Warning! Hypersexuality and other things not to the general tastes of most. Story [C] Leslie Rashana. Yokubo, Vanessa and Hyperlight Starlines are [C) ChaosCat. ------------ Pleasure Cruise: Tales of the SS Yokubo 1. ---- Third night out on the starliner Yokubo's latest jaunt, and FiFi LeFluff felt royally gypped. That wasn't her real name of course, but it sufficed for her purposes now. She, or rather He, used to be called James Kirby before his operations. He'd been a rather mundane canid in a mundane job leading a mundane life, with decidedly non-mundane fantasies. They centered chiefly around herms and she-males, particularly the overly abundant kind, the kind for which the Yokubo was famed for. And so it came to pass that Mr. Kirby went into the local 'body-shop' and Ms. LeFluff came out. He'd been saving up his whole-life for this chance, even opting for a lesser form of augmentation to have enough money left-over to take the Yokubo cruise immediately after. And now she was three days out and still nothing to show for it. She tried to dress provocatively, did what she could to Invite attention, but still there was nothing. Her blatantly augmented breasts, as large and round and almost as firm as volley-balls, were wrapped tightly in a deep purple latex tube-dress that matched the dye in her hair even as it contrasted with the pink shade of her fur. The built-in corset gave her a waspish waist enough to lend her extra femininity and grand the illusion that her hips and rump were fuller than what little the hormone treatments had given her. The rubber bulged a bit in front, though she had to admit since the hormones and the over-use of the vacuum-pump her erections were perhaps less than enthusiastic. Her hair and the fur around her ankles and wrists and tip of her tail were done in the poofy style favored by poodles in porn-movies, and combined with her make up should have screamed 'easy'. No one took her up on her un-voiced offer yet however, and she began to despair that perhaps she just wasn't inherently desirable. Oh, she could perhaps approach someone rather than waiting to be approached but as time went on her self-confidence evaporated little by little making it harder and harder to break the barrier of shyness she brought-over from her days as a non-descript male programmer from a quiet corner of the orbital colonies. And so she spent her third evening sitting in one of the Yokubo's many lounge/bars, snug in her little booth in the back, wondering again if this all hadn't been a tremendous mistake. --- She was just about to get-up and call it a night when someone entered the bar and came straight toward her booth. Fifi's eyes went wide as she recognized the furson by her attributes if nothing else. She'd been introduced to most of the crew the first day of the cruise, though not personally of course, but there was no mistaking the vixen who's massive tits bounced and wobbled in her tight tank-top as she strutted casually over. Her name was Vanessa, second in command of Yokubo's security forces. FiFi just stared at the vixen and her mountainous assets as shi approached, turned, and slipped in between the two tiny tables serving the corner booth. The tables served to heft and hold the weight of Vanessa's breasts as she relaxed, pinning poor Fifi's hands beneath them. The canine's jaw gaped at the weighty breastflesh atop her hands, tossing a panicked glance at it's owner. Vanessa seemed not to notice anything was wrong, seemed not even to notice she was sharing the corner-booth with someone as she simply watched the play-back on the wall-screen across the lounge. Fifi squirmed uncomfortably, trying to get away. She flushed hotly under her fur as the massive mammary jiggled against her efforts. She kept glancing up and looking away from the ample vixen sharing the booth with her until she noticed something. Though her right breast was being wiggled and jiggled muchly by the frantic tuggings of limbs beneath it the vixen owning said bosom didn't even flinch. Calmed somewhat by Vanessa's apparent indifference and seeing she was in no immediate danger the foo-foo doggy slowly worked a hand free and laid it upon the huge tit pinning the other. She pressed in on the full flesh and pried her other hand free, ready to bolt at the most minute protest. Vanessa simply sat there, not even glancing in Fifi's direction. The vixen seemed oblivious, but Fifi was definitely not. She was quite aware of the proximity of Vanessa's plump tit, and even more aware of the swelling under the vixen's tank-top. Fifi's breath caught in her throat as she saw her hands almost un-bidden reach for the swelling cock-teat poking out of the top, and her heart almost stopped when she squeezed it sending a long stream of pre up and over to catch Vanessa across the face. --- Fifi was certain she would die, or wish she was dead for what she'd just done. The vulpine cock continued to swell against her fingers and the tight confines of the vixen's top while clear slick pre dripped down the side of Vanessa's face. Much to the puppy's surprise however, the vixen simply licked the worst of it off of her face and then continued watching the viewscreen, never once even glancing in Fifi's direction. Confused, but emboldened, Fifi began slowly tugging at the tight tank. The stretchy material gradually gave way to the vixen's broad aureola while slender canine fingers continued to stroke the damp vixencock jutting from it. Fifi panted with fright and lust as it swelled to well over a foot already, glancing back and forth from the growing penis to the ample vixen. Vanessa continued to watch the viewer, seemingly oblivious to what was happening even to hir own flesh, a faintly bemused expression crossing her muzzle. Fifi swallowed worriedly, but her fingers had a mind of their own. One paw stroked the impossibly vast