still didn\x92t quite take away his boyish looks. He was slightly tanned, evenly all over, and Erya suspected this was due to long and lazy days of sunbathing in the gardens. His heart fluttering inside his chest, the finesmith\x92s son just couldn\x92t see enough of his prince.

Garey, in turn, didn\x92t watch as openly, but stole polite glances at his new-found friend, noticing the differences. Apart from being taller than himself, Erya was also quite thinner, with a flat and straight body compared to his own more curved and toned. The skin on Erya\x92s hands and arms was tough and slightly callused, no doubt from many hours of work at his parents\x92 smithy. It was, like the skin of his gangly legs, far more tanned than the rest of his body, which suggested a lifetime of wearing little but short trousers and shirts when the weather allowed. His feet, too, were rough-skinned and callused, and Garey told himself to introduce him to both manicure and pedicure before the day was done. Maybe he\x92d even see to that personally. Erya\x92s pale chest, Garey noticed, had a faint whisper of youthful fuzz, much like his upper lip, and the short, fair down thickened further down past his navel, building up to a thin brush of near-white pubic hair. As Erya washed his hair, Garey noticed similar patches in his armpits. The prince himself was completely hairless except for the hair on his head, and he found himself slightly envious of his love\x92s signs of maturity, at the same time as he admired him for them. In Garey\x92s eyes, no body had ever been more beautiful. Unable to resist a sudden notion as Erya turned away from him to reach for more soap, he slapped his friend\x92s bare buttocks with both hands, laughing at the surprised yelp. Within seconds, there was a full-blown war of shrieks and giggles, swats and pinches, grabbing and wrestling, ending as it had outside with Erya on his back being tickled without mercy. The servant girl rolled her eyes and smiled, having seen this kind of rough-housing many times over in spite of her young age. A little while later the two boys had gathered themselves in a hug, rinsing off beneath a single showerhead.

Towels wrapped around their waists, the two boys headed through a back door, passing the males only hot baths room before they reached the steam baths. This room looked much like the others with its near-white stone walls, but here had been built a number of indoor steam houses. Erya, who had only ever seen such things outdoors, scanned the ceiling until he found the minute vents that would drag excessive heat and humidity away. This place, too, was males only, and Garey greeted three guards on their way out. All of them bowed courteously, then took to smiling and whispering among themselves. Erya couldn\x92t help blushing, but a gentle squeeze of his hand made him feel better. I must get used to this, he thought. Everybody seems to know everything around here. It wasn\x92t that different from life in town, he then realised as they hung their towels on a rack and Garey opened one of the wooden cubes for them. Gossip got around everywhere, and people hardly ever tried to hide it when they knew something. There were three rows of wooden benches in the tiny room. The air was hot and saturated with moist, coming from the corner next to the door. A small cube of steel plates was built-in with planks, the top of it forming a trough filled with stones as large as Erya\x92s fist. Next to this, on the floor, was a bucket filled with cold water. Twigs and leaves floated in the water, giving off a quite pleasant scent. Garey grabbed a ladle from the lowest bench and poured some water onto the stones. They hissed and sputtered, filling the room with sweet-smelling steam. Outside of the steam bath, Erya knew, there would be a fire, leading the heat of the flames through the steel plates to the stones. He sat down next to Garey on the middle bench, letting the steam wash over him. Immediately, he began to sweat copiously, and judging from the musky smell that started battling the herbs, so did Garey. Indeed, Erya realised as he turned to look at his friend. Garey\x92s eyes were closed as he relished in the heat, and his entire body was covered with a thin gleam of moisture, glistening in the light from the candleholders on the wall. For a second, his mind flickered to wonder what kind of candle-grease would survive sauna heat, but he shook the thought away, focusing on Garey instead. There was a remnant of a bruise on the young prince\x92s upper right arm, perhaps from his sword studies, and on his lower back was a scar. Hands, arms, feet, legs and knees also bore little scrapes and rapidly diminishing scars, and these tiny imperfections made the prince even more handsome in Erya\x92s eyes. Perfection would be boring, he decided as he gently reached behind his friend to trace the scar on his back. Garey\x92s eyes fluttered open, and a smile spread on his lips.

