***Warning*** The following story contains possibly offensive material and should not be read by anyone! This means YOU!(ya pervert) If however you feel compelled to continue reading be advised the following contains scenes of graphic sex, transformation, breast and penis expansion, magic, hermaphrodism, anthropomorphized animal characters and a wanton mixing and matching of cultural, religious, and philosophical icons guaranteed to fuck (did I say fuck?) your perception of those eight(8) 'tiny reindeer all the hell up. (Story and all characters copyright Leslie R. and all commercial distribution rights are reserved. Please do not alter the story or characters or re-distribute this story without giving props to the author, failure to abide by these restrictions will result in the perpetrator receiving a large lump of coal rectally. Direct all kudos, accolades, and constructive critiques to trojan@atoka.net ...all flames can be directed to boot-caught@yoursphincter.com .. Have a joy joy day citizen ^_^) 'Twas the night after Christmas. Christmas morning, the sun creeps across the world as dawn makes it's way into millions of homes revealing the results of a night's worth of magic to millions more children, and a reindeer-driven sleigh is chased back to it's home by the first rays of daylight. Hooves and runners touched ice and snow and the legendary flyers completed their journey in a more conventional fashion, both driver and team enjoying the crisp air and the shining sun on fur and face as it gleamed off of the white expanse surrounding them. The festive sleigh continued at a leisurely pace across the frozen landscape until the air rippled around the leading reindeer, enveloping them and those behind until finally swallowing them and the sleigh as well leaving only their tracks which were soon obliterated by the polar winds. ------- "Whoa", said the jolly old man in the sleigh as the team stopped at his token tug at the reins. Fair and slender elves appeared to un-hitch the team and help Santa out of the sleigh before stowing it away, the heavy-looking conveyance being pushed by two of the tall but willowy fae-folk as if it weigh little more than a feather, which in fact it did. Santa stomped the snow off his boots and turned to address his team who were being relieved of their harness' by practiced elven hands, "Ladies, you've done a fine job this year as you've done every year before and will no doubt do every year hence. My hat's off to you," and indeed he did doff his red cap, "I'm still not sure how you manage to get the night to last as long as we need it to, but I suppose that's for the best." One by one as the last bits of tack were removed each and every reindeer that had comprised Santa's team for countless ages; Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen each underwent a quick yet profound metamorphosis. Sprinkles of glowing golden pixie-dust glittered from the tops of their antlers on down transforming them as it went until four-legged beasts of burden were all replaced by two-legged creatures somehow neither man nor beast but possessing some of the better qualities of both. All of them stood around seven feet tall, give or take here and there, all bearing a shape decidedly feminine in silhouette. Dasher and Dancer both had slim and athletic bodies, with Prancer being a bit more hippy. Vixen bore a body that a Barbie-doll would be envious of and seemed quite proud of that. Comet and Cupid were both varying degrees of voluptuousness while Donner was a bit of a tom-boy, sleek and svelte but taller than Dasher and Dancer. Blitzen was by far the largest, seven and a half feet tall and well muscled but still curved in the right places that said 'female' in the typical human male's mind. "A girl's gotta have her secrets don't ya know?" Vixen playfully winked, her statement flawed by the one thing that was obviously incongruous with their feminine attributes. Resting in the crotch of each of the reindeer-girls obscuring their more feminine treasures was a healthy set of male genitals, hermaphrodites all. Santa laughed his characteristic 'ho ho ho' and waggled his finger in mock reproval of Vixen's behavior, "Be that as it may, the night's work is done, and I and the missus are off for a nice long rest before we have to make ready for next Christmas. Good day to you all and to all a wonderful vacation!" He made his announcement to everyone, reindeer and Elf alike before turning and ascending the stairs leading