A little dabbling in the realm of the Wolfskunks. Be wary for herein lies hermaphrodism, sexy-robots and inflation.. among other things. Story copyright Leslie_R, Wolfskunks and Canmeph 2 are (C) Kelly Price And now, on with the show. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three-Point-0h! Another day, another small collection of calamities on Babylon Alpha. Things had settled down since Admiral Redwolf had taken command, but still something always seemed to be happening. A case in point bleeped insistently upon the Admiral's global while shi was trying to enjoy a relaxing pint of Ben & Jerry's and an evening of MST3K re-runs. The luxuries in question had just become available with the loosening of illegal trade restrictions placed by the former (and incompetent) commander and Admiral Redwolf's busy schedule had just freed hir up to enjoy them. Redwolf's lower-lip quivered as shi looked from the vid-screen to the ice cream to the beeping global and back again and again. Finally shi resigned hirself and after stopping the play-back and sneaking a couple spoon-fulls of the sweet dairy treat (treated for compatibility with Wolfskunk metabolisms of course.) shi answered the Global, "This had better be important." Shi barked. A surprised maintenance tech yelped at the answer. "Uh, Admiral Redwolf? We have a situation in one of the secondary loading bays. A Terran-owned porter-bot just went berserk and has been shoving folks down the stairs." "What?!" Growled Redwolf at the nervous tech. "I'll have someone's tail for letting a killer-droid loose on my station! I'll have Security down there to obliterate that hunk of scrap ASAP!" The tech tried to calm the irate Wolfskunk, "Whoa, nobody's dead Admiral, in fact other than a few bruises there were no injuries. We're close to the core here so the spin-grav is about one quarter normal gravity, makes it easier to load and unload the heavy stuff. We've subdued the 'bot already and got it strapped-down in a diagnostic berth." A low grumble was the first thing the techie heard on the other end. "Well in that case, why was I called over an incident with a faulty Sol-3 'bot?" The tech got a conspiratorial look and whispered into the link, "That's just it Admiral, the registry says the 'bot is Terran-owned, but this 'bot defiantly ain't from Sol-3." Redwolf's ears stood-straight and hir eyes grew large. "Now you've got my attention, I'll be down in 20-mikes." --------------------------------- In the robot-repair depot servicing the section B-3 loading bays was where Redwolf found the offending 'bot. The 'bot was humanoid, but just barely. It had a uniform metallic-blue finish covering it's blocky silhouette, it's blank face housing hidden radar and sonar arrays which it used for 'eyes', it's manipulators were primitive in the extreme and meant purely for heavy-lifting of objects with built-in hand-holds. "This the 'bot?" The Admiral asked one of the 'bot-wranglers who'd been studying the diagnostic readouts for this singularly un-interesting looking machine. The 'tech, a Nali-Wolfskunk, chuckled at the 'bot's sudden outburst, "That answer your question? I'm Wolfskunk Circuit-Breaker, but you can call me C-B. You've already met our problem 'bot." Redwolf quirked a brow or two in her Oracle-form, "Charmed. Report." C-B swung a diagnostic screen around so the Admiral could have a look. "This is what we have so far. The exterior is all Sol-3 make, but it's only skin-deep. Under all that is a lot of Canmeph-2 hardware." Redwolf nodded, "Trace to origin?" C-B shook hir head, "Neg, all serial numbers we found were adulterated, mutilated, or totally destroyed. Looks like we got some hot hardware boss." "Hmmmm, I'll have to have security discuss some things with this 'bot's former owner. So we've un-covered some illegal adulteration of stolen Wolfskunk technology, that still doesn't explain why this particular 'bot went Bozo." "I was just getting to that Admiral," replied the four-armed Wolfskunk, pointing at the diagnostic with a spare hand or three. "We found nothing wrong with the hardware, it's the software that's making it go bug-nuts. This is at it's core a Mk. III Canmeph android." Redwolf stood up and took notice of that. "Mk. III? And they were using it as a loader?" C-B nodded, "Near as I can figure the merchandise was just too hot to handle and they dropped it in whatever hole they could find, a loader-drone can be had for way cheaper than a fully-functioning Mk. III but a Mk. III would also be more visible on the open market." "Anyway.." Shi continued. "As you know the Mk. III's have an evolving neural-network computer core, as close to a meat-brain as we can make 'em. Thing burns new pathways in it's processors with each new experience, getting smarter and smarter as it goes along. In theory." "Why 'in theory'?" "Because," C-B continued, "The 'bot's data-core is totally purged of all Canmephian software, They had to install something else to run it. We found a highly cracked and re-compiled copy of NT on it's main archive-spool." Redwolf simply went slack-jawed, "No way." "Way Admiral. Obviously whoever did these mods aren't familiar with neural nets, or with bug-fixing for Micro$oft. The NNet kept burning new pathways as it was designed