Day Off: Shortie by Lone Wolf The buildings seemed pretty omnious that afternoon. They hovered overhead, watching the skunkette as she made her way through the streets. She was used to being boxed in like this, but for some reason, today they were all but ready to pounce on her. She leaned against the side of a building to take a little breather. She straightened out her shirt, which fit snuggly on her body, and dusted off her loose fitting pants. "How the hell did I manage to do this?" she muttered to herself. She had only been walking through the streets, and yet she was covered in a fine layer of dust. "I amaze myself...." "Excuse me, ma'am?" her attention was quickly drawn to the voice. There, standing before her, was a male negaskunk (a rarity in that day). He was dressed like any ordinary guy would be. That is, if that guy was a corporate executive on casual Friday. His jeans appeared to fit him comfortably. His white, short sleeve, button down shirt was complimented by the gray vest he wore over it. As a final compliment, his hair was pulled back in a small spike of a pony tail. She was so amazed by his looks that she didn't notice that she was staring at him. "'am?" She snapped back into reality and grabbed her head. "Hmm?" "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine." She added a weak smile to her statement. "Good. You look a little lost." That weak smile quickly turned. "Eh...yeah. I'm looking for a place to eat. Gotta kill some time, ya know?" "Oh sure." He pointed down the street. "There's a lovely little diner down on 86th street. They serve up some damn fine BBQ." What luck! "Thank you kindly." "My pleasure." He smiled and went in the other direction. She watched him as he did, totally wrapped up in his looks. The guy was right; the diner served some of the best BBQ she'd tasted in ages. She was still licking the sauce from the chicken from her fingers as she left. Her hunger now satisfied, she decided it was best to continue to continue her day off with something she enjoyed. Her somewhat weary feet led her to the small building. Above the door, a simple sign sat, doing it's job: A.J.'s Professional Massage Parlor "What a way to cap off the day," she told herself. She brushed herself off once more before grasping the handle of the glass door and pulling it open. The reception room was pretty desolate. It was always like that on Thursdays. It also meant that A.J. would probably be able to see her right away. That thought, of course, put a smile on her face. She approached the receptionist, who was sitting there idly filing away at her nails. "Good afternoon," she said in a soft, yet firm tone. The receptionist looked up from her 'work.' "Can I help you?" "Yes, I have an appointment today with A.J." She reached into her pants pocket and removed a little card, which she promptly handed to the receptionist. The receptionist looked it over, tapped something into the computer that sat on the desk, and returned the card to her. "What's wrong?" "A.J. is out sick today. I'm sorry Miss Moire." "Don't call me Miss Moire. It makes me sound old." She sighed and sat down on the desk, her back to the receptionist. "So much for a great day." "Well..." She hesitated a little. "...Mia, we do have a new masseuse on hand, if you wish to give him a try." She started to scratch the back of her head. "I'm not so sure..." "He's absolutely great. Everyone who's been to him has spoken godly words about him. I've even had the pleasure of experiencing his hands." "If you say so. Let me at least meet him before I reject him." The receptionist nodded and went into the back, leaving Mia to her seat on the desk. "Mia," the receptionist said a few moments later. "I'd like you to meet Scott." She started to turn around to look. "It's a pleasure t' meet-" She wasn't going to finish her sentence. Standing in the doorway was the negaskunk from before, vest, shirt and all. He finished wiping his hands into a paper towel and tossed it into the waste basket. "So we meet again, my dear. Did you enjoy lunch?" She smiled. "I did. I must thank you for pointing me to that diner." Her tongue went over her teeth as she got up and walked over to him. "I'm Mia Moire." She held out a friendly hand. He smiled and took it. "I'm Scott McNeil. It's a pleasure." Their hands stayed interlocked for a little. "Um....I suppose now you'll let my hand go so you can go change into something a little more comfortable. That is, if you want me to do my job." She smiled, a little embarrased at her actions, and let go. "Yeah. Sure." He smiled. "Why are you so nervous? I'll be gentle." He winked at her playfully. She smirked. "I'm not nervous." She pushed him aside and went into one of the back rooms. She stood, nude, in front of the full body mirror in the changing room. Her street clothes were already folded and put away. She had her three bathrobes all ready to be tried on. But she had no clue which one she was going to wear. She really wanted to impress Scott. It wasn't like her to act like this, but this guy had her attention caught. She watched her reflection for a little bit, summing herself up before she picked up the first one on the pile, her deep red one with the fluffy collar, and tried it on, letting the front open. She looked at the mirror and frowned. "This makes me look too bloody fat." She took it off and tossed it aside. The next one she tried on was her pink one with the little cotton rose that perched right where her left breast would poke out. She looked at the mirror, pinched it shut at mid chest, and frowned. "Makes me look like a fruit cup." It quickly joined it's red companion. "I hope this one is the one," she said, picking up the last robe and putting it on. The pale sky blue bathrobe was probably her favorite. It was a plain bathrobe - no frills, no fabric flowers, no nothing. She looked at the mirror again. She pinched it shut at mid chest. "Oh yes," she said with a smile. "This will do