to the cabin that was Mr. and Mrs. Claus' home. "Well then, is everyone ready for.. Oh!" Cupid began before being interrupted by a pair of yellow furred hands appearing on her ample breasts, hands that led to arms, which lead to shoulders, which lead to.. you get the picture. Cupid's assailant appeared to be a scruffy-looking little dog-man with his legs wrapped around her lush hips and his hands firmly squeezing her soft bosom while his hips began to grind lewdly at the larger creature's vulnerable tush. Blitzen simply rolled her eyes at this, "Coyote, you know it's not time yet." The Trickster grinned lecherously and winked, "I know, but singing all night is thirsty work, can't a capricious spirit of chaos get a break around here? Or failing that perhaps a nice beverage?" His hands beginning to glow as they rhythmically squeezed Cupid's breasts, Cupid not seeming to mind one bit even when her bust increased about two sizes and began leaking warm white drops of milk across Coyote's fingers. "We know, we know." spoke Vixen, reaching out to scritch the scruffy coyote-man's ears. "Coyote to serenade the moon into staying on high while Raven steals the Sun to hide it from the sky. We know what we owe you Coyote and we'll hold up our share, but right now is our time.. right?" Coyote murred and yipped at the scritching he received, his tail wagging and leg thumping as he leaned into the attention, leaning so far that he fell from his precarious perch with a *thud*. Cupid sighed with disappointment as her milk dried-up and her bust shrank back to it's original but still respectable size while the luck-spirit managed an almost dignified-sounding, "oof" The canid figure hoped back on his feet in a move that would make any Martial Arts Movie choreographer proud, striking a sultry pose and sticking his chest and buttocks out aggressively. Before their eyes the eight reindeer saw breasts sprout from Coyote's chest while his ass became rounder and fuller, a damp slit appearing between his hanging scrotum and his crinkled tailhole, "mmm-hmmm, and maybe this year you could all catch me instead?" Blitzen laughed and hefted her full ballsac, "If you can handle what we've got we'll be more than glad to give it to ya, now don't you have some trouble to cause? Elsewhere?" Coyote pouted in a sultry fashion before shifting into a mundane looking four-legged coyote, "I know when to take a hint, but don't think I won't be popping up from time to time, you girls are just too much fun to leave alone." with that he began chasing his tail, faster and faster until he was just a blur too fast to see.. and was gone. "Impressive, " spoke a voice that caught the reindeer off-guard, a silver-haired elf in court finery approached them with a pouch in his hands. "You creatures and your pantheon never cease to amaze me, if I had behaved in that manner in Lord Oberon's presence he would have had my ears." "That's the beauty of Coyote, Nobody takes him seriously, least of all himself." replied Blitzen, ever the more aggressive and assertive of the group. The elf chuckled softly and handed the pouch to the muscular cervine, "The things he lets you get away with, I swear. By the way, now that I think of it what Does he get out of this deal with you ladies?" Blitzen accepted the pouch and answered, "Thank you Torvald, As for what Coyote gets? He gets to 'hunt' us across the ends of the Earth all through the springtime, and you can guess what happens when he catches one of us." She added with a sly wink. Torvald Laughed out loud, "And Raven?" Blitzen just shrugged, "No one is sure, To get away with a scheme once a year that failed long long ago, at least for one night? Or maybe she gets a thrill out of cheating Father Time? Perhaps she simply does it to make us ask the questions and wonder about the answers? Can never really tell with that bird. And while we're having a question and answer here, why the new duds To-val?" Torvald smiled at the use of his 'pet name', a shortened version of meant to be used as a sign of affection. "Well, The Elves of the Polar sea demesne always have a Grand Ball in Undermountain at this time of year. It just wouldn't do to go there in my workshop clothes you see." Blitzen nodded and hefted the pouch she had been given, "Thank you for the gift To-val, and Have fun at your party." Torvald nodded and wished the doe-bucks good tidings in their own personal festivities as well before turning to leave, Jumping almost to the rafters as Vixen