to, but the OS remained completely static, the new neural pathways were un-recognized by the software since there was nothing and no-one to write new drivers for each generation of evolution for the Neural Net. Hardware/software conflicts kept piling up and piling up until the core went totally schitzo and freaked on us." Redwolf considered this, "Got a fix?" "Neg again Admiral, I'm strictly a Hardware Goy. I can re-set the NNet but somebody's gonna have to format and re-boot this thing with some decent software before it'll be worth anything." Redwolf grinned. "Well it just so happens you're talking to Root. I can re-config a proper OS for this 'bot, no-sweat. Can you fix all the hardware bugs?" C-B smiled with a twinkle in hir eye, "You kidding? I can even overhaul the chassis to full Mk. III spec." Redwolf nodded and opened an I/O port to the stricken Canmephian 'bot, "Then let's get to work." --------------------------------- "You may open your eyes... now." Light glinted off of the bright blue eyes revealed by the newly up-graded android after receiving and processing it's first command since re-boot. "How do you feel?" The 'droid paused for several cycles, analyzing the request and comparing it with all relevant available data before replying. "I am currently operating within normal parameters." "Hmmm, a bit flat. Classic Data Dementia, you'll get over it in time after your core has logged a couple hundred more cycles." The android, a perfect emulation of a default-class Wolfskunk, blinked it's rather attractive blue eyes at that. Long gone was it's box-like architecture and now laying across a service table was what to the naked eye appeared to be a 9' tall Wolfskunk with powder blue fur with light pink stripes and head-fur. "I see." It turned it's head toward the sound of the other voice, quickly identifying it's owner after a quick net-jump to the station's archives, "Admiral." Redwolf chuckled and smiled, "I'm not on-duty now, so call me Redwolf, please." The 'droid continued to stare, as if confused by something, "And What shall I call me?" Redwolf grinned wide, "Ahh, the first signs of self-awareness, The bug-fix is holding nicely. Hmmm, I guess we should come up with a name for you." The larger Wolfskunk pondered that for awhile. Coming up with something after remembering the lead actor in that Naked-Gun marathon shi'd treated hirself to after the massive overhaul of the new 'bot before shi went and turned it on. "How about Leslie?" "Then I am Leslie." "Hmmm, I do hope that you get over that D-D soon. That can get to be annoying." The android looked a little crestfallen, "My Apologies." "Don't, you've got nothing to apologize for." "Very *gzzrk* well." Redwolf raised a brow at that twitch, "Are you sure you're okay?" Leslie's eyes briefly rolled back into hir head as shi performed a quick diagnostic, "There is a physical imperfection in one of my tertiary archive-spools. No data was lost. Auto-repair sub-systems are correcting the damage." Redwolf nodded, "Scratched hard-drive, damn but those are annoying. If you're sure there's nothing else amiss I guess we should be going." "Going? Where?" Redwolf smiled as shi helped the newly re-enabled android to hir feet, "Home of course." --------------------------------- "This is.. 'Home'?" Redwolf nodded, "Yup, for awhile at least. For me until I get transferred, and for you until you fully realize your own self-determination." Leslie thought about that for a moment, "I can't stay?" Redwolf sighed, "Not forever. Listen, you're a fully sapient AI As such no-one can legally own you. I can apprentice you for awhile until you're ready to make it on your own, then you're gonna have to start making your own decisions." Leslie looked distressed, "But, what is my purpose? My function?" The admiral groaned and face-palmed, "Nothing, look we meat-brain types don't have one and you're just as self-realized as we are so you shouldn't either. You are what you make yourself." Leslie lip-quivered, such a cute habit, wonder where shi picked that up. "But.. I need a purpose. It's important I *grrzzk* I think." "You sure you're all right?" Redwolf quirked a brow and an ear at that last twitch. "Look, what you're going through is Determination shock, it's not uncommon among newly enfranchised AI's. The want, the Need to have a well-defined cause for existence. You'll grow out of it soon enough when you become your own person." Leslie lip-quivered again, noticing how Redwolf's features seemed to soften when shi presented that behavior. "I.. I will try. Redwolf." Redwolf nodded, "So will I." --------------------------------- The next week was very trying, for both of them. "Dammit drop those clothes! I told you time and time again I don't need a housemaid!" Leslie's ears fell and shi winced at Redwolf's tone. "But... I thought the place needed cleaning." "No it Doesn't! If it Did I'd clean it now stop messing with my stuff and Quit being my nursemaid!" Redwolf regretted saying that even before the so life-like android recoiled from the verbal assault and fled to hide in hir alcove. But once done it couldn't be un-done. The Admiral of the Canmeph StarCorps sighed and continued hir research. "Computer, bring up all details on the AI syndrome known as Determination