Four - Field Day I returned to my quarters. Stephanie was still asleep. I got into something a little more comfortable than my uniform and slipped in next to her. She stretched and opened her beautiful, green eyes. "Well good morning White Knight," she said. "How was your stay at the brig?" I smiled. "It was lonely. Very lonely." She smiled. "I tried to convice them to let me stay with you for the night. I was even tempted on comitting a very small crime." I shook my head. "Don't do that. I wouldn't want to see your record stained." She smiled and inched closer to me. "How'd you sleep?" "I barely did. I need your warm body next to mine to sleep easy." I smiled. "Wanna get an hour of easy sleep before I have to get back up?" Her expression worsened. "Where are you going?" "I gotta find Mohammed and Byrder.I gotta make sure they don't torture poor Axen." She closed her eyes. "I'll be back soon after. We can still be together." She smiled and hugged me. It's moments like this that make me want to retire. I found Mohammed and Byrder in the mech bay giving him "The Speech." It's something they've developed to see how strong any new recruits to our unit are. It's also the only reason why the Jade Wolf consists of just me, Mohammed, and Byrder. Scary, isn't it? "....So, are you clear on it?" Mohammed asked. Axen was plastered in a chair, probably scared shitless. "Yeah," he replied. Byrder circled him. "Fine," he said. "Repeat the three rules." Axen gulped. "The first rule," he started. "Respect the army you've signed a contract with." Mohammed chuckled. "At least he knows that one. "The second rule. Respect the other Jade Wolf mechs." Byrder nodded. "And the third rule?" Axen hesitated. "The third rule....." he trailed off. "We're all family," I butted in. "From now on, you rely on us and we'll rely on you." They all jumped at my words. "Uh, hi Crash," Mohammed said. I calmly walked over and grabbed Mohammed by the collar. "Didn't I say go easy on him?" I growled. I reached over and grabbed the back of Byrder's shirt. "Don't think you'll get away that easy Byrder." "Let go," Mohammed said. "Then appologize to Axen." They looked at him. "Sorry man," Byrder said. "Just wanted to see how much courage you have." I let Byrder go. "What about you?" "Sorry Axen," he said. I let him go. Big mistake. He tackled me to the ground. I caught him off guard and chucked him to the wall. "You're getting better Mohammed. You nearly had me pinned." Mohammed sat up and rubbed his head. "That's what you get for grabbing my collar," he replied. Axen helped me up. "What's shakin' brother?" he asked. "I came to check on you. Thought these two would put you through hell." He chuckled. "You were right. I'm still not to sure about what they said." I chuckled. "You want to know what it takes to be a mercenary?" He nodded. "Simple, it's the military, only you can pull sneaky maneuvers. The Lupus Military Code you so dearly hold to has no value. It is worthless to a mercenary. We can quit when we feel we need to and take our cash. That's all that matters: cash. If we can make enough to get by with our mechs and lives, we did our jobs." He looked confused. "What happens if one house wins?" he asked. I chuckled. "If House Leo takes control of the universe, we can easily kill them all. The mercenaries can tear them all new assholes if we want to. However, their paychecks are big, so we're waiting for if they win to tear them apart." He chuckled. "You're in a new brotherhood. Mohammed, Byrder, Harris, all the others are your family now." He nodded. "Axen. There's more to my getting you to sign up with us." He looked at me. "That being?" "After you signed up with Lupus, Mom went berzerk. Before they dragged her away to the happy home, I made her a promise. Do you want to know what that was?" He nodded. "I promised her that I'd keep your ass alive. You'd surely die if you stayed with the army. At least with the mercenaries, you'd stand a chance." He lowered his head. "Thanks bro," he said weakly. He smiled and gave me a brotherly hug. "Axen, one more rule." He looked up at me. "You do not give your fellow mercenary a hug. Even if he's nlood family." He let go. "Sorry. Got caught up in the moment." I smiled. "Come here you!" I grabbed him around the neck and gave him a childhood memory: an atomic nuggie. God, I miss the old days. Stephanie was awake when I returned. "Good to see you," she said as