Awakening: Shortie by Lone Wolf Starring: Tabitha Evans "Ashley!" I said, knocking on her door. "It's Tabitha, may I come in?" "Yeah Tabby," Ashley responded. "The door's open." I nodded and took a step forward. The door slowly slid open, stopping halfway. That was a little odd, considering that Ashley knew I was moving in with her anyway. Core had recently stepped up it's attacks. The commanders of each Hunter division decided it was best to call back field agents to the various headquarters for extra defense. However, that meant that most of us who had singles would have to start sharing rooms. It wasn't like it was a problem for us. We all were willing to bunk with our friends. I mean, Michael and Johnathan were sharing a room. Even our boss, Joshua, was sharing with another officer. So that left me with the nagging question of why the door only opened halfway. it wasn't a big problem, but I was curious. I was able to get through, slipping my small dufflebag of stuff in through the opening and following it into the room. "Ashley?" I asked. "Why is the door only opening halfway?" "Must be jammed," Ashley responded. As far as I could tell, she was in the bathroom. "Just be sure it closes all the way." That made sense. The doors typically gave us problems. "All right." I stepped away and watched it close, making sure it locked into place. "Is it okay to open up the other bed so I can lay my stuff down?" "Use my bed for now. You know how much of a bitch those things are to lower." Again, that made sense. However, this was starting to add up a little weirdly in my mind. "Ashley." "Yes?" I looked over to the bathroom door. "I really appreciate you taking me in like-" I stopped dead in my sentance. What I saw put me into shock. Ashley smiled. "It's okay, Tabitha. We saw this coming anyway." "A-ashley!" She looked down on herself. Her infamous white bathrobe (many had been seriously hurt trying to keep it away from her, in jest or otherwise) was wide open, showing off all of her goods. "Oh. I'm sorry Tabitha." She quickly closed it up. I was tempted on telling her it was okay and letting it slide there. But for some reason, I smirked. "Tease," I muttered Ashley seemed to hear it. "Computer, lock the door." I heard the door click into it's completely locked position. "Computer, all messages are to be confirmed by me and recieved as audio only unless I say so." "Confirmed," the computer responded. I tensed up a little as she came over to me and sat down. "Ashley?" "Yes, Tabitha?" She smiled and let the robe fall open. I tensed up a little more. "What's the matter?" My hand started, on it's own, to rise and reach towards her side. I was trying very hard to restrain myself. "I...I don't need to tell you that I am extremely turned on right now." I had to force my hand back. "If it weren't for the fact that I already promised you I would not hit on you, I would rip my clothes off right now and go down on you." Ashley is my best friend in the world. Despite my flaws, she refuses to allow me to be unhappy, for whatever reason she has. She tends to watch my back in battle and will always be there to listen to me when I feel low. Although my loins do yearn for her, I keep myself under control, happy with that sort of sisterly love that we've established. That only made it more of a shock when she did what she did. She reached over, took my hand, and placed it on her side. "Tabitha," she asked. "What's stopping you?" I shut my eyes and just about reeled from her words. It felt like somebody had fired a #2 shell square into my chest at point blank range. I was shocked at the fact she was making this sort of advance. I was happy she was, and curious to why. Most importantly, however, I was worried how whatever happened next would affect us as friends. "Ashley," I said after I recovered. "What's brought this on?" She took my other hand and kissed my cheek. "I don't know entirely," she said. She, for some reason, had taken on a softer, more seductive tone and manner. Could she have been in heat? "All I know is that you've been dying to get your chance to do...whatever it is you want do." "Ashley?" "I figured that, since you were moving in..." She stood up slowly and let her robe fall to the ground. "I could give this to you as a welcoming gift." I couldn't help but gaze upon her nude beauty. "Well? Won't you join me?" "Ashley..." I stood up and put my hands on her hips. "You don't have to do this for me. I appreciate it and all, but-" "But nothing." She put her hands on my waist. "Tabitha, you always talk about the things you would do to me if you ever got the chance. Please, enlighten me. Teach me." She kissed me ever so tenderly. "Give me a reason to tell Michael to go bugger off permanently." I shook my head. "No. I can't." I slowly turned away. "If it's for that reason, then the answer is no." "I don't understand." "Ashley, the perfect guy is out there, waiting for you. You know it as much as I do." I gave her a hug. "If we go ahead, it will be because you're just curious, not because you're through with men." "Tabitha...I-" "I know that you don't like the passes Michael makes at you. I could probably tell him what he's doing wrong. But you shouldn't ditch what you've lived by for your life because of a guy like him." She smiled and hugged me. "I get your point. It'll be only for fun, okay?" I smiled. "That's better." I gave her a soft kiss and stepped back. "This is your wish, Ashley." She smiled. "This is your desire, Tabitha." I started by undoing the buttons to my shirt. I let it slip off of my small frame, letting it hit the floor and letting my breasts into the open air (along with nearly all the other female Hunters, I steadfastly refuse to wear a bra). My hands slowly slipped to my belt buckle. Ashley's hands met mine there. We exchanged looks and another soft kiss before she quickly undid it for me. I stepped out of my pants and looked into her eyes. "Ashley," I said softly. "I will never be able to thank you enough for this." She gently slid her hands into my panties. "Don't worry about it," she said. "Just do what you feel." I smiled and started to kiss her neck. She let go of a soft little moan and started to slide my delicates off of my