Betrayed: A Shortie by Lone Wolf ~He is just a fool~ The chamber of the council was darkened. There was no meeting that day. There was none scheduled. And yet, two men sat at the main council chamber, the single candle in the center their only companion. They said nae a word to each other. They were waiting for a third. At one end of the table was a large male lion. His chain mail armor rested cleanly on his shoulders, waiting patiently for a battle of some sort. On top of that was a crimson tunic, a symbol of high status, with an ornate symbol upon it. It was the same one as the candle sat upon. He tapped his fingers impatiently upon the table top. At the other end sat a wolf. He wasn't as big or as built as the other. He wore a suit of worn leather armor and, on top of that, a dark blue tunic with a second symbol upon it. He sat with his arms folded, his eyes shut, and his tail swaying nervously. The doors flew open. The lion looked to see who it was. The wolf remained silent; he knew who it was. The doors shut and a woman approached. She was a tigress, so she was naturally slim. She wore nothing but a shirt, her pants, and a tunic similar to that of the lion's. It was much shorter; his went down to his knees and hers barely made her waist. Both had the same symbol; they worked together. "Why have you called me sir?" she asked the lion. The lion pointed to the wolf. "He has requested your presence to discuss a small matter." He looked at the wolf warily. "I have a feeling he is quite serious about it and wants to solve this in the least violent way." She looked at the wolf and snorted. "Right. How many others have you brought Tobias?" The wolf said nothing and held out two fingers. A small glow eminated from it. He flicked it upwards and it grew, illuminating the room. The wall decorations reflected the light, if they could. The tapestries looked errie from the green glow that flooded the room. But that was all that was there. They were the only ones there. "And I assure you, Natasha, that there is nobody else besides myself that knows about it." "Fine, whatever." She leaned on the table. "What was so important that you just had to talk to my commander about." "Well, Natasha," the lion started. "It seems that-" Tobias got up. "Don't bother, sir. I would like to explain the situation to her myself. I would appreciate it if you were only a mediator." The lion nodded. "Understood." Tobias opened his eyes and looked at Natasha. "Nykki, I want to know something." "What?" "What's wrong with you?" "What do you mean?" "When you walked into the tavern the other day, you were a little irate. You're the kind that would take insults with stride. But no, you went and just about keelhauled the poor sap I was with. And then when I tried to make peace with you, you went all balistic." "Yeah, so?" "Nykki, I respect you. I always have, and I always will. I just want to know, what's wrong?" She let out a growl. "I see. So this is how it has to be." He shut his eyes and took his tunic off. He folded it up neatly and set it on the table. He then reached behind his back, unbuckled the straps on his armor, and took that off. "Don't do it, man!" the lion said, a little startled at his actions. "She'll kill you." "I'm aware of that, sir." He set the armor on top of the tunic. "And I know the risks. But I am willing to take it." He stood there, nothing protecting his chest, stomach, or anywhere above the waist for that matter. "If you feel the need to hit me when we're talking, Natasha, feel free to do so." She was startled at his declaration. "I...I..." She shook her head. "If you insist." "I don't insist. I just want you to do it if you have to." She nodded. "I want to know, why did you come in and act the way you did? Was it because of how you were greeted?" "No, it's not that." "I know you misunderstood how I greeted you. I know you took it as something else." "It's okay Tobias," she growled. "Was it how the other guy who was with me acted? He's only 12, so you have to forgive him. He doesn't know any better." "Tobias, don't push it." "Then tell me what's wrong." He stood erect, as if he were expecting a shot to the ribs. "Nothing's wrong Tobias." She tightened her fist. "Is it because I've changed the guild?" Her hand jerked forward, planting a perfect blow to his face. He staggered back a little, but was able to recover. "Is it because I'm actually popular with some of the members?" She winced and socked him in the stomach. He fell to one knee and coughed up a crimson liquid - blood. He shook his head and got back up. "Please, just tell me. I want to make it all better." "Shut up!" She raked her claws across his face. "Natasha!" the lion shouted, standing up. "Stop it." "No!" Tobias responded. "I want it to be this way. Do not stop her." "Why?" Natasha asked. "Why do you want it this way?" He turned his gaze from the lion to her, catching her stare. "I want to show you what I will endure to find out what is wrong." He ran his finger across his face, right through the blood, and tasted it. "I never thought I would see the day you drew blood from me." "Stop it Tobias. I don't want to do this to you." "I don't care Nykki. I'm worried about you." He approached her. "You've changed a lot since you left. I don't know what to say anymore. I still respect you and, well, I still feel for you like I always have, but I don't know what to make of your new attitude." He took her hand. "Please. I want to make it all good again. I want you to be the like the old you, the happy, seemingly care free Nykki." "And what's wrong with me now?" She looked him defiantly in the eye. "I think it was the other guy who put it right. I don't want to admit it, but you are acting like a real bitch towards-" His last words were cut off. She had wrenched her hand free and punched him in the stomach again. He coughed up blood onto the carpet. But, instead of reeling back in pain, he took her arm in both his hands and slowly started to push it in towards himself. "I'm sorry Nykki, for anything the guild and I have done to upset you." "T-Tobias?" She pulled her hand away. He fell to his knees, holding his gut. "Are...are you okay?" He pulled both hands away. Blood slowly trickled out of a wound. Her claws had sunk in. "A s...stomach wound. Not bad. That's what I expected out of girl." He ran a finger through the wound, wincing only slightly. "Nice. It appears if I don't get to a healer in fifteen minutes, I'll die." "No..." She backed away slowly. He fell onto his side. "I'm...I'm sorry." "No, it's okay Natasha. This is how I was expecting it to go." The lion approached him. "Can I get you anything?" "A healer would be..." He curled up as a pain overtook him. The lion nodded and ran for the door, hoping to find a guard or a healer. Natasha, a little shocked at her own actions, kneeled beside him. He looked up at her weakly and smiled. "Feel better, my dear?" "No..." "Why not? Because you hurt me? It's all right." He took her hand. "I don't want you to be mad at yourself. I brought this on me, remember?" "Yeah, but you did it to find out why I've been acting like the way I have." "That's only because I'm worried about you, my dear." He kissed her hand. "I'm more than willing to take these blows to make sure you're okay." "I don't want you to do that. Look what happened to you?" He laughed weakly. "I'm strong. I'll survive. Don't forget, I was trained by the best." He winked playfully at her before passing out. Her eyes widened. She took his head in her arms and cradled it. At that moment, the lion returned, a healer close on his heels. She looked up at him and smiled. "He's barely alive. Can he be saved?" The healer approached Tobias and looked him over. "I think it can be done. Are you sure you want to do this?" She smiled and nodded. The healer nodded and set his hands above the wound. He sent his healing energies into Tobias, and the wound slowly closed. Natasha kept Tobias in her arms while the healer worked. She tried her best to comfort him. She had caused him pain. She felt awful about it. "I'm sorry...." End This story was sparked by a round of rollplaying. This was a POSSIBLE result of that one little session. Natasha is based on a roleplaying character who is © Lynn, one of the coolest ladies out there. Tobias (my RP character) is © me.