Warning!!!! The following story attempts to depict some very VERY explicit sexual acts. If you are below the age of 18, please turn back now! You have been warned. Take that FCC! :-Þ ************************************************************************ Mercenary: The Early Years Death of Innocence: Shortie by Lone Wolf Narrated by Suzie DeSerpa I am Suzie Deserpa. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am a member of the Disgraced. That is to say, I have given up on men on the whole. After I dumped my boyfriend of 2 years when I was 14, I didn't want to get into another relationship with a man. And then I met Crash. But that's a different story. In this story, I will explain to you why I am and how I came to be on HQ. ######################################################################## I was walking down Freemen Avenue on the fateful day. I had a date with Keith Gruberman, the star quarterback on the school football team, and a fellow skunk. We'd been going out for two years, long before he joined the team. So we had been pretty steady for a while. And I was quite psyched about the date. It would mark our second anniversary together. I was dolled up in a fancy white blouse and a blue mini-skirt. Today was the day I hoped we could go behind my father's back and do it. It was never going to happen. I approached the Master Beistro pizza shop, the place I was supposed to meet him at. I took a deep breath. "Don't be scared, Suzie," I told myself. "You'll be all right." I took another deep, cleansing breath and pushed the door open. The place was, as usual, teeming with my peers. I asked around, trying to find Keith. Everyone pointed towards the back of the parlor. I followed the fingers and eventually found him. And someone else. There he was, Keith Gruberman, the star quarterback. And who was he with? Denise Athia, a rabbit who had the luck of becoming the head cheerleader and biggest slut in the school! I wasn't too mad at first. I guessed he was just there socializing. But when he leaned over and planted a kiss on her lips, my anger went through the roof. I stormed over to the two and brought my hand clear across Keith's face. Everybody stopped and looked towards us. "How could you do this?!" I screamed at him. He smirked. "Don't worry about it babe. I'm still yours. I'm just, ya know, with Denise." My temper flared again and I slapped him in the other direction. I then looked at Denise. "You can have him, you fuckin' whore!" I stormed out of the pizza parlor, leaving it in complete silence. Well, except for Keith's final comment. "She'll be back. Once you've loved Keith Gruberman, you will find no other." If I had known what would happen next, I would have fallen over in a laughing fit. I stormed far off the course of civilization, passing up the paved road to home for a dirt path out into the woods. I didn't want to see anybody right then and there. I just wanted to find a corner and cry my eyes out. What I came upon was a clear field. A small stream ran through it. I knew where I was. So I found a spot under the apple tree that had been there and growing strong since I was one, pulled my legs to my chest, buried my head into them, and cried. I was like that for a good five minutes. "Are you okay?" a familiar voice asked. I looked up. Ashley, a friend of mine since the second grade, was kneeling in front of me, a look of worry on her face. "Suzie?! Why are you here and crying?" I sobbed. "I caught Keith kissing Denise." "Denise? Ol' rabbit eared slut Denise?" I nodded. She moved closer and hugged me. "It's okay Suzie. I'm here for you." I cried into her arm. "Two years! I've wasted two years on him!" "If he's going off with that whore, he wasn't good enough for you." I sobbed. "I got dressed up like this for him. Today was the day I was hoping to lose my virginity. We had it all planned out." I got off her arm and looked at her. "Do you know what a disappointment that is?" She shook her head. "Sadly, I can't say that I can." She let go of me and sat indian style. "So you two were going to do it, huh? Well, I guess it was all right after a two year relationship like what you guys have." "Had," I sniffled. "It's over between us." "Okay, I correct myself. Had." She looked at me. "What was the plan?" "We were going to go into the woods somewhere. He said he knew of a nice spot by a waterfall. We were going to do it there." I let go of a soft cry. "Ah...I see." She started to fidgit, which was strange considering the situation. "You are wearing panties, aren't you?" I smirked, despite the disturbing question, and spread my legs to show her. "I'm a decent person, Ashley. My father won't allow me to be otherwise." She nodded nervously and pulled back a little. I quirked a brow. "Ashley, what's wrong?" "Hmm? Oh, nothing." "No, please." She hesitated and lifted her skirt. She had