Mercenary: The Early Years Wounded Dove: Shortie by Lone Wolf Narrated by: Suzie DeSerpa Crash has been my guardian, my best friend, and the sweetest guy I have ever met for a good number of years. He has shown me what life is like when you have no worries and what fun and love are. I have shown him what it's like to be looked down upon and how even one small glitch in your person can label you an outcast. He doesn't seem to mind that trade off. We've grown a special bond together. It's quite more than friendship, but just borderline love. I mean, he has Stephanie and I (sort of) have Amber. But even so, he treats me like we're an item. He'll shower me with gifts, kind words, and the occasional Stephanie sanctioned peck on the cheek. You wouldn't believe what being treated like that does to a person, especially one in my place. I would be eternally hurt if something were to ever happen to him.... ************************************************************************ I was hanging down at the Med Labs with Amber one fateful day. It had been three months since Crash saved us from the abyss, and we had been in contact over that time. We had formed nothing more than a friendship. To be quite honest, I know we were both quite happy about that. Few opportunities like Crash showed up in our lives. We were getting ready to leave when a group of medical technicians ran into the bay, a stretcher with them. We couldn't see who was on it. Figuring it was just some other Mercenary, we started to walk away. That was when I bumped - literally - into Marcus, the head of the mercenary unit The Wrecking Crew - the one that Crash was a member of. "I'm sorry," I said as I got up. "I should have been looking." "I-it's okay," he responded. Fear was having a field day with his voice. "Is...everything all right?" "No." He looked at me. "You two are the ones Crash watches over, right?" We both became alarmed. "Yes," Amber said. "Why? What's wrong?" He said nothing and pointed at the med bay. "Oh no..." I started to back away. "Let's go in," he said. "We can wait until they're finished with Crash." I looked at Amber, who nodded. "Good. Let's go." We followed him inside. We followed the path that had been cleared for the stretcher. Marcus stopped us before we ended up on the laps of the technicians. We wouldn't be getting any further until they were done working on him. And it wasn't a pretty sight, either. He had a serious head wound; blood was slowly dripping out onto the white tiled floor. His arm was twisted in an un-natural way, as was his leg. His muzzle wore scratches and deep cuts. His tail was matted a deep shade of brown. Amber and I held onto each other when we finally realized the seriousness of what was going on. But only one thing was on at least my mind. "What happened?" I asked softly. "We got into a mech fight," Marcus said just as soft. "We were outnumbered, outgunned, and in deep trouble." He shut his eyes. "Crash took the brunt of it all for us. He managed to get back to the dropship before he blacked out. We've been trying to keep him alive ever since." My eyes welled up with tears. I didn't want to lose him. Marcus looked at the two of us. "If it's not out of bounds, may I ask why you two are crying over him." "He is more than our personal guardian," I cried. "He's much more." "He is the first one who's ever, and I mean ever, come to the aide of two Disgraced. And more importantly, he befriended us. He's our only friend." "You have each other, don't you?" "Yeah, but that's a sort of roll over in bed thing. We love each other. But..." "Crash provides the friendship that we crave," I contiuned. "He'll hang out with us, take us shopping, and do all sorts of other fun stuff at the slightest hint of a chance." He nodded silently. "I don't mean to try to break up his contract with your unit, but he means so much to us. He means so much to me." Marcus put a hand on my shoulder. "He's been through worse. He'll pull through...uh...Suzie is it?" I nodded. He smiled. "I've been wondering to this day who the Suzie and Amber he told me about when I warned him about not reporting back to the bunks were. It's a pleasure to finally know now." I smiled and sent one of my small hands on his big, massive one. "I'm glad, sir." "Please, call me Marcus." He took my hand in his, wrapping his thick, warm fingers around it. "You two are now officially under the protection of the Wrecking Crew. I will tell the rest of my men and they will comply." We were shocked. "Th-thank you sir," Amber said. "Marcus," one of the techies said. "Crash wishes to speak with you." Marcus nodded. "Girls, I have to go talk with the man of the moment. Go find a seat somewhere. I'll be right back." He let go of my hand and walked into the fray. A curtain was pulled over it. We sighed and sat down somewhere. A half an hour passed before we were approached by a medical technician. "Suzie and Amber?" We looked up at her and nodded. The vixen smiled. "Come with me." We got up and followed her. She led us to the curtain that had been drawn and pulled it aside. "Go on in. Crash wishes to speak with you two." Our breaths quickened. "Well, go on." We stepped inside and she shut the curtain again. "Crash?" I said, my voice a little shakey. Marcus, who was at his bedside, looked up to us and motioned us closer. We stepped closer, unsure of what we were going to see. "Suzie?" he responded, his voice a bit raspy. We took a good look at him. He had tubes, wires, and all sorts of assorted goodies attached to various parts of his body. His arm and leg were held stiff and in one position, waiting to recieve the med bay's infamous busted bone treatment. But his eyes showed us what we wanted to see - the fight we knew him for. "How are you doing?" I smiled and took his un-injured hand. "Don't worry about that, Crash. You should worry about yourself." He chuckled weakly. "I know. But I'm worried about you too. Marcus told me what you two said while they worked on me." He gave my hand a gentle squeeze. "Crash, you know every bit of it is absolutely true." "I know." He looked at Marcus. "My buddy here has agreed to watch over you in my absence. He's a good man. His heart is in the right place. He'll treat you well." I smiled and squeezed his hand back. "Thank you Crash." I leaned over and kissed his cheek. He smiled and, much to my surprise, planted the first peck on my cheek ever. I pulled back and smiled. Our bond was formed right there. Marcus got up. "We should be heading off. Girls, I would like to speak with you." "All right, sir." I looked at Crash once more and caressed his cheek. "Rest up now. I don't want to see a tuckered out Crash next time around." He smiled and shut his eyes, ready for a well deserved sleep. Marcus, Amber, and I made our way out. Marcus offered to escort us home, seeing as it was late. And, just like when Crash did it, we let him into our apartment. Instead of falling asleep in the chair, however, he had other things in mind. "I need to ask you two a favor," he said, sitting down in the chair we had. "Sure," Amber said. "Go ahead." "Crash is not going to be in any fighting condition for some time. He'll be out of comission for at least one month after he gets out." "Okay. So what do you need?" "I'm not going to allow him to stay in the bunk, since the conditions there are deplorable as is. Can you imagine what it would be like for a guy in his condition?" We shook our heads. "So I ask you two, can you two put him up until he's ready to fight again?" I looked at Amber. She looked at me. We smiled and turned to Marcus. "Sure," I said. "We'd love to...." ************************************************************************ The bond we have is special. It was forged at the worst of times while he was in the worst of conditions. It has led me to believe the only thing that can come out of pain is joy. Every so often, I sneak up on Crash and give him a gentle hug. He always smiled and returns it. I can never be angry with him, just as he is never upset with me. We seem to grow together, enjoying life like we've known each other since we were two. Best friends forever in time.... It would be crushing to lose Crash. End Suzie, Amber, Crash, and Marcus are © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])>