Death Mage: Shortie by Lone Wolf Starring: Ashley Williams The Zeox clan of technomages is very notorious amongst even the most skilled of Hunters. Their ranks of warriors are often known for getting back up and fighting, even after being riddled with holes. It is said that every one of their non-mages has some sort of device in them that the technomages can use to animate the dead corpses. However, we have yet to prove that, since the second time the body goes down, it turns to dust. Michael and I were called to a remote town in the desert sector of the Zeox home planet. There was a problem with a local band of brigands that needed attending to. Michael and I were quickly dispatched, seeing as how we knew how to deal with brigands, as well as the technomages that usually accompanied them. This town - Twilight - was nothing more than a shanty town. The homes were crude, animal hide tents - definitely a couple of centuries behind the time. They were nothing more than a hunter/gatherer society. How they managed to get all sorts of technological things to contact us was a mystery. But they managed to get to us, and greeted us with open arms once we arrived. The first one to speak with us was their old chief. The ancient looking gecko had a lot to say. "We thank you for coming on such short notice," he said, a slight hiss to his voice. "But this came up so suddenly." "It's not a problem," I said. "That's how most of these missions end up being." Michael chuckled and looked over his shades. "Now, what's the problem?" "A band of raiders have been terrorizing our quiet little village." He pointed to the mountains. "They come from there." "Can't you defend yourselves against them?" Michael asked. "We can. We do. Our spears and knives tear through them like nothing else can. But once they've fallen, they arise again." I looked at Michael. "Zeox?" "Definately." He turned to the chief. "Tell me, does anyone else travel with the raiders?" "Why...yes. An old feline that wears long, gray robes. But I don't see-" I smiled. "Thank you, sir. That's all the information that we need." I looked to the mountains. "I think me and ol' Michael here can help you guys out. Right, Mike?" He chuckled. "Of course." "But you are unarmed. Please." He turned to his people and clapped his hands. Two very finely crafted spears were brought to us. The points glittered in the light. "Take these spears with you." "No," Michael said. "We shouldn't." "We insist." He clapped again. The spears were handed to us. "Please, take these for luck." I smiled. "Thank you sir. We will." I nodded to Michael. "Yeah. Thank you." He twirled the spear around - he was always the one to play with weapons. "These handle nice." I chuckled. "Let's go you, before you hurt yourself." The walk to the mountains was at least a half an hour. Couple that with the hot sun beating down on us means that we were tired by the time we got there. I leaned against a rock, trying to catch my breath. "Why does the sun have to be so hot?" I asked, fumbling through my coat for a canteen. "I don't know," Michael said, popping open his. "I guess it's just to annoy the piss out of us." He took a swig and sighed. "At least we got this." I smirked and took a sip of mine. "Remember how we met?" He laughed. "It was over a package of emergency fluids. I know." He sighed. "That was the happiest moment of my life, ya know?" "Why?" "Because I met you." I blushed. "See, I knew you felt the same way." "Yeah...I guess." Suddenly, a hole was blown into the ground to the right of us. "Shit, we got company." I drew my firearm and slid behind a rock for cover. Michael found his cover and dove behind it. We nodded at each other and looked at where the shot came from. A large horde of brigand troops were standing there, pistols raised and aimed. They fired again. We dodged the blasts. "Ashley," Michael called. "#9" I nodded and loaded the appropriate shell into my firearm. I took a deep breath, aimed, and fired. The stream of energy hit the left flank of troops, sending them to the ground. Michael took his shot, taking out the left flank. That left only a handful of brigands, who promptly turned tail. "They know we're here," Michael said. "Let's go, find that mage, and get the hell outta here." "But of course!" With my firearm still drawn, I started to climb the mountain. We passed the bodies as quickly as we could. I stopped for only a second to look at them - a force of habit. But as I started to continue, I felt something grab my leg. I let out a scream, turned, and fired. One of the corpses, which had me by the leg, collapsed, turning to dust. "Uh... Michael. I think it's not over." I leapt back a little, my gun still aimed. "What?" He turned and looked. Suddenly, every dead body rose to it's feet. There were no pupils to their eyes. "Oh fuckin' hell. Ashy, shoot them all!" I raised my firearm and started to fire. Each time one of the bodies was struck, it doubled over and turned to dust. It took us a good five minutes to decimate the force of undead. "We better find that mage and end him." "Yeah, but where could he be." I pointed to a cave. "Could he be in there?" "Let's see." We moved in that direction. My guess was right. The cave went a little deeper into the mountain before opening up into a huge open forum. And there, standing on a platform surrounded by hundreds of brigand troops, was a technomage. The feline's tail swayed angrily, causing his long, gray robes to flap angrily. "How dare you defy the Zeox clan!" he shouted at us. I loaded a #6 into my firearm. "Well, that's what you get for picking on small villages," I shouted back. "Who are you to tell me what to do?" I raised my firearm defiantly. "Agent Ashy, Hunters. Surrender or you die." "You first." He pointed at us. The brigands started to move, almost automatically. I aimed and fired. The number six shell blasted from my gun, flew out a bit, and shattered, shards of energy flying at a multitude of targets. Bodies fell to the ground instantly. Michael added to the fun, firing off a #27. The wall of flames smashed into a group of approaching troops, incinerating them. With the numbers now signifigantly diminished, we took it on ourselves to removed the remainder of them with our own skills. "Your forces are destroyed," Michael said. "Surrender or die." The mage sneered at us. "You may have destroyed their souls, but not their bodies." He raised his hand in the air. Suddenly, every body that wasn't already dust or ash rose. Again, every eye they had amongst them was ice white. "Attack!" The bodies started to move at us. "Ah hell." I loaded another #6 into my firearm and fired. The bodies, however, absorbed the blasts. "Shit! They aren't affected." "Let me try." He loaded a #23 and fired. The stream of flame incinerated a group of corpses, but it wasn't enough. "There are too many!" "The tech-mage. Nail the mage!" I aimed and fired. If you haven't learned yet, all technomages have some sort of force field around them at absorbs firearm shots. "Damn it!" Michael gave it a try. "It's no use! He's not going to die." The bodies were getting closer, forcing us to inch backwards, towards the exit. Unfortunately for me, I tripped on my spear and landed on my back. "Wait a moment." I picked up the spear. "Michael!" I tossed it to him. "Throw it at the mage!" He caught it and smiled. "Got it!" He reared back and let it fly. "No!" The mage tried to move back to avoid it, but was far too slow. The spear went straight through his chest. He grabbed it and howled in pain. His robes, his flesh, and his fur started to melt off his form, leaving nothing but bones and machine parts. The skeleton stood there for a second before crumbling into a pile. The corpses mimiced this, grabbing their chests before turning into dust and collapsing into piles. We waited a few minutes to see if there were any more surprises. After seeing that this was over, I went over and retrieved the spear. "Who knew," I called to Michael. "Something so simple was able to do what our advanced weapons could not." He shook his head. "And it was you who insisted on taking them. Smart move, Ashy." I put the spear onto my back and picked up the mage's skull. "I say we bring this back as a sign of our deed. Who knows, maybe we'll be able to get some good old fashioned cooking out of this!" He laughed. "C'mon you! Let's go back." I quickly raced to catch up with him as he darted out of the cavern. End Ashley Williams and Michael D'Ketra are © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])> See you next time. -Ashley Williams