"Not a noble battle scar, that one."

"What\x92s it from?" Erya\x92s voice was little more than a whisper. "It looks like someone cut you."

"That\x92s true. Appendicitis. One of the palace\x92s surgeons did put his blade into me."

"Oh. Were you very ill?"

"I don\x92t remember much. It was years ago. But they said I had a high fever, and lots of pain."

"My poor love." Erya let his fingers leave the tough line of skin, only to have them travel up Garey\x92s side, pulling them closer together. "I wish I had been there for you."

"Be here now, that\x92s all I ask of you. Now and tomorrow, and tomorrow I\x92ll ask you again."

"That sounds like a proposal." Erya grinned. "I thought the king had decided..."

"Given his agreement, yes. I know we talked about it, but... I never asked properly. Neither did you."

"So, is this it?" Garey nodded, blushing. Erya smiled warmly before he steeled himself to keep his voice firm. "In that case, I agree, my prince. My now and tomorrow are yours, and tomorrow I\x92ll agree again."

"Thank you." It was Garey\x92s turn to fall into whispering. "This isn\x92t a good place for hugging or kissing, or I\x92d be in your arms now. Just wait until we\x92re in the cold baths."

"I\x92ll try to be patient, my prince. Pour us some more steam, will you?"

"Certainly, good sir."

Grinning, the prince leapt to his feet, performing a salute before going to his task. The fresh cloud of steam made the air almost unbearably hot for him, and he resigned himself to sit on the lower bench. Erya, in turn, leaped up and lay down on the top bench.

"Is it too hot for you, Garey? This is nothing to the steam house at home. After a day at the forge, it takes good heat to rinse the skin."

"Are you freezing, my love?" Garey quipped back. "Maybe I should seat you on the stones?"

"Yes, you do that and you\x92d have to borrow mistress Cadma\x92s slice to pry me loose."

"No thanks. I had bacon today already." They both giggled. "Maybe I\x92ll fry you tomorrow instead."

"Seriously, sweet prince, don\x92t torment yourself. Before it gets too hot for me, you\x92ll be cooked. That\x92s not a challenge, it\x92s a fact."

"I believe you, Erya." Wiping sweat from his eyes, Garey got to his feet and reached up for Erya\x92s hand. "Let\x92s get into a cold tub."

After a quick, screaming dip into the near-frozen water of the cold tubs, the two boys put on the clean clothes the servant girl had laid out for them. Erya was not surprised to find the fit perfect. The thin, fluffy cotton embraced his body lightly, letting him feel both the gentle breeze and the midday sun that had scattered the clouds. Airon has good taste, Erya thought as he ran his fingers down his shirt sleeve. Such fine fabric.

"Are you hungry?" Garey asked suddenly, pulling Erya out of his thoughts. "I am. Wait here, will you? I\x92ll be right back."

This time, Erya actually saw him sprint off towards the nearest tower. There was no way, he decided, he would ever be able to keep up with his prince. Either Garey would have to slow down, or he would have to speed up. But how could one drag back someone so spirited, so vibrating with life? Smiling to himself, Erya waved back at the nods and winks he still got wherever he turned. His prince... Those words came so easily, after only a day and a half together. Still, there was something about Garey that made him feel like they had known each other all their lives. As if he knew everything there was to know about his prince, yet was still surprised by him all the time. Was it the same or Garey? he wondered, just when a familiar hand landed on his shoulders. That strong grip, that rough skin against his neck, he knew at once who it was, and leaned against his mother\x92s arm.

"Hello, Erya. Did you have lunch?"

"Not yet. I think Garey went to pester mistress Cadma for something, though."

"A picnic in the gardens?"