on nothing underneath. I jerked back a little. Something had happened to her pussy. "Ashley, I know your parents raised you properly. Where are your panties?" She moved her left leg aside, showing that the pink, frilly panties were by her ankle, just on that leg. I looked around inquisitively. "Were you doing it with a guy? I'll leave if I was interrupting something." "No, you weren't interrupting anything. I was just, ya know, playing with myself." I quirked a brow. "You know, masterbating." "Masterbating?" I had heard of it, but never done it before. "Yeah. You must have done it before." I shook my head. "Oh man, you really are a virgin." She directed me to the other side of the tree. I followed her and found a puddle of...something...lying in the grass. "Uh, Ashley?" "Yeah, I know. All over the grass." I sat down, crossing my legs. "What were you doing out here masturbating?" "Ah, releasing some steam. It's my way to relax." She leaned against the tree, her legs spread. "Very few people know about this spot. And I know them all. It's a great place to go and do whatever when you're stressed." I smirked. "So I guess you come here every day." Everyone knew how stressful her life was, with divorced parents who couldn't care less about her. "Pretty much. I just come here, drop my knickers, and work it until I cum eight or nine times." I nodded. "Is it a good way to release the stress?" "Very." She looked at me. "It seems like you could use the release as well." I blushed. "No, I couldn't. Not with you around." "Ah, c'mon! If you've seen your own cunt, you've seen them all. There's nothing to be embarrased about." I knew she was right. "But what if someone walks in on us?" She laughed. "Not even the park rangers come out this way. We're clear for some miles." I nodded slowly. "Okay. How is this done?" She smiled. "First thing you have to do is drop your panties. Keep 'em on one leg in case we have to get moving fast." I hesitated a little before gripping the elastic part and pulling them down to my ankles. I slipped one foot out. "Okay. Now what?" "I advise you spread your legs." I shook my head. "That'll make me vulnerable." "It's okay. Nothing will happen until you start." I hesitated again and spread my legs. "Uh, Suzie? May I see something real quick." I nodded. She knew what she was doing, so I trusted her. She moved down to take a look at my privates. "Whoa, you really are a virgin." She ran a finger across one of the lips. I shivered. "That feels good." She smiled. "I'm sorry. I'm getting carried away." She sat down next to me again and spread her legs. She pulled her skirt up. "Now watch." I watched intentively as she brought a hand up to her pussy and started to "play" with herself. she seemed to be enjoying it. Every motion she made around one spot caused her face to contort into something new. Eventually, her body jerked and a small gush of liquid - it wasn't quite blood - came out of her. She took a deep breath and looked at me. "Now you try." "O-okay." I looked down upon myself. "Here goes nothing." I brought my hand up and mimiced her motions. Nothing happened. It was just....movement. "Are you sure you're doing it right?" "How am I supposed to be doing it?" "Find your clit." "My what?" "Your clitoris." I shook my head. "Here, pull your hand away. I'll try to find it for you." I complied and she started to rub. Suddenly, she hit one spot. A wave of pure enjoyment hit my body, causing it to jerk. "There it is. You can take over if you-" "N-no. Please, continue." She smiled and did so, massaging the one spot in so many ways. Wave after wave of relaxation, bliss, and excitement hit me. Suddenly, my entire body pushed southward. I let out a moan. Muscles I never new I had down below stirred to life - my first orgasm. It all happened in a flash. One moment, I was being bathed in pure goodness. The next, I had my hand to my chest, trying to catch my breath. "Oh...that was just so..." "Enjoyable?" I smiled and hugged her. "You do it so well." "Well, catch your breath. We can do it together." She looked at her fingers. I had spilled on her. I was about to apologize when she brought it to her mouth and licked her fingers clean. I winced. "What are you doing?" "Giving your cum a taste. You're quite tasty, to be honest." She suckled on her index fingure and smiled. "I'll explain a little later." "O-okay." My breath was caught. "You ready to do it again?" I nodded. "Well then, get ready. Oh, and before I forget, you can also use your finger to tease your hole - you do know what I'm talking about, right?" I nodded knowingly. "Okay! Here we go!" We started up again, together. We managed to orgasm at the same time. It took a little longer for us to catch our breaths again. "Thank you for teaching me this, Ashley!" "My pleasure." "Can I ask you something?" "Sure, go ahead." "Why did you lick your