The Quaggoth Project: Shortie by Lone Wolf Starring: Ashley Williams * Time: 12:12 AM * *Location: Hunter headquarters, location undisclosed I was called to an emergency briefing in the middle of the night. If you've been in the business for as long as I have, you do not want to hear "emergency" and "briefing" in the same statement. If you hear that, that means something has the chief in arms and he will want it dead as soon as possible. And that usually means one thing: We're all in trouble. I entered the dimly lit meeting hall. I looked at the meeting table and instantly felt a little fearful. On one side of the table was Michael, Johnathan, and Melody, or "Rose," as we're stuck calling her. On the other side was Tabitha and Savanna. At the head of the table was our boss, the wise, old Jeshua Eslovic. He wore a look of fear that made me quite uncomfortable. I took my seat next to Savanna. "You called for us sir?" I asked. Whenever the gang got together like this (usually under friendlier circumstances), I always talked as if we were part of a group. He looked at me. "Yes," he said. His voice quivered with fear. Something was very wrong. "Sir," I said, my concern playing in my tone. "What's the matter?" "Our spies have discovered a major problem." He turned to the center of the table. "I just had the holo-projectors installed. I wish I could test them out in nicer means. But this isn't the time to worry about that." He pushed a button on the tabletop. The projectors hummed to life and presented us with a picture of a most interesting battle tank. The tank was, for all purposes, a fucking box. I could not see any treads, wheels or anything that it would use to move along it's way. It wore heavy metal plates over it's body. Every so often, a spike would shoot out of the plating, with three to a plate. The thing was lined with at least 30 of these things. At the front sat two turret mounted chain guns, with the lengthy ammo clip coming out from what we suspected was a massive ammunition storage compartment. Behind that was a cannon, I'd say it was at least a 30mm cannon. It could easily put a hole in a solid steel wall. Perched on top of that was another mounted gun, probably a 5mm cannon. "Meet the Quaggoth," Jeshua told us. 'this is a most fearsome 31 ton battle tank. According to our spies, this thing is not quite perfected as of yet. But they say test runs clocked at least 50 KPH speeds." I grew a little nervous. "Who's the designer of this weapon?" "Doesn't matter. He was killed after the plans got out." "Who's producing them?" He looked at me with mournful eyes. I shook my head. "Please, I'm begging you, don't let Core be the next word out of your mouth." Core, a group of organized crime lords, were the Hunters' biggest threat and enemy. If they were producing these behemoths... "I wish I could do that for you, Ashy. But that's the bad news. There is one gleam of light, though. It takes a long while to produce these things, since some of the armor and systems are quite intricate. The tank is also untested. So instead of wasting resources, space, and money on many facilities, Core has created one facility to house the entire project." "So I guess we're off to go level this place," Michael said. "But what about the plans," Tabitha said. "If they still have them, they can just build another factory." "That's the beauty part of it," Jeshua said. "The designer had the hindsights to put all the instructions and device settings in small, but readable print. The print is impossible to replicate by copying it. They cannot scan it and they cannot photocopy it. Since this is the case, they hold the only copy of these blueprints in the same facility we want you to level. The mission is simple - find and secure the blueprints and level the production plant." I stood up. "I am willing to go on this mission. But I ask you one question." I looked to the others. "I do not mean to offend anyone here, but I do not wish to see any of you hurt. Why, sir, are they going on this mission?" "Many reasons, Agent. It seems that you guys have a habit of working quite well together. You six have the best track record as a group. This mission will take more than one person to accomplish." "Okay, I can see that. But....I don't understand why you picked us. I doubt that we have the proper skills nescessary to do this. I mean..." I pointed to Savanna. "She's our leading Rhye agent. How would she be able to assist us?" I looked at her. "No offense." "None taken," she reassured me. He pushed the button again. We got an overview of the production facility and the surrounding area. A small field lit up. "Need I say more?" I nodded. "Fine. I am willing to do this." "I am too," Johnathan added. "We can handle this." There was a murmer of agreement. Jeshua nodded. "Go to the hanger. You will recieve your equipment and instructions there." He stood up. "You are some of our top agents. If you fail this mission, not only do we lose you, but our whole operation is put into danger. We have faith in you. Good luck." We got up and headed to the hanger. *Time: 1:36 AM * *Location: Dandyon Valley We dropped over the landing site - the top of the facility. We floated down undetected and stopped for a moment. "Let's check ourselves," I said. "We don't want to have to worry about faulty equipment once they know we're here." We all nodded and went through systems checks. We all wore pressurized battle armor, which was able to deflect a good amount of laser fire before we were rendered fucked. We each came packing the "Taz" assualt rifle, great for nailing infantry and light armors, but BS on heavy stuff. And we all carried our standard regulation firearms, complete with two of each type of shell. I adjusted my helmet so I wouldn't suffocate and nodded to the others. "We move." There were no guards on the roof, damn fools. We easily found our way to the stairwell and climbed down to the level below us. It was a three level facility. The first two levels were for the production and storage of parts for the tank, as well as the tank itself. The third floor, according to spies, was just bookeeping and Rhye storage. Savanna was, needless to say, a little ansty. "Calm down," I told her. "You will get your chance to burn it all." "I know," she replied, her voice unnaturally low. I nodded and looked around the