Two - Contract and Threshold The time I gave them off slowly dwindled to nothing. It was now time for us to pick our next mission. Yes, I let the guys have a fair call in what we do. I'm pretty lucky we all agree on the contracts 90% of the time. Claire had brought up a whole bunch of possible missions. We were crowded around the screen discussing the possible choices. We unanimously ignored the House Rain contracts; those two had the same problem with that house that I did. The house Fin and Wing missions weren't that interesting either. So we were down to two sets of contracts: Leo and Lupus. "I don't think we should go Leo this time around," Byrder said. "I don't want a repeat of our previous mission." "Agreed," I said. "But we should check them out anyway." The screen beeped. "Crash," Claire told me. "We're recieving a message." "From who?" "Commander Walker's office." "Well, what are you waiting for?! Link him through!" Commander Walker, our mole in the Lupus command staff, would only call us if he had a mission he knew we would want. The words audio only appeared on the screen. "Good day commander. What can we do for you today?" "Well," he told me. "I have a mission for you. Pay is 40 million credits plus bonuses, bounty, and equipment." "Cool!" Mohammed said. "What's the details?" I jabbed him with my elbow. "That's not polite Mohammed." I looked at the screen. "What ARE we getting ourselves into if we take this?" He chuckled. "A two year contract on planet Rashilé." "No, we cannot take it." Byrder looked at me. "Why not chief?" "Two years away from Stephanie?" "And Roxanne," Mohammed added. "I'm sorry, I'm not spending two years away from my love." "Crash," Walker interrupted. "Does your girl have a job?" "She's a medic." "Then it works out. You need to bring your mechanics, two medics, and an arms dealer with you for this campaign. Just bring them along. They won't be involved in any fighting." I chuckled. "You cease to amaze me sir. We'll take the job." "That's good. We'll send a cargo ship over to HQ as soon as possible. Take care." The screen clicked off. "Gentlemen," I said. "Pack your bags. We're going to be visiting some friends of ours." I called Harris up to the office. "Harris," I said. "Good to see you. How's it hanging with the mechs?" He nodded. "They're all fixed up," he said. "Ready for you to tear them up." I chuckled. "Well, pack your bags. You're coming with us on this next mission." He was, needless to say startled. "What?!" "I recieved a contract directly from the House Lupus command staff. It pays 40 mil and requires us to bring along our home staff. You're our mechanic. That qualifies as home staff. You coming with us?" He nodded. "When do we leave?" "As soon as I get our medics, an arms negotiator, and a computer cracker." He nodded and left. The next two people I spoke to were Suzie and Amber. Suzie, as you know, is an arms dealer. Amber was in the business of computers. She is the station's computer problem. She cracks and re-cracks old and new systems alike. The contract didn't state that we needed a computer expert. I doubted they even wanted one who deals with computers. So I'd try and pass her off as a second arms dealer or something. "You want us to join you on a mission?" Amber asked. I nodded. "Why do you need us?" "The contract specifies that I need someone to negotiate prices for weapons. That's Suzie's specialty. I know how you well you work with computers. The contract didn't say I couldn't bring you along. I also know how much you two....apprecaite each other's company. We'll try and pass you off as something." She chuckled. "Suzie didn't tell you?" she asked. I shook my head. "I'm a qualified mechanic as well as a hacker." I quirked a brow. "Don't believe me? I'll go get my sheepskin and show you." I nodded. "All right. I'll trust you. You'll be listed as a mechanic. I just hope that Harris doesn't mind a partner." Suzie smiled. "Thank you Crash." I went down to the med-bay to talk to Stephanie's supervisor. The creature (he doesn't even qualify as a creation of the humans!) is pure evil when it comes to sending his nurses onto mercenary contracts. "You don't have to pay them," I said after he quickly said no to my request. "It'll come out of the contract pay. I'll even pay you guys the balance owed from them not working here." The beast chuckled. "Sure," he said. "Oh, wait! They can't leave. They're needed here." I growled and grabbed his collar. "Listen you. This isn't about what you think. I need these two nurses or I don't get paid. This contract lasts two years. Get that? Two bloody freakin' years. The