Moment’s Peace Shortie by Lone Wolf Staring: Ashley Williams It’s not often I wake up in the middle of the night without reason. That night, however, I did. I guess, in retrospect, I just couldn’t sleep. Still a little weary, I rose, grabbing my bathrobe around me and moving to the window. It’d only been two months since the order to open up space in the barracks were given. So I saw Tabitha sleeping in her bed when I got up. I smiled as I passed by her. She was sleeping to peacefully. It was rare that any of us got to do that. Outside, it was raining. Dark storm clouds loomed overhead as they drowned the ground. Soft claps of thunder out in the distance added the much needed calming effect to the atmosphere. It was moments like this I cherished so much. I just love rainstorms. I leaned against the window sill, taking in this rare moment of peace. There was a sudden loud crash of lighting close by. I jumped, both at the flash and sound. That was unexpected. Fortunately, I was able to calm down easily. I quickly turned to see how Tabitha was faring, and saw what I was expecting. She was sitting up, knees to her chest, cowering at the flash, looking at me for comfort. “Tabitha,” I said. “Are you okay?” “Wh-what was that?” she asked fearfully. “Just a little thunder. That’s all.” “Oh.” She shrank back. “I was seriously hoping it was gunfire.” Thunder had always been her second biggest phobia. She would just flip out whenever there was lightning. Knowing I had to comfort her, I moved to her side. It was a good thing I did too, there was another, even louder crash outside. She squeaked and clung onto me. “It’s okay, Tabby,” I said, wrapping my arms around her. “I’m here.” As she cowered in my arms, I looked out the window. The rain was getting worse. Much worse. It would be hell for her. I gave it a quick thought and immediately knew what I had to do. “Ashley,” she said softly as I stood up. “Please...don’t leave me....” “I’m not.” I smiled, letting my bathrobe fall to the ground. “You need someone to cuddle up to tonight.” I sat back down next to her, smiling at her widened eyes. “I just don’t want my robe ruined. So...” There was another flash. Tabitha clung onto me. My arms went around her again. “I’m here, Tabitha. I won’t leave you.” Tabitha nodded and, once the shock had worn off, blushed some. I quirked a brow, only realizing what she was doing when she slowly took her pajamas off. “Okay. I get the picture.” I slowly crawled under the sheets. “Tonight only, okay?” “Thank you, Ashley.” She crawled under with me, cuddling up to my body. I’ll be perfectly honest with you. I felt sorry for her. She had a lot to deal with in her life. This was something so mundane, yet so major for her. This is a mortal phobia for her. We’ve tried everything to clear her of it. It’s always discouraging when it fails utterly. There was another thunder crack. She pulled herself closer, her arms wrapping around me. She didn’t realized that her breasts had rubbed against mine, sending a few unusual, though pleasured pangs through my body. She whimpered. “Please...forgive me Ashy. I don’t mean to do this to you.” I smiled and put my arms around her. “Tabitha.” I kissed her forehead. “You don’t need to worry. It will all be over soon and you can rest peacefully. I promise.” She looked up at me, tears in her eyes. I smiled, subconsciously beginning to rub her sides with my fingers. She rested her head against my chest and murred. She was clearly enjoying it, and completely ignored the next flash. I’d found what I needed to keep her from panicking. I did not care what she was getting off of this. She was in pain. I was going to make sure she was no longer in pain. It was a simple equation. I was going to continue until she fell asleep or the storm was over. I was also going to make sure I touched nothing but her side. And she didn’t seem to mind. She moaned happily, cuddling against me. Then she did something I bet, to this day, she had planned the entire time. She started to nuzzle against my chest. Those odd pangs of pleasure shot through my body once more. My breath quickened, but only because it felt so good. It was truly a new sensation. My hand trailed to her belly, which caused her to squirm happily. My fingers started to run through her soft white fur, making her the happiest skunkette in the base. “Feel good?” I asked in my pleasured haze. “Yes,” she whispered. “It is fantastic. Thank you so much A-aah!” Her entire body spasmed. Her head shot upward. I could see