City of the Angels: Shortie by Lone Wolf ~I'm lost in the city, who's got the key?~ It was around dusk when I approached the small town. It was like any other place I'd been to so far: quiet, dusty, and ordinary. That's how every god forsaken desert town is. But this place was different; I could smell it. A soft desert wind passed through, blowing my cloak to one side. I quickly grabbed it and pulled it back in place. If anyone saw my firearm, which sat in it's holster at my side, the local law enforcement would be on me faster than the Mentant elite guard on an assassin to the overlord. My tail, ratty and lifeless as it was, swayed nervously. Something was up, but I didn't know what. Every desert town has it's town center at the local well. I figured if I could find that well, I could figure out where everything was. That would be my first target. But for some reason, I didn't want to go further. There was nothing there, but I felt uneasy as I took each step forward. Eventually, I had to stop and sit down. "What is wrong with me?" I asked myself. I looked down the street. There were no lights, no sounds, nothing. I couldn't even find a ball of tumbleweed! It appeared this place wasn't just abandoned, it was abandoned for a hell of a lot of time. "If there's nobody here, why should I worry?" I took a deep breath, got to my feet, and continued on my path. I quickly found and approached the well. It wasn't anything fancy, just a simple, metal cylinder with a small roof to protect the water below from rain, a place for a bucket, and nothing else. I removed a small tool from my belt and put it to the side of the hard, cold well wall. I waited patiently as it did it's thing. "88% well capacity," the small LCD indicator read. "But that can't be," I told myself. "Anywhere with a well like this should be occupied." I pressed a few buttons. The LCD told me it was also pure water. This was becoming spooky. I looked around a little more. If there was nobody around, at least I'd try to find somewhere where there would be a bed. I needed to take a breather anyway. It was then I noticed something that I didn't before. I had passed right by a bar. And it was open and lively. "Seems like I found the locals." I b-lined for it. It was your average bar. The poor light showed me that there were various groups of guys sitting about, most drunk out of their small minds. The air reeked of booze, vomit, and blood. Right across from me, at the far end, was the old fashioned bartop, complete with the brass foot rest. I looked to the left, the right, and straight ahead before starting for the bar. It took me three steps to get noticed. Instantly, the males started to make lude comments. "Hey there hot stuff!" "Wanna come home with me?" "C'mere beautiful!" My hand slowly went down towards my firearm. "No," I told myself. "I cannot plug these guys....yet." I pulled my hand to my cloak again and continued towards the bar. One of the males, a rather large and ugly wolf, came up to me and grabbed my arm. "You're comin' with me. I've got a room ready for us." He tugged at my arm. "Let go!" I cried, struggling with his grasp. "What're you gonna do about it?" He leaned forward to kiss me. Instinctively, my hand darted out and grabbed his left nut. "Ooh...aren't you the fresh one!" "No, just the smart one." I squeezed with all my might. He let out a cry that could probably be heard for miles around. He fell to the floor and held his groin. For good measure, I kicked him in between - you have to be careful with steel toed boots. "Try that again, and it won't be your nuts that get hurt." I immediately walked up to the bartop. "You must be new here," the barkeep said. "What are you?" I pulled my cloak aside to show him my insignia. "Oh, you're one of them hunters. I don't want any trouble." "You won't get any unless my life is threatened. Have you got any light ale?" "We do." He poured and slid a mug of it over to me. "What brings you to a town like this?" I took a quick swig and reached into my cloak. "I'm looking for someone." I brought forth a picture. It was of a male white tiger, about 40 years of age. "He's been marked for observation." "Him? He's a techno-mage. You don't stand a chance." "Whatever you say. Do you know where he is?" "He's constantly hanging out at the graveyard just outside of town. You can find him there." "Thank you." I took another draft. "You wouldn't know of a place where I could rent a room for the night." "We've got a couple of beds up stairs. 