Warning: contains nudity, other than that it's all good and copyright Leslie Rashana. The press room was a low roar of conversation as the representatives from various news organizations and scientific journal publishers waited on the announcement they'd been told was to be made today, soon the rumble died down as a man in a lab-coat ascended to the podium. "*ahem*, Ladies and Gentlemen of the press. In !997 a breakthrough in genetics occurred when Dolly, the world's first 'clone' was born. As you know I and my colleagues have been working on the next great step on the road of genetic research, that of gene-splicing and wholesale genetic manipulation." The scientist took a deep breath and then let out a heavy sigh, "It is my un-enviable task to inform you all, that we have failed in our endeavor. I won't go into the details of our failure as biological experimentations gone wrong are seldom pretty. I can only say that we were perhaps a bit too bold and that I hope others in our field can succeed by perhaps following a more modest path than we did. Thank you." The press-pit was a flurry of flash photography and reporters asking for comments as Doctor Richard Fuller, D.V.M stepped down and behind the curtain, met by his assistant who led him to the car waiting to take them back to the research institute to face the consequences of their actions. "Do you think I did the right thing George?" asked Dr. Fuller of his assistant as they drove. "I dunno Doc.. Maybe yes and maybe no. People are scared of this kind of research and if they really knew what we were trying to do there's no telling what may have happened" The doctor sighed and nodded as they approached the institute. He let himself out of the car thankful that George had parked around back and opened the rear entrance with his security card. "One thing's for certain Georgy-boy, the world's just not ready to hear about what we actually succeeded in creating" George nodded and slipped in while the doctor held the door, then stopped at what he saw in the lab and mumbled, "speak of the devil." painting on a smile and waving to the lab's only regular occupant, "Hello Molly." Sitting on a stool with a pair of electric clippers in her hand was the quite unlikely sight of a naked woman of average height and athletic build but what was even more un-likely were her muzzle and wool and other obvious sheep-like features, not to mention the incredibly well-sized if disproportionate bust she carried. "Hi George, hi Doc," greeted their erstwhile success story, "I think it's time you finally got around to shearing me, you've been putting it off long enough, oooh..." she moaned softly and gingerly hefted an over-sized breast, squeezing gently as a bead of moisture formed at one of her partially hidden teats, ".. and I think I may need to be milked to."