I closed the door. "Commander Williams dropped this off while you were out." She handed me a manilla envelope. "It would have been way more embarrasing if you were home when he made the delivery." I gave an inquisitive look. "I was still asleep when he knocked on the door." I nodded. "Did ya flash him?" I asked. She laughed. "Just open it silly," she said. I did as I was told. I read the papers over. "Ah shit." She shot me a dirty look. "I've got another mission. This one's more dangerous than our last." She lost the look. "What's it say?" I hit the intercom. "Mohammed." "Crash?" Axen replied. I shook my head. "Ax, tell the boys to meet me in the ready room. We've go your initiation mission." "Will do." Stephanie looked at me. "Initiation?" I looked at her. "Well," I said, face dead serious. "When you want to join our unit, you'll experience it to." She stared at me, eyes saying "Tell me your joking." I quickly answered her eyes by giving off a mischevious smile. She chuckled. "Go get 'em White Knight," she cooed, giving me a kiss. "Well," I told Axen as I entered the ready room. "We've got your initiation." Axen looked at me. "What are you talking about?" he asked. I tossed the envelope on the table. "I just recieved our next mission. Leo has a temporary base set up nearby. We've been selected to turn it to rubble or ash, whichever one we want." He chuckled. "How does this affect me?" "Well, when we start our assault, they're gonna be pissed. They'll swarm us faster than bees after you hit their nest with a pointed stick. Your initiation is this: Mohammed, Byrder, and I will pick a target when they come after us. Your job is to nail their cockpits so we can salvage them. You succeed, you get your pick of the chassis and will become a full member." "If I fail?" "You'll still be a member," Mohammed said. "We just take posession of your mech." "Stop it Mohammed," I said. "He'll get to keep his mech." Axen stood up. "I'm ready," he said. "Fine," I said. "We just need to get you a callsign." He gave a confused look. "A callsign," Byrder explained. "Is like the army's teams, only we don't change our calls from mission to mission." He nodded. "What's my callsign?" "Shrimp!" Mohammed blurted. "Hunter Jr," Byrder suggested. "No and what the hell's wrong with you Mohammed?" I replied. "Besides I've got the best call for him." They all looked at me. "How about Ax?" "Perfect!" "Systems go," I said, taking the Bulldog out of it's bay. "Everyone check in." "Death here," Mohammed said. "Pyro is operational." "Aight Death," I replied. "Hawkeye in," Byrder said. "ArchAngel is go." I noted it and waited for Axen. "This is Ax," he eventually said. "All systems nominal." I chuckled. "Lighten up! There is no need for formalities." He growled. "Shut up and come to my mech's side. Once they realize we're coming, their assault jets are gonna come up on our asses. I'm the biggest anti-air platform other than the base." "Will do Hunter." My radar showed the Scorpion coming along side of my mech. "Let's move. 40 KPM to Nav Point alph." Our little lance started to move. "Hunter," Byrder said after a while. "We've got enemy contacts up ahead." I hit my targeting scanners. "Confirmed," I said. "4 ArchAngels." Axen chuckled. "Loosen up," he mocked. "This isn't the time. We've got a minor problem here." The com link crackled. "I'm IDing 5 targets," Byrder said. I looked at the scanner. "I've only got four." "I've got visual contact. Four jets and.....dear lord!" I looked one more time. "I've got a fifth contact." I looked at the readout in disbelief. "It's a mech.'s flying?" There was a mech. And it was flying. I shook my disbelief off. "I don't care. If it's in the air, it's flak food." I flipped a switch. "Computer. Auto target flak guns. Order: Jet, jet, jet, jet, air mech. Give me fire control." The control sticks "grew" another button. I grabbed both sticks and pushed the button. There were explosions. "Confirmed hits. 2 jets dead, 2 crippled. Mech is undamaged. Trying again." I hit the button again. "That's it. All jet's down. The mech is lightly damaged. Computer, arm seeker misssiles. Fire on my command." I heard two missile packs rise from the back of the mech. "Target air mech and fire." The target symbols centered on the mech and I heard two missiles fire. "Seekers launched," the computer reported. Out in the distance, I heard an explosion. "Keep a steady pace," I commanded