BONUS SECTION: Newsflash That evening, I did something I hadn't done for close to four months: caught up on the news. It'd take me a few hours, but I'd get through the four months of news I missed. There wasn't much good to it, as usual. The sports teams from HQ all lost, which wasn't a big surprise. The price for ammunition for cannons and missile launchers jumped 20 thousand, which was a big a surprise as the HQ teams losing! Leo had won some minor battles on ice planet C23 and lost a few water holes on desert planets E04 and E05. I skipped over the Rashilé news because, well, you should know. Then came the sections that I enjoyed most of all: News from Old Earth. I tossed the remainder of the paper aside, put my feet up, and started to read. The report was quite short for the first few weeks. The new archeology site had jack shit in it. I got a rumor from one date about a body being found. Three dates later, the rumor was shot down. The relic I heard about in the bar that day one did in fact turn out to be a prototype battle mech. The scientists working on it guessed the humans were going to use on our ancestors! So, in otherwords, the humans got what they deserved. Being on the topic of weapons, they also found a number of live nuclear and biological warheads at one site in old Iraq. In old Northern Ireland, they found massive stores of antique weapons and ammunition, including AK-47 assault rifles and, my favorite classic, the old Raptor Sniper rifles. That's a true classic. Old America yeilded some ancient submarines, as well as many nukes. It was like the humans were stockpiling to blow the hell out of each other!