corner. No patrols were up here. Everything was dark. "We're clear. Let's split up. We'll cover the floor in sections of six rooms. We each take five minutes to search the room, no more, no less. If you find the plans, just come in and tap gently on the doors. We'll set the bombs afterwards. Savanna, if you find Rhye, just plant a firebomb on it and get it ready to blow. Do NOT detonate it. Understand?" She nodded. "Spead out. Pick a door and remember, in five mintues, move one over with the group." We nodded and set to work. It wasn't a pretty job. The rooms were tripple checked and at least 8 firebombs were placed before we found the stinkin' blueprints. Savanna gets the props for that one. "Objective one met," Michael said. "Now, what do we do about leveling this place?" "I know," Johnathan said. "I took a peek down stairs. The place is alive and crawling with guards." "There is no way to get to the center of this floor," Rose warned us. "We can't drill to the second floor and pack in explosives." "And what about the field outside?" Savanna inquired. "Calm down everyone," I said. "We can handle this." I looked around. "Where's Tabitha?" Everyone became a little fearful. "Tabitha," I hissed. "Where are you?" "Right here," her voice responded. She was behind us, in the stair well we used to enter. "Tabitha, where were you?" "Up on the roof, looking though the skylight." "What did you see?" Rose asked. "On the other side of the building, I'm assuming, is a stairwell to the scaffolding that surrounds the production bay. It's only got a light guard detail. We can establish a foothold there." She nodded and got up. "Let's move." Nobody argued. We could see through to the second and first floors. The walls were a murky yellow color, probably from the layers of dust that would form from this sort of building. Although we couldn't see much, we could tell that there were guards and technicians all over the place. The techies were on break (which explained why it was so damn easy to find the blueprints. And they were watched over by at least 3 platoons of guards. Once we made it to the base of the stairs, hell would start. So we decided to take the initiative. As soon as we reached the bottom, Michael and I slipped to the two guards at the side of the doorway and slammed our rifle butts into their heads. They fell like sacks of concrete. Instantly, we were greeted with rifle fire from my rear. Michael quickly returned fire and we all darted for the railing. Michael held our backs as we lined up and started assailing the gaggle of guards down below. It was then I noticed the Quaggoth. It sat there, nearly complete. The side armor, with the spikes, were in place. The top armor was not. And, unfortunately, the chain guns and cannon were in place and most likely operational. I drew my firearm, put on my special blaster cap (lovely little thing against armor), and fired at the exposed ammo store. I was hoping to cause an explosion. It took a few shots to take out the ammo, the whole front of the tank, and half the guards who were shooting at us. I then watched in horror as the main turret turned towards us. It began to power up. "Guys!" I shouted. "Let's move!" We moved off the scaffolding to the lower level. Seconds later, the turret fired, blowing up the spot where we stood. We ducked behind a massive support beam. "We need to nail that turret," Rose said. "Otherwise, we're screwed." I nodded. "We've got two #4 shells each. That should do it, right?" "We'll have to use one each at the same time, but I'm sure that will do it." They grabbed their firearms and we all loaded up. "On three, we dive out and fire at it. Ready?" We nodded. "Three!" Everyone dived out to the closer side, aimed at the turret, and fired. Our firearms charged up for a second and released a large discharge of energy, otherwise known as a dirty blast. The six shots flew forward and exploded upon contact with the turret. When the smoke cleared, the tank's weapons were no more. "Great," Michael said. "Savanna and Tabitha, go find the Rhye field. Johnathan, plant the explosives in the post we were hiding behind. Rose, do the one behind the tank. Ashy." He handed me a five pound explosive pack. "East side." I nodded and followed Rose. We stood at the edge of the Rhye field. It had been laced with a thin web-like substance by Tabitha and Savanna. We stood there, looking at the factory. "Ready?" I asked. They nodded. "Savanna, light the field." I handed her my lighter. It flicked on and she held it to the webbing. It caught fire. The fire spread over the field, starting to burn the plants. About two minutes later, it reached the other end of the field, which, in turn, set of the detonaters. The first thing to explode was the top floor. The stored Rhye was instantly turned to ash. Then the main explosives went off, one at a time. The building shook and collapsed in on itself. Everything that was inside, the paperwork, the stored tank parts, and the tank itself, were crushed under the steel and brick. We backed away from the scene. I took my communicator out and turned it on. "Base, this is Strike One. Plans recovered and plant destroyed. Mission accomplished. Request pickup ASAP." "It's on it's way," Jeshua responded. "And thank you for your services." I put the device away. We had just stopped impending doom. The Quaggoth was destroyed and we had the only copy of the plans. Even if Core had another copy of the blueprints, we had a copy too. We could produce and perfect the vehicles. We were safe. The helicopter arrived and picked us up. Savanna handed the blueprints over and we grabbed seats. I leaned on Michael, too tired to care what signals I was sending. I was happy to be alive. I was happy in the fact that I had no immedite threat to my life. I knew that tomorrow I would find another mission to partake of. I yawned and hugged his arm. "Tired Ashy?" he asked, a little tuckered out himself. "Yeah. Tonight's been taxing." "I know. We'll all get some rest when we get home." He smiled and took his shades off, revealing his emerald eyes. "For now, just relax." Believe me, I was going to. End Ashley Williams, Michael D'Ketra, Johnathan Radec, Tabitha Evans, Melody "Rose" Patterson, Savanna, and Jeshua Eslovic are © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])> See you next time, -Ashley Williams and crew