body. I put my hands on her hips and slowly lowered her down onto the bed. She went down a little too easy, I told myself. I couldn't care less. I started moving down her body, kissing every everywhere at every chance I could - her soft, fuzzy breasts, her warm belly, and all points in between. It got a couple of good moans out of her. I smiled and rested my chin on her pelvis. "What's all the moaning all about?" I asked playfully. She shivered a little. "That felt good," she responded. "It's about to get much better. Hang on." I kissed the very top of her snatch. She winced once again. Her breath quickened. Her heat started filling the room, causing me to feel a little tingly as well. I let my tongue slip out of my mouth and feel it's way around her deliciously warm vaginal lips, searching for her clitoris. She writhed with pleasure, her body shooting up as soon as I found her now swolen clit. I ran my tongue around and over it slowly, making sure she felt every movement. I also found myself doing what I often did when I fantasized about doing this to her. My hand was slowly moving down my body towards my own region, ready to play with myself. "Oooh!" Ashley cried out. "Don't just play there..." She started moving towards me. My tongue, unable to resist, slipped into her. She let out a loud scream, knowing that the sound proofing would prevent any sound from leaving the room. I, too, let go of a moan, having finally tasted of her nectar. I started to feel my way around inside her, brushing up against her walls with strong, broad strokes. My hand, now finally finding what it was so familiar with, started to roll my own love nub around, sending pleasured signals all through my body. "Deeper," Ashley begged me. "Please... deeper..." I tried my best to comply, sliding it in a little further than it already was. I could see her grip the sheets of her bed and let out another cry. I smiled and slowly started to pull my tongue out. She looked at me momentarily, wondering what I was up to. She got the message, however, when I suddenly thrust my tongue back in, quickly, powerfully, and deeper than before. She arched her back and cried again, the walls of the room rattling a little bit. She was close to her peak. Hell, so was I. I had let my hand go from my clit to my own hole and I was fiercely masterbating. "Oh yes..." Ashley moaned. "Oh yes," I thought. I did it again, mimicing it on myself with my finger. She arched again and moaned. "Oh yes!" I repeated. She let go of a blood curtling scream as she hit her orgasm. The taste of her fluids was enough to trigger my own peak, causing my body to shake wildly. Slowly, the excitement died. The heat we had been giving off slowly died down. I finished licking her clean and slowly crawled up along side of her. "How was that?" I asked. She rolled on her side to look me in the eyes. "It's going to be hard to give men a chance," she whispered. "Thank you, Tabitha." She kissed me softly. "Thank you." I put an arm around her and pulled her closer. "You've made me the happiest girl alive. This is a dream come true." I kissed her lovingly, almost passionately. "Thank you, Ashley." She nodded with a yawn. "I feel drained." I nuzzled her neck. "Then rest. The shock to your system must have been a lot. You need it." She nodded and dozed off. Feeling a bit tired out myself, I slowly let myself sink into a blissful sleep. I suddenly shot straight up in my bed. MY bed. I looked around silently. I was back in my quarters. The big room share hadn't gone through yet. My bags were still packed, waiting for me to move them down the hall into Ashley's room. I sighed and pulled my legs to my chest. "A dream?" I asked nobody. "Why?" I shut my eyes and shook my head. The fates were screwing with me again. I checked myself and discovered it had been a particularly wet dream. Thankfully, the people who did our laundry didn't ask any questions about stains like this. It was, perhaps, best that they didn't. I slowly slipped out of bed and got dressed. I felt betrayed, not by Ashley, but by myself. I knocked softly on her door. "Who is it?" she called. "It's Tabitha," I responded, trying to hide my tiny bit of anguish. "Just a moment." I waited silently, my head hung in distress. The door slid open all the way. "What's wrong, Tabitha?" "Nothing," I responded, looking up at her. She smiled at me, holding her bathrobe closed. "Oh. Well, come in." I nodded and slowly stepped by her. The other bed had been set up already. I sighed and placed my bags on it. "Tabitha?" I turned and, with a fresh half-smile on my face, looked at her. "Yes?" "The door's closed," she said. "You don't have to worry about anyone overhearing." She moved closer and sat down on my bed. "What's wrong?" I sat down and held my head in my hands. "I just had a dream that really screwed me over, that's all." "What was it?" "I dreamt that you allowed me to go down on you." I looked at her. "It seemed so real. I swore it was actually happening." I turned away and shut my eyes. "I feel, a little disappointed, that's all." "Tabitha." "Yes?" She took one of my cheeks in her hand and gave me a soft, loving kiss. "I have a short mission in town today. Rogue technomage at the Gate." I looked at her. "What are you saying?" "When I get back, I will be willing to cuddle with you." I shook my head. Did I hear that right? "Really?" "If it makes you feel a little happier, then yes." I was at a loss for words. All I could do was give her a hug. "I take it that's a yes." I nodded with a smile. "Okay. Let me get dressed and take care of this technomage. I'll debrief as quickly as I can." I let go of her, allowing her to get up. She started to move to the back. "Wait, Ashley." She looked at me. Without even saying a word, she smiled and dropped her bathrobe. I smiled. "Thank you." "Anytime." She moved into the back room to get dressed. I sighed and laid back on my bed. I would have to figure out how to thank her for all her kindless. Luckily, I had until she came back from her mission to think about it. That would be all the time I needed. End Ashley Williams and Tabitha Evans are © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])> Don't be away for too long, okay? -Tabitha Evans