her face contorted in pleasure, her eyes clenched shut. Her fist clenched against my chest. One of her legs intertwined with mine. “Oooh....” I realized what I had done wrong. My haze had caused me to go a little farther south than planned. I stopped, pulling my hand away. “I-I’m sorry, Tabitha,” I said. “I...I didn’t mean-“ ”Ashley.” She grabbed my hand and returned it to her warmth. “Please. say you’re always up for something new. Well, this is new for you. Please. I’m begging you.” I don’t know what stirred in me. Tabitha attributes it to pity, maybe even sympathy. I attribute it to the pleasured pangs I was, once again, feeling. It could have even been a combination of the two. All either of us knew, at the moment, was what was going to happen. Our lips met in a sudden, though tender and passionate kiss. My fingers traced along her delicate folds. Her heat filled the room with every moan that escaped her. It was like she was controlling it. The truly intriguing part for me, however, was how intoxicating the scent was. Tabitha is my best friend. I’ve always felt close to her. We’ve both suffered and, with each other’s help, we’ve gotten stronger. But her heat made me want to get closer to her. I found myself slowly leaning over to her neck and nibbling, as if acting according to a script. She moaned happily. I could tell she regretting moving away from my mouth as she leaned forward. My body pulsed as her lips first brushed, then encompassed my nipple. It was like a rush. My body told me, quite simply, that it was enjoying this. I could sense my own heat pouring out and mingling with Tabitha’s. Although none of them would have the ability to, any guy who would have walked into that room at that moment would have been paralyzed until we were finished. For some reason, I was hoping against hope, that we could extend this for a while. I quivered as her tongue flitted out, dancing gingerly over it’s top. My fingers mimicked my pleasure, going from tracing to a massage. I could feel my finger gently trailing along her moistened valley. I wanted so much to run my finger into her. But I kept that to myself, not wanting her to panic. I whimpered when her lips moved away from my chest and up to my neck. “What’s wrong Ashley?” she asked. “Were you enjoying yourself?” I nodded weakly. “I’m...I’m sorry.” Her hand traced down my side. “I know how I can make it up to you, though.” “H-how?” I gasped when her hand touched my crotch. “T-tabitha!” “Let it go...feel the pleasure I am. I promise to stop if you tell me to.” She started to do to me what I was doing to her. My back arched with the pleasure. My body shook violently . I tried to tell her what I felt about her now, but I found myself to say nothing, save a few cries of pleasure. My hand mimicked this, picking up pace. I felt my finger gently slide into her. She didn’t seem to mind. It was only enticing her more. I’d never peaked in my life. Never had a chance to, honestly. I’ve always wondered what it felt like. Well, not only did I get my answer that night, I got the answer to another question that lasted a total of five seconds - what was it like to peak with my best friend. Our stroking and massaging had gotten the both of us to and over the edge at the same time. It was a mere burst of light, a quiet scream that soothed our very bodies. We remained silent, motionless for a few glorious, though brief moments, then quickly fell into an embrace. “Did you enjoy that, Ashley?” Tabitha asked me. “ that what it’s like for you, Tabitha?” I responded. She giggled. “It’s only the tip of the iceberg. There are other things that we can do.” “Like what? Can you show me?” She cuddled up next to me. “It’s late. We need to sleep. Maybe another time.” The heat in the room slowly melted away. It came to me, my now unhindered mind, what had just gone on. I had betrayed myself and gone against what I told Tabitha. I felt angry at myself. Well, for the first five seconds, anyway. I quickly realized that, hell, I didn’t care anymore. I snuggled up with Tabitha. She’d taught me a lot. It wouldn’t be a constant thing, I told myself, but maybe once and a while... “Hey, Tabitha?” “Hmm?” “Wanna close up this bed tomorrow night and move over to mine from now on?” She blushed. “You mean it?” I nodded. She smiled and hugged me. Out in the distance, there was a thunderclap. Damn thunderstorms. End Ashley Williams and Tabitha Evans are © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])> See you next time, -Ashley Williams