grabbed a pawfull of his elegantly-clad Elvish tush, the rest of the team getting a good gufaw at that which the Elf took in stride on his way to Undermountain. ------- Later that day the eight reindeer team met in their dormitory. They were simple creatures with simple needs and so the large bunkhouse they lived in served them adequately. Blitzen, having taken the lead as she usually did, sat with the pouch the Elf Torvald had given them in front of her with the rest of the 'girls' sitting with her in a circle. "Okay Girls," spoke Blitzen, "Let's see what we got." drawing open the drawstring on the pouch and reaching inside. The the muscular rein-doe pulled out first one dark black bottle, then another, and then yet another from the seemingly bottomless bag. "Ahh, looks like To-val gave us more than enough to party," she grinned. "Well don't just sit there, open 'em up and let's get Blitzed Blitzen!" teased Vixen as only she could. Cupid brought out eight carved and polished wooden bowls while Blitzen un-stopped the first bottle, sniffing the heady vapors as they escaped, "oooh, this is the Goooood stuff." The girls all held out their bowls to be filled one by one, cupping them in their hands when Prancer suddenly giggled. "I was just thinking, we're a real cornucopia of the mystic here aren't we?" "How so?" asked the curious Dasher. "Take a look around," giggled the he-doe, wiggling on her lovely round tush. "Without our Shamanism we wouldn't have a way to make what we do possible in one night, And nobody can whip-out the toys or like the Elves with their Auld Majick. Not to mention topping it all off what better blessing could we have for this operation than the big-guy in red himself? I mean he's an honest to Big-G Saint!" Cupid sighed softly, "If only the rest of the world could get along despite their differences like we can here." That kinda put a damper on the mood, and 7 heads bowed solemnly until Blitzen took charge again before letting her team slip into depression. Raising her bowl out into the middle of the circle they'd all quietly gathered into, "To the Magic of the Season." The reindeer rallied and shook the worst of their blues away, "To the Magic of the Season." they all said in unison, raising their bowls as well before they all brought the dark red liquid to their lips and drank it down in a few powerful swallows. They all relaxed visibly as the liqueur raced through their bodies like only a magical draught could do, "Mmmm, the good stuff Blitz.. think To-val included those 'special ingredients' in this batch of Faewine?" Blitzen leaned back and hmmmmed softly before answering Vixen, "We'll see soon enou.. oh!" her train of thought broken by the warm tingles of the Faewine centering in some naughty places. All around the reindeer sighed, then sighing turned to moaning. All eight pairs of nipples seemed to spring erect all at once as the powerful aphrodisiac held in a tincture of Elven spirits burned in their blood. The girls stood, or rather sat their ground. Some wiggled their hips as evidence of arousal became more and more blatant from the rising musk in the air to the rising erections peeking from their sheaths. Soon shafts and slits and a dozen other erogenous zones were screaming for attention but the reindeer all kept their hands off of themselves and each other knowing the best was yet to come. Around the circle eight hardons achieved their maximum, throbbing and dripping in the air. Pleasure verging on pain still coursed through their bodies and centered in the reindeer's moderately sized shafts as those shafts seem to swell and grow farther still. Thick veins mapped the surface of each erection as they pulsed with life, adding an inch with every heartbeat it seemed. Vixen was the first to give in as the 'itch' spread through her body, rising up on her knees and running a paw down the back of her round yet firm and furry rump to stroke at her moist femme-slit. Her swelling cock overwhelming her with sensation just as it was for the rest of them, the exquisite tingles spreading across her body as she fought to resist touching her swelling organ, wanting to extend the feeling as much as possible. The rest of the sleigh-team turned to watch Vixen masturbate her female aspect, leaving her maleness bobbing in the air as more changes were wrought in her body. Below her over-filled sheath Her fuzzy white ballsac dropped lower and lower as it's contents expanded to match her raging erection, while above