Twelve - Stormy Nights I was awoken from my blissful sleep later that night by a soft weeping out on the balcony. Since the balcony was shared by both our rooms, and since Stephanie was still in my arms, I figured it was one of the other three. Having a good idea who it was, I got up, threw some pants on, and stepped out onto the balcony. It was a chilly night, but I knew I would survive. Again, I heard the soft weeping. It was coming from the other side, by the table and chairs we had there. I looked over and, to my suspicions, saw Suzie. She was wearing a pink lace nightgown. She also had her head rested on her arms. She was definately distressed about something. I went over and put a hand on her back. "Something wrong?" I asked. She didn't respond. I sat down and put my other hand on her arm. "What's the matter?" She looked up at me. Her fur was matted where the tears were streaming. "Why you crying lovely?" Her eyes welled up and she dived at me, hugging me tightly. "I don't know what to do Crash!" she cried. I rubbed her back. "It's okay. It's okay." She let out a sob. "No it isn't! I feel lost, wothless, hopeless...." I pulled her a little closer. "'s okay. Now, sit up, take a deep breath and tell me what's wrong." She took a deep breath, but kept her tight grip on me. "That dance," she said. "The one we had, it woke something up. I don't know what it is exactly, but I know what it's trying to tell me." She looked up at me with those emerald eyes of hers. "Crash, I think I love you." I fell silent. I had one of those sick feelings. "I know you're Stephanie's guy. And I don't want to hurt Amber and Ashley. But Crash, I love you!" She sobbed. "I'm confused." I smiled. "It's nothing to worry about." "Crash, I need to know." "Know what?" "Do you love me too?" The night of their party came back to haunt me. The radiant beauty I saw that night reappeared in her. My senses, as well as my loyalty to Stephanie, were impared. I pulled her closer, cradling her in my arms. "Yes Suzie, I love you." She stopped crying. "Really?" "You're special to me Suzie. You're fun to hang out with. You're easy to open up to. It's....just nice to be around you." She smiled. "You wanna know the honest truth?" "Please." "You, Suzie, are my best friend." Her jaw dropped a little. She pulled from my grasp and sat up. "Not Mohammed?" I shook my head. "He's my drinking buddy, my second, my best male friend, and just about my brother. But it's you that I hold as my best friend." She smiled and hugged me tighter. "Oh Crash! Thank you." I smiled. "Why thank me Suzie?" She yawned, smiled, and rested her head on my chest. "You said you were my friend." "I thought you already knew that." "I did. But I wasn't too sure if you were lying to me or not." She shut her eyes and rested a hand next to her head. "I wish you were single." I gently stroked her back. "Go back to bed. If you still need to talk, I'll be more than happy to listen." She smiled. "Thank you for being so sweet." She gave me a kiss and retreated to her room. "Suzie," I whispered. "I sometimes wish I was single too. Good night, love." I stayed outside to watch the stars (and contemplate my seemingly many relationships) for a little while before returning to bed. I was awoken by the the smell of freshly made coffee. Not wanting to open my eyes, I let my nose lead me to the coffee. It led me out onto the balcony where, upon getting my feet firmly planted on the floor, I was pounced upon. "Good morning Crash!" Suzie squealed. My eyes snapped open. She was sitting on my chest. "Suzie!" I said, trying to hide my embarrassment. "How are you doin' this mornin'?" She smiled and got more comfortable. "Oh, I'm doing well. How are you?" "A little sat on at the moment." She giggled and kissed my forehead. "I really don't think Stephanie would approve of this, Suzie. Can you please get off me before she-?" "Too late," Stephanie's voice echoed. I nearly shit myself. "And don't worry. I know you're all mine." I winced. "Good morning Angel. Sleep well?" "I did. How about you?" "Eh, not so well. Got up in the middle of the night for a bit of fresh air." "Oh. Well, when Suzie decides to get off of you, you can have a mornin' kickstart. Eh?" "That'd be nice." I looked at Suzie. "Well? Can I wake up now?" She smiled and got off my chest. "Sure." She helped me to my feet and to the table. The first sip of coffee instantly put me back on track. Breakfast was ordered by Ashley and brought up to us. We polished it off and had a second cup of coffee each. "So what do we do today?" I asked. The girls looked at each other and shrugged. "Yeah, my thoughts exactly." I raised my mug in a fake toast. They followed in suit and we downed the rest of the coffee. "There has to be something to do!" Amber said. "Don't forget," Ashley said. "We're in the middle of a trade town. We can always go shopping." She then decided to notice me. She smiled sheepishly. "That's right. I forgot." "Nuh-no," I said. "It's okay. I don't mind." She smiled. "So long as we split the bill and I don't end up gettin' dressed up in something spandex." Stephanie laughed and grabbed my rear. "But Crash, don't you want to flaunt that nice rump of yours?" "No thank you! I reserve that for you, Angel." She smiled and kissed me. How many of you guys out there enjoy shopping? Heh, just as I thought, not many. Well, I'm siding with you guys: I don't like shopping. That doesn't mean I won't