Station 4: Shortie by Lone Wolf Starring: Ashley Williams ~Look up! It's a shooting star!~ The Hunters aren't just a group of guns for hire. We are not that stupid. There are often more of us than missions available, so that leaves many of us without anything to do at times. As appealing as that sounds, most of us would go stir crazy without something to do. Therefor, nearly everybody does some sort of work when not on a mission. Be it working in the labs researching some new material for laser proofing, working with maintenance crews on keeing HQ in one piece, or manning the guard stations at the various Hunter establishments, we are never at rest. I am proud to say that I go with that flow. Our civilization have taken to and colonized the stars. We gladly boast at least three permanent settlements on planets in our solar system and outposts of all sorts on many moons. However, for every establishment that exists, there is at least one band of rogues, one egotistical rebel unit, or one other such problem out there, waiting for a chance to strike at our home planet. The Hunters know this and, as a precaution, we have set up six space stations that orbit the planet. Armed to the teeth with cannons, missile packs, and a full 5 legions of fighters each, the Magificant Six (as they have been nicknamed) are the only line of defence from such forces. If they fall, so do we. There is a group of fighter pilots on the stations at all times. They work in shifts of a year each shift, since they are the the closest thing we have to unlimited range defences. But the other crew - maintenance workers, people to arm the weapons arrays, and other essentials - work in bi-weekly shifts. Quite often, Tabitha, Michael, Jonathan, "Rose", and I volunteer as a group to work on any one of the stations. It is rare that they turn us down and it is even rarer that they put us on seperate stations. The ship had just docked with Station 4, or the East Station (the stations were lable by their relative compass positions, with the two stations at the poles being called N.Pole and S.Pole). We grabbed our 2 weeks supply of stuff and floated to the hatch. It opened and we floated out. "Odd," Jonathan commented, his long, white and black striped tiger tail flicking uncomfortably. "Usually when we leave the ship, the gravity from inside the station takes affect and we drop like stones." "I know," Michael said, taking off his trademark shades. He pulled a technician aside. "What's up with the gravity?" "The AG generator's down," the techie replied. "No gravity until we can get it fixed. That should be in three days." Rose laughed. "That's okay dear," she said. "We'll manage. Hey, Tabitha, I'll race ya to the quarters!" She grabbed her two bags and flew down the hall. "Oh no you don't!" Tabitha responded, grabbing her things and pursuing her. I floated there, shaking my head. I never could bear the sight of an hedgefox and a negaskunk engaging in a 0G race. "What will we do about those two?" "Simple," Michael responded. "Follow them and make sure they don't kill anyone in their race." I chuckled and grabbed my bags. "I'm glad you agree Ashy. Johnny, let's go!" We took off in hot pursuit. We dropped our bags off in our quarters. Since space was limited, the five of us had to share a single room. It was no big deal; Johnathan was a very decent man and Michael had learned from me that trying to cop a feel will often result in a fist across the muzzle. We were eager to begin duty, since we were replacing the gunner crew, so we all zipped down the corridors to the weapons control room. As soon as we got there, the relieved crew got out of their seats and floated by us. We were left the weapons. "Okay," I asked. "Who gets what?" "I call missile control," Michael said, floating over to the proper seat. "Laser cannons," Rose said, grabbing her seat. "I'm the only one who knows how to work the vacuum launcher," Johnathan said, sitting down in the plush leather seat. "I should man it." "Understood," I said. I turned to Tabitha. "Well, whadda ya say sis? Team up on the Phaser banks?" "Hell yeah!" She said. "It's fun to shoot with those beside you!" She sat down in one of the two remaining seats. I laughed and sat down in the last seat. "Let's get a few sector scans down before calling up for lunch." They all nodded. "Ready?" We clapped out hands together once. "Break!" we all said. Our seats moved to their respective control panels and we hit our stations. The phaser arrays were good medium range weapons, and, therefor, has some long range sensors to help line up the shots. They also make good for spotting