**Warning** The following contains things that are *Really Really Wrong**.. But I think they're fun.. story copyright Leslie Rashana... All characters copyright their respective creators (and you know who you are)... Any resemblance to past present or future music groups is strictly un-intentional... Unless it's GWAR, in which case This is a deliberate rip-off. ;P VWAR!! The stage was back-lit with harsh white-hot lights facing skyward. The silhouette it presented was jagged and cruel. A low electronic drone murrmurred in the background while the mosh pit thrummed with barely contained energy as the smoke-machines started up, a sure sign things were about to get under-way. Glow-sticks swished in the shadows as un-known persons decorating their bodies with the things assumed their places on-stage, a bright-red light shown up from the hands of a tall purple-haired Vixen signifying Events were about to be set into motion. "I know you're all excited to be here, mmmmm I can smell it from here. So we're gonna kick-it while the kickin' is goooood. Ladies and Gentlemen! Make for the fire-exits and clear the floor for the animals! Here! Cums! VWAR!" Black-Lights illuminated the crowd while spots and lasers rose reverently across the stage, finally flood-lamps flicked on one at a time revealing the stage. Part Post-Apocalyptic Nightmare, part Medieval Horror, and seasoned with a Demon's wet-dream. Manning their instruments vixens of every stripe and all of at less than modest endowment struck the first fierce notes of the opening one at a time while the purple-haired amazon paced the stage, waiting for something. A lone pony, out of place it seemed, struck her base guitar just as a spot shone on the gantry above and behind the stage that till now had remained obscured. The light reflected from too-white fur, The blue-eyed vixen didn't flinch in the blinding glare as she reached into the darkness to her left. A powerful electronic chord reverberated through the speakers as a second spot illuminated a white-furred hand over a keyboard. A third spot shown the other hand reach over a pair of turn-tables and an electronic mixer, sending a few spine-chilling scratches out that made the audience shiver. Two words then spake the white vixen with surprising coolness into the headset she wore, "Kick it." And all Hell broke loose. Music tore through the crowd, setting their hearts and minds and even their souls aflame. The MC-vixen worked the crowd up higher and higher while the band played on, instruments and voices and electronics melding together in a harmony that some would swear could not come from this world, in a way they were right. Higher and higher the music swelled and with it did the crowd, bumping and grinding against each other like a writhing wave of passion just looking for something to crash upon, the subtle scent of pheromones going un-detected as it set their loins aflame as well. The vixens on-stage didn't help matters, clad in as little as absolutely possible, and as they leapt and sang and played and raged what little they wore did little to protect whatever modesty might still have existed there. Amongst the crowd eager hands searched their fellows for soft things and hard things and wet things as they found themselves truly lost to the empress of the beat. With yip and a yowl the purple-headed MC called attention to the top of the stage once more as the snow-queen pulled the music as if by her will alone into an appropriate crescendo, one that promised not to crest and fade but to simply carry one to even further heights as a floodlight bathed her body. Naked she stood there in all her glory, glory that none could belive. The arrangements of her tools now obviously a necessity by the size of the hugely vast orbs that reached form one table to the next, almost farther than her arms reached. The rest of her body was likewise obscured by obvious displays of fertility. Her lower portions in-explicably bearing an obnoxiously well-formed set of masculine organs, beach-ball sized testicles sat between her spread foot-pads while an immense sheath throbbed and swelled before the amazed audience. Who let up an uproarious cheer. The music flowed onward to a bestial throbbing beat as the crowed cheered again as the now perplexed pony-bassist was seized by several previously-unseen vixens and carried to the center-stage where a pentagram began to strangely glow, the blue-furred vixen queen amazingly mastering the music and matching it to what transpired as if sound were orchestrating a symphony of flesh. The pony's confused protests were drowned out by the noise from the speakers and from the mosh as her clothes were torn away, all the while the white vixen's maleness continued to swell. The fat manly rod spilled out almost all at once, falling to the stage with a loud *Thump* that matched the pounding beat synchronously. The poor pony-girl was led toward the obscene organ, revealed in her nakedness to herself possess a masculine member. While the crowd cheered and the rest of the band played she was tossed across the immense rod, like a couch of flesh, her own substantial breasts jiggling with the landing. She looked up to see what by now was a plain occurrence, a huge prick hanging from between the hips of an otherwise very female someone, this time that purple-maned MC. The long-tall vixen swung her hips and bumped with the beat in a sensual strut, her shaft inching down her legs and swinging long and black for all to see while her paws molested the two great basketballs on her chest masquerading as tits. She whirled and presented her profile to the crowd, rocking and thrusting in place making her organ sing up and down between her knees, with each thrust the dark rod rose higher but fell lower as it's core grew firm. The pony-girl, whose mane matched the vixen's fiery red coat, lay there transfixed while her own organ grew with this lewd dance. Truth be told those weren't the only rods to grow mighty right then as the brave ones among the crowd began copulating under the black lights, the rest enjoying the show as the vixen MC let her yard-long erection guide her to the prone mare. The queen of it all allowed herself a smile as the taller but not as lavishly endowed vixen yanked the pony's tail up and roughly introduced her organ into a soft wet cleft, rutting roughly atop her mistress' own immense organ while the crowd watched, all to the throbbing heart-beat of some