Working-Girl F/M, F/M, F/F? Warning! the following story contains graphic sexual themes and implies social dynamics which some may find disturbing if not repugnant, reader discretion advised.. Translation of Warning! Yo! This little tale of tail here is all about lots of hard-core SEX and some twisted shiznat you might not agree with a'right? So Iffin' you don' like this kinda crap you got nobody to blame but yo own punk-ass fo' readin' it in tha first place, Word! Story copyright Leslie_R 2002, all characters copyright Leslie_R, based loosely on elements from the Cyberpunk Role-Playing Game, please don't sue me R. Talsorian... ------------- "Miss Farber, could you come in here fore a minute?" Buzzed the intercom on the secretary's desk, a few short minutes later the doors of the middle-aged VP of Local Marketing parted allowing Miss Farber to enter. Miss Denise Deloroux Farber was what some would call attractive, provided they had some peculiar tastes. She resembled a 5'9" tall white-furred mouse-person from the tops of her large tea-cup shaped ears to the tip of her long pink tail. These were not the only unusual features Denise displayed however, the most prominent being the twin basketball sized breasts standing un-wholesomely round and firm on her rather sleek physique. This, combined with the skirt so short she didn't really need a hole in the back for her tail and the low-cut blouse that exposed obscene levels of what some would call the grotesque deformity of her breasts, would have scandalized any corporation willing to hire her even a century ago. In this day and age where tolerance was considered good business sense however it was just par for the course, "I'm here sir, I've brought the quarterly reports as well, would you like me to read them to you?" The gray-haired and mildly over-weight man nodded and waved Denise in while rubbing his temple, "Yes-yes, fine-fine.. oooh God, what a day this has been." Denise strolled in with a saucy walk that was just begging for trouble and sat her mousey ass on the edge of her boss's desk within easy reach of the older man, "Tough times sir?" The man reached up and without a thought began stroking the mouse-girl's thigh, to which she simply un-crossed her legs and spread them slightly allowing access further up if he desired to her un-clothed mound, she'd forgone underwear early in her career. "Not really, just hectic, and stressful. Perhaps we should retire to the couch and you can help me with my stress-relief, I'm sure what's in those reports won't be of much help there." Denise nodded compliantly and sa-shayed her firm round rump over to the couch with the older gentleman close behind, sitting down and laying her PDA on the nearby coffee table. She reached for a bottle of oil conveniently set on the table and wet the palm of one hand with it thoroughly while her boss sat down with his pants around his ankles and his erection pointing skyward, without so much as a blink the secretary wrapped her greased fingers around the rod and began slowly wanking it while reaching for the PDA with the other. The boss-man groaned and squirmed as slender fingers slipped up and down his hardon in a steady motion while she read aloud the departmental reports, who was using too much money, who ended up with a surplus and so on. Obviously the VP wasn't paying attention but Denise kept it up and her voice drowned out the lewd slick sounds of oiled fingers on thick hard meat as she strived to keep a semblance of professionalism during the procedure. She smiled while finishing up the reports and admitted to herself that she got no small thrill in this pretend-indifference to how her boss treated her, almost as much of a thrill as she got when he reached up and slid a hand into her deep cleavage to begin pawing at an incredibly large and surprisingly sensitive breast. Denise un-buttoned her blouse and revealed a lacy blue demi-cup bra ludicrously attempting to hold-up her breasts on their own, giving the man greater access to her ample attributes while her hand jerked him faster and faster until he began to moan, "I... I'm close.. slow down.." Denise licked her lips in as un-subtle a manner as possible and did slow down but increased the firmness of her grip, squee-geeing the oil from his erection, "Would you like to cum in my mouth again Sir?" she asked with that air of aloof professionalism that tickled her to the core and so drove many men wild. The VP released his near death-grip on her breasts, "Turn around, I'd like to fuck you this time." he said simply, crawling up onto his knees behind the overly-busted mousie-girl as she assumed the position and mounted her. Denise ground her hips back against her superior's crotch and moaned and bounced in all the ways she knew he liked, not quite faking but definitely doing this more for his enjoyment than her own. The VP gripped her hips and pounded away like mad sending tremors up to her wildly bouncing tits while the mouse beneath him reached back to fondle his balls, a scheme brewing in her mind, "All right now, I've got this year's raise and next year's, time to try for that vacation on the French Riviera." The man humping his secretary continued on obliviously until deft fingers took his plunging shaft as he was in mid-stroke, removing it from her damp tunnel and positioned it under her tail. With one stroke he penetrated her tight and almost virginal back-door to his deep