the dual-sexed creature gasped as her nipples seamed to expand. Her nipples grew into large thumb-sized teats aching to be touched, soon after a long deep moan worked it's way from Vixen's throat as her breasts began to swell to match growing large and round and surprisingly firm. Vixen's moan was echoed by the rest as their bodies soon caught up with her's. Phallic totems still rising and rising from their sheaths to brush against swelling breasts grown to the size of basketballs and beyond. Finally the dam burst and with no one's hands anywhere near their own or each other's organs one by one they arched their backs, putting their over-developed mounds and hugely swollen pricks on perfect display, and screamed their ecstasy as their over-full balls pumped thick semen hard and fast up their proud rods and out into the world in great gouts of white goo. Eight cervine shafts bobbed in the air spitting long streamers of sperm across the room to land in the fur of another, each of the 'sisters' squealing and moaning with delight as they were spattered with white cock-cream across their muzzles and their now impressively swollen boobs, some opening their lips and trying to catch the stuff on their tongues. One by one the flood faded to a trickle, all eight cocks still hard and ready and one by one each of the cervine sisters stood up on shaky hooves to inspect the changes wrought upon themselves and their neighbors. Dasher and Dancer were nearly identical, still with their lithe and svelte athletic figures but now graced with monumental breasts perversely out of proportion while their newly swollen pricks pushed up against their enhanced busts. Prancer and Comet were now like perverse mirror-images of each other, Prancer's breasts had grown considerably but were nothing compared to Comet's while Comet's heart-shaped rump had fleshed-out noticeable it was eclipsed easily by Prancer's meaty hips and ass. Vixen was now the Barbie-doll taken to perverse extremes while Cupid was a perfect vision of Gaia, perfectly contrasting Vixen's exaggerated version of modern beauty with massive wobbling breasts and a warm inviting fleshy rear. As Cupid had become the ultimate expression of the 'girl's' female aspect, so Blitzen became the expression of the masculine. Blitzen's muscles bulged and flexed under her taut skin, grown even more impressive as the wine's enchantment's enhanced her to the Nth degree. Blitzen's musculature was not the only thing to have been increased, as evidenced by the huge round pair of surprisingly pert breasts standing out from her chest sandwiching a monstrous erection between them. It did not take long before the 'ladies' began to pair-up for their first coital bouts. The 'Twins' Dasher and Dancer were soon locked in a hot and hungry kiss, breasts jostling against each other while hands vigorously stroked shafts not belonging to their masters. Comet lay on her back with her aching hardness pointing up at the cleft between Prancer's thick thighs while the other doe-buck eased herself onto the throbbing rod. Prancer's own prick was soon enveloped by the great expanse of Comet's cum-stained cleavage as Prancer began to move her powerful hips up and down the meaty length buried inside her while receiving the mother of all tit-fucks from the lushly breasted reindeer below. Cupid heaved herself from the floor and jiggled her way voluptuously to a bed, laying herself across the covers with her legs hanging off the side and letting her hands roam her new body. Her hands pressed into the fat pillows of flesh her breasts had become, causing her to moan loudly as beads of white formed at the tips of her thick erect nipples. Lost in passion as she fondled herself she seemed immune to the lecherous gazes that fell upon her while she pushed and played her bosom across her chest, slipping a hand down to try and wrap around her thick phallus and slowly pump the length. Blitzen's eyes were among those ravishing Cupid's matronly beauty. The buff and ruff doe-buck's shaft was getting harder by the second while she watched the other reindeer masturbate. Opposites attract, this is true, and few in that room were as opposite as the hard-bodied Blitzen and the soft and sensual Cupid. Perhaps this is why Blitzen felt pulled toward the reclining doe-buck? Perhaps she was heeding the call of instincts that were old long before her kind had a name? Perhaps, she just wanted to fuck Cupid to within an inch of her life. The latter was the most