Copyright Leslie Rashana, Inspired by the works of Doug Winger (among others). Whoever pirates this crap deserves to -:P. --------- Charge of the Light-Horz. -- Dawn, why do most attacks start at dawn? Why can't they wait till a body's gotten a good breakfast before charging around shouting and shooting and whatnot? Of course, considering the usual results of war it's probably best most don't go in on a full stomach. The Lieutenant tried and failed for the umpteenth time to call in support against the enemy, their position on the hilltop was tenuous and their flanks were deteriorating. Ammunition was low and the enemy mortars were zeroing in. It wouldn't be long before the enemy made it's final assault to try and dislodge them. "Dammit!" cursed Their Lt. "No fire-support available, they mean none available for their mercs. Damn, we're about to be overrun." The Lieutenant grabbed the nearest soldier, "What's Sergeant Johnson's status?" The soldier replied, "A mortar-shell hit the Sarge square in the back while she was layin' in her fox-hole El-Tee, what do you think?" The Lieutenant swore up and down. "Damn, we're in a dirty little country, in a dirty little war, with.. *rrrrip* dirty little clothes. *Shred*" The rest of her unit stared in astonishment as their leader started ripping her own clothes off, "But Sir, the rules of engagement..." "Fuck the rules of engagement, and for that matter fuck the enemy!" She yelled with a growing leer, "In fact, yeah... let's show them how we make war back home." The soldiers all stared in amazement, then the Lieutenant's grin became infections. The tide was about to turn. Across the lines the enemy had thought they'd won. The dawn sun was breaking over the mountains and soon by it's light they would storm across those dogged mercenaries they had fought these few days. As they prepared for their advance however the dawn's early light showed something quite different. Standing up from their entrenched positions the mercenary force revealed itself. A full platoon of tall, muscular, equine humanoids. All appeared female at first glance, with massive breasts straining against fatigues. Those few who still wore fatigues that is. The horse-soldiers negligently began discarding weapons and articles of clothing seemingly at random, all soon however hand suspicious-looking plastic packets in their hands when their officer gave the order. "Fix Prophylactics!" The equines grinned sinisterly as they began opening those packets and the growing dawn showed more of their bodies in greater detail. Each 'female' soldier was sprouting a massive erection that defied logic, and gravity, and the conservation of mass. Thick dripping cock-tips throbbing proudly at almost eye-level on these behemoths were all soon covered in a thin layer of rubber which was soon rolled down tightly against their obviously eager shafts. The line of hardon-sprouting he-mares stood defiantly in the morning breeze, the wind whipping their manes and tails while their erections bobbed almost in unison. Then, much to the horror of the more mundane forces they were facing, came their lieutenant's next order. "CHARGE!" ---- The Horror, the horror. The carnage lasted for hours. With the latex sheathes covering the hard Horz-flesh and preventing the direct contact of fluids there was no transfer of Energy, without that the enemy soldiers received none of the protection the Horz and other Mall natives enjoyed from that planet's peculiarities of anatomy. The enemy fought-back savagely with guns and bayonets but it was all for naught. Torn Horz-flesh rent asunder by bullets and blades healed almost instantly, until the Horz were upon the mere-mortals and introduced them to their brand of warfare. Screams of agony swept across the battlefield and soon silenced in gurgles of blood and bile as the Horz found satiation for their previous frustration. Bodies torn-asunder by their brutal pleasuring would later be left to rot when the more conventional forces would refuse to go within eyesight of them much less police the bodies. Everywhere condoms were soon bursting only too-late to offer the protection of Energy to the victims who had burst long before leaving a mire of blood and semen and other bodily emissions across the battlefield. Some escaped to spread tale of the horror when the Horz paused to re-load their balls and re-arm with fresh rubbers, their stories would end the war months sooner than expected. Staggering up from a fox-hole a disheveled Horz in a ragged and bloody uniform surveyed the scene, crossing over to her lines to question her Lieutenant. "Oh hi Johnson", The ranking stud-mare replied with a savage grin while one of her subordinates licked the gore from her phallus, "Sorry you didn't re-constitute before we sounded the charge, I'm sure there are some still out there playing-dead. You'll have to hunt for them though-oh-OOH!" The Officer squealed as she began ejaculating triumphantly into a private's mouth. The Sergeant grunted her disappointment, but smiled, "Damn girl, You're gonna owe me for this." She said with a wry smirk, then she noticed some movement under a pile of meat that came from who knew how many former enemy soldiers, "Hang on. Perhaps not." Her eyes coming alight while her tongue drew across her lips. The Horror, the horror.