two nurses I'm requesting are the girlfriends of one of the men in my unit and myself. We can't stand two years away from them. Now, do you let them out, or do I kick your ass?" It nodded. I dropped him. It's so easy to negotiate with the jizbag. Stephanie must have seen this and walked over. "What's going on?" she asked. I chuckled. "How would you and Roxanne like to join us on a trip?" She gave a questioning look. "The contract I've got demands that I take two medics with us. You won't be involved in taking care of an entire army, just me, Byrder, and Mohammed." She rubbed the back of her head. "I don't know," she said. I became a little desperate. "The contract lasts two years," I said. "The planet we're going to is a grass planet." Her eyes lit up. "With real fields?" I nodded. She grabbed my shirt and gave me a kiss. "Where do we meet you?" I smiled. "Loading bay three-alpha," I said. "See you there." The next morning, we met up at the designated area. "Mechs are all loaded," Harris said. "Extra parts are also loaded. All that needs to be done is for us to get on." I nodded and turned to our medics. "You ready girls?" I asked. Stephanie and Roxanne nodded. I smiled and turned to Mohammed. He was laughing for some oddball reason. I turned to Suzie. "Ready?" "I've got our negotiation prices ready," she said. I looked at Amber. She was decked out in overalls and carried a tool box her under her arm. "You're ready?" I asked. She nodded. "All right. Let's go." The cargo ship was a long hunk of metal. It had many weapon systems just in case we were attacked by interspace strike jets. It was big enough to hold all 5 of our mechs and the four jets Byrder had picked. I know what three of them were, but the fourth was merely listed as "Spirit." I wish Byrder weren't so silent about these matters. Anyway, along with the mech and jet storage, it had a storage bay for the ammo and spare weapons we packed, a living cabin, and our sleeping quarters. We'd board and I'd assign sleeping quarters. There would probably be no argument with my assignments. I'd try for everyone's best interests. We entered the main cabin and sat down. "Buckle up," I said. "We're getting ready to depart. Sickbags are along the sides of the couches and chairs. So if your stomach can't take the Gs, take the bag out now." Roxanne, Harris, and Suzie quickly took out the bags. I pushed a button on the wall. "Pilot," I said. "Set a course, Sector 02531-B, Planet Rashilè." The ship started to shake. Slowly, we could feel ourselves rise in the air. We all heard the hanger doors open. The ship jerked and we were soon off planet. Roxanne lost her composure and hurled into the sickbag. Mohammed patted her on the back. "Get it all out," he said. She raised her head, looking a little woozy. "I hate puking." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a roll of pepermint canides (now where the hell did I get these?!). "Suck on one of these," I said, tossing her the roll. "It'll ease your stomach when we cross the warp threshold." Roxanne looked at me. "There's more?" she moaned. I nodded. She popped one of the candies into her mouth. "Hand it here," Harris and Suzie said. Roxanne tossed them the roll and, eventually, I got it back. I offered a piece to Stephanie, who refused. "I'll be fine," she said, grabbing my arm. "Threshold in 15 seconds," the pilot warned. "Grab onto whatever you can," I said. Everybody grabbed onto their chair. We heard the hyper-thrusters heat up. Suddenly, the engines lit and the ship went from 0 to fuck in less than a second. "We've sucessfully crossed the threshold," the pilot said. "We've got two and a half months until we reach out destination. Crash, you may now assign bunks." I unbuckled myself and looked at the crew. My sight, for some reason, always get shot when we cross the threshold. It took a second to focus. I wish I didn't. Harris, Suzie, and Roxanne were muzzle-first in the sickbags. I nearly lost it. "OK," I said, trying to ignore my stomach's churning. "If you're done blowing chunks, deposit the bag in the refuse hole in the sides of the wall." The three let go of one more round and put the bags into the holes. "Thank you for contributing to the universal crowd control system," I joked. "Now, everyone get unbuckled. I'm gonna start assigning quarters." They all unbuckled themselves. Suzie and Harris had regained their composers. Roxanne didn't. Mohammed had to help her stand. "Let's see. Harris...would you mind sharing a room with Byrder?" He shook his head. "What about you Byrder?" "No prob chief," Byrder responded. "Fine. You two can take room 4 on