fingers before?" She sighed. "Well, I'm going to have to be quite honest. I am a lesbian." Back in those days, there was no such thing as the Disgraced. I inched away. "You....you are?" She nodded. Instinctively, my other foot slipped into my panties. "Oh...I see." "Please don't be afraid of me, Suzie." "I'm not...I'm just not sure I want in on what you do." She chuckled. "C'mon. It isn't that bad. What harm is there in trying? Besides, you still need to loosen up about the whole Keith thing." She had me there. "Well? Do you want to try at least?" At that moment in time, everything stood still. I looked at Ashley. She was gentle natured. She would do nothing to hurt me. But I still wasn't too sure. Keith had all but destroyed my trust in guys. But was I going to have to turn to another girl? I hesitated a little before uttering the words that would forever change me: "Sure. Go ahead." She smiled. "No pressure. If you don't want to-" "No...it's fine. Go ahead." She nodded. "Do you know what doggie style is?" I nodded. "Could you get into that position?" Hesitantly, I got onto my hands and knees. She came over and put her hands on my rear. "This is your last chance to back out. Do you still want to do this?" I nodded. She shrugged and set to work. At first, it felt kinda awkward. She brought her tongue up to the very bottom (well, in that position) of my cunt and brought it up in one broad stroke. After the second one, it started to feel good. The third one was the kicker. My breath quickened. She picked up on this and hastened the pace a little. Canines, you know, have slightly rough tongues. Ashley was a fox. I was in luck. I started to moan a little. Then she did something unexpected. Her tongue entered my body. I gasped. It was a new feeling. But as soon as she started to slosh it around, I relaxed. She continued like that for a good few minutes. Then, suddenly, an orgasm hit me! She got a face full of it. I caught my breath again and rolled onto my back. "You okay?" She was busy licking her lips clean. She nodded. "Good." I set my hand on my chest. "That was not what I was expecting." "What were you expecting it to be?" "Weird." "Well? Was it?" "No. It was...." I sat up and hugged her. "It was fantastic." I got up and put my panties back on. "I should be heading home now." I started back for society. "Hey Suzie!" I looked to her. "Yeah?" "Wanna sleep over tonight? If your father allows it? I'll do that to you again." The offer was too tempting. "I'll ask him. Who are you staying with this time around?" "My mom." "Okay. I'll call if he says yes." I had spent an hour out (believe it or not). My parents were more or less surprised when I returned that early. "Suzie," my father asked as I entered the living room. "What are you doing home so early?" I sighed. "I caught Keith kissing Denise." "Who?" "The rabbit eared slut." "Suzie, what have I told you about calling people names like that." "Well it's true! She's slept with the entire football team!" I sat down on the couch and held hy head in my hands. My father came over and rubbed my back. "It's okay, Suzie. Don't be upset about it." "I don't think I have much of a choice, daddy. He just threw out the two years we were together." He nodded. "But, I think I'm over it." "Whoa. That quickly? How did you manage that?" I quickly came up with an alibi. "I ran into Ashley. You remember Ashley, right?" He nodded. "Well I ran into her and she treated me to a girl's hour out. She even invited me to a sleep over tonight." He quirked a brow. "I don't know. Who's she staying with this week?" "Her mother." He smiled. "Okay. I don't see a problem." I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you daddy." I rushed up to my room to pack some stuff. I can remember everything that happened at the sleepover. Lucky for us, Ashley's mother was out on a date, so we had run of the house. Even luckier for us, she had a large variety of "toys," as Ashley put it. We went on for all hours, just plain enjoying ourselves. We'd masturbate, use these toys of hers, and then Ashley would go down on me. She even let me go down on her! It went into the wee hours of the morning. We tired ourselves out slowly and ended up falling asleep in her bed, entwined in each other's arms, wearing nothing but our fur. It went on like that for a year. If I needed to blow off some steam, I would go to the spot afterschool and find Ashley there. It was great! But it came with a small problem. I would end up coming home later and later. The trips were becoming more and more frequent. My father, being the caring man he was, decided to find out what was going on. It was in the middle of one of our sessions. We had gotten to the level where clothes was not applicable. We had everything piled up by the tree. So there I was, totally naked, with Ashley eating me out. I was near orgasm when