Shortie by Lone Wolf

Guest Starring
Chad Burbidge's Charlotte (^.^)

Charlotte is a god sent. With the help of her and her band, The Lone Wolf survived its first three months of business. Her siren song has charmed many a spectator into our little club. To make matters even better, she is excellent to work with. She's extremely friendly, especially on her breaks. I often find her conversations as entertaining as her music.

I granted her and the band one of the large back rooms for their dressing and green room. I only go back there for business matters - giving them their check for the week, discussing a few things with them should the need arise - or if they need something. It's rare that I hang back there as a social visit. That should be the end of the story.

I went back there one day, a bit after we closed. It was payday for them, so I had to deliver her check. Save her and me, the place was empty. I knew Diana was du back to pick me up in a half an hour, so I would try to make it short. Maybe I would be able to get some accounting for the club done or prepare for the big amature night we had coming up ("God, not another rap fest!" I kept telling myself). But it wasn't gonna work out that way.

"Charlotte," I called, knocking on her door. "Are ya busy?"
"Nah," She called back. "C'mon in." With no fear what so ever running through my mind, I opened the door and stepped inside. And there she was, the lioness I knew as Charlotte, laying down on the tan couch in nothing but the green button down shirt she wore during the evening's performance! She had one leg hanging off the couch and her head propped up on the arm of the piece of furnature. Her beautifully shaped breasts hung out of the opened shirt. It was an awkward fifteen seconds of silence before she looked at me and smiled. "What can I do for ya, hun?"
"I just came to deliver your check," I said, trying not to stare (or blush).
"Just leave it on the table." She motioned to the small coffee table that was arms distance from her. I slowly went over (because, if I was to go any faster, I would end up tripping and making an ass of myself), placed the check on the table, and turned to leave. I didn't make it five steps before I caught myself turning to look at her again. She saw this and smiled. "See somethin' ya like?"
"Charlotte, can I ask you something?"
She chuckled. I bet you she knew exactly was about to come out of my mouth. "Sure hun."
"Are you sure you wanna lay there with all your goods up for show?"
She stretched - damn her - and sat up. "It's how I relax. I'm sure you can understand."
Being the fool I was, I went over and sat at the edge of the table. "I can't deny that. But aren't you worried about the wrong person barging in on you?"
She grinned and turned to face me, leaning on the back of the couch and giving me a full view of everything. "Fuck 'em. They wouldn't do jack to me. And besides, there's nothing here that they haven't seen before." She flicked her tail at me, the little black puff on the end bouncing off my knee. "And seeing as how close you are to Ashley and Diana, you see your fair share of it nightly."
I could feel the blush burn it's way to the surface. "You're good. You're very good." I fixed my seat, trying to hide the fact that I was growing...well...ya know...
"Don't be uncomfortable around me, Loney." That was her nickname for me. "I don't mind the fact that you're turned on."
"It's not that." I grew a little more tense. "I just...really don't want to intrude."
She let her tail flick. "You're afraid."
"Of what?" I said defensively.
"Probably of what Luke might do to you if he walked in, saw this, and misinterpeted the whole bloody thing." I nodded. She laughed and layed back down, one knee going straight up. "Don't worry. He's not like that."
"And what makes you think that?" Luke asked. What few calm nerves I had exploded. Slowly, I turned around to look to him. It turned out he was standing right behind me. "Lone Wolf, I never knew."
I stood up with a start. "I just came to deliver the band's check. I'll go." I started to move past him. However, the 250 pound tiger wouldn't let me by.
"It's okay." He spun me around, back towards Charlotte. "Take a good look. I'm not posessive of my girl.
"'s not just that."
"Then what is it?" Charlotte asked, standing up.
I sighed. "I'm loyal to Diana and Ashley." I looked at her, her tan body still driving my sex drive to the brink. "I feel a bit unloyal..."
I was suddenly tackled - or was it pounced - from behind and hugged.
"Wha-?! What the hey?!"
Diana squealed and squeezed tighter. "I knew it!" She kissed my cheek. "I knew you were mine."
"I thought you already did." She got off of me and helped me to my feet. She caught my gaze with those bedazzling eyes of hers, smiled, and hugged me tightly. I chuckled and hugged back. "So what does this mean, Diana?"
"It means that it's okay if you see my girl in the buff," Luke told me. "Diana obviously approves. And I, quite frankly, don't mind." He smirked. "Share the wealth, that's what I say."
I chuckled. "All right guys, I get the message. You've made your point.
"Then do one tiny thing to prove it, Loney," Charlotte told me as she stood up.
She opened her arms to me. "C'mere and give lil ol' me a hug!" I smiled and looked to Diana for her permission. She smiled and shoved me into the arms of the waiting lioness. Well, I really wasn't shoved too badly. I fell into it because, quite frankly, I wanted to do it too.

Since then, it's become a habit. After we close up shop, Luke, Charlotte, the girls and I pile into the back room for a spot of R&R. Charlotte always ends up in nothing but a fragment of her costume (usually just the top, which is open anyway). Ashley and Diana clearly don't mind. Hell, they usually ended up buck naked by the end of the evening anyway. And it took a bit of time to convince me and Luke to go buff as well. While it is true that I end up changing the way I sit eight or nine times within the first half hour, there is no real tension. It's just plain fun; no need for worries.

Charlotte is a wonderful, talented young woman. There are many quirks about her that make me happy I hired and befriend her. There are many qualities that make her employee of the millenium. But she's far more than an employee. She's a friend. And that makes it all the sweater.

Lone Wolf, Diana, Ashley, and Luke are © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])>
Charlotte (that vixen of a lioness) is © Chad Burbidge
Most of Charlotte was prefabricated. Please bear with me. ~.o