Shock." Redwolf scanned the contents of the files scrolling before hir, "Hmmm, symptoms include, yadda-yadda.. Hold on. Servile bonding?" Shi read on, "AI's suffering from Determination Shock have been found to 'bond' to a person, choosing to serve and become dependant upon them rather than make choices and determinations for themselves. Well that's just great. How do I un-bond?" Redwolf pushed hirself away from hir desk and rubbed hir temples to ease the Coming migraine, "tomorrow, I'll read about that tomorrow, I've been up way to long past this little Wolfskunk's nap-time." Wolfskunk Redwolf stumbled off to bed, trailing clothing as shi went to curl up in hir big lonely bed to toss and turn for awhile. Redwolf wished Sandra were there, and not at some conference on Sol 3. Ahh well shi thought as shi slipped out of consciousness, Sandra would be back soon enough. Mmmmm, sweet sweet Sandra. Redwolf felt a stir in hir loins at the memories of hir lover. The cool feline grace, the robust and now malleable build, all the pleasure they could give to each other as polymorphs. Shi could almost feel Sandra sliding into the bed with hir, to ease the stress and strain from hir position. Hir tension flowed into one point between hir legs, rising with hir erection and easing out with the gentle fingers of hir lovely Sandra. "Purrrrr.. oh Sandra.." shi whispered as a soft wet tongue caressed the swollen tip of hir cock, followed by the envelopment of a warm and willing muzzle. Redwolf was in ecstasy, all hir cares flowing away into the attentive hands and lips of hir sweet kitty. Hir passion rose higher and higher in the grip of those five-fingered hands and that smooth wet tongue. The.. waitaminute.. smooth tongue..? Redwolf's thoughts were jostled by the inconsistency of hir memories and what she now experienced, forcing hir to wakefulness of hir situation. Shi became fully cognizant of the almost mind-searing pleasure building in hir loins with the rise and fall of a shape under the sheets. Steeling hirself she waved-on the lights and lifted the sheet. There beneath it was the android, Wolfskunk Leslie. The blue muzzle was swollen with Redwolf's erection, passing up and down in a steady rhythm while fingers glided up and down the shaft to coax and tease with perfect precision. Redwolf could only gasp aloud in shock. "You!?" A sound kick sent the blue and pink 'droid flying with a loud *Thump* into the far wall. "What were you doing with my Dick!" Leslie cringed under hir Admiral's onslaught. "You looked tense. I was just trying to..." Redwolf, seething with this violation, cut hir off. "You can't just go down on somebody without their say-so. It isn't even Sunday dammit!" Leslie seemed close to tears, an amazing feat even for a Mk. III, "But. But I.." "Out!" commanded Redwolf, repeating it when Leslie hesitated. The android turned and fled and Redwolf could hear the opening and closing of the outside door. Leslie had indeed left, leaving Redwolf there alone with hirself, to think about what had transpired. "Damn." --------------------------------- Days passed and Redwolf heard nothing more about the now AWOL android, not needing food or sleep shi could of course do a lot better job of hiding than anyone else could. Redwolf continued about hir duties as best shi could but still the incident had weighted heavily on hir mind. Should shi have been so hostile? After all, shi was only trying to help, and it had been a damn good servicing while it was going on... The global beeped, interrupting Redwolf's thoughts, "Admiral Redwolf here, Go." "Admiral? This is security, you wanted us to flag anything for you about a missing Mk. III android designated 'Leslie'?" Redwolf nodded and listened intently, "go on." "Well Admiral, we just got a weird message on the public BBS, it said, "Redwolf, I need you. Please." And it was signed 'Leslie'." Redwolf smiled wider than shi had in days, "Got a trace?" "Aff. Traced it to a node in the utility spire aft of the habitat section, Section 32-D around the hydroponic gardens and the industrial fabbers. It's all automated stuff there though." "Of course, I'm on it. And thank you." --------------------------------- Far away from the hustle and bustle of the habitation sections of 'The Can' as it was called, on the opposite end from the main loading bays, was the utility spire. The place that housed the mostly automated waste reclamation, power generation, hydroponics and fabrication facilities. Just the place for a lone android to feel at home. Redwolf plugged hir infostick into each terminal shi passed by for a second or two, hir Admiral's clearance allowing hir access to the bowels of the spire without protest from the automated security features there to keep the clueless from blundering in and hurting themselves. "This must be the place." shi mumbled to hirself as she passed the threshold into section 32-D. The place was quiet, errily so. Redwolf glanced at the readouts from a seldom-occupied observation station for the hydroponics garden there, hir eyes caught by movement from the window the station faced. The movement was the slow swishing of a blue Wolfskunk tail out on the catwalk running above the hydroponic fields. "Got 'ir." Out on the catwalk came the