Diana's Change: Shortie by Lone Wolf I don't have to tell you this. But I'll say it anyway. I live around some really loose women. Well, with the amount of time they spend with me and my buddy Samuel, it's more like they live with us. And these four women - Ashley, Diana, Shanon, and Jessica - are very loose. When they come to visit, which is a daily thing, they come sporting shorts, belly shirts, tank tops, and whatever else you can think of that covers them sparingly. It really doesn't bother me or Samuel. We rather enjoy it, even if it is just a show. I'm not going to lie; I have an open casual sexual relationship with Ashley and Diana. I'm still not sure what Samuel has with Shanon and Jessica, but I'm pretty sure it's along those lines as well. So it's not a big deal when we see these four in barely anything. It would be a shock to us if they came in wearing decent dresses and, god forbid, business suits.... "Lone Wolf..." Diana's sweet voice called to me one day. I was at the little counter that seperated the kitchen from our living room, so that meant my back was to the door. "I need your opinion...." I chuckled. She probably had nothing on. "Sure beautiful," I said, turning to face her. "What do you-?" I blinked. Was I seeing things? I shook my head and looked again. No, my sight was still good. She was standing there in a white blouse, a blue, long sleve jacket, and a dress that went right with it. She was in a business suit! "Well? What do you think?" "Diana...I don't know what to say! You're so....conservative! What's with the monkey suit?" She smiled. "Well, with you and Samuel out at work until 3 every day, it gets kinda boring around here. Ashley, Shanon, and Jessica all have hobbies. I don't. So I decided to join you in the work force." She came over to me and sat down on the next stool. "You did? That's great to hear! What kind of job?" "Ah, you know, secretary work. You know how my fingers are." She winked at me. I chuckled. Oh, she could use her fingers fine! "I start today. You wanna walk me to work?" I chuckled. "We've got ten more minutes. I'd be happy to. Where you need to go?" "Some building...the Ibila building, I believe." "Ha! That's right across the street from the office where I work!" "You work with the Ikashi Architect company, that's right!" She chuckled. "Well, I'll try to wave to you when I see you from the window." I laughed and kissed her. She smiled and wrapped her arms around me. "Let's not get into that now. We'll be late for work, and it wouldn't be a good first impression for me, now would it?" "Of course not." I packed away all of my plans. "Shall we love?" The day was pretty uneventful in the morning. The guys at the office were just about drooling over my plans for the new enviroment friendly office building. They said it was perfect. My boss, on the other hand, hated them. "We can't have the trees getting in the way of construction," he said. "The whole bottom floor is a waste." I tried to explain to him that we could build around them easily, but old brick head said I had to do the designs over. I spent the rest of the time until lunch redoing the plans. When lunch eventually rolled around, I decided to treat myself to something fattening, and hit the local McBurger place. I ordered my food, paid the bill, and looked to find a seat. And there, all by herself, was Diana! I smiled and hurried over. "This seat taken beautiful?" She looked up at me. Almost instantly, her eyes lit up. "Of course, you hunk of a man!" I sat down across from her. "How has your day been?" "Ah, the boss shot down my plans for the office building." "Oh, the one that would be built around the trees?" I nodded. "Aww... those were good designs. Well, I thought they were good." I smiled. "Thank you." I took a bite out of my burger. "So how has your day gone so far?" "Oh, it's gone well. It turns out I'm not really a secretary. They just needed someone to create flyers and banners for them. I signed up with some activist group." She downed a few fries. "But it's great pay. And besides, I get to make some poor guy's life miserable!" I laughed. "That's the Diana I know!" I leaned closer and kissed her cheek. "Well, let's just enjoy our lunch. We won't be able to see each other until 3, remember?" She nodded and we ate, chatting merrily. Three o'clock rolled around. I packed up my plans and the ones I had been working on into my briefcase and left for home. I, of course, waited for Diana to get out of work so we could walk home together. We took the scenic route, the long, winding country road that inevitably lead us home. "So how do you like the working world Diana?" I asked her as we went along. "Is it everything you expect it to be?" She leaned on me. "Oh yeah...it's the kick that I need to keep sane. Thank you for being supportive." I smiled and kissed her. "You're more than welcome, Angel." We passed by a wooded area. She smiled and stopped. I stopped and looked at her. "What's wrong?" She smiled, reached into her jacket, and pulled out her panties. "What do you say you and I go disturb this peaceful forest?" I smiled and took my tie off. I offered my hand and lead her into the underbrush. I