the Jade Wolf. "Computer, status." "Enemy mech severely damaged," the computer reported. "Arms destroyed, legs destroyed, jet pack still in one solid piece." "So that's how you're staying alive you bitch." I grabbed the control sticks. Suddenly, there was a laser blast from my right. "Target destroyed," the computer reported. I hit the com link. "What the hell was that?" I demanded. "That was me Hunter," Axen reported. "Does that count towards my initiation?" I chuckled. "No Ax, we have to tell you what to kill. That just increases your paycheck." Ax cursed under his breath. "Nav alph, 40 KPM." That was the only resistance we had from Leo along that path. Nav Point bet also proved uneventful. "I'm in range," I said as we reached Nav bet. "Stop here." We stopped our mechs at the top of the hill. "Hawkeye, status." "We've got nothing on the horizon," he said. "Should I make a pass?" "No. I'll flush them out. Don't forget what I bring to the party." "You're a sick fuck Crash, you know that?" "Oh yes I do. And I'm proud of it." I chuckled and changed the com channel. "Ax, are you ready?" "I am," he replied. I flipped a switch "Here's the plan: Death, you pick which mech gets claimed first. Hawkeye, you choose the second, and I will wrap this initiation up. After the three kills are made, it's full frontal defense. Ax, you may ask at anytime for assistance, be it targeting or killing. Remember, this is a salvage operation as well. Keep your guns on the cockpits." "Aye sir," Axen replied. "Are we all ready?"They cheered. "Commensing bombardment. Computer, charge cannon and target the biggest thing out there." The target was set and the cannon started to charge. Casually, I pulled the trigger. The cannon discharged. There was an explosion in the distance. My scanner lit up like the QVC phone boards at Christmas. "We've got contacts, totaling 20 mechs. Take your pick." Mohammed chuckled. "There's a Pounder in the front ranks," he said. "Scans indicate he's packing something nasty." "I'm on it," Axen said. He raised the Scorpions right arm and fired it's long barreled sniper rail gun. "Cockpit at half damage," I reported. "Left shoulder took minimal damage. Ax, you have to do better." I fired the cannon again, damaging another building. Axen fired again. "Cockpit critical," he said. "Pilot dead. That mech is ours." I applauded and fired the cannon again. "Hawkeye, Your turn." Byrder flew over the enemy mechs. "I've got a Firefly up front," he said. "I'm on it," Axen said. He aimed the rail gun and fired. Lucky for him, Fireflies have big, easy to hit heads. The cockpit was incinerated. "Two down," I said. "Now it's my turn." I fired the cannon once more and started down the list of mechs. Suddenly, my alarm lights started to go off. "What the fuck? Computer, what's up?" "Enemy Onager approaching," the computer reported. "Speed 70 KPM." "Damn it! Ax, see the enemy Onager that's coming on us?" "I've got him targeted." He fired his laser. "Damn. I hit his chest. Switching to spray cannon." He switched arms and fired the cannon. I enjoy watching the spray cannon fire. It fired weak blasts of energy at regular 1 second intervals. If you twist the mech's torso from side to side, it sprays. If you center the gun, it fires a continuous stream. Needless to say, the Onager cockpit stood no chance. "Three down. Formation FD101." The Pyro and Scorpion mechs got in front of me and started to fire their guns or, in Pyro's case, flame throwers. They quickly decimated the assault lance. "All enemies down or in retreat. Now clear the way, I've got a full cannon." The mechs "dived" out of the way as I fired. The discharge shut my mech down, but there was a full 5000 DP blast heading towards the base. It connected with something and caused a massive, sub-nuclear dome to be released. Afterwards, there was a series of smaller, louder explosions. "What the hell are those?" "You must have hit the ammo stores," Byder said. "They're blowing up." My mech cooled down and turned back on. "What's left?" The list of targets showed only the command tower, which was at somewhere around 70% damage. "Let's kill it and get going." I started to charge the cannon. "We've got more targets," Mohammed said. "All behind the base." I fired the cannon, vaporizing the control tower. "Looks like the calvery's here. We're done. Let's fly." "How ironic," Byrder said. "Those targets are all air units." I perked