The Bubble: Shortie by Lone Wolf ~We'll check up on him in fifteen minutes~ His world had become a lot warmer and slimier. All he could feel was the warm gel that surrounded his body, flowing through his fur, the wires that were attached to his body, each with it's own function, and the plastic mask that was firmly attached to his muzzle, pumping pure oxygen into his body. That was all he could feel. He knew he was in one of the medi-spheres aboard the flag ship Empyrion. The six foot diameter plastic shell was only one of five miracle machines on the ship used to nuse those who were critically injured when out in space. The goo merely suspended what he suspected was his battered body. He was curled up slightly, just so he would be comfortable. He couldn't open his eyes. The goo denied him that right. His eyes were somewhat glued shut. All he could smell, all he could taste, was the oxygen being forced into his system. There was nothing to feel. All he could do was listen to the muffled sounds, hampered by the thick gelatin, outside the bubble. "How's he doing, doctor?" the soft voice of his girlfriend, a beautiful young wolf from engineering, asked. "We've stabilized his vitals signs," the doctor told her. "His bones are mending nicely. However, we have had little brain activity." "D-doctor?" "He's still alive and functioning. He's just out cold." She sighed. "Please, honey, get better." He could feel a little pressure on the shell. "Please don't touch the shell," a third voice said. "This is very delicate machinery." He tried to move his mouth to say something, but was too weak to do so. He gave up on that idea and relaxed again. "Hold up," a fourth voice said. "I just saw something." Keys were pressed in rapid succession and monitors were checked. "Brain activity is up 20% since she touched the shell. "Honey?!" his girlfriends voice called out. He forced himself to reach blindly in her direction. The gel presented extreme resistance for his ruined system. "He's responding! Honey!" "His muscular structure is highly damaged. He shouldn't move unless he wants..." The rest of the sentence was lost to him in a wave of pain. He could feel two hands placed up against the bubble. "Please, don't hurt yourself." He stopped almost instantly. The goo pushed his arms back into place. The effort to move, to respond, was far too much for him.... When he came around again, the tough, unyeilding gel had been replaced with a warm, less restraining water bath. His body remained - not forcably curled up - but suspended freely in what seemed to be space. He slowly opened his eyes - it was still an effort to do so - and saw his world. The water was a shade of light blue he never knew existed. Everything looked distorted, warped by the liquid. His surreal world was filled with white coated blobs moving about, watching their post-modern art looking machines. But one thing stood out and looked almost as it should have. His girl. She watched him silently, her eyes locked on his body. He could see it in her eyes - she was worried for him. Despite the warping of the liquid, he could tell her face was matted with tears. Her hands were held together in silent prayer, hoping he would become better. He couldn't see her like that. He had to let her know he was fine. He started a labored attempt to move a hand. It wasn't much at first, but soon it was enough to catch her attention. He smiled - though she couldn't see it though the mask - and waved. She smiled a bit and waved back. He shut his eyes and moved his hands, speaking in sign language: "" She smiled, tears coming to her eyes, and signed back: "How do you feel?" "I...feel...wet...and...warm..." She giggled, catching the attention of one of the techs. She continued: "Other than that, silly." "Lovely..." "Why?" "I...can'" She smiled. "I miss you." "" By this time, a whole bunch of techs and medics had gether, watching them as they had their conversation. When they finished, the head tech smiled and said something. He couldn't understand it - the water did a fantastic job at warping his hearing as well as his sight. The tech looked to his girl and said something to her. She nodded and signed: "He wants to know if you're feeling any better?" He looked at him and gave him a piece of sign language everyone knows. She smirked. "I take it that's a yes." "" The tech laughed and said something. His girl smiled and looked to him. "What...did...he...say?" "He said you should relax. You'll be into a regular medical unit in a week." "Oh...great...I' ...when...I...get...out...of...this...thing..." She laughed, the sound making everything vibrate warmly. "Stop that." "It's...true..." "Relax and try to stay calm." "" "Okay. You rest now." He shut his eyes and let his muscles relax. Again, he was suspended in seemingly nothingness. His mind even stopped for a moment as he tried to collect himself. He had a week to float around and do nothing. He started to fall asleep. His dreams would be his companion until the next time the hottie from engineering stopped by to say hi. He knew that they would stir up another sign conversation. But he knew it was well worth the wait. It was either that or just float there. End This material is © <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])>