problems that have breeched our longer range scanners, like on the vacuum launcher. Being a semi-expert at this sort of thing, I did my thing. Nothing came up. "I've got nothing here," I called. "Tabitha?" "Nada. We're clear all around." "I'm getting nothing," Rose, who was manning our set of short and medium range scanners, told us. "The inner shell is clear." "Missile packs aren't detecting anything," Michael reported. "Johnny, you pickin' up anything?" "The shell is secure," Johnathan responded. "And there are no cloak or anything beyond that." "Great," I said. I flipped the intercom on. "Weapons to Galley." "Galley here." "What's the lunch special today?" "Ah we have a rather nice caesar salad, some tender veal cutlets, and some hot ginger and parsley soup." I looked at the others. Everyone was drooling or licking their chops for some reason or another. I smirked. "Send up three orders of the veal, two large salads, and five order of soup." Everybody smiled. They were quite happy about that. "Ah yes, but of course, Miss Ashy. We will have it to you in five minutes." "Good. Weapons out." I flipped the switch again. "Lunch is on it's way guys." We were halfway done with lunch when Johnathan's alarms started to go off. He muttered as duty drew him away from his absolutely delicious veal meal. I felt a little sorry for him, but duty was duty. He tapped away at the controls, a look of worry growing stronger and stronger as he did. "Guys, we've got contacts." We all moved to our stations and readied ourselves. "Confirmed. We have a small bandit fleet moving in." "So much for lunch," I said as I put on a microphone headset. I flipped a switch. "All hands, we have an approaching hostile fleet. Battle stations. Repeat, we have hostiles approaching. All fighters on standby." I flipped the switch again. "Let's rip it! Johnathan, send them a warning shot." "Aye ma'am," he pushed a few buttons, moved his finger across a screen, and pulled the trigger on the control stick on his seat. The vacuum launcher fired off a single round. What the launcher does is it no secret. How is another story. It takes the vacuum of space and compresses a small ammount of it into a clear, synthetic plastic ball the size of a basketball. The plastic ball is then fired at a speed of 80 mph. Upon contact with anything, the plastic shatters and the compressed vacuum explodes out, causing some damage. "The warning shot did nothing," he told me after the ball exploded. "They're still approaching." "Okay guys, no more warning shots. Let's go full burn." I flipped a switch. "Computer, activate phaser banks." My seat and systems moved out from where they were so I could have a little maneuvering room. The machinery grew a pair of control sticks; my way of aiming and firing the phasers. "Computer," Tabitha said. "Activate forward disruptor and phaser banks." Her seat did something similar. Everyone followed in suit, eventually giving us all enough room to fight without problems. "Activate targeting scanners," I said. The large, plastic screen in front of me, and everyone else, lit up. There were approximately six gunner crews on this station, each controlling a set of phaser banks, a pair of missile packs, and a small number of laser cannons. There were only three crews that had control of a vacuum launcher. So when I asked for targeting scanners, I got the view from the camera on my phaser bank. "Mike, John, they're within your range. Start picking them off." "On it," Michael said, tapping away at his controls. He grabbed his control sticks and pulled them to one side. His seat, and all the machinery, moved in that direction. "And away we go!" He pulled the trigger. We heard the missiles fly out at the enemy. "They're in range," Tabitha shouted at me. "On it!" I shot back. I grabbed my controls. "Target the nearest enemy. Keep them away from the big guns." Johnathan fired off a shot. A single fighter disappeared and the ships around it were damaged. I aimed and pulled my triggers. I watched as the twin, yellow beams fired. They clipped the wing of a ship, which went spiraling into another. Both exploded. "Boo-yeah!" My response was the entire station jumping. "What the hell was that?" "We've got a problem," Johnathan responded. "They've got some sort of heavy weapons platform out of my range and they're bombarding us." "Fuck!" I flipped the intercom. "All fighters get ready to launch. We have a weapons platform out of station weapons range. Repeat, all fighters get ready to launch." A few moments passed. "Red Wing here," the commander of a unit called in. "Ready to launch." "We'll provide cover