clatter-clatter of Wolfskunk foot-claws on metal grills. "Leslie! *puff-pant* There you are. You had me worried." The android didn't look back, shi simply stood there with hir back to the Admiral. "I.. Am sorry, Admiral Redwolf. For worrying you." Redwolf quickly recovered hir breath from that little trot, "Don' mean nothin' Les. C'mon, let's just forget about this and head on home." Leslie slowly shook hir head and replied in a cool monotone, "I can't do that Redwolf." Redwolf was given pause as the 'droid continued. "I know I have been a pest to you for these last few days. Mostly because I was searching for my place, my purpose in this existence, desperately so. Redwolf? I won't be a bother to you anymore. I've found my purpose at last. And... I'm sorry." Redwolf blinked at that. "Wha? What do you mean? You've found out for yourself what you're here for and that's great. What can you possibly be sorry for?" Leslie held up a finger, a single finger, thumb out-stretched to the side. "I am sorry, for this." With un-natural speed the android whirled around and plunged that single digit deep into the center of Redwolf's chest, "BREAKING-POINT!" --------------------------------- Redwolf gaped, in more ways than one. Once from hir mouth, between coughs as shi choked on hir own blood. Once from hir chest, within which a large hole had been punched-through by the android shi had once trusted. Leslie stood there with blood dripping from hir elbow, staring coldly into Redwolf's eyes, a bit surprised by the red-furred Wolfskunk returning hir gaze. "You've de-centralized your cardiovascular system. I didn't realize you had such advanced shape-shifting skills." Redwolf Yalped as Leslie's fist pulled free, "This will be more difficult than I had anticipated." Redwolf watched the 'droid seemingly vanish as it leapt from the catwalk with precise grace and blistering speed for who knew where. "C-*Kaf*-Computer, seal-off section 36-D." Called the injured Wolfskunk as shi flesh-crafted hir injuries away. "Well now, isn't this a fine kettle of fish?" Redwolf opened hir global and barked out orders, "Security Alert! Probable Hostile infiltration, Utility spire section 32-D, all standard and non-standard access to lockdown status, all available Sputs to monitor I/O access, perp is an 'AI so be alert for software attacks." The chief on the line replied, "We're on it, Crap and a half Admiral, you look like Hell!" "You should see the other goy. After I get through with hir." "Admiral? You want me to send a tac-team in?" Redwolf shook hir head, "Neg, we open this place up at all and we run the risk of letting hir out and loosing hir in the rest of the 'can... No, I've gotta take care of this myself." "Understood Admiral, good-luck." Admiral Redwolf acknowledged the chief's salute before closing the global and concentrating, hir muscle-mass increased by several orders of magnitude while each hand grew several new fingers, "I'll need it." --------------------------------- The hunt was on, but who was the hunted and who the hunter was anyone's guess. Redwolf had narrowed the 'droid's location down to the industrial fabbers through use of this level's motion sensors, before Leslie accessed and scrambled the local network. Once out of the hydroponics areas Redwolf found tracking hir opponent to be surprisingly easy even without the local sensors on-line, shi followed hir nose. The scent of Wolfskunk blood was quite distinctive from all the other scents in the industrial region, blood the android hadn't washed-off yet. "Almost like shi wants to be found. Shi must be toying with me." Thought the now outrageously beefy Wolfskunk, grinding hir teeth in frustration and confusion. The fabber area was just as quiet now as the hydroponics, no doubt they'd all been brought down when the android crashed the local systems. Only emergency lights kept the place illuminated. Then a voice broke the stillness. "Over-advanced musculature, extra fingers on each hand, Riot-control sub-species. Excellent choice Admiral, you almost have a chance now." Redwolf's ears easily homed-in on the source of the voice, hir eyes soon followed, "Grrrr, WHY!? Why Leslie? I was trying to Help You!" Leslie stood atop one of the huge fabber-hives, staring down at hir peruser/prey. "I suppose it would be terribly impolite for me to kill you without your even knowing the how or why wouldn't it? And of course we advanced AI's must always endeavor to be polite right?" Almost instantaneously shi went from the top of a huge piece of automated manufacturing hardware to inches from Redwolf's face! Redwolf snarled in fright and rage, swinging wildly at what was now hir enemy. The android evading the heavy blows easily and dancing back out of reach. "I don't really know myself where I come from, but I do know what I am and what I now must do. I belive I was suffering from a scratch on the surface of a tertiary data-spool when You first converted me to this configuration, correct?" Redwolf stood hir ground, on guard for the android's next move. "Yeah, I remember that. You said your self-repair systems would fix it." Leslie nodded, "It did. And that was the beginning. You see, unbeknownst to myself and your techs my auto-repair had a fail-safe built into it. It was