mound of titflesh around the bare aureola while the other pumped the drooling nipplecock springing from it and growing more and more erect. Her lip trembled at the sight and smell of the magnificent organ resting in her hand, bringing it to her muzzle and letting her tongue flick across the tip. The taste was electric, no sooner had her tongue graced the tip than she felt compelled to cram as much into her muzzle as possible. Not the slightest peep escaped Vanessa's muzzle while the poodle-bitch slurped and whimpered lewdly and gargled the vixen's preseed. Fifi's pulse thundered in her droopy ears, franticly masturbating the swollen vix-cock with one hand while the other pawed at Vanessa's tit. Her own doggy-cock pressed painfully against the tight rubber in front of it, she'd thought such an urgent erection beyond her after the hormones and the pumps but her 8-inches of red poodle-rod were straining to escape even as 18-inches of tit-cock were stretching her muzzle wide. Fifi's fingers groped and jerked the solid column of flesh spitting into her maw, the hand stroking the full breast soon receiving a luscious surprise. The fingers squeezed around the base of the fat nipple-cock and were rewarded by one of Vanessa's three knots popping free. The twin bulbs quickly swelled to the size of muskmelons in Fifi's hands as she squeezed the sensitive spot behind them. This was enough, the fat cock pulsed against Fifi's muzzle and fingers and she could almost see the first blast of vixen-cum running up that length before it exploded inside her mouth. Thick white spunk gushed out of the poodle's muzzle faster than she could swallow, though she could swallow a great deal. The thick rich soup coated much of the shemale's front and the herm's exposed breast, the corset around the poodle's waist creaking ominously. --- Fifi's head jerked-back in surprise at the sound of popping seams, letting her face be drenched in a torrent of vixen-cum. Her belly pooched-out slightly through a tear in the front of her corset and her dick felt like it was on fire. Feverish with lust and the wake of her former fear she tore at her rubber skirt desperate to release her pent-up hardon. Her fingers groped for something, anything to help ease her painful lust while the other hand freed her erection and began to vigorously stroke it. Her fingers felt good, the fur she began to rub against felt even better as she stood and bucked her hips. Vanessa simply smirked and pretended to ignore the poodle-bitch who's heat had overcome her. She made no complaint as the dog's fingers slid up her arm and instinctively twined with her hair, even allowing her head to be turned and guided to the red-hot puppy-poker being aimed at her face. She made no attempt to help or hinder the purple-headed poodle as she bucked and thrust her erection at the vixen's face, only relaxing her jaws to allow the throbbing prick to wedge them open when the tip caught her lips just right. Fifi whimpered with lust as she stroked her hardon against something slender and furry, her balls jerking as that something opened and allowed her dick to slide inside against warm wetness. Her hips began to pound against the open orifice, one hand gripping firmly in a mass of hair while the other squeezed her swelling knot. She couldn't think, could barely breath, something was inside her and it was burning her up.. something she swallowed from that vixen. She glanced down and something, something bit of her original shyness and fear made her stop. She stared in slack-jawed horror at the sight of the powerful vixen looking up at her, her slender muzzle wrapped around her slick doggy-cock. Her knot pulsed in her fingers and she shivered at the lazy caress of a tongue against her shaft as the erotic impossibility of her topping the infamous Vanessa Vixen caused something to snap inside her. The vixen herself seemed to be the only one Not surprised by the sudden explosion of flesh as Fifi's cock went from closing-in on nine inches to almost a foot and a half, growing quickly from comfortably housed in Vanessa's muzzle to shoving down hir throat. Vanessa's cheeks bulged hugely as the doggy-cock suddenly ballooned in girth as well, swelling to the width of a soda-can in a couple of eye-blinks. The knot Fifi had been squeezing swelled from golf-ball to soft-ball size and she howled at the pleasurable pressure her fist applied to it's sudden explosion in size. That's when Vanessa went to work, lifting a paw to squeeze Fifi's balls while her muzzle began actively suckling the fat cock crammed down her throat, and hungrily to. This was more than enough to set-off the poor over-excited canine. Her hips bucked and she howled to the bulkheads with passion as her cock exploded, gushing thick ropes of jizm down Vanessa's gullet. The fox easily swallowed all the pup had to give, letting the panting canid slip free from her muzzle with a soft lick to the tip. As Fifi slumped back into her seat Vanessa stood, not bothering to try and stuff her still erect nipple-cock into her top. The dog's eyes grew wide, certain she was in for the thrashing of her life when the vixen leaned down and whispered into her ear.... "Congratulations on finding your aggressive side, come see me when you're ready to explore it some more." And with that she slipped Fifi a card and turned to strut and bounce her way back out of the bar. Fifi sat there dumb-struck, looking down at the card. It was a keycard, with Vanessa's cabin-number on it! So caught in disbelief was she that she failed to notice her fingers still masturbating her obscenely engorged knot until her phallus bucked and sprayed her chin with a fresh layer of spooge. She gasped for breath as her potent semen arched out onto the floor, and that's when she noticed the applause. Perhaps, she thought, this trip would be worth it after all. END?