The following is pure Crap! I know, I wrote it, and I'll call you a liar if you say otherwise. Okay, maybe I won't. But this definitely contains some un-kidsafe material that might pervert some people's happy memories of the Yuletide, proceed with caution. [C]Leslie Rashana, comments and critique to Flames to [/null] ------------------------------------------- Christmas (Good) times. ---- *sigh* Another Christmas, bah humbug. Same as every year, I spent the holiday mostly forgotten in my little hidey-hole that was the computer-room. Just another lonely guy on a lonely holiday, trying to figure out what was so great about the last two weeks of the year. "Bah, humbug... But I already said that didn't I?" I couldn't help but chuckle while I surfed through the web of cyberspace, counting the websites that wouldn't be up-dated because it was the eve of the day that you're supposed to think is the birthday of a martyred savior-figure but really was just arbitrarily named to snag a population of pagans into the then-new monotheism on the block. It was during that languid search for nothing in particular I came across something odd. "Hello? What's this?" The bookmark I'd made only a few days earlier for the "Heart's Desire, where your Real XXX-mas wishes come true." led to a 404. Which seemed odd to me, considering I'd just received the result of their 'no-cost, no-hassle, no-strings-attached free-trial offer'. Very odd that a site linked to a company offering such prompt service could go down like that. Also odd was the fact that all they asked for was a mailing address, any address, even a non-descript drop-box. No name, no Social-Security number, no Credit-Card, no nothing. I'd just assumed it was a hoax but sitting in a small cardboard box with 1st-Class mail stamps all over it was supposedly the answer to my prayers. "Well, might as well.." I thought to myself, finally picking up the box and pulling it open. Even if the company went belly-up overnight I could at least enjoy the fruits of... ...of the little fuzzy reindeer antlers they sent me. "Ha-ha, very funny." Dunno why I expected any more, it was obviously a hoax from the get-go. I shrugged and donned the new head-gear and continued my fruitless surfing for something new in the sea of the same-old holiday BS. ----------- *Zznerxxz!* What time was it? Must've dozed off. A quick wiggle of the mouse to banish the screen-saver and... midnight. Right on the dot. "Hmm, popcorn sounds pretty good right about now." And with that thought I was off to the pantry to raid the stash. Microwave popcorn would sooth my wanting palate, say what you will of the fresh stuff I really can't find enough difference to forgo the convenience it offers. Popped it in and set the timer and ooooh... The aroma hit me almost instantly, heated grain and butter, succulent salt, all wafting from the plastic box that hummed along as it ate through the few brief minutes to present me with my prize. I started shifting from foot to foot, getting antsy as the smell was beginning to drive me up the wall. I couldn't remember anything smelling quite as good as the popped kernels of corn filling the paper bag inside my microwave, it was almost like I were smelling it for the first time. Finally the microwave went *Ding* and it's timer reverted to it's clock-function, displaying the current time... 12:00 "Hmm, I'll fix that later." I thought, noting the few minutes difference between it's clock and the atomically accurate one my computer was slaved to before reaching for my treat and.. OW! What tha? Something hit me.. or rather I hit something. Pain! That's all I understood at the time, reaching up to my head for where the counter clipped me. "Dammit I haven't hit my head on that thing since.." Since before I'd grown antlers. The fuzzy reindeer antlers were still on my head, but the plastic band they'd been attached to was gone now, and with much trepidation I tugged at the base of one... it was stuck fast. That's when I started hearing the bells. The bells, jingly, tingly little bells. The sound of them jingling off in perfect cadence swelled as if growing closer. I started to feel light-headed, dizzy almost, as if I'd been hyperventilating. "Calm down now, get a grip." I schooled myself, stumbling back to my little den with the promised treat still cooling in the microwave. I slumped down into my chair and took a deep breath, enough time had passed to kick the screen-saver back on which I quickly banished again trying to ignore the bells I thought I heard. That's when I noticed my ever-accurate computer-clock. It still read twelve O'clock. And that's when things got really strange... The heavy *Clomp-Clomp-Clomp* upon my roof got my attention, so much I forgot about the growing tingling in my face and hands. Someone was on the roof! I scrambled to the gun-cabinet, nothing in there but an old duck-gun and some