do it, however. Oh no! If they want to go shopping, I'll tag along for security purposes. And play the walking ATM, but that was gonna happen if I didn't go anyway. All I had to do this time was to spend a few hundred thousand credits from the personal account (the unit account if I felt like it) and carry a couple of bags about the side of my forearm, right? We had just finished lunch (I was already weighed down a little) when we came to the boutique. I couldn't see the name of the place through the bags hanging off of me, and was subsequently led into it. everything looked pricey, just the way they seemed to like it (I'd already blown 200 grand out the window). Stephanie walked up to the clerk and asked him something. I couldn't hear it, but kinda got a hint when he pointed ot the back. She nodded and started back to us. I decided to surprise her and started in the direction he pointed. She decided to get right in front and lead me around. Not that it's a bad thing or anything. She let me sit down on one of the benches there, much to my back's delight. "Stay here," she told me. "I want to model some stuff for you." "Sure thing Angel!" I said. "I'll do it for ya." She smiled, kissed my cheek, and disappeared down one of the aisles. I drooped my head a little. "Um....Crash?" Ashley said. "Yeah?" "I know this is awkward for you...but can we...?" "You wanna model for me to?" "If it's not too much trouble." I sighed. "All right. I guess this is payment for dragging all of this stuff around." She laughed. "If that's how you wanna think about it." They already had stuff in thier arms, so they went right into the dressing rooms. It took maybe ten minutes for my concentration upon the crack in the floor to be broken by Stephanie's soft cooing. "Crash, can you tell me what you think about this?" I started to look up. "Sure babe. What am I-?" My eyes nearly jumped out of my skull. It looked like she was butt naked. But, thankfully, she was actually wearing a bikini the exact shade of her fur. She smiled, walked over to me, and shut my jaw. "You like, White Knight?" "Can I take you here?" She smiled and shook her head. "Please? You're drop dead sexy in that." "Good." She kissed my cheek. "We'll screw around right before dinner." "Thank you." She smiled and disappeared into the dressing room. I was forced to try to remember that time I accidentally saw Amber in a thong to get my digit down. As soon as it was down, however, I heard another voice: Suzie's. "Crash..." I looked at her. "Well? What do you think?" I turned my head away. "Whoa! Suzie! Warn me next time!" "It's okay. You can look." Hesitantly, I complied with her request. She was garbed in a dulled green bikini. It complimented her figure and made my attempts to put it down a failure. "Well?" "I think I was just unloyal to Stephanie." She giggled. "Several hundred times." "Why do you say that?" "Cause I just eye-humped ya." I was tempted on getting up and rubbing her sides. "I wish I were single. I really do." She giggled. "I guess this is a keeper." She turned and left me alone. I was again tempted on getting up and pinching that nice ass of hers. Again, I was forced to think of that unfortunate encounter with Amber. That night we ate our dinner out on the balcony. They decided it was a good idea to torture me and decided to wear their new, delicate silk evening gowns (repeat with me folks: Amber in a thong, Amber in a thong) to dinner. I was not going to be able to cross my legs for the night. "Thank you for doing that for us," Ashley said. "And sorry about the incident in the boutique." I chuckled. "Don't knock it Ashley. Just, next time, warn me before you flash me." "Hey, I was wearing my pink bikini under it!" "My point exactly." I took a sip of the wine we had. "Anywho, I'll pay ya back next time I get paid." "Don't even do that. The fact I couldn't keep it down thoughout your shoping time there is payment enough!" Stephanie laughed. "You shoulda told us! We coulda hung the bags off of it!" I rolled my eyes. "But seriously," Suzie said. "You're not going to have to pay him back. He's got a real soft spot for ladies like us. You should see what he does for Amber and me back home." "Ah." Ashley looked out into the night sky. It was ablaze with constellations from the old and new worlds. "It's so beautiful out tonight." "Yeah." Stephanie rested her head on my chest. "I could stay here forever." I smiled. "This is just perfect." No sooner than I said that, there was a definately audible knock at the three's door. Ashley got up and went to answer it. She had a brief, but very animate discussion with whoever was there and returned to us. "They want us out. They say they won't serve The Disgraced here." I sighed and looked at Steph. She smiled and nodded. "Girls, grab your bags. We've got a spare pull-out in our room. You can stay there for tonight." The fates are bitches. I just want to say that now. They decided to not only toy with me, but redefine awkward as well. I helped the ladies with their bags and, upon dropping the bags on the floor, pulled out the couch bed. But there was a small...erm...big problem. "It's too small," Amber said. "Huh?" I asked, a little tired. She said nothing and sat down on the bed. I knew she was chunky (understand Amber in a thong yet?), but when she layed down, she took up more than half the bed. "No room for both Suzie and Ashley." "No problem! You three can use the big