Daisy Chains: Shortie by Lone Wolf ~And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear~ The evening sky was painted in it's usual vibrant colors, flowing smoothly from the violently beautiful reds to the soothing yellows. The clouds hovered overhead, their purple forms threatening to break into a storm at the slightest provocation. They only added to the beauty that was already there. Right under the old willow tree up on the hill was the best to view this sight. The young otter knew this. He hadn't missed a sunset in three years. This evening was no different. Again, like he had done every night since his brother died, he sat down at the base of the three, hugging one knee to his chest, a crown of daisies atop his head. The sun set. The show was over. He sighed and got up. He looked to the horizon and smiled. "See you tomorrow night, old friend," he told the last glints of light that were struggling to reach him. "Enjoy your slumber." He turned around and started to the village. "Who are you talking to?" He spun around to face who was talking to him. "The sun, of course. You should know me by now." The young ferret leaned on the tree, a smirk painted upon her face. Even her soft, green eyes laughed at him. "You shouldn't do that. What if it answers back?" "When that day comes, I know my time will be then." He took the daisy chain crown off of his head. "What're you doing here Nei?" She smiled and walked over to him. "I was looking for you. I was a little worried about you." He took her hand. "I'm sorry Angel." "Why is it you always come here at sunset?" He looked to the horizon again. The last glints of light were long gone. He sighed. "I promised my brother that I would..." She nodded. "I'm sorry." "It's okay. You don't need to be." He sat back down under the tree. She quickly followed, sitting down right next to him. "What's on your mind?" She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. "Nothin'. I'm just... ya know....curious...." "About what?" She took the daisy chain from his hands. "Well, for one thing, why do you always wear this thing?" "I don't always." He took it back. "It's a new one. Made it today." She took it back. "Well, why do you always wear a daisy chain?" "Because that's what his favorite flowers were. Don't you remember?" "Yeah. I guess." He smirked. "How about I make you a daisy chain crown?" "Nah..." She handed him a basket filled with Violets. "How about a crown of these?" He laughed. "But of course!" He didn't waste anytime and took up the first five flowers. He cleared the stems of leaves and other things that would interfere with his work and quickly wove them together. He held it with two fingers as he reached for the next blossom. His nimble fingers stripped the stem clean and quickly added the new addition to the chain. It went like that for a full five minutes: pick up a flower, strip it clean, and weave it in. It didn't take long for him to finish the crown. "There we go!" He set it on her head, looked at her, and laughed. "You look like the queen of the woods with that on!" She smiled and set his daisies back on his head. "I guess that would make you my king." He grinned. "Don't I wish!" He leaned back on the tree, resting his head on his hands, his tail laying down on his lap. But instead of joining him, she got up. "We should head back to the village. They might be worried about us." He sighed and got up. "Oh, all right." He offered her his arm to hang onto. She smiled and took it. He looked once more at the sky. The stars were out in full force. They glittered and twinkled like little gems. He smiled and pointed. "Look Nei. It appears that my brother's trying to make a chain of his own flowers." She looked and smiled. "Yeah. I guess he still doesn't want to be left out on our fun." He nodded. "Let's go." He looked at the stars again and smiled. "Good night brother. Have fun." End See what a good mood will do for your writing? Sirrenna, thanks for putting me in a good mood! :)