Mercenary: The Early Years Fixit: Shortie by Lone Wolf Narrated by Harris Milson I am Harris Milson, mechanic for the Jade Wolf and arguably the best god damn mech technician on HQ. It isn't just a job, just a career. It's much more for me. It's my only one true passion, my pride and joy, and a great way to pick up chicks. The mechs are my children. Crash's Dark Wolf is my son. Pyro and Slasher, Mohammed's mechs, are my grandkids. The one Chaos we own is the problem child, since it refuses to give me a decent day of work when I deal with it. And then there is the Bulldog, a project Crash and I have embarked upon. it's my committment, the one place you can almost always find me in my spare time. It's one of my life dreams come true. But it wasn't always like that.... ************************************************************************ "Fixit," Marcus called out. "Fixit!" Fixit was my nickname amongst the Wrecking Crew, mostly because I could fix damn near everything they gave me. Be it their missile launchers or even useless personal gadgets, I was the sole reason the Crew never really saw the local gun runner and 'munition's dealer. "Fixit!" He stepped under one of Shorty's mechs and grumbled. "How come you can never find him when you need him?" "Yeah chief?" He jumped back as I popped out, upside down, of the mech's service panel. He held his chest and grumbled something. "Don't fucking do that! You wanna give me a heart attack?!" I smirked and flipped out. There I was, 5'6", 145 pounds of 23 year old fox. I was in my standard uniform - my formerly bright, now permanently stained with oil orange jumpsuit. Man, those things could lose their sheen after a few weeks of roaming the inards of a mech! "Sorry chief. What do you need?" He smiled. "We got an old mech with a new recruit. It needs some sprucing up." I sighed. More work for me. I looked up on the mech I was working on. "I just need to realign the gyros. I'll be able to assess the new mech after I'm done." "Actually, before you do that, I would like you in my office. I'll be waiting there." "All right. See you in a few." He nodded and walked away. I shook my head. "I swear..." I grasped the lip of the service hatch and hoisted myself back inside. After a brief clean up and brushing (damn oil gets caught in my fur), I went up to Marcus' office. "Chief?" I asked as I peered inside. Amongst the piles of files and ammo crates, Marcus' desk sat. "Come in Fixit," he told me from behind his computer screen. I entered and maneuvered around the piles of crap. As soon as I got to his desk, he turned the screen to me. "Meet our new recruit," he said. The screen showed a vicious arctic wolf. It took a second for it to register. "That's the Ghandi dude who scared half of the Iron Tallon, most of Hellspawn, and a few of our guys shitless during that televised execution." "Yep. Mohammed now works for us." I shuddered. "He's quite reckless in battle, but that makes him damn effective. Too bad that means most of his equipment comes back damaged." I shook my head. "Sir, couldn't you give this one to another one of our mechanics?" He smirked. "Because you deserve a reward." A few seconds passed. "What?" "Go to the window and look in berth seven. That's his mech." I shrugged and went over to the window. I looked at our private berths. The first three were occupied by those new Commando mechs. I knew them well; they had their once over a week ago. Next to them, in berths four and five were Marcus' Excelsior and Hilander. They were my personal favorites, since I helped Marcus build them from scratch using his plans. Next to them was the mech I was just working on - Shorty's Sprite. All it was - I swear - was a midget Hilander with laser up the keister. Then came berth seven. My eyes widened as I saw the legend standing there. I looked at Marcus, looked at the mechs again, then at Marcus. "Winds?!" He nodded. "He has a WINDS MECH?!" He nodded again. I leaped into the air, my arms stretched in victory. "Finally! I get to learn about the legend." I started for the door, tripping over the stuff that was now scattered about. "What were his specifications? No, fuck that, I'd better get general repairs down first." I bumbled my way to the door. "Fixit." I turned to him. "Don't blow a cell. Calm down." The service platform lifted me into the air, heading for the panel on the mech's chest. Once we hit it up with some anti-rust agent and pried it open, I crawled in. There was no service tube! I had to crawl through the small ducts and wire forests to reach the service room, which was somewhere in the left arm. And it was one hell of a room! It must have been the main power core for the left arm cannon; a large focusing crystal was suspended in front of me. I looked around in amazement for a few minutes before looking for something that might have proved interesting. I found a small computer. I hesitated a bit before turning it on. The screen blinked. "Winds 6 mech internal diagnostic and repair systems online. Welcome. What can I do for you today?" I blinked. "Uh...could you give me a damage report?" The screen lit up with very fancy graphics depicting the winds. "All armor has been damaged to critical levels. Non-structural weapon systems have been stripped. Circuitry has all but been fried. Arm cannon are in fair condition and only require minor manual repairs. The crystals are slightly dusty." I smirked. A computer with a sense of humor was something I didn't really need. "Print out the repairs for the arm cannons. I'll get to the rest of the repairs after I'm done." "Unnescessary." I looked at the screen. "What?" "Unnescessary." "Why?" "Auto-repair systems can handle all structural and electrical damages." "Erm...okay." "Would you like to activate the auto-repair protocals?" "Yes, please." "Protocals activated. And you don't have to say please." "Hmph. What are you, artificial intelligence?" "I am DEE. Digitally Enhanced Entity." "Oh. My bad." "And you are? I do not recognize you." "I'm Fixit. Name says it all. Can I get to the parts of the arm cannons that require repair now?" "Of course Fixit. Welcome aboard." The piece of catawalk I was standing on suddenly shifted and floated over to the crystal. "You may also want to polish that crystal," DEE's voice boomed overhead. "If it's dusty, the beams are inefficient." I laughed. "Sure thing DEE. Welcome aboard." ************************************************************************ My mechs are my children. The new ones I treat like newborns (too bad the pilots can't do the same #@*! thing). The elder ones give me the aggrivation you'd expect from teenagers. And I have the ones I'm proud of - my prodegies. But to have worked on a work WITH a legend thanks to have learned about one of the greatest mechs of all time...I am proud of that... End Harris, Marcus, and DEE are © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])>