Colors of the Spirit: Shortie by: Lone Wolf Starring: Ashley Williams ~Flying like a wounded dove~ Date: 2105 A.D I woke up again to the destroyed city around me. The shell of a building I chose for the night had done me well; I survived the night. I didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. The first thing I did after I sat up was to check the wound on my arm. I had wrapped it in the cleanest bandage I could find two nights ago. The bandage came off too easily, revealing the nasty gash in my forearm. It wasn't festering, thank goodness. But how long that would be true was a big unknown at the moment. So was my survival for that matter. I wrapped it back up and got to my feet. I walked through the chaos of my former home. The brigand band had done a good job. To think, an idea from the age of chivalry was still thriving close to 2000 years later. The fates are a bitch, that's all I can say. I shook these thoughts off as I approched the "building" where I had lived before this horrible incident. I climbed over the rubble that blocked the enterance and went right for my parents' room. The room, despite the destruction around it, was in good shape. My parents had a big bed to one wall, where I had spent many a Saturday morning when I was younger. It was also the place where my parents were killed. They were still in the bed, wrapped up in each other's arms, a single bullet wound to both their heads. I nearly cried at the sight. "You died the way I hoped you would," I wispered to the corpses. "You died entwined in each other's arms, together for all eternity." Not being able to take this sight, I rushed over, kissed both their cheeks, and left. I was not going to be coming back. My stomach growled the second I got out the door. A sharp pain racked my body. I held my belly and groaned. The last time I had eaten was 20 minutes before the incident. That was two days ago. I was slowly wasting away. I had gone over half the destruction searching for anything to eat. All I found was rubble and dead bodies. I will never resort to cannibalism, I told myself. But if I didn't find any food today, that was it for me. I was not going to survive the night. I took a deep, agonizing breath, and started down the road. It was about mid-day when it happened. I was near the governmental district of town, hoping that one of these govie fat cats had some sort of meal stored away, when the pain wracked my body again. I took a step forward and fell on my side. "This is it," I said aloud. "Momma, Papa, I'm coming to join you!" My words echoed through the canyon of burnt out buildings. The pain shot through my body again. I shut my eyes and curled up. My time, I thought, had come. I was going to go join my friends and family in the afterlife. Not yet..... "Hey," some voice shouted. "Someone's still alive in here." Great, I thought. Some brigands have come back and they're now gonna rape me and then kill me. Just what I need before I die. I tried to curl up tighter, but the pain was too strong to allow me to do that. All I could manage was rolling onto my back. Fuck, I thought. Now I'm more open. I clenched my teeth and waited for what I thought was going to happen. It never did. Someone took my head up in his arms. "She's breathing," he said. "But it sounds labored." He stroked my forehead. "Are you still awake?" All I could do was moan. My throat was parched from my last outburst. "You must be thirsty." He brought a straw to my lips. "Here, drink up." Painstakingly, I took it into my mouth and took a feeble sip. It was some sort of sugar water. The pains subsided a little. "Food," I forced out. "You're hungry?" He put me down and fumbled with something. He then sat me up and put some sort of cracker to my lips. I took a weak bite, chewed, and managed to swallow. "Go ahead. Take your time." I took another bite. The pit in my stomach was slowly shrinking. My strength was coming back. I finished the biscuit in an agonizing 5 minutes. As soon as it was done, he put the straw to my lips again. I took a healthier swig than the last time and opened my eyes. They met with a pair of black shades. The wolf behind them smiled at me. "Are you okay?" "Thank you," I whispered. "It's okay." He helped me to my feet. "What's your name?" "A-ashly Williams, sir." "I'm Michael D'Ketra. I am.....a Hunter." I let go of a weak cry. The Hunters were a group of people who were often hired to kill people of all sorts. What were they doing here? Were they sent by the brigands to finish off any survivors? I tried to back away, but I was too weak. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." "Hey Michael," a second, female voice called from down the street. "What are you doing?" "Tabitha," Michael responded. "Come here. We have a survivor." There was movement as a second person, a Hunter, I suspected, came closer. A negaskunkette - you know, the skunks with the reversed colored fur - looked over his shoulder. "Is she all right?" "I don't know. She took out one of my ration biscuits and half a pouch of emergency fluids. She seems to be fine." "I'll go get the jeep. We'll take her back to HQ and have her checked up there." "W-where are you taking me?" I cried, still fearful for my life. The negaskunkette caressed my cheek. "Don't worry hun. We were not sent here to harm you." She smiled and took off. I started to weep. "Don't cry," Michael said in an attempt to comfort me. "A beautiful face like yours shouldn't do that." Just then, the wound in my arm started to act up. I grabbed it and let out a wail. "What's wrong with your arm?" He laid me down and took the bandage off. He nodded and took out some sort of medical kit. He applied some sort of salve to my wound, which forced many screams out of me, and wrapped it up in a fresh bandage. "I'm sorry that hurt." I still wasn't strong enough to get up, so I rolled onto my side, my back to him. He placed a hand on my shoulder. "I just want to help." "Then kill me." "What?!" "My friends are dead. My parents are dead. I have nowhere else to go. Just shoot me now, end my suffering." "I can't do that...I won't." "Why not?" "Becuase..." He let go of me and didn't finish. "Why not?" "You don't deserve