fire. Launch on three." I cast a hasty glance at Michael. "On it Ashy," he responded. He punched his controls. "Three," I called, pulling my triggers. My guns blared and his missiles swerved through the vacuum. Enemy fighters exploded instantly. We could hear the roars of the fighters as they were launched. "Red Wing leader here," I heard. "Getting ready for assualt pass." "Red Wing," I replied. "This is forward weapons command. We'll watch your asses to the range of the VL. Once out of that, you're on your own. Good luck. And, come back alive." He chuckled. "Will do, m'lady." I watched on my screen as the bird-winged fighters flew out at the approaching enemy. "Okay guys, protect our men. Computer, full power to all phaser banks. Automatic targeting. Leave me one to control." The station jolted again. I growled. "You picked the wrong day to cross me, bandit scum bags...." I targeted and pulled the triggers. Some warning beeps came from Rose's contorl panels. "Fuck," she said. "That jolt nailed two of my turrets." "How many you got left?" "Four." "Still good enough." "Damn it!" Tabitha slammed her control panel. "They nailed my disruptors." That was not good. "My phasers took a little damage." "Hang in there Tabby. We'll get through this." I ran up the damage control. "Hull is at 93%. We're still good." "Ashley," Johnathan said. "Permission to launch a couple of pods." I looked at him. "What do you have in mind?" "The launcher can't reach the back line with the accuracy we'd like, but the pods can. I can make a few balls and they can carry them." I went over the risks in my head. "The pods are cheap. Permission granted." I turned to my controls. "Computer, launch pods one through..." I looked to Johnathan. "Eight." "One through eight. Give control to Vacuum Launcher control." "Pods launched," the screen read. "I've got 'em." The pods each flew to the launcher and picked up their deadly cargo. They darted over the enemy fleet towards the back line. They disappeared from range in no time. Soon enough, there were some explosions on the outside cameras, followed by one big one. "One of the weapons platforms destroyed." The ship jerked. "There's still one more." "Damn it." I turned to the intercom. "Red Wing, how much longer?" "We're there," they replied. "Making first sweep." I growled. "Don't fail us." I pulled my triggers again. The computer beeped. "Computer, status." "Phaser banks destroyed," the screen read. "Damn it! I'm blown." I shook my head. "Computer, launch fighter pod three A." Tabitha looked at me. "Three A?" "My special pod," I responded. "Computer, give me visual from the pod's cameras and display pod status." My phaser camera display instantly flashed to the pod's eye view and I got a heads up display. "And away we go!" I pushed the controls forward. The pod zipped out. "Activate gatt guns." The faint image of two gattling guns appeared at the bottom of the view. "Die scumbags!" I pulled the triggers. The guns fired off, sending streams of energy out. They pummled the cockpit of an unfortunate jet, which exploded. "Wa-hoo!" I pulled one of the sticks back and the pod pulled a sharp turn. The stream still coming, it clipped the wings of another. It spiraled into the planet's atmosphere and burned up. There weren't many left after that. "This is Red Wing," I heard over the intercom. "Weapons platform destroyed. No losses." "Excellent," I rattled. "Come in and help us finish these buggers off." I turned the intercom off. I shot down a few more fighters and turned the pod back for home. "Computer, auto-docking sequence for pod three A." I let go of the controls and leaned back. "All enemy destroyed or in retreat," Johnathan said a few moment later. "We're in the clear." "Computer," I said. "Damage report." I read the report. "We lost my phasers, Tabitha's disruptors, two of Rose's laser arrays, and Michael emptied one of our missile stores. Computer, forward this to maintenance and send them our apologies." The screen clicked off and our machinery moved back into place. I yawned. "That was fun. We should do this more often." "Yeah," Michael said, taking his shades off. "But let's not worry about that now. Lunch is getting cold." I laughed and floated over to the small mess that was floating in the air. I found my lunch and starting to eat again. This was how it always was. And, as I always hope, it was the perfect end to a battle: I was still alive. End Ashley Williams, Tabitha Evans, Michael D'Ketra, Johnathan Radec, and Melody "Rose" Patterson are © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])> See you next time, -Ashley Williams and crew