living deck 2." The two picked up their bags and left. "Amber," I continued. "I'm assuming you want to share a room with Suzie." Amber nodded. "Room 3, deck 1. And please keep it down at night." They picked up their bags and trotted off. "So that leaves the four of us. How am I gonna split us up?" Stephanie and Mohammed looked at me with longing eyes. I smirked. "What do you think Roxanne?" She looked up at me with a sickly look. "I wouldn't mind sharing a room with drop dead sexy here," she said. I turned to Steph. "You up for sharing a room?" "With you?" She grabbed my ear and pulled me down. "We shared a bed," she whispered. "I'd love to share a room with you." I smiled. "Mohammed, you two are in Room 8, deck 2. And, as I told Suzie and Amber, keep it down at night." Mohammed flew me the finger. "You need help?" He shook his head as he picked up all of his and Roxanne's stuff and hoisted Roxanne onto his back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and they tromped off. "Where are we gonna sleep?" Stephanie said. I looked at the roster. "The only free rooms are Room 2, deck 1, and Room 7, deck 2." I looked at her. "Which one do you want to hear?" I asked. She debated. "Here's a thought. Can't we alternate?" I shook my head. "Oh well. Room 2 then." I looked at her. "You're serious?" She nodded. I picked up our bags and we went down to the living decks. I swear to the Guardians, she must have travelled on this class of ship. She managed to pick out the fanciest room I've ever seen. A king sized bed, a sofa, a daybed in the shape of a heart, the works. "Did you know about this?" I asked. She laughed, grabbed my shirt, and kissed me. I instantly dropped the bags. "Damn! You gotta stop grabbing my shirt like that. I'm starting to like it." She smiled and took her bags. "Dibs on the big dresser," she said. I laughed. "No argument there, Lost Angel. I only brought uniforms and two sets of casual wear." She chuckled. "I swear Crash, you gotta loosen up." I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her. "I can't! I care too much for my friends, my mechs, and my profession. I mean, you do want a super fancy wedding, don't you?" She giggled and pushed me away. "You card!" She thought I was joking. I know, in my heart, she wants to marry me. I pray each night that the next mission I take be the big one that lets me retire. I'd love to marry Stephanie. There was a knock at the door. I went over and opened it a crack. "Who's there?" I asked. "It's us," Suzie replied. "Can we come in?" I looked at Stephanie. She nodded. I opened the door. Suzie and Amber walked in. "Nice place," Amber said. "What did you do? Hold this room for yourselves?" I shook my head. "I'm used to travelling by dropship. This transport is kinda new. Stephanie picked. If I knew this was here, I would of let you two take it!" Suzie snickered. "We're joking! We're happy where we are. We even got one of those day beds as well." I shuddered. "Please. Don't use it for your "routine" when we're in here. Please?" She nodded. "For you," she said. "Anything." I thanked my lucky star. "Unpack," I told them. "I'm holding a meeting as soon as I'm finished unpacking. I'll page you as soon as I'm ready." They moaned. "But we just got here," Amber whinned. I looked at Stephanie, who nodded. "Don't worry luv," I said in a British accent. "We'll 'ave ya over for tea and crumpets afterwards." Amber smiled. "You're so funny when you speak in your Brit accent," she said, giving me a playful punch in the arm. The two left. I called the meeting after I was sure I finished unpacking. Since we had no formal meeting room, I held it in the main living cabin. "So what's the deal?" Mohammed asked as I entered. I placed a small, disc-shaped device on the table. "This was delivered to me before we left," I said. We turned it on. A holo-graphic image of Commander Williams' head appeared. It looked at us. "Great to see you all," it said. "I haven't much time to talk, so here goes. You'll be passing through a month's worth of Leo territory. They've set up several listening posts in order to catch you. These posts, however, only monitor communications. Your first assignment is to lock all communications channels except for Channel L147." I looked at a screen. "You heard the man. Lock down all channels except for that one." There was a beep. "Channels locked," the computer replied. "I hope you picked good people Crash," the image continued. "They're all you will see for at least a month. I'll talk to you then." The image turned off. We all looked at each other. "One month?" Mohammed asked. "And all we see are