up. "Flak fodder." "Don't get cocky. I'm IDing 10 ArchAngels, 10 Cyclones, and a MegaDeath." "Shit." There would be no escape. It was fight or die. The MegaDeath was a flying fortress. Lasers, misiles, plasma cannons, it's own regiment of mechs, the whole nine yards plus. It was a basic assault and invasion ship. "Concentrate your guns on the MegaDeath. I'll take the rest and join you later." I grabbed the control sticks. "Flaks on. Auto target and give me control. All Flak guns." The 4 flak arrays rose from the Bulldog's back. "Target individual. Ignore the MegaDeath until the end." The guns targeted individual ships. "Jade Wolf, fire!" I pulled all four of the triggers. The jets started to take damage and blow up. The other mechs fired their weapons. Byrder made a pass at the MegaDeath. "Hawkeye. Don't be a hero. Get out of there." "Will do Hunter," he replied. "Prepare to dock." His jet flew overhead and landed on the Bulldog's back. The last Cyclone and ArchAngel fell. "Computer. Focus all missiles and flak guns at the MegaDeath. Fire missiles on my command." Everything on the mech popped out and aimed. "Fire," I said, pulling the flak triggers. The front of my mech lit up with laser, missile, and flak fire. The MegaDeath accumulated well over 4000 DP of missile fire and 7000 DP of flak fire before it blew up and crashed to the ground. It exploded once more, incinerating everything in the area. "Are the fallen chassis all right?" Byrder took off and surveyed the area. "All chassis are safe," he said. "You nailed the SOB over the ruins." "Understood." I flipped a switch. "Lupus Command, this is Jade Wolf. Operation Jade Dagger accomplished. We got salvages for you. We call a Firefly, a Pounder, and an Onager. See you back at base." We waited for the salvage ships to fly overhead before we returned to base. Commander Williams personally showed up at the ready room to debrief us, which was a rarity to begin with. "You people amaze me," he said. "Not only did you nail the base and the attack forces sent after you, but you also nailed a MegaDeath. The salvage teams picked up a hell of a lot from it's wreckage. We've just reduced out prices for weapons and 'munitions by half. And what's futherly amazing, you didn't claim a big part of the salvage for yourselves. Just three mechs." He looked at me. "Why just those three mechs?" I chuckled. "It was my little brother's initiation to the unit," I said, mussing up Axen's hair. "The three mechs were his assignment. We're keeping them as trophies." He nodded. "Well, for your brave destruction of the approaching MegaDeath and it's heavy assault lance cargo, we're adding a big bonus to your paycheck." I raised an eyebrow. He wrote something on a piece of paper and slid it over to me. I took it. My eyes widened. "Shit." Axen, Mohammed, and Byrder looked at the paper. They said the exact same thing. "I never got paid like this in the army," Axen said. I looked at the paper once again. "1 million credits not included in the origional contract will be depositied into each individual's account," I read. "And 7 million credits will be deposited in the Jade Wolf's account." I got up and extended my hand to the commander. "Thank you sir." He took my hand and shook it. "You will also be recieving medals of honor. It's all in the mail." He turned his back to us. "We don't believe mercenaries are honorable. Your unit is the ONLY exception. You all are dismissed." The four of us bowed to him and left the ready room. We believe in honor. What can I say? Harris was not to pleased with the small pockets of damage the mechs took from the shockwave that was released when the MegaDeath crashed. "Didn't you learn from my last ranting and raving spree that you shouldn't do this?" "I know," I told him. "But it was well worth it." "Why is that, Crash?" I showed him the paycheck that Williams had given me. His eyes widened. "Whoa! I can plate your Bulldog with gold with this kind of moola!" I laughed. "Don't even think of it. Knowing how careless I am?" He chuckled. "Well, I am going to do something with this money." "Really? What?" He pointed at the Jade Wolf logo sitting on my Bulldog's shoulder. "Can you picture the eye there with a jade coating?" "Eh....nah, that won't work." "Why not?" "Becuase..." I traced the outline of the eye with my finger. "You can coat the surrounding area for less." "That's perfect! I'll get to work on it for