birdshot, but the prowler wouldn't know that. I almost didn't get the door opened as the vertigo hit, and when I reached for the gun the spasms started. It wasn't painful, really. The sensations were far too complex to be described as pleasure or pain. They raced across my skin, sending the hairs standing up where it passed and I felt my head grow heavy. No, that was my rack. The antlers sprang upward over my head, growing into an impressive set as other changes made themselves manifest. I gazed in awe and horror at my hands as they grew and changed, my middle and ring fingers merging and slimming down into a single slender digit. A soft thick pelt was forming all over my skin and fetlocks were growing in full and fluffy around my wrists and I could feel around my ankles as well. I continued to watch this amazing changes even as my face pushed out into a blunt cervine muzzle. It didn't stop there, my feet continued to change, growing and compacting and splitting again into a pair of cloven hooves at the end of my stretched legs. Feeling a tightness behind I pulled my pants down quickly to let my new tail free. A hint of real pain traveled up my spine as I landed on the new appendage, finally unable to stand. My chest was heaving as I panted for breath, feeling this incredible heat surround me. But should my chest heave quite that much? As if things weren't un-believable enough, my chest began to swell, and swell, and swell some more. It wasn't hard to guess what was going on under my shirt, the thick twin spires of blatant nipples confirmed my mammary expansion. I tentatively raised a hand to touch them when I encountered some resistance, from the similarly swollen pair of tits below the top pair pushing up toward my chin. My new fingers cupped and caressed the full globe and I could feel the deliciously sensual sensations through the haze as my transformation had almost run it's course. I could feel my erection rise in response, and rise, and rise. The thick member crawling down my thigh bore little resemblance to the penis I'd known to be mine, swelling down towards my knees before it rose to meet my more feminine attributes. I was almost afraid to touch it as it bumped against the lowermost breasts stretching my shirt so tight, but temptation soon one and the sensation was electric as my fingers glided over the changed phallus. ----------- I awoke sometime later, how much time I'd never be certain as the clocks all still read midnight. I felt damp in several places, and warm and tingly in others. Maybe it was a dream? A surreal hallucination? The slender cervine muzzle I found myself stairing down put a lie to that. I scrambled up onto my.. my hooves, and found my way to the nearest mirror to take stock of things. What I saw amazed me, as much by how different it was from what I had been as by how easily I seemed to accept it. I was an almost reindeer. Taller than I had been even without the new antlers. My eyes stared back at my soft and brown, then gazed downward at the rest of my body. It was a tantalizing mixture of the athletic and the voluptuous. Under the soft winter fur of my pelt my curves were undeniably feminine, especially the two pairs of breasts straining my shirt each almost a size larger than my head. The shirt was stained, many damp spots clinging to the front and I saw a glistening along my new muzzle that no-doubt belonged to the same source. That source was hanging between my thighs in a most un-female manner. The cock I now possessed was thick and black, the foreskin now a furry sheath peeled back to the base while the length draped over a fluffy-looking ballsac. The tip dripped onto the floor and I felt a heat rising in my face, knowing full-well what had stained my clothing. My ears were quite animated, even without my conscious direction. I managed to get them to obey me to some extent when one turned toward a sound, a sound of restive hooves upon my roof. Fresh panic filled me as I remembered, there were 'things' on my roof, and they had not yet departed. --------------- I tentatively made my way down the hall to the living-room, abandoning my earlier attempt at arming myself. If whatever was going on atop my house was somehow connected to my recent transformation I hardly believed a spray of birdshot would do any good. The living-room was dark, save for the sparkle of lights on the tree and the cheerful fire in the fireplace, which were two tip-offs that things were getting even stranger. As if my new body wasn't enough, standing where my pathetic plastic attempt at a Yuletide tree had once been was now a robust pine reaching for the ceiling. As for the fireplace, I hadn't lit that thing in more than a year. Stranger than all of these things was the simple fact that it didn't disturb me in the least. Oh I was nervous, even a little afraid at what un-known things might still lie ahead, but I knew that what I'd just endured already should have driven me stark-raving mad already. Perhaps.. perhaps This was my madness? "You'll not be loosing your head yet little-lady, not on my watch." I jumped with a start at the sound, my new ears needing little encouragement to focus on where it came from. My eyes soon followed and standing there was, the impossible. I quickly banished that thought, impossible was what I had become not what was standing there before me. Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, Santa Claus, and all other names for the 'jolly old elf' I'd never heard of. He had all the trappings, the red coat and pants, the boots, the cap, even the snowy-white beard. He seemed taller than I'd imagined, and less rotund though he was definitely thick around the middle. Although the largest concentration of facial hair I'd ever seen hid his lips I could tell he was smiling, his smile seemed to dance in his eyes. "It's time my girl, time to spread the gift of the season." He said softly, holding his hand out toward me. My eyes drifted down from that face you can't help but trust to what was hanging from his grip. It shined in the firelight in places and jingled as it shifted in his hand. I'd known enough about tack from riding horses to recognize it, it was a bridle. I tentatively took it from him and examined it. The bit shone like silver, and the brass bells decorating it shined like gold. It was beautiful, but surely he couldn't mean... "Come on, put it on. I know we have all night but let's for now pretend we don't." He insisted, though the twinkle in his eyes spoke of timeless patience. I took a deep breath and raised the bit to my lips, sliding the cool metal between them as I slipped the soft leather over my head. It slipped around the sides of my face and it was a simple thing to buckle it behind my antlers. After that it just felt.. right. Feeling the weight of the bit on my tongue and the soft caress of the straps It was like I couldn't imagine Not wearing them. I worked the bit in my mouth, playing with it with my tongue and tossed my head to hear the bells jingle. I then noticed Santa slowly shaking his head with a bemused smile and I blushed under my fur. "That's my girl." He chuckled a deep 'ho-ho-ho' at my chagrin and gave me a light smack on my rump. I gasped as my buttocks jiggled a bit under the swat and I could feel myself burning-up under my pelt at the result. Blood was flooding my crotch and my now generously-sized member rose and glistened in the firelight. I was mortified to think I was getting hard right in front of none other than St. Nick over not so much as a pat on the bum, but he only laughed harder. "HO-HO-HO!" I tried to put aside my embarrassment as he took me by the shoulders and steered me toward the fireplace, figuring if it didn't bother him why should it bother me? He bid me look deep into the fire and I did, watching the flames lick from the Yule-Log I didn't remember putting there. The flames filled my vision, so warm and bright and... ----------- ....cold? I blinked and found myself staring into a crisp and clean night sky. My breath clouded my vision briefly and I brought myself up to look around. This was quite obviously my roof, clad in a deep blanket of snow the weathermen promised would miss this place by 20-miles at least. I could forgive that laxness, since surely it wasn't their fault. It was I suspected more the doing of the jolly old elf at my side, and the team of creatures so like my self standing in front of a well-laden sleigh. I found I didn't mind the cold as much as I probably should, though it did take the wind out of my sails so to speak. I figured that was just as well since it probably wouldn't do to meet my new team-mates with a raging erection. This obviously was what I was intended to do as the Claus lead me to an empty slot in the team. "All right ladies, welcome the new girl to the team. And remember, be gentle." Said Saint Nick with a wink and a smile. No sooner had he turned to man his sleigh than hands were upon me, tugging and pulling and ripping me free from what little was left of my human garments. I gasped and groaned loudly in a reindeerish way as hands roamed a bit too freely while I was fitted for my harness. The swelling in my loins threatened to re-appear once more as I was hitched-in tightly. almost too-tight it felt at first, but soon the sensations of the straps girding my body felt un-deniably delicious. The rest of the team regarded my shyness with knowing smiles as they took their places in line again. The were like, yet unlike what I had just become. They were all creatures perfectly blended of human and reindeer alike, all bearing feminine attributes of varying degrees of ampleness, and all sporting a very un-feminine package dangling between their thighs. There were differences though as well. None of these 