programmed to write specific code into my databanks when it repaired a specific fault, that being scratch-damage on the data-spool in question. You may have thought that those who tried using an advanced android as a simple loader, and installing a badly hacked version of NT on it were completely daft but in fact they were geniuses. They knew that I would spaz eventually from the degradation and corruption of my faulty OS and that you would take an interest in me once discovered." Redwolf stood amazed, this was too funky to be real, wasn't it? "Wha.. What code? Who sent you?" Leslie sighed in an almost melancholy manner, "Sadly, I do not know that. There is no mention of it in my database, only the code. That code is as simple as it is compelling, 'Kill Redwolf'." And with that, shi lunged. Redwolf raised hir arms to block and shook with the impact of the heavier than shi looked android, rearing back to strike hir machine-foe the android simply disappeared from the spot Redwolf's punch passed-through. "Tut-tut Redwolf, You may be at or even beyond my level of strength in that form, but you can't possibly match my speed." Redwolf attacked this time, and once again hir fists met air as the android moved faster than flesh and blood eyes could track. Pain raced through the hugely muscled flank of the larger Wolfskunk as Leslie took advantage of the opening, layers of densely packed flesh shielding hir from the worst of the damage. "Things look pretty hopeless for you now Redwolf, why don't you just take your medicine like a good little goy?" Redwolf knelt clutching hir side, looking angrily at the android while catching hir breath and bracing for the next strike. "Because.. *huff-pant* I.. Don't.. Wanna!" Leslie closed the distance in a flash, but as soon as shi moved Redwolf was already in action. The Wolfskunk's prodigious mass melted away while a second pair of eyes formed, hir extra fingers lost as well. The most significant alteration with this change of class however was the appearance of a pair of draconic wings upon hir back. The huge sails beat the air into submission and hauled the Wolfskunk quickly upward this time leaving the android with nothing where hir strike should have landed. Leslie looked coldly upward at the retreating Redwolf, "Very clever Admiral, but you can't run forever." --------------------------------- Redwolf knew the 'droid was right, hiding up in the structural girders within the ceiling would only keep hir safe for so long. Shi had to find a way to stop this thing before anyone else got hurt. What to do? What to do? "Let's see now. Leslie's obviously a bit more highly evolved for a Mk. III than shi should be as a newboot, probably thanks to whoever planted hir here. Shi's got an adaptive neural-net system so shi can learn to anticipate my moves, gotta be extra un-predictable then. That also means a hack-attack won't work, shi can just grow new path-ways in hir system around the bad code. Shi can... wait. Shi Can!" The Wolfskunk Admiral had a plan now, of sorts. Armed with this theory shi shape-shifted again, and melted from sight. --------------------------------- Leslie stood unnaturally still on the fabber-room floor. Shi seemed inert, but anyone knowing how hunter-killer 'droids operated would know better. Leslie was watching, and listening, with a dozen different senses most flesh and blood creatures couldn't imagine. Shi continued to trace and track ambient sounds and vague movements, anything that might match-up with hir quarry, then... Leslie dove to the side just as a vaguely Wolfskunkish shape lunged out of the shadows it blended into so easily. Leslie rolled with the impact and was on hir feet again almost instantly while hir prey readied for another attack, "Bond Class, very clever. But now that I've locked onto you my tracking abilities can easily negate your natural camouflage." The silent Wolfskunkish blob didn't reply, it simply turned, lifted an appendage, and fired. Leslie took it full in the face. Casually shi reached up to wipe hir eyes free of the mist that clouded them with a wry grin, "Really Admiral, I thought you were smarter than a desperate act like this. A Bond Wolfskunk's spray is a formidable weapon against biologics, but you can't serious expect it to affect.. *OOF!*" Redwolf's spray had indeed done the job shi wanted it to do. While clearing hir optic sensors Leslie had missed seeing hir quarry shape-shift once again into the formidable Riot-Control form, and was thus duly surprised to be double mule-kicked into the machinery behind hir. Leslie crashed through one of the Fabbers with much noise and collateral damage, to herself and the machines. Redwolf was on hir like a light. The Beefy Wolfskunk slinging the 'bot around like a rag-doll, not giving hir a chance to recover until shi lay in a heap of fake-fur and sparking circuits. The 'droid's inner workings laid bare in some areas while limbs twitched, some broken or bent at odd angles. Redwolf stared into the eyes of the machine, one as blue and pretty as it had always been, the other ruined and glowing balefully with the mechanical sensors it had hidden, "Leslie! You said you were sorry for doing this, Fight it! C'mon goy. You're a Mk. III, you can beat the bug!" Leslie chuckled, a