arrived home later than usual, which upset Samuel. "What took you so long man?" he asked as I walked in. "You're never this late." I looked at the clock. "It's only ten minutes Sammy. Cool it." I went over to the table and put my briefcase down. "Well, I want to know, why so late?" "Here's a hint: Diana got a job across the street from the office." He quirked a brow. "Oh?" "Yeah." "I guess that means you two walked home together. Action?" I laughed. "Piece of advice. You know the woods by the country road?" He nodded. "Take Shanon and Jessica there." "Oooh! Thanks man!" I chuckled. "So how's the construction site?" "Ah, it's going miserably. Those pesky protesters keep getting in the way. Makes it impossible to get the heavy machinery in without crushing a few of them." He poured himself out a little vodka and sipped at it. "But enough of that, how did the meeting with the boss go?" I stretched. "The boss shot down my plans for the tree friendly building." "Ah damn it! That pig doesn't know the true beauty of nature." "Amen to that!" I got up and went for the door. "Where you off to?" I looked at him and grinned. "To take a bath man. I need it." It went like that for two weeks. I eventually hammered out a design that the boss approved of. The plans were quickly sent to the interested company. And Diana's job seemed to be getting better and better. The activist group seemed to have taken a shine to her and were using her multiple talents to work their wonders. Then came the two big pieces of news. It was on the weekend when I got a phone call from my boss. "Really?" I asked him. "Really," he responded. "They're your plans, you oversee the construction." "All right sir. Thanks. Take care." I hung the phone up. "Who was that?" Diana asked. "My boss. He wants me to oversee the construction of a building." The phone rang again. "Hold on." I went and answered it. "Wolf residence. Lone Wolf speaking." "Is Diana around?" "Hold on a second." I gave the phone over to Diana and sat down. All I could hear was her end of the conversation. "Hello...oh, hey Oscar. What can I do for you?...Really?...You want me to do what?...Oh, no. I...I couldn't...You really trust me for that?...Okay. I will...Take care. Buh-bye." She hung up the phone and raised her hands into the air triumphantly. "YES!" I chuckled. "What happened Diana?" She came over and sat down on my lap. "They want me to lead my first protest!" "Congrats hun!" I kissed her. "So when is this rally?" "Tomorrow." "All right." I kissed her again. "You should go and get some sleep so you'll be full of energy tomorrow." She nuzzled my neck. "Can't I stay with you tonight?" I couldn't resist it. "But knowing us, we'd probably make whoopie again and that'd tire us out." She kissed my cheek. "I promise not to turn you on Lone Wolf. Don't worry." I chuckled. "Oh, all right! You can stay." She smiled and kissed me. I had a big day too, so we decided to retire for the night. I dropped Diana off at her office before going to my own. I got my equipment and had Samuel drive me over to the site. They were just getting ready to start the demolition of the trees. "This is the part of the job I hate," I muttered. "Hey," Samuel reminded me for the umpteenth time. "It's either this or we flip burgers." I nodded and got out of the car. He drove off for his construction site and his protesters. I found the foreman and we started to go over the plans. As we were getting ready to begin work, we heard the all to familiar chanting of protest from outside his port-a-office. "I'll handle this," I told him. I left the trailer and went around to confront the unruly mob. "Don't kill the trees," they chanted. "Don't kill the trees." I stepped in front of the big bulldozer that sat, ready to mow them down, and raised my hands. I looked out into the crowd and almost got a word out. But I didn't. Neither did the organizer of this little rally. We exchanged awkward blinks and looks of disbelief. "Diana?" "Lone Wolf?" I stepped forward. So did she. "What are you doing here?" we asked in unison. "I'm here to help build the new office building," I said. "I'm here to stop the new building from being built." We exchanged another look. "Oh shit." "That's what I was about to say." She turned to her troops. "Let's go home for today. I need to do some figuring." I turned to the construction workers. "Close up shop until tomorrow. I have to talk to my boss." The two forces disappeared, leaving me and Diana alone. "Diana, do you have a cell phone on hand?" She handed it to me. I quickly dialed up my boss. "Yeah, big man. Listen, we need to talk. I really don't want to take this construction job." "Why not?" "Well, I really don't want to deal with it. I showed the foreman what to do with the plans, so I'm really not needed around-" "Lone Wolf, just stay there to oversee the construction. That's all." "But I'm really not comfortable with this job. I mean, I-" "You're doing it. No exceptions." "But-" The phone disconnected. "Oh fuck..." "What's wrong lover?" Diana asked me. "I couldn't talk my boss out of letting me off the hook on this one. You need to discuss the protests with your people." "I see. Okay. I'll