'ladies' possessed a second rack as I had, or third if you counted the ones on our heads. I noticed a further difference as the one in line ahead of me bent over, apparently to adjust some point of her harness. Her tail flicked up and exposed her pert and inviting bum and I threatened to rise again at that, but between the tight crinkle of her tailhole and her heavy furry sac there was an un-mistakable moist slit. Her feminine sex parted slightly, exposing it's pink treasures while I ground my thighs together, certain I was missing such in my own anatomy. I had just enough time to notice the doe turn to wink playfully at me when I felt the snap of the reins. As one we gathered ourselves and Lunged at our harnesses. We didn't have to think, I didn't have to think.. we just Did it. We launched ourselves and the sleigh off the roof and up toward the stars in the clear, cloudless sky. My eyes were going wider as I saw the ground recede below us. I got an image in my head of the whites around my eyes showing with alarm much like a horse's might when I heard a whisper in my ear. "The bells... just focus on the bells." I turned to see the doe behind me smile and I listened, the bells. The sleigh-bells continued in their merry beat even without anything solid beneath our hooves and I listened, and the worries went away. The sleigh continued smoothly on into the night sky as we let the bells carry and sustain us, dictating our motions as we trotted on. Our bodies moved in unison, shaking the bells in that comforting rhythm while other things shook in what could only be considered a pornographic fashion. When we reached the first house I had a raging erection once again and this time I just didn't care. Feeling the pull of the reins and the tug of the harness only intensified the feelings I felt as I watched my 'sisters' and myself jiggle and bounce to the beat of the bells. Without a thought I reached around the waist of the doe before me and pulled her close, pressing my breasts firmly against her back and feeling my hardon slide between her thighs. I had just started to think maybe this was a bit too far when I heard a giggle from the doe in my arms and she leaned into me. My shaft was trapped between her thighs with her own full sac and dangling member draped across it. That's when the team sort of collapsed in upon itself. We all ended up leaning in to the center, resting our bodies against one another while we stood on the snow-covered roof. I felt more lush mammaries press against my back and shoulders as I was enveloped from behind and a swelling sheath was pressed against my backside. In all my days I could never remember experiencing anything so erotic, so sensual, so arousing, so.... comforting. I allowed my hands to drift upward to cup the breasts of my teammate before me while her thighs gently squeezed my shaft, behind me a pair of hands roamed my own doubly-endowed bust while I slowly ground my hips against the swelling pressed beneath my tail. All the while the urgent need for mating was absent, we were all simply enjoying the warmth of each other's bodies and the pleasure of each other's touch without the violent need for a messy rush to sudden ecstasy. The beefy doe at the head of the team snorted and we separated without a thought, un-tangling our harnesses just in time for the next snap of the reins. I couldn't help but feeling we'd left something behind on that rooftop. We'd left something of ourselves, a bit of warmth, of comfort, of familial closeness. I didn't miss those things though, because I could feel them growing inside me even now, growing within the entire team and I knew we'd have more than enough to share through-out the night. ---------------- We serviced many homes that night, I couldn't even begin to count. Then we were sailing through the sky higher and higher still and I knew that our task was done. As we began to descend again I could see fields of white as far as the eye could see. It rose to meet us and I felt almost sorry to sully the pristine snow with my hooves. We touched down and the weight of the sleigh pulled at our harness' like it hadn't in all our magical flight and I felt something, this un-deniable urge to run. I could feel the mildly frustrated excitement swell through the ranks of the team as we trotted toward the moon-set, puffing clouds of steam before our muzzles. Then it came, a crack of the whip and a snap of the reins, brief but welcome pain as our ears strained to hear that one word we'd hoped to hear. "Hee-YA!" We launched ourselves into the harness and took off at a loap, our hearts thundering in our ears. Bundles of pent-up energy I didn't know I had came un-done as we all forced the sleigh across the un-ending expanse of snow with the power of our muscles alone. It was exhilarating, the bondage of the harness forgotten and lost to the freedom of the open expanse, to run