Escape: Shortie by Lone Wolf Starring: Ashley Williams ~I can escape~ My head pounded. My body ached. And, to make matters worse, I was in deep trouble. The mission was supposed to be simple - go in, vanquish a few guards, and blow a drug lab sky high. We all knew that. We had everything surveyed, plotted, and ready to go. But we didn't accomidate for the sudden arrival of thirty extra men to help move a major load of drugs. Tabitha and I were caught off guard. And we were caught. "Ashley, you okay?" Tabitha asked me. I sat up and held my head. "Good. You're alive." "Tabitha, where are we?" I asked. My tail flicked angrily. I was not used to having my head pounded in. "We're in a cell." She looked around. "Pretty shabby if you ask me. The walls look frail." She gave one a knock. "Yep. They are." She sighed, her white and black striped tail lowering slightly. "What's up, Tabby?" "I dunno. I guess I'm just a little disappointed that we got caught. It feels strange to be on the captured end of the game." She huffed and rested her head on her knees. "I wonder what happens now." "That's easy," I said, removing the buckle on my belt. "We don't wait to see what happens and bust out of here." I played with it a bit until it turned into the standard issue "back-up" firearm we all carried. "You with?" She smiled weakly. "Yeah." I leaned against the bamboo bars that held us to see if anyone was around before I knelt down next to her and gave her a hug. "We'll be fine. Remember, we've been through worse." She unclipped her buckle and flicked it into it's firearm form. "Okay." I took careful aim at the lock to our prison and fired. The gate flew open. It would be a long fight. By pulling our buckles, we knew that a signal had been sent to headquarters to send assistance in our recovery. They had a lock on us and they weren't going to let us go. But we still had to go get our firearms. We knew where they were being held - the other side of the compound. The problem was getting them. The heavy, hot jungle air weighed down on us. Even at night, this place was horrible. So it really pissed us off when we saw troops heading our way. "This is really starting to bug me," I growled as I raised the small pistol and opened fire. "Tell me about it," Tabitha said. "This is murder on my hair." I chuckled. "Shoot now, joke later." I fired off another round. It hit a guy in the head, causing him to subsequently collapse. "C'mon, this way." I motioned towards a staircase, just as the other guys on the ground opened fire on us. We dodged shots as we ran - almost tumbled - down the stairs and into the darkness. We traveled around the perimeter of the compound. We knew the nearest Hunter force was a half an hour away, so we had to remain low profile for at least 25 more minutes. But we also had to recover our equipment. That was top priority. But how were we going to do it. "Take a look," Tabitha said, pointing to a building. People were going in and coming out armed. "That looks like a storehouse. That must be where they're keeping everything." "Agreed," I said. "But how do we get there without getting caught?" She set her mind to work on figuring out how. "The roof. It's thatched. If we can get atop it, we can slip in unnoticed. But how can we do that?" I looked up the building we were hiding behind. "Climb up here and hop over when the guards aren't looking." She nodded. "Gotcha." I gave her a quick hoist up to the roof, and she helped me up. We watched down below us cautiously. It took us a good twenty minutes to get to the storeroom roof. Lucky for us, we weren't caught. Even luckier was the fact there was a hole in the roof. Building material was strewn about to repair the hole. We slipped in quietly, landing gracefully and hiding behind some crates. My eyes quickly scanned the room in search of our weapons. "There," I said quietly, pointing to two heavily armed guards standing in front of a glass crate. In the crate was our firearms. "I see them," Tabitha said. "Let's sneak around, off the guards, and grab the guns." I nodded. "Sounds good." We started to move. The guards remained oblivious to our movement. But as soon as we got close enough, it became a problem. They turned and saw us. We didn't hesitate to pump a slug each into their skulls. A firefight broke out. Tabitha smashed the glass crate. "Ashy!" she shouted, tossing me my firearm. I caught it, aimed, and fired. Somebody on their side fell. We had less than two minutes until help arrived. We ducked as soon as we heard an explosion above us. Someone had thrown a molotov cocktail (or other such firebomb, I'm not sure what it was) onto the roof. The simple grass-roofed hut caught fire instantly. "Tabitha, through the wall," I shouted. We nodded and shoulder rammed our way through the soft wood, right into the path of an approaching batallion. We opened fire before they could respond, but didn't have enough time to save our skins. We were forced to start running. We kept firing as we went along. But everywhere we turned, we met up with troops. We quicky bounded from corner to corner, wasting who we could and running from who we couldn't. We turned our final corner for the evening and met with a dead end. We turned to see the enemy before us. Our backs went to the wall, our firearms in front of us. "Shit," I muttered. "This is it." I tried to take a deep breath, but the moist, hot air made it impossible. "I guess this is goodbye," Tabitha said. "Yeah. Thanks for being a true friend, Tabitha." She shut her eyes. "I love you, Ashley." I smiled. "I love you too." There was a sudden explosion. People screamed. We both looked up to see helicopters flying overhead. Missiles were launched and buildings exploded. People died. Suddenly, Hunters of all sorts leaped from the copters, landing and opening fire. The calvary was here. We added to the Hunter firepower, eventually decimating the pitiful drug runner forces that held us captive just a half an hour ago... I collapsed on my bed the moment I got into my quarters. I dripped with sweat and blood - most of it not mine. I was tired, achy, and a bit down in the dumps. That was one of the rare instances where I was taken prisoner. I went into the bathroom, stripped down to nothing, and dried off the sweat with a towel. I had no time for a shower, though I desired it. I shuffled over to my bed and crawled in. The door slid open. "Ashley?" Tabitha's voice asked softly. I shut my eyes. "Yes?" "You got a spare place?" She was as rattled as I was about being captured. We knew that would be the only thing the others were going to be talking about tomorrow. We could have used each other's company at that moment in time. I moved over. "Shut the door and crawl in. You're more than welcome." She did just that, curling up against me. I put my arms around her and gave her a gentle kiss. To care about what signals I was sending was to care about who won the 1992 World Series - pretty stupid considering it was almost 200 years later. She just needed a friend to comfort her about a moment of insecurity. I needed it too. I didn't mind sleeping with her that night. End Ashley Williams and Tabitha Evans are © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])> (30 min) See you next time around folks, -Ashley Williams and Tabitha Evans