*WARNING!* The following story containes excessive amounts of blatent hard-core sex and should not be read by anyone, this means You! *tsk* Pervert. Story copyright Leslie_R, The Expanded World Copyright Karno, Dracara based on a sketch of a character copyright Mark Parsons. On with the Show this is It! That's Entertainment! "Beautiful babe, beautiful beautiful!" Praised the photographer between shutter-clicks, "Pout for us now, ooooh you're gorgeous, make the camera love you, that's right just like that" The model posing before him moved this way and that as she was instructed, showing off the lingerie she'd been asked to wear to fullest effect. This photo-shoot was going well much like any other, except for the fact that the model wasn't human. Dracara was the name most knew her by as her true name was un-pronounceable by most mortal creatures. She was a dragon, which in this day and age wasn't as note-worthy as some in earlier times may think. Since the day modern science sought to break the light-barrier and instead broke the dimension-barrier stranger things than dragon-ladies posing for lingerie catalogs had occurred, fortunately once everyone got used to the idea of dimensional travel most of those events were surprisingly benign. Dracara smiled coyly for the camera and posed teasingly for it, hefting a breast that had no business existing in places where the laws of physics were supposed to hold sway. A simple matter for the collection of transmutation spells she'd acquired over the centuries she'd selected a body that while preserving her draconic heritage also displayed attributes considered attractive by most mammalian bipeds, taken to the Nth extreme! She stood somewhere in the vicinity of seven feet tall, from her flowing mane to her clawed draconic toes. Her body was well developed in every way. Her physique was muscular but not out of place compared to some of her proportions. Her horns and fangs she kept smaller and more subtle in her present state which was all to the good for her purposes. Of course the thing, or things, that stood out most about her were her breasts. These gigantic organs stood out from her chest much like beach-balls, not only in size but in shape and apparent weight the way the stood firm and round without the least bit of sag, magic could indeed work wonders. The lushly-built dragoness pouted slightly for the camera as instructed, the tapered tip of her tail coming around to teasingly pull at one of the custom-built bra-cups trying to cloth her mammoth bosom as the camera whirred through the last shots of the day. "Alright, that's a wrap, marvelous Dracara simply marvelous." Dracara visibly relaxed now that that was all over and done with, "Thanks Ray, I'll see you Monday," she thanked the profusely praising photographer quickly and left knowing after working with him often enough that his preferences made flirting pointless. Back in the changing room she mused about these errands the man calling himself her 'agent' kept sending her on. She was an old enough dragon that money meant little to her, she went along with what these lesser creatures had in store for her out of amusement rather which she'd begun to notice was coming in rather short supply. Dracara had decided that this century she'd find her entertainments in the frolics of the flesh, her chosen form indeed reflected that. She'd definatly enjoyed herself before when she entered 'the game' as an aggressor, but was finding her attempts at finding what amusement was to be had in being the passive partner being continuously frustrated. She had actively cultivated an image to present herself as what in her mind should invite physically compatible males to attempt to sate their malting urges with her on every available occasion, yet for some reason most kept their distance. She realized that a scaled goddess much like herself might not fit everyone's aesthetic ideal, but it could hardly fit noone's. The compliments she often received seemed to bear-out the idea that there were some that thought her pleasing to the eye, yet still no serious offers for conjugal liaisons were forthcoming. She had joined the modeling circuit and had even taken to performing in some dance-clubs designed to display female flesh to it's fullest in an effort to better advertise herself, little did she know that in fact most male members of the dominant bipeds on this planet were intimidated by her beauty and also by her fame as it grew and grew. She had thought not for the first time that perhaps this plan was a bust and she should look for amusement elsewhere while she made plans to get herself home. The vehicle she chose to drive was of an alien design with a control-stick mounted in the center console, which served her fine as of course her anatomy precluded the use of the more common steering-wheels. As she pulled into traffic she decided on a more circuitous route to the high-rise Condo she'd paid for with a random handful of coins and gems she'd grabbed from a pile in her hoard, barely paying any attention to the scenery as she contemplated her situation. "Perhaps I should try the porn industry?" She thought as she drove, scripted sex held little appeal to her but perhaps it would make her seem more available. The turbine powering the conveyance someone would be generous in calling a 'car' whined piteously as it began loosing power, she checked her position on the GPS she'd had installed and cursed irritably. She was much too far from home to make it there on the fuel she still had and she'd neglected to switch the hybrid vehicle to 'charge' mode for it's batteries in far too long. She pulled into the nearest exit and thought herself fortunate to find a large filling station nearby, one apparently servicing fleets of the overland haulers often used on this continent. Dracara pulled alongside the pumps and let her tail twitch on the floor of her car with irritation, none of the pumps had anything remotely resembling the high-octane mix her vehicle required. There were charging stations for electric cars but to charge the batteries on