and run and run some more. More than a few of my teammates began to whoop and hollar as we thundered across the snow and I couldn't help but join them, feeling like we could run forever. Then the reins began to tense. We briefly toyed with rebellion, pulling against them and onto our blistering pace, but their gentle insistence won-out. We began to slow-down, easing our pace just a little at a time. I began to feel a faint sting in my lungs, and a slight twinge in my side. These harbingers of over-exertion soon faded almost before they were felt as we settled once more into a comfortable trot. Mr. Claus knew when to give us our head, and when to rein us in. I could feel the love and respect welling-up within the team, all focused on the jolly old elf that was looking out for us. ---------- I don't know when we got to the stable. One minute it was all ice and snow, then next we were trotting into large yet cozy-looking barn. More magic of the season I supposed. Elves came out to help us out of our tack, though they looked like they owed more to Tolkien then to Mother Goose. I shifted and shrugged as I was being un-hitched and accidentally bumped something against the elf who was helping me. He caught it with his delicate fingers and gasped, as did I. I looked down and saw his fingers wrapped around my maleness. I looked up along that arm and up to the face of the one who held me so intimately and suppressed a chuckle. The poor thing was gaping at what he was holding, his ears easily as red as the old man's coat. I couldn't help but feel an impish thrill as my member swelled once more this night, watching his reaction as he saw and felt the change. I could also see a change in himself, a similar though much more modest swelling was starting in the front of his leggings as he tore his eyes from the organ in his grasp and met his gaze to mine. I could see there much of what I myself had felt when I first met my team this night, fear, confusion, and a little secret shame. That is when I took his head firmly in my hands and smiled, and firmly planted his face within the center of my four-pointed bosom. Santa's laugh echoed through the rafters, thundering above the laughter of elf and reindeer alike as I wobbled and jiggled about my captive's face. I kept him there until I could feel him giggling against my breasts, confident the tension had been well and truly broken I released him but not until after giving his face a thorough and messy tongue-bath. He retreated sputtering and laughing into the arms of his compatriots who lead him away with much back-slapping and promises of fine ale and wine at some celebration they planned to attend. I caught old nick looking at me through the corner of my eye and the gentle look of approval sent me swelling with pride. Not that that wasn't the only thing swelling. Several more does were sporting erections now, or the beginning of same. Obviously I'd not been able to put-away all of my up-bringing's prudish ways as I felt a fresh wave of embarrassment to see so many of my teammates masturbating themselves and each-other right in front of 'ol Kris Kringle, but then the old elf just chuckled. "Merry Christmas ladies, and have fun." And with a wave he was off, leaving us to our own devices. ---------- Once again I felt as if a fish out of water. The other doe-bucks congregated in small groups, stroking and fondling each other in complete comfort with their bodies and their surroundings. A few pairs went off to stalls from which pleasurable yet bestial sounds would soon come. Still, without the common binding purpose of the sleigh I felt once-more the oddball, hovering on the edge of the activity without the courage to join in. A few of the does beckoned me to join and tentatively I approached. They tried to bring me out, to get me to join in their reindeer games but I simply could not. I found myself un-able to simply abandon myself to the moment, and that failure only fueled my awkwardness and made things all the worse. I was just about to retreat from the friendly does trying to bring me into their circle when a heavy pair of hands came to rest upon my shoulders. "I know what this one needs." Came a surprisingly deep yet feminine voice. I looked up and into the eyes of our team's leader, all ripped muscle and scrumptious curves blended perfectly into one body. My voice failed me as I tried to answer, which was just as well since I had nothing really to say. The buff doe nodded to another of our team, a lithe and sultry lady despite the angry erection jutting from her crotch. The other doe giggled teasingly and trotted off to fetch what her boss had requested without a word, rummaging around in a tack-box while I was distracted by hands upon my breasts. I gasped as thick fingers pulled at my teats and my eyes flew wide as thin jets of milk streamed from them. The other does sitting around us