Fault in Life: Shortie by Lone Wolf Starring: Ashley Williams ~Don't fear the Reaper...~ There are some names that nobody will ever forget. Jeremy Diago, the guy who invented the combat laser and forever changed the face of warfare, is one of such names. I could go on forever, but that's not the subject I wish to discuss. I want to tell you about the one name that I will never forget. Windstar. Windstar was one of the most unique Hunters in our history. He was perhaps the most religious of us, believing in old native spirits and practicing it regularly. That, we assume, is how he got the name. The old wolf was at least twice my age when I first met him. I admired him for how he handed himself in battle. He always came out on top of even the worst situations. Except for one. His last one. "Damn it!" I cried into my headset. "These bastards keep coming!" I peeked over my barricade, steadied my firearm, and fired. Core had set up a ploy, reporting a false Rhye warehouse to lure a few of us into a death trap. Unfortunately for them, Jeshua decided to send me and Windstar. So there we were, me and Windstar, hunkered down behind some barrels in a warehouse, with Core raining down on us. "I know," Windstar responded. He fired off a few rounds. "Don't worry, we'll get through it." I fired off a few more shots. "There are too many. We should try to make a break for it." "Don't panic, Ashley. Go with the flow." He pulled a shell from his belt pouch, loaded it, and fired. A #29. It released a flash, and nothing else. "C'mon." I followed him to the next set of barrels. "See? I'm not a foolish old man." "I didn't say that." I picked off one or two more before I had to take cover. "I don't suppose you've got more of those tricks up your sleeve." "Give me some time." He fired. "This old girl doesn't take to quick loads like yours." "Oh." I fired again and turned to face him. "So what now?" "Now we wait for a few seconds, and-" He looked behind me. "Ashley, watch out!" He stood up and shot. I turned around to see a Core trooper fall to the ground, dead. I suddenly realized that Windstar was still standing. "Windstar! Get down!" Too late. Core opened up fire again. Windstar's body shook with each hit. He slowly sank to his knees. "Windstar!" I growled, pulled a grenade from my belt, pulled the pin, and threw it. I dove on Windstar to shield him from the force of the blast. There was no more gunfire. The trap had claimed only one victim. I changed the frequency on my headset. "Agent Ashy to base," I said. "Agent Windstar has been shot, several times. Require immediate medical assistance." The big doors opened up and in walked our boys. "Ashy," one of them called. I stood up and waved them over. "Quickly, he's hurt badly." They rushed over and gave him a once over. "Is he going to be all right?" "I don't know," the medic said. "He's been shot up pretty badly. At best, a few organs were hit. We have to get him back ASAP." "Oooh..." Windstar moaned and reached blindly at the air. I took his hand. "Ashy?" "It's going to be all right, Windstar." "Ashley....if I die....the feathers in my headdress....scatter them to the four winds...." I choked back a sob. "Don't talk like that. You're going to live." He looked at me. There was no fear of Death in his eyes. There was no pain, no anger, or sadness. It was more or less peace. He smiled and shut his eyes. "I probably will. But please, if the worst happens, promise me-" I squeezed gently. "I promise." I followed the crew as they carried him into the jeep, never letting go of his hands the entire time. They tried their best to fix him up. They said they tried all that they could. All we could do was wait, hope, and pray. I stayed by his bedside the entire time. He was in no pain, although his vitals got weaker and weaker. "Tell me," he asked. "Tell me about your heart." "My...my heart?" I held his hand. "My heart is there, caring for all who want it, but not owned by anyone." He chuckled weakly. "Not owned?" "No...nobody has earned my love." "Is it that nobody's earned it? Or do you not want to give it away?" "Wh-what do you mean?" "I know how you treat that Michael D'Ketra boy. I know it's all in fun and games. But you should at least give him a break." "I...I don't understand." "You'll eventually fall in love, my dear. You shouldn't let someone as caring as he is pass you by." I pulled back a little. "I shouldn't be telling you this, but Michael has told me..." He coughed a little. "...That he cares so much for you." "Windstar, save you strength." "What strength?" He smiled and reached for my cheek. "I'm happy that I'm going out seeing such an angelic face like yours. Goodbye." He shut his eyes and let his arm fall to the bed. The heart monitors beeped for a few more moments before flat-lining. I watched the straight line as it crawled across the screen. I didn't want it to sink in. I had just lost Windstar. After crying my eyes out, I remembered that I had a promise to fufill. I took the feathers from his headdress and went up to the roof of the command building. It was a calm night. What winds I was supposed to sacrifice these feathers to, I didn't know. I looked at them. I didn't want to forget Windstar. I wanted to keep one of these feathers. But I knew I couldn't do that. A sudden knowledge came over me. I knew exactly what to do. I took the feathers, all nestled in my arms, and cast them into the air. The floated up. Suddenly, a soft breeze came through the area. Some of the feathers were carted off to the east. Some went to the west. Others went to the north. The remaining ones went to the south. I stood there, holding onto myself. "Rest in peace, Windstar," I said softly. "Your battles are over." I shut my eyes, lowered my head, and said a prayer. I felt something brush up against my arm. I opened my eyes and saw a single, white feather. I blinked and gently took it in my hands. It was the center feather of the headdress - the biggest of the group and the nicest looking. "Do you want me to have this?" There was no response. I took it as a yes. I hugged the feather to my chest. "I'll miss you, Windstar. Save a spot for me, will ya?" A soft wind blew. I knew he would. Rest in peace, Windstar. I love ya man. End Ashley Williams is © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])> The last line is derived from Stephen King's Novel "Christine." Thanks for keeping me awake long enough to write this! ^.^ Ever lost a friend? This is dedicated to you then... See you next time. -Ashley Williams