bellows of delight, so pleased was he by this that three strokes later he unloaded his medically sterilized seed up into her waiting rectum. Denise held herself there for several minutes while her boss rested, looking back with her tail raised high still, "Did you have fun Sir?" The VP chuckled and lightly swatted her on the ass, "You bet I did girl, damn but I'm gonna miss that." Denise blinked, "Miss?" "Mmm-hmmm, I've been promoted to International Marketing, that means among other things a transfer. It's kinda on short notice which is what's been stressing me so much, In fact I only came in this morning really to gather my personal stuff before heading out, you should meet your new boss sometime later today." Denise got up, careful not to spill anything on herself, "Will that be all Sir?" She asked. "What? Oh sure, sure.. I won't have anything else for you to do really so you can go ahead and take a long lunch today. Enjoy it, I hear the person coming in to replace me is a real task-master." "I'm sure Sir." and with that she left. ------------- Denise Deloroux Farber stopped at a convenient rest-room just outside her boss's office to clean up, quietly fuming about having given the old fart some tail-action when he was gonna be out the door so soon. The young mouse-girl of course hadn't always been what she appeared to be. In an age where radical cosmetic surgery was easy and relatively cheep people had augmentations and alterations much like her's all the time, though they were by no means simple. The breasts alone required custom-made implants and a muscle-bone lattice to keep her spine resilient against the added weight. That wasn't the half of it though, among her many alterations were nerve-booster implants that could make any part of her body an erogenous zone on command. She had more than once brought herself off just by the friction of her clothes against her body while walking from one end of the office floor to the other after figuring out how to set it right. Another was an auto-sizing feature installed in her vagina, elastic artificial muscle fibers were grafted inside that could allow painless stretching or could contract to allow marvelous tightness and friction allowing her to take on a variety of males of various sizes and enjoy them all. These enchantments and more made her 'job' not only bearable but downright enjoyable. A century or so ago Women's Lib groups would fall into collective apoplexy and rise again wielding Gelding Knives after hearing of something happening like what passed between Denise and her boss. After many Multi-national corporations gained such power and influence as to be able to better dictate policy to Government than these special-interest groups 'Sexual Harassment' quickly fell out of fashion. Which is not to say that the female population in the corporate world were thrown back into another lifetime of exploitation and sexual servitude as they had just so recently struggled to free themselves from, far from it. After years of work by the Women's lib movements to break down the glass ceiling, big business had been given a tantalizing glimpse of possibly doubling the pool of talented executives. Once the barriers of paranoia over lawsuits for slights real and imagined had been removed the Mega-Corporations began mining this new resource in ernest, offering women opportunities never before dreamt of. Decades of having 'no means no' ingrained onto the cultural consciousness meant that despite it being more permissive for corporate superiors to talk underlings into sexual services for various 'perks', more often than not it were the ones on the bottom who would use sex to 'bribe' the ones on top into giving them added benefits without saddling them with the extra responsibilities a promotion would often entail. Those who could not or would not 'play' like this often found their skills applied gainfully elsewhere and often were of the aggressive sort to climb high themselves in the corporate power-structure, many of these women often culling their own 'stud-harems' from the secretarial pool and the mail-room. What was good for the gander was oh so sweet for the goose. All of this did little to help Denise in her current situation however, her old boss was on the way out and who-knew-what was coming in to replace him, If he was as much a hard-ass as the old VP made him out to be one of the first thing's he'd probably do would be to cut-out all the little 'perks' she'd earned one way or the other letting the old man poke prod and fondle her to his heart's content. "What am I gonna do? I can't afford the down-payment on that new car I've been wanting if he takes away all my raises." she thought to herself. Lunchtime quickly rolled around and she was no closer to a solution, and was beginning to suffer from another problem that was quite distracting. Though she enjoyed an active sex-life with her boss he rarely gave her all she needed, and right now she was horny as hell from the morning butt-fuck and was being driven to distraction by it. Perhaps getting a good lay would help clear her mind and let her think her way better around this problem, and she knew just where to go looking for it. ------------- Roger, as it said on his name-tag, worked in security and like many others including Denise had some pretty extensive bio-ware installed. Among them many that enhanced his performance in his job, reflex boosts, synthetic