all the mechs!" "Thanks man. You're a good person." I patted him on the back and turned to the other three. "Which mech do you want?" I asked Axen. He chuckled. "The Firefly," he said. I handed him the keys. "Enjoy." I tossed Mohammed the keys to the Pounder. "You can keep the Pounder." Mohammed caught the keys and chuckled. "Let's get the girls," he said. "They'll want in on the next part." Axen looked at me. "What's the next part?" I chuckled. "We've got one more test. It don't mean shit, though. We just like to go through with it. And it's one we all participate in." He chuckled. "Which test is this?" I smiled evily. "The test of the bladder wall." He gave a confused look. "We're a goin' a boozin'," Mohammed said. It was my turn to pay for the drinks (just like last time and the time before that...). Looks like I'd be giving the 1 mil paycheck a workout. I got the first three rounds of beers and brought them to our table. "Take a mug," I said. "I've got a small speech before we get plastered." Everyone took a mug and raised them slightly. "Not only was this victory total and very profitable, but this is also a joyus occasion. Today, we have a new family member: my little brother Axen." I raised my mug. "To him and his many happy years with us." Everyone raised their mugs and we all drank. "Speech," Mohammed called, already half drunk. "Nothing to say," Axen said. "I'm not a speech maker. Sorry." "I'll drink to that," Stephanie said. She wasn't one for speeches either. None of us were. We all took another draft. "So," Axen asked, taking another beer. "What next?" I chuckled. "Well, the mechs get repaired and we wait for our next mission." "That's it?! We just wait?" I nodded and took another draft of beer. There was a knock at the door the next morning. My head pounding, I grumbled and shuffled to the door. "Who is it?" I asked, keeping my voice low. "It's Axen," was my reply. "Axen, what do you want?" He chuckled. "I was wondering, are you up for a visit to the simulator for a game of-" "Axen, it's too damn early. I've got a hangover. I want to sleep it off." "OK. How about later?" "No, little bro, I've got...plans. It'll take all day. Perhaps tomorrow." He sighed. "Don't get discouraged. Mohammed and Byrder always get over their hangovers quickly. Go ask them." "Thanks bro," he replied. "Take care." I shuffled back to bed. House Leo always consolidates their forces before a retalliation strike when they get their asses kicked. Since we tore them into many small pieces, the unit had a little R&R time. My plans would work out. "Hmmm....." Stephanie sighed. "It's so warm here." I had told her I had a surprise for her. She gladly took the blindfold and was letting me lead her around (bliss!). She was totally dependent on me. "Where are you taking us?" Suzie asked. I invited Suzie, Amber, and Roxanne to join us. Roxanne declined, but Suzie and Amber accepted. They too were blindfolded and letting me lead them around. I didn't think they'd seen what I was about to show them. "Don't worry about it," I said. "It's going to be fun." A short walk from the base led us to the "target area." I pawed the ground with my foot. "Perfect," I said. "What's perfect?" Amber asked. "Well girls, we're here. Before you take the blindfolds off, I ask one more favor of you." "Shoot." "Take off your shoes." "What?!" Suzie said. "Trust me. Take the shoes off." Hesitantly, they removed their shoes. "What's this?" Stephanie asked as one of her bare feet touched the ground. She rubbed the spot with her foot. "It's not anything I've felt before. What...what is it?" I chuckled and took her blindfold off. She let out a gasp. "Steph," Suzie said. "What is it?" I removed her blindfold off next. She fell silent. "Suzie? Stephanie?" Amber said. "Crash, what's going on?" "Let me show you," I told her, untieing the blindfold. They were all silent. I could only assume they saw what I saw. "Like what y'all see?" I asked. They didn't answer. They were too amazed with the thick, green carpet of grass, the small, babbling brook, and the big apple tree. "I know how dreary HQ is. I also know how none of you have never seen one of these. It would be cruel and heartless to leave you at the base, so I decided to give this to you as a treat." Stephanie knelt in the grass and picked a clover blossom. She stared at it for a solid two minutes before she got back up. "Crash," she whispered. I went to her