try." She turned and started back for her office. "I'll see you later, okay?" I nodded. She smiled and left. The whole situation left me with a pit in my stomach. I just plopped down on the couch as soon as I got home. I was in no mood to talk to anyone but Diana. I wanted to know how her meeting with her boss was going. Enevitably, Ashley decided to come up for a visit. She saw me with my head tilted back, strutted over, and planted a kiss on my lips. I reached up and touched her cheek, a natural reflex, but did very little otherwise. "Lone Wolf? What's wrong?" "Ah, nuttin'." She climbed over the back of the couch and sat down on my lap. "That's a lie, and you know it. C'mon, tell me what's the matter." I sighed. "You know that Diana got a job, right?" "Yeah...so what does-" "It turns out her office is a hub for enviromental activists. And guess what happened." "Oh no...don't tell me..." "Yeah, she was put in charge of a protest at a construction site that I have to supervise." She rested her head on my shoulder. "Oh, you poor things." She nuzzled my neck. "Did you try talking your way out of the job?" I laughed. "You know how pig-headed my boss it, Ashley. It's impossible. Diana went to talk with her boss about giving the rally organizer's job to someone else." Just then, the door opened. In walked a dejected Diana, her jacket slung over her shoulder. "Diana?" She looked me. "Oh...Lone Wolf." Her voice was softer than usual, especially when I'm talking to her. "How did the meeting go?" She shook her head. "Oh...oh damn it!" I shook my head. "I don't want to do this Diana. I really don't." "Neither do I. But until the building is complete or the protests reap the desired reward...you're my adversary." "No. I will not accept that." I looked at her. "If I have to sleep with you twice every night, I will never EVER think of you as my adversary." She came over and hugged me. "I won't either. No matter what, I love you." I quickly returned the hug. She came over and sat down next to me, resting her head on my other shoulder. "I can't believe it, two weeks into a job I love and it's already wreaking havoc in the rest of my life." Ashley chuckled. "What's this? This isn't the Diana and Lone Wolf I know! You two should look at this problem and tell it that you're not going to allow this to ruin your relationship!" I chuckled. "So what do you suggest we do, oh great Ashley?" She kissed me. "How about I cheer you two up?" "The both of us?" I laughed. "I forgot how much of a dyke you are Ashley." She laughed. "Where's Samuel?" "Down with Shanon and Jessica." "Well, let me go lock the door, close the shades, and we can christen the couch. What do you say?" They got up, locked the door, drew the shades and dropped their clothing. I smiled. That's how I loved them, in their natural form. My boss redefines stubborn. One he says something, arguing otherwise is futile. So I had to find some way to convince him to either cancel the project (which would take an act of some sort of superior being) or to find a compromise. I was going to spend the better part of my day in the mini-office trying to figure out some way to end this. At one point, the foreman walked in on me. "The organizer of the protest wishes to speak with you." I smiled. "Tell her she can come in." He blink. "How did you-? Ah, never mind." He turned to the outside. "You've got five minutes." He stepped aside and Diana walked in. "Hey hun," I said, getting up to greet her with a hug. The foreman was shocked. "You two know each other." Diana chuckled. "Inside and out." I nodded. "We...live together." "No wonder you called off construction yesterday. This changes everything." He came in and shut the door. "So this is why you've locked yourself in this office. You're trying to find a way out of managing this construction bit." "Either that or find something that'll be a compromise for both sides." "Lone Wolf," Diana said. "Why don't you show the foreman here your plans for the enviroment friendly building." I nodded and motioned him over. I found the plans and unrolled them. He was amazed. "These plans are perfect! It makes more sense that another block building." "I know. But my boss shot these down." "Your boss is a moron." "Don't remind me." I rolled up the plans again. "Unless I can find some way to change his mind, this is going to be hell." He took the plans from me. "I'll present them to your boss. And if he rejects it, I'll go over his head and talk to the company next time they're around here. They probably would approve of these." "Try it...I just want this nightmare to be over already." I sat down in the chair and sighed. Diana sat on my lap and looked at him. "Thank you for trying, sir." "M' pleasure." He took the plans and stepped out. I sighed. "What are we going to do, Diana?" "It's being done." "No. I mean if his idea falls through." She kissed me. "Don't think like that. I won't allow you to." I hugged her. "Now, I must return to my troops. Otherwise, they'll get suspicious." She got up. "Don't worry, everything'll work out." She smiled, fixed herself, and left. I sighed. "I hope you're right." Diana was on the couch when I returned home. Her jacket