muscle transplants, sensory enchantments and the like. The most remarkable changes however were the ani-morph alterations he had made, much like Denise he went all the way to appear almost fully animal instead of just having ears and a tail put in. He now stalked the halls as an impressively muscular and masculine example of a bipedal African Lion. His nose told him something was up first, then his eyes as he saw a familiar figure stride boldly up to him and rather brazenly announce, "Hiya Roj, got time for a quickie in the break room?" The Lion chuckle-rumbled deeply, "Old fart get you all hot and bothered again little Titmouse?" Using the pet-name Denise insisted he use, "Heh, for you, of course." he said with a smile, reaching out and filling his paws with Denise's overly-bountiful mammaries, taking full advantage of the open invitation she had personally given him not long after they first met, "God I love these tits!" Denise churred as he pawed her mounds, no pun intended, before dancing out of his grip, "Well then come get 'em kitty." she winked playfully as she turned on her too-long heels and swished her way on to the break-room. ------------- Most mega-corporations tried to keep a clean face to the world, but they were also so huge that it was hard to notice the dirt under the fingernails. Thus as long as a little dirt was kept out of the public eye it was often tolerated, even encouraged as a necessary release for the lower-wage workers. Case in point, nobody so much as batted an eyelash when Roger came into the break-room with a half-naked titmouse in his arms and a hardon sticking out of his fly. They just quietly made room on the table and moved to the sides where they could get a nice view. With the table cleared Denise squealed when her furry fanny made contact with the cool Formica, her tits bouncing out of her bra when her lion grabbed her ankles and hoisted them into the air. "Oh yes Roj, Fuck me Noooowwoooooo...!" As much as she craved the thick organ sticking out of the lion-man's pants, he had other ideas. His broad muzzle dove between her thighs, his whiskers working against them like a range-finder. When they were almost flat with the sides of his face his rough tongue lashed out across the squirming mousegirl's soft and wet cunt. Delicate fingers tugged and pulled at Roger's mane, more to his amusement than his discomfort. When you're built to take .40 caliber slugs to the forehead and not only survive but remain conscious little things like that just slide on by. He nuzzled into her crotch harder, using the tugging of his hair as a gauge of his lover's excitement while his tongue slid across her moist mons. Denise was beside herself, it had been so long since she'd been eaten and this was just the kitty to do it. She didn't need her enhancements to readily herself for a good hard fucking, her slit was prepping itself well enough just as nature intended. The tongue slid inside and curled against her sensitive walls releasing a steady trickle of her wetness while her excitement became excruciating. "Oh Fuck Roger.. Fuck me now! Fuck!" Figuring he'd teased the poor mouse enough he got ready to do just that. The small crowd gathering at the door oooohed and ahhed softly as the lion-man stood up, knowing the show was about to really get started. Roger opened the front of his jumpsuit wider and fished out his furry balls, letting them hang in front of his crotch just under his still raging erection. That organ did not belong in nature, but many girls thought it belonged in them. It was jet-black, smooth to the touch, well over a foot long and as thick as a soda-can. Any all-natural cunt would have wanted to flee screaming before such a monster, but few people who could afford it kept the 'factory standard' equipment. As that monster cock nuzzled against her folds Denise was very glad she'd gone for the upgrade. Her wired flesh sent flashes of ecstasy up her spine and quickly spiked her pleasure-centers as Roger slowly began to penetrate. A few voeyurs cheered their encouragement as her back arched and the thick lion-dick impaled her slowly at first. Denise's mouth opened wide, but only a breathless *eep* came out as she was spread wide over Roger's titanic shaft. It felt marvelous of course, though some of the female bystanders couldn't help but squeeze their legs together and squirm in miss-placed sympathy as the huge ride spread her wide. Just as she was finding a state of blissful contentment with the sensations her enhanced vagina was sending her with the filling of it's channel her pleasure-center received a shock as two huge furry hands grabbed her breasts roughly and pinned her to the table. It was now time for the show to commence. Denise sucked in a quick, deep breath as Roger vacated her letting it out as an almost primal scream as he plowed his way back in. Her massive breasts pressed back against his fingers, firm but yielding as he massaged them in time with the slow stroking of his hips. Her breath came out in quick pants as the lion-man began to rut his mousy prize, feeling her legs wrap tightly around his hips as he filled her. More people gathered around the entrance to the break-room to watch the 'show', gaping in amazement as the hugely endowed tit-mouse took on the equally absurdly-proportioned lion. Denise was on cloud nine and climbing as Roger picked up his pace, sawing his shaft against the tender nub of her