side. Immediately, she embraced me. Tears were streaming from her face. "Thank you." I rubbed the back of her head. "I've got lunch packed. We can stay here until dinner." "Thank you Crash. This is the nicest gift I've ever gotten." Words cannot describe many things. The pure emotion of that moment is one case. But what the girls did after, well, that's another case. They were amazed. It appeared I was right; they have never been to a real meadow. They've never felt the sun up against their fur. They've never played in the grass. The only water they've run over their hands came from the tap. This was all different for them. Probably too much at first. Stephanie was thrilled by the different plants and animals, picking all sorts of plants and -what's the word- playing with all the animals. Suzie fell in love with the brook, staring at her reflection, running her fingers through the cool waters, and watching the brook trout. Amber...well...God knows what Amber did. Pandas. Go fig! After they familiarized themselves with their new surroundings, we sat down to lunch under the old apple tree. We polished the meal off and relaxed ourselves under the tree, soaking up the sun. Stephanie had rested her head in my lap, which I rubbed to soothe her. Amber had layed down in the grass, probably stoned out of her mind from an overexposure to the meadow. Both girls were fast asleep. Suzie was the only one to remain awake with me. She was leaning up against the tree, as was I. "Crash," she said. "I want to thank you for bringing us here." "Think nothing of it," I replied. "It was my honor to do so." She sighed. "I only recall faint memories of meadows like this. Way before I became what I am now. Back when things were happier." I looked at her. "You were actually happy before you met me?" She giggled. "I was, believe it or not. It was before everything broke on me. Back before my first encounter." I nodded. "Speak. I'm listening." I continued to stroke Stephanie's head. She smiled. "How can I make sure you won't tell Steph or Amber?" "You have my word as a mercenary and a friend." She nodded. "I'm not so sure I should trust your mercenary word, but your word as a friend has never let me down. Get comfy, it's a big story." I looked at her, my eyes saying "you've got to be kidding." "It all started on my home planet," she said. "I had many friends and a crush on a boy. In fact, he was the most popular 14 year old in the neighborhood. All the ladies were after him. I was the top runner at the time. I had a date with him set for a certain day. When I went to the arranged meeting place, I caught him kissing another girl." "Were you sure she wasn't family?" I asked. "We lived next door. I knew his family better than he did. She wasn't part of it." She sighed. "The sight of him kissing another girl was very unsettling. I didn't make any advance toward him." "You should have. He was your man, wasn't he?" "I know. I should have gone up to him and slapped his face for kissing her. It would have made things much easier." "What'd you do?" "I ran for a nearby wooded area. It was a familiar area to me. I thought I was the only one who knew about it. As I sat under an oak tree, crying my heart out, a young fox, about my age at the time, approached me. I forget her name now a days, but the face is permanently etched into my mind. She was a good friend before that day. Anyway, she asked me what was wrong. I explained and she tried her best to comfort me. Then she had a radical idea. That was my first encounter." She sighed and looked over to me. She saw the uncomfortable look on my face. "I won't go into details," she assured me. "But I will tell you that it changed me forever. It was the happiest day of my life before I met Amber and then you." I chuckled. "I'm glad you feel that way." "Wait," Suzie continued. "There's more to the story. "We continued with these little encounters over a period of one year. Evidently my parents became worried and my father followed me one day. He tailed me to the meadow and caught us in the act. My companion struggled to get our clothes on as we ran from him. We managed to lose him, but decided to stay away from town for the night." "What happened?" "Well, we didn't have to return to town to see what was going on the next morning. They came after us with the usual Anti-Frankenstein's Monster equipment - you know, pitchforks, torches, the whole