likely scenario judging from the lusty leer the hefty cervine gave her soon-to-be mate. Cupid welcomed Blitzen by lifting her 'family jewels' out of the way to expose a more feminine cleft while the ripped reindeer picked Cupid's legs up and rested the voluptuous creature's hooves to either side of her own well grown though not nearly as prodigious bust. Blitzen hissed through her teeth as she pressed the bulbous tip of her cock against Cupid's cunny, provoking a moan from her lover as the fat shaft began spreading the soft petals around it's girth. The incredible sizes of the reindeer's now massive masculine endowments should have made coitus an impossibility, but such was the power in the Faewine that Cupid accepted inch after inch of Blitzen's meat with little discomfort and a whole lotta pleasure. Blitzen savored every inch of Cupid's tight warmth surrounding her shaft as she buried herself easily to the hilt, resting inside a moment before gathering her strength to give Cupid one heckuva ride. Blitzen's plans were slightly altered however by something large and rounded and insistent pressing against the backs of her thighs, forcing them apart and working it's way up to her own femininity. "Wha? Donner?" Blitzen exclaimed looking back at the intruder. Donner just smiled, while she was rather well-muscled now in her own right she had nothing on the massive Blitzen, however what she lacked in bulk of muscle she more than made up for in the bulk of her cock. Donner stroked her harness-partner's hips and with a wink shoved her hips violently forward, "Don? what are.... OHMYGOD!!" was all the response Blitzen could manage as she was split open by the first foot. Cupid giggled and hugged Blitzen to her soft pillowy boobs, semen from her sister's spontaneous ejaculations still drying on them. Blitzen buried her muzzle between Cupid's huge tits and muffled her groans and yelps at the massive spire being shoved up her cunt. She was strong, Blitzen told herself, she could endure this, Would endure this. Cupid was having a ball, pun intended, each shove from Donner's hips grinding the burly, buff and buxom Blitzen into her own wanton cleft. Blitzen's groans turned into growls as Donner worked her fat meat-pipe past the halfway point, pushing her hips back to meet her teammate before the other's thrusts shoved her back into the tight wet quim she herself was enjoying. Blitzen looked up from Cupid's cleavage just in time to get slapped playfully across the snoot by another reindeer prick. Vixen it was, squatting on the bed over the muzzle of Cupid who was happily lapping away at the other's hidden cleft making Vixen's balls bounce against her chin. Vixen smiled and winked down at Blitzen, her muzzle and breasts coated liberally with semen from herself and no doubt a few of her friends as well. Blitzen grinned lecherously back at the svelte yet curvacious deer, what better way to start their winter vacation than with a bang? A Gang-Bang! Blitzen opened her lips wide and inhaled Vixen's dripping cock, causing the sexy cervine to gasp and buck at her attentions while Cupid continued servicing her slit. Blitzen shoved her muzzle down Vixen's member, just as long as the rest but a bit slimmer, with a muffled grunt magnified by the huge phallus being driven up her own cunny and stuffing her own into cupid's happy hole. Donner hauled harder on Blitzen's hips as she worked her way in to her balls, fucking the bigger doe-buck furiously. Donner's strokes only magnified the already intense power of the Reindeer's Rut Blitzen had going for cupid, smacking her crotch against the lushly built rear. Cupid moaned hotly under all this welcome abuse and mauled Vixen's sopping wet pussy with lips and tongue while Vixen bounced and road her friend's face and thrust her shaft down Blitzen's ravenous throat. Donner was the first to go off, cramming ever last inch she could into Blitzen's muscular cunt as she fired-off round after round of thick semen into her partner. Vixen wasn't far behind as she threw her head back and with her hands firmly gripping Blitzen's antlers blew her own considerable load down the other reindeer's throat. Blitzen's inner muscles milked Donner until she was dry while her throat did the same with Vixen until finally the lusty wench of a doe-buck sitting on Cupid's face could take no more and had to retreat, catching Blitzen's muzzle with a final jet of cream as she collapsed on the bed. Donner held her ground awhile longer, hugging