Guilty Pleasures: Shortie by Lone Wolf A pair of nimble hands reached out for the faucet handles. With a little bit of strength, they twisted, turning the shower on. The hands tested the water temperature. "Ah! Too hot!" The quickly fiddled with the handles, causing the blistering water to cool greatly. Another test and the young fennec fox allowed himself to step in. He sighed happily as the warm waters crawled down his body, every space in his fur becoming a viable pathway for the soothing stream. He looked forward at the tiled wall and held an arm. It'd been a tough day at the salt mines. His boss seemed to want reports done before he mentioned 'em. To top it off, security was having problems with some intruder, so that made things even better. He rested a hand against the wall and sighed. Only one thing could make him feel better right now. He shut his eyes and imagined his lover. He could see the five foot, eight inch tall raccoon in front of him. He could see the playful twinkle in his emerald eyes, the gentle mannerisms he loved so much, and that ringed tail he loved to pounce and cuddle from time to time. He could feel his gentle touch, his soft fur, and that loving embrace. He could imagine the short, yet so perfect, piece of meat he called a penis. He stopped and looked down on himself. His musings had aroused his own unit from it's sheath. It stood there, errect, proud, and pink. He ran a finger across the tip, wiping a little of the pre-cum off. He slowly brought it to his lips and licked it off. That instantly brought to mind thoughts of his lover's taste. Oh yes, that lovely, milky cum of his. He quivered at the very thought. How he did love those little treats. He mhrred slightly as he reached down... He stopped himself, blushing slightly. Should I, he thought. Should I engage in such a guilty pleasure? He looked to the shower curtain and sighed. He knew, unfortunately, that he would have to if he wanted satisfaction from his musings. He came home at an inhumane hour each night, and his lover was usually in bed by that time. He looked down at his meat stick and sighed. "No pleasure for you tonight," he sighed, watching it droop. He felt someone move into the shower with him. "Maybe," the familiar voice said. He felt a pair of gentle arms wrap around him in the way he loved it. "Maybe not." The fennec leaned back against the raccoon, his tail swaying happily. "What are you doing up, Michael?" "Waiting for you, Jason," the raccoon cooed into his ears. He gave Jason a loving hug. "What are you doing here?" "Taking the shower I usually do to calm down after working at the slave pits." "Ah." There was a brief moment of silence. "May I join you?" The fennec craned his head back to look up into those green pools he loved so much. "If you give me a kiss, I'll think about it." Michael smiled, turned Jason around to face him, and gave him a tender, loving kiss. They let it linger a little bit before breaking. Jason smiled and turned to return to the position he was just in. "Of course you can stay with me." "Good." He nuzzled his cheek. "We should do this more often." He sighed. "We can't. You've got work in the mornings. I don't want you to go to work tired." "Hmm...that morning shift is a problem. We should do something about it." Jason looked up at him again. "What's on your mind?" Michael smiled. "Good news." "Oh?" His tail stopped swaying. "What 'good news' are you talking about?" "They gave the morning shift to a trainee. I've been moved to your shift." "R-really?" His tail began to sway quickly. "You mean it?" "I walk in the door five minutes after you do." Jason quickly spun around, put his arms around Michael's neck, and gave him a passionate kiss. "I take it you approve," he said, once Jason's lips released their kung-fu grip on his. "If you have a shower ready when I get home, I'll be more than happy to join you." "I will, lover." "Good." He turned the fennec back around and wrapped his arms around him once more. "I say we celebrate, don't you young one?" His hands ran down his soft belly fur and to the elongated peace of meat. Jason's breath tensed as delicate raccoon fingers wrapped themselves around it and gave it a gentle tug... Weary fennec fingers reached forth to turn the shower on. The shower head sputtered as it typically did before errupting with the warm, soothing waters. Jason, as with too many other nights, stepped into the spray and sighed happily. Work had been hell - again. But he was still thankful. It was over, and now he was going to get his reward. "You ready?" Michael's voice called from the other side of the curtains. Jason quivered in joy. Just those very words were enough to turn him on. He peered through the curtains at his lover and smiled. "Yes, Michael. C'mon in." End This has been the debut of <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])> first gay male pair in celebration of Lone Wolf's discovery of himself and his bisexuality. Jason and Michael are © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])>