each other?" Byrder added. They all looked at me. "Oops?" I asked. That wasn't one of my best management decisions. As promised, I invited Suzie and Amber to our quarters for a drink. "Y'all are too kind," Amber said. "But why did you really bring us?" I picked up my glass. "Tony's pissed because we tore his mechs apart in a fight," I explained. "I snatched you two up so you wouldn't get hurt." Stephanie looked at me. "That's so sweet," she said. She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a kiss. Suzie shook for a second. "Well," she said. "Thank you for caring." I smiled and took a sip of my drink. "These things don't taste so well at 12 at night." "It's midnight?" Amber asked. I pointed to the clock that was on the wall. "We should go." I nodded. "Keep it to a dull roar." "We're not doing that tonight," Suzie said. "We're way too tired." I nodded and walked them to the door. "I'll have to get used to a bed," I thought as I preped for bed. It was all this crate had. That was the bad news. The good news was that, other than the daybed, there was only one. Even greater news was that Steph said it was all right if I shared it with her. So I was lying there in nothing but a pair of sweatpants, waiting for her to slip into her nightwear. Suddenly, there was a scream. "Steph," I asked, suspecting it was her. "Are you all right?" "I'm fine," she said. "But that scream is unsettling." I got up and walked to the intercom. "Suzie," I said into it. "Was that you screaming?" "You heard it too?" she asked. "Yeah," I replied. "Sorry for disturbing you." I turned the dial that was there. "Mohammed." I waited for an answer. "Mohammed," I repeated when none came. "Uh, Crash," he said. "I'm a little busy at the moment. Can you call up later?" I heard Roxanne in the background cooing and begging for him to come back to bed. I realized what was going on and apologized. "I guess you found the scream," Stephanie said. "Yup," I replied, turning from the intercom. "Ready for-" I gazed upon Stephanie, who was dressed in a lovely black silk nightgown. "Wow," I said. She sat down and patted the bed, telling me to join her. I blindly sat down next to her. Was she trying to be a little too friendly? She is the only one who knows about my love of silk. It's a nice fabric; I just love how it feels against my fur. She caught my empty gaze and gently took my muzzle. "Ready for bed, White Knight?" she asked. Numbly, I nodded. I eased myself to my side of the bed and under the sheets. Stephanie slipped in after me, cuddling up to my body. All my senses blew up. The love! The pure, unadulterated joy! The delicate silk up against my body! It blinded me for a second. And in that one, blinding second, I felt that life was complete. I put an arm around Stephanie and gave her a kiss. "Not tonight," she cooed. "Maybe tomorrow." I tensed up. "W...what?" "Maybe tomorrow," she repeated. She relaxed her head on my bare chest. "AGH!!!" I thought as my mind trailed off into slumber. "She wins!" I slept late. There was no way in hell I was moving. But, that one piece of me that says "You've got a job to do!" acted up. Around 9, I eased my way out of bed, got dressed, and went to work. There was absolutely nothing to do. I wasted 4 hours going over the message Williams sent me, checking on the mechs and inventory, and going over old, useless reports over and over. I soon came to the horrible realization that, no matter how hard I tried, I had a month or more of free time. I went straight back to my quarters. Stephanie wasn't there. "Not in," I mumbled. I put my jacket on a chair and threw myself onto the daybed. The silk sheets against my back eased the tension as I stared at the ceiling. I reached over the to the radio and turned on some very slow, very romatic music. "Hold up," I said, totally bursting the moment. "This isn't want I had it set to." Out of nowhere, Stephanie's hand appeared and started to rub the side of my face. "I changed it White Knight," she cooed. I didn't respond. There are several ways to put me into a temporary paralysis. Stephanie knew them all. Rubbing the side of my muzzle with her delicate hands was on top. I didn't pay attention as she showed where she was hiding. She strolled around to the side of the daybed, kicked her shoes off, climbed onto the bed, and sat down on my chest. She reached with her other hand and started to massage the other side of my muzzle. My eyes just about rolled into the back of my skull. I watched as she leaned in closer and closer. Our lips locked. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. The moment turned into minutes. Slowly, I regained my strength. Suddenly, I was fully aware of the situation. "Should I pull her body onto mine?" I asked myself. "Should I try and take advantage of her? NO! What am I nuts?!" I decided to be submissive and let her have total control. Maybe I'd get lucky. Stephanie's lips left mine. I opened my eyes. She was sitting on my chest with a broad smile on her face. "What was that for?" I asked. She giggled. My body quivered with joy. I love it when she giggles. "I kept my promise from last night," she said. I stared blankly at her. "You tried to make a move on me last night. I refused. But today, I went after you." I smiled. I didn't make a move on her the previous night. But if that's what she wants to believe... "Well," I said. "Could you make another move on me? I've got all the time in the world." She smiled and rested her body on mine. "I'd love to," she said, playing with my hair. I smiled. "You're real frisky today. What's up with that?" She frowned. "Not that that's a problem. I like the extra attention." She returned to her happy self and gave me another, less time consuming kiss. "In that case," I said after her lips let go of mine. "Why don't we just do it?" She shook her head. "Not yet," she said. "Maybe on the return trip. For now, let's just...." She kissed me again. When my systems kicked back in, I found my shirt on the other side of the room. The sheets were messed up and Stephanie was fast asleep, finding my arm to be a damn good pillow. "What time is it?" I moaned quietly. I looked over to the wall. It was one when I returned. Stephanie seduced me, and now it was 2...... I looked down at her. She was garbed in a tanktop and a pair of loose fitting shorts. "Oh man, don't tell me we did." I closed my eyes. "C'mon old boy, think!" I ran the last hour through my mind. I came back, threw myself onto the bed, and hit the music, which Stephanie had so cleverly changed. "What else?" I asked myself. "She paralyzed me. There's a three second blank and the next think I know, she's on my chest." I concentrated. I realized then she was wearing that get up before the seduction. The question now was what the hell happened in that 50 minute blank afterwards? I looked at Stephanie again. "Who cares?". I pulled her a bit closer. "If this is sin," I whispered into her ear. "Baby, count me in." She must have heard this comment. She smiled and rested her head closer to mine. I manipulated my head to give her a kiss. Once again, I was asleep. The knock at the door an hour later woke me from my slumber. Stephanie was still asleep, thank the Guardians. I raised my head a bit to look at the door and put it back down. I figured whoever it was would leave me alone if I ignored him. "He's not answering," I heard Byrder say. "I saw him come in," Mohammed said. "The door hasn't moved since." "How can you tell?" "Intuition. That and the fact I can't see the threshold. Now stand back." I suddenly heard metal scraping on metal. Mohammed was picking the lock! "Play dead," I told myself. The door opened and I made like I was asleep. I heard Mohammed and Byrder shuffle over to the daybed. Their silence was torture. Finally, I felt someone touch the bottom of my foot. I gave whoever it was a kick and acted like I was rudely awaken. "What?!" I asked. Byrder backed away. "We'd like the key to the bar." "In my jacket pocket. Bring me the keys." He did as he was told. I gave him the key. "Go. Enjoy yourselves. Invite the others. Just don't bother us. Please?" "Will do cap," Mohammed said. I rested my head down again and waited for them to leave. Stephanie began to stir. "Who was that?" she asked. "Don't worry. It's all taken care of. Now, come on, go back to sleep." Instead, she sat up and stretched. "I heard Byrder and Mohammed." "They wanted the bar key. I gave it to them. Now, lie back down." Stephanie scrathced the back of her head. "What time is it?" she asked. "Uh....I think it's three," I replied, looking at the clock. She licked her lips. "I'm a bit famished." I sat up. "Since you prepared this whole set up just for me, why don't I cook something for you?" She smiled. "Do you know how to make soup?" "Do I?" I replied. "That's what we survive on when we're not in the mood for take out!" I took out a pot and started to boil some water. She licked her lips again. "You know how to cook?" "Mohammed and Byrder don't know how to. So I felt a bit obliged to." She chuckled. After we finished, we went down to the bar. I didn't think there was one on this crate. And yet, here it was, with a full liquor cabinet. Mohammed had taken my advice. The guys were at the bar