against Blitzen's back until she grew soft and with a lewd *schlorp* the huge lip organ slipped free with a deluge of cum leaving the hyper-endowed doe-buck to stagger back after having been drained so thoroughly. Blitzen's muzzle broke into a feral grin as two of her partners fell by the wayside, leaving her to concentrate on the third. Cupid squealed as Blitzen's fingers pressed into her full breasts and at the renewed frenzy of the muscular hips against her lushly padded ones. Blitzen's rough hands were rewarded with thin fountains of milk from Cupid's over-full tits as she groped and squeezed roughly in time with her pounding shaft, causing the mate she had claimed originally to buck and scream with agonized pleasure under the lusty assault. Cupid's tight cleft grew tighter still as Blitzen's ravishment drove her to one climactic female spasm after the other, her orgasms soon tripping over each other until finally Blitzen tilted her head back and bugled to the ceiling and with one last mighty shove buried her dick in deeper than deep. Cupid's own throbbing hardness burst into a geyser of thick rich seed arcing through the air while her womb was filled with Blitzen's own spunk. The climactic calls of Cupid and Blitzen were drowned out only by the cheers of the spectators. Too lost in their own worlds of bliss they failed to recognize their audience until thick strings of spooge began landing in their fur. Looking around they saw Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Comet and even the insatiable Vixen 'applauding' their performance in a special manner. Paws jacking their own and each other's randy shafts vigorously until great jets of sperm flew out to land on the two 'performers'. The thick scent of reindeer musk hung in the air as Blitzen and Cupid's own ejaculations were extended by the potent pheromones that almost choked the two, not that they minded in the least. Blitzen slumped over Cupid's form, the lushly equipped reindeer snuggling Blitzen's head into her spooged-on cleavage and laughing happily with the rest of the room while Donner picked herself up from the floor and with a grin hefted her log of dickmeat up and slapped it across Blitzen's back with a grunt, "Now, what do we do for an encore'?" Blitzen pried her face free of Cupid's cleavage and just smirked, "more of the same baby, more of the same." ------- Torvald was bored, as he and much of the younger generation often were at these parties hosted by the ancient elves. He adjusted his rapier for the umpteenth time before deciding it might be safe now to ditch this tired centuries-old ballroom scene and sneak into the human world for another night of clubbing. Finding a quiet out of the way spot to make his shift out of Undermountain a passing thought caught his mind, "I wonder how the girls are dealing with our 'gift', those were some exotic enchantments the magi laid on those bottles." Feeling his curiosity feed upon itself until it demanded satiation he finally decided to make detour back at the shop before going on to 'race the sun' as it was called, hitting the hottest night-spots on the Earth one after another from East to West staying one step ahead of the dawn. ------- What Torvald saw when he got there was nothing his imagination could have prepared himself for. All of the reindeer were much changed by the legendary Faewine and all were in some way carnally involved. Bent over a bed Prancer was receiving a vigorous butt-fucking from Blitzen while nearby Comet and Cupid were entwined head to hoof in the 69 position, wrapping themselves around the gargantuan appendage jutting from the crotch of a blissful-looking Donner. The sound of jingling bells caught Torvald's attention and his eyes nearly popped out at what he saw. Vixen was racing up and down the halls wrapped in a make-shift garment made from wrapping sleigh-bell laden straps around and across her body, the arraignment obviously intended to enhance rather than conceal her attributes as her breasts and hardon bounced in time with the jingling of her bells with a naked and randy Dancer and Dasher in hot pursuit. Vixen came to a sudden stop in front of the elf and was quickly surrounded by her two friends, "oh *giggle*, To-val... we weren't expecting you here, come to join the party?" Torvald simply gawked at the massive mammaries staring him in the face that were being pawed-at by two equally endowed doe-bucks and gulped, perhaps racing the sun could wait for another night. The End?