Dark Ceremony: Shortie by Lone Wolf Starring: Ashley Williams ~Wicked prophets kill~ The chapel at Old Hill in the Tomita Provence used to be the most respected of religious sites on planet. Towering at an impressive eight stories, it was build to worship the old world god known as Bahamut, an ancient dragon of legend. But the years flew by, and the chapel was overrun by so many different black cults and followings. The current residents were doing something that was a threat to us all. The town at the base of Old Hill has been known to ignore the constant problems that the chapel poses, so I was told not to expect any assistance from the local folk. But as I entered the supposedly dormant little village, I could tell something was up and I was definately going to get some help. A small group had gathered around a platform, upon which a raccoon stood. He was giving a speech of some sort. I had to move closer to hear what he was saying. "....will not stand for this!" he shouted. "We will go up into that chapel and we will take back our child. They will not sacrifice her to their dark god!" Instantly, I felt my muscles tighten. "Excuse me," I called to him. Everyone looked at me. "I think I may be of service." "Who are you?" the man asked. "I'm an Agent with the Hunters. I was sent here to deal with the disturbance at the chapel." His eyes lit up. "You're a Hunter?" I nodded. The crowd divided as he hopped off and approached me. "We need your help and fast. They start the ceremony in ten minutes." "Whoa, slow down. Who's doing what?" "The Kiri. They're planning on sacrificing one of our children to their dark gods tonight." He shook his head. "Their leader is a lycanthrope." I quirked a brow. "A...what?" "He can switch at will between a normal form like what we are and a ravenous, muscular beast. He is quite dangerous." "All right. What is he?" "He's a wolf." "Great, just what I need. Another Michael." I noticed the questioning look on his face. "Nevermind. I'll handle him." "Here, use this on him." He handed me a miniature crossbow and a small belt quiver of silver bolts. "Use this on him to get rid of him for good." I took the small package. "Thank you, but my firearm will do fine against him." "If you insist. When the opportunity presents itself, kill him. Don't allow our child to be sacrificed." "I promise you. She won't die." He nodded and stepped out of the way. My path to the chapel was clear. I knew what I had to do. I could feel the dark energies dancing along the stone walls as I entered the chapel. I stopped at the main enterance way and watched silently. All but the last row of seats had been ripped out by the many previous cults that set up shop here in the last century or so. The once white alter was now stained brown due to the many reported animal sacrifices. There was nothing but colorful shards of the beautiful stained glass window that I had heard so much about. The once mighty chapel, which housed the alter for Bahamut, was now dismal, dingy, and destroyed. There were a number of followers to the Kiri in the room. All wore black robes and were on their knees, bowing to the alter. Upon the alter was a young girl, probably no older than 16. Her long, pink tail, grayish fur, and short bucked teeth showed that she was a mouse breed of some sort. She was bound and gagged, squirming on the alter. My temper surged again, but I remained still. Another figure soon appeared on the scene. He wore black robes and a highly ornate mask, which depicted a demon with large, spiraling horns. The followers began to chant as he raised his hands and started to speak. "We offer this sacrifice to you, great Tiamat. Use its energies to come to our world and bring about your reign." With that, he took a gold dagger from the alter and raised it over the mouse. She screamed in silent horror. The chanting started to get louder..... There was a single shot from a firearm..... The gold dagger went flying from the leader's hand and imbedded itself in the wall..... Everyone, startled at the action, turned to me..... My firearm was drawn. It was pointing at the leader. I was not a very happy person. "Release her now or suffer with a hole in your head." The leader laughed. "I didn't think the townsfolk would get this gutsy and come up to stop us. What're you gonna do, little one?" Reflexes kicked in and I fired again, blowing the tip of one of his mask's horns off. I leveled the gun on his head. "I am an agent with the Hunters. I was sent in to stop you. Stop your ceremony and release the girl, or I will kill you." The creature laughed. "Yeah, right." He snapped his fingers. The faithful got up and turned to me. "Take care of her." The faithful chuckled and threw their cloaks open. Every one of them either had a firearm, a shotgun, or some other sort of weapon. They started to draw. My reflexes kicked in again. 