and the girls were at a table. "Y'all rested up?" he asked me as I walked in. "Yes," I casually replied. "I am." He frowned. He was trying to set me off. He's always doing that. He's only succeeded twice. "Move over. I'm tending." He slipped from behind the bar and I took his place. "Need a drink?" I asked Stephanie. She shook her head and went over to the table. "So," Byrder said. "What happened?" I looked at him. "Huh?" "You know what I mean. We caught you and Stephanie all cuddled up on the daybed. What's up with that?" "Oh." I looked at the bar, trying to remember what happened. "I honestly don't know." Mohammed snorted. "I'm serious. I returned from my rounds and layed down on the daybed. Next thing I know, Stephanie's on my chest giving both sides of my muzzle a paralyzing rub. She kisses me and..." Here comes the lie! "...The next thing I know, Mohammed's awakening me." "That's a bloody lie!" Mohammed said. "I'm not lying!" I retorted. "I can't remember anything." That was the truth. There was a big hole in the picture. The alarms started to go off (saved by the bell!). "What's going on?" I shouted. "We've got intruders," the pilot replied. "Deck 5. Pirate boarding team. Need someone to go and neutralize them." I went over to the nearby storage locker and opened it. "Perfect!" I exclaimed. "Byrder! Mohammed!" I tossed them each an assault rifle. "Harris, you in?" He shook his head. I tossed him a rifle. "Watch the ladies." I tossed Amber and Suzie a rifle each. "If they try and get in, blast their balls off." They smiled. "Gentlemen, let's go." "They've taken 30% of deck 5," the pilot told us. "They're sealed off, but they're trying to clear the doors." "Understood," I said. "Keep an eye on us. When nescessary, raise the phase shields." "Will do." The grav-lift came to a stop. "Lock and load," I ordered. We all powered up the assault rifles. The door opened. The pirate on the other side became an instant pile of molten flesh. We started to sweep the halls for the location of the breech. Mohammed's "shoot first, to hell with the fucking questions" attitude came in handy. Any pirate that we encountered was blown into small parts. I swear, he enjoys his works too much. Especially when he gets to send some poor pirate's brains to the other end of the hall. However, to his dismay, we quickly came upon the breech. The pirates had set up a small guard to protect a long tube that was connected to our ship. The guards spotted us and fired. The pilot was quick on his feet and raised the shield. I growled and charged up my rifle. "You know," I shouted. The pirates stopped. "I hate pirates. None of them have survived me." I raised the rifle. "You will be no exception." I fired. The next thing I knew, a maintenance droid had smacked me upside the head with it's robotic arm as it went to go clean the blood off the walls. I looked to Mohammed and nodded. He climbed up the tube. We waited for five minutes. He slid down. "Help me with the door," he said. We forced it closed. The tube disengaged. Seconds later, there was an explosion. "That's what you get for fucking with the Jade Wolf pirates." That night was full of questions. "I wanna know something Angel." She got out of bed and hugged me. "What's up?" "Well, remeber after our second kiss?" She smiled. "Yeah, It was magical." "Uh, yeah. Anywho, after we locked lips, I blanked out. The next thing I knew you were asleep and my shirt was off." She nodded. "Can you fill in that hole? Did we just kiss or did know?" Stephanie shook her head. "We didn't. She coaxed me back into bed. I took her into my arms. "Can I ask you something?" "Go for it." "Were you being submissive?" I chuckled. "Of course I was. It would have been rude to take control. Besides, you looked like you were having fun." She smiled and rested her head on my chest. "You know," I said. "I have nothing to do tomorrow." She giggled. "It's OK." "That's not what I meant. I was wondering if we could do something together. Of course, if you don't want to, we don't have to." She laughed. "Of course I would. It'll be a surprise for you." I woke up the next morning. I went through my usual morning routine (I know you have one) and went over to my dresser. It was empty. "That's odd," I said. I went over to the closet we shared. My uniforms were gone. "Truly odd. Oh well, they've all seen me without a shirt. They wouldn't mind if I went without one to ask Mohammed if he has an extra." Yes, I know. When you talk to yourself like this, you must be going stark raving mad. Anyway, I went over to the door and tried to open it. It wouldn't budge. I gave it my full