this machine could take hours! Pulling into one and stepping out she sighed and resigned herself to it being just one of those days, after plugging the car in she surveyed her surroundings and noticed the rather large service station housed a small restaurant and store, obviously meant to serve drivers who were expected to be on the road for days at a time. The supremely buxom dragoness didn't bother with reaching out to push the doors open, she simply let her bosom open them for her. This seemed to have an effect on the patrons as her breasts preceded her into the establishment, clad as she was in what she considered her 'grubbies'. Her bust was clothed in a T-shirt meant to contain people of considerable bulk, but it just barely hung below her gravity-defying bust, she'd slit the back to make it not unbearably tight yet still even un-aroused her nipples were plainly evident, her lower portions were clothed in a pair of cotton shorts so short she didn't need a hole in them for her tail instead simply letting it hang out of one of the leg holes, something which inadvertently left much of her firm and inviting buttocks exposed to everyone's view. The patrons of the truck-stop were of a rougher cut than she was used to associating with, but that couldn't be helped, in fact she felt gratified by the stares and leers she'd earned from them as she found a seat.. having to sit sideways at the booth she'd commandeered because her tremendous assets simply would not fit any other way. Dracara ordered coffee and nothing more, content to simply sit there and wait for her car to re-charge, watching the passing traffic through the large windows and bask in the longing gazes she'd grown accustomed to. She fidgeted and adjusted herself periodically, more to show herself off to the eyes she felt upon her than out of any consideration for comfort, noticing several bulges in several pairs of pants as more than one excused himself to the restroom. Her nose quivered as an intoxicating scent found her nostrils, as each of them returned the came back reeking of sex. Setting her cup down she worked her way back out of the booth to excuse herself as well, more to check things out than to heed any call of nature. The truck-plaza possessed a single unisex restroom, very large and very vacant when she arrived. Feeling somewhat disappointed she found a cozy stall and sandwiched herself into it to take care of some business. Her breasts pressed against the sides of the stall as she sat on the toilet, a bit miffed that the door-latch didn't seem to properly function on any of the stalls. With a sigh she went about relieving herself of the coffee she'd so recently taken in as she noticed another odd feature of the stalls, namely the holes on either side at just about head level. The smell of sex was still heavy in the room, no doubt from truckers reliving their needs with their hands after staring at her became more than they could bare. Her body responded to the scents her sensitive nose picked up, her clawed digits caressed the slit between her legs as it opened to reveal her moist folds. She relaxed and simply enjoyed the sensations of her fingers across her sex and the stall walls pressing her tits into each other, reaching up and pulling her T up over the swell of her bosom to admire the sight of her cleavage pressed so tightly by the cold metal. She moaned softly, lost to herself as the door to the restroom opened and caught completely off-guard as a figure flung the door to her stall wide, catching her there with her fingers dipping into her cunny and her breasts bared for all to see. The figure was a human male, about average height and build with a slight paunch to him, he said nothing to the half-naked dragoness he'd found. He simply grinned while she stared in astonishment, her breasts keeping her from freeing herself from the stall easily as he opened his pants and began stroking himself. Dracara simply sat there, slack-jawed and amazed. Her eyes transfixed on the erection he was pawing-off right in front of her. Her own digits resumed their stroking of her flowering slit, teasing her clit as they smeared slick juices across her crotch. The man grunted as he masturbated and stepped toward the massive cleavage presented before him, franticly yanking on his meat until the first streamers of white goo shot from it's tip and across her massive scaly tits. She gasped at this vulgar yet exciting display while the presented rod continued to shoot, a few precocious shots landing in her hair and across her snout, one dollop of his seed finding it's way into her open mouth which she eagerly gulped. She bent her head to dip her tongue into the pooling cum that had been spent across her bust and crooned softly to the man now retreating after having spent his load, disappointed to see him leave. His replacements weren't long in coming however, out of nowhere it seemed another penis was produced. This organ much like the last only a bit thicker, sticking out of one of the holes in the stall walls and finally explaining their function. She sniffed and nuzzled at the phallus presented before her before curling her long nimble tongue around it, drawing it into her muzzle and wrapping it in soft wet warmth just as a second appeared from the other side demanding attention. She closed a paw gently around the raging hardon and began stroking it just as she had seen the man stroking himself earlier, tensing and relaxing her grip as her paw slid along the length in time with the slow bobbing of her head upon the shaft in her maw. More people, male and female, came in while she moved her paws and mouth from one cock to the other. Hands and breasts and cunts and cocks all stroked and fondled and groped her hugely endowed chest while she worked to make the hard pricks in the glory-holes spurt, taking one in the snout while the other shot across the back of her neck. This was what she had been wanting, what she had craved. Rampant and horny persons lavishing attention upon the fiendishly sensual body she had crafted with her magic. More cocks came