my father's voice rang out. "SUZIE!" I nearly shit myself. I sat up and looked. There he was. "Oh fuck!" Ashley said. "He must have followed us." "Never mind that," I said. "He's pissed. Let's grab our stuff and run." "Can't we explain this?" I grabbed our clothes. "No!" I took her hand and pulled. My father started to storm towards us. But we were younger, and therefor, quicker. We easily outran him. "Suzie," Ashley said when we were sure we were safe - for the time being. "What's wrong with him?" "Let me put it this way," I replied. "He's looking forward to having grandkids." "Oh shit....this is only going to get worse." We couldn't go home that day. We slept at the base of a tree, enjoying the serenity of the night. But the serenity would be broken. I was awoken by Ashley's vigorous shaking. "Suzie, wake up! They're coming for us." "Hmm? Who's coming?" I took a sniff of the air. I picked up the familair scent of one of my father's torches. "Oh shit. Let's move." We started out in one direction and ran right into an angry mob. At the head of it all was my father. "There they are," he pointed. "Get the fox. But leave my daughter alone. Don't harm her." The mob started their approach. I was petrified by fear. Ashley, on the other hand, was not. She grabbed my arm and pulled. "Let's go!" I flooded back into reality and we took off. We ran for a good half a mile before coming upon the old part of the spaceport. Without hesitation, we went through the hole in the fence put there by the gangs that hung around town. Ashley pointed to two escape pod-like ships. "I remember. One of the gangs built those. I can control them both from one pod. Grab one and we can take off." We darted for opposite pods. I strapped myself in and closed the hatch. "Ready?" Ashley asked over the intercom. "Yes." I looked out the window. I saw the mob there, shaking the fence. And I saw my father. He had a sad look on his face. "Papa..." The ship started to rumble. It took off shortly after. We quickly cleared the atmosphere. "We're in the clear!" Ashley said. "Now, where to?" I smiled. "Let's fly to the paradise planet. I hear they aren't as judgemental as our old home." She chuckled. "Paradise it is!" The pods spun around so we could see each other. I smiled and waved. She did to and worked the controls. Suddenly, the warning alarm started to sound. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Navigation malfunction." Suddenly, she started to move farther away. "Ashley!" I cried. She was going one way. I was going to another. "I'll try to correct the problem. Suzie, check your front pants pocket. If I can't fix this, keep that with you always. I'll see you in the future for sure." I waited. She was never able to fix the problem. Realizing this, I cried for at least a half an hour. When I managed to regain myself, I checked my pants pocket. Ashley had slipped in a small charm. It was half a heart - one of those two piece friendship charms. I looked at it. Inscribed on the front was her name and half an ampersand. Curiously, I looked on the back. It read: "4 ever." Three days later, I crash landed. The hatch blew open and I crawled out. It was an industrial planet or something. I choked on the smog and held my hand out. I was blind and couldn't see a thing. My hand fell to the ground. I knew I was going to die. Or was I? "Are you okay?" a soft voice said. I couldn't see who was saying that or move to acknowledge I heard her. She put two fingers up to my neck. "You still have a pulse. I'll bring you home and take care of you." She hoisted me up into her arms and carried me to her home. I blanked halfway there. I was in a bed when I came to. Sitting beside me was a panda. "Are you okay now?" she asked me. "Yeah," I said quietly. "Thank you Miss." She laughed. "Please, call me Amber." "Okay, Amber." "What's your name, hun?" "Suzie." She nodded. "Nice name." She got up. "I think you'll stay here until we figure out what to do with you. That sound okay?" I nodded. She smiled and went off to do something. I processed all the new information and came to a startling conclusion: I had a crush on Amber. ######################################################################## It's been three years since then. After a few awkward confessions a few months later, Amber and I fell in love. We were discovered and all hell broke loose. Then we met Crash and he has taken care of us ever since. Some say my life has sucked. And I agree with them. On the most part. I recently reunited with Ashley and life has started to go uphill again. I'm now working with Crash on one of his contracts on my home planet. I only hope that I can see my father again. To see his face again would make me the happiest girl alive. End Suzie, Ashley, Amber, Crash, and all of the Mercenary characters are © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])>