clit. The feeling was electric, there was no better way to describe it as the thickness inside pressed against her sensitive walls pushing her closer and closer to the edge. Roger was getting there to, and hoping to get there faster. He un-tangled the sensuous legs from his waist and made Denise's eyes go wide as he propped her ankles over his shoulders, aiming himself to pound almost straight down into her tight box. The table shuddered as Roger started pounding in ernest, earning a mouse-like 'squeak' from his lover at the end of each thrust. Denise loved every minute of it, nothing but pure pleasure coming from her enhanced nerves down there while her augmented vagina rhythmically clenched stroking the thick lion-wang like a never-ending series of well-lubbed fists. Denise's squeals became higher and higher pitched as she neared her peak, encouraging Roj to give it his all. The bulbous glans of his organ stroked exquisitely across the more sensitive regions of her tunnel while the hands groping her massive melons worked her to a fever-pitch. Finally an almost siren-like wail heralded her climax, greeted by a fury of applause from the on-lookers. Roger's thrusting continued it's hard but steady pace through Denise's orgasm, not trying to work himself into his own orgasm though he was close. He'd been the big-tittied mouse-girl's sometime-lover for long enough to know how she expected this to end and he wasn't about to disappoint now, especially not considering how much he enjoyed it himself. As the peak crested and Denise started to come down she Squealed as her stud pulled her back off of the table and off of his shaft, lowering her onto the cold tile floor on her knees. Without a further word his fat cocktip was rudely shoved into her half-open mouth with a heavy hand resting on the back of her head. Without missing a beat both of Denise's hands wrapped around the throbbing pole starting at Roger's crotch and ending in her mouth, jacking the fat rod still slick with her juices. Her quim convulsed helplessly in further spasms of pleasure as Roger's fingers curled behind her ears sending a thrill to her submissive side as she sucked loudly on his fat crown. She didn't have to keep it up for long, but after such a vigorous fuck she rarely did. The on-lookers backed away from the doors as Roger bared his fangs and Roared passionately with his own release. Poor Denise's cheeks bulged with the first load of Roger's hot cum, over-filling her mouth and spilling down her chin. She forced him deeper into her 'muzzle', sucking hard and swallowing as fast as she could while her fingers flew up and down his gorgeous shaft. She loved how it felt, that rock-hard shaft filling her mouth even as it pulsed and spit across her tongue. Nothing could ruin this moment for her, nothing... ------ "Denny? Denny are you... Whoa!" Denise ignored the calling of her name, "Dammit Chloe Would have to come calling right now." she thought. The secretary who'd come looking for Denise blushed, trying not to stare at the mouse girl sucking the last of the sperm out of a well-hung lion's testicles while others were teasing her for her embarrassment. "Umm, Denise. I hate to bother you but. Your new boss is here and she wants to see you, like.. now?" Roger stroked Denise's ears sympathetically, withdrawing his penis from her lips with a whimper and a whine from the horny mousette. "Now you know the rule, business before pleasure." He chided, putting himself away before helping her to her feet. "I know." Denise sighed, giving Roger a bosomy hug before resigning herself to this new meeting. A half-sympathetic 'Aaaaaawww..' from the peanut-gallery following in her wake. ----- After a quick stop to 'freshen-up' Denise approached the door to her 'new' boss's office and cringed inside. The door stood before her bearing the new executive's name, 'H. Ramirez'. Denise's mind was a whirl. Chloe said 'She', the new boss, wanted to see her. Her hopes of earning back any cut-backs in her 'generous' fringe-benefits seemed forlorn now. With a female boss she'd be lucky not to earn any punitive actions just for being the blatant little sexpot she tried so hard to appear to be. It was with no little degree of trepidation and resignation that she finally opened that door and stepped inside, tentatively addressing her new executive, "You wanted to see me.... boss?" She was rather attractive Denise thought. Long black hair framing a delicate face, skin deliciously tanned. Her bust showed some signs of being 'too-good to be true' though not nearly to the degree Denise was. Her brown eyes were looking at her desk screen at the time and not toward the door. "Yes Miss Farber, I..." The eyes went wide as they looked up at Denise. The mousey secretary could feel them upon her, or more precisely upon her vast cleavage. Denise was as surprised as her new boss seemed to be, watching her bosom rise and fall as her breath quickened and a flush crept across her cheeks. Ms. Ramirez turned away first and cleared her throat, "Umm.. *ahem* yes. I needed to go over some things with you Miss Farber, if you please. And, close the door as you come in." The lady's eyes rose again, this time with an almost predatory gleam in them. Denise gulped as she turned to shut the door. Well, at least it seemed she had a good shot at keeping her pay-raises and other benefits. And who knows she thought. It might even be fun. *k-click.* THE END.