that." Just then, a vehicle rolled up. "Our ride is here." He picked me up and walked me to a black jeep. Tabitha was sitting at the wheel. She smiled and opened the back door. He brought me over and laid me down in the back seat. He covered me with a blanket and smiled. "You're still a little weak. Try getting some sleep." I nodded silently. He looked at Tabitha. "We got a pillow somewhere?" "Try the back. We've got some emergency bunking supplies back there." He nodded and went into the back, only to return with a pillow. "Hun, I'm gonna have to close the door. Pull your feet in." I did so and she shut the door. Michael went around to the other side and opened the door by my head. "Here," he said. "Lift your head up." I weakly lifted it up. He slid the pillow under my head and shut the door softly. He then climbed into the other front seat. My head hit the pillow and I quickly discovered it was a feather pillow. The engine started up and the jeep started to roll along. The soft bouncing put me to sleep in no time. I woke up at least a few hours later, not in the back of their jeep, but in a bed. An honest to god bed! I sat up slowly and held my head. I had been dressed in a soft, clean uniform of some sort. "Where am I?" I muttered. "You're at HQ," Tabitha's voice answered. "We brought you here, remember?" I looked. She was sitting at the foot of the bed, her chair turned around so the back was facing me. Her eyes watched my every move. "I...yeah...I do." I hugged my legs to my chest. "Why was I brought here?" "To make sure that you would survive." "What? I don't believe you." She sighed. "Our reputation seems to follow us around." She got up and came over to my side. "We are hired to kill people, I will admit fully to that. But that isn't the only thing we are hired to do." "What else do you do?" "We are just as often hired to recover items, important documents, and sometimes locate survivors of massacres." She held her hand out. "I'm here to help, Ashley. Don't be afraid." I looked at her hand. She seemed friendly enough. I didn't have much to fear. I took her hand and smiled. "Thank you, Miss Tabitha." She smiled. "Just Tabitha, hun. Now, let's get you out of that bed and down to the mess hall. One cannot live on ration biscuits alone, ya know what I mean?" She winked playfully at me. She was far too happy to be a Hunter. We had a quick, surprisingly delicious meal. She explained to me that, unlike the army, we didn't have rations 24/7. That was reassuring. After we finished, she decided to take me on a tour of the builidng. I strongly protested, saying that I wasn't sure that I was supposed to be seeing all of these things. She assured me that it was all right. The tour ended in an office. "And this," she explained. "Is where our commander works. He's a very caring man, so don't be scared." "Why would I be scared?" The big, black leather chair that had it's back to us spun around. Someone was listening to us the whole time. The old lynx looked at me and smiled. "Ashley Williams?" I nodded. He stood up. "I am Jeshua Eslovic. I lead the Hunters for this sector." He held out a hand. Hesitatnly, I took it. "I would like to offer my condolences for your loss." "Thank you, sir." He noticed the pained look in my eyes. "Please, sit down. I have much to discuss with you." I complied with his request. "Ashley, I don't know how to say this, but your life is in jeopardy." "Wh-what do you mean?" "We were tracking the brigand band that destroyed your home. They obviously knew you were alive and were just making a reverse in their course. We saw this and figured there was something of value that they left behind. Agents Michael and Tabitha found you. I'm kinda glad we did." "Why do you say that, sir?" "We don't like to see innocents murdered. These brigands have had bounties issued on their heads within the Hunters. We will most likely never see them again. However, that still doesn't mean they won't spead the word and try to have you killed. Unlike the brigands from the days or lore, they don't stop until there is nothing left but rubble and bodies." I nodded. "What should I do, sir?" "I suppose Tabitha has given you the tour of the base." I nodded. "I will make my offer simple: we would like you to join the Hunters." I was shocked. I got up with a start. "Please, don't strain yourself. You're still weak." "I...I don't know if I want to sir." He nodded. "I understand. We cannot let you out into society with the fear of those brigands. We will have to keep you here for some time." Tabitha stepped forward. "Sir, I wouldn't mind putting her up for that time." He nodded. "Understood Agent." He took a look at me. "I only offer this to you as a way to get revenge for your parents. Do you still want to turn it down, Ashley?" I looked skywards a little. The vision of my parents in bed, entwined in each other's grasp, came back to me. I couldn't help but see, this time, the smiles on their faces. They died, but they were happy. I couldn't let the shattering of their happiness go unanswered. I looked Jeshua dead in the eyes. "I accept your offer, sir." He smiled. "That's good. You will bunk with Agent Tabitha until your training is complete. Then you can decide if you wish to double up with her during your time here or if you will take your own quarters." I nodded. "Thank you sir." "You two may go. I have to get the paperwork ready." Tabitha smiled and hugged me. "Welcome to the family." I smiled and hugged back. The next day I noticed something new in the halls. It was a simple poster, with a picture and a profile. The picture was of a vixen, about 17 years of age. Her soft, red fur was complimented by her emerald eyes and her straight, brown hair. Her muzzle wasn't too big, and she had a smile on her face. The profile echoed this. She wasn't a weighty vixen; she was only 110 lbs. At the very top of the poster, the headline decreed what I already knew: "Ashley Williams: New Recruit" I smiled. I had found a place to exist. I couldn't wait to begin work. End Ashley Williams, Tabitha Evans, Michael D'Ketra, and Jeshua Eslovic is © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])> See you next story! -Ashley Williams