strength. I ended up on my back. "Ah shit!" I cried. "What the fuck's going on?" I sat up. "Must be Stephanie's surprise." I said. I looked around. My clothes were gone, the door was bolted from the outside, the daybed curtain was pulled over, the.... I snuck up on the daybed. "I know your back there," I whispered. I counted to three and dove through the curtains. Stephanie was nowhere to be found. "Fuck! She must have gone out." I heard somebody start to fiddle with the door. It was my turn to play with Stephanie's mind. I slipped into the space in between the daybed and the wall. The door opened. Suddenly, the curtains opened. "He doesn't suspect a thing," Stephanie squealed, not noticing me. She drew the curtains back. "I can't believe Roxanne brought this skimpy thing. Thank god we're the about same size." Skimpy?! Oooh, I was in for a show! "Oh man," she cried. She must have found out I wasn't in bed. "Hopefully Mohammed has no extra shirts." I waited patiently for her to change. The curtains soon opened and closed. "Now, I wait." I chose this moment to get out of my hiding space and creep up on her. "Wait for what?" I asked. "For Crash to come back," she replied, not realizing who I was. "When he does get back, he's in for a real raiser." I tapped her shoulder. She turned around. "Don't do that!!!" she cried. She was on the other side of the room, half out of breath. I chuckled. "A raiser?" I asked. She frowned. "Since you find this so funny, I'm not showing you." She picked up a bathrobe and covered herself up. "I'm sorry," I said. She turned her back on me. "I'm sorry Angel. I didn't mean to laugh. How can I make it up?" She ignored me. I got up, went over to her, took a rose from the table, and fixed it in her hair. "I didn't mean to scare you. I can understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore." She turned around. Most guys would fake a sincere look. I don't need to fake it. She smiled. "I guess you're right." She pushed me onto the daybed. She took off her robe, revealing a very small bikini. "Whoa!" She smiled and leaned forward. "Like what you see?" "Of course!" The lights sparkled in her eyes. If I weren't paying so much attention to those big, green pools of hers, I would have noticed she had removed her top...... "Crash," the pilot told me at the end of the month. "You've got a message. The sender tells me to tell you to recieve it in your mech's cockpit." "Understood," I said. I was in the mech bay anyway, so I climbed into the Dark Wolf's cockpit. "This is Crash. How may I help you?" There was a chuckle. "Is that how you answer the phone?" Commander Williams replied. "You sound like a take-out service." "Hey commander! What can I do for you?" "Simple," he said. "Send me your position and your crew roster." I tapped a control pannel. "Transmitting." I said. The radar screen turned on. It showed my profile. "I'm reviewing the profiles as they come in." The profiles slowly creeped by. As soon as they finished, Suzie and Amber's pictures popped up. "They're Disgraced?" "Yeah. Gotta problem with it?" "No. We're trained not to worry about it. Some of the troops actually like them." I chuckled. "Yeah, but those are actors." He chuckled. "You're right. I'll keep this info confidential. Expect an escort in an hour." "Acknowledged. Crash out." I turned the intercom off. Rashilè! The very meniton of the name is enough to make one happy. It's one of the few planets with actual names (others include the original names of the 9 planets in the old Human solar system). It was a grass planet, so Stephanie would definitely get to see a plain or field. It was the place where the religion of the Guardians (which I'm a proud member of) formed. It was a center of commerce. It was the crossroad of the five houses. Heh, I love war. Makes these planetary corner stores fun to walk through. We all contributed to the on-going struggle for civil obedience when we crossed the threshold. I'm used to crossing out of norm space, but crossing back in....well, my stomach kills itself. "We're heading to the North Break military base," the pilot informed me. "Area 10235b." "Thank you pilot," I woozily said. "Should we buckle up now?" "I'm gonna begin re-entry proceedures. Buckle up." I buckled myself in. "Crash," Byrder said as he snapped his buckle in place. "Isn't that the base where Axen is stationed?" I thought for a second. "I think so, but I'm not sure. Guess we'll find out." I looked out a nearby window. Rashilè looked so beautiful. "It's probably spring down there. Prime hiking weather." Mohammed chuckled. "Yeah. Too bad this is a business trip."