1000 credits a night. If you want a door with locks, it's 1500." "Whoa! What's up with that?!" "Supply and demand." I grumbled and handed over my cred-card. He smiled, did his thing, and handed it back to me with some keys. "Room 5, third door on the left side." I nodded and finished off the ale. I doubt the room cost 1500 because of the locks. It was probably because of the fact the bed looked actually liveable. Or it could have been the fact that there was no way to get at the window from outside. But, my guess is that it was because of the shower in the adjacent room. To think, an actual shower with hot AND cold running water. It isn't like me to pass up an opportunity like this. After making sure the door was locked, I went into the adjacent room and stripped down to nothing. I set my firearm near the stall, just in case I needed to shoot something, and climbed in. To feel the nice, warm waters upon my sore, worn body was the best sensation I have had since I left on this mission. I stood under the shower head for a good few minutes, just enjoying it all. I allowed the waters to go their own paths, be it down my sides or between my breasts, I didn't care. A few minutes passed before I turned around and allowed the same treatment for my back. It was almost as if someone's hands were going across my body with the water. But I knew there was nobody else in the room. The soap (actual soap!) quickly became my new best friend as I washed myself down. I was quite refreshed by the time I finished. I didn't care what I did anymore, or who I was for that matter. I am allowed few luxuries in life. My paychecks rarely allow me to indulge myself in anything that is long lasting and very pleasureable. My white cotton bathrobe is one of those rare things. I always carry it with me on these long, boring missions. And this, unfortunately, was going to be one of those missions. I sat down on the bed and flipped open my laptop/communications array. I tapped away at the keyboard and pulled my robe closed (I lost the belt some ages ago. I must consider investing in one some time soon). The machine beeped, whirred, chirped, and made all sorts of humorous noises. Finally, a solemn face appeared on the screen: my boss. "Good evening Agent. What is your status?" "I just arrived at the suspected town and have located the target. I await further instructions." He smirked. "Judging by the way you're dressed, you just took a shower. It's probably been a long walk for you, so take a few hours for sleep." I smiled. "Thank you sir. I should really pay you back for such kindness." "How do you propose to do that?" I quickly flashed him. He turned beet red. "You have a warped sense of humor Ashy. Because of you, now I have to go sleep with my wife. When tomorrow rolls around, start your observations. What is the cost of the place you're staying at?" "1500 a night. But I get such comodities as hot AND cold running water, as well as locks." "Locks?" "Yes, locks. Apparently, some of the doors in this establishment don't have locks. And I wouldn't trust any of the males in this town for jack's worth of their insignifigant lives." He chuckled. "What did you do now?" "One guy tried to force me into his 'room.' To put it simply, sir, I need to polish my steel toes." He winced. "Is that all?" He nodded. "All right. Enjoy your night. Ashy out." At those words, the screen clicked off. I shut the machine down and put it away. Modesty was quickly disregarded, as well as the robe, as I climbed under the soft covers of the bed. Sleep, an old friend I haven't seen in so long, came to visit quickly. I sat up and stretched. Morning was here in full force. I put my robe on and went to the window. I had a nice view from there; I could see most of the town laid out before me. And I could see the cemetary. But nobody was there. "Didn't the guy down stairs say he hangs out at the graveyard?" I shook my head, deciding I would ask when I went down stairs. I had to re-arm, and quickly. "Exscuse me, sir?" I asked as I approached the bar. He looked at me. "Well, good morning to ya. And how are you?" I smiled. "I'm fine." This was an odd change from last night. If I was mistaken, he was a little less nicer. "Can I get you anything?" "Not right yet. Can I ask a question?" "Sure, go ahead." "That man that I asked about last night. You said that he hung around in the cemetary all the time. Where is he?" "He only hangs around during the night. It's damn near impossible to find him during the day." He smiled. "So, anyway, how about a little breakfast?" I laughed. "Sure, what's on the menu?" Bacon, eggs, toast, and cider. What a way to start the day! I returned to my room and contacted my boss again. He wasn't that awake to begin with. Well, my news was sure to wake his lazy ass up. "What's your status?" he yawned. "I just found out that I'm going to need to wait until tonight to officially start observations." "Why is that?" That woke him up! "The target doesn't come out until night, and I doubt anyone knows where he is." "Have you tried setting up a scan for him?" "I can't. The guy I've been talking with says he's a techo-mage." "Well, wait until tonight