and went, wanked off across her melons or humped through her cleavage, spilling more and more slick white goo across her balloon-like bosom while she sucked and stroked a seemingly endless line of erections poking at her through the holes in the walls. She squirmed and moaned around one mouthful after the other while fingers and lips teased and pinched her thick nipples, all the attention sending her sensitive body into spasms of orgasmic bliss until she lost all sense of time. She caught a breather as the last of the organs departed sated. She sat there dripping with semen from her hair to her tits and feeling quite pleased with herself for finally having provoked the reaction she'd been expecting for so long. Wiping a string of cum from in front of her eyes she was greeted with the impressive sight of what appeared to be the next of her suitors. A tall, dark equinoid stood naked from the waist down before her stall slowly stroking a shaft jutting from his groin easily longer than his forearm and almost as thick. She moaned and squirmed in her seat in anticipation but he seemed to have other plans than spending himself while she sat on the throne. Her eyes went wide as two more equines with similar markings stepped into view and came in to help wedge her breasts back out of the stall, helped along by the slick layer of spunk that coated each of them. No intelligible conversation was heard, which is not to say they were silent, hoots and hollers and moans came from the witnesses as well as the participants as she allowed herself to be dragged into the middle of the room. Her tits slid across the cold tiles exciting her immensely, lifting her tail and holding herself up on all fours after they released her, waiting for her new lovers. Dracara Yelped with surprise as one of the equine 'brothers' lifted her tail a little too high, squatting over her hips as he guided the dripping head of his rampant shaft to her tiny puckered ring. Another knelt behind her and pressed his own organ to the dripping wetness of her cunt while the third knelt in front presenting his blunt organ to her cum-dripping snout. The overly aroused dragoness reached up for the shaft before her, letting her breasts carry her weight as she caressed the drooling shaft and stroked it with her paws and along her muzzle. She cried out, not in pain as some expected but in pleasure as the mighty dong poised at her rectum spread her open before it as it's owner's weight was applied. Dracara panted with excitement as inch after inch sank into her tight wanton ass, the horse-man resting on her back and pressing his hands against her load-bearing bosoms, smearing the already spent loads into her fine scales while allowing his partner to begin sliding his tool into her hungry sex. She nearly passed out with pleasure as she felt both organs slide inside her, stretching her body in obscenely pleasurable ways. Her fingers began stroking harder on the horsecock in her paws as the two behind her began getting into a rhythm, stroking their meaty dicks in and out of her slowly. The dragon opened her maw, the many sharp teeth should have been a threatening gesture, had it not been fore the blunt cock-knob spitting pre-scum across her tongue before she plunged her mouth over it, curling agile tongue around the fat meat as she began suckling lewdly at it, allowing herself a submissive thrill as the randy equine grabbed the back of her head and began stroking his hips in time with his friend's. Dracara felt her eyes roll back into her head, wondering if she may have made her body a tad too sensual as the studs began breeding her in ernest. The two pairs of pumping hips behind her began thrusting harder and faster at their eager holes, while the one in front of her pushed at her relaxing throat until finally thick equine musk filled her nose as his balls kissed her chin. The dragon could do nothing, helplessly trapped inside her own pleasure-wracked body and loving every moment as the three monstrously-endowed fuck-beasts continued to vent their lust upon her. Her flesh began bucking back against her breeders as their broad flares expanded inside her almost in unison, the motions of all three swollen cockheads pulling and pushing against her sensitive tissues throwing her far, far over the edge. Almost as one all three horse-brothers raised their head and squealed as they thrust their organs in to the hilt in their respective orifices and shot the first blows of their massive loads of spooge. The dragon's body greedily pulled and stroked and suckled at the three huge pricks embedded inside with every muscle she could muster until the stallions ere forced to flee the torments her oversexed body had for their sensitive studhoods. One by one they each pulled out and plastered her body with fat globs of thick sticky jizsm. First one out was the one in her cunt, spewing his load across her thighs and belly. The next was the one fucking her face, blasting wads of cum across her snout and reaching down to aim the rest at her already stained breasts. The final equine snorted as he popped his engorged flare out of Dracara's almost too-tight tailhole, blasting a quick splurt across her nicely rounded rump before shedding the last of his sperm across her back with a triumphant squeal. Dracara's body all but levitated in her dreamy state, she reached up to wipe a glob of spooge from her eyes and found herself staring straight into the bloated crown of a recently spent horse-hose. "Oooh, so this Wasn't a dream." she giggled up at the exhausted equines and the cheering crowd. The well-used dragoness licked her cleavage clean as she noticed the crowd starting to thin and finding her equine lovers reaching for their cloths. Her tail lashed out and grabbed one by the waist, pulling him back into position before her presented rear, "Oh, you mustn't go yet, the fun is just starting." She did leave finally, 3 hours after her car had been totally recharged. Not long after that paramedics were called to treat several people, including three equinoids, for dehydration and over-exertion.