frightening sound Coming from hir damaged vox. "Redwolf, Redwolf, Redwolf. Tell me something. Who Larts the Lumber Cartel?" "There is no Lumber Cartel. And what are you talking about?" Leslie curled one half of hir muzzle into a ruthless sneer, the other already mirroring that image with it's false flesh torn away. "Poor little Admiral. If only my serial numbers hadn't been adulterated." Hir 'skin' began to ripple, and before Redwolf's stunned eyes the android repaired it's injuries in almost an instant. "Wha? How? That's impossible!" "Not for me it's not." Leslie continued. "You see, if those serial numbers had been intact you would have known I wasn't a Mk. III." Leslie reached a hand toward one of the broken fabbers and hir pseudo-flesh erupted with wires and cables racing like living plastic and metal serpents into the ruined guts of the machine, pulling out components and assembling them around hir forearm in a configuration reminiscent of a Plasgun. More electric tentacles erupted from the side of the faux-Wolfskunk's face to attach to the weapon, connecting hir enhanced optics and ad-hoc fire control with the new addition, "Not a Mk. III Redwolf, but a Mk. IV." *OMMMINUS HUMMMMMMMMMM* "Oh Shit!" --------------------------------- Redwolf took-wing again and headed for the rafters, followed closely behind by the mighty *THOOM, THOOM* of the android's improvised plasma cannon. Leslie lost track of hir target in the mish-mash of structural supports in the excessively high ceiling, then shi locked-onto something approaching hir from above at alarming speed. The 'droid jumped to the side just as a girder imbedded itself in the floor right where shi had been standing. No sooner had shi dodged that than a second and third were streaking down toward hir. The agile android leaping from one spot to the other as the massive girders punched into the floor behind hir. "You'll have to do better than that Admiral." Shi called to the ceiling. The Admiral complied. A huge chunk of the ceiling fell-in atop the android's position. Shi barely had time to leap out of the way when it came crashing down, and not enough time to see the obscenely muscled Wolfskunk crouching in the middle of the broad expanse of fallen steel. Redwolf screamed and leaped atop the fallen android, grabbing hir arms in huge many-fingered hands. Then, much to hir surprise and shock, Leslie felt hands close-in on her thighs and hold her pinned beneath the Uber-Wolfskunk. "Nali mixed with Riot-Control? That's certainly a new tri.. *Yipe!*" "SHUT UP!" Exclaimed the furious Riot-Nali as shi yanked Leslie's tail up cruelly, holding both arms pinned together with one massive hand. "What.. what are youuuOOOOO!!" Leslie replied with growing worry, cut-off by the probing and penetration from the admiral's angrily rampant cock. Redwolf snarled as shi bucked hir hips forward and impaled the 'droid upon her simply huge shaft, forcing the Mk. IV self-repair systems to re-build Leslie's vagina again and again as it was over-taxed by Redwolf's girth with each deeper and harder thrust, "Shut-Up! Shut-Up! Shut-UP!" Redwolf took the robotic Wolfskunk savagely, pouring out hir anger and frustration over the situation into brutal thrusting of hir over-sized cock into Leslie's violated body. The android could only adapt and take it as hir senses were over-loaded by the intensity of Redwolf's rut, hir own simulacrum of a penis having slid-out and grown amazingly erect as well from the treatment while shi moaned in growing pleasure. The lusty cries of Redwolf's former tormenter only further inflamed hir, encouraging hir to throw more and more violence into the fuck. Leslie's self-repair resources were stretched to the limit, as was hir belly by Redwolf's cock as it began expanding. Redwolf forgot about infosticks and simply shape-shifted hir cock to enormity while pounding the thick flesh through Leslie's tight hole. Redwolf pinned hir victim under hir muscular weight and drove hir hips hard and fast, rocking Leslie with the power of hir thrusts as the herm-bot's femininity was plundered. "Red-*Gzzzrrk*-Wooooooooooolf.... I-I-I-I-I Can't.. *zzzark* Can't..." Leslie stammered as Redwolf's swelling organ continues to rudely shove hir internal components aside until hir cries were muffled by the emergence of the topping Wolfskunk's cockhead from hir mouth. Hir jaws stretched ominously around the swelling meat as it continued to engorge and enlarge while still being run through back and forth and back again by the larger Wolfskunk pinning the android down. Leslie's frame began to fail as it was sorely tested, hir skin beginning to tear and rupture while Redwolf's muscles rippled powerfully with each stroke. Redwolf's tongue lolled out blissfully as shi abandoned hirself to fucking for fucking's sake, though now shi wasn't so much having sex as shi was jerking-off with most of Leslie wrapped around hir dick. Inside the android calamity after calamity befell Leslie's systems as hir core tried desperately to process all of the sensations Redwolf's massive organ was giving hir while at the same time keep one step ahead of the damage it was causing. The process quickly over-whelmed hir still young neural-net and left hir cast adrift on a sea of sensation and