to try it. I don't think you should get anyone suspicious. What else did your contact tell you?" "The target hangs out at the cemetary at night. That's all." He sighed, obviously not pleased with the turn of events. "Well, there must be something of interest in the cemetary. Go check it out." "Understood. Ashy out." The machine turned off. I sighed and looked out the window. The cemetary sat there, mocking me. I had to go in; that was my orders. The cemetary was enclosed by a simple wooden fence that you would normally find on one of those old time ranches, with a locked steel gate. Since I wasn't about to find the groundskeeper, I hopped the fence. As soon as I landed, I spotted a clue: foot prints. They were obviously made last night, so I followed them. They led me through the omnious monuments to the departed and right up to one headstone. Flowers were placed recently. I looked at the inscription on the solid granet stone: Julia Katherine Adams Loving Wife Died May 18, XXXX You will always be missed sweetheart. Under this inscription was a picture. It was that of a female white tiger in her mid-40s. "Oh...oh my..." I placed my hand on the stone and shut my eyes in silent prayer. I got up and headed back. "This is not good." I sat down on the fence. It was about eleven, so I decided to enjoy the desert air. It wasn't the best of seats, but the warm sun beating down upon my deep reddish fur. It felt rather nice. I leaned back a little. This seemingly boring mission was turning out to be an excellent little trip. I heaved a deep sigh. "I might just move here." "You wouldn't want to do that," a voice told me. I got off the fence and looked. A lion, dressed in a flannel shirt and jeans, was standing there, watching me. "You're getting to nosy." "What are you talking about?" "You know exactly what I'm talking about. Keep your nose out from where it doesn't belong." He turned his back on me and started to walk away. I instantly bid a hasty retreat for my room. "Report Agent." "I went and checked out the cemetary. All I could find was a set of tracks to a tombstone." "What was on the tombstone?" "It was simple. Some woman named Julia Katherine Adams. I don't know what year she died; the year was scratched out." "Is that all?" "I think she was the target's wife. The picture on the stone was that of a female white tiger. And the grave was visited recently." "I see. I don't think we'll be continuing with the next phase of the plan just yet. Continue observations and try to set up a scan. That is all." The communique terminated. I instantly set to work on my machine. I quickly opened up a program and started up the scanner. A small dish thing popped out of the top of the screen and started to spin. I watched it as it did it's job. It was always amusing to watch. It suddenly stopped and slid back into the screen. I smiled and pushed a button. My smile instantly turned into a shocked look. According to the scans, I was the only one in town. I got up and went to the door. I could hear everyone down stairs. I went back and ran a second scan. It returned the same results. I waited for night patiently. I had a lovely dinner and returned to my room. I wasn't planning on sleeping that night. I had something more important to deal with. I watched the cemetary through my binoculars, waiting for something to happen. The lights from each building turned off one by one. Soon, it was almost impossible to see anything. I was forced to attach the night vision pieces to the binoculars. That wasted a good half a minute. When I looked back at the cemetary, I was in for one hell of a shock. I quickly took up my firearm, holstered it, and ran down to the front. I made an instant b-line for the cemetary. I knew the target was at his wife's grave site. And I needed to talk to him quickly. But I didn't know if he would be friendly or what. It wasn't a long walk to the small area. I wasn't expecting anything to happen. "You," a voice called at me. I turned and saw the lion from before. "Didn't I warn you not to stick your nose where it don't belong?" "Back off," I told him. "I'm on official business here. It is none of your concern." He pulled a pitchfork from behind his back and held it menacingly. "I'm making it my concern." He charged me. Instinct kicked in as I jumped into the air. I landed on his shoulders, tightened my feet onto his head, and flipped him to the ground. I hopped away, ready to fight. He got back to his feet and looked at me. He wasn't going down easily. I made the first move, launching a roundhouse at his face. Either he backed up, or I missed miserably, because I didn't connect with him. He frowned and sent me flying with a swat of his massive hand. I nearly rammed into the fence. I got to my feet and looked around. I wasn't about to unholster my weapon yet. So I picked up a