"So it seems." He turned around and gave her a hug, one she returned after a brief instant\x92s hesitation. "Mother, I\x92m so happy."

"That\x92s good. You haven\x92t hugged me like this for some time, you know." She laughed. "Anything in special, or just plain happy?"

"Oh, far from plain." He smiled shyly. "Mom, looks like you\x92ll get your royal wedding."

"Did he...!? And did you...!?"

"Yes, and yes." Erya giggled as she picked him up as if he was an infant, swinging him around twice before she put him down, kissing his cheek. "And the king has agreed to it, as soon as Garey comes to age."

"That\x92s so wonderful, my sweet son. Are you... are you really sure? I mean, it\x92s five years away..."

"I\x92m sure, mom. You\x92ll see why when I introduce you. Here he is." Erya grinned, allowing the running boy only a couple of seconds to catch his breath. "Garey, this is my mother, finesmith Shalia. Mom, meet Prince Garey, my future husband."

"Charmed, my Prince."

"Likewise, mistress finesmith," Garey said between breaths. "I\x92ve admired... your work in... the new hall. You are very skilled."

"Thanks you, sire." Shaking his outstretched hand, she bowed elegantly. "Most kind words."

"Kind but true. Please, call me Garey. At least when nobody\x92s around."

"I\x92ll try, Garey." She laughed. "Maybe I\x92ll call you \x91son\x92 one day."

"So he\x92s told you." Both boys blushed, grinning at each other. "Yes, that\x92s true. I hope you don\x92t disagree, mistress Shalia."

"Please, no titles." She hugged them both lightly. "How could I disagree? You are a sweet boy, Garey. You won\x92t make my son unhappy."

"I\x92ll do my utmost not to, Shalia. You have my word."

"And mine," Erya interjected. "I feel like I\x92ve loved Garey for years. I don\x92t see how I could ever stop it."

"Shalia?" Garey asked, suddenly hesitant. "Will the two of you stay for dinner tonight? I\x92d really like to introduce you to my family. Maybe you could stay the night?"

"I\x92d love to," Erya said, turning to look at his mother, who shook her head.

"I\x92m sorry, Garey, but my husband will return tonight. We need to get to work on the metals he\x92s bringing. And honestly, it wouldn\x92t look too good if my son spent the night with you this soon. At least, you should announce your betrothal first."

"Maybe." Garey\x92s head sunk slightly, but he quickly looked up again, eyes bright. "There\x92s no hurry, really. Right, Erya?"

"Right. Mom, will dad come with us tomorrow? I\x92ll need to ask him, too, before we can get anything started. And I\x92d really like him to meet Garey."

"I\x92m sure that can be arranged." The finesmith smiled warmly at her son, ignoring the unclear meaning of \x91getting started\x92. "It was nice meeting you, Garey. I need to get back to my work now."

"And we\x92ve got lunch packed. Come on, Garey, let\x92s eat in the gardens!"

After taking their meal in the shade beneath the great oak, they walked quietly through the gardens, hand in hand. The happenings of the morning, together with the conversation with his mother, had left Erya in a daze. A mind-mist where the only things coming into focus were Garey\x92s regal blue eyes. And he looked into them every chance he got. Words seemed redundant; a smile, a gentle squeeze of hands, just the sound of a breath spoke as loud as either of them needed. Sunlight streamed down through the canopy the trees formed above them, and occasionally they\x92d catch glimpse of a rainbow. The air was still moist and clear after the rain, spreading the sweet scents of flowerbeds. They watched a tiny racoon cub peer out through a patch of shrubbery up ahead, then vanish as soon as it spotted them. Now and tomorrow. The words of their vows sounded through his head, echoing as if he\x92d shouted them inside a cave. He pulled Garey\x92s hand closer to him, placing it on his chest so they could both feel his slow, steady heartbeat. The prince smiled.

"Now and tomorrow," Erya whispered, afraid to shatter their perfect silence. "Now and tomorrow, my sweet prince."

"Yes, Erya, now and tomorrow."