squealed as the sweet fluid landed in their fur and their hands were soon upon my tits as well. "It's the same with all the new girls." Came that voice to my ear again, "All those hormones at once.." I didn't have to ask what hormones she was referring to and my once silent lips parted with a cry of pleasure as my teats were engulfed in warm hungry mouths. I was breathless as they nursed from me, feeling the warm rich milk flow from my breasts into their urgently sucking muzzles. I was so lost in the sensations I barely had a chance to think on the implications that I was not the first to go through this, and would probably not be the last. And then she had returned.. The impish vixen of a doe stood there with her hardon staring me in the face. I sat there torn between the compulsion to turn away and the urge to devour it right there and the tender ministrations of my breasts holding me captive with indecision, which made it all the easier for the leader of our 'herd' to slip the halter over my muzzle. I blinked with surprise at first, this wasn't the bell-bedecked bridle I had first worn earlier this eve. It seemed a bit heavier despite the lack of a metal bit filling my mouth. I could hear and feel a jingle and a jangle here and there but they weren't the merry music of bells but rather the sounds of un-done buckles and straps. Without a word the does abandoned my breasts and I was forced to my hands and knees, both of which were quickly hobbled together. I felt confusion and a little fear as I was left there in the middle of the barn floor, but my arousal refused to abate, if anything I could feel myself growing harder. A low bucket was produced and thrust underneath my tits. I shifted nervously but the hobbles kept me in one place as my hanging mammaries were fondled once more. Then the fingers began to tug on my nipples and I heard milk hitting metal, forced from my swollen breasts by practiced hands. I felt myself begin to relax into this treatment, enjoying the rhythm of those fingers pulling at my teats and making me spill my milk. The idea that I was being treated like a common domesticated beast didn't seem to trouble me, instead it only made me more comfortable with my surroundings. I gasped as a third hand reached underneath me to stroke my swollen member, gliding over the smooth skin with a teasingly light touch. Just then the hands that were milking me moved to the other side and I felt a weight begin to ease from there, not realizing just how much in need of milking I had been. All the while those devilish fingers continued to stroke and tease. My erection twitched and tapped against the side of the bucket and I squirmed helplessly under the teasing, and yet I relished it all the more for that. My tail flagged over my up-turned rump and I sighed happily as the hands emptying my breasts had finished and gave me a friendly pet on the head. I sighed again in disappointment as the other hand beneath me left my now raging cock. The bucket was removed and I was allowed to see into it before it was taken away. I felt a strange flush of pride at how much I had produced. After my milk was taken away for whatever purpose awaited it our head-doe returned with a stool, and an interesting garment. She wore it about her hips and waist, straps dangling from it like garters. She smiled gently to me as she placed the stool before me and sat upon it, her crotch staring me in the face. She hefted her surprisingly thick tool to my lips and stroked behind my ears. "Open up, that's a good girl." She softly cooed and I allowed my jaw to go slack as she wedged the salty-tasting tip of her cock into my mouth. I felt that same attraction/repulsion I had before when one of the does had presented her shaft to me, but this time a hand held my head still as the half-hard organ was stuffed into my muzzle. That's when I was reminded of the buckles hanging from my new halter, and I could see them now being put to use strapping me to the harness hanging from my new mistress's hips. She cooed softly to me as she stroked my ears, comforting me as I struggled with myself. Her organ began to expand inside my muzzle, pinning my tongue and filling my mouth with thick flesh. The scent filling my nostrils made my head spin and I couldn't think of a reason why enjoying this should be so wrong, but something entrenched in the back of my mind insisted that it was. It kept fighting the good fight, as miss-guided as it was, when it found itself besieged on two fronts. Hands now rested upon my rump and were firmly kneading my broad backside. My tail briefly clamped-down in surprise but I willed myself to relax as I felt someone's soft breath as they nuzzled the base of it. The tip of the growing cock in my mouth was starting to push against the back of my throat despite my half-hearted struggles. Then it snapped, finally broken under the onslaught of