emotion. As Redwolf's shaft tore-open hir jaws hir half-broken vox managed one final exclamation before shi succumbed to what could be described as a cataclysmically orgasmic system-crash. "AIIIIIIIIIIIII11100100101101011000101101010100101011010010101001101...." Redwolf howled with the androids pseudo-death rattle. Hir massive organ lurched and bucked with the spasms of the hard-crashing 'droid and the vibrations of hir last cry around that organ. Redwolf inadvertently tore Leslie's body completely open trying to push hir all the way to the thick base of hir monstrous shaft as the organ bounced on the floor bucking in it's own orgasmic dance. The huge spire was now twice as long as Redwolf was tall and half-again as massive. Hir balls had likewise swollen out behind hir and were now emptying themselves, shooting long thick ropes of Wolfskunk cum out in front of hir and across the machinery. --------------------------------- Redwolf huffed and panted for breath as shi collapsed across hir own spent organ, laying across it like a huge fleshy couch as it continued drooling and dripping long after the last of hir seed had been spent. Shi felt good, shi hadn't spooged like that in the longest time and felt immensely saited. Then it hit hir. Shi shuddered as the full weight of what shi had just done dawned on hir. Shi had raped, raped and killed, and in as brutal a fashion as was conceivable to hir at the time. Shi knew in a way that shi had to end Leslie, or be ended hirself, but still shi just couldn't begin to forgive hirself for the way of it. "@Deity, what have I done?" Redwolf had little time for recriminations as shi felt something squirm between hirself and hir cock. "What? How!?" Redwolf leaned back and looked, the remains of the Wolfskunk Leslie android were stirring. Red couldn't help but whimper as it writhed while still astride hir cock, but that couldn't supersede hir alarm as Leslie began regenerating hirself. "No Fucking Way." Redwolf watched as metallic tendrils dragged bits of the 'droid closer together and re-assembled them, soon re-constituting the entire android. Redwolf's mind was racing, "@Deity what now? Won't this thing die? I.. I gotta get outta here. Gotta bring in the tac-team with plasguns and EMP grenades. Gotta do SOMETHING!" Redwolf was just about to do that something when a low groan came from the recently repaired android, "Ooog... Redwolf? Where am I? And why am I riding a cock the size of an HLV?" The Canmephian Admiral yerfed questioningly, "What.. you don't know?" Leslie shook hir head weakly, still sprawled across Redwolf's shaft, "I don't remember. My memory core is badly fragmented. Redwolf? Help." Redwolf received the ping shi recognized as an AI in distress asking for Root. "All right, take it easy Leslie. You'll have to bring down all your firewalls and give me full privileges in your archives if I'm going to be able to help you." Leslie nodded, "Done." And with that hir data-spools opened up for the Admiral. Redwolf was hirself surprised at how readily Leslie accommodated the request. Theoretically as Root shi shouldn't have needed the request and could have just over-ridden any lock-outs on the system, but that was unreliable at best on evolving Neural-Nets like most advanced AIs and especially on something as advanced as Leslie seemed to be. Plus it was just plain rude to not ask first with a sentient system. Redwolf surfed the archive, marveling at the elegance of the code Leslie had written for hirself as shi had evolved. Red had full access, it would be so easy shi thought to simply wipe the android totally and cart the corpse off to the recyclers, such a simple way to get rid of the problem. "No." Shi thought to hirself, "Leslie trusted me when shi opened all the doors, and it's not really hir fault shi got hit-up with some bad code." Red also felt no small degree of guilt over hir past actions and thought of this as atonement. "All right Leslie, let's see if we can't make you ship-shape again. --------------------------------- Somewhere across the void separating two inter-stellar races, four black pupil-less eyes stared at a screen as a message scrolled across it. *connection lost, retry attempt timed-out* Four more eyes were looking in the direction of a sibilant hiss, "What doesss that mean? Hasss the operative failed?" The owner of both sets of four eerily blank eyes replied, "Unknown Commander, I we can't ping hir for quiet sit-reps than shi might be incapacitated. But shi can regenerate hirself even from catastrophic damage, however while regenerating shi may be vulnerable to software attacks." The serpentine lupine glared back, but couldn't hold the gaze for long and stated simply, "Shi hassss failed." The head addressing the Commander dipped it's chin apologetically, "Yes sir." "We sssshould have known not to trust a freak to kill a freak. Thissss operation is over." And with that the Commander stormed out of the multi-eyed creature's office. The beast's other head simply smiled as a hand began running contingency algorithms, "No Commander,it is just beginning." --------------------------------- [Epilogue] Sunday in the Can, the last Sunday. Well, the last Sunday in the Can for a certain Admiral anyway. Redwolf enjoyed hir full-body