bed. Steph and I don't mind." Amber got up and layed down on the bed. I swear, she gained 200 pounds instantly. I grumbled and sat in a chair. "Okay. This is a problem." I stretched. "Here's how we can do it. Choice A: Two in one bed, two in the other, me in this chair. Choice B: Two in one, three in the other. Your pick girls." I was ready to sleep in the chair anyway. Stephanie sat on my lap. "I can't see you sleeping in a chair. I don't mind sharing you tonight." I looked into her eyes. "You sure, love?" She gave me a deep kiss. "I take it yes." I took a deep breath. "Who's going where?" "Sorry Crash," Ashley said, sitting on the couch bed. "An officer and a merc commander in the same bed? It'll never happen." Amber sat down next to Ashley. "No offense Crash, but I don't want to get in bed with a guy." I chuckled nervously. "That leaves Suzie," Stephanie said. She looked at her and smiled. "You really want to do that?" She blushed. "S-sure!" I sighed. "Well, we know how we're sleeping tonight." Good luck to me, I told myself. Stephanie to one side. Suzie to the other. Me in the middle. The fates were probably laughing their asses off. I would have to put up with it, though. It wasn't set to change. The girls grabbed my arms and pulled themselves closer. Every man's dream, right? My girlfriend, my best female friend, and myself, in the same bed, does NOT qualify for bliss in my book. Suddenly, one arm shot up. Stephanie squeezed herself into my hold. The other arm shot up to. Suzie had the same idea. The rested their hands on my chest. Their fingertips touched. They both looked over my chest. "What are you doing?" Stephanie asked. "Sorry Steph," Suzie replied. "Force of habit I picked up with Amber." "It's all right. I can't let you sleep without doing this to him." She kissed my cheek. "I know I can't." "Thank you Steph." They rested their heads on my shoulders. I was pinned, tired, and feeling a little weird. But the fact that they were willing to share me was good enought to put me to sleep. Early morning sleep was broken by someone nuzzling my neck. I cracked an eye open and looked at Stephanie. It was indeed her. She was enjoying herself real well. Happy my neck could be of service to her, I tried to relax. But the warm breath going across the OTHER side of my neck was making that impossible. Suzie was damn near close to copying Steph's move. I sat up instantly, not wanting to be there anymore (it's a wonder how I was able to sleep). It disturbed them both. "What's wrong?" Stephanie asked. I shook my head, but remained silent. She sat up, wrapped her arms around me, and started to get intimate with the back of my neck. "Are you okay?" I kept quiet. Suzie picked up on what was wrong and started to get up. I took her hand and gave a gentle tug. She quirked a brow. I patted the bed next to me. She hesitantly sat down. I looked to Stephanie and patted my lap. She slithered onto it. As soon as she did, I hugged them both. "Crash!" Steph said, acting surprised. "What's with the affection?" "Well, don't the two women I care for deserve it?" She giggled. The videophone let out a shrill cry. I let the girls go and got up to answer it. "Crash here. What's up?" Mohammed's face lit the screen up. "Oh, hey Death. What's wrong?" "We've got a problem." I quirked an eyebrow. If he says it's a problem, then by Houston, we have a problem! "Leo is launching another attack. Williams has a transport en route to your hotel." "All right. Crash out." The videophone turned off. "Wake those two up and pack your things. We're ending it early." It was five in the morning. Many of the thieves were back at home, either counting up the loot they collected from the evening or counting their blessings the cops didn't nail them. But there were plenty of thieves who had the gaul to be out at this hour. "Keep your bags close ladies," I warned. "Thieves could still be out." As if on cue, a thief darted out of the nearby alleyway, grabbed one of Steph's bags, and ran like hell. I gave chase, grabbed the punk by the back of his shirt, and slammed him to the ground. I hoisted him into the air, slammed him onto his chest, and wrenched his arm behind him. "Drop the bag punk!" "Don't hurt me!" the theif said in a FEMALE voice. I quirked a brow and got off of her. The female raccoon got up on her own power and brushed herself off. "Holy shit! You're the one from the cell in the base!" "Very perceptive," she said. "Do you know I can sue you for an attack like that?" I bowed. "I'm sorry, but that's how I react when someone tries to take my girlfriend's bag." She smirked. "What're you doin' stealing? I would've expected you to be working at base." "Me? Work there?!" She laughed. "That was just a temp thing. I've been pulling jobs there for a month before they nailed me." I chuckled. "Not bad. We could use someone with your talents." She quirked a brow. "I am Commander Crash of the Mercenary Unit Jade Wolf." "Oh yeah, I remember you guys! You got your asses wiped on Halcion!" "Don't remind me. Anyway, I'd like to offer you a job with us." She chuckled. "It depends. What're you payin'?" "Two percent of the pay the unit gets per mission." I offered my hand. She laughed. "Well, you've got yerselves a thief!" She took my hand and shook it. "What's the first mission?" "We're gonna wait until our transport arrives so we can go back home." She nodded, grabbed the bag, and we returned to the ladies.