Warning. Adult situations.. Plus this is Really Stupid. Copyright that damn horny-hoss. -------------------------------- "Welcome to Buff-N-Blast Ma'am, how can we help you today?" The large draconic figure standing in the lobby surveyed the place with a mild smirk, "Such an interesting establishment, what would you reccomend?" The Dragoness wasn't exceptionally tall as dragons went, but at 9 feet tall she certainly dwarfed most non-draconians. She had other assets which certainly made up for her lack of stature among her own kind and they wobbled mightily with every subtle shift in her stance. The vixen behind the counter was mighty well endowed herself, but even if she were scaled-up to the dragon's height she'd still be dwarfed in the rack department, "Ohhh, I would most certainly reccomend the pre-buff followed by a pipe-cleaning from our latest specialist, shi's come all the way from Germany and we're quite proud to have her working for us." The dragon smiled, having heard of the 'services' offered here, "Yes, I think that sounds just about right." The vixen grinned and pushed the intercom, "Helga, we've got another one for you." Turning back to the 'client' she motioned her through a beaded curtain, "Room 3, just down the hall please." ---------------- The room she entered was much like a massage parlor, but for the table being much wider and only half as tall as it should have been. "I'll be right vith U, ja? Just lie Oopon zee table." Came a teutonic voice from beyond another curtain. The dragoness settled herself down upon the seemingly awkwardly-placed table to await her servicing. She lounged back, letting her overwhelming breasts roll off to the side of her chest and balance upon each other and one side of the table. She ran a finger absently over her black and silver scales when her ears perked up at the noises comming from behind the curtain on the far wall. "Ohh, Oh ja ..Ja! das ist Gudd!" Came the voice of her soon-to-be servicer, the sounds of really soft and really bad music barely audible over the wet *fwap-fwap-fwap* noises leaving little to the immagination. Suddenly the curtain peeled-back to reveal the source of those highly irregular sounds. Standing there was a strongly built yet lushly curved draft mare, her dark mane cascading down her chestnut shoulders. She reguarded her charge with deep brown eyes while the dragoness looked back upon the Germanic mare. She was dressed in nothing more than an elastic corset and a long silky pair of stockings. The corset did a little to help hold her breasts boyant, not that they appeared to need much help. The mare was less than 2 feet shorter than the dragoness but her bosom was almost half the ludicrously lush draconian's proportions. Further down she, or rather shi, boasted something else as well. A thick solid black erection sprouting from an over-stuffed sheath. The fat tool was as thick as the mare's arm and slightly longer from the looks of it, the broad tip dribbling what was fed to it from a large pair of shiny balls.. looking newly shaved. The dragoness couldn't help but stare at the glistening organ, shiny and wet with whatever oils the mare had rubbed into it's smooth flesh. The mare wiped a soiled hand on a used rag and hurred at what she saw as well, letting out a light squeal as her organ bobbed and spit a line of clear fluid across the dragoness' hip. "Perhaps I having had no need to prep, ja?" She said with a smile, eating up the dragon's curves with her eyes as she fetched a fresh shammy. "U Ahr here for the 'special' Ja? The Boof und Blast?" The dragoness only nodded as the teutonic titan approached, erection leading the way. "Und virst, dee pree-boof." Came the pronouncment as equine fingers began slowly pumping that huge hardon. The dragon stared in fascination as at first more clear and slippery fluid began to drip and dribble onto her scales, then occasionally spurt across them. A heady musk filled her nostrils while the hugely hung horse slide her erection across pliant dragonscale encouraging more of the slippery fluid to flow. Her fingers began to slide down to her slit as it grew moist on it's own, then pulled back. The large mare chuckled, catching the movment out of one corner of her eye, "Oh please, enjoy yourzelf. I know I vill." She said with a wink, encouraging the lushly built dragoness to touch her excited vent while she watched the large equine go to work. Once the horse got to the point she had aroused herself (and her client) almost to the brink she withdrew, leaving her aching member to bob in the breeze while shifting the shammy to her other hand, "Und now the boof." She announced, working the shiny clear fluid into the scales with the soft cloth. The dragoness murred, she was in heaven. The he-mare's firm strokes massaged her so well, making her massive mammaries bounce so far they threatened to collide with her chin on the up-swing. The mare occasionaly palmed the flare of her organ and squeezed, dribbling more of her special lubricant onto the shiny scales before buffing them to a high polish. The soft cloth felt equisite around her sensitive nipples, coaxing a few excited drops of milk to creep out. The mare giggled and continued her work, working her way back down past the dragoness's waist. The scaly patron purrred as she was swabbed to her toes and back up again, paying special attention to her hips and tail, and especially her thighs. The dragon arched her hips up to meet the hand of the equine, grinding against the firm hand behind the soft cloth while the horse liberally applied more and more lube to the base of her tail and teased the hole there. "Are U reddy for the Blast?" She asked. The dragoness nodded without hesitation, only to be greeted with an almost girlish giggle, "Are U sure?" Growing more frustrated the dragoness replied, "Yes dammit, give it to me now?" The well-built drafter chuckled, "Remember, U asked for eet." The drafter's hands grabbed the dragon's hips and with surprising strength lifted them. The dragoness only had an instant to look surprised as her legs were lifted over the horse's shoulders and something blunt and fleshy poked at her back door. A push and a pull and almost an instant later she felt like she was being split open. The massive pole projecting from the she-stallion's crotch gave no quarter as it ploughed through the dragoness's tailhole. The draconic head lolled to the side, a prisoner of lust and endorphins as she was spread wide by that massive organ. The lusty mare lost no time and once she was hilted in the extreme began to thrust her shaft through the tightness of a dragon's anal ring. Her breath blasted through flared nostrils as she huffed and hurred, rutting her hips savagly against the dragon's. The client's pendulous breasts wobbled wildly with the force of the equine's thrusts, panting in time with the massive organ's passage as it's size allowed for nothing else. Her tongue lolled out of one side of her snout, blissfully contemplating if this was what people ment by having one's brains fucked out. She barly registered the she-stud's warning to tilt her head back, doing so while the equine pounded on. The already tight and well-curved equine rear tensed while frau Helga pushed in, burying as much of her tingling shaft inside her client as she could. The dragoness's eyes went wide at first when she felt the sudden explosion of flesh as the equine flare suddenly inflated inside her, then the rush of gallons of semen flooding through her gut. The dragon blinked in disbelief as she felt the tidal-wave of semen flooding up through her body, her cheeks suddenly bulging out with the first load. Hopelessly unable to hold onto it it burst from her lips in a rushing torrent of thick white goo, splashing across the far wall as a guyser erupted inside her south end. The horny horse held onto the spurting dragon's hips, clutching them onto her shaft while it sent thick waves of spooge up through the dragon's body. Her hide glistened with sweat while her client's shined with the buffing she received earleir, the raging flood seeming to finally taper-off. The dragoness gasped and gurgled as the draft herm withdrew her still raging erection, sputtering on the thick sauce still filling her mouth. "Oh my," she finally pronounced, "That wasn't half bad." She admitted, surpised at how much she enjoyed the whole procedure. "Gud," Answered the mare with a grin, bodily flipping the surprised dragoness onto her belly and brests and laying her throbbing horsecock across her back, "Because now Vee vork on zee other side." The dragoness's eyes went wide, half hoping the mare was kidding.. half praying that she wasn't. END.