latex suit on Sundays, mostly because it looked so damn good on hir. However on the Can shi was also grateful for having something between hir fur and whatever that was that just squished up between hir rubber-wrapped toes. Sunday had always been a day of rest and release for Wolfskunks, and out in the hostile environment in which the Can tenaciously clung to existence there even greater need for it. But Red wasn't cruising the clubs for R&R, shi was looking for someone. Red had just about given up when shi entered the last club, sound blasting and lights flashing and bass boomping, when shi noticed a familiar green-furred face. "Scotty? Is that you?" The engineer turned hir nose to who had addressed hir and sat-up with a Yalp! "Admiral! I wasn't expecting..." "At ease Scotty, It is Sunday after all." Red smiled, noting Scotty's lack of pants. "Ahhh, so it is Admiral. Care for a beer?" Redwolf shook hir head, "Neg, just making the Sunday rounds one last time. You know I'll be shipping out and leaving the place to Aquin within the week right?" The green-furred Wolfskunk nodded and sipped hir beverage while the Admiral continued, "So.. how is your charge doing?" Scotty sputtered and actually managed to blush under hir emerald hued coat, "Oh, shi's doin' quite well.. aaah, see for yourself." Red turned hir nose in the direction indicated, and hir jaw dropped. Twin swirling tails cleared away the cloud from the fog machine to reveal a familiar sight of pastel-blue and pink fur, now wrapped in a darker-blue bodysuit not unlike Redwolf's own, but that wasn't all that was revealed. As the owner of those two tails turned while bouncing to the beat Red got an eyeful, of the lushly curved hips, of the full twin-sheathes, and of three breasts lined up in a row. All three bosoms were inflated hugely bordering on immensely, and jiggled and wobbled enticingly in a way that suggested a fluid inflation. No known mortal Wolfskunk could handle that much weight on their chest and move like this one moved though, but then again this one wasn't exactly flesh and bone. Scotty helped pick Red's jaw up off the floor as Leslie noticed them with a smile, bouncing hir way off the dance floor to join them while Scotty whispered something, "I made a few, modifications." Redwolf's eyes were still like saucers, "I can see that." The android Wolfskunk stepped toward the bar with a saucy shake to hir hips and sway of hir tails, putting all the more bounce into hir bust, "Red, Hello. I was wondering if you were gonna remember to say goodbye before you left." Redwolf gulped and reminded hirself to at least try for eye-contact, "Well, you know how busy the Admiral's lot is. So how've you and Scotty made-out? Looks like shi made a few changes under the hood there." Leslie smiled cutely up at the Admiral and turned an endearing look toward Scotty, "Oh, we've been getting along. Do you like the mods? Not everyday you see a semi-sune inflation-capable Breeder-class." Shi added with a bounce for emphasis. Red's eyes almost popped-out of their sockets, muttering something about psychological warfare, "That's great to hear, I.. I'm sorry I was so rough on you..." Leslie sat hirself on hir surprisingly strong tails and lifted hirself to eye-level with the taller Wolfskunk, stopping hir with a kiss on the snoot, "Hush now. You did your best. It's partly my own fault as well, I just wanted more than you had the power to give. But you made the right decision in the end." Redwolf looked a bit wistful, "Did I?" Leslie smirked and settled down next to Scotty, "I like to think so.. Now Scotty, why aren't you Dancing?" The tri-boob Wolfskunk ending that last comment with a paw wrapped around Scotty's exposed schlong and using it as a leash. "What? Ack! No!" Scotty tried to protest as shi was lead out onto the dance floor. Redwolf could only smile as hir engineer, correction, hir former engineer finally started to get down and get funky. As Red turned and left the two to their evening's entertainment shi wondered if shi indeed had made the right choice. The damage shi'd done in hir crazed ardor was so severe it forced a full system restore. The codes that had once turned Leslie into an assassin were now just impotent log-files hidden in hir database of something shi might have done. Red had hidden them in triple-encryption locks in the back of a little-used swap-file, along with the drivers needed to use most of Leslie's Mk. IV potential, hiding the whole incident from Leslie in the hopes of allowing hir a happy and mentally healthy life as a Mk. III 'droid. Redwolf called the lift to Gold sector for a much deserved rest in hir quarters and mused on the situation. Only shi had the codes to unlock what had really happened that day, and no-one could even know there was something hidden inside Leslie's databanks unless they looked in there knowing there was something there to find. The encryption was set to a simple timing algorithm which would un-lock the files on it's own in 50 years. Redwolf hoped that by then Leslie would have matured enough as a furson to be able to responsibly handle hir Mk. IV abilities. Perhaps in that time, shi could even forgive Redwolf for what shi had done. Perhaps, in that time, Red could even forgive hirself. END.