8 were dead on the ground before their wepons could be fully drawn. I slid to one side as they opened fire. I took out a few more and dove behind the seats as they rattled off round after round at me. I watched as the back of the seats were filled with holes. I pulled a flash grenade from my belt and threw it at them. The grenade bounced once and exploded, stunning the faithful. I got up and quickly finished the job. "Not bad. You freaks almost had me beat." I turned to their leader. "Now, as I was saying, you going to set the girl free or am I going to have to riddle your sorry ass full of holes?" He laughed and took off his mask. All I could see was the tip of his muzzle and his glowing red eyes. "You will not be able to defeat me. I posess powers you Hunters can't handle. Fell my wrath." With that, his entire body began to grow. His hand sprouted ugly claws. His upper body exploded with muscles, tearing the robe apart. His muzzle grew ravenous teeth. Every bit of fur grew shaggy. And those eyes....they just grew so beady. He laughed, sending shivers down my spine. "Come, little one," he said, his voice deeper. "Meet your fate." "Bullshit asshole." I fired my firearm off a couple of times. He winced at the hits, my shots showing up on his chest as bloody marks. But did he fall? No. He just shook it off and laughed. "Nice try doll." Suddenly, every muscle in his leg tensed (I could see it) and he shot forward. He was as accurate as I was; I was knocked sharply into the wall. "You will know defeat." He came up to me. "Your time is over. See you on the other side." "See this, moron." I raised my gun and shot him in the eye. He howled in pain. Not too happy with what happened, he grabbed me by my collar and threw me across the room. I cleared the alter just fine. "You'll pay bitch." He charged at the alter and flew over it, and the terrified girl. But I had other plans. I raised the small crossbow at him. "Make you time," I said, pulling the tiny trigger. The silver bolt flew up and implanted itself in the sole of his foot. He howled, lost control of his jump, and crashed into what was left of the frame of the stained glass. I got up and loaded the crossbow again. "Don't you ever EVER call me doll." I aimed and fired a single bolt into his forehead. His misery, as well as his life, was over. But it wasn't over. I felt a dark energy behind me. I turned and saw the girl slowly rising, her body encased in a sphere of black light. Pain played on her face. I had to act quickly. I looked around for something that would help. And that's when I saw it - a medium sized rat that had taken up shelter in the chapel. My instincts kicked in. I quickly scooped up the rat and dover at the girl. I snatched her from the dark energy and left the rat in her place. I landed and we rolled away. I pulled the gag out of her mouth. "You okay?" "That hurt!" she cried. "At least you're still alive. Now, hang on." I sat her up and cut her bindings with my knife. "Now, get out of here. A whole load of shit is going to happen and I don't want you involved. Can you do that?" She nodded. "Go!" She got up and hobbled out. I stood and watched. The rat squirmed uncomfortably, trapped for good in the energy. Suddenly, it went limp. Death had claimed yet another victim. "What's going on?" I asked, not expecting to get an answer. One of the followers, which I thought was dead, started to move. I aimed at him. "Shoot the rat with a silver bolt." "What?!" He looked up at me. "We took the girl because....she was a virgin. She was pure. We needed a being....of purity to open the dark gate. The rat.... is not pure. Shoot it....with a bolt or we're all-" He collaped, never to get up again. But his message was clear. I lined the shot up, steadied myself, and fired. The bolt pierced the rat squarely in the center. The dark energy around it began to quake and turn white. The force from the activity forced me back a few steps. I decided it was best not to stay and ran out. I reached the halfway point on the hill before the chapel was bathed in a collumn of white light. I was sent to my belly. I rolled over onto my back and looked up towards the chapel. I could see a faint image in the collumn of light - a five headed dragon. One head was white, one was black, one was blue, one was green, and one was red. The dragon howled and disappeared. I watched in horror as the beam of light got brighter. I had to cover my eyes. It was then I heard the voice. "I thank you," it said. "You have purged the chapel devoted to me of all it's desecration. I, Bahamut, thank you." With that, there was a flash. When I looked again, the chapel was gone. I slowly made my way back to the town. I was greated with a hero's welcome. I had done these people a great service. They could live in peace forever. I ran into the girl I had saved. She thanked me profusely. And then, she said she had something to show me. I agreed. "An old hermit approached me and handed me this pendant." She took it from her cloak and handed it to me. "He said to keep it with me at all times." I gave it a once over. It was made of platinum, and bore an inscribed picture of a noble looking dragon. I chuckled and handed it back to her. "Don't lose this," I told her. "You might just find it useful some day." She smiled. "I will, ma'am." She gave me a hug. "And thank you for saving my life back there." I laughed and hugged back. "It's my job. That's why I came here." She let go and I departed. But I couldn't help taking another look at the old hill. Tiamat and Bahamut, I suspect, must have been, or are, mortal enemies. I saw the hideous five headed dragon, which must have been Tiamat. And I heard Bahamut's voice. I was either going mad, or I had just been involved in something much deeper than us mortals could comprehend. Either way, I would have to report this when I got home. I knew it was going to be a bitch to explain. End Ashley Williams is © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])> Tiamat, Bahamut, and their descriptions were taken from the "Advanced Dungeons and Dragons™ Monster Manual." © 1977, 1978 TSR Games. See you next time. -Ashley Williams and crew