demonic machine that she alone held sway over. The Pony squealed and the vixen howled as flesh met flesh, the pony's own member writhing as if with a life of it's own, seeking a warm hole of it's own to plunder while it's owner was so thoroughly ravished and finding it in an un-expected place. The crowd cheered them both on as the Pony-prod plunged into the yawning cumslit of the vix-queen herself, eliciting a soft sigh from the vixen's muzzle and a huge gush of pre from her shaft. The MC-Amazon Vixen's own substantial balls smacked against soft equine thighs as the swelled, filling ever more full as the rutting fox plundered her prize. The purple-haired one pulled the red-mane up by her shoulders to show the world in that room as a formerly trim equine belly almost hidden under overly-lush breasts began to swell in leaps and bounds. The hard lurch in the vixen's hips matching each surge of growth leaving no doubt what the source of the growth was, the equine belly swollen until she looked to be near-term with twin foals. The music built and surged, exquisitely acoustically cradling the equine scream of shock and pleasure as horse-spunk surged down the flexible shaft and out the mix-mistress vixen's cock-tip as if she herself experienced the climax. The MC pulled out a long glistening yard of fox-meat and returned to her duties as if nothing had happened, not missing a beat as she waved her magic wand shooting the occasional gout of cum across the audience. The pony meantime slumped and slid off of her comfortable couch, her belly still distended and growing ever larger. The crowed gasped and murrmured at the sight, but still danced to the entrancing beat while the pony moaned and writhed passionately under her expanding girth. Shapes began to form against taut flesh as she gave a loud squeal and something exited her. The thing was much like the muscular yet feminine vixen-bitch keeping the crowed hot and bothered, but smaller. The little creature was fox-colored and tailed, barely coming up to tit-height on it's 'father'. Equine features mixed in freely with fox everywhere else though, most notably in the flaring cockhead pressing up against her almost grotesquely over-abundant cleavage, breasts that still weren't even in the same ball-park as the mix-queen above the stage. One after the other more of the strange creatures slid out into a wet sticky pile on the stage as their 'mother' squeezed them out. the creatures were quite active as they emerged, some even loosing their virginity before they were even born it seemed as sometimes two or three came out at once. The crowd was too stoned by sound and scent for the sight to alarm them, not even as the mistress of this hellish dance wove the music in such a way to bring the attention of all the dozens of newly-born sex-beasts to her. They all attended, as if listening intently to instruction as the tempo built up. Then the treble dropped out completely and a heavy *BOOMP* broke the group apart, scattering them throughout the crowd in the mosh. Yipping and nickering and squealing in lust they fell upon the attendees, leaping into the arms of the willing and onto the backs of the un-willing. The beasts were all about taking, taking whomever they found rough and fast and gleefully allowing themselves to be taken by whomever had found them first. The black-lights glowed down on a sea or writhing bodies entangling each other in any number of ways sensual and sick. The mistress-vixen smiled at what she had wrought, and was still creating as her fingers flew across the tools of her trade. Her smile vacated as her eyes went wide, turning her head to look nose to nose at the MC towering behind her. The thick tip of the Herm behind her sliding up beneath a long lush white tail making it's owner shiver, before rudely plunging through the tight tiny hole. The music rose to a heart-shredding pitch as if screaming in the vixen's place. The large organ speared through her rear and to the hilt as if it were nothing. That was the least of the surprises for the night as something thicker and blunt nuzzled her moist sex. Looking back behind the taller vixen there was the newly recovered equine, her prehensile organ seeking the snowy-white vixen's treasures while white teeth shown in her grin. The snow-mistress opened her muzzle in a silent scream as both of her lovers plunged forward in unison, sending such a shock through her body to make even her obscenely huge breasts bounce with the force of it. The thick and thumping baseline throbbing to the tune of their thrusts as if she were making love to the audience by proxy. That soon changed as the work of two rampant pricks plunging into her did their work on her own masculine organ, sending veins to pulse along it's huge length, engorging it further as it started to slide and slither across the stage growing longer and thicker all the time. The rounded head writhing this way and that like a worm of the abyss as the huge length grew still more, sliding off across the end of the stage and into the writhing mass of people. A pony huffed and a vixen moaned while the smaller-bodied one let the music be her voice, using it to give vent to the feelings running through her body as she bumped and bounced. The audience, both those who bought tickets and those spent from a violated equine womb, pressed in around the massive crawling cock as it worked it's way across the floor. The gigantic dong crawling along with each throbbing jet of pre-cum. The vix an' hoss mounting their glorious white mistress soon found themselves voiceless as well as the music melted and merged their cries of passion and made it one with it's own inevitable beat. The corners of a white-furred muzzle curling into a smile as her lovers erupted sending waves of pleasure through her just as waves of their semen washed against her flesh. A shudder started in the snow-vixen's quaking thighs, shuddering down the expanded length of un-earthly fox-dick dragging something from her balls along with it. Finally The Mix-Vix Mistress gave her own voice to her passions keening above even her own well-wrought music mash as a tidal-wave of he seed erupted from the tip of her distended organ to crash against a far wall, falling back in a cascade of white across the stunned on-lookers... many of whom were already stunned by the sexual energies they had given up with each other, all for the sake of the Sound. And the Band played on. ---- END