few stones and threw them at him. He batted them away like they were nothing. "I've got no choice then." I pulled my firearm from my holster and fired off a few rounds. They passed right through the lion. "Shit, he's an illusion!" The lion wasn't real. Suddenly, I saw someone behind him - the guy from the bar who had a misadventure with my boots. And another face - the barkeep. And the rest of the bar partons. And some of the towns folk. They were all illusions. I knew what was causing them. I cleared the fence and treaded into the cemetary. I came upon the white tiger rather quickly. "You!" I said, aiming my gun at him. He got up slowly and turned to look at me. It was my target. "Call off your illusions, now." He sighed and waved his hand. The illusions, I could tell, were gone. I lowered my gun slightly. "Who are you?" "Marcus Adams." His voice was soft. That was all I needed. I holstered my weapon. "I suppose that you are husband to Julia Katherine Adams." He nodded sadly. "I'm sorry about your loss." "It's okay. I've gotten over it in the fifteen years I've been alone." "What?" He sat down next to the headstone. "I've been alone for too long. This town has been empty for years." "You mean, you've been living here all alone?" He nodded. I sat down across from him. "So why the illusions?" "Because I don't want this town to be destroyed. If I don't protect it, your people will come and raise it. This cemetary will be dug up and the remains disposed of. I cannot allow that to happen." He looked at the grave. "I don't want to lose my wife again." "Then the illusions-" "The illusions were that of the people who lived here." He got up and pointed to a large obelisk. "That is the grave site of the barkeeper you were talking to. The lion who attacked you is over there." His finger trailed over to a crypt-like building. "Wait, if they were all illusions, what about the food? And the shower I took?" "They were real. I try to scare people away, but I'm not heartless." I nodded. "So you're only trying to protect your family." "This is my town, my city. The city of Angels. I cannot allow this place to be torn down." I got up. "I think I can help. I can convince my people to have this place populated quickly so it doesn't get torn down. Believe it or not, there are people who like this sort of rustic splender." I chuckled. "I wouldn't mind making this place my summer home either." He smiled. "Would you?" "I can always try." He got up. "Thank you....thank you so much! I can rest in peace now." I quirked a brow. "Wh-what are you talking about?" He motioned me to the grave next to his wife's. I went and looked at the inscription: Marcus Adams Dedicated Husband Died May 19, XXXX May he be reunited with his wife in heaven. I got up and looked at him. "'re an-" "Angel. Yes." He looked to the other graves. "I was chosen to guard these graves. If what you say is true, I can finally be reunited with my wife." Julia's grave began to glow. A form grew out of it - a lovely white tigress. She went over to Marcus and hugged him. "You're coming home now. They won't destroy this site." He hugged back. "I've missed you so, sweetheart!" They kissed. He looked at me. "Will you send the word to your people? Will you have this town populated once again?" "I will." He smiled and they both started to glow. "I thank you for your kindness. I will put in a good word for you." He took my hand. "Thank you." I felt a slight tingling sensation right before he disappeared. I returned to their grave sites the next morning. I laid some flowers down and said a prayer for each of them. Then I took my laptop and turned it on. My boss appeared. "Status Agent." "The target has been neutralized. It seems that the people of the town were illusions. The town is in perfect condition. We can move people in without having to destroy anything." He smiled. "That's great to hear. I will send word into command and they will start the move of people in. How many people do you estimate we can move in?" "About 1,000. Maybe more if we cheat." "Good. Your mission is complete. Come back home as soon as possible. And, oh yeah, great job." "Thank you sir. Agent Ashley Williams out." The communication terminated. I looked at the graves and smiled. "It's done, Marcus. You and your wife can rest peacefully now. I will make sure that your rest remains undisturbed." I walked away from the cemetary, through the town, and back the way I came in. I stopped and looked back. I saw Marcus, Julia, and what appeared to be the entire town's population. They were waving at me. I didn't know if it was a mirage, or their ghosts, or what, but I couldn't resist the urge to wave back. "I'll visit!" Marcus nodded. I smiled and turned away. It was going to be a long walk home. But I knew that I would be watched over. End Ashley Williams is © Lone Wolf