kit-and-kaboodle. She led me to a deserted area of the nearby space port and helped me escape into space. We both got out, but our paths split there. I wish they never did. "My escape ship crash landed on HQ a few days later. I was 15 and, when the ship landed, barely alive. Amber, who was 16 at the time, found me. Possibly worried for my health, she took me to her home and took care of me for 3 years." She looked at me. "I grew to love her. She cared. At 18, I broke down and told her my true feelings towards her. She didn't take it like it was a shocker. She told me why she originally rescued me. She said she fell in love with me when she found me. Our relationship then started." "Okay. So where does that leave us?" "After word leaked about our relation ship, we were soon cast into a dark period, where anti-Disgraced beatings were frequent. Then, you came to our rescue one day. I can still remember the pain you took for us." I chuckled. "I'd do it for anyone. You were just in the right place at the right time." I looked at her. "You want to know the real reason why I saved you two?" She nodded. "I saw one of your assailants had a knife. If I didn't step in, you two would be in the great beyond now." She smiled and kissed my cheek. "You're so sweet. I'd go straight if I could date you." "No Suzie, you're perfect. Don't change." I looked her over. She had a smile that I've never seen on her face before. "Wanna know the truth? Disgraced make the best friends." I looked down at Stephanie. She was in a deep sleep. My hand fell to the ground. A few seconds passed before it was taken up. Suzie had it and was looking my way. "Friends forever?" she asked. I gave her soft hand a little squeeze. "Forever and ever," I replied. I had a special bond with Suzie. We respected each other greatly. There was much honor between us. And, I admit it, there was a little love mixed into the fray. But the one bond that was clearest was understanding. We knew where the other was coming from. We didn't disrespect the other's thoughts. There was no anger to been seen in the distant future between us. We were on the level with each other. Suzie was, and still is, my best friend in the world. Dinner was spent at my quarters. None of us had any clue to the chinese restaurant that was on base grounds. The meal was cheap. The food wasn't the best I had in a while, but the tea we had afterwards made it better. "Did you enjoy yourselves?" I asked. "Of course we did!" Amber said. "Well, at least I did. Crash, you are the sweetest person ever. You've done so much for me and Suzie." I smiled. "I wish you weren't so critical about this." "No, We're gonna have to pay you back for this." I shook my head. "No need." I started to say something else, but she put a finger to my lips. "Don't argue. We're gonna give you something in return. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe three years down the line. But it will come to you. Trust me." I nodded. "If you say so." I looked to Suzie, who smiled and nodded. There's that bond again! "Did you enjoy yourself Stephanie?" Stephanie leaned over and kissed me. "I'll give you my thank you later," she said. Ooooh, I was in for a real treat. "I promise you girls that I'll take you there as often as possible." "Is tomorrow OK?" Suzie asked. I shook my head. "No, I've got something to take care of with Axen. He keep insisting on showing me something in the simulators. He won't say, though. Day after tomorrow. Provided Leo doesn't try and take revenge on us, the day after tomorrow is perfect. Hey, maybe we can con Roxanne into going with us." That satisfied the girls. Suzie smiled at me again. Something was going on in her head. What, I don't know. But there was something in there. Stephanie had kept her promise and "thanked" me after she was sure the two girls were gone. A real treat. It was a real treat. "We must quit doing this," I said. "I don't wanna knock you up!" She giggled. "I've taken steps to stop that," she said. I chuckled. " 'Cause if I do, I'm gonna have to ask you to marry me!" She laughed and kissed me. "Would you really do that?" I nodded. She rested her head on my chest. "You're a good friend, Angel. A good friend, a true companion, and a great lover." "Stop it," she laughed. "You're liable to make a girl blush." I put an arm around her. "I love you, Lost Angel." "I love you, White Knight," she cooed in return. Sleep claimed us afterwards.