such obvious passion I settled down to enjoy the satisfying bulk of the penis in my mouth while my tail jerked up at the tongue gently probing beneath it. I relaxed and swallowed as I pushed further toward our stag-doe's crotch, drawing her into my throat as I rocked on my bound hands and knees. The tongue lapping at my backdoor began to inch it's way inside, further relaxing the tight ring as I moaned around my thick muzzlefull. My own shaft arched upward against my swinging tits, leaking slick precum onto the soft fur as I bounced between the crotch I was strapped to and the tongue buried in my rear. I moaned hungrily around the hardon sliding between my lips as the tongue departed, and something much thicker was placed in it's stead. I tilted my rump upward to welcome what was to come even as I braced for it. My lips were thrust deeper into the thick patch of fluff in my mastress' crotch while the new member invaded my tight tailhole. I felt a twinge as it passed through my un-tried tightness, but surprisingly no pain. I simply felt so satisfyingly full in both ends, just as two pairs of hips rocked against me stroking themselves to their own pleasure in both my holes. I pushed and pulled with them, sucking hungrily with my mouth over one rampant prick while the other was squeezed by my tight ring of muscle. Fingers curled behind my ears encouragingly as I started to sense her rising excitement, just as I could soon feel it as her shaft jerked across my tongue. The hips meeting my rump picked up their pace, slamming against my own as the other doe rutted me hard and rough. The mighty doe-buck who'd strapped herself to my face was the first one to go. I could feel each blast of semen forcing it's way up through her shaft until it ended somewhere in my throat. I swallowed around the bulbous glans of her shaft, milking her for her seed while the one who was mounting me fitted herself to the hilt with a sudden lunge. I almost gagged around the cock spurting down my throat with that forceful bucking of hips, feeling strangely satisfied with the sensation of thick warmth filling me from one end to the other. I moaned somewhat petulantly as the straps and buckles on hobble and harness were released, and the thick cock I had been nursing on was slowly drawn back through my lips. I took it in hand and held it there with the still drooling head inside my mouth and the head doe indulged me, letting me stroke and suckle the still-firm length to my heart's content until I was suddenly pulled back onto my rump. I turned my head and looked and there was the mate who had so thoroughly and wonderfully used my rear during the entire event, and I recognized her. Smiling back at me was the same impish doe who'd been in-harness ahead of me and teased me during the long night's work, and who'd gone and fetched the hobbles for me when I needed something more to help my release. And there she was now, still buried to the hilt inside me with that impish twinkle in her eyes as her fingers tip-toed to my agonizing erection. "No. No! NOOOOOOO..." I wailed, but it was too late. Fingers closed around the swollen dome of my cocktip and squeezed and my hips bucked helplessly as a night's worth of frustrated passion all came out at once. Other does were laughing and whistling as I sprayed like a hose flinging thick sticky semen this way and that. It covered my breasts and muzzle, dripping from my chin while my lover smeared it over my phallus and set about giving me a proper hand-job. My shaft jerked and spat at the on-lookers, some of whom were slinking closer to catch some on their breasts and tongues. I almost felt like my testicles were about to disappear inside my body as they struggled to empty themselves. Finally the event had passed an I collapsed bonelessly into the sultry doebuck's arms. Those does not otherwise engaged crowded around surrounding us in their comforting warmth despite the mess and my lover waggled my drooping phallus about for others to kiss and suckle. My eyes grew quite heavy, so thoroughly had I spent myself in that one spasm of ecstasy. As I sagged against the welcoming arms of these wondrous creatures a muzzle nosed at my ear and as I drifted off whispered. "Welcome home...." ------------ *Zznerxxz!* What time was it? Must've dozed off. Had it all been a dream? A quick wiggle of the mouse to banish the screen-saver and... 12:01. I smiled weakly, then chuckled, then right-out Laughed. Just another dream. A damned good one though. "Hmm, popcorn sounds pretty good right about now." And with that thought I was off to the pantry to raid the stash. Microwave popcorn would sooth my wanting palate, say what you will of the fresh stuff I really can't find enough difference to forgo the convenience it offers. I opened the microwave to pop the bag in and... Before me in the microwave sat an already fully popped bag of popcorn. End?