was over a chair and she was curled up in a corner of the cushions. I instantly grew worried, dropped my stuff in a corner, and went over to check up on her. "Di?" "Be warned," she said. "My boss has ordered us to start criminal mishcief on the construction site." I spit out a string of dirty words. "I'm sorry, Lone Wolf. I don't want to." "Do you have to? Can't you just let your minions take care of the mischief?" "They're not my minions, and yes, I can do that." "Then do it. You don't have to be involved in the havoc." She looked up at me and smiled. "Why didn't I think of that?" I leaned down and kissed her. "Well, that's what I'll do." "Good. Perhaps we should go hang out downstairs. Maybe hang with Ashley?" She sat up and stretched. "Yeah. I could use some relaxing." She grinned. "A bath even." I smirked. "I wasn't going to say, but definately." She leaped into my arms. "Carry me?" I grinned and we headed downstairs. I chose to stay with the girls for the night. Call it a case of nostalgia, but I seriously needed it. I didn't want to have to think of what was going on above ground. But even in the girl's bed, I couldn't shake the thought. As Ashley remained cuddled up to my body, I was wide awake. As Diana draped an arm over my chest, I kept running every scenario I could by myself. And as they slept peacefully, without a care in the world, I watched the ceiling, caring. This was ruining it all. I wanted to end it now. But I couldn't.... The next morning, the foreman came in with a group of people. "Lone Wolf," he said. "A word?" I stood up and turned to him. "These are the executives from the company that'll be owning this building once we finish it." "A pleasure to meet you all," I said, being as polite as possible. "They're here to see your plans. However, when I showed them to your boss to try to talk them over, he tore it up." My blood boiled. "I hope you have another copy of them on hand." "As a matter of fact, I do." I pulled the spare copy from my briefcase and rolled them out on the sketch board. The executives came over and looked them over. "This is perfect!" one of them said. "The idea is just fantastic," another added. "The mix of the office and nature," said a third. "I love it!" "Well, I hate it." I winced as my bosses voice came from the door. "I see you really want these plans put up. Well, jackass, your plans are a big waste of money. So there. You're using the plans that we agreed on and that's final." I growled lowly. "Well sir, this is my say in our argument." My fist tightened and cracked him in the face. "You're a pig headed little prick. If you did the math, you'd see that it is relatively inexpensive compared to tearing down the foliage and hauling it away." He sat up. "What the hell are you talking about?" "Sure, a bit time consuming to build around the trees and a tad bit expensive. But if you were to tear the trees down and haul them away, it'd cost about the same. And if you tear them down and haul them away, you also have the protesters to deal with." "That's right," Diana said. She had followed my boss to the door and was listening in. "We'll try everything in our power to at least hinder your work. That'd increase construction time. That means more paychecks to the workers. That's more money down the tubes." "And the idea of having a garden in the office is a definate boost in moral," one of the executives added. "It means that our workers can spend their lunch hours there. It reduces stress. Less stress means less mental health days. It's inexpensive and, in the long run, more profitable." "I...I..." It was quite amusing to see that sort of look on the pig's face. His little spring tail bounced nervously. "We want to use these plans. You have no choice but to comply." He sighed. "You're right." He got up and dusted himself off. "You earned that punch Lone Wolf. Do it again, and you'll be looking for a new job." I let go of an audible growl. Everyone backed away. "Tear my plans up again, and I'll do worse, slug." He shook his head in disgust and left. Diana smiled and flew into my arms, getting me in a deadly kiss. "We did it," I said as our lips parted. "We won!" "Yeah." She kissed me again. "We'll leave you two alone," the foreman said. "Don't ruin everything." I chuckled. "Don't worry, it won't take that long." He smiled and led the executives out of the office, shutting the door behind him. It must have been fun to watch the office rock with our movement. Two days later, Diana quit her job. She said that she wanted to go to college to study architecture and engineering. And she came up with a very interesting idea: me, her, and Samuel starting our own company when she graduated. I think it's a nice idea. I mean, Lone Wolf Architect Company does have a nice ring to it. But that day will come some time down the road. I'm just content knowing that I hurt my boss - both his pride and his ugly face - and knowing that things are back to normal. I just hope that none of the other girls decide that they need some changes in their lives. End Lone Wolf, Diana, Samuel, and Ashley are © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])> "Nothing stands between love and you."