the job." She tied it shut with the soft belt that accompanied it and went out in search of Scott. "Scott?" She opened the door to A.J.'s side parlor, where she was usually taken care of. "Scott? You in here?" "Yeah," his voice called from the washroom. "Just grab a seat. I'll be with you in a moment!" Not wanting to disappoint him, she went over to the padded table and sat down on it. She leaned forward, resting her arms on her knees. She let one side of the robe remain open, showing off a little leg. Perhaps it was on purpose. Perhaps not. "So you're the one that A.J. is always talking about," Scott said. "Yeah." Something clicked in. "He talks about me?" "Oh yes." He stepped out and leaned in the doorframe. "He's said so much about you. Like about how your always a pleasure to work on." He saw the leg she was showing off and smiled. "He also said that you were a flirt on occasion. I didn't believe him at first..." She blushed somewhat and covered herself up. "Don't worry, it's okay." "If you say so." "I know so. I'm gonna get to see your back anyway, right?" He winked. "Well, let's get to work." He grabbed a pillow and brought it over to her. "You'll be needing this." She took it curiously. "Why?" "Well, after the first few moments, you'll understand." He winked playfully at her. She smiled. "And are you this friendly with all of your customers?" He nodded and motioned to the table. "Oh, all right. Turn around so I can lose this robe." "Really now? Do you not trust me that much?" He slowly turned around. "On second thought..." She smiled and pulled the robe off while she was sure he was still looking. "I've always done it for your boss." He smiled. "And he was right about you being playful. Just take the pillow and lay it so it's right under the table. I suppose you'll need to be able to hold it tightly, so make sure it's in a comfortable position." "If you say so." She layed down on her belly, putting the pillow where he told her. "Like this?" "Yes." He chuckled. "I could have sworn that it was standard policy that the customer wears shorts or something when this is going on." She looked at him. "Obviously, you didn't read the clause they named after me." "Obviously not. Now, relax. This won't take very long." She took a deep breath and let every muscle in her body go. Seconds later, Scott's hand came to rest on her shoulders. "Ready?" "Go ahead." No sooner after those were were uttered, his hands started to move. He had rested his hip up against the side of the table and was ready for her command. He started on her shoulder, using firm, but gentle circular motions. She quickly tensed up. "Relax." She did as she was told. He continued a little longer, slowing his pace down, before starting down her back. She let out a couple of pleasured moans as he worked, hugging the pillow tightly to the bottom of the table. He smiled and worked on her back, using his palms to "carve" paths into her back. It took only 15 minutes, but she was in heaven. "F-fingertips." "Hmm?" "U-use your f-fingertips." "I'm not sure...." She reached up and grabbed his wrists. "Please." "All right. If you insist. Pick your pillow up please." She did so. "Here we go." He copied the previous motions, only this time, his fingertips did all the work. Each stroke seemed to touch an individual nerve, which sent all sorts of pleasured feelings through her body and forced out of her so many moans, groans, and gurgles. His fingers took a life of their own and trailed down to her sides. That crossed the line for her. She rolled onto her side and grabbed his wrists again. "What the hell are you doing?" "I...I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." "Were your hands going down my sides?!" "Yes," he squeaked. "I'm sorry." She smiled. "It's okay. I'm not that mad." She rolled onto her back and rested her head on her hands. One knee instantly went up into the air. "They were right. You are fantastic." He smiled. "Thank you for the kind words." He turned away. "Do you think you" He motioned to the bathrobe. She laughed. "You act like you've never seen this before." "Actually...." "Oh." She got off the table and put her bathrobe on again. She smiled. "Thank you for the massage." "It's my pleasure. You know who to pay." She hesitated to close up her robe. "I wish I could have someone like you at home. Guess I'll never get that, eh?" He chuckled nervously. "I wouldn't mind doing for someone like you." He scratched the back of his head. "That would be a dream job." She leaned on the table, her robe opening a little more. "Scott, may I ask you a question?" "Sure, go ahead." She started to ask, but stopped. "No, never mind. I'm sorry." He turned to look at her. "Can I ask you something?" "Sure." "What are you doin' Saturday night?" She smiled. "Are you asking me out?" "I know it against policy to do this, and my boss is going to kill me...." "I don't know. It sounds like a good idea." He perked up. "You think? Can I get your number?" She smiled, found a pad of paper and a pen, and wrote it down for him. "Thank you, Mia." "If it's all right by you, swing by my place around 6:30 Saturday night. The address is there as well." She tied her belt up and started to the door. She stopped and leaned in the doorway, looking to him. "Yes indeed. I think you're gonna replace A.J. just fine." He blushed a little. "Don't I at least get a tip or something?" That was asking for it! She strutted over to him. "Do you really want a tip?" "It wouldn't hurt. I mean, something small, maybe a few singles would do." She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek, totally shocking him. "That's not what I meant." She let go of him and stood up straight. "Did you at least enjoy it?" "Uh...yeah." She smiled. "Good. See you on Saturday." She went to the door, this time, not stopping as she made her way into the changing room. End Mia Moire is © Chad Burbide Scott McNeil is © Lone Wolf Posted with the permission of Chad Burbidge.