Shortie by Lone Wolf

~Don't you know that I'm alive for you?~

Ripples appeared in the Water from the rocks that fell off the side of the bridge. The reflections in the river distored, waivering with each of the disturbances. It gave everything a surreal beauty. But some things were beautiful alone.

The young skunkette stood, peering off the railing into the water. Tears streamed from her eyes, dripping down onto the metal barrier keeping her from a watery grave below. She watched her reflection. She hated what she saw. She edged another rock off the side with her foot, watching it splash into the water. She sighed and shut her eyes.
"Hey!" A voice called.
"No," she muttered. She opened her eyes and turned to look. "No..." She saw a negaskunk rushing up towards her. She looked to the bridge edge, wondering if she should hurl herself over it now.
"Don't!" he shouted. He tripped, stumbling a bit and falling at her feet. "Please, don't jump."
She helped him to his feet. "Why? Why shouldn't I jump?"
"It's not worth it..."
"Same thing with life." She looked him in the eyes, tears clouding hers.
"That's not true, you know it." He took her hands.
"It's perfectly true. Life is...just more unfair to some people than others. People like me, who don't deserve happiness." She pulled her hands away and turned her back to him. "Just go and find someone else. I'm a loser. A lost cause."
"How is life unfair?" She didn't answer. "You've got friends. You've got your health. You've got a roof over your head and food in your belly." He stepped closer. "You have my undivided love. You know that. Why are you unhappy?"
She didn't answer.
A white furred hand graced her shoulder. "Then..."
She pulled away and stepped over to the railing. "Leave me alone!" she cried as she hoisted herself over and onto the narrow ledge there. "Just let me die!" She watched him through teary eyes as he stepped over to the railing next to her.
"Fine," he said, choking back a sob. "You want to die, fine." He did something she didn't expect, and flat out shocked her.
He climbed over the railing and stood next to her.
She looked at him. "What are you doing?"
He sniffed. "If you want to leap to your death..." He stopped for a moment, trying to collect himself. "Then I'm coming with you."
"What?!" She cleared away some tears. " has been good to you. You're going to college. You have a good job..."
"I do it all for you!" he interrupted. "Everything I do to earn a few dollars...I do it for you. If you die, than I have no reason to live."
"Then find someone else. Give yourself another reason."
Tears started down his face. "I don't want another." He slipped his hand into hers. "I want you and you alone." He looked down into the water and took a deep breath. "Whenever you're ready, love."
She squezzed his hand. ", you can't." She moved closer. "It's not worth it."
"What's not worth it?" His voice quaked with anger, fear, and sadness. "I love you more than anything. You are my universe. And if I have to prove it to you by leaping with you to my death..." He let go of a soft sob. "I'll see you on the other side, angel." He leaned over and gave her a gentle, loving kiss.

That broke her heart.

"I can't do it," she wailed. She carefully fell into his arms. "I can't have that blood on my hands!"
"'s okay." She cried into his chest. "Let's climb back over the railing, where it's safer." She nodded and held onto him as they both climbed back over. Onve she knew they were safe, she leaned against it and started sliding down it. He followed with her, trying his best to comfort her.
"I'm sorry," she weeped into his chest. "I'm sorry."
They slumped up against it. "It's okay. I'm not mad." He gave her a loving hug, refusing to let go of her. "I'm not mad. I'm just happy you're okay..."

The lighted peeked through the motel window. The cozy little bed and breakfast was a god sent for them. The sunlight wrested them from their slumber, waking them to a wonderful surprose. She smiled and nestled herself in his arms. "I...I want to thank you," she whispered. "You stopped me from making a horrible mistake." She sighed. "I still feel like jumping."
He stroked her arm gently. "Then I'm coming with."
She smiled and nuzzled his chest. "I said I feel like it. I didn't say I was going to try." She leaned up and kissed his cheek. He smiled and kissed back. They didn't want to get up. They were too comfortable. They wanted to forget the previous night adn the entire day. They wanted to relax, to love each other.

It was far too early to see the bridge again.


This material is © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])>